.t (MNEVIZZAVICINA Facaderenellemani flaiEFORZEITALIANE L,.rntmll Prtelonlcrl Sono ft',"" . ., xt!1 TVfnnl rlnrH Caauu "" -Italian! dal 6 Agosto Ulti mo Fino nd Oggi FwM PRESI IN 4 GIORNI ROMA. Novembre. I', nu-neci dalla fronte dl battaglta dlcono ti' DlfP1"-' ,..ii.- tnnno ner entrare sStVittaraievlii. Importante nodo stradale ",C?4ro OH austrlacl che si trovavano KSu . iono U vlolcntemente bom M "' .- jt.ll. .Inrtuta At Url 1 Jp'l'uUane operantl sull'altoplano del Srurono occupatenel lavoro dl organtx- ICLe nella preparailone dl un nuovo ? ".."" .i.-V.n I'nh'.ettlvn dl Trieste. t.ola operailone dl fanterla .1 ebbe In ll ouando II generate Cadorna Undo' un (', ? sulla strada Oppacchlaeell-Casta- .2.iliia a prendere una riuova positions, at t "..!. i.nn utmrs strateclcamcnte Im- TOW" M "" unie. Yntanto, alio scopo dl costrlngere gll . i ... italln frnnttt 41 'ik.iiahi a Kinrnarn iiui'fa JlCrta Ell austrlacl hanno operato furiosi lw" ".. ...II. J.I Ti-nvlrrnnln Pi- attacenl nena ""., ... -- r?' .i.o.i. vnlt crandl raasse nemlche rfwono lanclate all'assaHl delle posliloni J-Hallane, "'""- ". .1.11. T. ,u Vrlunere nno an unguis iw ""." "-" tftillana ma allora gll itallanl Inastarono rlebalonelie e ncaccmiunu ihmi . ...,.,. ? minirS delta Ouerra annuncla che 1 tn nuattro glornl sono statl fattl prlglonlerl 'm carso ovj auBuwi. , - -" - cMllL Dal g'Orno 0 Agosio, guaraiu iu '"hililata 1'offenslva che dledo agll Hallanl l dosmsso dl Oorlzla. gll Itallanl hanno lreo oltre bO.OQO prlglonlerl, compresl plu' 'dl mllle ufflclalt. I In nurtl clrcoll mllltarl si crede gll aus 1 triad non dlspongono ora per la dlfesa del Carsd che dl 200.000 uomlnl. Essl hanno aublto perdlte gravlsslme, glacche' non al iJaono accontentatl dl rimanere sulla dlfen Salva, ma hanno contrattacpato Benza guar liim nlle nerdlte. Prebabllmente 1 prlml glornl dl.nuesta - .l... ,ainnn lmnlfratl ilni-ll 'Itallanl Sin operazlonl aventl lo scopo dl allargare fl breccia aperta nclle Hnee austrlache a fiaiii Arl VlDDacco. operazlonl che so saranno f coronate da successo mctteranno gll Itallanl iln poitzlone dl coipire ano auese ai rriesie ?4tl Banco. La caduta dl Dornberg e dl Clfttarlna seenera l'lnlzlo dell'attacco dl- r iift iu Trieste. Ad ognl modo si attendono K jol awenlmentl Importantl In questa settl- r (nana, die potranno avero un peso non neve s'ltille operazlonl sulle altre frontl dl batta- hglla. 1?mo il testo del rapporto pubbllcato lerl fi Mra dal MInlstero del della Ouerra: Ji elia vanarsa e nena zona ui V- TihiMii n sull'altonlano dl Aslaeo !' firtlrllerla nemlca o' stata lerl plu' attira. Nalla valle del Travlgnolo, dopo aver Itentato un'azlone dlmostratlva sul Monte ICol Brlcon. II nemlco lanclo' cinque attaccht Kecesstvl contro II cosldetto Osservatorlo. wl Sanchl dl Clma Boeche. Questl attaccht fcirono tuttl resplntl con gravl perdlte per Jl nemlco, ed un nostro contrattacco alia ikelonetta disperse completamente gll aus- tried, che lasclarono sul terreno numerosl Bet diver I, compresl quelll dl quattro uffl- Fetall. Kelta reglone ad est dl Go-lzla e sul rCarso, le nostra truppe furono implegate , ftelli jlornata dl lerl a consolldare le loro peaizlonl nonostante II vlolento fuoco del ''nemlco. Con operazlonl dl mlnore Im etrtanza not estendemmo la nostra occu- 'pazlone nel settore a sud della strada Op-pacchlasella-Castagnlevizza (acendo una ttentlaa. dl prlglonlerl, In gran parte ferltl. KI1 nuffiero totals del prlglonlerl fattl negll iwtlma Quattro glornl arnmonta ad 8992, tra HI. zto uinclall. na quando lncomincio nostra ofTenslva, II 6 Agosto, nol ab asia preso In tutto 40.365 prlglonlerl. dl Cdd 1408 utflclall. Benefit for Infantile Paralysis A musical will be (riven tonleht In the , ballroom of the Bellevue-Stratford a a I benefit for the Children's Hosnltal. at Elcht- eenth and Balrfbrldgo streets, and the fwjmnefleld Hospital for the care of chil dren suffering with Infantle paralysis. Iinuctuus nrominent Bocieiy women win . ai patronesses. THE WEATHER Official Forecast wacutvvtav tj.. Fflr Blltm Tnnr1 tri lt Mr1 Wftnp Tat. Kf Fr tQn.ght and Tuesday; warmer K,--.,, HivuMatd caoi IV BUUUI W11IU3 K LtEht fain! nrciirrAH In PfinrAPn Pnn. nwija, new jersey and the southern por- - i4 kw iurK ana incw i-ngiana ye AY. Whilft ffltr vfiHAr nFAvallAil a(a. rtrft Pat nt lha Taa1 tHinnHD T lU are reported from along the north .-... win nna irom a lew places in the teau -fteglon. The temperatures are ! ccaconaDie in tneastern portion of , :y " " o uuiion ueii, wnne a n.iciy warm area, overspreads the viern PlAn miat.o . i. M...t i., ; j" ..w ..B IIU IS I11VJVIIIB I1IIU upper Lake Hegion this morning. U.' S. Weathrr Rnronn TtiitUt!., P-trrtlon taken at 8 a. m. eaatern time. 'aiiii.. s laatnaln- Veloc- Fa, at Ko si ..ii. iWi...1 S!"l City... 50 40 .OS NK ll M7m 0, Md. .4844 ., NK .. O nuiv 111. t m ii?-..v' ::: u i SSiluit"- 5? 59 Ss8?--.'.'.! u faio. Tx..,, 62 2 B!S:i'l.,ft" . ? .X.N. B.. . s 2 . 8. D,. . . 511 ft feS4.??!!- Lliu 48 48 7 X. r ' "- o ..',"&. "- 5! 53 J"ii" T,nn 4S 4 AM''".,cal. 48 48 SKtt.cf. ? p ; ori:.'. "." i? 4 .04 NW .. HE fl..- 1A nin.iu BK J2 Cleir NR .. Clear BE 14 Clear B . . Clear BR 14 Clear w 12 cier 12 Clear . . Cloudr ,j uiear Pair J'.ciay SB E MP". av .; SrUn, L. 60 si h SaaVritf.' 5! 52 N 1 il ii -2 V 12 Cloudy ccai0-. S. AM im t. . Minn w . , p c d BE! 14 Clear Nil! 12 Clear n 11 ri... ... ND 12 Clear .. N .. Clear .. NB ., Clear .. K .. Clear .. B 12 Clear nn .. nam NB 18 Cloudy ciouay a 2U clear HO w. JTTL .: -" . clear Jl J" NW .. Clear iJ J5 S 1? P.Cldy !:;; . 1 n t.-iV." 2 ?? ..,8 Am;iV" JJ 52 ." B KSCJ !! " 1 B Lfffr V' 't0 A. Oa un ia "? 40 li ' 1 "? . Can ;? !J s :; 8B 10 1 (?! 44 Clear . Clear . . P.Cldy nam Clpudy Clear 10 Observations at EkHtdelnhla ?l?.Urdy Cloudy ciouay A, .':::':::::: ,.,.,.. MM theat. H mllea pill Clou ft")- Uit -i. hour," VlV.V.V.V.'. J" - MtaDcra.fiir " -" '--'i-- ii peratur. .:"..'"!:::!!: 85 t a. r . Lamps to Be Lighted - ,t,,, pjwp, The Tides PORT RICHMOND :. 1 ...,. .. ; 1 MTNUT STRBBT-WjiaRF koiimimmiui, ie:4Ja.m. '!.. ..,...., lliliSl RuorubAjtp "..i miff; VSs ' wr B J8 p'. ml J:24 p.m. EYEKIHG XiBmfiB-PHILABELPHIA', MONDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 191C Gr, OA REPUBLICAN SIDE, WILL WIN, DECLARES KNOX PHILANDER C. KNOX, Attorney General and Secretary "of State under I residents Roosevelt and Taft and Republican candldato for United States Senator, today predicted an old-tlmo Republican majority In Pennsylvania and the election of Charles Evans Hughes. In n formal statement he said: "I fully expect the Republican ticket to bo victorious on naxt Tues day. My opinion is not based so much upon any statistics at hand ns upon the right and justice of our cause. I believe wo will win because we ought to win. "Wo have the right end of tho argument. Tho record of the Demo cratic administration does not de vservo the approval of tho people. It may bo that some of our citizens will bo deceived by the shams and pre tenses of the Democratic propaganda, but I am sure that the great mass of voters understand tho facts and realize that their best interests lio in tho success of the Republican party. "After campaigning In every sec tion of the Stnto I am confident that Pennsylvania will return one of her old-thno Republican maporities." I nWAVA MM ' ESkiaa'BHBBBaaW ' PHILANDER C. KNOX y&Z&&&vptz FINANCIERS PLAN TO MAKE AMERICA "THE MISER NATION" Federal Reserve Officials to Hoard Gold Supply to Block European Drain at " End of War WILL MEET NOVEMBER 20 By HOMER JOSEPH DODGE WASHINGTON, Nov. 6. Omdala ot the Federal Reserve system and other men having dominant power In the American financial world have set about to make the United States "the miser nation." They have laid plans for this Government to hoard every dollar ot gold that Is now In this country. This, they say. Is the only way to withstand efforts of European na tions to draw gold from the United States after the European war Is ended. The first active steps toward this end will be taken within the next few weeks, when omcials of the Federal Reserve system will hold three conferences of world-wide Im portance In Washington. The Federal Re serve advisory council, cons sting of one representative from each of the twelve Fed eral Reserve banks, will sit here November 20. J. P. Morgan Is a member of this coun cil. The Federal Reserve agents, direct representatives of tho Government on the boards of the twelve reserve banks, will meet here December 4. The governors of the Federal Reserve banks will meet here December 15. Each of these bodies will hold Joint ses sions with tho Federal Reserve Board, 'at which ways and means of- hnndllng tho gold situation will be determined. Present Indications are that the Federal Resere Banks will be ordered to hoard alf gold, which will -b$ concentrated In the vaults of the Federal Reserve Banks. MAY PRESAGE WAR'S END The fact that big financiers of the na tion are bestirring themselves to provide protective measures against the pending gold drain has been construed tn some quarters to mean that Walt street and other big financial 'Interests of the coun try are convinced "that 'the end of the colossal struggle across the Atlantic Is not far distant. It ls"deflnltely known here that Frank A. Vanderllp, president of the Na tional City Bank of New York, has passed the word around to American banker to be prepared for the flotation of a new and tremendous loan to the Allies. This big loan Is being depended upon to finance the last big winning push of the Entente Powers and bring the war to a speedy end. Then Europe will, according to Informa tion here, turn her energies toward a valiant attempt to take every ounce of gold out of America to which she can lay claim. American economists predict that the big business structure which has been built on the last two years' prosperity will crumble unless this country can pro vent our gold bnlng drained away. piAn to CONSERVE OOLD The following Is the plan which It Is understood was adopted by thla Government to defeat Europe In Its effort to drain the precious metal from the veins of Amerl-' ciin business: First. Gather the loose gold, millions and millions In volume, which now Is In circulation In the pockets of the Ameri can people. This gold stock Is to be mobilized and deposited in the vaults of the Federal .Reserve Banks. To effect this step Federal Reserve Banks will take In gold but will not par It out, giving Instead paper money which Is not used In International finance. This will be done before the banks of the country realize the program and begin to hoard on their own accounts. Second. Juggle Interest rates on this side of the Atlantic to meet the rate-Juggling In which Europe will engage. Third. Continue efforts to preent for eign nations from dumping goods here. Paul M. Warburg and Adolph C. Miller, members of the Federal Reserve Board and expert economists, are to be the managers for the United Stata In the gold struggle. MAN A HUMAN LIFE NET Fire Marshal Drops Four Stories, Hits Fireman and Lives PITTSBURGH. Nov. 6 Fire Captain Frank Loxterman unknowingly saved the life of County Fire Marshal Thomas Pfarr in a $500,00fl blaze which destroyed the warehouse of Arbuckle & Co. Pfarr had ascended to the roof of a four-story building adjoining the ware house when a cloud of smoke and flames burst from a window. The marshal, caught unawares, toppled from the roof. He struck Captain Loxterman, who was stand ing beside the building, ano. broke his fall. The marshal was rushed to the Alleghany General Hospital, where It was said today his recovery was expected. Loxterman suffered only bruises. Mann & Dilks 1102 CHESTNUT ST. Tyrol Wool Ladies 0 Misses Sport and Outing Suits 22.75 24.75 Tyrol is a fabric that wears has style will not muss. Also, Top & Motor Coats. Vests, 'Jackets, Sweaters, etc. Mann & Dilks 1102 CHESTNUT ST. wi ' UAurcr jg STATIHWI5 k ' m k fCONOMT 7 cooos CXCKANC0 i -. ,. M FAIR DEALING rxf Year af Ciiir ?rrni i Nntii in T- ..--- -- ... JJ IMtnAaa iXK. 1U51U1 rm K ASSURED VAILK Special Anniversary Offer 50 YEIXOW TRADING STAMPS FREE To vry purchaser of on dollar or ovr. Good In any book, no matUr how many iM( ciiuu iuu mar Birur . v """tn, tuwutj, evrivB iaau --. .COURTESY ( LitBiNthtw HATS . TRIMMED FREE, Thss tfflHn Enjoy Wmd0rful' HM First 0Hi. SsmJJ CM fiy immmmmmmmm City News in Brief TIIK IlT. M-.V. J TAYLOR HAMILTON, missionary bishop of the Moravian Church, preached the sermon yesterday at the 174th anniversary of the First Moravian Church, ralrmount avenue below Seventeenth street He spoke of cond tlons In Central America, from which country ho recently returned iNCKNDiAnins Ann nt.AMrn by Harry Itenjnmln for a fire that destroyed his workshop at 519 Balnbrldgo street early this morning The fire started In tho base, ment of the shop and swept through the building so quickly that Benjamin, who llxes Just across the street, arrived only th time to see tho end The loss Is placed at $1500. Titn nr.AUTY or ot.o,, n roii.ii cur.t at a party given by Benjamin Hargost, nt 809 South Third street last night, caused Benjamin's removal to the Pennsylvania Hospital with a serious stab wound In tho arm and the arrest of h's assailant, John Bemovltz, of 116 Lombard street. Itcmo vltx was caught under the spell of Olga's eyes, and when Hargost remonstrated he was stabbed. Olga, whose last name tho notice have been unable to ascertain, van ished before the arrival of the patrol wagon. AN 1NPANK MAN la bellered to hare turned In false fire alarms In the north weMern section of the city. Several com panies responded lo a false alarm at Twenty-fifth street and Falrmotint avenue last night, and false alarms have been sounded on tho last three Saturday nights at Twenty-third and Brown streets. This la a man ufacturing section, And an unusaajly large number of engines respond to calls. NKARLY S.000.000 VOTES will be potlfd by the Socialist party tomorrow, according to John spnrgo, of Stamford, Conn , na tional cxerutUo committeeman of the So cialist puny, who spoke here before the Socialist Literary Society Mr. Spargo also said that tho Socialists would elect a United States Senator In Nevada, three Congress, men In Oklahoma and would send Morris Hlllqult and Hugene V Debs to Congress from Now York and Indiana, respecthely. A NKAV riVr.-I'ASSKNOKR llnlck auto mobile, carrying the Pennsjlvanla license number 22S9S7, was found abandoned today at Amber nnd Birch streets by Tollceman Conn, of the Belgrade nnd Clearfield streets station Tho car was driven to the station house, where It awaits the owner. The po lice hold tha theory that the car wi stolen. A FALL ON THE BTRKET eanted the death of James Kelly, flfy-fire years old, of 6040 Cedar avenue, a Junk dealer, early today He tripped Tin ft curbstone within a block of his home and fractured his skull He died In the West Philadelphia Homeo pathic Hospital, rOOR RICHARDS who brought the ad vertising convention here last June, nowe Stewart, president of the roor Itlchard Club, among them, have offered their serv ices to the Philadelphia Salesmanship Club In a united effort to bring the 1917 sessions of tho World's Salesmanship Congress to Philadelphia. Mr. Stewart Is a trustee In tho nalesmanshlp club, and with other Poor Itlchards ho will attend the meeting to be held at the Bellevue-Stratford Thursday night, nt which the final drive for landing the convention will be discussed , - MMM that and Um tot-4 vea in the wtJwi fwlNtNt Wltoon wouM not he a tK v O88ININO, N. Y.j Nov. B-An -hMM( court Is trying Isaao Haines's chara ' "defamation of character" against a prttm,-, mate. Ralnea la caahler of the prleon MniiA' The Inmate he accuses said something ,.'' friendly about the disappearance -M tM bank's funds. r , nRRMTNIR, Pa,,' 2ov. 6. Irwin X, . Henry, forty-five yeara old, fainted whjfi drinking water from a bucket wht6h hot been sunk In the ground to catch the nut of a anrlnr. and mu ilmnii News at a Glance BOSTON, Nor. 0. At odiU of S000 to 1, Sam Scars, a Harvard student, bet Milton T. McDonald, a classmate, $100 to a nickel lr CORRECT . 0 MEN'S TAILORS Cor. 13th and SansomSts. We Appeal lo "Particular Men" SUITS or itOCtntCA OVERCOATS Vv w PUV V - 1 o . n S M?; sr- 1 Mason & DeM ni5 CKestnut Opp. Keith's Street any r Fashion Holds the Reins m EH of These Eleven Tuesday Specials SHMSSSHtw (lr7 HL rtPff 1 vsvsvNv Bv mSBEi A 1 lJT'SniMSBBSKBs. s. rt "-. lpafflB V 4 A . Persian n im -r-rnl ( amb oats M J Jf f . Xl U U Skunk or Persian Collars v Jwmro imTu II WM s Seal Sets Fox Sets l Fisher Sets T Fov iu ) r-SlacC I B"""IMff"ni l Animal Scarf and. Animal Scarf nnd a., ,- 7 . FoX Sets I Novelty Scarf. I 1 Barrel Muff 1 Barrel Muff b'ImIS Animal Scarf and 30MJ I 45.00J V 74.50 J , 85.00 J J V 98 50 J Hudson Vi s i 7 vv u j N. Vv s "N. Nk - Seal Coats IJ V, Selected Hudson . y Hudson VHutkonX I 6-inch Skunk French Seal Coats . aeai Loats Seal Coats w y Seal Coat ' u5-oy 62joJ uomJ u5hj h5.00J A M We Reserve Your Purchase Upon a Small Deposit or Charge it Subject to Bill of December 1st Fur Scarfs Black Fox , 15.00 Red Fox , . '. 22.50 Skunk 22.50 White Fox 25.00 Kamchatka Blue Fox 27.50 Taupe Wolf 27.50 Black Lynx 35.00 Slate Fox 37.50 Fur Scarfs' Raccoon 15.00 Hudson Seal 15.00 Ermine 29.50 Dyed Blue Fox 37.50 Cross Fox 37.50 Battleship Gre"y Fox . , 37.50 Poiret Fox . , 37.50 Pearl Grey Fox 42.50 Silver Fox 97.50 Muffs In thu New Cant fit, Barrel, Ball or Flat Shop: Raccoon 15.00 125.00 Hudson Seal 16.50 to 39.00 Beaver 22.50 to 39.50 Black Fox '. 15.00 to 45.00 Skunk 22.50 to 48.00 Mole 24.50 to 50.00 Black Lynx 29.60 to 55.00 Ermine 62.50 to 90.00 A Millinery Sale Extraordinary . . The response to our first sale has been most gratifying. '8 .50 It wiU pay you to make your seUction at once. .' ValuM $12, $15 ad $18 flli ttHfipr ' OfeW AeetpUd MUM OrW Rmmv Prompt AHlUw rV. . i. Tii!lkAtalflfa,irtHir-ffiiiiT-r 'n I f ' -WfrMrtii h if : - tk-nrfBt-WttiT--, r Af ft. r-Atii)i-i i JiNlllllim III Hill i 3 - .t ? . im MT fBTOtwAlferrifffir-r--i Wr" -jmM