"'"M "? w ilW WWWWtWWwh BV1SWING LmK5B--,EHILAEfKCPHlA; MONDAT, JUVJBMBB i"ll ezass EVERY WOMAN CAN LOOtf YEARS YOUNGER THAN SHE1 IS By LUCREZIA BORI rrtma Donna of th Metropolitan Opera Conipnr "TUa. oM m looks.- Thin, WOMA I h tnswlrs. LumnwMr?-":;"v- , for rery wom ;., A. the I !!wii old before her time tin Mn who Brown u. h-.uh or or- row has robbed her of her brilliant col orlntc and silvered her hair. I speak of tha woman who allows hereolf to lone her attractive ness through neglect: the careless one, who Is too lftxy to devote a certain portion of each day, to Increase the beauty of her physical being-. It Is next to a crime for URKKIA BOHI thelr BRe8. ken there are other sensible women. Tl- "ponce de Leon, are ever search P'.Ir.h. Fountain of Youth which Is ,v . ..-. - AfTvnran. lOU cafl Utf In tneir uwu .-.-" .7 rlf. "nhake oft the years" by devoting .". .- . vVir.hnur. night nnrt r "- """ vur Physical 10 "i - " ,1 of your physical H Impossible for the most cameo-llke Ji in lOOK yOUDK UniT5l lici vm..ta..... flkr ana."" T. ik: Vi r. the DNinani cuiu " - - .-. i health If youth IS 10 do reisineu you t neUUI. "",...,-,- -I.,.,,!. linn A exercise xo dihiiui ,..- .. ...... .k muscles In condition : you must pwi.mii food that will properly -i.i. k. nndv vou must breathe deeply the open air wherever It la possible, and roust aid nature in " i"- the beauty wnn wmtii wm has h- d you . , . , . ktlt order to Keep me ritin ncni mn fcL'esom looking It Is necessary to keep lfaulltely clean. The face should ho Mkmed t IfuSl ones hiuiiiii, mm tnta Hr It ihould bo cleansed with a reliable ? a.- I. nn. hatt Vian tVi tV1. irinc formula: h CLEANSING CIIEAM p."- jtttft WSX .....v... , mnsceii wt aimona ou Hlled wster Vrrlle acid Kfltih the cream well Into the skin and i wipe tno lace ivun a boil lowei or a of . cheesecloth. -When tho pores have been cleansed a ikln food should oe Kneaded into the tits. It is best to use mis Dcrore re- Irtef and allow a coating to remain over M tkln aunng me steeping noura. Hero i tee recipe for a skin food that Is most factory: til sweet almonds 4 ounce ra v o arams . S ounce 3 ounces .13 ouncea . 3 ouncea 2 ouncea 90 Brains e) drftma .... a orsms R ouncea ounce Oram dram Spermaceti CllvrlM ' Orsnae flower water':': 'l ouncei OH of neroM ""lrr ,. J ouncea ii or pimento ' 12 "jrore glyceerlntht0ofl,r,8t ,hV"' " "Z Pourlt.iiuw,).TxJn ,h8 mixture: then cZlnuou0.?, ,nt th' b,cnded "t8' "' toUkIennl?h.nM eMary t0 "" the face that ti?. .i?.,lsms ",d mu"cl nn so wrinkle '" "0t becom8 llnd 'wllh on7yto,nr.nl,.. r,equ,r' "tlon. not to f!reril?lt L" fr0m. turnlnB " but urlant VrnJ.h "hJ"I nnrt 'courage Its lux- falthfunv--SbJ.let Ln vlew Um thls tonl will h ,nd !.h b'nuty of ou- "" win be preserved: IIAIR TONIC ri. n!ilcAVrS- "'"-anthnrt-le; .".'.'."..:.'.' ? o or S5,l"n ,noor ....... d Th .;:.. '".:'. . M dr.r nr ih. V "' " mo expressive reature Jinii. - w:he".they "re brilliant wllh h?lv .1 ""Imatlon. It Is necessary to linn it.r.'m 'r"ueny with a soothing lo ? h3l. w encourage a healthy condl tlon and malto them clear of color. It they .,!i .n?.t?uWom '"named and burn r.m niT.i b.nth them dally with an eye cup filled with this lotion: ntK WASH Pure borlo add i .,,. So:.Jo? .r;e?i u0.ur eyM nre apparently In a perfectly healthy condition bnthe them at least two or three times a Week. It Is a well-known fact that age usually robs the neck and hands of their beauty berore attacking the balance of the features. Therefore, you must pay attention to the tissues of the neck and the delicate cover ing of the hands that they do not become wrinkled and flabby. Massage the neck, with skin food or cocoa butter when the neck Is scrawny nnd the flesh hangs In loose folds. These fattening oils will nourish the tissues, making them Arm and filling ln the hollows. When the hands are thin nnd the skin Is wrinkled use the following cream, which will glvo the skin the proper nourishment: SKIN FOOD FOR HANDS Cocoa butter l ounce gliot sweet almonda x ounce Oxide of tlno i dram Horax . . . 1 dram Oil of bersamot . .0 dropa Preserve our youth arid beauty as long as you can. Make up your mind never to look your age by deotlng a few minutes every day of your life to ward off the touch of Father TImo. (Copjrrtxbt.) 1 teaapnonful 'HOUSEHOLD HINTS teaks, and How to Prepare Them lTTIffiN a man boasts that he has had Rlf "an awfully good lunch" or dinner, nine Hbwjoui oi ten ne nas naa a good steaK. a uucK, juicy steaic, pernaps arapea a variety of vegetables on a plank, or a simple mushroom sauce, seems to be iferace roan's conception of a perfect ,k Is not always the high priced lux- X so many housekeepers seem to be- The prices vary, of course, according tte cut On some cuts there Is so little and so much real nutrition that, all considered, the steak does not cost as In the actual value It gHes as the southt "cheap cuts." The cut of steak TMHt be selected according to Its nutrition itWie. There Is also a method to be ob. ea ln Its preparation, for (many a per- ketly rood steak Is hopelessly handicapped k U cooking. Viit most nutritious steak and, lncl- y, the cheapest of all steaks Is the of the round. It Is flavorful, has the food value, and, like tenderloin and ip, there Is no waste. In these cuts its not the waste of bone and flank e pays for in sirloin or In porter- derloln Is the most expensive of all I costing anywhere from twenty-five e,t 1 a pound. Although It Is tender. i virtually no flavor. It Is really the aes rather than the flavor or nu- i value, that one pays for ln steak; uentiy, it Is possible to attain the i result by preparing a cheaper, fiavor- rather than purchasing the more rculs. steak Is to be broiled, be sure It Is t three-quarters of an Inch thick. It slble to broil proDerly a steak that i thin probably half an Inch or leas. . better a small, thick steak than a I thin one. Ukle the steak with salt, nenner nnd i nd broil for about ten minutes If It srea rare, or twelve minutes If pre- wen cone. The stenk should be Constantly. Never nhnuM If h 1 with a fork. Sometimes this Is done ) turn the Steak, nr to nnVn aura Ihnt 1 tenter, and It la !mnt mm ir. nnit "eat. Steak that Is to be broiled should i unoer any circumstances, be either vr pounded. IS now on the market n uncial Wi mounted on a metal nlato tvuv. leaill It Is nosalhln nlmnlv n nl..- ik on the rack end lenva It !..,- . mn. returning at Intervals to turn It, --. ...o mtiv in . piaio io caicn any '' that they are not wasted, and -prevent the dripping of Juice Into k and maklnir tVin Anmia fla 4 US meat In emnln Tf a hFiilu- I. , llable. it Is possible to broil steak li.i V pan that u heated and sprin-1l.- it nere ls a recP fr mush- jj " "i maKea a delicacy of any J cupful of mushrooms, two cupfuls of r,,i. . tspoonlul8 ot nour fou" ta- i hk hm ."".": " "a pa? -... I k, -L "uoin, nxir in nour tS7Ai5en acJ(1 the stock. As soon i. mush ' " ? i &?; aajuf am -miiisu ijiuBiirooms , Allow tn llrnm., aK.. i.a.. ramnvi ::. -"""'. "" f Zul?" t0 l.h . urf icfc Then add h th. ....' "na "nmer five minutes. -- -u.., over the steak in a hot (Copjrrlrtt.) 0&- I Outer Garment Shop From Maker to Wearer Our reaion for elllns below coat la doe to our email expantes, as we are out of the hltii.rent district. Our 110 and 148 Halts at $18,50 Our Its and (SO Baits at $15.75 . All th nw want4 cloth with Hudson M trlmmlna- irur tF-u uui vroot. ildlnv H All lulti InttrFiW Linlnta, $16.90 -spar ftiWiSt J2V&L TODAY'S FASHION .i4aw 1 la I tn ot French alpaca. rather A modish costume for the smart parlor maid. FASHION demands that the parlor maid be frocked ln gray. This trig costume The bodice Is fitted snugly, with long, close-fitting sleeves. It buttons In front with small alpaca-covered buttons. The. gored skirt is quite full. The collar and turned back cuffs are of tucked organdie edged with lace. The pointed apron ls of the same sheer material, with trimmings of lace and tucking. The strings are of black gros grain ribbon. The cap of organdie, with streamers of black ribbon, corresponds with the apron. (CopyrlsbL) ill B H Don't pay butter pricos for salt. Usually an ounce of salt is added to a pound of butter. This is done for various reasons to relieve flatness, lack, of taste i or to cover up some un pleasant flavor and sometimes just to add weight. MERIDALE BUTTER recclvea less than halt an ounce of salt Juit a pinch to brinif out the doilcate flavor ot the rich, sweet cream from which It is churned. To buy butter that ls all butter ask your grocer for Merldale or phone AYER&McKINNEY 'teSKStf PhlUdelpbU Bill Phone, Mtrket 1741 Koystoae Phone, Mala 1W Look lor thi "Mtrloll". vrappirair-Htbt, dutt- ana e4w-proif-at toof trocm. W; ' K ' mm vlaBBBBBBBBm. S' aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm iSk . O. P. kl; THE REV, GEORGE COHAN ENTERS THE PHOTOPLAY ARENA EACIIES BAPTIST CLERGYMEN MARK EACHES JUBILEE Tender Luncheon to Vetcrnn in Celebration of Fiftieth Pas toral Anniversary The Itev. Dr. O. P. Kachei, eteran Bap tist clergyman of wide reputation, was ten dered a luncheon today by Baptist mln'slers after their weekly meeting In honor of tho fiftieth anniversary ot his ordination The speakers at the luncheon, held at Olmbel's. were the'Hev. Dr Itussell H. Conwell. the Rev Dr. A. J. Rowland, of the Baptist Publication Society: the Rov. Dr. W. A. Stanton, the Rev. Dr. John Gordon, dean of the theological department of Temple Unl prslty: the Rev Dr. J. M, P Chlldroy and the Rev Dr. David X. Spencer. Doctor Kachcs was born near Phoenlxvllle nnd was graduated from Buckncll ln 1863, taking his degree from the theological semi nary attached to tho college In 1865, He served as first sergeant In the Twenty eighth Emergency Regiment during the Cill War and was ordained to (he ministry shortly after the close of the strugcle. He was appointed pastor at Hlghtstown, N. J., In 1870, and resigned In 1913, after forty three years of sen Ice. The veteran clergyman did notable serv ice for his Church during his pastorate, drawing 1400 young men to the church nnd sending ten young men Into tho ministry He was secretary of tho New Jersey Bap tist Education Society for a quarter of a century and also served as Its president. Ho Is a trustee of Peddle Institute and of Crozer Theological Seminary, and Is an author of repute His distinction In this line, together with hl3 theological acumen, gained him the degree of Joctor of dMnlty from Johns Hopkins Unherslty. EXTRAVAGANCE BLAMED FOR SOARING COST OF LIVING C. J. Houseman Says American Fami lies Live Beyond Mci a j NEW YORK, Nov. 6. Waste nnd extrav agance and tho mad desire of nearly every American family to lle beyond Its means are mainly responsible for the present high cost of living, according to C J House man, of A. A. Houseman &. Co., members or the New York Stock Exchange. Mr. Houseman ridicules the explanations of economists who attribute the rise In prices to" the Inrush of foreign gold and the expan sion of bank credit. "We complain of the cost of living as If It were an affliction that had been laid upon us mysteriously," he says, "whereas the great cause ls our way of living, and the remedy lies In our own hands. We are all of us so busily engaged ln satisfying an In creasing number of luxurious tastes that we haven't the time to study the simple Implications of our extravagance." "Snappy Stuff" Likely na Result of Comedinn'a AfilHntton With Artcrnft By the Photoplay Editor Putting his well-known flag Into his vest pocket nnd waving aside entreating brain children In the shape of embryonlo plots, George M. Cohan Is about to dash Into the movies. Accordingly, the George M. Cohan Film Corporation was organized last week In New York city. Work on the first plo ture (title not given) will begin Imme diately. In consonance with his custom, the Irre pressible Oeorge will be tho "whole show" In the productions. Ho will play In some of tho films, and ellrect them nil. It Is In ferred, and his stock of old stage successes will be drawn on for tho output. L New pieces, too. will be ulsed by the ner getlc gentleman for his contributions to the Artcraft program, his releasing agency. This corporation also Is handling Mary Plckford's features. Usually when a famous actor steps Into celluloid shoes, with big type announce ments of what he will do, there Is cause for fear and horror among the Initiated not of Jealousy, hut of despair of the result. Pic ture Veterans hao seen too many "bloom ers" turned out by men expert In their own line, )et sadly out of focus with tho camera-eye No such dire climax may be forecast for Mr. Cohan, who ls a person to do things thoroughly and competently, or not at nil. It Is known that for many months he has been studying the require ments of the screen, and presumably ho has been cutting his cloth to fit the popu lar measurement. The Cohan touch of melodrama plus comedy ought to be adaptable and welcome to the films Thomas H Ince. the shrinking lolet of nimdom, nnd his principal scenario writer C Oardner Sullhnn, are about to unleash another great spectacle, following up "Cll llsatlon," which has enjoyed long runs ln New York city and Is on Its way to Phila delphia via the Chestnut Street Opera House. Within another month, unless the omens foretell something wrong, the picture will bo under wny When asked for nd Nance Information as to tho unnamed film pageant, Mr lnco Is reported to have re plied that It would be bigger than tho biggest to date D W OrlllUh please write; regards to Herbert Brcnon. William Fox plans to release one big nun robinson & crawford buws AT ALL OUR STORES WHERE QUALITY COUNTS BUTTER BARGAINS $m yt"&u 'v.u&vr rsJSSS JLtV WAV .A WT.'rtWBKS fr g w Are You Particular? Particular people always buy g Butter at uur stores because the protection we give them, both as regards quality and price, is dou bly welcome and valuable in this important commodity. If you are particular, you will take advantage of this opportunity and prove to your own satisfac tion and saving how well it pays to ouy iiu":r "Where Quality Counts" GOLD SEAL BUTTER ib. 43c Cold Seal is the highest grade of freshly churned Butter. It is made from the richest golden cream in the most modern cream eries in the country. The more particular you are about the But ter you use the more you will ap preciate the fine flavor, delicious fragrance and superior keeping qualities of "Gold Seal." HY-LO BUTTER ih- 40c CA-RO BUTTER 36c You'll hava no Butter trouble If you buy your butter "Where Quality Counte" ROBINSON & CRAWFORD special fiiotofilajr monthly, featwrln The iiara or William Farnum. Tne project, 11 Is said, waa prompted by the recent Art craft and Seltnlck schemes. Hearken to Terry lUmsaye, publicity di rector for Mutual ' ''Ignaca Paderewskl, the man who can get more harmony out of ' grand piano than any man living ever could out of a tlnpan, the Polish gentleman who holds the world's record for note-hurdling. Journeyed way out from Los Angeles to Hollywood, Cal . to spend the day with Charlie Chaplin at the I,one Star studio the other day "After watching the Mutual'a half-mil-llon-dollsr comedian throw lemon cream pies for half an hour, the great musician clapped his hands together and shouted 'Uraxol Dravol What technique! What finesse! What a grand piano player has the motion picture lostl What a great pie thrower has tho muste world gained ln the line Mr. Chaplin! "On the same day another distinguished lsltor was spending a few hours at the American studios at Rants narbara. This latter was Jess Wlllard, champion hemy wclght pugilist of the world, who had been Invited out to tnko a look at the handsome actor, mil Russell, who holds a few rec ords of his own among amateur boxers. "Hussoll was made up as an Indian for the plav. 'I,one Btar. In which he Is star ring. Wlllard was too polite to ask many questions, but on his way back to Los An (teles he asked some one If Russell were a real Indian William Is thinking of taking tho pugilist on for a bout or two " Theatrical Baedecker OAnitlCK "PoUsh and Trlmotttr In PotMr." wllh Hurney Jirnrl Mnntnru Olnns end Ho! Cooper .Stearic's sequrl to "I'otnsh and Irlmuttr. LVntC "Tho I-minInc Show of 1010," wllh Ed Vnn. HM! AshDn. William Phllbrlek. Frwl Vtelton And - Isrrs company. Th New York Winter lrrtn" neeond Importation of the esson Into 1'hlUdelphls, LrTTLn TIIBATKH "I ltrnture." by Pchnltt- rpeKiiur," by ndwerd uooJ- mp i'Aior BioKa. snu hv Phllln Mnllftr. with the Vhlncton Kqunrn PUrors from New lorn cuy. nri nir or wen - near." t Tche)ho . "A Rnailhnune In Arden." by Philip Mnelier. "Interior," bv Maeterlinck, and 'Ptrtrei Patelln." fifteenth century farcss. lat ter half of week. BnOAI "Mltrr Antonle." with Otl RMnner America a moat erallle end finished charae. ter actor, la a delightful Imperaonatlon The play la atmialn. hut thin Indormvl by the Drama League. FOimKSTT "Zlecfeld Tolllea." with tna Claire. r nn iirice. Anna renmnatnn. liert vvi ama Nmkj Hw ISuseiiaM Ttajaaisii. The try of a lrl fttrbt alnt oVireSil t fa la, with th uiuat ro mantle touches arrd wnwnr inrown in KNtCKItnnoCKKR "Th Kama TnH CliH. rren. wiiirwinna Lmnerir ana inaries Moore, lobert McUruahlln'a drama of aoctoloslral area." wltrnAnna Dotiertr and Charles Mosro. uoDcri AicLnianun'a nrama m aocioroaira conditions marking tha return ot several itnicKaroociter ravoruea, FEATl'IlK riLMB BTANI.KT "lsa Than tfce neat Artcraft, with. Marr Plckfonl. all week Th feature, directed by John Kmeraon waa written by Hector Turnbull and autteate.1 by Laurence Hone a roem of that tills tn th cast Marr .laen. IJavtd powvll and Frank Ke The a India various anon subjects aieo Ah lftCAla siren AnCADIA "American ArUtarrary." rtn Arts. Trlantle, with Donslaa Fairbanks all week Anita I.ooa'a etory deallns with ammunition acmes tne Mexican i Mates embarso. ahipmenta acrcia we unirea Mexican torder, despite innera Kden." Metro. nan or witk tllltil. UllWVillf "1 II ler. "F.utenlcallr Ppenkl man: "In April.1' b Kn 'llelenaa lliuhnnd." li llernard Granville. company jenin annneraary production 01 imii iiosera and a blv tt amoua froth and frivol Institution UETJtOPOt.ITAN OPHUA llOUSIV-"llli. Hip. Hoprnv," with Tharlotte the ekater. Couea .!. t iim. .i e wins, t narlea T Aiiuirii nun munv epciailPia A circus m auaeiue, ore nil fcomi thrni rlnr rasa band and ekatlni. AnKt.ritl "Einerlence." wllh Erneat Olen illnnlnr A "modern moralllv play" with more rrumanneaa than sraced "Kerywoman " rhere'a a larsa caat Cllendlnnlne acta superbly at popuin rniCEs WAIJ4UT "T1m Woman Who Tald." wllh (PRONOUNCID OVTINC) a? TKe Mora of Famovia SKoaa I itf M ""MM aai I V 1230 Market Street Dress Shoos for Men, Ocutlng designed nrostjled up to tho ery top notch of smartness, jet nlways with an unmistakable masculine air This Oxford seems to have the call combining for mal appearance with danc ing comfort. Both patent and dull $6 and J7. Some prefer tho pump or the lux urious dress boot with rich cloth top Both Stores 1230 MARKET 19 South 1 1th PALACK "HJtehrraft." t,aakr Paramount, with t'annl Ward nrat half of week, Dr Tl llaleton Iteed a prlie-wtnnlns scenario In the Columbia .Unlreralty conteat "The Heart of Hetennh," Momaco Paramount, with Lienor Ulrlch. latter halt of week, Othera. riKanNT "The , Madness of Helen." World nrady, with Ethel Clayton and farlyle Plack- Trii, iirwi . nan oi weea --1 ne iiaiea oi with viola Dana, the latter Others VICTpniA -"Flftr-rifty." Fine ArtTrlanle. wllh Norma Talmada and J W Johnston nrt half of week "In the IMptnmallr Here. Ice." Metro, with Francis X Huilman and Hererly llajne, latter half of weak Kejaton comedies MK1.MONT "The Common I.rw." Seltnlck with Clara Kimball ouni and Conway Tearle, all week ,u..l,y.r",'OTe "rd Hate." Fox. wllh Perth Kf.11?!!1 "?' Monday, with dally chanse ot bill thereafler, C1E8TNUT STREET OPERA HOUSE "A Dsnihlcr of the t.ods," wllh Annette Keller mnn and Ullllam Shay Spectacle and beauty of the beet, but somewhat lacklns In dramatic alsnlflcancc VAUDKVILI.R KEtTH'B Grace 1 Ruei "Mary Ann." with llermlne 8hone and company, Arthur Deairon. Aon Comedy Tour. Maleta lioncont. Mario I.o and compani, Danube Quartet, Hurley and Hurley Iiooth and lesnJr ami Rellr-Trlbune new a pictorial aijOllB -VA Day at Ocean Peach," De Horla'a Three Typea the Melody Four, Ka st. S3 Trt JlmJ8i "Sa?j4a!&'' fi asrwei mw ewwatTty, antss)k aSv ORANl "jMelo- -J4Mree. m,4 XalXtv IM . 2? Valdos. JhjTcHtyr lt JTrl?, qpraai m3 m Drew. McCermltk n Tirewti, (Srn aai fLtHAjSr.'rT-nfh, aiephen an nnremell. tha Ke! Cgmpainy, JoaeaMna Dula and irw in -inn rviaa at tti first half of srk "Schoot tatre,M Xioulton Cot and Joyeav Caeaaball, and Mortari and wun it 11. wi wees ne fflr HellaU ie." ik.lasiaaaT im. vetfflK rriaoe," ik at Ith II n. Warner, photoplay, latter ha CRO58 KF.TS "Mother Doom and Chi rremm an ween uoroinr Ble CemMinv. Auraa Trio. Tasmania others, rfret half of th week. Trio others Mop Ttteev. Velct<- larAll. ..... .-- lT'TT"- ..-.- fan, jiMit 91 weK rank. MINSTRELS DUMONrS "Wblt Teeth and Baker irminia." sarin rwi 11 Otlwr tmrtsHiV rUt or. i uwyrt in Tnib.tV rini DunrBufl, ins Diu nURLKSQUB CA8INV-Moltt . WniUmi'n Own mib xuiismi nprvrir Tn "-'" m mrsav -w., M ia " aM . . se slth urli burlettaa are 'The. Halloween Some Sanatorium," Mies WI! new dance entitled 'The Dane I Conuiaier. fwe mwMl 'arty- aM laa Wllllama has Enticement." Hellcs or Ethiopia Unearthed BOSTON, Nor fi Dispatches from Cairo Indicate that the Egyptian expe dition sent out by the Boston Museum of Fine Arts and Harvard University, under Dr George A Relsner, has made Int. portnnt discoveries supplyinr much of th hitherto unknown history of Ethiopia. ' FRENCH, DRY CLEANING rinsh Casta ami Velvet Rnlts made to leek like new br our Meclal 1'roeeaa. Try na. Oct Our Price IJet EMPIRE CLEANERS VtS,;;'- Prominent Photoplay Presentations xoraaiKMi gfiom&ti Soufow Jhuwru rpiIE follonlnx theaters obtain their picture! throoih the STANLBY Bklnt Comi.snr, which l n cuarantee of early liorrlnr of the (lorn prodactlone. AH nlrfares revlcord before eslitliltlon. A. for tbe theater In jour lacallt kUlaiat pictures thrauth tha 8TAN1.KY UOUKINU COMPANY. "" ISth.Morrlifc Iaeeyunk Ave. Mat Dally 2, Eira G-43&D Paramount Pictures. ' ' jar j & 3 India and Ceylon XPl C Imitators There Are Rivals There Are None Alhambra CInrn Ktmknll Vnimn In TUU ...... . w .n COMMOV l.AW'J APOI I n 62I ANn THOMPSON ,nt7VT. MATINKB DAILY WIl.KltID I. CS In Ttl'MMY" uo- IUI.I ip. Ill PlKK In inth Chnpter ot ' m.O!tlA 8 ROMANCE" ARCADIA CHESTNUT DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS in 'AMERICAN A1USTOCRACV BELMONT Sffl..AyrV8SL,:i Clara Kimball YounK ,n "T,IB " 1 I J ""'K COMMON LAW" PFHAR WTH AND CRDAR AVR iJL-irV PARAMOUNT THRATER PRANCKS NKI.SOV and AltTllt'Il ASHLEY jrLyEVOL,r; FAIRMOIINT 2flT11 AND Gail Kctne in "The Scarlet Oath" 'TUB BI1IELD1NO RIIADOW" FRANKFORD "ll f"anTvSuE LOU TELLEGEN in "VICTORY OP COS'SCIENCE ' CeTU CT THEATEn. MATDA1LY. 00 R-low Kpruce Umts 7 to 11. MARGUERITE CLARK in "MICn'AND MEN- JEFFERSON Tli rETaupl,,N KATHRYN WILLIAMS in TltEJtfE'ER DO WELL" T PAHPR FORTY-FIRST AND LEjtUEjI LANCASTER AVENUE VIRGINIA PEARSON in THE WAR SRIDE'S SECRET" 1 IRF RT V UnOAD AND L. I ti E. t 1 X COLUMBIA MARY MacLAREN in WHERE IS MY DAI OUTER V 'fC1 TCT MD AM1 LOCURT " LAJJij I Mnta 1 30 anl .1:10, ilKv, Eb o-io s. msn isi Trancla Ill'SFIMAN nn.l Peverly RAYNE In "THE DIPLOMATIC SERVICE- wkst piiii.Anr.i.rniA A tJ L llitAlJtiIV CHESTNUT MAE MARSH in "The Little Liar" KEYSTONE' SHE LOVED A SAIIXDR" FUREKA 40TIt MAUKUT fiTS ROBERT EDESON in THE I.K1IIT THAT FAILED" C ADr171M BSD A LNBDOWNK AVE. VjIlL.t1l EVtENI.MJ C.30 TO II, J. W. Kerrigan and Louise Lovely In "THE HOCIAL ItUCCANEER" Market St. Theater mSbw" Douglas Fairbanks FLITTIIATff. Every WedneeAay, Marl Waleamp In ."Liberty OVERRRnOIC MD HAVEitroitD w v iipivj wrv ll0I)4 Jon Unlt 0rch Harry Morey and Dorothy Kelly in THE LAW DECIDER PALACE 12W MAKKET STREET Vivian Martin IN Her Father's Soa PARK "'DOR ave. & dauphin st. . 1 "X1V MAT.. 5:111. EVO, e:s to li, DUSTIN FARNUM in "THE PARSON OlPANAMINTr PRINCESS 7io,lTRE1ETET MAI1EL TRUNELLK tn "The Heart of tha Hllla." Totnor . Chaa Chaplin In 'The Chaplin Review." Kver Tuea.. E Wllllama In Tha Bcarlet Runner RFfJFNT 1M MARKET BTREET Ethel Clayton & Carlylo Blackwell In "THE MADNESS OF HELEN" R1AI Tf. OEIIMANTOWN AVE. 1XI"-i-,1V'' AT TULPEIIOCKEN 8T. MARIE DORO TH0S- Roberts and '" """" THOS MEIOHAN . jn "COMMON GROUND" '""" R'll R V MARKET "8TREE.T "" u " BELOW TTlt BTREET MADAME BERTHA KALICH in , "LOVE AND HATE" lSll MARKET STREET I AND JULIET" The Chaplin Reiner" SAVOY THEDA BARA '? ,,"Ag Tomor , Chaa Chaplin In TIOGA 17TH AND,VENANa sts. EDNA GOODRICH in THE HOUSE OF LIES" VlfTnDI A MARKET ST, v a utvin ABO'E NINTH NORMA TALMADGE in "FIFTY-FIFTY" TANI FY market APOVE Ktfli OllNLtl tilts. A. M. to It-IB P. K. MARY PICKFORD in "LESS THAN THE DUST" NORTH PHILADELPHIA RIDGE AVENUE niDaiVENB JUNE CAPRICE in "THE RAOaED PRINCESS" HI1UTH PHILAnnLPIIIA O L Y M P I A brao AND J I I IV! r 1 A nAINDRIDQM NO rEKTOllMANCE TODAY TtJEdDAY- HELEN HOLMES In "Judith of ths' Cumberland! " Alio 'The Yellow Menace." When You Want to Know Where to Re (lOOn Plioloplaya Bead This Dally Pliotoqlay (lulde- In the Erenlnr Ledjer. EVENING LEDGER PHOTOPLAY CALENDAR FAERY MONDAY SUUJLCT TO CHANGE VhFK OF OCT. 30 TO NO. I A. . C THRATER AIilIAMBRA APOLLO ARCADIA HELM0NT CEDAR EUREKA FAIHM0UNT 56T11 ST. FKANKFOIU) OAItDEN .IEFFE11S0N LEADER LIDERTV LOCUST MAlJKEf STREET" 0LYMP1A OVEltBROOK I'ALACE PARK PMKCjfflS UKflENT nwwo ; RIDGE AVE. RUBY SAVOY STANLEY MOND Y The Little Liar Hho Loird u bailor Clara Kimball Yuunii In 'the Common Law Wilfrid Lucas. In Rummy (Horla'a Romance Douglas Falrhanks tn American Aristocracy Clara Kimball YounK, In Tho Common Law Frances Nelson, ln The Revolt Robert Edeson, In Th Lltht That Failed The Hcarlet Oath Th Shielding- Mmdoiv Marcuerlto Clark, In Mica and Men I.ou Tellejren, In Victory of Conaclenro J. W, Kerrljran, In Th Social Ducraneer Ksthryn Williams In Th N'er Do Well Vlrrlnla Pearson In The War Hrlde's Secret Mary MscLaran In Yhera la My Daughter? Framla X Puahmsn. In Th Diplomatic Service Flirting With Fat Liberty No Performance Today Harry Morey In Th Law Decide I'annl Ward. In Witchcraft Duetln Farnum. In Th Parson ot Panamlnt Th Heart of the Hill In Chiplln lew Ethel Clayton, In Th Madneas of Helen Marl Doro. In Common Ground June Caprice, In Th Ratted Prlncea Madam Bertha Kallch, tn Lot and Hat Romeo and Juliet Th Chaplin Review Mary Pick ford In L Than th Duet TCEMY The, Lamb Mr Valet Clara Kimball Younr, In TJie Common Law Owen Moore. In llolllnu Mionea Douclaa Fairbanks, in American Arletocrscy Clara Klmhall Youns. In Th Common Law Duetln Farnum, ln The 1'areon of Panamlnt Norma Talmadce, In 'I ho rioclat Bfcrttury I OU TelUff.n. In The Victory of Conscience Pauline Frederick. In Th World' Oreat Bnar Victory of Conscience Ulorla a Romanc Alice Ilrady, In Tho Ollded Cag Juno Caprice, in Th Hatred Prlncea rlor;ilc,"n, Walton, in Tha Queet of Lit t I.ew Fields In The Man Vho Btood Btlll EDM.HIIY The Coward Fickle Fatty's Fall Clara Kimball Ynunt. In 'Ilia Common Lav. The Dawn of I.ove The Kiarlft Runner Douglas Falrlanks In Ainericun .rllo.rsiv Clarn Kimball Young" In 'ill Common Law An Innocent Mncdalcne His First False Slcii THURSDAY The Tliorouthbrtd Dollars unil Ilnso Vivian Martin, In Her Fa t lit r 'a fc'on The r Ilrlds'a Secret Keystone Comedy Doutias Fairbanks tn American Aristocracy II. Sotliern. In 'Ihe Chnttel William aillette, In Sherlock Holmes Mile. Olca Petrova, In Th Vampire Life's Mhadowa Crimson Plain Mystery Richard Ruhler love's Toll Nancs O'Neill In Tha Iron Woman Pranrta X, rtuahman. In Romeo and Juliet Theda Rnra. In The Serpent Francis X. Bushman I Mary Anderson. In The Diplomatic 8ervl Th Last Man The Wheel of the Lav. The Retired Princess Ths Surf Girl Libert Liberty . ..'J'1? Holmes In Mollis King, lu Judith of th Cumberland The Bummer Olrl , Ethel CIsyton. In Dustln Farnum. In Th Hidden Bear Th Parson of Panamlnt FannW Ward, ln Fannie Ward. In Witchcraft VUlchrrtft Wilfrid Lurta, in Mary MaeLaren. In The, Rummy Saving th Family Nam The Chaplin Review Tha Return of Eve Th Bcarlet Runner The Bcarlet Runner Ethl Clayton, In Ethel Clsytoi. In Th Madnsta of Helen Th Madness of Helen Walter Law, In Uctsle nsrrlscale, In Th Unwelcome Mother Plain Jane Th Dark Silence William 8 Hart, In Olorla'a Romanc. No. Th Patriot Antonio Moreno. In Tr,oi. Robert, In Th PvU' Pra Anton th Terrible " S!lf "i'"'! ln William 8. Mart. La Th Chaplin Review Th lieturn of Draw in Uary Plckford. In Mary Plekford In 1 Than th Dust ! Than th Dwt nyr i ii . mimm anWMii u.i' n mme i HBrc PsW w BP WNM PP Clara Kimball Vounc ln 'I hi Common Law Ths Dsvn of I.ove rlmson Etahi Mysttry. 3 ftp bronk llllnn. In Ths Hidden Scar Madnme liertha Katlch. Lot and Hsu In Th Bultana Olorla'a Romanes Ths Firm of (llrdlrston Crlmon Stein Mxiery ThTwln Trlannle Th Flrtman Lillian V'nlker In Th Diu Enveloiy Mysttry Francis X. Iluthmsn, In Romeo anl Juliet Wilfrid Lucas, In Th Rummy Mary Anderson In Tho Last Man The End of th Rainbow Liberty Third, Chapter of th Shielding Bhadow Flsi Jan Wilson In Th Evil Women Do Lernr I'lrlch In The Intrlcu Resale nsrr'ecsle. Plain Jane Th Olld'd re Th Scarlrt Runner V'o'a Dans, In Th Oatc ot Ed Allc Prsrty. In Miss PcttiooaU Her flurrendtr Th Yellow Menace Robert Edeson In Th Lltht That Failed Naomi Cbllderi Th Devil' T ere, In ne Marr Plckford In Lm 'Iks Mm Putt FRIDAY Will Durkc. In Petty I- Ido'a Fat Vivien Martin, tn Her Fathers Hon Vivian Martin. In The Btronter Love Douglas Fairbanks In American Arlstocrsry Clarn Kimball Ynunt, In The Common Law Fannls Ward. In Each Pearl a Tear Florenc La Hsdle, In The FutUlt Francis X Iluahman, In Th Diplomatic Seme Theodore Roberts In Anton th Terrible Each Pearl a Tear flhleldlng Shadow Jans ars) r Th Test Holbrook Rilnn In Prima Donna's Husband Theodora Roherts, In Anton ths Terrible William Nigh, In Life's Bhadow Antonio, Moreno. In Th DvllT Frit Th Bcarlet Oath Liberty The Eternal Question Lionel Psrrymor. Th Upheave! tn Lenor Ulrlch. ln Th Intritue Ms Murray In' Th lilt Bltttr Lov Never DIU Th Bcarlet Runner Viola Dana. In Th Dates of Kden Mary Plckford, In Hulda From Hllan4 J, Warren Kerrlss. la Th Billot BattW &KSk- Kiurr Ptstr. ta ,l TkWV UM DMt- VjlMMni AmiBui lltt TH SATURDAY Illlll Purke. In Peggy Fldo'a Fat Vivian Martin, In Her Father' Bon Uesale BarriecaU, In Plain Jan Uoutlaa Fairbanks, In American Aristocracy Clara Kimball Young, in Th Common Law .Th Dividend Mellnda'a Bluff Louis Olaum, lrt The Wolf Woman Fannl Ward. In Esch Pearl a Tear Theodora Roberts, In oniuii m lerriDi yirinl. Wa4 th. ch Pearl a Tear .P.'rM '1 .Krr. In Brltton of ths Seventh i J (Jail Kan, In Ths Bcarlet Oath Theodora Roberta. In Anton th Terribl PlMlrt Jm- Th Shielding Shadow Anton roe ileldlng Shadow ly. B.vllVl.rfi- lW?"J. P?&5i . Th Deseiter Th Chttilln Hevlew Virginia Pesrson la Th. War Urlde'a sces ...t -A'. Sees Ma Murray, in Th Illg Bitter Th Iwtritu Chsrlte ChsMIs, te) ru at INt Thtllt'A VtmifaEst TO Tke ArBhra Fmsi. nrMM i n i tmjT '" ''Msfj &? .ar jyttsi, HM