Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 07, 1916, Night Extra, Image 10

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Ml k. fltrama.
... wsasaj m. W. ejVBTTBB, Mwmh
Li ' T i ' !
,: KS -..:;?."'.'
7 Pw...
30? MEZaStf"'
rjtv55? "V
ikjdkkfW WMS
vtfitfuyi TiiMn
wwi miAQii
ii.iit..N Mm betels I MM
fa Mat. r wee. By mad.
TfjM lUnfBiIlfl. All Wm
wllMCV nMMflMT MfftH CsTftKfvd
frm tt..y4y.yT - ttp,c MAwmj
S wwrippw Jrn 4flMn "frtMrWJ " ffVrll"
Jtittvr, be-rmenn Svnart, rMfaaslefttd.
' i
IST'tidR. s
i '
PW te
hKTR 1
jsjvaaBn pi mn an wwfw""
K MRflWHM wMn & OWBfftwWW oasa as)
IIBSBrBetlOO its frOSOOftl of eleVOlayajeit
Tb prooiamatton hoMa mm hope for'
iww; ftrturxl, for when bath musk an
tho Central rowers m oomtHt4 to tha
oroatlon or a Foliah Mat Its eetttbHsfc.'
MMt whoa oeaoe mwm ta reallr posejWe.
There Is m au;tlon tht tho new Pa
l4 shall Ix eetertnlnoiM rth th an
clont kincoom, whkh wm tn tta Jays of
oroeoerlty the Intellectual canter of ku
rope. The eld kingdom spread ovar a
Jar part of western Russia ana Wchtiod
that part of Modern Austria, north of the
Carpathian. Mountain. The new Po-
Ja.no, aa now proposed, la not likely to
Include much more than the Pollih prov
Incea of Kuaeta, of which "Warsaw U the
,. ?Tom Dlyfi;06Wa
.. THTTTIM i 'VTf' 'E "S
rlHLiti tILiif- " " ?mJ i' '
r' wKmmBW VimBnil T IBflV . Wi-J-'i' . i
".IB1IP," ""J'MrlPr"" .-'drll. -- -- - - -l - j
. T SK..I JK. Ifc J. - J - " i T u4 111 a IfWllMMglilMM
i i m im i i ii ii ii'j.,:j i.. M'J-. J u 4. ,r TfcSi ' " I
L- . -" AakAia4MUHU " " TB .ftv t a Y I I " '
51 A lf"V A '
m fits rnKJMM-rim roTrrki n
atoanaUM mih. xmuu
to. tmrnoHiBk was lu.aei
t. r
H i .
nititifUt, Ttiir, Mmlwt t, ii.
Af comaa iouiii at ttlll
km nmwAmktt fall upon fna aorf
racla a frttman't will,
a Affrtoidnt thm will of. Cod I
And from itm (ore nor'doori nor I6ck$
Cmn.tMiU you 'tit tht ballot box.,
John Picrpbnt.
v Cleaning the atreata la a man'a
Ja, ( It aeema to be aomevrhat difficult
te Wing the man and the Job together.
"v There will be raportlbta Kovern
Mflt In Mexico when thero la more re
arfalble government 'in Wojililngton.
Aa gentleman remarked. In dla
waalng the notes of the Administration,
"the Democrats havo alt the 'writes' on
Mw(r side."
No-matter how a man votes today
ha will pay a tax of twenty-five per cent
far he privilege of burning gas tonight.
Tha company Bella gaa for eighty conta,
kMt the city compels users to pay a
Two winks of the electric llghta If
K'a .Hughes, five If It's Wilson. That
interval between the second and third
wWk will bo a dragon of suspense but
aa It looks now there won't be any auch
Chairman Guffey's Idea of "per
nioteua. activity" and a posimostur'a duty
w1! not bear close analysts. ,TIo has
sailed upon theaa publla aervanta "to get
vary Democrat and Wllaon man to the
palls' today."
Quite aalde from tho personal Intcg
Htyandv character of his opponent, It la
'apparent that Judge Walltne deserves
Ml abound get a verdict In hla favor.,Hla
Jaw, experience has fitted him for the
Wee and ha la needed in the Supreme
Court, '
1 i ii ii i ii ,..... 7,
The Industrial prosperity of Phila
delphia and of the entlie State of Penn
sylvania ought to be an object lesson to
ethers of the advantagea of steadfast de
vaMon to the principle of protection.
These who think right and vote right are
in right.
Mr, Wllaon's official family thinks
that 387 electoral votes la about what he
wWl get. Tho official family Is Inclined
te be peaalmlstlc, wc fancy. Wouldn't
H he better to award Mr. Hughes noth-hg,HKM-e
than an interest in the delegate
Irem the Phillpplnea?
The fata of. the VMO.600 bond laaue
ler geed reada in jjew' Jersey will be
ted with iniereat, net only by cltl
sjaa of' that Slate, but by citizens of all
Hjw. surrounding Btates as well. New
wars ay already has- some of the bast
In the Union, but It ia doubtful If
tHapey could.be spent to better ad-
e wan in the building of more of
VI ?
, r The atrangth bf Philadelphia TUpId
anat laauas on the local market may
Maltrihuted.net only "tot the progress
iMtoii la being made wltn the preaant
P ' but a," ft '?enrl recognition
,f the great advantages to accrue to the
W?. y j"w the, proposed lease of the
fitw,bla;h-paad Unas. JJt la altogether one
' " wiJBwi ythht leases orrered ln
jejt, years; hy a great city to a private
pjywwy' It waa ihe. remarkable falr-
ot the Taylor plan both tp the city
'te the eetHDahy that arnnuui mn
rJP"1 ,Yf?" tmonS the people, It ia to
'It fcepadihat there ,w)l( be,pron)pt action
n ie lease 'by CeuneBa and equally
Vaaapt aetlon, by the, ownpany.
Mimne rnn are aaered funds,
w mwn ina aaonomy, the sacrlflee,
tk love and the hepe af man, not too rleh
te this worWa geeda, who have aeught
I pretaet tbstr depaw4eU, or te provide
Ms theaaiilvaa in old aya. A company
eMftI wbe woaiM trWe with tbeao tunit,
kr nasrtt nes or eupUHty Impair than,
ia a daapiaabls ortiHinal who Htould be
Ms) te attewar J the criminal ceurU
ar treaehary. It la te be hoped' that the.
""S i mi i wwmmii ec tfta mate baa
in fhm aaUaof, Ue
Ufa Inewraaoe Com
aaeUtioi that M
gyft.-V.Ie Wkt0riJ4M)f-.'ia
- ' ''! - i " "nu awy
f MPfM.ajsfHsjasjMM el the bur
f mmmimmmmmm
smss sjassa iferasawi sssaerea' seal
Isissarasf sbbm ex
M .bareaKtary
ai jeereiy a
eai Uu vtetory
aba war. so bj
TT 18 a humiliating thing- that Pennsyl-
vanla, keystone of the original thirteen
Commonwealths, w'ill be outvoted today
by western States of much smaller popu
lations. Woman suffrage permlta Illinois
to cast more than two million votes. Lack
of woman suffrage llmlta Pennaytvanla'a
vote to about MOO.OOO. Yet Illinois gives
only twenty-nine votes to tho electoral
college and Pennsylvania thirty-eight.
It Is obvious enough that this State's
great population retains Its proportion
ate power In helping to decide presiden
tial elections, though with a halved
electorate. Put , experience has shown
that there ia something Impressive and
memorable n a heavy volume of popular
votes. No ono polnta to tho "fact that
last year one party cast ninety-two per
cent of the total vote in Mississippi, for
tho simple reason that that total vote was
only 54,000. Put how many thousands
of times havo writers and orators re
called the 500,000 plurality Pennsylvania
gave P-oosevelt In 10011 Through the
mere numerical volume of those united
voices, and not at all through the per
centage, that plurality has come to be
considered almost on tho plane of a turn
ing point In our history, which Repub
licans, Progressives and Democrats con
stantly try to Interpret in different ways
to suit their arguments.
Yet if South Philadelphia had not been
swayed by a shallow and narrow argu
ment against woman suffrago, Pennsyl
vania would today bo hearing the call
for an even more tnemornblo plurality
for the very principles that section over
whelmingly favors a plurality, say, bf
more than one million.
No one ovnr forgets that twice tho peo
ple's vote for President gave a plurality
to tho man wholwas not elected. Many
haye argued that this was an Intolerable
Injustice, because, no matter what the
electoral vote Is, it is always tho popular
plurality that appeals to the country's
imagination. Supposo Mr. Hughes won
today by a close margin, though Mr. Wil
son had a popular plurality. Many would
consider the result Inconclusive. But It
would not be Inconclusive It Pennsylva
nia's plurality for Hughes had been
' It hoa been urged In tho past by the
Eaat that tho South's representation be
cut down because of the disfranchise
ment of negroes. What ground for com
plaint wilt the East haye when the equal
suffrago West cries for a cutting down of
representation hereabouts because of the
unenfranchlsement of women? We must
never again havo sectionalism. The way
to avoid it In the great suffrage Issue la
to make It, as Mr. Hughes has made It, a
national and not a State laaue.
i , , s:
If you can look Into the seeds of Time,
And say which grain will grow and
wnicn win not
Speak then to, me.
rpiIIS remark of Banquo finds an echo
today in the hearts of many doubtful
citizens. Tney havo been reading tho
forthgivlngs of tho political forecasters
oiptll the have begun to doubt whether
the sun will set tonight. .Although the
quadrennial crop of prophets has been
unusually largo, doubtless due to the ef
fect of war prosperity upon the lntellec
tuals, nobody aeema to put much faith in
what they aay about the reault of the
voting. There la really a glut In the
prophet market, with a conaequont de
preclatlon in thi market price.
If a real almonpure prophet should
arise we might trust htm. Vance McCor-
rolcK doea not even pretend to be such.
He understands that It la an old rule of
campaign strategy to claim everything,
and he has been practicing on a larger
scale the skill which he acquired in this
State, Mr, WHIoox la a mere tyro In the
political game, but he haa learned the
tricks and his prophecies are colored by
hla hopes. It la doubtful If there la a
single- foreteller of wlta$, the next few
Hours wilt bring forth who can make aa
absolutely unbiased prediction.
This doae not mean that the art of
Biwpbeey Is faWng Into decay. There are
UU eeveaMt ee of aevtnth bom, born
wttb a aaul, who do .a preearieue business
to the purlieus of the town, and their
ipredtotteaa are aa trustworthy, as usual.
There are other, prophets who boUtar
their saaeases.wMh aUWatlas and ean teH
us bear mauy babtee wlH be killed by au-
temabllee Iw abe'atreets of PhHadslehla
next rear, put tbey are unwillinc t
baaavd a.gueea oa what wUI bappea be-
far ewasic-.wm aveatag. Use aomwa
W Jaaynayaaaw, prophet prefarspa leak, a
spaa; way Into the future, Tho, K bta
ansa is rhaaaeslid by the evea, bo oaa
par tat eafttm world, "I told you ,-;
ad tf,b sajeaaid wrowr m-om wis) i.
wMte said, it la Use paat.ef
M feroteiimsT as tavwWO
The Delphi oraeiee kaaw
tana, for their saeaa-i were always et
ef whatever oonau-woa&s. yaj
AH fte eeftmnt reuad eoat
TM aadaaod yard a eurt
'WW. erf W a gat and tbeut
TAretipa e eoy'afra'uanelag hour.
rpt rvihtnff to aiiJ.re,
Btoten about ay etwry hreete,
BreothtH, tetH to trt aa knew
Solemn ilti of netet Hkc theta
"Voting ttartei ttrong at down"
"Hutheivctr UUdt catt before
' "Shadote Lawn
It not cheerful any mare."
"Woodton tforicera have confencd
That the battle trill be clote."
"TAere U cutting In the Wett."
"Some one gett a Utter dote,"
-Rural dUtticti' vote will be
Much affected fcy IJie tccalner."
"llughetvelt lookt for victory
our people tttck together."
"Cutting In the cfotcn-totcn icardt."
"Votet will all be In by dark."
"llughetvelt't battle- It the Lord't."
"Woodion carrltt Fatrmount Park."
Hurelu here, from tU to ttr
Wilt the ictlkln ting It fill
Come on! grab your bap o' ttlckt
And icfll go and tlam the pltU
Our Bankwet
The place Is the new City Club; the
price Is $1, and the hour la 6:30 Wednes
day evening, November 16v Will all
ellglbles ((hose who have rung the bell
three times) send full names and ad
dresses to Us at once? We'll send fur
ther detalla then by mall.
OTIICnsjt aeema, also hold bnnkwets.
There was one In Little Italy recently
and some of the richest things on the
menu wero to be found among the ads.
8 E. Cor. 8th a Clrmer St.
Don't forset to atop la and irt cold lunch
of Hot rout txtt
Tho Now Tork Darren Storo
MOnntS ANTONtEK. Prop.
Dealer In
Drr Ooodo Ladlto and Oenta Fornlturlnr
848-45 BoUh at. Cor. 0th 8t.
Is tho son of Dorothy Johnstone
Baseler, the harpist, and his godfather ia
the Ilev. David M. Steele, rector of the
Episcopal Church of St Luke and the
Epiphany. Robert saw his reverent god
father In his church robes for the first
time quite recently. "Oh, mamma," said
ho In a atnge whisper, "you hover told me
he was a butcher." Doctor Steclo smiled
nnd remarked, when he had a chance,
that quite as Important In the education
of youth as tho Saturday visit to the
market wits the Sunday attendance at the
dispensary of spiritual food.
f' . '
JUNb, m
?BMWev2Satt? .-',
A-fst'TYn Mil fT ' JliiaMT. T
tT'.'lJ nLH4 BBaLamVaBBrnWl
vV Kit s K49mWKkM BbtbbW VaaliBTsTaTaTt"
ssSPwJJXmiSS2 bbbbV jMm fvj' x
?ife't,-ta'abbYK3wXVrsmwlMT?4f aTSBaW -BBBBref Mr ' odP v
iiilsm, ' ' I i'iI 1 1 i1 ii, V i I jfaaE saWsW , mJ fin j X
BBBBBBBBBBBBBnWryeiSSTjBWBnjr ' Mh VV'WLyyC TT Bbm rf- MV BBSffSai 1 fw ftmA 3 -i4jHifc X.
2i'eMSJSs7jj4?iysfi r BSaflBBKaTaTs s iti I ' i
"TraadteBrrfK5f jmTvmfimr. rrsc-j.JoA aw
-iyjfctajKgMVjaciiC'rfa-1,v 5'f?rViJyricPJ7Xytirgfrf-f'ryss15ai'-JaaBjcz,stavJ'f mi i ttwm. i w jn :. jiT .t JLtnr.'
-CfTO(7iAij'W-Wt mj it SSialavCaaYTii
yssSgKeffl8BsS!SfflBMi? f JVfSlaSBBSBgP
SjSSZKiHSCISSPii!BlHlE55f&-.- jtBHBEn' - V uHUH!
.... M
With 8adtc and Daisy and Malsle,
Bat George, (n a glided cafe.
"Qo at far at vou like," he announced; "I
Let ui oIITc exceedingly gay.
firing champagne In Quantities, waiter "
Jutt then, mid a rustle of ttlk
Each girlie arose and upttltcd her note,
Exclaiming, "You cheap slate! Dug
Miss Anna M. Heckacher to Wed
Miss Anna M. Heckschcr, daughter of
Mrs. Austin Heckscher. will be married
qulotly at noon on Wednesday, tn Old
St. David's-Church, Radnor. Philadelphia
Who cares a hoot for him?
J. B. Q.
A. P. picks this headline from our own
dear paper:
And, sex he, rather undignified costume
for a Gov., eh?
THE FOLLOWING information ?iven
on a sign on Thirteenth atreet below
Chestnut, says Homo, might be Interest,
Ing to some of our amateur htatorlans.
Bachelor Bereavements
There waa a young Ifdy named Helen
Who stood by the river and fell In.
The water waa cold,
And so, I am told,
The young lady came out. Ah Helen 1
All my outings are by trolley,
And it makes me melancholy;
But my upkeep keeps me busy,
For, you see, I've no tin Lizzie.
Why Not, Indeed
Oh, thou I'bet Laureate of Scrapple!
Thou who set the beauty of ita soul satis
fying perfection aa a matutinal meal, how
thy heart would have leaped for joy hadst
thou been In a Lancaster dining room yes
terday. A falir youth, with a proper appre
ciation of Qod's gifts to man, after satisfy.
Ing the merely animal cravlnga of hla appe
tite with pork and sauerkraut, ordered as
his dessert "Fried ScTapple." Whaddye
thing o' that? J, F, T.
SirWonder It the presidential candi
date knowa there's another way to spelt hla
name? In Baltimore a box manufacturer
haaltYeuaa.M CHARLIE.
Here's Smelledramatlc Stuff
Daatrlee asked no more, for a minute or
two, but the engineer felt her fingers
tlphtan on hla arm. "I'm with you to the
endP aha whispered. Another pregnant
ellanea, while the night wind stirred her
hair and wafted the warm feminine perfume
of her to hla neetrUe. Stem took a long,
dees breath. - A sort ef dkulness crept ever
Mm. aa from a glaas ef wls en an aatpty
atesMeh. The Call ef Woman at rove te
master htm. but ha repaUad It From Dark
ne and Dayn, by Oeorga Alan SagUad.
, This sifi.is a eotMBMm' one Ja the ease
allfeCba, Many tourists stop
Bnp woaaec sate pass oa aad asor lappa
bat the Cob, use 'the 'nurllib word
"siawiehis.M,haviaa; o woeal of tbeir
oarat wMob'ftta. a4 aba "bay" is Ape
far webawa,orrMaaaii4b.,'leef aa."
a , t. . .
Keep as eye out far the Paaasabr vb
i ;-", t.
What the Underwood, Law Did to American Trad5 Praise for
the Plan to Announce Election Results by Winking
the Electric Lights i
This Department ( $rtt to all readers uho
wi to itxvrrH elr ovinlon on sublects cl
CHmnt tntrrtat. I, tm n aiim unim. flH.1 lha
Kventno Ledger assumes no responffoltMi for
the vinct of Its correspondents. Letters mutt
be stoned by the name and address of the
leriler. not necessarily tot publication, but as a
guarantee o good faith.
To the Editor of the Evening Ledger:
Sir I read the letter In your Issue of
even date signed "II L." with a great deal
of Interest I, too, am a reader of the Rec
ord and have been for a number of years,
and, while I admire and appreciate it as a
thoroughly good newspaper, there never was
a time when Its consistent advocacy of free
trade or tariff for reenue made more than
a very alight Impression on me.
Really, I can't understand what all of
this argument la about I know from first
hand knowledge that every warehouse on
the Atlantic Coast from Maine to Mexico
was Jammed with foreign-made goods
brought Into the country after the Under
wood tariff was passed and released from
bbnd under that fallacy after It went Into
effect It Is also perfectly evident that the
war acted as a natural barrier to our Im
ports and at the saifie time vastly Increased
our exports. Bo far as the bunch of mean
ingless word-mongers we now have In
Washington Is (concerned they don't worry
mo for a minute. That outnt waa wished
on an unsuspecting publla during a schism
In the Republican party and Just naturally
put their fool Ideas Into effect They take
the tariff off importa and then bilk "the
rich and poor In every conceivable way.
They put our people who llye on a parity
with the foreigner who merely exists, and
while this terrible war Js deplorable, It waa
the only thing that saved thla country from
the worst panic In Ita -history. I have,
heretofore, cut the ticket on numerous oc
casions, but It will take me Just about two
seconds next Tuesday to vote the absolutely
straight Republican ticket "OLD ABE."
Media, Pa, November 8.
To the Editor of the Evening Ledger:
Sir In the newspaper world it doea not
occur often that one paper. In ago leas than
any other one, gains tho favor of the read
era who were used to fading the other
papers all their lives. There must be some
reason why the EvEWHo LKOEn,haa at
tained auch honor. A look Into Its record
will ahow that there Is but one answer, and
that la In the word Initiative.
When we were favored during the Ad
Men's Contention with the presence of our
Chief Executive the world waa made' to open
Ita eyes, not ao much by words of our
guest, but by the way those words were
transmitted to the folks who were unable
to be In that splendid audience. Your ap
plication of the dictaphone for'galnlng the
newa directly from the source waa the first
time that stunt was tried, and Us results
are now history. ,
Politically speaking, your columns are
devoted to the aide of Charles Evans
Hughes, but your style of erHielam haa
brought. Joy to the hearts of all Democrata.
Sou never seem, totforget that Wlleo Is
the President of the United States, and as
a result many other papers of 'ether cities
have followed In your footsteps.
Now wHh pleasure do we team that onoe
mora your paper has given a start te what
will prove your greatest asset The fact
that you .will uee the lighting, system' to
acquaint alt. on the aecond thertaalt of the
election la known will plaee you In an
enviable position In the minds of al) folks.
Keep up your noble experiments heoentlng
the city, State and nation and nothing but
praise will be fortheomtng from tfUaaureea.
.. m . .. ABH'MliriWS.-
Philadelphia, November a. , k
To thteKHtr tns Byfh Lsife-l'
Sir I have Just read Mr. Fryasfs aritl
ebm ef my letter as to bow high iarMt on
iaeostrlea aad fraa trade-on" tab-Tdetrl-meotal
to the general welfare tt M,aiod,
werttoeopie abate eaoel beaeata laoathera
blah oV low. tar, r iadoatrUe la aaytalag
Ilka thesaaa ratio aa the saapaiSotaJrer
wlta eaVlpraaaat tree, trade ee) tabor, aa)
tM ajeeoly four dollars these attaas pay
(or the privilege of oompeUa wttb the
layal Aaaerteaa werkpeopls la tft aw way
eaaaparebte. to tbe benefits afleael by
soaaucsctitrsra under either a bipft ar low
He sabw ta'lltl there.
from some biased person, as he may not
even have been hatched yet He says my
statements are so false as to be laughable,
but again falls to prove It. I doubt
whether It ww amusing to the 100.000 poor
souls out of work In Chicago on February
11, 1908. when the Federation of Labor
warned all craftsmen to stay away, or to
the 400,000 Idle people In New York city
when the Federated Labor Union urged
'. -iSttln(f of subway contracts, or to the
il'?.Si .,dJ. ,n th0 Kensington district
Philadelphia, reported by the labor union.
February 10, 1908, or to the thousands
, ,-201 ln tM ra,n ,n Toledo on March
H. 1908, for their loaf of bread, or to the
1B00 applications for 300 Jobs advertised
by Joseph Campbell Company, Camden, In
hla own State, on August 10. 1908, and
lots of others If space permitted. He says
this Roosevelt panic only lasted three
weeks. I have already cited distress
amounting to eight months with the end
nowhere In sight, nnd yet he saya this
dreadful state of affairs was only a fiy
speck in comparison with 1893. Comment
aa to the veracity of that assertion Is
superfluous. Never, aa long as water rum.
and grass grows, will tho American work
people get the protection from foreign com-
StVi,1 ,abor' hty are iu"y entitled to
until Congress enacts a tariff or head tax
on Immlgranta in the same ratio as the
tariff on industries. This will bring only
the better class Into this country and they
w moke good citizens ; and above all? it
will gHe the American workpeople genu
ine protection from foreign competitive
labor which they never had alnce this coun
try haa been in existence. Personally I
don't care If n. million come here every
month, but If the American workpeople
don't bea Ir themselves and compel Con!
gress to give them adequate protection they
will. In the near future, haye cause to
tld.lM.FSrnME? "OnKINOMAN,
Philadelphia, November 1.
What Do You Know?
Ouerte. of general Merest will u anewered
Is IMs column. Ten outstlons. Ike answmtl
vhlch every well-lnormed P,M th9uld know
art asked dairy. ""'
Wllt Ifl mdfaflt hv ..... aa w. .
. ..ssaainK in TOWT
"nuundlar sleek" ef s
What U tbe
A"" .""'i'f.'T.' "" f-!Pto-a.T
W. MMtrrT "-""" "ssi neiiaare Is
TatlVat'' B"n, hr Me,.el rearesen
Wbst are Tessa RansertT
Answers to Yesterday's Qulr
Corrupt praedtes actil te paalsh eleettes
t, Meslesa bsrrati sauH deakers.
ab,aLi.J,j,j-sr 'n i.
el. PmaaiesBt St. m-lc. st aavwsaO
a 1U.LI...; Al.-. J.a wmwnmr
- gTB i.K.,r"BS! K
T1'.. Wat af tt. nn.iin'thl.a I
The Dasaaettc Tawkey ;
Mater a "Waot Jto Ttm
ttMla wfr'-i-nll MftV Mrtu A
'Is baUavad te hejve oasao doa
spaeies wansw-ssr asoas
aa wbo batleves that, heap,
fbaaaB. sin ia P. sallll tUBkabW m osbia
of Mexlee. takea from that eaaatrr pTS.
lope ia the aaveBtaeath osattbrp. OJkt bi4glt
aaek from Burope te the VMIsd ausaeU
cas iiiiisissiw our wild
turkey is a distinct spools. -Per tbe Lotto
nh to rmir o'wa
. W. T.
jftMer" Ita
gipsy- Aay
P-es sa wvobbt.
mestlo turkey of the best sort, I am strongly
of the opinion that the domestic turkey .has
come down from the wild species without
any cross-breeding whatsoever. Between
the wild gobbler and a first-class domestic
gobbler, about the only difference discerni
ble Is that the domestic bird has light-gray
upper tall coverts, and the same feathers
of the wild bird are colored like those of
the remainder of the back."
Decimal System in England
E O. O. Following the similar action
last May on the part of the Association of
Chambers of Commerce of the United King
dom, the British Imperial Council of Com
merce, at a special business conference held
ln London, has voted the following resolution:
'That the British Imperial Council of Com
merce be requested, by representation to the
Imperial and Dominion Governments, and
otherwise, to make every effort to bring
about the adoption throughout the empire
of a uniform decimal system of weights,
measures and currency. In order that trade
relations with foreign countries may be de
veloped and extended."
It la a curious spectacle in Wisconsin,
where he Democratic candidate for United
States Senator Is claiming to be as good
a Democrat aa Mr, La Follette la. Spring
field Republican.
Would France and England have written
that malt aeizure note to any President pt
the United States otheft than Woodrow
Wilson? Brooklyn Times.
2JS and 8.15
AT 11 P. M.
Erenlnss and Saturday Matinee, 25o to 81.
OTHEH MATS.. 25c. 60c. 78a
TONIGHT-Doors Open at 7
Election Returns w by
lata ,. 1IOUSIJ
Aa U 1AIIrrWICH nill.V
HT.. m-j.. r .
ROUS A I miDrnmnr.
and Ills and tbe Marvelous
UANU IllAbLET, OM .tot
Special Midnight Show
Tonight Extra Midnight sw
Crow. Keys MARS.,i? st
M0THBRG0O6E "L,' ' "
&&'A"?' il'
ijitiua wrBgton
,mEVL. !.as)sa hi A
WfLJH1 yHaol lOflle
Mi.! smsrJSffSOtmn-.
TIm If crOwMt
Xwoalrat erf m CMHnt
IT . r
Ten knew, my rrfetras, wtth Traat B'i
We put a Second Mortgage on ar "
no msm m im on me In
And thooght to ralea soma Chick
ik& i.gwPt
Caswiki ef the .Day'a WerU,
XtTB WERE aoeaklnr Dm niK.
W we shall speak of It, Dt-Vt; omi
dars. of the dedication of books. M
a subtle art In thla, and there art?
who write who, out of sheer fear
me ueaicaiory pnrs.se. jonn Masefle
think, haa dedicated all hla books
wife, nnd nna nfh Ih.4. .l.
simple "To A. U ll." prefacing all thai
ui innij vujrier jiunner may be
rucci, tei mere is one de
to a wife that hnuM km ft. .
alongaide those of the artists. ThhrJ
"ii" nuicii rum Aiaaox iiuener wr
his remarkable atory of "Idlee
una ii i x.cn. xtrra u is:
TO V. It. V
My Dears Such aa It Is, Ukall
dw,i w fc yuura. x nava w
at It harder I think, than at any
a vc, niuto, uevauae it .was to r
you. And In proportion to the har
of the worlr. an T hto fk. .
failure, llut this I can aay ana
jruu Know ia do irue mat where
ronrs bv aurrit!nn if i.i..
S! OXS!. J. ' "".ne- th t,
....urU m ui ii. ii a rutuity.
If It roes out with th t.tf IV
name upon Ita forehead It will alva!
aa lAat k u.t. . .. . " I
av iiiuui pleasure aa In ta
S3.. .ZZ l t from
"tllisj VI UUUHB, Ji f
Market Abovo ICth
Everybody'a Candidate
Extra Midnieht PtsrformaT
nnuuni,nu TiinoUQHOUT XHE
PALACE "JS i11,?
" w aotoef aTk'JI
PRICES. lOc, Sews
TTtTTA-KT urs-nrrrr
'"1 1UAAX1XN ii"
Extra MidrilOrrlf. PoWnrmer
Thurs, Frt., Bat.. Lenore Ulrlch in "Inti
ALL TIH9 V7VV.V"iiii? J.l!i?S
Douglas Fairbanks"
TIlTAWnTf Btrninnw 4
"American Aristocracy'!
NEED AMY unnic nm mini JCM
Extra Midnight Perforraan
XVJllVJlillN 1 Daily. 16e: Evenln.w(
rrrnwr. nT.m .:2H i f?fiS
In 'THE MADNEflH nv llltl.liv.
Thurs., Frl . Sat., "GATES OF EDBtT
'w vj.wat. o A. M. to llslj ;
. , TltlANQLE Pre
wnrmn !! marina
Extra Mirlnirrlif PniAimtn
T,??ED7li??rVon? Comedy nuitod Tri
Thurs., Frl., Bat., In the Diplomatic B
TWRTr1 TONiairr at s.-is
Election Returns 4?,!Mtfw
t? 0ll .
w,th ED. WYNM
and N.T.WInter Oanlen Co, of 150
IltlttilS IAKUWJSLIj Wllbbl
iiinim i-oiiiiveiy jeoos Bat., iMoea
Boston National Grand Opera!
flaw! VllCSd. Zenaullo. ifaVlanort. Ti
Kvs.. IRI8. Tamakl Mlura. Cnalmera. U
Wednesday Mat,. HANBEl, AND ORETBl
WInletikaJa. Martin, Ilallhter. We3ii
Evr., 1AMORl DKI TRB KB, Vlllaat.?
Friday Kvi BOHRMB. Terte. aaudansl
J?r"-t.8t.t.ur,1lr',v iUPAMA BUTTWi;
Tamakl Mlura. Martin. Chalinars.
Omce. ;iM Chestnut street. Prices. . to I
TtVirrPfif". JH?""1 SnasaejeienU Er4 fi
A' Ui X Cfl li Th a Wm)t. UnTlVwla v.Wad. Al
. . : -,.-.-- .,.. j-
i-op. Mat.Today 50c to ? U
aT A TTT1TT TVttT a o uiv imnlV
VJfVlVXViUjtV, - " Yraaaaaa BBS ta I
A, K. WOODS rraamU
.-."" - WMar. SO l I
svi A X UCATfl
HAaxjyi JJe,H)C
the' woman wSq fai
auponoN Rsrrusucs tematn a i
VnikAlVw.1ra ? ASee
T2r """ sta-Tuaa..
"rjit Hone