y&3-& AT vj? "V-t4 MM B i m .'? ir jrc3raVfc23fe"-r'T K , ' rffi'r. J i. S?tjv .$. " mm- -.at- --SL - -XmFV. NV3 5rV'&vf "3&' '-- i EVENING LEDaEBr-PHILADELPHIA, FKtDAY,, NOVWBEB 17 1 J: '--- " r . . . . .... , , II ll - S 3,-SE ' I FINANCIAL NEWS SfcSSKSK STOCK TRADING WILD AND ERRATIC; W limnn tt-i-tt rinAnrtn A nn ntim A TTClTTTnT"V 1V1UJK.11 JtlKaJtl JttJliOUlVJJi jttt,W iliQX Anionic f Disposition to Change Money Into Securities Without k- Much Regard as to How Venture Turns Out Is Back of Sharp Advance ffi ,om,s Today's Financial News Trading wild and erratic on New York Stock Exchange, with many new high records. Coppers, steel iiuluslrials and specialties in demand, the latter moving over p wule range. Wheat -was weak on general liquidation. May cotton made new top Mark market shaded in afternoon. Federal Reserve Dank of New York had a big credit on movement of money during week. Many extra dividends declared. Chesapeake and Ohio resumed dividends. Price of bar silver unchanged. New York Stock Sales l.aat elosa, AemsTttt .,.,.,.... 07! ( Adams Kjprcss 140 AJftt rtubber TM AlMka Oold M . 13f AllikA J OoM M SH Allls-Chalmprs Mte M1U AlllJ-Chal Mfg pf 89)J Am As Chemical 68) i Am HoetSuear 102J1" 101 8:00 lllsh, I.ow. p.m. 07H 07H 07H 74 an 8 32! ROW H7H 103 00 72 M 10 71 M 2SM IMtf 150 7t' 13M 8if Ml DO as 07 72!f m 10H 78 H 28f Zllf mu ISO 7IK 13W 8i. 87M 103 CO 72 61 10) 72K 2SH 22J1 n.x 157 ' :f f NRW YOIIK, Nov. 17. That tho market Is ono of recurrent buylns wnvos wan demonstrated by tho mnnncr In which moro high records wero established In today's wild and crratlo trading. Many stocks wero forced up In a ncnsatlonal mannor without special reason, except that nomo ono had received points that an advance had boon arranged in thoso Issuos, put bnck of It nil was the disposition of n largo clement In the country to changa money Into securities without much caring whothor tho vonturo turned out In prollt or loss. Thcro woro exceptions to this condition, however. Tho copper Mocks Invited buying by controlling Interests, Investors and peculators, becauso of tho known largo profits of tho copper-producing com panies and tho stntemonts mado with apparent authority that at tho Docombor meetings theso companies will rccclvo Increased dividends. Nearly all tho copper stocks during tho courso of tho day sold at now high rocords, with sovoral of them making gains ranging from 2 to C points. Tho stool Industrials wcro also In urgont demand, with Republic Iron find Btcel and Pressed Steel Car taking their places among tho rocord-brcakora. An ndvanco of 4 points In Pressed Stool Car at tho opening was regarded as ovl donco of tho scant supply of that stock. Tho manner In which many of theso Issues moved up furnished a basis for statements that Wall ntrcot had lost stocks to tho West and South and that prlco movements In mnny Issues aro now being determined by tho Inclination of various npccnlatlvo elements outslda of tho Wall street district In closo touch with tho Stock ExchanRo. Tho various specialties covered a wldo rango In their tluctuatlons, with Central Leather, dulf States Steel and Uothlchcm Stool rcsppndlng quickly to now ordors with brisk movements. London was a seller of stocks on a hugo.Bcnlo, ono banking hrfuso nupplylng 7000 shares of New York Central alone, and It was estimated that tho total sales by lorclftn agents amounted to 70,000 shares, Including mnny stocks Jlko United Stntcs Steel common, Union Pacific, Anaconda, Krlo nnd a long list of specialties. Pool activities woro factors In causing many of tho brisk advances noted throughout tho day and wero In favor whenever efforts woro mado to form offlco combinations, making tho market roscmblo In this respect tho most actlvo tltnos of tho Flower boom. Trading In bonds wns on a hugo scalo In many Issues, with convertibles Jlko Chill Coppor Gs traded In In Inrgo blocks, with that lssuo moving up from 337 to around MB. Chcsnpcako and Ohio convertibles wero nlso nctlyo and strong and thero wruJ heavy trading In Oranby Consolidated Cs between 109 and 110. Rock Island bonds wero also actlvo and strong, with tho rs ranging nbovo 71. Lackawanna Steel lis of 19D0 continued In vigorous demand. American Smelting Security Cs woro also In demand at- brisk advances: ) New York Federal Reserve Bank Has Hip; Credit on Money Movement NEW YORK, Nov. 17. Tho featuro of tho known movements of money for tho week endod with tho closo of buslnoss yesterday Is a credit of $31,173,000 by tho Federal Itcscrvo Bank of Now York at tho Clearing House Tho Federal " bank ran debit only 'ono day In tho week nnd for n small nmount. Asldo from this tho Clearing IIouso banks wero gainers. Tlicy gained not on balance from the Interior $1,031,703 nnd gained $10,829,000 from tho SubtrcnHiiry, a total gain of $12,403,703. Deducting tho Now York Fcdornl Itcscrvo Hank credit indlcntes o. loss by tho Clearing IIouso banks of $19,009,297. It Is uncertain to what extent tho exports of American gold coin to Argentina this week will llguro In tho known movements. ' fry 1 Chesapeake nnd Ohio Resumes Dividends , NEW YORK, Nov. 17. Tio Chesapeake nnd Ohio has declared a dividend of 2 per cent, payublo December 30 to stock of record December 8. This Is tho first '""'"dividend slnco November, 1911. when 1 per cent wns declared. With tho declnra- tlon of a 2 per cent dividend, tho stock Is now on a -I per cent annual basis, declara tions to bo mado semiannually. .WHEAT GETS WEAK ON LIQUIDATION ,yiews Abroad Regarding World's Visible Supply Are Against Higher Prices t i i , ohain niur wn.vritint fohecast CIIICACO. Not. 11. Thr neither fore cant for liilrfr-lx ItourM fullmvNr .Mlrinenatu. lann. North Dukaln, South .nakntii, Knimaii ami Nrliruiku ialr, no drrltlcil cltunffp In frinprrutiire. lHronnln I'artlr rlondy todnr. Hutur uay' fiilr. n ilfildru rhunire In Irmpprutitre. Inilmna Fair, not murli iliniuo In tem jCHICAOO, Nov. 17. Thero was ucncrnl ; liquidation In tho wheat market today and f. -tho tons was weak. Ilcarsh sentiment pro , t 'dominated. Views abroad with regard to "tho world's visible supply woro against higher prices, nnd it was boliovod that pur chases in tho United States by Importing nations would bo limited from now on, - Ons foreign authority assorted that tho United Kingdom could get along with In coming shipments of 2,100,000 bushels a week, and that at the present rata of full consumption thero would bo sulllclent sup- Jply to last until tho middle of next June. -, Domcfitlo statistics, however, wero bull i' Jsh and thero was a good demand on weak f .spots. C The trustworthiness of some of tho re ,. cent decidedly unfavorable advices from Argentina was Questioned, and traders hero . J were inclined to discount them, OS, ' An easier tono prevailed at Liverpool, , il ,whero It was believed thnt Canada, Aus ,'',, : ttralla and India would bo aula to take . '"i-'-V care of the needs of the mother country and jL P083"1' luivo enough for France and Italy, " -,( -with moderate help from America. " The markets in the Northwest gavo ground, too, and reports were received from ' I Winnipeg to the effect that thcro ras a - disposition to sell November and buy later positions. December sold as low as $1,28 and as high as $1.85, finishing at $1.82ft$l,82H 1 sgainst $1.85',i, yesterday's last price; May sold as low as $1.88 and as high as . ; $1.9014, ending at $1.88$M84 com- , j pared with $l.!)0H at the close yesterday; ""i .July sold as low as $1.57tt and as high as tl.59i, closing at l.o80$l.G7. against $1,59. tba final quotation of yesterday. Exports of wheat and flour from the United States for the week were 6,899,493 "bushels, against 10,338,719 bushels In the ama week a year ago; since July 1 they nmount to JS0.335.-IS1 bushels against 148,? 348,918 bushels in -1915. Shipments from Argentina for the week were 976,000 bushels. ilrl fe2a5t;i WJJIOfii le&dlcjr futurei rtDXl as followt: Wheat Opd. Hlfth, H. JJecemUr .'. 8jU l.S 31a ... ,.. 1.8u 1.S0H I- July ..,. . I58U 1.0S Iw, 1.S2 i-m J.OT J" riAiulnCi T tffr- "4- """ V txarL ait HF'r4-; einb&t 85 8T4 en : lilt 18.8T lfl.ST 10.40 jraauarr H-6? aiay n.w PerU . 15iiiriUr ..ST.T5 m i l.DS SSK 04)4 04U B7K eu uau i8 as '818 16.87 18.TO 10.40 1S.1T 10.40 18.17 14 60 14.43 14.73 14.57 ST. SO 2TST 37.85 27.42 ST.II Ttrdy' 1C'8 l.oaii S7H 18.73 '18.85 ltJ.lf 16.33 18.30 118.33 14.45 '14.45 14.80 114.57 27.80 ST. 83 27,83 t2T,85 87.83 $2T.tS New York Bond Sales S.HHIO Ailnma r.nr... .! kill' STiiuiiii ahb1ci-i r. ur SiMMin Am 1'orulKii Hoc r.M... iimH 4IIM) Amcr Hmlt Hoc llfl...llll?, 4(11)11 Amur Tul uvt IV4H...11J 23IKIU Amer Writ l'm 6b... mji .Hum Armour Co lrju Iiltj S2UUU Atchison won In UII HiiHi Uu uiJJ la MU4 lraw iio cv Is 10M IciHj luiiou Halt It Olilo aV4... U 4H00O du ca ; lujii (1000 do 4s , I. U2 4!lliltl do cv l'4H nil 17000 Ilrndcil Copper Us.... 1)11 loiMi llrkn Itn ir l....:. 77'4 lliooii du r.s lniM lontj fllliici Coil Uovt Gs lV2tl,.,. lllll 1UI1I1 do 1U31 10(1 001)11 Cal Ouh it llleo r,,. uoT4 uu..,, l-iii ruu isi is ill Ulch, Low. 3 p.m, L,,t, HI. un4 117 1 Ml' 11.1 UKV4 H7Ja llllj. 111 111H HIS Ill41 U.lt II I u.l 1IIJ4 hllU llll'.j III iinw III! 77'4 KIO'4 Ullti lllll 1UT4 HI ia7 nr U3J. 7I Ulllfs mi 03H Kill 4IIMIU0 t'lilll Copper 7h Ill liiiHio Chcs & Ohio cv 4Ws. nr, 117000 do conv r u,it 3000(1 Chi Ot Wmt U 71! BUII0 Chlo Ull Hla 4Vi,...10() 330011 fill II i Q joint 4.. oo'S llllllll Chi M & St 1' 4s lour.. ll.Vi 411(111 do ronv 3s Kill 100011 docv4W 100)4 sown do pm Ih 10J14 UOIIII Chic it I & 1'jo 4s.... HH lhooo do rrd 4s 70 inooo do 3s 71 4000 Col Ind11scrl.ll 3s 70S 711, 4201)0 l-oi & Houth 1st 4s.. 1131 I13C r.ooo Corn I'rmlu Bs 1031.. 07tS II7 .inn uei a iiu,l couv 4s . . 1IMIW iioon lien 4 mo (ir Bs mi llooo i:rlo Ken 4s 7114 8000 Krlo vrlor 4s S3 M1110 Urunby Co Us Km 130(111 do ia Hi 1111 11000 lawn CVntrol ref 4s... no 300(1 111 Central 4s 1033... 87H C IllDil intern .Mac 4H 7JU 41000 Interh It T rcf Sa.... 011S ll'jonii Kit Aler liar s , 07 ooou J up new b s 4(4 s H1H mono Kun City Ho Bs 0IU 14200U Lucka Steel Bs 1030.. lo'l loon ljike Shorn Bon aHs.. hSW looo l.eh Vul of N V 4V4.K)1V5 lnuu lrlllarj 3i Jul 13000 l.uuls & Nash 4s 0BT4 3200(1 Ho I'oq w I 4s, ISH 1 XI do col Bs 1017 100 looo do cons Us ,. D!)(? mono n y c a it fls 114 .11000 do 3V4S H.1 loin) ilil 4s 0.1 louuu no 4Vs ..... loooo N V C A- Ht I, 1st 4s luiiii an hs lliatl C00O N Y N II & H 3H a 47 71 7 Boou N Y Hwy rer 4s 70 1 Bonn do ndJ Ss 304 BoK liinoo n r Tel it.n 4 ... oos 00S 0000 Nor l'ac icun 3s (in si naif 20000 Ore Short I. rut 4s.. n.T- 0.1T 1112's H7', 70. loil h'.l 74 !4 S3 101), 110 on H7',4 73 1)0 07 "lit 1U7',4 83 10IV4 101, 034 HSU loiifj 113 vo 0IV4 loiVi 01 101J4 02(1 ou 00 U'.lti lllll ouh 01 1414 :,, 03(4 74i 100J, 1131 loo liioti 4 78t 701 7I15I 034 07'J 1011(4 hU 7414 N3 100 110 (1(1 H7!4 73 00 07 81tt 108 .518 1U1 U3H lOUS 00(4 113K 03 . . llSJi 031 03i . 02! II2JI 02(1 . .101; 101H 10IK li:l; 03V lill4 IH1&; 102. l(l-'i r.xv . xn 1200(1 I'uo Uas 5 loon l'enna 4s 1018. 8000 do son ct 41, s 2000 do 4a 1013 10(1110 Peoples Qas Bs 10: iuou i'uo err n J ns 2000 Heading sen 4s 70011 ltep Ir 4 S Ss 8000 at 1. 1 m i a o 4s.. 1000 Be I. & H V ajs w . BOOO Ail III w I 7(100 do r A w I.,.,. loooo st I, swn 1st 4s.. 101)0 Seaboard A L 4s 8SO0O do rM 4s....... BOOO South I'ao 4s,..,, 2000 do cv A IHOiio do cv ret f p Cs 18000 do rM 4s I2UOU Boom liny gen 4a,,,. TO 1000 do con 5 ,..1024 44000 Texas Co cv Us.,. 103. loOuO Third Ave rr 4 s 81(1 2000 Tol St I. W 4s,,,,, 02 111000 U 8 B a II 8s. ,,,,,, ,1124 8000 U S nubber Us...,, ,, 1021 S1IIOO II B Utael S V 3 . . . . 1071,: 81000 ITn K Ot a II 4 I Ss, 08 15-U 0814 CS 8000 Union I'ao 1st 4s.,,, O'jji l)0U till tiUUM uw v --as (H41I fTal 23000 Un Rwya a ( 4s,,..., 40 80OO Va Car Chm 1st Ca., 00 U SOOO West Md 1st 4s , Tilil 1000 "West Shore rw 4s.,.. ODH 10000 West Union 4(4s....f 07H 7000 do Ba "lOlK 1 71 3 in 304 nnI 03 '4 03S DOS 111254 004 .....ir -n "-r. "-ii u- It Ui. lUIm ii.'. oss " 101 mofi 1111 v4 kH m 7$ i m 11kL Tnil qtiiz ... 814 8l( 8IH ... (1014 UU-i 09K ,., 8K 88K 88S ... 88H 884 -1-. ...103 1U4I 1011 11 TX U'Ti !- 7BV4 70 102(4 102(4 103(4 103(4 8l(X 81(1 02 62 1028 1021 1(17 lllll! 04( So 78 OOU 07(1 101K 1141) aoj riir 78 en1 9W 101 ttLL -. litwBB BfitJS - -Tajiife, w yiwst QuJot fa Liverpool POOI Nov. IT Wheat u ejulet wllto Ha. 1 KortJwB Duluth au4 j tanj TVttiltr quoted at i& 104, 3 tt&- 1 siammm Maawana. lit DIVIDENDS DECLARED Unda Air Products Company, usual quarterly cj 2 per cent on common and 1(4 par cent on preferred. The common 1 parable December 30 and the preferred January ?. Holder or refwrd Pecember 20 in each Instance are en titled to tba dividend. lladdlnctoa TltU end" Trust Company recular semiannual ef 3 per cent, psjrabla December 1 to stock ot record November 28. Central Electric, recular quarterly of 3 car cant, payable January IS to atock of record De cember 18. wrtrl. Am Can (ViH Am uaf a Fdy, 71H Am Cotton Oil ft! Am IIWo ft leather..... 10 Am llldn ft I, pf 71 Am Ice Sccutltici 28! Am Mnwcil.,,,, 23 Am fromotlro mi( Am LoeomotlTa Pf I07K 107W 107H 107H Am Smelt tc Iter 118U 121 118,,110H Am Smelt A It pf HG). 110!, HOW 1105 Am Smelt pf 11 00J, 11051 00H WH Am Piuir Itcflnlng 118M 119 118 118 Am Rtn-I roundrloj Ofl)( 09J COW CO Am Tel A. Tol 133J1 133 1331, 133W Am Woolen ttf MM C3JJ MM Am Woolen pf 07H 08 03 OS Am Wrlllns ! pf 02M MM 02 M Am Zinc L& 8m COM COM COW COM AmZI, AHpf Kl 81 82M 8211 Anacomli Cop M 101W 103!f 10IU I02M Alcli Top Sf I01H 105 101M 103 All nun ft w 1 12J3 120 Dim Ixko Vlc3 K,!i' 80 Halt & Ohio 80i 7fol ...055 ...MO ...81 ... G0 Halt & Ohio pf Ilcthleliem Steel... . Iletlililu'in Steel f. Ilrooklyn Itap Tr... llutto fc Superior... Ilulterick Co Cil Petroleum pf CI Central Leather..... Chandler Motor..,., Cties A; Ohio Chlcaso Ciieat We3t. Chi (ireat West pf. . Chi Mil & St I' Chi &. Northwestern Col 031 & i:icc Chi It 1 & I'ac .13 Chllo Copper 28M Chlno Copper (0M Col Fuel & Iron mii Coin 1'roducts itcf 23M Corn Prod ICcf (if 102W SOJf 7ftM GSO 17(1 81M 08V, UUi CI .113M 118 .100 100 . 07 C8W . MM MM , 43 41 03 03M 123U 12 1W 80M 88 R3M 8CM 75M 7CM 055 080 174 174 HIM 84M 07M 08 2IM 21t CI CI 11 1U 11 IM ioo ion (7H 07)1 ll( MM 421 43 01M lM 120M 12M4 127M 12KM 41M 41M 41M MM 3IM 33Jt 71 oojf 21 13 32'f 71 00 23 005, .12.1 . 71U . 08K . 4351 . 24 iiuJX Crucible Steel Crucllilo Htecl pf Cuba C'ano Kuiar. .... Cuba Calm bunar pf , , Distill Sec Corp'u Domo Mines l.'rle Krlo 1st pf filjf Oaston W & W 43M (leneral l.lectrlc Goodrich II K Oranby Consol Great Northern pf. .. G N cfs for oro prop Ortene-Canaiiea Gulf Stales Steel.... flult Stales Steel 1st pf.103 GUlf States btetl 2d pf..lK() 325i an 70 C7M 23 10-lH 10254 101U 02i )Wl 02 123W 12351 12,'iM 72!J 7154 03M 43 2iif MU r,H( 1IM Illinois Central.... lust) Con Cop Inl HarvN J lilt Paper lot Paper pf Int Nick T t rfj. . Int M M col dp.. Int M M pf c of dp. 08M 43M 21M 0 52 45 ..1K1W lho'f 182 .. 0051 7051 0054 ..100W 10-151 10151 10151 ..11854" 11854 118 US .. 41M 4054 4IM 45, .. M MM CL MM 1S.I 183 177 177 10SM 107 10554 185 180 180 034 435 i 21M 3115 i C1M 1IM 183 OM ,..10534 105M 105J4 105M .. 70!i 725, iH'i ,2 ..117 117! 1171! 117)1 ,. 0DM 70)4 OOM 70 ..10554- I05M 105 105 .. C051 40M 4SM 4851 ,. 40JI 4S54 47M 4754 .120 12151 11031 11051 Kan City Southern 2(1 20) Kelly Hprlni; Tiro 7754 78 Kennerott Copper C7J, 01J4 Uv Itubber Tiro 3054 41 Lack Steel Co 101 J,' 107 LrhlBh Valley 8231 Mackay Cos pf CO Maxwell Motors 77 Maxwell Motors 1st pf. . 82M .Maxwell Motors 2d pf.. 51 Mcx Petroleum 100 Miami Copper 4054 Minn & St I, new ,'l2Jf Missouri Paclllc 10 Missouri Pac tr cM 10 Mo Kan & Texas 754 Montana Power OSJJ Nat i:nam & H Co 31)1 Nat I.tad Co COM 82M CO 77 8251 CI 11154 47 :iiM 1054 10M 754 0SJ4 :mm 0034 30J1 ISO 107 17 31M CS 7M 2751 W C7 UM 4334 110 801 80 5854 3(1 10834 40)1 01 211)4 20H V7M 7751 5354 01 3051 4031 10154 10 IM 8254 8254 00 CO 75M 70 8251 8231 COM COM 110 11134 40)4 47 315 31M 10 j()54 10 10)4 7J4 754 03J4 0854 34M 3IM 0014 d'J.'i 20't 3051 178f 171) 107 107 17 17 atl'f 31 G7.'X 5751 111 111 751 751 2051 27M OS34 08J4 5051 57 4351 4334 4254 43 Nov Con Cop ill! New ork Air llrako. ...177 New York Central 10734 Now York Docki JO N Y O A. West 2051 N Y N II &II 5354' Northern Pacific Ill Ontario Oliver Min 754 PacllieMall 20 Pan-Am Pet & T pf 08)1 Peiin Itallroad C0J1 I'lilladelphla Co 41)1 Pitts Coal c of dp 42)1 Pitts Coal pf cof dp.. ..100 Pitts C C & St L 81 Pressed Steel Car 81 llv bteel Sprints C051 Hay Con Coppor .'UM Iteadlnc 10851 Headli:L'2d pf 10)4 liopubllc Iron & S 8031 i Republic I & H pf 1,0 Seaboard Air Lino 1034 10 Seaboard Air Lino Pf.... 33 38 Shut Ariz Cop 3354 35 Sloss-Shef S & 1 01 03 Southern Pacific 0034 100 Southern Ity pf 07)1 07)4 wtudcuakcr Co 120)1 127 btudebaker Co pf... Tcnn Copper........ Texas Co, ,,, Texas Pacific... ?.... Tobacco Products... Union Hay & Paper. Union Has & P new United Cigar Stores. Union Pacific U S 0 I P &F USD I P&lfpf.. U 3 Ind Alcohol 138)1 140 United Itys Inr 10 151 United llys Inv pf 28 27M U b" Itubber U S Itubber 1st pf., USSm It 1M U 8 Steel Corp'u... U 8 Steel Corp'u pf Utan Copper........ Utah Securities 1851 Va-Caro C'bem.,.., 45! i 40 Va Iron Coal & 0 0434 00)4 Wabash 15 15 Wabash pf A 65 67 Wabash pf 11 20)1 20M Western Union Tel 10131 102)1 102 West IS & M 0551 00 05M Western Maryland 2551 20 20 WLita Motor ,. MM MM MM Willys Overland 385X 30 3834 WUconsln Central 6034 61 61 WoolKorlb K W 13SJ1 133M 133) 138J4 uuoiea ex mviaena. I00M 110 8151 85M 81 85 5734 68 3154 35 .OS 10S 40M 40)1 88 U051 11051 110(1 11051 1554 10 37 33 3J34 35 U! OJ OOM 100 07)4 07)4 120)1 127 .112 U1M 11154 HIM .. 23W 2351 23M 23)1 ..228M233 22751 231W .. 18)4 18)4 18 18)4 .. 62M 63 63 63 .. 111 14J4 MM MM ..111)4 117 115 117 .. 00 03)1 OOM 00)1 ..148)4 11851 14751 11731 .. 2034 27M 20)1 2734 07 07 07 07 137 137 14 14)4 27 27M COM 01 0051 C2M 112M 113 112)1 11251 77)1 7851 7731 78)1 12354 -125J4 122J4 125 ,121)4 121 121 121 11034 123)1 11051 123 1834 40 (.7 15 65M 20)1 40 CO 15 67 20J4 102)1 05,, 20 M5X 3b! 61 LONDON STOCK MARKET Trading la Quiet; Americans Firmer Are UW i5r K i JMjs aG JfiJfiSsSs OTilfe . iNafrWiwr wftHava, mJMmsMBBsM3smSsWsB8m t. LONDQN, Nov, 17, Trodlng- In securN tlea on the Stock Kxchango was quiet to day but the undertone of the markets gen erally was firm. The gilt-edged section was Irregular, but the feeling was plieerful, Light support was given to home rails. London under grounds were strong. Allied bonds were hard. Russians were better on nn Improvement In the position of the exchange. TRANSIT COMPANY TO DEFINE ATTITUDE Continued from Fare One. tho company against diversion of trafflo as a result of the operation of the clty butlt lines it be rna.de clear that tba pres ent net income and not 'a possible greater future tret income b used aa a basis for making estimates. The Director of the Department of City Transit or tho Engineer of that department should have supervision over the cost of the equipment as well as the design, according to Mr. Seasley, In order to prevent the company from investing an unnecessary sum, which must be deducted before the city can realize any profit from the lines. Mayor Smith declined today to comment upon any phase of the transit question un- Mier we mtatlag, Wfcift asked, whether Mm m tWsMwas Jk wa iw?n BUYING ORDERS SEND curbissues UPWARD Midvale Steel and Copper Stocks Make Good Gains Several High Records NBW TOHK, Nov. 17. Trading on tho IJro.id Street Curb today was on presum nbly n now high record scute. Buying orders camo In Unusually largo nmounrs, nnd many of tho Important Issues sold nt advances. Mldvalo Steel In the early nfternoon showed nn ndvanco of 3 points to 73, white tho copper stocks wero In brisk demand, with Magma moving up 9 points to 18Vi and many other Is'.iuc.i recording gains ranging from 1 to 3 points. St. Joseph Lend nnd Darwin Sliver both mndn new high records, nnd IIowo Sound, which has been strong for several days, mndo a further ndvanco of 1 point to the now high record of 3V4. In tho oil stocks strong conditions ntso prevailed. Standard Oil of Now Jcrsoy roso from C8S to G55, Standard Oil of Cali fornia rouo from 3CS to 380 nnd Standard Ool of Now York advanced from 27G to 28C. Tho Independent oil stocks also demanded attention Metropolitan Petroleum, which sold yesterday nt 7, advanced to 13 on ro ports of n now consolidation with nn nggro gato output of 20,000,000 barrels a year. Dnrnctt Oil nnd Can wan In good 'demand around 4 and Wyoming Petroleum sold nt a new high record of 2$i. Itock Inland's new stock sold nt 38 nnd .18 i, tho 7 per cent, preferred nt 88 and the 8 per cent preferred at G914 and 70. Cramp Shipbuilding, In tho first half of tho day, sold nt 95 nnd 90. North Ameri can Pulp rose from IB '4 to 1BT. CnrtlBH Aeroplnne ndvnnccd from 2S to 20. Tho motor stocks wero quiet nnd with out Importnnt chnnga. INDUSTnlALB Bl.l Askcil Aetna I'tflflKlvoa ni 10 Amirlrnn-llrlllsh JIfK 18.. 20.. AiniTlciui Mnrcnnl 3vl 3vi Cnnmllnn Car Co 411 Ml Can Cnr & IMy pfd 70 Ml I'urtlnn Aroplnno . . . .1 i'R .10 I'merson l'lionoarnph 1-54 l-7k Ilnnkoll A llttrkcr Cnr .....43 II Hi-mi. .Mf 23 811 Kntlioillnn llrnnze pfil II, 11 l.nurrl Oil A Ui i Mnilm Munitions (IS nU Miinlmttiin Transit .' Midi n In HIpoI 721 7.1 litis t:ielnlnr IT,, nil I'corloni .Mulorn 88V4 8354 I'onl" Krialnn Inn 11''.. H H Krrsxn w I 181 1351 Hlnmlitnl Malora 74 .. MnI'Mi.irln- 40 4nJ4 Trliumln rilm 8 8JI nltiMl Tltnlnrs 081 Ol'j Vnltdl rrnllt Hlinrlna- 1 IS linllicl Htnti-s l.litht and ltent com. s 8(i tin nr''r'rreil 4 r Worhl I'lliii 1 154 MISCm.UANCOUS Itork lnlnml rnmmon n'4 3d In llrst nrrfprrpil H7ft H1)4 do sceontl prelcrrcil Itul 70 8TANDAIID OIL STOCKS Illinois Sin 82.1 (into .'inn lls.-i l'rulrln I'lpn 33.1 31.1 Htnnd.ini nil or California 3711 373 Siiiinliiril oil or New Jrrsny tisil mill Hlumliiril Oil or New York 8H0 88 OTIinil OIL, STOCKS CflKilon Oil 13J1 Condon & Co 174 liilrr I'ctrol 11(4 Houston 1)11 Ill .11 1, In cut lUf 74 Kavulou Iter . . r. ll'.i MININQ STOCKS Atlnnta lluttii Copprr ft 'Anc. lluttn Now York i Vrro do l'usco l'lrst National riorewo (lotdllcld .... lloldlli'ld Merxor Ih)(.la Mlnlnir Howu Muuml Jim lluilcr Jnmlio Extension McKlnlcy.D.irraKlf .... MiiKina Copper Mini's Co of Amorlca Nltdsslnir Mini's Co ... Han Toy Ht Joseph Lend Went Cnd Colisolldatfti Whtto Oaks 8 4l2 4, 811 .'. HJ4 llf 11,1 8.1. Ill) OS II 17 81V 78 4 Orro do Pasco lis Mldvalo Steel OS .. HuBHlan (14 s U K (Mb .l-ycar . U K rj4a 5-cur . ..181 . . usH ..liiuH . . ODW .. 08 lll'i 711 11W ln., lW 84 41? r, 311 ii n(4 100 .111 u- 111 7 t 125 IflllS 1H1U iV4 IMlti U8 MANY EXTRA DIVIDENDS NEW VOniC, Nov. 17. -Tho directors of tho General Chemical Company have de clared nn cxtia dividend of 5 per cent nnd u iipcclnl dividend of 1C per cent on tho common stock, paynblo February 1 to hold cru of record December 30. A dividend of 2 per cent will nlso bo paid March 1 to common HtockhoUlcrs of record February 21. This 1h an Incrcnso of one-half of 1 per cent over tho last quarterly disbursement. Tho rcBUlar quarterly dividend of 1 por cent on tho preferred block niao was de clared, payablo January 2 to holders of record llercmber IS. Iloldera of common Htock as of record December 30 wero voted tho privllcKo of HiibscrlblnB for new com mon stock In nmounts equivalent to 20 per cent of their present holdings. New com mon stock will bo Issued to cover the re quirements of this privilege Tho Clicscbrnugh Manufacturing Com pany has declared the regular quarterly dividend of 13 a sharo and nn extra divi dend of fifty cents n share, payable Do combor 20 to tho holders of record at 4 p. m., November 29. I10STON, Nov. 17. Directors of Cali fornia & llccla have declared quarterly dividend No. 170 of J25 per share, payable December 20, to stock of record December 2. Tho previous dividend was $20. nEDFOrtD, Mass., Nov. 17. The Holmes Manufacturing Company has declared an extra dividend of (10 a share on tho com mon stock In addition to tho regular quar terly dividends of 13 a sharo on the common nnd of 1 2 a share on the preferred stock, LONDON, Nov. 17. The FIno Cotton Spinners' Association has declared a four per cent Interim dividend on tho ordinary shares, against three per cent for each of tho last eight years, CLCVELAND, Nov. 17. The Standard Oil Company of Ohio tins declared a quar terly dividend of 13 and an extra dividend of ?1, both payable January 1. Hooks close from December 1 to December 21. Inclu sive. Trev jus dividend was 13,76, de clared August 18, riTTSnimair. Nov. n. The Independ ent Urewlng Company declared the usual quarterly dividend of 14 per cent on the preferred stock and In addition declared V, of 1 per cent (25 cents) on the common stock, making the first payment on the com mon stock Blnce 1907. Tho preferred dividend Is payable November 29 to stock of record November 23 and the common December 15 to stock of record December 0. NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS NEW YORK. Nov. 17.--BUTTKH Recslpts, 7801 tubs. Active and somewhat excited, all Erades belnc absorbed on arrival, Kuril cream ery, 41c; htslier scoring, 31U to 32ci Stats dairy, 40c; Imitation creamery, 31H to 44c. E003 Receipts. 7071 cases. Fine fresh high and still advancing-. Medium quality, iuUt and Irreculars storaea hUhtr. Kxtras. 48 to 48c; extra firsts, 43 to 43c; firsts. 40 to 42c: white ecus, 63 to 72c; brown, 4s to 67c: mixed color, 39 to 48c. LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS 1.71 J9. 00; stockera and feeders. $3 B0&T.80: tiara, n.niis.ao. calies. tl0.50O12.5u SHEEP -IUcipts. 11,000 head. Market CHICAGO. Nov. 17. HOCIS Receipts. 35.000 bead. Market 5010a hlcher. Mixed and butch, ers, 10.80010 03-. good heavy. J9.75W1U.03; rough heavy. IU.33 010.6.1. light. t8.6UUU.u0; plus. ja.aoe8.TS; bulk. JU.lSiiD.SO. CATTLE i lUcilpts. BOOu head. Market steady, ueeves, . inuyi.vai cows aim ueur 13.7549.00; stockera anil I 'iezans. stronc, NtUe and western, t4.29O10.25t lambs. 18.40Qll.25. Sugar Futures Lower , NBV7 TORK, Nov. 17- Tho futures mar ket for sugar opened easy, 6 to 7 points lower with trading on the call quiet, first sales amounting to 650 tons, Conditions ln spot sugar appeared to be a trifle easier and this waa reflected ln the early trading on the exchange, where) local speculators and Wall street sold nearby months. BAR SILVER Bajr. tUmt wm mu. fe fMa at Sid iiia lit i i . an. ,..,. ,..,.1 ' Sales in Philadelphia Net Utah. Ixw. Clow. ehre. 10 Acmo T t o e eiVi JVi J4 25 do prcf . 9S 0H B X J ioo Am Milling 7W 7W IV -r n es Am ltys pf 07 Bl 97 H ioo Am Zlno .61 01 01 200 Am Can .. 67 67V4 1Y 1200 Anaconda .103 losvi 103 XIJ 100 Am Wool. 84i 04 84 40 Ilald Ico. KtM MM aW lJ 0 H & S t O. 67W 67H 67W W 55 dopf .... 00 60 60 H 100 Cub Am B. 72 72 73 .-.- 1010 Chllo Cop. 3"4 30 31 tt 000 Corn l'rod, 24 23 83 W 85 C Tr N J 744 7H 7H H 127 Catawlssa 2d prcf 33 BS 53 H 310 nice Stor, 71 704 70 410 Krlo ..... 37 30 37 360 Insplr Cop 71 11 71 W 60 InaCoN A 27 27 27 80 Int M M .471i 47 47 06 y Sec 20 20 29 1 150 Key Tel... 14 14 14 S330 Ifonno Cop 61 83 00 2 10770 Ij Hup Cor 20 2 28 240 l.eh Nav.. 80 80 80 1 143 Loll Volley 83 82 83 2 50 Mex I'ct ..111 111 111 2 8205 Nov Cons. 30 29 30 1 100 North Cent 80 80 80 203 l'enna It It 57 60 57 100 I'CC & Htt- 80 80 80 2 100 IMttsbgh C 43 43 43 100 dopf to. .100 100 100 101 Plllla Co cum pf. 12 41 42 4442 Phlla nice. 20 28 20 6007 V II T t O 20 25 25 Vt 10 I'hlla Trnc 70 70 79 100 IT Stl Car 80 80 80 2 2080 Ilay Cons. 30 84 SO 1 800 Ton Del. 42 Ton Mln.. 280 Un Trao . . HO U S Hub. 202 U a I ... 7243 U S Steel.. 010 W Cramp. 4 0-10 0 40 01 01 124 03 I.O-T. 00 100 104 102 62 57 4 0 47 03 02 125 05 IIONIIS lllxh. $4100 A G&nt 5s D0 2000 Am llys Ch.ioo 0000 llald Iaico 1st Cs ..101 2000 City 1938 rcg ....102 800 i:iec & Poo Tr 4h .. 83 2000 Int llys 4s 67 oooo Lk Sup I nc Gs 40 1000 I,oh Vcons 4W reg 1923 ...101 do cons 44h '03.100 100 do cons Ca rcg 110 110 1000 ra Co cons 4V4b ...100 8000 Phlla Co cons Cs. 01 BOOO do 1st Cs,101 21300 Ph Klec 4n 02 1000 P II & W 4s 1943. 00 1000 llcnd gn Is 08 loooo Vn llwy Inv Ca.. 70 4 0 47 63 3 01 125 03 Close. 00 ioo 104 102 82 87 1 1 Net chiie. 1 11000 4000 40 40 1 101 101 100 -f 110 100 01 01 101 101 80 02 0 100 00 03 70 00 03 70 Financial Briefs Tmll W. Wagner, one ot 13. W. Wagner & Co. of Chicago, and Ucnjamln Block, of Flnley Unrrcll & Co., of New York, havo been elected mombcra of tho New York Cotton Kxchnnge. At a special meeting of tho board of representatives of the New York Curb Mar ket Association this morning tho 30,000 common shar s of tho Mnnhattan Klectrlcal Supply Company, Inc., par value SI, wcro formally listed, nnd tho 15,000 first pre ferred stock of tho company, par vnluo S100, was listed nnd ndmlttcd. Trading In tho latter will bo flat. Tho Now York Stock Dxchango hns nd mlttcd to dealings Consolidated Gas, Klec trlvT'lR"ht nnd Power Company of Dnltlmoro temporary & per cent convertible notes duo 1921. FOREIGN EXCHANGE NEW YOniC, Nov. 17. Tho foreign ex change market showed a continuation of in activity In tho early dealings today. Quotations: Demand sterling 4.75 11-10, cables 4.7G 7-10, sixty-day bills 4.71 i. ninety-day bills 4.09H; franc cables 6.83H. checks 6.84i: relchsmarks cables 09 7-10. checks C9H ; llro cables 6.70U. checks 6.71; Swiss cables 5.19, checks 5.20; Vienna cables 11.86, checks 11.85; kroner Scan dinavian cables 28.40. checks 28.32 ; pesetas cables 20.40, checks 20.35 ; guilder cables 40 Plus 1-10, checks 40 less 1-1C; rublo cables 30.75, checks 30.G5. RATES FOR MONEY New Tork ., Philadelphia . Iloston Chtcairo Commercial paper, i U'ai delphla, 3W I Cnll .... 2 ff3Vi ,'.... 4 O .... a; O 3!, 04 three to six months. Phlla per cent. Time 2 BI 4 t BANK CLEARINGS Hank clearlncs today compared spondlna day last two years: nun nun rhlladelpnla New York.. Iloston 60.707.7711 3'.. 705.344 Chicago .... 81,350,511 55,102,1108 $.17. SDH, 431 131,0.13.(1.17 122.043,763 uii,iiui,iiiii o. i,i,n,,ii)o with cqrre- 1014 ,043. 15,003,383 48,418,723 B.A. A PUBLIC SERVICE SECURITIES Ph&i"ic Service Securities are a lien on the success of communities C Municipal Service Co. 5 Collat ersl Trust Sinking Fund Gold Bonds. CI, These bonds are amply secured by deposit of first mtt'. bonds to an amount greater tban outstanding Municipal Service bonds and a very considerable equity in. the stocks of the several subsidiaries. CL The companies' properties are locat ed in Penna., Virginia (two), Ohio, So. Carolina, Georgia, which insures the stability or earnings, which are largely in excess of required chaVges. C, Tax refund in Penna. FREE from normal Federal income tax, BeJten Ayliig & bng Lejvd Title Bldg. PhUarJclphirx Tnx Exempt in Pennsylvania Frea of Normal Federal Income Tax West Penn Power Co. First Mortgage Gold 5s Duo March I, 1946 Net earnings of tba company for the current year aro equal to thru times Interest requirements. A. B. Leach 8c Co. 115 South Fourth Street Baltimore New York Boston Chlcaso London. Bus. DIKKOTOIiY OP aCCOWtTAHTil pyir IIIIXI II il 4MJJ u .'ia.-?f'5- Ji LAKE SUPERIOR STOCK ADVANCES IN TRADING ON LOCAL EXCHAHGi Philadelphia Rapid Transit Trust Certificates DdclinJ Railway Sells Equipment Trusts In the trading on tho Philadelphia Stock Exchange today Lnko Superior Corporation Rtock wna afraln tho moat actlvo. At ono tlmo during the morning tho price was up moro than ft point, na compared with the final figure of yesterday, but some of this gain was lost before midday on profit taking transactions. Philadelphia Itnpld Transit trust cer tificates were the next most active of tho local Issues. Tho nctlvlty was at tho ex pense of tho prlco. During tho first hour tho quotntlon wns a fraction moro than n point lower, but somo of this was recovered. In view of the good ndvanco which has occurred, tho Street was not surprised thnt tho prlco waa lower, as a largo part of tho Bales today werti attributed to prollt-taklng. Union Traction was also lower. In the afternoon the report !,... M cuiation in tne street that there" W36i n hitch In the negotiations &.llSll company una mo City. It was ..ii this was In the Phlladelnhla n..i?l? Company doing Its financing tilAa support of the Union Traction ? 3 Taking tho market as a wholt i Ttj luiiijr muu turn compared verr fa.v7 mill .mm .I,.. rm.- --. ' 'a-TOTalA, were In tho mnjorlty of IneUnceS89? to fractions. nce eo Tho Street waa Interested In o,. . -J thnt the Southern Ilallway ComainJ?! -Id 15.100.000 4 M per eenriL trusts to urexei A twenty 1225,000 resold. o Drexel A Co. They rniiSrS equal semiannual nstm! each. Most of lhS "V?""? f "' MAY COTTON SELLS AT NEW HIGH RECORD Advance Comes Soon After Opening Declines Aro Re corded in Lator Trading COTTON niXT tVEATnETt CONDITIONS KHV YORK, . Nor. 17. Clear ft alher prevailed throughout the cotton belt this mornlnr. . . The following temnernlnres were. rord- edl Asherllle, 2ti Italelsti. 2S Ansuata, 30i Knoivllle unil MrrldUn. szi .MonisomeiTi Kort Mmlth, Del . Itlo, Ullmlmton and Thamnstllle. 3ti Abilene, Oklnhoma, "Irm Inshsm and Atlanta. 30i Utile Hotk nnd t'lmltiinoona. 3S Mhreteport, Han Antonio, Mobile, Kanhtllle nnd t'linrleston, 40i lrk liur. Mrmnhls and rensnrola. 42 jw Orleans and Cornus Chrlstl, 41) Tampa, 401 (Inlreston, 4B. NEW TOniC, Nov. 17. Heavy buying orders soon nftcr tho opening of tho cotton exchnnge rushed Slay contracts to tho now high record prlco of 21 cents today. Thcro appeared ,to bo n big demand for tho spot artlclo throughout tho South. At tho opening tho market was barely Bteady nnd 7 to 21 points higher. Heavy realizing of a general character, Including houses with Now Orleans nnd Liverpool connections, prevented tho list from making n full response to the strong market ln Liverpool. Private cables from Liverpool said that spinners wcro free buyers of futures there, nnd enrly spot news today hero was to tho effect that cotton was In good demand all over tho belt After tho early ndvanco to 21 cents for May tho market rcactrd several points under heavy general realizing. Houses with Liverpool connections wcro good buy ers, however while bull support was ag grcBslvo and offerings wero well absorbed, Ilcaatlonary sentiment was considerably ln ovldenco later, being promoted not only by tho extent nnd rapidity of recent ad vances, but by talk of n smaller trndo de mand and a feeling that tho price of futures wns overtaking spots, Tho market wan nervous and Irregular Into In tho morning, but heavy offering wcro absorbed un reactions ot 15 or 18 points. It held steady over tho noon hour. Southern spot ndvlccs wcro rather moro conflicting, nnd varying opinions na to the character of tho buying also seemed to un settlo sentiment, nnd prompted evening up for over the week-end nnd for tho census report on Tuesday. Open. Utah. Ixiw. 211.1111 2U.I10 20.10 20.0'.' 20.02 20.23 20.05 20.H2 20.2.1 211.84 21.1111 2II.R0 211.82 21.00 20.47 IB. till io.no IS. 52 December January. , March... May , July October.. Spotv. Close yea. ... 20.37 . .. 2(1.42 ... 2H.HS . .. 20.73 ... 20.72 Close. 20.17 20.23 20.411 20.113 20. US lH.r,2 20.20 Liverpool Cotton LIVERPOOL, Nov. 17. A fair business wan dono In spot cotton today nnd prlcos wero 17 points higher, on tho basis of 12.03d for mid-upland The sales aggregated 8000 bales, Including 6000 bnles American, The Imports wero 0000 bales, American none. The market for futures closed firm at a net advance of 13027 points. Tax Frea ln l'enna. Free ot Income Tax $150,000 PHILADELPHIA School District 4s Due October, 1012 Due October. 1013 Due October, 1014 Legality Approved By John G. Johnson, Esq. Legal Investment for Trust Funds Martin & Co. 1411 Walnut Street Philadelphia LOCAL MINING STOCKS TONOPAII BTOCKB Jim Tlutler .? MscNamara .'"'''"" '"'"" 'H Mldtray SS 4l Mi.pah En ::::::::::::::::: ? si AWi'a.Ri". li Ton Kit H JV'i nescueKuV:: ::: hi west end ,fj OOLDPTELD nTOCKfl sWrTai-::::::::: : :! niamondneld D D .......I: '6s Daisy ..." !? Klnrenra ...,": '21 ooidneM con ..""..I"":.:; noldneld Mers ! . . . . . , . . . . . ' '.' 'a jumbo rat ..;;.;..:.. . ?? Kewanaa :'. 'A sand Ken ........::;.:;.!.: oJ Silver l'lck 1 iSS MISCELLANEOUS Nev wonder'.;;;::;;:;'.:::::; vjs ,- Tecopa Min ::.:::;;: .11 1hI NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NEW TORK, Nov. 17 The rairk.t tZI cofteo futures opened steady this mornlM! 2 to 8 points higher. Trading on tht caff was quiet, saies amounting to 2719 btu,5 TM.'. ...... ooenfnr. "."?! November Losai 1 pecember 8.J0O8.12 OlSf'Sl January 8.10 8.lj5t lil Kebruary tj vl April B.14S May B.4308.4J siltl June S.IIOlKl July n. uses, no a.sieiil! Heptember 8.00QRi74 MoAiitl October 8.7808.75 I.esSlttJ November Bond List Our current general list in eludes offerings adapted to the various requirements of institutions, trustees and indt j viduals. Issues Yielding U. S. Gorernment - 2.00 to i Municipal - 3.80 to 423 Railroad - - 426 a W Public Utility - 4.90 to iU Foreign Government 5.00 to 6,(5 Send for Circular PE-63 The National Citjf Company 1421 Chestnut St, PhiladelpnU New Tork Htteburah Destoa TAX FREE IN PENNA. HARW00D ELECTRIC COMPANY Itt & Refdg. 6't, 1942 Price to yield 5.65 r.TELLOn & PETRY Sfembers N. Y, i. Phlla. Htock Exehanies 838 COSIMEltCIAI, TRUST IIUIUHNQ Mortgage Bonds Providing x Liberal Returns The investor who take tho trouble to investigate securi ties can always discover somo good mortgage bonds yield ing returns that apparently are too high to be truly con servative. We invite requests for our Letter No. 2541. that de scribes three bonds of this kind, and explains why such well-secured obligations can be purchased at compara tively low prices. William P. Bonbright & Co., Isf MORRIS WISTAR STROUD, J Uanaier 437 Chestnut St., PhiladelpWa New Tork Bastaa JWrt London raits William P. nonbrlaht Co. BonbrUM C. Earnings & Dividends OF The Barnett Oil & Gas Company Irvine 500 bbls. daily at $2.05 $374,125 annually WeV Virginia 65 bbls. daily at $2.60 61,685 " Gasoline! at $500 per month 6,000 Total present gross earnbiga , $441,810 Coat, including operating and office expenses and 4 interest on outstanding indebtedness .,,,.....,. 37,200 Total net earnings $404,610 23 paid in dividends since -April 1st, 1916 ( The present earnings are equal to 66 2-3 on the Company 600.00Q shares outstanding, or more than 20 on the present market price of the issue. , The stock is actively traded in on the N. Y. Curb. This new property should make it worth at least $6.00 per share sola y terday at 4. Watch today's market No better opportunity for an advantageous investment can occur even in this record-making period. Write 'Phone Call tor full particular E. H. CLARKE Investment Securities Morton R. Alexander (Resident Partner) Phono 1149 Spruca ': i .Stock Esciwnge B!dg f WkddpMit, Ps , MJW3 M kiwi ww mwwimi s sw w&- jumiarv t ,ui(. sir xnsrmiir raiiiiBfl W-WA 1 - " ' -fa -"- 3P l--f "- ,v I H yr 'Ws. 'zzzFir ' sI3r: iV,yMMBeiifflHMf tlWF-'a4PlgirAr 7VJ73 Ill II I'llMiliillllliiiilMBMMli Nit: