'tfnsfrma LwyammLABWuTm wedw&day, wvtsmbbr s. 101s I frf WILLCOX HOPEFUL THE COMPLETE RETURNS WILL GIVE HUGHES VICTORY CbHbu frees, rate One HtMtt- ami let two. The Democrat! now have a lead of four, Indicating that etfty Democrat vfiH be n the next Senate and forty-six Republican. The Hemw Is In doubt, with Indications that Republicans and Democrat May be tied with 215 each in the new Hourc, three Socialists, a Prohibitionist tmd a Pretrresslve holding the balance of power. Meet netae-H Wat the sweep of the Republicans of New York State, the col topee of the majority Tammany waa to have given In New York city and Hashes' triumph by nt least 115.000 In the State. In Illlnels Hughe swept Cook County, in which Chicago is situated) he ha swept the Stato by at least 100,000 more, and this despite tho fact that tho President ran well In the industrial centers. Wisconsin re-elect La Follette as United States Senator by a large vote. Michigan turned in 40,000 for Hughes outside of Detroit, and the figures were reduced one-half when the city's vote was counted. Early returns from 'Utah were surprising. Instead of the expected Repub lican majority tho Democrats had rolled up a good vote for Wilson. Pennsylvania Is Republican by from 260,000 to 300,000. Now Jersey it claimed by about 40,000 for Hughes. Delaware Is in doubt. DRYS WIN IN NUMBER OF CONTESTS A notable feature of the day's election was tho contest for prohibition in -Ualtlmoro city, Md., anil other counties in the State. Tho Wets won In Balti more city by about 40,000, and this ficht hnd its effect on the presidential and senatorial contests in tho State as well. Frederick county went to tho "Drys," and Havre de Grace, where is located Tim O'Lcnry's favorite racetrack, also want dry. South Dakota voted for Prohibition, and tho "Drys" won by n majority of 15,000. But the greatest victory of tho day was in Michigan, where it was aid that tho Stato went into the "Dry" column by at least 60,000. Nebraska voted to abolish tho saloon by about 3000 majority. Women played an important part in tho election for President, they voting for the first time in some of tho States of tho West. In California tho women are credited with swelling tho voto for Wilson and lhat the President was their cholco by three to ono over Hughes. In Oregon tho voto of tho women helped to increaso tho volume of balloting so that the count was deferred by the additional work of tho election officers. In Illinois it is estimated that G60,000 women cast their ballots and that tho remainder of the ballots rep resented thoso cast by the men. It is claimed that the women wcro more partisan than the men in their nllcgionco to their candidates. They were so heartily In favor of their work as to excite the admiration of the men. Women had voted In Illinois before, but not for n President. In South Dakota the uffraglsta won a lively fight, polling n majority of 10,000 in favor of women voting. Tho women of Utah are credited with having turned the tide in that Republican stronghold. Their vote was n great surprise in political circles. The vote of the women in Washington was responsible in a measure for caus ing a hot flght for Senator. JOY AT DEMOCRATIC HEADQUARTERS NEW YORK, Nov. 8. Confined joy had no room at Democratic headquarters thl afternoon. As tho trend toward President Wilson grew moro strongly defined during tho early afternoon tho crowd In the Forty-second street build ing increased both in noise and size. By 1 o'clock tho lid was ripped oft" and thrown into tho discard. Just beforo that hour Chairman McCormick recolvod from O. K. Cushing, California State chairman, n telegram saying the Democrats out there bcllovcd they had carried tho State. Men and women stampeded for tho exits and, led by a hurriodly hired band, started toward Fifth avenue, where Republican headquarters are locntcd. Tho Democrats rememberod the serenado they got from their friends tho enemy last night when it looked all Hughes. The parade, which Included citizens and citizenesscs of every huo and class had the force of the law added to it when SherifT Kinkaidc, Bnyonne's fighting sheriff, jumped from nowhero in particular on the crowded sidewalk to the head of the procession. Secretory of the Treasury McAdoo was so delighted by late returns that he suddenly started passing out handfuls of tho new dimes' which he designed for tho United States. Tho demand was terrific and the supply lasted only a few minutes'. ' ALABAMA twelve trldnttal rtrnn inn aimnamrni, . 814S3; Rep., ims Proi -Dem., 74.374; ltp.. S8.SC voua noncre Dem.. f 1904 Dm. for ros. sua. letter. tn Vol lVlS S2.00V. VOl BIRMINGHAM. Ala., Nov. 8. Returns Indicate lhat Alabama will contribute. , tho usual Democratic majorities. ARIZONA Voted for three pretldentlal lectori, one Consreeeman. United rtuteehenator and Bute nicer. Vote 1B13 Rep., 8021) Dem., 10.JJ1; PHOENIX Art, Nor. S. Sixteen pre cinct out of Sll In Arliona (Ire Wilson, S06; Hughes, S41. In these precincts Ash- urst tor Senator lead Klbbey by 393. ARKANSAS Toted for nine n r14nual elector, eeyen Couruimin. United Htatef Venator and Htete etneers. Vote 1W Rp.. 34.31 Dem . eR.MSi to.. 21.073. Vote MUs Uep., M.liOl Dem.. LITTLE ROCK. Ark., Nov. 8. Because of a lonr ticket, returns are very incom plete. WlUon will probably carry the State pr 85,000. Scattered return show all Democratic candidates for Stale and national offices elected and the probable defeat of the Initiated act to repeal the State-wide prohibition law. Voted for COLORADO prealdjntUl elector. ' I lx preali o W Aiiei eAS. ...-. -n.l flttttat AmooH-B. Vflt IV !'. KD. . EOsei Bern" ll.4Mi Pros., T2..0. Vote 1 H.PM 123.T0OI Pern., 12.0it. DENVER, CoL, . Nor. 8 Preeldent Wilson has carried Colorado by 30,000, and Julius O. Ounter will have a plurality of 20,000 for Governor, according- to esti mates early today. Returns from 8 precincts out of 193 In Denver sire Hushes 946, Wilson 15.207. Carlson, Republican, Oovemor, 8888; Oun ter, Democrat. 13,183. Fifteen Denver pre cincts aaVe Hllllard, Democrat, for Con- tress, let district, 1888; Vallo, Republican, 1288. CONNECTICUT VoUd fof imn prealdtntUt ltctori. Arc Con unuea siBit nnior 1V1Z Hep,, 0.V and fltafa o.. ai.xjftt Dam.. 74. ami .; i .., . t r.i rv .' vol w ,?. 44. vie; mm. P IV r TAeiKinan aocra, " 9.."'"- NEW HAVEN, Conn., Nor. .With only the towns of aulirord. In New Haven County, and Windham, In Windham County, mlsstnx from Connecticut's 188 towns at 1 o'clock this morntnr Hughes had a plurality of (731 over Wilson, the unofficial totals betnr Hufhts, 108,050, and Wilson, 88,324. Oovemor Holoomb Is elected with an tin- official plurality of U,01. FLORIDA Vetd for l preeldratlal elector, four Con- en unitea Btatce Henator, Btt officer, i p.m., 10,4171 JHep., ijjoi Pros.. Vote 10 Detn.. M.OSej Rep.,' 0488. JACKSONVILLE. Fla.. Nov. S The Rev, Sidney J, Catts, Independent, running; en a "dry" platform, apparently will have 10,000 majority over W. V. Knott, Dem erst, for Governor, He now leads by SOOO out of 8S.000. Allen, Republican, Is poUleff a small vote. IDAHO V4ed for four pre14nttal elector, two Con. ffmw ana Btai orneer vote f-Kep.. t,tsl pm., M.ieJ. r. iriiA.p. vote ivus BOIHK, Idaho. Nor. I At 1:06 a. m. tats Memlnc Wilson had a lead of 4(00 vote out of a eouat of 48,000 from 234 of . we most populous precinct si the Bute , Th total vote is estimated at 112,000, For Qeveewor the Demeerau lead wKh 70 votes. The Capital Newt at 1 o'clock: conceded "1i) earrtes Idaho by 4Q00. lUves Rtp.. IOWA V44 fer tair teea SfjeUttleJ eleetw. e i8twr?...CT.?-j Di MOIMsW. la., Nov. S-Republleans sese.lt ItMa fraaMeaNy eeean, turnln- In hsmMtlsf of ,6 for HmhM 110,608 for mrains: tor oovtraer, uteeins; tne exmr , SUA etahst.al w eUeUny Hm tea Keuo- Mesj Cei;jn)n.' sHseee, Democratic CsMTfMM 'fpek the 11 sh -plerMBM a KANSAS & , JPW't, jk . H-. given Woodrow Wilson 10.000 to 16,000 plu rallty over Hughes, poislbly more. It choe four Democratic and four Republican Con gressmen, save a Republican Governor the largest plurality any candidate has ever received, elected a Republican Legislature and then picked Democratic and Republican local olllclala Indiscriminately. At 10 o'clock Incomplete returns from 1074 precincts out of 3484 glvo Hughes 136,527, Wilson 145,863. KENTUCKY Voted fAP thirteen neaMintlNt lMrfApe N eleven Consreaamen. No Slate election. Vote J1IIZ Hep.. llf.,0nl Dem., 210.BS4I IToe., 102.. 7U0. Vote 11)05 llep,. 3S1.711I Ura.. 344,082. LOUISVILLE, Ky . Nov. 8. Kentucky re turned Its usual normal majority for the Democratlo ticket yesterday. While several mountain counties which are strongly Re publican nro yet to report, the State Is certain to go ut least 16,000 Democratic, tho Democrats r -electing nine Congress men against two for the Republicans. This makes Kentucky's representation In Con gress the same as at present. In two districts the fight was close. In the Third It, Y. Thomas, Democrat, won over J. Frank Taylor, Republican, by less than 1000. In the Fifth, Bwagar Sherley, Democrat, had only 6S0 to sparo over his opponent, W. C. Owens. The 10th District Is expected to shew about 0000 majority for Hughes, while the 11th Is expected to exceed 20,000 for the Republican ticket. Tha vote wns the heaviest that has ever been polled In the State. A remarkable thing about Kentucky's election was that not one brawl was reported all day. MAINE Voted for all proaldentlal elector. Stat le LV?."..?.? "f'SPC'-L Hj tOia, save Republican Fi1?"". ?i.1,J10T- "' 1I2 Rep. 2548! oeT'Wrk.'; 8,5'4r0..MM- V0U -' PORTLAND, Me., Nor. 8. It was Indl cated early today, with two-thirds of ino oiaie neard from, that Maine had shown a reversal of sentiment thmiirh not decisive, over September, when the emo tion of a Republican aovernor and four Congressmen and two Senators was consid ered a prophecy of a big margin for Hughes In November. While Wilson will not carry the State, un doubtedly he has cut the Republican mar- gin aown oy eooo to 7000 votes. In Sep tember the Republican margin was 13,000, and Hughes Is not expected to leave the Stato with over 7000 plurality. All the cities except Portland showed marked Democratlo gains. Many Demo, cratlo leaders attribute this to the labor vote, which for the first time Is conceded as a factor In the Maine election. Returns from 403 out of 868 precincts give-Hughes 64,067, Wilson 80,342. MARYLAND Voted for etaht presidential altctora. six Con treaamen and United Mtafaa n.i?a v.i fata Ile',.!..5,888l "mM H.ei4l rot., 07,719. ' Vote ID0S Itep.. 116,01(1 Dem., J1B.B0S. I BALTIMORE, Md., Nov. 8, Maryland has piled up a majority of 18,000 for Presi dent WlUon over Charles Evans Hughes. Baltimore city's vote was Hughes, 48,4441 Wilson. M0, The WlUon majority In tha counties will reaoh about 6000, Joseph I. Francs, Republican, was elected to the United States Senate over David J. Lewis, Democrat. The successful Congres sional canoioates were Trice, Talbott, Coady and Llnthlcum. Democrats, and Mudd aud Zethlman, Republicans. Baltimore voted wet by 40,000. Fred erlck and Washington Counties Jumped from the wet to the dry column. Harve de Grace went dry by 24 majority. MASSACHUSETTS Vote for elshteen presidential electors. all- lU-rlttW VeuilM-aep.. 265.: BOSTON, Mass., Nor. 8 Hughes car. ed Massachusetts by slightly morTthan 20,000 votes from 1146 precincts out of 11(( In the State, Indicated early today. The Republican nominee ran well be hind his tleket Governor MeC!!, Rep., 212,004, Mans field. Dem., 2J8.875. , a,??!1.4.8- "enatorw WUtirald. Dem., 217,101) Led, Rep., 144,4(8, had filed Hughes was sharply Increasing his lead over Wilson. Returns from 708 pre cincts. In 66 of 83 counties, gave Wilson 86.008 and Hughe 12,874. These returns did not Include Detroit, where at midnight election officials had not been able to start counting the presidential ballots. The late returns also served to emphasise the great majority by which Michigan will go dry. Eight hundred and twenty pre cincts voted on the prohibition amendment a follows: For, 188,147s against, 95,718, For home rule the vote In 730 prectnets was 82,788, while 122,8(6 ballots were cast against the amendment. The first scattering returns reported from Detroit precincts fa vored the dry cause. MISSOURI . Vot fer etiMeen rrlntlal eleetor. eli teen Ccnrreeimen. United mate Senator end Ptal ticket) prohibition amendmenti penalona for the Mind: State land bank. Vote in 1PI2 JiP).207,a2li Bern;, 880,7401 Tros., 124,3T1 Vot"l&OSr-ltep., MT.SoSi Mem,, 8e,S74, ST, LOUIS, Mo., Nov. 8 Late returns from Jackson County Increased Wilson's lead over Hughes In Missouri to 12,700 s 1841 precincts out of 3458 In the State gave Wilson 214,064, Hughes 201,8(2. Henry Lamm, Rep, was leading Gard ner, Dem., for Governor by 3800 i 1760 precincts gave Lamm 201,485 and Gardner 197,672. Reed, Dem, was 8500 ahead of Dickey for Senator In 1740 precincts. The vote was: Reed, 202,768! Dckey, 104,134. MONTANA ntt for four presidential electors, two Ron. a-reamen. United mate HenMor and Btate t rkati prohibition amendment Vote 1P12 Itep, 1S.B13I Item , SJ.Dtli Tmr . 22,45. Vote IMS Hep., 32,3SJi Dem.. Se.a.'al BUTTE. Mont, Nov. 8. Fifty-two pre cincts out of 1239 give Wilson 8136, Hughes 4794. For Governor, 83 precincts nut of 1239 give Stewart, Dem., C777; Kdwards, Itep, 4228. NEVADA Voted for three presidential electora, one ronsreewman and United Mates benator. No State election. Vote 1012 lien. 31H0. Dem. 7ii, Pros.. 6020, Vote 1K08 Itep.. lu 7751 Uem 11.212. RENO, Nev., Nov. 8. Thirty precincts nut of 90 In Nevada, Including Reno, give Wilson 10d i Hughes, 209. Senator Pitt man, Dem., Is leading for the Senate. Totals available give Pittman 760; Piatt, Rep., 645; Socialist, 608. NEW MEXICO Voted for thre presidential elector, one Con sretaman. United fUalee Henator and Htate ticket. Vote 1UU Hep.. 17,733. Dem.. 0.437i Pros.. S147. ALBUQUnnQUi:, N. M . Nov. 8. Tho contest for this State's three electoral votes Is so close today that It may take an ofllclnl count of ballots to decide,. Democratlo leaders are claiming the State for Wilson by from 1000 to 3000. Republicans do not concede this NORTH DAKOTA Voted for five presidential elector, three Corrxreaarnen. United mate Henator mid Htnle ticket. Vote 1U12 Itep . 2 090, Dem , Zl.TiAS, l'ror., 25.720. Vote 1B08 Itep., 07,(1S) Dem . S2.S85 . niSMARCK. N. D, Nov. 8 Rcporti from C70 precincts outsldo of tho city lvo Wilson 23.362; HukIics, 23.05S, Ic.iMng tho result In North Dakota still In doubt tit 10:30 o'clock. MICHIGAN Mtw? MsH UCmmtJiSSSttM "- sm.uB fJr " "isjpsi. ejssasawsBp raKTJiw l OREGON Voted for five prealdentlal electors, three Ton. rrraamen Rnd amendment Vote In 1012 Itep, ,11,073: Dem. 47,064. rro , 37.000. Vote 1008 Itep., 02,930; Dem., 38.0 111. TORTLAND. Ore, Nov. 8. Indications today were that Hughes was leading In Oregon by a small majority. Both Repub licans and Democratlo State chairmen have claimed the State, Incomplete scattered re turns from 281 precincts out of 1C30 gUo Hughes 4489, Wilson 4183. Morning brought no decision In the presidential tight In Oregon. Both sides claimed victory. Complete returns from twenty-seven out of thirty-four counties gave Wilson 4511 and Hughes 4759. Complete returns from 56 precincts In Multnomah County (Portland) give Hughes 3210 and Wilson 2647, Hawley, Slnnott and McArthur, Republican representatives In Congress, all have been safely re-elected Scattered Incomplete returns from the county districts show Hughes nnd Wilson running close. The Democratic State cam paign managers claim Oregon for Wilson by a small margin. Seventy-one precincts complete In Mult nomah County and 16 counties outsldo of Multnomah Incomplete give Hughes 9973, Wilson 9039, RHODE IS! AND Voted for five prealdentlal electora, thre Con sreaamen. United titatea Henator and State ticket. Vote 1812 Hep., M.'Od. Dem., 30,. 41SI Pros., 10,878. Vote lUOtl llep., 43,042: Dem.. 24.708. PROVIDENCK, R. I., Nov. 8. The Republicans carried the Stato ticket by a plurality of about 11,000, re-elected Walter R. Sllness, Rep, by about 3000 and Am brose Kennedy, Rep,, by about 1000 to Congress, but lost the United States senator ship, Petter G. Gerry, Dem.. winning over Senator Henry F. Llppltt. Rep., by about 6000, Hughes carried Rhode Island by about 4500 and Governor Beeckman had a Plurality of about 12,000 over Addison P. Munroe, Dem. UTAH Veltd for four presidential eleetors, unuea meteo two f?nn. Sreiimen. United Nt&tea ftenatnr and R.af tlnttftf. Vftta 101'. llan it IIMl r.n IA ATUt rroa-.. 2,174. Vote 1008 llep.,' el.OlS: Dem., 8ALIJ LAKE. Utah. Nov. 8. Returns from every part of the Stato show that Utah has gone heavily Democratic. Presi dent Wilson has a plurality of at least 15,000, Simon Bamberger, Democrat has been elected Governor by 10,000, He has the distinction of being the first Democratlo Governor and tho first non-Mormon to hold the place In Utah. Milton A. Welling. Democrat, has been elected to Congress from the 1st district to succeed Joseph Newell, Republican. James II. Mays, Democrat, Has been re-elected from the 2d district. VIRGINIA Veted for tw'tv prealdentlal electors. . unaivaaidvii .uu uiiiivu oiaiea nenaior. State election. Vat IP12 Itep, a : n.m . P0.883I Hros , 21,777. Vol. WOi-illep.T'jj.oTsi 1)6171,, BetiXHO, . RICHMOND, Vs., Nov. 8. Incomplete returns Indicate that Blemp, Republican In cumbent, has defeated Trlnkle. Democrat, In the 9th Virginia District by nearly 1000. Trlnkle' campaign manager concedes Slemp's election. The Democrat carried other nine congressional districts. Gains were made by the Republicans In the 5th and 7th. The vote, as usual, was for Wilson. WASHINGTON Voted ronareaam Itekttf. Vnt rie.Hi U8.088. for seven . prealdentlal eltetor. Ave . .uniieo. mate Benator and Btat IVI, Itep . 1U 449, uem HH.H40J vote ivvb lisp., iut,vu3 uem., SEATTLE. Wash., Nov. (. One hundred and sixteen of 21(8 preclnets In Washing ton give Wilson 76,684; Hughes (9,(61 early today, Democrats cleam Washington by 20,000 to 10,00,0 plurality. The Republicans de clared early today that Hughes ejlll had a chance to win. Returns from Seattle and one-fourth of the State precincts Indicated WlUon would probably have at least 16,000 plurality If his present gains are retained. Oovemor Lister, Democrat, appeared to have been re-elected by (000 plurality. WYOMING At lit1QM 0...32. Vot. Vot4 for thro Brta.dnlUl toctors and on) uuiireiifin. (- eivgiiont v im-tfepTw &ntt-- CHETBNNB. Wyo., Nov (. The Repub lican Bute, Central Committee at 9:10 a. m. today conceded Wyoming to President WIN son and ooneeded Demooratto Candidate Kendrlck'e election as United States Ben. ator. , Tbe Democratic State AsiaHlii slalsasit UM KAt ! WUtM W 64Bf u, i liana esesBSBBl m i 4 BIG PARTIES TIED IN H0USE.BATTLE; CLOSE IN SENATE Returns Indicate 215 Con gressmen Each for G. 0. P. and Democracy THREE FOR SOCIALISTS NEW TORK, Nov. 8. Returns from yes terday's election Indicate the Democratic majority in the Senate has been cut to 4. Tho result In the House of Representa tives on the face of scattering and meager returns seemed likely to prove an unpleas nnd surprise to both of the major parties. Two and possibly three Socialists, a Pro hibitionist nnd a Progressive seem likely to hold the balance of power. BIO PARTIES MAT TIB The figures as compiled up to 8 o'clock this morning Indicated that the next House will comprise 215 Democrats, 1 Progressle Democrat, 215 Republicans, one Progressive Republican, 2 Socialists and 1 Prohibitionist. -Meyer London, the New York Socialist, on the face of the return, was defeated from the 12th New York district, but the Socialists, a, a result of conditions In Wis consin, seemed to hae elected Hergcr and Gaylord In that State. The Democrats,, who now have a majority of sixteen In the Senate, have a majority of four, Indicated In today's early returns. Tho Republicans, apparently, elected nine candidates to sents now held by Democratlo Senators, while tho Republicans loso two of their wheel horses in the upper body. au.uiur i-ipimi, oi tinocio island, was de feated by Peter Ooelct Ocrry .the first Democratic Senator u be elected rora ltbode Island In forty ears Senator Suth erland, of Utah, n Republican leader, lost to William 11. King, n Democrat. Tho Republicans apparently elected New nnd Watson In Indiana, defeating Senators Taggart and Kern. France, a Republican, succeeds Lee, Democrat, In Maryland, llltchaock. Democrat, Nebraska, lost to Kennedy, Republican, and Martins, New Jersey, to Frellnghuysen, Republican. Sutherland, Republican, defeated tho In cumbent. William E. Chilton. In West Vir ginia. Hubhcll. Republican, won In New Mexico, and William M. Calder, Repub lican, surceedi O'Gorman. Democrat, who was not renominated In New York. Myron T. Herrlck Is safely elected oer Senator Pomcreno. Democrat, In Ohio. The successful Senatorial candidates ap parently are: States. Candidates. Arizona n. p. Ashurst, D. Arkansas.... William F. Klrby. D Connecticut GcorRO P McLean, R. California HIrnm Johnson, R. Delaware) J. o. Wolcott, D. Florida Park Trammel!, D. Indiana Harry S. Now, R. Indiana Thomas TagBart. D. Maryland J. Irwin France, R. Massachusetts 'Henry C. Lodgo, R. Michigan C. E. Townsend, R. Minnesota Frank H. Kellogg, R. Missouri James A. Reed, D. Montana Charles N. Prny, R. Nebraska a. M. Hitchcock. D. New Jersey J. s. Frollnghuysen, It. Now Mexico Frank A. Hubboll. R. Now York William N. Calder, R. North Dakota John nurke, D. Ohio Myron T. Herrlck. R. Pennsylvania Philander C. Knox, R. Tonnesse K. D, McKellar, D. Rhode Island Peter G. Gerry, D. ..C A. Culberson, D. W. II. King, D. ...'Carroll S. Page. R. . ...C. A. Swanson, D. ..'Miles Polndexter, n. William D, Chilton, D. .'R. M. La Follette, R. 'C. D. Clark, R. Texas Utah , Vermont Virginia Washington... West Virginia Wisconsin.... Wyoming Re-elected. The make-up of the new House, based on available returns, will be as follows, names of both candidates appearing when results are in doubt. House of Representative ALAIIAMA O. I,. Orar. D H it. lent. Jr. IJ. 4, K. I. 1. 7. J. I Burnett. D H. K. ti. Almon. D. 0, O. Iuddleaton, D 10. V. It. liankhead, D. 8. II. H. KtMcall. V.' liiacKmon. B. J T. Iledln. D.e e. Wm. B. Oliver, D. ARIZONA At-Larse Carl Hay. den, D. ARKANSAS At-Leree It. L. Eada, 4. Otis Wlnfo. D. . w. n-., - B- M- Jscoway, 1. T. H, Cajawar, D. D. 6. B, M. Taylor. D. ? yr',A'0.1.an,,a' J- ' W. a. Ooodwla. D. 8. J. N, Tillman, D. CALIFORNIA J. E. It. Hart, It. 2. J. K. Maker, D. s. C. I'. Curry, It.' 4, Jullu Kahn, h. B. J. t. Nolan. It. , J, A. KUton, U.' 7. Denver B. Church, R. J, W. W, Phllllpe. o, i',. ji iiere, it, (I. Charlee W. Dell. I, e. Charle II, Ran dall,, P. 10. H. Z. Uaborn, R. 1. n 2. c. is. R.' COLORADO a Hllllard, D. 8. O McClelland. Edward Keltlnx.n. 4. K. T. Taylor, D. CONNEOTIOCT TlmberUke, 8. Rdw R. J. Itlll. It J. l Olynn. It. 1, P, D. Oakey. It.' 4, 3. It. P. Freeman, It. 6, 8. J, Q. Tllaon, It. DKIWARH At Urse Thomas W, Miller, IX. rLORIDA 8, Walter Kho. D. 4. Wm. J, Sears, D, OEOUOIA 1, J, W. OTrstrt, e. J. W. Wis. D.' 1, II. J, Crane, D. 2. frank Clark. D. n. t. Prank Park, D.' 8. C. R. frlp. D. 4. Wm. C. Aaamson, D. 5. W. a. Howard. D. (lordon Lee. r 8. H. J. Trlbble, D.' 0. T. t. Hell. D. 10, Carl Vlmon, D.' if. J. It. Walker. D.' 12. W, W. Laran. D, IDAHO It-Larre A. T. Smith, At-Lanr Durtoa L, R- French, n. ILLINOIS At-Larse Medlll Mc- 18. J. Cormlck. R. n. At-Larse Wm, iaeon. it. 1. M. II. Madden. It.' 2. J It Mann. R.' 8. W. V. WlUon, R.' 4, Chaa, Martin.. D, B. A. J. 8abath. D i. f. MeAndrtwt, D,' 7. Nlele Juul. H. 8, T. OalUsher. D.' . V. A. Iiritten. It.' 10. a. K. Koa. R.e 12. C. a. Fuller, n.' C.( WcKenil. R. 14. W. J, Oraham. IB. H. J. Kins, R, 15. C, Ireland, R. merlins, R, Klnly, 17. J A. 18, Wm, U, lie; 20. It. T. H.ln.T 21. ).. E. Wheeler 22, r. R.e W. A, Rodenlers, 28. M. b. Foeter, D 24. T. B, William. R. 25, E. E, Dnlon, It.' INDIANA 7. if, .Moor... R.' 10. W. B. Wood. R. 8, r. B, Purntll, It. IOWA 1. C. A. Kennedy. R.e J. C. W. 2. II. E. Hull. R R. ' 8. li. K. Hweet. R.' 7. C. C. Dowel! 4. O. N. Itaustn, It. 8. II. M. Towner, n, 8, J. W. 0.904, It , Wm. . areeol.lt 10. . P. Wood, h.' KANSAS e. J, jt. Connel T. J. Hheuie. 4. W. A. Arrs, D.e KENTUCKY 1. p, R. Anthony, R.' . a. u, L.itti.. it. 8. P. I, Campbell. R 4, Dudley Doollltla.D. Ramaey.r, It.' Chaa, M. Ilsrserjl. j it. wonneiiy. u. J. tinou.e. u. tfetjsaua: 8. R.fk Thome. Jr., 1: SBti'rl.T'b.P''' O. JL. 11. Hnuir 7. J7 6. Cantrill. . l'rvyiieiu DD lirvy lllm. n. ll c-.& ftSSfe' &: LOCISUNA !' W& K- - f Ss,s.dd:. MAINE 1: frW ft frA.v, 1. A. . r.M 1:1 r. n. i R MASSAC! ire. KTT9. T. Trsdwy. t. JB-.W. Bob.rtsR.' . 10. Peter To.. p.' 11. O. II. Tlnanam. ntllette. It. J"'?' i, winiew, as. Vt'. Dalllns.r. :iR, If: (4p: B:- M1CHIOAN 8. J. M. C. ftmlth. R.' 8. J. C. McLaosnlln. 4. E. I Hamilton. R. J' J Ty'-R"' i: M. &V-, 1. 1 A. ttaenM tfnntann. n. th, 7. A, J.A-olstead. It.' 8. p. Tl Miller. fV . ,' 0. II. Steeneraon. R,' ke. 10, Thomas T. Schall, rrcf.' MINNESOTA lMrii.n. n. a-, K. Kllewotth, s. fi. It. Davts. R, 4. 0. C. Van Dyke. 10, Ther D Pi s E. Lundeen, n. MliflOCRI e- J. W. W. Ruek.r, 8. D. W Shsekleford, D,' . D,' . . . I. J. W. Aiesanaer. v 4. r. i4. nooh' e. c.Dr. lesander, . Champ Clark, p.' JO. J. E. Meeker. It.' ier. D.' 11. Wm. L Isoe. ! norland. 12. K C, Dyer. R"' 18. T. L. Itubey. D.' Dickinson, Missinsirri It. Candler, D.' 6. W, l. Dtcpncn, o. u. Humphreys, 7. P, 8. J. A, V.nable. D.' f. Harrison, E. Quln. Dj W. Collier, b.' b. It. W. Parker. It,' Ik V. R. Uhlbach, Easan. P llamlll. D.' I R: n. 8. n. o. 4. T. U. Sleeon. b. MONTANA tlotb Consresimen at lars In doubt. NEIIRASKA All ls districts In doubt. NHVADA At-Lsrre E. E. Ilob- At-Larse E. E. Cslne. erts. It. b. NEW nAMPfllllRR 1, a A, Bulloway, 2. E. II. Wa.on. R.' NEW JKRSKT 1. Wm. J. RrownlBf, 7. n II Drukker. ft.' . It.' S. Ed. W. Gray. It.' 4 I, jiaenrarn, ll. 8. T. J. rlrullr. b.e 4, E 0. llutchlnaon. It It. 11, J. J. 8. J. II fapattrk. R.' IS. J. A u j. it. iiama) n. NEW MEXICO Consrrasman at larse In doubt. NEW ortft 1. Fred C. Hick.. lt'23, Ilrure T. Sterllnc. 2. I P Caldwell. II.' D. , . , a. Jaa. II, riynn. I) 24. II. I., Falrehll4.lt. B. Jo P, Manor. D.' 2. J. W, Huted, R. n Fred V Howe. It, -jn. Edmund IMatt. It.' 7. J. J. riliEerald. i'7. fliaa H. Wsrd.lt.' n e ... J H. Parker. It.' D J (Irlftln. Jl. .til. II H !) Forest, It. o W Swirt. n. SI. n. It. fjnell. It.' It U Haakell. R. 32. K W. Mott. II.' I) J Itlatdan. D. S$, II, I. Pitrder. R.' Merer London. H.e S4. (I. AV. FalrChUd. - it nuuivan, i, M F Farley, . 8R, M. I, fonry. D S, 1. J Dnntlnr n 7 IS. t. 11. I'nn:n. 11. as. IB. WM. Chandler. 40. " 41, 20, Ieaaa Rlesel. R. 48, 21 O M. Ilulbert, D.' i, jt. urucaner. u." NORTH CAROLINA I. 3. If 8mall, D B. C. M. Btedman.p.' i.-. - Hitrnin. D." 0, If. u. , t-uw. , ti W. W Mas. R- N. J. Oould, ft.' .11. It. .Pratt. It.' T. P. Kunn. R. . B. W. Dempaey.ll.' O. II, Smith. D. U xi Hamilton, R.' ilodwln, D ' v. Pou. D.' 10. Zebb Weaver, NORTH DAKOTA 2. O. M. Younr. R.' OHIO 1. N Lonetrorth, R.e 17. w. A. Aahbrook, 2 Victor Melnts 11, V.' 7. S. I Tee It 18. D. A. Holllns . I It. .Sherwood. D. worth, It.' . 12. O. Iirumbauxh, D. 19. J O Cooper, R.' 18. A. W. Overmeyer. 20. w. aordon. D D 31. Robert Cro.eer.D.; 1. It. C. McCultoch. 22. It. I. Emeron, It." It.' OKLAHOMA 1. J ft Davenport, 6. J. tl Thompson, D D. 2. W. W. Haattnta. . Scott Ferrl. D.' D 7. J. It McClIntlc. 8. C. D. Carter. D.' D.' .. 4. J E. Grcaham. It.' 8. It. T. Morsan. R.' OREGON 1. W C. Hawley. It. 2 N. J Blnnott, It.' I'KKNSYI.VAMA . . At lerse 13, A. C. Dewalt. D.' T. H Craro. R.' It L T McFadden. M. M Oarland. It.' R.' J. It K. Srott, It IB. Edsar R. Ktea., J. MeLaushlln, It, R.' . 1. W 8 Vare. It.' in J. V I-.her. D.' 2. 1 S flrahara R.en II. K Focht. R. 8 J II .Moore, R. 1R, A 8 Krelder, R.' 4. 11 W Edmnnda.lt.' 24. II W. Temphj. It.' r. P. i: foatello. It .'. II A flark. R. e. 1 p Darrow, It.' Sn. II, J. Steele, D.' 7. T. s Uutler. it. 27. Nathan L. Slrons, . II. W Wataon. R.' It 9. W W Orleat. It 28 O 1) Weakley. R. 10. John It. Farr. It. 29 H. O. Porter. R.' 11. John J. Caaey, T) 31. J. M. Morln, II. 12. It. D. Heaton. It.' RHODE ISLAND 1, a. F. O'Shaunea.y, 8. A Kennedy, R. D SOUTH CAROLINA 1 n. S Wholey. D 4. B. J Nlchol. D 2. J E Byrne.. D 6. D. E. Flnley, D. 8, r. II. Domlnlck, e J. w. Racdale.D.e D. 7. A. F. Lever, D, TENNESSEE 1. Sam R. Sell, It 7. I.. P. Padsett D.' 2. R. W. Aualln. It. 8. T. W aim. D. 4. Corded Hull. I). 9. F. J Oarrett, D 8. W. f Hnuetoi. I) 10. II. 1'laher. D, 0. J. W. Uryn. D. TEXAS Jeff McLe- 7. A. W Ores. D, 8. Joe T. Kaclr. II 0 J. K, ManaHeld. D, 10. J, P. lluchanan, D It. T, Connelly, D. 12. J. C. Wllaon. D 13. Marvin Jonea. D 14. J. L. Slayden. I. IB. J. M. Qarnar. P 10. T, L. Ulanton, D. Face, It. At-larce more. i.- , At-lars Daniel E. Qarret. D. 1. Eusrne DIack. D.' 2. M. Die, D. 3 Jamea Tounr. D. 4. Ham nayhurn, D. B. It. W. Summers. D. 0. Rufus Hardy, D.' UTAH 1. T. L. WbtU. R. 2. J. W, VERMONT 1. F. L. Green. R.' 2. P. H. Qale, VIROINIA 1. W. A. Jone. D.' fl. C. Ola. D I: V10...: 7- t'd.v- IUrr,,on' 4. w.DA..on. d.. 5: R; I5!Bf,amrplnrt.D, B. E. W. Baunders, 10. if. D. Flood. D.' D- WASHINGTON I It. Hadly. R.' 4. W. D. R.' LaFollette, Lltttepate, Johnaon, It.' R. WEST VIRGINIA 8. fi. F. Reed, R. . A. n. 4. II. C. Woodvard. R. D.' WISCONSIN 2. E. Volsht. R. S. J. M. Nelaon. R.e 4. W. It. Oaylord. Boo. B. T. F. B. V. L. llerser. Boo. 10. Doubtful e. J. II. Davidson. H. 11. Doubtful. WVOMINO At-Larre Frank W. 'Re-elected. Mondell, It. tKlectad In September. 7. Doubtful. S. Doubtful. Kpnop. D.' "I- TOO IATE FOR CIASH1F1CATION DEATHS HUTTINOEll Nov. 7. JOSEPH J, HUTTIN ORR. Relatives and friends Invlled to funeral, Frl.. 8 .10 a. m.. from 8802 Woodland ave. Sol emn requiem maa at St. Jamea's Cburcb at 10 a. m. Int, private, PILOU1N Nov. 7. AVALINDA. wife of II. R. Pllxuln (nee FraleyJ. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Frl., 8 p ra.. from apart ments of W. J. Phillips, 6S9 N, 10th st. Friends may view the remain Thura, evenlnr. Int. Odd Fellows' Cam. MUI.I.1N Nov. 8. MAROARET E. TRUITT, widow of th Rev. William Mullln. Service at 8288,Powelton ve Bat.. 1 p. m. Int. private, at Mt. llorlah Cam. Kindly omit Bowere SITUATIONSJW ANTED FEIALE INFANT'S NURSE. Ions cap.," deelree poaltloni w(llajefojrolderchlldren,0 joSJLedJgtnt, SITUATIONS WANTED HALE BOOKKEEPER, ased 88. tho'rousKly experienced In credit end collection! Leet reference. O 947. Idier Central OENEHAL UTIMTV MAN deilres position a rhaurtetin wife ae flret-clate laundrea. O BB7. Ledger Central BALKS OR ADVERTISINQ nan. 28. aood edui-atlnn plun haklte. character, reliable, cnersetlo, eiperlenced aleaman, eapabl eienosrapher. eerrpondnt, executive ability, eeeks permanent connection, local ealeaman or offlc poltlon. where Initla live, bard work. prosreeiHe tudy aaiur good tuiurei now iraTenn eaieeman u see 1 U. WAITER, eiperlenced, wlebee poiltlon (a cafe or rmeureniireiirtnrei tl sen, la. cent TOUNO MAN. St. solnt to collese. desires part time, poiltlon. latter part of afternoon and evenlnjr with opportunity for studylnsi rettr- ncyWrlt Room 821 Cenlrel T M. C, A. !Ira;PJlVANTEI-tAI.l ADVERTlStNO SOLICITOR, under SBi 14000 mam road poaltloni peraonallty. Initiative and Prlstency abeoluttly nllali of proved abll mini road poaltloni. peraonallty, lnltlatl eseentl huelaer on full :. It'a live po ill full detal Ity. ambition and enthualaam, 22 carat Intes rlty and spbrletyl to one fully sporeclatlnc is exoeptlonal opportunity, It'e an ultimate man. serial and executive poaltloni salary and com- mlaeloni furnish naecc. wnicn Lodser Centre! Ill rat. be lla and raf. In con. given, acid teat. Q OOKKEEPER younr man for elabllhe4 In ve.tment houaei one familiar with TlallverlM of atock aha bonda nrer.rr.l) b..Ii.mI AnnA- tunlly for rlsht partyt rpf otaslns; as. x rerlence, salary peoted Q m Id Central, CHAUFFEUR Must be experienced, ood driver end mechanic! beat of reference!, to live on place in euburbe; room and board, a 882, - Leaser Central. ' APARTMENTS . WANTED FCaNIBHED WANTED te rnt for wlnur month furnline3 ou .?'' : "-"meni vry oentroijy looateaj Houiara, ywon sui, f'iEl,f;j"".,w?- .w'lt rfl 1B8Q Chestnut st. ' i" REAL ESTATE WANTM) SMALL FACTOHIBa wanUd. elty aikj sub. EKAT. usTATp rof iyrr BRITISH PRESS HAILS HUGHES AS "PRESIDENT" Wilson Denounced on First News Tellng of Republican Victory LONDON. Nov. 8. Accepting a b"'1'1'" eenf here from New Tork laet nlsht by Reuter announclns; Charles Evani Humes had been elected President. London papers today published lone; editorials comment Ins: on the election. All the pre-election restraint which had been rlRorotisly observed by all the papers was cast off Some of the editorials not only were flatteringly coniratulatory to Ifughet, but they were also, In some In stances, bitterly denunciatory of President W"on- . .. .. A "The whole world outside the united States rejoices In his (Wilson's) defeat, said the nvenlns; Standard, "Now the bel ligerents know what the United States will say or do under Mr. Hughes and diplo matic 'notes will become something more than raw material for humorous papers.' "Great Britain can unreservedly con gratulate Americans, and especially Colonel Hoosevelt, on Hughes' election. Iloose velt stood up boldly for the Allies' cause It Is understood he will get an Important pnst," said tha Kvenlng News. LINER SUNK WITHOUT WARNING, BRITISH SAY Two Passengers Out of Arabia's 437 Lost Their Lives When Ship Was Torpedoed LONDON, Nov. 8. The Tenlnsular and Oriental liner Arabia, sunk by a submarine, wa. torpedoed without warning, the British Admiralty announced today. Two lives were lost when the vessel went down. The Arabia carried 437 passengers, the Admiralty statement eald. They Include 169 women and children. The passengers were picked up by arlou. essela which hurried to the scene, and so far as now Is known only two persons perished. The Arabia was sunk Monday noon In tho Mediterranean. Ono of her ports of call was Gibraltar. She carried a number of Australian passengers from Sidney. De tails of the nttack nnd sinking of the ship hao not jet been received Although the facts of the Arabia sink ing ero known In London early yester day, the censors would not permit publica tion of them, It being presumably the Government's purpose to avoid even an appearance of attempt to Influence or sway tho American presidential election. NIGHT DECISION OF VICTOR TO DE TOLD DY WHISTLES Continued from Face One 100.000 or moro wireless stations of the United Stntes had received It, The seeming error of the decision nt that time did not detract In tho least from tho wonder of the Eveniimi Lkdoer'b achieve ment It was a feat that would have won the admiration of a Stanley or Livingston and stimulated the imagination of a Jules Verne. A week ngo the Evenino LEDann's plan was to notify tho 1.600,000 residents of Philadelphia by a scries of winks of the 16,000 arc lights of the city, and by blasts from factory whistles In every Bcctlon of the town. But like a Bnowball hurtling down a mountainside the plnn gathered momentum and nlze until It embraced vir tually tho whole country and a portion of the Atlantic Ocean. Benftcm Pleased TONKGRS, N. T Nov. 8 Allan Ben. eon, Socialist candidate for President, to day declared ho was well pleased with the largo voto apparently polled by hta party yesterday, He was especially gratified at the return of Victor Bcrger to Congresi and the election of other Socialists to the House. Benson was resting at his homo today) hnvlnf? rettirneil trewty n 4nnBMn.i ... . ..... ...... ....... H ..Miiquuiiiiiieiuai speaking tour only yesterday. LANPSLIDE GIV1 OHIO TO WILSON! MARGIN OF 75,! Precincts Already in President Leading 47,746 Plurality COX AND POMERENE tfAf4 fni OTntv.fnrtf tt-ejMeMit..j s .. ..Mlaaeeae, t f- te.,! ?? and State ticket. Vote 113 neaj. i frot., 220 sill Dem... 421.153. Vet hep.. ST2.M2I Dem., S02.72L w COLUMBUS. O., Nov. I. Woodro; I son carried Ohio In a landslide by fljU plurality. ji James Cox for Governor ana Pomerene for United States Seniter ' lurnisneo. a surprise ojr Dealing Willis and Myron T. Herrlck. re by pluralities estimated at from is el A fifth ,v1 v,vvv, Tha totals In the 2611 precincts Cox, 111,215; Willis, 221,161. ; The big cities followed the lead ' for Wilson by rolling up substantial ties for Cox on the State ticket Thii counties snowea surprises. Many en which went strong for Willis two ago balloted the reveres yesterday, The count rrom 2611 precincts counties showed that Senator Pn had wiped out tho earlior lead of H In the senatorshlp race. These pros' gave Pomerene a plurality of mor i 4000, the vote being Pomerene, jug uerricx, as-.ovv. i CINCINNATI, Nov. 8. Return 2907 of the S670 precincts In Ohio girt son zet.ses, nugnes zto.izy. Returns from GI2 of the C66 prtdi Hamilton county glvo Wilson Hughes 62,234, Cox 62,901, Willis I'omercne tv.Boo, iierncK, D2,gf. a xiio iuuiieeu miasms precincts eft tnat part ot tne county outside of th of Cincinnati. , NEW GOVERNORS ELECTED Where more than nne name spears tat suit Is a till In doubt, -Jt ARIZONA a. W. P. Hunt. D. 3 ARKANSAS C. H. Brough. D. j COLORADO J. C. Gunter. D. CONNECTICUT Marcus IL Holcon DELAWARE John O. Townsend. : FLORIDA Sidney J. Catts. I. 'H GEORGIA Hugh Dorsey. D. IDAHO D. W. Davis, m 1 IDAHO Moses Alexander, D. ILLINOIS Frank O. Lowden. It INDIANA James P. Goodrich, It. j IOWA W. L. Harding, R. KANSAS Arthur Capper, R. MASSACHUSETTS Samuel W. Call. it. i MICHIGAN Albert E Sleeper, R. J ui.N.Nbstri'A jonn a. a. ouraqultvl Aiiasuuiii rrea u. uarainer, u. ' MONTANA Frarik J. Edwards. U. MONTANA Samuel V. Stewart, ttl NEBRASKA A. L. Sutton. R. 7 NEW HAMPSHIRE Henry W. Kejil NEW JERSEY Walter II Edge. Rjl NEW MEXICO H. O. Bursum, R, Jl Kisw ULiMuu tizemei u. de Baca. I NEW YORK Charles S. Whitman, j and P. MA I NORTH CAROLINA T. "W, BleketLMB NORTH DAKOTA Lynn FrazIenlCJll OHIO James M. Cox, D. Pi itituui. lauAmjn.. Livingston sm man. R . qsj 1 ouuin ;aivj4WJ. uicnara 1. nlng, D. SOUTH DAKOTA Peter Norbeck, m rj..Nii.aatiu, xom c ltye, d. TEXAS James E. Ferguson, D. UTAH Nephl Morris, R. ITTAIt Slmnn Ttnmlierv n VERMONT Horace F. Graham, Hj! WASiiiNU'ruK Krnest Lister. D.' WEST VIRGINLV-Jolin J. Cornwe&ll (probable). WISCONSIN Emanuel L. Phlllpp, Rl "ite-eiectea. rutu "- - - - r r-iw j... iT:,i.aT?.-iL - 9jbS fcS VBuSr-jH! HssV esEsSSh 1 SmmHmmN&m f i tlMPfMr.fKrS J?BBBBaVsaalsaaLaHBwLr 1 i r ' .i i . i mere snould be a t 1 e m n. Luawig riayer-nano in every tM home Every one is a musician at heart and the love of music is our second nature, but until the House of Ludwig introduced their perfect Player-Piano at a moderate price only a few with the technical training necessary to play the ordinary piano could enjoy tho music that most appealed to them, But NOW The Ludwig Player-Piano Places tho world's bet mutic at your finger tips.. It will , ,1 Vu VrP,!'-y th? difficult composition! with the same depth of feeling that a Hofmann would put into them. More you unconsciously iniect vour'nwa ,i. j J.H.. cate shades of feoling into every piece you play The Ludwig fosters the love of good music be, cause it enables you to play the master creations of world-famous musicians. Call and play the superb Ludwig Player-Piano yourself. i I n Hw! fta"08om $31S t 50 Ludwig-NUde Ericsson Pianos. . .$270 fo $325 Ludwuj-Made Perry Piano. $248 to $285 Ludwig-Made Player-Piano. $450 and up CATALOGUE FREE FOR THE ASKING t C.A- Month, Pvhu hwitl te Meet Yew CereolKL Ludwig Piano Co. fi 1193 Chestout Street aeTf -)'-"1.'.! T-J--SSBBSSB1 k,.,eE