"jr!s sj RE AN ATCA a- ;f ;APTUREDUME m Vainly Attempt tto Ground Lost in SjljaaBaar - fphaulnes Sector i 5H FORCES GAIN, tfoo K? . aou- ruu-mn oountnr k.Tr,"T J..X f .hi Hnmr, "I.m tho sectors ot Ablal. iVl !--" J l ??..S wr Offlco today All KJwere repulsed and the French Pt3 maintain the ground won! In . ...it wunt narrfed OUR. In n.:.;w which f... R the tlres of searchlights land JoSaw been Intense artillery duel ... . ma Vronrh took tn.r. S'B&om on a front of four kilometers )Cn.hait miles). in',n "" ." . ...iihaait nf Ahlnlnttourt ?ys a communication IsauetM by Office I"' nignu i".'',",:,,-V" "J "- eabtured. More than 600 were taken. I ' -iii KtatAmAnl Issued lai the u recapitulates tho prisoners taken ' -ili.i. ln In the eoulmn nf br on tho Sommo front slncfe July Ithelr number up to Novefnber 1 n men miu - w...--- ---g . f guns captured Is given aa 171 rZL& 981 machine guns. Of this ' ...., cntured 40.79S vnen. S09 ".... i j n.v,. lot heavr riruna. 104 - - , i U1IM1 - - ' " 'V.., ud E1E machine Runs. fBVl "- -' . -.. TSntna h"r TiHtlati rkthi nelffhborhood of ButKs d "War- on . ww -----. ------ . . - today nlffht wer unnwuncea mac the "war oinpo. l - . 11. InH i 1M. UV. O. .wJ-v l lre, on tho Sommo if tho village ronL "wmi ad. ky the German "War Office today. ) Sector Ok AUiailMJHUfc uio ' toiiw from two ames ma jorcea tne i lo xtvs way In thA southern part -IT,.jr tit Sommo IUver tho (fighting- was of Ucks between 'LsKrs and Guede- re repulsed. y, artillery duejs wero reported from dun ironL havii hn nn 1lmnnrtnt rivAlnn. I en the eastern frotyt, the War Offlco : -j t iNS REGAIN nEIGHTS TO IUMALVIANS LV THE Tn4TSTiVATATV liniTNTATNS v (Li BfsttilN. Nov 8. t-Mountaln positions m' fector of Bodza Pass, which had iwsen by the rmanlans, havo been by the uormans, oays an offl- Offlco statement today, dealing ratlons In the Rumanian and ntan theaters of war. region -of STolgyes Pass the Russo- m forces hJve gained a slight ad after Itvalir fighting. Tho nowly ltlons of the Austro-Oerman forces k.'SoInl dislJrlct haTa been consnll. , tad more (prisoners have been cap- ff ;d uecntan antes. an attackJs on the Tcherna river. In la hasbeon repulsed. Elsewhere i only ffrtlllery diels. ST, aSSSTT. Nov. 8. The Ituminlin In iJonrudJa, which recently as. tb offensive against Field Mar- KtcKensen'e army, are contln- SHCCeeses. the War Offlco nn. i ii 'night Progress for the Ru- i Brotis uio cnjiro jjoDruaja iront Transylvania front tho nn. advanced sllchtlv In tho Hiizau VtoHnt fltthtlne is under way in i pi mo juver Aic AND1STR0YERS ENTER W.mm vAL STRONGHOLD: ' . llTlnt,mT..ii, nn.n..'n.. ' BlflB. AUOIHIAW aXKAJlSHll' l .mm ran via -f MwtA 8. An Austrian rub s SA Italian destrnvr vm WjP the night of October IS, U 1 f atement Issued by the Ad- tre: ht talJkf LsubnwrSe ," says the official stat- Uttemptti at night to torpedo, a conveying troops, but was die md attftrkeit hv n .nnvwln Am- he mihmrathlA an4 . Jt-. - --...,., m.w mivi uid UV ! wbllo the transport reached ft on safely. Tho maiorltvof the tin? deatrover vara nvii nni 1 Of tlile crew Of the subm&rina win onarls. rA4mlrattyvi'o reports that on the l -wovomoesr i Italian destroyers the mine loipe and other obstacles m uio easantsitoja. uanal and the anchorage of Jpart of tho Aus- w urea two torpedoes against one hip and reconnoltered two houra few hundrai vrrf aF h A. el of PolflL Hn hk th . vr. M Italian dtroyV'.rfJt a large neamsnip aBehoToajatffguraxio. Austrian nsivivJteaiEuj.k . at. On November 8 IkuFlUflrl.n TS aDDeared hfnn oKi Pltl,i. d bombarded that Tfcrf nf th An Italian armored train rushed up, m urove pn ane Atrlans. Two frs were hit and one was seen with "U Igarlans Repulsed on Cerna lift. NOV. S-JTIia T1T AM. .M4JI rthat Positions ranlnruiv3 Ahlnln. P.olr 'ywterday werSifubJected tekut night """"' "''" 1 War OfflCA TtnrriA tnttav (Li k !. were reputoM in thrw dMoeratt ; tin EUrhlon vn.iii. i- i.-.j ,p ""M", tuuiw in Ut 9DI1U ET"; "y nnaiiy retired w uiair Ir"' leayinff many 3m4 on ijie alHssBsP!slLsE Thu Kind of WealW tr miUt TUDBAItAUl nriRi; hom duriu tuTt narii t.K. . LT " t . . fW. . SKf-i. S3M1 "SST SS ITsV Ufa BArKkww utmi M hMlth. tUM Kurt b iiuTTi IT Uft-riu evow.M ft ! ' SM4i. W rktl mouni or Beat dMrt, th.l U wtlt u ,u t- .n. Pry hiim sttE ' ' ' rtU.ulr tCa, Jr Vu.tty ' 'WU 'UUHU a n , UNACWUZZATANiaOCA ATTACCATANELCANALE DIFASMAUISTRIA Cacclatorpcdlnlere IUliano o Sottomarino Austriaco Af fondati in un Du511o In Alto MarePiroacafo DiBtrutto I M P R E S A AUDACISSIMA v, , ROMA, I Novembr. il ' ""stsro delta Marina, In un oomu Bloatd upiclale pubblleato lerl sera annun cia che cacclatorpedlnlero ltallanl entra rono nel glornl scorsl nel fortmcatlsslmo canalo dr-asans, tra le Isole Drlonl o la costa deinstrla. a brevlsslma dlsUnxa da Pola, tentarono dl slluraro una grande corasxata nemlca, 11 comunlcato annunela pure altrl eplsodlt della guerra navato. Nella notte del Is ottobro tin sottomarino austriaco tento' dl sllarare un grosso Uas Porto Itallano che aveva a bordo truppe destlnate alia Penlsol Baleanlea. II sottomarino fu pero' sooperto da un caccla lorpedlnlero Itallano dl scorU al trasporto. In breve tra II sottomarino ed II cacclator pedlniere st lmpegno' un vtvaclsslmo com battlmento e runo e Taltro affondarono, mentre II trasporto pot eve glungero senta aannl alia sua destlnaxtone. La magglor parte delfequlpagglo del cacclatorpedlnlere fu salvata e tredlcl membrt dell'equlppagglo a' ottomarlno furono fattl prlglonlerl Nella notte del lmo novembre cacclatorpe dlnlero ltallanl rlusclrono ad attraversare la tona mlnata che sbarra II canala dl Fasana. tra le lsole Brlonl la costa del 1 Istrla, superando anche altrl ostacolt postl a dlfesa del canals stesso d,ove ancorata parte della flotta austrlaca. I cacclatorpe dlnlero lanclarono due sllur contro una grande dreadnought austrlaca a stettero per due ore In rlcognlslone nel canala, a poche centlnala dl metrl dalle opera dl fortlflcaxlone dolls lsole a della fortexxa dl Pola. Nella notte del 8 novembre alcunl cao clatorpedlnlere ltallanl entrarono nel porto dl Duraxxo, sulla costa albaneae, e vl af fondarono un grosso plroscafo austriaco che vl era ancorato, a coetrlnsero alcunl caccla torpedlnlere austrlacl a rltlrarsl. II 6 Novembro tre cacclatorpedlnlero aus trlacl comparvero al largo della costa lta llana a Santa Pldla al Maro (T) e la bom bardarono. Un treno coraxxato Itallano si reco' tmmedlatamente sul posto bombardo' le navl nemlcho costrlngendole a rltlrarsl In fretta. Due dl queate navl nemlche furono colplto dal cannonl ltallanl ed una fu viata allontanarst con una larga falls. II Mtnlstero della auerra pubbllcava. lerl sera II seguente rapporto del generals Ca dorna circa la sltuaxlono alia fronts dl baltaglla Italo-austrlaca: Nella vallo del Travlgnolo gll aus trlacl hanno contlnuato ad attaccare lnvano le poslxlont Italians. Nessun mutamento dl imprtanxa si avuto sulla fronte tra Oorlzla ed 11 Maro Adrlatlclo dovo al o' svolta la recente nostra offenalva. SI sono avutl solUnto duelll dl artlgllerla e gll ltallanl hannq dlsperso colonne nemlche ed hanno contlnuato a rafforzaro le loro nuove llnee. II cattlvo tempo o' tomato ed Impedlsce cho si svolgano oporazlonl dl lmportanza. Nella xona tra Lopplo e Mori rll austrlacl hanno tentato un attacco dl sorpresa contro le nostra llnee nella notte dl domenlca, II nemloo o' stato lmmedlatamento resplnto, Illinois Women Stand by Parlies CHICAGO, Nov. trK heavy women's vote was cast In yesterday's election, the Republican candidates receiving approxi mately tho same proportion of the women's vote as ot the men's. VH1AANDCARRANZA TROOPS IN BATHE Five Thousand Itftbels and Equal Number of Loyalists Engaged Near Escalon STj PASO, Tex., Nov. 8. Flvo thousand VlUlstas and an equal number ot Carransa soldiers are engaged In a battle near Es calon, fifty miles south ot Jlrelnes, accord ing to reports received here today. The Carranxtstas are made up ot General Herrera's former garrison at Parral and tho commands ot Generals Arrleta, Majn cotte and MurJIa, who have Joined him. Th battle may decide the fato ot Tor reon, A message from that city says that the city still Is held by the de facto troops. A Mexican refugee from Chihuahua City, who arrived here, brought confirmation of reports that Villa bandits had soaked the hair of two Mexican women In oil and had burned them at Santa Rosalia on October 10. The refugee claimed to have talked with an eyewitness of the tragedy. Ite also reported General Urlbe, Villa com mander, had declared at Santa Rosalia that he Intended to kill all Americans and Chinese caught by his forces. General Francisco Murgla. commanding the reorganized Carransa division south ot Jlmlnez. Is proceeding northward against the) Villa bandits In the Santa Rosalia and Jlmlnex districts, according to a message received lato today from General Jacinto B. Trevlno, by Mexican Consul Eduardo Sori ano Bravo. General Trevlno also denied Uio report that Villa troops had taken Torreon. "WASHINGTON. Nov. 8. The Stats De partment Is still without Information regarding the fate of the Americans reported murdered by Vllllsta bandits In tho Parral and Santa Rosalia districts. A number of letters wero received at the department from relatives In the United States of thosd persons, asking Information as to their safety. Omclals said they expected to reoetvs reports tomorrow from Mexico Clt and from British and French consuls on the ground, throwing light on the situation. FIREMAN HURT IN CRASH Driver of Engine Seriously Injured in Collision With Trolley Car O- ntu-ntng to the engine house after answering a false alarm, an engine of Company No. was struck by an east bound Somerset street car and completely demolished. John Mawhlnney, the driver, was thrown to the street and sustained a fractured skull. Engtnemen John Haines and George Kom escaped Injury by Jump ing. Mawhlnney was sent to ths Episcopal Hospital. The firemen said the car was running at an unnecessary rate ot speed. The crew and the passengers is the car were unhurt PANIC IN .NEW YORK SUBWAY 2500 Election-Night Celebrotora Car ried Out of Central Park Tunnel NEW TORK, Nov. 8. Following prob ably the most serious panlo the subway has had since It began operation, 2S00 pas sengers, hundreds of whom were overcome by smoke and heat were carried out of the tunnel that runs sixty feet under Central Park on the Lenox avenue branch last night when two trains. Jammed full ot elec tion night celebrators, became stalled at a fire. " Jlf yBa i f HIGiWAr SK $1750 It is Prooer That America's Reel- Looking Car Is Also the Best Bred MACHINERY has never been brought to a higher point of K perfection than in this new High way Six-cylinder model. It is the pattern and inspiration for the en tire automobile industry. It is inevitable that National, the builders of America's first stock Sixes, should be looked to as the authoritative leader. To gee and drive this marvelous car , is to understand why National sales in creased 800 per cent.; is to know why National is becoming more and more the favorite among owners of the high-class cars. Place your finger anywhere upon the National, and there you will find excellence; acme or quality, material and efficiency for that" pwttealsr feature andjt function, as related t the entire car. This is why NaHoMl is America's best-bred car and best-lookjng car Its quality is inherited from sixteen vun1 unbroken line of winners. H yon would. sfjFisSsfsr '"" ""vjttss JKR' "'iiS8Sjssi JfP3 VP"k aVSPBBBBH tSjXt TTL.wPBBBBBBfl VL . . ; -sw F7 Lssski LW jl-WW W'jf2Lm BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBRL JrmmUUUUUUUUW BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBST iLwaWWWWWW KH'clsHsaBsH dtrers and by the pellee with grastlfig Irons at a lato hour. AHhovctt early re- POT xM Bwra Intt lMMWBf TB lH4ftKra4l lMfflftwftf of women and ehlMren, all the bodies re covered were those of men. Mayor James M. Curley ordered an In vestigation of the accident to begin to morrow Morning. Most of tho passengers were employes ot the Western Electrlcr Company's factory In South Hoston and were returning from work. Many women and children were In cluded In tho number. The car was of the closed type, with a narrow door at each end, so that escape was Impossible except for those who happened to be standing on the platforms. The first assistant draw tender, Timothy J. Bhea, who was In charge of the bridge, disputed the statement of the rr.otorman that there was no light at the draw. Shea said the usual red signal lights were on the gate. Ite was not sure, he said, whether the aro lamp of the bridge was lighted. The draw tender said that he recelred a signal about 6.25 from the towboat Wil liam O. Williams, which was going up stream with a lighter In tow. I was In the Controlling house." said Shea, "and I took all the usual precautions. There were red lights on the gate. I opened the draw and the tugboat started to come through. Suddenly my attention was at tracted by a crash and screams." Mann ft Dilks 1182 CHBSTNUT ST. x yroi w oo Men's &? Women's Top and Motor Coats 18.50 19.75 22.75 1 etc. Style, Warmth Needs no pressing Mann & Dilks 1102 CHESTNUT ST. LjI J ! MfcJ ft u J U ' ' AS j& A I . i & S--J- ' INEZ MILIIOLLAND BOISSEVAIN Noted suffragist who Is reported from Los Angeles to bo at tho point of death FIFTY LOSE LIVES WHEN BOSTON CAR FALLS INTO RIVER THROUGH DRAW Motorman Failed to Sco Open Bridge and Coach With Pas sengers Plunges Into Channel MANY PINNED INSIDE BOSTON, Nov. I. Fifty persons lost their lives when a suriaco trolley car ot the Boston Elevated Hallway Company plunged through an open draw at tho Sum ner street bridge last night The car Is believed to have carried sixty persons, a few of whom, probably not more than ten In all, escaped by jumping. The remainder. Imprisoned In the closed car, went to their death at the bottom of Fort Point Chanel. The cause ot the accident had not been determined at a late hour. The motorman, George Walsh, who, with the conductor, George McKeon, saved himself by Jumping, asserted that the bridge was not properly lighted, and that he saw no signals indi cating that the draw was open. Forty-four bodies had been recovered by Km WSt v ' BVP '1 atsvltsWII Jfv! ''l' lMKrifs9aflssH A New Standard of closed car luxury is attained in the built-to-order McFARLANSIX90H.P. Such perfection of appointment, such dis tinction and refinement of detail, has never befora been oven approached. An unusually low factory overhead enables 5f?..'? eonl In quality cars costing from 16000 to 17B00 for $4740 Including dual Ignition. Westlnghouse and Bosch magneto, and your choice of color, top, upholstery or open or cloiod body, BELL MOTOR COMPANY Formerly ttaker-Itell Motor Co. N. E. Cor. Broad and Mt. Vernon Sts. rnuiiiol opportunity tor representative Dealer In open Ttrrilorv Town ear or Limousine at will through tpeclul construction Highway Six Touring Car with two txtra folding ataU, $ITS9 Tiering Car, i-Patm, W ...,..,..fi79 ZLlZlJ"' m & DW ff fc HralWisWB ; without .." r T' 'r'j npmtwpw 7W Why maxl- MMA 1 11 A M fJIfiM-LMrfnT T tin V "HPfrior i '008, WT1.9 ft JKSS IWii . A rick will convince 4JFaumar, $W i. mum comfort and dImmum in in the Ntionl, URLEY and EARLEY, ?.KmmAmMKm8bm Motor VthkOe Co., lh&Mf 'ii :$ ' 'icrw bU. Ml'lllBIWIBgM1,1alll'1''ltMW ll Why Store Your Gar ? HEN you invested in a home, you did not purchase one that could be used only six or eight months of the year, Then why drive an automobile, the infirmities of which make it necessary for you to put it in winter storage ? Your motor car should serve you well the year round. If it will not do this, it is only half an investment. Modem science has recently perfected a motor car which will give you as satisfactory service in' winter as it does in summer. This car is the model 44, eight-cylinder, light-weight Oldsmobile. - in- A pressure of your foot on the start er button starts this car, unfailingly, t invariably, in the coldest weather. 'Its integrally cast intake and ex haust manifold's warm the fuel, so that it runs as smoothly in January as in hottest July. The eight-cylinder motor drives the car resistlessly through mud and snow; the.reason a power impulse to every five inches of car travel,- and weight less than 2800 pounds Gear shifting is reduced to a mink mum. It will pay you further to investigate this car, as it will show you some thing new in cold weather perform-, ance. May we request the privilege of, a demonstration?., jCallorwrito 4fu, v,. LIGHT EIGHT $1195 F.O.B.FACTOK?r N OLDSMOBILE CO. 23MM N. WPAtt. " .. -r -wj y t- . 1a