ie i?7 c HOARDING E--.- ia. grecnd-floor front rooms Stat"" . . .. . stfji llpi"1!! o i I'oird anil rooms; roo.1 home B"". So"1" nl """' T - PS. ttA P.OOM. Clermont am.. aim fjfi UTT''V V,ulhrn cooklns. excel ent erv. 2J?f..Ja,li!5g.'rhoni'ntln T8M W. BOARD WANTED - .. ., AIlt't.TS renulm unfurnished WKB Lm s I ifoutns and nam. arsim jnnu pW'Sffh meats- .'" ,"m" ncl 1llon- SANITARIUMS E M-. tnPATIONl niwlnl ecleritlfla earei MtonrtI'.'Vvrr comfort! nur.t.l beak-Iff.- 'nanM Cltr Une. chlj APARTMENTS Tit rttll MOSTr,VtBTA uxFonu bth. .Wei in on. of the mo.i fxelustra re.l. nH? "ir.i ooth t, erosstown lln. which rt VUt Li the hullilln. flu tea nf 3 rooms. P: fnTll chenelte from ,??" o $10. ljuhila ihrr. ii loJ5"d In bullJTns. I'hone Over. j? .ot1"""" w.pOB evwtf ..,, .. i ISiSlI"- 'Swam; ind Sl'1tn l,ldnoar Alo rtW n0,r 202 Death. IMhjt. natMANTOtrN THE NEW, ADDITION IOM n't nAlt rouiiT wa. noi rum o iiiuM an iTO .iry one but to J-ou who lmnl EWLi'.nTHre ScSlttomri in recelre it at ;ffl&M0C(St) tVS tefl at CarrenW'a ! tfU'SP&.iK i"dw.uSlf -tKn.P?.ii. '."RftVof 3 roSm. nd 1 hath to room M S l.ln.l Iho l?',,'nu ',our re,IU,r- iMra,rn;ro.,5 uKiet. ,f.rt K llAlf UKNT ItciTIUi. nnd located In an b K'VV.i.'i;.i .V,i .ii-iiiaira suburban locution. i "R a word, ou niV mo to rtll.llAM B'Miint' .nil And n perfect .uburbon location, jilt" "n.Artitlon un;xcehe.t an Meslli; eon. Bl liirJif kMir. nud. tl snlfleil, tenant. . BE. Tea mar select an apartment of Ibe .Ire K. ??.. .V.- i.jtl.i,i.l ti..iilat vnu will nnd !ii nnr hnukffclm problem, solved and .l JVr. of for you ahiolutelr without effort Pin Vrur nrti jou will nnd a tamo or tne ;!3. . "iine "courti.y. VeVl Mid".Uantlor, Bu i ralform throuihout tho tnllra t.tabllih- K1?cr foil Information, arrankementa for In- writ to r . , KLsrar" 1 RPnljrK 30TI liA nw.'ii t it to Wi repreientatlv" on tho premlaea at til w piham fourt c. Arrolnlmenla may b tnnda for automoblla 'la tall at Tour relifni or Imalneaa place and t'Ui. dlrectl to IM3I.1IAM COUili at your Llu.MalanM ami nlrMllure. APARTMENTS WANTED CSBOIITWO P.OOM apartment, furnlahei). with laia. waniru. rtutwn ivitim . . .v....... r 11. Irfdur Central. i HOUKEKEEPINO APARTMENTS TOU CANNOT 1'IND A UETTEll APArtTJIENT N.E.Cor. 1 7th & Walnut (1 block from niltenhouao Square) Tbt houackeerilmt aullea are perfect In Ibttr plan! a large nedrootn, each ha inf bay wlndowa, flno lare llvtnc room, ttalnc room, kitchen, maid', room and 3 batbroomi aa well Ideal winter and aum mtt apartment. Alan aulle. of 2 rooma ti4 batht one aulle of - rootna, bath and kitchen: free use of laundry on top floor. Tour Inspection cordially Invited. Phone Walnut C020 MERTON W. GROMS Mberty Hide llrond & Cheatnut. riv 5- TllKItK AltU SKVnitAl. wavs ot' HT:cimiNa AN Al'AllTJIK.tT . Bat luppaae. Inalod of trylnx all theae dtf- ,! waja. you Jut call at thl. ornce the ,lhntu(, moet attractive and beat equipped In '?ftni4tlplla, detoled ejclualvoly. to accurtm tt what they want for pirtlcular people. "n Tn n vnnr rnulremente The leaulnir and tei'Wrable apartni'nta In Phllndelphla aro Haled viia or may ue renira inrnu,i ua. uur tuunobllra are waltlnv to taka you to the lul f nrcpertles ou dcalnnnte. ao that with tfs bait Tinaslhln effort ai tnav aeoure the hr.t apartment In I'lilla. lilch moat nearly itpproacaea our exact Meal lltl WALNUT ST. SfniraJjm Itace 3025. E0WEKKi:ri.VO APAnTMKNT8 All part, of srar, a rooma and Uath to 7 rooma and bath. Ll?a to 170 per month, call phono or write. aAMUKI. STKHN. I.iil Ulieatnut at. NSW COItONADO CHESTNUT l.Nti 52D HT11EBT3 A Xw acanclee Apply Janitor N K. nnnvi'n fnr-ir i'jn taktptti rtDUkntni? xiiirM fnrnlvht.,!. XT, uti! .Inffla PK?1!!!. Jr . WKST l'lllUI)t:i.l'IIIA KINdSCOUIlT I8TII AND CIIU.STNUT 8T3. KEVkiiai. Mnrir'ii.v imi'rtKKRnPTNn VAVABTUGNTH I'Oll HKNTl EI.KCritlC i:i.B fVATOnK. PUHI.IO DININO HOOM. ATPI.V ktST. Taos. m. mi;i:d3 .ut.. uot uAca bt. U'SEX Slth and Cheatnut. 3lontere. -t.ld and, ituiniont .lien nmi nprmK iiwruou. Hxulra janitor or CKKHBH. 3U8 llale llldj. APARTMENT HOTELS RLDINE HOTEL Cheatnut and Nineteenth, BEST ROOMS AND SUITES Sfth ihc best table, in Philadelphia iy. Week. Month. Season, Year PARKSIDE APARTMENTS KU Jl.ry o. Mcdlade. manner. Bucceeaor o lira, Charlea ilcQIade, liftE' n"of clty..,. THE GLADSTONE UT1I AND PINU BT3. Ahanllltolv TrtvnriTnnr SVCTAL VEIIV DKMIRAtlMS HU1TK3 CAN &. JuRNISIIED OR I'NrUHNISHED BpTEL COLONIAL "Fn m 'rtfSSS.XWlt'' APARTMENT HOrttiV rOtMASIiNT Oh THANM1U.NT OUEt IIL-HTS MANAaBJt TUNTJI itBUJW HIE CLINTON 8 RO0US. EVERT CONVUNlfcScH. FHTBUnsa op .lik.. Kit ErJ .r,rnl'lnt,. .ullaa of on or .jwrjoomi with bath. DKLMAU.M011M3 Ifwn !1nlH"ov Oermantowni 20 mlnuta P!rom iS""" "ermantowni 2 mm 10.ft?JB'.r"1 Station; furnlahed or &3!'ti,0h?ya'eepln apartmanta. un. batb r WTUB CENTER OF EYEnYTillNa T,i ''ITTI.B HOTEI, JD. iltUJAU HT. fIMP llTvTrVr !1U nwlCLi 0J8-917 TTAUJUT riSKjaaBlan. 12. European, tt up. ' PWiUNEWTTlANdlENT QUESTS - OHM uiiearajUT SEAI. ESTATEBOR SAXE lBt2.iEY FOR MORTGAGES" TAI'i a w&.j3U"?ilV.."ri " ....u arWV .imij; It. i iHRT"5Boico,rENT" f tSpf Cheatnut. J."AJtKWAY SITES" 4 41 ;ri --- c r'R,Yijf bites SBSon qMU l8et,'nod Cherry. .U. C at. .i.. ... . Z . tibl. f. "J".4" ITII STREET HCiei'iS a,g''?,r. otK" ?n4 dwelllnir. D-a . LBV'S- ! EaUta TruaSbldg. a.V ,A-.h? norm of Huatlu Park la h&KY r.iiS'. lbtm JtaiUlH IaN ?-.. o-. -. Mgg Bt!II Ma -"" TT' IT""."" - "f" nEAt, ESTATE FOR SALE toallnued tnn Precrrfo Column BUT MUUMtr.t piija " MoDEn,,oVi?(r:?i!j?)oA nNB Horcnce Ave. Willows Ave. Pcntndge Terrace Hadfield Ave. l5rkwalVPlj.,V,,.n,f .tf'' "' fobh'" Creek wVemiaflV A JSfT! ,lr.1,n'l nelrhhorhood and uTii"u;Ml,l-rl",,,,'nl'"1 .nuarter. Kor eale at Jl.hth .rIi.N i?!! South rittr eiantn aijeet. Telephone Woodland 1JS7. l,Vs?.mid.if2!!iSi,,!r,.h,,m ,MI,,r' 'o ,mh" SSrnnS-Cv-' '' " ShTlttWlTa.8 "& mUnt "' wnTl.sriH3 ft Mel.ANAI!AN. ISlh and Pine. $5800 S'mld.tachedl hot-waler heal, electrlo and ta lliht. Inin. h.n EUGENE L. TOWNSEND J.-.cor. 10th A flalto. ave. Ph Wocll'd D Vmdl'i! RIftft. a SnAS8!?-1! Ki? ,(,0?0-It 2d,IM. 14 room.. BJilred I ,tcmi !000i reduced, little caah - -TATlAirt ft SON. S4 and 5 B 40lh at. THE CHIt.'fON APTS Xln H v hi .i'" UJ?d"XAf,ibJt!''l,ni . 3-atory. houa-. fear ?V..' i.". m,n "" lot.20t to a TJ ii'Vti5!pP...5rV. n'r aJd Market Ji. Wee MATTHIAH about K. to N S2d at. . Kexhaw -l'rnwl Owpera, ASIA I'heatnut .Jt ,3nmrnA.?J! e1""" ,mtf"n 5-lory homej only 3 minute- from "I." ' .latum bargain. . Met"OtmT.25 ! 5.0 1 h !. 2T B .4211 ST " " Slodermreil IH i room-. eery convenrnce. J.-t'PWAfP I.UT.. 2(0 N. 17th tl. BUN. Tin: nhw 9AMPI.E itotisn r,33i Walton ave lOO.fl. lota KNllllllU, flullder. "'liSJIHE'' a.!!.T,V,porcn manalon.Voit I0 OOn' aacrlflce for iaoflr leemii Ph nring Mil W. OrJtSIANTOWN OERMANTOWN HOMES. all ecllona. HM1II.1.I.!M . tllmiv Pranklln Hank lmildlng.Wafnt 2S37. OUR REAJ. RSTATn nUM.ETIN will b. .ent Tvl?ur.!;r W. on application Oermantowa Truat Co . Chelten and Uermantown avea. ,pJ2KUI..!'09r:'INO r"1 A "0MK n of manlown, Mt. Airy or Cheetnut Hill, conault me. A. R Meehan 8J47 tlermantoon ave. "'l H.',,?JCril .ale." 11.1 of Oennantown ri2.Ci.',.nu.,il.n".pC",rl,jr."Mnt on appllca. Hon. 11. II. Llater A Son. 5012 Uermantown av STONH Colonial houae. 12 rooma, 2 bath., fine trees large lot WAHNOCK ft r.Hl.EN. Com merclat Truat Hide UHTACHED HTONE HOUSE ONLY .1000 gjiVNDON I'Rin.STMAN, fiMO Oln. ave. Che.tnnt Hill SEVERAL r)ESlRA!U.E PROPERTIES HI.VrUHN T. WltlOHT CO. MOIIRIH I1LDO Oilier FAIRHILL DUNCANNON TO l'ISIIER AVE. Lot 16 x 100 ft. $3100 0 rnoma and bath, terrace front, porch nxlil ft Hot water heating combination lighting naa kneh'n. Laundry In baae ment Term, made to ault JOHN M SNYUEIl. Ilullder and Owner. ' On Premlaee Oak I.nne OAK 1.ANI? The beat ar.d mont modern home. In Onk I.ane, tllh rt. and Chelten a". New 3 etory, 10 and 11 room tile hath, fireplace, bookenaee, flnlahed In white enamel hardwood floor, throughout, cement porrhca. enrage prl11egeat prlcea low. It will pay ou to In eattcatc. Open dally for Inspection. ONLY ONE LEFT YOI'II LAHT CHANCE 1302 MEDARY AVE., new iletiti hed 2'. etory. most modern home, fireplace. Imrdnootl floor.. built-in bath, alinwer. fruit treee. Qaraso privileges! only 0500 for quick enle. C214 PARIC AVE New two story bungalow type of home. II rooms, fireplace, hardwood floor, beautiful paper and fixture., tile kltcher., large lot! low price of 17000 for this wonder ful home. II. HOPE. MOt York road. Tioga WE HAVE Tlin HOUSE TOH WANT IN TIOOA OH I.OOAN . KENNEDY ft RAM11Q. 8740 OliltMANTOWN T.agan REAL ESTATE, mortgage, and conveyancing. WM D CHAMIIERS 4U33 N llroad at. notborough FOR LIST nOXnOROUOH HEAL ESTATE Near beautiful Wlaaihlckon. It mllea from Itarket at Write CAI.VERI.EY. 0100 Ridge. JPKNNHYJ.yANIA8linUnilAN IinOOKMNR- Rungalow. bd. new, white alucco. B0jl23. hrdwd noora tile bath. wtr. ht . fruit trees, con, loc. 11800. J. E. Wntta. Ardmore. DAIHIY Corner property, deelrnblo locatloni 7 rooma. heater, bath, 20x100 to at.; near trol ley: 13200. SV.QPQ ft Sons Darby. ELICiNS- PARK New Colonial daelllng. to rooma 2 hatha, hot-water heat: big bargain. 3 minute, from Jt.tlon MeCORJIICU. A McCOflMICKj10ltCheatnut nndElklnaPark QLENSIUE HOMES nnd building .itea every deecrlptlon HENNlNaiJIt A IlE.NNINQEn. alenalde. Pa. OLD COLONIAL RESIDENCE, with antique furnlshlnga throughout 4f, mlnutea to City Hall, eome unuiual .Plecea. will aell sepa rately: no dealer. Call mornlnga, 1D24 Cheat nut at., room 42S, COUNTRY HOMES, general and Improved farm., building atte. etc. In tho White marah Valloy and In the .section between Norrlatowu. and Hatboro. II j.DA(H:il. Inc. Ambler. P. SUHUIIIIAN REAL ESTATE Any price. All locations Sale or rent. CHARLES J. HOOD t CO . Morrli Illdg. c FARMER BUTTERFLY Onco upon a time (that's it, draw your chaira up and bo "comfy," my dears) there was a little boy. .,,..,. -, (Mr. Printer, I liko to write like this. Do you like to stick it in type?) Where was I? Oh, yes! Onco upon a time there was a little boy and he went out into the fields and ho was Koini? alonR and Koinp along, as James Whltcomb Riley would say, when all of a sudden he saw a butterfly, he did. And tho butterfly was bo beautiful that ho thoucht ho would catch it. So he went after tho butterfly and what DO you think? Well, the little boy saw a butterfly which was ever so much nicer than the one ho had seen first, so ho went after that. Over tho fence went Mister Butterfly Number 2 and tho boy went after lt "hTw another beautiful buttcrfly-SUCH a beautiful butterfly Hittinff back over the fence, so back goes the boy and runs and runs until he is all out of breath. (Mr. Printer, please put in some or " so as to mako it look like stopping to rest.) (We will leave the little boy now and tell you moro about him Tuesday night-honest Injun I Expectingly, FARMER SMITH, Children's Editor. "BILLY SEES TUB STARS-" Uy Farmer Smith There wa Billy Rumpus, at tho bottom o Mlater Elephant's 'vell, looking up at the stars ana the bltr fellow's eyes. "Are you going to bring up my roper1 asked Mister Elephant. In a voice so loud It made the stones In the well fairly rattle. "I came down here to ease at the stars and becomes wise goat. I am gettlns wiser every minute. If you will get that bli? head of yours out of the way I will be able to see the sun, moon, stars, planets and comets." said voice way down. Mister Elephant withdrew. In a little while he looked down the -well again, 'What do you see T" he asked, "J see Jupiter. Neptune, Uranus. Venus, Mars Mercury and Saturn all the plans ta!"' came the voice In the well. "How do you know their names?" asked Mister Hlephant. "Oh I'm a wise goat now; don't worry, rumove yourself as I am about to come out of this hole-wait a minute the Man tithe Moon Is waving to me." Then all was silent In the well- I say, are you sumo " "".. " No. the Man la the Moon says, 'No. peal. EVENING LEDGEE-PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, REATj ESTATE FOR SAIiE rENN.V.NIA StnCRPAJt ConlltiHett rera rrecerfhta Colann SlUlUnilAN .UBSIIJENCBI tor aale or renti attractive loeatlona rrlcja rUM Maurice J Hoover Ileal Relate Trust lildr. LAttaR Ust np srnt'ntuN lioilnn .ate or rent on the .Main l.lne or Iteadln II. , v. II WJI.soN ft CO , Korrl. liulldlnr. si nrnitvN town lou.NTitT flnn for r.tfilniiM tor catalogue .. linnWN ft CMlt'IJ Norrlatown. i.i fKNNM.VM PAIlMt , COUNTftT II0MR8 AND PAIIMS Main U n aijl throughout countlee adjaeent to Phlladelpnm. aalej,r rent J M Proneneld. Warne. V. . PAIIV CATAtXIVlB . S In 80O acrea. ronvenlcM l" Phlla, C. P. PKTRRS A HON IWM CllP.8TNl!TflT. M-:V JKttsr.V SK.XIHITIP. VRNTNOU- loo bulldlnc lotai 3010n ft.i con enlent to lach and trolley. dM W, Btate at., Trenton. .V. J. REAL ESTATE SAT.E OR RENT C1TV ANt SUIiUntHN rrop'rile for aale or rent tjiwer Jderton Iteally Companr. -and Tllh llulldlng. Philadelphia Pa v . CITT CKNTRAt. PltOPKHTlBS .'a ek1.a m n.l e AM JAJIF.a 1 WINCHICU,. 17th and Saneom l. PFrNNSM.V.NIV milUIIHHN llAI.A-CTNWttl Irftrge' ltt notiaea .ate or rent, at all orlce1 smql C Waaner, -Jr., Commercial Truit tit tar IJth and Market. mis p. it. u MAIN I.INtl Ileal lln- ef Main Lire liooaet, tlther for aa. HtllST A McJIfl.l.l.Nt l. ne ln tnt at nil prlrea. ,". wear r;n-i -iruai ui.. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE WANTEN- TiriMHNO 1 ntl 2 HTOR1I5S fjllt HTMl'IO REAR III' n.ET AllnPT S.lllSO .KT. NEAR CKNTI.U ITY UN MAIN ST INKXj CHAM1H TOR VAt.l'AIII.M. WEM. PAYIMj CliNTHAI.. WE HAVE 10 FARMS, taken In enrhansc. which we will e.tcrlftce for quick raah anlea. call for particular. tXIHBN 1220 Filbert. VIf.I. EXCHA.SOi: 0k,aneTealdence for amaller properly In Weal Philadelphia. I. Oil Ledger Office. REAL ESTATE WANTED We Have Sold $150,000 WORTH Or REAL ESTATE THIS YEAR AND WE CAN SE! 1. YOCHS FARRELL, 710 S. 20TII WANTED, for whhli a Imnna of J50 will will lie paid a email detached .oltilge or bungalow In auburba aullable for voting married couplei Henl 1.10 Addrcsa full lartkutara, M 033, Ledger Central. , 11EAI. ESTATE bought eold. rented rente col lected, mortgage loan for n term of car. or on building a.aorlatlon plan .... AIlTltOll HOSWEl.1.. 2 N 13th at. Wlf.l. bu cheap real eatate any aectlon Phlla delphla lminedlate nnawer lirokera pro tected Cheater l. llotlner. 1420 Cheatnut. WANTED Small building eultalile for foundry I city or auburba. II tltH Letter Central. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT fITY . I1F.KT LOCATION - Enllro dwelling, except rhjslclan'a on first floor irtrooma, 4 halts, electrli light, lint water heati excel lent for dreinmker or prlMite fatnll. SIlSAltS llltonv. 202 . 1,1(1. .1. 1531 W. I.BIIIUII AVE 3 story hrlik dnelllng ponh front. II iwjm'j cniivenlences low rent Wl I. RAI.NS SONS. 1SIHN 7th at nnd 2UI0 Columbia no. STORES AND UWEI. LINUM In all sections of city. Seo our list In the IJ?er Saturday. SAMUEL T I OX A CO,,, fl. E cor. Uth nnd Cullowhlll. 'T. 1. NEAI.IS. 010 H. IStli-SI. .. 210 H 2.1d t. " rooms, ull ennv. .. f I" 1)0 "21S N 13lh at., lit room., nil ion. . 30 on 734 Rbio st.. 10 rooms, all .o-iv. .. .lo.uo SEND FOR OUR RENT LIST THE LAND TITLE AND TRI SI CO. llroad and Cheatnut ats. i825-lli: LANCEY PLACE- 13 roonie and 3 baths: rental per annum IU.00, l.dgar o. Cro. 1411 Walnut at. llillness Properties nnd Hlores ui- STORES FOR RENT t.111 uncstnui li)J. 'S Eighth 114-I.10-23.S S. Uth 111 N Firth llini-ltij.'i Market ins s. 211111 007-1110-1201 Walnut J. A. PATTKP.hON. 130 S. ISth NEAR !IHOD AND flPRIVO OAHDEN AUTO SALESROOM AND SERVICE. STATION B-atoty nud basement building. 40x170, tu rear atreut. auto elui.itar. elenin heat MORRIS A CO . Hideo at llroad. " T. P. NEAI.IS. H10 H. 12th St. N.B. cor. 12th A Carpenter. Bt.jSns 9i!i!W, H27 S. 12th et.7ftoro otnA7 jtWiAaV-r s iN w.1 N. E cor. 10th ami NohieafVA fmi. 1-M.w 0.1.1 N. Franklin st . .lore A cellar. . ti 00 TIRE AND ACCESSORY MEN We will alter .mHl bulldlnc on 18th t.. near Callnwhlll to suit our requirement.. MTERH & IIARTII. Ridge -e; and 10th. luuu HQ FT street frontage: good window dis play, shipping facilities, all convs : centrally located: moderate rental. I2I7 Hlbert Store and iiasement. noo Chamut t"j 30x113. largo windows, whole .tore or will ,m,eJl.EAESTATE8 71)11 Snnsom st. Factories. Warehouses, Mfg. Door. Cohocksink Mills 'A&Tc.ibE Floors. .1000 to IS 000 en. ft.: cheap power. R. P. McNEEI.Y. 1732 Randolph. FACTORIES AND KI-OOR SPACE of every d. rrlptlon. Phlla and lclnlty Factory Kx "hange SJejihenllrard Illdg Filbert 470 FACTORIES, sites, warehouses, floor space cx clualxely. J Alan Mhldleton Factory Spe cialist and Engineer. HOD-ll Wldener Illdg. HAVE PARTY who will erect building-, central or other loritlon, for sstlsfsclory tenant. D1ETERICH. 737 Walnut at. 4TII ST . N.. Ill 2.1 Manufaiturlne flnora atenni heat and power. Apply Penn.ylvanla Co., 017 Chestnut at. OKrit:lW.iU!hNF-,S KOOSIH. ETC. lTj'BO HEED IIUILDINO I3 f.0 Crntrallv located, all cnnveiilencea: rant. at. tractlvvly low. aervlc. tontlnuoua. tie 00 1211-17 Filbert at. 22.00 SMITH'S RAINBOW CLUB CHASING them and they might bump my hoad' Billy was chuckling to himself. Ue peeked up again and there was Mister Elephants head again. "(Jet put of my light S" hhouted Billy. "I see an Elephant on the moan plain os da get out of my light," Mister Elephant was so excited he ran to the house to tell his . "You forget about that Elephant In the moon, and It Billy will not bring up that rope, shut lilm down there until he does The "next time Billy Jooked up everything was dark Inky black. Even Mister Ele phant's beady eyes were gone. , Tlio big fellow had closed the well I Our I'ostofQce Ilor pear Farmer KniHh I enjoy. jour col umn as much as alj the Mile folk. I think the adlc about fettliig up early very good, for after a, good night's lt what Is the use cf staying In bed tpo. long and' losing so much tlmef J pleats ask all the little Quaker boy ami girls and those ho hav Quaker rela tfona to look for a littles bo$Jc galled "&. B. tj and P-' This Iittlp book Is' only four Inches square and sixteen pages long. It was written In 1773 by John Woolman and was published by r'rulkshank. a. I'ulladel ptita book publisher 7bM little book went jnrougn tnree Ml- M ana U saia to oe mjea (ran u 19M 'or fui. copy Ajun are tiaawBiM ttr m- mtiiiMi w sjw.i jsiiiihwibi r. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT omens, iioom1'. nro. CoaltauM trmx Prtetitlna Column nnrexRii ovricMS Annual rental. dv, 1 Corner ault" I to 4 rooma, lino l ,? lit.l.lS 1) WIU.IAMS. MO Ilp-wl llulldlng l'rorelnnal Offlree PROFBMUIVAI, llt'll.DINtl. 131-33 Cheatnnl .1. A tew eitltea for phyalelana or ;ntlai. .'. T JACKSON CO . t'heatnut and 13th. .ttiKjT riiiiaiH'.i.i'iiiA . VB AtlR OFPKH1NO FOR RENT The largeat and heat."'""-'''"! of houaea and apatlmn!e III Weal Philadelphia. Win, II. W. Quick & Bro., Inc. a aotUII 40TH ST . r.nMNT0WN RTKNTON Several deelrabt. Imuwa for reiytt pn eery dy. train, lo JIAtlRAN 1MH.MAN ft CO.. and Chtatmit a,si,i atntlon N. U. tor. Itroad MORTOAQES TO SKCt'llE A MOUTOVOH -.,,-. Re It first or twnnd If.jmi l1"'ir,.i.r nnJ service, quick and satisfactory reaulla ami HSMlWsii OR WRITE TO US "Your mortgage will be as good as placed " N0llMAN S SHFRWiioD 1U Wolnul .1. . $100,000-4V&9& FLAT Sl'ECtAI. TIIFST FUND VtUl (IlOD FIRST MOUrilfJH'J, HORACE II FRIT.. 713 UAI.VCT ST. 190 NOTE OR MORTOApn immeillxtn Settlements. TO (1000 I neetllMl Fslate Loans, llulldlng Aesochilton ,1-unda DI'.MPSI.Y ft CO. 27 S Ifllh at. FUNDS'FOK MORTGAGES Northern Trust Compnny SIXTH AND SI'RINO HARDEN MONEY FOR MOrtTOAOKJ LA1H1F. AND SMALL AM0CNT3 QUICK ANSWERS. . . W If llIOI 312 W NOIUIH ST MORTO OI' SECFltFD, , HUILDF.IIS ADVANCIM AMFF.CIALTT UIIUMIIVI'IIH A PARKER. INC. 1417 WALNUT ST liooono TO INVEST In nrt morfaiges, In aunts from tlono up also building usioiltllon mon for aecond tnitrlgagea. tl C. SEIUEL A CO III) and Callnwhlll nf. PINU INVESTMENT for Idle mone now. Rn ri aw; t . no. 21 iuioadway , L. LLUW. I CAMDEN N.J. J100 1200 TO 15000 TO LOAN LEWIS A CO. 1227 W illrard ae. $50 TRUST FUNDS FOR FlllSf MnllTUAOM lli;itK74' r n I 1. 1 .-.'. LANUVlTI.E IIFII.DINH MONEY FOR 1ST AND 2D MORTOAOES 70nW.M.NFfsT,:m,,N,7,2!slWBST.. ALL AMOUNTS 1ST AND 2D MURTOAOES Oilli-k nnswer .. . .,,.. MAURICE II MATtUNOEIt III Est.Tr. Illdg FUNDS I OR 1ST AND 2tJ MOtlTOAUF.S MIIRTOMIFS I1MI SM.E THF.O II Nli'KI.ES 5M3 tlermnntown . FUND" VU tT AND 2D MOUTOAaES NY VMOi'NT , . . rOTTS A THOMSON 2121 I rank ford ne. MONEY for "flflfi. VNs'llJv'l' V''1'- , Lincoln HiilMlnv Philadelphia, LOANS ON ISTF.RFST IN ESTATES 1 ten Bonn tile t tmrges JOHN A IIARRV '.07 Land Title Hide. 1ST A 2D m.irtirng-s nnnt'd Itv.or suburban. CHESTER osllflllVi; INC Offices Ijinsdnune. nnd I.iil t liestnul St. ADVANCES TO UFILDERH A, SPECIALTY HASSLE-IT M'ISS MS WALNUT ST. , bldg nnd tirlvte fun'H. nmeg FlItST MORTOAI1E l-FND' ,,aj"l.',lllVN A CO 217 S Rfoad st, FUNDS for "first second nr split mortgages. collateral snd short term loans ARF.HNETIIY 131 S 12th 2721 N 3th PRIVATE" FUNDS FOR FIRST MORTOAOES Money for building and loan .econd mortgage. JOS ALLEN POTTS. 400.1 llaltltnorn ne HAVireomo gilt e.lted tlrst inortgagra for .ale. denominations 2;n nnd J,2O0 i; II APSI.EY. S'lh nnd Springfield ae MONEY for first nml second mortgages bulMIng : "association an.l Installment inortgMei Willis. Winchester Company, loot Chestnut st. FUNDS for first and second mortgages: any amount, quick nnswer CH AS W. M1LLLH. 401-407 Cnmmonweolth llulldlng ALL" AMOUNTS l loan on l( nnd 2d 3tges Clias. Z D Young. 40O W End Trust llllg. MONEY TO LOAN QUICK LOANS" TO HOUSEKEEPERS Y mi rsn get readr rasli from this NEW ,?!!.".?, "iX-n IlilK-tlED COMPANY nulck- 1.1C lj prlValely and without red Jam If you are iiniisekernlnK You i an borrow J 1.1. J27. J3H. ?i id! I7J and so on un to Jinn at 3 per '"t lil"ere.f Yon. can, .borrow IIM.IIJ:, THk'IW or .121: J . Kr cent Interest. l'Kjment. ar i n,l llhln niir lorome. We ha"o 8 private nfflcen for jour convenience. Permit ua to explain our up-to-date method. l'nonn ainui a.-"... - HOUSEHOLD LOAN COMPANY 131 South Broad Street Second floor Next to Forrest Theater linANlili::::::::::::::::: 5 iSio and I'r i 158 iuwjiTaveavd ovronn st. "luu 22D AND SOUTH STS. . ilONEY I.OANED to heirs of unsettled estates, InterJst. bought FRANK P MARTIN. 721 2.1 Stephen (llrnrd Ilulldluz. 21 il l'-'lh at. BEBNARU AND aOLDlE QETK Deor Ones Written by HARIir UVAnoPF to hu little nlec. and nesliew. OeWiT and Berrwrd Oels. the ItUU Uhld Ralstuwi. wbuae plclurtu, appear ' I love my niece and, nephew, J think they're yery g?od ; I know they help thejriiareatr ' As much us chlpiren oould. I call Bernard, little Buster, II call Goidle Utile dear. They're both In Farmer Smith's llalnbow club' Now members. lt us cheer! Thlnsa tn Knntae at1 Tin K. i.. frr ;,.:. ',;."'" r & ftngie room. inj iixp i'""'!"'!..'!; Suiie. rm jiii fir." ilia lion 2! iiao. 0uiie rmi ijtt iinn HoO.l.vm IfliS.iJSO. 1ST and 3d mtKS , nnit ssllsfnctnrv results inonenin cnrK CAMEIION ESTATE 2RI1 Kensington nve. MONEY for first nnd srnnd mortgage., priwiie " funds nnd building association.. WM FllIKDRU'H . CO Mil X I2th st i In nmount. i)t NOVEMBER 17, 1916 m The Younjf Lady Acres the Wny I'.u j 'iitiR hnl ncro.- tho way wtys Hint u Bill, tutigtio nml Ronil clothed mny ln-lp n oiing ninii t mal.o n fu vornMo Impression, but In tho long run It's hntte.t mcretrlclotiHtirsn that counts In this world. Kind, Indeed "Do you intend to pny thin bill now or never?" ilciiinmlcil tho col lector, 'Slneo you tiffor mo tlio choice," replletl tho ilclitur, "suppono wo mako It never. Very Itlltil of j'oli, I'm nuro. Cood-tl.iy." AFTER CUfriNtr rouRSEtP EVERY MORMINd FOR A ViCEK." VOU DCC1D5 !""! TltAB TO UUV ANEW RAtOpi- 60 OPTD rnAnK6T YOU (aO - Anf. cnonHtt IH YOORUrE'lOOMAVE tUt SUrWWtfce'MlWAt.TION OFSHAVINtf vtllH AREAV. RAXOR OHC(0Ht5- Smnrty Wifo (nibbling her pen) Let's see. what Is tho term applied to ono who slgtin another person's namo to n chcck7 Hull Klto or ten years, usually. Boston Transcript. Pretty Soft -I'uaslns Uhon. "Joo's been passed for rcdrntnry work." "Wot'B that?" "W'y, s'posln o's got lo pick a road up or unythlng llko tint, o's allowed to sit down to It." 6S& J -,&F$t v i PERHAPS IT WAS INTUITION, HUT MR. FUSS KNEW WHEN TO LEAVE In 3 I till wf 'fa 'f 'SS, T v 1 SCRAPPLE THE PADDED CELL . s f ) SOMEBODY'S ST&MOSRAPHER ... I TAilrilBlCWlOrJ- ' ) 'DEAR lR'-Yf70R ORDER , A.' ( FOR OOO.OOO.Oi-WORty A'- 0? MUTs ReceiveD. ihe J J I ( 06 1MCH A10TS We HAVE r "N, V i AUXOH HAND BUT Ife. k tJ ) y ( TOO MCH wts we cw I ., A . NOW TELL ME. DOES IT PAY? & ANt RIGHT AWAf THE CLERK QHfJWS VOU THE rnCVoT EApCN&IVC THEY MAV N S.TOCIS. AND THE NEJtT PAY XQO HAPPEN TO &TR0I.U IMTOTHE KlTCHtlM AND FIND THC KIAID OPCNINO A. CAN or-TOMAroES WITH lUUISiPO,""' r-iri' ONE OF THE w-Tl "e4JB2? THi-jpse f&5K l w 1 A Lady Visitor Now, tell me. nro iu mm u. mo ern sv.ui.if Wounded Hero (scornfully! Me? No lilooniln" fear. Why I've been chlor oformed longer than most of 'em have been uniformed) Troubles "What mado tho trouble for the otlslnal Inhabitants of America wna firewater." "Yes," replied Mr. Chugglns, "nnd wlmt is making the trouble for the modorii Inhabitants la gasoline." Wnslilngton Star. '& UM ! AND VOU FAUUFORIT ANt BOY iOUrVfiLF A RECjUUAR. &0RB blMUUttht K rtAJON. TsurAE DOES IT PM? lilDNE arAITri. OLD GUARD Mileage Per Gallon "Just think of lit Tlioso Spanish hidalgos would go 3000 miles on a galleon!" "Nonsenso, You can't believe half you read about thoso foreign care."- Life. This Is No Nov Ono "And pray madam," asked the pen sion examiner, "why do you think jourself entitled to a pension?" "My husband and I fought all through the war," was the reply. iLnaKi KNITTING JSWrWVLS FROfA TRANEUNC AN'!- YARN THIS WHO BfrThft puHHIEtT HeYl- 001 vhs: ""Si ml.'f , - "r w m WJLWaO f YOOVtR ,.u 1 it 1 '4l ' II It S ' ' $ i M As vjHsia- '" 'jniw afctv.T: . - mmEmmmm. F JrWM, iW Mm SsUiM a lVKT , t- U, Asl-n XX T aWfVpiM