pyy-6iwft"iy'' -t ts vV" TiXHfts.tjjr, vmZS23 T C t EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 191C i) .The Federal jTrade Com mission is one of the most powerful agen cies ever created by Congress. It has ramifications ! throughout the en tire field of business. Edward Mott Woollcy tells what it can do for you in this week's issue of others TUB NATIONAL WEEKLY MEN SHUFFLED ABOUT ON STORMY SEAS, SAY VICTIMS OF U-BOAT 49 Survivors Tell How Ship After Ship Was Sunk and Crews Imperiled by Constant Transfers U. S. FLAG WAS IGNORED LONDON", Nov ID How ship nfler ship ytas (stopped, then sunk and the crew liter ally shulllcd about fiom captured boat to eapturcd boat by the U-4'J, which Bank tho American-Hawaiian steamship Colum blan, was told here today In stories of the Columbian's crew, i elated In dispatches from Spain Stories of the thirty or forty Americans who were among tho horse tenders on the Columbian agree that the Herman subuea commander not only Ignored tho American flag when It was run up at the Columbian's masthead, but that ho also refused ecn to hear Captain Curtls's pica for tho protec tion he said It afforded him. Captain Curtis, at dinner when he heard the first shot from the U-49, went up to the bridge. The sea was high and ho failed to see tho submarine. When another shell passed the ship Curtis saw tho submarlno four miles away The captain then ordered the Stars and Stripes to the mast Tho rea rising, the submarine did not approach cloeely, but ordered tho Columbian to follow her The crew put on life belts and the boats were wurig oversldo. Curtli was told any sus picious moo would result In a torpedo against the Columbian's side. Next morning a petty officer and six sea men rowed to the U-boat. Captain Curtis was then ordered aboard the submarine and tho remainder of his crew sent aboard the Baltimore, which had been plrkeil up. Then tho Columbian was torpedoed, sinking In tvvelvo minutes Later all aboard the Baltimore were sent aboard the, Swedish steamship. Varlng and the Baltimore sunk by bombs. Next tho Norwegian ship Kor dalen was stopped, her crew put aboard the Varlng and tho Kordalen sunk "When food began to run short on tho Varlng the sub marine commander permitted her to return to port. ALLIED NATIONS FACING SERIOUS FOOD PROBLEM Government Control of Prices Recommended to Duma by Committee MEATLESS DAYS URGED I'KTUOUUAn. Nov. 15. The food situation has become so acute In Huwia th." tlie budget committee hai rccBiumoiided to tho Duma that tho Onvrn fnent assume complete contlol and (It prices Action will lio taken some, tlmo thin month Although there are four meatless days a week and tickets nro retiulrul fur other foodstuffs, great suffering clt among "he working classes, I'otaiitm seeking food nro compelled to stand In line for houis Ik Tore they can get a meager supplj. 1'rlcen are exorbitant LONDON, Nov 15 The food situation In the British Isles was tho chief question scheduled for discussion at today's session of Parliament. Tho lobby col respondents of some of the morning paiers stated on "good authority" that Walter Itunclman, president or the Hoard or Trade, would Piescnt to Commons a measure providing for meatless d ivs mid also banning fancj cakes and pastry In order to conserve the wheut supply. PAULS', Nov 15 Tho pro-peel of meat less d.ija In Franco Is looming latge It was learned today that the (nvernment has already begun to consider ti propoa Hon of forbidding meat on two days a week. The food problem ami the high cost ot living npiurentlv Is n serious one every where, this country being no rMiptlon It Is not surprising, therefoie. that movements are iiiulir wa In the capitals of the Al lied countries to control the Mjpplv and regulate tho iost. A similar attempt hab neon lailtril or In the United States, but no definite action has been taken thus far. GERMANS VAINLY TRY TO GAIN LOST GROUND Cetillnutil from I'nke One Hon of tho famous Keglna trench that had remained in possession of the tiermans The bavonet charges of tho Canadians were supported by a stiff barrier tiro that protected them so well that the buffered exceptionally smalt losses. Police Station for Oakmont The commissioners of Haverford town hlp have empowered Horatio O Lloyd, their president, and Dr. Horace U. Morse, secre tary, to make arrangements to contract for a police station and office building nt Oak mont. The ground and building will bo paid for by a long-term l3ue of bonds FUEXCII GAIN SOME tiltOFM) XEAIl ST. PIERRE VAAST: FOES MAKB SLIGHT PROGRESS PA HIS. Nov 1G t'slng liquid lire bombs, the Germans launched strong counter-attacks .igainst the French positions south of tho Sotiime liver todaj Tho War OIMro communlquo Mates that all the assaults broke dow n cx icpt east of Piessolrc, where the Germans established themselves In a group of par tial demolished houses Tho heaviest attacks were made In the sector between Ablalncourt and Chaulnes woods and were preceded by a bombard ment that lasted seventy-two hours. South of Ilapaume tho French delivered an attack and gained some ground In the sector of St Pierre Yaasl wood, tho com munlquo says 1IERL1N ADMIS THE LOSS OF BEAUroURT TO BRITISH: FRENCH ATTACKS FAIL BHRLIN, Nov 15 In fighting of unprecedented fierceness, British forces on the Sonimo front succeeded In capturing the village of Beaucourt. the German War Office admitted today. On other parts of the front British at tacks broke down with enormous loscs The French joined in the attacks on Tlie pleasure of personally producing music Therd is a rare enjoyment in personally producing good music. But it must be experienced it cannot be described. We invite those who are musically unedu cated to call and play either the or Ludwig Trio Electric Art Expression flayer-nano Player We also invite artists and musicians generally to investigate these artistic musical instruments which respond to the slightest impulse of tlfc performer reflect every mood with absolute fidelity. But, although the Ludwig represents the highest achievement m player-piano development, it is sold at very moderate prices. It may be purchased on conveni ng tcijiio, x-idnos accepted as part payment. Ludwig Pianoi from $315 to $450 Ludwig-Made Ericsson Pianos from. $270 to $325 Ludwig-Made Perry Pianos from. . .$248 to $285 Ludwig-Made Player-Pianos from $450 & upward CATALOG FREE FOR THE ASKING "TUt Mark of Caih or Monthly Payments Arranged to Mnt Your Convenience Ludwig Piano Co. 1103 Chwtnut JMh IMsMMrf Dttw Phonographs and Record i.lf., yuii' , y nm r- Tuesday and tried to capture the forest of Bt, Pierre Vaast, south of llnpaume, but failed with heavy losses, BUCHAREST AGAIXRAIDEI); 182:, UtlSSO Rl'MAXIAXS TAKEN IX TRANSYLVANIA IIKIIMN. Nov 16 Bucharest, the capital of Uumania, hns again tieen bomlmrded b German aviators, the War Ofllce announced today. The cap ture of 1R23 more Husnu-ltumanlatis In the Itumanlnn theater of war Is reported. A withdrawal of the BiilgHrlan nnd Ger man forces In the Cerna Hlver bend, south east of Monastlr, Is admitted. HfiFIA. Nov 15 Frem h troops ale now operating with the Italians In Albania An olllelol statement made public today says that I'lench fotces south of Lake Malik, In Albania, wero driven Iwck toward Korltza. by tho But garlans. Southeast of Monastlr tho Serbians le nnwed their nltncks on the Kennll-Polog line, but wero repulsed Llsewhere on the Mncednnlan front, tho report states, there were only nrtllltry duels Rl'SSO.RIJMANIANS TAKE BOASTIC IN THE DOBIUD.IA; RALLY IN ALT VALLEY BCCHAULST. Nov 15 Uuiniiiiians and Russians again ate on tho olfeii-lve In the UobrudJ.i riglon. Tho War Ulllcc announced today that lionslc, on the lower lmnubo bank, about nine miles west of Ceruavoda, has been occupied. "Wo occupied ltoaslc and havo progres.ed nlong the whole front," the announcement said Pl.TllOCiKAU Nov. 15 Heavily telnforced German troops have succeeded In further pushing back Humaniiin forces which for several d.iys have been on the defensive in tlie .Tint Vullev below the Vulcan Pass dlstiiu. the War OIIIlo state ment said today There have hern some Rumanian reverses alM on the Transylvania frontier In the Alt Hlver Valley. At other points on the Tranylvnnlnn lines, however, the War Olllce announced, the Rumanians have takm tho offensive and icpelled the enemy These successes fa rm red north and south In the Oltu Valley, whero three machine-guns and many prison ers were taken U. S. Mines Source of Wealth CHICAGO. Nov 15 The mining nidus try of the I'nlted States has contributed J19.793 0JS.055 to tho wealth of the nation In the last ten years according to c A Tupper. of Chicago, who addressed the an nual convention of the Ameiican Mining congics- In se slon here CADORNARAFFORZALA SUA LINEA SUL CARSO; L'ARTIGLIERIA E' ATTIVA Lo Incurstoni di Aviatorl Nemlci sullc Clttn' Italiane Vicinc all'Aclriatico non Ilanno Fatto alcun Danno AEROPLANO ABBATTUTO nOMA, 15 Novembre. II delta (luerra pubbllcava lerl sera 11 itegutntci mpparto del generate Cadorna circa la sltuarlono nlla fronte Italo austrlacn: Sul'a fronte del Trentlno 1'nrtlgllerla e' stata attlv Isslma sla dall'una che d.iU'altra parte. Le nostril batlerle hanno bombaidato column) dl trnsportl o dl tltlppo del nemlco nella Vnlhvsa, sul Col Santo e ntlla zona dell'alloplann dl Kolgarla. oltre che siill'altoplano dl Toneira o su uucllo dl Asiago. Aeioplanl ncmlcl, con una perslstenza ilegna dl nota, hanno tetitato Incursionl ' sul nostro terrltorlo, ma sono st.itl tnessl in fuga dal tioslrl nv.alorl da carcla o dallo nostie batterlo antlaeree. NtU'alta vallo del Vanol una nqundrl glla ill neroplanl ncmlcl e" rlusclta a Ufcclar cadere bombe su Canalc San Uovo, uccldendo duo soldatl cd ulcunl nnlm.ill Sul rest" della fmte dl battngll.i, lino nl mare, si sono avute uzlonl In termittent! dl nrtlgllerla. SuU'altoplauo del Carso nol abblamo laddrlzzato l,i nostra linen In diversl puutl, ed mi grosso tnortalo d i trlncci. con una quantlta' dl munlzlonl, v' enduto nello nostre manl. Iiomenlca sera IdroeroplanI nemlel laselniono cadere bombe su Ravenna, Pontelagobcuro, Polescll.i, Magnavatci d Ariano I'oleslne till nviatorl ne mlel non riuhclrono a fare vltllmo tie' dannl. Anehe lo Incursionl fatto lerl su Roman, Vermegllano e Uoberdo' iluscliono lnfi nttiiobc, non uvendo fatto vltme no dannl. t'n aeroplano nemlco tento' dl at taicare lino dei nostri p.illoul dl u hervazlone. ma fu colplto dalla notra artlgllerla antlaerca e tadde addentro alio llnee nemlcl", nello vlclnanzo di Nabreslna IN SfACHDONrA V. Rl'MANIA Le notlzlo che glungono dalla Macedonia son buone. ma quelle provenlentl dalla Rumania soffrono gll nltl p bassl della guerra In un paese ilovc nncora non si e' ftabilito I'cqullibrio che nsslcura so non la vlttorla almeno l'arreeto dell operatlonl del nemlco. In Macedonia I serbl si sono rplntl at traverso le mnntagno del Cerna flno nelle vlclnanze dl Monartir, slcche' la bnttAglla e' ora Impegnata sulla plana dl quella cltta' cho c' 1'oblettlvo Immedlatn dcll'ata sinistra del generate Sarrall. HI dice che t-onseguenra drlfavanzata vlttorlosa del serbl snra' die I hulgnro-tedesehl non potranno tenerc la formldnblle llnca dl dlffa i he essl nvcvnno stablllto davantl a Monastlr La h.ittnglia routlnua con grande nccnnlmentu nl prlnclplo della plana dl Monastlr t serbl hanno prcso mllle prlglonlerl In gran paite tedcschl, tracul II rniniinilniito dl un battagllono e parecchl ulllclall tedeschl In Rillnnula le forze del generals von l'alkenhayn hanno nvanznto nncora n sud del passo Vulcan Impadroncndosl del vll Ingglo dl iltimhcthli cd hanno nvanzato puro nella reglone della vallo dcU'Alt. Nella reglono dl Orsovn, nellc vlclnanzo dello Porte dl Ferro lc forze nustro tedechc hanno rlcevuto notevoll rlnforzl o si crede cho Inlzleranuo presto una forte presslono nlla qualo non si pa so 1 rumcnl potranno reslstere. Nella Dohrugla II Mlnlslero delta Gucrra ruso annunrla cho la situazlone o' Im mutatn In Prancla gll Ingles) conttnuano la loro olfenslva sulPAncro. fnntlnuando ad avail zare vlttorlosamento contro le forze tedes che Le forze Ingles! hanno catturato un altro vlllagglo sulla strada cho porta a Bapaume, loro oblcttlvo In questa faso delle opernzlonl contio le llnee tedeschc & Diamond Bar Pins Diamond Circles Diamond Guard Rings Z.J.Pequignot Jewels 1331 Walnut Street ,-is jr iW ? JiOTED WOMAN PACIFIST ARHESTEI) IN ENGLAND Miss Emily Hobhouso Tnkcn After Trip Through Gcrmnny nnd Belgium Tltn IIAOUI3, Nov IB. tt was reported from n British source today that Miss Kmlly Hobhouso, well-known nngllsh pacl'lst. 1'"" been arrested In England. Miss Hobhouso made a trip through Ger many and Belgium In the Interest of peace, which caused much comment In Kngland. The matter was up for discussion several times In Parliament The Marquis of Crewe, In answering criticism of tho Gov ernment for granting passports to Miss I tollhouse, admitted that her activities had been "mischievous," but said that tho For eign Office had taken steps to prevent a repetition EDDYSTONE OIL TANKfl Bnldwin Volunteers nnd t.i Jm II"' Ther J Tinny Win Flht With 111..-M 1,11, i'n. .Nov t n.. a spectacular blaze In Lddjston, ?.!' large nil tank In the rear of thl Th5 department of the Baldwin iX..ut 'vumotiv-j were In Works rnlieht (Ire Nearby buildings for n time, but the nro wn rV- !iyr""l the plant's volunteer departmTn, J ' by the Hddyslono Flro Companv Zl' Is believed to have been caused bv ?-N from a locomotive n Prg 1 hyland Milk Shippers Organli. Milk shippers of tho lvjiand dl.irJ hn liimee fll.l TmV ..... nltrlct. - -' --i-i'- ...,, ii.itu section 1. : formed an orcnnlmlli,,, f... ....''"" ntti inent purposes and hnve selected it" ""f clals President, Comly stover M-7! & ,,r, i ..iiiuiiu rinnev. seefAln.. .vv"- nudbrldge, nnd treasurer, llvan Stov "' i GUARANTEED BIPOIITED 1 CIRCASSIAN WALNUT, four E pieces, as actually pictured. I Actual value 5135.00, at $110 KENSINGTON G&RPBT (Vs fc M. GROSSMAN AND SONS B ,2II-2I3-21S-2D7 MARKET ST CiJJ 1 LI 1 1 1 1 1.1 M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.1 WE SKI-I, FOK CASH ONLY lllllllUUIlllllfrQ A HUNTIN' trip without yo' trusty pipe is about as lonesome as a honeymoon without yo blushin' bridle. A ND "Yo' Trusty Pipe VELVET! without, It would never happen, if you knew VELVET. You would remember that aged-in-the-wood mellow ness VELVET gets from its two years of natural 'ageing.' m wnm )You would remember there is a coolness and a smoothness to VELVET which only a naturally matured tobacco can have, 10c Tin 5c Metal-lined Bag One Pound GIaa Humidors & yw&w til. 1-.'J yi fr& LMrtK M-hr.a tf.'iilVftft.,: m r iBMKTy fflykgrmnr i3L"1" ft 1 WJPcMBSsffaKiJt LJW 88-MOTE" PLAYER pia: N O $450 3I The realization that the best article can be bought from the manufacturer at a smaller price is being appreciated more each day. $ Purchasing from a dealer is like receiving an anonymous letter, the maker's name is concealed and you must pur chase entirely on the say so of the dealer, who rarely ever knows Piano value. I When purchasing from the manufacturer who brands his goods and advertises them you are assured of real Piano value for he could not afford to take the responsibility if his product did not stand up. I We are the only Piano manu facturers in Philadelphia our instruments always carry the name Cunningham we never stencil a Piano any name but our own we are proud of our Pianos and justly so. I We have a plan of selling that makes it possible for any home to have a Piano of merit at a price that is no higher than you would have to pay a dealer for an inferior instrument whose origin is unknown. IT PAYS TO THINK 1 1 IANO llth & Chestnut Sts. FACTORY, 50th & Parkside Ave, ! Wet. Phlla. Branch. Hnnh Pniia. Rranch. 52nd 8c Chestnut Struts 283K fWm.ntown Ave. AU Stor4 Omh EvnlHat DuHug Moutmktr