m A.m-,3LJWWig rys fww-1 '- JWUW I 5W"inr?T'JaJwwiL' Hv-? n? y- FINANCIAL NEWS . 1 1. 1 .1 i i i i. ' ' ' !- 'x ", SOME STdGKS REACH NEW TOP MARKS AS DAY COMES TO' CLOSE IN WALL ST. Nothing to Indicate That Long Holdings Will Be Dis- v turbed No Matter What the Results of the Presidential Campaign May Be m i - ' NBW YOMC, Nov. . Thera was nothing'tn tody' toclc markot, followlnjr. the general ajwumptlon n the Btret pt the re-election of President "Wilton, to Indicates that aotuet W-Hnse nt Job tfoclc wiH be dtaturbod no matter what the results of the prudential cnmpalsn may be. For a time during the mornlnn the chanpon n the ItttHnic field, unfavorable to thn nenubllcnh eldo. demanded most attention from thp upcculntlvo clement, ri$ V" lt VM WW? ilemontrat4 thh market operations which bad, boen checked t .beeaiise ot theeeJuncertalnUep were pganl In nroirrcs" with Increased vigor. v Decline-.. whioh vere recorded in the early tradlnn vpro quickly turned Into ' ftdva.net, and when the da,y eVided a number of stocks sold at new high records. V-t .- The price movement Included (ulvwtcefc nunflnsr from 2 to morj, than 10 points. . ' ConttM Leather, which has hJ a, , continuous upward march for seme time, KTi" vto the. greitMt gain, Minn In Unj afternoon at 11IV4. a sain at that time of - . moro than 11 points. International Paper sold at 70, compared with 64 at tho ' opening, and American WrltlnK Paper mode an advance of about 9 point. Amer. leas Locqmotlvo rose over 6 points and about the samo amount of gain was mado In Lartawanna Steel, Business wan on a large volume at all times, with tho heaviest trading In United States Steel common, which ranged during tho day from 122 to HSU, fluctuating vlolontly between these extremes, but tnklnir enormous amounts of stock on profit-taking sales and bear raid. Tho loadlnc railway Ibhuos roovftd within narrower limits, but no weakness was displayed r tills group and tho gonpral disposition was to uccopt the ultu atlon at Its boaf and to base, market operations on known valucn and earning pronpocts without consideration as to who will oocypy the presidential chair sifter next Mart!)), ' . mfc !t " ST V V--. I t r., ' tikTZf Tho bofld market maintained llo strong tone, with trading In Urge volumo. The Anglo-French bonds were traded In at around p5 and thoro was a con tinued demand for Chesapeake and Ohio convertible hn. J.acUawnnnu Steal fs advance from i. to 101 on heavy dealings and thero was also heavy buying of Oolorado-Nldland-4s,-whloh ranged from 1TH tp-17T4. NEW YORK STOCK SALES t Ut.. H titLow oa ... n Acrae Tos AJax. Rubber AluksQold M... Alatk. J OoU M. ...... T Allls.Cha'mtrrMre 28!f AlllChiU Mtt pf. .,V.,. 85 AmUe CBemlesl.,,., ijsm AtntKt SM,.....,tU3( Am Cao., . ,V... ...-.,, . 01 Am Cm rl.,,,..,.,.,,,ii4 Am Car rd. ...,..., GSH Am Uldo & Lttor.,, UH .m Jlldo A L pf Ti .Am Ice Secaritlei. ...... 29 ' Am Linseed;,,,.,,, 2i'i AmLlaseod pr. M Am Locomutlr. ........ 03 Am Locomaare W Am Smelt A Hot. . 4 ". 1254 7 .14 01 itoif mi 114 71 17J 73M 29 05 12K 7 20 BOM 71 lit Clou. (15 7HJ 12H 7 assf on 87IJ 102W (Ml 114 -11 102 02U Hi W ffl 28l 2M 27M 20 SOW (OH H7H 60 ma vm U7 i(H ms 1(M 108 110U 111H 111 111 AroSmcltKf A.. ....... 00l 100 100 100 Am buiar llnlog.,.T,fJlU).' ViUi-l,mmH Am Stool Fouadrtei OtH UQ U4U 00 AmTcl&Tel.,,,M,,13JW 13 U J Hi) I 131' AraToupf paw.; ,108 108 03; )08 An -Woolen 03'X IA MW OS.'i Am "WrlUog P pf 51H GO sm fi6W AmZlncLitbn C3W &) Ul( 04 i AmZL&Spf iUVi M M m Anaconda Cop M 07 08M 07 J i 07! Atch Top & H V, 107 107H 100 100! AtclTopBF,,.1001 0O 100W 100 AUaulf&WI 107i 109 100H 108H AtiOWIpf ,71 72 71 71 Bsldioco Wta. 88 OOU 80K Wi llMtiOhlO ,., 88K bHM 88 88 Bait A Phlo p.... 76f 75 7 75M Barrett Co ,.,150U 100t 5JX 1G0K Bcutlcbem Steel 684 CSO CW) 080 BrooUm ltap Tr 85 84' S4! H4!f Bun Terminal.-..-.-.. ...1)2 llliH XU'4 IWH Buttfl4upertof..,.,07 68 MM fl7 Canadian l'acUIc- 173 173 172 ITiVi Cental Leather ,107W 110 llUHi 110 Chancier Motor. 105'i 100 10."!i 105H . . . .,. .. . r ..T.'. Junes e. uuo , us;, oojj 0.1H Chlcac-.i areat west.... lb Chi Ureal ffw. pf A&H .Chi Mil ASt l',,, ,,.,,, 05) i Chi Northwestern.,.. 120 Continental Can. ,'..,. .,103 Col Gil & EUw. ........ 43 J i Chi U I &l'ac , 34 vaue opr.-.. ...,,, xjj Chlno Copper.. 63 Col Fuel it. Jrpn. ,,.., M .ah.h m tiu rA . . .vi. vvuiiv a ivw-tAt. .., .-., Y UU....1Z3K Con O K L & 1 Ual Corn Products itef..i., 10 Crucible Steel,..., 02 Crucible blest pf 124 Cuban-Am 6u pf,.,.,.,l(yi Cuba Lake bujtar ., 71 Cupa Cane bugax p(.... 08U Dea & Rlodnl pf, 40 DUUU 6cc Corp-n , 4Mf pome Juuu.. ,,,,. 21H Erie 2M fti lit pf Mli Oaiton W & W 45 General KIcctilc, 18H 1H2M 18'J JooJlch B r.,.r.,.,. 7H Tilt 7lTi jDrMjNonhornpf,,,.,,! 1,0 W J 10 JQ N cfafor ore prop.... 43 45U 4iiH CroMie.Cananea. ...,.. WW 63 W &3M flulf StaUl Stool 102 102 inu lf) 4Julf StaUJ Sf 1st pf.,,,Wl 101 101 JOl (Qulf etatei a 2d pf . , . . , 101 100 103 , 100 run-on yni., ,..,... ,iu4 uw;c Jl 0U)( oa;( cvsh ohw lfiii lS)i 15i 40( 45 45) OoU 0 051( 120M 120M V2-JH 103, 102M 103 44li .43) f 41 30 ,15 35 1S 22lf VSM W UH 04 li Mif '53K 55) AH Wi 48 125!f J26 126 p;t iui iuii OIM U2M 12J 123H 114 JOO 7J mi 44 11 ISM (Ml 14 74 121 411 ll'JH 1121i H2 Lout elo. lttilh. Low. Clnu, U Bind Alcohol 142 lU'i Ulli 1UH United Itjs Inr 10l 1U( UWi Unlteil ltj Inr pf...... 22 22)X 21 U S Kubbor GOIf roHi 00' UHSm II A M. ....... . 73W 74H 74 M USSUwlCorp'n 124. VlUM VUVi V Bled corp-n pf ...,121! 121!( 121 121W Utah ConWr ,..,l2'i U.ltJ 1I3J 112M Va-Csro Chenucal ,. 4o)S 40 40 Va-Caro Chimtcal pf, .,,112 Va Iron Coal & O.,,.,. 5S Wapaah ,.,,.. 15,'i Wabash J A (7! Wabash pf M t SO'X IVMtKA M IWli . .103S ID.I .. 3 35i .. 55 50JS Wlllrs Ovrrland 42)$ 42M WoOIorthKW J4(JJ 141H Worlhlnk-ton rump , 33 3J)( ttuutvd ft Ulvldina. Western Union Tel. WhisliUke Sfh.. White Motor. 67 1(1 57W .'I0, 00 67 151$ 67 30H MH 55W 40 57 15 57 30W CO 103 0(l) wn UMi 140JJ 3JJJ 33J SUBSTANTIAL GAINS RECORDED ON CURB Outside Market Continues to Show Steady Tone, Compared With Nervous Exchange 03W 12311. , rirj 73 00 47 A5H 2 IK :Wi 63! ( 4-lM 72 00 24H 381$ 6.1 M 44 )ba 71 110 Mli DJH nmCvnCoPv 07K M Ma urT(QU. 15-t it'Cpp Cpp'n pf, 70U nt Pnor i.- -.. AS ;--. -"-FF'-rrrf.'rr "w H 07M (W 67M ? jy i 77 77 77 flt,l'aptrpf(,,.,,;..,io4U 107 km iosm Nick v tell....... 61 51 61 51 Hil aVi 43)( 122 HUM 120a 28 27U lint 77it 705f 70W 642 64) 64! j V6H 0U 05 US TI4W 115 24)( 21 24 42 4QU 40H tan 25 nt Nick v tcfi....... 61 lpt M Meet dp.. i'lU mtM i pr(0oiop.,..iiu)( Kan Cltr Southemvi.,,. 27k Kliy Sprlce Tin. ....... 77 Keanecott Copper 54)$ Lack Slael Co., ........ 01l Lsekde Uai ..w!14 Uke Erie d Wet...t... 2S)$ Leo pubbr TU8.,.... 41)$ Leblfb Yaller... fHJ iMaerwuM uueuii ugh ,Maiea Motor....,.,,, H3 uuweti Moton lit pi,. Ht)$ MaxvaU WtOM 24 W. , 6J, May 0w utona, ,,,,,. 71 Uei I'iKfoJiwn. ..,.,, .110 uax Psweleum at 07 Miami Coppm 391$ iwa Hi a t t l, ,.,124)f 124 ilssourl 1'aclAo w 1 27W 27)$ iimmm raewa ,. iom ilstewl Paciae oH... 10)1 jo ku 4 Thsi (,.,. 20W Urt Cloak 4 Suit,,,,.,, 841$ ai "J B Winn M toC fI$ 25)$ Etu W 62j( 631$ K 7114 71 H, 113 110 GO oa 89U 30M 124 27 $ 10)( Q)$ ior i bM 101 1 SI 16W rUla 35)$ (! 33) Hi! ilA in Ht)$ 62,$ 1101$ 305$ 124 37Ji 10! lilt n SI K 169 rgeffCWMj.M.Mi. li 801? 25), arte Air Brake. ...180 160 150 ew York Central,...., 188)$ 109)$ 108)$ 108)$ i 34, J M'M.i. a? ar 37 37 W9M.,..... JUJf 311 31 aiu Wt4M...i. Ami 113 llit 1411 PaeWe.,M.M,)12)$ 113 112)$ 112JJ i KaUroad 68 mwHua,Mtt(...if ISMT,;,.74H ' OWSW ,ji fUi Wtf!ii.88f$ 'iLLJ'i'V""" 4TbWB I f a 10 1 aVtiiis.us 3h. f L,t. 26 HC-sn, 8? 26)$ 67)$ 671$ I?1 no)$ ioo)$ 109;$ HI 78)$ 81 mi 38)$ 384$ Uh Tin mi m XH XH 7M a. 68 41H iv . i$' 8il)( 25$ 9ft)$ 6TK" 41( 70 65)$ )$ m 1 1 XI 3A sus. Ridilaj'.",V.?,' M$ U aU 'OOr! v'fl.. .I', 9 il- NB1V YOHK. Nov, 9. The Curb market today continued to show a stead1 topo com parod with the nervous movements on the Stock Kxch&nif. Home Issues made Hubatnn tlal gains In the Uroad street trsdltik. with St. Joseph's Lead selllne at the now hlKh record of 20 and vigorous advances were mado In many other stocks. , Mldynl .Stool continued to reflect persist, ent accumulation, moving up early In the day from 68 to 69. and American Writing Paper followed the preferred stock on the board by advancing from Ti to abovo 9. Chalmers new stock, when Issued, advanced from EJ to E and l'lerce .Arrow ranged from 6S to C6. There was a good demand, too, for many oil stocks, with Standard Oil and Transport again selling, at 9, and Houston Oil ad vanced from 1914 to ubpvo 20. Vacuum. Oil and Uai ranged from, l 1-18 to 1 3-18. lNOUSTrtIAI.il UM .Asked Attn Exvloilva 10 11 Amrcn-ljrltlh Mf ,, JO 20 Amerkmti Marconi , , JVi 81$ i'unildlan C'r C'u 40 50 Can Car & Fdy pfd ...IS 7r ChavrvKt Motor , .10 11)3 Curllm Aeruvlana t!0 So f:mron rhonnuraph ,,..,,,.. Vi'i 13U jU.k.ll liarktr bar ..:...::.. Jl Vi lUnde iltt S3 2(1 Kathodlon llronio ptd V 10 Uurtl Oil Oas & i Maxim Munitions , OS 74 jlfnlwttsp Transit .....i H ,, atiaval Mt.l enti AvVi oils Ulovator 117 I'tVrltaa Motori S3 V? I'oale.ttnr ,,,..,.. ..!( IIS.. H B Kreffo w I 1? . JSll tan)ardMot,rs ....T.. ,(..;..,. H W flubmaflnelloat ...,,..., ,. ii S r.dto,...::::::::::i:::: I U aTANUAUP OlI 8TQ0KB JlJInol ,..,,.,,,,, ,.,,,,..24 M0 Ohio ......,,., 'V.i SI I I'ralrla I'lw ,,,,,3lii iii standard Ol of California ,.,!,,. M8 V0 Ht.ndard oil af Haw Jerwy . . , I! ,?IS 6Jf Standard Oil of IVrw fork ,,,,)..( 210 OTIIf-.lt Oil, HTOCKH Taadrn Oil K 14 alldwaat Itettnlns ', ,,...,... 74 7A Baoulpa IlcKnlnr OH VS MINING STOCKS Atlanta , , .. 10 e ipppar ana Kino iv j pppar n mo i lata liutta New York ,,,,,,,.,. jli, ,3 HOT JatCSSi9. ::::::::::::::::: V H faM.,M..::;;::,':::;:;;: j j ic in, Minirur tow Bqun un uuiiar , umbo. Uttonilon eeae f 1 1 ( in UulUr Jumbo Uxttini iiatnnley barrh M iimr CopiMrr , MlnjM Compiny p( Amtrlet. Nfailaaalns . . sin: Ti; .;:::::::;::::; Hi. Joaaph I.aad, noNpa cm Sa .... .. fiolalan Ha ,,..,.. (1111 (Jo .iit,iiiiin,fii Unitad.Kicrdora IHi I yea,r o r ..,,,,;.,., H ti 8 -1 il ip 70 72 liS 1 ., fti V4H 07 6d Y UBLIC SERVICE SECURITIES fhi 4ependew of municipalities oh Public Service Corporations is , th strength of thtir securities, Wo eU your attention to a 20 year 1st Mottiite iU Dan J yielding about WW fit invsitmeBt for Mi'b. Tax refund in Penna. Nersaal Federal Jnepms Tax Paid. Net Mraiaffi are at the rate of wore (W douVU interest krtfe' Tbf OMftny rvi ajgbly praipiroua comwBty (n wkt one cjty alone insa4 pojHalatwi. frow 45,000 in i00i 114,900 m If 1(. SMal sWtaiW ttrHUr a f'tMnt. r-aaaaaaaaaaJaaaMaaaaaaaaaaaaaB Ll j ic- , V!ai AV Vis ' 'V'1 "i? B!3 A? Forfe J?6;id 5aca Itl.h. lyiw. Cto. er r B. ., .",, ,, n Ik El tSVi P8iS VH ffiW!!::' Itt B fR --v.". uu ... ........ .. .! XI.',. . flffiS J,, W r B.. l?ToXnV.o.Pr"0.D, 110(NK Am Knrafan Km Ra OOOOO Amtr Small Nm Sa.. p Ka lwuij Alnar Writ 1'ai Saiioo Armour Co at Wpoo Atchl.on an 4a. . 4 l?iVO do adj 4a. . ti 000 do Oa 1U17 lot W AtUnC.Vl.ia Wi ', 8H f JWJt OhleSHs. .,.,? looo do a . . , ,, . lylH loooo do ev iUs, ...... ? JOOfl Uath Statl rfd Ba. . .1P3H Xooo llrook It V ii . . . 101 MKM1 do Ra ISll..... .,,100 1V'. cn 1 li... l0 S00S 4 6s IUM.. ..... 100 auod Cat U KIm 6a. . . UH I" C'nt Ialhr l.t aa 10ft :,(i(mi Crnt 1-ao lat 4a. . . UoS. rr ra. . ioh I04MI Chill JOOO Chea Conn,! Ohio 4Ha.. oo Chl a liaat ao viinju do conv Ba ., l'niy Chl fit vat ndiui ili itH u.k .t. jj,.i.ru vni 11 u joint n'HHi ilr, f, 4, ... .2000 lKKii 40iin n f i. u i IKihhi do cv 4l. t 4a rfd iUi!!. a: SiOVO Chl 111 1 I' rfd 4a uoooo do (la ,, 2UUH do 4a ....... ... VIIUO Ctiln... rrla R. OUO Col Indu.lrlal A. iK)') Cul aiiuiand rt 4a AOU City of lar fla ran iig uo ea Kla Ilr na .... troll Tunnel 4.,. a H.nur I'.im tim ... iOou Krla ran 4a iuii uo uonv ,a tier ll. Ulio do oonv 4a Sar I).. prior 4a a 12X hu'4 noil sntl avo'i i ouiu loOO ilan It 1(IW ll. KlOO III ::: US fl; 11 4lUI JO00 prantiy fo a, uiiim, uu ai .orin i 000 111 Ml.fl il.li 4V ,f.i"is::f8.,it lUi 101U 12000 III Cam 4. lUOo...... Hi., .u,,ii tiu .a m.d bono tnlrtb Met 4Vba 440OO tntarb It T ret na. U7 mo;; inula HI) 7u00 jnlar Mr Mar fla.. W Kan City Suulh Da. 244000 lAcka tiled fia lur.u anno l.nrl'J. (las lat r.a.. lOOll I.k HI. il.l, 4a W1A QUOU JAUla It Nuan la ViU 2000 Vanhattan 4a 01",i M'lU 11 t 1' S lUi .... HI1,. laooO Mo Kan k T lat 4a.. 70,, SVlOO do 2d 4a fiOi.4 JIID'l do 4Sa 42i o.'liou JIu I'ao w I 4a nava lyiioi) do na w 1 iu.'3. hooo Mont row lOiioft N r Conn fiion do 34 a Unoil do 4a V;'ihm) do 4't "ItlMlll Ii 'OH r 1 1023.... U9 (10 OU far 5a...... tiu l UU4 i ll ll 44 a. UU VOK UU i lltid ua IUI 1141. 1UU HI HI ...I, 1. . . Vm a .', , un'i U. 5 do on 4a Ml', W Sit' v cltr a'l" lixto. . lna loan io3j do 44a 10IIS I0'4 1011 1" do Uk 1IHI4 ...... Itlli loita llllt ai 7n 7ii -'.:.. .1... .iirt-a iu-a . ftJU 02". . 110 (III . K.1'4 HS'a o.ia no'. I ion Nlaaara lck Bs ... VV.i III1. 4 HIS mo I'tnna 4a 1U48 V" ?". .''''. mil do a-ll ct 44 a 1034 1024 lii2 JliO") N 4H00O looo NY Nil b l 34 boon uo ua , . . . 10.10 N V Itwy mil Ca... 2000 N YT.I ten 44a.... f.ooo Nor 1'ao prior iiiiini no sen na loom 411011 duiioii 1001) l'hlla Co cv Ba 11122 U34 1000 Itoadlns Ban U ... oM riUliQ II. t) Ir A Htl Ba.. . .lllOVa llioil Illo Or H W lat la . . Mi 4 union Ht i. j .m . (lie 4a . .11 lllooo HI I. a U r In w I.. Ill SOIlO ilfi rfil ol 3d ata 4a. 80 lliooo do rfd ul ata. 4a .. SOU 1.1000 do am 4a N2i loiono iio H.r A w I . . . . 721. 22000 do fir II w I .... lio'a 2(1000 Ht 1, Hwn lat 4a ti)4 luiioo do Ba 70 4OO0 ,v 1'aui M & M lat U on'. Iiioi HcaUard A I. .t Sa.. M Boo Uoulli IUII BS, 102 ltnno Houlh i'ui: cv 4a.. .. hHU r.ooo io cv ret f u Sa...m.v 1000 do rfd 4a 024 mi (Mr riin r.a.. mi'. y noil 4a ... itl it'' K'jS h; 70 114 :iotMI Kntith I'jr 10000 tioutll Itwy uu oon Third Ave rrf 4a. . & V la. . IKIOO I! , Uuhttrr Sa ti a muti a l oa. 7(100 i mm aooo TcHt I niiiiriii it . 2l4llill) II lnsnoi ti K of (I 11 It 3000 Union Has It Taper. . mono Union l'uc 1st la .. 03 "1 do rfd 4a llioni) Un llw b f 4a 70OM Va On drown Hrun. . 3000 Va Car Chm let Ba I lllllHl Va ltwya Ba 2000 West Mil Ut 4f.. U'i IKl'11 0.14 hll'i 804 J4 Il J'l U ill ill V. hill. hO. . .... .... ni -, mi-. .l 824 724 724 oo not. 711', 704 70 70 mm mi, till III) 102 102 84 li4 10.1S lor.4 24 112 , Milt. hOtl 7il!i 7HH ,., It'JV, 1I.-. . 814 8.1U 81W . OJ 11-' OJ .102Ji I02!i lil ,1074 lonfi ions . un us i.i-io o . 034 034 034 . Oil ll'l 110 . n2. nn, ins . BB4 314 3.14- . nnJ B7I bii; . , IIO US HI) , V iiu 4 iiuU ti4 .. 7dTi 7B4 75 NEW YORK HUTTKU AND EGOS NHW YOUIC, Nov. 0 llUlTHH lleoelpts, 033 tulis Firm and hlaher on nil aradea. i:i lia creainery, 37li 987'ir; lilshrr ecorlns. HHkf 384n. HIhIo dairy. 304 tf 37c. ImlUllon trrum ery, ni(fS2c 1501IH Iterclpla, 14,7211 caaea. l'rfah Bath ered aleady to Brm. hut demand iot artlv Storasa linldlnf Trmly, B.iujmli. 3337c; thlrda, 31ifaio, other srada uni hanged. Sugar Futures Dull NBW YOllK, Nov. 9. Tho market for suKar futures qpeneil dull today, with No. vembcr nhowlog declines of 3 points and other months bolne unchanged tn an ml vanpo of 2 points Sales on the call wore 760 tons. Tho dullness In Cuban raws and granulated caused tho exchaiure mar ket to become a more or less waiting affair. Extra for Ucfractorics Company NKW YORK, Nov. 0. Tho Harbison. "Walker Itefractorles Company has declared an extra dividend of 2 per cent on tha eoitir mon stock In addition to tho regular quar. terly of 1V4 per cent, lloth are payable or) December 1 to stock of record November 10. ELECTION MAKES COTTON HESITATE TrmHnk Ib Mixed, With Buying for Liverpool tho Outstand ing Fcnturo NEW, TOntC Nov. , Continued heslta. tlon, due to the election uncertainty, was the dominating: characteristics ot the cotton market at, the start this morning. Klrst prices were i to 7 points net lower, the distant months showing the smallest de clines. Trading was mlied". with the only outstanding fealuro the buying for the ac count of Liverpool. Commission houses were sellers. After the call prominent room traders bid the market up and at the end of the first ten minutes rnllles of 4 to 8 points had been recorded, January being 1 point net higher and March and May showing a net loss of only a point. Attontlon was attracted on the floor to tf.e sales of 4000 bales In Liverpool for speculation and export, the point being mado that this Indicated a demand from countries on tho Continent, aa the sales were much above the recent average. Irregularity was shown In the Liverpool market this morning. Trices were due to come 1 to 2M points net higher, but at the time of the start here they showed a range of 2 points lower to 1 point up. tho near positions being easiest. I'rlvato cables stated that there was a good spot demand, with sates of 10,000 bales, but that tho future market was small, a good opening on continental buying of new crop months being followed by a drooping tendency on long liquidation and a sharp break In the l'gyptlan market. Kalns were reported west of the Mis fiiaalppl Itlvrr this mornlrr. Temperatures were somewhat lower, especially In tho West and Southwest, but no frost occurred Inst night. Tho early advance carried the active months ntiout S to 8 points not higher, with Januiry selling at 19.61 and May nt IB 10 or within 4 points of yesterday's best level. IVrember January , March . . . May July Hliot Yeat. elona, ..lii.ll :::! .,10.73 ..111.73 ..10.40 Open. 10.43 10.33 10.48 IB. IIU lo.n lllah. Iti.nT m 20 01 20.01 in 88 10.35 10,48 111.07 iu.im Clo 10 B in bo in 7i 10 ut III Ml 10.40 Liverpool Cotton LIVKni'OOL. Nov. 8 Hpot cotton to il.iy wao in good demand at 8 points lower, nn tho basis of 11 4 lid for inld-unlands. Ths sales aggregated 10,000 bales, Includ ing 9100 bales American. The Imports wej-e 7000 bales, nono American. The market for futures closed Irregular nt a net de cline of 2 points to nn ndvnnce of 11 points. NEW YORK COFFEE MAItKET Ni:W YOU!f, Nov. 9. Tho market for coffee futures opened steady this morning with salos on the call tntallhg 5600 bags Today's Yesterdays November IWeinber January . 1 uruary Marco . April May y June ..., July Augutt . . b'cirternher ucriiter Bid. opening, 'o.20 .'. 8.408 4S '.'. 8.'&698.3t ,'. 8!b98.oa I 8.0.i8.72 . . t).7utb.7d ClolN,. 8 2H 8 30 H33WN.3I M.SIIft 37 X 3IIWH 411 8 438 40 8 48CH,ln 8 r.JM8.r.1 !)8ra 8 113 8 01 i no t H 11.1 F8 nn 8 72ftl7l 1U8 U LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHICAGO. Nov. II HOnS Iteccllta 2(1,000 head Market 10c hlsher. Mixed nml hutrhera. Ill iliOtnilii eood heavy. I0R5WIO, ruimh hevy. IU.2.10U 43: liaht, J8.V0U1I.U5; vice. 10 I0W8 111, Bulk. I0.4UC0 00. UATTLi: litcalpia, nouu head. Market aleady. Heavea. Ill w 12.03. eowa und lielfrra I.I S.1WD.7B. locKra and feedera. 3 Oonil 70, lcna HI notfK.7.1; calwu. I10W117J. bllKHr llecelpta. 11,000 h.ad. Market ateadr. Natlva and weatarn, tlvii OS; Umba. IJ.MtfU.BO. Taris nourse (uict but .Firm PAIIIS, Nov. 9. The llaurto 'was qnlet but firm today. DIVIOEMIH 603 and U03 Cheatniit Hirer! Tha board of ulrectora haa thla iliiv tleclnrert i aenilannual dividend of three und ann.hulf per Clear oi las. iiayupio rriu. ana nuoea au,uuu to i ay, llixwiiilicr Int. plu. maklni: that (50VEKNMENT HONUS 2a registered 1030 2a coupon man sa res 3s coupon 4a real 4s coupon 1023 Hid. Asked. stereo iuau vvt lou pon 1D30 ,..., uuvi ,,,.. stered lli , JfiojJ lolH pan 1018 ...,.,,.,,,,,.,. jOoC atered 1023 i.ilo' 110. Kn 1023 noli .. ,. UNITED SECURITY LIFE INSUR ANCE AND TRUST CdMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA 003 unil 1103 rhenlnnt Hln.1 PhlUdelMiU, I'h., Novemlwr 8 101(1. nt. clear of tar 1UIH, ana nuoe ,..,'. 1 IrtSO ono. llAHJtY C. POTTnit, Jr , Treasurer, TflK WKHT I'llll.AllKl.rillA TITLB AND Tlll'HT rilMI'ANY Philadelphia, November 3. 1D16. The Iloard nt Dlreoiors haa thla day declared a eemf-annual dividend nf Hli (0) per rem. clear ot tax, payable December 1. lulfl, to stock holdera aa registered on the pooka ot tho com pany at cloae of buslneaa November 10, 1010. 'I'ho tranafor buoks will bo clnsnil from No. vembcr 10!h to Novemlwr 21st. lul. i IJAIJMI L KJlVKjllNCI. Treasurer. XUKTinVIWTKKN NATIONAL HANK 1'hlUdelphlu. I'a... Nov, , lnio. The Directors have thla day declared a semi annual dhldend of U 10) per rent and an extra dIMdend of two l) per rent clear of tax. ("hcks will ba mailed. 1.1NFOHD C. NICE. v Caahler. JUST STEP TO YOilR pea aovd Kan jrfflafea!vv ( All toF when you want the latest quotation on any Mining, Oil or Industrial Stock trad- , ed in on the New York Curb. You will be connected instantly with one of pur boardroom service men, who cstn give you ny moment the last quotation, or sale made on the Curb in New York these flashes coming jver our direct private wires cpnnectinc the Philadelphia Office with our headquarters at New York and branches in Chicago, Boston, and Pittsburgh, Incoming Telephone Service Outgoing Our Telephone Service U a highly organUed department In. coming for your convenience in ascertaining up-to-the-minute price and placing telephone orders outgoing in charge q skilled service men who arrange, if you desire, to phone you at stated intervals throu(;hout market hpura and advise you i chn?ln& Prices and conditiqns and to furnish you latest ttivfctaiJH uini cicsuiic nui in wnicn. you are interested. A Booklet You Should Have ear a . copy or our r. tr Xin4 .e.-r" J7o - Bf.rr lareetor and trader steals Ivoklet I'Oeaeral Bslea lor Trsdlaa." tirUtatar tkl krekt JONBS HAKKH, VUvur Hit., fMM., ft. I iM" U fit ( rxelne. ,X.Im - freaa, ", ll eMeeeet.. yf',tM?-4taaaa. pboiw aid UlerrsBb orJere-acceuat c.rrjlog eodonlof and dtllrerr af certlScataa anJ L,,w.,. i.:i: r.tte ea Corb Issuea. "" -"a-i . Aik for Booklet T, U, 71 T assure (tttlPf jrejer boaalat un taaoati b, JONES &BAKER tuci BROKERS PIRECT PRIVATK WIHCS CONNSflrTIMf. NEWWHK'CHlCA0O-0UOH-PITTSUHW PHILADELPHIA W1PKNER BUILDING 8V.tfcVttfc. Sales tn Philadelphia ll laain .,ii i, n i Net . , lllah. IW. Closa. ch 10 Alliance In to 10 to J Am Or ,iso ito UO S Am Itya pf 07 H. 0U4 01 ti te Held Loqo sH iH V4 4tH lt 11 AS t Opt 8014 00 BOW, tit to Cam Iron, 4S 45 4S tOCIIUP. 3JH 34 H 410 Kloo BloP. 71 70W 70V4 Vi 07 It ft II T . IS 14 IS St flnpfd.. tn tU tsH It 10 (Id ct ... tS tt 814 lt ImCoN All t7 27 Ito Int M M ct 4.1 41(4 4U4 66lt I.k HupCrp 7V4 V 'Vi V 150 l.eh Nav.. S SI 8S -f H SOI Ih VI Tr tt tl 2t 1 JO Mlnehltl .. R7V. 57H A7M sso Nov Cone tsi& Id t H tto l'enna ll It S oli AS .... 10SO l'hlla Klco J0t4 39U tDVt 100 1'ItT tr cfs tl tttfc t4H IH tissl ilo tr cf t9 3 at, t4,4 1H 0 Thlln Trao 70t4 1M 70M Va to liny Cons. 80 SOS 0 W lo ltoadlnir...llo no ito V. Slo'Toitop Ile ltd 4 , 41)4 4. LIB 1(1.17 Union Trao 47 40 404 H tit uai ... ot otvi oty, 4- v tl VH 8trc . 11S14 Mali l3ii 4l 3 W N Y A P IB 10 10 H 10 V J A H . SO 80 Art ... 100 Weatmor C 80 80 80 .. ,. 80 Cramp A 8 81 81 81 a US York Itwy 1914 11 13T4 t U tA York Hy pf son sou son U IIONIl") Net , . High. I. Cloee. rhe. StOOO A fl&KI Sa uu; 11OH 00 looo i:ieo A I'eo Tr 4a .. 82 st Bt H 1000 a ,.iiiuit , tleliBa.. 0014 0014 B0I4 2000 I.oh V gen s B114 0114 0114 .. . 1000 ilo conn Itia '0J.IOOI4 lnoti, 100 .y yt 1000 N'nt P 4-Os 0714 0714 0714 1000 MurWct .St. Ill in .. 0814 0014 0014 14 1000 P W & U t o 4a. .., 09 Vi OOU OOU tooo Pco A Paas t c 4s.. 81 81 81 -fl 10000 Heart gn 4a 05 0M4 0.1(4 14 :noo ilo Imp 4s 08 us oh liooo ilo Tor Ra.113 11114 lltlfc ?4 4000 Un ltwya t c 4a... -7t 7t '72 1 cooo ilo Iny Ba 78 7S 73 hOOAh mtilSW i"vrv TON0PA1I BTOCno Sutler amar rim MarNari .iMaratf tliipah Eitenslon ilonlana No rtrthern Star onne.h B'lnafn Tonopah illnln . Ileeeue.. r.uia. riM s I tl is .211 ,10 Ynrns Firm in Jlancheslcr MANCHKST:rt, i;np., Kov. O. Yarns are firm. Clotlia are tn good dcmanrl, A Tax Free in Penna. Yielding 5.70 WE offer tho closed first mortirnrre bonds of a Pennsylvania rfublic utility company with n record of twenty-sevon years suc cessful operation. Property located near Philadelrlhin. These bonds are an execp. tionally attractive invest ment. Serul for circular P. L, 57 Wisiar&StokesB Commerrlal Trn.t llulldlnr iila I'lill.lilrli.lilu Jlllll.TTOHy pl ACCOJINTANTS ??ri!1jl ,,uj!l! jArronofanta viii:ncii k. uiiowk in ATI.. n.n,,..v ....... LAW - " S'ATaJ TllUBT UUlLDINO hrl (loldfle OoldflelJ Merger Jiimbo H Ifewanaa liimbo Hitenalon nrn Esnd Ken . Silver M" i.ii ,o u West End MtD'iioCKB . ..tn h.nftlnall.n'hartiorl -' -M lltamondDeld II U .. -J ilalsjr ..,..,......; ;'JJ SiSh onsolldstea ..k .. " dfleij Merger ....,... ',, lo :: .03 i.:SJ JtlSCnLLANEOUS M.v.U Hill... Nesda Wonder Teeora Jllninc :iJ:lo A":Ja & :o8 M .of .i M .00 : .04 .OS .20 .20 S 20 .12 HAR SILVER Ilr allver was auoted In London at MUd ioday. an advanco of 'il. In New York commercal liar allver was quoted at 71HC, a sain of 4c PENNSYLVANIA MUNICIPAL BONDS LEGAL INVESTMENT ron TPIICT FI1NDC Liar an Application Martin S Co: UU Walnut Street Philadelphia w DIVIDENDS VKXA Cumberland .County Tower a 1-ArllanA. afa . .. - nnr, rnon ... o rabia one tie WteeiaW' Iltee cloa. stock, tiara holdera of rC0fd at lha clon f I Vember IS. Chacka will b maleit ' union faciiitr. rrsiiiiw anau..i wnt on common alocM uubi : ! tock of record Drcmbtr 1 APif ncmn vjouon un uomrnr. nnnuai at pvr rem on crfrkay nuarttrlr of 1 Cftr ent ai, ih -1TJ Oecrmber 10 lo Mock of ttcortf NoJJ UqionRy.Gas&ElecCi 5 t:Ualeral Tru Uolct Uonds EarningB for the year wu. J ing August 31, 1916, vy1 ncany ucven times w. J amount required to pay i!l terest charges on thl UUIIU9, Price to yield 5.39 .lU.eiarK$eo, nANKKRR (EeUbllihed 18JTI 'I Membtra Philadelphia, New Y.r i and Chloaio stock Eichtm,, J j 321 Chestnut .Sir... ?l Philadelphia, Pft, ' rittsburth Doaton itChlcaai Wllkee. NEW YORK, CHICAGO & ST. LOUIS RAILROAD CO. FIRST MORTGAGE SINKING FUND 47 GOLD BONDS Dated October 1, 1887 Due October 1i 137 Outstanding $18,589,000 (Ctoied lesue) FREE OF PENNSYLVANIA STATE TAX Interest payabls without deduction of Norms! Fedoral Income, Tax The following information Is from official or other source ceMeved by ut to be reliable, but is nol otiaronteed. SECURED by first mortgage on 404 miles of railroad between Buffalo, N. Y., and tho Indiana-Illinois Stale line, where connection ii made with lines affording an entrance into Chicago, EQUITY Followed by debenturo bonds and pre. ferred and common stock having an aggregate market valuation in excess of $22,300,000, SINKING FUND Whenever the net earnings for the year ending September 30 exceed $900,000,' a sink' ing fund of $100,000 purchases bonds at not exceeding 102 and interest. $1,431,000 bonds have been retired to date, ' NET EARNINGS For tho eight months ended August 31, 1916, the Company reported net earnings equivalent to approximately two and one-quarter times interest charges on these bonds. Listed on tho Hew York Stock Exchange. Price At Market, YiodnfjAbbut 4.35 Circular on B,ucl, MONTGOMERY, CLOTHIER & TYLER 14 WALL STREET NEW YORK 133-115 SOUTH FOURTH STREET PHILADELPHIA UNION BANK BLD0,1 PITTSBURGH Chaiaiers Hoftir Corporation (Incorporated Under Tho Laws of The Slate of New York) Authorized 600,000 Shares, No Par Value No Bnds . No Preferred Stock To be offered for Public Subscription, 264,000 shares PRODUCTION; -Production is at present running at the rate of ' 25,000 cars per annum. It is estimated that 30,000 cars will he produced during the year 1917. EARNINGS: Current .earnings aro running at the rate of $2,500,000 per annum, qr approximately $5.40 per share. For the year com mencing Jan. 1st, 1917, tho company expects to earn 53,000.000, . and which ia, equivalent to about 19 y0 on the subscription price, 'FINANCES: The npw company will have no bonds or preferred stock, and no liabilities except strictly current accounts. The net assets of the company, exclusive of good' will, paints, trademarks", etc, as of November 1st 1910, will be more than $18,500,000,'$ a book value .equivalent to 85 0 of tho subscription price. The not proceeds from the sale of the 204,000 shares above stated, Wjll go directly bnck into tho treasury of tho company and the outstanding preferred stock of tho Chalmeri I MpZP Company, T Michigan, will bo retired at its redemption prico, DIVIDENDS: It is expected that tho now company will inaugurate a dividend policy on January 1st, 1917, at the rato of $8 per annum, bringing a yield of about 9 on 35 a share. "' company up to its present Onnncial and productive stage, will continue to manage the affairs of thp new company, and the S Cdlng, wtora8 will bo representee and of high . 1 1 Jfr. WTO?rJ PH Utter vriitcnlo us ty from h3c 'tatewZts'furviZdVs'bVtl and in vaV fcavMafNt fA Compaq, books vfflj!i,"tfw? Cmm, who Public subicriptlom t $35 ,hre will be received by the Spawta Mnger. commencing 10 o'clock a. m. on lurkdav November fHh, 1916 1, criptlon books wiU cLe rtZ j. s, mm t co, TOllaMtf chm. mm oo. limt Un Vfli