ipIS TONIGHT IX) SEE GRANDCHILD BAPTIZED ..f. TIo Enrly to Attack jjoinir Mall With Smile. Golf fcjLL TRAVEL ON YA'CHT m tvr t -. Ttrn.nn.H- M. J KZ-Ths uncertainties of the election K ."eedwtmly by resident Wilson to Bwer I" , ..-. rlv and was I& 2d ;ni hTbSS wotk on ft" inr mall. His activities of the ESSMftr" motor rid and a Bam. of it".ofnce for n complete nummary of STStuitlon. Secretary Tumulty told him .let ""., .. dviirH nt hand It an. !KJthT President had 260 electoral tra .l"r.. M.w Unmnahlro. The Saint asked that Information bo necured S7 what If any effect there would be on . Kaw Hampshire and Minnesota, returns result of the National uuara voio on fjf. border. He was -particularly anxious Their also from California and New Mex- ""'"... K.. infnrmM earlier, how ler W Phone from western headquarters Ll' California was eafe. fha President conunuco i ..o. j 'JS on the results in spite ot the enthu- rfUtld OP"1" " " "" " United States Senator Hollls of New 2mp.hlre saylnr that the State had Bona STwilson by SS votes. This news caused Sit Jubilation at the summer White t Souse. It was figured here that New Hamp- IS would make President Wilson 2C0 IKSoral votes and that he would be sure PjKatti but West Virginia Bhould lino up jatlu Wilson column." r about eleven o'clock, but members or ms Rtefthe- returns and uttemptlnff to calculate tSItl u.iii ThAr wan nDDarently less Jubl- t Vila !"'" -..--- Elation than yesterday. f n, president's household has already kua to pack up for the departure from I Shadow Lawn, rnis evening rowoin mm iS 'Wilson wilt Ieae for Wllllamstown, liSin.. to attend the christening of the It Err, son-in-law and daughter of the Presl- tdtnt They win moiur w jniii.iu iinu ' Stndfc leaving that point on the Mayflower. 'iWm.imnrm. N. Y.. theT will disembark. IA H""""" , ' VV: .," Rilhen the train wm no i". I? No one is making any forecast as to the Itfentoome. At 8 o'clock Seoretary Tumulty Srtlteraiea nis hjuuuu. ..-, .. I Owing to the unoertaln result of the Ibtuy at the executive ofllces. It will be al- kBiett ImpossiDie lor uieso ouicoa a uo en F tlrelf cleared out and moved back to Wash tlsrton before next week. Princess Juliana of Holland III 10KDON. Nov. 9. A Xleuter dlspatoh fnm The Hague says Princess Juliana, the esly child of Queen Wllhelmlna, Is con feirf to her bed with symptoms of fever. Bit Is seven years old. HOTEL ADELPHIA Thi Week's Entertainment , LadUi' Dainty Lunehton I on Balcony j Butlneit Men'M Luncheon ' English Room A la carte service all day. The charges are moderate. r Daniant English Boom 4t30 to 6 P. M. An Exceptional Dance Orchestra Ftench Trio and the Popular HAWAIIAN ORCHESTRA illlwlT Diamond lU 11 r Diamond Solitaire $450.00 A n.tf.A. .& . . ... u.r,7 '-..vfc vein oi rnro color Si. ihi'."5Vc", "ot ,n Platinum mount. i?5. t.'!l,"BU" the ungual tiuatt tits ot thli iton. to ifrfectlon. C R. Smith & Son Market St. at 18th VA gyKNING LEDGEBr-PHlLADELPfflA THUBBD OVSMBKB 9 ,191g PRESIDENT OFF TO CHRISTENING fm. WtWstAA.AgatTrSffffay'yifl '' " "jMtaV AteSJSHpJsaBjajafflMMfMMfJfB ffinR' BBBBBBBBBBBHRBBBBBBBBHBB j .1-BRSwlieWU fe w ViPlm B 1c-X.v IX -t s? . I e.s VBbwV oIiIbbWV 1,S A?JvC I V V VIjbbE nbIB KTBBBBBBBBBalB, Alj V HflK A -H. x . vJHI wBBBBJBPnpn, BKt , lf t jT kTtl)si H bbVbbbbbbbbbII i? ff, t4Hp'Bs 'v.iw"Bfc. i '"'ji flBA BHMIBklBBBBBVlBVMMj iK BBBBBBBBbV I liBllllllllllllHHHiBlllBiHtvT-' . JBiMHKS'jBaTaTslH I JUWIK'WALLtTfa MlRtR Jurist Expresses Thanks for Eleetln to Supreme Court Judge Rmory A. Walllnr. who was elected i?v.i SuPreme Court bench, arrived In Philadelphia this morning to attend a con ference of the Judges of that court In City Hall He was quick to express his thanks for his victory over Charles Palmer, of Delaware County, and when Interviewed aid: "1 am greatly pleased with the generous support given me at the poll and I wlah to express my most slncero thanks to the members of the legal profession, the press, the leaders of the different political par ties and the cltltens generally." Judge Walling was anxious to learn de tail regarding the presidential contest but refused to comment on the situation. He will leave for his home In Erie, Pa,, early tonight Frlgar Caso Postponed The case of Kills D. Frlgar, charged with the killing of Edward llolnnd, was listed to come up today before Judge Shoemaker In the Court of Ojcr and Terminer, but be cauiio of other court bunlne It will be con tinued until a later date by agreement of counsel. WILL MMBffM&Vf IM1 Ffctlaaelpfelan Killed in Boston Acci dent to Bo Buried in City Mrs. George Howard Perkins, of 411 South Broad street, the mother of Francis Gverton Perkins, who was among the pas sengers drowned when a Boston street car plunged Into a canal Tuesday night, left for Boston In company with the drowned man's brother to bring the body to this city for Interment at Laurel 11111 Cemetery. Mr. Pcrklni was twenty-eight years old and a graduate ot the University of Penn sylvania, He went to Harvard to study law, but left college to go Into the boat building business In South Boston. He was a brother of Emily It. Perkins, a play, wrtght, who lives at the South Broad street address, MBWSBBB,J""J",BJfc5jgCJ o Alfred M. Bloomingdalo I Original Ideas in Electrical Work 8 217 Walnut St. 'FfeftMtAb JOMOUMJMl' Bttrlee and Street Llkeiy to Xtirni to Washington Desks WASHINGTON Not. . Two high Fed eral office holders defeated Tuesday in their race for elective offices will return to thelf desks here. They are John BUrke, treas urer of the United States, who ran on the Democratla ticket for Senator from North Dakota, and Edwin Sweet, Assistant Secre tary of Commerce, who ran for Qovernor of Michigan on the Democratlo ticket. Burke did not resign as treasurer pend ing the result of the election and will re tain that oHlce. Sweet tendered his resigna tion but Its acceptance was delayed until after the election. V MEN'S TAILORS V Cor. 13th and Sansom Stu. We Appeal to "Particular Men" OVERCOATS $25 to $50 Mr. Wilson will obtain relief from the doubtful election's strain by wma i'm!? ev?nl,nE WlllUnwtown, Mass., tho christeninjr of a Philadelphia-born lady, this bcintr tho daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis U. faayro. Tho President's granddaughter was born in Jefferson Hospital, this city. Sho and her mother are pictured above. Will Address Logan League The November meeting of the Logan Im provement League tonight will be addressed on live Issues that are confronting Phila delphia by two men distinguished In pub lic, life. Dr. Wllmer Krusen, Director of Health and Charities, will speak on "Con" seriatlon of the Health of the City of Philadelphia." and Joseph P. Gaffney, chair man of City Councils' finance committee., on "Financing a Great Municipality." Of ficers for U17 will be nominated. The league meets at 2S North Thirteenth street Mnn Crushed to Death in Lumber Yard John Chrlswell. of 18!9 Hancock street, was caught between two wagons this morn ing at the lumber yard of Watson Malone & Sons, Laurel street and the Delaware river, and crushed so seerely that he died later In St Mary's Hospital. aMUfa sf IjKtIbv Hf a tkyfmM&mkvMzmjLmMMX v? J tt Bent HaStraWhtiBBUJ vjl L Bones JIBl Bones fMs ' sff' II TM Were WBIl That Grew IHf W II fcniUd IHy docatar I bbbB- i l Saees WaTHl hoa aTpHI : V OKUSS BRANDTO THUS Mi OHTHCSOUC IT IS NOT AM EDUCATOR rz1 JVote Josef Hofmann 7 5o m 1 I kE Woata" I 9b tDtlataata RICE&KUTanKS Marhtt t IOiL Kl Ek- wi When Are Your Feet Happy? CERTAINLY not when crowded into narrow, bone-bending-shoes which makethemsuffcrfromcorns, bunions, callouses, ingrown nails, fallen arches, etc. Get foot happiness for life by wearing broad-toed, sen sible .Educator Shoes, built to fit feet, not shoe trees. Made for MEN, WOMEN, CHILDREN Not every broad-toed shoe is an Edu- Made only by Rice is Hutchins, Inc., cator. Therefore, see that EDUCATOR 15 jjigh St., Boiton. Makers alto of All is branded on the sole. It guarantees the .. .j C: . ct. i. .. correct orthopedic Educator shape that nefiea and SiEnet Shoe, for Men; "leta the feet grow as they should." Majrfairs for Women. Retailers oan be supplied at wholesale from stock on oar floor. JOSEPH I. MEANY & CO., INC, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Educator, ,w Anut aaf.v.s.m.0 Saf.v.s.ri.oa. ' J. E. Cald-well & Compart Bff A nnounce k tKe permanent closing of tKeir establishment at 902 Chestnut Street after Toda$,v Thursday, November the Ninth. Their Business Will Be Resumed Monday, November the Thirteenth ' at their new location K Chestnut, Juniper and South Penn Square; c Verification of datp of reopening v?ill appear in the newspapers -,y vj a iiua milt evmuiwuf uvciiubi im Bvvsfjtit mtu JUJievKtiuif m M m Poet of the Piano, will play for you whenever you wish, ' if you have his exclusive Columbia Records. Hofmann has but to touch the keys, and the piano forte finds a soul. It sings with subtle delicacy, with a sonorous power, a scintillating brilliance that makes Hofmann's Columbia Records pure delights of tone. His records of Sternberg's brilliant "Etude in C Minor!' and RachmaninofPs great "Prelude" arc ab solute revelations to anyone who has not heard recent Columbia triumphs of pianoforte recording. The same matchless purity of tone is characteristic of Columbia Records by other great figures of the concert-platform Godowsky, Scharwenka, Kathleen Parlow, Ysayc and Casals. And to this perfection of tone is ad ded a marvelous definition, a clear sep aration of instrumental sounds, a glowing richness of ensemble effect in Columbia Records of orchestral, band, and instru mental trio selections. You can arrange a Columbia recital or symphonic concert that will be quite as enjoyable as the actual performance of the artists. The artists may be absent in person, but they arc present in person ality in Columbia Double-Disc Records. New Records on tale the SOth af every month. Columbia IUcordt in all Foreign Languagu. This adcirtuimtnt vat dictated to tht Dictaphon. i01TI.fi Columbia CrfooU Pric $150 COLUMBIA GRAFONOLAS and DOUBLE-DISC RECORDS YZ&A FOR SALE BY I CENTRA!, Cnnnloaham I'lano Co., 1101 Clieitnut St. r.nnijlranlk Talking- Machln C, HOB Clieitnut Bt. Sn.U.nborr, N., tt Co,, ltth and Markat Bta, tlranbrldt ft Clotbler, 81b ana Uatkat HI. NORTH City Xtat rharraaer, Tork Kad and Clly Uaa. Dollar, John C, 1S1T Bscklaad St., Ieaa. riilernlb, D.nj., 140 North Elfhth Bt. Ideal riano and Talkln MaeUsa Co, 1(18 O.rmantowo At.. Jacob., Joi.pb, 1(00 G.rmanUwn At. Old.wnrt.r., 1(11 O.rmantown At. Oln.r Ms.ls rarlor, (111 K, Sth Bt. 1'btlad.lpbla TalkU Maablaa Ca 00 K. JTankJln Bt. Sale, L B,, BIB aixard At. v Bcharssr Piano Oompanjr, BIB X, Itb Ba, a.bn.ll Xl.jaban, lilt Oelnmbla At. NOBTHEABT Durr, Edward H., till rrank(rd At. Colonial Melody Bhop, !t0 N. Front Bt. rrankford Mo.lo 8tor, 1117 Orthodox Bt, Goodman, X. L., Ill W.it Glrard At. Outkow.kl, Victor, Orthodox and Almond Bta, Kenny, Tboma ST., till K.uilofton At. Kitty, X; HI W.t Glrard At. Krrcler, Js.epb, Bill Ulshmond Bt. Nlttlnr.r, Barau.l, 1101 North Vlfth St. rbllad.lpbla Talklnx Machln Co., 814 N, td 81. llelnli.lraer'. Department SI or, rrwn. ana au.nu.iisnna at. NORTH WEST Carton, T, D., BBtO Oerroantown At. DaTla, Franklin, S00S Waya At. Kalnale, Martin, 4101 Grmaatwa At. K.yttoa. Talklnr Uachln C., 1101 North ttd Bt Moor., F, II., S048 OcrmanUwn At. Tompkln., J, Monro., BUT O.rmantown At. WEST rHILADELTHIA Oarr, B. T Bit Mala Bt., Darby, TJarli, O.o. B. Co., 89I0-IIII I.anca.t.r At. Kaklni Flaso O., 111-11 B. ltd Bt. Flllman, YT. H., (114 Z.anidown. At. Tdan., Harry, 111 North lid Bt. HalchUrrt Hro... 4111.40 LaaeaiUr At. BhaU's Dro Star, lilt Marb Bt. DnlT.raal Talking Ma.hln. and K.t.rd C 10th and Ch.itnal Bta. Wit Philadelphia Talking UaabJa Oa 1 B.nth 0th BU BOCTH na Br.w. to.l,, not Bonlh 4th Si. Morrlt Frd' Mn.l Departm.nt BUr. 1411.11 8. 1th St. Lnplaaetl, Antonio, 710 Booth 7th Bt, Miller. II . 604 Booth td Bt. Mn.leal Ech Co,, The, 1 Zeben, prop., N, E, cor. tth I ana niiuvnnsi on. Philadelphia Phonagraph C, 111 K. Pa.iynak At. Phllad.lphla Ph.nograph C., ill 8. Ith St Boeanteld. U., til Booth Bt. ' StoUo, Harry, (It Mouth (lb8t VAMDSH, N. t. Dudley, H. '. 1111.17-10 Broadway, Camden, N, J, CONBHOIIOCKEN. PA Bakotky'a Danartment Mtora, 71 yaj.lt 8C I 1 i ' " ill" 1W , ?''i ,t'. ,11 ,"rf,' ' : m r 'tWf'r y fi V .sJl.ZZ-.! Jej According to. ' Ben Franklin "Diligence is the Mothr ' of good luck" There's the secret of this Wonderful Stock of PERRY Suits and Overcoats it? Perry'a DOUBLE-BREASTED CIATES MODEL t07 Back view, 47 Inches longi six pleats at waist and half belt with buttons ' and loops, closs fitting-, four - button front A clean cot. lean, lithe and comfortable Winter Orercoat. JF1 ; ; d fl It may look easy to have in readiness these thousands of Suits and thousands of Over coats and, ordinarily, we'd say nothing about it, for you would ex pect a merchant to be provided with goods to. sell, if he wants to do s business. CJ What we want - to call your attention to is this: In spite of the soaring costs of wool ens and the scarcity of dyestuffs, you are not hampered in finding just what you want at Perry's be it fabric, color, pattern plain, staple, conservative, or novelty mixture, either in Suits or Overcoats. J And in the Overcoats 'especially, you'll find models and modifica tions of models that are making the Hit of the Season! .1 'W9Q PERRY&COt "N. B;T.", lethand Chartnut 84s, mm