Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 17, 1916, Night Extra, Page 13, Image 13

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What Dicky Told Madge That Sunday Morning
ItAT Are you Koltiir to do, Madge?
.TtjfAT Are you
Wttfhv the Uniform?" Dicky looked
iitltV up from the Suday newspapers, which
re Jtrewn around the couch In the living
nam where he lay etretched at eaee. It
Mil Sunday mornlnic. nicky'i "laty time"
f the week. The Sunday morning before
thin I hd eat near him In the big chair,
atro reading, and we had promised our
Zaire that thin would bo our weekly cue
torn neither of ua having much Incllna.
lit n for church.
Bui this morning, wllh the etpectatlon of
tiU In the evening, I knew that there
mat work waiting for me, o as noon an
tilcky waa thoroughly absorbed In hla pa.
ttrf I had slipped Into my room and put
in one of my kltchon nproni A sense of
Wifamlllarlty came to me na 1 buttoned It.
tot I had not wont It alnco Katie had taken
tiie helm of tho kitchen I had hoped that
Dicky would not notice my absence, but he
iiw me and called to me ns I passea
Uirough the living room on my way to the
"I must prepare those palled nlmonda
ft tonight, Dicky," I replied
"Bother the salted nlmonda I told you
to get those that were all ready Can't
Kail do them?"
"Katie has all he can do," I explained
patiently "Sho had the dinner to prcparo
ind then thh afternoon she will polloh up
the furniture a bit."
Dlrky gave a groan of pretended dismay
"Don't tell me, Madge, that jou're one
Cf the women who start to cleaning houte
every time they expect guests," he began
I used to ow that never, never would
I marry ono of that stripe It takes all
the comfort of hmltiK anbody como to tho
houie to Imvo everything no stiff."
I nanted to remind Dlrky of hln dla
tribe of n few dnya before, when he had
hurt hip Immeasurably by his criticism of
the disordered llv ng room. Hut I hnd
learned that Inconsistency of speerh v,aa
one of Dicky's chief characteristics Tho
opinion lie expressed ono clay he was
likely to contradict tho next, so I skirted
the topic carefully.
"We're not going to clean houso, Dicky
nothing that will il'sturh you a bit. Hut
I must prepare tho almonds myself. It
la a tedious Job, and I want tho time after
dinner free for the sandwiches and tho
table. You'll run out this morning and got
me a few flowers, won't you7"
"Huro," agreed Dickey, "but there's no
hUrry, i there?"
"None nt nil," I nssurcd him.
"All right then. I'll go after a while"
He resumed his reading nnd I went to tho
"Please get me tho nut-cracker nnd the
almonds you brought homo last night." I
told Katie "I will crack them here on
the end of tho k'tchen table. He sure thnt
you hao plenty of boiling water In tho
teakettle by tho tlmo 1 finish them."
"All right. Missis Ornham, I feox." Katie
was bustling around the kltchon, getting the
breakfast dlihea out of tho way with more
than ecn her usual rapidity of movement
I eat down at the table and began cracking
the nuts It Mnn ft slow job, and I had
flnlihed only nbout n fourth of them when
Dicky appeared at tho door. ,
"I've como to help," ho announced, but
I eaw Katie's look of dismay nt tho tiny
kitchen uhoro she mint get dinner
'Go back to your reading," I commanded
gajly "I don't need you. Uesldes, there
Isn't room for three of ua here. Katlo
hasn't room to turn around as It Is "
"That'B eattly remedied " Dicky caught
lip tho illali of nut meats, tho bag of un
cracked nuts nnd the paper strewn with
shells where I was working nnd carried
them Into tho living room. I trailing along
tcalnd him muttering futllo protests. An
le reached tho table the paper slipped from
tls grasp and tho shells flew In overy di
rection "Dicky!" I gasped. "Why on earth did
you bring all this stuff In here? Katie
cleaned thin room thoroughly' yesterday, nnd
with tho exception of a little straightening
and polishing of eome of the furniture It
tth all ready for tonight Now It will have
to be swept again, nnd that wilt mean tho
dusting and polishing done all aver again."
"You don't suppose I meant to drop tha
blasted Btufr, did you?" demanded Dicky,
and his voice held a hint of anger that I
promptly heeded At all costs I wanted to
avoid any unpleasantness before tho coming
of our guests. The evening promised to bo
enough of u trial to me without having my
nerves disturbed by any disagreement be
forehand "Of course not, Dicky," I soothed, "and
as long as the mischief la done we might
as well finish them here. I'll get another
nut cracker and tho folding sewing table
from my room."
"You get the nut cracker nnd I'll produce
the table." said Dicky grandly, and In a
few mlnuteq wo were seated opposite each
other amicably cracking tho nuts, while
Dicky talked of everything and nothing, nnd
I half listened to what he was saying, and
halt wondered what the evening might bring
me In the way of experiences.
To me, whose existence had been the
monotonous one of a schoolteacher, life with
Dicky was Ilka revolving with a. kaleido
scope; every day seemed to bring something
Unexpected to me.
15 Fine White
In All Platinum Set
ting, very latest de
signed Lady's 9QA
Ring I7w
Eetb. 1801.
iiuiilii 35 S. 8th St.tomtarrr
Go urns of
Dlttinction for
Woman of Taste
Bait 8t7, WeUbtman Ilolldlar
ISM Cbettnot Stnet
M. B, Bimodtlliu Artlitlcallr Dene.
You're not half listening to what T am
aylng," Dicky said accusingly, "nnd I want
you particularly to henr this. You'll have
to hear It some time, so you might a well
before you meet her"
"Meet whom?" I was curious at onco.
"Hes Marsden" Dicky stopped Rnd
Hushed a bit He appeared at a loss for
wo"l;-. I'lcky, of all peoplel
"Well?" I trlfd to make'my voice en
couraging "I never reatlted until recently." Dicky
went on In embarraesed fishlon, "how dif
ferently you look at thlnga from the way
my friends and I do Wo might have been
brought up on different planets, you nnd I.
Now lies is one of the most brilliant wo
men I know. She has written two or threo
nmels that besides selling well enough to
Hive her n good Income Independent of other
work, have made the critics sit up and take
nyj. She Is a leader In tho feminist
movement loo, nnd some of her magnilne
nrtlcles upon the new place of women In the
world or whatever the rot Is that the fe
mlnlsta spout, are considered clnsMcs In
their line nut" I Interrupted him breath
lessly "You don't mean lUlzabeth Faulkner
"The same" said Dicky dramatically
"lou don't know her?"
"No. but I Iiumj read many things she
has written. She Is terribly extreme, nnd
I cannot ngreo with all sho says hut her
stylo li wonderful, and many of her ar
gument nro sound I ehrll bo so glad
to meet her"
"Will you I wondor" muttered Dicky.
Then he spoke rapidly, boldly.
"lies not only hat terribly extreme
uews. but she put thvn Into pruct'ec. Sho
bellevei thnt If n, man and woman hae
married and find thnt they no longer love
each other, laws cannot bind them, and
they nre free to form tics clwnhere."
"You menn7" I felt breathless, as If 1
were running
"Well, among people who do not know
her she observes tho conventions Hut
nmong ui It li generally understood that
she nnd Paul Atuood nre something dearer
than friends."
"Why don't they marry?" I felt ns If
I knew, yet drendrd tho nnswer.
"Dccntm unrortunntely. Paul haa n
wlfo who will neither mako life bearable
nt home nor glvo him n divorce thnt ho
ir.ny find happiness elsewhere The At
woods have n child, too, which complicates
"Oh I" All my repucnancn to tho whole
nffalr was contained In the llttlo exclama
tlon Dicky looked nt me n trifle Impatiently
"Look here. Madge." he said "You hao
led n life nlinost cloistered In Its real
Ignornnco of the world I would not hao
told ou of this only I wanted to prepare
you, no that If jou heard f It elsowhere
you would not think I had purposely kept
you In Ignorance Just forget that you
know anything about It , that's tho attitude
the rest of us take "
I felt Btlflcd. I it anted to be nlone I
got up blindly
"Plenso pardon mo a few minutes," I
said. "I will bo right back"
(Copyright )
Caps are In evidence as an
addition to the tailored suits. This
attractive model la very deep in
back and combines warmth with
1604 Chestnut Street
The House of
Exclusive Models
Millinery Special
A smart collection of attrae'
tive models, including white,
with, all the new touches of the
season's trimmings fur, flow
ers and ornaments formerly
priced from $15 to $25
57.50 aRd $10.00
Cheap .substitutes cost YOU tame prlca
ffML Evening
ft (L Ln Wraps
xmrnr $25 1
$175 J
"Srjrfa TTfTJlattf Sstraretgmetf
XJop Coats
Taat Bens rssblon's kiest style
$35, $49.50, $55
of Bolivia cloth, volour, Dots
tyne; fur Uiaimtd aa4 pis
Spec fat
Vaihred Suis
$35, $45, $55
Aa uauiu! amy of atylta
sad fabrics st Uum prices. ,,
.NtasW. .wBsiBMspBtAaBlsSilBMBallf
f Evening (LWk
i Dresses JfevA
Chi A ken With Whipped
Cream and Horseradish
Chop the left-over chicken fine, add one
quarter cup horseradish, drained, and one
cup medium cream, beaten thick nnd folded
In carefully. Season with salt Use horse
radish root.
Pippa's Sdng
The 'year's at the spring,
And itay'a nt the momt
Morning nt iwenj
The hillside's ilewpe-vrl'il j
The lark's on the wing J
The snail's on the thorn;
Qod'a In his henen
All's right with the world I
Robert Drowning,
Brand-New Babies
fr nr
birth ent In
diirn "iirmii.
.The r.ttntnt tilrr will Mint,
rnnrt. rmtlrrt nf remit Mrth
irouln lirnnp rhnn.t. .triilra
HT ItriMtt ' tln1n 1-1... tllUI rii.. mhI
tiw'.-. '"mfl Bm sililrep nhti, tbn i-t"sl
Die Ulrplinn number of render mut e
eempanr rnrh notlre po dent.
CAMHtin Mr nnd Mrs Herrrian, 21S1
Natrona street a aott. ? lbs 5 ox
no.VMAN Mr and Mrs Ilenjamln. :31
North Marshall street, a. daughter.
FAIKliANK Mr and Mrs Jacob, JUS
South Eighth street, a daughter.
11YMAN Mr and Mrs. Samuel, 332$ North
Second street, a son
Mr.lIKKit Mr nnd Mrs Lawrence A., of
Chicago, n daughter. Mm Meeker will
be remembered ns Miss Lois Field, of
f' r yw rt1
Sold in 2 and 5 lb. cartons
Every carton con
tains full weight of
the highest quality
cane sugar made.
Franklin sugar satisfies
Granulated, Dainty Lump,, Powdered,
flla Furs I
i flBsflBs Luxurious 'furs of tho
I IrBHV finest grade in most np-
liiBf proved stylos. When
1 MvlllirassB buying furs, wo beg of -
I Hr lpHi 0U rC'jr 0n 0n noso 1
I lsiSgaKg' and fair dealing.
BLYNN, Inc. Chestnut St.
1 Furs Altered and Ropaircd
Quality and Standard Famous Over Half Century
The New Grey Salon
Ready-to-Wear Department
The scricc that gives you always a little more than you expect;
that is not content until you arc perfectly satisfied; that is con
stantly progressing, improving. That is the sort of service this
house purposes to give you.
Evening Gowns for the Debutante
Gold and silver! Silver and gold! Nets, Chiffons, Georgettest
An alluring combination of simple elegance; just breathing
youthfulness and beauty. Made of Cloth of Gold or Silver, covered
with billows of net in folds and tunics. Every edge outlined with
wee, tiny cords of silver. High waist line. Rose over silver. Blue
over silver Yellow over gold.
B . F . Dewees , 1122 chestnut st .
Everybody's Eating It
With the announcement of this new rye bread
a stupendous, unprecedented demand sprang up.
It seemed that in an instant the whole city appre
ciated the remarkable flavor and wholesomeness oil
um MH IV D
With Seed
Without Seed
Made from the finest
of rye flours, spe
cially processed to develop
fully the natural and deli
clouslv nutty flavor.
tfteiArfoxX Wunderbar Ryo
will keep moist and fresh.
It Is more digestible; more
nutritive "and will
please every ono
of the family from tho
kiddies up to the older folk.
Your grocer has It. Tho
loaf that carries the label
frttiAetfoiA Wunderbar Ryo
your guarantee of purity.
The Best Rye Bread in the World
RANGES are now in season likewise
Orange Cake. This tempting delicacy
is made by taking a Yellow TASTY
KAKE, cutting it in layers and placing
sliced oranges between them. As a finish
ing touch, place pieces of the orange and
shredded cocoanut upon the thick, rich,
icing. Tastykake costs but 10c. At your
"The Cake That Made
Mother Stop Baking"
niy v,
Christmas Gift Club
Closes Saturday, November 25
I Y JOINING the Christmas Gift Club this week, you can
give n gift Christmas that will carry more sentiment,
intrinsic value and lasting memory than any other article
you could choose.,
To give a fine white diamond solitaire, a diamond gypsy or a dinner
ring In an individual setting; a solid gold standard watch, watch bracelet
or, In fact, any article of fine jewelry, is aa easy as giving some inex
pensive gift that does not mean as much IF YOU JOIN THE
No large cash payment; you simply save a small sum each week,
yet you receive possession for Christmas. If you desire to change
your choice any time within a year, you can do so. If you die,
there are no further payments; in fact, you have every advan
tage of a cash transaction plus many extra advantages.
Call at' our store, or your name on the attached coupon
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but there is no obligation -JOIN NOW.
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la GoQd Stores Everywhere
JUM( h IfiiaJ niii t tfr&ariTiTlfflffif
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