"fW ip1' '" W y ('Tr" ! "-' 'Mnd4 S-v--1' m -,-, I wpw " 14 EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 14, 191G FINANCIAL NEWS u I u K W TONE OF MARKET IS CONFUSING; WIDE GAINS IN SOME SPECIALTIES O ... I .... i. in " New York Air Brake Advances More Than Eleven Points. Coppers Start Strong but Meet Realizing Amer ican Linseed Preferred Drops ' NEW YOItK, Nov. 14. The market tone was confused throughout the day, n weak openltiK being followed by vigorous gains In many Issues, after whlfch there wni n sharp drive on which somo stocks fell from 1 to C points, but while tlipso movements wero In progress specialties nnd many groups of stocks made gains rnnglng from 1 to more than 10 points. No ono seemed to he nblo to define tho trend of tho market, with incentives In each stock conflicting with the basis of operations In others. Tho greatest advance was made In New York Air tlrake. which rose more than 11 points to 171i, whllo Atlantic, llulf and West Indies roso C points to 121, and Gulf States Steel made an advanco of C4 points to U0. Central Leather ranged from 102H to 1094. with reports of poot liquidation being followed by predictions of extra dividends. Tho motor stocks camo Into prominence In tho lato trading when vigorous buying appeared In Maxwell Motors, which advanced more than 7 points, with gains of nround 3 to A points In Studcbakcr and Willys-Overland. United States Steel common attracted little nttentlon, with mixed trading, but showed a firm tone and after frequent variation In movements ros.o o above 122. Tho copper stocks wero strong at tho start, but met realizing nnd showed little net chango nt the end of tho day. Both tho marlno Issues wero active nnd strong, making gnlns of nround 3 points. Tho weakest feature was American Linseed preferred, which fell nearly 9 points following the announcement of tho declaration of dividends nt tho rnto of 3 per cent per annum. Hoom traders and somo outside operators had recently been heavy buyers on what they considered to bo positive information that tho dividend rate would bo fixed nt 7 per cent. Railroad stocks were In supply nt moderate concessions during tho greater part of tho day, with Rock Island an exception to tho general heavy tone because of statements that the reorganization plan would bo Issued after tho close. New York Stock Sales Lust clone. Illih. tow. Clo. Atlr Itiimrtr 10 1ft 10 10 AJax nubbor 74 74 1 73 U Ala-Its Oold M 12 12 12 12 Ala-ka J Hold M 7 7 7 7 Allh-fhalmrrl Mfe . . . . .11 H'.'Ji .ll'l .11! Aliu-CIMI .Mfg !r SS WH N Kli M'i K v . 02" ( 114 . fi'.l'i . Oil A firmer tono was shown In the bond department, with Lackawanna Steel 5s traded In on a large scale and making a substantial gain. Hock Island Issues wero rtlso heavily traded in, with the Cs advancing from C" to OS. American Smelters Securities 6s advanced from 112 to 113 and Chill Copper Gs wero among the strongest features In the lato trading, moving up from 12S to 131VS. . (! . ir. .. 4ii . lll'i 117 .n.v, in .Mil .. (1,1 . . in:p .. fti . . .It) . M'i . llS'i . .l)t ..1U0W .."IK!, 122 ..IIS 122 .. M'i . . . lOrtJi 107 . Nlj hit's .. 7o! "li . .13M I.S . m Spot Copper 32 'j Cents in New York; Boston ,13 Cents NEW YORK, Nov. 14. Spot copper has sold nt 32H cents a pound, a new high record price. This Is an advance of one-quarter of a. cent a pound over yesterday's quotation. Dealers who havo nny spot copper on hand are holding it lor 33 cents a pound. In Boston a largo Industrial concern paid 33 cents a pound for the spot metal. COTTON SCORES NEW HIGH RECORDS AGAIN Consumption Report, Frosts and Strong Cables Are Responsible for Big Advances New York Bond Sales cottox nr.ir wiathi:r conditions NEW VOHK. Nov. U. Kllllnc frcti urr Kportrd In southern Trias. Arknnui nnd tulftlana. It Is much cnldrr In the western section of the cotton belt, hut norm il tfm peraturvs iirrvull throughout the KuMcrti btnte. rrrrlplUtlott It cenrrnl. The follonlnc tniinrriiture were repnrteil: Oklahoma City. 14i Alillrne. Ml Fort fcmllli. 201 I.lttle Kock. 31) Mrmnhli. Sun Antonio and Nnshrlile. S8t Del Kin, 30i Mirririmrt and Vlcksbunc. 3?i Corpus Chrlstl. 3ti Knoxvllle nnd Chnttunooltu. 3Ki liaUetnn and Illrmlnrham. -IOi Montcomrry nnd Mo bile, fi'i Atlnntri nml Nnlitllle. o3i New Orleans, SSi Tnmpn. OOi llaleltth. 'Jt Muroii and Thomnmllle, (Hi I'eniacnltt, ") llmlnxtnn and fhnrleiitnn. Oil! Savannah und Augusta, 8i Jnrkkomlll?. 70. There ri .01 Inrh of nrerlnltatlon nt ThomnTlIlei . Inch nt Atlanta. Cornu'. fhrlstl. Oaleton. Oklahoma t'ltv nml l'ensacolat .04 Inch nt I.lttle Kock nml Meridian! .00 Inch nt s-hretruort, Del Illo and Nalivlllei .10 Inch at Aklirtillr. Ivnox Tllle and Mobile .IS Inch nt ltlrmlneliunil .14 Inch at San Antonloi .20 Inch nt Jack sonville, and .4ft Inch at Chattunoogn. NEW YOItK. Nov. 14. Cotton advanced Into new high ground at the opening this morning. There was a good general de mand, with spot interests and Important commission houses the leaders. The supply came from southern interests. Liverpool and Wall street. At the start prices were up ten to twenty live points. Business was larger than In many previous days. The Government re port on the consumption In October showed a larger total than had been looked for. and this fact combined with killing frosts In the southwest nnd the very favorable Liverpool cables, was responsible, for the early strength. Naturally the higher prices caused profit taking after the call, but. although the offerings increased there was no let-up in the demand, and by the end of the first fif teen minutes prices had advanced two to fivo points further. May selling at :oii Apprehensions that the reported action of the British Go eminent In requisitioning all British steamer room for grain and metals would restrict the export movement of cotton, leading to un advance In rates and further widening of differences between New York and Liverpool, probably accounted for some early selling. A reaction of 8 to 10 points was fol lowed by renewed firmness toward the middle of the morning. March and later deliveries made new high reconls after 11 o'clock with active months selling ubout 20 to 23 points net higher. ' After the advance of about 20 to 23 point from last night's clpslng figures, the mar ket turned slightly easier after midday. Ycat. close. Open. 11 a.m. 12 m. 2 p m. December ....lu.tm In. ml m.b.'i lu.M 11. 7 January tu.7:i lu.nr. In. nii lii.nn In. mi March 1U.73 iu.OJ nu.iil uii.ii.". yii.ns May vti.tiii sn.l'ii I'O.ID ao.ss jo t'l July i'O.oil v. '-0 Spot 1U.4U Liverpool Cotton LlVEItPOOL, Nov. 14. There was a fair business doing In spot cotton today, and prices were 19 points higher, on the ha'sU of J1.6Sd for mid-upland. The sales aggre gated 8000 bales, Including fcUOO bales American. The Imports were 66,000 bales. Including 60.000 bales. American. Tho mar ket for futures closed Arm at a net advance of 22rj2S points, 77 rv r.s ton 111114 HUh. Conn Adams nxires la rCiH litMit) Alaa Hold iv Ha Ser A Ml tnimii Amcr Agr dvb .", 101 3.VIIHHI Aiuiiu-Krtnch ."t .. . VTi r.noim Atuer Kor Sou ." 1543011 Amtx Smelt Sec lis ..114 liion Amcr Tel clt In Iiv:' ."nil io cU !'? lrj1, JTniiii Amer Writ f'.iper Ss.. ''- l'.'.Mio AtrUaon ndl li so", ltnm do rv .". 1017 nil r.nnn Halt i.- Ohio 3'3 1)4 3IMI0 do .Is ltll'.i II i inn do 4s H2S limitl do cv 4'ia ." lnnn Ileth Sloel 1st 3 104 limn do rid r.H ItttH llilHI IlrooklMl City Int Ha .1IC 1. 1 ii in llrnok Han Tr us ml "lino do 5s 11I1H ltll 7IHIO dill Gov 3s llll'U 1110 31UOII do 11131 lmi'-i 1MIIII) Out leather 1st fis. . .111:1' 2275IIU Chill Copper 7s 1314 ..111111 Clli-8 t ualn I'ri H 11.1 1141100 do ronv 5s '.HI 1JIMIII do 5s rctc 101 iMinit Chi & Alton :i'e r,5'4 L'litlll Chi tit VSt t iI1 4000 : II & Q Joint 4s ""i noil Chl lnd & W Is lnnn Oil Mil i- St I !IMIHI ,ln rv 4Uh. . mono Chl aui' rfd 4s... 7k1? lL'Toiiil do 5s tioH llnooo do 5s c! ono sta,. O.'-s h'Jjiiu City ot Paris lis n.x 3IHMI Cotni Tnl Heo Co t'.s.. S7 4HOO Con tlas conv ts ....1-5'? 13000 Dis S.-c Corn 5s .... 7'J1? 10011 Urlo Ken Is 74Jj loiinll do c-onv 4s Ser D.. N5 mono nu.i & Man rro s. 20000 111 .SU'tl deb I'-jH.. 1'ono 111 Cent 4a 1 0.". 1... 1400(1 Interb .Met l's. . . 21IIOO lntorb H T ref 3s. . I530OO Inter Mit Mur tls... looo Intern! I'apr lis... 2IMHI Jap new 11 S 448. i'lllMI do 44 s lnnn Kun Cltv So 5h.... "IIOII l.ex S: U 5s 14IIIUI l.arka Stei-I 5s lU'J.t. . loo' lM'.nnn l.aeka Sfel 5s ltl.MI. .1113 .-.0110 ljyh Val ot N V 4'js 1II1S 7000 l.lit t M T Sa lliaVj 7000 Lorlllard 7s 1204 12IIOO Minn & St I. 5s 110 1000 Minn St 1' 8 S M 4a.. '.H r.ono M K Sr T 1st Is 7N' 10000 do rfd 4a H3H 301100 do 53 711 5IHIO Mi) l'.ic 4s H7S 50011 do ."s 1U2H col it.. 11"! 12001 Mont 1'ouer 5a loo 2000 Nnt Tulw 5a ID'.' looo N V Air llruke cvt-Os.loil 20IIIHO N Y C & II Ha ll.Tj 11000 do 4s ! -"-j lonno .In I'ji Sl.Tn linoil do con Is N'1 2O0O0 N V City I'is ltis 1 mil ii l do 44s 1011 1 1o4i liiimil N VCih H S. I' 5a lnl'. Mlfin N V N II & II lis 112'i 1000 N V Stale 4?B Sll lnnn Norf & Wcsl Is Ill'a 1000 do dlv 4s I2 l.Miiio Nor l'jt- prior 4s 01 llinnn 1'arlfli- Tel 5s Illl'k lllllll 1'enn.i 4s 1!IS HOW r.iinii do en 4!?s . . . 105. soon Thlls Co i-onv 5s 1022 O.T-J llono Iteadlna Ken 4s !I3 2000 Hep I ft H 3s inn'. lllllll Itlo U & W 1st 4s . .. SO 11OI1O St I, I M H sen As 10.14 Low. B54 Ml 101. 114 H HI P2, 112 HIS N5S 101 J3ti 101' lll'i IWS till, 102',, 102 101 lo.l'i ti'j't ll'.i'i 103'i 12S 112 llfl'4 104 554 734 774 ion loil 7H 117 mi'i US' M7 1234 Cloe 834 Ml mi 1144 lit4 114 H2S 112'i IHJ SOS 101 '.II llll'i 1124 1)34 ltll 102.4 102 101 101 100 11104 10:14 130 111 054 101 554 SSt. 714 101: lnnsi 74 li'.l-4s III'? US'. 7 1254 Am Ar Chemical Am An Cfiem pf Am Ileet Sugar Art Can Am Can pf Am Car A Kdy Am Hide .V Leather.. Am llldii & I, pf Am l.llwod Am t.lnwd pf Am licomotlve Am Malt C'orn'n ft .. Am Smelt .S. Itef Am Smelt & 11 pf Am StiE.ir llcflnlns. .. Am Steel Foundries. . Am Til A Tel Am WooJen Am Writing 1' pf Am Zinc I & Mm Am 7. I. A M pf Anaconda Cop M. . .. Atrh Top Is, SK Alch T A S V pf All Coat Line Ad (lulf A W 1 Ilald I-oco Wks llald I-oco Wks pf . . Halt A Ohio Il.ilt A Ohio pf Ilarrelt Co llrooldyn Union Cai. llutte A Superior Cal Petroleum Canadian Pacific Central Leather Chandler Motor Ch"j A Ohio Chlcaao Great West. . Chl (ireat West pf. .. Chl Mil A St V Chl Mil A St 1'pf. .. Continental Can Col (ias A Klec Chl II 1 A Pac Chile Copper Chlno Copper Col Fuel A Iron Compt T Hi Co Consolidated Gas. . .. Com Products Itef. . . Corn Prod Hef pf Crucible Steel Crucible Steel ft Cuba Cano Suear. . . Cuha Cano Sugar pf Del Lack A Wes. .. Denver A Itlo Gr pf Distill Sec Corp'n. .. Erie Krlo 1st pf Krle 2d pf General Electric General Motors rf. . Goodrich II F 0!) Goodrich II F pf 111!.' Granhy Consol ll'.l Great Northern pf 1171a G N cfs for ore prop .13 Greene-Cananea Gulf States Steel Gulf States Steel 2d pf Insp Con Cop Int Acrlcultuial Int Harv Corp'n Int Con Cor V t c sh. . Int Paper Int Papjr pf Int Nick v t ch. .. liii'i 101H ion, inns NX) 1021f 100), 102' m 111 70 1(1' f OO'i 204 024 lll'i 02'1 111 09 IA). O't'i 2.1 iU' HJ -lu'i 112.4 115 C2!j 114 CO' 10' tVJ!a 151 p:t lfi 117 11 CONSTANT VARIATION IN TRADING ON CURB Oil Stocks Continue Exception ally Strong New Chalmers Motor Shares Advance un (HH l.u.'j i:u'i ,V)'( i24' 02), SH ;,h m M!i Sl'i 1004 l)S' 10.VI KM UK)', 1004 121.', 115 H2', 107 8.1! i 111,4 lit) (i4V, M'i i:i2Ji KJ 02 7.S 81!, llO'i 1014 1IKP, 121), 122 hi 107 172,'i .10.V, .1011 . 07'i . 114 . 4.1 Mf 1S7) l.7'i i.tiia 1.11 1 j 1:114 00' a lio'i ((H, 224 I'lJi 22U 172.", 17Mi 171Ja 1004 102), 107 1014 1034 1014 (0'i 00' II 42 : 07 14)4 42J 04 .12,iM 12o 12.V 90 ... 13i .... 334 .... 234 ... 00! i ... 63 ... 49'i ....1334 ... 184 ... 9l!i .... S.G4 ....1234 ... 71Ji ... !W, ...242 ... 41 .... 424 .... WHS .... ,111a .... 43 9! 41h 3.14 20), 07), r -IS 98), 434 ;u'- 23.4 0(14 .VJJi H 135!, lM'a IS' a 5134 80 123 724 9S4 210 to', 424 30), 514 i;i;a ISO 1S14 li 9t HH 123 7I!f ns4 210 II 424 30), 614 434 ISO 1214 1234 123), sr, (.34 71. 71. II3S 1134 031134 . silTa sil'i nil', . 73J, 724 734 . '.! !IS4 IIS4 . 074 07 17 .102 10." 102 . M HI SI . NS4 ai'i f"1! . Ill 111 Ul 1II2S 102. 111: Financial Briefs The New York Subtreaaury gained 985, 000 from the bank yesterday, maklne a cash net sain since Friday of H. 732. 000. Oold coin to the amount of $100,000 has been withdrawn from the New York Sub treasury for shipment to South America. The New York Stock Exchange haa stricken from list American Drake. Shoe Foundry Company's certificates of deposit for preferred and common stocks. The Baldwin Locomotive Works has re ceived orders for the following locomotives: Two 3-10-2 type for Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Railway ; one Con solidation type for Nevada Northern Hall way ; five 0-6-0 type and twenty Pacific type for Atlantic Coast Line ; sixteen Santa Y typo for Up Ion. Pacific System. NEW yORK BUTTER AND EGGS 14. nUTTEIt IUc!pta. 1 asaln hlsher. Market tbroiuFhoait. Extra creamery. KaHei Kortns, ftlOSUises Htata dairy. 374 W 2BFZ !Ei ttatlon creamery, 82 U 33c. Kiipia. pvaa uses. Krsah pkki fin. id hlchtr. Iltfrbterator. 31 Hi llimc, wliU tKKa. 65tr7Ui tirowo ectlve and hlchtr. IUfruerator. srais, ,vomv. ifHHt raas. oavi V9Cf otnar sraica unuuanseo. J , LIVE STPCK QUOTATIONS Nov. H. HOGS HcelDt,. 88.000 ; atnaar, Muni and butcbtra. 111.30 Mcalpts 18,000 hads market ewar. aKtvc. n.25wl2, cow tJ.Ui aiucKera and leaders. VT,)?.MI1 ulvta, IUQ iffsmH-iyr.iii 111111111 sit r. & S 1-' izpn 5n. . . . 103 50IHMI da ajs w I 0 32000 du In w 1 13 minimi da ht A w 1 ". 724 f 000 rtn tier II w I MI1 looo Htamlanl fla Ha I'll -toon Huuth 1'Ji" 4 HHl Ulliiil do rv la ,HST Kimiio tin rv rftr i 5s.... 1034 7000 Bnulh l'ne Tirm 5. . . ST r.Oilll South Itny Bi'n Is ill lldOll do rim 5s ...1024 21100 Ti'tiiB Co cv Ha 10- 500 Third A"9 rrf 4s Ml", lllllll Vtah Pi'Wi-r 5 flit 29300 U S PtPel S V 5s 10IIH li'Jiinn I' K of U II A I 5 DH 1.1-til ltn.io ITnlon H.ik & I" 5s... 034 20'KI I'iiIpii Pl" lt 4s ru ir.ii.'io I'n H'vva H !' -Is aiij, ..,... ... , -.. tin. ;,.,. ... , it- f ,... ... 30IH) Wftlias1! 2d 5a.. 1200(1 West !'!" trie- "s. r.Oilll West Mil 1st Is., lllllll t S'lori 4s . . 3000 West Union I'd a . 3114 . HO", too .103 . 75'4 . H2 . II t 101)4 102 1014 1024 124 no 4 IMS 77 034 70 1174 inn uti'i 102 li id 113 1124 Il3i 1113'J 101'. 104' 112J 044 02 113'i lot'. ll'.i'i 10.-i, 1134 1154 10114 Hit 1034 103 Ml f.2'i 72VJ Ml 4 101 HRi liu'I N7 70 102 1054 fcO'i l"l 10.14 ns'i 1134 ll'I'I 3H4 0!)1 till) IOJ4 75'i 02 !lli 1004 1024 nil's 11124 12114 un via I34 711 (I7H 100 im'i 102 Kill 1134 1124 115 hilH lll.'l'i 1014 1014 ir-'H h4 1114 112 U3' mi ; 1104 11.34 l3', 05 11'"' SO 11134 103 Ml 112'i 72', h'.l4 mi hH4 h,4 lol'i S7 ill lfl2"i 1(134 so, 111! 111114 IIH'i 1134 llll'i .1114 0:14 mo 1024 75i 02 lll'i Int M M c of dp. 51', .135)5 .13S 07 1 i . 21 . hO . 1S)J ... 07i ...lfH'4 51 41 0 111 101 117'f 431, 51H 142 140 CS4' 25' a 7!) 1S.4 70 105 51 4Bi Gs'a 111 1I9' 1101'i 43 51 137 110 1174 214 7!) IS can 105 50U 40 1 IU 42 024 1254 P!)4 4H4' 35' a 20! 1 (17 51 IS 1354 IS' a !)54 ir,h 123 71!S !IS4 210 ll' 124 3(4 51.4 434 ISO 12.1! a 00 111 ino 1104 43.4 51 l.'SO-'i 110 r.stj 25! a 70 IS 09 105 SOU 134 NRW YORK, Nov. 14 Thero wns n conatnnt variation In the market tono nnd prlco movement on tho nrond Street Curb, tho oil stocks continuing exceptionally Mronf?. with n further substantial ndvnnco In Standard Oil of New Jersey. The Inde pendent oil stocks wero IrreKiilar, Vacuum OH nnd Wyoming Oil ninUInc moderate KalnK, while some of tho other Issues allowed Plight losses. In the motor stocks the new Chalmers Motor, when issued, was the most promi nent feature, advancing from 34 to 3f. Mid vale Steel, after spiling at 60H. reacted to 09 '4. nnd Submarine Iloat. after losing about one point, recovered Its loss. Similar changes, Including rallies and re actions, were noted all through tho nctlve list, but with the majority of stocka sell Ing at moderate concessions nt tho end of tho day. Uutte Copper nnd Zinc was ono of the weak features, falling from 19 to J 7 -?i . Cos den & Co. ex dividend was quoted nt 17 017. Magma was tho strongest of the mining stocks, ndvnnclng to 55 '.4. IMDUSTnlALS nid. Atna Exrlnilvea ,n'i Am-nrit JirK Am Marroiil Canadian t'r Co Canadian Car ft Foundry pref. Chevrolet Motors Sales in Philadelphia Curtlsa Aeroplane Kmerson I'tionoKrarh Haskell llarker Car .... llendee Mr Kathodlon Ilrnnxe pref .... Laurel oil ft Oil, Maulm Munitions Manhatan Trans Mldvnla Steel Otis Elevator Peerless Motors Poole Knalne S S Kresire w I Standard Motora Submarine Trl-inale Film . . . ." t'nlted Motora Cnlted rrndt Sharlne (' B 1, t II com do pref World Film STANDAItD Oil, in . 3 . 40 . II.-. .173 . 15 . 12 . 41 . 23 fl'J fla'i (17 224 nn 12i 7 3JH 014 1 o 4 1 Asked. 10 20 3 'i r.n'i 75 177 33 124 :S 04 Int M M pf cot dp....llt14i 11S5 1151a US Sign Rock Island IMan NKW YOMK. Nov. 14. The Hock Island reorganization plan, drawn by representa tives of stockholders and debenture bond holders, was signed today, the reorganiza tion committee announced. Details will lie made public Wednesday. It Is said the plan Is similar to one agreed upon during the summer. American Linseed Resumes Dividends The American Mnseed OH Company dur ing the year ended September 30 had gross earnings of $2,847,484, an Increase of 1328. 017 over the previous year. The net In creased (418,675 to tl.500.330. The surplus, after chnrges, was $1,176,817, a gain of $469,187, and equal to 8,81 per cent on the $16,750,000 preferred stock outstanding. The company has declared n dividend of 1 ti per cent on the preferred Btock, payable January t to stock of record December 15, and a dividend of 1W per cent payable July 1 to stock ot record June 15. This Is the .first dividend declaration since 1900, Kan City Southern 20)a Kcnnecott Conner 5.4 Kelly Sprlne Tire 75 Lack Steel Co IViJj Lake Erie & W pf 4J Lehigh Valley S1H Loose-Wiles Hlscult 23), Louis &'Nash 134! a Maxwell Motors 72 Maxwell Motors 1st pf Maxwell Motors 2d pf. May Dept Stores Mex Petroleum Mex Petroleum pf Miami Copper Minn St L new Minn St 1" &. S S M...-. Mo Iac w I Missouri I'ac tr cfs Mo Kan & Texas Mo Kan & Texas pf Montana Toner Nat Enam & S Co Nat Lead Co Nat Hys Mex 2d pf Nev Con Cop New York Air brake. New York Central. . . N Y Chl & St I N Y N II & II SVOi West Norfolk & Western. .. Nova Scotia S & a... Northern Pacific Ohio Cities Gas S74 Pacific Mall 25 Pan-Am I'et & T pf 117! i Penn Hailroad 57 People's (ias Chi Ill Philadelphia Co 11! i l'ltts Coal c of dp -10', l'itfs Coal pf c of dp. ...10S Pitts C C & St L SO Pressed Steel Car 7SJ Pub S Corp'n N J Ky Steel Springs 53 a Hay con copper 34 lteadliic lteimbllc Iron Ic S.... Itepubiic I s ,i B ii.'a Snat Ariz Cop 321, Sears. Hoe A Co pf 12(1 Mos-Shcf S & 1 90 Southern Pacific 1004 21H 20' a 50)i 55), 70! a 70 OS), 05.'i 50 i 60 S2?i 804' 224 1334 79)a S3!a 514 70,4 10S.4 95) a 434 32)a 122 2(1 133 73 SOU IS OH 105a 10S 95 UK 32! i 122 25'f 03 71 18 97)3 :b US li 28 . S2.4 49! i . 70 .105 . 90 414 . 33 .122 . 2f!' . 10 . 7)4' . IS . 9S . 32'i . 07 0 .100! i 17 .107 . 43 . 59! i 59,4 . 29i 29,4 .141 111 .114 111 ,110'f 111 . S7'a UO'j . -. '.'; 99 111 41)a 42.4 100), HI 70)5 .132.4 132.4 132', 54 344 100, 1074 KHi S4J !04 504 7U 97.4 50 82.4 22), 1334 79 KIM 51 J. 70' i'i 17!' 97 32 00H 0 27) a 1624' 1074 1004 43,4 434 5SJ, 194 15 43 324' 122 254' 95, 7,4 IS 97JS 33 OS t) 27Jf 172 107 434 5S.4 29! Illinois Ohio I'rnlrl" Pipe S o of California S O ot New Jersey S O of New York oTitrcn on Coden Oil Cosden A Co International Petrol .... Houston oil Midwest Pennine Kapuipa STOCKS 2211 310 302 3.13 IT2 242 STOCKS mi 17 in; 17 74 Heflnlnir 04 MtNMN-O STOCKS Atlanta .J Iturte Copper & Zinc 174 llutte New York 24 Cerro de Paseo 43 first National 44 Florence- (loldfleld 30 Ooldfleld Mercer ltecla Mlnlne 8 Howe Sound 34 Jim Butler OS Jnmlm Extension 31 McKlnley Darrnch RS Muma Copper 33 Mines Co or America 2 Nlplssine Kin Tnv St Joseph I.ead . . West l:nd Con . . White Oaks Cerro fis Mldvala .'.s Kusslan 04 a .. V i. .i'i a ;i-year &'a ii-year do ,7.. . . 20'i .. 77 .. 4 ..121 . . I'HU ..100 .. 081 AH', fit) 234 ins 134 s ".. '-"4 2 m 24 n 14 SIR 3N3 3DR an i 090 211 174 H4 en 7rt 10 in lH.. 21 434 33 s 4 inn 33 no 1 ln., 20i 80 44 123 4. lnnC no'I us4 RAILROAD EARNINGS SOUTIIRUN RAIIAVAT STSTEM SOUTIIEHN RAILWAY 1010. Increase. week November.. Sl.fiA7.Hlin 12im),77ii From July 1 27.241.10U 3.215 ALAI1AMA GREAT SOUTHERN 750 First week November.. From July 1 1111.034 2.063,003 SH.BB3 259.40P CINCINNATI. NEW ORLEANS AND TEXAS PACIFIC $230,744 J28.H9 4,150.005 0on.2U2 First week November From July 1 GEORGIA SOUTHERN AND FLORIDA First week November. . t,',7.017 $7,701 From July 1 U40.853 122.472 M0HILE AND OHIO First week November.. 1220,41)8 121,512 From July 1 4,215.331 183,047 CHICAGO GREAT WESTERN First week November.. 1313.105 117.B7S From July 1 0.00II.04S 7B7.8SO Decrease. 1 39) a 139)a 141 114 110 1104 SOU fe'JU 244 97)a 504 HI 414 414 1004 1005 81)4 S2 7S 79.4 132.4 0.14 o,t; 334 34 U5), lOGJi Slii S3 1154 1154 324 33 97), 5fij; 111 414 424 Brewers Pay Back Dividends PITTSBURGH, Nov. 14. The Pittsburgh Brewing Company hns declared nn extra dividend of Vt of ono per cent on account of back dividends In addition to the reg ular quarterly dividend of li per cent on tho preferred stock, payable November 29 to holders of record November 20. Casting Copper Sells at Advance NEW YOrtK, Nov. 14. A sale of a sub stantial block of casting copper has been made at 30c a pound. The delivery is to be made in February of next year. Only a few days ago casting copper sold nt 29c a pound for a comparatively nearby delivery, understood to have been early next month. 115' 334 120)4 120)i 120)i SI 100J," 274 07,4' 23 48 127 112 1M, 51 10i S9 '9,4 204 07 22 48 123H 125 112 -112 IS 50)$ 14.4 8-1,4 SO, 204 07 23 IS 12S)i 121 IS4 0S!i 29 29 13! i 12H 25), 25 00 59 1114 111.', 744 74 1234 120U 1214 121), lla II 51 11!, 514' 2S!, 101,4 Ot MH :i 5-U, 37f 100 51 IS 51 15 89 122,4 VHH Southern lty 27 southern lty pf 071a St I- &S K 'l 22Ji St Louis Sonthwest pf... 48 j 4-tudebaker Co 124 Studchaker Co pf Ill); Texas Pacific IS Third Avenue 50.4 Union llag S. Paper 1 Da Union lias & l'air pf. . 83 Union Ilae & P new 113 United Clsar Stores OSJa United Fruit 100,'a 103U 100U 103i Union Pacific 1474 1171a i40U 147 U S lnd Alcohol 135.4 139a 130 U b Itcalty 6: Imp 29), United Hys Inv Id United IIyi Inv pf 24 U S llubber 595, U S HuliU-r 1st pf 112 U S &ni It & M 73,4 U Sr.iw.-I Corp'n 120), US Steel Corp'n pf. ...1214 Utan Coppir Ils4 120 Va-Caro I'hem lt'j 4l!a Va Iron Coal & C 52 59); Waboih 15)f 15 Wabasil pf A 55'', 5"' Wabash pf U 2u. -9j Velern Union Tel 1014' lull. West E .V M 04 OD, Wctern Mar land 265i 26), Wheel & I, K 1st pf.... 4 3)1 Wbltu Motor 55 55 Wliljs Overland ST'A Mil Will Overland pf KX) 101 Wisconsin Central Mli 51 WoolvvurtuPW 1XS1, VMi 13SH li8)j Ex dUWtnJ National HUcult preferred, 14 per cent. 13'J 29 13)4 25)i 59)i 1114 744 123 1214 119), 41 57 )a 144 5..;, 294 U14 1,1 20), 3)4 55 3S 101 51 Big Gold Shipmejit to Argentina NEW YOrtK, Nov. H.-rGold coin to the amount of 12,600,000 has been with drawn from the Subtreasury for shipment to Argentine. Sugar Futures Easier NKW YORK, Nov, 14. Sugar futuni opened unchanged to a decline of 6 points today, with sales on the call 900 tons. The easier feeling around the ring was due to, tho probability of a lower market for raw sugar. '."s. . Granulated Sugar Prices NEW YORK. Nor. U The Federal to. day quoted 7 76c for fins granulated sugar, while all the other refiners asked 7.60c. The last sals In spot Cuba raws was niyininjsi! M S.. ,MAi ) Wheat at Liverpool klVKRPOOL, Nov. 14. Spot wheat was steady today, with No, 1. northern Uuluth quoted at 13s 9d, unchanged; No. 2 hard wlntor ISs 2d, an advance of l'.d; No, 1 northern Manitoba 16s, a gain of Id; No. 2 northern Manitoba ISs S'.jj'd and No. 3 northern Manitoba Us 6H3( an upturn of Mi. The stock of No. 2 western winter It exhausted. Corn was steady at an advance of 2d, with American mixed and plate quoted at 12s 8d. 59s Cd. Klour was unchanged at NOTICK OF MKKT1NU TO ISSUE IAr,IUIIUdl DlUl,lk KOTKB 18 iiU-ltt-lif UIVI..N that on the 13lb da ot Drituibrr, lUlli. at IU a. in., the Stuck. LUJII Ail f WiVV lvanta. will hold i c of a&ld Comoany. 9 oaniooi & . & corDoratlon of titata of l'eitniylvan.a. will hold a mctfnr il omc I ha rvrlni'lii; North American liulMlnr. . Hrpad t.. at SI ia mna Hftninr s .L .1.. UklU.l.hl. . t, .. in i urn uij w iiHBUf iiii, wi m vur nf raonaldrlnf th advisability Of laaulnz prUrrd atock of tha aald corporation ip tba araount of Twanty Tboutand Dollara (120.000) Lmjq atoca 11 a iutvrtr in m sxd to Isiaua ilia ai USUt ot tit atockUoldira aha U wwynt if( aUwatary. Voting Trusts A brief discussion of the pur poses and operation of Voting Trusts is included in our November Circular The circular also describes many desirable bonds, offering Investment Income Ranging From 4Ys to Over 6 Copltt will be furntshtd on rtvutat Edward B.Smith &Co CiiBLisnrD 1802. BANKERS Ifembrra ,Vu Vorfe nnd rMIodflr-Ma Stock Bzchanott 1411 CnrsrNCT 8t., Pnii.iDr.Lrin SO Pink Sheet New Yobk lllsh. 20 Acme T t o en 2S do tcpfd 0S 400 Allls Chnl. Sl 100 Amer Mill, 7 2 Am llys pf 07 H 200 nnld Ico. 1.114 0 II A S t c. Ot 13.1 do pfd. . 1)0 100 Ches A O. flit If, A Catnwlssn 11 pfd.. (12 Vi J 2d pfd . . ft2 14 18.1 r.lco Stor. floij, IS Clen Asp pf 72 AO Int M M ct 44 ' flO do pfd ..1 1ST. no II & II T.. IS It Ins Co X A 27 S20 Ky Sec pf. s.t 100 Kenne Cop BOVi mo I.k Sup Crp 20 so l,ch Nav .. !"!( S7.1 l.elt Val .. SI 14 24 I.eh Vnl Tr 21 00 do pfd . . 42t)i ino Miami fop 4214 0 Mlnehllt .. 67V4 lioo Nev Ton. 2H 12 North I'n. 0.114 420 I'enna II 11 7 111 Pa Salt M 90 20 IMilla Co.. 4114 1S.1 do cum pf 4014 7I l'hlla Klec 2D14 17211 TltT tr cfs 2!Ki 1 10 Phlla Trnc so 20 l'r Steel C 70 SIS Hay Cons. 3114 100 Heading. . .10014 US Ton Bel. .. 44 4(10 Ton Mill. . Old 207 t'nlon Trnc 47"ii 17.1 Un O Imp. 0114 IS L'n C K J.220 770S IJ S Steel. 123 fi Wcstmor C so 20S4 Cramp & S 02 20 York Hy pf 3014 J-ovr. 00 OSH SI 7 0714 ASH 01 no 004 Net c-rme. Close. n OS SIM, 7 0714 S3 14 01 no noti, mi r.5',4 0014 72 41 1 H W ( 1 T4 2', B214 li 0014 14 43 1184 lts'i, 2i 14 72 44 13 27 S3 ftflVi 25 SOU 80" 21 4214 4214 0714 2? 0314 ni OOlfc 4114 40 20W. 2314 SO "0 3t mnii 4 n 47V, 01 22S-i, 120 80 83 3014 13 27 S3 30 Va 14 2314 "4 SI Th 80 114 21 42-i 4214 3714 2714 li "i 4 111 14 0314 4 noifc 0014 "' 1114 40 20 li 2014 80 70 1 14 ',4 4 14, 4 CRAMP SHIPBUILDING STOCK GOES UP 7 POINTS ON LOCAL EXCHANGE All of Gain, Which Is Made to the Accompaniment of Various Rumors, Is Not Held to the Ulose-Rapid Transit Certificates Moat Active 34 10014 Hi 4 014 4714 4 14 01 1 220 41 123 4214 80 on 43 3014 When Cramp Khlplitilldlnc stock advanced 7 points In the IradlnR on the Philadelphia Stock KTchnnKO to 92 this afternoon, the lilKhest point of the year. It Kave the Street something new to talk nliout. All of the ndvanco vvns not held to tho close, how ever. Kales, which were assumed to be pront-lnklnc, causing a loss of 4 polntH from the best. IluvlnR of the stock vvns good. A large majority of it was for New York Interests, nlthough local people who are Interested In tho company's affairs were also prominent In tho mntket. While there was nothing definite to nrrount for the sharp ndvnnce of the stock there were plenty of rumors In circulation. These rumors ran from buying for rep resentation on the board by New York In terests to the refinancing plnn which the company's directors now havo under con sideration, nnd It vvns said that this plan would cnll for the Issuance of preferred stock. Kor the last fiscal year the earnings of the company were about $18 n share nnd the general expectation Is that tho return this year will be nround $25 a share. While Philadelphia Itapld Transit trust certificates continued by far the most nctlve throughout the day. the price movemM was over a narrow course, being a frsctln. under nnd n fraction above the close of v terday quite n number of times durlns- i. day. The closo vvns n trifle higher nil wnrd of 16,000 shares came out XothiiT new was heard with regard to the com pany's affairs, except that there was s m-' confident belief that n favorable agree.!! will be reached with the city very w nnd that the last dividend, which was i dared In September, was meant to U ." semiannual payment. as tar ns activity was concerned Ijiv. Superior Corporation stock came In i. quite n llttlo nttentlon, but the movement In tills stock. Inn. Mr ... "'.m,n' ' of 1 point vvns made by American Mini. The October earnings statement e I?: H Keystone Telephono Company showed . contlnilat'on of good earnings. The rn. for tho month was $124,174, an lncre.il of $0060. nnd tho net was 161,879, a gain $6399. Tho net surplus was $34,409 an I. crease of $4873. . . an Is, For tho ten months of the fiscal vet 4 gross earnings were $1,211,618, nn lncreai 4 or j;,--i i ; net si !82.247; net $599,760. Increase $12iV. J surplus $326,220. Increase $24,898. ' 0014 loon 08 103 ns KINDS High. lAtw. S3S00 A C&l. Bs OOiJi 10000 Choctaw gn 5s lOOVi 1000 do cons 5s 08"ii 2000 Elec & I'co Tr 4s .. 81H 2000 I.eh & New K 6s '54..10SVI 1000 Nat Pr 4-6s B8 20(io Newark V Hy6s ...103 looo Ta Co gen 4Hs ...102 8000 do cons 4Hs lOJiJi 1000 Phila Co cons 5s. 00V4 1000 Th Klec 4s 87 loooo Head gen 4s 1000 do Term 5s 25000 Ln rtwy Inv 5s. Close. 0014 100VI 08!i Net 4 li Oi 8111 81 U V 10314 118 103 103 102 103-ii 0014 87 102 14 lo.yn ooi4 R7 OSi 03 OSli .112 73 112 73 112 1 V 14 DECLARED DIVIDENDS Philadelphia Company for Guaranteelnc Mort wages, regular of a rr cent, payable December 13 to stock ot record November 2U: JlOo.noo v-as added to the surplus. Canadian rncific. regular quarterly of 2',4 per rent on common slock, payable January -to stock of record December 1. Excelsior Trust Company, regular semiannual of 2V4 per cent, payable today to stock of record samo date. American Thread Company, usual semiannual of 'J'i per cent on the preferred stock, payable January 1. Hooks closo today and reopen De cember I . . Montreal Cotton Company. Limited, recular quarterly of 1 per cent on the common and 1 per cent on the preferred stocks, payable De cember 13 to holders of record December 3. National Cloak and Suit Company, usual quarterly of $1.73 a sharo on preferred stock, payable December 1 to holders of record No vember IN. Illinois Pipe I.lne Company, usual semiannual of $12 a share, payable December 18 to holders of record November 20. FOREIGN EXCHANGE NKW YOItK, Nov. 14. In the early deal ings today the foreign exchange market showed continued sluggishness. -In the main rates were unchanged with the exception of n firmer tendency ln ftusslnn exchange and a shade easier turn In lire. Quotations were: Demand sterling 4.75 11-10. cables 4.76 7-16; sixty-day bills 1.71i, ninety-day bills 4.69'4 ; frnnc cables 5 83'j, checks 5.84'4; reichsmark cables 6B,. checks 69 9-1C; lire cables 11.6614, checks 6.67 : Swiss cables 6.22. checks 5.23 ; Vienna cables 11.88. checks 11.86; kroner Scandinavian cables 28.40. checks 8.33; pesetas cables 20 43, checks 20.36; guilder cables 407s plus 1-16. checks 404 less 1-10 ; luble cables 29.80. checks 29.70. In tho early afternoon the market was sluggish nnd uninteresting, witTti no quotable changes from the earlier reported figures. Iteichsmnrks held at 694 for cables and 69 9-16 for checks. Time 2 01 4 iMl$ l m rnua- RATES FOR MONEY Call New York 2 934 Philadelphia 4. Ilnstnn 3 Chli-non 3' (IT 4 Commercial paper, three to six months, dlphla. 34 3" per rent. Condition of U. S. Treasury WASHINGTON. Nov. 14. Tho condition of the United States TreasurySaccordlng to a statement issued today, was as follows: Net balanco In general fund. $138,157,439; total receipts. $23,041,267; total disburse ments, $37,677,242; deficit for the year, $102,246,176, exclusive of the Panama Canal and public debt transactions. NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NKW YORK. Nov. 14. The market for coffeo fyturcs opened steady this mornlnj upchnnged to nn advance of 2 points. Trsit Ing on the call was fairly active, with .)., i amounting to ouuu Dags, November December January . . February . March . . . April .... May June July August September October . . Hid. Today's opening. S.'st'ij's.i'i 8.23 s.'i'o'ss'.is 8.'n38,o5 8.'fl2'H.70 k'.in 8.75 BANK CLEARINGS Hank clearings today compared spondlng day last two years. mm mis rnuaaeipnia . ;. i m. Boston 47.447, iai. 13 $42,033,011) tSJ.J,l)7IH7 3 44.013.665 32,818.10, r"trdty. 1 . .ln". 8.29 6(.s 8.4I)S.4, ;-5i8.h " M 88.81 . i S-'gaiie o5.; J. 8 738.; v i ,; with corrs- I TAX FREE IN PENNA. HARWOOD ELECTRIC COMPANY 1st & Refdg. 6's, 1942 Prico to yield 5.65 MELLOR & PETRY .Members N. Y. & rhlla. Slock Eirhantes .130 COMMERCIAL TRUST I1CII.DINO 41 I i (: i!Bt:imTm'wm!33airfflm3r2,ti,3::ii;.T:iis!:a::nicjErrrs3a Mortgage Bonds Providing Liberal Returns The investor who takes the trouble to investigate securi ties can always discover some good mortgage bonds yield ing returns that apparently are too high to be truly con servative. We invite requests for our Letter No. 2541. that de scribes three bonds of this kind, and explains why such well-secured obligations can be purchased at compara tively low prices. William P. Bonbright & Co., Inc. MORRIS WISTAR STROUD, Jr. Mnnacer 437 Chestnut St., Philadelphia Bolton New York Iondon William I. Donbrlght A Co, Detroit rrls rtonbrlsht & Co. DIRECTORY OF ACCOUNTANTS mis Certified ruhlle Accountants LAWRENCE 1-5. HKOVVN A CO. HEAL ESTATE TRUST Ill'ILDINO An Office for the Shopper ORGANIZED in 1809, this company has always made a particular effort to perfect its service to the individual, and it is prepared to relieve its clients of every detail connected with the management of their financial affairs FOR the convenience of those who require banking facilities in the shopping district, we maintain a fully equipped office at 1415 Chestnut Street, with Safe Deposit Vaults, a well furnished apartment for ladies, and accommodations for committee meetings ' and business conferences Inspection of the office welcomed Philadelphia Trust Company 415 Chestnut Street :: HIS Chestnut Street Philadelphia El IBHHHS&giuTOTtrrHM , Graham &Co. BANKERS 435 Chestnut Street Municipal Bonds We will be glad to send upon re quest our current list of offerings of high - grade Pennsylvania Municipal Bonds that arc legal investments for Trust Funds and are Free of Federal Income Tax and Pennsylvania State Tax Government Bonds Yield from 2.30 to 6.60 Railroad Bonds Yield from 4.10 to 5.35 Public Utility Bonds Yield from 4.60 to over 6 Particulars regarding attrac tive issues of any of the above types of investments will be provided on request. .J.0larK$go. HANKERS (Established 1831) 321 Chestnut St, Philadelphia IIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIiillllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIlI! The Time to Buy IT Is part of the Complete Servlei of Jones & Baker, Stock nro IT Is part of the Complete Service or Jones ec Maker, stock loo kers, to investlcate throuch their statistical and analytical de partment, securities of merit traded In on the New York Curb and to bring these stocks to the nt tentlon of the public. This Is ac complished In their WEEKLY NEWS I.ETTEK In which is pub lished each week In addition to the latest dependable news on 40 to iO Curb issues a two-page ana lytical report on some stock of In trinsic merit that Is likely to hare an Increasing market value. Take for Instance the group of new Copper Issues enumerated be low t Jones & Daker were the first In dependent brokers to prepare and publish complete analytical reports on these Coppers which without exception have justified their se- Companr Magma Copper 8-25-15 Green Monster 9- 6-15 Howe Sound 12-16-15 Ray Hercules 1-13-16 Consolidated Arizona 1-27-16 Jerome Verde 6-12-16 Big Ledge Copper 8-14-16 lection as worthy of reporting for the benefit of the public. The following table shows the date of report In the Jones & Baker WEEKLY NEWS LETTEE-the price on that date and the subse quent high i Uato' Ileport ITIm at Block fintwqaa-rt ntft $14.00 2.00 425 3.12J4 1.75 2.18 355 $53.00 6.87 tf 8.00 5.12J4 3.00 2.624 8.00 Incj'wm PcOeol 271! 243W 88 64 71( 20 146 Weekly News Letter r raorrrs muno lt izifziZli'.liz z"-": J0MS8 4 SAKSH, Wtdner HMtin), PkUtdtlfUt, Pa. OfOll.m.ni I ibsll tw (U4 ta recti- tb currtot lssu row Wtckl N"i letter. sr- X Nttt Addrt tM'''l ' rgi at... When theaa reports appeared ln the WEEKLY NEWS LETTER all of these Copper stocks were new nnd comparatively Inactivo. Those who saw In them the merit outlined In these analytical reports profited ereatly, for once the general public realized their value, the stocks became active and advanced. This ta 8EHV1CE without cost and every Investor interested in the New York Curb securities should read the Jones A Baker WEEKLY NEWS LETTEB. If you would like a sample copy send the coupon for the current issue. "Nothing to Sell But Service" Jones & Baker STOCK BROKERS PHILADELPHIA V. Widcjner Buildina V. UL. IBell.Wa.nut 1690-1 T.,V rnoneS: Keystone, Race 2290 iw-TttH.iimi.mi.iiiiim JwYorKChIcggo'BottwhiMlghittfitt-iburgK fl V