,s'-sTrS5iFw,r;r "'"' TITWi'f - er ijn w -flee. "-" Jww yev v w-lflp1-. eefijjSJr,' "0 EAL ESTATE FOR SALE )IV MM.. - "cihHt(! ;r rrfcrrfUff row. i New Modern Residence t. "r.... !im stone houae. .un rounded '.3 w" station! 7 l.ertroems. ft C, old 'J"'1!,,; heat elettrlo llshti minute) n.fc. hot water ''" 1- nrl.knl In nil ,TCU,1 requirements for early .prim occu- Tmuel c. wagner. jr. ScoilMimCIAl. TRl'ST IWILDINO. . .SEl. C-..iU.. Pvnncn-n r-'r'K.JiiT'r.i i.'! . 'ILK?,' vr."r L fret "BrWa- shrubbery nn.l now era S llfr.re for nno iir. VM. H. wilou.y oc v-u. TOO (It MOniUS lll'ILDINtt choiceT is the word .. 1.1. .hi. ia.rn.im rraldenre tin. "' .'-h. Trat-d nV to train and trolley, .ml ""M J, rtVhambeta and i bnthrnntne The, rontalnhir rnaj-r with Ran In th hnUM l I'K'VJ,; Jd by ,tm from a nnlnl k,,fl!",,iifVnuthly screened throuaheui nnd n 'in J V rafih-u nr ahnde and shrub P'm KIllW Photo "' ""r ,nn Ml. H. WILSON & CO. ;nn m tonnts nrn.iuNO ARARE CHANCE FOR YOU .. ihl. oil elnne drln'hrd hmls-. innlslnlria 1 In this ai' ""L'-i, r Let moms art 7 are rooms of Yhr,".d i." rirrtrl.-ltv nn.l hr.t.,l &Tt "ate" ThV mi i ino2Srt with young Jf,5I' s-iruhbrrv and irli rourt. WM. n. WiLOUiN cc u. ;nnn Mounts ttt'tt.lilNO EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 17 ovEnnnook Tr,sK itoMn " mit n (an ht II story, rmrrh front. 14 rooms. 2 hatha, s story, i lltl?J, ., CIlvRIKMtv MtLLKR i I ST. DAVIDS mrrtlv stone "o'nnl"il house 14 rnnma, i h.lh.. all modern .nnveVenres. inrludlntt J-.., in tllnds. shndes srreens nnrl storm JS curie bold- -' esrs .nmplelP with u?"s Kirn Tumi Lath, lot I . acres! ..on venlent to ttlon. ,., Lower Merion Realty Co. LAND TITLE BLDG. """ ViLLANOVA llnncl' t'Irk folcnlil hnue curnrn nnil tu aiTPK 1- room bath. molrn ron 'iilencts naingi. hoUs 1! rari. Will icll or r.nt. .MM-- Lower Merion Realty Co. LAND TITLE BLDG. TTATXE REDUCED TO .?G5Qi tor quick naif SOT Poplar hp.: h8"ii ron- tln 15 room" 1 bath. . ihnmlirra. m. erc- irlrlty large rorch. Karaite, lol CO by L'45 will rent HIRST & McMULLIN WEST K.ND TIlfST ItriLDIXO VTTNN'EWOOD Attractive Stone House Conlalnlnir R room, n bathi nnd More, room. 2 open fireplace hot-water heat, iraa mil electric Hunt lot 0.1x107. fine loratlon ami reiir aiatlon owner lma mmed to Now York tn1 If anxloua to sell n estimate SAMUEL C. WAGNER, JR. 32ft COMMERCIAL TRVST IIUIMIINO White Colonial Residence all modern lmrrofment: contnln 15 roomn. 4 Mini, u ennmnrrs, ini'iovpri kihbs yorcn; ttrace: about 1 acre, excellent ha'le. flowem, ttc.i must be Been to bo appreciated: prlca rttsonftble, HIRST & IcMULLIN WEST END THUST nUII.DINO NT.W JEBSKV SF.ASIIOKK VCNTNOR 1400, bulldlne lota, SOxlOO ft.; eon rvnl.nt to bearh. and trulle. M,tl W. State tt. Trenton. N J PKNNSYI.VANIA FARMS FARMS is In? WEAL ESTATE TOR KENT cm ConllntiM from rrnhllva Column" v tjulrawe' TUNTnAt. 15nd I) Mhrey t'l.ee ruinv. an'd reU"'?Vl:".:r.:' '".B!..Wnft" rran for . nrruua Her .IIHNltY II IV MSI Chealntit t Morrla lliilMIni AwMy n: I.N njmll inh ism i,i.. . . IWKM.INiJB ISSJ !'l'Pn'l l i IMI IH.wl .i ... ''"'."Trin I 1MH J aaier al 42" H ISth at , tl26nfura at HEAL ESTATE FOR RENT wtytT iilll.Alir.l.riiiA Conllaiird from Tree rilno t"olm It HtXLMS AXU HATlti eno,l t'Wrrjrid iriroiHttMHii. J.is. llflAl.Tr Ct). I4T a flro-a.l M niSNTAt, LISTS neighborhood; INTHII'CITY lC.n i .. . e-iuaiiaj iMiva"."", :v . .. r? lilH . 2!lll Kl.ler !!.'2.N". lam :ii.i ifi 2&3ll xtim ICMKIl.Hfl.V iMir.it v . '.".I T.rj Ml Hoinu- .......... K , u , sli g b. IS id at It ehaf. Vey SHIM, iltawy. 13ih awl tlreen V.'?.?.rtlr.V-"J "' I'atVtwhllll. a r: oeti if? . ." .' mhrun.ll, otwn. JT. nun 5S N ilwelltnK. I ONHM1, '"J'kT.i '-"rATJoN - tlntlre t.nJ,'.,".,n ". ofee. on drat . MIM IIMI.I. II-... l .. . . . tlNTi!,li;!,Ar. Private family. Mf.AIlrt A MIIOW.V 2(12 M. 1,1th t "i:!i,.'M"ti .!-' ronma all mm ftr nn exi-eM ooina, eli el tan N. iff , 12111 N NAORI 182.1 I)K hatha: rental 30 nn 2.1 nn ifim . in room., all rami rranifiin n rmnia. all rnti r.ariain 7 rooma. all rnnva in nn ! WNTIIIIIl. 1207 Cllri.r.1 mi f.ANCKY PIACR. 12 room. n,l per annum XUlon. !HAr o. ro.a. 1111 Walnut .1 Ilu.lneaa I'rnperltea and Store, RTotiBa txrn HUNT .WW Cheatnilt .."12. ft lll.hth 1I4-IS0-2SRS lllh '14 N Klfll, llt'il 1025 Maraet Him Jl 2liili t 9K!'.-iy.1;,sn Walnut .T .A t'ATTKIISON, 1,1(1 s 1.1th ...'"All IIR(lAt) ANtt SIMtINd (IMllirv ri2fyJ,n.'1 b?,Amin' Imllolnic. 4n,l70. to rear atret. auin eleatnr. aleam real .MHHIII8 A ro, Ill,l nt llrna.1. mm WAl.Xt'T 8T MtaMtf.'"".'il V" ""tin inllrcly or will illtlde. )-it tflrtlculara apply to YAtlltOW VAN I'Kt.T . I 'tit and Cheatniit ata. ... .T.ilKri AXr) AfCKSSOIlY JIBS rn1lmihin".r "I?" ,'U'1"'B on 1.1th at., near MT-nWi".'?. .!UL,''p:,:.r"lu,r'n-nta IIYRr.S MAIITII, Illilffi nve. and Ifllh. IMRKirr STUEKT. B21 nuiidlpir to rear atreet: lot 2X .linn; ADVANCES MORTaAGE8 TO I" I' tu-ri3 A Fntlrn Immedlale roa.eealon. Apply I'enna Co ""rV. .'.. r. 'iree' fren-nge: .wt i,,.lotv die- i.uu. jnippini? inruitiea: n rnina., , nitrnlly lliratril. mr. hai. An.Hl nit- r.... . ' WM' f.t7 Cheatnut at. rilhert loratnl, inlerali rental. 12IT , gl N 1-llANKt.tN ST.. atore and tel". lar. Nralla. inn S 12th rt. I lot I, phonea. l'V pillAItll All! -.trj hillldlnr. ...Il . nn. itirnru ae WM.I1MAN, Stnrea nnil Dnrtllnxa 20 MONTH roiim.. atom oi rAt,i.oviiii.i. kt nnil dwelling. .ullnhl tnr , r.8furnnt. a'ond-hniul atom, eli f r. i'i;Ti:ns .- son. on i'iikstvi-t ht VI NK ST. inr $-11. Kood order: alterntlnna rfnaldereit. II rooma anl atnre. KTIIATTOS fill, t-heatnut al fhone Lnmlinrd 1147 rrl,orle,. Wnrrhnti.ra, 5lfe. rionr, Cohocksink IMills btii and nni sts. J-loorj. won it., 1 I nno an. ft.V'c4h'e5,,pS,i?: 11. V. StrNREi.v, t7.12 Handolrh. 1211 2.1 NOIlt.v: ST.- 7nnnrt aquare feet: t,ner lant. rallrnail vl.llnis iplendldlv dnllnht1. ?m, ',?,r .". "AIlllIIIl. IIAIITMAN i-o 1201 Cheatn'lt at, FACTOIUKR. sltea nareliniea, rlnnr apare ex r u.Uely. .1 Alnn Middle! Kactori Spe- chillatand Knglneer. f.OSl-lt Warnrr IlldB. PArTortina and ri.r.on spa'-ij or every .ie. arrlptlon. Phll-i. nnd vlclnltj Paetnrr Kx- rhatiirn. Htiph..n (llrur.l !lld Killiert 47IHI SUVrjIlA!, "MALI. I.-LOcma ith powr. north M"i..""''"nn "n't for Hat fnitorj exrhnriKe sTnpiiiiv ntRAitn iii.ixi . kii.iii:ht 170" . aqunro feet: aiding If rtelrd WOltnnU.. .US V. :7lh. Phonra. N nJhOAP ST ' n,V l!) ,'"faeturlnK floora, Ilk-nt on four, allien eleetrlr clevatora low lnaurtneA 1.1IA i:STTi:.s. 7011 Minaom at 1711 riANSTKAI) ST-,1 floo-a nnd tnaemrnf cood llBht WlI.LIS-WINCllKSTi:il CO . J lIM Cneatnut at. ,. . . Tl,n rrxNSYr.VANtA company , I or Inatiraneo, nn l.Uea nnd (IrantlnR Annuities. ... ,M7 rti.atMH at. Iloth Plionea. ... III s nti, f.r . -it sni s. a.v 2or.livn.on 211211 t.ncu.t llr IhmmiI ;il1i asii. I4r. IH1.117 JJ?', " l.r.t.isil 420 v -r id lr iimi.ihi Ifllilr i i:r . 7r mi Ul'ii . Him. lOr 7(1.01 ll'U 'ta font 1?r ilV't I'lti l'.i lnr. . iW no i;J lath. 13r oo.iM i.i i: i,roi..lr M).W V.lt 3I "r "'ill I , , ,r ur 17 So Ei5 J toth 12r 47.-0 I7t ' t)lmAd. tlr 41.no .Ss2J!"r'-.,Rr-- 4.l.it 1 1.1.1 N. 17th, tlr. 41.00 .V.X?.,,,'orJ "' S.IW,I7J1N. t'th. llr. 40.an ?J?7nrrn-. '"" 4H.O.I 7.11 Corlnn. llr. .17.60 5U,,.,i"frJt. 1' S7.:.nl2l6N. tatit. r Bj;i' ii???- .,.1"'' '-'r 1.," 117 W.H'nacti.ttr S.l.nil n v '.V "r s" " Uta N. oth lor.. v.J.no "J.2 i.!".,M, tlr 2r..0((llnllN Sih. or... 24.no ,ur '.., loth, lnr 24 on .11 N ISan.lo'h.nr at no !.-.-. . ' r ,nk ".T .'2 "O 202.1 N. .teup. Or So.nO nUL,.',.Vm,lU "f -ooo' .114 l'arrlah. lr.. lj.oo ,J5J,."J., Tr... m.tiotott IVta.l flr.. lil'O O.'l lalrm't Sr. ll.oiiilnm trfmon, 7r... 1S.O0 .,2 '(yit-a rt. Or 11.00 lo.11 Minn. Br . l.J.no 03J Nectarine. Sr Ij.oollsoa N. Illn'ld,9r 15.00 WRST Plltt.ADUI.PIItA 4n.'i ?riee. llr tantHiisitn P'ult'n. 1tr.4'..on jst N. aj.i nr. ni.nn 7.in N. 40th. l.ir. a.i.oo ills ?riaom, t2r no nn :n tp Oar., ar. 2!i.oo 3SS0 llrown. Dr.. 2.1.IM) 3741 llrown. Or... 18.00 rITOIlllrl ANt OWnt.I.INOS T2.1 S. loth. 12r 7o.no loon Poplar ttlr.SM f.7 211 N. 2d lar. 10 on alii Vine. llr... .11.11 .MOV. r.th. Or . ao.oo ii2 (txford. llr. ao.OO 3'tlH Parri.h. 1 tr ao.oo1 1810 N unth. 10r27.R0 J2i .-..rront llr si.imi lnnl Kalrm t Or. 2S nn 2511 111 Ice. tlr. 21 no H1H IV Nnrrla. r 2.1.00 SIR N. 3d Sr . 2.1001 Ml S. 2d. Br .. 23.00 1211V. tixfdor 21 nn 417l!rern. 7r .. 2l.no 118 Laurel, llr. 2(1 no 120 South 4r... 20.00 5.1SO Amher. Or.. 200012010 t 2d. Sr. IN.00 1120 S. 2d. tr.. 18.00 201 Wharton. 6r 10.00 HKRMANTflWN Suburban Homes for Rent In erry eectlon within a ridlua of 20 mllea from lh Phllnd.lphla City llalli ne ran offer rou rronerllea ronalnR from romfortahle aub iirlnn home, at .o per month to luxurlona rountry seata on all tllvlalon. of the Ileadlna ItallwHV nnd the Pcnni. It II.; n numlier of rhnlce nfferlnen In (ht nrmnntnwn Che.tnut lllll aeetlon: n few furnished. Pee photo at our office or write atatlnie jour requirement,. WM. H. WILSON & CO. 700.701 Mnimis nrit.niNO UTIJNTOV eiernl d'.lraMe hnu.ra for rent: opn every da tralna to Slenton atntlon. MACHAN. fldl.MAN ill . N. 12. ror. llroad nnd Chi.tnut Tlnc.i 2040 IV 1 11 MHO ST 3 atnry. 14 rooma 2 Imth.. .I'le jird rent 110 ier month lNltrsrillAI. TFICST ( O . 10.10 N front at IT.NVS1I.VM HfnCKIIAN .ir.VKlNTOWN IlOUSn.S TO HUNT AND SHU. IN .IHNKIN. town. Wyntote. Oik t.ane Hnd Cheatnut Hill. I1ERKNESS & STETSON 1M1 LAND TITLE Dl'ILDINO MnAIHIWlllUlOK P REMODELED FARMHOUSE nnil 10 arrr ihlrm room 17x30. lrn rlln Inc room, kltflirn pmr nn I floor, ft lrl roonw anil J brtHi tlitM floor - bdroonn. i;nrni:' nml tennnt hou. fiM nhnilt, run nlnK trnm lfomt hi ft open nrplarB, let'trl" IlKht nn1 nioilrm hntr .1 inln uti' ik to Htniion ST.' prr month. HERKNESS Sc STETSON LAND TITI.I. Ill II.DINfl MKDI S10 MO llrm onuw a'eam heat, rt' alnhle 1 n. re .hade fine lew: photo. v pi:ti:hs a son nos ciiiistnct st. 1 YVCOTR With 0 rnnmi and hath. a'ln i month. Main 17.1 xann.nnn TO INVEST IN Fltisr MokuiaOHS In the Cily of Philadelphia IrDWUST MAIlKET IIATB3 Apply to HAZMHT i MOSS BIS WALNUT ST. Lombard SPECIALTY ai Picturesque Farm of 104 Acres 15 mllea from City Hall; atone Colonial lioiui, surrounded by old ahnde; atono tenant Iiaui,; apple orchard; woodn nnd meadourst high ,l,atlon; (A mile rallrond atatlon: an xc,llcnt farm, with wild, plctureaque acenery; n, itream upon the property larse enoucli for loatlu and swimming, near eotf and hunt clubi. HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLU nUILDINO kALYERN FIFTY-SIX ACRES With substantial old ntone housf. wlilfh can rullr be remoileled 1th modern lmpro e menti at little expense, located on Jtono road. This farm Is on hUh k round, nouthern nluiHj, rsn b purchased loner limn adjolntnt; lands. Also many other desirable farms at prlcu that vvltl attract HIRST & McMULLIN WEST END TRl'ST HOILDINd NEWTOWN "SQUARE "FARM tl acres; Colonial house, on high elevation! southern exposure surrounded bv old shade; fctrn, sprlnshouae; woods; lari?e runnlnix stream, near West Chester plica and the Had Dor Hunt. HERKNESS & STETSON . LAND TITLE! IIUILDIKO IVhltemarsh Valley and tho Huntingdon Valley; ad- lnr.nl In fMinutmit lllll .ml Rydal and Meadowbrook; suitable for country uiu. HERKNESS 5c STETSON 1831 LAND TITLT7 IlUILDlNO 5RANDYWINE "DAIRY "FARM Wt,r In every field, runnlne spring; water bv sravlty to house and barn; atone houie, kooi! bulldlni. One of tho beat laran farma in Cheater County, price low, easy terms . C, 1'. PETKHH AHON. illlM CHESTNUT ST. COUNT FtfllOMES AND KAnMH.Mnln Line nnd throuthout counttea adjacent to Phlladelnhlu, lorjrent. J, M. Froneflcld. Wayne, l'a. IM-ACrtE ttockand" dairy farm, J50 per acre. ..v per acre Nov. IU, 17, in IL' nrrea uein ware County, 13500 J. n. THOMPSON REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT Vn-iVSVLVANIA StMlllIlllAN ?ALA,T?TOWlru a.VA 4' rooms, bath; excellent condition; ..J'f'O rent, tr.llllO sale '"V.PLANn TKRHACi: 0 rooma, balh; near ..L'ol'HJ tJi'Bo. Inouu aale. 7 MONTQOMEHY AVK 10 rooms, bath; ltRii ,:.l?!'. Pr month. iF..A.X.K-r.11.ron". 2 baths, all stone; iVn.h..,,A.Ni; 1 rooms, 2 baths; modern. 10; 112,000, ...... Applv onlv JAMES DOLAN & CO. - X-'lfilVTII. I'A NJWJKltsi:V MIIIHUIIAN i-aHUEN orncr.s. business uooms. etc. DItEXKL I1LDO orrtCBS Annual rentals Hlncle rooms. J100. J120, 1Llo.t2.lo.lllo s.inn Suites. 2 rme , S14(, ll.in.jKm jon I22.I $2.10 Suites, 3 rma . J271 tlOO.J450.Ilon IH7.1 ITIu Hnd aulte 1-1-17. 27.10 aq ft . 20 rooma $337,1. Corner aultr. 4 to s room.. Irt.-.o to tinr.n KLL1S I)WILLIA1IS. .100 Drex. I Ilull.llnB CHESTNUT HNTHIE ri.OOH. FiREPnooi' ni.no. 1118-20 CHESTNUT STREET tn FKET I1L1J HUNT Mears & Brown, 202 S. 15th St. ruM.F.n niiiLDLNO 10 S, 18th St. Ml modern appointments. Suite 11x21 and8x2.1 ft . s;io(jomonth. WELL-LIOHTED OFFICES, aultable for lllua tratora arcbttecta. etc , In new bulldlmr, 1027 runsom at Willla-Wlncheater Co.. 1001 Chestnut at. 112 r.O IIRRD'lllTILDINO 13.50 Centrally locnted: nil conieniences: rents at tractively low. arvlc" continuous. J18 0(1 1211-17 Filbert at J22.00 SECOND FLOOR "rear offices, with akyllKht In building, fnclnt; Independence hquaro. lent 150 per month Applv HA.Li:TT4 MOS.S. .118 IVnlnut at 20 K 1HTII ST Desirable ofOces, Includlnir steim heat, IlKht. etc . rent tl.l and up per month J C.Fl'LLElt. 10 H. 18th at. 23N N. 11TII ST 1-atory bualnraa bulldlne. Ilsbt on 3 aides WlLLIS-WlNCllESTElt CO 1001 Cheatnut at STONE HOUSE HERKNESS & STETSON' LAND TITLE 111 II.DINO MMN LIVE. P. K R. VILLA NOVA ItclriMa 3. story 11 room atone dwelllnc: Lin raator ave. near Spring; Mill road .1 minutes' inlk to train or trolly pply tho Pennsjl tnnlt Company .lt7 Chestnut st HOUSES FOR RENT Professional Offices 1700 WALNUT ST Desirable offices for physl. rlana. etc., heat. Debt. Janllor s.rlce, furn. Apply the I'enna Co . M7Clieantut at. Wi:sx PillLMIIU.I'llIA WK ARE OFrKRINU FOR RENT Th larcest and brat rpIc-Mou of houses and apartments In West Philadelphia. Wm. H. W. Quick & Bro., Inc. 8 SOUTH -.0111 ST. fl liedroonn. 3 batht. snr.iga ii heiirnnnin, 4 natnn, 7 bedroom, n bnthrt. (frirac. K tti-droomn, .t liathn gnrnKi 8 bedroom. 4 bnth, KarnRB. H bod rooms. :t baths. K.iraso. 7 bedroom 3 baths 7 bdronmi. l bathn. irorafffl. H bcdroomH 3 bathR Karnuo. 0 bedroom1. 3 b.itliH (I bcdroomH It bnthn, saraffe. ft bedrooms. .1 bath 7 bedroom. 2 bitht paraire. 7 bwlrooms, 'J Imth. carats. fl linilroom!. - bath1 it di iinini. 1! buthn 0 bfdroom, 1! tathi ft btdronni 1 bath SAMUEL C. WAGNER, JR 3211 COMMCIICIAL TRl'ST III7ILDINO ..J2.in.00 per month . . 200 on per month . 2(10 no per month . 1 . i on per month . . lrnnii per month . 102 to per month . 1 .10 (in pr month . 125 no per month . . 112 lo per month . . mi no per month . . inn no per month . . po no pt mnnt'i . S3 31 per month . . so on ,r month . . 7.1 oo per month . . no 00 per month . . tin nn per month .1. i.'i per monm to siicrin: a MORTOAtn: , , tie It first or sncmid -If ymi desire efficient aeriiie. iiulck and satisfactory results and liHHlerate rharaea t'M.L. PHONE OR WIUTI". TO t'8 ' Your morlsaee will be as itooil as plared " NORMAN H PIIKRWOOH. till Walnut at $100,000-5 FLAT SPECIAL Ttll'ST 1VND KOK .. noon riitsT moiitoaoes HOmcK II I'filTZ 71.1 WALNUT ST. LARGE FUNDS For 1st mnrtunrr. Adtnncea made to builder. JAMES D. WINCHELL 17TII AM) HANSOM STS FUNDS FOR MORTGAGES Reparable In terms of years or on Initallnient plsn. Northern Trust Company OTH AND ((PRIM! OAllDKN ?U0 0. 20.) TO $5000 j Mnrtirare. or note, real estate aecurlt) . tnable easy term, 'ettlement n di LEWIS & CO. ,"Vs:"kmi' 0 NOTE OR MOUTH AOR Immediate Settlement" TO l'nsltd Estate Loans. .... Uulldlna; Asportation t."unds. 1000 DK.MPSF.T CO. 27 S loth St. ANY AMOI'NT placed nulcklv on first or .econd mortaare large trust fund, on hand and 20 Mill'llnn a.aorlntlona with renily money, quirk action j, ,nr motto tr me nn . de Youna 4no West t:nd Trust Illdr . ,movi:y r--on mortoaofi IAItOi: ANIl SMALL AMOUNTS . .. WICK ANSWERS W H IKVlIt RI2 W NORRIfl ST. ni.i. tOHTCIAOKI SECttRED nUtt.DEHS- ADVANCES A M'KCIALTT nill'MIIAI'Oll PATlKFIt. INC. 11.17 WALNUT ST. ,,. MONEY FOR MORTOU1KS lie want first mortgages, building association, either first nr .roml . S i: OAIIIHNim. Kith nnd Wharlon sta $1(10 1)00 TO INVEST In nrat mortunR". In sums from Jlooo up aln bulldlnir nsaoclatlon mnnej for second innrU'iars t C SKIDKI. A CO 4lh and f'allawhlll sis MORTOAOIIH winted hi prll-nte Investor, nn com rharsed. small mines up to 13100 and ilwas pref . int .1 4-10 p c Write. allnc full particulars. 4.1 l.ed Hr 2720 tlerinanfli av THUST tTNtlS FOR FIRST MORTOAOn 1IEIIKNKSS STF.TSON LAND TITI.i: nt'lLIUNO MONEY FOR 1?T AND 21) MOIITOAOES T A RKDDINO H Wl 700 TVALNFT ST Mill sPRt'CIJ ST ALL AMOUNTS 1ST AND 2D MOIITOAOES Qtllc k anew r MAl'niCE It MATSINdlllt III Est.Tr. Rid FUNDS FOR 1ST AND 2D MORTOAOE9 llORTOACKI FOR flAI.E THEO II NICKLKS 2.113 (lermantown al'e FUNDS FOR 1ST AND 2D MORTGAGES ANY AMOUNT POTTS THOMSON'. 2121 Frnnkforit ne MONEY for mortgages. Murks County property ARTHUR P TOWVSEND l.lmiiln llulldlng Phil idelphla LOANS ON INTEREST IN ESTATES Reasonable Churgea JOHN A HARRY. .107 Land Title tilde 1ST A 2D mortgages wanted city or suburban. CHHSTKR OSllOltVE. IN'C Offices. I.ansdowne, and 1.121 Chestnut at. MOVKY FOR MOIITOAOES nt'ILIIINC. ASSOCIATION FUNDS HENRY S RKKD 1420 Cheatnut at. 18T nnd 2.1 mtga ; bldg and iirlvate funds; quick nnd aatl.fattorv results, moderite charges. CAMERON USTATE 2811 Kcnslntfton ae. MONEY for first and seion.l mortgages, prhate funds nnd building n.sorlatloii. WM FRIEDRU'H CO SOI N 12lh st FUNDS for first second nr split mortgages, tollateral nnd short term loans AIIERNUTIIY 131 S 12lh. 2721 N .lib PRIVATE FUNDS FOR FIRST MORTOAOUS Monej for bulldlnir and loan aecon.l mortizas. a JOS ALLEN POTTS. 4001 Italllmore ne HAVE some gilt e Iced first mortgages for sili. denominations $2300 and $2000 13 It A PS LEY r.Sth and Springfield ae FIRST mortgage nnd hide as.n funds, any amount, Jaa F Smth, 2435 Kenalnyton ave I OR RENT FURNTSHED CITY 1816 SPRUCE ST. IS ROOMS, 4 1IATIIS MEARS & BROWN S(jTf,0 THREE-STORY, furnished, south of Market: ry terma. desirable II 34(1. Ledger Central. MAIN LINE. P. It. IC ROMIMONI" MOST ATTRACTIVE Vhlt "tone nnd ntut-cn lioii,f on tain o lonint ft bathf und 10 i Inmbt r. rl.ctrb llnht opfii ffrepl.itt. arrummotl.itiuii fnr 'A motora, altuut m nir! rxtcritli-il ii ,v , thlt property N r uttrai ttiely furtilhttl, tiV loPHtloti m illrnt, within ft mlnuti a walk if Uf Htu Dun. an h rented at u low lljiuro for the wtnur munthH. HIRST & McMULLIN WEST UNO TRUST 11UII.DINO MONEY TO LOAN QUICK LOANS TO HOUSEKEEPERS Ton r.in cot reftdv rnnri from thl NKW t.ici;nhki and ihndi:i companv umuy- ly, privately ami without red tar If von arn liouHekeeplntr You Van borrow sift, $117. 'M Sftft. J . $72 and so on up to $100 at 3 iwr lent Intrrrst Vou ran borrow IliMi, $13.' . Slfttl. JlhO or $L'04 at '1 M-r rent Intrrent r Pnment ar filial I and within our Inroni V hao ft irlatp offlten fot our rnincnlPiiiT Verinlt us to explain otir up to-Ut method I'hon) Walnut 431." t-p n s a in to 0 p m HOUSEHOLD LOAN COMPANY 131 Soulh Broad Street Se. ond flour . x.t to Forrest Theater YOU CAN HORROW MONEY ON DIAMONDS. JEWF.I.S, IJTC. V25 ANIl UP I... 2"! 17.1 AND UP H4 J30O AND UP l3 RIEDER'S 128 MARKET ST. UIU4.li: AVE. AND OXFORD ST. 2JD AND SOUTH STS. MONEY LOANED to heirs of unsettled estates Int-resls lioiiKhl FRANK P MARTIN 7-1 2.1 Miphen (J Irani llulldinit. 21 S I21I1 st FARMER SMITH'S RAINBOW CLUB Foe r.ft.,t.n .... --... .. f. r- -v.c.. icm estate consult K. D. CF OW Tr No- - Rroadwav. . " L.UW, jr. Camden. N. J. SEAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE 5s,AiK.,0i?AIl.M8' uken ln ochine. which Mrtleui.f.crlnr,.',0j:.7ul.('1 ca,l -',lr. t-'a 'of fcff21?H!a-03DEN. 122U Fllhoit. for ?lKKQn JIOTOOO Oak Lane residence tM Kijl rofnr' '" Vi!Hi 1',,,l,lJ,,,h,' BEAL estate wanted wWe Have Soid $i5O)0OO 0RTII 01-REAL ESTATD THIS YKAIl AND WE CAN BELL YOURS, PARRELL, 710 S. 20TII IIAYF client ulshlns tn buy a 12300 to KKA l.c W eVi?..S,,,,u ""h'ne tn buy a $2300 to hlffdelnVft,',1'., fh-'fonl tlvvelllna In West M ffrm';Lil,uthJ! modarn Iniprovcnients ftcWM. 1"" Partlculora to iTiife '' " 4t" and Uallowhlll. icftdimX.1? r'1'. "old. lented. rents coN (!aiVTi-;Ki.ffflr.; i,i Hrm ot ear III UOSWKI.L. -..is m iih - I -iiilltl !i.iv..ue cheap real eitai.'.nv ..eii.,n iii.iie JecUar ehSJ?"!.1;. answer. Urokers pro-fs.-itr.D.Rottnr, 1420 Chestnul. oty orTteL' bS!"'V ultbl for'foundryi . mn, Avuuxr uciurai. -BSESTATE TOR RENT CITY D10 h irTir (it rooms, con vs.., , ,,,$40 00 U room rnnus AO lilt rooms, rants, , bOOO ,wruZMFfjt&! B MUBiT FO.V A C0''lUrU' , iW8 8T-".r "J" Un1 :'""'w",ll is for Ii..i ...."" i-siory nunuing liir...!"- Oil Kill K""."' '' ."IW and sho -rVr'nler" ,T, atsltl TMr inmill. H ; MO.SS BIS Walnut st SiXM enk'l irui, . e."".n uib ivainui si (? l5T"odordrA modtrrt Ira- W Csii JUST WILLIE Dear Children Willie was in to see niu the other day. Yes, indeed. He was so small I mistook his age and thought he was about six. No, siree! He was nine! Think of it! It must be great to be a boy of nine years in times like this. When I was nine years old men were still talking about the Civil War, and now, while YOU are children you arc hearing every day about THE war. The greatest war we have ever heard of or read about. There are lots of things for a boy of nine to think about these days. There's the high cost of living. Wc used to buy butter for 15 cents a pound, or two pounds for a quarter, and two chickens (a pair of broilers) for a quarter also. But today! Butter, say 48 cents, and broilers, say 28 cents a pound. Do not think when you aro grown up you will forget these things, for you will not. When I was a boy a panic struck this country and wo had to "trim sail." I remember mother asked mo which of two things I wishsd to give up we could not afford both. I thank Willie for taking mo back thirty-four yenrs. If YOUR mother or father looks worried, perhaps YOU can give up some thing, even as I did. Can you think of one thing to give up? FARMER SMITH, Children's Editor. HILLY AND THE WISE OOAT By Farmtr Smith Mrs. Klephant was Jooklnp out tho win dow ns her husband tools Billy Uumpua out In the yard, "You see, It's this way," began Mister i:iephant. Ifc-norlntj the fact that Hilly did not want to Bet tho rope out of Mister Mephanfs well, "I am too big to (rut down ln that well and wo must have water, Kle nhants can't live without water and " "Neither can Boats," put In Hilly. "Well, you see we need more water than you do and. "You nfean to wash yourself," Hllfy Inter- '""I iiaven't Interrupted you. so please don't Interrupt me." said the blp follow. "I don't see that I have said anytldne for you to Interrupt." said Hilly. "How. eier. go on and proceed," "You see, I have a very great secret" Billy began to got Interested. Secrets always did Interest him, for goats are' ul most as Inquisitive as chickens besides he was thinking of thoso tin cjns In Mister Kleuhant'e back yard. Has tho secret anything to do with those tin cans In your back yardT" "Maybe, You are always thinking Pf vour stomach,'' said th big fellow. y "I have to I" answered Billy. "K t don't think of my stomach It begins to think of mo." "Ha, ha. ha!" ramo from tho house. Billy turned Just In tlmo to nee Mrs. Klephant duck her head. "Do you know what a wise man Is?" Billy was thoughtful a minute und said: "Yes, ho la a wlso man." "Well. In ancient times they had wise men und today we liao wise goats Instead. That's because most men shaie nowadays You can't be a wise man unless you have long whiskers, und you can't bo a wlso goat unless you have beautiful whlskerx "What has that to do with those tin cans In jour back yard?" aukod Hilly. I mn coining to that," said Mister Kle. pliant, "Coming to the tin cans? When?" Minor Kicplunt went right on; "In all the world there la not one .wise goat today "You don't say sol" exclaimed Hilly. "Don't Interrupt I have discovered the secret. As soon as Home Boat sees the stars In the day lie becomes a wise goat and all tho other goati and animals worhhlp him as a n Ise goat " "Well, ou better get down on our knees now for I'm a wise goat all right When those bees stung me In my eyes I jaw stars In the daytime," , "You misunderstand uw," said Mister Elephant, r , Christmas Exhibition Xcs I'.iulliio Delborl. Cllbeit. I'.i., hands the following encouraging' letter about her branch club' "We nrc lory much pleased that we can help the lUilnbow ChrisliiKiH exhibition, and will try to do all we can for It. AW cne a Hnllowcen party and after that a llttlo play about n pumpkin and tecltcd llttlo pieces "We charged three cents to hco It. We took In Jl.io and aro ery proud of It as It Is the firm money ne made. Wo think we'll iiso It to buy stockings for the ex hibition. "I think we will have n 'rhankhKlUng play. Wo like jour Idea for n dramatic meeting and think we will carry It out." We tonsratulate these inn,. iuinIhjhh on their aurreaa and hojw that it will .niuuratu other brunch rluba to attempt ulinlhir entertain ments Think nf all I In- war mill i. ml threr you can be the means of spreading this Christ, mas time AND WORK HARD' .- -ot -vMiVfHHUAj?, Pfi-VlBetfJAHIM SECajfar, 7esi r Branch Club Nuns The Jolly news that a branch club which had temporarily disbanded would resume activity ramo ln the mull a couple of duya ago rarrlo Coya, preddent. writes: "I'm going to start the club up again The mem bers are: President, I'urrla Coya; vice president, Jennie Berrecci , secretary. llachel Hmlelmeo; Louisa Monzu, Mary DI lton zo. Hoso Delnardo, Mltla .Siingio. l.ucy llrenna and Amllia Grenna. We had pie nlcs last summer und enjoyed ourselves. PAIiMRTl SMITH, I wlsii to become a member ot your Rainbow Club, Please send me a beautiful Itainbow Button free. I agree to DO A MTTI.K KIKDXCS3 HACII AND KVCriY DAY, Sl'lUIAD A LITTLE SUNSHINE ALL ALONO THE WAY. Name ......,..,,. Address Age . . Things to Know and Do What Is that word of the letters which when ou tuke nway ono cmly two remain? tBent ln by Wilfred Webb) 15. 1916 i i i i . i . I, - i. i , ,, - i " - - -- 7S C RAP P LE The Young I.ndy Across the Way THE PADDED CELL The jnuiiir lnd across the wav na the Prohibition party bravclv Keep. up Its IlKht In every national campaign, though It tniisl lie a Brent many years since It elected a Prerldrnt Starting an Endless Chain Iloth father and mother struggled valiantly tn tc.irh little t:ilie to repeat the letter "A " Tho child riiiihnttntll lefuaed to pronounce tho first letter of the alphabet, nml after many vain ef forts the father retired from tho fight illKcmirngfd The mother took tho llttlo girl on her lap and pleaded with her affectionately. "Denrle, why don't you lenrn to say A"" she nskeil "Itecause. mamma." explained Utile. "Jes" as soon ns I say 'A' you nn' pupa will want mo to say . " SOMEBODY 3 I J STE.MOGRAPHER V ; r, $ f 1? HCM&T? TM HE.E), 1 'V, 0 ( TE hce Mu roir sxt ) ' 'S. .'., (MonftiT-Tfe nee rto ( Uav mqnisst- ' y v I HAYWARn I I VMONDERIF LOf-Ktb 7HE-MYtHEN Door BerjR. I CAME To BE-D - BETA DOLLAR. I FORtor ( SStr. -uiTina THE BUNK OF A BUSY BKAIN T lu IT VIOOLD BE BASS PIUMMfc! F0R.BUr(.Ci.AR THEV COULD JUST YJAl-K. RltjHT IN Af4t lELr "tHErASEUVES . I HEAR. SOrA- FUNNY "oi-aEil, -oo WN 5TAIR.T. in i VJ mm && &&PPX ih ii n HEi CONMN UP Te KTEP5. HE'S SiTAlMOIN RlfqHT OOT&IO& OTi fA D00R- I CAM AUAOSt FPC-l. rRS BREATH HE'S APTEfJ. THAT tr-W IHAME- IN tAS TROgiERi US7ENI THERt MO&Y 8& A D07.EN OF- YMEtA elkKINW THIrbOII-lnllf rOHU I DOrJT CARE- WHAT THfc-f TAKE-- vJOtiTSo TMEtftONT BOTHER US- ..,-, I VTHfiYi.'- ONW7 , ji evt-uricr j ffiyH VVWVrS. YWA.T? SOUND. S LIKt SOMEtiObV RATfLIK'-OUR. StL.VER.'WrVit' A BUKOUARJ. (JOT IN THROUGH THE" DOOP. KNN IT. .. ME'i RAN&Al-MNIa TMC H0U&& - HE'LU TAKE EVERY ThINO VIE'VEOT OH MiY WIFt DIAIAOKDM-D ALl OP HER JEWELRY. - our NEvJ Silverware viill all. be ejoNC f VJELL, 1 UPP0SE I TMEtfE SYRIPPFP I TM6 VJK6UE HOUSE I I'LL CjO D6WM NOW I AND SEE- IP vl I VjAUVjYftejWjs J 4 icttn 3unM 1 rt I...- uiime.. jfll ov LlSTENIf4t T0Y00R.HEr-.RT BEAT AWhKkltrlPJl ..T ;.,. - " -- wfsvuna - , rfWpWN 1) A s&--u "VrSVr flraf fr SiDIE1tSMTtit Just Merely r)sSIS&SrfceisA4lU?BSsflrtBk Mgeinon (after liediu .11 copied) Have j oil ever loved hefoie' Angela No' I have often ndmired men for their i-tretiKtli. cuuiaKe, beauty, intelligence, nr something IIUo that, nii know; but with jou, Alger non. It's all love niitlilng cite! Friends in Suffering ' BeaHtly bore, this place!" paid tho llrst visitor nt the fushlonnhlo sjia. ' Dull h Uitchvvater! NothitiB to do, nothing to sec, and everything three tunes the normal price!" "Yes, I ugreo with jou," f-uld tho either, "it Is a mlten hole, ami, frankly, more than I can silTonl. Hut 1 had to come." "Why?" "Well, my wlfo said tho nalleya would ho here, unit hhe'H u-ry keen on not being outdone. You know what women are," "Itatlier! My wife said tho inie f-ald wo shoull have to come becauso tlio Moncrleffo were going." "Hcally! But my namo'ri Moncrleff!" "My goodness! And my namo'ri Il.tlley! Shake hands, old man, nnd liuvo 11 cigar'" The "Trier" ' -?rV - 1 'IP Tg I I -j.Mii.e- A. rij I U l ' "l'a. ,5rr X I i I-s. ' Vf-C-Ct - Aa ' Kb' 'i&. lMWMm 'Wraaxs yiAS - "s s The 'i.itier Dnmertlc iwho Is not giving batisfac lion) 1 nm trying, mum. Mistress You ate, Mary very (.ONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN ii Lit 1 p I A jfM Wi. M-'bhJ N5VEB S Uhewin'Gum?! am? 1 lit, m 'ffiy seE at s r ' h ' tt'TV r I1 I t i