Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 10, 1916, Night Extra, Image 6

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Flame Envelops
Worker at Glaeeboro
. wHw tHre-wp la s mixture of potash
ssjtatmr ah was working orsr In tha
f9r iTr nrtrmki Censpe.nr's plant In
,Mon, N. J, nsarlr cost w. or
Iftta Wlteen. staUn year o14, who nu
ifciuM to the Coepr HospttaJ, Camasn.
taVty to4ajr, The girl Vas employed In ths
"tMeesfcoro plant ot ths fimrortu oompany,
frAiiii i.. kar nf &11 fireworks
tn the hit
sulphur ana potasn powaer
Inflammahl. mixture. Th Klrl had
M th two substanots tofftmtr ana was
Mendlnc them whsn. Jn aoms way un
Mqrialncd, th mlxtur was Ignited. A
,, Wfltlant bunt of flam ahot out In all
ttreetlons. It encircled tha girl, burning
MC moat ot hr hair, and peeling th akin
. her faca, handa and arms.
Whe fell to th floor. Th flam died out
kly aa It rose, WorKmen in tn plant
kd th girl up and applied flrat aid.
a amhulanoa carried her from Qlassboro
''.'shamlin &nd th Cooper HoiDltal. Fhysl-
there (aid ah haa a chanc to live.
Van Dying Following Fight Another
J Shoots Two in Quarrel
' Two men were atabbed, another waa ahot
and a fourth waa attacked and beaten by a
crowd In two rights which occurred outaide
Mloona last nlgnt. Daniel Dsdongslo, BIO
'Wood street. ! dying In the Pennsylvania
Hospital from elx atab wounds In the left
M, a broken Jaw and numerous cuta and
bruises Inflicted during a flfht at raasa-
unk avenue and Fttzwater street. An-
relo Dlvla, 725 Latona street. Is held at the
loond and Chrletlari streeta pollco station,
"aeeueed, of stabbing him.
Bdward Davie. Kleventh and Parrlsh
streets, came out of a saloon at Ninth and
. .Poplar atroeta and quarreled with a woman.
When John Keebler, Eighth and Parrlsh
streets, and John MoCann, till East Titus
street. Interfered, Davis, the police say,
, shot them. A bullet went through Me-
yCann's shoulder and another lodged ' In
'Xeebler'a breast. An angry crowd then
'Interfered, attacking and beating Davis.
j'Xe and his victims were taken to St
Joseph's Hospital. Later he was locked
kp by the police and Keebler and McCann
wsre removed to the Children's Homeo-
l,Pthlo Hospital, Franklin and Thompson
streeta. They will recover.
' Japan Gets Mora American Gold
NEW TOIUC Nov. 10. A telrgraphlo
transfer ot 12. BOO, 000 gold coin was mad
T th Subtreaaury today to San Francisco
v cr .account of th Yokohama bank. The
fold will be shipped from the I'aclflo coast
to Japan. This Is understood to be one of
vara! similar shipments mad during th
last few months.
irmmra Lmm-pmADmmx, fkgday, November 10, i&c
CITT ArrOINTMENTH today Istlsd
John J. Gamey, 1211 Bouth Forty-nlnth
street) engineer. Uureau of Charities, salary
1000 1 Vr William H. Bernhardt, Phila
delphia Hospital for tha Insan. clinical as
sistant physician, Bureau of Charities, $700 1
Dr. George B. Woodward, Philadelphia Hos
pltat for the Insano. clinical assistant physi
cian. Health and Charities, 600; WJIllam
D Hannum, 1117 Hunter atreet. assistant
teacher, Doard of Iteereatlon. IIS a month.
of Ilrewerylown advocated an Increase In
th number ot policemen aa, well as an In
crease In their pay ahd In the pay of the
city firemen at th regular monthly meet
ing last night at the association's head
quarters, 2100 West Olrnfil nvenue. It
waa also announced that the Urewerytown
division of the mummers' parade will be
mor elaborate this year than In any former
haa been suffering from a severe cold, Is
Improving rapidly, lie Is confined to his
rooms In the Aldlne Hotel, hut his physician
announced that tha Juitlco could resume
his court work In a few days.
MIBII BORAX C. rnAMCIfl, nf Philadel
phia, was elected president of the Graduate
Nurses' Association of Pennsylvania at a
meeting held In Pittsburgh. Miss Kather
Ine Drown, of Philadelphia, was elected
second vice president. Other Philadelphia
women elected were: Mrs. Margaret Ij.
Kratz, chairman of membership committee :
Miss Roberta M, West, Miss Janet G. Grant
and Miss Sara Murray, directors.
of Optometrists passed a resolution to
I rl
K iTtfn
lb 3(f Jlmttr Jar
The cave man was con
tent with an Ichthyosaurus
steak, raw. His table tool
were limited to eight
Gngera and two thumbs.
A thousand thousand
ages roll, and at the end
of the years we come to
the superb cuisine of the
St. James and its exquis
ite table service I
Walnut at 13th Street
DJUWtiro nr ran tsvumva
petition th Pennsylvania Bute Legislature
to pass a law regulating th profession of
optometry In this State, at their monthly
meeting last night In th Philadelphia
Chamber of Commtre.
prominent In West Philadelphia nolle and
political circles. Is confined to his home. 20
South Forty-third street, with a sover
attack of neuritis. About two weeks ago
Mr. Harrla started out for the first vaca
tion ho had taken In ten years. Intending
to go South. He spent a fw days at At
.5'? cllJr " he first felt symptoms
of Illness. He returned home Immediately
and last Tuesday night collapsed, .
News at a Glance
CIIIOAUO, Nnr. 10. ITof.nor. of .con
omy from many of the universities of the
Middle West met at the University of Chi
cago today to trade Ideas. They listened
to addresses on the relation of engineering,
business and law to economics.
MEMP1U", Tnn Nov, 10. Far the first
tlmo In the history of the Industry manu
facturers of oak lumber have formed an
association to adance their Interests. At
a meeting of oak lumber manufacturers,
held here today, the American Oak Manu
facturer Association was formed. Mor
than 1200 manufacturers wr represented
at th meeting. The object of the associa
tion Is to regulate market conditions and
take advantage of opportunities opened for
their products both at horn and abroad.
JACKBOX, IIs., Jfer. 10. "Illiteracy
Day" Is being observed throughout Mis
sissippi today. Meetings are btlng held
In almost every city, town and village
for th. purpose of devising plans for edu
cating th masses of the people.
Mar Merge Methodist Societies .
Illihop Joseph F, IJerry proposed that
th Woman's Home Missionary Society of
the Philadelphia Conference should "get
together" with th City Mlsslonsry So
clety, an organisation controlled by men.
last evening, at a banquet attended by 100
members of the women's society tn th
Methodist Episcopal Church of th Cove
nant, Eighteenth nnd Spruce streets. The
dinner marked the thlrty-thlrd annual
meeting of the Wonian'a Horn Missionary
Fall on Pavement Fatal
Carried to St. Agnes Hospital In an un
conscious condition, George Kulintx, Jft
years old, of 25(1 South Jessup street, died
within thirty minutes after being admitted,
from a fracture of the skull, which he Is
said to have received when he fell, hitting
his head against the pavement nt McKean
street near Tenth. At the hospital It waa
said the only mark dlscovereabln wa a
bruise on the back of the head caused by
the fall.
What the Blue Tag
Means to the Oyster Lover
Exclusive patterns executed
for this House hy Endjands
foremost Potters -
Vdvood -Wsrcester-Dowlton
4 Ppl '""'"""''""'"'""Bllllllllllll Ii?n
. fti f . M'rvsrjts. x u 11 r rs&ismr,l.,'-.'m:rjfW.w
. 'ii. i. "n"1" t irc f - r aj7v:.-v..v.v svw!KiV:.:,A"f.fjvv'iV.v.v;'.iV'..
t "mM&M&mSM
The blue tag guarantees the '
flavor of all Seatag oysters
a flavor that is restful and
vigorous, bearing the salty
sweet savor of the open
ocean, the snap, the tang, the
tingling breath of the wind
swept sea. You never poised
a fork in joyous anticipation
over n more delicious, deep
sea appetizer 1
The blue tag guarantees that
each individual Seatag oyster
is carefully selected and twice
inspected. The blue tag is
your insurance. It identifies
each Seatag oyster is the
one real, never-failing, tangi
ble mark of oyster quality,
whenever and wherever it is
found. It means more to the
oysters you eat than "Ster
ling" means to silver.
Look for
Blue Tag
The blue tag is a certificate
of purity It brings you an
oyster from exclusive ocean
beds off Cape Charles, Va.,
miles from mainland. Natu
rally r fat, not "fattened,,,
juicy, not "floated," they are
hurried to your table fresh
and delightful branded with
the blue Seatag trade-mark
of individual oyster excel
lence, j
For the Epicure 1
Do you really know good
oysters? You who pride
yourself upon the enviable
ability to order a perfect din
ner, will prize Seatag Oys
ters. They are better oysters
to begin with; and the orig
inal Seatag method of iden
tification is the greatest ad
vance in the oyster industry
in twenty years. Pat. s-it.is.
Phila. Distributor: H. H.CLIFTON CO., Reading Terminal Market, Arch St.Wall
Ask for Seatag Oysters at Leading Hotels
Seatag Oytttrt art alio served at the better elubt
Ki-X. i. -is'
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Another Earle Store Achievement!
Right Now,' When Every Store Is Complaining of the Scarcity, We Ann
This Sale of Women's and Misses'
Fur-Trimmed Silk Plush Coats
Values ranging
up to $40.00
up to $40.00
ll0t!er pn8tanCe f $1 aIertnesf of e arle Store organization-making this sale possible when
hundreds of women will be out to buy their new winter coats tomorrow. possioie when
Til!!,6 atWCrJl Td 8leen,a samples and show-room pieces; naturally they are of best tailoring and stvle but
They are in the smart, new lengths, from 42 to 50 inches, full flare, belted or semi-fitted effects
.rintgtTb::!:rVilre,y of fur' with boml of fur on bo,,om to maich' wwu thOT arc t. .. i.
Lined throughout with guaranteed satin or peau de cygne.
The furs used for collars and trimmincs nr fanrf mrtifflr, nn...ni i 1 ,
coon and nutria. r 'aou"' ,miurQ1 P"8um, dyeo opossum, dyed
Another Earle Store Wonder Sale in Progress Offers You
Women's and Misses' $20 to $35 Fur-Trimmed Suits
We held the first sale Inst Monday and it was auch an unqualified
:n.j .1 . r .. - i
.ale again-and we succeeded. And we uccded in ,"1" ??? C?'1 to duP'te the f
.. . . .. - --- -,, fw was, vas. liiiB 1JI1LC. ssW ssssl
.. . . - ------ sssr . teW
f ----- - y- --- - ... o o .wvin.uu vaiuo iu uiicr ai mis price.
1 oo many atyles to give a detailed description not many of any particular style. Fashioned of velvet. I,rn.J,lMl. i
velours, wool poplin, and velour checks. Fur trimming predominate. IVCt' broadcIothj, wool
fry. f