I v ' . CHER SA18 WW? VHTOR JUMPB) ffSm Broker Rod Off In Taxi, Rev. J. E. Tr!pltt TebUtU f oroc Skrtt inDi- , THBWTOW, K. i", !.. i.Ts nv. n . TrMrirtt. ot Woodbury, ft tfroby t HHan mlrtr, ftit most of ttaq mornlnn on th witness strtiwl fcfor a V. I. Jo' i, as Mstlw In Ckwnccry, In h! suit r sltvorca-rom hto rounr wlf, who, r4lMrf wltnMM, had dtctare Vood f -4fht "to" stow roc hsr.'t.iHf that h M tlr4 ef hm irt1f." The minister nil- destrtlon and ln Adalltr arm th witness' tettm6ny today w l.r(lr M u Mllf td fa.mlltarttJw be 'twsvn h: wit M Mi B. Cosh, p. Nw tHt " broker. Tto minister salit h sur priard Cosh, whom he dcrlBd as "n, good looking; younjr man." In hi horns and ter mw h'm Jumi) over a bade fence and 'ride st In a taxleab, Mrs. Trlpiett and "her mothr, Mrs, Mar iiral Keteon, dwmr of Jtts Island, one ot the Thousand "Islands In the Ht, fjiwrcnea Wvr. wrre In court and frequently Blow-M-td at the young minuter us he biivu tes , t.pmny against her. e Trlflett told of an Incident In a 3ew York, subway station when a men whom he believed wad Cosh sought to speak to Mr. Trlplett, but on seelnr him (TrlpletO. he , concealed himself behind a pillar. The minister said he was married In ttAV York on June to, 11QS, but did not ro to Woodbury Until April, 1909. He told of returning home to New York Un expectedly after a service In Woodbury on several occasions' and finding cigar butts , and empty wine bottles on tho table. Tripled said that on another occasion . when he went home, about Thanksgiving, 1908, he found the door held fast with a chair Qgalnat It and his wife conversing wKh n man behind the closed door. Triplet! ring the bell, and his wife,' tatter peering nj him through a crack, shouted, "What the i are vou Aalnr hAra?' Nha 4n!,1 hfm he should be at work and that he "cQiildn't loaf there." Trlolott raid he nurnued the visitor, but the latter eluded him. Describing alleged Intlrnaclcs he had marked between hi wife and Cosh, he aid they would talk for long times to gether and there would be prolonged hand shakes. The preacher said his wlfo had Introduced film to Cosh ot her mother's hntne In the Thousand Islands, and he was enabled to watch the conduct of tho pair. Trlplctt said one evening at Cosh's house, where they were all visiting, he, tho hua. band, seeing his wife looking dreamily nt Cosh, blurted out that "she used to look at nio like that" . . Trlplctt said his wlfo, blushed at this remark and wanted to go home. "LIAR," GIDBONEY CALLS FOE OF LICENSE Contlnoed from fats 6ni I w6uld sell out to the liquor Interests If they would come, tome with a straight bus! nsa proposition." .mcrefrred ;to his house at, .600! Lansdowne 'avenue which adjoins the location of, the proposed paloon. ' Have you said this to any one olsor asked the court. - '.'- "McMulltn, my attorney," "And dq you "mean 'Jo say.hat you stood av the bar of this court "and. never opened your mouth," (Juerled the Judges. "I did." said Dennis; "I am a mechanic, pt an attqfny."'i ' "?tow much did ,Jou' teU'aibboney you would take for your propertyT" "Fifty-five hundred. This wss prior to the June meeting of the court.'" answered Dennis. He said that he objected to a saloon ad lnlng his property and was tired of the wjiole affair. ' LAWYER CALLEp TO STAND C. Oentley Collins, attorney fnr (ha church folk, arose as Dennis sat down and asked his followers who were In court to rtee. A hundred men" and women did so. Collins himself was then ordered to the witness stand. ."Dennis called on me mid told me ho was offered 150,000 for his property If he would stay out of the fight," he stated In answer to, questions from the bench. "qid he say that'CJIbboney had It fixed?" he was asked. w Colln's answer was evasive and this -roused Judges Barratt and Davis. 'J didn't want to cause any row about tt,!' Collins explained, s. Here Qlbboney Interposed, and this was the first Intimation the audience had .that' W JM clear sMn? j - - tN n -l II your tVn (tjnot frai, smooth nd fkwlnsr, oriiirPred from an unwise m of coitneticg, lc Resjnol Soap help , to cler it, in natural health way: ' "T," M SP rfbri, w or hrlts MidjUIikMtqkklr.4el. m umfUtbn (ht;, bwh sad vttvri?. ' OcBMt ate hU ir M 4rHU4.. ' f Mwt, m, nh. to Tk. UJt, JtMkMl, sVWsMtvVfJ l&sinol Tteft is NO fetter Coil SoW bi mue!kij' "rTUrCjs.irfQlf rroriiiys'-bitter, the fa no Srtst, kstw or tmkl cm 'saV. besif aaswiaa t uv wiu ur. as 1- 4k I. J n . wt M Coal a"iF tCfal Tn ssasv ism. im spssk ui raw ma r-:fMataia " Imr SA V m !le.Jt,,aLJ-,, nwi tetters1 Sons apt pm lb. .''y.-jff'ii SYBIfl LBpOER-lnLAPKLPHlA, .BMiyAY; NOVEMBER 3, Wg sssJsas- H i i nil unaa , n ,i hi.ihiimI aaMii i '" s mi mm m is Si aa-s-ss-sassi s in iass.issiaasiisiiifi n s im iijaSs s n i I I &3C js&xdminf m WrrWI la "tMl't 'VIM tM Ikat aUan linwn rwr aewt k Sraa a Jlr M ae4, C4ima replKM by saying that he had known Dennis for many years and what ever might be said Against hfm he had IW,yj,now" Klm "' ' "wny. you are a oolloagu of mine and yt you have kept these charges against me. from me continued 'Qlbboney. Then Olbboncy. as he explained, to "de fend myself," read his lengthy statement. cojtFEssBD iiyrGcniTK" "I hare asked .this oporfunlty to address v'?.courl hecau! of the publicly uttered, deliberately false and Intentionally mis leading statements of n man personally Interested In this, transfer question and who wished ahd wotked to become a finan cial beneficiary of It. "i characterise the said Harry C. Dennis as a confessed . hypocrite, a blsckmsller and a liar." He termed Dennis In direct langusgs as a man, "Infinitely- more dangerous than ,tho outlawed wdmsn of the streets or the bold and hsrdened crlmlnsl." rt said ha was "cpvctoUs; scheming, wth Itching pslm and selfish ambltlqn," TKIjLS OF DKNNIH'fl VISIT Olbbone'y then told In detail of "Dennis visit to njm Dennis, he said, had pro fessed his deslro to get away from the plsce "when a man comes along and buys my place." "VI. Hr tomorrow," lie said Dennis continual!, "I'm through with this business Just us soon as I can get rid of my Property. For eight years I've been doing all the work In that neighborhood to keep Out saloons, but I'm tired of being the goat for the churqtt people out there, A tot of them tire flWrltes anyhow, and they dont appreciate anything any one does, and t am tired of them. They do nil tho talking and I do nil the work. Kcceiitly I was a delegate to a local option meeting, attended by delegates appointed b. ?mmb'r ?f "VVest Philadelphia churches. At that meeting I wSs appointed chairman of the Local Option Legislative Commit tee. In a few days twopreachers wanted me to call a meeting of my committee and Indorse two gang candidates for tho Irtgls laturo. "I refused to do so until an olllclal of the Local Option League nsked me to, and then 1 did J but It Just shows what some hypocrites sonie preachers nre. and I have had all tho experience with them I want. As Boon as I can sell mv nronrlvt'll mnv becatiso I'vo had enough and nm through; but there'll never be a saloon orl that cor ner If I can prevent It until tho owner buys my property, too. I'm going to fight any ono who applies uritll I sll my plnco, be cause I'm not going to lose, two thousand or twenty-five hundred dollars In depre ciated vnlue of that property f I have to Mir w the whota rlhborhod very s alon ot the License Court. Why, I've-always agitated from fifty to sixty per cent of all tho opposition In every remonstrnnco filed against that corner, and It 1 didn't stir uj the remonstrance thtro wouldn't be much of a fight made. When n man comes along and buys my place I'll cease my opposition, and not before." DKAt. It I'llOPfiltTt "I tried to mAke a deal to sell my prop erty to Ed Trainer three years ago, when hu was looking for a property for some opd who wanted to establish a saloon In that same neighborhood. I nsked him J8060 for my property; ho offered $I00. Hut before theithlng went through Trainer died, and then It was alt off. Then Ilutke de cided he wanted to pen on that corner, and I entered Into Ah arrangement with him. through an ngent. to sell my place for 15760; but he refused to put up mors than (SO for teh option, and I wanted a thousand, so we couldn't come to any agree, ment. I wasn't going l oremove my orlpo o.tlon for JP0, and then. If the transfer was refused, have him backdown on his agreemont to buy my ptaco, ton. In such event It Would, become known I had sold my place to a liquor dealer and I would have tq move and still have the property on my hands. If ho had put up n thoussnd dollars the Investmetn would be enough to compel him to buy my house, transfer or no transfer. "I know that neighborhood Is changing. Booner or Inter n license will be granted there to nomo one Hut they'Vc got to tnke In my place first. I'm out to sell that property, and I'm going to sell It before anybody gels n license for that corner." Olbboney, after telling of the visit and story, said ha had never heard a tale "so braxenly immoral, bold and brutal." So nmaxlng was this revelation of Olb boney thai the spectators looked from Den nis to Olbboney and then back again until the court announced that tho rasa would be hold under advisement and they left the room, ,lasassaa.M ixKayfJglk tftSHAT DIAMONDS Fine lint of ntw Crn Cold Dia mond La Vallierai, $7.50 to $10.00 Other Diamond Ij fthr r. $5.00 THOMPSON Est. 1861. 35i S. 8th St tor Good) Rrtmti CtrillMM, rtriffri J rnrvrfti nisaavYTV Week end Sale Of Slightly Used' Pianos We have just received 32 Upright Pianos from our factory, where they have been thoroughly renovated and, made like new. These instruments will be on sale today and to morrow at our warerooms, 11th and Chestnut Sts. 'Terms can be arranged to suit tne convenience of the customer, and every instrument carries the Cunningham guarantee. $275 Bacon & Co., $85 WALNUT CASH US! nSaaaKaSaauUki'M $300 Emerson ,$95 flOSEWOOD CASK HaaaWaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafflM&ab aaK Fri (WJMEsUlaeE'fc a .WAS $260 SYRACUSE PIANO GO. EUONV $260 NARTIN PIANO CO. ROSEWOOD $250 J. P. HALE ROSEWOOD $260 MYERS & COMPANY ROSEWOOD $276 HALLET & CUMST0N EBONY $275 MARSHALL & WENDELL ROSEWOOD $275 HORACE WATERS ROSEWOOD $276 F. CONNOR $275 WINTERS 7k COMPANY ROSEWOOD $276 C. EDWARDS & CO. WALNUT $800 MAHLIH, LOVE & CO. VAtnuv $325 JEWETT PIANO 00. ROSEWOOD I $326 ALBREOHT, BICKERS &v SCHMIDT NOW $350 Hallet & Davis, $125 MAWOOANV CASK $325 $326 $325 $325 $350 $350 MAIIOOANY C. LICHTIE & CO. MAHOGANY HEINTZ WALNUT $65 $70 $70 $70 $75 $75 $75 $85 $85 $95 $95 $105 $105 $110 $110 $115 $115 $125 $125 $350 lrr Pond, $411 A. I. f HAs! BREWSTER PIANO CO MAHOGANY ERNEST QABLER ft CO. MAIIOOANY KRAKAUER BROS. MAIIOOANY HARVARD PIANO CO. $375 HAZELT0N PIANO CO. $ 1 o e WALNUT VlOO $375 EVERETT PIANO CO. MAHOGANY $400 BALDWIN PIANO CO. MAHOGANY $460 LYON & HEALY MAHOGANY $410 BLASIUS PIANO BO. WALNUT $450 KRANICH & IACH MAHOOANY $411 SQHMER ft COMPANY MAHOOANY $135 $135 $140 $150 $150 $150 to$165 $165 Wm4tIHIWAY WAMB0, $1 7K wr-- It Ff to ThuHc Aaam UAaaMMlLAaa AjuaiLuaBl UMlU fi 4A mmr'f M asaaaataU .aaBBBaaaal aaV aaBBaV '.BBBaaataaBBBm' .aSBBBsaak ak ' , JMT ?r iiMd 4 MtisM. 4 td tU&if tjhf i. '"' "mi Morl,otlrHri anrl 1 1 1r. Sa. ' ff . A 1 . hSnl Special for Saturday Market 10th and 11th Sts. Special for i Saturday 5 P'-l. Exactly 150 Luxuriously Fur Trimmed SILK PLUSH COATS Positively worth, up to $40.00 $25 Positively , worth ' , up to ' $40.00 "... NOTE The illustrations above arc taken froni photographs of these coats. . There are exactly 150 coats, every one a perfect beauty in their fullrsweep effects and gorgeous trimmings of furs. j . , their truly The Reason for This Below Regular Price TWeoata nple. td showroom pieces; naturally they are of best They were; handled and they naturally show a little roughness 'in the pile that is t! le tStre - cdl your attention it The Hf -.. ui jusc enougn to induce the maker to sacrifice his profit. They are developed of finest shimmering silk plush and are satin lined throughout cuffs and bottom of coats with fur others haw fur onllm-e 0J a. j i i . . , .L. , r- --.. v " .. v-uuo, una yet some plush trimmed with fur. f a The choosing is unusual for every size is represented. . ' ' l '. '" Cold weather is bound to be with us now and when again can you expect an offer like this? .on Some show collars of fur and have very deep collars qf Dependable Furs at the Earte Store Greu Fox Sets at . $22-50 Oje of he mpt poplar furs this anion. Good ilre animal loarf and -barrel muff. Head and tall trimmed, , Stone Marjertand kunk upoMtim Scify 150 WQ "V1 de L Large aii&l carf and racJa uff, crsfk ohuic ia apa nmiti vfun ruifie, af MaM, NutriQ Wyr CoUQreit&i atjaSMwr! sati Kh44 MM mK i mtiek at tlMM. ' .-'- 259 B ,aaaaaaaav ;' ",T',Tr,p"""T,S" Pfack American Fox Scarfs; .Njktril qttdm Bom SmhU Mmim x irujum.,