Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 15, 1916, Night Extra, Page 15, Image 15

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    -i&fy fwr-i rWQ - tfyrw 7-1'-
t-jvee JwsTc,er
-w l. -"Hir.iM' fUM- -
gome Stockholders Disappointed Because Extra Dividend
Is Not Declared to Take Care of Payment Block
of 10,000 Shares of P. R. T. Sells
WW'". .,.i,i hv this i-alllnir of thn
It "" h, thnt lhs Would bo
""""-- " . .ii.v,,...,,
. of the stockholders of the 1'hlln
. Sw Electric Company were disappointed
-'ip Lfiimoon when tho news came out
thl. fhfl wmpany-." directors had called a
Ml. ..mment of .MS" " "h" without
JK extra dividend to tnko euro
! Itl assessment. Since tho announcement
"'. T. rrnnanclnVplan on July 21. of which
"SJjimSnt ! another step, thero has
lh' talk n the Street that tho stock would
bMn tSlK '" A". "... v.., .,. ..alllnir nf this
ri.n eare," of with an extra disbursement
"" .h. of a dividend.
, street ffvo considerable thounht to
,v, action of the directors. Tho opinion
A that tho manaBement did not caro to
mi Into the surplus by any extra payment
fn view of the fact that tho reflnancini: was
L.in done to meet the Increased demands
business. The resulnr quarterly dlvl
aLa of Mi per cent, which was nlto de
i.red will In part tnko care of this pay
Jit 'by "ho stockholders, as It will bo
.!!. hv the company on December 15, and
rAsse'-.ment Is payable, on December 15.
thock of tho 1'lilladelphla Klectrlc Com
;, 0f I'enniylvanln, under which the
Ji.,.lilp of the underlying companies will
re under tho plan of tho mannRonient,
win be exchanifed for the stock of the New
Jerier company on the baslB ot two shares
if the old for one of tho new. It Is under
?tood In the Street Nothing; oinclal could be
uSni on this point. Officials hale do
illncd all alone to discuss this subject.
On tho Philadelphia Stock Exchango to
,jv Philadelphia Hlectrlo stock tnoved In
narrow groove, and when tho announce-
ment of the nsseosment had been received
ii went ofr H as compared with thn clo-o
t-f yesterday. Tho Land Tltlo receipts for
the company's 4 per cent bonds, which
have been deposited under tho rctlnam-liiR
plan, were 1 point tinder the last preMous
Tho Street has become accustomed to tho
activity of Philadelphia Hapld Transit trust
eortlflcatos In each day's trading mi o
rnanue. and when moro than 19.000 came
nut on tho tape during the session. It did
nui uL-cuxion any comment Tho Reneral ex
pectntlon In tho Street Is that the nitrcc
ment between tho company nnd the cltr
will noon be sinned nnd that It will bo favor
able to tho company, and the stock Is now
discounting this.
One transaction In the certificates In the
nrst hour did attract some attention, and
this was a turnover nf a block of 10,000
shaies nt 20, a frnctlon under the close of
csterday. It could not be learned who
was tho seller of tho large block. The
salo was made by a trailer who very often
nets for Drexel Interests.
Cramp Shipbuilding wan qulto nrtlve. the
price Retting up nt ono time during the
morning to the best price In recent vears.
02 H. Mot-t of the buying was for' New
York Interests, and the report persisted In
the Street that new Inteiests were tr.vltiK
to get control nf the company Ituffnln'nnd
Huptiuohatina common trust certificates got
to the best price for this year, Veiling nt
flfi. up 2 points. In the afternoon Phila
delphia Company common nnd prcfuried
were also ttrong.
l& r-
WHEAT Receipts, 09.032 bush. There was
. Either decline nf 2o In this market, due to
WHY western advice.. Export demand was
mi, Quotations Car lota. In export elevotor.
v red ml Jl R'Sfl ST. No 2 southern red.
SWrai is" .learner No 2 red. J1.S0W1 8.1.
i,i8j0rVd.$lsOBISS. rejected A. Jl.TOWl 7H.
"cOBJC u'cilpts. '7240. bushels Trade was
eulet but prices ruled firm under small sup-
!m Quotations! Car lots for local trade n.
1.iion -old western No. 2 yellow. S1.20($
"Too atwTme, .yellow. fl.lSOl.lB. do. No.
yellow. 1 18 1 10. do. No. 4 yellow, 11.12
' niTS Receipts. 01. 074 bushels. Offerings
..flight and the market ruled firm with a
?.ir demand Quotations. No. 2 white. 02'4 Up
JV, .tandard white. 023824 0. No. 8 white.
SldeHjel No 4 white. 694 6ooV,c: .ample
"rLOUIl'-Seielpt.. 14R2 bbl.. one 811.128 lbs.
In ." There was little trsdlne and value,
were largely nominal. Quotation, per IHO
lb, In wockI Winter, clear, $88 25: do.
.iratcht ISVB0S8.05. do. patent. H75lli
laMaV clear, cotton sacks. 18 RSWD.IO; do.
.traSr"t. cotton sacks. JO JO 0.83; do. patent.
litinS sacks. J9.4ilO0.UR, siirlne. flrst. clear.
S0.W do! patent. ib.BOOto; do. favorite
JKhi 110.25010.75. cltv mill., choice and
finey patent. $10.23 10.7B! city mills, regular
Jr.Se..P winter: clear. WO8.40! do. straight.
11 808.85; do. patent. J8.7SW0. . ,
BIB FlibuR was quiet, but steady under
Bill supplies. We ouote at 7.608.t.O per
bbl.. as to quality.
There mi a fair Jobbing Inquiry and values
wr (Irmly maintained. Following are thn nunta
tloni, City beef, In sets, smoked and alr-drled.
Jtc; western beef. In set., smoked. 84c. city beef,
knuckles and tenders, smoked and air dried, 33c;
New Issues Are Heavily Traded
in Changes Narrow Through
out General List
NEW' YOIIK, Nov. 15. Tho most Im
portant feature of tho Curb market today
vai tho heavy trading In Hock Island
shares, Issued under the reorganization
plan. Tho new common opened at 38 nnd
advanced to 41. but quickly reacted to 38.
The 7 per cent preferred, which opened at
II and advanced to 80, sold off sharply,
and the 6 per cent preferred was heavily
traded In at 70 and 63.
The general list fluctuated within narrow
limits, Cramp Shipbuilding being traded In
at 92 to 90, and Mldvale Steel fluctuated
between CST4 and C8',i- Submarine sold at
41 and 40.
The munition stocks wero quiet, with
Maxim selling nt 6 and 6 '.4 and Aetna 10 1
and 10, Kathodlon Uronzo was strong, ad
vancing from 8', 4 to 10.
The mining stocks wero generally quiet,
but Magma was again In good demand ; ad
vancing to 56, and United Verdo Kxtenslon
sold at 39 and 38.
The motor stocks were quiet and gen
erally lower.
Aetsa Explosives
Am Ilrlt Mfs
m Marconi
Canadian Car Co
Can Car & Fdy pref
Chevrolet Motors
Curtlis Aeroplane
Ktnerson Phonoeraph
Haikell A Darker Car
llendse Mfe
Kathodlon Drome pref
laurel Oil ft Oa ,
Uailm Munition.
Manhattan Trans
llldMl. Steel
otli Elevator
Fearless Motor.
Toole Engine
8 8 Kreege w 1
Standard Motors
Submarine ,
Triangle Film
J mted Motors
J'nlted Trout Sharing
V L II com
do pref ...
World Film
Prairie ripe
Standard oil of California...
Standard Oil nf New Jersey. .
Standard Oil of New York...
Coaden nil
' eaden Co
Inter Petrol , ,
Houston Oil
Midwest Ref ,
tapulpa Ref ,
gutts Copper and Zinc
Cjrro de Pasco
prat National '.
Florence Ooldneld
Ooldfleld Merger ?....
leela Mining
lie. Hound
Jim Duller ....,.!".!.
;junbo Extension
McKlnley Darragh
Magma Copper
Mine. Co of America
San Toy
St Joaaph I-eid
west End Consolidated
" Mt. Oaks
farro s
Mldvale S.
Ituaelan SUs
UK r.li. 8-r.ar:
o o-xar,.
Rid. Asked.
. 1U 10V
. 10 20
. 8 8'i
. 411 BO
. 70 80
,17B 180
. IB M
. 12 12
. 41 42
. 28 20
. 8 10
. OH
. c n'-i
. l
. 5"Vj oni
. 07 H0
22 24
!loo lin
. 12; iat
. 7 s
. 40 41
-.. 2'i
. 02U (I.I
. 1 Hi
. 2 2'
. 4 B
. 1 l't
.22S 230
.8811 888
.328 88S
. 8:.H 88.1
.09. 70.1
.2SO 233
. 1.1 18
. 17$ 17T
. mil nvi
. lbVi 2d
.74 78 .
. 10K HlW
. ft in
.. 48V, 44
. 44 0
. . 20 SO
,. ft 7
, . 8 81
. . OVi 0
, . 1 1 1-82
, . 27 SO
, . ill) IIS
. . 63 B0
. . 2 2l
. . k I.
.. 17 18
, . 20 2V
..76 60
.. 4U 4H
..121, 128.,
. . os1,; !)&
..1O0 100U
. out, juiS
western beef knuelile. nnd tenders, .molted. .I.le;
beef hams, JJSW30. purk. famll lau'OOSIt
hams, a . I. rured, loose. lllWl'JWr. do skinned,
loose, 20tJ204r. do, do. smoked. 'Jltfafic:
ntnr hams, smoked, city curort, a. to brand nnd
SXfin,'v 1" c, hams, smoked, western cured,
,ov?.c' . ''"lied, tannics. 34r. plcnln shoulder..
. . rVrcd. Iooe. 14c. do. smoked. 13c. l.rlll.
In pickle, according to nvernge. loose. lTic;
breakfast bacon, as to brand nnd urrage, city
SIT,"1, 2i'ic. breakfast Imcon. western cured,
"K. lard, ucstern. rellntd. Ira . Inc. do. do.
do, tubs, lito: lard puro city, kenlo rendered. In
tea. 18c, lard, puro clt, kettlo rendered. In tub..
The market was oulet hut firm Refiners'
list prices. Kttrn. fine granulated 7 r.u7.niii".
Powdered. 7 fl()fS7 70e. confectloncra' A, 7 40lf
7.30c. soft Krado. 0 75J(7 SSc.
IlUTTKrt Offering, wero light nnd prices ad
vunced He on solid pnckctl rrramerv unrt 1c on
prints. Demand fjlr. Quotations . Western
solld-pnrked creamery, fancy specials. Il4r. ...
tro, 30Sl40c extra firsts 384c. tlrsts. a?
;7'4c. soconda "!0.l04c, renovnied, rxtra,
31c. do. nrsts. 33c. do seconds 3Ji . ncarbv
prints, fnncy, 4.1c, nversRe extra. It 'u. 42c, Urals
40c, seconds. 38fr.'Mio. special fancy brands of
prints JobWnir at 4Ulilr.
KtlQS Supplies were well cleaned up nnd
price, ruled firm. Quotations In free cases,
nearhy extra. 43e tier dor. nearby firsts. II- Ir
standard cas nearby current rfcelpts, $11.70
per case, western evtra. 43r por doz : extra
firsts. $12 per case flrsls $11 70 per case, re
frigerator eggs, extra. $10 30 per case, firsts.
$11120 per cases seconds SO A0UU.90 per case,
candled eggs Jobbing at 476Tilc per doz
ClinnflK Receipts were light and the market
ruled llrm nnd again higher with a fair de.
mand Quotations: New York, full cream,
fancy. 24U r:'l4o. specials higher: do. dn. fair
to good, IdU p23Hc. do, part skims. I3ii2lc.
I.IVR Thn was a fair demand for ilfilrablfl
Block an J 'iluca pr wrll malnl.ilnrrl tndr
moder.t offrrirujs. rllowlris aro th tiuotn
tlonn' Ftmln ai to qualtlv. IflVlo; routrH,
1A14c. uprtns chlckn. according to ipiillty.
infl)18c, White IKhorn. according to imillty.
iri5pl7c, duckn, an to quality, IQfMKr. turken.
i:2QJ4c, pit tit. l&tflTc pIccoriH. old, per pair,
!54T2Sc do, ouris, per pair, 13 '."Je.
imnSsSHD There wai a fair demand for fin
stock of moat descriptions and values were firmly
maintained under moderate olTerlnKs. Fowls,
howevrr. wero dull and Va lower Following are
th auotntlonn I'rejsh-kflled. drv-olrkod turkeiH
fnncy, larRp m rlnp. 272Me. do, do. do. .190$
JUe common, i,-'(j2."c. tow In. l'J to box, dry
picked, fancy selected, 2-HiC. do. wnlshlnff 4V4
&o Ilia, aplncf. Uiic; do welKhlng 4 lbi. aplere.
21c. do welshing a' lbs apiece, i!0c, do. weigh
Inff .( Ib'i apic. ITWIUc. foN. in tibls icu
packed. fancy, dry-picked, weighing 4!4 if; lb-i
and over aplete, LMJ'u. do, wUhtns 4 lb uplf. ,
lOVac, do, nmaller sizes lCSliSc, old rooMerN,
dry-picked, ICc, roast tnjr chickens. western.
Vffiffhinc M Ibi and over pr pa,ir. L'Se; welghlntc
iiiPl lbs. per pair, 2Lc. wrtghW 3W4 lbs . :4
mSc, chickens, welshlnc (Uat1 lbs per pair, ilO
ttt-lc , do, mixed aires, lilU'jo. broilers, Jersey,
fancy, 30 30. do. other nearby. welchltiK 1H w
'2 lbs. oplece, liatttSOe. do. do, smaller Kites, liiw
27e. ducks, nearby, Hprtng 'SiW2Ae; do. west
ern, ltU20c. ftguabn. white. seUhlnf: IKdu
lbs per doz.. V 7.M90, do. do. lo. UQlu lbs.
J. r doi , S 4. 85 WO ZO, do. do. do. S Um per do7.,
44 A3; do, do. do, 7 lbs. per doz, S3..0(7375;
do. do, do, (HUO'j lbs per doz, $J MW.' in,
tfark. $2.0U2 0. smalt and No. -'. COcttfJl. ..'..
Apple, were In fair request and steady under
moderate offerings drapes were more plentiful
and lower, with demand only moderatH Quo
tations: Apples. t-r bbl Jonnthin, l T.otpr,,
lllush. $3i4. Orlmcs' Golden. I4.BU5. .Smoke
house, J3S0W4. Alexander, $2 000:12.",
Wealthy. $W4. York Imperial, $2 littX.M
Hen Ua1s. $2.2r0 2.73, fair to good. Il.M'ff
2.00 Apples. lelnwnro and Maryland, per
hamper Fancy. 73(.Q)$1. fair to food, 40G0c.
Qulncea, New York, per bbl. No. I, $3W4, No
2 $2f2.C0. Qulncia. New Vork per bush . 73o
iitl 23. Iemons. per box, $4G0f Oranges,
Klorlda, per crute llrlgbt. $2 SOitS; llusset.
I2.2acil2 70. i.rapeiruu, j lorioa. per crau.
: i-ronberries, iape ioa. per uui.,
do, do, per crate, $2412.4U, do, Jersey,
. crate. $2W2.40. do. do. light, per
crate. $l.n0&2 I'esrs, New York, per hush,
hamper Seckel, 12 (0 2 SO, Hholdon, $l.r.u2.
Ilartlctt. No 1. $1 2,'iifl 75. Hartlett. No 2,
60c. Tears. Now York Uartlett. per bbl . $3U
4. GO. drapes. New York, per 4-lb. basket i on
cord. 12j$13c: Niagara, 1213c. drapes. Now
York, per 20-lb. bsskel Concord, 40ilu3c,
Niagara, 4SCfSBc
White potatoes were rjulet. with fairly liberal
offering, at ciuoted rates tiweet. were In fnlr
demand and firmer Onions nnd cabbage were
without Important change. Quotations: White
potato?., per bush. Pennsylvania, choice, $1 03
1.7B; New York, choice. SI o.'ifll .0. White
otatoes. Jersey, per basket ft.lu $1. rtweet
potatoes Eastern Hhore. per bbl No. I, $2 23
W2.7S, No 2. $1WI 150 Reet potatoes. Dela
ware and Maryland, per hamper 7ftc4l$l Hwiet
Kotatoe. Jersey, per basket No. 1. OSeOc,
;o 2. 2.'40o. Onions per 100. lb bag No. I,
$3.0IV.I 7i S0. . I1.7DW2. I'aDDage. Kanisn,
per ton, J42'tf4S. do, domestic ptr
I-..J1V. 1...
3 0.60; do,
ark, per c
ton, !3bU10.
NEW VOHK, Nov, 16, Selling pressure
JJM encountered at the opening on tlie
Cctton Exchange thU morning; and prices
tcllned 4 to IS points on the call, with
we tone easy, Commleslon houses. New
ifU'V ani1 outhern Interests supplied the
j freely and the demand at best was
limited and scattered.
Liverpool purchased moderately and some
"Ptown Interests were buyers. The first
' of the season of August, 1917, was
""os on the call at J,72 with another
lo'lowlng- at 19.70.
fnii5 roarlet becamo less active around
5" vy heavy offerings had been
sbsorbed on the decline to 19.86c for Janu
tJT "? 0 20o for March, and as tho selling
buni.k "" prlce8 turned steadier on the
ti: wvrBe ot southern spot advances,
south- uyln Bnd further support from
outturn sources.
I.ow. Close.
1U.85. 20.02
IP. 88 20.0s
0,00 20 28
20,10 20,48
K0 Itl 20.4J
W I - .24).A
SV i l 5'
20. IB
20 441
IlljVin Nov. 11. at 040 N. B3d st . MATIY
HAltKNUSS, widow uf Charles J Walr and
duughter of lata William and Alice llarknees
Services and Int. prltato, Wf.t loiurtl Hill
UIlENNKn. Nov. 13. JOSEPH, husband of
Hannah llrenner tnee Ihrlgl. aged 78. Hela
ttve. and friend, lntlted tu funeral services.
Krl.. 2 p. m . 0001 N. Hlh at. Int private.
Northwood Cem. Remains mav ba ilewed
Thura . 8 to 10 p. in.
I1HOWN. Nov i. MA11Y A. nilOWN (nea
I.lttl.l. widow of William (J lirown lltlallve.
and friend. Invited to funeral. Thura , b.au
n, m , residence of sun, 222 W Ontario st
llequlem high mas. in. Veronica's Church, 10
a. m int. Holp Hepulchre Cem Auto service.
IIUKNH Nov. 12. JOHN HHOOKB. husband
of Sllnnla Hums, e-gid 73 Uelatlve. und
friend. Invited to funeral servlre. I'rl 10 a.
in , 1120 Ml Ephralm ava Camden. Int prl
M,te. llarlelgb Cem Friends may. Mew ro
inalna Tnur... .fter 7 P. m Omit flower.
husband of Catharlno T. Cahalan (nee Mellet)
ltelatlve. and friend. Invited to funeral. I'rl
b k in . 1417 H llth at. Bolemu requiem mass
Church of Ml Thomas Aqulna. 11:30 a m. Int
lloly Crosa Cem. Mahanoy City papers copy
CANDY Nov la. at lnnt;tiorn" Pa MAHA
of J Ilentley. Jr . and Harriett Candy (nee
Ileadtey). aged H years. 4 muntlix 10 dn.
ltelatlve. and friend. Invited tu funeral, parents'
lesldenco, l.angtmrne, ra.. Tliurs.. 2 p in. Int.
at convenient of family.
CAItI'i:NTKIl. Nov. IS. at Colllngswood.
N. J.V I-OHANA CAltl'ENTKIt, widow of Cup
tain John H. Carnentn, agod 7 Heluthva and
friends. Home Department of Grace Haptlst
Chunli, East rfldo uvy.. Invited tu funeral,
'J'hur. , 7 p. m. son-n-law' rt.ldence, Charles
IA JUIlVBlne, 35 K. Madison avc Cnlllnisvvoud,
N. j., ulao service, at -Murlton Chapel, Krl.,
11:30 a, m. Int. Marlton Cem, Trains leave
Market st. wharf 10.110 a. in, for Marlton.
CA8H1DY. Suddenly. Nov. 12. DAVID, bus.
band of Catharlno Casaldy Jnee Cosiello), Itela.
lives and friends. Dera und Merc-eilr.tr' 1'nltn.
No. 1, Invited to funeral service.. Tliurs . 2
p. m., 2120 E. l.lpplncott t. Int private, flel
vu Cem. Ilemaln. may be viewed Wed, after
b CAtSl'lDT.-;Nov. 13. MAHOAIIKT M; CAS.
HIDY (ne JIullln). widow of Homy M. Ca.slay.
ltelatlve. and frlrnda Invited to funeral, I'rl,,
:",, m.. 0030 Montroso st. (SOtli and Haiti.
ii ore ave.). Solemn Mass uf requiem at Church
of Transfiguration. HI a. in. Int. private, Cathe.
oral em ,nilM r-w it,,, r..,
recmlem Rt Columbia.". Church 10 . m, Int,
Holy cross Cem
COI.t.tNfl Nov 12. JOHN J., son of Dennis
and Mary Collin, (nee Pkeltonl, ged 20. ftels.
Uvea and friends Invited to funeral, Thurs.. 9
a. m . rnrehts' residence. 2023 W. Cumberland
st. High mass of Ilenulem, HI. Columba'a
Church, 10 am Int llolv Cross Cem.
CONItOr-Nov 12 JOHN ItOHRUT. Iiushand
or llebic ivnmv (ne Schommer). son of late
John and ( ntherlne Conroy aged 21'. Hela
tlves and friends Invited to funeral, Thur. ,
Mn.i. la residence nf brother-in-law William
f.chsenmaler 212a N 27th st High mas. of
requiem Church of Most Precious niond, 10
e ra Int Old Cathedral Cem. Auto service.
COTt.K Nov 13 JAMU14 11.. husband of
Mary 15. Cojle (neo Yminitl. son of Martha and
Into Anthony Coyle. Ilelatlves and friends In.
vlle.1 to funeral. Thurs H 30 a. m . StMiJ N
ansnn at (Prtmt nnd Homerset). Solemn
reiiulem mass Vialtiitlon Church, 10 a. m. Int.
. DAVIS Nov 14 AVNV KI.I.A. wlfo of late
John H Davis agi-d 70 IMstlves and friends
Inviie.l to funornl services, I'rl 11am at
the Newtnrvn i rtn, ChtiH. lipnmln may 1
viewed residence of her son-ln-lnw. Mr. tleorge
W Hunt 171 W l.ou0on st Oermentovvn.
Thurs eve 7 In II
HKVliMvr Nov 14. JOHN, liusoann ni
Clara Deven.-v inee 1I. nnd son of John and
Mnry nevin' Due notice of funeral. 2112 s
Trnalrr st,
DKVITT. Nov. 13, nt 320 Chestnut st..
rilUliltl: l.l:.. wife of Charles W. Devlll.
Ilelatlves and friends Invited to funeral eervlcva
Thurs 2 n m . parlors of S 1 rrankrnOelJ
fons, N W .-or. 3th nnd Spring Oird'n sts.
lm private South laurel Hill Cem Autos.
DICKSON Nov 14. Jiimhpii II . husband of
Mnrv .1 Dickson iiumI r.r, iteinilves nnd friends
Hlsn I. o o M. .'.4. Invlie.l to funeral. Krl. .1
p m , 430I Terrace st . ltoxbornugh. Int St
Tlmnthv a Cem
DIM. On Nov II. SAItAH 11. widow of
Charles W. Dill, aged 71 Ilelatlves nnd friends
Invited to services, Thurs . 2 p. m . nt Oliver II.
llalr Illdg IH' Chestnut si Int private.
DOCtlllllllTY Nv 11. MAHY Dol'OH
HHTY (nte Tinker), wife nf Dennis Douuherty,
formerlv nf 2fiti Hli hmoiul t HeUtlves nnd
friends LiiBlie nf s.crr..! ll.nrl. Alt.ir and
Husarv So. t.tis. Invlticl i runersl. Thurs.. s an
n m. luUI 1'orter st Solemn mvs. of requiem
Chunh of si Monica In m. Int. New
Cnthrcirni c,m Auto servlep
ixirniir.itrr Nov is. in.t.r.N c, iiaugh-
ler of lute I' urlck ami llrulK-1 Hnughertv,. Ilela
tlves and rrl mis, Manavunk Circle. I.arlt I'or
eslers of Auicrlia. m .luhli s T. A II. Soilely
unci nil nt her so. ..rs ,, will, h she was a mem
Itr, Invlieii tu funeral, rn 11 a. 111. nieces
resfilenii. Mrs .inn 2340 N Snangler sl
t.Hih und 1 ui.il.. rlnmli Snl-mn high mass nt
ic-nuli'in St Ciiiumim'K Churih 10 a. m. Int.
M John s Cem . Miiiiuvuuk
.V."V.M:.TS.U n annii: SI. POYI.II widow
of Martin Doyle me,, nvui itilatlvc. mid friends
Invlli din funeral, hit s a in , 017 S 27lh ft
Solemn high tunes nf reiiulem SI Anthony's
''"ret1,.!1 So s 111 Int N.-w Cathi-dml Cent
.m".1 n.n n"V n Josrril V.. son nf late
M Chai-I and Catherine Dunn Hclcitlv-s and
friends. 44th Ward lteputiiii an Executive Com
inljtee.. Invited to fun. ral. Thurs. '10 n. m..
1313 N 4Ulh st , Weet l'hlln. Hlr.li muss nf
re.iulcm i. hurcii of our Mother of Hurruw..
10,.?. .!" ,nl New Cmhedral Cem.
'.ll.A10 rrv,1- hi Mi" h. 'on of nowtn
and Itosa l.ratn. ul von 1: Thoiiirrnn st . nged
t". Ilelatlves and friends Invited to fimcr.il.
-r . ..!' ,n Solemn reaulem miss Church
o'the Holv Name ii m int Hol Cross Cem
,, ' AH." rrNov ,:l nr.NrtinrTA. wife of wii-
ll.im I'nrr and d milliter of llarlurn and latn
I hemlore Wei tier, urcil II Iti'liltUes unci
trlends Invlteii t0 funeral services. Thurs . 2
p in mother's resilience, s II enr Jasper
nnd ttahdaln sts Int. private ilreenmotint Cem
Itemalns mn be viewed id . 7 lu ll p. m.
I'IT.iIm'muNH Nov 13 AXN'R, widow nf
James rttrslmmons Ilelntlves nnd friends In
vited to funeral. Thurs. 8.10 n in. 11.1 N
13th si High miss nf reiiulem St. John a
Churih 10 n in Int llnl Cross Cem
I'0. .Vnv 13. JilSl:lH . Iiusbiml nf Julia
lm Relatives and friends. tt.itter c. l-'lrst
Artillery. 43d lleglnient, 1" . Invltmi to funeral
servlies, Thurs 2 ti m . late resilience. Tulpe
hoelien nve McKlnlev Pa. Int Nntlnml Cent
MtANK wife or tlenrge frank and daughter of
late James and Anne Itourke Inep rarrell).
ltelatlve. and trlends Invited to funeral. Thurs ,
.i-.ici 11 in . snn-in-iaw s resicienis 211.1J 1. l'a
illlc at Solemn high requiem tn.iss Church of
the Ascension 10 a. m. Int. Now Cathedral
Cem. Auto funeral
1'UI.I.HN Nov. 11 JAMES, son nf David
nnd late Carolina Titllen tnee Morloikl. nged
40 ltelatlve. s mid friends Invited tu funeral.
Thurs.. 2 p 111.. fathers residence. 1041 N.
Hancoc-k st. Int. North Ccd.ir Hill I'fin. Auto
service. Remains may be viewed Wed., H t-i 10
p. m.
OII1SON. At Chester. Pa . Nov 13. C.EOflOE
H , son of late William II unci Emma K Hlb
son Ilelatlves and friends Invited to funeral
nnd Int. Service Knle.hta nf Pthlas Cem,
Sat , 2 p. m Int K of P. Cem.
OII.I, Nov 13. STELLA HILL, wife of !,oe
J mil and d.iugthcr nf Mary ind late John
.VIcKennn, agej 3'J. Itilallves nnd friends In
vited In funeral. I'rl., 0 a in , residence of
husband, 1312 Hulrd ave Camden, N J Sol
emn requiem mass Cluinh of tho Sacred Heart
10 n m. Int Holy Sepulchre Cem., Thlla. He
mains mav be viewed Thurs eve.
COLLMEH Suddenlv. Nov. 12. HOSE A,
(nee Hilton), wife of Jnhn Hollmer. Ilelatlves
and friends, Corinthian Circle. C 1 of A , In
vited lu funeral. Thurs S.3U n m. 2SI9 N.
Marshall at. High requiem mass St Edward'.
Church to a m Int Huly SepnWhr Cem
husband nf Ida Harris, iiged 311 Ilelatlves and
friends. Hand ill Lodge. 1 o. II S . Invited to
runeral. Thuis . 2 p m, 2321 H. Marten st Int.
Har Nebci Cem Auto funeril Omit flowers
IIENHY Nuv 1.1. WILLIAM husband of
Annie E Hinrv Ilelntlves nnd friends Invltel
tn funetul Theirs. 7.10 u. in. son's residence.
William Henry. Jr. .Tl.'l'i D sl High mass As
cctihlon Churih. il a m Int Holy Sepulchre
Cem Newark N J I papers cop
KENNEDY. Nov 13. DANIEL A . husband
of Jennie L Kenncdv Ilelatlves and friends
invited to funeral, Thurs.. Ii 30 a m , 4017
N Pro.ad st Solemn rtqulom mass St. Ste.
phen'a Church, 11 u. m. Jut Holy Cross Cem.
Auto funeral.
JS2U Wllmut t.. llrldesburir. Int private. Ite
malns may bei vleweel Wed. eve.. Oliver H. Hulr
III.U 1820 Chestnut st
KINO Nov 13. CHARLES II. husband of
Emma L King lne Hill) anel Hon of lat Ed
ward ancl Elizabeth King. Relatives and friends,
employes of Kids & Cn , Invited to funeral.
I'rl . 2 p tn. 2100 S. 01111 st Int Mt. Morlali
Cem Remain, may bo viewed Thurs. after
7 l. m
KtN'll Suddenly at her residence. 2215 S
Harnett si , Nov 14. LOL'ISA M.. vvlfe of
Charles Kill'?, aged 37 Relative, unci friends
invitid tei funeral services Frl . 2 p. m.,
Oliver II llalr Illdg . Ih20 Chestnut st Int Ar
lington Cent Remains may be viewed ut lb20
Chestnut st Thurs , 7 tu l p in
KHOCKEIt Nov. 13. OEOlltiE liuslund of
Josephine Krovker (nee Dnernbach) nged 70.
Relative, .and friends. Walhalla Tribe. .Vo. 7.
I o It M , Humboldt Lodge. Xo 33.1. I. O
O 1. unel Porkrtboolt Makers' ll.ii Society, In
vited to funerul service. I'rl 1 Oil p in , 1200
S Otli at Int. private. Ilimulns may be
Viewed Thurs eve.
Kt'SKR Nov. 1.1. ANNIE 8. wife of Wil
lis L, Kusei nnd daughter ot late William
and Annie Rowland, aged 3D. Relative, nnd
friends Invited to funeral services, rrl . 1 p. in .
3013 N. Ileese st. Jut private IVrnwoied Cem.
IjANOKR Siiddenlv. Nov 13. lr.2.1 N' 20th
st , LOl'IS 1. LAMIER aged 72. Relative and
frs-nds, Ceorge O. Meade 1'n.t. Nu I. ! A. II..
Invited to funeral service. In Heidelberg Rt
formed Church, luth and Oxford st. . Ihurs.
130 p in. proreeellng from pallor, of Sec liler
Maguire. 1S10 N. 20th st. Int prhato Mt
Peace Cem.
son of Hugh J nnd Mary A. lavery. aeyeel id,
Rclaitve. and friends Invited to funeral. Thurs..
8 a, m.. parents' residence, near Ma.onvtlle,
N. J. High mass Churih of Hacied Heart. Mt.
llollv, N. j.. 10 n in lm St Marv's fern,
LEAHY Nov. 14. EDWARD, huslnncf nf
Mary A. l.eary (nee Mulhern) of Cn Wexford,
Ireland llelatlvi. nnd friend. Invited 10 fu
neral Sat . 8.30 u. in.. 17.11 S 22d sl Solemn
reiiulem inn. a Church of St. Edmund 10 a. m
Int Holy Cross Cem
band of M Jennie Leatheniian ltelatlve. and
frlmds. Jcnklntmvn Iodge, No 470 K. nf P.;
Court Hope of Jenklntown. Nn 111'. 1' nf A ,
member, nf Jenklntuvvn llorougti Council, In
vitee! tei funeral service., Thurs 2 p m.. 113
Walnut .t . Jenklntown. Pa. Int Northwood
Cem Trlends may view remains Wed 7 to 10
n. m Auto funerul
LEE Nov. 14, ANNA El.l.AHKTH widow
of William II. Len. Relative, und friend. In
vlted tn funeral services, Krl 11 11 in at
residence of daughter. Mrs l'rederlcl. W. Kleins.
42 W Walnut uve.. Merchuntville. N. J. Int.
'"Y.fps'ETT (nen Campbell! -Nov. 11 REDAN.
Rife of John Llpsett. Ilelatlves and friend. In
iltd to funeral. Thur. . K u. rn. 123 S. II1111
aall at. High mas. Church uf si. Anthony de
Padua B'SO a. m. Int. Old Cathedral Cem.
Auto aervlce.
I.ONO Nov t2, MARY A I.O.vTI Relative.
nd friend, invited to funeral bervlces. Thurs .
2 p. m . 2040 W York at Int atrletly private,
rrlenels may view rtmulna Wtd . 8 p m Aulo
MAHl'inr: At Pall Lake Cltv. Nov 8.
JOHN, sou uf Maiy and lale Patrick Msaulre,
of raullen'a Parish of Carru CusLe. Cu. Mayu,
Ireland. Relative, and friends Invited In fu
neral, Thur... 8.3U a. in . residence nf brother
In-law. P. (Irlflln, S B cor Point llnsi uve
and lliril at olein.i high inues o. miuiein Si
Edmonds Church lu n. m lot llul Cross
1 em Ilemaln. may be viewed Wist , after 7
V MARTIN Suddenly. Nov II. JOHN L . .on
of late Patrick and Catharine Martin Ilelatlves
und friunds. Hall Doiiiiugu I'uur.iii. No, 2.IU. iv.
"t C , Cathedra) T. A II Smlety I'equea
kearly lieiiehclal iSoclely and tiiiploea of Lit
1110. . Invited lu fuutiul. Tiiui. h Ju u. m . 21IJ
N 23d t. Solemn requiem inaaa Calhtdral lu
u in Int. lloly Cro.s Cem
Mil LOSKHY Nuv 14. ItOIIEIIT liuauand of
Mai E McCloskey (nee Ke.l) unci sou uf lain
llilain und Ann MlClo.I.ei Relallvrs and
friend.. PHIL Cuunill, No IU K of C Invllcd
lu funeral. I'rl. 8.3o 11 m 1I1U N ITIh at.
Koleiuii high nun of ruiu.em Churi.li of the
Uf.U lu M '" 'tK v.niueure.1 1 e in
of Sacred Heart of 81. Stephen's Church, In.
Mted to funeral, Thur. nio n, m., 3833 N.
13th at. Solemn requiem mass Bt Stephens
1 hiireh. 10 . rn Int New Cathedral Cem .
Ml'llttAY, Nov. II, COHNKI.lt H htiab.nd
of lain Mary A Murray, late of Tarmon, County
Donegal, Ireland Relative, and friends Invited
to funeral, Thur... R 30 a. m., 24011 Pin. st.
High miss of requiem St. Patrick'. Church 10
a m Int Cathedral Cem .. ,
MYERS Nov, 1.1. MINN1B V. , daughter of
( harle. and Elliabeih Mer, aged 20 Rela
tive, nnd friends Invited tn funeral. Krl,. 2 30
n nt parents' residence. 301 W Venango at
Int Northwood Cem Remains may be viewed
Ihurs after 8 p. m
, Mch Suddenlv. Nov 14. WILLIAM II . Iius
lianrt of Jane A. Nice, aged 72 Relative, and
friends Oenrge U Meade Post, No I. Phlla
Naval Veteran Asso , No. .12: emplove. of. Joseph
Jl. Darllnaton A Co. Invited to funeral. I rl .
2 p ni ill A N. lflth at. Int Northnoml Cem
Remains may be Mewed Thurs. 7 to 0 p. m.
Atitn funeral
ORAM Nov 12, JAMES 11 . husband of
Sadie Dram 2033 N 13th st Relatives and
friends Post No. 2. (1. A, R , Keystone ll.l
lerv Harry It Wlldsy nepubllesn I'lub. Vara
Republican League, 32.1 Ward Republican Com
mittee. Invited to funeral services. Thurs.. 2
P m . David It sehuvler Illdg.. Hroad and
Diamond st. Int private
OTOOLR Nov. 12. At.trn St.. wife of
Thomas c (VToole daughter nf Mary, and
late Robert Wilson Relative, and friends In
vited to funeral, Thur.. S 30 a. in. residence
of uncle, Mathevv H.aslett 3017 Wnllace st
Solemn high requiem mass St Agatha'. Church,
I'," m Int. llolv Cross Cem ... .
.PALMER Nov, H, near l.umbertnn. N J.
M.MED PALMER, nged 30 Ilelatlves ami
frlMtds Invltel to funeral-srvlcei Krl . I P in.
brother s residence Joavph Snepnard. near
l.timlxrliin N J. Int Mt Holly Cent. Autos
will meet 10.32 train from Camden at .Ml.
Relatives nnd friends, employes nf Lit lirothers
warehouse Invited to services, Thurs , 2 t m .
residence Mr William II. Thompson, 1431 S
Marston st Int. Kernwood Cem, Trlends mav
call Wed eve.
iviiKi?it Vrte in imu'Aim .- tvvnunn
formerly of Camden N 1 husband nf Marlon
Lane Parker Ilelatlves .ml friends, nlso Cam
den Lodge No 111 U O M and l.vdia D.irr
Council. .No 172. Jr. n V A M Invited l
servues, i'rl, 2 p. m lata residence .itn'l
Haltlmore nve Int private Friends may tall
Thurs , 7 tn 1 p. in
. P.MRIAIICII Nov 12. WILLIAM I' . son nt
Dominic k nnd Ellr.abrth Patriarch Relatives
nnd friends invited to funeral. Thurs , s 30 11
tn pireiis' reticle rice. Hill S. Mlth st lllgll
requiem ir iss Church of llle.seii Sacramrnl, 10
11 m. Int. Ilnly cross Cent
I'l'l.t.lMlElt Nov. 1.1. su.l.lenly. THOMAS
I . htish.iuil of late Annie Pratt Pulllnger and
son nf late James and Susanna Pulllnger ageel
r! Relative, anel friends Invited In fun-m! serv
lies, Tliurs I 3l p. m . chapel of Kirk Nice,
il.lol Main at., otn. Int. private. Remains may
lee viewed Wed. eve.
HoEKl.vii sjnv 13 JOHN husband of Marie
Koeslng men Weldllng). nged 71 Ilelntlves anel
friends members of Zlon Herman Heformeei
Churrh. tlen Steuben Lodge, Nu OJH, 1 O. O.
1 . O.awanese Tribe Nn 2SI, I O. It. M.. nnd
Shoemaker.' Cut Vereln. No 1. Invited tn fu
neral servlies Thurs . 2 p. m , 2011 N. Orlnnniv
8t Int prlvnte. Northwood Cem Remains
may l,r viewed Wed , 7 p. nt. omit flower.
Autn funeral.
HotlEHS Nov 1.1 HENJAMIN 1' . husband
nf Marj E Rogers (nee Vans nil) aged S3 Rebl-
tlv.s un-1 frle-ncls Invited to funeral service.
Thuis. 2 p m 4130 Kriinkfnrd ave.. Krankford.
Int private. North Cedir Hill Cem
iiii: -suddenlv Nov 1.1, Tiiuniuiiii;
Hi ME Relatives and friends Invited to funeral
Thurs. 2 p 111, parlors of John A MiNiimw.
42.1 ,S loth st Int Monument Cem.
SAVAtlE Nov 14. MARY, wife of Jumes
Savage, daughter of Mar V and Peter Tralnnr.
Ilelatlves nod friends Invlled to runeral Sat . S
1 in 211I1) Hath st. Solemn requiem miss,
'hiireh of the Nativity 10 n m Int Holy Cross
I em
SCHNEI1ELE Nov 13. IHTHER1NE. claugh.
ter nf Harry and Catherine Schnebeic. nged 2.
Ilelatlves and friends Invltvd tn funeral serv
ices, I'rl , 2 p m . parents' residence, l.l.'il
I'raukford ave Int. strictly private, Oreeti
tmiunt Cem
M'HS'EIDER hu.li. ml of Catharine Schneiclc r
inee Sihneldrrl. aged 72 Ilelatlves and friends.
Phlla Ttirtigetuelnele unci dlrecanrs nf Herman
la-high II efc I, Asso Invited to funeral Herv
Ices I'rl . 2 p m . 030 W Rockland sl. Int.
private (lermantnvvn Crematorv.
SCHHECK Nov 13. MARIE A . daughter
nf late Antnn and Susanna ScbretU (nep Rapp),
Trlends Invlind to funeral. I-'rl . 7 30 a tn .
from rcsidenep of slter. Mrs l.lllluti Wonhart.
230.1 N. Lavvretue st Solemn requiem 111 iss St
Honlfa, lus's Church 0 a. m Int. family plot.
Hob Redeemer Cem.
N'ESSY Relatives nnd friends Invitid lp fll
neral, Thurs. 8 a. m . 717 S 20th st High
reiiulem mass st Patrick'. Church D h. m. Int.
Holy Cross Cem
father nf Ann E. Stanstmrv. 1238 S. 4r,th St..
at St Mary s Hospital. Haltlmore piiper. please
C-inllsurd rem Prtetdlno Celumia
"CLARK. Nov. 14. JOHN 'CLARK, n.latlvea
and friend.. Apollo Lodge. No. J. H. ot H.i em.
o oves of F- R. T O" inviled to funtral. Sat.,
Klu' . .nn. In-law's re.ldelice. Maurice Ilnhl.
felil 2718 N. Dover at. tj'jitli and loshlgh avst.).
int.' Mt. JJoriah Cem, Friends may view re.
main. Frl.. afler 7 V..,nl. -V.l funeral,
m COCHRAN At Chicago, 111 , Nuv. Ill,' EDNA,
wife of yrr K- Cochran and daughter of lata
ttr J D. Leckner, aged 84 ilalativta and
irlends Invited to service.. Thuis, V p. m..
Oil.? H. Bt UK- J" Cha.tnut .1 Int. Jfti
"ioi-WNf Nv I?, JCIIN .sl.nij f Msr
iraret Collin.. i2 Ret i it fr.ei d In.
tiled to funeral. Thur.. u u tn uaita' tc(-xl-n",
24123 V Cumbtrlaivl el. llljn loasf ra
MrdHlS Nov. 13, SCsAN. widow oi Hugh
Mcllee. Relullves and fi lends. ISaired Heart
hoclely. Invlt'd lu funerul Thurs It 30 a in.
11120 D at. HU;h requiem masa Chuiih of lliu
Ascension 11 a m. lm llol Sepuc her iVm.
MCIVej.s."ejeM.iyf ,iui .u. .Iivr, .ve,.-
Al.D sou of Mil Uael unit Mar All Keuli, used 7
.ear. 10 months. Relatives und friends, pupils
if Huly crosa Schoul, Invlled lu fuural, Til .
h jU u in., parents' resident! . 072U Muegrave
I Ml Airy Angels' mass Huly Cross Churih,
Mi Airy. 10 a. in. Int. Holt Hepulchtr Cuu,
MLHIllTT. Nuv 13, ALEMS (1., husband
of Cynthia Mrrrllt, sttd 78. Relative, und
trundie. oriental Lodge, No. 23. K. uf P.,
Marino Engineers. I'ullco Pension Fund Ass'n,
Invited lu funeral rvu, Thurs . 2 p. in.,
iau.-hier'. usldtiice, Mr.. B. W Mtlilu. 5JS4
Pine .1.. Mtlia. int. prlvutu. Friend, may call
7 Center st Wastmunt, N. J.. Wed,, b tu 10
"' MOORE. Nov 13, PERCY MOORE, husband
ot Florence J. Moore (nee Ordlle). ased 23. Rela.
tlves and friend. Invited lu funeral services.
Thur... 2 p. m , 1313 Wlldaiu. st. Int. Private
Northwood Cvm. Remain, may be viewed Wad.,
Ii to 10 p. m. Auto funeral.
MURPH.V Nov 12 DANIEL P.. husband
of lata .Margaret J Murphy (nea Kelly) and
son of lale James J and iturv C" Murphy (nee
Moonsy). Ilelatlves and friend.. St. Michael".
T. A. 11. Bocltty, No 00 llnaisDclal Society and
all ether orsanlaatlona of which he was a njem
lr. Invited to funerul, Thur. , 0.30 . m., 1832
N. 11th at . 'lemn requUni mass Church of
our loioy 01 wri. y .. m, 111.
husband of Magdalene ft Stewart Funeral
services ancl Int at convenience of family
STILES Nov 13. MARY S , widow of Wil
liam It Stiles, aged 81 Relatives nnd friends
Invited to funeral services, Thurs . 2.30 n. ro . at
residence of son. Harry S Stiles. 482.1 Haw
thorne st Frankfonl. Int strictly private.
SWAHT. Nov. 13. WILLIAM husband of
Margaret SwarU. aged 70. Relntlvis and
friend. Invited to funeral Bervlces, Carversvltle
Presbjterlan Church, Thurs 10 a. m. Friends
may view remains at 4318 N 3d st . Wed., 7
to 0 p m. Int I'arver.vllle Cem.
SWEENEY Nov. 13. CORNEMl'S J. son
nf Cornelius and Mary Sweeney. Relatives nnd
friends, Ioague of Sacred Heart. Division No.
31. A O ll . emploves of Continental llr.wlng
Co. Invited to funeral. Thurs.. S.30 a in.,
parents' residence. 222S Ellsworth st. Solemn
requiem mass ut St. Charles's Church, lu u. m.
Int. llolv Cross Cem omit (lowers
Dempaey) widow of Henry .Sweeney. Rela
tive, and friends. Rosary Altar Society of Church
nf tho Holy Name. Invited to funeral Thurs.
8 30 o. m.. 2321 Mercer st (E York unci
Thumpson sts ) Solemn requiem mass Church
nf the Holy Name, 10 u. m. lot New Cathe-
REN Relatives and friends, ulso Cathedral
Holy Name and Sacred Heart League Invited tu
funeral. Frl 8 30 a. m.. 'son's resldenre, 312H
N 2d st Solemn high mass nf requiem 10 11.
in.. St. Veronica's Church Jut Holy Cross Cent
AUWATEl!s' Suddenly. Nov. 11. PATRICK J.
K..ai.....i ne Xf.ev Waters tnee I'ondron). Rela
tives and friends, Dlv. No. 23. A O. II .In
vited to funeral. Thurs. 8:30 a. m.. 0 .32
Haverford ave. High requiem muss ut our Lady
of the Rusary Church 10 a m Int Cathedral
CCTlIITAKER Nov 1.1. MARY I. widow . if
Mirk S Whltaker Rilatlves and friends .lnr
enie Nightingale Lodge. No. II. Order Daughter,
nf St. Heorge. Invited tu funeral. Thurs., Ii a. m .
at residence. 2.1111 N. Woodstock l S-rvlcs
at Church uf the Annunciation at 10 n clot k.
Int private Friends may view remains Wed
""WHITEMAN Nov. 13. SCSANNA. wife of
Major A Whltemull (liee Cruvell) Relative,
and friends Primrose loidge. No. 4. I O D
of St. Otorge, Kenahaw Council. No. .18. D nf
P Col. J w Moore Cln le. Nu 87. Invlled to
funeral services. Frl . 2 p ni.. 0141) Huverford
nve Int. Uulph Cem Itemalns may be viewed
Thurs eve. Conahuhocken pai- iup Auto
raWIM.EH Nov 14. SAMITEL. husband nf lain
Hannah I Wlsler. aged 73 Relative, und frl. nils
Invited to services. Frl. 2 p m . at resident .
11 1. N 42d st Int Mt. Morlah fain Friends
mav call Thurs evening
YARN'ALL. Nov 14. ANNA (nee Thomas),
vvlfe of Henr Yarnall. aged 00 Relatives nnd
friends Invited to funeral uvrvlce.. Frl .. 2 p. in .
parlors of Win II. Strlngfleld, 30lh und Susque
hanna ave Int. prlvute Remains muy be
viewed Thurs. 8 to 10 p m
vvomeen who desire to learn telephone
oreeratlng nnd secure employment In
exihanpe nearest their homes. Applv
Jjetween l a. m. ami . p. m., at
Keystone Telephone Co., 1.13 8. 2il St..
Rtom 403, or at any of the following ex
change?: 23.1 N, Itllli .1.
221 N. Park ave.
..ti $ ''"Hem st.. (lermantoivn.
2 i.l7 Frank ford ave,
Preston an.1 Filbert M.
West ami Derkley sts,, Camden.
( HAMIIERMAltl nnd laundress, rompetent. In
ramlly of 3: wages 17; phone Chestnut Hill ISO
ror details nn-1 arpolntment to meet empVejer.
COOK, while, rxnerleneeil, small fnnillv; gond
waiws. no washing; referetwe. 114 W. Phil
l.llena st , (lermantown.
'19,L!,,1 lker. OHpesble. Protestant; vtsjes
Ji.rtO. best reference. Phene Spruce 4811).
betweecjtt 10 and l.
OIRI.H wanted, 10 yenr.s or over. Apply at
once. Ilcekrr. Smith & Page. Water and
Snjder nve.
OI.RL want, el, reliable Miuti cnloreil. ahnnt
18 vears, fur wnltlnir nnd light ihamherwork
In mt ill ramlli. Apply Frlda), 002O (Irrene
. si tlermnntovvn.
ailtl,. colored, light hnusework. small fnmllj .
best references Phone Oak l.snn ni.1 W
OlRt.S. ever 10. Apply International Art Pub
lishing Cn , 12th and Callow Mil, second floor.
'''.'.'.'?'.. .mrr '" 'rs of age, good wages. Apply
Wolf A i'n ..no N. 12th st.
llllll. neiit, entered tn dn genernl house
work Call lflinW. Susquehanna nve.
".'.!.,,l,:.,lV'"I,lwc, ""el knitters on Scott
Williams and Standard F machines, highest
waifs lend sic nil work lllglenli' Fleeted I n
derwenr Cn Hosiery Dept , 2413 N Howard
IIOFSEWORK. general experienced girl tn go
tn Merlon. I 111 famll) no washing, excellent
wages, must I givoel conk and give refermce
Ai.dy Thnrsdav ufier 2 p m, Room 202,
1420 Chestnut st
IIOFSEWORK Extsrieiiced white girl for gen
eral housework, .1 In family, good wages, ref.
eretire required. Phone, Narberth 120S W, ur
write llox 310.
IIOTSEWORK lllrl or mlcldl-ngd woman for
plain cooking or geturnl housework, wage.
IS Apply Jese H. Davis. 401 Main si..
Amblr-i Pa.
IIOFSEWORK. aenerol. mi upstairs work: fatn
lU nf I. 3.V1O N..'23d st. Will pay carfare.
IIOFSEWORK. general girl wanted; no wash
ing, refs required. Phone Ardmore ltu'.s w.
n opportunity In secure emplnvment In
the psjihange nearest jour huiue, in
1 anrli'. In Isith loiul and onrwllstalue
nfllcca for exKtleticid operatora. Also
In school for ivlrls to learn operating
Applv between it n. 111. and 5 p. m. at
Kejstone TelephollO Cn . 13." S. 2d St..
Room 103. or nt an uf the following ex
ihangc: 2.13 N. 1 Olh st
221S N. Park live
21 E. Cnllntn st , (lermantown.
27.17 Frankford ave.
Preston und Filbert sis.
West nnd llerkley sts . Camden.
LAI NDRESS Wanted, competent WO.MVN TO
AND Tl ESDAYS, ut housn near overbronk
Station reference required Wrllo MISS M
11 TdWNSEND. OVEHIIROOK. or telephone
o ERUlloilK 11,12
l.AFNDHESS Wauled III small family, flrst
class laundress, wiikcs S P 223, Ledger Off
MACHINE OPERATOR. l 10 per diy of K
hnurs sklllecl laborers. $1 Id to 11 32; higher
cninpens.itlon when nn piece work Applv
Frankford Arsenal. Philadelphia, prefernbl
In person, from 8 tn 10 a. m. on working davs.
for application blanks.
PRESS FEEDERS, experienced on Cult presses,
ali'adv iHisltlnn, Rnnel pnv. Applv WOLF
CO , fourth floor, I2th und Callowhlll, I'arl
tnu st entrance
.STENlHIRAPIIElt. experlemed. tn mfff. nfllce;
long hours, salary ID'. Answer by letter.
Hnnev, Kilttner A Raab. l:i20-:lj Vine st
STKNOllllAI'IIHR jnunit woman. In an nfllce,
speeel not necessiirv. easy hours, work light.
II Old. la-dger Central.
t F.RTIFICATE An uppllratlon lias been tiled
with the I'nlted Ho. Improvement t'otnpin
for the reissue of a new certificate for . i-harea
tn replace the lost rertlflcate No. 127088
dated August 21. 101.1. registered In the num.
nf Henry N Pilling.
PFRSE-Loat. lady's black leather purse. 1 011
talnlng phntcgraph. and cash onhaturdav. lie
tween Olrard Tr. Cu. and CheMnut Hill, re
ward. W. It. Lex. 1000 North Amerb an Illdg.
PFRSE -Lost. Monday, at 0:45 p. m . on f.2d
.1. car between Cedar ave. and Market, inn
talned Key, monev and receipt bearing owner',
name. Much, tl H. 40th st.: Preston 2172.
SPANIEL Lost Friday, at Che.tnut Hill, red
dish brown cocker spaniel. Rewunl when te
turned tn Mrs. T. Henry Dixon, Towandu at.
near Chestnut ave.. Chtamut Hill. Phono
Chestnut Hill 70
FOX " TERRIER vvlre-halred. nbout 8 mo old,
return 10 1320 Spruce street, or 1)18 ri. Him
. reward
I'MIIHELLA -Lost, about one weekugu, black
silk umbrella, name and address on ton of
umbrella. l.lbirul reward If returned to
11 133, Ledger OffUe.
WANTED Old employer, have position for Illl
bourne, former bookkeeper, formerly Dragon
De Wurks. Addr.s. at once. 1' 220. Ledger on.
S0, ,!1.1.
11.1111 ...
tin .Uurpny
11 Int llolv Sexual.
...... ..1' v- -- ----. ----
".. A?" Je'MAe-.wtdovr ! Mar.
KelalHe. , and friends. J.aus
Work near our home In pleasant and
healthful surroundings, with excellent oppor
tunities for rapid advancement.
There are twenty-eight 1111 Cent nil offt-es
In Philadelphia! probably there la one within
a few block, from your horn. Unusual oppor
tunities for earnest, Intelligent young uutiien
between 18 and 22 tears of age.
New employes ar. paid while learning
anJ are rapidly advanced.
Pleasant dlnlne rooms, where the boat
ot food Is told at cost In every Central
Comfortable sitting room, for reading
and relaxation.
Opportunity for advancement to He
nlor end Supervising positions.
Apply, at 400 Market St., dally, except Hun
day, 8.SO a, m. to 8 p. m., or evening. In
tween 7.00 and 9.00 st any of the folluwlnir
Central offlcesi
20 W. Chtlten se Hermantown,
f.itli st, and Woodland ave.
1703 S. Hroad st.
17th and Diamond .1.,
Lancaster ave, east of B2d st,
400 Market st.
Hops and llerks sts., Kensington.
require the services nf experienced sales
people In tho following departments:
and various other departments Apply
I in re an of Emplojinent. h floor, beforo
II a. m.
Continued rem rrtredive Column
MACHINISTS Wanted, flrsta-lasa lathe, mill
ing and small grinder hand for ruttef and
reamer worki only men acquainted with this
Has. nf work required, Arrdr second floor,
118 Federal st , Camden, N,J.
MAN w antes! who la thoroughly'famllfsr with
the msnufecture and construction, nf high
grade furniture, cabinet., etc., from the
rough lo tho finished rrndueti this position
requires n man who has tact s. well a.
executive ability! In replying state age, expert,
enee and salary eipecicdi give full details
In first letter M Mil. Ledger Office .
MAN comp't lo manage pawnbrokers office,
gooel wages Iavj's, 300 Market. Chester Pa
MAN AND WIFE, chauffeur, butler and cook
Phone Woodland 210
MHN WANTED llollermalters. locomotive ma
chinists, ear repair men. laborers, locomotive
cleaners. Penna R. H.. 1711 Filbert st.
NHIIIT WATCHMN, well recommended and so
ler: steady position to right man.. no boilers.
Apply Mr. Davis. 22d A Market Itarrja Jlldg.
Hood positions open In edltorl. 1 depart
ments for bright bovs of 14 Apple In-dav-
to Mr Jovre. third fler, 0U4 Chest
nut st.
ORIIERIIOYS vvalitrd for .hlppllif liept.i wageli
IS a week. Apply at office, A. Sehoenhut Co..
Adstns and Sepvlvaata
i'AlNTBRS. several." wanted for nutomoblles,
ihassls and bodies Apply Autocar Co., Ard
more Pa. '
PRESS rEEDERS. experienced on Colt presses:
steady position good pay . Apply WOLF ft
CO. fourth floor, 12tli and Callowhlll. Carl
ton st. entrance.
SALESMEN do South for th winter.
The Sear. Itoebtiek edition of Hie Enrr
rlonedla Itrltannlca Is ihe greatest sell
lug proposition ever nnered by .ales
men We train vnu thoroughly, pay
transportation and allow a drawing an
1 mint. Work exclusively nn lesds.
Rapid advancement tn those who make
Bond tnn us. h few more tltj men.
EncjrloredU Hrllnnnlca Co. 130 S.
IMti .1
STENOGRAPHER and clerical assistant wonted,
with Initiative and able to assume responsibil
ity Addr.ss giving refr . ex nnd .alary des..
In Harlow Raymond, LawrenceMlIe N J.
STOCK HOY -Young man who ha. had experi
ence tnklng charge of piece goods. Inces, em
broideries, etc.. In waist house or kindred llnoi
stnte exp.. ref.. last emplonnent nnl salary
desired. Adlress A 101. P. O. llox 3300.
STUDENT -Wanted In nn nrchtteit'a office as a
student. 11 gentleman's son: must have nsturat
gifts for drawing and sketchlngi best refer
ence required. M 042. Ledger Central.
TOOI.MAKERS. 13 24 tn IS per "dav nf 8 houra:
machinists. 13 to .: assistant ninihlnlsts.
12 21 tn $2.00: toolkcepets. 12 to 12 01 all
bused nn experience nrd capacity! machlno
operators. 12: some Willi experience on hand
turret lathes, 12.21, automatic turret lathe
operators Cleveland, Rrown & Sharpe, 14 ..0.
hand turret lathe operators. 1.1 tn 1 10.
higher compensation when on piece work!
printers' helier. 12.24, laborers for out.lde
work. 12 21. VpdIv Frankfonl Arsenal. Phlla..
preferablv In person, from 8 to 10 a. m. on
working davs for application blunks.
OFMI MAN for general office work: nmbltlousT
dependable nticl with preferenco for this kind
of work; opportunity for advancement. Reply
In own handwriting, statins salary to start.
P. . Jlox 3413.
YOUNG MAN. abo"ut 20. "assistant "to manager
accident dept. large Insurance agency; must
be stenographer: good opportunity to lenrn
bus.: state sal. and j-of. II 134. Ledger Off.
l'OFNO MAN--llank wants bright young man.
18 tu 20. good personality, neat uppenrance.
quick nt tlgures: best references, II 130,
Ledger Office.
YOUNG MAN wanted 10 runVleam boiler, nnd
work in shipping room. V 227. Ledger on.
YOFNG MN. with bookkeeping experience:
w 0 cc lis. ji 2Q1. Ledger Office,
WE ARE enlarging our sals organization and
therefore have openings for oung men not
over 3 who are anxious tn develop themselves
along selling lines; those having hud some
experience In selling advertised products can
find here a, good opportunity to demonstrate
their nbllltv. We prefer that application be
made first hv letter. Scott Paper Co., 7th and
Ulenwood nvo.. Philadelphia.
vve want men nr customed to earning weekly
li0 or moro to sell direct to factories, stores,
etc., our new electric lighting fixture (not to
the trade). Double the light, half cost for
urrent, nttached to any fixture In 1 minute.
Klec trlcal experience unnecessary. A nrst
class proposition (commission only! for flrst
ilass tnnn. Address by letter only. Slransky
Mfg.-o12IlArch8t.. Philadelphia.
Cetillsurif rem Vrtetitna Column
MAN AND WIFW, butler? strictly first ela.
thoroughly etperlenced and qualified, fine but
Jr; wife fine took, exceptional reference.
II 437, ledger Central.
MAN, colored, butler, houseman or waller,
wants situation. Phone Dickinson 4747
OFFICE MAN, experienced and willing, steam-
fitting supplies and soft coal Ine, wlshe.
R anion In sale, or purchasing dept II 044,
dger Central.
PRINTERS Flrst-cl... printer as working fore,
mam good sistemattser. accurate proofread
er, eatlmntor, cut stock, desires position) csn
produce results. Sims. 2230 N 20th at
Young man, 2d. good education, clean habits,
character, reliable, energetic, experienced
salesman, capable stenographer correspon
dent, executive ability .eek. permanent con
nection, local salesman or office position,
where Initiative, hard work, progressive studv,
assure good future liovv traveling salesman.
O tV)48 leger Central t
SALESMAN. 23. now employed a. assistant
manager for svndlcate firm, desire, lo affiliate
with reliable firm handling staple or specialty
lines, where my ability will ls merited sc
(ordlnglyi 0 year.' nctlve traveling and local
salts experience; am aggressive, willing and
reliable and can produce results; beat refer.
. ence (i 30, Ledger Central
TUTOR Refined young man for boy.; nervous
children a specialty H fill, ledger Central.
WANTED rosltlnn with manufacturing concern
In Phlla by recent mechanical engineering;
graduate, ha. had experience of draftsman and
transit man nnd experienced with pattern,
foundrrsnd machlrm shop work; at present
emploved, but must hange residence to Phlla.
by Jan. 1 M 4SS ledger Central
YOUNG MAN. with 13 years, experience as chef
ancl steward, open for engngvmentt have re
sponsible position now; desire change. II 502.
I.edger Central
YOUNG MAN 2.1. bookkeeping and reneral officii
work. French correspondent, wlebva good per
manent situation, best ref H B40, Ixd, Cent.
YOUNG MAN, 22 .len. ancl clerk; 4 yrs,' exp.l
i!eelrea position II Oil l,edger Central
YOUNG MAN. 20. desire, position as sarcsmant
beat reference II 120, ledger Office.
NICHOI.t.S. 1920 Halnhrldge st . hn flrst-cla.s
English. Fremh, German. Irish. Swedlsn
butlers, housemen German couplrs, Scotch.
German Irish. Swedish.. Russian cooks, rham
leermalds. English. German nurses, ladles
maids, etc : varancle. butlers, cooks, watt
rr""i..c'hnmiS'rmalds nnd combined for city.
etc Phone Iocust 2130.
EXCELLENT Scotch Protestant. Swedish anti
German tooks. Swedish chambermaids. Prot
estant, lathollc Infant nurses laundresses,
butler., valets, highly recommended. Wanted,
nurse, seamstress for grown child: ladles'
maids, settled woman for laundry work, coun
try 17 and 18 nurses, city. Mrs. Rogers, 31S
s joth.
MRS KANE. Ml S 10th st . supplies only the
best class of white help, male and female;
vacancies for nil capacities and beat Philadel
phia families Phone Spruce 3401
WANTED Cooks, chambermaids, chlldnur.es
and housework girls, girls for Institution work.
Miss Rose Dougherty 1313 W Glrard ave.
Ilt'Tl.t.n. first class. 100 cook. 110. white
waitress, js, colored waitress 10 Ilrown's.
inon Catharine st Spruce 2777 .
MRS HARVEY. 1010 Hlltonhouse q Reliable
l.elp .up.. large number wanted for every cap.
MRS COIHNE IHIINKI.F.Y. Eniplovment"Agency7
708 S. 18th st. Dickinson 1112 W.
For Hale
WASHWOMAN wanted t once
downo uvn. Phone He!. 0,0 v .
1210 Lane-
APPRAISER, experienced, meihanlcal. for work
In eastern Slates: fair salary: nl road v-x-
pense.. Write Room 1202. Lulld Title Hid..
nr call. 10 to 12 n. m. Phono Spruce 1470.
No begtnnera need apply.
BOOKKEEPER Settled man, 4.1 to f.O ear.
on stuck ledger, state experience and rife r-
cnies. P 221. ledger Oftlce.
UOOKKKKPI.ll. experlcnc.il. wholesale or maiiu-
furturlug uiiountlng; salary reasonable. M
433. I. dger Office.
HOY Aulomobllv slock room want, boy over 10
veara. must bo strong and not afraid of work,
don't upply unless you tan give recommenda
tions. Tho Wlnton Co . 240 N. Hroad st
HOY. 14 lo 10, wanted In lawjer's office. Apply,
b letter only. II 042. Ledger Central
HOYS Wanted. 10 vears or over. 10 and
llo per week, pplv at once. Herker.
hinllh & Page. Walir and Snjder ave.
CHEMIST Young graduate. P00: beginners.
nj4-tiR0, draftsman, mechanical. S2II-I30,
electrician, smatl motors, switchboards lis.
shipping clerk. S. Phlla.. lis. civil eng.. be
ginner. $780; stenographer, good opp for wide
awake active jounc man. 17ft mo.: clerks,
fine chance for bright, energetic oung men.
110. 112 and SIS. other position, open. Husl-
ness Service Co. 1301 Land Title Illdg.
120 WEEKLY earned Allowing samples and tak
ing orders or. If pnfirred, mailing circulars
for large Canadian cut-rate gnxery mail-order
house. Representatives wanted in all locali
ties of the United Slates Outfits free. A
postal will bring Information The Indepen
dent Grocery Cn . Windsor Ontario. Canada
Ford owners 100 per cent efficient, absolutely
liecescsary device hundreds In use; highly
recommended. Instantly demonstrated; quickly
sold; generous commissions, exclu.lve terri
tory: nominal capital required, state experi
ence and qualifications first letter. Lane Motor
Device Company San Diego. Cal.
Hag vacani les for
Haw fliers.
Experienced rubbers.
Apprentices la to 10 ears
Window cleaners.
Office bovs over HI ears of age
4S-hoiir-week si hedule.
I'll-sic ul examination neesaar spplv
Vnu, r 'lalUns Machine Co implication office.
.la 1 ooper .1 . 1 uniuciu . .1
I'll M Ff EUR wanted, competent tu run a
, pusseiigi r Flat cur, slate ealury wanted
and reference of lust emplover. Ledger
Hrum h llroud und Columbia.
CHAUFFEUR ambulance. 2d. wanted. Apply In
peraon University Hoapllal, 34th nnd Spruce.
CIHI'l'FEl'R and vvlfe man utility ulso. wife
cook Phono Wieoelland 213.
COUPLE wanted experienced. English pre
ferred, for luwn, woman as rook, man a. but
cr and valet Addrer. II 120, Ledger Office,
und give reference..
llAIItVMH.V Wanted, experienced milking
bund, for dslrv near Atlantic Cliy Address
W C. Fremh 303 Murket st. Camden, N J.
DENTAL technician, highly .killed wanted In
a dental laboratory In which only work uf
the hUhest grude Is undeitnken Addr.ss,
giving full particulars qusllncatlona experl-t-we
unci .jUrv vipected M 430. I.edter on.
DlfUTSViAS' mecnunlciil, first class capable
of designing to till vucaiiiy In maiiqfui luring
rouiein. tin war orders, slate age salary de
rlred. experience and whin avallabls. 11 130.
l.dger offlc.
I..N1IINEEII warned, stationary, all-around
licensed man work year round, pply llaugh
iV Sons i'n fool nf Morris st., DeltcvH e River
FOREMAN Experience shop (or. tnun 011
palm lieae ti csiuts capablo uf Installing .hop
making KK'O m 12'irt coats ir k. with
bllliv 10 inatiuil etui break 111 green help,
iiiusl be willing tu go out of city. Address.
Hvlng past eperlence and stating salary
wanted M iSi. losdger office
FiiRKMAN Dry colors lakes or palms foreman
wanted, experienced In manufacturing. Ad
dress, giving uge. experience. Idea of remu
iierutle.ii und reference Lukes. P. O. llox
321. New York.
GORDON PRMSH FEEDER wanted: steady
work .Apply jo press division, Ootl Chestnut.
locul company.
New shop.
New machine tools
Ultfht hours
All lately preiautlona
Permanent work
Highest wages
No lubor trouble,
Applv J P M . 1" o Ilex 132'.', Philadelphia.
JHWKI.ERH Steady work goo J pay. H-hour
day Apply . Charles metis, 021 11th st..
N IV . Washington i C
UVIIORBRH "for uiitslde woik. digging, etc.. at
a . 1st u.i u, a num.. vin.rii.. eipniy in
person Frankford Arsenal Urideaburg, Phlla.
delphla. Pa,
LINEMAN wunled- staady work, good wages,
Apply Wllllanirosiir Co . J20S N7 31st .t
LK)M FIXER nil llrldrsburg looms, sieadv
work. wage. I22i .tale place. ou worked. P
204 Ledcer OfOiio
MACHINIST wanted In manufailurlng plant!
must be flrat-clus. all-around hand Itrnwii ft
Ualiey cu..-is vv ror i ranaiiu ana vviHow,
work, Ap.
ave, below
COOK Col. woman, good public- cook, hotel:
roudhuuae or club Phone Dickinson 4747.
COOK-CHAMHEHMAID. Swedish. 4 v,r.. refer
ence, de.ires position. Phone Sprure 3027.
COOK, good plain, bnker. prlvnte. Call 0013
Fpland i (Until nnd Woodland ave.)
COOK Woman want, conking only, reference.
X 2a. Ledgor Ilranch, 2220 Spruce.
HOUSEKEEPER, managing: capable woman to
take full churge M ill". Ledger Central.
HOUSEKEEPER, managing, capable woman to
tako full charge, best ref. H 11,1, Islger On
HOUSEKEEPER working, reference; Institution
or private, experienced H 047. I-a-dger Cent.
LADY. German, want, hamper or bundlo wash,
flood Kimwood ave. Woodland SUM W.
NURSERY GOVERNESS, kindergarten teacher;
leaving or out of city preferred. 317 E. At
lantic uve. Audubon, H. J.
PHOTOGRAPHER I um the receptionist " you
need, clever, obliging and honest, saleslady
Al Is my speed. Til prove It. sou die me a
fair test II5ll. Ledger Central.
SEAMSTRESS with hotel exp. wishes position
In club city ref H A40, Ledger Central
STENOGRAPHER, qualified In legal secre
tarial, general oinie work 11 nsu, i.eq c-erni.
STENOGRAPHER, competent. N vears' ex-
ptrlonce. desires posltlo.) If 0.".0.Lod. Cent
YOUNG LADY, experienced In clerical work and
telephone, wishes position with advancement;
references. 11 840. lo-dger Central
FRENCH visiting teacher, pure ncc-nt. desires
engagement best references H ,15s. lo-d. Cent.
FRENCH teacher des. school work: prlv. pupils;
conversational method P. O. Hox 2003
0-ton ALCO Express Iwdy
r.-ton GARFORD Ruck leodv
R-ton GARFORD Steel dump body
3 tun MACK Van body
.1 ton GARFORD Chassis only
2-tun GARFORD llllll. long wheel base
2-ton DORRIS Express body
2 tnn GARFORD Heavy duty chassis
1-ton HARFORD 1010. i-hn.sl.
1-tnn LOCOMOHILE Express bodv
. -ton GARFORD Chassis (rebuilt)
). -ton ABIIOTT DF.TROIT Chassis
One 21 passenger bus budy
1014 MERCER .l-passenger Touring
loll GARFORD 7-nassenger Touring
1912 1IU1CK Roadster
Used-Cnr Department
Locust 210 Race 291
210 North Hroad Street
. ... laij
PACKARD. 4-cyl.. 30-11 1..
Limousine and Tuurlng
rl.-l'lil.t-cjt it...vt 1:11.11. P. . nssa.
Limousine nndi Touring: eturter and
piet-inc- IIIIIH
PIERCE-ARROW. tl-ol.. 4S-I
pas., Llinouslno
PULLMAN. HHt. .'e-iviss.
sturter nnd electric llihls .
LOCOMORILE. Oi-sl.. 18-11.
pa... Touring
T.ii-i.r-i'. Aiiiiovv- n.ei.1 ah-ir
chassis In .xcellent sbatw 1475
WINTON. fl-cl..7-pnss. Tourlns: bargain 1278
. P. 7-
"P '. ' .
KELLY. I ton express body..
1011 OVERLAND Delivery
. 300
I,. II. O'NEAL. Used Car Dept.
lioll Spruce 1002. Key.. Race 1734
A New Red Inner Tube for each tube that
prove, bad. Thin la our guarantee, and yo
will find us dependable.
1 uiir.n
SI) x 3 Red Tube.
.10 x; .14 " '
32 X llH " '
al X a
33 x 4
34 X 4
20 X I
2 2.1
II 7.1
MACHINIST, experienced on textile work,
fly aonu .uiuiry ex. nous, .eeiii.u
MACHINISTS sod tooluaukrrs wanted, we have
maoe exucjiiiuua iu our piami
good opportunities, lasting posl
nignsat wages,
Itlons, no mu.
nltlona: Draf.rence iciven to nonuninn men
Write for application blanks or apply D
Ijval Hteam Turbine Company, Trenton, N. J
ACCOUNTANT, experienced In office manage
ment desire, position with chance for future,
11 238, Ledger Central.
At COUNTAN1 will open, close, audit or keep
small set. of bouk. evenings, 11 043, Ledger
ARCHITECT or engineer desires bMg. supt , all
or purl Him, II 54, Led.-er lentrul.
HANKING HOUSE can secure .en Ices of man.
42. well connected with persouullty nnd char
acter for modualary Q 033. lo-drer Central,
HOOKKEKPKH. "thoroughly experienced, will
audit, open, close una write up leock. day
or i-veti'iig. moderate terms Hell phone Wood
land 4103 M
HOOKKRT.P.'CR experienced, wants bookkeiiiilng
or clerical work evenings 11 &I4. 1-d Cent
HOOKKEEl'KR uffiieinsr ug 27 desires po.
7 vcurs' exp ref Ii B5u. Ledger Cent rut
IIOi HvKEEI'hit und account d .ir .i-al
aiiuuut. during .pirv lime (1 337. Ie-d. Cent.
IHMjKKKKPHR and siencgruplier ejp. thor
oughlv espable and reliable. II .137. Led. Cent
IIOOKKEFPER expert desire, responsible, per
nicnent rosltloo 180. Ii 181. Ledger Office,
lil'Tl.r.H wishes po.lilun In Ihe city. II 031.
Ledger Centra!
CHAUFFEUR thoroughly experlsncvd nu rlrsl
cl.ss cars Plerce-Arrow. etc., wishes posl.
Hun In illy, 30 seats uld, unmarried, beat
of teference. H 110 lo-dscr Office
COST WORK Young man who has thorough
knowledge of ilneinlstry, also one ear expeil.
ence In telling, dHn taaltliyn with muuu
tatturlng concern II 313. lA'dger Central.
DRAFTSMAN, structural and meclianlc.il. de.
sites to luuko u ihatige; now liuldlng iioslllon
na chief druftsinun, 11 242, ledger (Viilral,
With progressive Ideas und experience In man
ufacturluz line., feeling that Ills present posi
tion la placing u limit on hi. abilities, desires
to make u change, Is capable ot onndllng ar.
bunting as well as selling departments; set
42i Christum salary ISUOO. if. H. A.. P. 6.
llox 4004. .
KXKCUT1VK Glrard College graduate. 26.
executive ability. 7 years', experience, desires
position In sal, or production department!
will leave city, best ret. II 408. Led. Cent.
EXECUTIVE experience In printing end publish.
Ing. with knowledge of estimating, coat ue.
counting and management 11 122, lord. OfT,
GARDENER. .Ingle. Prote.tant, grernhouaa,
vegetables. Iieatersi willing; good reference,
Ii 182. lejejger Office.
HARDENER... all-around, marrl.d', no children?
wishes position. 11 123, IoiUr Office,
MAN -Eight sar. with large corporation, man
aging office, correspondence credits, etc as
assistant treasurer and secretary, business
lias bear, merged , vHtr. another eu-. uf Ihe cltyi
1 desire te remain In Phlla.. and will be win
er iv position sa ef January It ceceeMry fcf.
rrenoe wlU N efPyvdi 'sriles treated M
sdentUilar. II Stf. UeVsar JC4s4. X
.10x3 Tires -
SO x S'i "
: x .I',! "
3d x 4 "
S4 X 4 "
30 x 4
ii-.., ,-.. nil... ic.il.h... n nan
n.n .num. eveeotlnnal hargnln In all other
alio tire, and tubes. All mall nrdars prompt
ly filled Goods ahlpped subject tu jour ap
proval unywhete C O. D
ltell nhone Spruce 3024
Ilranch 200 W. 34th st . New York .city.
STANDARD "S" and ALLEN 4 cyl.
offer the following uaed cars, all In the beet
of mechanical condition:
STANDARD "" tuurlng. demonstrator, elec
tric light, and .tarter.
ALLEN 4 cylinder, louring, demonstrator!
very attractive.
CADILLAC 101.1 8-cyllnder touring, tjpe 51i
electrically equipped. . ...
AllUOTT tourings elictrle light, and starter.
HAYNES touring: electric lights und starter.
CHADWICK. touring. Just overhauled,
AIlliOTT TOUlllNa. electilc light, and .tarter.
generator, lu line jnichanlcal rendition 1 will
utcept any reusonable cash ofler II 042.
ledger Centraj. r
UUICk 3 pass, touring, electric llghta and
aiarter; line condition. Just repainted, big
V,arHa'ltOWERrt CO. Used far Department.
250 N Hroad sl . Walnut 72
CADILLAC 1013 TOURING CAH7.Ii! fine rondl
Hon for Immediate use newly tired anil
painted electric starter and llgh'... great bar.
eppo.lte lloadinc SUIlon; phone Chestnut IHU
CADILLAC 6 pas. tuurlng. starter and electrlo
light.; fully equipped would make tins bucking
car. bargsla prli'e.
L. S. HOWEns (JO. Used (.""ar Department.
230 N Hroad st Walwit 72
CAD1LI-VC I li.v for sale 101". I'adlllac tour.
Ing car electric lights ami .tarter In good
mecliunlival lundlllon. no reasonable ofter re
fused no dcalirs II 411 Ledge r Central,
CADILLAC 1014 tourltji car. overhauled ancf
Itpalntid. full equlptneuti price I7JU. AUTO
SALES t'ORPORATlON. Ul N. llrosd st. .
II UDSONS Phaeton. . roadsters and cabriolets,
cxiulpiced vvllh electric light, and starters,
HUDSON 0-40, 1013, Iticcpat.iaallv perfect shock
bs libers, tire, good 14311 Manning st,
PAl KARD limousine 1010. 7 pass, motor ani
ull-uround appearance fine: line renting can
tonic at this buy. price reasonable
l.OCOMOIHLK. 2.114 Mulkct . loicust 460.
F M. HAI.I.H1AN. Mgr. Kxitmuge Cur DvPt,
PAIGE, 1010. Fairfield, 0-40. driven 2000 miles,
white wheel., blue bodv black hood and fens
dar extra tire lire cover with white .trlMJr
aery attractive looking car, M 013. Leaa
i:jniral. -
PAIGE. 1010, Fairfield. 7-pussangtr tourlayr.
driven 2000 mile., will sacrifice, na dialee.
BOM Dsnckla llliU ,
8330-3315 MARKET .
PIURCK-ARIIOW T-psss. touring cart elsjtsM
lights, demountable rlro., , Westlnghousi. SS
Hbsuibers. general condition fine, wM li
iaScOMOllIl.B. 2lt.rVt St. Locu e.
F M. HALI.16AN Jlar. Exchange cr TSiM.
llffMIMSSI MIcM ...
mUrarjlv. lyw prt
abl baulln
qr door ;
law price)!, eeiuiom
tons. Ss&OI la a.
ecunoinicai ana
.csrive cs
'S ."TI 'JTiY"
sf fl xnix
riy ofMHf
iA-toit tlai eiu.
suit Ji-ter.-n