Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 17, 1916, Night Extra, Image 15

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Wany Debutante Affairs Are on the Tapis This
vvuuiv w ..w.vu x,Av,.iiiaLurs j.nter.ain
Tonight Big Charity Affair at Horti
cultural Hall
f TJACK once moro In the renlm of tho nnd Mrs. Wlm n. Verner,
en .k..(in(A. nre we not7 For
- WU -" . . .
FWtdneMy tit t""1 weeK ,K''ln t'ox wan ,n"
.Sliced t n tea by her parents; yester.
1 tt Katharlno Tyson nnd Pauline Denckla
sZttt presented nt a tea nt tho Acorn
K , -- t.,.1 nvnntnc tho Lewis Itrln-
KCIUB. " "": ... .., ...... .
ton icftvo n unnco, nm-u "-. .-... ..
i.. t tho llellevue-Stratfortl. Besides
' ill the debuts, thero wnn nlso tho opera
X. . . Li.t A-ttnv- Antihtimt cave for
tarty wm "- - -
17. i5, niece. Frances helper and Mary
jUhurst. and tho theater pnrty which
E it. n.n.crB V. Packards rhvo for Mary
P " -.a -i..l.,..t Ur 4' rut tin a It
arid EluaMiii l-uti""". ". J-- "--.
" - -- hhiI Minn sank..
.. nmn uusy uny. "- --mi-.
?. and Lieutenant Wnlla-Wnlla-Wnlla-
atftlter, lieutenant Thomas and lieu
tenant MttXWCU, 01 me imvj J". k"
L o&nco for Emlllo Owens on board the
istaltleshlp Michigan.
oaaVIne of tho opera party Doctor
B JUhhunt gave. It seems to mo that thoso
- .mall nieces of his are having a
Pislindlferous time; they aro both Bmall.
I and Mary li very fnlr nnd Frances only
.agree darker. They ko ovorywnero
together and seem to enjoy thlnKs thor
,.rilv. Ixst nlKht the other Klrls In the
I party wcro Mary helper, who is Fran
I ees'i elder sister; .Mnrio Louise Fnrlcs
t -mt hols Jackson, and tho men were
ft judhurst and Edwards helper, Sam Wag.
er, Jr., -v.. -
The Brlnlon dance was u liuse success.
Lit WW hold III mo lieiiuvuu-oiiuiiuiu, uiiii
several of the debs received with Eliza
beih In tho early part of tho evening;
they were Allco and Meta .Tunney, Ethol
KevDold and Nancy Wynne- Cook, Then
from tho second and third year girls who
received thero wcro Charlotte Brown,
Valentino Mitchell and Purali Penrose
Slliabeth woio a lovely frock of palo
nte-plnk faille silk. Tho snouts wcro
not only from tho debutante set; Indeed,
the soiree had unite tho aspect of a ball
nd lasted about as long, for many of us
Trent down from tho opera and danced
well into tho smalt hours.
Tonight tho Rutherford McAllisters, of
Chestnut Hill, will glvo a dance out nt
the Huntingdon Valley Country Club for
Elizabeth Trotter, who Is another debu
ttnte whoso good time Is nn assured thing.
Elizabeth has received at nearly overy
tea so far. She and Putty Borlo (who
hi not missed a trick In tho way of
being invited everywhere) nro on a par
with the popularity of Sarah and Marga
retta Myers last year. Only it was worse
for tho Myers, because tlioro was scarcely
a day when thero was not a tea, last
year having had to Its count nearly
10 buds, Thero nro a good ninny this
year, but the season so far has by no
Ht-ns come up to lost.
whose WarrlaRe to M
of Wayne,
Denial Iyrr,n,50 ,0 Mr C'winnlnit William
?'! ?' formerly of Hlohmond, Va., but now
Marl", t." i ,lo,!.moi". tux Place nt St.
dnv Vn.:Pl7eopa.l t-'hurrb, Wayne. Sntur
dai,.M..mHer. "' ftt ,c'o ""y
tM!n.r't las i1 without some en
Verni, 'V ,b!,n,c "u I" "oner of Ml,s
On iini rl1 "l1 week Promises the same
Ti?. lt$5y' Nov""ber SO. Mrs. Herbert
br?dV; f ."."' wl" K,vc luncheon and
et Club. gUcsls nl th0 5,"l0,, Crlck'
onIl,S?,?L ?".';" Mnry Cnl'le1l nordon
Uinchonn br',,cfmn,d' "! enterlaln at
lloTmn,y e:nlnf- Sll" Mary Convert of
or of MuL VH Kh0 n dhmer-danco in noti
on w i cI"cr "'"' Xlr "-'""I
par v at h,r,!'lr WIU "" wr ltUlal
nto t" n.nl Lr,,,K" "' h" homo
Rlio a dinner Thursda
y olenliitf for his best
Mr ami ir. i'i 7 ". '""ennoiise lintel.
mont"n2MX...,J?l-rt . V- "M- of Hose-
r.r"' fv'nfrt dlnncr-dance on Frl
na .v" "S . W h. ''. the bridal
""" uri- niiuitinnnl guests.
nn,)rn.a'? .?,r"' ri',0!, "ker
.,, ,rir IOvil Iiiiiisi. Ilil.
as they intend to stay nt Old Oak th.lr
haVewS p&e.""'" ,:M "
Yowm!"""" h',.1nlcu" draper, of New
and ln r 'i"ii ,h? Wl,k-1 will, Mr.
Mm. Stewart Wurts's Dancing Class
rill have its Inltlnl meeting this evening
t Aiher's. Tho committee in charge to-
fV aljht Includes William Flomlng, Stownrt
wurts, Jr., Owen Wlster, Jr., Dan
IBiche said Walter nobb, Jr. Several
dinners will bo given beforo tho meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. Churlton Ynrnall will enter
Uln for their daughter Sophie, tho
George Calvert Carters will give a din
ner for Virginia nnd tho Charles Prlco
Utules will entertnln for Adelaide Sou-
Tonight the much-tnlkcd-of dinner
dance and bazaar for tho benefit of St.
Vincent's Aid nnd Matornlty Hospital
trill be held in tho ballroom and lower
hill of Horticultural Hall. Mrs. Hobort
Lesley, who Is president of this associa
tion, tells mo that a largo number havo
lubscrlbed to Uiofyffalr, and a big at
tendance Is expected. At first It was
l? planned to havo a sort of cabaret enter-
", talnment during the dinner, but it was
decided that most guests enjoy doing the
dancing more than looking at others, so
' that feature will not be given. Quite a
few persons who will not be able to at
tend the dinner will go later In the eve
ning" for tho dance. Some etfqulslto arti
cles will be on sale, so "come early and
avoid the rush" say tho enterprising
omen on the board of managers.
?arni, at. Davids.
Mr. and Mrs. .Stanley o. Flagg. Jr are
place at Vlllnnnvn. litis winter.
VMVn "IHIT'i.. ""B'1"- f Huntington.
.,; iS l!:1"nK her daughter. Mrs. Bob
crt W. Daniel, .it Itosemont.
Mlsa Dorothy Potter, of Evergreen ave
nue, Chestnut Hill, lms gono to Atlnntlo
t.lty for a lirli-f stay.
Mr. and Mr. Ulchnrd Wain Melrs and
their debutanti- tlntjulilor. Miss Atmu Wal
ker Molrs, arc occupying their town houie,
liSI Walnut street, fur tho winter.
.Air. and Mr.. William It! Tucker of 12T,
School lluuso l,no. (Jcrin.uiloun. will
leavo shortly for Hot .Springs, Vit . to spend
several weeks.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Pero Wllmor. of .IO.M West
Coulter street, Clermantown. hao Miss
Margaret Coldsborotigh, of Baltimore, Mil.,
tenderly ; then e tiptoed out and delighted
tho naked Garcia baby by taklnff him In
her firms and hugging htm. ns thought
the beautiful senora's voice was Ilka tho
music of birds.
It was ftrowtng dark when Dave was
Rwakened by cool hands upon his face and
by soft lips upon bin. He opened hla eyes
to find Alalre bending over him.
"Vntt mtft -t tin" h .mllirf "tl I.
I nearly time to go, nnd Ines Is cooking our
He reached up and took her In hla arms.
Bho lay upon his breast, thrilling happily
with her nearness to lilm, and they re
mained so for a while, whispering now and
then, trying Ineffectually to voice the
thoughts that needed no expression,
"Why did you let mo sleep so long V he
naked her, reproachfully.
"Oh, l'vo been napping there In that
chair, whero 1 could keep one eye on y6u.
I'm terribly selfish; I can't bear to lose one
minute." After a while she said: "I've
made n discovery. Father O'Malley snores
dreadfully! Juanlto never heard anything
like It, nnd it frightened him nearly to
death. Ho says the Father must bo n very
flerco man to growl so loudly. Ho says, too,
,, .. ,. , , , . . CoMrlthl, Life Pub. Co.. rarroduced by speelal srrmennnt.
Whnt! le haven't Rot a mother nor father nor any rulntiona7 Gecl JInvcn't yo got no troubles n-tnll7"
CoNrloM. ltl. v Uarpir t llroOxre
1KW r , H
f'll.l'Ti:it XI. (Continued)
miUTH the Hlo Negro crossing." Dave
X nnnotineeil Then spying a little house
squatting a short distance back from tho
road, ho said: "We'd belter try yonder. If
they turn us down we'll bno to take to
tho brush "
O'Malley agreed. "Yes. and wo have no
tlmo to lose. That horseman Is going to
rouso the town. I'm afraid we're In for
I)ai nodded silently.
heaving tho beaten pnth. the tefugees
threaded their way through ractus and
sago to u gate, entering which they ap
pmached.thu straw-thatched Jacal they had
seen. A naked bov lmliy watched them
draw near, then scuttled for shelter, piping
an ilnrm. A man appeared from some
where, nt sight of whom tho priest rodo for
ward with a pleasant greeting. But tho fel
low was unfriendly. IIIh wife, too, emerged
from tho dwelling nnd Joined her husband
In warning Father O'Malley away.
"Let mo try," Alalre begged, and spurred
her horse up to tho group Slio smiled
down at the country people, saying: "Wo
have traveled a long way. and wo'ro tired
and hungry. Won't you give us something
to eat? We'll pay you well for your
Fholn by 1'hotu-CrafUra.
Mrs. 'Knight, beforo her mnrringo
last- week, was Miss Margaret
Davis, of Gcrmnntown
How would YOU liko to wake up
somo morning and find yourself
the only person alive in all itho
world ?
This is tho experience of Bea
trice Kendrick, a beautiful stenog
rapher, who awakens into
A mnstcrpicco of romance by
George Allan England
Don't fail to road this story, one
of tho most remarkable tales of
ndventuro and lovo which has yet
been written. It begins in
Queuing e&lsbi&riiger
' Mrs. John W Townhend. of Brvn llawr.
"Va, lias issued invitations for a tea to be
liven next Wednesday afternoon at her
' home In honor of her daughter, Mrs. Hunter
fcarlelt, who has lutply returned from
doing a wonderful work nmonir the wounded
r Mldlera abroad, where she was assistant
n her husband. Doctor Scarlett, in .the eye
; rd of the hospital at Paris for several
; Jaoptha.
ilr, and Mrs. Sydney Mason will enter
win at dinner tonlelit In hnnnr nf her
torn" Ulsa Evelyn Pago, daughter of Mrs.
, ? "r PaR before the meeting of
ra. Charles Stewart Wurts dancing class.
"r KUt will Include Miss Elltabeth
to"!1 wlM """sell Tucker, Miss Elolee
WMrlner, Mies Henrietta Wilson. Sir.
ttLv"! 9-t0T- Mr- Thomas Ncllson. Jlr.
IRrS ,3aey. Mr. John N. Hayes and
r. 8tephen McKean Downs.
IrS. John Pdmnnrfa nt 1tTrt.. . .....
ii ,01r,tp "treet. Oermantown, will enter
aor ,ufncJleon on Tuesday, December 5. In
. W ! luiHttrei 14H uue, miss
l2XXm5'"! anU Ml89 Km'yn Shipley, all
P,rtmtantea of the season.
1 .
rim i.... Mra- Charlea Price Maul, of
"StaiL !!t.enh0U"9 a,rt, will entertain at
'UMt B ft? evenl"a: I" honor of Mlsa Ade-
elm. t. uiiier guests will in-
rSSMS. T?l712SSf 8?.". "L8 Nancy
Ma W.Ph.nm.Mr- Jhn """"d tt"d Mr'
lef dinna'" whlch Mr, and Mrs. W.
KS lh Jf wl" elve at eir Overbrook
da.l . "" u novtmoir is, oerore me
rj-c to be held nt th. ir..i.n '-..I-!,..
Ib. !y"rfofd' for th heneflt of the Sun
'Mr .LDa,y '"rsery. the guests will be
5Wr? cT,b Wllllara KrU, Mr. and Mrs.
ahai" an4 Mr" and Mra Warren
f t iiL r" eI' midr way r a danc to
iUlhW f T""43 December IS. In the
tfcv ? otJht Oermantown Cricket Club
iaton iV1 ot w.oman visitors of the Ger-iSShT-
"'ltal Mrs. Charles Penrose
F 2Bb,r. cha"an' n amonjr the other
f'Akian is. u'ir ae juare. airs.
i u t VT i"' "" Alexander w. wu-
JaJ .,"". ueorge Cameron. Miss Edit
,Mi" ' cogan and Miss EUIe
SmSK- Several dinner rmrties -win nnuJ,
B. r
1.49- BMtti faaaaLef Vka IttHMitoiai
as their guest. They will go to Princeton
tomorrow to attend tho Yule-Princeton fool
ball game. j
Mrs. James Vogdes, of Edgewater Park,
and Miss Clara Woodward hnvo issued Invl.
tatlons for auction brldgo on Tuesday, De
cember 5, at 2:30 o'clock at tho Acorn
Club, 1018 Walnut street.
A series of dances will be given at the
Grey stone, 125 West .School House lane.
Oermantown, on the following dates: No
vember 17, December 16, December 29,
January 12 and January 26.
Mrs. Albert De Sanno, Jr., entertained at
luncheon yesterday at the Manufacturers'
Club, in honor of Miss Helen Harm.inn
Radley and her bridesmaids. Miss Iladley's
marrlaga to ilr. Kilwin Daniel Peck will
take place on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wllmer Albion Butler, of
Elkins Park, have taken a suite of rooms
at the Swarthmoro, Twenty-second nnd
Walnut streets, for the winter.
Miss Margaret Ia Hue, of Pelham road.
Oermantown, who made her debut last
week, will spend the week-end In Princeton,
attending the senior prom, on Friday nleht
and the Yale-Princeton game oA Saturday
Dr. Frederick W, Owsley, of Darrowsdale,
Washington lane, Itydal, returned this week
from Virginia, where lie has been spending
several uaya.
Mrs. George Knox McIIwaln, 233 South
Forty-nret street, will take a motor party
to Princeton tomorrow to attend the Yale
Princeton football game.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W, Peters, 329 Winona
avenue. Oermantown, havo announced the
engagement of their daughter. Miss Elsie
McKeen Peters, to Mr. Jules Dell, also of
The photograph of Mrs. Itobert Wetherill.
Jr., which appeared In yesterday's Hvenino
X,edo-r, was taken by the William Shewell
Bills Studio and not the Photo-Crafters, to
whom It was credited. The Kills Studio
took all the bridal ploturea of Mrs. Weth
erill, who was Miss Barbara Blspluun.
Mrs. Daniel Hebard. of Cheetnut Hill.
has gono to Knoxville, Tenn.. to visit
friends. She will return In a fortnight
KailM- fa- th
KDU4 ,n ptlaua
it all. each ootlcci
wfi- fall addxe
BftUtr pas will ba e.
u im aiibue aer.
a fatt
JUmg el
lea aotlctt noil b urltten a unm
t , mu vm ml
laaxriM. sua wwi
d amber tatul Xi
aw mutt iMl b uorv laaa
nii on aiirn rmiuicii.
Editor." Eiesliu t-t..tr. li
! thf miltwiwlt mn Mrrbd oat.
"ii If. in m?
The man demurred sullenly, nnd began a
refusal ; hut his wife, after a wondering
scrutiny, Interrupted him with a cry. Hush
ing forward, she took the edge of Alalro's
skirt In her hands and kissed It.
"Ood be praised I A miracle!" she ex
claimed. "Juan, don't you see? It is the
beautiful senora for whom we pray every
day of our lives. On your knees, shameless
one! It la she who delivered you from the
Juan stared unbelievingly, then hit face
changed ; his teeth (lashed In a smile, and,
sweoplng his hat from his head, ho, too,
approached Alalre.
"It is! Sonoru, I am Juan Gnrcla. whom
you saved, and this is Inez," he declared.
"Heaven bless you and forgive me."
"Now I know you," Alalre laughed, and
Bllpped down from her saddle. 'This Is
a happy meeting. So! You live here, nnd
that was little Juan who ran away as If we
were going to eat him. Well, we are hun
gry, but not hungry enough to devour
Turning to her companions she ex
plained tho circumstances of her first meet
ing with these good people, nnd as she
talked the Garclas broke In Joyfully, add
ing their own account of her goodness.
"We've fallen among friends," Alalre
told Dave and Father O'JIalley, 'They
will let us rest here, I am sure."
Husband and wife agreed In one voice.
In fact, they were overjoyed at an oppor
tunity of serving hen and little Juan. hl
suspicions partially allayed, Ismied from
hiding and waddled forward to take part la
the welcome.
Shamefacedly the elder Garcia explained
his Inhospitable reception of the travelers.
"We hear the Orlngos are coming to kill
us and take our farms. Everybody Is
badly frightened. We aro driving our
henla away nnd hiding what we can. Yes
terday nt the blr Obispo ranch our people
shot two Americans and burned some of
their houses. They Intend to kill all the
Americans they can find, so you'd belter
bo careful. Just now a fellow rode up
shouting that yeu were coming, but of
course I didn't know
"Yes, of course. yWe're trying to reach
the border." Father O'Malley told him.
"Will you hide us here until we can go
Juan courtesled respectfully to the priest
My house Is yours. Father."
"Can you take care of our horses, too,
and give us a place, to sleepf Dave asked,
Ills eyes were heavy; he had been almost
constantly In the saddle since leaving Jones
vllle, and now could barely keep himself
Trust me," the Mexican assured them,
coiidently. "If Bomebody comes I'll send
them away, Qh, I can lie with the best
of them."
The Gardlaa were not ordinary people,
and they lived In rather good circumstances
for country folk. There were three rooms
(o their little house, all of which were
reasonably clean. The. food that Ines set
before her guests, too, was excellent if
In the midst of the meaj Garcia, sen-ox
appeared In- the door with a warning-.
"Conceal yourselves' he said, quickly.
"Soma of our neighbors ara cnmlnir this
way" Inez led her guests Into the bed. I
cnamoer, w- wm w,m a. curt noor,
from the window of which they watched
Juan go to meet a group of horaeraea. Inea
went out too. and Joined (4 the parley.
Then, after time, the riders galloped
fTajj AUre, kfcvkMr )$$m HU Prr
out of sight, turned from the window sho
found that Dave had collapsed upon a
chair anil was sleeping, bis llmli.i relaxed,
his bod sagging.
"Poor follow, lie's dono up," Father
O'.Mnlloy pxi'lalmed
"Yfs, he hadn't nlept for days." she whis
pered. "Help me." Will, the assistance
of Doloros they succeeded in lifting D,vo
to tlie bed. but he half roused himself.
"I.ln ilnun. ilenr." Alalre told him "I'lose
jour -es for a. few minutes We ro s.ifo
"Somebody has to keep watch." he mut
tered, thickly, and tried to nglit off hla
fatigue. Hut hn was like a drunken man.
"I'm not sleepy; I'll stand guard." tho
prleit Milunteered, and. disregarding fur
ther protest, ho helped Alalre remove Dave's
Seeing that the bed was nothing more
than a board platform covered with straw
mnttlng. Alalre folded tho garment for n
pillow : 11 m hIid did so a handful of soiled
frayed letters spilled nut upon tho Moor.
"Rest now. while you have a chance,"
sho begged of her husband. "JuBt for a
llttlo while"
"All right," ho ngreed. "Call me In an
hour. Couldn't sleep wasn't time." He
shook off his weariness and smiled at his
wife, while lili eyes Mimed with somo emo
tion. "Thero Is something I ought to tell
you, but I can't now not now. Too
sleepy" Ills head drooped again; nhe
foreed him back; he stretched himself out
with a sigh, nnd was asleep almost in
stantly. Alalre motioned the others out of the
room, then stood looking down nt the limn
into whoso keeping she had given her llfo.
As she looked her face became radiant
Davo was unkempt, unshaven, dirty, but
to her he was of a godlike beauty, and tho
knowledge that ho was hers to comfort nnd
guard was Mrangcly thrilling. Her lovo for
Dd. even that first love of her girlhood, had
heen nothing Ilka this. How could it hnvo
been ilko this? sho nsked liorself. How
could she have loved deeply when, nt the
tlmo. her own nature lacked depth? Exper
ience had brondoned her, nnd suffering had
uncovered depths In her being which noth
ing else hnd had the power to uncover.
Stooping, sho kissed Dave softly, then let
hor check rest ugaliist his. Her man I Her
man! Sho found herself whispering the
Her eyes wero wet, but there was a smile
upon l,nr lips when she gathered up the
letters which had dropped from her hus
band's pocket. Sho wondered, with a little
Jealous twinge, who could bo writing to
him. It seemed to her that she owned him
now, nnd that she could not benr to share
him with any othor. She studied tho In
scriptions with a frown, noticing ns she did
bo that several of tho envelopes wero un
opened either Dnve wan careless about
such things or clso he had had no leisure
In which to rend his mall. One latter wns
longer nnd heavier than the rent nnd its
covering, sweat-stained nnd won, at the
edges, camo apart In her hands, exposing
several pages of typewriting In tho Spanish
language. The opening words challenged her
In the name of Ood. Amen,
Alalrn rend. Involuntarily her eye fol
lowed the next lino:
Know all men by this puhlla Instru
ment that I, Maria Josefa Law, of this
Alalre started. Who, she asked herself,
was Maria Josefa Iiw? Dav had no
sisters; no femalo relatives whatever, so
far as she knew She glnneed nt the Bleeping
mm, and then back at the writing.
finding myself seriously III in bed, hut
with sound Judgment, full memory and
understanding, believing In thn Ineffnbln
mysteries of the Holy Trinity ;' three
distinct persons In one God, In essence,
and in the other mystecles acknowl
edged by our Mother, the Church
80 ! This was a will one of those queer
Spanish documents of which Alalre had
heard but who was Maria Josefa law?
Alalre scanned the sheets curiously, and on
the reverse side of the last one discovered
a few lines, also In Spanish, but scrawled
In pencil. They read;
My dear nephew Here la the copy
of your mother's will that I told you
about At the time of her death she
was not possessed of the property men
tioned herein, and so the original docu
ment was never died for record, but
came to me along with certain family
possessions of small value. It seems to
contain tbe Information you desire.
Y'rs nlt'ly,
The will of Dave's mother! Then Mnrla
Josefa I-iw was that poor woman regarding
whose traglo end Judge Kllsworlh had
spoken so peculiarly. Alalre felt not a lit.
tie curiosity to know more nbout the mother
of the man whose name she had taken.
Accordingly, after a moment of debate with
herself, she sat down to translate the In
strument. Surely Dave would not object If
she occupied herself thus while ha slept.
The document had evidently been drawn
In the strictest form, doubtless by some lo
cal priest, for It ran;
First I commend my soul to the Su
preme Being who from nothing formed It,
and my body I order returned to earth,
and which, as coon as It shall become a
corpse, It U my wish shall be shrouded with
a blue habit in resemblance to those used
by the monks of our Seraphlo Father, St.
Francis; to be Interred with high mass,
without pomp
Alalre roused with a certain reverent
pleasure that Dave's mother had been a de
vout woman.
Second, I declare to have. In the Dosses.
alon of my husband, Franklin Law, three
horses, with splendid equipment of saddles
ana bridles, which are to be sold and the
proceeds applied to masses (or the benefit
of roy eouL I so declare, that it may ap
pear. Third. I declare to owe to Mrs. GuJIIetmo
Peres about twenty dollars, to be ascer
tained by what she may have noted la bur
book of accounts. So I declare, that tfeti I
k-t.1 n.av h nati & I hftz iAjt '
services of my cousin. Margin ll.i Itnmlrrz,
I bequeath mid donato u sliver tray which
weighs 100 ounces, seven breeding rows nnd
four tine llnon and lneo tnbleclnthu. So I
declare. Hint It may nppenr.
r, 'f.'i"1' ' h'luenth t" my adopted son,
David, orraprlng of tho unforttiiinto Amorl
ran woman who died In my house at Dsco
vodo. tho share of land
.,,,!alr,0,,iC0?,l t,"s I'arnRrnph wonderlngly,
hen let the document fall Into her lap So
,hnVi,.,iMR?n'lI,"?tl 80n' '""' not nctuiilly
the child of this woman. Mnrla Josefa Law'
.Sho wondered If ho knew It, nnd. If so, why
H?T. "''. It.mal!0 who cr wl,nt l,o was?
llo ns hers to lovo nnd to comfort, hera to
cherish and to serve.
For a long tlmo sho ,nt gnslng at him
that he likes me much .titer than lata
It seemed to Dave that the bliss of tlifa
awakening and the eweel Intimacy ot thl
on moment Wore than rewarded him for mil
ho had gone through and paid him fo? any
unhapplneM the future might hold In store.
What's Doing Tonight
Opera, '-netieirie,'; Met rountlUn. Opera Hoes,
Smoker and Tsudevlils, enurulrrnieni, under
auspices, of tho Northeast IjlH Bchool Alumni
Allocution, , Turncemeinds lull, ilroad street
And OrttnmM. iMnn,. fl n'etnlr
Addrcia trv .K.Iraldi.nt WlllUm tr. Tmtt
fire hs btfii to Knferce reae. Ilil'
ripru. a o cip
Kxnitmion ami
T' M, V- A,. Fll
Ilumlnstlng Rntl
C'nmfnMnttv IPstp- Wa nrnwl.
i r.r .:-l - . - -.. "A - ' .v - ' : ?r-
ui-v ucuna D4 nv
nom streeu,
tr. EntlnMrs
ub..iai7. Hptuce itreit, a o'eloek.
Kail smelter et Entfm JnnI?nnl Chapter
tlen. lloTeJ.Htentnti fl'80 o'elork.
. 1 lax, . ir. rrinii rrom 11
cmr, 1
or. g
lorn Nrnatofu.
. lecture, '"It"! Truffle Bide of I
br lloW r). WrUtht. rrslabt Tr
et the Pennsylvania Railroad, Tci
ifflo ifanaaie
'emntu IrnlvAr-
Machinists' Club ball. Olrard Avenue Assembly
Healthful reliable, economical.
Used in homes where food of
the highest quality is served.
i& MBism
No Phosphate
cie (Special fa (ShopOfwnationA
Special Values
For Saturday
Hudson Seal Coats
(Dyed Muskrat)
' && f
y(iffllij fashion fMM'l
iMBpU uaiyndMS
p? sJ?s3SN'Jv'j8KR33jHp L-5ST
stlr ffiM StsSfaj'jaae -asaiBt' 0'7!35ev
' IVx's-aBSiv l Nov, jpio
40 inches
model of
full flnre
Trimmed Hudson Seal
(Or Self Collar and Cuffa)
With large sailor collar of Nat
ural Skunk or Battleship Grey
Fur Department
First Floor Rear
Trimmed Mole Coats
(Borcler and Collar of Con
trasting Fur)
Full flare models with border
and collar of Taupe Wolf, self
gauntlet cuffa.
Hudson Seal Coats
Selected Dyed Muakrat
45 inches long, full
flare model.
Bordered Hudson Seal Coats
Border mid Collar of Skunk
45 inches long, full
flare model, 6 inch
double stripe border
and collar of skunk.
M f
Bordered Hudson Seal Coat
Border, Collar and'Cuffa of Skunk
Very full model, 45
inches long, 6 inch
double stripe border,
collar and cuffs of Nat- s e nn
ular Skunk. OD.UU
Trimmed Hudson Seal Coats
40 to 45 inches long,
large cape collar and
gauntlet cuffs of Battle
ship Grey Fox and -,-.- ,-..
Skunk. 195.00
Bordered Mote Coats
Border, Collar and Cuffs of Natural Skunk
45 inches long, large
collar, cuff 8 and border on-
of Natural Skunk. 2$ 5, QQ
. ,-B.ft t
Baby Caracul Coat
Fine flat curl skins,
gathered at waist line
with belt, large shawl orr nn
collar of Black Lynx. J 95.00
Mole Cape Collar,
Hudson Seal Cape
27.50 49.50
Collar, 22.50 35.00
Mole Stoles, 55.00 85.00
Hudson Seal Stoles, 45.00 55.00
Natural Skunk Capes, 49.50 59.50
Taupe Fox Scarfs, 20.00 25.00
Kolinsky Stoles, 95.00 110.00
Hudson Bay Sable
Stoles, 85.00 250.00
Mole Muffs,
Hudson Seal,
Natural Skunk,
Taupe Fox, ,
EM F9&
ejjs- jam j,L' i. xnr
w HiCi.iH mm i.
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