ISf is-1 mm v3 IE ''wm . pff'A MwMm MSm. Hf V jffiPjffir aS.ll . 10 i&ttaft $Sir rUBLie LEDGER COMPANY OTRVii . K, CUKTIS. rtwtsrt w3!?? ft lAiflr(ti)n,.VJ6 PrfiMsntt John HLSin,?,kfl',r,,-SJ?..n(' Xiuwn Philip B. , Cmffiia. Jehn B. Williams, Directors. EDrTOIUAL- ROAHDi st- , Cubs' H. K. Conta, Chairman. rKVmALEt Edllor tOHtf 0. XtAnTIN" ,.0nerI Sulni ilanarer &bllht flslty lit Pciit8 J.itmct nnllitcr, inurpoacicnco oquare, nnaaejpnia. i,mir VKHTtiL. .,,Dioia and ctintnut Btrf, If an- TotK. tit tin .,.. ,.rresunun nunai ....... ., ,,PrMtntn nuildlm .... ..300 Metropolitan Tw ...... .... 820 Fiord ntilMIni aw ini DCTBMT.. ................. ..3lt M nnlMlrur Ptv Loola. ....... 409 a'ate-Damncrat Building Cbioico............ ....1502 iun JUulldine news stntEAUSi Witnmirnw Inmt7,t.... .ntrr nolldln TB1 T0K B!)Ii0.........TM rimt HulMIn Jiitr.t ih Sinuoi . ... i ..... .fla .Frlrdrlctutraae iO-IPOK Iltltlt. ....Marwnl lloutc. fltrund 'Ata llcnruui ...33 flue Loula l Grand BUBscnirnoN teiuis T5r eatrtfr, alx e-ta wr wet. Ily truill, JXHrtnald outlid of Philadelphia, xept whr tauten poii J required, one month, ttrenty iIt cental ona'year, lhr dollar. All mall eubeertntlon payable In adtranee, NOTies flubecrlbere itrlihttiK addrrte changed nun sirt om a Trail aa new aaaraia. mix, tte walnut KBTSTODE, MAtlt tO0 22 ty Addrwte all eomtnvnUntlont te Xvenln'g lA&ger, Indtvttidenoe Square, Philadelphia. ciTBtKa at inn rmtinrtrrm romorrioa a rcoNf-oi.n mil. Mirtrji. ttai AvEiUon net paid daiLt cin- CULAT10N OV 1UU EVENINO LEDOEIi ron October was mam rhllidflpMi, ThonJir, NorfmW IS, 1J14. Thtra it no debt with to much prejudice pat off at that of juttlce. ' Plutatch.. Tho President will havo ifo montal reservations when ho writes his Thanks giving proclamation. ' lias Mr. Bryan forgottort the old saying that you can lead a donkey to Water but you can't mnko him drink? Women Indorse Firemen's Fight for Higher Pay. Headline. Of course. Did you ever know a woman who was not in faor of n largor salary for her husband? ''Billy" Sunday Is teaching tho JSostonlans mora about the capacity of the English language for plcturesqUo statement than they ever learned In Har vard. Now, that an American bank has. arranged to open a branch In Pctrogntd, It will bo easier for tho Russian Govern ment to mnko financial arrangements to pay for tho locomotives which It buys In Philadelphia. Governor-elect Edgo, of" Now Jer sey, bellevejfln conciliation. He defeated Austen Colgate for tho nomination In tho primaries, but he now offers him tho con solation prise of the command of the Na tional Guard of tho' State, just as Mr. Wilson put Brynn In tho Cabinet. Tho decision of tho State Work man's Compensation Board that drunken ness la a form of contributory negligence which absolvos tho employer from respon sibility for any Injuries sustained by tho workman may bo upset by the courts; but it Is ih lino with thorbeet lay thought on tho subject Tho report from Hagorstown that a Maryland farmer has broken all records abj- ralslnp-COO bushels of potatoes on threo acres needs correction. Tho' avorago yield an aero In Maine is IDS bushels, which means' that some farmers raise 300 bushels. Gorman farmors havo raised es much as '700 bushels an acre. Until farmers" throughout tho country auo ceed In raising, their average, which Is How 113 bushels, to something like the Maine avorage there is littlo prospect for a reducVon of tho high cost of living. It can bo done by proper cultivation and proper fertilizing i ! ' Tho law providing for an experi mental eight-hour day with ton hours pay on Vallroads did not say anything . about tho mlleago basis for wages. Tho employe has been paid either for ten hours work or a 100-mllo run. In re ducing the hours to eight Congress did not-also reduco tho mileage day to eighty. nor was it pressed to enforce the mileage ' , basis, which the brotherhoods deolaro they wll not now surrender. N This is only- one of many perplexities which mada tho employes distrustful of the lawo coon as they had forced It through, But tho measure was admittedly polltl cal and social, and not administrative. It was meant to have "psychological" ef- feet, to bo a sort of minimum basis for wreement in a dispute which was ex pected to begin again Immediately after election. Mr. Hughes made this law a chief Issue in his appeal, Asked if he wymi ropow ji, no repneo tpat "you can not repeal a surrender," Mr. Wilson Will naturally feel that tha people havo tfecidejthat the law was not a surrender. He will feel that tha country has called upan him to bo the solo arbiter in the second half of the fray, sinpe ho stood Upon, his record as sole arbiter In the flrst half and won. Ha is not likely to leave the legislation open to reversal by tji pupremo Court, nor Is half the coun , try In any mood to accSpt the opinion of Mr" Hughes's former colleagues on the bench: as final, Mr.' Wllsdn may fall m JUlgJaUsl, AWprklne plan .Tor his Jnvestl- 3 SlUHUUt u would be folly .to Ignore tha political factors In the problem and 0 rWotaHsuifgesaonfltotheJegaland - judlaW "ylewpeint. T -T One of. tha best ideas that has - mm out of Wisconsin Is that It is posal Water the universities to serva the State msm, directly than by the training of smng mm and women. The experts on UmftLBtHty ot the University of Wisconsin W fiv'BS the fltato the benefit of their UMmoagm m a score of directions. Out NflWit Idea has coma the Society for tha rtmmmn of Training for PubUo Serv im mtet whose auspices the third na- mmi jBonftresce- on the relations of the -Swmtinm to government has been held fcj tt University 1 Pennsylvania MM vm&. We havo learned that tha HfrwHwl mmn tpp the failure of city gmmmmmt u the Anpt to get m,m Hft w stpmlmum Uk sneb wor to ?wve xm m mum mt mt s&' s&m4.p mS mamJ "wfi eelect ri eurrteott to perform a capltAl xiperailon becaote ho has been ueees ful In carrying; hla trard. If we give any thought to the ftubjcct we conclude that It would bo junt as foolish to put In chargo of the great engineering works of ft elty like Philadelphia a man whose chief !uallflcatlonil are filet demonstrated skill in political manipulation. The day la coming when wo shall demand for the service of the city the same skill that we demand for the prenervatlon of our health or for the direction of the technical branches of our own private business. The dawning of the day will be hastened when successful business men brltfft tho pressure of their great Influence bear upon the politicians to force tho se lection it experts to do the work for which expert knowledge Is required In the pUblle onlces. Such discussions as have been going on at tho University yesterday and today ought to impress on these busi ness men tho necessity for action. A GOLDEN ERA OF PltOGRESS rpitn independents of this city and State, together with tho Independently minded Itopubtlcana and Democrats, have tho chanco of their llvci to force through tho Loglslaturo the greatest progressive measures In a generation. The Governor, Penrose nnd tho Varci have felt the groundswell of a rovolt that la natlon-wldo. They see as who can not seo? that each Slato has boon put on Its mettle by tho national voice to de clare Itsolf progressive or pultback, to write Into Its lawn measures for tho up building of Its stamina, of Its health, com merce, highways nnd ports. Tho two factions are rushing to get on tho band- 'wagon with rival programs of roform. Pennsylvania can no longer hold aloof from the national swing. The Stnto thnt gavo Koosovolt 500,000 plurality because It believed ho was moro progronslvo than Parker cut that majority down to a min imum because many thousands of Its citi zens believed llughcn was not so pro greRslvo as olthor Roosevelt or WIlBon. Tho Evenino IiEDOEn bolleves thoy crrod In judgmont about Hughes. But It can not Beo the heavy Wilson vote nearly 50,000 above the normal Democratic voto In this city as anything but tho effoct of the samo moral Impulso that elected Blankenburg, an Impulse to repudiate ganglsm, though It broke tho voting traditions of n llfcttmo to do It. For tho time thero are no parties. We are all awaking tp tho fact that wo have been through a revolution. 'Who will say to the ninety-odd thousand Phlladcl phlans who aligned themselves with tho man who declaros ho has put Into law most of tho Roosevelt platform of 1912; who will say to the State that gave Its thirty-eight votes to that Progressive platform when It rejected" both Taft and vWllson as too conservative, that it is to go backward? Already two leaders have hastened to accopt proposals that(have como from the people and not from politicians. Senator Varo and Governor Brumbaugh have taken the least contentious proposal to begin on, It is truo; but still It Is a sign that thoy see the need of doflnlteness that they Indorse the antl-narcotlc-drug movement Tho Govornor Is less doflnlto about the rest of his announced program a great highway system, social legis lation that will strengthen and widen child, labor and compensation laws, and laws to bring labor and capital closer together. But tho people.aro ready with pertinent amendments and with reforms he does not Insist on; Freeing of the highways from tolls. Unshackling this city from its me dieval minor Judiciary. ( Giving this city homo rule and tying the rest of the State up to Phil adelphia Industrially.' Pressing forward the woman suf frage amendment anew, so that this State will pot havo the humiliation of being outvoted by smaller western Commonwealths. Urging tho democratic principle of local option, which spreads beyond tho liquor question to all other home rulo community questions. Abolishing dual office-holding, Revising the Insurance laws. ' The Governor has a legislature In which tho Republicans greatly outnumber the Independents and Democrats, but the tVare and Penrose factions are so evenly divided that even a small body of Inde pendents should be able to hold over either faction a sword of disaster. Fall, ing that, It could put both factions to shame and whip them Into line behind a progressive program. Brumbaugh has the chance to write himself down the exeat Governor who saw the changing of the times and who was so youthful and adaptable In, mind and so quick In perception and sympathy' as to catch the drift of thought in the hearts of all men who unite for progres1 rtveness Wilson - faen, Hughes men, Roosevelt men, The three "types of mind that have battled for supremacy In the nation may differ greatly on na tional issues, but they do not differ on the management of States, They are all three progressive. v A BETTER USB FOR ALCOHOL 1 ' -a ALCOHOL has been receiving such Xj. abysmal denunciation at the hands of the electorate that It la ''refreshing to hear Wr. Ford remind us of Its uses other than as a refreshment. His at tempts to utilize It as a propelling fuel in place of petroleum should cumulate Inventiveness and adaptation In every branch of commercial science. Tha dearth of drugs and dyes has already as onr c& revealsa -,B)aaorgflntaes m mM i iMMgawMgaaaimeiwuegesTumiabtettW minmmmmzimmumti7z?uzr BVEMM& LBDaBR-PHlLADELPHIA', taJsRSDlAX NOVEMBEB 16, i " ' '' 'i "'' ' " -I,, ,- - Tom Daly's Column 5T77I3 MAN'S PltATBTt When n l tm uHthln thcie walU, Arid Thv ttoeet tteep through darknett fatt On tilth heart that trust tn me. However hitter toll mav be, For length bf dav, p) Lordt on Thee ' My tptrtt call. Their dally need lu dau enthrall Mv hand and Iraln, but when night fall And tcavct the questioning tptrtt tree To brood upon the dau to be, For time and ttrength, O Lordt on Thee Mv spirit call. There may be some excuse for the Now Tork Herald's cribbing the New York Tlmes's slogan, "All tho news that's fit to print," but wo plead for light upon Its to J taking tho New York Sun's, "It shines for all." My dear T. D. You'll be flooded with this one, no doubt: t,nnt night In the E. L's story of the opening of Caldwell's new store there appeared, Inter alia! Amonr th ftur for th ronvenhncs tit rulomer n abrlds'n room In which th hrldi or protptetlvd brlda my hv privacy whlla rnponlfiir hr nt-hotrn cards and ottwr stationary, drlnkln fountain of Ico water and automatlo olevatoM, Is It any Wonder the young man of today Is retuctnnt to tako tho murllnl Btep with the demands of the modern brldo Increasing In 'such nstonlKhlnr leaps and bounds? Evi dently he In not willing to begin oven where the homefolks have loft off. I'll bet, too, tho privacy she desires la chiefly to escape the alarmed guzo of her huabnnd-to-be. nut perhaps I'm all wrong, nnd It means only that Caldwell's have nbamloned Jewelry and opened a hurdware store on a colossal ecnlo. What do you think? F. W. B. That "Hoy wanted to run errands six teen years" wan last Been, according to ,f J. M at a coffee houso on Filbert street above Twelfth. A Mexican Touch Mr Haley. Dear gentleman: J would like you make mo thn favnr r vmi -nam i because .1 nead to pay a little count and tho favor Is to lend mo twenty dollars promes Ing to return them to 'you In two parts nntl thoy aro 10 dollars on tho 26 of this Month and the ret on tho second of tho next mftnth please dont Bay nny body a word J think you will nccopt my propoBsltlon dont you? bccauno J urn a strolght man In my business aulvlng you tho thanks for your favor J Bupose you aro no kindly to do It J am ns evor your very truly Thd Brcezo Something touched mo ns I passed Boneath the sllont trees A soft caress against my lips It may have boon a breeze; But with it camo thn thought of you And all you'vo grown to moan. A wandering wind or was It you, A mossengor unseen.? Tho bright new leaves grew very still: Thoy did not dance or piny. Nor did my heart; for, In a breath; Tho breeze had gone away. CAROLINE GILTINAN. Where, inquires W. A. M., could I secure for tho advertising department of tho Baltimore and Ohio Railroad a copy of tho old song, "Backward, Turn Back ward, O Time, In Your Flight"? Porhnps you didn't notlco their ad: HARPERS FERRY IN OCTOBER Jloro Beautiful In Coloring! Excursion Sunday, Nov. 19. That's ono on our friend W. E. Lowes, the practical' Joker, who offered us a souvenir ring at tho B. and O. booth of tho Ad Convention lost Juno nnd when wo accepted shot off a deafening gong at our car. u.uS'T-t ,!0I5K OITT. The Jm Whltcomb ffiteJc.ISKi55i-.,.?ay P.!0"'0."'.!?. i . ?5- ii"AR,:h;v"3"y':."L,J:,,?"ij '.u'"u"i JUUi r.. ,"' ... uw,n.,,urii, ij. Dcnnai, m.wu.u. .ibuuv, aro ino incorporator. rublher' Wc.kly. This seems strange to Irwin, who sends It in, but It simply rocalls to our mind tho fact that the president of the John Boyle O'Reilly Club, of Boston, for many years was Abraham Shuman, a most en- ui.&kT.. ..."..V; V-A.""Yi "" thuslastto I. rlchman. nKCAC8K SIR mLBON- won iib ends rarn Headline In local contemp. Which sounds llko tho Marshall calam ity somo farslghted folks have been dreading. But another headline, also from a local contemp., would Indicate that all Is not yet lost: sKirpjiu or u. s. HELD A CAPTIVE ON HU1ISIARLNU INDOOR SPORTS FOR INVALIDS I Knocking the M. D.'a While hiding from my physician long enough to recover from a long-drawn-out but simple Illness, I entered one of those mountain retreats called a sanatorium, In that part of Pennsylvania where the boy knock at your door and say: "Old you bell7 Veil, somebody belled I" , Soon I fell In with a number of other "hide-outs" and entered with seat upon for. bidden topics, especially the discussion of tne symptoms 01 our respective aliments. One fellow was telling us about an M. D. who had apparently cured a friend, and who had then been kindly sent by the friend to "cure" the narrator of the story, In the letter's case, however, the doctor signally failed to slie up the situation and finally side-stepped the case. Another of our group commemea mat mey should both have known that an l. D, who ever succeeds in curing one case has doubtless fully served his purpose, and like certain other poor fish and Insects which die after laying their eggs, should then make his exodus from the profession while he has eome laurels to rest on. Then a poor, long-sufferlns Invalid tnid u. that he once called upon an M. D. vitio had been recommended as possessing special skill In diagnosis, and when his turn arrived- Introduced himself to the medico thus: "I am dyspeptic, neuralgic, rheumatic" "And bypochondrlao I" Interjected the Doo; "Ten dollars, please!" "Isn't that rather high, doctor?" said the patient" "Nol" replied the Doctor; "Anyone skill, rul enough to diagnose a case on sirht nv. that Is entitled to ten dollars." "Weill" jays the "patient," "r can diag. nose your troubles Just as quickly and for the same fa's, too vqu are suffering from acuta kleptomania!" JIUQH MERR. IN the Pusuo IiEoaen and pally TVan .script of August 8, J878. appeared this ad: MABBIKD Davis King. Wednesday evening. August T, at the residence of the groom, by the Rev. Henry Whits, R. Harry Davis and MUs M. Emma King. No cards. No cakea. Nobody's busi ness. TejtJast week-, thirty-eight yearafter thMBgcent. somebody considered It so jwpOTUs buslneM u to request and re ePilla photograph e the mm ooafats. jpfj&MA tw fy JiJ'M'kH HbbKv' uR jtnt2$b 9J9 'KW' )'Sstfk ji" G?y?d p mL r mSSmimtaaJr 'ZJ5r::li avi&c"" js? - .-few. t THE VOICE OF THE PEOPLE A Suggestion to Congress and the State Legislatures to Designate October 27 as "Fraternal Day" and an Antidote for Socialism FRATERNAL DAY To the Editor of the Evening T.cdger: Sir In viow of tho fact that the Na tional Fraternal Congress of America, the National .Fraternal Press AsaoclaUon arid the Pennsylvania Fraternal Corjgress have accepted tho cordial Invitation of Mayor Smith, together with that of the Philadel phia Chamber of Commerce, suitably to commomorato tho .fiftieth annlvorsary of the founding of tho American Fraternal Beneficiary system In Philadelphia In the last week of October, 1018, and that this Is now suro to no an ovent of not only na tional but also International Importance, as well as of deep Interest to countless millions, would It not be eminently proper and right for the Congress of the United States and tho Legislatures of tho various States to pass a law or to take BUch other action ae may be deemed both proper and best In order to designate October 27 of each year hereafter as "Fratornal Day," to bo devoted to the Interests of tho Home, Fraternallsm and Happiness? Congtess has already given some consid eration to this subject, and it only requires the concerted efforts of those who believe In these blessings In comparison with thi contrary tendencies to volco their sentiments In order to secure tho enactment of this annual celebration, which would bo on tho natal day of the founding of the fraternal beneficiary system In America, by John Jordan Upchurch, of Meadvllle, Pa., the fif tieth anniversary of which Is to be cele brated In Philadelphia In October, 1918, as stated. B. N. IIAAG, Chairman of the Anniversary Committee, National Fraternal Press Association. Philadelphia, November 15. ANTIDOTE FOR SOCIALISM? To the Editor of the Evening Ledger: Sir Tho achievements of tho Socialist party In this country and the activity of Socialist propagandists throughout the world have called attention to a movement that threatens to overturn some of our most cherished institutions. Marty good people A BOUQUET FOR McCORMICK Mr. Vance McCormlck Is certainly en titled to congratulations, and so are Mr. Morgenthau and the other men who con tributed to largely to the Buccess ,of the campaign, It is to their credit that they conducted a remarkably clean and straightforward canvass, unusually free from personalities and abuse of the other fellow. We believe that they would wel come an inquiry Into the conduct of their aide of the campaign. It Is true that the real strategy of the battle came from the White House. It Is also true that they urged upon the President a round of stump speaking, which would have been a mistake. Mr, Wilson, too, was in a sense their cam paign. None the less, it was a clean, hon est aboveboard. legitimate bit of political work, Mr. McCormlck himself Is the type of man who ought to leau in our political life. New York Evening Post TAKING: IT HARD Dy giving Wilson the vote It did Califor nia, with Us record and Wilson's record, pre. eented Itself as the champion boob State of the American republic. Chicago Tribune. THE DAY'S WORK jj, anybody happier because you passed ,his way? Does any one remember that you spoke to him toaayr This day Is almost oyer and Its tolling time rs through, 16 there any one to utter now a kindly word of you? Did you give a cheerful greeting to the friend who came along. Or a churlish sort" of -noway ana men vanish in the throng? Were you selfish, pure and simple, as you rushed along your way? " t Or Is some one mighty grateful for a deed you did today? Can you nay tonight In parting with the day that's slipping fast That you helped a single brother of the many that you passed? U a single heart rejoicing oyer what you did or said? , Does a man whose hopes were fading now with courage look ahead? Did you waste the day or use It, waa It well or poorly spent? pld you leave trail pf kindness or a scsjt qt discontent? As you close your eyes In slumber do you think that Go-i would giy ipU have tarned ens more tomorrow by the- i-eris yo &A today? j i-M A, Gus.W. la fee BetpHt Pre Press, THE IRREPRESSIBLE THE IRREPRESSIBLE " 7 see, In the growth 'of this movement, the death of Individualism, and thero will come to us .the stunted form and atrophied devel opment of humanity, and for this leason thco good people are hoping for some force to arise that will battle for the liberty of the Individual, For their Information, let me Btato that them In a fnrpA ftp mAVAmenl AmttlrrnnA fn. that very purpose. It Is called tho Single Tax party. OLIVER McKNIOHT. Philadelphia, November 16. RUBBING IT IN To the Editor of the Evening Ledger: Sir You wanted to havo things come your way. You can't always bo too sure of a thing, , Magnetic Magician Wilson performed two "Impossible" feats, firstly winning his election as Governor of Republican New Jersey, and secondly, tho late remarkable election remarkable because of the united Republican Party, as the Republican vote, divided between Taft and Roosevelt, ex ceeded that cast for Wilson overwhelmingly. The balance against Wilson was over 1,300,000 votes an apparohtly hopeless handicap for"any party. It fell to Wilson to overcome this, up-hill handicap and to t,urn the adverso balance Into a credit A remarkablo feat this. Wilson Is a great man Tho country has approved his lid ministration. Like "fall" there should be no such words as "Impossible" nnd "too sure." Unforeseen things will not always come your "sure" way. The election result of Tuesday haa happened Wilson's "Im possible" way. M. P. L. Philadelphia, Nov. 18. MY DOXY AND YOUR DOXY To the Editor of the Evening Ledger: Sir Yeeterday I discovered who the much-dlsoussed "hyphenate" is. If he votes for you he Is an American and a patriot ; If he votes for the other fellow he Is un-American and an alien,, JACK. Norrlstown, November 10. What Da You Know? l.0.tVi'JL,c, wrol Mereit will tm antwend .'?',.'J?,'1"n,, TV "uttttoHi. the 'oHtwerVtt are atMllJ. lHn,orm,d 'houlih'o". QUIZ 1. Wbst ! mors suatlo mrr1eT w fikI'S'1 r4n Mlnl.ttr iek of "bremeJiee of neatrslltr of n partlrularlj rflmfn"! kind" In the Dulled btates, Te wht doe bo relet? lliE!! ?li30,Jb' whether the rrl. dtni weuld deeumate November 33 or No. Umber SO ne hankllnr Illr, h hould there have teen iloubtr . Iloir did Lord Kltcbeoar loie hi Ufa? - 1j,,l5,,,J,l,' u ,he ro'd for ecc lujlnt br fl W!2ll..',jtf Mtt'nnf between open and inantd formation? T' yyLC!AMV?.Bi, 'ffrr ronndlr re- cJroualn? ' ,VllM,, ,0 "", c00r" " . I. t'nj,'aJf ela la thl counlrr now than " W. ,t3ti.n.,.,iBn3,.e.TutlM wwna" 10. Whr did Preoldent Cleteland m.ka a atate. -meet that waa taTten ia En. land i "un. Umouat to a threat of war? Answers to Yesterday's Quia t. American forces are etlll la Mexico "' "Won .? MV&tSXS. P,MI"" f" - S. Carter Glaeai a Vlralnla ContTeMman men- ilcTdoo? P"" " He?riu 4. Samuel F. Moree loTeotcd the tclttrapb G. Iloms rule, for cjtloti the nrivtlus of 'a cldln allvue.tiou of metbodf olt aVatfon and expendltu for Iheotalre, Whiu? atUns pennluloa of tie State ,, 9. Harehal Ne? Wapoleoa troatcat ten.ral. 1. "Bum. ReasBlam and BefeelUen"! . jp-ake, addreaaliic Mr. , lIn In li n"d th. phraaa at IaIT for tba htmiS.i! jW8VW&!!&Sim& tha Ueeabllcaa partr asalaat I. Can uda doea not par anr .t.. r .... uokaan at tha n.Jll.h -!.- "S t"' half wii sranteiTla, a lr5r 5ad Sr and Uallun war. tha oreiv Prima Jlial gS aUo rav. the hiu, mJSSUb 10, arbomas Evealnar SehooU U. A P. Ver taiermaUon about trade s4 evealmt scheol toaulre o tbssa te sjptv c tWa wwfc at tt Su4ntfc f.nd Vim atrt so&oeL 1916,, ,,-,- NATIONAL POINT OF VIEW Wc han nn adequate paper defense. Theoretically wo are competent to expel an enemy. On our statute books we have a fairly Impreestvo army. And nowhere else, Chicago Tribune. Both Wilson and Hughes were pledged to tho policy of appointing postmasters of all tissues through competitive civil service ex aminations Any memfcer of Congress who delays thlf Veform ought to be squelched, and If It Is dolayed it will be known It Is for a eelflsh purpose. Ohio State Journal. California mokes the trouble' and expects tho rest of the country to protect It. It may make a war and drag the rest of the country into It. California Is our Junker State In all except willingness to strengthen tho ability of the Federal Govornment to meet the trouble It may make and Is per fectly willing to make. California ought to havo glvon the Republican tfeket a great majority. A State which demands the privilege of making trouble ought to be wlllngto meet It. It ought to be wjlllng to take ordinary precautions against con sequences. Chicago Tribune. A new situation has been created by one of the most remarkable elections In the history of American politics. A solid South and a nearly solid West now confront a nearly solid East. To that complexion Old Guard Bourbontsm has at last reduced the once-powerful Renuhlfrnn nn.iv -kt. - w.. f j , ..ow Indubitably, Congress will gain by Miss Rankin's appearance, bu,t for her It will doubtless be a great ordeal to be the first woman to appear in one of tho greatest par liaments in th world. The fact that she Is the first woman to receive such an. honor will surely help her over the embarrass ments of her position. Now York Evenlne: Post. AMEN! If all the bad things Republicans have said of Democrats and all that .Democrats have said of Republicans during the cam paign' that has Just passed are true, this dear old country Is In a bad fix and needs a great deal more prayer than It doeegis latlon. Of course, not half was meant that was said, and It was all utterd ,tn the offices and not to glorify the Republic 11 V. . """"' ""'"'1 "MHB7. OW IS the tlmo to return to our muttons and good will and to practice that frajernlty which is better for a. country than armies or tariffs. Ohio State Journal. ACADEJIY OP MUSIC BURTON HOLMES FEIDAY "KM CANADA SAT'DAY 3:307 COAST to COAST" tiQc. 78e. SI. t Heppe'a. S8o at Academy. Boston National Grand Orjera Co MET. OPERA .HOUSE WEEK OF- wn X Papa sns-T.I Sal t. Eva-.. ANDREA CHENi: taiio. Prloea, valuation, u(nce. , l lo 10. METROPOLITAN OPERA Iintton METROPOUTAN OPERA COMPANY M -r TUESDAY BVO.. NOV, 31. I 6'cM FIRST TIME HERB PPTMpSi Tn?SK BORODIN'S OPERA NVa ICjOR Mmea. Aid Parlnt, Delaunola, MM in,.,. Althouae. Dldur. Seeurola, Btda.' Cood . Pofac' no, Beata. 110 Chart, at. Wal. 4124; Race St! GLOJiE ater$KETANo tl A. M. 'to U p. ji. MOTHER GOOSE T&I MACM Cross Keys gJK. "SS? "THE NEW'L'EADER'?0-; BELKONT er?.I?ixSo?,arfer Eanlo, T and p, lot MARY PICKPORI3 gRKASTttEST,'Les3 Than the Pust" "OUR AMERICAN BOYS Ti? THE EUROPEAN wa8T Amrteaj Ambuiinc FUld fiarvir. h FOREST THEATER. Tua". Nov! 9 IFA TlcKata, ll.SQ. li.oo, 80o, VICTORIA fitiS.i.W UWPBft t,'ZZ,Z1J P. U. Mme, Petroya fn "Extravagance" Added Fay Ttoclwr In "Famala Drummer REGENT "ff&W MME. PETROYA a 'fAnAVAlANQE'' 1 BWa tit JE wwa" CfcKlU C-tipUn TIwsntMinstTeTs tth & AstT" Thura. EVf.. FAU8T. Tt, Xl.rtln. dhiim.-V ilardon.a.' Frl. Ey.. BOIIEME, f.vt. til d.nil. Chalm.ra. Sat, Mat,. laDAXU affl' TEnrLY. Tamakl Mlura M.Tn ?..'? a !?. lainiiuri riiiriiiin-- .!.. '"Faiiueia. t A $, The Northeast Cornet uiioniyat of a Commm.. Vlli Commuting life Is all a Happj. 0n If you extract from Every Dav t h.V But If the Joy of UvlnK yldonf .. Then don;tn Cemmute-'K tlter Nevertheless, comma, n nut. tr.j so cleverly puts It hi t,el "hi w?S Alamedr. California doesn't dmT i M count on her climate. a"nnd r EdWhow, ,too, when all Is over, on eympathlie with the atlftudo of S?wCi' Fleming. Teh remember! of courMf Scott and Dr. John Brown, ef rMint,.?. V InimortMlMd her feelings thug; Uf8h t IH .WM mot6 ,nan """'I ea'ms I didn't care n single dam MATBB IT'S DOC STEELE'S Flsn HOUND " (From the flteeltton. III., Herald.) That cringing Ifttle black animal th.t peerge luy has been dragging around I oa ht end of a chain Is said to be a yo,n2 hunting dog ond not. as We supposed, 2 thing that George got out of a rat trsp Mr. Elliot, of Kentucky, catching tfc. Speaker's eye, had tho floor. "Mr BpeVr" ho said, "I propoie the name of the n,r John Morris for chaplain of the House. , Is Juflt the man to nrav tnr m.h . :. a- this." Unfortunately. th rt.v .taI- B rls sleeps with his fnthers. otherwise being ently. It Is to bo noted that mA'e! K 1SB0, still, "crowd" goes. DUILDINO SHIPS, BUT NOT PORUg .PS81!1", ,h,J Breat a(,ttvlty In American shipbuilding, however, there Is n distinctly regrettable feature about It. This llei In the fact that only a small portion of these American-built ships will bo added to tho AmerU can, merchant marine. Figures of the D. partment of Commorce show that about hnlf of tho vcisels being built In American yards nre for Norwegian owners, whlla rela. lively few aro for American owners. On the other hand, most of the vessels bullflln !". Pr,ltlh shipyards are for British ownera This Is for the reason that fow noutrals an now ocndlng their order to British shin, ynrds, nor aro the British yards wllllnr te accept extensive orders from other coun. tries. Construction of British ships It keeD. Ing them busy, Qshkosh Northwestern. SATISFIED BOTH WAYS The Knnsans aro grateful to tho man "who keeps us out of war." but they are proud of a war that glvos $2 wheat. Such Is life. Knoxvillo Journal nnd Tribune CHESTNUT ST. OPERA HOUSE TCE DAILY 2:15 nnd 8:15 Evenlnn and Saturday Matinee, 25o to II OTHER MATS.. S5c, 50c. 7B CHILDREN especially enjoy THE WITCHES ELVES BROWNIES IDOLS PAIffis GN0ME3 PRINCES MERMAIDS DANCERS Adventures on Land and Sea WILLIAM FOX PnESENTS A 'DAUGHTER OF THE GODS . THE PICTURE BEAUTIFUL, WITH ANNETTE KELLERMANF Superb Musical Scoro By ROBERT HOOD BOWERS MARKET AB. 18TII CONTINUOUS II :IB-A. M. to n-Io p. M. STANLEY COXCERT ORCHESTRA. Beat Theater Orchtatra Anywhere MAE MURRAY noBE110 "THE PLOW GIRL" "DATA PIT" 12 MARKET STREET Xxi-LxciVyJij price.1?, 10c 200 LAST 3 DATfS MA.EY PICK FORD "LESS THAN THH DUST" ARCADIA CKK?,&. LA8T 3 DA ilow lOTQ Eves . tie. 3 DATS' "The Pnnco of Graustark" .. ADDED ATTRACTION CHARLIE- CHAPLIN- "Behind the CHAPLIN- "Ilehlnd the Screen" MBrrROPOLITAN OPERA, HOUSE 3 NIOHTS. NOV, M. all ONfi MAT,. NOV. M SEnOE DE DIAQHlLEFf-8 BALLET RUSSE The Sematlon of tha Are, with NIJINSKT. UOLM. LOPOKOVA. REVALLES SPESIZEAVA. OAVRILOW, FROHMAN 40 Dancera, Srmphony Orchaalra 30 Coa. turneo and oolor errecta by I.i-'O.N- UAKKT. REPERTOIRE THUU8.. NOV. 23 Paplllona. Till EuUnipleacl. La Spectra -do la ftoae. Prlnc Iror, FBI., NOV. 3J. Patrouchka, La Sylph. Ida, Schtharaiada. MAT,, NOV. 25, Sadko. Till Eulensplegel. Carnival, Prlncen Kncbasua, SEATS, 1108 Oheatmn at. PRICES. 60a to It, Wa . 4424. Race- 6T, ADELPHI LAST 8 WEEKS! rQP. II MAT. TODAY. TONIOHT AT lilt The HVniderul Play in America. EXPERIENCE Seata Now for All inmalninc I'erformancM. T V"DTri LAST 4 TIMES T Li I XxLKj war matinee sat. s,i THE NEW YORK WINTER GARDEN'S ailQATEST MUSICAL REVUE "The Passing Show of 1916" With ED WYNN and Company of 199 . Including Beorea of Stunntn Olrla IT HAS THB CHAMPAONH QUAUTT NEXT ViEK SEATS TODAY A NotsbU Metropolitan Prmlr "GIR.LS WILL BE GIRLS' A Comedy With Mula by JEROME KERK FORREST Nlhta at Sits. . Last 2 Weeka Mttintes Wad. U Bat, TIP C A T Thla . Ne Wk Esa. SllS IjJXKJflJJ Matlnaaa Wad Sat, S LAURETTE TAYLOR In "Tha Harp otLlfo," ay J Hartley Mannar. GARRIOK ' LAST 2 WEEKS Brff. f'15 Ualtncaa Wad. Sat. SI IN SOCIETY'1 POTASH 4 iFR?.xnnrrER With BAHNBY BERNARD and N, Y CO. B. Jr. EVERY AMERICAN TfoifhV "America First" IVeibll b George Kelly & Co THEATER AVELINd 4 LLOJOl ORACE LEIOH DAVE WNES( lUBSCBSb HBNDLBRI LOUIS HART. OTHERS,, , ,, Today at S. 35e HC-:. TtmKht at 8. 25o U L Biiyui,u oaa Walnut Mat8 Today, Tomor,, 25, 50d "KEEP itOVING" -fflli '88&S& Nurt Weak "WKUDWAY ArrER DABS" Knickerbocker SeffU Brinpng'tto Father to Politic rLLI!ES ' . - tttmOuQ smfigip zo i?) rWmir plJillpWs""' '9B-" KJbt.3 sar i IdlsiiliLHHsHHBHHHHHsHHsHHHnlHaSHHHHHHHHflHsHHsHlaH