'fl BVSMSd Iiimfill-pmiiAtoElifflA S ATOT&AY, -WOf EMBES ft 1918 iHiMWrMBl ilM APOHjO -"M"'" it is Witit faithfulness to thenarrtofiMtislhc'alc'r (jt Wo are .offering only IHc best. Mullnra milr atii nd Thttmplbrt fiU Visitor WiLL MID MUCH THAT INTERESTING iNOTdPLAY NTEfttAiNME:NT AT THE SOON-TO- 'Great No uSerti Theatre irdSt.&ErieAve. ; this Comfortable v Theatre lias a distinguished batronasre and we fc." gdtirantee that the & entemMment a h d , service offered are V In keeping with the home standards or the most exacting. LIBERTY eM4 Ave. above Broad Street I : I Kve, r) -t J4I Where CiiMfott H P&ramQunt Art nlr of chebrful cbilricss haS ttlhtla . this Ifie ident family lhfeatci Comfott Ik ttid kbyrlblb bl Hit I h a appointments and cburtcBy" tHb watchword of" every attendant Our pic tured IhSuto j'oU tlio best entertainment in illrridom. Tint M ihiraood" The Theatre of Happiiiess Stands Aidtiei JH Nefth Philadelphia far Hi&rt Cl&sl rUretafrylusic ziSMgW , 'nliiiliMJ A feW HfeUttUtet'e t Hiltl Will alSb fclVo rbV8 brtinkbld SntettkltUHKi :IoOjieafciitec !! !! ! !! !! !! !! ! ' " h 11 it ta il i ilrd&d and Susqlfetianria ytitt thb latest m dUdtlflns" bf , t li B Wdrld Hi Mutton pid itlresi Agitated Pictures May be1 dorrfict fof ROttitt theaters, bill we flhbW elBKr, Steady HUhlbtir bf fr'dth ccllulbld, df eblirSfe, they're1 trite ilrJH pictures', arid bf the beat, tee riHMHNflkiLi MUHfWAHh Ami 4 H i itAi' i Mm GO TONIGHT The fright Spot West Philttttefehia Where the Heal Motion Pictured Are Shown Beat ijiiiMiiiiiuiwwuiiMrtiartih ridMfc hMfe arty afr&Mfcr '"' er1 evening Wf tWS cWl(ifWi of yawvtttoai frien& with yftMJ VM H alvVayt ttri kl fee H wftR tlii tfrefetm rA tiitiii it UidMld Pkhm MMMriMliilHiM Come tlcrc Any Day nHd SCO HorrlcthiHp more wonderful. much creator nnd thari tho "Usual rhovihg pictute." (Ibcldedly later i ii i . , , aitUib Orciieilfa Ortfth I'liiHd Jtli and iJatiphltt Sis. liiliiiiiili till III! ill mwSmb Booking Company WhcH ththtfcri , bbtnlh their. blctUtes , titfdlltfh titli antcc Of flH ctirlV ritbIHs. tif ,tht linMt tittniucuonv MW'I NLfeV tidoking Cbthpahr, II W .Uar- ltlHilfl Di-n rorlAWiOl (lAfhfM ttt llilllrtlh ..'. itiit tln-rtttf- IH Vrttir iftnlltV bMm bMW mHiiUm. BTANLKY HOOKtNU COMI'ANY. I Mualral Rftlocttona at t Kve. i i all twirfrtt-mAnoM hv I t i::'. "-"J'--'-" l a'n I loo concert urKn. i i LOGANTHEATRE T ...Mi.! i'i ! i. r t II 1 1 1 1 i u !gWLL' 'Mwl.1 " Ml III III K'!V5'S ,?Z&ji I II III fdd StibUtd D& Ttl?l1lft- till! wilt tin nmlrl lipnlthv Rurroundtnea In It. mbJern building With EipncloUS nicies; tilorlty of exits: nn nbundanco ot fresh air; drinking wnter from Hanltnry fountains: n now, clean program to every patron : Abort that aro scrubbed : carpets, arap'c"Me'ff ft h 3 chairs cleaned every day. and a bright, moral. Instructive, entertaining program of photoplays. IMlcher Organ Music Specially Pronhrod Screen gives tho plcturo a distinct clearness. 4819 North Brodd St. I Absolute Guarantee I Supporting Only o tiR sirice desire and ; purpose is to bre- tent clearS, whole '8b me pictures, fthicH will afford ' ehtertaUirhdttt 'for the whblb 'family; SSmS .r'jVj $?!!?: r.VSvMV. .;...... rsuitxi !ACLsWSsELr5J illiViu; The purpose of this ctlbist ad is not only to make yoUteadit, but to. bring to your attention the cotP venienlly located kimt&& Theatre 10)6 Matkct St. CcHllAuouiS:3t) A. St. ti ll P. 3t. jjjJjsiMm ViMMjvMiui4a Discnmination is a guard dgainst disap pointment, and those who exercise it by going tb the Rialto Theater will be more than repaid; Why. riot visit this theater of distinction? gi 4 Market bel. 7th Orient Id A. ii. ttM itiis . ii- AdmUkldh lOd r SAVOY dOtmUOOy 8:80 A.if. to il P.M. A WetUDefined Policy not the result of a hit-arid-'ftiiss plafl, but c.1tt fully thotight out, gives you tile kmd of motion plchifeJ you WdHtj Bfr SjX Always fl hlfeh-claii tifdBram lier'e Iht best prddlicUdrlS, feaf ttiring thi rrld!t H6Ud stars. tgt i2ii Mate Street W ALL METRO PICTURES REGENT Show First in Philadelphia at the VICTORIA After a tittntf day see ETRO ICTURES It Vdur favorite mtee and be refreshed FiF iHrlfl hIBljJJ BLUEBIRD pESyS fupriiHi fa AHWr?, Players Produclioiii fkthrldr in tieiall Mdfihdrmor of forjr. rW thlM AT YOUR mtU tlltJAtRS HwdUrKy ef ik.ie (.riUMUW J4 tkavUf IM wWitiiWIi WMmUUm of tka Daw fmnili MdHiir f r -s.'r j WF A - -. . iK . , . , .,.J:jr ..WJ.. iHi WMWflMlllM -fwii-' -tVj TO THE PUBLIC $kufais& 'AaZcfcts. sTed-MZa. ltyu Wj&&&' tzms. u ; r?-s l 7W,C7Hl M?V?Z3 unrtnttc62ZyWuw 4,&&teZ$! ijM&Jdf Oases Ji iWA 'S3 V riHMMi rln Jfcitatf u ;"'" Ck r'.f' "Phottipiays t)d Llixe Wio biifhse rftiiy- Weaha haihinij briless it bfi a soclnted Vrltfi tild 41st ahd Laiieasicr Ate. kimdAll okoAn recitals DAILY wnf' r7 VH 'M 6 h'aVii iofhe the constantly. jHcrfcUHfl Htlfnbet of. lit dial jiht6bly thtiAWs' to Ihii mw uti lii tontlnee yU of the stfe filSSi LiBHieft IALA0l5 dcrftinritoWri find LchlftK AtcMj MARMOT tf UAbltt1 fiV. g-fl A. M. CONTINUOUS ll Pj I. lAiintaxsteiii ra i . i. ... . ., .ii. i Unique EMcUM Ueaiitittll THfiRfe'S A DlFFfiHENCE BETWEEN MOVIE AND PHOTOPLAY What tcrrlblo nims flick- credvears ago ! They were movie then., Toaay tne pietdrb jilhyi afe Hacll Ing the utmost In art , We present WlOTOPIiAY. "A Vitit Lead to Evrldtling Palronaf" WHY vfoatd tirn; ehrgy" ahd rnoitey sceklfig th6 tibST photoplays when Vdu caii see thMri herd- doily f 6uif If6t5e Jbhe tirilt Orciiefetfai 6fafi i3 an bthcr ledtbre.- Matiridc Efery l)a? . . i u SDa'tiJooLiS : Q 64th and riaitlmofe Ave. P '. I Q Zm Itmatterd hot what, day ydli sti- lect for a visit tb this theater-, VbU will always fifid a n entertaining programi Special features daily. ; iiiiiiittiilHitiUHkUj lTfffmFi Distinction Marks this Theater of Complete Entertainment TIOGA 17lh ant) Venango Streeti m I WA - i. VkW ie Hi eW iKiUurnkfil oi, tUi kind K 15 ISi J E JtEOi'rAi.s riAtlf , S n m vr THE production oft bigger, better ahd finer plays plays that would mirror life in its many and varying aspects plays1 depicting a little bf the sorrow( A little of the joy of thiri wbrld 6t btifflf blended into a perfect whole by Waster of screeticraft, and which would make Ud the better for seeing them; playd that would appeal to people of finer tastefc ' such was the goal We Bet one year ago, When W6 bfganlzed the Triangle Film Corporation. During tjiiS ebrripafatively short timfe the' whole plctllrC play ?ndus try has felt the benefiting Influence of this supreme organization that created a new eta Irt the tealm bf the slleHt drama, and VhbSe ftrbdilctlbrtfl dUHrig thfe Coming year will go down in the annals of the sllenWrt as "UnlciUeT' Philadelphia ThrU HARRY W. 5CHWALBK 13tH at Vine "fkay An itfttftnP i 9 aHBaMB1BMJ,,HMaaMMMi .1 I PepbUi' Stars that Are Khswh tb Every MftViag-Pictwre Fan , SfiHtfAi pffcr-M beautl Art CttiHr o; Maty frie.uiUli eve Mf given or mow cidrtl Movie trj tii. Order of ok VMcra m 'Ti'iSC . - V -. . V t '. 1 'rE'' " MMMaMiai i", Butifully Cdm 'Pmtok AN BR awn iniH y KLIME POStU CO., W. 1307 ViU BJ.pliHilfhii HWalMMBatMMBllMMalHBMI -cir'.'.i 1 rniMpirf. , ( U v A,-. " :