TTTT' .. l"IWMy"i mKmmmv-9mvm W.WWIW'USU 11 lualawiii mj j i , 11 njiiiMvn wv HUp-t. . Ttupij VILLE, PA., NOW ON FOOTBALL MAP AND LEBANON VALLEY COLLEGE TO KEUP IT TH 5 ANON VALLEY, CRIPPLED ' ' BY LOSS OF bTAR PLAYERS, MAKES BRILLIANT SHOWING ich Guyer Has One of Best Teams That Ever Represented College; Will Play Muhlen berg baturaay . Uy ItOBERT W. MAXWELL ANNV1L1.B. r.. Nov 9. . KATtinnAT, September 30. woman ) fM K i.1l aaVavJaBawSBaaW ifvlM aaBaYJBBfl i -a looked over the acorea 01 mo M l0""0 ": .-,,. nlaycd thai day and aaw one little Horn which cauted quite a lit tla comment. It wtti "West Tolnt a, Lebanon Val ley 0." The wIm persona a h o k their heads, looked at the acoro again, anu -remarked "Whewl The Army must I have a ttrrlble Iteam thla year If I that la all It can Ida with that small college. The Navy I will wlpo these I soldiers oft the 1 nap." That was , a Impression six week ago. but since 'El lira It h" changed. Ibanon al ( what a very good football team and can 1 Mt no a stilt argument against any eleven i LTth country. True. Dartmouth walloped StLn to 0. but the game was played Ittut the men hd traveled two days on IJvi lnn and two of the beat halfbacks !L 0ut because of Injuries. Slnco that "toe the Blue and White haa defeated Villa ?MT and St Joseph's, tied Lehigh and gleet to Lafayette. C. Utanon Valley started the 1D1S foot hMin with unusually good prospects ('lid after the wonderful showing against the Army It was thought that no other m would be lost However, hard luck Sated this town of Annvllle and before tit Dartmouth battle waa fought, Schwarta, Xtttlng and Jeager. the three best backs, MVld not Play, and Captain Mackert had in unsatisfactory Interview with one of tee efflclsls In the first period which con tttoced him that the best placa to see the sunt was from the sidelines. After that U Green team had things their own way sad won as It pleased. Pt Players Lost Tha loss of these star players was a Iwm blow to Lebanon Valley, and Coach lltey I. Ouyer made, soma hasty selections .to fill the vacancies. He took green mate. I rill from the squad and did the best he 5 could under the conditions. Lebanon valley uoncge is a coeouca- tieoal Institution situated In Annvllle. There ire about 400 students. ISO of them being ftrls. The college Is built In the picturesque part of tho town, all of the buildings fac iei the campus, giving the place the nppoar- flance of a group oi uuuuines in a spanisn town facing tho square. Dr. O. D. Qossard k ornldent. and under his eluclent dlrec- tlon the enrollment has doubled In tho last Bfirt rears. Tho faculty Is vary strict with the athletes : all must attond tho Into after- (noon classes, and many of the football men (4 not appear on the Meld until 4:30 o'clock. ITU does not ghe Coach Guycr much time to (tt the team In shape. There Is a train llti table, honrcer, and every man on the Inula derives the benefits of It. Catch uuyer has been at Lebanon Val- jhr tlnce 1913, and his work has not boen ttiy. Few prep school stars attend the col- I let, so auyer is rorcea to taKo noia of ftten material at the start and mold It Into nnltr stuff before the men can net Into I a rimes, it took mm some time to msttui ltd ijrettm, and this Is the first year that CAPTAIN MACKERT AND PLAYERS AT LEBANON VALLEY COLLEGE results havo been shown. The coach reat lies that Intricate football neer will do, ao the simplest plaa are used He teaches his men to block, tackle, hold the ball, nnd they have proved that his theories are cor rect, uven now he spends as much time with the second and third teams as he does with his varsity, as he I, preparing for the future as well as the present Joel v heelock, or Carlisle, la tho nulstant coach. Mnrkert Is Star Uvery eam possesses a star player one who stands head and shoulders over hla teammates and Leroy Mackert. cnptaln and right tackle on Ibantm Valley, Is nwarded the honor. According to Ouyer, Captain Mackert Is the best tackle In the East and should be placed on tho All American eleven this fall. He weighs 190, Is six feet two Inches tall ahd plays n wonder ful defensive game. On tho defense ha playa fullback and few galas are made through tho line while ho Is on the Job. In addition, Mackert ta a good place kicker. Last year he scored eight goals from the field and this year his btnt work was done In the Lehigh gam when ho booted one from tho forly-threo-yard line against the wind. Mackert doesn't believe In tackling low. He usually grabs his man around the waist and downs hhn, because, he says, the opponent always falls harder. Marlln Wenrlnh plays centerand Is con sidered one of the hardest workera on the tom. He played every minute of the games last year, and thus far haa equalled tho record tor this season. He hopes to go through the two years without being taken out. Wenrlch Is a good defensive man and will be hard to replace. He graduates next June. Uob Attlcks, who weighs 176, plays left tackle. He, too, Is good on tho defense. Another star on the team Is George Do Huff, the right guard. Ueorgo Is not a husky person, but playa a wonderful game and la a valuable man to the team. Ho weighs exactly 155 pounds rather small for a guard butjnore-than makes up for his weight with, his alggrrsilvencss. Charlie Loomls playstie other guard. Tho endi aro taken care of by "Hank" Mor rison, who tips the beam at 1KB. He Is fast, aggressive and a good tackier. "Tim" Adams, his running mate, also plays well and shines particularly on catching forward passes. Brickfield In Dad Shape Swarts. when ho Is In shape, plays cither halt or fullback. At present he Is laid up with a wrenched knee, but hopea to get Into the Ducknell gamo on Thanktgllng. Jaeger, another cripple, also plays In the backfleld, and he hopes to be In shape In a week or two. Hill Keating and Danny Walter are two other halfbacks of great promise. Itussel Hupp Is the quarterback, and Coach Ouyer regards him as one of the best field generals he ever has BCn. Hupp plays back on punts and has not lost tho ball In the four years ho haa been playing. There are many substitutes to select from, the principal ones being Hill Swarts, 13G, who subs at quarter: Iluckwalter, a llne ,man; Winneshiek, a Carlisle Indian, who plays center: Paul Itupp and Costello, sub backfleld men, and Koslek and Le Hew, linemen. The team Is getting In shapa for -the game with Muhlenberg next Saturday, and hopes to wlpo out last year's defeat. Then will como Susquohanna, at Sunbury: Car lisle, and the season will end on November 30 with Ducknell at ,Lewlsburg. 5AM PLAY OF CAMDEN'S FIVE Skeeters Get 41-31 Victory Over Greystock-r-McWil- liama Not in the Contest IfADAMS IS THE STAR KMTERN I.lUaCE STANDING V. I- IM V. I., mten,,,, a o 1.000 nreyatock.. 1 rtaUo,... 1 .661 IlrdUur.... 1 3 r,o. .S33 .133 .000 Nonpareil at Cooper r,,... 1 1 .500 DeNerl.... O COMING (JAMES PL(ltit no Ntrl tb, Jaoper. at iaTrPfr Blshb-Jaiper vs. Orestock, IOi!,"f'.!"l'' Trenton ve. Do Nerl. at Mnl- uo nu, 11114 louden, ai tuo neaainc kfhtrr, ' By SPICK HALL The value of team play was never more ItKtrly demonstrated In basketball than It itt Ust night at the Camden Armory. The LReettrt. under the able direction of Man- lHr Henry, have developed from last sea- J. when they wero admittedly tho most llvldual club In the Kastern Leaeue. Into at of the best cage machines that ever tyed In BheffeHft olnult lCvrv man nn tW Ctmden team appears to hove swallowed M algttted the Idea that Individual play ' e superseded by teamwork. That Is tfctt Henry has don 1nr thn naml,n tpam IU It the most essential thlnn In basket- 7" JlCkte AllAmfl th- Mav.k I&ft.h.n.. nf Camden five, stood out prominently last ?t In excry department of the gamo. -At thOt thirteen fnut pnnla nut tt nlnf n tK nd thla was the least of his work t enabled Camden to got a 41.31 de irn ovr Oreystock quintet at the rv ,acK,e" ey0 In wonderfully shape at be cavorted, around the floor, tunes hi. iAo.ifi.i i.A ..!..... u.i.t. Id . t0Ma tTOm h "ld. 'lr of these ! Ione nt itotn near tha middle of IPt ctct. rr?Jn ?lyr makes twenty-flve points In KL 'lellnce. So It was with Adams. IWSf . ld not flnlB, hw. Tha twenty. ijw points he 1 scoretl from the fltld nnd from Eli,." l "no we'e ut 'h beginning of KrS ?001 l,la' " romped, nround the tS-V.1" 1 way that made the onootlnr was, Crosa and Wilson, look foolish, at t p uue inai it Allle McWIlliams wen m the line-up Oreystock would, Md a bll. hon. . . A J I- 1 wit. -... vimuvq fcu aiuii wiuuma 111 iua JPr..nt vt B8r"slvenes, but un. te ...1?" .JMl BUrd was nV tw SOI inlO the Tnm nn anAAi.n nt .tta The roault wmu iia nu& arn.nn c. ? ln. at e-rd. This gave Adama r Ioum 0l'P,r'"tIty to ahow wha Adami Viuri uH.A . .......' number' -All told, the Cam- iff w thla season nnd a mark that ""' u grtatly aUrnaMMCd th antlrA IKll U.-. M ..- .. " .."""' v-mueno guaras, " Moellent l, rr.,.- 1 I ls?.?l,,.a,d latter -Jour Held BTisT ;xn.i?w." iM l0"s it shot. Vi:.T ".""?. W "-. - aiicmpioj. IXtmAUTr FOR ADAMS CAMDEN i-'.o. no. a. i Ad-nM, forward fl M X 2.1 ( rcelr. rorwanl .,. o o O O Ntoole, forward t o .1 . Dolln. center a O o fl llronn, su-rd 4 O I H Dlessn, suord .......... O O a u Total. 14 13 " 10 It GBE19TOCH Fftrartr. forward 9 It 4 15 Nucarmnn, forward .a 0 o A I.awrence. renter O O 1 o Krrnan, renter ,. O O O 41 llion, susrd fl O 0 CroM, ruard ,... 4 O 1 8 TotaU 1.T0 TT 6 31 Koul. raited on Camden, III flrejiUck. 10. Iteferee Htratton, Umpire Watt. Time of period., to minutes. . jtiPvi!i " . BBBBBBBBBBBBLa BLLLLLLLLLLLILKk li iLLLw w . ri " j' B LLtv a4LLLLHl AHIIIIII oillllll tlilllPeiV -IkjIIIIh alVKjlBlilA Ji mZiT. f "ail't aPtaslH W "aB f f -" H W H jt H " Xr" I I "m sm khv it r& f3M v . -Vl LteMMavS AiK. V''4iBK x, "' tirt, I,,,! 'V . '". i iH bV V . M ti VBr ff vpvf JT V J w 1 w , ,r T BBBT jHt i X XlX tJm Jfiji Jjfl W if tT mV A ltt. B1BBj!M' iiMBBMMBIfflH i 1 HH JllyB vByHfeiHv IKKWIUmKWKnammmrmfMmtmm WW "WtiBHI xZ'Wff j ( H B W4JP 1tlSv WiWWMWWIWWHyP 1 1 &FV xm Jr mmKk. lJif jSJtBBwoHLwWpi i tv v- H 9 j-kv hj lfcik r vu9F-jriiisVVH frH vHbk ww ONE OF TH TRAINING STUNTS -LOOMS C"Pr' MAC.27 ' CHM mm mx man, X Avt SSfSSiSSSr Wi&Jz'Zj JMaaai FIFTEEN VARSITY PLAYERS TO LEAVE FOR WAYNE TODAY Penn Team and Coaches Making Preparations for the Dartmouth Game PRACTICE GRATIFYING H l"t ta Uw HUMlMr el fMrta called, as usual, the officiating was not satisfactory by any means. Tltere weru a number of flagrant violations of the rules which wero apparently overlooked, and ether minor offenses which gave the of fended side a chance to score a point when they should not have been called at all. Manager Ilalley made a desperate effort to tnke last night's game. He finally de cided that the team would be stronger with Bill Keenan In the line-up, Keenan re placed Lawrence, but the play was not ma. terially affected by the change. Camden also made a substitution, Creely going Into the battle in the latter part of the second half. j Do Norl will to Kensington tonight to meet Jasper at Nonpareil Hall. Judging tho teams by the form they have shown so far it la almost certain that the Jewels will get the decision, lletldes playing In their own cage, the uptowners have the advantage. In all-round strength. Manager Kennedy will use hla regular line-up. Hough and Sedran will be at the forward positions, Kerr will Jump center and Kox and Fried man will do the guaVdlng. Ambrose Dudley, manager of tho Do Nerl five, haa been mak ing switches In hla line-up to meet condi tions. It Is likely that Cashman will jump confer tonlght,ttwtti Dill Dark and Doo Newman at the forward statlona and Cava naugh and Thompson playing guard. Lou Martin, who waa the -tar performer on the University of I'enniylvanlo, basket ball team last year and who waa declared ineligible by the faculty recently, will play with one of tha fivea In the Urotherhood League, It la possible that after tha mid year examination at I'enn Martin will be reinstated. In that event he will finish the Intercollegiate season with the lied and Blue, Jae Ilalley will have his new clock In .good working order for the game tomorrow night with Jasper, Last Friday It worked very well and the fan wero enabled to tell Just how many mora minutes were to be played in each halt. VETERAN JOCKEY DEAD iii 1 Danny Matter Dlea in London Follow Inj? Long Illness LONDON, Nov. 9. Danny Mahtr. the American Jockey, died at a nursing home In London early today after a Ungtrlng lllnesa which cauted hla retirement from the turf three yeara ago. Miner had the greatest record of any Jockey on the JCngllth or American turf of rtoent year. Ma (aa a star performer to hla itttremtnU In this time he rode victory n three Derby, hi mounts being hock eMiiQ, Cicero ana npearmint. He alto captured the Oaks In JPDO with Keystone JI, the Doncaster M. Legtr in 1D03 with Rock Sand, and 'the same classic race l If Qa with Bagardo. He was reputed to bo worth a large tortUM aa the result of hi turf fMrta vtotaaioa," - The I'enn coaches and fifteen members of the varsity squad will lcao this afternoon for Vfayne, whero the lied and niue hope fuls will remain In seclusion until the morning of tho Dartmouth game. Klevrn regulars and four men who stand an ex cellent chance of facing the Green boys will make the trip. It has been the custom In tha past to shunt the varsity to some suburban train ing quarters on the evo of a Dig game, and It Is noticeable hero that tho Itcd nnd Blue board of strategy regard tho Dart mouth skirmish as an Important one. Any team that can outplay I'rlnceton and wal lop Syracuse. Is worthy of considerable re spect. The varsity will make Its headquarters at the Wayne Inn. Tho athletes will make the trip to the University tomorrow morn ing, some to give the campus the once over, others merely to attend classes. Tha results of the secret practice held on Franklin Field yesterday were more than gratifying to Folwell. It was the first chanco he had to turn loose hU best supply of plnjn and the scrubs found it hard to atop them. While at Wayne, with row out sldera to gaze upon his work, Coach Folwell expects to give his men n few more forma tions, which he belleea will not make It any too pleasant for the New Hnglandcra dur ing their stay on Franklin Field. The men are In tine condition and Kolwell said he would not 'take any chance of Injuring any of his regulars at this stage with hard work outs. Those who will make the trip aro Cap tain Mathews, Llttlo, Wray, Hennlng, Ks trcsvaag. Miller, Urquhart, Bryant, Light, Derr, Williams, Ucrry, Bell, Qulgley and Crane. Heporta from Hanover yesterday stated that Thlelschcr, Dartmouth's star punier, and Merrill, veteran guard, would not be able to faco I'enn, due to Injuries; but tho I'enn team places little credence In this rumor, No such "bear" stories at this time will cause thorn to let down In tholr work. PHILLY PITCHERS TO PLAY IN WEST Kansns City Club Purchases Dut Chalmers and McQuillan From Moran WFNRtCH - CfVX&e coxa-"jeoY'eurjrz. Trestler Turner Throwi Jtck Oaar LEHANON, Ta., Nov. 8. Joe Turntr. th world's mldilltwttsht wre.tler. tonight defeated Jack Oir. of Lebanon Valltr Collet, after a xtru.glt ot an hour and fort mlnutea. on tho late of l'lrher'o Academy ot Music, before a 1500 crowd. Frank IJUehter. ot thla city, waa Wccghmnn Satisfied With Tinker CIIICAno. Nov. 0. If tho nlher atorkholilera In ttiA fulia are plannlnr to ouat Mannper joa Tinker they will he to ! so oyer the heart of I'rtalilent Charlea Weeahmtn. Wrenhmin aaa It in an interview in wnmi ha declarea an hlmaeic ln an Interview In Tinker la till manager and will continue an, rne annual iji aiomlay. It meetlnir ot tho club will be held KANSAS CITV, Mo.. Nov. 0. Pitchers George McQuillan and Cleorgo Chalmers, of tho Philadelphia National League Club, have !nrn puii'linsed by Clcorge Tcbeau, of thj Blues, according to word received here. Whether they hae signed Blue contracts is not known, but it Is conuldered likely That tl cy will. The release of these two has been ex pected, and Tebenu had scernl other Class AA teams bidding against htm for them- llobert L. Hedges, former owner of the St. Louis Brouns, may get back Into bate ball. Ho Is reported to be the man behind nn offer made to Tcbcuu for the purchase of tho local club. One of tho stories ln connection with tho rale Is that Tom Chlvlngton, retiring presi dent of the American Association, will man age Kansas City next jcar. WOMEN GOLFERS . CAN'T BREAK HO . ON NOBLE LINKS Scores Run Up to 161 in Fall Tourney tt Hunting don Valley MISS GRIBBELL RECRUIT Ily 8ANDY M'NIIILICK Mom beautiful totals were piled ua at Huntingdon Valley In the qualifying' round of the club tournament there for women golfers, going forward this weeft nnd It Is expected that It will be ttio breaks" of the game today that will de-r tide the match play for Instance, tha rale ' Ing of a few putts more than the opposi tion on any one gren. Needing-six stroke to get nut of a trap while the opponent Is only taking no tft get out of a creek', these llttlo things It Is calculated will tell the tale. There were a great many beginners In tha play, which Is one reason why Mrr, W. M. Wcnter and Mrs. Kurton Price wero able to go Into a tie for first place In the first eight with n medal scor of 110, From thesa cards the total ascended In lovely fashion to soaring heights all the way up to tho card of Mlts Idella Orlbbell, who amassed the Bterllng total ot 161 strokes. MIm Orlbboll .has not played much golf, but she started out with n rush over the illlllciilt course with two nves, but she found difficulties on all tha rest of the holes except the twelfth, where she got a alx. She got ull nines and tens, nslde from mat coming home. The field for the event wai fairly large considering tho fact that the tourney li being htld so late In the season. Qolf interest among beginners at the Noble course Is very keen, and the tourney wil ttlinulate this to a still higher pitch. For this reason tho bett ptayera of the club stayed out of the eent. Very small slhtr prises aro offered the wlnnor of the three eights and runners-up. ra: Monro Kcgains Title TOf.TCDO. O.. Xov. 0. Ily lVtlne ..I... of t h 1 M ritv. tinrTa Mnnr-tv nf Nur Vnr rimln(i hlfl tit In of lhr-rueh.on litllinrrl rhntn plnn. Tht final Nror of th mutch wn JftO r VXXt, tho New Yorker 1r1 In consistently rM Hunpimif ipn ntttciy- aiyitt ui iia contesti ULRICII TO REFEREE BOUT St. Paul Man to Omdate nt Gibbons-'. Dillon Fight ST. PAUL. Minn., Nov. 0. Curley Ul rica will refcroe the Dlllon-Ulbbons fight hero tomorrow night. (Jlbbons stood out for the Nt. Paul man and Inuamunh nn he had yielded to Dillon on other, point In dispute, he was permitted to have hi own way In this. albbonH is down to weight and ontywilt do light work today. On the other hand. Dillon plana a strenuous day In order to take off the two and one-halt pound which he Is oer weight. N. fi. IMaya Frankford Soccer Frankforrt lllah Haliool will meet the North, eaet lllsh Hohool eleven on the latter fleld llila afternoon tn a bit leaguo aorror match. IVunk ford haa already won four gamea and tied one. clvln It a total of nln polnta In (he leaauo atandln. For tha roat aeven years Nertheaet lllsh hat been proclaimed aorcer champion. play throughout tnu iJHairJRL SUIT OR OVERCOAT S.TO okiu:k Raouced from ISO. 135 and 20, Seo Our 7 Dig Window PETER MORAN & CO. MEItClIANT TAILOR 8. ft. Car. tn and Aral 81. ,80 3 Boxing Notes Johnny Moloney, former amateur champion. seta a re.atnrt In profeaalonal competition to night, The llttlo boier took a ahort varatlon after hla aeveral atarta in bouta for filthy lucre, and ho again la prepared to atart a rllml. up tho bantam ladder. Tonltht at tha Ilroadway Club Moloney will laka on At Wagner. National fana will set an opportunity to tea day nlsht. In hla flrat rmlaitelpnU op irta from lite weat atate tnnttne tiramer naa proytu ma Albert lUdou, tho l'"rnc-li walierwelaht, riatur- rarialan Ima a ui la from the Weat at ,mer. Kramer haa matchea liero anu lie 1 lO-pound boxer In tho ICaat. Charley Metrle, Tho Parlalan haa a difficult propoaltfon on hla inni ine 11 vtd hla we tchea here and he looka like lha affair t (ramer. Piwaranre. oualer la o worth Iq two who alao haa shown well, will box 1'al liooro In llw aeinl. Touna Jack O'llrlen and Henry llauber have met aaeral tlinea ana eacn pout rluao. Toniorrow nlsht flnlahln up oondltlonlnir haa nroved hi tne Lincoln A. t the clever Weat Philadelphia!! avaln will hook up with the rusted Kalrmount flthter. Iioth ara nilioninv lur tno matcn inia Decker, boxer, and Nell Mtlirnoun. McCue, flthter, nmiiii I inxKr. iw4,f, kiiu will appear in mo aaminnai. Before rr.eetlnx Johnny Dundee at tha Olympla in. tomorrow nlsht. hero ln a aoerlul Herat, next Wedneaday nls llenny Leonard will apiiear ln a New York tilt from tho rkiuthweat jia'a opponent In a ten-rounder. ley Yoakum, a newroiner III be tho clever Uutham. lH,ttttl i!s;i jtr if "Billy" ha the reputa tion of making perfect fitting clothe to your meaiura Vea. If. I Mill the eu ii wheu It romra riotoea ii our limi! vr lauiim huhjihh riieri-. hu H ar Uitreoat to 14.0 rcler , , , , , un Rillv Mnran Tl'15 TAH.Olt omy moran nujArthat. vinuaw ipiay. upen evfe fact. Hilly Moran uiutiro urai u maklnrf thai lit fnullleaalr. Nee llt.eiikn auowlna ot 1 In- faur'ea etunnln effeft". OLYMPIA A. A. ",',"?. WUriTJ."'..' V, KUNKMIIAV. 0?K5llKB. ' " Benny Leonard vs. Johnny Dundee Seats INow on Sale Adai.. 50. 1- ".. (1 II.M). Arena, St 1 No ReiervatioHi Held After Nov. 14 1.1.IV"-- (1KE.VT IVKLTEHtVElCIlT ULVTT1.K tharls all NATIONAL A. C..UL" flftfi gga- ir, ... -. U.4 ; JNCOLN A.U f-j - - --.s BROADWAY A C ICili and Waahtnstonj Ave. Jehimy Mntetwy MaAl-WgHr Why pay for duty when you buy cigarettes? Import duty doesn't add a thing to the quality or taste of a cigarette it's just a valueless expense. Piedmonts pay no duty because they are Virginia tobacco ALL Virginia -grown right here in the United States. Golden, lively and mellow as Virginia sunshine itself. ' ' ; fl-1' ' . T ' -is US 'ajr,' Tobacco experts will tell you thai Virginia is the best cigarette tobacco that grows on earth. A package of Piedmonts, please." An ALL Virginia Cigarette .,..,, eft Cigarette of Quality -mm ' "T ! ' JaW" '-J &U- 'rf r. WteCiarette of Qyallty NOTE iThs duty on tha Turkth tobacco that rott Into a $o vac tag e o( ao-callcd bltndcd cletff Hit ii frrtttr than ths eoit q( the tQhacc,o ititlf I Out PUdmenti. mde p( hlrhf tt.fcrsdt Virginia tobacco, fav all lit ialtti in tAitigartiHibtnoi there U ai 4Q on Vltglnta thacco $aan frdhtu muriut iqiuraectM wailful hattMing, t H." r -WAa., 10 &$& t .Jtf' tll " r' ', f 4& $" Itv 4f