Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 17, 1916, Night Extra, Image 20
- Ft '4. -"I f r ;-sa in i w :&W lp, S."V & Waft . -r r- Bte JBJ4BBvibk HE ? ITBATItS CMitlfmeJ fmm rrfetelln rutro etjinit Not.11. ioim.ci.AnK. Relatives irnnras, apoiio uouge o, a. . ni 11 i em- M l' il T Co.. invited to funeral, .sat,. jm.. asm-ln-lavr a. residence, Mauri Hohi- Z7I8.N. Dover at. ixoin ana ienign ave... Ml. Morlah Cem. Fiitidi mar view r n ri . alter i p. m. Auto funeral. a. ?,tfcO?fCAKNO?. Not IS, KDWAHD O , llrolh gsj lf cf late Oeorgf .Concannon, aged 80. Relative! ?,?MrieW trtendt Invlfed to funeral. Mon.. 8 o b w?L iwsu tiprucs at oiemn toh oi requiem Francis tt Sl' Church 10 n. m. Int. Calhi ledrsl Cem. UsSiorER - Nor. 111. I5I.T.A, H... wife of An- raw O. Cooper and daughter of Margaret and lt John Bteen. Relatives and friends Invited la funeral. Mon , 2 p rn.. m H 17th ft Int. "? 4R. .Morlah Cem, Remalni may b viewed Bun.. , 3 ' i " m- ' wCOtlB15Tr Not. IB. JAMES p... aon nt'tats 5 IVid n. Oorbetl and Ella. Ward, .aged SO KelMIVe and friend Invited to, funrl. Hat , 2 jf m..ijnirenu' residence, ItT N. 10th st . cam. dtrt. H. J Int. Harlclgh Cem. Auto funeral. fcOJl Nor, M. KUZATIRTH. wife of Michael fex nee Koran), late of 2010 Dennls.ft Ilela try and friends. League of Sacred Heart nml Altar Society of 8t, Stephen's Church. Invited to faneraj. Sat. 8 30 a m. . mldercM of niece. far, ohn Glptrlch. 1303 Kerbaugh at Bolemn - ,hWt requiem mM Ht. Stephana Church IB .m. Int. Holy Sepulchre Cem. Auto funeral. AnAVIB Near Swedesboro. N. J. Not. Ill, 4" SOilAHnTH , A. . OAVIS, nged SO. Relatives nnd friends (nvlled to .funeral services, rest. , denca of nn-ln-law, Wm. K. tVest, near '. Hwedeahorn. N. J. Won.. 10 a. m. Int. Bridge; raft. NJ,. Cem. Autos will meet trains at ifarrlaonvllla station leaving Halem at O.uJ a. m nml rhlla. 8.01 a m. DEAfTf Not. 1(1. auddenlr. JAMBS r aon t John and Mary Deaay, Itelallrea and frlende, jau of Harred Heart, of 8t. Kllanbeth'i Church. Invited lo funeral. Hat.. 8.30 a. m.. parrnla' reaidence. 1833 N. 23d at. Solemn re gutem maea St. Klliabetli'a Church, lu a. m. it, lfoly Croas Cem. SBMrSEY. Nov. 15. MAtlT. daughter of v J. and Mamaret Ueinpeey. nelatlvea and rrlenda. Sodality of Jll. V. M. of si. John the BaPtUt Church. InTlled to funeral, fiat., 8:30 a, m., Xro parenti' reildenre. 40.' Hermltaro at., TfoxboroVBh. Solemn renulem maaa St. Jonn'a Church 10 n m. Int. Weatmlnelor I em. DBVKNKr Not. 14. JOHN, huaband of Clara liernney (nee Itrll and aon of John and Mary A, Uevcney. llelatlvea and frlenda. mem. hern of Hnterprlae I.ode. No. 78, II. of 1,. K, and E.. employee of Pennarlvanla It. It. Itllef aaart . InvttMrf In fnnepal. Hun.. 2 tl. ni.. !!ltl! O. yrazlsr at. Int. ti. Morlalt Cem. Ilemalna mny bo vViwed Sat. eve. ntCKEI,. Xov. tn. ANNA HMZAnnTH. widow of Christian Dlrkel. aard 03, at 2010 n. Huntlnsrion at llelatlvea and frl"mla Invited to i funeral aervlcea, Mon., '2 p. m., parlora Henry 1 Iher ts Hon, UOOv K. Sueauohanna nve. Int. private. Hemalna may be viewed Sun. eve. 'piKIILKn. Nov. II. auddenly. . NIMUOD. hualuind of Annie T.. Dlebler. llelatlvea, nnd frlanda lnvlte.1 to funeral. Hat.. 2 p. m . 333. H. VBtli at,. Darby, r. Int. IVrnwood Cem. Ile malna may ba viewed Frl after 7 p. m. Auto rffx. Nov. 14, MAIIY C.i widow of Thomaa X. I'll, nzed SO. Ilelatlvei and frlenda Invited to funeral. Rat., 1:30 p. m 1237 Day at Int. Mt. Morlah Cem, Ilemalna may be viewed d6NNBLiy, Nov. 10. JANK. widow of Tat rick Donnelly and Uauehler of late Jamea nnd Catharine Jones, of County Derry, Ireland, llelatlvea and friends Invited to funeral. Mon , 8:3" fe. m JU2 N. 10th at. Solemn requiem maaa St, rdward'e Church 10 n in. Int. Holy Sepulchre Cem. POTI.B. Nov. 11, ANNIR M. DOYI.K. widow at Martin Doyle (nee Nell), Itelutlvea nnd frlenda Invite ilto funeral. Hat.. H a.m.. 017 H. 27th at. Bolemn hlah maea of requiem. Ht. AntlionVe Church. It'-lo a. m. Int. New Cathedral Cem. , IKTIiKSrON Suddenly, Nov. til. HAYMAN "IP. KCi.'l.nSTON. llelatlvea and frlendi, Wnen. Inrton I.odte. No, II. Shield of Honor. Liberty Caatle. No. 14. IC. of (1. 1!.. Invited to funernl aenlcea. Hat,, 2.80 p. m., aon-ln-lawa residence. Mi ir. vai L'altnr f,. Cunerd. SU12 N. lth at. Int private, Mt. leftce Cem irnin. iba iriii'n vviii nVA.VH. Suddenly. Nov. 15. SAMUET. ASH TON hualmml of ChrUtUnna II vans n?o Jln tier) nitd ion of I a to Iltmh nnd Hbtcca ..van. JWlatlvci nnd friends, all societies of whlcli lie wan a member, lnvllMto funural. Mm., u p, ni., 4397, Orclitirtl at., rrnnkfortl. Hcmnlnr may b vlftvreil Krl., 8 to 10 p, m. Int. Uait CcJnr WlVCrm. . OU,A01tKn. Nov. 14. .TOIIN" r, aon of pltaabfth nml lain Frank y. (lalluffher. need 37. jiriauvQS ana irifntin invueu o luncrni, nni. duiu a. m.. .k r. luin at. II lull nniHfl Church of Assumption 10 . in Int. Old Cathedral Cem. New York tianere ennv .aKIOKH. Nov, 11, aBOIiarc IT,, hueband of Carrlo Oelcer nnd eon of Ma V. nnd Into Joseph Oelitnr, ntred 3.1. llelatlvea and friends, Stone. fen' fellowahlp. 1". 11. T. l" Hnllef Aeso., larry Slael Y. 11. Hoclety, Invited to funeral. Hnn. Sutu p. tn., 2230 H. Garnet at (2utli and Wolf ataj. Int. Fernwood Cem. 1'rlonds may call Hat. ere. Auto funeral. atUHON. At Cheater. I'u Nov 13, CIEOflon IT., aon of lata William II and Kmma K. nib Iron. Itelatlea Und friends Invited to funural and Int. Services Knlghla of 1'ythlaa Cem., Bt., p. m. Int. K. of 1. Cem. OEILKU8S. Nov. 13. CIIAIU.HS II.. husband f Marffaret.llardsley Oellfuss.aued 41. llelatlvea nd frlenda. JeRorson Council, No. HI, O. O. I, A. Waahliuton Camp. No. 301, I'. O. H. of A., Harmony Council. No. 124. Sona and Datiahtora of liberty, employea of Meter Department of Hureau of Water. Invited to funeral aervlcea. "t4at.i 2 p. m.. S333 Olranl nve. Inl. Arllnaton Cem, Ilemalna may be viewed 1'rl , 1 lo II F in. HAINES. Nov. 14. at 120 Haddon ao , vkeaimom. ,n. j., Ai.fui.u, nuannnci oi uiiia Iteth IV llalnes. Itelatlves nnl frlenda, Mystic Jde. No. 274. I, O. O. V.s "ol. John Claik'a ifcunrlt. No. 01 S, P. I. A.i HolmesburR l.odo, Mo. 147 K. of P.. Invited to fun-ral services, . Hon.. 2 p. m.. North fedar Hill Cem. Chapel, Vrankfard l'n. Int. North redar Hill Cem. lIAM.AirAN. Nov. 14. MAIIY l. wlfo of Joseph f Hntlnhan and daughter of Charlea nnd , lata Cllen CoakIe'. Itelutltea and friends, PhJIrt. trfHlcn. No. 212. laities of Maccalieea, In vited to funeral. Tuea,, 8:30 a, mt 231S N. lnth at. Solemn requieni mass Our Lady of Mercy Church 10 a. in. Int. Holy Cross Cem Auto funernl. Manchester, N. H.. and Jersey City papers copy. HEl.MMTAO, Suddenly. Nov. 14. KMMA JIEUIIBTAO (nee Schlnntrer), widow of Udwnrd llelmetBE, aged ill years. llelatlvea nml friends Invited to funeral sinlces. Hun.. 1 p. in., from aon.n-law!s re.ildenco, William N. I.uwton, 0228 Klneaesslnir nve. Int. private. IIOLMAN. At Merchantvllle, N, J., Nov Id, WILLIAM A. HOLMAN, lined UO. 6ue notice of funernl. HUGHES. Nov. II. MAIIY II.. wife of Win I. Hushes and dauchter of late Michael J. and Marin Hoey. llelatlvea nnd friends Invited to funeral- Sal.. 8 a, m 1300 S. 3d st, Solemn mm of requiem Churrli or the Sncred Heart Ui.10 a. m. Int. Holy Cross Cem. Auto service. HUOHUS. Nov. 18. MAIIY HUGHES (for- rnerly Mary Qulnn). llelatlvea nnd friends In- yvlted to funeral. Sat.. 8:30 a. m 2701 N, w. I i'hliun at. solemn requiem mass at Ht i:d". ", ..H.w... u . .... -It,. -Inj V-IIIUI-I r . 'SuNTINaTON. Nov. Id (formerly of Waeh Incton, D. C.I. GUY. husband of Annie and ami ot lata Andrew and Hattle HuutlnBton. need 45. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Hun., - Uv. m.. apts. of Wm. II. llattcraby, 331U N. Uroid at. Int. Northwood Cem, .liuns't'. Nov. 10. MAIUA. wife of John H. - Hurst, llelatlvea und frlenda Invited to funeral ervlrea. Sat . 2.30 p. m Chrlat Church. Tul tiehociscn and McCallum ats,, Germantown. Friends may view remains I'rl., 7 lo II p. m., 112 y. StaRnrd St.. Germantown. Int private JAMBS. Nov. 15. at Pnylest.wn, Pa., JOHN 1). JAMBS, and 117, llelatlxes and frlenda nvlted to funeral. Ilroad at.. Doylestown, l'a lat.. 11 a. m. Int. Laurel Hill Cem. KHAHNEY. Nov. 16. JO.SUl'll W. KI3AJI. NKY. llelatlvea and frlenda. Particular Council ?t St. Vincent do Paul Horletlee. Invited to uneral. Sat., 8 JO a. m.. 1318 N, 10th at. Solemn requiem mass Church of Oeu 10 a, in. Int. New Cathedral Cem. JKKN'Dia Nov, .10. JiCNNID. wife of Alleo Candle, aired 08. Jtelathea and frlenda Invited o fumtral Borylcea, Hun.. 4 p. m.. I0J N, t'nnes. offa at. (S4th and Arch). Int. I.anraslcr. Pa KINDMAHK. No, 14r GUHTAV A. KIND MAIIK. and 2. lirUUvcs and friends. i:xre alor Lodso, No, 40. I. O, 0. 1'.: Ht. Jude'a Yearly llsneflcial Assn.. Invited to funeral. Sat., 10 a. m, from 1247 Hums st. (below loth and rriQmpsi)n). Remains may be viewed Frl.i 7 to 9 p. m. Int. Odd. Fellows' Cem. LEAIIT, Nov. i4. BDWAIID, husband of Mary A, I'eary. (neo Mulhern). of. Co. Wexford, Ireland. llelatlvea and frlenda Invited to fu- rural, Sat.. 8.80 o. m 1781 S, 22d st. Solemn , u!imh mesa Church of St, Udmond 10 a, m. Jtit, Holy Croas Cem. LB:DS Nov 13. J. ALLEN, aon of the lat. , K 9ra, H. and uinma M, Ieds. aired 47. IteU " - stivos and friends Invited to funeral serviees, . bat,, 2 p. m.. at the chapel of Andrew J. llalr t-AJIon. Arch and loth ate. Int. private. XONneTHBTII. Not. 18. AllflAjrTl., hue. band of late Josephine Lonxatreth (nea Row- l&ndi. leuneral aervlcea at dauahter'a realdence, t232 N- Carlisle st . Ixigan, Sat,. 2 p. m. Int. titivate, I.awnvlw Cem. MARYLAND. Not. 16. FRANCIS S. MARK. LANU. funeral at Secane, Pa residence of mother, Sal., 1 p. tn. Int, private, B. Laurel. UilAItSliALL Nov. 16. CHARLES fl hue. land of Margaret Scott Marshall, aged 77. Itela t!vv und friends Weloam. I.odle. No. 22U, I. O. R. M, Invited to funeral services, 8t'. a P. in.. 1704 Cayuga at. Int. private. Omit Jto5ctANN. Nov. 14. T5LIZAUKTH M. Mo- CANN (ne RaR). wife of James MeCanif, aged 84. Relatives and frlenda Invited to funeral, Hit., 2 r. m . 8711 N Randolph at. Int, Green- ' :udiunt Cem, Ilemalna may be viewed l'rl., 7 J,.i?nMWlftr Wnu 1 fATV r t.lAw jttThomaa McCllntock, Relatlvea and frlenda In- 6URt POLLY yjfD HER -rllLt DEATHS lta lo funeral eervleea, Bun, Woodland ave Int private a p. m. D22S McCOMIlfl Nov 14, KUflKNE. soil of UU Thorns and Mary Ann M-t'omb. nlatlrea nnd friends, Int Aesn, Ixieal No. ,120. Co oreratlvo riastejera and Cement Finishers In ylled io funeral service. Sat., 2 p.. m., 4J23 Clarlsaa st , Wayna Junction. Int. private. Re mains may tie viewed Fl eve. Mccormick Not Jfi. saIIAH, daughter of lVtr and Catharine Mt-Cormlclc. ot County Donegal, Ireland llelatlvea nnd friends In- Slted to funeral. Rat., 7 30 a, m , aunt's rejl ence, Mrs. Ilrldget McKlwee. 2640 Ann St. He nulem maesi Church of Nativity 0 a, m. Int. 'mAjovkVin1 Not. 14 Kl.tSSAIinTIt,, wife ot Patrick MclJovern (nee Madden). . Itelatlves and frlnds. Altar and Hosary Hocletlea St. Kd- Siond a Church! Ladles' Auslllary of Dlv. No I, , U. It . Invited to funeral, Sat., 7'30 a m , 22.18 Wharton at. solemn mai of requiem St. ISdmond'a Church 0 a, in I Int. Holv Cros Cem UtfllKMit. At Wlllmohl..Pa , Nov. 10. JO RKI'lt MKItKKII. Br hueband of Katharine Merker (nee lloppe). aged 01. Itelatlves and friends, Koenlgarata rosten. No. 3, Vetertnen und Krleger der Deulschen Armee, Invited to funeral services. Run , 1 p. ni., resldnce ot aon, Joseph Merker, 2183 H. 4th St., Phils, Int. Illll alrto Cem., via trolley funeral car, 2 p, m. He mains may I) viewed Hat., 7 to 0 p, in.. Will- ""mkHhThRW. Not., 1.1. MARY II., widow of George Merrlhew, Relatives and friends, mem bers of l. A, II. Invited to funeral servlres, 4129 Glrard ave., Sat,, 2,30 P, m, Int. Mt. Vernon Om, MlI.LAH. Not, It, at 42.1 N. Bid at., Phila delphia. ALIllKt) ri husband of C. Rmlly l-nvaland Millar, aged 44, Relatlvea and friends and all organizations of which he was n mem ber. Invited to funeral. Hat., 2 p. m., 1017 I'enn St., Heading. Pa. Int. at ReadlnR, Pa MOOIIK. Hnlered Into rest Nov 14, MARfMA PARKnil, of (Carlisle, Pa,, ilaughler of late Johnstone and Mary Veasy Parker Moore. NKFF. Nov. 14, FRANK J. NHFF. ton nt Frank W. Naff, llelatlvea nnd rrlends, Montgom ery Iiodge, No, to, F and A M,; Keystone Royal Arch Chapter, No. 173, Invited to funeral, Hat,. 1:30 p m., parents' residence, 1147 N II th at. Int. private, Northwood Cem. Remains may be viewed Frl . 8 to 10 p, m, NF.WPOMK. Nov. 13. KLIZADKTH, wife of Albert Ncwaome. Relatives nnd frlnde invited to funerjil services, Hat.. 2 n. m . 830 K Hilton at. Int. private, Oakland Cem. Ilemalna may be viewed Irl. eve. (JncIISI.IN. Sudden y, Nov. 14. ALtlRnT. Ituaband of I'orrle C. Oechalln (nee Reutter). llelatlvea nhd friends, also ilflrletiili-rn a- inier- national League of America, Philadelphia Local, nai i lid. no, Invited In funernl nervlme. Hat. u p. m , 2214 leithgow at. Int. private, Grcen motint Cem. Remains may tie viewed Frl,, bo- iween nna lu p. m. OUTLIP, Nov, IB, FllANCF.S, wlfo of Ste phen Ortllp, aged B.1 ReiatUes and friends In vited to funeral services, Mon , 2 p, m , 4Ut lil Indiana nve Jnt. nrlvnte, Mt Penra Cem. Remains may bo lewcd Sun., nfter 8 p. m. OVHIIIIKUK. . Nov. 10, LOltl) II. OVKR IIHCK. aged 80 Nnllm of runeral later :AUIi. Nov. in, MAIIY A., wife of Hobert H. Paul Relatlvea nnd friend Invited to funeral servlres, Mon., 2 p. tn., 11)20 N. 18th at. Int. private PF.ItllY. Suddenly, Nov. 10. of Infantile paralysis, WILLIAM P., son nf William and Frances Perry, aged 13, Residence, 3162 N. Tlli st No funernl. PIMIILK, Nov. 18, HYDNKY T. PIMIII.K. sou or Into Thomas and Hllialieth I'lmble, aged 2(1 Relatlvea and frlenda Invited to funernl sen Ices. Mon , 1 p. m Items Ins may be lowed Hun.. H to 10 p ni Auto funeral I'OWr.LL Suddenly, Nov. 10, Rev. OFOHOH W husbnnd nf Parmelln L. and Nellie K. Powell aged 71. llelatlvea and friends, mem bers of the N J. M II Confsrence invited to funersl, Hat., 2 P. m Gloucester (N. J.) M. 15. Church. Int. private, Union Cem Remains may be viewed Frl, no . residence of son. 174 llur Hngton st.. Glnucestsr, N J POWIILI.. Nov, 1 1, suddenly, at Conewago. Tn . L'HAIILRH II. POWKt.L. 11.00 N. Mill st . husband of Illdle II. I'owell (neo Hloyor), nged A3. Itelatlves and rrlends Mantua Cotiucll, No 83. O. nf I A.. Pa. Lodge, No. 31 1. II. of 11. T.. and Voluntary Relief Department of the Penna. It. It. Co. Invited to funernl services. Frl . H p. tn . nt Oliver H llalr Illdg., 1820 Chestnut st Also services Hat., at 2 p. m.. nt Malvern llapttst church. Int. In adjoining crtn FHKNTIHM Hntorod Into rest, Nov. Ill, HHLICNA JAC01IY, duughtcr of lato 13. Free man and Mary Dlehl Prentiss Relatives and friends invited to services, Mon , 2 p in.. Ollvef 11 Hair llldg., 1820 Chestnut st. Int. strictly private RKir.KY Nov. 14. JAMES P.. husband of Mnry H, Itclley. Due notice of funernl. from 0128 Hazel nve. HIIIMKIl At Mt Holly. N. J., Nov. 10. MAIIY 1, IlIilMUIt (nen Huston), widow of John J tlelmer, nged 80 Itelatlves and friends in vited to funi'rnl, Mon., 1 p in., ID Relmer st , Mt Holly. N. J. Int. Tabernacle Cem. Remains m.iy be viewed Sun., 7 to 0 p m. ItOSH. Nov IB, WILLIAM, husbnnd nf Jes sle W. Ross (noa Mitchell), aged 37. Relatives nnd friends. Gothic Lodge No. Blu, F. nnd A. M Fnnin Irfldge, No 778. I. O O. T., nnd Auahrlm L. O. Lodge, No 1)0, Invited tn funernt aervlres. Sun., 1:30 p. in.. 110 W. York st. Int Lnwn View Vm Autn service ItOHS Nov 111, CATHARINB, wife of Jnmes Ross and daughter nf John and Annie Mackel nnd sister uf Sister ttoso Cecelia. Relatlvea and frlenda Invited to funeral, Mon.. 8 .'In n. m.. SW.W Agate at Solemn requiem mass Church nf tlm Nativity 10 a. m Int. Holy Hepulchre Cem. Auln funeral. HIILON. Nov. 15. HANNAH G., wife of John M. Rulon. nged 7I Relutltea and friends In vited to funeral. Ivyland, Pa., Hat . to a m. Train leaves Reading Terminal 8:13 for Ivyland Htn, i IUTSSKLL. Suddenly, Nov. 15, JAMES JS IIUHHIH.L, aged IIH. Relatives and friends, also ntl societies ot which he was a member. Invited In funeral. Hat.. 3 n m.. 731 Morgan ave.. Palmyra. N. J. Int. Morgan Cem. Trains leave Phlla., Market st. wharf. 2 p. m and 2 30 p. m. for Palmyra. HAVAGIS Nov. 14. MARY, wife of James Savage, daughter of Mary F. and Peter Tralnor. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral Sat., 8 a m , 2010 Hath at. Solemn requiem mass. ChurcfPBf tlm Nativity 10 a. m. Int. Holy Cross Cem SMITH. Suddenly, Nov. 14, HOWARD If. husband of Snllle Smith und aon or Franklin II. nnd HII.i Hmlth. Relatives and friends, llrnth orhood of Trainmen, Liberty Hell, No. 887: Vol untary Relief of Pcnna. R. R.. Invited to fu neral services. Sat,, 2 p. m ln.ttl S. SSth st. Int. Fernwood Cem. Remains may bo viewed l'rl. eve. SPHCIIT Nov. 15. AUGUSTA, widow ot Henry Specht, Relatives ami friends Invited tn funernl services, Hat , 11 30 a. m , 80S W. Lehigh ave. Int. convenience nf family. HTALF.Y Nov. 15. MAIIOAHUT STALKY, widow of Alonza Staley. duughtcr of lato Isaun nnd Harriett Mattls, aged OH. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services. Hut., 2 30 p in. resldenco of Abel W. Srhsal. 184 Green lane. Manayunk Int. private. Westminster Cem. HTAItlt. Nov. 15, WILLIAM, son of Julia and lato Patrick Starr. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral, Mon., 8.30 u. nt.. inother'a residence, 2tl H. Allen st High mass or re quiem Church of Immaculate Conception 10 a. m Int. Now Cathedral Cem STHWART Nov 14. WILLIAM GF.OnOR. husband of Magdalone R Htewart Funernl servlres and (nt at convenience of fimllv TINDALL. Nov. ID, suddenly. EDWARD B. TINI'ALL, aged 38. Retinites und friends, also Mantua Council, No. t3, O. ot I A.; Ban croft Council or Tncony, and emploea of Henry Dlsstou & Huns, Invited to funeral aervlcea, Hat , 2 p. m., Davls'a Hull. 3U30 Lancaster ave, Int. Mt Morlah Cem. Auto funernl. TOML1N. Nov. 10. RICKA. wife of John 11., and daughter of late Henry and Miriam Htauder tnann. Itelatlves and friends Invited to funernt services, Mon , 1 p. in.. 420 H O.'d st. Int. Hill side Cem. , via funeral trolley. Remains may bo viewed Hun eve., 7 lo t WAPPLUR Nov. 14, LOUIH WAPPLKR, aged 80. llelatlvea and frlenda. Falls nf Schuylkill Renenclal Society and Lehigh Ave, Unterstutzen Veretn, Invited to funeral serv lres. Hat , 2 p. m.. resldenco nt daughter Mrs. Atkinson, 2004 N. 28th st. Remains may be viewed Frl, eve, Int, West Laurel mil Cem. WATERS Nov. 12, at parents' residence IS15 N Howard at , aged 2U. JOHN, son of James and Catharine Wutsrs (nee Lawlor), Relatlvea and frlenda invited to funerul. Hat., 7.3U a. m Mass Ht. Michael's Church U a. in. Int. New Cathedral Clin. WAY. NV. IS. at residence, 330 W tlttd) St., N. Y city, CAHLUNK AUGUSTA WAY. widow of Geurga P Way and daughter of late John II. Ilohnert, ot Phlla. Hervlces at resi dence. 2 p. m Sat., Nov. 18. Kindly omli How- "wiIKKLER. Nov, 15, ELLEN, widow of Michael Wheeler. Relatlvea and frlenda Invited to funeral, Hat. morning, residence ot son-in-law, O, V. Illgham, 128 N Highland ave., Lana. downs. Del, Co., Fa. Maaa Ht. 1'hllomena'a Church 8 a. in. Int, Alliance, O, WOODWARD. Nov, 14, J, NELSON, hue band of lllanche Woodward (nee Thackara), Rel atlvea Invited to funeral aervlces. Sat,, 2 p, in., 3IS W, Venango at. Fidelity Assembly, No. 21. Order of Artisans: employes C. 1', ltumpp & Son, Illule Class atm Erie Ave, M, E. Church, directors Frankllnvllle II. fc L. Asso., and frlenda may view remalna Frl., after 7 p. in. Int. private, Qreenmount Cem. LOST AND FOUND DOa Loet, pointer bitch, 3 yeara old. answers to name of, Sarah. Reward for return to George Mathlas. Paoll, I'a., or Frank Turner, Wilmington. DeL HINO list, ring, all gold, seat 'monogram,' I, II., vicinity City Hall or on train) reward. 5011 Woodbine ave., Oerbrook, pr 1410 H. I'enn sq third floor. PERSONALS WANTED Old employers have position for HII bourne. former bookkeeper, formerly Dragon Jiye Works. Address a; ones, P 223, I-edgrr Oft, T??rlT m IT OtJfJriTrb )m Mi&Iai f ids' B A OUCH To KMP 'Ws ' Loose SCf?tTs cuTcTf ItM sixer mw wlrirAks- al fit's JSLfcEP, EVEKENG LBDGBK-PHrL'ADELHlA, FEIDA HELP WANTED FEMALE ACKURS need ehocoiat coalera. etperlnced and learners: cream bonbon dippers, etperl. onced and learners: packers and wrappers; also schoolgirls after hours and Saturday for working in confectionery factory, . FINLEY ACKER CO.. 121 N. 8lh. ATTnACTIVn POSITIONB for. young women who desire to learn telephone operating, and secure employment In exchange nearest their, homes. Apply between l a. m. and 5 p. m.. at Keetone Telephone Co, 138.8. 2d St., Room 403, or at any of the following ex changes) 2.13 N. 18th it. 2218 N. Park ave. 21 K. Collom at., Germantown. 2A7 Frankford ava. Preston and Filbert sts. West and Berkley sts., Camden. ncu, TF.r.RPiioNn OPERATING Wnl imse vmir home In pleasant and healthful surroundings, with excellent oppor tunities for rapid advancement. There are twenty-eight Hell Central Offices In Philadelphia: probably there. Is one within n few blocks from your homo. Unusual oppor tunities for earnest. Intelligent young womqn between 18 and 2.! years of age. New employes are paid whllo learning and are rapidly advanced. Pleassnt dining rooms, where the best of fond IS sold at cost In every Central Office, Comfortable sitting rooms for resdlng and relaxation. Opportunity for advancement to Se nior and Supervising positions. Apply at 400 Market at., dally, except Hun (l.i a an a m. In 0 p, m , or evening be. Vwcen 1 run and 00 at any of tho following Central ofllres: 20 W Chelten ave., Germantown. r,4th at. and Woodland ave. 1705 H. Ilroad st 17th and Diamond Ms. I.alicasler ave. east of o.d St. 400 Market st. .i., llopu und Ilerks sis , Kensington. CIlAMIIEHMAID-WAlTnESB. white: ?". MS: uijlll:reference. Phone Uicust .7iwv . CHILIVH NUIlHEi colored; obllglngl experienced: neat, i'none .iiriiuii".'. CHOCOLATIJ COATEIt wanted -'J"""," J'0,' r...rinpwnrlenoil salary. PH. llogaLl"' CLF.RIfto assist In ntncoi able to operate tjpo writer. M 1112, Ledger Central. COOK, v.hlte, experienced! smalt family I gool wages, no wnshlngl referenco. Ill W. l'hlt- ellena St.. Germuntown COOK, plain, white, wanted to.""'' '"..'".S",' wages 111. glvo references. Address II .00, Ledger Office. DltTBrAMPF.ri. EXPERIENCED. 1214 ARCH ST.. TIllllU J J.WCJI... KMIIltOIDKIIHRrl and headers, experienced on frnniea. work given out. 28. Ledger Urnnch, 17th and Montgomery. . FILING On December 1 wn will open a branch school In Philadelphia! this will bo under tho snme management and dlrci torshlp nil Jim New York school: arrangements for JolnlnK the first class may bo madn by loiiimuiikutlnit wltli us. Wrlto for particulars, New ork Hchoolof rillngJllnger IliilldlmcNew torlt. OIKLH, over 10 Apply International Art 1'iib llshlng Co , 12th and Cullowhlll. jiecond Juior. Glltl.HT"nver 10 jears of age: good wages, Ap ply Wulf i. Co ,J1I0 N. 12th st. HOHIEllY Toppers and l.nittera on Scott Ic Williams and standard F machines: highest wages nnd steady work. Higlrnlo Fleeced lln deraear Co , Hosiery Dept.. 2H5N. Howard. HOUHEWOHK. genernl! girl wanted: no wash ing: refs. required, t'hone Ardmora 100SW. KETSTONB TELEPHONE CO. An opportunity to secure employment in the exchange nearest jour home: va cancies In both local mid long distnnco ofllres for experienced opcrntora. Also tn schools for ylrls to lenru uperutlng. Apply between ti n. m. and 5 p. m. at Kejetoni. Telephone Co., l,lr, S. 2d st., lloom 403, or ul any of the following ex changes 233 N, 10th St. 2218 N. Park ave. 21 E. Collom st . Germantown. 2737 Frankford no. Preston nnd Filbert ats. West and Herkley ats,, Camden. LAUNDRESS Wanted, competent WOMAN TO DO WASHING AND IRONING. MONDAYS AND TUESDAYS, at liouso nenr OverbrooU Station! referenco required. Wrlto MIHH M. o.jgWt!Q!o'KN2';''l,UOO't- "r """""" LAUNDRESS Warned, experienced laundress. white. Wednesdny and Thursday: roferenies. i10'1.. !'. ?.";"'!' tt," Nnrberth. Phone Nar- lierth 1285 J. MACHINE OPERATOR. $i:nrpe7day ot K hours, akllled latiorors, 1 lu to SI 52, higher compensation when on pieee work Apply Frankford Arsenal, Philadelphia, preferably In person, from H to It) n. m on working dais, for nppllratlonjilanks MOTIIKIt'S HELPER Experienced "lvtuTegri or settled woman, chlldnurso. assist thnmbor work good suburban home, other help, ref erences. wageaJIH 745 ledger Central. NUItHE bettled white vtomuu for children, ref erences 810 S 18th st l-AllfEltH AND KOLDEItH, lxTiTniENr-iTT) ON HOSIERY WANTED, Rrb'ADY DORK, GOOD WAGES APPLY HAOAR HOHIEIlV IfilVliStfl WORKS WESTMORELAND A N l i. Ml H SOLICITORS Five, good nppearlng," InlelllBeiit women on commission, salary basts after lou !rnvocupable II 743, ledger Central HiENOOItAPIH.'R nnd tjiwwrlter of the high est qualifications: only those nf experience and ability need apply; licst referenco required. The Rosenbnch Gujlerles. 2tu s Juniper at. STRAWRRIDan A CLOTHIER require the services of experienced salespeople In tho following depart ments: HOSIERY UNDERWEAR MEN'S FURNISHINGS LEATHER GOODS QLOVE3 and various other departments. Hureau ot Employment, 4'j floor, 11 a. m. Apply before WAITRESS, white! ft In good reference required, phone Locust 070 ta!nil',j. nt washing; 263 S. 22d at., or WANTED Reliable young colored girl, about 18 years far waiting and light chamber work In small family Apply Friday, 00:' 0 Greens St., Germantown. YOUNG I.ADY wanted to aaslst on books: Jew ish preferred P 229. Ledger Office, HELP WANTED MALE BOOKKEEPER and clerk far apartment hotel; room and meals furnished, inuat be oung. active, energetic, well educated and have good uppeurance.WrlteH 755, Ledger Central. BOOKKEEPER Settled man, 43 to 50 yearaT on atock ledgtr, atate experience and refer ences P 224. ledger Office. BOOKKEEPER experienced, wholeailo or manu". facturlmr accounting, aalary reasonable JI J3Vl.eder Office BOYS wanted, between Id and IS sears of age': houra 8.10 to 4 .Jll. good pay. Apply Phila delphia Htock Exchange, second floor. Phlla. delpbla Stock Exchange llldg., 1411 Walnut. l"1 Tn His mwo jT ' 1 r- -. -, W! 'Avake. Most HoaIoblM rTTl Jul 91 I Y0BA? ". . Ht-OVr DOLBif-Ti 'tetWAU ,JH n ja HFk Tiipfv 5ir rTnnR r n imm . CRcsnri'ii njA -bos1. m rDK m HELPWANTED l.fALE Con I In ucd from Prttttllna L'oltim A-t riROWN HltARPF. AUTO SCREW MACHINE OPERATORS. VT. AH A J ft L. HAND HCRF.W MA CHINE OPERATORS, A-l POI.IHII KRH AND IIUFFEHH FAMILIAR WITH CUT AND ('OU)II WORK. FIltsr-CLAHS PROPOSITION. APPLY 0 A. f, IO 10 P. M.. Mil IlllUN 1)AGE. IIOTKI, CONTINENTAL. . CAIIINETMAKEIlrt.... VICTOIt TALKING MACHINE CO, Has vacancies fur Cnhlnotmokers, Hnw lllers, t Expel lenred rubbers, v Hhellarkcrs Apprentices 18 lo 10 jears. Window cleaners. FrelRht elevator operator (white), Offlre Imijs over III yenrs of nge, young men 20 to 21 years of age to lenrh rubbing. 18 hour week schedule rhtalrat examination necersirv Apply Victor Talking Mnciilne i'o , niipiicati on office. l . ,r , ,, ,' ,n ,,, Camden. N. J. 35 t oopcr at CEMENT HELPERS nnd finishers wanted. Ap ply 2011 Pnrrlsh . . CHANDEMEIt HANGER wanted, steady work: 3iic )ier hour ApplyjtOI Clierryal. CHAUFFEUR Young man. "white, 18 to 21, wanted tn drive Franklin rtr In suburbs Ap ply 22J H Huh st. at 2 3d. Friday or Satur day Ibis week ' COMPOS! I OH AND PRESS FEEDER wanted 27 North 2d st DAIRYMEN "Wanted, experienced milking hands rnr dairy near Atlantic City. Address W c. French. .10 'i Market st . Camden,N. .1 DltAI"r.SMN, inerhnnlcnl. first class, copabin of designing, to nil vnennev In mnnufaiturlng rowrn, no wnr orders, state age. aalary de sired, experience nnd when available, It 130, Ledger Office l'oitl'.MAN Experienced shop foreman on Palm lleneh coast, capable of Installing shop making low) lo 1200 coals -per week, with ability to Instruct und break In green help; must be willing to go out nf city. Address, giving past experience and stating salary warned M B0J Ledger Office. . FOREMAN for ornamental nnd building iron work shop, Ktnle aalurs. experience, etc. P 2.13 ledger Office GORDON PRESS FEEDER wanted: steady work Annly lob press division, 000 Chestnut. HOISTING i;NOINIH:it wnnled, reliable; state salary required steady employment. Telephone Pnlltshoro 150 Foumlntlpn Co I.AHOIinllH. skilled Biilderers. 12 21 per day of 8-lioura day-rale, moro on piece work, cltljens, nge 20 In 35 Apply III person, I rnnkford Ar senal, Philadelphia Pa LMIOUEItS fur outside work digging, etc.. at 12 21 per rinv of 8 hours, citizens. Apply In person, Frnnkfonl Arsenal, llrldesburg, Phlla , Pennn LAHOREIIH wlifto nnd'colored. 1000 wanted, for Petiiisgnive N J., 20 ente per hour: Indxlng nnd tronsportatlonfree Call (57 H. d St. LA'llOltllltS wanted: 12.25 per day. Apply 2011 Purrlsh LINEMA'n" wnnted. steady work, good wages Apply William FosterCo . 120s N. SIstst MACHINISTS Wanted. Ilrst-clnss lathe, mill ing and small grinder hand for cutter and reamer work, only men luqualnted with this clues of work required Apply second floor. llKl'ederni st Cnmden. , J MAN wanted who Is thoroughly familiar wlih ttm manufacture) nml lonstruction or hlgli-grude furniture, cabinets etc. from the rough to tho tlnlshed product this position requites it inuti who h is nrls us well lie executive uldllt . In rcil) lug stale ago. exnerl enie nnd salarv expected ghe full details lu first letter M WH Ledger Office MEN WANTED Hnllerinnkers. locomotlvn ma ihlntsls. cur rcpnlr men. Inlinrers. locomotive lianers. Pennn It II. 1741 Filbert at. MESSENGER nnd office wolk lluj. bright and Inlelllgent. must be over 10 eirs ln, Forae Co , WnkellnK and Ilcrmud.i sts . llrldesburg, Pn NIGHT WATCHMAN for mill, must Understand hollers and heating sjstrms nnd furnish ref Tuxedo .Mills Allegheny nve nnd 8th st. PAPER BOXES Young man exp on pnper sllt-,,.,- AtmlT Hchoetlle's. 310 Florist. pvprit cl'TTEltr experienced on enlendnr work and general cutting Am.ly Wolf . Co . third iln.ir. l'.'lli nnd Cnllow Tint.i.p.HM Men fur cold rnlllllK tilt steel It OOll uaBes: fltei.ly iork AppW ltinry Dlsiton & ..... s .. .. .. t. ,1 t llnnpu Sons. Inc . 'Incnni. ,- in in . . .. SALESMEN Go South for the winter, the Sears KochucV. edition of the Encv clopedli llrltnnnlc.i Is thn Rreatral sell ing prnpnsltlon ever offered by sales m?n We train inn thorougbh, pay transpartnllaii and nllnw n drawing nc cnuiit. Work exclusively on lends. Rapid n.lvniuemcnt to those who make iood. Can use a few moro elty men. Hnejclopedla Ilrllunnlca Co., 130 H. 15th st. uvTi'SMPS' with nblllty. to sell pictures nnd H,VoVl?sMof KrtVc xperlen , best references ,re- nulrid Apply tho Roscnbach Galleries. .03 S. lunlper st , HiiiPI'FIl "by publishing and printing house; mnut bn thoroughly familiar with every ; de- lull nulck nnd accurate and not arrow i oi wor.t: In reiilvlng stale, experlenco and salary "xpecie'l I' 232 Ledger Office runt MAKERS, 13 21 In 15 per day of 8 hours, " mVrhln a a "V to 13: a-sl.ti.nt inachlnlsts i. .ii .. ! ca nnkci ncrn. - u . -" i n .Tvi,..H.iir.) Ami rnnarlty. machine; on experlenco and rapacity, machlne "s 12, some with exiierlcnce oil hand luthesV .'2I; auinnintlc turret lnlhe rS Cleveland Brown & Hharpe. J4.ni . urret lathe operators. 13 to Jj.ni. opprtor turrrt m ..... '"- - -,.. -,,, nru nnn.i lurrecju'M ",.....".. - -. nrlnters' ' I clpef. "2 21 laborers -for nutslde work I" "4 Apply Frnnkfonl Araenal, Phlla . r uvV'blT1 ln)e?ion from 8 to 111 a. m. on working (Hys fur application blanks TYPEWRITER and stenographer Young man vvltli experlc-nce aalnrv 110 per month. Address II 751. Ledger Central WARPER, used to sectional tvnrping on nna cm ton. Btule c'XPericnec linn nimrn iniuii... Ad- dress ) 01 Box 3443 WOOD WORK Ell First-class builder. II for H-hour day nutomnblle body Htowurt stnten- son. Houston Texns : YOUNG MAN 18 scars old. wanted to do gen eVnl office work. Illlns. etc. II 731, Ledser ('eiitrn! YOUNG MAN. experienced In stenography nnd typew riling nnd offlco work. Apply I'lieslllUl el lt03 REVERM. A-l MEN WHO ARE THOR. OUGIII.Y FAMILIAR WITH THE MANUFACTUIti: OF HIGH-GRADE FURNITURE WE WANT MEN WHO CAN HANDLE THE WORK FROM Till! ROUGH TO THE FINISHED P il.DlMT MUST DAVE TACT AND i:I.CUTIVF. ABILITY, APPLY II A. M it 10 P. M , NOVEMBER 17. 18 AND 10 FIRST.CI.AHH PHOPi)S. T (N MH. BRUNDAGE. HOTEL CONTINENTAL. Altn YOU AN A-l MAN?, We want men accustomed to earning weekly J50 or more to sell direct to factories, stores, etc.. our new electric lighting fixture (not to the trade) Double the light, half coat for current, attached to any tlilure In I minute. Electrical experience unnecessary. A flrst-class proposition (commission only for llrst-class man. Address by letter only. Stransky Mfg. Co . 1211 Arch st Philadelphia fieneral J20 WEEKLY earned showing samples and tak ing orders or. If preferred, mailing circulars for large Canadian cut-rato grocery mall-order house. Representatives wanted In all locali ties ot the United Mates Gutnta free A postal- will bring Information. The Indepen dent llrcers Co Windsor Ontario Canuda. CIIHMIS1S. graduates JUOU, beginners JO.'I J7H0. Electrktun, teat small motors, switch boards. 115. Civil eng ," beginner, J7b0 Clerks. ?ood opp bright young American men, J10. 12 and J13 lIUHINESS SERVICE CO.. 1301 I-aml Tlllo Bldg, NOVEMBER 17, Situations wanted female CHAMriEIt.VtAII) and ehlidnurse. rroleetanta, lsh positions together.H741, ledger Cent CHlLDNtlRSB, trained, wishes situation I 10 ra exp ijtood ref. II 211. lydger Offlce. COOK Exceptional ref t can take position at onc, reasonable salary. B7I8 Filbert st. COOK Position wnnted: elty only, good refer ence. 1730 8tlle at. FORELADY. tnanuf., exp , engaging and han dling help, planning nnd giving nut work, keep. Ing rerords, etc.; reliable, energetic, resource. ful. wishes dlff. kind of employ't II M8.I,ed.C FRENCH teacher dee school work: prlv. pupils. conversational method P.O. Hot 2003. ililUSEKEEPER. managing, capable woman to take full charge. M OIL Ledger Central. HOUSEKEEPER, working! reference: Institution or private, experienced II 017, le-dger Cent INIANT'H'Nc'ilSETTong experience, undergrad- uate. desires posltlonH 058, ledger Central LADY, tlermsn. wnnta hamper orTiundle wash niiOflElmwcxHl nve. Woodland 3807 W. LADY, while wishes chamberworki "best refer- enre 23,18 Catharine st LAtlNDHESH wishes position, by day or week CsJlor write 1818 AddlsonsL NURSE, graduntes'to do hourly nuralngf bafa pscks massage, an accomplished reader, also hourly engage , mod, terms Hell. Poplar 4030 NURSE nr governess, Swiss, wishes position, speaking English, French and German, best reference Call 3323 N Smedjey at NUIIHEIIY GOVERNESS. Icfndefgarteii teacher, leaving or out of city preferred. 31 1 I. Al- lahtlr nve , Audubon, N. ,1 . STENOGRAPHER, qualified In legal, secre. tsrlnl. general nfflce work H lH0.Ieil Cent STliNOGHAPHER would IlkeTcharge nf office or aeeretnrlal work ll 203, Jx-dger Offlce. TUTORING Languages, English "branches mil ale, special attention to children. 604 Weight man llldg , WOMAN rolored hFghly recommended, wants laundry or cleaning work. TI 750, Led ent SITUATIONS WANTED MALE BOOKKEEPER nnd stenographer, exp . niiKhly rnpuhle and reliable. II 5.i7. Ie"d Ihor Cent FlOOKKEEPER and accountant desires several accounts during spare time. G ri37.I.cil ent CHAFFFEUR Young man,-vvlillf, single I ears' experience, do own' repairing, best ret erenre shapells 320(1 E. Miller st (ir.vi'i'!'i:rrt Htnale man wnnta posltlcn In cits, drovo Plerce-Arrow; Huper-six last .-esl- tlnn flrst rlsss reference. II 210, I.ed Otflc COST WORK Young man who has thorough knowl.dge nf chemistry, also one enr eiper -encn lii selling, desires position with manu facturing concern. H 543, LeclgerCentral, EXECUTIVE with prngreeslvo Ideas nnd experience In man ufacturing lines, feeling that his present posi tion Is placing n limit on his abilities desires to make n change, Is capable of handling no counting ns well ns selling departments, nge 42. Christian, salary J3000. 1 1. 8 A , P. O. Ho 4(101 . MAN educated, experienced In office work: hign i references II 752, ledger Central . class OFrii'U MAN experienced nnd willing, slenm flttlng supplies nnd soft coal line, wishes inal. llon In sales or purchasing department. II oil. Ledger Central SALESMAN. 2.1," now emplojed aa assistant mnnnger for svndlcnle Arm, desires to affiliate wltli reliable firm handling staple or Bpcrlnlti lines, where my ability will be merited nc lonllngly 5 jenre- nctlve traveling and local sales experlenco. nm nggresslve. willing and reliable nnd can produce results; best rcfer enie G 50, Ledger Central. SALESMAN, married man, 23 enra' experience Inside selling nnd assistant buer with an olcl establlshed firm; liest references II 20 i. Led ger Offlce TUTOR Reflned young man for !kb, nervous children a speclaltj. II 041, Ledger Central WANTED Position with manufacturing concern In Phlla by recent mechanical engineering grncltiato, linn had experience of draftsman nnd trnnslt man nnd experienced with pattern, foundry and mnchlne shop work, nt present cmploved. but must c hango residence to Phlla lit Jnn 1 M l5S. Ledger Central YOl'NO MAN. college graduate, 3 scars' office 4 jenrs' sales experience, cnpnble of handling responsible position, offlco nr ns snlesman. de sires to locate permanently with reputablo firm. II 055. Ledger Central. . YOUNO MAN. nearly" 18 sears old. wants opportunlts to learn electrical business: has had 2 years' mechanical trnlulug In another lino JI 212. Ledger Office YOUNG MAN, 22, good education, experlenco In bookkeeping, correspondence ndtertlslng. best references It 740. Ledger Central. YOl'NO MAN. 22. sten nnd clerk. 4 yrs.' exp , desires position II 051. Ledger Central YOUNfJ MAN, 20, desires position ns antesman. best reference II 1211. Ledger Offlce. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES A-l COOK Immediately. 110. roolt, .110. white waitress, JM. colored waitress, JO. genernl housework girl. Brown's, mull Catharine st Spruco 2777 WANTED Cooks, chambermaids, chlldnurses und housework girls; girls and cooks for n stltutlon work, women rnr day's work. Miss Hoenjnoughcrty, 1.113 W Glriird ave MRS KANE. 511 S. 101b st . supplies only tho best c lass of white help, male nnd female, vacancies for nil capacities In liest Philadel phia fimltles Phone Hpruco 3101 NICIIOLt.S HI2n BAINIIRIDGE HT TENT MALE AND FEMALE HELP TIONAI.ITIEH PHONE LOCUST -CO.MPE-AI.L NA- M3I1 MRS CORINE HRINKLEY, Employment Agency, 708 S. 18tll St. Dickinson 1412 W. AUTOMODILES Fur Sale TREE FRF.B A New Red Inner Tube for each tube that proves bad This Is our guarantee, and you will And us dependable. I"8.. Red Tubes 11.51 1.75 1.111 2 25 2.5.1 2.70 2.85 3.' x 3 31 x I 33 x 4 31 x4 30x4 TIRES SO x .1 !i x :ii Tlrea J 5 31 0 7.1 7.81 10.50 11.00 12.00 33x4 " 31x4 " 30x4 ". iia.i c'emenlless Patches, a can. .18 Also many exceptional bargain In all other size tires nnd tubes All mill orders prompt ly filled. Goods ehlpped subject to sour ap proval anywhere C. o. D. RUDOLPH TIRE CO 1233 ARCH ST.. PHILADELPHIA Bell phone Spruce 3UJ4 Branch 200 W. 31lh st.. New York City. EASTERN MOTORS CORPORATION 1031 CHESTNUT ST. DISTRIBUTORS STANDARD "8" and ALLEN 4 cyl. offer tho following used cars, all tn the beat tn mecnuiicctti iwiiuit.u,,, STAND MID "8" touring, demonstrator; elec tric lights and starter. ALLEN 4 cylinder, touring, demonstrator: very attractive. CADILLAC 10lf 8-cyllnder touring, type SI; electrically equipped. ABBOTT touring: electric lights and atarter. HAYNES touring, electric lights and atarter. CHADWICK touring; just overhauled. PRICES KXCEPTIONAI.I.T RHASONABLB WILL at-ADLY DEMONSTRATE CADILLAC I have for Bale 1015 Cadillac touK Ing car, electrlo llghta and starter, in good mechanical condition, no reasonable offer re fused; no dealers. II 444. Ledger Central. CAD1LLAG 1014 touring car, overhauled and repainted; full equipment, price J750. AUTO HAl.KHJ'ORFOItATION, 14J N. JJroad at. CHOW-KLKHAHT roadster. 101(1. perfect me- chunlcul con sell cheap M Oil, Led Cent. HUDSONS Phaetons, roadsters and cabrloleteT equipped with electric lights and atarters, fiOMEUT-SCHWARTZ. 233 N. Broad at. HUDSON 0-40, 1015. mechanically perfect; shock jtbsarbers Urea good BJ'J Manning st. PACKARD limousine 1010. 7 pass ; motor and all-around appearance line, Una renting car; look at this buy: price revsonabhi, LOCOMOBILE. 2.114 Market . locust 480. F M, 1IALL10AN, Mgr, Exchange Car Dept. FIERCE-ARROW 7-pass. touring car; electrlo llgncB, uriiiuumuuiv i una iicaiuiKliUUBi .ciueit absorbers: genernl condition fine; will sell teJ.a. 4m fl.-t eanl lillia i.Or021011II.lC -".! Marki-t at Jjicunt 4Sn. V. M HALMOAN. liar fTx change CarDept. HUPM0BILE PARTS SCHOBER, 3339-5 MARKET 1916 AUTOMOBILES For Sale Coatfatiecf Irmt! rrtetilno Column USED MOTOR TRUCKC ir.O Express body K-ton 5-ton ton ia ivr emi ivn i .." . . -ton GAllFORIt Steel dump body r. S.i2 r ifm-mni) chaaits only. ... 8 ton HARFORD 1B0, long wheel case chassis . ! ton DORR18 Express body 2 oh OA U OIID Heavy duty chassis T- on (IABF()IlD-inin. Chassis i-ton lX)coMOBH,lntprea tdy l-lon OARFOItD 'bsssls (rebuilt) J-toS ABBOTT IF-TROIT-Chassls One 21 passenger bus body 1014 MERCER S-passenger TotirlTijr FII3 GAtlFORD 7-passenger Touring 1012 IIUICK Roadster CASH OR TERMS OARFOIID rHILADELPHtA C, 11. HARVEY Usen'-Car Department 2.108 CHESTNUT STIinET Locust 210 H 33lt THE WHITE CO. 210 North Broad Street OFFEttl AT ATTRACTIVE PACKARD, 4-CJl . . 30-11. P.. rntcES PACKAIID. 4-ct . 30-11. 1'.. l-psss iu..iiaa amf 'Tnlirlfitr J350 1000 1000 J4S0 1150 J 173 I il 111(111 into nii'i u"Vil ; V -T n a pr.cni.EHS. II cyl . 00-11. P . . 7-pass Limousine nnd Touring; starter and eleelrle lights .. . ..... -;f PIKRCE-ARROW. fl-csl.. 49-H, P.. 7- puss. Limousine. , , ri'i. l.Man. hul , r;Bv Tourlng. sinner nnu eiecirio " " ti I.OCOMOIIH.K. Ocyl, 18-11. P.. 6- pass, -louring ....... .. PIERCE - ARROW, n-csl 48-IL P.. ibnssls WINTON. In excellent shape. . . .. . . .. ,- li tl-cyl ,7-pass Touring: bargain J.73 TRUCKS KELLY. 1 -ton. express body Hill OVERLAND Delivery J310 300 THE ABOVE ARE ALL nqOIl VALUE AND JiN 1 IXIi LUiWlli'i II. O'NEAL. Used Car Dept. ..urtlM'U I uuewj .. .. ,,, BelJ Spruco 1002, lies., usee CLEAN-UP BAI.B V OF USED CARS TAKEN IN TRADE ON NEW REO MODELS loin REO touring, electric lights and starter; c-ir Just overhauled. , ,.. i. ttitr. REO touring, newly painted and rebuilt. 101 1 REO touring, electrlo equipped. In A-l condition, bargain ... 1011 REO touring, in very good condition. OTHER MAKES 101.1 nUICK. r.-pnss. touring; model c'37,,.n0 1015 lAiais"iourine! like' new car. sell reus. nnnhle. - . 1012 CADILLAC touring. In.very good oniei- 1011 CADILLAC louring, ti-pnsiciusrr. sell very reasonable. 1013 STEARNS chassis; bargain. wilt It l, 1 502 N. . MOTOR CO. t BROAD ST. PHONES: Boll Poplar 213 lies stone llnce 735. ABBOTT TOURING, electric lights nnd starter, Kcnerltor, In hne mechanical condition ttl I accept nny reasonable cash offer. H 04.. Ledger Centrnl IIUICK 5 pass, touring; electrlo Hgnis atarter. lino condition: Just repainted; nnd big L!rs?'llOWHRS CO UbciI Car Department. 2.10 N Broad st . Vttlnut7il2. CADILLAC'S pass touring, starter'and electric llghta, fulls equipped; would make lino hacking car. bnrgnln prlie L S. IIOWEIIH CO, Used Car Department. 250 N Broad st . Walnut 702. OI.DSMOBILE. HUH slightly used, must Bell to close estate II 213 l.edgerOfflce.J Wnnted AUTOMOBILES bought In any condition Cal. lahnn. mini c-ncsinuc. xtcoioii uuu AUTOS WANTED FOR PARTS. Philadelphia Auto Parts Co . R23 N. 13lh st. Park 1418. AUTO LIVERY AND GARAGES "Independent taxicab co. 1315 W. SUSQUEHANNA AVE. SUPEU-SIX HUDSONS TO HIRE LIMOUSINLS. TAXICABS S. TOUR1NO CARS Diamond 011,0. Nctcr closed. Park 73. POPLAR 1017 To biro (open day und night). Park 1482. brand-new 5-pass. touring cars. J1.25 lir.. also brund-ticw 7-pass. limousines, J1.50 hr.i weddings funerals. 1715 Glrard. TO HIRE 5 & 7 PAHS. 0 CYL. CARS; SPE CIAL RATES FOR TRIPS. SI 25 PER Hit. & UP. POP. 213. ALWAYS OPEN RACE 2.'4L BUY MOIbTER portable garages, steel nr Btucco7 O.l display d'J31 N. 5th. Tioga 2084. HAVE ROOM, enteral curs, prltato garage; boat, convs Poplnr 4807. 1010 Syd-nham. AUTO REPAIRING SPEEDOMETER TROUBLES See BILLY, nt Ills new location. 610 NORTH BROAD ST. AUTO SUPPLIES IF YOU WANT lo tK.ll sour old car or want any parts to repair call, wilto or phone P. d. It. AUTO PARTS CO. 815-17 N 12lh at. Park 114D. PARTS lor Thomas 0. Oarfurd 0, Oldsmoblle. Wlnton 10, Thomas 40. Lcraler 4. Flat 4. Uoscn magnetos, all makes; parta for all cars aold. CaUohan. 3010 Chestnut. Preston 5715 TLMKHN-BBARINOS HYATT, New Departure) Service Hta. The Gwllllam Co . 1.114 Arch st Pn. Walnut 3407. Itnce3ti02. PARTS tn build nr repair any cap. Phlla Auto Parta Co.. 823 N 13th, Turk 1418. AUTO TIRES PULLMAN TIRES Guaranteed 35uu rillea. Compare prices. PRIM'S. 230 N. Broad at, HERCULES T1REH Guaranteed 3300 mllea. HlsCUI prices HERCULES TIRE CO.. U12 N Ilroad st. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES A RUBBER Tim: MANUFACTURING COM PANY ABOUT TO OPEN A HALES AND HCHVICK HTATION IN PHILADELPHIA WISHES TO SECURE THE SERVICES OF A FIRST-CLASH SALESMAN TO TAKE CHARGE OF HAME. A SPLENDID OPPOR TUNITY WITH PRIVILEGE OF IIKINO IN TERESTED IN THE PARENT COMPANY. ONLY THOSE ABLE TO GIVE REFERENCES AS TO CHARACTER AND FINANCIAL STANDING NEED ADDRESS II 214, LED GER OFFICE. , ' PATENTS Send for ' our free book. "I'atenta anil Traclo.Marks ." Wa will help sou duteloiL your Intention. Ad- vico free. Reasonable fees. Open Monday evenings until x.30 FOSTER & WEBSTER s"e 031. 1011 Chestnut at. Bell phone. Walnut 1561. J4000 TO J5000 TO INVEST, with aervlcea of an uctlta business man. In extending the manufacture and sales or specialties, now In operutlon. Address with particulars, conn dentlnlly, II 744, ledger Central. FIFTY-ROOM hotel In city of BO',000. on best business street, dolns profltabte business: price J30.00O Room 1, Woolworth Building. IieilMCjUVIII, in. PATENTS Our four Imoks sent free, 'How to Obtain Patents." victor J. Evans 1420A Chestnut at , Philadelphia. CO., BUSINESS PERSONALS' DRESS SUITS TO HIRE Latest stylo full dress. Tuxedo, Prince Albert, black and gray cutawasa, for morning wed dings; also silk tuts. SAMUEL COOPER. 1010 Qlrard av. DIAMONDS BOUGHT. Bank references. Appraisement. 1 per cent. HARRY W SMITH. 717 Hansom st. EVENING CLOTHES TO HIRE Latest styles: phone Poplar 233: open eves. LEIDNER'I .a tutn ana uirara ave., a, w. cor. BUSINESS PERSONAtji Coallnoeil from TtHAno Ctirnmn" SUPERFLUOUS HAIR removed by ,MM? the only permanent way. Eyibrai!?1!''! IISS SMITH. 402 kelth Thi"ntoi!2 OEyVS' CAST-OFF ClXmiINO ttutrili "' N OTH HT. PHONE WALNFT 0iV"T 3 B'LDINQ MATERIAJUS-nBFAlia" , IVnnlecl 150.000 BRICKS. 42.1 pieces, 3,s li . r pieces, 8J8. 12 ft..-22tleces' R,n' "Vft"-.,!! Hmlen at . Pelham. Phone Gtn i M7? W ,l rjRESSBTJVraNaTANirMILLWEti TUB POTTER SCIIOOlj OF nitK38!ltltr. teaches cutting and flltlng by iqu,r3, "JJA'SP'a such aa used by Ihe leading tailors .Sa jiUm makers throiigfiout the world t An? gtrl'V'; learn. Day and evening sessions; term. Vin erale. . Margtrct, i: Potter, irsdo.i J?": Drexc Inst tute, I l.n Oirard ave ' ' TOR, SALE BILLIARD, POOL, combination. s.e-s '.- bougnt, said, .rented, exchanged: rnunZSL aupplles, lf Keafer, American m.-..! .lui?J.325 Oirard ate,. Phon" ","."? j BILLIARD, AND POCKET TAnLF.t77, bowl nr alleys: eaay payments. l!IltI:tAi, HALKH-COLLKNDEfl CO. jpOiAreh? CR niLLIAfltJ. pool tables) new, second-hand vi" Ing alleys: easy payments. IlMittriXS' 8treetCo.. 222 8. Bllt st. PhonwnBir CASH REGISTERS bought, exchanged, repidrea"- replated; supplies: new and factory rsbiu., new total addera na low as f,11. I'sll ISa JH see our new modela, Reglstera sold by m . "J essv oavmenta and fnllv iniaeni. ' THE NATIONAL CASH ItEOISTBli Ca 780 CHESTNUT STREET riL-atfa ecr'r-a .ri New nnd second. hand. liiillW Central Reensit. hind Furniture Co., P04-tioa-nl4 Callowhilf tt LAUNDRY Splendid" steam .plant, wlin"i.uS; llshed. going business, Including the reel tale, tn settle estate Apply to Francis ri Onllnger. nllornev pno Lincoln Building SAFES, fireproof, closing out nni allhtly"iiM rill sixes and nnlies. big bargains. 214 f Trtiirlk .1 Cl,.l.w..n II... ...I -,..t " It. . ..m .,. .... ...-..,, -,, ,.,,ic nun vine;, - VACCUM CI.EANljRS Franta reml.7iect7fi! 4 taruuin ileaners, second hand nther barrthis .1 ami cargo variety or nanu-oprating msehn,i nt sour own price. Apply EUGENE A BrHS. Oermanlnwn and oirard aves, USED OrFICK rtlltNITttltn iKterythlng Imaginable In this tine and rlntf '1 nf 'It: best assortment and best t slues is 1 uii"i.-imiiii- , nm. i, iiiu ii-iivery snnenera. lltiGHlis. llthandButfonwooct;; OLD COLONIAL RESIdT.NCE with anlitmafir; nlshlngs throughout 15 minutes to City lUUt somn unusual pieces, will sell separately; as dalera. Call mornlngtn 1521 Chtstnut it.. Room 421 ' J 14 -Marino and field classes, especlat!y"strnr!f for long dlstnnee nnd fine nnlmst or blrl work WALTF.R'S PAWNSHOP, nni Vine it, 500 "TABLES 21x38 5(io EACH ' CHAIR EXCHANGE, . ,8C E. cnr.8th and Vlns, JI21 LVfSTER UPItfOHT GRAN'D PIANO, ltjj N.22!H r. J125 ('ASH NEW UPRIGHT PIANO. 2JlJ BAMBRF.Y HT. " HEATING SAVE .13cj OF YOUIl FUEL Install the Arnold Automatic Damper WE GUARANTEE OUR CLAIMS Send pnslnl for demonstration . 1 :CONOMIC DA MP 1 1 t.CO 1 leed lllllMlnt. MODERN HEALTH II EATINO Fresh, wsmi1 air with normal humidity, MAKIN-KELSBT, 1827 Tllbert at. 2000 Phlla. rets. PampbTib MACHINERY AND TOOLS SURE WAY to secure "sterling" quality In all sour machine tiearlnga Is to send ynur erdir tor lining them with YOCOM ANTr-FltlCTlO.'l METAL. IRON nnd BRASS FOUNDRYS. 11 j North Second. JAMES YOCOM ft SON POWER-PLANT EQUIPMENT Dynnmoa, motors, boilers, atam and oil sa glues, pumps, nlr compressors, FRANKTOOMEY.. Inc.;? N. 3d at. DYNAMOS, motors nnd machinery bought, iota1 and rented, armaturea repaired Main JL Market 3005. Ycarsley Co.. 224 N.. 3d st MODERN MODELS" 111 power equipment, 8I our gasoline nnd nil engines before you bur. GAS AND OIL ENGI,NE CO , 4.1 N. 7th St. FOR RUSH ORDERS of sprockets, chsln. elel vator Imckets nnd transmission materials call on CHARLES BOND COMPANY. 620 Arch It. CABI.EWAV 1IOIHT 10"xl2" "Lldcerwood''- skcleton-53" friction drums fine condition. I. F. SeyferfsHons 437N 3d st ENGINE Inthes, metnl-splnnlng lathes, tpeea lathes, tvnod-turnlng Inthes, Fox lathes, turrit lathes. Nuttall. 1748 N 6lh MANFRS. of plain and automatic machinery!! Send for booklet. A Nncke ft Son. 210 S. Otb. 1 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS NOVEMBER VICTOR RECORDS NOW Olf SALE. . jicji.IjAIv.. li-'u Liu-aiur oi 185 CHICKERING UPRIGHT PIANO HOWARD VINCENT 8,18 N. oTfl, M OLD GOLD iM OLD GOLD Cash paid for old nnltnll.a ..tnlCM . senil nnstnl. Wl nd ailiwasT? Will It. itoo-s Hits. 27 B. 17th st Bell Jihcme lAwust jm OLD GOLD, silver, platinum, plated ware, cljvsl styio jewelry, leetn pistes nougnc ior cau. Est. 1870. J. L, Clark, refiner, 807 Saniwa. FALSE TEETH, "old rold silver bought; aa tlquea. L. Burns. 012 Walnut st ; STORAGE FIDELITY FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE! 1811-1810 MARKET ST. PENN STORAGE AND VAN CO. 2130 MARKET ST. WEST Pit I LA. tirrn MONARCH STORAGE C Packing and aniprung. 3870 LANCASTER AVE. SERVICE TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES' REMINOTONS. MONARCHS, SMITH PRE MIERS rented; J3 for 1 month, J7.50 for months; rental payment applies on rurcnaj". Remington Typewriter Company, Inc., 110 a. (Hh at. WANTED ANTIOUE FURNITURE, false teeth, feajlier beda, broken jewelry, gold, allver. dlaraoncU) bought 028 Cheatnut. . . ANTIQUE furniture, old chlnn. old gold, eta Antique 8hop,35H.I7th at. Ph. Spruce IHISj ANTIQUE solid silver, tea sets odd pitchers, augur bowls, teuputs. etc L I47ij:!edgercnii BROKEN JEWELRY, antiques. Pjstols. counu coin txioks. with prices I pay, mailed toe, J, h. Hobs (Peou e'a Hforo). 200 S. 11th. Wal.jiM, , CAST-OFF CLOTHINO M vve imy men a auua. overcoaie. iuh-uum, Tuxedo suits, .etc, Owing to the; great de mand for clothing at the present time we wm pay soil very hlnh prices for these goods. Phone Poplar 0142 SAMUEL COOPKJt. 1010 Glrard jite. . CAST-OFF CLOTHINO WANTED IV. pay yej more than any one elso for mens suninii and winter clothing, shoes, etc. ,flilo Ualer street dressus, evening gowns,' furs, ste. Write, call or phono Market 3338. Wa caU. city or country, day or night, aet our prli llrst, United Co.. 800 Spflnggarclen:: . CAST-OFF clothing, gentlemen's, bought! caU anvwhere; day, evening. Friedman, South at. I'hone Dickinson 0165. CAST-OFF CLOTHINO Highest pries paid for ladlea' and men'a clothing, hats, shoes, sta, Pnone Poplar 5771. B 1-AtTKBII. 1239 PP'i FURNITURE, pianos, carpets, antiques; ntlr or part bouses bought for cash, no maiur how large. J. Bernstein. 1834 lltdgs ave. ROOMS FOR RENT CHESTNUT, 2009 DESIRAnLB ROOMS, PER- MANENy OR TRANSIENT. . PINE. BOO (Dresden) Furn. single and double- rmsMi prl.bathsuateaniietttL elec1llfht. PINE. 1108 ROOMS FOR BENT; MM CON- VENIENCES. BPRUCE. 2022 Furn. com. looms: ?'"" southern expos.; open fireplace; gentltna. WALNUT. 8005 Nicely furn. joomi. lngl ' en suits; hot water heat; board. Preat423I Vj 40TH AND IX1CUST Nswly.furnlshed roomj, with running water. See Mr, Wbalen. auperin tendent of Ploeyden Apartmenta. , . tlST BT., 8 lis One room, light, beat, ell contenlenoea. Phone Betmont .1140 J- ,v ROOM adj. bath In exclusive! apt.. vlclnUy j" Chestnut! gentlemen pref.t family, 2 ""'i' ref, exch. Phone Prlv. M 431. Ledger Csat, aK Hrr , . i Y 8 tSSLM fe5iH ouwf . vX 3 . arWm IJ m s-. rViY sou- T-!l Mm xvf'M? J "5. iKi8; m iiPALS aK- r i 11 II' I mm W I m " a ' ' CviHI !" 'j-- a Hfe,' . r . .- tffiL. ' ':fjri4,t. ej(. Cl afflb- " --'""7 -4 i . AhaH; i , . I 1 tt - br3PwaEBi I II I I J i (-' MgsPliHBPlBrHB