EijiliJL m ' s FW'--,t iJDpiinW (! i WfBfff C LKDCm COMTAirr OlktM B. K. CTJlrrML IM1III 3salsrRi VMTOMAl, feOAHDl Cee K. X. Ciiro, Caalrskae. mtAXJn .-.t..h a MAjrrm. .OMMrti !tJZ:KBlJB?' bb. . ,pi vbb. ana wepmaaa MiVtlUt JW .,.. fMDMf ...... v.. .1102 rrtHMM MMMIftg MM? .. 1......W Tama '! .k,.i,uMn , sjtrai lilllniN HtM Imh M Jr. VUMt.'RU'llUH Tnw . Mr r. sr Bun, i r rniiMMfkM. est Kkm M fMirtt. ee hmoUu twentr- I MM rear, .three defter. 1 Bull seres nt earns. llltllSal Wifthtiw a jinn a. M M,rtMMW iMflH, MWWT ' " ' ' ' VAMm R " lea Hails JTeiit0 I. nil II,1 , .I l II1, n in" ; n r m rmuNiniu yosTemes n SSeeajS-olaBS MllL MiTTaSL, P,fP' mr WC?imE ... asasaseveT ' OHM It isvmmm timimBmnxmumx, ysmnsmAY. November & ms Wat Ml to t- AYmtAcra not paid dar.y cnu or th kvbnino LUDasn FOR MraMBM WAS llt.ls FMililfaU, VeasMaay, NeveaisV I, 111 ""aaasssaBsaBSMBSBBseacji. ' ' KtfivltJgm etefpance by slept, mw ? . loop. Macaulay. tUtr J tha man with a strong kaart and a spine of ateel to overcome sfcat stnJdnc fooling. ' a An yat In IBM they will trot out to mum oM doubtful States ac&ln Just M tfeaagh nothing- had over happened. I TJtak'a awlnif to Wilson Is perhaps tto mostrefaarkabla .result In the -whole fcsMea. .TJtah and Vermont wore the all: States Taft carried. ;. Pea&sylr&ala makes ono Important Mr. Xaox rabies the averaae tone a taa State's representation In the United aetes'Senate appreciably. t The SooialUta are claiming' six Con fraawnen. "With the Republicans and frame am ta apparently tied In the House, fere these gentlemen to hold the balance C gemot la closa. party voteaf Both houses of Congress are so thai; no matter who Is elected to preetdenoy there can be no conten partisan legislation for the next years. Bald a Democrat: "I don't cars '-whether Wilson Is elected or not I an satisfied that It Is dose. All I wanted . wa that a man who at least tried to do Ms duty' should not be kloked out Ilka a AraaJcea haokman." The German Chancellor has dls- 1 Missed, the Reichstag because of the un- HalrabUHy. of further debate. We dls- aaed of a national, gabfest yesterday In a aaa,autooratlo manner, and for that at let us. all be thankful. ' - ItjiBBSt be recorded that on 'Green but night a parade boomed along front of the Thirteenth Ward Repub- i wub Dearing transparencies with Inscription: "Purity! Our next Gov ,-Jehn R. Z. Scott- Jamas K. Polk was (the only man 1, to the presidency who failed to asty Ma own State. Henry Clay, who running against him, was also a , and proved mora popular at a. than he. was tn the rest of the try, TJr. Wilson loses Now Jersey mr 4s.08, and If ha Is elected will take Vwk wHh Polk. 'aHarj "time there la a presidential aamgaltm the wisdom of a single term of be yaara beoomes more apparent For fealr months every four years business a everything atea Is tied up while the yotttteiana, take possession of the stage. That doaa, 'not make for efficiency, nor it naeeasarlly Improve our states- Orderly government means ; .more UianUhe mere preserva- J;;. . mm of, paoe In the streets, and our Has(linHaI eaapalgaa can scarcely be a maklnr for, that, kind of and aWMUty 'whleh U requisite in ar w- importance and size. frvm :! That flramen should receive higher la gaaereJly acknowledged. The only aaaaa sa'fca In; the flnanolal ability' Olty to meat le situation! That is argiaant and with It tva no sympathy. The laborer is at nia tat. Ha ought to get t ettaMe him to. live. His, wages b Axed with seme regard for eoonomlo eonditloRs and the ex high oost of Hvlng. These men mfm actually gatting, In purchasing power, hm tor. their sarvloaa than they were get la two yesjrs ago. The money for the oan be got, and it atoald be got 'VKmwmmsHaKmmmammess Tto doubt has had ana soellent It tos bald tofora every man and in tto. natlaev for hours the lm- riBS of tto nation's walrara. The Tsmaj rule Is to dtamlas tto subJaot In a moment aftar a gtanoa at tto net re-' sjuii. rnw year there is apparaaUy to to no net result If, a i aaama, Congraas tto to divided. TIM, -moo) , to a Mr Mrutiny of ttoir U4(lirs,,aatkiu and by tto vary division ajnong ssss-ss asv wvMM ia jatorc with m awwn. atrougji tto faros tA M ttoy bCWMMT awa recalls yh Wt tto -ratam la tto at a aaantry to tsl tTMrt MW JwMlHMAC OC W IMLT4I Oar90VF6tt IWW W T8 Alt JM9kinC th MMUfc Mt TR tholi we ehooM AirertMit itmt, Tho r-lirj-!. tfe t4ocnifh and the Mephw. Tm H1MW UM YMtrOA tatrOfO WHfATWWjr bemesMteuiw than It was In the begin "lag. These Invention must be eredtted WHh doing almost aa Mueh for peptriar gevarnment oh a large seals as was done by tto ConaUtutloB when It provided for rule by tto people. THB RESULT IN DOUBT rrutX eteetlen la In doubt Hughes baa swept the Bast and ear ned by large majorities the great Indus trial seettons and centers of population. In the West there Is a marked tendency toward Wilson, and lata reports from rural dlejriets show increases In his votes In' doubtful States. The result In the electoral college may depend on a few thousand, or even a few hundred, popu lar votes In close States. . It appears that ths Republicans have lost in their difficult fight to win the Senate, although the Democratic majority will be much reduced, The House la doubtful. It will be so closely divided that the majority for either side will be nominal. The vote cast has been enormous. The nation itself has spoken. It has not been an "organization" vote, but a vote of the whole people, the percentago of nonvoters being less, doubtless, than in any previous election. Pennsylvania maintained Its traditions by an overwhelming indorsement of the Republican candidate. The closeness of the vote robs the ver dict of that decisive charaoter for which good citizens hoped. It Is evident that the country la hopelessly divided by the new issues which have arisen. Manv Republicans and Progressives havo been led astray from Protection by extrane ous issues. The Wilson managers, in nocordance with political practice, are claiming everything in sight The Hughes mana gers, on the other hand, may bo de pended on to protect the interests of Re publicanism without Impairment It may take tho official count to determine who is eleoted. The ballot boxes must be guard ed and every possibility of fraud ex cluded. Tho nation wants no repetition of the conditions which marked th. ennnt f 1878. i THE FIRST DOUBTFUL ELECTION QNLY once before in recent times V has the result been in doubt on the morning following the election. This -was in 1876. The doubt then con tinued for months,, or untU it was dis solved by the findings of a. special com mission created by Congress. There had been a, comparatively spirit-less- canvass because Hayos was a man without a' national reputation. He hod received only sixty-one votes on the first rollcall in tho national convention, whllo Blaine had received two hundred and eighty-five. It was not until tho seventh rollcall that he was nominated by a com bination of the opponents of Blaine. Til den was a man who aroused no popular enthusiasm. Ho could not mako a cam poign speech, and he had had business connections which made tho country aus picious of him. Yet the Republicans, who were on the defensive because, of the scandals that had marred the second Grant Administration, expected defeat The election occurred on November 7. the same date as tho election of this year. As soon as the polls closed the Democrats began to claim a victory and hj insist mat besides carrying every Southern Btate Tilden had carriod Now York, Indiana, New Jersey and Connec ticut He did carry these Northern States, as the final returns proved. The Repub licans, however, sent out word from their headquarters in Washington that Hayes was eleoted by a majority of one voto through victory In South Carolina, Flor ida and Louisiana. The electoral com mission gave the vote of those States to Hayes. The margin was bo close that there is doubt even to this day as to how these three States actually did vote. South Carolina, according to the nocepted returns, gave Hayes 91,870 votes and Tildeu 80,886. In .Louisiana the Demo cratio count gave Tilden 88,728 and Hayes 77,981. The Republican count allowed Tilden only 70.W8 and claimed 76,815, for Hayes. The margin in Florida was much closer, the Democrats claim ing the State by 84 and the Republicans Insisting that tljey had a majority of 932, Less than seven thousand votes, accord ing to ths Republican claims, elected Hayes. Tom Daly'g Colamn 0J 1Hm Our PreaWent 94 elesa owr 1reH4ntt Xen&itff Mt to Thv teiK, Q Thou the 1nrhulnt, Making all clamor slfH. Ono tn hcHef, One in our hepe an4 a4m Per our lev4 country's fame ruto us tn patriot ftamo. Cod lUtt our ahtetl OoS U-t our rrotUentt Give htm to rule tn peace State, bv late pattlon rent, H, lv Thy holv praee Iloldcth tn fief. And tn hU triumph' hour, TVtth thv tnott prcciou dower i Justice that temper power Ood llcis our chief! Ood lies our Pretidentt At Thou hatt tUtted our ioU: And tn Thv mercv tent Harvest of wine and oil And ripened sheaf, With strength and fortitude Vest to conserve this pood, Under Thv Fatherhood, Ood bless our chlet Nc OW that the shouting and an that sort of thing Is over here is one of tho things that needs to be corrected) Mexico. Wo remember it was about this time three years ago that we wrote this bit of Irish blarney: Tlin O'SnAtJOHNESSY Wh,OI my tniua. It Ultra's attll anny rood ruto Irfib blood In In ye i I,l-K KIaaW fn .. wlc now an' Ufa tin a trn OalUo flavor to This llttla tav. or two. ia in ina praiaa or i Tin tiujrn slory In, "a1 Bins fttlion O'Shanthneairl tho pralaa of a boaehal vrhoto atorr la then our hero a rala Bonosal Bawa ia na Carrania Waks. 01 mr nuaa, an' ps ortr th border inero. wno'ff keeoln' order there? Who's bravln' men there that don't sir a dam ror.your JVho'a "Uncle Sam" for rout who's boeeln' Huerta an watohln . nowt Iralth herA-a irnn mm, tnw Strong le our hero no man's omadhaan la he-n Kelaon O'Shaushntseyl Iltto be ktnr Is a man ot bis temper, or Ewn fhlr RuiMMrl Women would like It. for. rare, 'tis ths "sex" he can Blarney In Mexican. Faith, It would settle thlnra. there's no dinyln' . Opbel 'tis worth train Itt Hell to him! Klnaly In brain r.eion unoausnneiiayi an' brawn is he. And in April this year Mrs. Edith O'Shaughnessy put forth her book, "A Diplomat's Wife in Mexico." It's full of good tilings. Here are some of the high spots: IloerU appears to care Tory little whom he enoota. He has small aentlment about human life (hie own or anybodya elee). but he la a strong and oetuts mam and It he could ret a few white blackblrda. In the shape ot patriots, to work: with him. and If the United Btatea were not on hie back, he mlibt eventually brtns peace to hla country. Theee unfortunate people are between the devil and the deep aet, 1. e between their own lawleesneas and ua. 1 "WHERE AM,'I AT . ' " ' ".SBBBBBBBBS-SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW. ,sMssP'"'mbssssssssssssssssW v W m m vMl &mk 0 Im.Im.Im.Im x Uihm Y?pk fimmiw A m h i i i rffiif & a I r 1 " jf sWssfk asMr fi'V'W V MimmMkWfaMimk. mmmmr b m mmBfflm dLwmimmmmm ri m n k mvmttm kmasKii mBmwmr mu WkWm. .v m v m " r ffiSuStaaffiiKei m ymmummmw: fm:-, y is mMmmmimmmmmm ma LmXWitx miiwM!.! v ' i?i J1 .t mriiu-'CA ii . lIfiMlllMr ' - IS iM nh Is n Kill ill A (lliit v;, - lllvlsBBk wyff ITutrtsV human lit. Thl isn't a ipaclaltr o has Tery llttla natural rtrard ikvi a ipociaiqr 01 uc umr r tn nana oc tor ucctairul iron dictator, anrwar. Can thla nasalnna tat tntniia glftxl, undisciplined rac. composotl o: unllk elements, be held In order. In 1 wnre, of course, a vre all know, everybody lis Isn't Quite under I ood. THE VOICE OP THE PEOPLE Philadelphia Cannot Bo tho City It Should Until the Citizens Aro as Much Interested in Local as in Foreign Affairs. Be Fair to the Firemen Carrania. la rttt ne pnyairauy bloodthirsty villain, but aroeuy. quiet, consoiem pnyaicauy timid, areedy. aulet. consolenea- eee. book-reading' kind, and "conatltutlonal- lata" Is a itmtd mr word to conjure with. It can move a cooq Antlo-Baxon to tears, thoush I must say that all revolutionary leaders In Meilco set hold ci eiceuem Diniwr aevices. neaero s were above crltlclam -"Sufrsslo Efectlve y ffo ne eleclon" 0 Effective Suirren and No Ite-elec-tlon"). This last shows you that they can so much further In the expression of pure, dletllled patriotism and democracy than we. ae those of us called to the dlanity n( office are not entirely able to rid ourselves ot a wish for a second he has no power jut no country le en noblei bu The peon le faithful whs and the aristocrat is noble secure whose beat elements ars ths extremes. The lAtln-Amerlcan may know that you know hla affaire, and know that you know he knows you know: but he does not want and will not stand publlolty. As I writs I hear the sad err ot the taznale women. two blrh notes and a minor drop. All Mexican street cries ars ssd. The solssori srlndera cry Is beautiful and melancholy to tears. It will taks ths United States 100 years to make Mexico Into what we call a civilised coun. try. during which process most of Its macnstlo charm will ro. The Spanleh Imprint left fn the wonoenui trains 01 aiexico is amons ins peauuea of the universe. Every pink belfry against every blue hill remlnde one ot It) every fine old fa cade, unexpectedly met aa one turna a aulet street comeri In taot. all the beauty In Mexico, except uiii 01 ine natural worio. is me apaa lards' and ths Indians'. Poor Indians I Mexico Is ao sndleeely. so trasioally rtab tn ths things that ths world covets. Certainly oil is the crux ot ths Anglo-American tttuatlon. Clarence Hay brought N. (for Christmas) uisi of ooanao. and a Uke-sized bot lorlbadi J. II." I leave you to suses "Nelson from Vlo tle ot traps juice I bottle torlana. "Nelson from W, which we opened. Von Illntte has returned. Ths sxouss given for the murder of a German subject who was qulstly asleep In the railroad station at Leon waa that the guards, who also robbed blm, thought he wss an Amerlcanl Well, there are some things one can't talk about, but I seemed to be conscious, hotly, ot each Individual hair on ru' bead. If poor old Huerta could have begun In some other way than by riding Into the capital In a path of blood spilled by himself and others, hs would probably havo been able, with recognition, to do aa well aa any one. and better than most. Aa It la, be la like a woman who has begun wrong. The neighbors won't let ber start again, no matter how vlrtuouely shs lives. As Mr. word as known iaa from iuelli pooler remarks l "There -ix'i-rieiawi' in Mexico, Is so suah ths lata lamented,' or the fugitive I ana toe oniy tru&is ins country -justice' has with tboss who remain Is to keep the grass GUI. Bhs Is mors than busy a sort of clearing house dolns what they caU her "the hesita tion war. ons step forward, on Jtep back. Deal, tate, and then eldsstsp." TImOmv nt rsav W to mm tfce i mm itrtwMw Mr a apaaaajlr MMtsm M stoat PrtotMitt. , mnr to pwaslsl thto fancttoa tk eactad to tteM eUsaHHtorlorxs OJC MM STUDYING T1TK "niGn COST- SSlBSBSSSSSSS'SSSSiSSSSSS.SSS) mils. rs4rs.l lnTrtlgtlon into ths h!-h J-oost of milk, wheat, oanno4 -ooJs sr4 oosl will be profitable only so far aa it discovers tha,t they are removable. Bo many eauses affect tho ran of prices that it is never easy to put your finger on the compelling: reason. It has been sUeTs-eatad that the inflaUon in currency that has followed the establishment ot the sysUm of Fedaral Reserve basks is on of the reasons for high prises. It is toKrvra that a shortage In the Meanly is another reason. Ths high prias t grain tfroreaaea the eoet of fattening; oattle-amj raiaM the prices of meat The ttemani! tot' lereakMat aaraata has out ;dovm the supply that could be fed to cattle and iMta aBaoUal the act .of feed. The'rai Movaj of the atjty on iwool stiaap-rsviaiiic teas ,iwAta and has M torn Jo aaH thoir floeka. Bieaaee'K Mala avSra to Wro farwhanda have had M cat batter ae, Md thU asAr Meevay tossrt b got fctoa amtawnara of the prad veto of the tams. To owttmXM prtoae rises cooUaMily htohar lor eausea that react upoa thanvaalvae. A velutnltkftiia aiid axsanaive report on why prioas are hjh smjt b latoraatlogr to the curioua, tmt abotaht ail ha mvob mora latar- m mmm mm OM m mjmssw " tT LITTIiH Edward was sent to the butcher I shop with another boy. "While they were there an adult customer was buying pork chops. Little Edward whispered to his chum, "That looks like dog meat." The butcher, overhearing; the remark, asked, "Is that the kind you buyr Lit tle Ed answered, "No, air; wo dont deal here ratrlar." M.X.H. . rne potbnt oavbb If "love that make the world go round," A many persons think; But there are certain guv who've found It merely lot of drink. WA.THRS, . r Bven it you shave yourself, this at Kerrls street and dlrard avenue afeeuJd in. terest youi J.BARBA. SIIAVB 10 a p. t, TOTJsjB FOR. WOUBN WUewvsr it is Saturday .sad all year work is through. ' Aad you' ar rash! far a ttaia to tale Tea ta sVUat Law. ' , et i:4W;rlly- at year h4, . iSsautrtfar. thereat. fcaajaaj 9asMn PW PpaaVTM eat atfnsaNNBi Iktsaasieih Is BflnfsjSSld ssf asU 4attrar aWlr 4Wjm) M Ysa aaad sat fear we wtu he "aishsar ajajalsp aMsssFMsMg aalesHpVV aaafaWsT SsjPITb Tftla Department It rtt to alt readers who with to trprttt their opinions on tutjectt o current telerett. It It an open torum, and tht Kyenina Lrtgrr attumtt no mponeiMlltv tor tht views of ( correepondents. Ltlttrt mutt be ttontd bu tht name and addrttt ot tht writer, not neeeseartlu tor publication, but as a (maranfee ot pood atth. GOOD GOVERNMENT To the Editor of the Evening Ledger: Sir I believe It Is Mr. Bok and the coterie of good citizens laboring- with him to make Merlon a model suburb who ad vance the theory that good government be gins at home. What kind of a citizen fa. man la can be gathered with fair accuracy from the character of the community In which he lives, and with absolute accuracy If a rec ord of his activity In promoting the welfare of that community Is at hand. Do we not sometimes take too much Interest in na tional and International affairs, about which we know little, while neglectlng"to take an actlva Interest In community matters, con cernlng; which we ought to know every thing? The average Phlladelphlan seems to be far more concerned about the foreign policy of the nation than he Is about the condition of the streets through which hs must pass every day. It has afforded me some amusement during the political cam paign Just closed to read the eloquent state ments of local politicians relative to the tariff and national honor, although these same politicians notoriously think nothing of the honor of Philadelphia, else long since they would have seen to it that the .streets were kept clean, hideous trolley and other wires put under ground and the dust evil abated. Many months ago, when you were fight ing for better housing, you quoted a local statesman to the effect that poor people ought not to have bathtubs In their houses, because they would not know what to do with them. Tet, a man with such views, it appears. Is considered perfectly competent to make laws at Harrlsburg or to represent the Interests of the community in Congress. Government in 'Washington, as a matter of fact, is merely the sum total of government In all the lesser political units ot the nation. Bad government In the cities or In the States can only mean bad government In Washington. On the other hand, as the different municipalities of the country grow In efficiency in the conduct of their own affairs they Incidentally, as a matter of course, lift up national government" and make It better. Wa are, moat of us, proud of rhlladel-' phla, as we ought to be. But I sometimes wondrr It the source ot our contentment is not more in the past than in the future. Have we made the most ot this garden spot, where was nursed the nation In Its Infancy? Venn himself naa a vision of a beautiful city, with plenty of breathing spaces, a city In which men would delight to dwell. Some thing of that purpose has remained ever since, but it Is more evident In the suburbs than In the city proper. After all, pros perity can mean little unless there Is an op portunity to enjoy It In pleasant surround ing. W can think better nationally when we think better locally, I sometimes won der if sordid politics Is not ths direct result of sordid living conditions. Men who breathe pure air and eat clean food aad wear olean clothes generally think cleanly and honestly. They cannot bs driven. These ar random thoughts, but they come to me on the afternoon of this elect ion day, when my brain Is stilt In a whirl as a result ot the exciting campaign through which we have passed. I think there are thousands of Phlladelphlana like myself, men who would welcome a strong leadership of the sort that would make Philadelphia first and Philadelphia effi cient. First, not in numbers, but In comfort and facilities and conditions ot life t efltaieat la government aad la Industry, We do aet need reform we da need common sease ia ft eeaduot of oar common affairs. X'ROaRHSgrVTB. phUadeephla, November 7. firemen, some one or some body of men or women can be found who will determinedly and efficiently lead In this work. OLXVER Mcknight. Philadelphia, November 7. With WHERE THE WATER GOES To the Editor of tht Evening Ledger: Blr -As I was coming Into town by train a few mornings ago I discovered what be comes of part of the water pumped through the mains, A car washer In th train -.-.i Just west ot Broad Street Station was getting a pall of water from a spigot The spigot was on a level with the ground and It discharged a scattering stream ot water Into the air. The workman placed his pall under the stream. About a third of the water entered the pall and the other two tblrds fell on the ground. When the pall was full he removed it while the water con tinued to flow full forco, and then he lei surely turned off the stopcock. Is not water a little too valuable to be wasted in this fashion? H.W.L. Lansdowne, November 7. MY COUNTRY To the Editor of the Evening Ledger: ' Sir To thee, beloved America, I owe my life, my all : Thy very name my soul Inspires I With thee I'll stand or fall. Bo younr in years but brave in deeds, I glory In thy famet The colors of thy gorgeous flag. Before me ever flame. From 'sea to sea thou holdest sway' A great and mighty realm j With loyal men to sing thy praise, ' With aod to guide the helm. CAIUIIH YAEQEIt KKAZIER. Philadelphia, November i. A SONG OF AVIATION a humming and a drumming, to an nounce that I am coming. Up the long blue silent speedways ot ths universe I soar. Saying "Howdy 1" to Canopus, as I meet his rays of topaz, Sweeping Into virgin spaces where no man has been before. Far below me files the eagle, now a bird no longer regal, Blnce his flight la short and puny as a wren's compared to mine; Ypr the spheres unfold before me, and I see the mystlo glory Of the Infinite extending to the rim of things divine. Oh, tho wonder and the thunder of the wings that rend asunder The eternal veils of silence that are wrapped around the stars I Oh, the monstrous echoes falling through the dlstan-va appalling, Where a host of nameless planets race their bright celestial cars I Sing, ye wires and struts and braces 1 Let It ring across the spaces. Jupiter alone no longer rules' the stellar empire vast Hiding en my daring pinions, earth can share the alr-domlnlons, And the star-trust has been broken smashed to smithereens at last i-MInna Irving, In New York Times. What Do You Know? QUIZ 1. In how meny Stales do women vote? t. What waa the origin ot Tsnuoanyf ' fSn'j&eMuneT MU,7T " . What I the order of the presidential eoe resslon In the event of the death of feth he .'resident and Vice iTeeldsntT B. Explala ths term Scotch-Irish. 6. What was the "iMieltanla warning"? 7. What was the famous CaUlaux affair? 8. Were were the first shots find la th CItTJ 0. What is meant by "voting en agT 10. What wa the origin ef Thanksglvlngf Answers to Yesterday's Qui ! ?nT!,,u1 " votei eenntlug It. 1. Tbe five randldateei Wilson. 11 or lies, Hanly S, OoUundlog stock) stock that baa beea Is sued. . Aeroplane ran Dr 110 mile an hour. Ten- nsaJInsa ales IIAl eras as ar ah mhaIi an.. AS ab, r 70 miles an hour. S. There ar no national local twllday In (M J HOW IT SEEMS IN TEXAS ir."..7 "y th-t Villa Is in hiding on the rr",.ranch- ,We Uncy h9 won't ba wel. S?m,? lhtn un,eM he rnl" "evil of a disturbance and gives out a signed state ment praising Hearst Houston Post ALL THE FDCIN'S it,?. b b.en ?u";te'1 tht the' name of this country be changed to Unlstatla. Wouldn't that bo nice? And now we miirt e a. ye,ua"(1 engraved letterhead. vmioium x-iuin ueaier. RUNNING NO RISKS Now we are to havo motlon-plcture shows for ladles only, though It seems as If the men had been sufficiently hardened by the fashion ads in the magazines to stand ai most anything. Grand Haplds Press. ACADEMY OP MUSIC BURTON HOLMES PRI. EVGS. & SAT. MATS Canada coatto Nov.lTancUs Canadian Rockies Nov. 24 and 25 Imperial Britain - Dec. 1 and 2 okAmah Fatherland Dec. 8 and 9 La Belie Franca - Dec. 15 and 16 SALE Vi'p.6.0 NOW c.o. . -Mruay a. Bully beeti aald ts b a, eorrwtWn f the ..Jfrentn ''bonlU" (Soiled). 7. If no eren hat a majority In th elec toral eoHesev th llouee ef KeoreeenU. we said At ream aba s. Tba MuBefvr rere aieo .ww i Home x-roportieoai r variously ex 19. eeweeeaisi-aajy to bat M- brtalc1 rSrfc. ." tweaUy wished aad ad as i jPBsRtl JUSTICE FOR THE FIBEMEN To the Editor of the Evening Ledieri Sir Th time approaches when the de mands ot tae.flretnen will either be granted or refused by Couaetla. The threatened division of the faetWe of Ute dsmraaat party. In Philadelphia saay eWate to praveat the setUecaeat ef tfceir. aValms ia a Juat aaaar ar with aa retard far las weUbela? at th, t. r jaAaatae Utara is a aeoideT saaNiaeat aawaa &r aiUseasta ee Jaatierto those iaea-vfce rVe 'rirtawNr ail their. rtM to wavdlasr If I am aotreet la my '-rinln)a. It be aeavea all friends of th Aremen to seat and not only sympathls vita hit for. to furthsrlna in ,n m-m&ZZZ&KW !" a sMsaa aside -M renulre the r In lecuuiure aaessiSMir as tatala aj aeeerjiiM to iteefftte. Tie ReetaHels weald Vbae bar at twatr-a ia Cawr. Tela IUMre? sIHwsi who la Hi eartr j?25dV IBflOLHatf re Mr. Wlltan's Marriages C Mr. Wilson married Btlta tat Azsen. ef Savannah, Oa., Juae i, 1115. Me died August 6, Hit. Its married HeHeh Boiling Gait, of Wasblngtua, D. O. x)e eember II, ltlB. Argaatlae Bwtaaaa Caevdltleas J. W Commeraiat failures In Argentina to April represented liabilities of IJ.IM.W, TM briasa the J4al for the elrtt .meoeas at the aarreat year to W.HJ.m. as aaea. pares ,wsw eei.evi.vw m taa same period last yr. Oa Ota baala of these tUrarea the aa we oouBtry aauur be Baffar It) Britiak Wast IaaHas a W-rThe CaaadiM Trade stonar ror taa Waat laaiessayfi "w, have had the biggest sugar erop the xhttiah Weat ggf ZiZLJrrZLJ' sToni ra aaaattr ataa ssw taa 1 eaap aaaawsiss. tfoiaBBBBBaaHa nWRRTNTTT RT OPERA HOUSE SWalW Evenings and Saturday Uatlnee Sd . . A DAUGHTER OP THE GODS THE PICTUJIB BIAUTIFUI, wrfa KELLERMANN Monday Morning MusicalW Intimate Wcltal, In Con.nl.l .SirSJH" BALLROOM . BELLEVUE-STRATFORD ' ' ll'JO A. M. """ Nov. 18, Dec. 11, Jan. 22 Nov. 27, Jan,. 8, Feb. 5 Courss Tlesets Now 'at HetWa aa4 at Tlckst OSks Bllvu:gtStfor4 The NortkftMt Cornei " """""wsaaa-a. A LIttra Saait la Yellow Whea the young and tender MAaolgtrTl thlnklnr Of the time when she will be allows j Ths chances are that she Is coyly blln jt a leiiow in a sporty overcoat. On riding, golfing, tennis, and on ht And on rowing she's Dartlculart When ha tells her thst he loves her Well. then, that'a all- Shell be driven Pollyannaoally 0UUX ITahnemann started on hla ezper wnicn resunea in nis system ot a thy. ''liar ha cried. "Simllla simlirbas renturr p jtiirreu-pon we saw a greAt light. ' Thtt." r ulil !. .!. .v. Doctor put Josephus In the Cabinet" Ifomely women-pahd they are the n itMialu ai.-,... (.-u... it..,- ... . "- - .-.", j'" ui ineir nusoah iTumeu ui wnm me loxicograpbers pulchritude haven't tjme for that Philip Hale, who jn an elder day thr iiuii uini-Eoiainia uisiurDances into heart of milalral finer!,.,. I. ( ... . ton Herald column, getting' a. 'collection diverting hnllaila nntrm .-. .it. "" cernlng certain gentlemen who were ins :5 rr .. v :' ."" c"s m his "daiio! Antholoarv." W. h.v. rii.., ,. .'.wl Interest akin, almost to enthusiasm, nd fortunatelv. hntvavar h ., m.i.. . u1 SrSal6 A1,. " ib .whr hanl what the retlirghts-w ra to? TheBoatS n.y "" ,Most eupwsed0 ,,m,ncU mi, eaii, in case or nre. "No" I said, "fhoso red lights mean This wiT Case of Braluna' "" And not the lanaf 1ni-MlH . i" r :. ." """" pari or (.aiuiRiiKii was mat or Maryland's '.. J Mllhnarvt ,...-..l.l- C'? ,a,,a ". "etS I rr -h..i,r. vr ."s .t"? wn i v...u...Wa tut fcUUU O DaO LYRIC Pop. $1.60 Mat. Todit -IN rmrrm,.x,.re..ZP5''0"T AT tl The Passing Show oi lyio With ED WYNN and Great Compa "A Philadelphia Institution, wel. Sr1-'.0. 5"rUI?,.."'t a sneeess- rr urn. ii ,'7 Press. -. ....wu.uu uu pussoa up. Evenine Ledin ADELPHI PP- S1 Mat- Tomo. .. jioat wonaerrui nay in America. EXPERIENC oc,t.o uw HrJL,IjlNG FOR THREE FAREWELL WEEKS Engagement Poaltlvely Knda Sat. December! I1 UARKET An. IRTir y ,"i;'- nM A tt titt?iSi3uiri& "e- - C MARYPICKFORD f t In. E,S:Ji",.v; PI"' Showing "LESS THAN THE DUST" BTANLKY CONCEnT ORCHESTRA PAT. A PT? 12u MARKET STREET IAJLJALiJ!! 10 A. M. to 11:13 P. M. lnTrwn inn niv. VTVTAM TVTATJfTTXT in "irrn " FATHER'S BON'S lours., ra., eat., ignore uirlch In "Intrlmel APPA Ti'TA CHESTNUT Below 18 aiTXJLV UXllvlrl Tlntlv 1ft Vv : 1n A as iJ .'. ALL THIS WEEK ANOTHER A NEW Douglas Fairbanks TRIANdLK PICTURE "Amnnrnn A ,.lff ..o .: -,1IV,1,IUI iHIi5l.Ul.iOUJF NEED ANT MORE BE SAID? -j TjTrr'TT'TvTrTI MARKET Below 1TTH 4t J-V1(VJJXN X Dally, loo; Evenlnca. SSc, . WORLD Preaente C w ii UAU r in iteturn Eogasement fl PnTTriT4Ti AVrr tatt- trrk-nM u Thura., PrI., Bat, "GATES OP EDEN" , "XriPTTi'DT A IARKET Above 0TII V IViVlVin, 0 -X. II. to 11:15 P. M,j XT ml T f 8 iNorma xaimaatrfi ..m innrnir, .S ".??' " i M Z S , --y-'""7 wuiiicmjt uuaiea irmt -r. -Mu.-., -, ou, An ins uipiomaiiQ service. ' ITnvrptjf: ""n" Engagement. Evgs.. 8!ls.'jj x uiiesi MaU- Today an, BaturdmT . POPULAR MATINEE TODAY;' 5Uc to $1.50 ACADEMY OF MUSIC SUstwaay AfternooB, Nov. 11, at 2iM kreisler" teSMUVmS'JULJwf m rLLflES GARRICK Pop. Mat. Today "fft PERwrirrTER " SOCIETY ' Wltn HAttNEY BERNARD and N, T. Co. BROAD Pon. Mat. Todav ", 4rl?aATj,TMAT. BATURDAT OTIS SKINNER '" "'W NEXT fiEATB LAURETTI WEEK tomorrow T A ,Y L 0 H METROPOLITAN "jlJ "oi ruu UATS. TfVICH DAILT. jiBt. xoaay ueat seats $1 'I 98k WlfPODROME ? in "HIP, HIP, HOORAY" SSFut. I CHARLOTTE HaJfr I ???. ,n" Marvelous BAND J HALIET ON JCB T GLOBE Theater YJ.VDBVJIUB Contln -1 " va . T. H-nannHmtriiai 1 f( 1 Ra.'llln a It 11 A. M, to tl P. M. "DAY AT OCEAN BEACJH" '"THREE TYPES" OTHERS f Cross Keys MDy.ir MOTHER GOOSEft , T, A OKKAT MHOWl Unanimous Opinion GRACE LA RUB. I Hermlne Shona & Co, COeliDT POUR I MALHTA BaWCONIj'MAMU. A a CO. UTHMKH. . v- , TMhsr at 2, Me a ftOe. Tolht at 8, 21a to Keith's THEATER LA B0HEM mmmKMmtwmr B),RCraAa EDP.TH0NCK.Baiitoa "' ' "t"......'... tl.'al ininauv itfvxanaiBiAa. . .'' ' '" iSaaLT0? "L'ii ACAItVT-Thure4ar vrr s, j M at at :aa OFF LITTLE THKATER atJ: QNK WESiC OMLT Reailhous In AnSen. I- --f-. Mlraxl oit m.'Antkoay, .WsVH, &:. ' a!. at a m m KiUAKA. ju&fixdj xvurm THk i COMMON LAW Walnut. Urtt. Tataor. 4 Fit. Uo. I '" . .. a.at Mat . SSc SOtt.1 THE WOMAN WHO PAID" AH, To rmmm wmrmm 0 A mkw A sT BlaWlsatf MtaaM casino asrv ? xmr 3Zzrz mom