BOOMS tOft -tfcttT rmtlimH reft rrfcnflity PatfS. SLevi TiMY AVE 8lll Tvn room tffiC- roWK!'V.i m enafiit. exr'ne home, mnrte m . JESremMft mlB ,0 cu "Ml. rrest. BSIrt. ." RtotTR SflJl Furn. com rooms; ti. hsis ' southern p- etn areolars; senllemen, j5i "JUT 8o NteetT .turn room, einaly nf i V. ,at water neati ! W !-. al e-- W. kss-V lif.V S larae-unfiirnla'ieit a- - . d-wt IJJJJy V desirable, prl-ate homo; references. 5t AND LOCUST- N'rJv ft'rriaSed mom; .h iminW water. See Mr Whalen, auperln- H58i 5.n-lmn Apartments tSffm adl. bath I" Tr ""V r'- yl'lnllr I5!h f,l?iVitnoi aenlletnen.prefi family 2 ailn'ta, Sf rteh. rnona 1'rr. M am. l.-.1er out. BOARDING tCirtrr AVE.. HIS Second-floor front room; tE"'Vt.r hl! nrit.elaas bort. Tle.a sail. btkitihl jjil-1 T" nSrB,'K!' .room. Btlvtt. 'ISimiUWo board.,, rhone Walnut .TITJ. vsavrnTToio" "ntilraMo rooms, with board) Mron1SLi!m-!l.Tll"'r- 'tvle- XSiTiATfiMTR ItOOSt. Clermont Apt.. stth "...I Walnut Roulhern eooklm, esceilent aery. JJJ MllnSl atmosphere. I'none harlns 7S.3 W. "... ftti. rnf!ATJOMl special I rial aclenllflo carsi t?Zi,i,i. elilerlr! e-err comfort! nnraeei book. !".,,vfc; n...i Cltr Mn. Chfnlnut tlllt. 11 Mr. i. -...-.. ATAKTMENTS iv irrtwrvt'tflTl (13D AND OXrOllU 8TS. TeatM In ona of the molt xcltiilt rl CfnlUl aVrtlana nf Iho cltri htah and h.althv ind w thin 23 mlnutra of ifllr Ifall via Markat iirnt dirwt to tlwi liulldlnr Hult of 3 rrami, Kin and fcllthen!!., from 130 to 140. Tuhljo Ifhon Over- mam ... uu.iu.i... i orooK iuooj ; f " 1.. ' JVI." I.. n.iM. im.1i nnlatin Vrr diMhli aprtmi-nl; hnrilwnort floors. Btm ht; gatand olctrlr lUht. a rnotnf and bath on Jd floor. Alio 3 ronma ami hath on 3d floor. MKAItH linOWN 203 South 15th at. aEItMANTOWN THE NEtV ADDITinf TO PF.I.HAM COUIIT IH OPEN TEMtAM COURT ttrb not built to nukn nn cctal to nrry on but In ymt who demand thf bfat anil ar afiMintoinitd to rcrlo It at a prlco which. conldrln what, ynu, do da. nnd and reolvr. la modtrata: It will rankt a mrrnir, romiwlllna appfal rKLIIAM COUIIT la lopilrd nt Carp'nlcr'a Ctatlan. tlermantown. Juat orf lirnuttful I.ln mln tirlva, on tM rannirlvnntn. Itallrond; to or so trains a day. aurtlr transvortatlon tnouah for any one. ,.,,.. . Hultti of 3 moms and 1 balh to n room nd 3 baths: th slit to suit your rniulro mnl. rrlc nra from lull up. I'KIJIAM Cot'IlT la a nulct, pi-rfdct ArAIITMENT HOTEL, and loralfd In nn ab. olutely Ideal and exc'.ualwt auhurban Inridnn, In a word, you may com" lo TELIIAM COuItT and nnd a perfect siilmrbnn Inration. with transportation unexcelled nn Ideally con. strutted bulldlnc, ii'jlel dlirnlllcd elegant Tou may seleet nn apnrtment nf tlii rn to suit sour Individual needs, you will find all your hotnekeeplnsr problem sohe.1 nnd uked caro of for ou nbnolutely without efrnrt on oyur partj ou will find a tabln of the utmost exceltenca nt a most moderate price, and the same courtesy. nerlce and nltentlnn Is uniform throuchout the nntlro establish- for full Information, arrangements for In spection and reeorvatlona call, phono or writ to norman p. mir.nwooD Mil WAI.NOT ST. srrtucc 3971. itAcn 30315. r to his representatUe on tho premises nt . L'elham Court. Appolntmenta mty ba mude for automobile lo call nt vour realdenco nr business nine and take you directly to 1T.MIAM COL'UT at sour connulenco and pleasure. HOUSEKEEPING APAETMENTS TOU CANNOT KIND A JETTEn AJ-AHTMENT N.E.Cor. 17th & Walnut (J Mock from n.ttnhnuo fi'iunri) Tht honnokcrrlnc miltfi are trfct In Ihflr rliin. tt larru brrtronm nrh hav Irr bar windows, flno Inrwfl Hv-nr room. dlrlnc room. Itltohin; inaUt'n roon ami .! bathroom nn well. Itteal winter nnd num mr partment. Also tilti nf 'J roonn fird bath, ono miltn of 2 rooms, bnth mul kltohcn. irefl uns of tnunJry on top floor. Tour Inspection cordially Invited, Phon Walnut CJ2J MERTON W. GREIMS uncitTr iildo . nnoAD & chestnut THERE ARE SEVERAL WAYS OV SKCtmiNO AN APARTMENT Bat suppose. Instead of trylne all three dif ferent vcass, s'ou Juat call at this office tha Isrcsst, most atiracuvo and iast equipped tn Philadelphia, devoted exclusHely to securing just what tney want for particular people. Tell ua your requirements. The leadlne and dolribl- apartments In Philadelphia aro Haled with or may bo rented through us. Our automobiles aro waiting to tako you to tho Hit of properties you deslanate. ao that with the least posatblo effort you mas secure tho . one apartment In Phlla. which most nearly approaches your exact Ideal. NORMAN H. SHERWOOD 1411 WALNUT ST. Spruce 31171, Ilaco S033. CoDSKKEEPINO APARTMENTS All parts of city, 3 rooms and bath to 7 rooms and bath; 133 to 170 per month: call, phono ur write, I SAMUEL 8TERN, 1301 Chestnut st, CHESTNUT ST , '.'001 TN." W. " CORNeTT)---Professlonal offices nnd apartments. Elaratora, electric lights, steam heat. Janitor service, suites 2 rooms and bath. NEW CORONA DO CHESTNUT AND 22D STREETS A few varanclai. Apply Janitor. WTKST PHILADELPHIA XINOSCOURT 38TII AMD CHESTNUT BT3. .BEVEHAL MODERN HOUKKKEEP1NO AVARTMUNTS FOR UKNTl JCLECT1I1C KLB VATOR8. PUHLIO DININO JIOOM. APPLY EST. TI1QS. M. H EEDS, JR.. 1307 RACE ST. ESSEX. 34th and Chestnut: Montersy. 43d and Chtiteri Ilelmont. 34th and Spring Oarden. Inquire Janitor, or CltESSE. 80S Hale Uldg. APARTMENT HOTELS ALDINE HOTEL Chestnut and Nineteenth. THE BEST ROOMS AND SUITES With the best table, in Philadelphia j)ay. Week. Month, Sea.on. Year PARKSIDE APARTMENTS Ulss Mary O. McOlads, manager. Buccessor of Mrs. Charles McOlads. w.-.--..p.5rk,,a" " ot 40th st. ?HECTLY OPPOSITE FA1RMOUNT PAnK a?iI. Y'rS-" 1,n" center of city. u ouislda rooms! furnished or unfurnished. Rili", of peculiar xccllsnce. THE GLADSTONE HTIl AND TINE STS. Absolutely Fireproof BVEnAL VERY DESIRAIILB SUITES CAM --,.. "E SECUnED TOlUlTHtrrcn OR UNKUIINISHED HOTEL COLONIAL BPrlT,BsTAT X Bw.V:52'm,l'.M,1'")r APARTMENT HOTEi, rt9vViSSl-N ou AMERICAN PLAN rEHMANEKT OR TRANSIENT OULSTS WM. V. KENNEY. MANAGER THE CLINTON TjaSS,ggSw KPJP?0?13' EVERT CONVENIENCE, rurnlshsd or unfurnished, althsr by f.?' Iranslentlyi suites of oat or - toaT roam., -.iih bat. DELMAR-MORlUd JJ, Sh,1M,.v Osrmantowni SO minutsa "fA.Ufoad Strset Statloni furnished or ua moUhed apartmentai 1 room and bath or knr7 . "oieiia i room ana aHalao housskesplnc apartmaala. "W TUB CENTER Or" EVEnYTUINa" TlfB UTTLB HOTEL ,;.a o. DHUAU HT. IRVING HOTEL SlS-ftlT WALNUT American clan. 3. European. It up. .,, TIIB TRACY rcnUNEKT OR TJIANHIENT aUESTS , TH AND CHESTNUT JIEAIi ESTATE -TOB SALE CITY JlE.?-!11 NORTHEA8T UOULEVAUp tV-MiJL2.'8.0' y-'u JSSOOj 1300 csU; very at- "ctly.; story; 8 roams, hardwood Boots, .a r"rwr,e"c..i !., ' recta, tto. Tag No. CU or No, MONEY FOR MORTGAGES euIMJfljfAa.ocla.tlon and Tnut FundJ. . fLgjlgi- vvu wainui at. U0 NORTH BEVRMTEKfrPirStBRllT .: ,...... o&vnniE.Kniif ainr. --a-iory crick aud brownstone dwsllliu fwuas. Bat order fJgS-' Wm. L. Cr i aw i 11 Jio- I Cravtn'a Son. 15-U N convemsneea; a war train Jtb '' BAINBHlnna -. ...V"15. 10O4 J40 per year. Ilui 19 OU water ran as. irMtllM 80 or per cent.; price i:00 ;. SAl'HELL. TIP a 20th at Anyj.TB FOnTSALB OK KENT BAitUEH HARTMAN k CO. a IMl Chsstnut Sl..N 9tH tPAflNQ HUNTINQ PARK). "'.?!'?' tM three reiruilnliua homes. 'JiHH" 4 WAKD. 4J3U N lh. PARKWAV SITES JflOOD QUINN lth and (harry sU. jjjWf immwSffcffto Ms-rt row )TfrfHtfPelwi ttnlMlnt tatLrnetarr Sites". ete. "er'Jin'd iUiFDi? ,'OTS "" lW """ aitee tiJ. "?.''! fir- '" over sno rata-. -""- "'Win. nis in ivi ksi. Tnm max. . un wauut sr. Stores or. J DwsHinn I.IrTi,i.',iTi,i VK8 TO W A DANDY SJndli inf ,I"lt btfn pul ,n ",nt Sei..',r.iK-Bal h-w couldn't possibly ba dTe.ll.!f1'Ln.J, iidly, built uu in amy vni m.viT b'-a around tnls fact U Just ne iSfft !. Intm "ucn .mlnty ol bual rMVeJjLJi""'' ' n o"' Inn fr ou to con . tie tH0 "r" Bolnc ,nl business or looklnc tor a hew ami batter location is- (..I! min,",.n'"?..",,,"' nd divel na-a hare ii "J"" pul ,B UltST-OI.ASH I'UNIIITION Win1 .?,'m.".'!..IlJr.r,"1?'d. 'hat as lulls as ?jMIi " Jiiiibb iin.NrmrsD noi.ina rSI1 r." bYr- wlth-lha balanca to --the prUo la only tauvOi Just think of It. X.."! dwelllna alnna without Ilia slora la wortn mora than that, and they ara quits sura lo Itwreasa mo;t substantially In value tor they will tn riant on top of a subway station. t.Jh." w.ork of 'emodelln Is Just betnr fin L..S,.l3."rc' nr''. "n'' "Is lo " had at any price. Wy sinnd snuarely hack of these prop erties and recommend them In svery way our representatlia will bo on tho premises all disappointed NortMAN s siiEitwoon ...Hit Walnut Mtreot. Spruca 3071. Ilaca J023. WI'.ST rlllUMIELI'JIlA llAltOAIN for colored homo seeker. 780 N. -leih. a semidetached 3-story, txin h front ttwelllnK. evrrv miMiern convenience, h rooms! laras lot. I'm in.", feet: can bo l.ounlit for amount of as- seaament. 3t0i terms to suit. WlllTi:8II)i: A MebANAIIAN. 18th and Vine. 5R00 Semldelachedi hot-water heati electric I3UGENE L. TOWNSEND R.E err. 40th A Italto. ove. I'h. Wood I'd SI0O. SfNHIHNi: AND IIKAr.TIt These words sue ppst II iitneld uenurt houas. with sunny, out door sleepinc porches nnd Kreneli caflement windows I'Emit.hton Emtates. H3S Mouth nsth at. Telaphona Woodland 47ST. THE CMII.TON APTS.. flt'l-Mt N. 33J St. Fill nf tenants, ptylnu inveatment price nnd terms right. Wee IIAIIIIIB J. CUII.TUN. own er. 3M.1 Locust at . 0 to J I A. II. IRno CAHtf hus mmWn L'.siory boms, only 3 minutes from "I." stillon hirnln. McCOL'llT.J."( 00th si. 27 fi'ti'D ST. lodernlrell. o rooms erry enmenlT.nce. J. EDWAItD I.L'TZ. sin N 17th nt. HKB 1IIIJ NEW SAMPl.r. HOUSE" " I Walton nve. lno.ft. lots ENIIUIKI. Ilullder. Wll.llWH" AVE Iiniin h7lh" to filth sts.: S.inr.o. 7 rooms, enc porches, boi-wster heit. KEIIHHAW ritowt.. Oirners. .1315 Chestnut H.'7TH ST.." 1 ".noo Assumed for mortrnite nt Phfrirf'e sal- .1 sty . 13 rms . near Chester a vi- : offer. Taylor A Son, L'l J ! H loth st. UKAUTIt-TI. 3 atv. porch mansion, coat 510 onn"j airrinco for fsono, terma I'h. luring 7R1IV. OEUMANTOMN OEU.MANTOWN IIOMEH. nil sections. 8MUM.EN . IIAIUtT rV"nk,ln llnn, Hulldlnc. Walnut 3:.87. . Olilt JIEAIi "ESTATE IIUI.I.ETIN will be ssnt to ou by mall on application. Oerm-intown Trust Co.. Clielten and Oermantown aves. IE TOU AHE I.OOKINO TOU A HOME In OerT muntown, Mt. Airy nr Chestnut Hill, consult me. A. It Meehon J1747 (lermnntown ave. OUIt NEW ItEN r nnd" Bale Hat of Uennanlown and Chestnut Hill properties sent on appllca- tlon.H.U. I.lster A Hon. J012 Oermantown av STONE Colonial house. l3"roima, 3 barhij'nna trees, larso lot. WAHNOCK & E.MI.EN. Com- rnerclal Tru.atHldB-. t Chestnnt Hill 8EVEHAI. DEalllAllI.F! rnOPEP.TIE3 MINTUItN T. WltlOHT CO. iitmrtis III.DU. Tloia WE HAVE THE HOUSE TOU WANT IN TIOOA Oil I.OOAN KENNEDY A ItAMIlO. 37-IU ClUltMANTOWN REAL ESTATE, mortgages and conteyanclnr. WM. D. CIIAMIIERS 41)83 N. Ilroad at. ltoxlio rough for list noxnniiouaii real estate Near benutlful Wlsathtckon. M mllea from Market at. Write CALVERLEY. OHIO Ridge. Pi:XNSYl.VANlA SUMUItllAN IinOOKLINE Tlrnnd-now det. dtvlgs., T r. b.. water heat, electr., S0xl33; 13830; only 1430 cash required: will exchange. . J. ELMER WATTS, upp. Uiooklln Blatlon. DARI1Y Corner property, desirable locution: 7 rooms, heater, bath: SOilSO to st.i near trol- lcy: 33UO. Snopa A Sons. Darby, ELK1NS PARK Now Colonial dwelling. 10 rooms, 2 hatha, hot-water heat; big bargain, a minutes from elation. -tcCOHMICIC A MCCORMICK. Kilt Chesjtnut. nnd Etklns Park. ULENSIDE HOMES and building sites every description. RHNNINOER A HENNINC-EH. GlensMe, Pa. 3UI1URIIAN REAL ESTATE Any price. All locations Sale or rent. CHARLEJI J. HOOD A CO. Morris Uldg. SUHURIIAN RESIDENCE.1 for sale or rent". attractive locations, prices right. Maurlcs J. Hoover. Real Kstate Trust llldg. LARUE J.IST OP HtlSUnilAN HOMES, falo or rent, on the Main Line or Reading It. R. WM. If. WILSON tCO..M orris Rulldlng. BUUURIIAN TOWN COUNTRY Bend for catalogue. .... IlRtiWN A CLOUD,Norrlstown. Pa. ULENOLDEN Ileautlful corner property. Mono and frame, 1 sleeping rooms, hot water hent, electricity, atono open Hreplacei lot ltlSxlSU; quick aalo must bo made. II Ml. Ledger Central. L FARMER lThfniimJi'i!.bl.lll bus nasa prorertles, ii.ii .rTS" "n1.WBt,'.re located-on tim utn Kimtafra1?,' ara n'imKrtd 1IJJ to 83 W. vumoerland St.. Incluslte. wii,iliJJiLftV.?yi?. '! J."iisroiRiii Jtwr "f'i.'.Wif0'! OU 1O0PBN VtlUll STOHK iTi .-l.' US.., .y.V. .MUIT ADMIT TIIAt I i v V.'iiW'ilU'J'Hl.W-Voi; juht exact- IjI VOL It HBjUHT'tJ DEHIHE. WE WANT TO DO RIGHT My dear little Pupils Sometimes I think of you all in ono room nnd I nm at a desk talking to you. Today I want to call your attention to ONE thing a child always want to do what is right. I do not say ai child always dos what is right I DO say a child always WANTS to do the right thing. As we grow older our life, broadens and wo do not always know which thing to do tho right or the wrong. Your own little heart beats will tell you what is right and you may bo sure GOODNESS and TRUTH aro fighting on YOUR side. That la why grown-ups must become as little children before they enter tho beautiful land of white angels. Wo call old people CHILDISH because they must bo simple and sincere, kind and true, bofore going across the river. Sometimes grown-ups misunderstand you. "To be great is to be misunder stood." Tho man who said tho earth was round suffered for it, so did the man who said tho earth moved. To be a simple, sincere, kind child is grentness in itself Lovingly, FARMER SMITH, Children's Editor. Wise Mr. Toad Sent In by JBANNETTA I1LACKWOOD. Earlham Terrace, When toads aro staepy, do you know That they hue bads to which tbey go, That they are covered snug and warm From howling blast and pelting storm Tba winter (brought . Jack and the Fairy By IDA LINETT. Pennsro atrwt Once upoi) a time there Uvea a Utile boy whose name was Jack. JIIh mother and father were very poor. Sometimes Jack didn't get anything to eat. They lived In an old hut on top of the hill. At the hot torn of the hill was a pool where Jack went aomettmu to catch Hli. One day, as Jack was sitting: near the pool, an old woman came up to him and said, "Will you give me something to eat?" Jack replied. "I haven't much, but I shall give you half of my lunoh." When she ivae through she gave Jack a box and said. "Open this box when you get home. "When he got home and opened the box, what da you think he found? It was full of gold ' Is mother aud father were dazsled and asked him where ha got the box of gold. He told them the whole story and how the fairy had told him to open It when lie got home and how she had melted Into a cloud. Ills mother and father took the gold and bought a beaut-ful house aud UautlfiU eluthsB opd toy for Jack, Thojp JJyJmj. Vtf Slfl Jtf . . T EVENING LEDGER-PHlLADISLPHrA, TOTE8DAY. NOVEMBER 10, BEAT. ESTATfi FOIl SAT-i3 rnwVri.VANiA "i'ncKri.NL Conllsaed from Jfclla Cotunn COCNTPiV tloMGS. atneral and t Imrro.Vd farms, bulidlac sllss, tc , In tha White rnsran Valley and In tl-a i-e,tlon btlwtsn Nortlatown. Dorleslown and llatboro. , II. J DAUBIt. Inc . Amhler. I'a, Pobnrban IM . VISIT SPfUNfiriCtD rAIMR. 2 aua.res from Sprtnt'eit Station on lh Me.iu 8-ort l.lnei fclan. levri Ion. nil Improvements. 00I3S fel. JlJn tetms Jlo monthly, nosito feet. Moo. ter na II tnont'ny. careful festtletlona. Offl.-c, SprlPtfehl and Saier aa. Aa'ii!.V:i'5r,l'.'IB'l'- SA.MDKN ixin iNvm 3WD INVESTMENT Camden real estate. I? I . PI flH I NO. 21 uroaaway. .iviri ji CAMDEN. N. J. NEW JEU.aEV Hr-XIIOIIE TENNSVLVANIA rAHMS COt-'NTttV HOMES AND KAHMMt Main t.lne and throushout counties adjacent to Phlladelphlai aala or rent J. M. Kronsfleid. Wayne. I'a. HEAL ESTATE SALE OK RENT CtTT AND SftlUnnAN properties for sals oj rent, liwer Merlon rteslty Company. Land 1 nn- llulldlnt. Philadelphia. Pa, citv CENTIlAt. PnoPRrtTIKS TJAME a D JW I pfc I Vlu I Tjffi ndB anMntl I'EXNSYI.VANIA stunUltflAN ItAr.A.CTNWYD litres list nousja. aala or rent, at all prices. Hamuel C. Warner. Jr.. Commsrclai Trust IllJr.. 15th and Markst. main line, r. n. n. MAIN LINE Meat line of Main Mr.a houses. 'thr for sale or rent, at all prices. ItlllST A McmOI.I.IN West End Trust tilde. REAT. ESTATE TO EXCHANGE WK IIAX'i: 10 EAItMS. taken In e.chane, which we will sacrifice for nulck cash sales. Lall for partlcu1ara oaii:N, 1320 nibart. Wll.l. Ec1tANtlBlrj.o6o osk Lane "resldenct for smaller pronerts In West Philadelphia, t. 014, I.e.t-ei- uftlce. HEAL ESTATE WANTED Wo Hnvc Sold $150,000 WOnTH OI' IlEAI. ESTATE TlltH TEAU AND WE CAN SELL TOUH8. PARRELL,710 S. 20TH WANTED. for"ihlch a bonus nf 150 will will be paid, a small detached rottaie or hunaalow In suburbs suitable for young married couple; llent 130. Address full particulars, M 053, Ledger Central. ttn.W, ESTATE bousht. sold, rented, rents co. lected; montane loans for a term of seara or on blllldlna association plan. AJVniUU HOSWELL, 333 N. llh at. WILL buy cheap real estate any section Phila delphia. Immediate answer. Urokara pro tscted, Chester p. Itottner. 1130 Chestnut. WANTED Small bulldln. suitable for foundry! city or auburbs. II 84S. Ledxer Central. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY DEBT LOCATION Entlra dwelling, except physician's offices on first noon 8 bedrooms, 4 baths, electric light, hot-water heati excel lent for dressmaker or private family. MEAUS JJItOWN. 2038.lolha! . T !'. NEaT.IH. u"10 8. I8TH ST. C30 M. 33d at , tl rooms, conva 140.00 3.'l N lilth st., 10 rooms, convs so oil 7.14Haca st 10rooms, convs , 30,01) BTOHES AND DWEI.LINlis "in all sections of city. See our Hat In the ledger Saturday. SAMUEL T. POX A CO K. E cor. I'lh nnd Callowhlll. "" SEND TOU OUR KENT LIST THE LAND TITLE AND THUUT CO. Itroad and Chestnut sts, 18BDE"LAN'CEV PLACE 13 rooms and 2 natlis: rental per annum $1000. Edgar O. Cross. 1411 Walnut st. ItiiaInesaJ'roperlles and Storw UTOItEH FX)Il HENT HOT Chestnut H)34 H KlRhth 114-130-334 S. llth 114 N. Klflh ltiol-ltl.5 Markst lus s. 3nth 007-1110-1304 Wslnut J. A. PATTEUSON. 130 H. IStll NEAR IIROAD AND BPRINO OARDEN AUTO SALESROOM AND SERVICE STATION fi'Story and bnflemsnt building. 40x170. to rear atreet. auto elovalor. ateam heat MORRIS A CO. Ridge at Ilroad. - ARCH ST.. 707-0 Store and baaement; Inrga window, good space for manufacturer'- agent tn mako display. LEA ESTATES, 700 Han som st. . MARKET ST.. Ml Entire building through to Commerca at.: suit retail or wholesale business; Immedlats possession. Apply PENNA.CO . 817 Chestnutat. TIRE AND ACCESSORY MEN Wo will niter small building on 15th at., near Callowhlll to suit sour requirements. JIYEHS ARARTIfiRJdgoavs.and 10th. il)0UHQ. YT. atreet "frontngo: goou- wlndowdls. play: shipping facilities: all convs.; centrally located; moderate rental. 1317 Filbert, fo.OO 053" N. FRANKLIN OT.. store and eel lar; Nealls. 010 S. 13th st. Ilotli phones, raetorles. Warehouses. Mfg. Floors Cohocksink Mills 6T,ivNeDcou.b.8.T3- Doors, r.000 tn lH.nnn so. ft,: cheap power. R. P. McNEELY 1732 Randolph. FACTORIES AND FLOOR SPACE of every lie. srrlptlon, Phlla. and Mclnlty. Factory Ex change. Stephen Ulrard llldg. Filbert 47UO. FACTO!tlCS. altea. warehouses, floor sdbco ex clusively. J. Alan Mlddlston. Factory Bpe ciallat and Engineer. (100-11 Wldcner llldg. SEVERAL SMALL FIXXJRS with power, north east section; send for list factory exchange. HTEJIIEN OIRARD IJJ.DU . FILHERT 4700. HAVE PARTY who will erect"hulldlng. central or other location, for satisfactory tenant. DIETHRICII. 737 Walnut st. OFFICES, HCSIN1WH IMOMN. KTO. DItEXEL IILDO. OFFICES Annual rentals, single rooms. J loo. Jl.o iijo js.'.D,,ir.oo. Suites. 2 rms.. 1144. S!.-.O.iluM3flO,i223,r.!30. Suites, 3 rms.. I37A I400.S4SO.I5!)0,tll73.l7AO. End aulte. 1-1.17. '.'730 aq ft , 211 ronms.13375. Corner suites. 4 to 8 rooms. 1030 lo !Ht.'.o. ELLIS D. WILLIAMS, 500 Drexel Uulldlng. SMITH'S RAINBOW CLUB A "WHAT-YOU-DON'T- NEED" PARTY GATHER together all the things you do NOT want. Have them repaired, if possible. Tag them with your name and address. THEN SEND THEM TO FARMER SMITH'S RAINBOW CLUD, EVE NING LEDGER. . P, S. Peek in this comer every now and then for news of our Christ mas Rainbow Exhibition. Things to Know and Do tviMrcny RgPftKSChT! Sent If. Iff H$igH$ ABJjiui, Taaker stt jfir y BBAL ESTATE FOR REWX nrrirR. iifsiNEss rooms. ric. tOTillaurd ruin rrrcrdln CoJamia Itir.o nnF.Dnuti.DiNa ilit.oij Centrally located all conenl-ee: rents at. . traetively low servle continuous. ,. M MS, wo 1311-17 Filbert st 133.00 I'rarraalonal Offlcea I'ROFESStONAI. nttLDINO. t9l-SS, Chestnut st. A fe,w suites for physicians or dentists, . .' T JACKSON CO Ohestnut nltlu . wiwt iHiiuti:i.rii WE ARK OPFEIUNO FOR RENT The largest and best e!eMpiinf houses and apartmenta In West Philadelphia. Win. II. W. Quick & Bro., Inc. . SOUTH 4nTII HT TntntlMlJ AND HATlt: sood nJbborhood, reMpere.l throushoul, 133. IN rER-tlTY REALTY CO.. 147 S Ilrosd st. OmMANTOWN . STENTON Several dealrabta bouses for tent! open every day: trains tn 8tenton station. M.U'HAN. DOLMAN A CO.. N. E. cor. llron.l and Chestnut. TOR RENT FURNISHED l'KNN8YI.V'l ! I'.I'IIIIAN . FOR WINTSIt Oil YEAn Nearby furnished nouses, to us" mo.. . .'JJ,. r.' ir C. P. PETERS A SON. (SOS CHESTNUT BT. MORTOAOES TO SECURE A MORTOAOfJ ,,., He It first or second If roil desire IHclent service, quick and satisfactory results and moderate charges MA ., CALL. PHONE On WRITE TO U9 "Your mortgage will be as good as rUcsd." NORMAN S SHERWOOD. Hit Walnut !., $IOO,000-412 FLAT SPECIAL TRUST FUND FOR OOOD FIRST MOHTOAOKfl. nOHACE II JJRITZ. 713 WALNUT ST. ISO NOTE OR MORTOAOn Immediate Settlements. TO Unsettled Estate Loans. llulldlng Asaoctatton Funds. 1 1 000 DKMI'SEY 4 CO. TTUN'DsT-'oTriSlORTAG'ES-" Northern Trust Company SIXTH AND 8PRINC1 OAHDEN HO.NB7 FOR alOriTCIAOES LAROE AND SMALL AMOUNTS qi'lRK ANIWI'.RS W. If. IltHU) 313 W. NOHIU3 ST. 77. MORTOAOES SECURED" ... , BUILDERS' ADVANCES A MPF.rtALTY DRUMIIAI'OII PAUKKR, INC. 1487 WAI.NUT HT. ilon.nno TO'lNVEST'ln tlrst mortgages, In sums from 11000 up also building association money for second mortgages. O C SKIDEt. A CO.. 4th and Callowhlll sts. MOO. I30O TO 13000 TO LOAN iKrt LEWIS! A CD. ''" tMT l- tll.iit..l nve. 5C TRUST rit.NIlS FOR KIR1T MORTOAOU IIEnKNEMS A STETSON J.AND TITI.B IIU1LDINO MONEY OU 1ST AND 2t MOIITOAHE3 T. A. REDDINO SON "00 WALNUT HTi 0303 SPRUCE ST; ALL AMOUNTS. 1ST AND 3D MORTOAOES Quick answer. . . MAtmiCEJl MATSINOER. III. Est.Tr. Rldg FUNDS FOR 1ST AND 3D MORTOAOES MORTOAOES FOR SALE THEO K NICKLES 3313 Oermantown as FUNDS FOR 1ST AND 3D MOIVTOAOBS ANY AMOUNT . . . POTTS J. THOMSON 3131 Frnnkford are. "MONEY for'niorigagea.' Rucks County property. ARTHUR 1" TOWNSEND, Lincoln llulldlng Philadelphia. LOANS ON' INTEREST IN ESTATES Iteaannable Chargea JOHN A. HARRY 507 Land Title nldg.j 1ST A 3D mortgages wanted city or suburban. CHESTER OSllORNE. INC. . . Offices. Iinadowna. and lo24Chestnutst. ""ADVANCES TO liril.DF.ltS A SPECIALTY IIAXLETT A MOMS 31H WALNUT ST. . 1ST and 2d mtgs . hide and private funds: quick and satisfactory results moderate charges. CAMEIION!8TATi:. 3Stt Kensington nve. MONET for'drsl and second mortsaees. private funds and building associations WM rillEOHtCH A CO 01 N 12lhst. FIRST MORTOAOE FUNDS in amounts of JflTsV YiltOWN A CO,2t7 B.nrJ.J. FUNDS for Orst. second or split mortgages. collateral nnd short term loans. AUKRNETIIY 133 S. 13th 3731 N nth "PRIVATE" FUNDS FOlfriltHT MORTOAUES Money for building and loan second mortgages. JOS. ALLEN rOTTS. 41)03 llsltlmore nve. HAVE eomgllt-ci1rd tlrst mortgages for sale. denominations I33HO and 13000 .. K. II. APSI.EY, .lh and Sprlngfletil ave MONEY for first nnd second mortgages building association and Installment mortgages Willis- WlnchesterComrany.100t Chestnut st. FUNDS for ,nrst" and second mortgagee: any amount; quick answer . CJIAH. W. MILLh.ll. 401-407 CommonweaUh llulldlng. Al.ft AMOUNTS lo loan on 1st nnd 2d 3tges. Chas. . De Young. 400 W End Trust Uldg. MONEY TO LOAN QUICK LOANS TO HOUSEKEEPERS You run ready cant, from thin NEW ici;nhi:i anh i.ondku company quick- y, privately on-l without reil tap If yon am lomokfppln-:. You can borrow 1A. tl'7. 130. iw I tu tl inn. ti(, 172 anil no on up to lion nt A nr rni iniMro-tf Ynu run borrow S10. 113. UCrt. S1M or Ia. t 2 Mr cnt Intnrrat. vnymentu art small nnd within your Incomo. We hne 5 prlvntu ofncea for your convcnlnifl Vermlt u to explain our up-to-date method Phono Walnut 3il3. Open H a. m to l p in. HOUSEHOLD LOAN COMPANY 131 South Broad Street Second floor. Next to rorrest Theater. vntt can noitriow ON DIAMONDS. JEWELS. ETC. Jf. AND III' 2 i7!V AND UP lft JSOO AND UP ICi AND UP AND UP. itiuiJim a 15S MARKET HT. R1DUE AVE. AND OXFORD ST. 22IJAND SOUTH STS. MONEY "LOANED tollelra of nnsetUeil estates: Interests bought FRANK P. MARTIN. 724 23 btephen Ulrard Mulldlng. 21 H. 12Ih st. HILLY HUM. 'US-STAR UAZKK Ity Farmer Smith "Why don't you bo quick nbout It and say that you want mo to get down your well and seo the stars by daylluht and then I will lie a wise goat?" naked Ullly Lluuipua of Mister Klephant. "That's what I am driving- nt," answered the lilt fellow. "Well, drive a little harder." renlleil Illllv taking n squint at tho wall. "I suppo-o It would not do any harm for mo to bring up your ropo when I get down Btar-gazlnu, would It?" ",Vo, Indeed. Hut I wanted you of all tho goats I know to havo the honor of being a wise gout: a goat who knows KVKIlVTHl.N'a" "If I were a wise goat now I would know enough not to go down that well, but as I am not a wl3u goat I guesu tho only thing for me to do Is to go down tne well and bring up your ropo amusing myv lf for a fow miiAitcs gazing at tho stars." "That's It !" exclaimed Mister Elephant. "Strange I euosaed It," said Dllly, getting carcastlc. "Suppose you start now before It get dark," suggested the big fellow. "Anything to please you," said Hilly. "Do you know how to go down a weir." asked Mister Ultphatit. 'There aro several ways of going down a well," said nillyj "what particular brand do you prefer!" "CJo your own way I merely suggest you be careful." Mister IJlephant moved closer to the well. "That's awful sweet of you to be so anx ious about me I think I would rather go uown ins wen wimoiu iwving you see me. Yuu might want to do It yourself If you saw me doing It. Then you would be a wise JSlepnani see 7' "But I have no whiskers," replied the big leuow. "That's a fact wise ones have whiskers. True, very true. Suppose you run lo the house and come back. Hy the time you get there I will be at the bottom." Mister ) lephant toddled off toward the house, wnue uiuy started down the well He stretched his four legs out almost straight -nd worked his way down the wen. When he reached the bottom of -lister Elephant's well, he found about half a foot of water. He took a nice cool drink and looked up. There, far above him, ha saw the twin kling stars and the two beady eyes of Mister i-iepnant. "Now I've got you!" shouted the big fellow. (It looks bad (or 13 Illy, but don't be lm- - ... - . . .. . ..... ,., .,. T...... J-.-.. 2g?S C RAP P LElSM The Yoiinjr Lady Acnm (he Way Tito young lady uorusa tin' wn) uyH sho dined nt tho hotel lust evening nnd hrnrd such n lovely mcxianlnn soprano. Ho Knew T.Ittle Wllllo was playing one day with the girl next door, uliolt the latter exclaimed. "Don't you hear your mother calling you? That's, llirco times sho'a dono so. Aren't you going in?" ".S'ot yet." responded Wllllo Impor turbably. "Won't nho whip you?" demanded the little girl, nwod. "No!" cxctnlmctl Wllllo In disgust. "Sho nln't goln' lo whip nobody! She's got compnny. So, when I go in, she'll Just any, Tho poor lltllo man has been so deaf since he's had tho measles !' " WASTED Slight Misapprehension "Is your husband an altruist?" ' "I don't think so," ropllcd young Mrs. Torlclns; "and I almost hopo no body nsltu him to Join. Charley has ho many uniforms- now that I uan hardly take enro of them." Picture Puzzle Tho Sketch. Kind tho N'outrnl. to ifrfmii "re KoRCotv "rue fAOON'J. 1 IWt tUWTteJ BLAMKEIV OV.ANK?? U O-rX ( --hst - . . c-h w..!.' g. , tH PSUOW THAT fcui-T'TMAT I jfa. X. SlfeVi'M.Va OUCiMT TO BC HUNO- I oE 66M 0U4.HT To atttt H CilVt HIMACaOOOCoATOP- J tg?t TfCS' r TAR AHOFCATHERi "SSmJ yC a --'. -1i-,'r - --.I, afaJ - AFTER JACK'S INVITATION TO SL EKP AT THE HOUSE, HIS JOVIAL FRIENDS EXPRESS APPRECIATION WO'S ALL fllfiltT? OOTH! WHO B-0-O-T-H RH! RAH! 1 RAH! 1 'ft -1 BOOTH! WHO? 4mm wmjj mmr ,Nm" . zmwMmmw-2r- ti;iw'ff .1 iff iiriian viiy'Xfl s ath 1 wffifffii- 1 IH u 1 'ittitirjrm WImxt? mim v - w-' "wmwi yfr-tm. 'S-Jr mm ' wa mraM WlmM . Jm S WA 11 JW 0 J . I ASVZ4. . toA , , SB KJt yi? fmi jw mmi im tm MFMW TOKSSrT ft , HJfflF: ..,.. mmmBnmi KmnsmiivA w pi m frrp u wMmmm mmmmn WQiYl'i i J , I 1916 THE PADDED CELL . . . j yl.t l y V y N y . vrf?' "' y . --x o- ' k kAi 1 V , Vm'' I -StEAlCRAPHELR- Vl I ' 1 SHt (3RE6TS TrfH. PReUDEMT M 1 OP TVe COUCCKN AfTfeR E J a beim. on Ttn. uob oMvr mr a vjobk. ; c t - t IE- i (f-TcMDMORMlNfi, L ? I r W ' tf; (PAPA -YOU OU) sS gfe IDUCKV! H0W5 fap '. apAOUR UIVGRT 8 J J JlyjYou Osarold ( mpJ l i (' I ) ,c HA-fuAe.n V ; ENERGY s. o. s.m Here is the terrible Ilrltlsh tanK That caught tho Iloches on the flank. The Germans better hurry up. "Will some one please page Mr. Km pp. Utility Martini I havo never seen such an extraordinary vurlety of wedding presents na thoy have. Dubonnet Yes. The bride says they havo enough material for bridge prizes to last them tho rest of their married life. Judge. .A 7 I III lrni-!?VJ af-H ' ' 'it ' 1 mmfMmrA mi&, 111 m'' "'.... "" .'i'.i : iifcta. Political Allegiance A matron of tho most dotermtned chnractcr was encountered by a younr; woman rcportor on n country papor, who wan sont out to lntcrvlow leading: cttlzons na to their politics, "May I see Mr. 7" aho asked or a storn-looltlnp; woman, who opened the door nt ono house. "Ho, you can't," answered tho ma tron decisively. "But I want tq know what party ho belongs to," pleaded tho girl. Tho womon drew up her tall flguro. ' "Well, take a good look at me," sho said, "I'm the party ho bejongs tol" Down at Palm Beach Williams Purple Cow. Wnlklkl Stuff Tell me. Archie, how nm you and lyour mother gottlng on with tho servant problem down heret Archlo Swimmingly, Maud, swim mingly wo have two Finns, Harvard Crimson, Obliging Mrs. Simmons was rather taken aback by learning; that hir new do mestic's name was the same as hen own daughter's. "Your name, .-Catherine, nnd my daughter's being the Bams makes mat tors somewhat confusing:," said Mm. Simmons. "Suppose wo change It?" "Ol don't molnd, mum," replied tho girl. "That's very nice," Bald the mls tress. "How do you like, say, th name of Bridget?" "Well, mum," returned the dome,.; tic, "H'a not meallf that's over par ticular. Ol'm wIlllnK to call th' young ledy ony name ye'd suggtst, mum. No, This la Not Football - !$ Londsa Duinl-a. Only the morning rush for the com! pany wash tank .jc Promoted --? "Jones, of the shoe department. Is (h ' father of a baby girt He told the bS&t-j-'i about It, thinking he might get a m&t -& motion." 'Am - - I l" 'I g- '- 5 , 5' - 1. tsaL L tr-T.rg.1 a a ..l M HH $4jy r.vz? ,m mmi ' " -I9bbibibibH aeSH-BiBiiBiBiH -," "9 . " .U' :K . - -Jijmf-l-3&iiS- -s- Wf-3-SS-e'.- 5"- XlT' jrtj. -"-' -i' ''3& ?:' t" " ft . U -- jm-. AtA- - . i Mmm&m