Bv'Zvzzx " "W7r"rsWfTWwNi " "W SWST v .VJ PS" ' ANott jj y VJ lEueutttg STRA ':' 'V. A mean FRIDAY November' 1916 k1'. V i 2i 'ii i.i r . - ' :. , m , . , , - ' ' ' I ' . ...jL -- f eaRaQSEiw.-1. kitiaL.?fi . " .'a'v; , ' b ,ihk',v .,., ;r-nk,jrr v -T A.. iK? .ri --mm mmxmmi ' - "V m m innii w i imm whh ?v t?aiHrsvnH'dm,-TT-"SJ::-.?vi2jvu,lUHAvT.ti? Lwi-cr Witt? ; avtxnHtfH t 'BMBHBBBflBTTllKil!BKSftt.'-'T ySSSJCjifcltl ftHPJBBBI wjiich flew acrosq the lens almost within arm's length Tf the camera. j.V.' ;''' ; - - . -X-'- - 'v v'- '-''Tpl rx ' f A PAIR. OP THE FINEST OP PHILADELPHIA'S FINEST ' Captain WlHkm B. Milk at tke left, in charge of the Jleeerves and thoTrafflc Squad, and Cap-. ' tain Grg S. Tempest, of the Fifth Division, which comprises West Philadelphia, arc two of. , f the' most popular men in the Bureau of Police. fcjJ, f Photo br WlllUm 6bwU Ullli. WILL REPRESENT MAIN LINE AT SUFFRAGE" CONVENTION v Mrs. Ferrco Brinton, of St Davids,-, is ono of the delegates elected from the Second Legislative District, which includes tho Main Lino section of( Delaware County, to attend the State Convention of the Woman's Suffrage party at Williamsport the latter part of this month. ' X m QofTtltM Evnlr Lw3er.Unlvcnl AnlraaUd.'TVeklj. ARMS SAID TO BE FOlfVILI.A SIE7Rn TV TfTR wwcjt . VUnitod StoW marshal "pinched" a 'cargo of raachino guns Wine f . nn innocent-looking address, but said to bo destined for Villa's' tu'e i i W A r4" "-' 4 jtibwjWBmd&r.ii "iSw pppjHHnaBBjHflWpp BPJIiK,' kBlBBwhL vjBillHBiHBL. " k&'9V.n'SflLlSKifliBlH211BAlllllV'4NH BBBf kjuj. B-vIBbBBBBIBBIBHB'BBPJBIPPBiPP BiHBHBBBSl9jBBlHPBlBBBBBBk. r ( ftfcBl JBKTn JHBViBjHISBBREjpBf SliBHBBBXBPJPVfltvKHttlta IHBBir i 'p 7 - j- '?K " HilBlllL. 'f BKfQW W" , ",'.? - Xs AhHRUK. ? ';. v. F'j .'f J-. 'f ? V K .4'i jj$M '-e; -;; !.' TJ41ILy MVOWW. , Wi iUUAJtm wriv . Oy PHILAWnIA'l JWL1ING Jy WWT, W VXM u fymnommafijmf. 9-H