Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 16, 1916, Night Extra, Page 8, Image 8

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t t
illy Burke Romping in Boy's Attire Just as
Appealing, as Are Many Women in the
Intimacy of Their Boudoir
TTAB It ever occurred to you that with
all this UJJt about the defemlnUtnur
influence of bifurcated garments for
"women, the most typically feminine of nil
.Kromen, and those who are practically the
' tslftves of their husbands are the women
of the Orient, who for many year, have
rorn trousers?
Truly t. girl In mannish riding clothes
can b. as appcallngly feminine (notwlth
standing those old-fashioned Individuals
who maintain that It Is Indecbroue for
women ever ti) ride astride) ds can
mother girl In the softest and flimsiest
cf boudoir fripperies.
, On of tho most masculine of the sex
X know acorns , severely tailored clothes,
loathes cigarettes, holds up her hands In
holy horror'at a cocktail and, mark you,
Is an antl-euffraglst, and yet she, with nil
of her frilly frocks and coquettish hats,
could never succeed In being as gently ap
pealing as, for Instance, Billy Burke, In
boy's clothes, with a dirty face and toisled
Of course the "tallor-mald' has her
place, nt the wheel of her car, riding,
tramping, shopping or in the ofllce. It
Is well to discard these severe clothes
for more formal occasions, nlthoiigh far
better to err on the sldo of being too er
vere In dress than too "flossy " Particu
larly Is this true of the business woman,
Olrls In camp would bo rather silly
not to discard skirts for riding breeches
or bloomers, ns ridiculous as tho mother
who keeps her little girl In dresses In
stead of allowing tho child to wear romp
ers for fear bf making' of her a tomboy.
The latter aro certainly far more sensible
and more modest, say what one win.
Ready for tlw Parti
iMtttrt and &ut$tion ubmttttd to thli department mutt bn written on otic M o th
ins wruer rtptcwi
THE WOMAN'8 EXCHANGE. Evening Ledaer. PhtladtlpMa, Pa
emer aitif almad with tha nam at th uril,r. Ai,v
tntrtud. If (i underelooi. that th editor dott not tieceeeor.lu tmiartt tht eerillmenlc
I auerife 1,1c thote Bluet, befove nrt
JL.U : f?ommu.enl.i or IMe department eAoufd be addretitd at follovttt
Che wtaixr t ioimr1' prize U Ml Jna Oatre, nf Lomn, rhllxldnhl. whot letter appeared In
rraterrfnr pwr,
1. CMm
fraeatlr en
lata ibem.
. t. TOiatuhoaia t dene with
tt It u to m prteerredT
r MFMltln umhrelln.etande lire fro
tntxra nen iinireii re
nmhrolUa irs I simmrl
How can thin b preTentwl?
a wt umbrella
8. How can nit be preTenll from tlfMniT
1. Iliv run Annelnt ..llnnr. whleh ha1
tone looitrned, Ihs maue U star on th fi
TA hfh
i.VJwn a rnbbfr Iiom with a uprrvr U tint
.uabli. nowran the hair he tnorooioir nnfted
vrilJabi. bow cor
af( (HiamtTooInsr
8. In It KtKxl form
fteml owtnlng drtnt
to trwr upaU when In
1. TFhen,
watt lint rlnlh lit wnntM
ianrt are to he protmeo.
1. A iimiill pl of nilliMlrc plntr on fhe
pnrrr will pit tent It from brromln prlrknl
or me iKTriio p
If Urn
do not wrt tho nbolo
nn, one In fur h hrnid.
rlotbl Uko hold of tho end. nno In f f h l;n
tkeo drop tho tmttr In bolllnc . wt and twl
tba eloti qnlcklr. "
t. Tho fat can bo irmoTOd from aonp , br
poorlnt tha hot oat thronih a cloth.
8". Bob tho ond of the. rib of an umbrella
With tmcudo to preTcnt nmllns.
Toothsome Applo Dessert
r tk XUtor 0 Woman's rami ,
Dear fadm Tho following la a rtP" for
PDIo st, aaorea djt our oniiro inmiu, i,uu
IS WIIUtrVlllH, IIIBHiilu, n !
mniiin mn.
Sh.Jl.1j1 A1I1.A Iff- I
conomical. rot to mention Juet aood Hero It l!
i Para nair a aoren appiea. cui in .juiirnr" n-i
remove aeodi. then boll -ent!y In ono cup of
water with two cupe of brown auaar. AN hen oof t
a train ott the Juice and put applee In dlen from
which ther will bo eervod In another pan melt
one tablespoonful of butter. rmoe from fire
and atlr In one tablnpodnful of (lour and ono
eu? of cream (milk will do). I-t thle aet hot,
then add applo Juice, allow thomlnturo to
come to a boll and almmer for nvo mlnutu,
stlrrlnc all tho while: pour thle over the ap
pie, and rou will bava -Jtojg",');; p.t
Delicious Soft Glnperbrcntl
ro n JTdllor of TToman'a rope; .
-Dr Madam I am aendlna you" a ery eood
nd cheap aoft lnerbread recipe: t
Biz eupa alfted flour, three cutia mnlaie. onf
eup butter, or lard, ono cup amir mlllt, ono tea.
poontul aoda. two teaepoonfula cinnamon, ono
Ieaipoonful alncer. Pinch aalt. nake In a loaf.
Ialfo: thla quantity can 1 "jJ'J.j M jti
Two Recipes "Wanted
To JTdlfor of. "JVoma Pooe; ,
Dur lladam Can you or a reader alve m
recipe for cup cabinet, alio one tor a aooo
pie cruatT ' ' J- K-
I presume your first requlset ia for cab
inet pudding. .The following reclpo will
prove satisfactory: Butter tho cup molds
and In the bottom of eaoh place chopped
raisins, cltrpn and currants; add a. layer
of sponge cake and sprinkle lightly with
ground cinnamon and cloves: alternate the
layers until the cups are full. Beat four
gga until light, add one quart of milk,
a illttle alt nnd four tablespoonfuls of
melted butter;- pour this over tho cakes
Allow them to stand for ono hour, then
steam for an hour and Bene with currant
Jelly sauce. ......
TVhen making pastry one of the first es.
sentlala lo to have everything very cold.
It Is -well to thoroughly chill the bowl In
which the Ingredients are to be mixed -with
Ice water or by Btahdtng out of door In
cold weather. Glass rolling pins can be
bought which can be filled with Ice water,
but If you possess the old-fashioned wooden
kind be sure that It Is cold. It should never
bo washed Just before using. Into a pound
e irei rionr rhon three-auartcra of a
cup of firm cold butter or lard (many cooks J
prefer nair ana nmw, onu nut" "
coarse powder stir Into It a small cupful
of Iced water; with a spoon mix together,
then turn upon a floured pastry board:
toll out quickly, and lightly fold and roll
oul again. Set the pastry on the ,ice until
chilled through; roll out and line a pie
dish wth It Before filling, brush over
tha lower crust the unbeaten white of an
gg. and 'when filled and top crust Is added,
set Immediately In an oven which Is as
hot at tho bottom as at the top.
Using Up Left-Oter Steak
rV JMItor TVomon'a rope?
Dear Madam I do not call myaelf poor, but It
la neeear;r now to calculate my eipenmiure;
lerr clolelr. peclally In the matter of food
ISpplUi. the every-day Idea la the createet
-uaatlty for the Last money. Hut today I waa
poTiiVied with a Veen appetite, following a few
ant a email alrlotn ateak. the amalleet I
buy, ana paia imrreienv cei r ,v.
I a eortiott (or lunch and. enjoyed. It ex
ceidinalrl but, taklnc tba trlmmlnse apd email
en hemmlnx or MnDroMcnnx.
eklrt on opo'a eolf
inc or
br nf lnrht hl
he itktrt U jo be ran be ninrked ott and It will
In to pi aro a ttlter of chnlk In the own I
ininir tnuie. putiunx me tnme loert
itlilnx tlie tnhlf tocether to hnli
run the nkirt on ti
tbe flklrt n joit tui
An rasr war to hnr
to plarrt a filter of chilli
ininir tnuie. putiunx the
ie rhnlk Untili then v
low If nroutHl, rhnlklnc
hlAuone. tbe skirt ran
rnrdallcK the namber o
the Aklxt U jo bf
bnnc beautlull,
3. After clMhlnr ) (leaned with raioltne rut
aimut one-ciiira part vinecar in
whlrh the cloth U ilnnipeneil
nlk tlrmlt tben with the nklrt on turn
rnniKinc ine ak
of Inrhe
inlklnc Ihft klrt n toii turn.
tlin kklrt rn.il im tA.krn off nntl wllh
eiow trie nn
he water vtltli
ore ironlngi
4 IIostcflB Should Ask Both
To th Editor of tH Woman' Page:
Deir Madam I am emravrd to a younr man
ani have bun Introduced to a number of hli
frUrdfl. LAflt werk he told mo he had receive 1
an Invitation to dinner from a mutual friend
nf ours. He thought X had been Invited alio
and had accept t already when he found I had
not been Invited. He la tt a losa to know
what to do. as ho maintain It la a very rude
and allshtlnr thlnr for a hoitesi to Invite either
one of us without tha other. I think he la fool
tah and would not mind It he did accept, nnd
I do not aee how ha can well atay away now
that ho haa accepted. What would you ndvlss?
I ntrroo with your fiance. Inco tho Invi
tation came from a person who knows that
you nro engaged. If It waa a very inti
mate friend who asked him as a favor to
All in at dinner because a guest had dis
appointed her. It would be a different thing
I think he U quite rlplit to hesitate, and
would advise his writing a little note saying
that he found you had made nn engagement
for him nt nn affair with you and so he
could not attend her dinner after nil, Jf
people ore as 111 bred as you dcscrlbo they
should be given a gentle hint Jn a polite
Make tho Call Yourself
To th JSdttor of Woman's rage:
Dear Madam I have found to many Inter
est I nr and helpful thlnga In your columna that
I thought you would be kind enough to advise me
m to what la the correct thlnjc for mo to do in
Ui following" matter
I have been having a young man from Vlr
flnla. who ! boarding- up here, come to eae me
or more than six months I became acquainted
with him through hU couiln, who la my Kirl
know hla atater well, as ahe haa apent quite a
little time within tha laat two years at her
cousin's home, and haa been to sen ma bo vera 1
This family la moving" up within a week
not ask the cousin
from Vlrrinl
and quite near my home ennuu
hem or watt for htm to take m!
cousin an
to see
will live next door to th
Should i can
rou Id b'
bona (or broth. I hav. Juet on more portion
lift for broillne.
Tha broth, with barley, onion and a atalk of
celery, will mak. ror lunch tomorrow, and the
rezoalnlnr piec of atcak, with potaioce, will
jjtva ma a sood dinner,
JTor ana pereon thla Ie not utravasant, If It
fttrnUhea aufddent nouriahmant, but what about
a, larre family wltb worklns peraona and arow.
las cWUrenl Bucb cute are out pf tha (jura
tion for tham, and they set tired of aoup and
ertaws. So I am conatralned to repeat a recipe
for cooktae; round, ohuclc or any piece of cheap,
touch ateak. Tba Idea Ja not orlainal or new,
but I think. very valuable. .
After aaltlna, pound Into the meat aa much
Hour aa U wlir take, put Into a hot fryins pan,
well areaaod with auet preferably, turn frequent
ly until both eldea are brown, then pour over It
enouan bollins water to fully cover the meat.
Cover with tltht 114 and let almmer until It la
tender and the water chanted to a beautiful
Mrown aravy, Juet thick enouali to aerva.
If the meat la a very poor put and unaeually
touan It will be neceuarr to renew the water
la the can aa It bolle .down, perhape aeveral
n.iltn near mv hnrni
-- v --'..-.-. .----.- w- -----
10 laxe mar i can-
to ro with me. aa eho le
auay at boardtna echool. lloth hla aleter and
mother know ho cornea to my home and aeem
very pleaeed I know from ttilnra he haa aatd
that ne expecte mo to co there witn mm oiten
ut 1 do not Inow which le correct for mo to
rail, aa I am a friend of the eleter. or to watt
for him to take roe. Thanking- you for a hurried
anewer. 12. D.
I would not wait for the young man to
tatte you, but after they have been hero for
about a week bo some afternoon and call
on the mother and sister, ThlB Is decidedly
the correct thlnsr to do under the' circumstances.
Surprise Party
To Ine Editor of IVomon'a Fagt:
Dear Jdadam-r-I am a dally reader of your
1U woum 11
paper and wo1
iko you to name aome ramee
Will Ice cream cakea, candlea
a id how to play them for a aurprlae party. I
Intend to alve one for ray hueband on hie tmrty
wrinaair, win ice cream caxee. ca
Intend to aire one for ray hueband on hla tmrt:
liret hlrfhdav. Will Ice cream, cakea. candli
ai.d fruit be all rlaht to eerve for refreeh
Umee. But air youreett enouxh time for the
MOBirij ana rou win nav. an .leTeainair nil
factory platter of ateak to eerve. M. B. II.
Jellied Chicken Contommo
JJdltor of Wpmon'a foot:
PT Jladara PItaae publlah a recipe for
JUlllad chlcien conaomm and cbllae
2. I4BB. K. C,
Jill'64 chicken consomme' 1U level table-atpoonsfut-,
granulated selatlna, J quart
chicken, stock; carefully strained and all at
fnMrved JuleaBtd, Union, beaten white and
erub4 aftell of 1 egg, fait to taett, Itemova
1J fat frqm tha chicken stock, add beaten
4s", lUa crushed shell and leifion Julca to
tba uiock. placo tt over tha fir and stir until
It bods. Boll ? minutes, then slmmct fgr JO
MlnutM and strain through cloth wrung
frqm cold water Dlsiotve the rlatlns in
tha hot strained stock, add salt, pour In a
ww ana aa put aside unm t
Waeri It Ja tjiro an4 chilled, beat the Jelly
V.'dll stttirl! in hr-.nl If i, h. flu I, 1.,-'
-" rr -- -"- -j. m mi wviuuuu
papa tad serve. "
Salmon pcranibla
JPi giUet el th Wemtm't Toqs
jtMtumi. y wana that salmon or
a jsmt e suc8aiy aervtd br vauut th
nttst la fryloar ssa to beat
Hhoulil X Bit at tha flret table, ae I will have
two tableal I am coins to have twenty-rive
CUeeta. .
Bhonld I the one, to euxreet a toaat at
the tablo In honor of hla birthday) Should we
It toaether at tha head of the table! Do you
think U ia better to alt or atandl M, I).
A spelling gume, such as "Wordy Wordy,"
Is fun. In this earns you choose a word
such as "Mediterranean" or another of
many syllables. Give each truest paper and
a pencil and let them write as many words
as posslblo which can be spelled with th
letters In the word given. For Inetnnca,
In Mediterranean one finds met, meet, meat,
more, mean, meant, edit, ran, tin, tan, ten.
Nat, slat and very many others.
Tho "Geography" gams Is also of In
terest. Take each letter of the alphabet In
turn and write aa many places on the map
as you can think; of which begin with that
Jetter, In both these games allow Ave
minutes tor each trial. Tlio guest who has
the greatest number of words or names
wins the first prize.
Yes. lea cream, cakes, candles and fruit
will do nicely for refreshments. It would
be better not to sit down at table for light
refreshments such as you speak of having,
I think I would let tha guests sit about the
room and have the men of the party serve
the wpmen. It makes things less formal.
If you -wish to offer the toast yourself It
would ho quite all right. Do you Intend
to drink his health 7 For In that case all
should rise and drink It together w(th tho
exception of your husband. Tha person
toasted should never drink his own health.
If you wish simply to make a HUla speech
you should rise and remain standing
wnua you iuih, wnen you are eating the
refreshments you can alt by him or not, as
you choose.
Mai? & Man Do the Asking
To t$t Editor of Womaf'i Fog 4!
uear MADam-! am a aaiiy reader or your
0 take . a sreat aeal of Interrat
t ypur opinion la
column am
la the earn l wo
take . a
hot i;uWi-
regard to ih followlnc
. .!? I$br.n''b,.. ". k4 ma to go
to the theater with him. but on account of a
preyloui ngment for tha aam ennloff t
aexca mi 10 can run
lima I wlthed to go.
could pit ao. . if then
ut pirn snow any
Incident occurred one avenlna; when wa
.Mining- .niui UK1DZ UDZ 1VK11C
m to let aim know or call him up aom
ia inftt wm Eouui wue i.auiei-. ak n
vary fond of walkln-. SIOIXT.
It seems better always to Ut a man do
the asking Invthes matter. It he suggests
way ot oouis Beam i essiua ten nun
mnSBsmmia prefsnu ttava tin call you I
DICKT and 1 had been alone In the
fnartrnenl when 1 huner tin the receiver
-nfter listening to Lillian Gale's cordial 'ac
ceptance of my Invitation, I am afraid
wa would hava had nnolher quarrel. I
was hurt and Irritated at the olYhnnd man
nor In which Dicky had consulted her
nbout tho other gucats. 1 had felt that he
had Ignored me completely, after I had
sacrificed my own Inclination and preju
dice and extended an Invitation to the
Underwoods for the next evening. I had
Intended lo surprise him with my mag.
namlmlty. Instead, I told myself bitterly,
he had surprised me with his boortshness
Hut Katlo stood waiting Any plnns
ror the next evening's chafing-dish supper
must be made at once t
"What would you like.?" I turned to
"Don't you bother about this supper,
Madge." His Important manner mado me
smile In spite of my Irritation. "This
chafing-dish stunt Is my specialty, and the
crowd always want more whenever I'm tho
"The sandwiches I'll leave to you,"
Dicky rattled on "I never bothered with
those. LII always brought some over
whenever the crowd came over to the
studio. Or you can fix the sandwiches
yoursolf, but be sure you have a kick In
them. rtemmber this crowd Isn't a school
teacher's Ico-croam party "
If Dicky had carefully planned his words
to wound nnd anger mo so Hint I would take
neither Interest nor plt-nsure In tho coming
oi ins mends, he could not have chosen
them more wisely. I resolved, however
that I would control my nnger. I felt that
I detested the very thought of his friends
and our proposed entertainment of them,
but I told myself with bitterness that this
waa part of the prlo I had to pay for loving
a man no dissimilar In tastes and Ideals
from myrsplf
"If ou'ro going out, Katie," he said,
"stop nt that llttlo sea food market whee
you used to get the oysters, remombor, and
have him send over a hundred you know
tho kind And don't forsret to stop at the
dollcatcnien whom you nlwnyi used to rret
tho stuff for mo You know tho .tint! of
cheese two pounds not too froali, nnd some
of those salty square crnckers Havo you
all the other stuff In tho houso?"
"Oh yes, Maeiter Graham, mus tard,
peppalre nil hlr)di ta bas oo. Woos "
"Don't break your Jaw, Katlo." ndvlscd
Dicky mlRchlovously. "I'll take your word
for It Got two of thoso largo bottles of
stuffed otlvcn nnd somo salted null, the
girls nhvnn want thoso, and then whatever
Mrs Grnhnm wants for snndwlchon"
Katlo turned to mo Inquiringly Tor a
moment I could not npenk for the lump In
my throat I seemed so completely out of
It I had had rosy dreamt before I mnr
rled of entertaining somo of Dicky's friends
nt n llttlo supper, nnd surprising them with
jioma of the dainty dlshca I had sorted to
some or my own friends And hero Dicky
wan making my mold hln partner In tho
planning, een grudging me tho preparation
of the snndwlchci. I resolved to nssert my
self In ono mntter, nnywny.
"I will prepare the salted nuta myself," I
said In my mott dignified manner "Those
you get nt any store nre not fit to cat
Pleaso listen carefully to what I tell you
Katie, for I wish no mlstnko In things you
bring mo I want threo pounds of the best
almonds, tho soft-shelled ones; threo smnll
Jars of nnchovlon, throe cans of Imported
caviar, of those tiny onions, nnd three loaves
of sandwich brend "Wo have plenty o'
butter In the house, I know
"Do euro that tha man understands that
any of those artloles which nre not opened
are to bo returned "
"All right." said Katie, and went Into
the kitchen on her way out Dicky backed
away from me In pretended awe
"Oh, descendant of thrifty Yankee trad
ers, I how to your .wisdom Take back what
you have not used. If I had all tho un
opened stuff I've presented to tha Janitor, I
could buy n car Instead of riding In taxis "
"No doubt," I responded dryly. I really
could not resist the temptation to aim a
shaft, bo It ever so feeblo a one, at Dicky's
complacence "But, Dickey, what shall wo
glo them to drink Coffee? I shall need
more than I havo In tho house."
Dicky raised his hands high In the air
with an exaggerated gesture of despair
"Coffee yo gods nnd little Ashes! Offer
that bunch coffee and" nothing else, nnd
you'll have to send them all home In ambu
I suppose my face expressed the dismay I
felt at a possible repetition of the experi
ence of the night before, for he patted my
shoulder kindly and said reassuringly;
"Don't worry, little girl, we'll keep this
party on a strictly beer and ate basis Then
there won't bo any trouble Any one or
the crowd except Mra Lester and yourself
could handle a keg of either without qny
trouble Neither of you will probably take
morn than a glnaa or two apltca, anyway, so
you do not need to bother any more tonight
about our party, I'll call the others up
after a while. Coma on over her and talk
to me "
He settled himself In the. Immense cush
ioned armchair which w hao grown lo
love because of the tender Intimate little
talks we have had while In It It In large
enough, to hold us comfortably and held
out his arms for me.
I never felt less like being caressed than
I did at that Instant Knowingly or not,
Dicky had bruised my sensibilities with
almost every word he had uttered concern
ing our propo8e(Qlttle supper But I de
tested unutterahly nnpther quarrel, bo I
came slowly toward Dicky Hln arms went
around mo, and he gathered ma close to
"Sweetheart," he said, Tm a clumsy
chap, and I got the cart beforn the horse
half tho time, but don't you make any mis
take about this: I lova you, love you, lovn
you, and what you've done tonight mnkes
nn awful hit with me. I know these people
arv-n't your kind, but they're my friends
I've associated with them for years, and I'm
Indebted to them for a hundred kindnesses "
My husband's eyes, his voice, his arm
enfolded me with tenderness. Ills words
drow the bitterness from my hesj-t 1 felt
again tho rapture of tho knowledge that
he was my man, mine. I snuggled closer
to hlra. and felt every vestlgo of resent
ment leave me In the happiness of being
Eggs Cooked in Gravy
Take two or three large onions, sllco them
very thin, fry tilt a nice brown Havo ready
threo or rour nnra-noiiea eggs cut. in enccs
and a cupful of nice gravy with a llttlo
flour of arrowroot mixed with It Add the
eggs to the onions, then pour In tho grnvy,
and atlr in nil till the gravy haa thickened
l 1 1 i 'i mil i .i ii -in i nine
ITy mind i full oF
littla thoughts
Aboyt my clothas trd
billa t.nd sucK
I wonder could I
strairi fchetY out
Would Jkt waa leFt
nmouni: to
I &
Htre cry hot If a white instead of a
brown dish Is wished for, the onions must
Im slewed In butter and the sauce mnde
of eal broth mixed with a little milk and
flour Pepper and salt to taste.
'Brand-New Babies
i-itenma f-nacr.
street. . rme and aiiiirr ano. w"'" ."
hie, telephone number of sender molt ae
company rarh notice eo sent.
OI.KMO, Mr. and Mrs, George, SSU Brown
fctrcet a daughter, eeen pounds seven
KNOTT, Mr. and Mrs Howard, 1814 North
Bouvler street a daughter, seven pounds.
roMPAWSKI, Mr. and Mra John, 2081
Hunting rark avenue, a son, eight
pounds eight ounces"
SMITH, Mr and Mra Newtnn, West BSD
5c a Cut
Hanscom't Restaurants
Monastery avenuis Roxborouth, aT"""!!
Bairrn, Mr. and Mrs. Thomaa itta , m
Reese street, a daughter, l IS!
xiww.-iu i, mr. una Mrs. Fran-i, ,T"tt
Torreadale avenue, a dauihlM. I!'J
Trainer will ba remembered iifiL vl
guerlte Adalma Grant utefa
Dish Washing
Alt china, tliti and atlvar
waened and. dried in a few
minute by th r
i BJ.M Z 0". Companle and
leadlnr Department Btorea.
8S3 Chestnut Street
Writ us for Illustrated folder
u, vuvtii I.AIIlUt UUH
ijj uw'UUJi ALH.I. jjwj ftv3!7Cu miff.jmj'su'ju-
isl III
Right under our
eyes not hero,
there and every
vvhoro is the
creamery where
wo mako
And because it Is mado
in one creamery Instead
of a dozen ; because it
Is made under the most
careful supervision, in a
sanitary place, in a sani
tary way, from tho very
richest, purest milk that
healthy cows can pro
duce Merldalo Butter
comes to you sweet,
pure and wholesome,
and It is all alike, this
"uncommonly good
Merldalo) PhlladelphU
Dell Phone, Market 3741
Keystone Phone, Main 1783
Look for tht "Herialt"
rawtratr-tlght. dint- and
eAor-pToof-at your troetrt.
gssj eowpnro or yoor groan. pj
jyiflPPgigfyii fir
21 ys
Olga the Waitress
Gettin' tips for servm' breakfast fonrl is
hard as gettin gold dust
outen a sawdust pile. But
I got the combination. I
give 'em a tip to eat Cream
of Barley And they eat
pleased as can be, and leave
a couple of jits under the
plate to remember 'em by.
I got the combination
ME and
7)gVvcvous bvcad wfc-wAaA.e avArA.'Sj'f esViW oo.VeeAt
Ova.v Vusve.s& wvusv Vc- om vCb wacvvCs or Ave ow s AcCa,
awA svacU oVfc-vvvias o.o'Wag aoo2,, cmA aY09&ToowYQ,sVtoV
uvAU9uaA&aVuve.9B cxvtd. .vcaV VcYsVAve33. 3jvj,ou'VrAvvA as vmuc(
ataouC scWxvta as uou do aYou avnavuvta osc-. ou cavifA ciVov'rA "o
rVuwvTvas vv"V9 avvovvcawiavn.
Fancy Florida Oranges . . . 21c doz.
Tho lusciousnesa of Florida fruit brought to your door nt very small cost.
Best Quality Macaroni
Nice, fresh, clean poods n ttractivcly priced.
8c pkg.
Childs' Cafe Blend Coffee . .19c lb.
i A rJly F00(l,co,,lrcS,nt ?n cMdlnRly amall price. There's n good deal of cofTco advertised as unusual
value at 20c; but Cafo Blend is a quality you're moro likely to pay o quartor for, if you're "Iookinjr around"
for something unusual. A coffeo of exceptional cup quality not to be had outside of a CHILDS STORE.
3 4G-66464--e&iZzsG&4&$4r$4 o-oq.
The joy of living is enhanced by these two commodities, f,
We offer the best products of both churn and chicken butter k
4 noted for its unvarying richness and delicious flavor: and "einrs1 J'
wx wic uik, luii, wciuiiuA' vctiieuy. j. ne real aossiouizien nr nut- ..
ter' tiLtltl eaa hlUlinn nrp. rienrln shnmn in oiiofii nhilfto ofno
czcj ' if c "-' v '-'-''& -,..i.w.e, .,., i,ibi vaccciavo Otl C7e
otter and Dependable Esf
Sweet Bloom"
Tho rich cream of Al
derney stock turned into
tho most delicious butter
it's possible to make.
And. "Sterling"
An exceptionally choice
grade of creamery butter
the highest quality see-ond-Ernde
in America to
day. .
"Swe&t Bloom"
The fullest, largest,
meatiest eggs obtainable;
nnd each ono good enough
to have a full-fledged
And Selected
Smaller, but of assured
high quality and very
carefully selected. Our
guarantee of dependabil
ity with each one.
sflfo frfr fr
, . p )e
Childs' Ceylon-Formosa Tea, 25c lb.
Our own importation nnd our own blending, of course. A tea of pleasing quality nnd flavor; a good
tea at such a wonderfully small price that it ought to be convincing proof of Ao real satisfaction in buin.:
tea, coliee, bvlKi JliilNG at n Childs Store. ,
Deliciously Meaty Prunes .
From CO to 70 delicious California prunes for a dime. Just think of itl
10c lb.
Fancy Evaporated Apricots .
Bright, large, clean California fruit of delightfully rich flavor.
19c lb.
Sliced California Peaches . .10c can
'Twould be well to "stock up" the pantry at such a price as thla.
Really Tender String Beans, . 8c can
Tender and mellow, and of fine flavor; and the price is no price at all.
"Holly Wreath" Asparagus Tips, 9 c can
Dependable quality and canned economy in every tin.
Best Jersey Cranberries . . 8c lb.
Jersey berries, you know; and the only poor thing about them is tho price.
Century Brand' Mince Meat .
A quality that comes well within the llmlta of PUR requirements.
Pure Sweet Cider
12c lb.
7c at., 25c Sal.
Made-from .sound apples; and exceptionally good. ,
Childs' Baking Powder, Full lb. cans, 15c
Too cheap to be good? Not a bit of itl although it U less than half the price of tha ordinary powder.'
It's, a pure phosphate powder: and has all tha p-nml nnlnt.o nH nn. r , i,,i ... ntW
h.aTi.la V,,.ll finri If lolro t,nt klttavioh m1.l S1 5i Ti- " V?. ".. i" !"" '' "',"""
unusual ;
. . - - -'. - - -"Tir nvu. --rf .- uuu aijii u. liic uau i.3i.
You'Jl find it lacks that bitterish, commonly unpleasant taste; and you'll find many othejr points of
...u Esofoi..... t,Uww, ,uam rjr n. o icsujuriy usea in so many uiousanas of homes.
"Where Your Money Goes, the Farthest"
f1f I
M! f
Iff ?
ljSHJHway,bt, gitA to go I
Ill iff