v J. . .y "Hr' ' '1 T-I N'A N C I A L EDITION NIC3HT EXTRA imting STBA 0 iJlttytt NIGHT EXTRA A ."tr' .&. -t rOL. nL-NO. 48 TITLLADELPniA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1916 CornitBT. 1016. t thi muo Lma Commit PHIOE ONE CENT ILSON GAINS IN CALIFORNIA; STILL IN DOUBT: PRESIDENT KEEPS SMALL LEAD IN MINNESOTA IRTH DAKOTA AND WYOMING GO TO DEMOCRATIC COLUMN, LATEST RETURNS INDICATE jturns Show 256 Electoral Votes for Wilson, 242 for Hughes, 33 in Doubt. McCormick Claims 270 for President rank H. Hitchcock Admits Republicans Must Have Cali fornia and Minnesota to Win List of Doubtful States Drops to Four and Will .Control Result The result of the presidential election was in doubt this afternoon. Estimates based on the last-minute returns gave Woodrow Wilson 25G votes rtbe Electoral College and Charles E. Hughes 242, with four States, having a 115183, in doubt. States in the classification of doubtful included: California, 13 electoral votes. Minnesota, 12. New Mexico, 3. Oregon, 5. The result in New Mexico is so close the official count may be necessary to. ftedde it ST The Republicans were conceding nothing and sticking fast to their claims nt Hughes's election. STATES CLAIMED FOR WILSON Returns collected so far show the following result in the Electoral College: For Wilson Alabama, 12: Arizona, 3: Arkansas, 0; Colorado, C: Florida, 6: Geergia, 14; Idaho, 4; Kentucky, 13; Louisiana, 10; Maryland, 8; Mississippi, 10; iKiwouri, 18; Montana, 4; Nebraska, 8; Nevada, 3; North Carolina, 12; Ohio, 24; Oklahoma, 10; South Carolina, 0; Tennessee, 12; Texas, 20; Utah, 4; Virginia, 12; Washington, 7; Kansas, 10; North Dakota, 5; Wyoming, 3. TeW, 256. RESULTS FOR HUGHES COLUMN f'ufpt Hughes Connecticut, 7; Illinois, 29; Iowa, 13; Maine, 6; Mnssa- etts, J?; Michigan, lb; wow Jersey, 14; New York, 45; 1'ennsylvania, 38; i Islandr5; South Dakota, 5; Vermont, 4; West Virginia, 8; Wisconsin, 13; (FBtlBwatWS3J?New Hampshire, 4. Total. 242. w'the two national headquarters in New York both chairmen wero claiming nkctiom ,AtVlO!45 Democratic National Committee headquarters claimed 270 elec- i -votes ior wuson as aDsoiuteiy certain, xneir ciaira am not mciuao uau- Ea. "We are still certain we have won," said Chairman Willcox, "although our W may bo somewhat narrow." "Ridiculous," was Democratic Chairman McCormick's retort to thi3 claim. Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo, President Wilson's son-in-law, took tgt of Democratic headquarters. "President Wilson will have 272 votes in the electoral college." ho said. bis estimate includes the estimate in New Mexico and California. Returns i n6t yet sufficiently tabulated to permit a mora detailed statement" WILLCOX CONTINUES HOPEFUL Although National Chairman Willcox, at Republican headquarters, declined concede that President Wilson had been re-elected, he was not ns positive in ; claims regarding the election of Mr. Hughes as the morning woro on. Ho is v "J, am hopeful that when the complete returns are available it will bo shown . Mr. Hughes has won. That is all I can say now." Frank H, Hitchcock, Cornelius N. Bliss, George W. Perkins and other : were at headquarters trying to figure out whether the Republicans could I oat in the doubtful States. It was admitted that if President Wilson carried oU; Kansas and, California that ho would probably fequeezo through with ' lew votes one, the Republican leaders said on the total. H LATER RETURNS SHOW WILSON GAIN yAl 10 o'clock the latest returns showed an increase of eleven elee- I votes for Woodrow Wilson since 8 a. m. makinir his total 248. . , In the same time the chancres recorded cravo Huchea n tntnl of 240. nnrl !. i;u.i ,.,.. . ... -,-..... rcikumi votes aouDixui. T L Thero was a strong drift toward Wilson in Minnesota and Oregon. The wcrais aiso claimed they were gaining in California. Wilson's present total wm 18 votes necessary for election. We changes indicated were as follows: Wyoming Transferred from tho Wilson column to the doubtful column. Kansas Transferred from tho doubtful column to the Wilson column, lining Mdd by Chairman Willcox. Idaho Transferred from the Hughes column to the Wilson column. Isdiana Transferred from the doubtful column to tho ihighcs column. WILSON WINS, BROOKLYN EAGLE SAYS At 11:10 a. m. today tho Brooklyn Eaglo, Democratic, announced in a special mat n had "positive figures" from the country at large which showed lively that President Wilson has been reelected. The Eagle was; the first of tho big New York newspapers to concede tho "" w Wilson, all of the others at this hour insisting that the issuo still doubt 'Frank Hitchcock, original Hughes booster and political expert of the Re- campaign, declared at 10:32 today that the election of Hucrhes now On the result in Cnltforntn nml Minnesota. t. v wide divergence of claims at the two national headquarters Indicated the jrcter of the results. Tho shift In sentiment was exemplified by the vc.WHiaiinM in' tnn Nnw Ynrle mwri. cMe N8W YoFhf Tl'mofl Tlamui.n4f.. niai MnnA1nrr 4Tm n1aitAM IT.. .!.- ' W ttSOed an e-rfi-o unlnn If T .Antra na-Af WIWnn.Ta mtA n.. mit ..."" - .i..".v, Dune,'Kepublican, after announcing the election of Hughes in a "clean "P Ot the COllntrv ilumlLl ilia eltunflnn n WoT..in orllftn., MTT....1 T-..T.1'- i I "rf -v.o4 vw B.vuuu ... iui x.uv MmiU XJUBUtW WaU- - vmw Race." i CHEERS FOR "INCORRUPTIBLE WEST" ' 'a. m. Chairman McCormick made a speech to the crowd at head- W New York liiilni.. eensn-afnlafa 4l.a ..t. ... it.. 1..ll.. - r-.t.It urn fle then introdueorl n1i rrfflr.lnla of fht, Mnttnnnl nnmmlllu'!i.J ovn..n.1 'JjwcUtlon of their work. OH! OAe in Ula arnM,A -.. A. J cnr for the honwt an4 Incorruptible Wt." ,r National Democratic Committee dM not spend a eent west of the MU- H. mA k. I. ...i ii u . T r.T"T "" " ww we woo oi vwory. 4MwrMh Jkw - Electoral Vote for President by States TOTAIi n.KCTORAI. OT. BSt NEC11ARY TO A CIIMCK. t(l ,... lltlht. Vt'llaon. B' ltep. Pm. Alabama 12 Arizona 3 Arkansas 9 California Colorado 6 Connecticut 7 ,. Delaware 3 .. Florida , G Georgia 14 Idaho 4 Illinois 2D .. Indiana 15 Ina 13 Kansas 10 Kentucky 13 Louisiana '.. .. 10 Maine 6 Maryland a, Massachusetts 18 ,. Michigan 15 Minnesota Mississippi 10 Missuri is Montana 4 Nebraska 8 Nevada 3 New Jersey 14 New Hampshire 4 Ncv Mexico New York 45 North Carolina 12 North Dakota 5 Ohio ,. 21 Oklahoma 10 Oregon Pennsylvania r 38 Rhode Island 5 South Carolina 9 South Dakota 5 Tennessee 12 Texas 20 u tan ............. .. 4 Vermont 4 .. Virginia 12 Washington 7 West Virginia 8 Wisconsin 13 Wyoming ,. ., 3 Totals 242 26 Result In doubt Total electoral voto of States in doubt 33. FARMERS BACK UP CITY SUPPORT OF WILSON IN MINNESOTA'S CONTEST Returns Filter In and President Boosts Lead Given by Towns. Rural Sections to Decide .KELLOG U. S. SENATOR Minnesota's Twelve Votes May Determine, Election THE vote in Minnesota is so close that it is impossible at this press timo to state the decision. Tho lat est returns show Wilson in the lend by about 7000. Tho President has carried tho cities, but returns slowly coming in indicate n gain in tho Hughes voto in tho rural districts. Tho vote in 1912 stood Republicans, 64,334; Democrats, 100,426; Pro gressives, 125,856. Tho State has 12 electoral votes. NEW YORK, Nov. 8. Frank D. Kel logg, Republican State Chairman of Minnesota, wired Republican headquar ters that Hughe would carry that State by 6000. Kellogg claimed his own election for United States Sen ator by 50,000. ST. TAUL, Minn, Nov. 8. Minnesota, with one-nfth ot tho voto In at noon, today showed Wilson leading by 721S. It Is Im possible to forecast results, but Wilson made calns In purely rural precincts this morn ing. The cities and towns are In. The farmer vote will decide. With Ramsey, Hennepin and St. Louis Counties, In which aro located tho three principal cities o( Minnesota, giving him a lBtOOO lead, Wilson seemed to be carrying Minnesota. ' St. Paul and vicinity gave Wilson a lead of 7580. Hennepin ,County, tn which Min neapolis Is located, badced up tho President with a 7000 plurality and Duluth BOO, Other precincts In the State showed little ad van ta go for either candidate, leaving the City lead unchanged, J, A. Burnqulst was re-elected Governor on tho Republican ticket by about 8 to I. Van Lear's election as Minneapolis' first Socialist Mayor was conceded on all sides this morning. Frank fe, Kellogg, Republican, waa elect ed United States Senafor. Called to Vote, Man Is Found Dead POYfl. Di-. Nov, ij when political wofkors wnt to tho boaw of John Fahley, l IJttU .. near Dovw, yesterday .V ". f W tte polls, tbsy rr&.amm v " i 196 CALIFORNIA VOTE SWAYS TO WILSON ON LATEST TALLY President Leaps Into Lead as San Francisco Precincts Boost Plurality JOHNSON IS WINNER Hughes Runs Strong in Southern Counties, but Cities Go Democratic SAN FRANCISCO. Nor. 8. President Wilson leaped Into the lead In California at 9:30 a. m. today when returns from 3198 precincts out of B8T0 In California gave htm a total vote ot 239,919 against 332,376 for Hughes. Tho result was achieved when returns poured In from nearly 100 additional pre cincts In San Francisco County, bringing Wilson's plurality In that county to nearly 10,000. With returns from Alameda County near Ing completion, tho Indications were that Hughes would carry that county by nearly 8000. A statement from Republican headquar ters this morning claimed Los Angeles County by 35,000, and all southern Califor nia by 65.000 for Hughes. Incomplete return from 28 out of 63 precincts tn Santa Barbara County glvs Hughes 1544, Wilson 1872. With 157 precincts out of 684 yet to be heard from San Francisco gives Wilson 44,885 and Hughes 35,911. San Diego city and County probably have been carried by Hughes. Returns from 152 ot the 221 precincts tn the county give Hughes 12,629, Wilson 12.182. Doth pro hlbltlon amendments carried In this county by about 2000 votes each. In Los Angeles city and county the latest returns from 682 precincts give Hughes 55,177. Wilson 48.802. If this ratio- con- unues, iiugnes a .piuramy in, i.os Angeies vjlll not exceed 8000. The length ot tho ballot Impedes tho counting of the vote and slow progress Is being made. . Chairman Chester Rowell, of the Repub lican State committee, and, Chairman Cush Ing, of the Democratic State committee, each Issued statements early today claim ing the State for their candidates by from 10.000 to 20,000. Governor Hiram Johnson has been elected United States Senator from California by a large plurality, estimated by his friends to be as much as 200,000, At midnight tho fate of the antl-llquor amendments waa undetermined, with stiff majorities against them In tho few returns available. DELAWARE FOR HUGHES; DU PONT IS DEFEATED Republican Presidential Candi date Has Lead of 835 Votes, With Few to Come In Voted for threo presidential electors, one Con ireiiman, United States Senator and Stat officer. Vote 1B12 Hep , 15,0031 Dem., 22,631 Trot.. 8880. Voto 1908 llep., 25,014; Dera.. 22.071. DOVKR, Del., Nov. 8. With 23 districts out of 191 missing In Delaware, Hughes polled 21,055 votes to Wilson's 20,220. Jo slah O. Walcott, Dem., has won the United States senatorshlp from Colonel Henry A, du Pont, the present Senator, by a plurality of 1037. These figures Include the vote cast In Wilmington. Voters In the missing division, which nominally are Republican, number approximately 6900. Complete returns from all ten representa tive districts In Kent County gavo Wilson approximately 650 plurality, several voters having split tickets on electors. Tho Dem ocrats carried the county for tho State tick et, as follows: Joslah O. Walcott, for United States Sen ator, 1330 plurality! James II. Hughes, Governor, 363 plurality; Albert F. Polk, Congress, 905 plurality. The remainder of the State and county tickets was carried by the Democrats by pluralities ranging' from 200 to 700. The Democrats elected two S4ate Sena tors and eight of the ten Representatives. The otes from the Kent County militia men, at Demlng, N. M., may change the result In aome close districts. TWO MILWAUKEE SOCIALISTS LEAD IN CONGRESS CONTEST Bergef and Goylord Run Strong and Comrades Wl ,A MILWAUKEE. Wis., Nov. ..Former Congressman Victor L, Herger and State Senator V. R. Oaylord, Socialist cen gresslonal candidates In the 6th and 4th, district!. rMPecUvely. are leading their Democratlo and Republican opponents. So. -clallsts claim the election of both Berger and Oaylord, and that of Wlnneld Zabel, Socialist canddate for District Attorney. Thla clakn, l not conceded. The MUsuWMjtolgl (Ud.) to4y too- LATEST ELECTION NEWS LATE MINNESOTA RETURNS SHOW WILSON GAINING ST. PAUL, Klnn., Nov. 8. With GUI piecincU out or 08-l pre cincts lepoited. Wilson is lending by. 8033, the tutal being: Wileon, 4, 173; Hughes, 34,130. On the Inst 11 pieciuct Wilnon line mlnr' 815 net. These were ruinl pi relucts. HUGHES LEADS IN OREGON COUNT ' 1'OIITLAND. Orr Nov. 8. Hughes leil Wilson in the incum Me count of eighteen Oregon counties out elite Multnoiunli County, at lepoUrd nt lO'OO n. in. toilny. The ictuuib gave Hughes iy,177, ilon la.tWD. REPUULICANS CLAIM WEST VIRGINIA HY ONLY 8000 WHEELING, W. Vn , Nov. 8. Hepubllcnii loader tut fioin SSQ.UOO to 8000 t!iu ctimr-to of Hughcs'a piobalile mujuiity hi West Vn intn In the fin' of ltturns this atlcivoon. The kIuiiih fioTu 'MO s attcieil precincts In 11 counties gave Hughes 58 lii, Wilson 100 f. WILSON LEADS BY 9000 IN CALIFORNIA SAN rjRANCISCO, Nov. 8. Returns fiom 8313 ilut ot 0870 pio tlncta in California gavo Wilson a. plurality of slightly over OO00 votes over Ecpubllcnn .Candidate Hughes. The totals woio: Wilbon, 1130,250; Hughes, 211,070. CALIFORNIA CLAIMED FOR WILSON SAN TIIANCISCO, Nov. 8.-The San Fiancisco Dilly News claims Cnllfonitn for Wilson by from 5000 to 10,000. HUGHES LEADS WILSON 300 IN NEW HAMPSHIRE CONCORD, N. II., Nov. 8. With twenty towns, missing the presidential vote in Now Hompshlro stands: Hughes, 41,837; Wilson, 41,480. This tabulation wns mntlo fiom the official le'turns in the Secictary of State's office. NEW YORK, Nov. 8. United Stnles Senator Hollls, of New . Hanipsmp, Jfl?laihlaitjrjoci2it,u,at, unaffJpJaL. buUcontriJctv.xe tmns for NvvrHninpfchTro jjnvo lho,(Statc to WHsoit'by 300 mnjoiity. ' .'," I' " PRESIDENT WILSON SWEEPS WYOMING CHEYENNE, Wyo., Nov. 8. President Wilson has cairiccl. every county in the Stne, nccording to indications nt 10:30 o'clock today. Ajt hat hour 202 precincts out of 588 had reported. Wilson had 7011 and Hughes 5205. " DEMOCRATS NOW CLAIM WEST VIRGINIA NEW YORK, Nov. 8. Shortly after'noon today Clmlimnn Moi gen'thau, of tho Deinocintlc finance committee, announced tho Demo cints had can led West Vhglnla by 10,000. REPUBLICANS CONCEDE IDAHO TO WILSON BOISE, Idaho, Nov., 8. With moie than hnlf the Idaho vote counted and giving Wilson a lend of 0000, the Republican campaign managers today conceded tho State to Wilson. Alexander, Doniocint, is lending for reelection ns Governor, but by a veiy Hinall. ninigln. BAKER TO RESIGN CABINET POST CLEVELAND, O., Nov. 8. Nwton Baker, Secietniy of War, will resign nftcr Iilarcli 4, no matter who is elected l'lCNidant. ThU bo camo known definitely today. It was said Baker dutei mined when ho took office Inst year to servo only one yenr and that ho intended to letum to hiB-hoiuo licio to practice law. ' EXTRA AMERICAN STEAMSHIP SHELLED BY TWO TEUTON SUBMARINES LONDON, Nov. 8. "S. O. S." onlle weie bent out by thu Amer ican etoanmhtp Columbian out of Biost about 7 iclook1 yeetoiday eve ning, It wne loarned today, Tho call bald tho Columbian had been at tacked by two eubnifuinee, one ot which bliellod hor, WILSON CONGRATULATIONS FOLLOW CONDOLENCES ; WASHINGTON, Nov. 8. A flood of coinjTOtulntqr'.toloBranis fur r.iidt'nt WilMUi poured into Wubliliiyton today from pui tibunu wlio tVtjk hi eiewtiBn for jjmutc. Last night a tlioii of tplsgrntus can IccTiil ema turo Condolences to theiVebideiit. DEUTSCHLAND PERMITTED TO CARRY U. , MAIL ' . ' .r WASHINGTON, Nov. 8. The Herman caigo submarino Deuttfch. land has leceived permleslon from the Fostofflce Depnitmeut to carry United States mall, but will not take a consignment until hor next trip, the German Embassy sa,ld today. -i"--1" x t . NIGHT DECISION OF VICTOR TO BE TOLD BY TOOTS c Evening: Ledger Will Whistle Result if Known Tonight WILL SUPPLEMENT FINAL-EDITION NEWS Enterprise in Blink-and- Wink Announcement Last Evening Praised TO COVER WIDE AREA How to Tell Winner Tonight if Election Is Still in Doubt THE Evening Ledger, believing if a part of its duty to inform tho public tonight should tho election bo undetermined until tonight, has again arranged with factory mana gers through out the city and in Now Jersey to blow the factory whistle when the result is known. Two blasts Hughes wins. Five blasts Wilson wins. Three blasts at intervals Doubt- tui. ! In case the returns do not warrant an innouncement of a decision In the presi dential contest in the final edition ot.tbe, Evenino LEDocn today, this newspaper will tonight whistle the news to all Phila delphia. The -whistle cods will be the same aa In force yesterday. If nuchas Is elected, two long blasts. If Wilson Is re-elected. ne blasts. ', , UMhe, election is. still In iloaht-UIOs , fact will bsVjj-hUilnl te thsiiefldents of the city-at lntorrsu; Three1 blasts will mean a .doubtful situation' , - Tactorles which will whistle the, news follow: Philadelphia Paper Company, River road, Manayunk. Grlswold Mills, Darby. Furbush Machine Company, Hancock and Somerset streets. Jacob Miller & Sons, Sixteenth an4 , Iteed streets. ' William Cramp & Sons, Beach aad Ball streets. J. Q. Brill Car Works, Sixty-second nnd Woodland. John B. Stetson ft Co., Fifth! and Montgomery. . i Frledberger-Aaron Manufacturing Com pany, Eighteenth and Courtland. Ada Manufacturing Company, Ortho dox street and Frankford avenue. W. & R. Ford Manufacturing Com pany, Tacony and P. R. R. Henry DIsston & Sons. David Weber & Co., Fifth and Locust. Nelson Valve Company, Wyndmoor. Mldvale -Steel Company, Js'lcetown. Harshaw; Fuller & Goodwin Co. Joseph Scatchard & Co., US East Chelten avenue. S. L. Allen & Co., Fifth and GlenwooO. Mlllbourne Mills. Dobbins Soap Company, Caiaden. The plan to whistle end wink the news te all Philadelphia originated with the Evxtr ino X.EDOER. Last night waa the first tlrae In the history of any nation that the are lights of a great city were employed to wink a message of national Import to 1,600,00 persons. EVENING LEDGER FEAT The celerity with which tho" EvtjuiW Ledoer last night announced the seeming result of the election through the medium of whistle toots arc-light winks anil by wireless over land and sea was hailed to day by experts aa one of tho moat remark able achievements of modern Journalism. Tho announcement of the election of Hughes last "night was based upon returns which seemed to point conclusively to the election of tho Republican candidate. Cam paign managers and newspapers all over tho country were misled, and It was not until this morning, when late returns came In, that the election was shown to bo la doubt R was not until election experts an! mahy Democratlo newspapers and Demo cratlo officials all over the country had con ceded the election to Hughes that the newa was flashed out ot the editorial rooms at tho Eveninu Ledobr t 9. IE Jast nlelkt Less than two seconds later the seesataHT victory of the Republican candidate th being winked and whistled to the l,m,e citizens of Philadelphia, waa tetng snapjied" " by wireless to hundred jf ships at' tea, ' and to the many thdVsandtt ot wlrsltM stations ,ln Pennsylvania, New Jersey,' DeJ-" aware and Maryland. Tese BatloM re layed the message until ,a teajery of Je OeBUaued en Fate 'Two. Cell Bet ... i THE WEATHER "J F0Rqc9T For PMntilphk, 4 (. J teniae ema preeeew i wiwsisw; i tonight; m4rt to frk m04 1 -1 ' 1 T.wnwr or BAIT , SiWwis.ieti goo rt...i Waja.sma seas..... 4sei BStAWAMC IHVMI TUMI fsMOsM Gsuwraur strut -' Stf ts;:i:.i u; :i$ m l! rcai. h hiii