aF ' SjJ' '" if EX I VElffiG LfeDAfiHPiEftiiAfiBttHiA', SAtftfftDAf , 6vStffiBR ti, 118 jbbbmshbbi 1 1 m 11HM T WEEK: BROAD, LAURETTE TAYLOR IN "THE HARP OF LIFE"; WALNUT, "KEEP MOViN AN ALL--9TAK IWle PlAV "1""1".1 "" ' "" ' frMuWittstoMa "" ""- ..1--JJ., ESS3I5iSraSI!HB9HBl'MBl! RrM- ISiMBMBLJi''-.tBB Mw(t&aJ!iV MbbbbbbbP KiLtffr 'wfl I'vH ill ' iHrl9l BTtBf lJBgtjHV aHLaH.4eBBBR nnpjLHMHM p BBBBIPbbbbbbwbbb1bbb'-'T yjM. jMHBBMMIBMHBBBB i r.gmrcmeatrfiaa&cs IggMSiSSSiaCrOr Jack DWH to Fannlb.WMfd W4Mftbel NoMhShd. It all arrived on a soUvchlt- bbslcnrd with their BTtctihlra to feletuWj "T&6 Years of the LocUSt," at thd Stanley Monday; but just how Miss Normand, of the Triangle auiwcs) Kuk iiuu uio picture is unoincr Jimitcrt : f. Loiiclorl WtiSre (SSbftcl Arnericaii Actors Go $b Star of "The liaftJ fil Life" fida6i:ibes the Utotiia of the Players lo Wlildk !3iifc Brought "Peg tf4 My Heart" 6dtTlALLT etefy actor in Ehglahd is . ibU r)re,wi every actfbss a Mrs,, Flsft8. . WjiMsa this Urie4ulvbcal gbntrallty ban MtaroVed, iUt whdt gehbbailly can- it. In hhy event, instincts of.&ri ticlbr'B 1 borBhil nott Brattulh EhgtldH bbeltir umcifehtlr rare la b tha i-u o-faFoV tie tlohs. Whatever hi ttbciai statioh. & II & r f liniiitaC; iittUtr I.ho 1111m. m ll a call Exet)tlhft tads aHd eats' thfe- ai ioik in Ivomlon enjoy a atandine In Mmmunltv whfph. hv nntitrnit dmnho. Mjhe fact that a.ln Atnri6& ard Still J4jj,n!,r ways actors lH LoHU6h,liaVa a i?"ie,r.u" 5 it tnati liBrh. Th6 k hd. meiSUrfl of iH6 fcrcdrer PntiitdUMtMn H bir "th8 fnAtmMfnhii ' Ml fSaspH i hiVD decided lb burtl fcrlh Hfl.Wht 1H tills iashloh IS Kini-nlV that it M to ;no tlhie adltlebody did, MoBt of Enfrllah wftl0ri wtih tMl a tM 1 W i-ourid trlh bf a flVfe-day boat come M tonnqh With tM Idea that th lZ.0 ? L WHr.JhiPrtsslons to End- Muiumn is 10 ioimw the beaten track 1 roast y. Ameflcan critics whoso i ... I ... ,""""' . iiuvh reau eem im ,MM With the, SAM Idea. Now t' lived In I feel at taming- about, By LAtl&Eff'E TAVLok a plalitt tlnlnlBKlHed by the most optimistic chbi-Us" Slfi In her rosiest dreams. Until youfr opbbfltlnliy comes you Buffer disap pointments Sticn US no ranUest amateur at lidrna 6ver has Id face v& talk a ferfcat dial Hfaout Broadway Id August with Its huliateds bt bnemployed aclbrs, Is thfcte aHy lale bf Surtetlhtt and bHvatibrt that uas not ueeh told about tha American actor of genius who Is forever bolng robbed of his chance to prove ItT "The tfllllt la that New Yolk Biters d sbote of biiborldnltlBS for Mtt? bhH that eilStS ift Lbndoh S6 fdfr hi ths thealef Is fcoH- E wn tne sams Idea. Now nddH almost Mt years, and t I Know trim t T'ni ii,i . AZJiv W ht filhet-to the limit, thb determth iTn,( kr JS.Just "?. thihg oppottdnlty, !h.lare able to B!t ah eheafeemfeht tand " you) you And yourself arrived on U Is mllcn east5r to break Into the tiank bf lilttBland than for an .actor without a London record to break Into a London pro ductlon. But fbr the actor whom London likes ! In England there hot Only Is hd maune on Christmas thcrl Is ho evening per formance either! Ever sine I have been on the stage I Have pldyed two befformaribes bn Christmas Day Urrtil last Christmas In Lbndon. Eveh If the rest of tho year proved barren of en gagements, I always, seemed able to lose Christmas at home. , , Thd rrtah Ih whdsa theater I played In KW York 14 a devodl catholic. He folj ioWed his natdral Instincts a yMr dKo ahd cldsed ih theater Obod Friday nleht. Cut sued a Btofm of disapproval Was pbured dowh In his boor gray hairs he boujd Hbt slimrtidK UJ bbdrdBS enodgH id respect a dajr bf such kteat significance as Christmas. A CKance for Philaclelphia IF JfOU- want to generalize about it, the trouble with our dra hiatife output today is low art and high prices. T'flOn aia n rr,rA vni-fr nAOalUIn 44vn Vint- 4-t rtnltF rwtn (tried so far In PhllaiteiriMii rtriS itH own Khfc tiafHoiilfir ovll. rie tittle Theater hidVeiftenl, wlilcH littfi Bpread 66 widely. bVel4 tho country, rhajF prbdUfib High dtt) b'Ut it alstt tddUeed high pleeii. There id onlvone wav'to mnkn 16 tirleea nuatain a Little 'Theater MiifcH tfivS triimi Hrf. fhnt ia tiio iinrt Af hmnfmlK hr afrrn. Raraiteur, Udok atid directors. Philadelphia had a verv small but verv Satisfactory samnie blthis last season in the1 Stage gofilety's wdrk at the Little Theater. Now comes the np.wfl tVirUi f.hH BAP.ffiHr itt ih tfriW HH Ifttri & ttWi xfeifient institution. It will keep the Little" Theater open every night in the week and present much the same type 6t entertaih- nc as last year in bills rtlhhlng two weekd. lij i W dvcht of M aWfiteUr does fidt mean thd ad Vent of m Mctirilj; It mcahfl' legs' polish but it also nleanfe a grdater" tinthu- m AM oftener a, kedfter ipsight into the ihipof t bf playa and w. IH fact, it mnnnR a frflfthor and kpnor nnlHf. nf -winv( in pWfytliirig, from s-fcfhy tb aUUleiice, 1I-j-mJ 6a8e f tlie St8&9 Societv jt iheans at least a distinctly v'$Plan expression ill dramatid aft; thd creation bf a locai wm8tie institutibh ffbrit Which a local drama ih&y Spring. Mnd df f Wg t6 Make them b&ialblt, ihe BiiecesM bf IHi Washingtdri BUar Playersfirst with wMfc Blrttiint' Vnfllyo n "hia-ar Vni-t otirl nnvf UrlfVi Itli Uhotr nt WUi htillsfui Vii-'rt &f liifc t.ifflii rfiiaatoii Qtiootc wall tn t, ttP&M itl8 St Sbtiiety; . JiUtiSKfc. ;. -fn Stage Society must i-Bkliltli lt rbonslbilityi ' We Stage M ttflit KMB ttfM novel arid bWutifti 11,1. t.V. lMtl i...l.L.l L'ilil ii ..I. tl KlI Ji.j niuuii iucHi Rrmew creea ier ic iec yert Stage M6ilWjr.iHU8t StrlVe ftlwavs arid c&nslstentlv td ho ve and, dlfr4rit li mUsI lci lUlif bh a difrerettf lane workj fHHi er: Mi of the ftVe, regular M iU stage JJlStage Societymust do tHiiigi the Wahingten Square Ml MVen't flo1it. miiaf VsWiiMiii aUrl drWi Sttki4i.lta I JJwrt ilvelop diBtinitiViiy loial drtii, and Tt altili luitivfcte nutmate its aUdieneei that it wfll hw a il Vody of "um piHyjoers, wno wm num we vm wieiee bi iy ',!etclfjpricpoilk. -nagDwBMMWWrinany.ItenPltieww. , . ' - . M, ijtfj Ijlll i ' i fri Londoh there haVS nbvsr been Perfbrm ances on Good Friday, Abiors In Ertfelnnd are pMd for etery tra poi-forMahce they glifS. At HomS we get Just the Bam nmbdnt of sdthryi whether v8 play eight or tcH bf mofe petrbrmdflces ma weeK. Tne only tm we dort'trft the same salary Is wHen, freqtienllyi our sala ries are cUt 1 a Every Saturday hlght In IidndoH a than ftohi a Wlgmaker'S cAlls arid coileclii all tho wigs wbrn Id Ihe prbdUctloll the wigs are returned Monday, blled and dressed. This BerylcB the management pays fbr, Such n thing whs never heard of Ih Amencn. ijvcrjr actor In a I.onddn production has a dreSSr( at the eipenSe of the rdahsge ment. This alsd Is atl dhheard-df luury "back home'." I was never more astonished In my life than I was, at the beginning of my London engagement when I learned that the man agement buys stockings for all the women In the casts of all the plays produced here. That also was never done at home. Of course. London favorlteS hro spoliedj How can It be otherwise! To be a Ldhdon favorite is tb fit In that category of per sonages 'who,can do no. wrong." And to Wy surprise; ,1 dlscbtered tW ate many such personages besides the klhg. mVt- "', TrfTTrT-l4ii!i"iiJ''ii v mfimmnt'r ir-- Vfur A Fantiie: Ward on me Trials of the Camera Tlie Stanley Sta Tklks of thc Pliotopliiy Inquisi- tldn of tllfe Coast , ifitfVltln PannU WaM. the Lasky. ritamulttlt stst, who Will be seen At the Siatlllsy Thllt the first hlf ot next week, U Msr and dirtlcult: eV utcausi the tut met "MadW President" has fd WlltH dhatir Information on tap. Hhd hshl because trie ordlnaf jf newspaper man's memory bahh6l hold all tha studio khd ber stlKai gbsSIri which shS brfH. . Hill by rltldl- exclud ri the "how do y8tl do's" khd 7au rovolfs" sdlne Interesting bts abodt Mt life behind the screen may b boiled dqittt to fit Journalistic space. For Intthhcs, MlHit Ward throws tvn Illuminating radlftnce M httw the liftlttmlte player feels WheHflfst confronted With the dehUnfls of th pholopliy ahd Us proddders. Asked If khl Was nKoUS when she first started work, sho replied that she never was so frightened In hlr llf. "By way of a tryout," she continued) "I was put against a black curtain and K plc bf paper, was held close to My mjSCi Nobbdy told mi what was behind that' paper. ''Then I wm Instructed to smIU and tvhed I did SO. the paper was jerked away and there, t wits' faolrig the camera with the CAmetamAh grinding awAy. That' What they ball ths 'add test' The scM 1 ox perltftced thh lasted alt the way through my fltsl blettite." . t rt'rrismbeMd what MISS Ward had said about buying ten hats and I also remem bered that she was reputed to have ar med at ths Studio with tnore trunks than ate Usually, barrled by, a whole musical cetnedyi So i asked her It she liked to play "dr6d.uti" parts. "Ihdttd i don't. I like to bo a ragged girl With my hair down my back. In The Cheat,' though. I had. to dress up and a funny Iricldent occurred In connection with my clothes.. When I , first went over the Story with Cecil De Mills I asked him what I had to wear. Manila, he said that all such little WatterS could be discussed later and thSt I probably had everything that would be heeded. "We planned to begin filming the Intrd ductlon one Monday. At half-past five, on Saturday hlght Mr. De Mlllo telephoned me to say that my clothes for the in troduction would be very Slmplo and thnt all I had to havo was a tight black velvet dress. Surely, he said, . t had such an article In my nineteen trunks. Any one but a man would have known that tight black velvet drcsse'S haven't been .word for several years, but really he seemed disappointed In me because' 1 did not possess one. I had to rush to tlt nearest dressmaking iktabllsh ment and literally have ons mnrtn oh tne. . "Iteally. though, the clothes question aside, Mr. D Mill IS the sort bf director who keeps Up oHe'l faith In motion pictures. He does Hot mak Impossible demands on meid- HONORABLE CHAPLlM 8eM1N& .A?ANiM ICfttttfN Bi . .... rn.Muk.v3 y jHLvVflVjHVjB L. aVkMBflVr TlBTaTaTaTaTaTe&l k sf XslH ! k nalSM ' S. JaTaTeTaTaTaTaW n aTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTMIW VjHjVBMHj Jtmv saivra'!wr'tliKLl?irHtf3-(ti M7 BHjHRmHaBHiJ.' " J!tA aTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaBTaTaaTaTaTavV HlWf m t SN&t'w rra f.!V Jtr ubbbbbbIb 1A bbbbbbbbbbbbShBHbbbbbbbb X. BbbLuIU'W t Vi ik. J7 jVjVjVjVjVjVjVjVjJIS" flBBBBBBBBBBBBflVjHBMnBBBHBBBBl NSiv flBHMHHBBW " JMfc Jy bBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBnrVBBBBBBBftXS. VIBbBbBwI' ' TjJy BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbH BBBBBBBBBBBflaflBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHK. . I jPjS- "-mW JtS1 " $r H BBBBBBBBBBnBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBF 9kJl ' I " BB"1 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBM lBBBvA. Tl fPvrTTaNFRtMsr M BBBRBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB. VBBBBBBCTtaBBBBlKjHVjBBD bVBT' KZ X M- ' Vt-MfCOn BBBBBBtaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BHBBBBBBBBBBBBHBBBIBKBBIBBBiBHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaa. I " WLtewlwW iaKwM JjHbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbHHPSSHbBBBBBB " BaMlSlBBBl)lMftiaMMiy l JJrP iCwWL JHIUESaBBBBBHHHlnBHBBV ""IIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbPIIbbbbbbbMbbbbbbbbbbbbIbBhMbbbbbbbbebbbb Cecil Here is thc Japanese conception of tho frcntleman who SVlll arJbfdf nt th Stanley, Victoria) Palace, Arcadlat LbfeUst. AlhamUfft rhcnttirs, ftd lib., Monday aftSfnoon Ih rjts.tiewcst Mutual nlerfV-hlcrry, "Behind th Scrcbnr h study of studio life. Japan has a curious coriceritlon hi his avoirdupois, as the "close-up1," as well ns thc side eleVatlbri, tcstltlesi TilERE Is as much rtason for cs tablishlhe a censorship .of the spoken drdma as of moving pic tutes as hiuch reason for censoring heWBpapers, magasincs, books, mu sic, paintings, sculpture and con versation. CaH Laemntl, hers of KU company dlid allows Ills players to act their seches in Ulbtr Bn Way. 'Don't Act De, Mltlc, dct yoursetM Is his favorite Instruction." Urillkblho fool hhd his Hiohiy. f'dnrile Ward ami her gbwns nro not baSlly ttattld." Thb Lnhky Star Is famous for heb wardrobe, and sho takes a personal bride In never be ing found unequipped for Shy cmefgehby that might arise. When Albert Payson Terhune's story, "Tho Years of tho Locust," was chosen by the Lasky company as a starring vehicle for Miss Ward, It seeblbd as though She would flhd that she had boasted In vain, for the script of this pic ture called for ftlmbSt evbry Imaginable type of gown. One by one Miss Ward checked them off as sho perused this script, until she had the following list: Morning negli gees, four street costumes, afternoon gowns, tea gowns, ball gowns, opera cloaks, furS fdr. driving" ttrtd motoring, girlish frocks, riding habits, and atl tho hats, parasols hud ehoeS that must accompany them. Miss Wnrd looked over the list a second time to be sure of her ground and tiled loftily told thd director that she was ready to Start on any scene that he enred to nam6 at once, "dive me time to send evO tb the house for my Clothes nnd 1 will be with ynu In a Jiffr," declared thb Star as ShS beamed upon tH6 crestfallen Man. ABE )?OTASH IS NO FRIEND TO HIS COMPETITOR TZ8asPZZl s vm fimmAnxmt irzxrmn W ft! itTit Ht)S. XINE39 a man couldn't be too careful about tho frlehdS ho IS making,1' said Abe Potash) when In tor Viewed by it represent (stive bf the Daily Cloatt ahd suit att- iette, "becaUse It s ah bid sdyint ahd a tfUS Ohe tliUt makes a spicy l(fe. If you Make friends out of your combitltora It gets td be tob spicy, and don't you forget ttl "As soon as you make a friend ot a com petitor, he would drop ,ln at your flat every Jim you are Shtertalhlnf .SH Important cU; lonier, and hot only Would he eat youf fodd on ybu, bUt if ydtf blay blHdchle Bfief din hob he. would on purpose idse (SO hands by two points, bo that he buuld slitiw what a good loser he Is before ytitib cllsloiner, Leorl HarhMett copped put two Customers on me that way, and now If I've got up to S00 on fdrty Jacks and sixty queens, I hever let afly oh iel ths, hid Hway frohi me when I am (ilajirig a cus tomer lit the gam. Take It from hie; a 2ii-:U ;; BLu...j..1... . , ,.. :ffistn:ss.tsHS?s fiy montABUe GLAgg lilar abdUl Miking .a frltnd from the feller you bdy goods off. Lois of ladles Is Kolng ardtlnd Ih garrdehti Mawru'ts ahd I'll manufactured Which cost 15 fof Work manshlp, M for Mlteflkl and fifty Mi on account of some filet mlgnoh wnlcH Louis Mints, the salesman of the ltamS wlckett Mills, btSW us to and added to the cost of th piece goodd when he billed them to Us. LoUia Is Such a good friend to us that we cdlildd't kick about It) ao ws don't buy from him any more. "N6 one returns goods on ydd Sd rhdeh as frlehds. in barticuiar. I Hid a ftMpd bv the 1iSme ot llsrris Fash'mah who shipped Us back a $76 dlnrlbr gown which had a pint of Ibckshdm soup spilled all down the front panel, ahd when we refused to, accept It he tot, awful sore and saldi Dldtt't w ef Beet that hU ,wlfe rhUst bat like the Same as anybody bluer "When yoU make a, friend from a cus tomer, you should be sura to get from him Sighed statement of tilt ghed statement of hlS aksets, blhbl-wlse with for ten. cents on the ddllar, becaUse a yoU would Sooner or Istbb haVa to settle lillh fnr tit li pnntit nri thn dHMaK ii a shaky retailer's best friends always shbtf strong tn.nis list ot manors. amleS Mftde hU life So hilsebab paid 'bm ail Up months before lib position in banKruntcy. "Furthermore, if ydtl allow a fcdslbmef tab yoUr friehd he wbUld'take adVahtake Is that hi ib filed hid pompetltor , Vtcouldn't btj & friend even on Suttdys or legal hoi. Idays. "From a fcustomlr also you should be careful about miking a. fblend, bedSUse When yod'setl ctods to a friend lis thlriW ydtl are trying to Stick lilm, an yau think lie ain't going to, 4y y?u & b' ally you ate bath riglU. Al ."jalBt the mors f rKwMHI VbU'vb feat, anjte ctlttmer the flfeit floitike. itamps MM ,buy. tdt- Stlllai tnon'niy siaiemews, besftuie, Ss mv Prt nr. Mdtrrww, 1'efl- way the slowest.'-. A liHiroasnv !".nf'J' him! ii tin, a ihh-i mo out ot, a r ShoUW Stamp THW A(X!OUNT If iUUtiUB RaOiTf. "He oouM Mil H-Lttfli.1. J'i"litt Miw qm ww- "TriAffe all I tttitik bit VotJl" !Bh cf5 W I , IMIUPP II from ydU IH btnlr ways. A bUfelbmer ot d U r S named ChktUS Schul dbfltfel, of hbtdgeport, was In bur I tore last month and he made such A hog of himself with some lob ster a 14 New bubs, which t a f tl i bought f or him for his SuprSef after the theater, that he got an idea he was dying, in the middle bf ths night he sent dUt fob a stomach specialist St $20 a call and he told him to mall the bill to us. As he, Schuldenfrel, already owed us llEOi we couldn't let all account like that die tin Us. 1 told MawrdsS that the liett. tlMe he entertained Schutdenfreh thb last thing before sebliig Him to the hotel he should buy ftchuldentr&l fdr Ave bbnls a drink of bicar bonate ot soda dnd leave him the telephone nliMbtr of a reasditable practitioner like Odctpt fcibHendorfer; If yoll rtbt r basy wltlt a felleb like Mchuldbnfrbl, thd first tlrtlg you know he would be getting appendicitis oil yod and bxibctinif ybu tb blow him to art bmerirdndy 6br ktlod, with ttfd trained nurses and a private room at the Mount Sinai Hos pital. 'After all. a Mart's best friend Is his parthbr, ahd even h partner you shouldn't bb too friendly neither. It's an old saying, 'Familiarity Is A dangerous think,1 KridlfypUVfaiiiydu? partner to respect you, you shouldn't be ao friendly with him that you could once In a while," call tym all kinds of names, At the same time, If MawtUsa Perlmiitter dkth'l treat me llks a dawg occasionally 1 wouia get an (hat he wasn't t no. tnore mur tH buslneaa at al But wfeat is the UlkiagT No bow much WKM OU Oper atid Wifie Served Novel Capii Ghosts atirj Glories of jSNgglfedtdfj Comt-oii'a Surtimdncd tip at MlisitJal Banquet Soon to Be SelfVitl to Ba StAMoAlkD-aAtjaE opefa Is all fight in lis i&mewhat fbslrlbt6d Way. Tnftl is why ths MetropUittad Is able td c6mo liere every yeah ahd do bapltht bUSlhebs with tbw hdVMUfes. tblylhg as' to financial p6sperlty fob the most part bn Sdch favorites as "Madame iiutterfly,'' "ipaSilkccf' ahd lh6 like, with thb biggest of ktarS Id the, lead Ihg roles. Once In a while Mr. datti'a troupb, to b sure,, does prdduco A .teal nbvstty Uch 4k "itadatno Sahs-tJfHe'1 df a. .Victor Herbert operetta and the Itabin orf ot-ginltatlon, tbhlch Is due at thb Metro politan next Monday, Is to be codnted Uporl always for either fresh Importation or re vivals of works practically forgotten. In between the Debtjesya and Scrlabines, the Lboncavallos and WfLgHArs, lied ft middle ground. And It Is, that ground, ftp. Harcntiy, Which thb newly fdfmed Phila delphia Grand Opera Company piano to ex- Lptbre during its forthcoming season. If one may juae in auvunco iron) mo unnuunce ments, the management of tho venture will present bperab of tested wdrltt ahd wide genbral appeal, not frequently attempted by the eurreht bdmpdnlbs. For instance, one reads that "Doh Pas quale" and "La Favorlta," two of the beet of the seventy operas written by Dbhltbtth will be In the repertory. Donizetti, .with his sounding brass and symbolic pymb&U, has almost bebti btlraclzbd froth Phllddil' r Vk MbbbbbbbbbbbbbW J ' BbbM mW P WKM BB wis wtmn e It tfcorvwifhly, and ttaff MaMaa bhlk. Mtlilal. circles sines the, days ofths opbrAtlbb khd OpUlbtit Dscib Itammbrstklh. "fra.'Blavolb,'' thb kprlghtly, will rv ib recall the ndrhe of Aiibeb to many ttee pi who had tteaHy forgotten he ever ex-, Islbd. it, ibdi IS on thb list; SS Is "Erhahl: Verdl'd famdus itlfteb around Which, Faked, thb balllb ot thd red walStodats, wltlt the writer Theophlle ti&Utteb kk tils pertevt hattetri bf tha tomafltlclst Majbr-geperal During the bedsohi Vhlcli bliehb at the AtdtlemV. ftt itobdlkr pHceS, the bvSHtHg ot December 18, Ulsp win be heard Such newt old tnlnfia as "CbiUrcHtota" bhe Of Ros- bint's happiest boriboctlons, and "La S6n nambuia." tho Bellini bit, which is hotf so unfamiliar as the younger gehSralPew ' might think. , '' vt "ltdy Blks," y Marchettl. whldh vHllf Ubhbr ih the Musical Bason of tha Pftltadel phlli cbMpahy, hak tibver been given JA this city before. "Karma," by Ettoro MAHkil, will also be another novelty tor Philadel phia. bnb ot the new acquisitions to thb per-' sdnhfel of the coMrJdny is that of thd obnile baeso, Vlttorlo Trevlsan, late' of tha CMlcigo company. Mr, Trevlsan Is well knbwtl lit this city, having appeared here In lmpNir trtnt rdlek with tho Philadelphia and dh cago companies. Florence Waliacf; the pUMa donna, has also been secured by the Mkliaktrhbrit. " - I Maude GtS kkEfifidfacie, at tke Adefpti (fly our eikii Alfred TeiinyionJ Come into this playhousd, Mdlld&t Fof' tho curse of "JIW" hai flown. Comb into this playhOUidf Altttitie, Thbugh the'crqtvd tvltl ib'st lil a groan. Oh, fic "fop" tif ihl shbii) hai been bellowed abrodd It's a bcanl, df tfirfy be bloiihf All season us girls have heard Of Experience" late and soon. All scdtJDfi thd six-theds htiiid borne the tvord Of this grand artistio boonf Ami Satah cbnildered ihli drdhlhtiit- d bird Liktibiso Gotlhin lldsif, ibholS HO loon. iiOkAHT, AOtkoft or "fcxpjihikhtB" sbid to iAy beau: i(TheH is but ohe tTAeaifof' tvheho I can be gay, ' i tvanta hear hUltct Glendinnlng graph When he's sore on dajtcc and play, And to see how he feels when his roll ts'falHi) And he has nd cash to pay." s .:' BUt he woulMh i&i mt beat! m imJ4 $ J m Zbbbbbbbbbh bb MbbbbbbbbbbH. lH H 9 fll&f- 0 S.W. JbbbbbbbbbbH f fllkm J BBbT iBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV ' f JIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbEbW i .ViCHbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV' flBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 1 UbHbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbKT " lBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB llBBBBBnBBBVVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBf bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbK bbHWWGbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV lm JHS J-bbbbbH OTMJ ? - Twvarso. M4wy To earliw ris; Hy sjsi'ni , alCtfUSa " f Slue six'0, im MM Aumkmg, our ' (M M i (To ba jh mt) l 0dn't fiuie imUk my fmtl WML mL jaJalial '-Sua).