-wwm wMw-xmAvvwm. mvm& mwm . w WgWfWmtm$ 4W THE PRODUCERS ARE DOING Y'0LAFSJV1Q . . Ane In which Philadelphia trmnle. layiwMW W especial Intorest was Intro, kneed hi' 'EJrprlnc Thursday night at tfcTAdilphl Ther, "Clrtat mystery" sur roan' ih authors of thl son. It Is r(. iirtn)' r thosa who' Know that the com. asacr' I a welMuiowir "musician of rnlla. Silonla. who prefer forth present to 'hide SudtrHhe eoamomin or '01ar Smora." m MeaHty. Ihl composer tlth Ilia funny name. tTaid tn b almost air -widely known as Sa'lekder ot the rhliadelphta Orchestra. The author f the lyrla J also widely Ihrtwfl. anil I BMat friend ot the com r, but for reasons of modesty kind r 5m t rou curiosity a veil of mystery hMa both rersonsgta behlhd an In aanttrabl darkhes, rTh'e tons l entitled. "Did I nut Know," and Is suns; by Miss Alym Mefsard In tho catarst eotne. The anna; was well received, mO possibly the modest und retiring' nuthor and 'ownpdset- may announce their" Identl H4. now thtit the son U a success. Two of the most Interested auditors of the'Performanca Thursday" wero Messrs. Itlchard J. Beamish, well-known raconteur and dramatist, and Clarence C. B&wdcn. of the musical world. It 'was rumored that they applauded heavily at the con elusion of the song;. " "Too Much Adulation Young actresses ' nave grown so accustomed to adulation from tteir friends that if you told them the truth about their f dults they" would bo" offended. Marie- Tempest. iifliHP9iiHiKt'i Maw 'ifliW 0ffm ' ROSALIA MATHIEU One off the Washington Square flayers, who como to the Litfle Theater Monday. i' i W-kk Hi. Wrt. 1 THE WASHINGTON SQUARE PLAYERS OF NEW YORK In . A Repertoire of Clever One-Act Playe. Thru Years of Sucreaa st Comedy an liandbox Theaters T3YP Wij"EJCS Commencing Monday tyight Speeia tynf. Tues. (Ejection Day) Monday Night, Tues. Mat., Tues day, Wednesday Nights and Thursday Matinee: A nOADIIOUSO IN ARDBN, by Moalleri Ooodmanr IN Al'KIU by nose Pastor Slok; HCUSNA'q UUSUANp.,by Philip TMrsday, Friday, Saturday Ntyhts and Saturday Matinee DAr,n.'CAn' b? Anton ?Tcnekh'ov": A Sanngi(SB IN ARDCN, by Mneller. ESmTO' by MftBrllncUi Pjisimtf fATUN, a loth Cfntury J'urce. WTW3 THEATER 17th & D Lnnrey Sis. t'hone locust 0t Route: 32 on Market street to Theater. Prices. Eyre.. Tuesi & Sat. Mat., it, It, SO. IS Pop. Mat. Thuja., all seats II Kiddie Cl(y Ticket Omce, aimbel Bros. W , MTnJm?, MARKET AB. 16TH UlU A. t. 1011 :i3 fl M.-MOe. 15c, 20c, 85a . JJE5SUE HAYAKAWA AVtlt. J,iVliTl5 8THDMAN 1 T"H o0j OF KUKA-HAN" siAArxify vaimuitt otiomssrnx u -OMING ALL NEXT WEEK MARY P4CKFQRD" tn"Ltfas TilXK tb DusrT i. -- ' I il in. ij n . PA I A CV? MARKET BTHEET ,ff-fVf- " moc3 10a, 200 ciiisax.NUT Below 10TII 10 'A. M to litis P. M naflv. IRn' Run. 9SA f.E lu vdorner tn.Oalletna" all, INfcXT WEEK p.aesHaaiiv. Election Nieht EJ21,Jff!?JS!3T SRP1 fBJO BAIUU8CA! ti" u.; IT FUj. PMlVOUlfANC I MAHKET PKIX1W lfTlf . IllUy, IGc. Em.. 3V. rilo?.l'.Prrymor indtUrli II8 IlttAKP Pf t:0lVAROI - -PW .pi,f y CwrVaUtllUs, WAROICB" r . I 'n uiu. vkum" VsTfl -ujj anwlrfFTW' W,yil ' Bfr4, wpprjp jHR-pp; ats ticnnor WoodrulT, player with Tir. Skfnntr jfnhe Drond, and sotnc- " "'" Ul ""- screen, pnotograpneq py Arno ui ucntne, tvillt her portral 'bust by Ward Korbei ' FINDS REALISM SHE SOUGHT ' IN WAITING Xancy Boyer believes In realism 'on the stage. Slo Is of the opInloH that the art of nctlnc consists. In large part. In doll aR nearly na possible what tho real Chit1" actcr portrayed would do under iflven clr cumstances. In preparing for the presenta-tlo-nof a new part, tho little aWress makes no effirt to leant thq minute details of the character. An amustn? Incident of this sort has Just occufreO". In the new comcdy-dramii "Tho Woman Who Paid," or tho Walnut next wtcfc. Mist noyer1 Vlayrt the title role, that of a young girl left lit tho kindly earn Of a rOuKh-nndrndy mountain woman, who ons "Mollle'n natlnc Joint." In the open ln Scon'e tho hr-rdlna la compelled to wait otvthe table It'was thus the Important questfon arose CAlMtl sS&XlnBF&k PlIbTIvvIw HERE-COMTO EVEnTBCTDT'STAVOniTEt fe(MollJQ Williams Itanactr Initio Declares It to Be One of the Best of the Season JJUl EXTRA TiicntrMj dh a mibniomt show Tuesday niqiit. "".. nKOINNrNO AT 11 so ELECTION RETURNS BY PPECIAt, WIRE READ VROJI THE STAGE A a IN 1 ATTRACTION SAME PltlCKjt M 1 ftlll 8111 Uvea, te .Mat. Mat.. 25c. 50c & 75c JJat. Tues., Thurs., Friday,- 25c '& 50c ' ' BeneBU IowiBklnr.I.lbraljrernie TODXY I.nt Tun. "Uhlle Ihe City Sleepn" MONDAY THE W1KHOMI3 AND" VERSATILE NANCY BOYER in . -.. r. .i l... ..-. i t 'FifniBB t WjlJBaK tL$dyHssHssH i i . BaBaaaraia,issajeSBaBkBaBaBaaBB 'aK.Hir,t,iIHiaaiaaiaaM JH .'n'it-rt' JHRrssssH I '.-''it Bt&aaaaaaaaaaaaaaj . fai..iaaaaaisaaaaaaaaaaaaaa eMSeBBsWlaBBsV : :-.?-s-immi bit if$i& mitiS-'-vM tkTtasusF ss-fci Si-syVi:' :ajk,,-wwi N??a T r .v.. A rimart and Mrlllinnt Cooiwlyl Orkuia ot Human nu;rtt Monday Eienlng Order f Eastern Star Nlsht Election Returns Tueiday Nlsht In the Heart of the 'bhoWlni Dlntrlri BARGAIN MATINEE PAILY 11 A." M. TO i P, M. .'. .C-...... .. -JOe. le t to 6 P..M. j ,........!9ei5e'J E ENISris 8e. ?.?e. M HninrcTir Krenlnir l'rlee Prevail f HVEHIir BEGINNING MOSPAY MIDNIGHT MATINEE ELECTION NJGHT A TA)l,OID ML!1 ER Pr UMKPY mmmmrn ui, iuiiu . ' f'lMEHV HTAItH v I HAn; 'illOITlMA Tra'tnts - ' - A IleiutlfufJahfc1y.nmlnfeJNMytf', and oriiitu act'h' WO&TH WilJW- lKjj JrilEATHBV hI n- 8 . ' Frkt fcefo uuth Hlreet r Mat Dally, 84, JCyenlniyJ I 7 aj Jut Heata ,,,.., JlM I JPc SQo, 3; " " JOHUlUtNAN I'rsktpfs THE MOItEUPOl". T.ni,(IIP MUSICAL nv - .ia-v(in, vi(it - " 4, p, MAPli ANP A'COMPANY tip BKAHTirH'rKNERysIMKpKpJIB r erkaX rfK fi nv " ; M W il. U . U.j KtXOai'S C3 R N Q pBOAINI i6NTCOMERY" Melody Monarcjis 'M Mte x Aaay-TPutormriwe XuMJkyV.v ' i .l ! MHTMOPOMTAN OPBK, ACUW .WI? BRA SAMtV' liSii r-V-- HOUHB WllUMlI P1 Academy of Music BURTON HOLMES It ' y , 3 Ppursp? Eqcly AJiJte Course A 5 Friday Evenings Course I 5 Sat"rJv IVIainees faijuda SgSJABT' Nov. 1T& 18 Canadian Rockjea Nov. 21&25 Imperial ftaii. . .Iep. 1 & 2 cikkhan ltherland Dec. 8 & 9 arjelle Fraticc.flec. ;5 & 16 SALETC.cBM',N0y.6 At Ileppe's 1110 Cheitnut Street , j?3, S2.?0. 4IaiI Orders Nov how the men should be served, Miss Poyer vras touring In her car when the question came to her. She happened to bo passing near a mining camp, nnd registered at the best hotel the place afforded, While stroll ing through tho main street she saw li slgtv In the window of a restaurant "Waitresses Wanted " Here was the long, looked-for opportunity. That afternoon found Nancy In a slmplo Bingham gown serving "vlttals." BMeith'sTheater CHESTNUT ASU Tnntnil STS. Mat..8r.M. 2 SHOWS DV11.V S Slllit.8 P.M. NEXT WEK$ EJaJ ElccUon'WccAJI.Star pilljj The International Star ot Bona GRACE JuA RUE Bonsstre In Series nt P-)e"t-t II t The Popular t.eillim! Artlita Hcrminq Shqnp & Cp. InanRello Fantasy, .called "Xrnry Xnn'" The Vtristlle Ccmtdliii ARTHUR DEAGQN InSons. Slorle and; Ilimorbda hn Vaudeville's ttlateit Screaml AVON COMEPY FOR F resenting a Vew Hint of l,fiTh'. MALETA BONCpNI Eurore! 5ibr8tit3vidiiriii. ro.i n.inube Ounrtett Ilnrley litre. SlnrlM f.a je nnrleyi llooih, A laniler Sells Trlnnej; ELECTION NIGHT SPECIAL MIDNIGHT SHOW! Stitrllng 11 P. ftj.--Jlcd tickets Only! ACADEMY QF MUSIC Sndinlny Afternoon, jfov. i, at 2:30 liKEISLER A, Llll. Srmphony Mull, otqn Tlrkete nt llrppe'i. i'lrrriiun l, FOn BENKriTrl AT-I, Lyric YKKI ANB APRLrHf THHATimR. ArPLY MONDAY NIGHT 1TI' Rlntlhcei! ycdncsc;ay & Saturday I .lkHuiKiisliLsBLLft I m. i 1 & i I a i I T Mm MxtwWMmmm W mmmmmML)mt tawixWh. - Mwrzz. SHSSSSHSBBSSJSaSHSK!. tpJJJV 1 aV- mWimmmmmmmT' Election Returns HMtliPIMS Hld From the iTeBs'fU. m vxmmgiiv$ .v&&3rmito.rh WmWS J ' ' y r&mmmW3SSMmmiiiMaBiBSm mmWi Vl. MHrHPMi)lQeaiiiV 'a BeeeIeeeeHeeHeeieHJLeeaeeeekakaT MRNRTtT tUtm, 9 s rHONK WAT..?S Vinfeinafaen's Annual Fan ftpfe Mtmio AMVVKMiNrNnr ' WYNf1 And a MjjjuV lpbjif?atoB of lfcrr INIuttimelr Qr iirit.w Avni.i'v tiirniaT tiu It. I'lllMIRII K.'aMk tl.KMOMS, VtA-8 FpKnetlrlTttHK, TKLL IIIIHAN. H.WM KiH, jack itoiLK. uita.i nuNik '! . . . ...j .v? ....; .7 llir. IMI.IA IMKI,1 I IIKOM7. MII.I.LAH Htm MI'RBY. At'llt'STA IEA.iaR AMI Til MARA SM IRKKAIA rniCKS- Wed Mat Heat Peats. It SO, SATt'rtnAY KVKNtS'O nlnss tGtrept Hat ana .Sat MU COc to !!.. fcrtrt a o h KOSKRUD GAHDEN tpii HOSR TINTED EL A DELPHI ISfliS IN nKS6l; T II.MKKOS OK I.UXTr.RH ANI llPOAIn or Iace KNIHMltll lllx.MWIl Hilt ilN. V " M ! iillllllVfiPU it..llllltlt 7 T1IH MANAOKMl'.NT THREE FAREWELL WEEKS After You Have Seen It You Will Talk of It for Months "In All the World No Play Like This." N of WINTER GARDEN J8L3-j JLECTRIC KliEVATED' RUNVT Engagement Extended 6kAts tor TiirsK t.st FAitnurr.r. wkkkn. tNn.tnni lHQncUny Morningr, 9 o'Clock 6 BigS'ciRM Co.' of St PcpPtt 9 Month in New Vttrk, MtJnTffi, lnAhJM 5 Arpnttt$ in Boston. The United States Government Will Heto Yoii to See This Play If jon rnnnot room to the li olllfe. the Tnltra State mslla re at vosr'Ulisoaar. Rertd I nrWr renMttnnre. lih nelfHtddresaeA stamseA ntelone for return ot tlrkrtH. .Price; I.ienlnn and MaturUar JIatlute, 0)0 to S1.&0, Satnrdar hvenlnt (alio Thankitlvlne livening), 60a to M.IM )ars.n Jlalluee f.verx TlmreUajr. Bdc to. 1.00. r "S I MMaiyiJilMaMll .jilUlt;l Vj'K A.i VillO t ii 4U14I AKT1.. TfllfillT "I.llOe 1'erir O'Moora" IYKKK COMSlKNClNO HOSDAY TSVKNINO U' Ketira of the) Faforlfe. ANNA Q'QHB7Y And Cat ot Prominent Player 0 41r pirnl rrotlurtloji pf ITIJBVKiMAK" 'HMO-r'UILVUI.T'Y p Ejection Ijet JpiA ' 't m.fc i.tv nn , METROl'pI.ITA OI'KKA llQIBB Boston' National Grand Opera Cp. t'ttsl Hiowe .wkrts oMLY,notf. as v f . -,. Bxafa )ot pa Unit j- Andrea Clienier I.1Ll5l;rf2,nu,K Truest Trirt M-arrfaaj Mlur. Cbalroers, K. r" Laimr,, , , jyA'larisell& Qrelel &"davaferja ttUSticart'a"1'4 Wtnari. 'Persllai lit Vl3" XWW;ljikJk.iltartln.,liallitr, fe Mmoreei ro Re'f ;; Thurs. FaUSt lN'cteaejit; Jlartln. CUl. ErFf "" t. JUroanea. LeveronL , r" Bohcme .?1 Hllman, Oaudentl. Krs ""tt2 eiu1nr; Uauarl I Bat, ATarforrlci Hiiffnwllif Tnmakl lllura AUV ATarforrlci Hiiffnwllif Tnmakl r-.'T.lrff 'MjmStt kartJn ,rCM fci ' Andrea Chenler orum.i Ki; it iOf oyja.'.: 1 MJlMMe's. in 91 3ffl8 pARRJQK Lapt Times Jane Cowl !n Common Clay M TINKn TIIIY TOMtillT SAMUEL P. NIXON VWiS&W WANAMAKl'.Il. Ilualnrna Janasrr C. f. I',MITIJa(iirlgi,KNT- MONTIAY NIGHT AT 8:J& riRST WURKt MATS. TL'KSDAT (IILKCTIDN iAY), Wi:i AND SAT., AT 2.15 1XRTJ0N 1JETJJRNS READ FROM STAGE TUESDAY NIGIJT TiilllsaislMsMli'lfflWlllllll ' HI annul lull W ' B v 1 1 HBW 1 1 lli .Hill iif i1' 1 I'mk niHi ' m A, B&liV.aiilRl?Jriakf3SY JU SaBBaBJJteffBaBBBaif TaPffffP SKjWL3BBcl8aB HHBBBBfiWwf'sMlpW ' "'llore laustia than 'Potash nml IVrlmutter.' " N". Y World rOPULAn atATSr KLKCTION DAY AN WKIlNKHDAY, WITH DEST SEATS $1.50 aSH RROAH STREET r-lT7CI,-fr. tfJV" I'ltANK MUDUNQKR, Itualneaa Manacer NEXT WEEK SA?UEL F. NIXON VrSR MATINEE TODAY TONIOIIT AT 8:15 MATINEES LAST W hi h! K ri";? Electlon Day) "T- f" " T "" J. RA1'. Elcctjon Returns lead From Stae Tuesday Nih CIIARtES FR0IIUAN resents "A Great Actor in a Great Play."N. Y. American. OTIS SKINNER n IN BOOTH TAnKINQTON'B C01IEDY OP CHEERFULNESS MISTER ANTONIO Ponujar Mats. Ejecf on Day and Wednesday Wifh Iest Seas ?1.5q Nqv. 13 Klaw ft Crlanstr and George C, Tyler Present Seats Thursday Mall (jrdtrs Now LAURETTE TAYLOR s. In vm JIAKP JUrtley Manners Y(iA HKNfcVITS AT THE HIIOAD, FOIIHEST AN'U OARIIICIC THKATnitS, APri.Y JO KHI5I) O. NlXON-NinnWNEIt tNlwn-Nlrflilqger lliaif.). InS WAlijUT ST. r 9M$ ytrmumnm CtflSpS PERFOnMANCES CUNil,SUOU PIIICES JCe. 20o Wi T " ' ' ri -I' ' t norma iaimadge In PeeiIr Imprasalra fetory VlCTrOH HISHT EitreJ-MWolshl Pertorwance XfMtiTOteclai at U. J M. ADDBD KKTtlTOKCOMVnY ' -TH?' BUSTED THUSJ'1 SmHTDD JW A A Jk4 ,. Thursday-Frlday-Saturday METHO WONDKHPLAY' Franqs X. Bushman XNb BEVEHLY DATNS "IN THE DIPLOMATIC SERVICE? ADDED KEYSTONE COUKDY "WmAFK? MR STPPef!?" Haslnlillltinrfni RWttBWS SYT'pw,, 989SFS ,,, -T. t . y- . !, . , J METROPOLITANSTwiceDaily ALAiinJbU) Al V.1VS rtlUUTEf J Posilivply LAST WEEK Jst 1? More Performances ' sWTWiisnw)iJJTTn ciiAntEs Drti.iNOirArs yk HIPPOPRQME ?S' ( i"nESENTiNa H!PJ!P,H00BAY -Btaeed by It. II. HUUNSIDE- 150,000 niIT.AIr.I.rHIAN8 IIAVK HKnN ENTEttTAINED, 'nilULLiaiAMAZED. KNTHKALIXD NOTIT1NO MKtJ IT rOSSIBLK IN ANY OTHER THEATRE Nat: m. Wills "'tiaUUfcp irc0" fH4?.T.ALBRCJ "VI'ID JVlVCtlVO - 1 SOUSA jCHAi,LOTTE AND HIS ind'the Marvelouj BAND ICE BALLET THE nOQANNY'TnOHPE. THE AMAHANTim. MALLIA & 1JART. LAJtr BBQTHER8. LOU ANtlEH. BOLfTI DUO 300 OTHERS IN THD BPEOTACUIAR BALL.ETS. "March of KvSinllb-"9'' "Ih' F,ower ' aM" fRIC Mon.. rXtlSrnv. Fri. Best Seats $1 SATURDAT MATINEE A EVERY NTGliT. to In'ti Seota at Metropolitan and WesTOnon's, J108 Cheat, street NOTE Election Nltbt (Tues , Nov, 7), Returns furnished or ineworin American, win De read rroo) toe ataee by Nat VIIa. 13 , U TT' BAAAAAsrAaH Biggest a Show Wl !nhf Wqrld . at the ! Lowest jp Pripes 1 t Ti -i- " SjlP" pirninriitiassii Chestnut Street Opera House ' iiiiiuiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiuiimiuiiiimwiriiuuiuraiMiimiiHiiiiiiijiuiiiiB i!!ni!winiinmiw'"ro'i'!immin' BARGAIN MATJNES DAILY ,.JJSrT SATU1UAY, 25c, 50c & 75c EVPJJINGS gATLinpAY NATjNpfiS. 25c o ?1 Ejection Returns Announced Tuesday Night MATIXNKtS 2:15 EVGS. ajii;ricajs first -$i,ooo;ooo.oo FILM SPECTACLE if a-jj-'Mia W H Hi if il 61 fgjTj' (! " f iJSHSaswavaa)alaaBaslaas f aaasasM " -- - '- - . .. m m m . c y 22ZIL-29Acon?No onciiETia. of to Anotbsr WH,I,Usi fox Bucocss 'THK HIINOI? SYSTEM' PACKED WITH TKRHXff AttD THEMEHDOta HUMAW XiydjAj fasifc i in. ACADEMY. Thurs. Aft.. Not. 0, at S P. M. PIANO RECITAL by t HOFllANM e 1 7 J. IT JL iTL 1 n 1 1 PRIQE3 75c, SI, $1.50, $2,.$3.50 Tickets at Ilepps'a, 1110 latktnot Bt. nithfrsMsn Hall, Wd. Et Nor. is. First CoiM-rrt f ' Hololta 5chmi Quarte Liars ets at Hrnpa'a. 1110 ifrepeon Hall, t&. E iirt f " ' Bo! let ( Joseph' w!c arrett, Soprano i. Lontra-uagg Clarke, Pianist Mft, rhUa. tujurfa' ACAPKMY OJF MU810, oyEM0BVT 0P NHW YORK Josef Stransky, Conductor SoloktSacha Jetcebinof V Winkt ACADMMY, Thuradsy, N. M, it -3 ', .' 'PlppCTA MME. Q r. ra Sfpyof ELECTION NIGHT t Ht-? I H KfVHMC if Tat(alt iWltrai rF.rn all ..- i. . ?MoS riW 'pwUi w'b,B?i HPTEL WALTCtf ind fea fcetvtetft dances In, Oft ' J aSf lAflJ I. iy?ff wtb TN IHsatat flail' frass !' j. J if 'S " "TP1, "jfhtUr attar 80,-3 KrfX aripy, jh -..- . ,iin,ii9i gwyiftea MAIN HIXTAMKAKT a ' : -''' !".....' I. ' . .. aleo wM rW". p . RWE 'LECTU m89C$ w f WHLLIAM W. KHtTER, C B5J3 ij?il' 5 ' rrj