Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 16, 1916, Night Extra, Image 1

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pXmMJ&- -t-H-f-i-
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ypt.Ip.-yO Go
Constant, 1P10, t tnt Polio l.tMt Coyfint
vmcm oke ouara
, w
vnw kt
-. Nk wv
Capital and labor on verge
Formation of National Industrial Con
ference oi Employers becomes Jb actor .
in War on Such Measures As
Adamson Law
American Federation of Labor
m hoods Will Join Forces to I
hoods Will Join Forces to Bring Shorter Day to
All Industries Railroads Push Attack
on Measure
Pr6spccts of the greatest industrial
I' The capital-nnd-labor situation arising from the railroads' determination to
if"-- . it.. A4.nenn olirhr.limir law wns ncccntunted bv formation of a vast
IJeanization of employers to be known
EBoird- This boara Will Ilgnt such uicuauira a inu jiuumauii i'siil-uuui lum
' Tho significance of tho new alignment increased with receipt of word from
& .. ,t. u Amnrlrnn Vptlprntion of I.nhor and the brotherhoods will
Iwn to forco the eight-hour day in all
forc of organized labor.
The railroads kept up tneir preparations ior vying to prevent operation
fef tho Adamson law. More suits, covering all lines and all districts, will be
Emitted to courts nil over tne nation in mo next ten days.
I Administration officials are preparing to combat tho-railroads' legal move
i a demurrer which will throw the case directly into the courts for a light on
Iths constitutionality of the act. They will not only mako a defensive fight,
Hut will charge the railroads with "interference" if they refuse to accept tho
I Adamson rule.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 16. It was mado
.1... tnrfitv that tho Administration wns
ifulfto start an aggressive tight in behalf
of the Adamson law, now tho ooject oi con
etrted attack by nioBt ot the bis railroads
,cf the country. By reason of tho naturo of
i'i, ct Administration men are convinced
i Srt to enjoin. Its operation will fall.
". On the other hand, It Is thougnt u may ub
; pooINe, for tho Government to enjoin "In-
... hv the railroads with Interstate
hr .,. .... t.i... iAnrT.r Yvnrn cnlolned In
ft .' ""' " . - ...
..''Hit twins Pullman strlko twenty years
k-"W0rk' of formulating the Government'.
MKrari9 oi acuon iiwnu .j..-.
-E' sl'i ji.i'i nf Ao.itiiinf Attorney Gen-
ja1&lfi' M- Underwood and Solicitor Qen-
I era! John Davis.
I ll .Wad likely tho Government would
B?.. . .! , .1. . l.niMn 1.W
,Lil a aemurrer cmirnms u
reoMtltutlonal in answer to tho railroads'
fcl.. iA .- i-i. ..nr, votm(nlnir Its en-
:pn ior mi iiijuiiviiu" ...w.. v
':....!. frt,i ...mii.i roaiilt In a stralght-
,VlbUC..L. .Ilia ,,.. ...... .
faway fight on the constitutionality of tho
Ltctand would serve more nuicKiy . .,,
the case before the Supreme Court
f n.uf wan frnrnsBcd by officials that the
fCovernment might not confine Its efTorts to
?i!fniv nilcs. If the hone, of the rnll-
Sroada to prevent the operation of the law
Jhould appear likely to be realized.
, BInee. If the railroads tie up tne eniorco
pent ot tho Adamson net, the railroad
'trni-Vfrs nrn exnected to strike, It Is the
Mm, of some of the President's direct ad
mtn In, the present situation that the
eoarts would hold tho rallroadH respon
I6I for Interference with Interstate com-
fw'erce In such case and would compel them
b abide by the provisions of the act.
!" This belief la strengthened by the fact
that the Adamson law primarily Is a
Wiiure designed to obtain a thorough and
ildtntlfln Invcntlrntlnn nf facts on which to
Sms final legislation. It Is to bo effective
Bulr elx months, during the tlmo ot the In
Uttlgitlon of the application of the elght-
?ur aay, i( can DO exienuuu uiujr ,1,1,
tiui at the renuest of the sneclal commts-
Won appointed under It.
U NEW YOIUC, Nov. . 16. Industrial era-
Hojera In the United States have torn a
t from organized employes' book of ex-
JKrl(nce and adapted It to their own needs.
jHili was made known at yesterday after-
l.Eoo' esalon of the twentieth annual
jeoawatlon of the National Founders' Asso
Itiaulin in the Hotel Astor, when the forma
Itlii pf the National Industrial Conference
PF4 was announced.
A it present composed the board's mem-
Wp' Includes twelve national asaocla-
of Industrial employers. comDrlslne
Pr than 15,000, who furnish employment
w aoout fl.OQO.OOO workers. Eight' billion
fe!Uri of capital Is said to be represented.
-- b planned to bring other associations
ijf a Similar fhnnint.. lnlA .1.. .,..-
K' untH the new organltatlon Is recog-
Itk. im,.:;i" "" . '""".'""l"'. " country,
, -v. ,,,., jjurjjuao oi me Doara was
Ceatlanea o ri n, Calama Oae
itr Philadelphia and vicinity Fair
... -, A,muV( connnuea com
4 freezing temperature tonight; rfc
1 Itnperature PnVino t.t. .. it.
fJJ Wai Aimtntihing tonight,
ixsarn of day
ifl H",n' I JI000 rU. .10 p.m.
r- tsr vu asuu, 139 a.m.
iws list:: "r?
Mr. . ia ,' 1 rr "Lffi' J 1 ?"
g - -iw. t;iv p.m.
pgargBq ay eacu bopb
iit! 121 IT at arlli 5
and Trainmen's Brother
struggle in history were increasing
as the National Industrial Confcrcnco
industries not by legislation, but by tho
Driver, Cement Contractor,
Crushed to Death Under Wheel
of Overturned Machine on
Broad Street
1 . '-i-a
A cement contractor, of the Gray
stone Apartments, 5418 Baltimore
avenue, who was killed last night
when an automobile in which ho
wns riding overturned at Broad
and Pino streets.
One man was killed and two were In
jured, one seriously, when a high-powered
racing car hit the car tracks, bounded Into
thii air and overturned at Broad and Pine
streets shortly after midnight.
The number of fatalities from motor
driven vehicles from the first of the year
now totals 110.
The man killed was Francis J. Markland,
forty-eight years old, a cement contractor,
of the Grays tone Apartments, 5U8 Chestnut
street. Those Injured were William Moore,
forty-eight years old, of 4315 Baltimore ave
nue, -and Joseph Ryan, forty-seven years
old, of North Park avenue near York street.
Both were Markland's companions.
Markland, driving the car, was pinned
beneath tho wheel when the car overturned,
lie was sent to the Jefferson Hospital, but
died Just after being admitted. Moore was
taken to the Howard Hospital, where It
was said that he had a possible fracture
of the skull. Hyan la hot seriously in
jured. He Is In the Hahnemann Hospital.
According to several pedestrians who
witnessed the accident, the automobile was
speeding down Broad street. When It
reached Walnut street It began to zlgaag,
and one of the men In the rear seat Is said
to have hit Markland wfth his hat. Mark
land ther appeared to lose control of the
machine. Both he and Moore were pinned
underneath, while Ryan was thrown clear.
Ryan and Moore were arrested.
Markland Is survived1 by a widow and
two babies, a sixteen-months-old girl and
a tbree-weeks-old boy. He telephoned his
ConUoue4 en Pate Ifltt, Column Hli
New York Prisoner Accused of Sending
Fake AYirea tot Money
NEW YORK. Nov. I Frederick Harpld
Brokaw, twenty-four years old. who the
police charge is one of the cleverest ''tele
graph swindlers" In the country, was ar.
charged with defrauding Charles C. HII-
drlth, 01 Worcester, muo., rrcueriCK;
Schuman, of Philadelphia.
The plan was, according tb the police.
10 Wife!""" "- ---. T- - w.
money, signing the nama of a frwad. pr
:.,... it whom the victim Smaw tu fc out
r. jAmmmmmmmmmwKmmmmmm
ajr town taf 'S'3
Sarrtiil's Forces Finally
Within Reach of Mace
donian Objective
Mackensen's Army in Retreat in
Dobrudja, Burning
BERLIN, Nov. 1G. The (icrman
War Office issued the following .state
ment this afternoon:
"During tho afternoon there were at
tacks by the British on both sides of
the Ancre. Those on the southern bank
have already failed. Ncnr Snllly Sail
llscl and 1'rcssoir fighting continued.
"We have made further progress on
the. southern frontier of Transylvania."
LONDON. Nov. 16.
Monnstlr In altnoit within reach of
General Hanall'.i KrancoHerblnn forces
after ono of tho most astonishing ndvunces
recorded In tho great European war.
Battling ngnlnst snow and rain over
great natural mountain fortrcsse.,' the
Allied forces havo now reached tho plain
ot Monastlr, and today's otllclal communique
from Paris partially continued In the
Berlin statement Indicates tho sweeping
back ot tho llulgarlnn-Teutonlu line to a
point within four miles ot the city of
Monastlr Itself.
Berlin's admission ws a brief comment
thnt "prepared now positions" In the Ccrna
sector were occupied.
The new positions achieved by the Franco
Serbian troops aro tho result of two separate
successive flanking movements.
The first involved the well-nigh Impos
sible passage, under fire, of tho mountains
which guard tlm bend of the Cerna Itlver
to the cast of Monnstlr, and a thrust west
ward from these hard-won heights. It was
successful. With virtually all the ground
along the Cerna banks In their possession,
tho Allies now are again striking out, forc
ing the Teutons (jack. This Is tho second
abandonment ot positions ot the Monastlr
plain tactly 'admittedly by Berlin.
The Sofia official statement of today like
wise admits a "return" northward toward
fepawTirnTfargof;- --"-' - '"
Serbian troops have captured ,tho villages
of Tupavtsl and Onlles, southeast of Mon
astlr, according to a Router dispatch from
Salonlca. today. Tho Serbs took SOD prison
PARIS, Nov. 10.
Franco-Serb troops havo hurled back
German defenders and are now a bare
four miles south of Monastlr. This and the
fact that throughout the Macedonian thea
ter of war the Germans havo been steadily
forced backward was announced In today's
official communique.
The Bulgarians, under cover of dark
ness, abandoned their main positions west
of tho Tcherna.
The Franco-Serbian forces are approach
ing Tarastok, near Monastlr, having cap
tured 300 more prisoners.
British troops operating on the Struma
River front aro again on the offensive. They
have defeated tho Bulgarians who occupied
the Macedonian town of Karakaska.
The text of the official communique
Along the Salonlca front, despite
snow and rain, the Allies' advance Is
progressing Victoriously, in the face of
Continued on Fate Four, Column Dm
Warring Nations Preparing: for
Years of War Allied Gov
ernments to Control
Food Supply
All the warring nations of Europe are
preparing for many years of conflict. Pre
dictions are now being made that there will
be no peace before 1920,
Dispatches received here today from Ger
many, Austria, England, Russia and France
tell of the most tremendous preparations
for years of struggle. The Allied nations
are following the lead of the Central Pow
ers la placing food upon a basis of scientific
Germany has taken another step In her
system of superorganlzatlon.by extending
government control to all nonmllitary serv
ice. This brings a centralisation of effort
which makes every man. woman and child
In the empire a unlt-ln the gigantic organi
zation whose Industrial and military effi
ciency has withstood the shocks of the ten
nations arrayed against the German allies.
It is expected that tne Allied countries
alio will make forward moves along the
lines of (he German Idea by extending com
pulsion to Industrial work.
Defeated Gubernatorial Candidate Now
Aesistant Secretary of Commerce
WASHINGTON', Nov. 1 6. President
Wilson today reappointed Edward P Sweet,
recently Democratic candidate for Governor
ef Michigan, to be Awlitant Secretary of
Ge-mraerc. Sweet resigned. th place ba
., entering tha governonhta rxj.
Siwiury BWd jfpljirwsj M-
jui of mRt WUrijyhilt Svrst Js
Red and Blue Eleven Leaves
for Ann Arbor After Great
Folwell Uncertain Whom lie
Will Send Into Michigan Game
at Beginning
Four thousand students of the University
of Pennsylvania, confident In tho belief that
their gridiron heroes would leave Ferry
Field, Ann Arbor, Mich., victorious over
the Wulerlnes on Saturday afternoon,
marched from West Philadelphia to tho
Rending Terminal at noon today to give
the football gludl.tturs a regal send-off, It
the spirit of the gathering Is carried ' by
Boh Folwell' team to the little college town
In Michigan, the Red and Blue will return
triumphant over the Yoalmen.
While there were only 200 Venn students
that accompanied tho team on tho Penn
sylvania special, those who remained at
home did their part to make the team feel
that they are backed by tho entire student
body. Seldom han a Venn team gotten
kucIi a send-off. An hour before the train
was scheduled to pull out, alumni and
friends of tho university crowded Into tho
terminal. The throng wns bo great when
tho ntudents utid the team arrived that n
phalanx of husky etudentn had to make n
lane through tho human sea to allow the
members of the team utid those who were
going to Michigan to get to the gates.
Ah Captain Mathews, Berry, Miller,
Bryunt and other stars of tho team were
spotted, the cheor lenders, who were
perched on top of the Iron grating at the
gates, led tho rooters In giving nlno pro
longed "ralia" for the Individuals on the
team. Between theso demonstrations of
loyalty by tho students, the big band that
had headed the procession Into tho city
crashed out tlio well-known college, airs
with an occasional popular number Inter
polated. Befora tho crowd dispersed, tho train'
bearing the Penn warriors steamed out of1
the terminal, due to arrive In Detroit- to-'
morrow morning. The team and students,
will, stop BttheCadllhie Hotel.. Jiupaat
years ine piayeryiiava moppea at trie ue
trolt Country Club, nt Gross Point, seven
miles from Detroit.
Tomorrow morning Folwell will content
himself with a meeting at the Cadillac
Hotel, when he will do some verbal coach
ing. In the afternoon the members of the
team will go to the Country Club and In
dulge In signal practice. According to the
plans the team will leave Detroit at 11
o'clock for Ann Arbor.
Tho run Is Just an hour. The majority of
the students will go to Ann Arbor on a fleet
of special Vpsllantl trolley cars. After tho
game both students and team will go back
to Detroit and get the train for home at
9 o'clock, arriving here Sunday.
Coach Bob Folwell, along with tho mem
bers of his team and the students. Is con
fident that the game with Michigan this
year will be won by his team, although he
made no such rash prediction. While wait
ing for the train to pull out, Folvvoll re
marked: "I am confident that our fellows
are going to play tho best game at Ann
Arbor that they have played this year and
you know that It will bo a good one If you
saw them against .State and Dartmouth.
Contlnunl on 1'ase Tire, Column l'lro
Shortage "Too Big a Problem to
Settle in Condensed Inter
view," Commerce Sec
retary Says
WASHINGTON, Nov. 1. Coutlonlng
against Irresponsible talk at this time about
a problem "far too big to be condensed Into
short Interviews," Commerce Secretary Bed
field today declared that no one "Is pre
pared to say what can be done and to what
extent" In the American food shortage ques
tion "until very careful study of the whole
problem has been made," The Idea that
the United States might nave to come to a
food dictatorship, like England and Ger
many, he refused to consider seriously.
The Secretary laid that many of (he
causes for the present high prices of food
products were very simple, but the prob
lem growing out of It, he admitted, Is very
"For Instance, on the face of It," he
said, "the thing that Is needed Includes
hundreds of millions of bushels of grain
and dozens of millions of animals which
we haven't got"
One of the bases of the food shortage
und contingent high prices, he declared, wus
the fact that all crops In the country last
season were short.
"At the same time the people of the coun
try, more prosperous than ever before, with
bigger wages and bigger profits than ever
before, demand more and better things."
The Secretary Intimated that the high
price situation simmered down In the main
to the old law of supply and demand with
the supplies this time smaller and the de
mand greater. He said the problem was
a world-wide one. and that It was idle to
conjecture what the Government could do
until the whole situation has been carefully
As for a food dictatorship or a special
department under which the food situation
could ba handled, the Secretary saWJthb
would have to eiae aboat through.-legUla
tt ! Oosnff Md 6tw of n aglta,
WHiKES-BAIlRE, Pa., Nov. 10. A declsto of the Supremo Court
received hero today ousts fttty officeholders In riaine. Control of
municipal nffnirs hlnrrecl on nit election contest. The county courts
decided In favor of the minority faction of township commissioners,
fjlvlnp; them sufficient strength to become tho majority. Fifty
officeholders were swept from office by this decree two weeks ago
and now men appointed. An appeal wns taken to the Supreme Court
nntl n supcrsedns granted which stays the decision of the lower court.
This puts the old forco baelt into power nntl they linve ousted nil or
the fifty newly appointed officers.
First Bowie race, maiden 2-ycar-oldH, 0 1-2 furlongs Kentucky
Boy, 112, Havncs, ?8.70, $4.40, f?2.80. won; Lucius, 112, Fctroff,
r?11.40,' 93.00. seconds Tyrant, 112. Btttwcll. ?2.30, third. Time. l.2!2.
.' ....' "V ::v ..:" -.v ' 1
t if .- , i .
ti I ' ;
.jjiy- wJ'?&FnWzk B&il m fMr&mf$m
' 9imiWMSsriKmruti miw " i'iiilTTF ?
ffcliiF w j9?ifiHPB
rWsssssssg.rV .! r -JMsslfcJllMgTssfJwrtWB' a4CMs. "I. . 1 HVno
wZdWT'vJmtmm-tW'mimkWmit'SnKBBtm&KISM naHh7HiHkafHHBT"vHyMB VwYWi,:XrWLHrsia
mrmK wTwiiMmfflinTir ffTflTHiiiT' '-TW" Tntw nmnJnWn
F.I. Ejra t'lli IHIII B'i I.W Ml ! !. tfn'li J.'l liHI M 1 I .JIM
The Red nnd Blue footbnll tenm loft the Rending Terminal todny for
Ann Arbor, whore it will piny Michigan on Saturday. Tho picture shows
"Provost Smith's Boy3" on tho Walnut street bridge.
8T. PAUL, Minn., Nov. 16. With Charles K. Hughes In tlio lend by 283 votes
with nil but three precincts recounted, tho ofllcinl recount of Hennepin County be
gan today. This county, of which Minneapolis Is tho county scat, polls the largest
voto In tho State. Including the unofllclal voto in Hennepin County, Huglios today
had 179,705; Wilson, 179,-HO. Tho ofllcinl recount may not bo completed for four
SAN KUANCISCO, Cul., Nov. 10. A net gain of G02 over tho unofllclal count
was shown for President Wilson today In complete official presidential returns from
fifty out of tho flftyelght counties In California. Theso figures tend to Indicate
Wilson's plurality over Hughes will be between 3700 and 3800 unless n vital error
Is discovered In ono of tho largo counties, In tho fifty counties Hughes has 157,115
against 109,7-13 for Wilson. Tho sumo counties on the unolllclal count gave Hughes
150,692 nnd Wilson 108,817.
NEW YOHK, Nov. 16. Advancoa of from 1 to 34 points were established In
tha stock market today In the moat active day's trading of the year, more than
1,000,000 shares having changed hunds by noon. This was ut the rate of about
2,'s00,'oo0 shares for a full nvehour session. The demand was eo great that In many
cases brokers could not execute orders, and muny of the orders which were put
through were at much higher prices than the buyer hud expected to pay, Oulf
States Steel made the largest gain, going. un 34 points, as compared with tho close
of yesterday. Some of this advance was lost later In tho day!
AMSTERDAM, Nov. is. Field Marshal von Hlndonburg, chief of the German
General Stuff, has Issued an uppeul. to Chancellor von Bethmnnn-Hollweg for a
more active propaganda among agriculturists. The Field Marshal asks for a greater
production of fats and also u greater willingness on the part of the rural commu
nities to give up all available food supplies for the benefit of he industrial workers,
in order to keep up the efllcle'ncy of the munition workers, the Field Marshal Bays,
they must be welt fed.
LONDON, Nov. 16. There Is to be a drastla shake-up in the high command .of
the Austro-Hungarlan armies, according to a dispatch from Budapest to the Morn
ing Post today. The changes, It is said, Include tho resignation o yield Marshal
Baron Conrad yon Hoetzendorft chief of staff,
CHICAGO, Nov. 16. None of the successful candidates In the recent election
will be seated In Cook County until all suspicion of fraud has been cleared up.
County Judge Thomas F. Scully, head of all the county election machinery, an
nounced today, This means that the winners may wait months.
. i i i i ' i i
NEW YORK. Nov. 1,6. A dapper "Jimmy Valentine," who nonchalantly Joked
with the watchman as be "worked," robbecj tho bjjfglar-prjcfljr safe of Wldlant Sheldon
A Coa brokers In the financial district today and ,es$age4 pih ilS?a to caaht Be,
left fee-bind fite 'thousand eJ3oHara In negotiable geearUIf: 'Tj -wntehtaan fcf.
4ve4 h tttbWW,.'OrtUif W
J. Hartley Manners, iGreafc
Playwright, Warns of
Growing Habit
Would Hnvo U. S. Clearing
House to Check Imports
of Drugs ,
A national clearing house nt Washington
where a record can be kfpt of nil narcotlo
drugs coming Into the United States and
the establishment of Institutions In Fenn
sylvanla for- the treatment of dope fiends
wtro advocated today by J, Hartley, Man
ners, noted playwright nnd author of
"Wreckage," a powerful drama dialing
with the nnrcotlc drug scourga which has
gripped all sections ot tho United States).
Mr. Manners urged thnt persons of
wealth In Philadelphia immediately note
the dopo peril, which ho declared was
blighting tho lives of thousands In alt
walks of life, llo said If somebody would
start it subscription for the endowment of
wards for treatment of drug addicts In the
hospitals of Philadelphia he would head, the
list nt onco with a subscription of J100.
Ilo promised that If the physicians of Phil
adelphia would Immediately make the dope
evil tho subject of clinics ho would arrange
to linve Charles 1. Townc. of Now York, a.
narcotic drug expert of world renown, ad
dress these clinics. Ilo stated that he was
certain Mr. Towne would donate his d'rujf
euro to the hospltnls of Philadelphia.
The noted playwright praised tho EVENf
ino IiKDOEn's recont .exposure of the dopo
scourge In rhllndelphla, declaring till
newspaper'n articles had handled the sub
ject with remarknblo accuracy and, Insight.
He said he had learned that these articles
had proved most effective and were awak
ening rhlladelphlans to the narcotla drusl
peril. Ilo cbmmended tho anti-dope bill
whloh Is being prepared by Stato Senator
Edwin II. Vare, and today he will confer
with the Senator regarding the drug evil.
Tho provisions In Senator Vare'a bill were
advocated In the BVKNINO LEDQEn's dru
Mr. Manners Is In Philadelphia oversee
ing tho production of his new play, "Th
Harp of tife," now appearing at'the-Droai
ir Theater. Ills own story oi ma in
vestlnatlons Into the world of the drug
addict -and htB-reoommendatIon-oTiaboll-
tlon of the evil In Pennsylvania. follows
"Tho first tiling you must do In rennsyn
vanla is to bring Immediate aid to. Uie pres
ent army- of addicts and eliminate their
terrible craving.
It Is inhuman to put them Into jail J you
must provide, suitable Institutions for thera
where they can go and bo cured. Moat or
them are not vto blame for the habit that
has gripped .them. They should be treated
as persons suffering from fever or som
other malady.
"The provision In your proposed till
which will mako possession a crime la a
good thing, for It will enable .the police U
gather In both 'dope' fiends and peddler.
Then they can be classified, tho peddlers to
go to jail and the 'fiends' to Institutions for
"At Washington wo should have a nar
cotlo drug clearing house, n place whero a
record can be kept of nil of the narcotla
drugs coming Into this country. Until we
havo this clearing house we will never be
able to stop the leoks In our great cities.
There are now many leaks. Ono of these
Is known na the 'paregoric leak.' A drug
gist is allowed to manufacture his own
paregoric, which Is mado with a. certain
percentage of opium. If an unscrupulous
druggist Is asked by a Federal Inspector
what ho has done with, say, 100 grains of (
opium he can reply. 'Oh, I used It to raaka'
paregoric' and get away with It.
"Of all of the habit-forming drugs, heroin
Is perhaps the worst. It is three times a
strong as morphine and takes fear and pity
out of tho heart of the user. Many of our
Contlnutd en Taie Tin, Celuma Xw
Record Broken When Mercury De
scends to 28 Chilly Weather
Will Continue
Philadelphia experienced the coldest
November 1 since 18SJ today, when the
mercury, between 6 and 7 o'clock this morn
ing went down to twenty-eight degrees.
And many unofllclal thermometers through
out tho city and In some suburban sections
leglstered'lower than twenty-four. TheT
lowest November temperature ever recorded
here was on the 30th. In 1875, when the
thermometer registered eight above sere,
but on several occasions tne mercury played
around twenty. - -
At 9 o'clock this morning the temperature
had risen to SO, and Weather Forecaster
Oeorge Sties said the weather would -stay-clear
and cold throughout the day and,
night. The cold wave wilt last at least
through the remainder of the week, with,
prospects of a storm from the southwest
'bringing rain tomorrow night or Saturday
Notify Commission TbejrWIU Accept
New Rate Schedules, Excluding
$5 Minimum
The PubllO Service, Commission was aotl
ded today that the differences between th
attorneys for the jramuters waging- tj
fare reduction fight have ben adjuaua ana
all the complainants in tb case are rmi
to arcept the new rata schedules oifcrtrf by
the Beading 4 Uf ffftajytvanl Ita,
with, tS WMfggijjIfci sUstaMPft to ME -by
th fimjgXggjiM. ftHl wtMt
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