ri?r$A?i5tf,Ar- -m - V&IHHP. & . wg -iw wwpft w.Tir a Br ROOMB FOB BENT ""Coaflsaed trtm PrneHnp Poet. - iXvj ivE. Mil He, room southern rOltt,T?fi!l er ultl etclna. hemei modern. i"i,ffii 10 mm. Cltr lull. rreat. 87. -'i,r 505J ruffl. coin, IMinil Pfi. ni IfHfr'n ipo.i op" fireplaces a-enllem.n. JSJIsLr f,n Nicely turn, ronma. lt nr n?'fe?r'i;i?nwli"u0rrhr,b,e reom,, run- r-Tnr7i?,lh In e.eluelre apt. In W. Phlla. SLmi'm 2 in lmlir M ',-r C'nt. CSrr.i.hecTor unfutnlAnl. nrlx-ato fam- FcoVj ftjffifc cntnt m, Baring Ufa n. B0ABDINO PL rS 111 .5(1 Furnished room, private I t tMMt-i ---. . .TTwr nirannl Ant.. 44th WME;i.&tii ewMng. ewei ..lined atmosphere, mono ranm .. x . I' f BANITABIUM3 Sininni LOCATIONl special scientific, earji S Sri,lJrSr'rr comfortt nursest book- f.rSr' rsKi. Cltr IJns. Chestnut Ulll. " C APABTMENTB S ... ftVMl'1CTA SID AND OXYbVv 8TB. , rested in one of th most exclusive rest. . ?Ei ..rtisns or ths cltr; high and heallhv fSUw thfn 2 rn Inutil ol Oily llall jl Market '. i an noih st, ersiitawn lino, which . r.i o tt building. Su tea of 2 rooms. Kf! .rtriltch'tt- from I JO to MO. Public nin?im located In bulk.ln. f'hone Over. orJlAjrrowN THE NEW ADDITION TO rKLIIAM OUHT 1H Ol'KN 1 FCLltAM COURT was not built to make, an eoral to every one but to you who demand sppesi i ...-. ftmd tn receive It at 1 oriel which, considering what you do do iad and ttc.lv, ! moajrUe; It will mike . tronr. compel Inr appeal. fsUikM COUP.T la located at Carnanter'a Matlon. Oermantown, .! ," btSLUtJu.1, '''T fh Drive, on th l'ennay vanla rial road! (S or k 'trains a day. surety transportation ",g!th."c.rfV,rroomi and 1 tah to room, ilia 3 oilnii the alro to suit your rctiulro Si,nt. rrlces are IT""" '90 ur- . . . r-EI.HAM COtirtT Is a jult. perfect APARTMENT HOTKI.. and located In an ab tluttlr U'l a exelunv auburban locatlpn. in a word, rnu nr come to PRl.HAM ,Co2rtT and And a perfect luburhnri location. wllntranpomtlon unexcelled an Ideally con. tncttd bulldlnr. qulst, dlmlfted, elegant Tou mar ielect an apartment of the rm t ult your Individual needi: you will find all your houkeptnir problems aplved nnd likM care of for you absolutely without effort in owr Prt: ou will find a table of the Stmoet eicelrence at a moat moderate price, itid the aarne courteay. aenico and attention It i uniform throughout the cntlro eatabllih- ,"Vr full information, arranirementa for In spection and reaeratton call, phono or wrlre to KonMAN 8. PiirnwooD 1411 WALNUT T. . SPRUCE S71. ., RACK 3025. ar to hli rtpreentatlve on the premises at Telham Court. Appointments may be made for automobile to call at your rcnldonce or business place nnd tike you directly to I'ELllAM COURT at our convenience and pleasure, I BOOMS and bath; modernrOuen I.ano station; 140. ORBIMH. 210 Liberty Uldt.. Phlla. EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY. NOVEMBER Id, 101G 17 HOUSEKEEPING APAB.TMENTS TOU CANNOT FIND A BETTER APARTMENT N.E.Cor. 1 7th & Walnut (1 block from Rtttanhoua Snunre) The houtrkpeplnir suites are perfect tn (htlr plan; 3 larm bedmnms. ach hy Inr bT window: fine larre llvtnr room, dlnlnr room, kitchen: maid's room and 3 batbroomH as well. Ideal winter and sum mer apartmenta, Also suites of '2 roorm nd bath; free uso of laundry on top loor. Tour Inspection cordially Invited. Pbon Walnut G9CJ MERTON W. GREIMS Second Floor N, E. Cor. Droid and Chestnut (Kow Liberty Dvilitlrto) THERR ARE 8KVRRAL WAYS OF HUCtJKINO AN APARTilENT tlnf i,ita Imf.lrl f twin nil tt,a.i ,H hrent ways, you Just call at this ofllce tha r lirrest. moit attractive and best equipped in FnJlldelphla. duvoted exclusively to securtns Jut what they want for particular people. , Tell us your requirements. The leading and !L onlrible apartments In Philadelphia aro listed , with or may be rented throuirh us. Our - - lutomobiles are waiting- to take you to the lut of properties you dealcnate, so that with " U least posilble erfort you may secure the ar one apartment In Phlla which most nearly - approaches your exact Ideal NORMAN S. RHRUWOOU 111! WALNUT ST. Bpruce 8971. Rice S025 Ol'SEKEF.Pl.Vn APAltTMIIVTS All ..n. . .!.. .VI0"1" na Dan to rooms and bath; .. io tin per monin; can. nlinna .M uirlla SAMUEL STERN, linl Chestnut St. ' NEW C'OItONADO CHESTNUT AND 2VD STREET3 A few vacancies Apply Janitor. N. E. CORNER" 16TH AND MASTER Hounkeeplnr suites, furnished. 15 up; single room. 12.50. J ill. .....,.. oiu tuur rooms, fill between 10 and 3. bath; third floor. WEsT I'lllLAnKLriUA SOTH AND CHESTNUT STS. SEVERAL MODERN HOUbEKEEPINO APARTMENTS KOU RENTl KLKCTKIC Ef.E yATORS. PUBLIC SlNINO ROOM. APPLY m.. 41.3, a, ar,r.ua. Jit.. i.-i ItAUh Hi. ESfircv a4th .-.I ..i. J. ''... . .; . T. : . r'. iiiT. ". "tin i,.aii!ui; Aiunierey, ,jh nna t. i '.lri. 1'ilmont. S4th end Hprlne Garden. oa liKiultg Janitor, or CRESSE. 308 Halo Illds. APABTMENT HOTEXS iff. s lr f J ; ALDINE HOTEL Tass&sz 1 THE BEST ROOMS AND SUITES , With the best table, in Philadelphia Uayt Week, Month. Season. ,Year PARKSIDE APARTMENTS -. rr.u. aicu.aae. -manner. . 8ucce,ior of Irs. Charles McOlads. K??ST..tT OPPOSITE FA1RMOUNT PARK ill S.,?lr2ct "nM to c,ntr of city. cJiiK.,l?.?0,n.' furnished or unfurnlahed. Sj??in Of Peculiar eicellenta. .'fwione sirlnv 221. THE GLADSTONE nil AND PINE BTS. Mlevwrn " A-ACJAUUli TERAL VERT DESIRARI.E SUITES CAN -.,,, RE SECURED t--FURNISirr.D OH UNFURNISHED HOTEL COLONIAL 8P1R1SCIBBTAT l-BilVUNENT OH TRANSIENT OIJKHT.I ... , WM. P. KraKKT. UlKincn HE CLINTON tenth beixjw Ki. !i..tlT .unfurnlihed. either by CELMARU0URI8 BEAL ESTATE FOR SALE Coaflsanl from PrtctdlKo Column VKST rilll.AI)l.l.ltA ,,4lJ-lJ;ln MAHKtrr PT, iailajii ft son. 2t and 2d H. nih t BAa"?emMef:e,0t."1.hnm """ fSO N. 4fltnT ;SS!! nmount at "" WHiTtilUs, a McLANAHAN. Hth and Pine. $5800 Sjmldeticheds hot-water heat, electric !-...!."" "nl' ,""' hall. EUGENE L. TOWNSEND fUcor. 4Rih A Hallo, a. Ph. Woodl'd MOO. llnMrn sritUCK t Mixi'niors" oi iiui ft nr KAST ok -liTir SsasHSsr'aL-ffitf ..tsv WS?S b.y.n,i ..lap. H.mrllm.u,'u-,;r'furnl"open,.U- '"ireiVVX.?. "RAI.TH-The.e word, ." So,,; IfAS. "niL0 "". with sunny, out ooiir sieeplnir porchr nnd French casement 5oSthWAlh 'IpXlf-VTON KSTATfiS TJJ5 - "otuh 6Mh st. Telephone Woodland 41S7. "pSllll.'f'tViiSJf APTS- 8," N. SSd st Utms ei.ht n-,'.VJV,,!,!2':Mn'.n, tr, nd ir!m3Jrit,i!ecu.rl,,A,int,08l,. ."a own- 27 S 4211 ST. Xlodernle-d Or eerv comenlence. i hOWA.iuij.rTz, 2to n nth st 8KrRr?i"& J?EVV SAMPI.K "ftOUSlS 0331 slton nve. Ino-ft. lots KNIIURO. Ilullder. ' yLE,?' .h1"" 'nodern 2-story home; only minutes frnm "l." station bargain. McCoynT.n H eoth at". 8 ,STfi brlck'. '.l room8 . nJ hath; aeml. JVT"?KiAf.S C,OCRil40,nK,i?rr0i.n!n.,. itnK 1 St'S'15 M",,:-.r.ne,,2 Seo 1IATTHIAS about It il) N. S2d St. WiVoflW AVB "OMfi" '"Ih to Sth""7tsT. uiyi.a'ii7. .n.om..".C.'...IMI'''h, hot-water heat. KKRSIIAW ii lmVT. flun... son fi.. ...... lUJAt'TIFUI. 3-sly. porch mansion, coat ItO.iioo, sicrlfli-o for isoouertns l'h. liarlns; isil. nKRMANTOWN QKltMANTOWN ItOMHS. sll sections. - , ,. un.i.i.i. ItAltUT Franklin Rank Ituildlnit. Walnut 25JT. . . IlEAt ESTATE FOR SALE . ri-yH 1.VAN1A RUttlTRnAN Oontlsafd from Prtcnflatf Column SURURRAN REAt. KSTATK ry.fnc. .All locations. Bale or rent. w CIIARI.KS J, lioou A CO , Morris Ride. LAROR MAT OF RUr.UllllAN IfOMKS. aala or rent, on the Main I.lne or Reading R. R- WM. II WILSON A CO.. Morris Hulldlnir. Unnn ln-ROOM liot'sn stable. H acre, shade, frulti nt Moore, near Bddjstones rholo. v v Pfrrmts son m chkstnut st. Siihiirhun 1-ot VISIT nrniNCirtKMl FARMS. 2 souarea from Hprlnaoeld .Ststlon on the Media Short I.lne hleh leel lotsi nil Improvemenls: lnls;l 15(. terms, 110 monthlri flllll70 feet. $8QI terms 111 monthly; rarerul restrictions. Of llce. SprlngHeld and Saier aea. Nr.wjr.nsr.v 8r.iioiB VHNTNOIt $100. building Iota; B0100 ft. I con venient to beh and trolley, nun W State st . Trenton, N. J. SI UN i.ixi:. P. K. R. PAOI.t. PA 2 fne houes, corner property. H acre ground, 0 rooms, south aldei good eleva tion; hot-water heat, hardwood flooes. gas and electric Hints. Springfield water; cheap rail road fare, JS mln from llroadt FredJVUtmcj COUNtjY110MUirANDVAllMfi. Mln I.lne nnd throughout counties adjacent to Philadelphia; aalo or rent J. M. Froneneld, WayncJ,a. I'KXNS - l.VANIA r.R!S - 180-ACRE stock and dilry farm, 150 per acre; 17. I" IJ BCTfH IS-IM 1MI per aero ware County, Nov 18 i.i.'ion j. II. THOMPSON. fwm j3eSta,n.,V,i Otrmantownt 20 minutes 4u?!ihV3 ? Jcfir...8','0"' "ilshe4 or ua ?S. al.o'EI..V'V. '. "! bath or Ing aparuntnts. V I- "IN THE CKNTBR OF EVERTTIIINCJ" 7S-Jiil IRVING HOTEL , STIfa - - i nan, ;. European. II up ttmrfiL'fe OUE8TH -.. -w VU-OiWUi- j. &EAJ, ESTATE FOB BA1E .'. ;V".'.n"IDaB room. , .iT..V Per year: taxes 7 iwc.i"- vroai. 1206 or 8 tuaamanr llnAAt !) Kite ,- .' - wsa.e regal vi icm. r centj pries. 12000. poth st. ori W,S'?AD8TREET 1 1 co7vJni:S0f.rab-ro,rn,tOM Ulnl 13 lis va?d nSM-tn,.homJ modern heat. ,S"la 1 tck street fnear I'un.ll1. IRTTfi-'r crayon's Hnns, l.o N. 7th. t t23.?? F9R MORTGAGES ' nm wi"01?4 Tu" Mnd, ' iKTrr'- wuiut t. f-.RRF.I.U .If. nHuf. Ui ci Tiii ;.- ,.' riiw iv.w 111 H. SOt .Hl-lr. u ' Vf tfi."' ""?.T pAK). J w.iT."".'M!."11 npmea. 'ia. Vas-se hii. .and large tracts N I fiDJfi.Ng IOT8 , w"i.WJ -""Ji Oily i al Ti,ffl,fJiWi-ftl . . . Jao over S00 tnf, las:, JBt. Trust Hid (TIM & . OUR RKAI. RSTATR 11UI.1.F.TIN will be'seM !.,u-,b1' TO1!. on PPl'catIon Oermantown TrustCo. Chelten and Oermntown aves. "'-TS," ARF. IXKIKINQ TOR A HOMR In Oer mantown, Mt. Airy or rhestnut Hill, consult me.A.R .Meehan. 0747 Oermantown axe. OUR NKW RENTnnd sale list of Oermantown "JY1 Cl'ca'nut Hill properties sent on appllca tlon. H.Jl Ulster A Son. 0012 Oermantown av. . tHney FAIRHILL DUNCANNON TO rlHHKR AVB. Lot 16 x 100 ft. $3100 0 rooms nnd bath, terrace front, porch 0x10 ft. Hotwnter heatlnc tomblnatlon lighting, gas kitchen. Laundry In base ment. Terms mode to suit. JOHN M. SNYDER. Ilullder nnd Owner. On Premises. HEAL ESTATE FOB BENT Continued rem rrrecrt'lno' Column ProTVselonal Offices TROFRSSIONAI. ntJlI.DINO, l3t-3 Chestnut at. A few suites for phjslelans or dentists. J. T. JACKSON CO., Chestnut nnJlth. fjf.RSIANTOWN STKNTON Sexeral deslrnlilo houses for renti open eery day; trains to Slenton Station MAl'llAN. DOI.StAN CO . N 11. cor. Ilroad and Chestnut. 8TONI5 Colonial house. 12 rooms, 2. Iwths, flno trees, Urge lot. WAHNOCK & KMI.KN. Com mercial Trust Hide MORTGAGES TO SKCURi: A MOnTdACIK Re It first or second If jou deslro efficient aerxlce. quick nnd satisfactory results nnd moderate charges CAM.. 1'HONH OR WRITK TO t' "Tour mortgago will be ns good as pliceil " NORMAN B. SlinnWOOJJi 1411 Walnut st. $100,000-5 FLAT SPKCIAI. TRUST FUND FOR OOOD FIRST MORTOAOn.t IIORACF. If. VmVA 713 WALNUT ST. 150 NOTI5 OR MOUTOAtir! Immediate Seillements. TO t.nsettlid relate t.nnns. llulldlng Aseorlatlon Fundi 11000 DK.MI'Sr.V A CO. . 27 S Hlfl St. BEALESTATE SAIiE OB BENT CITT AND SUIIURRAN properties for sale or rent. Lower -Merlon Reslty Company, Land iut iiuum i-niisueipnia. i'a. CITY CllNTIIAI. TROPCRTIF-S . . For s-le and rent. JAMHS D WINCHKLL, 17th and Bansom ats. PT.VNI.VAM V Siml'RRAN HAt.A-CrNWYD Lareo Itat nous. aala.or rent, at all tirleea. Samuel C. Wsgner. Jr.. Commercial Trust illdg. lMh und Market. , SIAIN I.ISi:. P. R. R MAIN LINK Rest line of Main Lire houses, lt'ner for axle or rent, nt all prices. HIRST A McMt'LLlN West F.nd Trust Rldg. BEAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE WBHAVK 10 FARMS. tal,en In exchange, xvhlch wo will sacrifice for quick cash sales. Call for particulars otlDUN. 1220 Filbert. BEAL ESTATE WANTED rented, rents col term of years or RI1AI. HSTATK bought, sold, lected. mortgago loans for s on hnllrilniz association nlan ARTHUR IIOSWKLU 23J N. 18th St. TRY OUR MI1T1IOD RENT COLLECTIONS NO. 21 IlllOADWAY. Camden, N. J. WILL buy cheap real estate any section Phlla. delphla. Immediate answer. ltn-kers pro tected. Chester D. Ilottner. 1420 Chestnut. R. D. CLOW. JR. 13600 311 AROVF. CLARKSON AVH. 2D UKLOW C1.ARKSON AVE. 7 ROOMS VERY DEEP LOTS Hardwood finish, laundry hot-water heater, flectrlc wiring, all latest Improxements. close to rara. LOT TOS FT WITH OARAOE Nexv 2 storv. s rooms, hot-water heat. eh?c- trlclty, lirlck . garages , a few feet from tne Iloiilex-nrd I42M) hest oppurtunltv In the city. KUI1N 4. UiWKHV nth and Rockland. OPEN SUNDAY "A HAROAIN 47.17 NORTH MARCHER STREET 7 ROOMS AND SHED OPEN MUST HE SOLD 12730 2 otory, porch. 7 rooms. Iiot-xvater heat. Ijundry. close tn !th st . terms less than rent. KU1IN i. LOWKRY r,th and Rockland. OI'BN SUNDAY Chestnut Hill SEVERAL nnslRATILTS PROPERTIES M1NTIIRN "1. WHIOHT CO. MOtRlS 1II.DC1. Tioga VU HAVE THE HOUSE YOU WANT IN.TIOOA OR LOOAN ICENNKOY RAMItO. 3740 OERMANTOWN Iigan REAL ESTATE mortirages and conxeyanclng. WSI. D. CHAMHERS 11133 N Ilroad at Roxborougll FOR LIST ROXHOROUOH REAL ESTATE Near benutlful 'Wlnsahlckon, H miles from MKot st Wj-He.CAIA ERLIJY. flllll) Rldi PKXNST.VANIA SUIIURRAN DROOKL1NE llrsnd-rew dct dxvlgs . 7 r. b.. water heat, electr.. S0xl23; 13830, only 1430 cash required, xvlll exchange. J. ELMER WATI t opp .Iirooktlne Station. COLLINODALE till Parker ave . 2Vi story" brand nexv. nearly finished, hot-xsutor heat. electricity. SWOPE & SONS. Darby. ELKINS PARK New Colonial dxxelllng. 10 rooms. 2 baths, hot-water heat, big bargain, 3 minutes from sutlon MrCORMIx'IC & .IcCOR.MlCK JOU Cl.tsmut and Elklns Park OLl-NSIDE HOMES nnd ImtldinH sites every description RENNlNGElt i. RENNINGER, Hlenslde. Pa SUMURHANRF.SIDE.S'l'ET for silo or rent, BUrnctlxre locations prices right Maurice J. IlooxljReal Esuto Trustllldg. COUNTRY HOMES gen'iral and Improved farms. Hilldliitf sites etc.. In tho White. marsh Valley and In the section Iwtwesa Norrlstown. Dovlestown and Hatboro. H. .1 IlAOElt. Inc . Ambler Pa SURURHAN TOWN COUNTRY Send for catalogue DROWN . CLOUD, Norrlstoxvn, Ta. BEAL ESTATE TOB BENT CITY T. P. NEAL1S. 1110 S. 12TH ST. 230 S 23.1 at . tl rooms, convs $10,00 22 Hi N. 10th at.. 10 rooms, conxs anno FUNDS FOR MORTGAGES Northern Trust Company $50 7U4 Hiuo st. 10 rooms, conxs . . 30.00 STORKS AND DWELLINGS In all socUons of city. See our list In the Ledger Saturday. SAMUEL T. FOX fc CO S. E cor. oth nnd Callowhlll. .140 S. I'.Ttl BT. 11 ROOMS AND 2 HATHS MEARS I1ROWN. 202 H. 13fH ST. r.r i-nn otm rent i.rsT THE LAND TITLE AND TRUST CO. Ilroad and Chestnut sts 1823 1)E LANCKY PLACE 12 rooms and 2 baths; rental per annum J1000. EDOAR O. CROSS, 1411 Walnut st Riislnesa Properties nnd Stores STORES FOR RENT 807 Chestnut lo.'li S Eighth 114-130-238 S 1 1th 114 N Fifth 10(11-11121 Market Ills S 2lith 007-1110-1204 Walnut J A PATTERSON, ISO S. 15th NEAR HltOAII AND SPRINfl HARDEN AUTO SALESROOM AND SERVICE STATION fi-story anil, basement building. 40x170. to rear street, auto elexator. steam heat MORRIS & CO . Ridge at Ilroad. " TIRE AND ACCESSORY MEN We will alter small building on 10th at , near t'allnuhill tn suit xour requirements MYERS k llAHTIt. Ridge ave and 10th. 10011 p.Q. FT. stteet frontage; good xxindow dls pla; shipping facilities, all conxs.; centrally located; moderate rental. 1217 Filbert. J9.00 033 N. FRANKLIN ST.. store and cel lar. NeallB.10S. 12th st. Roth phones. Fartorles. Warehouses. Mfg. Floora Cohocksink Mills "'AbombhxT3- Floors. C000 tn 1H 000 sa. ft.; cheap power. R. P. McNEELY. 1732 Randolph. HAVE PARTY who will erect building., central or other location, for satisfactory tenant. DIETERICH. 737 Walnut St. FACTORIES, sites, xxarehouses. floor space ex duslxely. J Alan Mlddleton. Factory Spe cialist and Engineer. 00911 Wldencr Iildg. FACTORIES "AND FLOOR SPACE of ex-ery dJ scrlntlon. Phlla. nnd vicinity. Factory El ihlingo. Stephen tllrsrd Illdg. Albert 4700. tTH ST . N", 110-2.1 Manufneturlng floors, steam heat and power. Apply Pennsylvania Co.. 517 Chestnut at SEVERAL SMALL FLOORS with power; norttw east section, send for list factory exchange. STEPHEN C.IRARD IU.DO . FIMIRRT 4700. nrrn:ia. husinf.ss noons, kto. DREXEL I1I.DO. OFFICES Annual rentals Single rooms. JtOO. J120 l.VU2.-.o.4r.n..Mxo. Suites. 2 rms . 1141. SUMI.IIAX f.'Ofl.t'J2.l210. Suites. 3 rms . S273 t4nO,ll30.t5HO.r7fi J7.10. End suite. 1-1-17. 2750 aa ft.. 20 rooms.13375. Corner suites. 4 to S rooms. S030 to $10.10 KLMS D 'IIl.Ilt8iflO Drexel Ilulldlng 112 110 " " IIEEDllUILDINO $"15 80 Centrally located; all conveniences: rents at trartlxely low: service continuous, $18(10 121J-I7 rilbert st $22 00 CHESTNUT fT . 024 Second floor, lime sky light good space for urchitect. LEA ES TATES, 700 Sansom at. SIXTH AND SPRINO HARDEN . MONEY FOR MORTGAGES LARUE AND SMALL AMOUNTS , QUICK ANSWERS W.JH HOOD 312 W NOHRIS ST. ,.MOItTOAtlES SECURED RUILDEIIS' ADVANCES A SPECIALTY URUMIIAUOH & PARKER. INC. 1437 WALNUT ST. $100,000 TO INVERT In Orst mortgages In sums from $1000 up. nlso building association money for second mortgages IC SEIDEL CO Ith and Cnlloxxhlllsts. $100. $200 TO 13000 TO LOAN I.KXVIS A CO. 1227 W Olrnril nx-e. TRUST FUNDS FOR FIRST MfiRTOAaB HEriKNE-iS ft STETSON LAND THI.E llttlLDINtl MONEY FOR 1ST AND 2t MORTOAOE3 T A. REDDINO SON 700 WU.Nl'T ST 320.1 SPRUCE ST. ALL AMOUNTS, 1ST AND 2D MOllTOAOES Quick nnswer. MAURICE It MATSINHER. Rl Est.Tr. Illdg. FUNDS FOR 1ST AND 2D MORTOAQE3 MORTOAOES FOR SALE THEO E. NICKLES. 2313 Oermnntown axe. rt'XDf FOR 1ST AND 2D MORTGAGES ANY AMOUNT POTTS l THOMSON. 2321 FrankfonI.axe. MONEY for mortgages. Itucks County properlj. AUTlll'R P TOWNSEND Lincoln Ilulldlng. I'hlladelphln LOANS ON INTEREST IN ESTATES Reasonable Charges JOHN A HARRY. 307 Land Tltln Illdg. 1ST & 2D mortgages wnnted. city or suburban. CHESIT.R OSF.ORNE INC. Offices. I.unsdnxxne and 1321 Chestnut st ADVANCES TO HUH.DERS A SPECIALTY HAZLivrr moss M8 WALNUT ST FIRST MORTGAGE FUNDS In nmounts of $2000 to $10 000 t'HAS I. IIROWN A CO. 217 S Ilroad st. 1ST and '.'! mtcs . bids nnd prlxate funds: quick and sitlfnctor n suits, moderate charges. CAMERON ESTATE. 2"H1 Kensington axe. MONEY for first and second mortgages, prlxate funds nnd building associations WM FRIEDRICH H CO . SOI N 12th st MONEY for first and second mortgages, building association and installment mortgages Willis- Winchester Compan 1001 Chestnut st. FUNDS for first second or split mortgages, collateral and short term loans AH EJINETIIY.133 S 12th. 2721 N 3th FUNDS for flrsT and second mortgages, any amount, quick ansxxer CHAS W. MILLER. 401-407 Commonwealth Ilulldlng ""PRIVATE FUNDS FOR" FIRST MORTGAGES Money for building and loan second mortgages JOSALLEN POTTS 40O5 Raltlmore ave HAVE some gllt-edgM first mortgages for sale denominations $2500 and $2000 K. H APSLEY Sth and Sprlnsdeldnxe ALL AMOUNTS lo loan on 1st and 2d .atges Chas. Z Do Young. 400 W End Trust Illdg I OB BENT TUBNISHED CITY THREE-STORY, furnished, south of Market. easy terms, desirable 11 310, Ledger Central GF.RMANTOiVN OERMANTOWN Near Queen lane station nnd Germantown Cricket Club. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, hot-xvater heat. 3-story semidetached house, $43. L 057 Ledger Central. MONEY TO LOAN YOU CAN GET A LOAN From This New Licensed and Bonded Company nulckly, prlxatelv. If xou aro housekeeping. We loan $10 to $204 on easy terms. Your monthly pasment on $.'10 Is only $3. Your monthly pnyment on $S4 Is only $7. With Interest at 3 per cent. Your monthly payment on $132 Is only $11. Your monthly payment on $204 Is only $17. With Interest at 2 per cent. Call TODAY wrlto us or phono Walnut 4361, HOUSEHOLD LOAN COMPANY 131 SOUTH BROAD STREET 8econd floor. Next to rorrest Tneater. YOU CAN RORROW MONEY ON DIAMONDS JEXVELS, ETC. JJ.I AND t'P fHi AND III' 14, $300 AND UP 1 RIEDElfS 128 MARKET ST RIDGE AVE. AND O.STORD ST. 2JD AND SOUTH STS. MONEY LOANED to heirs of unsettled estates; Interests bought FRANK P MARTIN. 724 23 Stephen Qlrard Ilulldlng. 21 S. 12th st. FARMER SMITH'S RAINBOW CLUB A FUNNY IDEA I was talking, my dears, with n chnrminr' young lady and I asked her what she thought of having a CLEAN-UP WEEK for our heads, and she said: "What a funny idea ! There is no sense in it." You know we have a clean-up week when everybody is expected to clean up his or her yard, paint the house, wash the dog and clean out the canary's cage. Well, I thought wo might have a whole week in which to clean out the rubbish in our heads. These arc the thoughts which come to us when we are alone and make us SHUDDER! These are the thoughts, black as night, which steal upon us in the darkness. Our heads get full of turmoil in harmony thoughts of sin, sickness and sorrow. Above all, we might dust our minds and clean out PEAR. Fear of sickness, fear wo may have or get somo terrible illness like some body thousands of miles away. Let us think it over. Can we not put all our bad, fearful thoughts in tho ash barrel? What do you think of it? Lovingly, FARMER SMITH, Children's Editor. PAnjinn smith. I wish to becoma a mernher of your nalnbow Jlub, Please Vend mo a beautiful Rainbow Dutton free. I aeree to DO A MTTLE KINDNESS EACH AND nVKIlY DAY, SPHEAD A LITTLE SUNSHINI3.ALL ALONG THE WAY. Name , Address Arc Christmas Exhibition Newa Attention, branch clubs I Head what your fellow branches are doing; and then WAKE UP1 Wilfred Webb, founder of the "Italnbow Question Marks," submits this Interesting news: "We meet every Friday night, answer Thing to Know and Do,' and play games. We expect to give a minstrel show, and we will have a donation for youj It may be small, but I guess it will be enough for a pair of stockings, anyhow. I hope we can surprise you! If you have any su gestlons for our meetings or minstrel show we will be glad to hear from you and thank you very much, as we are all beginners. Our members are: President, Gordon Blair, vice president, Harry Hall; secretary, Christian WirstS corresponding secretary, Wilfred Webb ; treasurer, Walter Hummers Alfred Webb. Oeprge Zimmerman. Irvln 8ummr, William Martin, Robert Martin, Albert De Haven, Fred ClrKnth, Joseph Oal. laghor and George Zimmerman, More boys want to Join us, but our kitchen is small, so they will have to wait," Wa are only too happy to think un plans for an entertainment for tha "Rainbow Question Marks" who ara showing sueh wonderful spirit about the Christmas Exhibition As lack of space forbids our printing auggestlona hers, they xxlll be mailed to ths corresponding secretary of the "Question Marks" as soon as possible Little feet ara xery much In need or warm stockings, and ws can think of no nicer thing than for our boya to work to get them. Hurry up, other branch clubs. a jfr?s!UR1fci 3s MconV.WVit tfWf Will, aY chtiU A Ilrave Boy By MICHAEL ROVE, tjouth Thirteenth Street. There were two men taking a walk on Square avenue. While they were walking a newsboy of about six years of age ran before one of them and said, "Do you want to buy a paper!" "Yes" said the man, so the boy gave him one and he walked on. The little, fellow ran after him and asked for a penny. The man, seeing that auch a little boy was not afraid to ask for what was due him, gave him a nickel. The honest lUtl chap gave him back four cents nnd sa.d, "Here Is your charge I only want what. I deserve." J MISTER ELEPHANT GETS HILLY Hilly By Farmer Smith Tlns-n-linB-llng-llnB ! "That's for you, mother." f.iI! Bumpus, as the telephone bell rang. "No. It's for jou." replied his xvlfe, going on with her Ulsh xx-ashlng. "No. It's for you I can tell by the way It rings," answered Billy. "It Is NOT!" "I say it IS!" Tlng-a-llnK-Ilnn-llns ! Br-r-r-r-r ! "Now, Billy Bumpus, answer that phone !" "I tell you It for you, nnd I WON'T!" Mrs. BumpuB put a dish down n the water so hard it ("quirted thirty drops of water In Billy's eye. Then she ansxvered the telephone, "Hello, hello, hello! Yes, he's right here." Mrs. Bumpus slammed down tho receiver and fairly shouted, "I told you It was for you !" "It Isn't." "I say it Is somo one asked for YOU!" "Didn't!" Billy wiped tho soap water out of his eyes and went to tho telephone, "Hello, hello! Ye, u'a me. I can't hear what I Yes, I can't hear very well. I got soap In my eye." "Oh ! It you, Mister Elephant. What can I do for you? "Certainly delighted ! I will come up right away," "What does he want?" asked Mrs. Bumpus. "You should have asked him you an. swered the telephone. Ho wants me sea?" "Yes, I can see ; there Is no soap in 'my eyes," answered Mrs. Bumpus, Billy was soon headed for the door, glad to escape another splash of dishwater, "A nice xvay for you to treat your hus band!" shouted Billy thiough the window; then he disappeared over the hill. Soon he xvas at Mr, Elephant's bunguloxr, "dood morning," oald Billy to Mrs. Ele. phant. "Is that good husband of yours about?" Just then Blly caught sight of a pile of tin cans In the back ywd. "Yum, yum!" he said to himself, "Ah, good morning, Mister Bumpus. I want you to gt the rope out of my well for me." . "I guess you have made a mistake," an swered Billy. (But Mr, Elephant gets the best of Billy. You just wait and see!) Things to Know and Do Why U V the gayest tetter In the alpha bet? (Sent ln by Wilfred Webb.) jgS C RAP P LEM The Young Lady Across lite Way The ynuiiK l.xl.x uoro.s tne xx.tx .m.xi. she fours the ltllilo Inn t road na It tiseil to bo, ami ootnc tlmo troon hIip'h going to rend It nil through from Dnnlcl tu UcersltVluT. THE PADDED CELL Where Else? Lollypop rutin, the ilomlolle anil place of woik of Knrnioi Ctitly Kale, had been lnxnilcil by ti Hxvnrm of fe males anxious to help with tho har vest, much to tho ratli.sh-ralscr's ills gust. "Oh, Mr. Knlo!" exclaimed n sylph llko damsel one morning, "l'vo Kot otno milk over; what shall I do with it?" "UrIi!" Kruiited tho fanner, "put It back In the lillnklu cow!" .Somebody's I I i ST.A,OfiRAPHE.R y (l LIKE . f Wour Momp I I AW I LIGHT OrciTATlONS DAY 7TT?i'tjt n "- r ,i"rjj-r-TsrT;j $Wll illJf YS& NMTIN6TOCrCM- &JlPHlff2 ((Vi-- ?rx i. TRA,,M, "-o Ji a. v li 1 1 T5?x''it,u,D 1 . V v4)ra 5JJt 1 I I JVv I " .e-oof- of frfll " "t Ul&'t&K cartoon i it and" rT JB(w RicniN(HivMYfo. wl gj 'r a;-. , iA P-3MI rrvKJ' " nopLt-j iMAi uTs Wi U u ovi'.boc. fi'1'!'! 2r r IL PUTMX.rllimNA. HtWi cowD too. -SJV xj- UiH H.tlHT. I I The Light Side of a Serious Subject J . The Sketch. Another neutral torpedoed! Far From Home First Artist The umbrella you lent me? I hno lent It to a friend. Second Artist That is ery axx-k-xxard Tho man xxho lent it to my friend tells me that the oxx-ner wants it Hard to Suit Them "I am ln hard luck." "How so?" "Told Mllly she was tho first gii I I ever loved, and she saiil she had no time to xxasto tiaininK molly-cod-dies." "Well?" "Then I told Amy that I thoiiRltt 1 had loved many before I met tho leal tiling In her, and who asked mo if my proposal to her was tho lesult of a cultured taste or only a fuiloru hope." The Point "All, Miss Poaches," sighed tho aged millionaire, "If you wero only my wife 1 could dlo happy?." "You've told mo that before," re plied tho girl calmly. "Tho question Is, would you?" FOBCE OF HABIT fHi f " 2'S-A e-M imtfm&&s!f:sr-zg&K vtmmm m mrrjt- .'Hv'VM(tuaMnrjr-dPj u iJdMitKatv . "Wliero aro you BOlnB" You can't get a drink noxv; the State's prohibition." ' I Know , but tho fool liorso won't go until he's stopped here the usual length of time " JUVKNILE IMPRESSIONS THE FIRST TIME WILLIE PLAYED HOOKEY I i ill , i i i . - "iXMI I Ml i . i I V-MHI-PWP- .r-a