V 1 vrrroRiosA offensiva MLGIWALECADOIJNA A 60RIZIA E SUL CARSO Q IUlianl AtUccano o Con qulsteno Poderoso Lineo dl Difesa Nemichc La Bat- itaglla si Estcndo HU' DI ,5000 PRIGIONIERI RO&iA. I 'Novembre, La, baUAgll lmpcgnatn. dalle forse del Swale Cadoma sulla frontB OorMa rso co'ntlnun con grands vlonnia. II generate' Cftdorna ha ImpcKimto questa volta, Kcondo tutte lo apparenxe, tin duello a morte con II generals austrlaco. ed In- fattl questa sua orrensiva e una aeue piu pederosa lnlslate sulla fronta orientate Xurlojamente contra la opere dl dlfesa aus trlache, preparando la atrada al nuovl at UCchl delta fantera. e la battaglta el vn, Mtendendo raptdamente a sud. nno al l'Adrlatlca dove ell Italian! attaccano la llnee nemlche a nord-ovost dl Dulno, le dltese del Hermada, che alcunl crltlcl rltenrono come la "chlave dl Trieste." Un comunlcato udlclale pubbllcato questa mattlna dice che gll austrtacl hanito aublto perdlte gravlsslme nella battaglta dl mer eoledl' e dl lert. II 21mo regglmento delta Landwehr austrlaca rlmase corapletaments elstrutto. Sette brlgate dl fanterta e due reggtmentl dloBarsagllerl furono lanclatl all'assalto telle posltlonl austrlache a sud-eat dl Oorl Bta. e gll attacchl furono partlcolarraente Tlolentl contro le quote 807 e SOS che furono conqulfitate dopo accanlta battnglla. Flnora sollo statl catturatl plu' dl E000 prlglonlerl. La prima gtornata della nuova offensiva del generate Cadorna Bulla fronts delte Alpl Olulle e dell'altoplano del Carso ha dato aVIl Itallanl 11 possesso dl fortissimo ed Important! poalzlont tenute dagll nustrlacl e 4731 prlglonlerl, ottre ad una quantlta' dl mttragllatrlcl. set cannonl e abbondante matertate da guerre. Inlilata mercoledl', la nuoya offensiva ! ' svolta prlnclpatmcnte su due scttorl. E' ttata esegulta da due gruppl prlnclpall, uno che si e' mosso dalle sue poslztonl ad est dl Gorilla per attaccare II poderoso slstcma dlfenstvo delta alture che domtnano la cltta", ed un altro partlto dalla lli.ea del Vallone, cul Carso, per attaccare ie fortissimo trln cee austrlache nel settore del Fectnka. L'avaniata delte truppe Italians e stata rapldlsslma e vlolentlsslma, dopo un fuoco dl artlgllerla che aveva polverlzzato le dlfese del nemlco In alcunPpUntt gll Itali an! hanno avanzato per circa un mlgtto. La battaglta plu vlolentu si e' svolta ad at dl Oorlzla dove alture che al erano dl mostrate flnora un ostacol6 serltsslmo al 1'avanzata verso est sono state conqulstate con brlllantlsslml assaltl alia balonetta, Flu' a sud, sul Carso, a preclsamente sulla tinea Oppacchlasella - Castagnevlzza. gll Itallanl hanno spezzato In dlveral puntl la ltnea dl dlfesa nemlca, mentre II centra conqulstava le alture che ctrcondano It monte Pcclnka, SI rltlene che ora 11 gene rale Cadoma avanzera' dlrettamente sulla llnea ferrovlaria che da Oorlzla per San Daniels, porta, a Trieste. Ecco 11 rapporto del generate Cadorna Sibbllcato lerl sera dal Mlnlitero delta uerra: Sulla fronts delle Alpl Olulle lerl le nostra truppe attaccarono le poderose dlfesa nemlche sulle alture ad esfdt Gorjzla ed una nuoVa forttsalma llnea etabtllta sul Carso ad eat del Vallone. Nella msfttlnata le nostre batterle dl (toss! caltbrl e dl mortal da trlncea aprlrono un vlolenttaslmo fuoco Sulle opere dl dlfesa nemlche che furono aconvotte In parecchl puntl. Un prtmo attacco della fanterla fu esegutto alle 11 a. m. A sud della strada Oppacchlasella Castagnevlzza la llnea austrlaca fu ccupata In dlversl puntl e fu manje nuta nonoatante 1 violent! contrat tacchl del nemlco. Nella glornata dl lerl nol prendem bo 47S1 prlglonlerl, compresl 32 ufll elall; set cannonl da 105 mllllmetrl, nolte mltragllatrlct, anlma.il da tras porto, una quantlta' dl matertale da (uerra e dl munlzlonl. , Aeroplanl nemlct hanno lasclato eadere bombe su parecchl vlllaggt della Bona del Basso Isonzo. A Doris le bombe austrlache ucclaero un soldato, an capltano e quattro uomlnl della Croce Rossa. t Una squadra dl sedtel aeroplanl Ca pronl da battaglta, scortatl da macchtne da caccta NIeuport, bombardarono gll accampamentl nemlcl nella vail! del JTrlgldo de Vlppacco, lasclandovt ca-i dere due tonneltate d! matertale esplo Ivo. Nonoatante 11 Vlolento fuoco delle batferle antlaere austrlache, tutte le nostre macchlne rltornarono alle lqro bast. Nella zona dt Gorilla, dbve II ter reno era, fangoso a cauea delta refcontl ploggte, le nostre truppe superarono la reslatenza del nemlco ed occuparono trlncee sulle pendlc! oriental! dl Tlvotl dl San Marco e le alture ad est dl Sober. Sul Carso l'Undeclmo Corpo d'armata eonqulsto' le colllpe bOBCOss dl Veliki, Krlbuch e la Quota 315, ad est del Monte Feclnka, ed la Quota SOS, pure ad st del Feclnka. Not abblamo avanzato per due terzl dl un mlgllo ad eat dl Segltt EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPniA, FRIDiiY, NOVEMBER 3, 1916 ITALIANS CAPTURE FOE'S LINES; CAPTURE 6000 1 Ceetloiied from rt One llant soldiers, I.leutenint General Vladimir Sakharoff, to command the army of nus elans, Rumanians and Serb that gave up Constant and Cernarod to voiMck ensen. He has already arrived In Ilucha rest and will take command of the Do brudja army at once, says a wireless dis patch from the Rumanian capital. General SakHaroff came Into prominence during the successful Russian advance In Galtcla last summer. It was he who cap lured Rrody late In July. Sakharoft Is the third general the Allies have sent to help Rumania. General Rertholet, a French man, and General Dletayer, n Russian are In charge of the defense of the northern pa-sfs The latest official news shows more ae "tlclty In the northern Dobrudja, Russia announces thatilong flie whole front Rus sian scouting detachments continue their activity. Consttnta was bombarded today, probabjy by Russian warship of the Black Sea squadron. The German official state ment announces that tho captured Ru manian port waa. "shelled without success." The locatlfen of the forces In the Dobrudla at present la not known exactly. Von Mack ensen has stopped reporting the occupation of towns and villages since Dulgar troops wore reported near Babadagh some days ago. - Evidently, however, the Entente army has stopped Its retreat, and occupies a Itee on high ground about Ave miles south of the Danube loop, supported by the Russ'an and Rumanian fortresses of Tulcea, Macln nnd Bralla. Von Mackensen's pursuit seems to have stopped also, lie Is, perhaps, waiting for heavy guns to come up over the poor roads of the Dobrudja. In. Transylvania the Rumanians fought determinedly In the region south of Kron stadt and all the Teuton attacks were thrown back. Cast of the Alt River, south east of Red Tower Pass, however, tbe leu tons, who havo penetrated twelve miles "rto Rumania, are. still advancing. Tho Rumanians are pursuing the Ba varians who were routed west of the Jlu. and have captured more war, material. A Russian statement announces a Rumanian success at Bratocea, which Rumania an nounced on Tuesday. ' 187-Mile Bolivian R.R to Open Soon LA FAZ, Bolivia,. Nov. S. It Is officially announced that the La Paz-Tungas Rail way will be opened for traffic December 1. The line la approximately 137 miles long. H6 FAMOUS AtiTiiHaXfllMj GiVesieMost Heat with the eat Waste 6" w BERLIN REPORTS ADVANCES ON TRANSYLVANIAN FRONT; RUSSIAN ATTACKS BROKEN -i BERLIN, Nov. J. Auatro-German forces operating south west of Predeal and aoutheast of Rothen thurm Pass In the Rumanian theater of war havo made a new advance, capturing 360 Rumanians, the War Office reported today. Following Is the text of the official announcement: Army group of Archduke Carl On the southern boundary of Transylvania Russo-Rumanlan attacks were repulsed by our fire or In bayonet fighting, southwest of Predeal and southeast of Rothonthurm Pass we made on ad vance, following up the enemy, and cap tured more than 350 Rumanians. , Balkan front There Is nothing to report On Prtnoe Leopold's front the Russians suffered exceptionally severe losses during fruitless attempts, repeated seven times to recapture the positions stormed by the nnMa1c,tober S0 wst of Krasnojes'e. on the left bank of the Narayuvka, the offU clal report said. HiiisiUiiisisisisisisisisisiiisV a04tfff VLsHiIIIIHf v THEE3T nUPAUD COAL . ON TIU MA&Krr SflNaW T Tbt KfliHyMi k JUsuifrt FRENCH REOCCDPY ENTIRE RING OF VERDUN'S FORTS, PARIS REPORT ANNOUNCES The -French War nm tJ I" ' !.- the evacuation by the Germans yesterday ?n"r."1" '.r?.rt Vaux. the last VerdSn statement added ihm 's, .. ..!-,.. ... Plosions were observed In the fort." -.... .,,m, laBl nignt occupied the fort without the loss of .in.?;. Si report said. "? "'" tlr-rinYf0"1.08 ,?lnte,1 out at th S tire ring of outer fort nt v.i.... . 1 a8Sln oml)Iet8ly In French, hands. ".wiot uie statement follows: OOUUI of the Snmtn n 1I...1.. ...,,. battle raged In the sector, ot ZmSf' ana A surprise attack against the German ' 'vsW msiHHillBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBH V SbiibibibibibVI f - . 8 GiM. VLADIMIR SAKHAKOFP Ono of Russia's leadlnrr com mnndcrs, who has bcei) sent to tho Dobrudja to" take charRo of tho defense against General Mackcnsen. trenches west of Eaucourt was completely auccesaful. On tho right bank of the Meuse the night was relatively calm. Teaterday, under the violence of our bom bardment which had been maintained for several days, and without awaiting an at tack from our Infantry, whose pressure be came more and more Intense, the enemy evacuated Fort Vaux In the course of the afternoon. , Three very violent explosions were ob served In the fort. During tho night our Infantry, which had advanced within a vera short distances, occupied the Important work without the loss' of a single life. The entire ring of outer forts of Verdun Is now once more In our hands and Is firm ly held by our troops. There Is nothing to report from the rest of the front ' LONDON, Nov. 3. British troops cap tured a German trench east of Gueudecourt REBUS AND OYALliSTS ' BATHE IN THESSALY Greek Insurgents Reported Marching on Larissa, Big Railway Ce.ntcr LONDON. Nov. J. Civil war has broken out InjTJreece. Heavy fighting Is Jn prog ress between Venliellst revolutionary forces and loyalist troops In Thessaly. The rebel army that occupied Katorlna Is reported to be marching on Larissa, the great fall road center In Thessaly Dispatches from Athens today state that King Constantino Is taking military meas ures for the protection of the Greek cap ital (Katorlna Is an Important city on the (TUtf of Salontca, forty-five miles south west of Salontca. It Is the same dtstnrice from Larissa Larissa la only 130 miles north of Athens and Is connected with Athens by the main railway In Oreece ) The Venlzellat army, which numbers SO 000 Is well equipped It was supplied with arms and ammunition by the Allies to be used ngnlnat Bulgaria. London newspapers) today blttery criti cised the Allied military authorities In Greece for allowing King Cnnatnnttne to send troops over tho Flraetn-Lnrlaa Rail way to reinforce the lojallst forces fight ing the, rebels Jn Thessaly It wns pointed out that this railway line has already been taken over by the Allies for their exclusive" use. CAMDEN STABBER SCARED Celrfla?es, lit MakesfjBix. Months' Scntonro lfm frrht Michael Mlga, fearing that he was to be afiot because cellmates In tho Camden County Jail had told him that Ferdka Ku vllas, whom he had stabbed, had died of the Injuries, was carried Into tho Criminal Court this morning and relieved of his fright by a sentence of six months In the county Jill. Ha sighed his relief and smiled, Mlga, who could not read, came near los ing hts mind yesterday when cellmates told htm that papers of a civil suit filed by Kuvllas were really orders by which he was "to U "hot t sunrise." He became hyster ical and bjat about his cell, attempting to kill himself by butting his head ncalrnt tho steel bars It was finally necessary to .bind! mm 10 a Dea. Wa mg P' See Saturday's and Monday's Papers i1 - n I 30-32-34 o. btCOND STREET ' s I In a resumption of fighting on the Somm rday. The position was secured lost night front yesterd day, General Hatg reported ?o BERLIN, Nov. 3 The block of bullr ings In the vlllftgo of Ballly-Sallllsol, recent ly captured by the troops of the Bavarian Crown Prince, were lost again yesterday morning, the War Office admitted today In Its odlclal report. At other parts of the front FrancoJBrlttah, attacks failed, the statement said. With regard to the opera tions at Verdun, the report merely says: "The French fire against Fort Vaux de creased toward the evening." AIRMAN ENDS FLIGHT CHICAGO TO NEW YORK - . Coatuined from Fare One yond the Island, while New Torkers from their skyscraper galleries watched. Then he swept down from the air, glided grace fully across the parade ground, and came to an easy stop. A courier from Long Branch hurried away with a letter Carlatrom carried from Jlhyor Thompaon, of Chicago, for Presi dent Wilson, while a postal clerk took a bap of Inall from the aeroplane. Yesterday Carlatrom made Erie, 4GE jmlles from Chicago, and then had to come down Tiecause, Just one little loose nut made further journeying impracticable. This shattered his hope of a Chlcago-to-New York nonstop trip. But he swept on to Hammondsport,., pjt jUP.- his ,m.9i)slroua 0 horsepower biplane for'the night, and then arising early did his 31G miles here In two hours and twenty minutes. In breaking his own American non stop record he was about 360 miles behind the European record, approximately 800 miles, a Journey from the French lines o Chelm. Poland, by a French military aviator. EOver Kresge's e l rn Elevator IN I S & : 10c Store SeCOm flo9T''m Or SUIrs MACKEY LEASES THEATER Will Offer Election Returns to Fficnds at Special "how" Harry A, Mackey, chairman of the Work men's Compensation Board, has entered the theatrical field. He has leased tho Fifty-second Street Theater for a "one night stand" next Tuesday, He proposes to stage the election returns for his friends of tho Forty-slxth Ward, ana while a "standing room only" housofcilkht easily be obtained, Mr. Mackey has. decided to limit the attendance to those persons to whom ho has Issued tickets. Mr. Mackey has not announced the full program, but his former association with the Dcpartmsnt of Supplies Is accepted by his friends as guarantee that the specifica tions will bo met by an ample appropriation. I 1 ? I 1 I I I I vV-li Women's Smart Boots- All high-cut pattern: Battleshln fiv a' can and Havana Brown, Black and White com- uumuyn vi xvm or iratent Vamps,; also all Dull Leather or Glazed Kid; Welted and Stitched Soles; "all sizes and B to B widths in the assortment. n. Open Saturday Evening College Girls' English $9.86 Walking Boots j 8 inches hlchi Jn Gun-metal Calf: New Long Vamps with Military Heels; all sizes. Dr. Carson's Cushion $ Q Sele Skew fer Womea ' The shoe that la pleasing thousands of women j in lace and button. . Womeh's Juliets, 76c just in tning or these cool morn inga;'la rey, winoand black felt. timkW t Boy' High-Cut $ Storm Shoes at 1.66 ,The boy'g delight, with atrap and' buckles; in tan and blacK. Sizes 10 to 18i. Larger Sizes, 1 to 2, $1.86 i' k ChiUnm's 0& School Shoe Mfv Blk kUumI kid; Butt Blueh r BlghUlMUM 1m t; sis tV6 to 3.- Men'i Trade -Mark Shoei SamplM nd surjtlu ateck of wil-knpwn umkm lo Twi and BUck Euuia Calf. PnUnt and GlMMi Kid. Wltod and StiUbwi Sol: Boji'ftiNShMeV1.36 h'b si) solid; sk, $1.78 XndUotUJahfian'a sisa 0 to li. Sizes 1 to 7 and GUd Kid. W Aft t 0r I vJB Some of the Advertisers Are Leading a Double Life- you get here G just what we advertise THE FAMOUS JoMfhmmt It is not' much a trouble to asl$f r nr- t I ror rownes gloves byl name -and you 11 have no trouble with style,, fit or comfort when you get what you ask ror. i ry it. owne5 that' all you need to know about a GLOVE. (CapxrlhWJ The Only Quadruple Guaranteed Overcoat 1 The fabric is all wool. 2 The colors guaranteed fast. 3 The lining guaranteed silk (Skinner's). 4 Guaranteed wind, snow and rain proof. Your money back or a new garment if you are dissatisfied. The Overcoat Is Right The Price Is Right $20 II j OR $1.00 WEEKLY SHOES Women's Tan Calf . . . .$7.00 Misie' Coltikin, White -Top $3.00 Men's Gun-Metal English t ., $550 Boys' Gun-Metal, Laced and Button $3.00 NEW TOP COATS tures, plain materials and fur fab ric-, i-i. in ana lur tcl c TO PC trimmed models... S10 $10 11.00 WEEKLY fXymKNTH Smart Tailored Suits' Latest styles featuring avarv want ed new material and color In ladles' fit.!:l!,.,.$13.75 TO $45 Millinery Pretty Waists Dress Skirts, Furs Blankets, Comforts, Linens ' Dining Room SuitM ' 10 pieces, walnut, mahogany and golden ,oak. Colonial and Period effects, i75, $100, 12S up to $275. ' Odd buflets in ail woods and styles, $18 to $100 with tabltttf China closets and chairs to match, Bedroom Suites ' In golden oak, mahogany, Amer-f iean walnut, ivory and nil other? woods and finishes, $28, $35, $45 to $250.. Bureaus, all woods and finishes $12, $16, $20, $25 to $95. Chjf foniers, toilet tables, Princes dressers and chairs tomatch. Brass and imitation wood beds, wardrobes, chlfforobes, etc. Library and Parlor Suites, 3 and S pieces, $18, $22, $25, $50 to $250, Visit our Talking Machine Dept " ONE DAY Floor Covering Specials 520.00 Value, '9x12 Tapeatry Brussels Rugs . $17.00 $40.00 Value, 9x12 Vetret Ruga . . $35.00, $35.00 Val., 9x12 Axminater RuCa , . . $30.00 S1.2S Value lnlald'Uno!oura, ..ryard $1-00 80c and 90c Valua Cord Lin- " oleum), per yard a,80e Lace Curtain Specials $3.50, $5.00, $6.00 and $7.00 Lac Curtalna to Close Out at $1.50, $2.00 and $3.00 per pair One, two and three pairs of a pattern. STdVES, HOUSEPURN1SHINGS. Women's $1.25 Gloves $ t Duplex; Two Clasp ) In white, Bray, biscuit, chamois and pongee colors. Alao In white, grey, Band, Un & black. r - , STOllE OI-I9NS DAILY AT 8U0 A. SI. & CLOSES AT SiSg,X. M. $1.50 French Kid Gloves, $1 oq lTvo clasp. In white some with black backs. Lit Drotheri FIRST FLOOR HATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE Iit BlWtlMfSLI OtfE YELLOY TRADING STAMP WITH EVERY 10c PURCHASE ALL DAY Men WfitTWould' Save 'a Dollar on Their Hat Can Choose From a Fine Big Collection of Regular $2.98 HATS ) $1 QQ In all the Latest Styles ( m yCj Market Eighth Filbert Seventh at Only J Black derbies' and colored soft hats. Ut Brothers SECOND FltOOIt, ITU ST. i f 0 . 9 4 p 4 4fa4 $ t 4 ) 4 ) Overcoats in Many Splendid New Models! V A . -i .. ' mr . I sinaar rrices mar M T Men Can Pay m """"," IV hat Ktnd of Overcoat Shall I Get"? Is the Question That the Majority of Ihe Masculine Population Is Asking t itself 1 oday. 1 lie Answer is H ere! Tho vnlues speak for themselves all one has to do Wko make comparison, and It will be forcibly borne home to them that not only are our prices low, but our qualities very high. Hit this time every man is familiar with the shortape of matt- rial and, consequently, increased .costs a condition which triples the importance of our markings. $18.50 to 520)$-! C $23.50 )$ O Overcoats Overcoats) & $12.50 OVERCOATS, $10 $16.50 OVERCOATS, $12 $25 to $32.50 OVERCOATS, $20 & $25 Include pinch-hack and Chesterfield fashions, in single- or double breasted effect. Choice of almost two hundred cloths, in rich, plain colors and pattern effects. f nm ii mi A .. .1 ... j a 1. 9 juany or mese 191s nare come to us at a reaucca price 4 as a result of the continued warm weather. In other is- stances we helped manufacturers over the dull season ..J.1 increDy savea. . a. And now, just at the time whan avcry man is most inter- miJ . .. LF . T If Al A f.l i. fJ t Y mmi wv arm uuiw o oil mr a cputctmn iruijr uiirivatma grmn any and every point of view. Men's &" Young Men's Winter Suits $10, $12, $12.75, $15, $18, $20 to $30 ! I 1 j2f) L. - B-i LsfN- 3fr Boy's Norfolk Suits, Polo Coats, Refers, iYlackiaaws & Overcoats $5.50 to QO' $7.50.)$4'QQ Values O.UO yaiues t.O $8.50 Values ,. . .$g CQ Holt. With patch pockets and made of plaids, checks, pin stripes, blue and brown serges. JX.98 and 14.91 lota also Include middy, Billy Hoy, Tommy Tucker ami Junior Norfolk styles. $!.J8 Jot includes corduroys. , Mackinaw. Of blanket plaids, checks, mixtures and plain colors In Norfolk style. Cent. In brown and gray mixtures, blue, gray and brown chinchilla. Sixes XH to 18 years. Ut Brothers SECOND FLOOR, SEVKJiTH T, 4 . 4 4 4 4 4 . 41j 4 ) 4 4 ,. HATS TRIMMED FREE $4 Ready-to-) AQ Wear HATS) .70 In a Number of Very Smart Styles Hits that It would be Impossible to dupli cate anywnere at wie iiriuo they express the fashions of expensive trimmed millinery, $2.98 Made of Black velvet. With ribbons, .furs and ornaments. One .ketehed. $3 Lyons Velvet HATS, S1.98 Black. Newest shapes. White Hatters' Ho QO Plush Hats .... J &VO FJth yeJvet faoinsv. $3 Pluah Sailor $1 QO Hatg , A-O Hlack. flMlafcad with voly tmms aet4 Hfoegraln- bands, Aigrette & Paradim HKiciM. lie. m, $1.49 $1.8 HJSh-mandlng elteou In. black, fWt Jk la soM mm lvr. . v psiiBM rmwt ruxtw. worth TIU ! The First Saturday in November Will tie Marked by the Season's Greatest Sale of iVtisses' AppareJ Inaugurated By the Combined Efforts of Ourselves and Our Leading Makers Cooperating to the Best Advantage of the Young People Who Are Our Cmtomqr Juniors' and Misses' $13.50 $Q QQ COATS , V.VO Picture Show One of Many StylH at This Price Novelty mixtures and kerne) s. In Kent and dark shades, loose hanging or belted flnlshed with patch peeketa and velvet. MISSES' $35 COATS Handsome Modei m Imitation Bolivia. Choice of groan. brwn, bhu, way; blaak and plum, with sat4n Htw. kit eoney collar and ouffs, Aloo flaa-lMkldK oaata in Wl vslswr. brsadoioth and seal plush many fur trimmed, 29.75 Mise' $20X$1 C COATS.., I AV Unu.usHy Vtne AMor4mon4 Of alboitna, kMy and twvotiy 'muturfis, m vxiora . gray, mbk, brown and o)nar Attysw m U PraotUAl and drwoay stylo. TisS fiiiirtC "isiT MiSM"$19$2g "-" -T-" ' ' . crasM aad atkar or. Have alfartitlv IttaaVarl JaokoUmwiy aro trlauaM irltn fur. velfst or plush. r MISSB8' $15 DSBSSEg. $18.18 ' w Ut mmSS!w 4BOOND WlOU VMsBBflTBUMil sMI HSmWmWSmmlS 4J $15