DfeCUSS FROPOSHIONTORAID OTY SINKING FUND Iwsrd T. Stotcsbury nnd Con- Ut)llcr Walton wuu Chairman unnnuj a ouK- gcstlon in Mayor's Absence IN TO DIVERT SURPLUS .. .u. mi alnklnc fund surplus K-Hd by CbMrmnn n.rtncy. of Coun- " .-a.., t,et-n Kdwnrd T, '" . ..4,ii.r Wnltnn who. IZt with Mnjor Smith, compono tho L.e.,,,,1 PommUston. At the conclusion S. conference ntlthcc of tho financiers . ... iki nlnn flint ipra nnv opinion . .. -- rob the commission of J1.SS,17.1S. VLeit Dronose ndJInc to revenues by SSTmwrt li..5-a r T ,.., i,vment to care for loan. i . . . n...t frt 117." n.nd tiv ? ih. alnklnc fund commlFRlon tfOJI W for it-appropriation to tho ren J"'". 71. ..... in mrinc tho deficiency ... i. mnlnit expenses. This Item jiehVrtd to represent the elnklne funds w5 !.,. ft. vitelline nn have maiurru. .. .. ---. - Is clslmed to be actually In tho nclch . ... ts nnn.noo. KTpisn also, includes the , refusal of n ;ioo item 01 hjiihui" " --" - !-. r..ei.l fnr 1917. Tho Brand total rlnA for uso for operntlnR exicnses Is T.l e, This sum. If added to current B.ii!i 'would result tho same as would 2i Increase In tho tax rnto from tho present .11 Dl II 0 ei.ll. HJ7 -i,i. KM flm mmm enlnnprM Wr In. conference was engaged In a con antic with John T. "Wlndrlm. tho nichl CeL In charKe of the tho convention hall Has, and left City Hall without seeing r r Mr, Stotcsbury or t-onirouer tv niton, bad nothlnu to tay for publication on n radical ch.inro In finances suggested: iHrt the fact mm viiHiriun uruhij, u W,nnilA' Flnanco Committee, was In dally Etsaference with him for a weclt before mnk- IftHT tbe fiUgfcreEXlons. is ucnocu iu iiituixiiu ISm wllllngnesa to have the surplus of tho r ferlnUftK' iUnu Useu IO jneuo uui vjuiiviu ic. leant, In 1917 There Is a Krowlns desire ' prevent any material Increase In tho tax tt next J ear, and Councllmen sco In uCtalnnan Gartney'o latest suirpesuon n Inwthod by wnicn mo rme cun do kcpi io u eetnt whero It will not be seriously opposed !ylh. realty and business orca'nliatlons ro are waulnK warfare on tho plan for a nterUl booit In the dollar rate. ft Controller Walton today refused to com- Ejneht nit the fact that In 1914 a precedent L'. itixf itiirn nciion as iuiiirinuu uamicv SOW suseests nas established by tho rc uinK of linking Fund surplusage for uso itt ether municipal n,eed. Tho plan nt tkat time hadithe approval of former City lellcltor Michael J. Ityan. The Controller 4eineu empnaiicauy io Buy wnm posuion (k Slnktnc Fund Commission would ns WHie, and to all Inquiries replied, "I have laethlnc to say." Mr. Stotcsbury on Icav- iftt City Hall said, "I have not read Mr OolTners suggestion In any newspapers. Si hsve nothing to say." COURT GIVES THIEF A NAME jPrisoner Hnd So Many Aliases That He Asked Judge to Label Him iAn tlletred thief had so many aliases to r Meruit when he was brought before Mag. r'mr&w rcnnocK tnis morning init ne loia StktjBdee" to select the name by which il venld henceforth bo known. Magistrate iTtmxk gave him the name of James Me- i'Sertj', tho police supplied his address as IK Central avenue, Newark, and tho prls- r completed tho Information with the rk that ho was nineteen. . 3urty was arrested by District Detee- i Roseboro and Farmer, of tho Thirty- ana Lancaster nvenuojAtatlon. after iwm charged with registering at a hotel . Thirty-second and Market streets nnd money and a watch from another He Is also said to havo taken several lrtteles of aluo from rooms of lodgers at ItM Central Y. M. C. A. Matristrntn l'mnnrt- IteM, him under $1000 ball for n further aetrjar. yTBNiya' ILBDQKlPmikDgLPHIA. flltlDAX TmtBBB1 6 lM THE WEATHER Official Forecast WASHINGTON. Nov. in. ITttr eastern Pennsylvania nnd New Jer- ralr tonight: Saturday overcast! 4tr Saturday afternoon : moderntn south. Mt wluda. "Jl" low pressuro overlying the Upper AKO Heffion hflR PJHIU rain, n. .vin.ft KS, UlAlPlachlan section and the Middle niic, htates. excepting New Jersey. Tho Mfler has become much colder In the uaipai Valley nnd In thn Fnr W.. t has been snow in thn nnrth.m t from Montana to Wisconsin. Frosts reportea tills morning In the central i 01 the country as far smith no Ti.l.. land Texas. While in thn miln umt.. jeeilly near tho middle and north At- UC Coast, the temnfrntiiro la milt Link the season. U. S. Weather Bureau Bulletin Iow o mat Jialn- Vfloo. . M M ,1(1 v 10 Cloudy r .os n ifl - .02 w .. t! ., NW 10 ii H 18 so .an aw ., SI! :'! 8W ,2 8 ,24 HV ,. J1 .. NW ,. 61 .02 NR .. iJ .01 NW .. ., HW 2(1 S .01 NV J2 84 .111 NV HI :J3 Sn ?.4 :: tvv ro .so nv .. i? .18 H 111 SJ .24 HW 22 M .02 NVS' J2 B2 .0s NH j. NW io 5 ,i4 NIS .. 42 .. NW 10 lis t: Sw :: SH ,2B HW 4(1 SS MHMlon. Bit, )t .,., ntla rttv fcktaort, iii'. tcit, n n lima... do. N. Y... 0r III..., nll, O.,, r. Col. . . U tb 43 M. TX., , SH ftton. Tr . . nrt tfrUburar !., 44 r"i . c. tw . S. D. .... 24 AMlla. Tnil Alt 4&vllla. fl. AQ MCHx, Mo. 44 Watt. Kl. . t it. Tnn.. r.ll fSTb ?-1 VI m ,VI "a. lenn.. 4U Cn Mkat. 1... XaxK: iS jjom. ov;-.: u adalBKu"" Ii al,-" a um, .:' SS ar . " " ! 3H 40 iSSIaT."!. 42 fClatll . Kii . llaru ' 5 ah. (I. . : . Pa. ' 41 M. " T nn K i;gn..; la .02 ,2B .01 .08 10 42 r,u 12 OH 42 114 02 .14 .12 .OS .14 ,08 t'l NW NW H N NB N H1J HW W N'W 12 n;v io 10 Observation at I'hlladeJphla Cloudy i.ienr riar Clou.ty ClouOr Cloudy Clear Cloudy I'.Cldy Cloudy ( lear Clrar l'.CUy Cloudy I'.Cldy I'.Cldy Clear Clear Clrar Cloudy CUr I'uar Clar Clear I'.Cldy cloudy I'.Cldy Cloudy Clear Clear I'.Cldy i'lMr Clear I'.Cldy Clear I'.Cldy cloudy Ck-ar Clear Cear Cloudy I'.Cldy Cloudy Clear Clear Clear f ... "i- m' rtlura'"' "" 0.i lorUlweat r ... J feuw i..lfiC?.ViV.,i;',-:.l?ri'r cl?u' 01 ss lea oudy a ."J . 4 "nparatira.:::::::::::;;;;:;: fs Illy T7 "" fBPerati reniy-rour lioura. ''Mf.M,f,.,.,. Lamps to Be Llirhtoi! .,--. oiptr Vehicles. ..... S30p. m. 101 rhe Tide It mcirMOMD l'.',7t'"""",, i:T n' l. Ur: -WlTUT HTUVVT Winn. w.. I - T--f - , atr"l '-- !.;"' . p4l. .... (MMOT 1SUANB ,,,,,.,, ,,,,,U -.......... U'l, aft . ft i: . - .. kv.ijSFiBbacaiSj af"i. ?. SS , . i; . hi, "it! M:Ma 1 P. a. : STIR: A BRITISH PREDICTION nm inn i in .m -it t i . i,eii SHAKER DRAMA ACTED WITH 'DOUBLING' STAR Impressive Story of Rcligioua Community, nt Recent, Reflects Credit on Producer Tl , tsqulsitivc Kiddie (A. D. 10) And what did you do in tho Great War, daddy? Crown Prince (dejectedly) Oh, run away and cnt your bun. MAETERLINCK DRAMA TOUCfflNGLY PLAYED Washington Square Actors Pre sent Poetically Artificial Ver sion of "Interior" In presenting their second bill of the reason at the T.lttle Theater last nlcht, the "WaMilnuton Square rinycrs. wandered from farcical Kussla to fantastic Ilrltnln. and from mystical Melglum to fifteenth century France. Tho journey was o.ulto worth the reofsraphlcnl strides entailed If the playera nt no tlmo suRgestcd titanic artistic worth, or an thing out of the common In comedy, they did succeed In amnilni? their audience, and In one of their presentation thnt of Maurlco Maeterllnck'n touching nnd tender drama, "Interior." they challenged com parison with the company dlreccted by Mr. Payno when ho was dolns such meritorious and such neglected work In Philadelphia. "Interior," ns those who read plays and those who saw it done by tho riaycrs last season know,, is one of M. Mneter lluck's most distinguished experiments In tho dramaturgy of suKKcstlon. It offers an alternative that of strict realistic treat ment or of poetic artificiality. The Wash ington Square actors chose the latter, and to tho writer made their point nnd sub stantiated their case. The staKlnK was Illusory, consisting of n severely schemed house, lit quietly and characteristically Since the author has written a "player proof" piece, every one seemed excellent histrionically. Of rare pictorial charm was Miss Mathleu, who In "A Hoadhouo in Arden" had previously painted, a shimmer ing, suggestive portrait of deathless girl hood, with her soft voice and delicate fea tures. Tho evening ended with a capable and brlslc production of "Pierre Patelln," In which tho radical scenery of tho players' favorite sort was deftly evident For soma unaccountable reason, Tchekhov'a clumsy and Inane farce, "A Bear," was Included In the proceedings. That wan not a very sensible or entertaining-thing to do, but it gave the striking Miss Been ami the tower ing Mr. Meredith an opportunity for a deafening vocal display. The "Insolent, rung" carried out a vivid plan of orange and blues nicely. Considering that there were four sets to be put up and "struck." the waits were not of nerve-racking length If for no other reason, the Players ought to bo thanked for that. Unlike some pf their contemporaries, they apparently be lieve In gathering tho dramatic rosebuds while they may. A folder In the program Informed tho spectators that a special performance would be given at 8:30 In tho Little Thea ter next Monday night, halt of the play house having been reserved for students of the University of Pcnnsjlvanla. Bryn Mawr,- Swarthmore and Havcrford. 11 D. MILK DEALERS TO TESTIFY Will Appear Before Tristato Commis sion at Hearing nt Chamber pf Commerce Today Dairymen nnd dealers of milk will appear boforo the Trlstnto Commission this after noon at the Chamber of Commerce to give further Information ni to the cost of production nnd distribution. Dclegateo from the vurlous women's clubs hao prepared a list of questions with cer tain suggestions that they espect will as sist In bringing about m fair understanding between the consumer, farmer and milkman, and, If the commission permits, they will ondtaor to present their plan at the meet Ing this afternoon. Dr. Clyda U King, chairman of tho com mission, explained that the representatives frqm Pennsylvania, Delaware ami Maryland that compose the body are especially anx ious to gather more facts and-flgures pertin ent to the Inquiry and. although tho meet ing was open to the public, discussion might be limited to experts only. The commlrslon will meet In naltlmor on the fifteenth of this month to gather I ri formation from distributors and dealers q that part of the country. FATHER McSOItLEY A HECTOR Appointed to Catholic Church of tho Presentation at Cheltenham The nev. Michael J. McSnrley. 8. T, I. yesterday was nppolnlcd rector of the Coiholio Church of the Presentation, nt Cheltenham, by Archbishop 1'rendergai.t, to fill the vacancy causod by the death of tho Kev. Edward J. lUhllly. Father McKorley la forty-three years old, and Is a native of- Atchison, ICjiii. He, Is a graduate of Overbrook Seminary, and was ordained to the priesthood In 189) by the late Archbishop Ilyan. afterward taking it post-graduate course In the Cathollo Uni versity of America, at Washington, The churches at which he has been stationed In this archdiocese arc St Matthew's, Consho hockeni St. Teresa's, Broad nnd Catliarlns street , St John, the Haptikt'H. atanayunl. ; KL Gregory's, West PhUcdvlphla, and the Church of the Assumption, Twelfth and Spring dardeistreeta. MXTSIO ROLLO MAITLAND rnllAW AUBKICAN QVII.D 0F OKMNttTi CONCERT ORGANIST RtclUI one of the flnaal al (ya la Ibt Bpr -HWaiu i,ruviiw.b O'gan, fiano, Thtory Kaaltunce, IBM . KaMtlil . Auditorium tru K.(tr Hull, JAMES C. WARHORST mSSmM EXQUISITE PIANO KKC1TAL OIVEX HY .10SKF HOFFMANN Artist Flays Chopin in Good rroRrnm at the Academy The felicitous combination of an ex quisitely mapped program nnd thh best moods of n)t eminent nrtlnt resulted yerter day afternoon In a recital of grcnt besuty and distinction at tho Academy of Music The artist. Josef Hofmnr.ti. has played hem many times. Never his he played better than yesterday Never beforo had his piano glowed with suih flame nnd shim mered with such frost, neer before did he approach so closely the ecstatic and the In communicable, neer before did he turn from emotion to emotion with such dex terity. ower nnd sympathy. It wan nn occasion of occ.-fslons. Mr. Hofmann In the Schumann "Fashing schwank." which was the first number, Im medlstely Indicated that he was at Ms best. There was a new grace and wnrmth to his lingering, nnd he gave the clahoratoly sim ple music an Interpretation that was won derful In Its light and shade. In Its big moments of clamor and Its smnller moments of brooding pens'vencss. In llrahms's ar rangement or n fi:uck gavotta he fashioned chords that were as dcllcato and distinct as snow crystals. In the popular rondo of Mendelssohn the rather worn melodic scheme took on a fresh bloom nnd fragrance In all that ho did. Including some modern stuff by Scrlnblne, ho was the pianist of many composers, the render to whom few words nre unknown. Tho second section or his program was devoted to Chopin a polonaise, "the" wa'tx. a prelude nnd the II minor scherzo and the emotional nppeal of the passionate compositions found expression In a furoro of applause, which nlso was a tribute to Mr. Hofmann. Ho later played a Von Sternberg prelude, tho Itublnsteln F major schcrro and the varicolored I.lazt "Venice and Naples." There were encores, all richly appreciated by tbo audience. II. D. LEWIS HOWELL IN RECITAL Philadelphia Baritone Offers Wide Range of Sonfrs at Concert Lewis -James Howell, operatic baritone, of the Temple University, nsslsted by Nina Prcttyman Howell, violinist, entertained a large nudlenco with n song recital nt the Scottish Itlto Hall last night The baritone offered n ttlde range of songs, which dls plaed the tlexlbllity of his Ico to ad vantage. Ills declamation of Rossini's "I-argo al Factotum" from "Tho llarbei of Seville" was especially applauded. Tho song groups on the program were separated by excellently extt-uted lolln selections by Mrs. Howell, Tho accompanists were Wil liam Sylvano Thunder and Nedda an den Heemt. the latter placing the accompani ment to his song, "longing," from manuscript. Mr. Howell has gone far In operatic skill and surety since his debut with the Phila delphia Operatic Society as Warner In "Faust." Slnco that date, ten years ago, ho has studied and sung In Italy and served as principal barltono In the Montreal Opera. His volco Is voluminous, smooth, rich and bkillfully used. Another of his operatic numbers which was replete with tense drama was the prologue from "I Paglinccl." Damrosch's setting of "Danny Deeer" was resonant and effective. Ho sang also, with variety of mood, songs by Deuza, Sccchl, Hedda van dan Jleenit and i!pross. Mrs. Howell, recalled as Nina Piettyman, performed Vleuxtemps, Saint Saens and Schubert numbers with pure Intonation and expressive fooling. COAL PRICE PKOBE Tfl BENIN Governor's Commission Summons Rep resentatives of Carrying Roads to Explain Situation The commission appointed by tho Gov ernor to Investigate the price of coal will meet In Mayor Smith's reception loom in City Hall next week to Inquire Into the part played by the railroads of the State In the present Hltuation. Representatives of the Pennsylvania Rail road, the Philadelphia and Reading and other coal carriers have been summoned to appear beforo the commissioners during the four days the eesulons will be held In this city. Other witnesses to bo examined vlll Include members of the Workmen's Compensation Uoaid. Tlu coal' commUnlon Includes Rolert M Uawthrop, of West CheirVr; John Iincdon, of Huntingdon, nnd Ii J. urferty. of this city The first session will bo held on Tuuiday, fiy the Photoplay Editor nrntCNT "Tlte ) f Mm," OolnmMs. Jiro, sillh Viols ln, Hlorr nev. Wll Hm B, Danfertli. dirte.t r 4ohn II. t uil'ns. Something quite novel In the way of character-study, locale nnd Interweaving of Incident has been accomplished In this motion picture. Written by a clergyman, it professes to lay bare the stern morale and bigotry of a Shaker community, nnd will doubtless be ft subject of controversial Interest on that nccount. The best brains of the Metro's directorial staff have gone Into the making of the film, which Is strik ingly acted by little Mies Vsna (who "dou bles" tho role of mother nnd daughter with intelligence). Augustus Phillips nnd Kd-w-ard Uarle KxpcClal commendation must Im ncoorded tho racial make-up of the cast. Spurious-looklng beards and clumsily pen ciled cheek and chin lines nre so oomrrion that the nicety of detail In this respect In The Ontes of Kden" stands out wth graphic foie. The minutiae of the rell glous hnmlct nro pirtriird clexerly, with some excellent camera wotk that occasion ally goes for naught because of bad light ing. The cutting and assembling of the episodes are very well done. A New fork amusement weekly publica tion carried recently a "scarehead" story to Mie effect that the II F Keith offices- In that city were nbout to institute a great distributing agency for movies, with branches and sub-branches all over the country llarr T. Jordan, of the local Keith Interests, when asked as to the truth of yie reiwrt. replied thnt he personally knew nothing of the scheme, and thnt Phlla delphla had not yet, at any rate, been affected In such a manner. The. article, from Variety, said, In part- "Th Krith tvoii. their saai-Ulaa ami prin cipal rshlliltnra all orr thi country will he In-tarc-atril, with no ima psrty In .vntrol I'rlncl. rl rihihltora o.tmlttM Into tnn romoratlon will h riuM olr, nl th- plan of orinl- non rroMira rnr hcm mania" in m dinrreni Matre. will. riii,iONiu...'nM, 'i , with Clara Khnbell To JTrseel- X. luaitnin ay-aTon nrnrmfa, in lav." f1ts.lc ount and Conway Ttsrl n4 Istv- Halmltx, .RTnKKT prrnA ilottsr "A if tne leda,,f with Annftts Keller William Shr, SprcUeli. and ClIKSTNl'fc Usnthtfr i matin m besutr of th twtt, nut somtwhst Ucklnc In drama lie tttntnranr VAUDBVILT.n 2nrnt' flrr I nnn "Xtsty Ann," with llermln Anon tn4 romrann Arthur oain, Avon Oemrdr Kyr, Mslets lioneont . Mario Io nil rompanir lnui Qusrtn. liurlar J liurlajr. )imih ana lsiMlar and 8Il(-Tribuna nw pictorial OUMik "a Yjy at Oresn rteseh, t) PftU'a "Thrre Trr '' Ihe Mtilodr Kor. fiva Vai entt snil cotnpsnr Tour Vsn.Hrs, Tom tirlnt nt Htnrr Slalera. JoMphlna lonhtrdt. O Hrltn an.t tlu-l), Davit and l'vtcn and Kurtla's roosters a OIJAND tHo.lr Monnreh. snd Mslda." I vi Mm. ths Clowr Lsf Trio. qrrn nt Iirsir, MeOormlrk snJ Itrown, Owen anJ .. itt .in(3 motion rletures. . Wll.l.MV I'KXN "8ehi 1'aja," Mill n .Mnintan, ro and Jor I'sisnliell, IHwitt Jiiorrsn an. if 1 . ffiATieW ' t Oe Ht 11. tnvltM t tntl ,. lala MMIIrtaVM-. Hun re. 1st, rrivsU, rln Cm. J. viewer t n to in p, m mpli IT CI seettrei Ban, P, m, tat riiltw, W. malna may he viewed Hot ' a to In p. MAMS Vor . I.H.t.UNM lMi.htr Jm v. ana t.llllan M, tal anj tTnldailar et Msry tXlur(tiir) Johnaon and lata John vlurphr. exl & ltlailvra and frlenAa InrtlM to tnrl. Hat 13 o'eloeK TrMnra f trent. Woodland vr and Mariton Mk Camden N.J,. Int. Calrarr CVm IljmMna may r lw-l trl t. JiMAL Not. I. nAMVKt. WKal.KT. hatband of Marr tval. aad ;? tlalallt-!. mnA frlanda A M. tirmntwn on. J, f. Iletnotds nil i-Min iicrmanj tn at Invited ot S t, m . U I:, nutrnhoiiH ft n. Int Cheltn Jtllls Ctm, Hi r Iw Mewed I rl T to Io n. m. funeral t- nnd '"The Vrnond rrlneo. SCHOOKI AMD COLLEGES . Learn L A'NGU A G SS AT TUB Berlitz School 1311 CHESTNUT -BTOUTT (Our nikar ft lltgiman's pharmacy) Du s flerllls HtUxxl Huilnf Jrhrn o only la noj and write, I'M! boc1oI1u Io (lerla4 ani la wealj I ho orclsn Imuuact. TRIAL LESSON FREE Term rosy I besua at any time. "commercial" education Knur now far shorthand and triwwr.tlnx. boukkteplaar. rea'ty, ailt.tnan.hlp. JKin t"ml fna and eatlmstlnir. uy ? oiinlni aiaaiini Ado Baturdav mnrau seaalona fur lVai.ij.ra VVrlt for full Inforraatlor,, " '"' ",uw" TEMPLE UNIVERilTY v llroad H, bfUw Itaika V?naina!cer Institute "V"' " V f -l union iltar t-'oura-aifur l3 ..f Jl Va tWakttep- 1. Hlaiuun ,i Hi iiiai. PC at Ulvtioa-raphv HM Dr.am.klaa' la CeM tvr M-lil iutai u. i,,u. .j."i ,i salary UXr "r )Mr ! ? i"l IC WMJwr TT- yi,ggwaBVy-4r W f ( . V r Hnni. mo rountrj will 1- Olrlded Into) to Hi! upon nnd rraulat local mutters nrlalna On theon iHanla villi tw hii etiunl illla1on of rletuii- rxhlhltora with tho vaudvllle-plctur men "The Kelih connection rover enoush time for a picture rlao to travel over Itn evrlu he time itween 1Q0O and sooo dar. This Inrlude th" western afflllstlona nt tho eastern Kellh ronncctlona "Ursneh nfnrea of th rilvtrllnitlna eorpor tlnn will he oraanlted In everr Isrso city In all of which thcro la a Ma-tlme vauiletllle theater, operate,! liy th Keith Inlereata'ln th Kaat. and th Orrheum Circuit In tho Weat " Director Oeorge Slegmnnn, who, since lbs completion of Griffith's "Intolerance," has been producing for Klne Arts, has been vis iting his parents tn New York city, and will not return for a week or so to California. In the big U.ibylonlan-rVench-lIoly Innd American photodrnma, Mr. Sltgmann plays Cyrus, King of the Persians. He assisted In tho direction of "Tho Illrth of a Nation." besides enacting the part of the mulatto villain, Ilobart Henley wllj make Ills first appear ance na a Illueblrd star In "Tho Sign of the Poppy," to be released enrly In December In It he plays a "double" that keeps him on the screen virtually all the time through out the live acts of the piece. Jack Plckford Is rapidly qualifying for the title of Famous I'lnyers grouch. He Is playing William Rylvanus Baxter In the adaptation of llooth Tnrktngton's "Seven teen," in which ho Is co-starring with Iyoulso Huff. It Is one of the chief points of Wil liam's character that ho detests Clematis, tho houn' dog, which Is the property of Genesis, the fnmlly servant. Now It so hap pened that the dog which was selected for that role took a violent fancy to Jack tho moment he saw him. As a tesult Jack has had to spend all his spare moments In being mean to the dog In order to have It' shun him before the camera. It Is nearly break ing Jack's heart, because he Is fond of ani mals and the situation Is getting on his nerves. Theatrical Baedeker axnrtlCK "roUah and rrlmuttT In Koelety," with Harney Hvrnard Monusue Olaaa'a and Ttol Cooper Mecrue'a aequel to "I'ntaah and I'erlmuttvr," Amualnr, but more melodramatic than Ita predeceaaor i.YlUC "The ramlnc Shoe of 11 " with Ed U'jnn. Uello Aahlrn. William Phllbrlck. Fred Walton aud a larso oompany. A musical crEyiutli, with nonaena. Never burins. MTTLK TIIKATEII "A Bear." by Tcheklov; "A Koadhouae In Arden," by Philip Moeller, "Interior," by Maeterlinck, and "I'lerro 1'ato lln," nfteenth century fare. latter half of week. Capital entertainment by tho Wash ington Square Players imOAO "lllater Antonio." with Otis Skinner. America's moat versatile and finished charac ter actor. In a ditlzhtful Impersonation. The play Is amuslni-, but thin. Indorsed by the Drnma Leaa-ue. FOHHEST "Zlrsfeld FollUa." with Ina Claire, Tanny llrlce, Anna Pennington. Pert Wllllarsa llernard Uranvllle, ' Will nosers and a be company Tenth anniversary production of th famous frotb and frivol Institution. IJeau tlful to tho eye, HKTIlOl'OI.ITAN OPHltA HOtlSG "Ilia, lllp. Hooray." with Charlotte, the skater: 8ousu and his band. Nat Jl. Wills, Charles T. Aldrlch and many specialists. A three-ring clrcua of vaudeville, brasa band aud skating: all anod. AIJKLPIII "Kiperlenee." with Ernest Qlen dinning A "modern morality, play" with more humannesa than craced "Everywoman." 'there's a largo cast. Ulendlnnlnc acta superbly. at ropuLAn rnicEa WALKUT "Tba Woman Who Pali," with Nsncy Hover and Ferdinand Tldmarab. Tha atory of a alrl'a flght against designing raa. cats, with the usual vomantlo touches and comedy thruwn tn. KNICK-JtlIOCKi:n "Thn Home Without Chll. ?.."! tl"! Anna Doherty and Charles Moc., itobert McLaughlin's drama of anclologloal epndlllona. marking the return of several Knickerbocker favorites. FKATUIIE FIIJ1S BTANLRY "f Than Uie Iluat," Artcrsf.. with Mary Plckford. all weak. Others. AHCAUIA "American Arleloemer," Kln Art. Tilanglc, with Douglas Fairbanks, all wg, rAI,ACK"Tb Heart of Welonah," Morosco. I'aramount. with Ignore lllrlch Others. P.1:h:NT "The tlales of Kden," Metro, with V'lntu lliina VICTOfllA "In Othera. th Diplomatic Hervlre," STEAMSHIP NOTICEH FLORIDA "JIT SKA" rillLADELPIIIA TO JACKSONVILLE (Calling at Mavannah) DKLltillrPllL. HAII. Fin Bteamor. U.w Karea. jiMt Service. Meats and Herth Included. t'lanYour Trip to Include "The Flneaf Coaatwlae Trips lu th Warll" Illusirnted liuiiklet on lietust. Mercliiuits & Miners Trans. Co. Ofl-lc. 10H Koutk Olh St.. Phils, r. W, P. TUIINWI. O. P. A.. Dalto., iii .IT'".1!. " ,.'i Yrner. photoplay. . Cltimit ixkY.sJxDer North TrK. Frnk Terry, clelslre llrtither and others. MIVSTPtRIJI DUMONT'S "While Teeth and Ilaked Iteana, or, a lawyer la Troubl," Is tho prlneipal biirtenu. Other travesties retained on the bill, . nrnt.EPQtttf CASINO Mollh William' Own Compn with Mlaa Wllltam herself, lh two mushal liurlettaa are "Th Halloween Partf' ai, I "Some Sanatorium," Miss William h a new dance entitled "Th Dance rtinttcement ' irv Mitchell lcdg. r, and i npier aiis, n m Council. 1 IS . O .M . 1 . lean as k. et a service, ?i, tlermsMnw main may .IiKVKItRl-X --S- D WII.I.IAM 'huand . i.e -itrteein tievereut, Iielatlvea and frlenda. Holy Nam Kocletr of at John th pap. list Church Manarunk invllct to funeral. Men , h i a in 4M ierraee at, AVtaaahlckon Holcmn riulem rn ft. John th Itaptlst Cliutxh 10 a m Iht Kt John-a Cem, nAiti.r:. not, , ai.ick paudrk wi.tow n Jsmra M Hart. Services Pat a p. m., K ten ton an Chestnut Hill. Int. private. KIH.K - At Atlanti.- fir. N J Nor. I, MAIIY CAIIOI.INK, wife cf Fnllnnd Kbl Itetatlre ie) meteto Vsvired.tv sl Sat., lis ,!.. Cmrl M JK, TH MK5.tey.CTJSV. k. CMA) loaoanu nd rriei i. of A. f A ..CI oami of lM Mwtei sni m,, e, -K'l hoao atift rvteTHl. A if A., WaahlaalfM. tlaenn. KA. of A ..Cincinnati l,Vgt. No. Ill, IV O. ..(! rlnnatl uommasdarr. Ne. 114, S' l J-' emptftre and Iteltef A . bf rhl nv Kwetrlo J (nvllefl to funeral lervlees, Jan., l:Jfl p. en., MM iirewn t ini remwnoo: .-m ponnnsT not. i. oEonote it,. hubsm( f Mary J. Ftotreat and von of late William 4, try IXsrreiit, nelallve an.1 friends, emplsiri ef John Itrnmiey Kon and Hut Weavers- UnMa Inrlted to funeral service, Pat., p, m Si) Coral t 1st. Private, liemalna may b vltwvd I-rl., after ft p. m, FIIANK. Nov. T.MAnTi dailehter f.A. rem i ininit gen is, iteiaiiv If.,. n,l Vellle it. and frlevida Invttcd tA funeral, Mon.. S 39 a, n,t izi ,-. nairora at. llian ...Bi res Mence man Our l.arty of nmary Church mother a t in a, tn. int. A,. rneeeal. A., aofi af Ytnsa 1st Rvnmahuel 1-ue ton, nt residence of mother. lTlS Fl, ninrgriM at. (Mnrrl at. bc,v itthV. bo nolle ef funeral given. . I Aiillllonal IVealht n Nett rag Calvrr Cem FMlton tne rarrell) at Camden Je . jSvn .rid 1st -? 9-S ;! A t pmemrmtmsmmmmm AUTUMN RESORTS ATfNTItl CITY, N. .' fpv $ ttssmsws fiiLftrrftcciry, CJsrce4 pCfi P0&t&8$&& A rccqgrvlscd , ,s tanSard or Gxcellencc, ThilfADINC fllSORT IIOTILOF THE WORLD ATLANTIC CTTr.N.jr. 1 AsaraiMCMI UAkA(lTaikijB .JOSIA'h WMITR . tQNS COMPAMV I ttfof nilvidfav Ky, ilwewuHi-n.. lortosl, Pi water, IS up wkly , IS us dally Bear Bench. Kl. riv. uams rua I vuae, ciuar. Prominent Photoplay Presentations IN MKMOKIAM WOt.nRUT. In loln memory of MAI1TII rt'KKKI.Dr WDMIKHT. who departed thl Ufa November 10. 1U1.V DAl'UIITl.lt cntfjsi Am,S. At Allsntle City. N J.. Nov. t. MAIIY OAUOt.tNi:. wife of Ferdinand Able Duo notice or funeral wilt b given, from late rlileno, IA N. New Hamrahlre sve. .ANNS Nov 0. RVTMONII HTt'LT?., hu bjhd of Maraaretla Anna (nee Kelly) and eon of Philip and late Wltlmlna Ann, aged a. uelathea and friends Invited to funeral serv ice. Sat . 2 p. m , n2S Ohrlatlan at. Int, pri vate liemalna may b Mewcil Frl. eve, HAllllKU Nov, 8, 1IRNHV C lUllllKIt, cd il. Helatlies and friends, emrlojes p. rt T in, IhMle.l to Mew remnlns, Fri,. at under-tal-era. ins r. Irfhlrh nve Hervlcea M. R i-hurrh Pe.lrlrktoan. N J.. Hot. II n m. Int redrlcklnwn (N J ) Cent llAltltY Nov. s. MAIIY. wife ef Ijurence. I'arey (nee Sulllron). llelatlves nnd friend Hulled to funeral, Mon . S Si) a m.. ITM Pearl at jtoltmn high requiem mass Cathedral 10 a in Int Holy Croaa Oem. I1P.AMISH Nov. T. PATtAlt. wife of John O. Ileamlah and daughter of lato Ramiiet and faro line Rhode rtelalhev and frlenda. I.leut E. W nv Clrtle. Nn ns. 1. of tl A It.. St. John' Temple No . U O n . Phil Idge, No 20, R of It . Invited to funeral eervlc nt.. S P. "2 ..ralone of brother-in-law, William 1 Hood SOS- N Lambert t . Thlla friends my view remjlnn nt late, residence, IIS N. 84th t . Camden, Frl 7 to 0 p m. Int Northwood Cem. .,l":t''f,...?u',,,nl,' N(" " l.KWIB .. sen of late Ullllam and Margaret Heck, at late real dence. :n Osage ai. Duo nolle of funeral given llKDFOrtp Nov n. AI.ON7.0. huahand of fharlotle jledford (nee l.) nge.1 S, Itela tlvand friends Wlngnhocklna Trllm. No sa I O. It M , Tonsue, Counrtl. No hn. U of It , employes of Allen tlllmore, liultct to funeral rvlees. Mon.. 1 p m realdenco of on-ln-law M llammet. HIT .V 7th at Int Hillside Cem V."1"1."" mV ''0 vlewxd Hun., after 7pm Auto funeral , . ,,,x,l.nn. Not. 7 IttClIAnD. huahand of ,rr'!.,,l.,l'.r 'P'" I '). sre.1 80 Iteiallve and Jrlends Invited to funeral services. Sat., 'J P. m , reeldenco of mother Mrs Mary Zone. JflOX N Mutter at Int Orcenmount Cem. ttcmalna may tie viewed Frl. eve. r.Il.-,.:V1ir:,.Tt0,r . ItAItltY A., husband of Im gtven 1"Jrlfr f" notice of funeral will nJill,i'K m Novv, ? THOMAS It., huebiind of lellnda Illue. nelatlvrs am! frlenda milleri fa runeral. ino Montgomery axe.. Bat., 12 noon ..mP,.mn,'.t Mw-d l"rl., h to HI-.S0 p. m. Int Merlon Ce-n ei.L,U.?S.',iK.N TTNflv MATIY. daughter of Pst rick nnd late Mary llrennen (nee I.owL.rl Itel atlvea and friends II. V M Ho.!n!lty ef Church of Holy Name and ralrhlll Circle, No 7. Lady nreotera. Invited to runeral. Sat.. 8.30 m.. father1 residence. in SepMva at. Mass of rooulem Church of Holy Name in a, m Int. iiuij i. rose i;em. Auto cortege, nv!tR.,'.,!AKF,.' 'VoTi " rt'V. WILLIAM O JIIU'ItAKKIl. husband of Vlda T. llrubaker (nee l.aby). nge.1 4. Ilelatttea and friends, conere cation i and Iirothethnod nf'Holy Trinity Lulh aran Church. ParkslJe. Camden. N. J., Inilted to funeral aenlces Holy Trinity Lutheran t hurch, Kalghn and I'rln.'ess ave.. Camden N. J Rat . h p m Int Morris Cem . Thoenlx xllle. Pa , .Sun. Itemalns may bo viewed Sot , to i 7. so p. m at church. No futher notice of funeral. Auto funeral OAIKIl, Nov S JOHN II OAinil. In Will ear Funeral services Sat., 2.80 P. m. Sill l'ennhurst at ((I and Tioga), Int. private Mllion (Pa. I Rvrnlng Standard copy. COCIIHAN Nov. U, MAItdAHCT. widow of Lawrence Cochran (nee Courtney). Iteli tltra and frlenda Inxlteil to funeral, Mpn., 7-10 a m residence of son, Dennis J. Cochran. 4rUd Westminster av. Solemn high moss of ro oulem Mother of Sorrow' Church U a. m. Int. Holy Cross Cem. COMIIKH. At '"-evoury. N. J.. Nov. 8. KAT1IHYN M.. naughter of late Daniel 11. and L'llzahetli A. Comber. Du notice of funeral will be given later. COONKY. Nov. . MAIIY C. wife of Josctm I, Cojmey (neo Dickson) Il'lntlirn and friends St. IMmond's II. V M. Sodality. Uague of Sacred Heart. Altar and Hosary Society lnlte.l to funeral. Tue . S.8D a m, 1SKI S. Illnggold t (21th and Teeker). Solemn high mass of requiem St. Edmond's Church 10 a. m. Int. Holy Croea Cem. COROOHAN, Nov 0. ItOn. widow of Rryan Corcoran, of Kllcnltrlm of Hoerls. Co. Carlnw. Ireland. Dun notice of funeral will be given from residence of son, P J Corcoran. 80th and Msgsslne lone. . COX. Suddenly. Nov. R. JOHN CALVIN, husbsnd Halite Co (nee Oroe) Relatives nnl frlenda, member Richmond llantlst Church, Port Richmond Council, asi, 1 p, A : Richmond yvuuiM, .. n . oi it , iveccacoo iriDe, 10 KZSSMHKM rIE fellewlnt Oiealers al Company, which Is a go All ph-tnre reviewed befor i btalalag picture threoih I SotiBm (hnpomu :U AlUn.L.. 12th,Morrlsft passTunkAve. VintUalDr& Mat. Dally 3! Kxgi.OtlSAO i-aramount iicture. In "HER FAT11KR,'8 SON" Vivian Martin APHl T C BID AND THOMrPON rTUU.U MATINF.K DAILT VIVIAN MARTIN in "TUB STRONOKIl IXVK" ARCADIA CHESTNUT pr.i.ow KITH DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS in "AMKRICAN ARISTOCRACY" BELMONT . &Ui?? CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG in THK COMMON LAW" CEDAR I, O. II M.i Stonerhen'a Fellowship. S5th Vard', C0T1I AND CP.DAR AVB. rAn urorwr theater FANNIE WARD in "RACIt PHAIH. A TKAR" FAIRMOUNT S6T" J AVK!tvn F. X. Bushman & Beverly Baync In "IN THK ntPIXJMATIC ftKRVfcn" FRANKFORD 4 FnANAV,n Fannie Ward ,n ,EAC" rnA,nArt" "SIIIKl.niNn SHADOW" ' CCTU QT THKATF.R. MAT DAILT. 0JlLi. Ol.n i0iv Fprnce. Kim 7 to 11. Theodora RobrrM Pt Anirn, King In "ANTON THH TnUItlRLT:" C AOFiPN r,3D &I.ANSDOWNK AVR. UAiVLltl r.VKVlNO 0:30 TO 11. ELLA HALL ii "I.ITTI.n HVA KIXIAIITON" JEFFERSON 50Tn r,nrAl!rnrN HOLBROOK BI.INN in "PRIMA DONNA'S HUHHAND" LOCUST BSD AND tXKTUST Mat. 1:10 and 8:10, Etc. S:30, s. U:30. 10. l&e. ANTONIO MORKNO NAOMI CHILDERS -rue In IB DEVIL'S PJIIZB" S3S MArtKET BTREKT Market St. Theater OAIt. KANK In "T1IR SCATILST OXT, KiTry WdMarl Walcamp In ,I,HKRTt Tomorrow Chaplin In "Th Chpllnrtevl,r" OVERRRnnK" MD iiAVERroitrJ LIONEL BARRYMORE in TIIR UPHEAVAL" PALACE ,suma"ikt'btiVket: LenoreUIrich .Ja,,. PARK IPAnPR rORTY-FIRRT AND LCiaucn i.ancastkr avenue THEODORE ROBERTS in "ANTON THE TKRRIRLr." RIDdE AVE. DAUPHIN BT. MAT. 5 11 RVO.. All! In It. MAE MURRAY in "TUB P.IQ MSTKP." J01B MArtKRT STREET In "I.OVB NEVEfl niKs" Karl William, "flrsrlet Runner1 PRINCESS Ruth Stonehouse Every Tuea RPHFrMT n31 market street , icvcin i iftrMiv votes oic6ah VIOLA DANA in "THE OATE8 OF KDEN" RIALTO OKRMANTOWN AVE at Ti'i.rnttoptfrN MARY PICKFORD in "HULDA I-ROM HOLLAND" ST. RUBY Marie Doro MARKET STREET I1KLOW TTH RTnECT IN "THE LASH" M SAVOY LI R F P T V nnoAD and 1 - COLPMRIA William Niprh nnd Irene Howley In "LIFE'S SHADOWS" Wl:.T PHILADELPHIA FUREKA 40Tn MARKET BTS' FLORENCE LA BADIE in "THE rUOITIVK" A. B. c THEATER ' ("pstnut HENRY B. WALTHALL in "llEL'LAir 1211 MAnKCT STREET FRANKLIN FARNUM in "A STRANOER TROM SOMEWHERE" TJQQ A 1TTII AND VENANOO RT9. VALENTINE GRANT in "TltE DAUGHTER OF MACaRKOOR" VICTORIA MAKK;vsrT',NT,; FRANClt X. nnsifMAV JtrlHTATPl.T 11ATNB ln"IN THE nil'I-OMATll'' SERVrCE-' Triangle Comtdv "Ilaystsck and Sleepier." CT AMI CV MARKET AltOVE 10TII MARY PICKFORD in "LESS THAN THE DUST" a SOUTH PIltl.AbKM'lIIA OLYMPIAnnADARA?NniUDQK MADAME PETROVA in "THE KTERNAlr QUESTION" NORTH PIIILDKI.PIIIA RIDGE AVENUE ,TS4 ,UD0E AVli J. WARREN KERRIGAN in "THE SILENT HATTLE" - il. o CT DlllllllllflllllllllllllllllltlllllillllllllllllllllllllfllCT 71, '-vinw, x:.. 7" QsJaaTesa. WWl'nm.VJ' 'SSMJef vHbbbHbI fSjL f'WglsP' wtsHS .aiP'aAfeBBka. Jl :??'' r'"'"7 Ti E3 German War Romance at League Islan THERE was a wedding on Tuesday last in the officers' din ing salon of the famous German commerce raider, the Prinz Eitel Fritz, interned at League Island. It was the result of as pretty a romance as the imagination of a novelist could create. Marie Kesner tells the story in the Magazine Section of Sunday's Public Ledger. The quaint German mar riage customs, the pretty, flaxen-haired bride and her stalwart sailor-husband, the German folksongs and national airs, to gether with a description of the wonderful "German village" the sailors are building at League Island these make a story which will hold your attention. And Marie Kesner, of the Public Ledger staff, is the only woman newspaper correspond ent who saw these things. Read her article in . Sunday's PUBLICLEDGER , rST l :?"! f "" '"--- 1V Syj r- ,-wJfclfe. I . wjf Jrf re J