ArAKTKJSKT WMANTttVN Om'mvrd from rrrctM'O "' tub nh?y. addition fil Hi .1 AM.5 UV la oi'kf I'KN tt?l LrK.!Snil"mVd twite tt t ri-rrvrisr.t'wi.. "22 ewmpe ln.niwai . -. ..j,.,..!. St heautffV" tinsrlvanla Ilal road SX ftelva SB?; Ejf" -riilvt: rslns day, ' OCtH lift off dn d. make surety transports! "BL".'! Y rcorni and 1 rooms TUvwruT iifVn l nd iomM 'n n.,l" ai?ifW"',l,IvJfurt',BV?,VAi IXC M W? nTttt&U,.$ioS! ed and . an iivldual needs; viu iYmiseeDln problems eotv stiTrtl .JB;'!." wiii SS k tab of the xceilrn5 at a most moawi.wln imi conniir. KH'il.R'T .-lilXHiK." irorm tttrousnoui " " ? - full Information, arrangements In ii and reeeryatona cal. pnsne or to IIWOOD x Non tWS! VCB DASH wa? ivi npretentjuivee on tns ""m,,e f ..abitments may ta made for au.tnmohltf leteecs anu picuit WlflSHED APARTMENTS ..' in iri.T furnished ullri private bathes ttftSnl "location. U P- 3h " gOUSEKBEPINp AJABTMENT TOU CAtfNQT FIND A JlBTTEn ArAIlTMKHT N.E.Cor. 17th & Walnut II Mock from lllttenhousa bquare) la mi al it" i r rhone Walnut 0029 ik! clan. f '"V-TJ ...JAa Dtl HIMU' " ri"a"l."r W4rmi: each hav '""I !.':- !. II' MTlPCInWB, lino . n aa well, WmI wlnU- r(mnll Allf) BU.tM i L" i .. j.f nnrir1 SUS M Vr Tntwctlon rordialiy invited. n" --- -i rp kitchen, tnlv room ana atfssywftiv ! room. "VI "VJ.Tlnl.r n,l .urn. ""r"''!'!".."'., l..firnoSl AHM w- .-.-... t ia MERTON W, GREIMS Second Floor N. 15. Cof. Uroad and Cbtttnut f,Vru Ubertu Butlding) THERE ARE SEVERAL WAYS OF SECUK1INU AN APARTMENT idflphla. dtvotedncluolyely to cu what tuy want for particular popl, ll'S. your remlrement"t. th") Jfdlne dealra'Ble upartmenta In l'tlladtlpnla ara j iuh mi mnv bft ranteil throush UB. Our uteniobllea are wMtlne to take you to tfio -iK .miuitiIm ou (iFBlffnote. and with tha Uaat poaaltla '(Tort sou w)ll,aecure tha one aMrtimnt In J'Wladefnhla wblcn rooat nearly auroachea your exact Ideal. luted wl; G ptroachi NORMAN S. SHERWOOD lll WALNUT ST. Same t31 nc 3QM ;JT E SOUSEKEKI'INO APA11TMCNT8 All parts ol city. 3 rooms and bath to 7 rooms and bath 123 to 170 per months call, phone or write. SAMUnfTBTEnN, 1201 Cheatnut at. T inR CARI.tSLP. 423 8. Carllala ckeepll keeplna- data; every conv. for houeekeejnn, t ifrhlA vaa. on 3d floor has 4 rooma. at S23. Wbtfeelde t McLailahan. Ulh and Pine ate. " ' vcur rnnrwinii NEW COnONATlO CHESTNUT AND y-'D fJTS. A lew vacanciea Appiy januor. Bili. rnK8T. a. k. con. smi and iiack OlOOM APAllTlUilNTS, BilOWKB. FtJR- Wginap on 1'NKrnN.. hbasonahle. K. K. con. J0T1I AND MASTKU Houaekeep- auiei, lurmenea, o up; ini ruom. fc ' HU ' aTrra iirn a rCVUUU Bi! lllUw-Kxrellont rArnar hnusfl keying ptnt.ftlio doctor'a offjeo; modern. AYkst riHT.Anpr.rniA . fe KtNOBCOUriT X8TK AND CIIESTNCT STB. 'JSVKRAU MODnnN HOUBEKKEPlNa 4HT1IENTH IXJlf IlliNT: UIjKCJTIUU KI.K TORS. PllIlLlCf DlNIKO UOOII. APPLY' BT. THOU. 1, 8KKD8. Jit.. I'.'OT 11AUK ST, (lh and Cheatnut: Monterey. 48d and r: Uflmnnt. A4th anil Hnrhie Harden. Wra Janitor, or CUESSK. 308 Hal i)ld. 'APABTMENT HOTELS Cheatnut and Nineteenth. ALDINE HOTEL THE, BEST ROOMS AND SUITES f With ftp best table, in Philadelphia SiU DV. Wink-. Monfri .9in nn. lv .r. . ...-..-., , , L PARKSIPE APARTMENTS U ! Marr O. McQUde. manager. t-----,- -,t -- -"r'lxTL" "--" .rii'i nym at. uin (. , Ul'l'HSlTE TAIHMUUNT TARK. "M VCItlVI UJ. aVIVi THE GLADSTONE , HTJl AND TlNn ST8. Absolutely Fireproof WlV VEHV Btt8mAnr.E SUITES CAN yUltN18HI5l OH VNUUNISHED )TEI COLONIAL pPRUCES AT liilt HI, -WM. P. KBNNFiV? MANAQKll THE CLINTON I K CKM3, h ' f urmsneq TENTH BELOW HTnTTrn EVEIIT CONVENIENCE. nnfurnlaihf1. tthti hv Or tranftlcntlvi suit a nf nn nr wuii witq pain. JCfe D.EI.lMI5-iI0nifIS 2gJ SheUi,n " 1 SJS,Pd Street 8l crrnantowni SO mlnuUa hKii .';"' . Aurnisnvu or un e. auo houwckaoplnir apartmenta. IRVING .HOTEL 013-017 WALNUT .AraerlcanjlanlS.liuropean. fl up. - J? TJip centpjp ;vEHYT"io . Sao 8 nnOAlS H -SJPNP.JpBS8VasXM - o fn KUtlMH awu IIAfll. gjMssr,'iwi JHCAI, ESTATE. gQB BALE EIW' yAy - 1TH AND clEHHY EBT tl: AD WD OH tar anv hleij,i..a v...i "HMWfPt Ppu pr(ca nd aft. t!S6. rw '17 .'! t. . rATTaWaVW. ISO B.ylBth at. tick cfwelllnia porch, a: rente4 JUweaoid Pfttr T-r, . . i !tt ikf wt brick cm; KBs '&2SX F9IL MORTGAGE iiir Bi wWV-tV'' "LW.aUtly. lrtl AIaiS KYING LEJDOEK-lHILiVDEIHLfV, FRIDAY, NOVJfliIJB13 JJ, 11)15 . AEAL ESTATE FOR BALIS rirr " " ConfHaM row rrrrrtflas Column w! wSnlhryr? Sgife rn- lo.,,,t! r"V Vinticifw ""'"- " P. I0TII ndKA?ohJ,.',,'tJ'i,IV;, nui'dmit: neSTlTlh "rnia ! "n wught (heap aud on liberal term a. J. A -rATXSlll'W 1S1 8 nth at. Rnlldlnc Iita, Farterr 8tea. te. HI m P1 HinoR at itnoAD ijilni.yiHT)K8 " 11H?I vijL.uii:i.ri ', ," ". NKWK8T NO 11U8T 1DBA8 IN 110U8K8 N"ri2?;i2.(,.i!p,rl "Joorwaya Colonlii uifwaa llreaft rufrne th.riuwhMer,r'U mai "" "' t0 '' ill?. 2' ?' J-hone, Wuuqiand U IN RESTRICTED SECTION $5800 ?,'.1,?1ehd. 11 rooma and attic. HOT. !3.In.. or natural flnlili. bicher alura auf roundlni.. tert.n are atinetue EUGENE L. TOWNSEND J B cor 4th t Jtaltlmnro ae V'ood 3413 RACE STREET atmldetacht aouthweete BSfHl Ixt SS eiUOi 3 atorv acnildetachnl. 10 rooma. hall aouthweetern, etpoaurc. . n.pigjvu laiuii l)4th. llllnir l.sfl Owner wll all at n WM. II, W. QUICK & BRO., Inc. l o nui 4ljyillBT. BA.VJR IN,Y.c?TMW8--wif hao for aata aome Well-built louaea that pay ccr 10 per rent (J-MtLsii "l". ""nnunt ln eated. . pf.MnpilTON land 4787 ' " "- 'rclPnon. Wood- T11K CHILTON APT8.. 810-351 NTsdat. Full nf lenantai paiini; liufsttnenl price: and term" rltljt 8ea IIAimiS J. CHILTON, own. fi.3tlA l,ocuBt at.jU tn l A. U. j. ePK.Tlin NttW 8A1IPLR HOUSH waui Hiiim ae. lutt-n lota u.nis ; inn Niiunq. iiuiidi K'Vf2 111T1I.T tnr hiinArmrim whv tin fni OUT'' Kemple hout n dlly evenlnaa, too. ii Afit' Bi 'tirjiiiripLn avu. SO IIINHTKH TO CITV HALL, Bee (he beautiful ean-pln home, open dally .. nru Afp rnnsTuit ave. $3000 7 II001I8. Uutcu nail, hot-water heat. KEAIi ESTATE FOR SALE I r nNNHA I.VANIA 8t;Bl!RBN Conllanl ron rrrerdbm Column COUNTItr HOMKS. general SHimp. nuiMlina nuev and In .tha Improved vniie inarah Valley and In tha aectlnn tttweetl Norrletown, oyJfloj.n and llalboro. Hnhnrlinn lata Ih" TOU WANT TO lll'ILT) n home In Sprint;. . aumiru. iinrw Aiay, iwi?, field, th lcadlna- eulmrb. hrnra May. 1B1 mi enn bur n lot (HH170 feet, 3 eiiuarwi irwiu imnon, mantel lann, wiin an sirrei improretnenta mart, for l3 net. BiirlnaOeld arma tlfrtce. mrner Rurlnrfleld and AKer a,Vca , Bprlhpfleld ' , m. ?.NK, l!iR. R. WATNnAltractla .home: fine condition) . r li,IIII .,IU,lrJ Hlin IWIIUIIIH cepventemyi, lot )3'J30i offered to ait cloee - Mff r-ns?:v sri!lnAN VH HAVK POIIK very apod propertlca at Oreen- TUUMAB 'H HAVK B01IM very apod propertli .Jim JFRPW PK.SI0BF; bulldln lota; (OtlOO ft. I ran- lid trolley, auo w, oiaie VKNTNOlt U0O bul enltnt to beach a llABliU II A UO A IN' A flna realdtilca at Northeaat. ltd. I lo-room niodernlied hnuee. brlckj 2-room iNiih nonsa.anii ouinuiioinsa, loca fine lanh of S acreai within 'J mlnu ft atajlon r II tPoniElori,. Nortjieietj rw Inutea walk na ,'JG?'YLY'M4 F-iPlli H3J AtnK3, ona of (ha heat dairy and renaral farmi tn (tin stalo of PehnaiTianlai Plenty oj hwMtngi nun of thepi new located In llucli tiiiinii, iiu iniia no atoncai plenty oi auoc l.?lrr l'ifv tiSii.iiiMi iar (lil'K aair. ivoooi I Woniworlh Ilulliiliu; Hathlohrm. fa. 11 Ai'nns convenient 'to Main Line l"n. It. price redilcvd In ;300 . JLLTflOMI'SoN Weat Cheatft. p. VAltll r ATAlMtlll.1 tn 300 cre convenient to Phlta IKHTNII 3 C 1' I'f.TUIt3 b 8QN. S08 CHK8T, . ' T BT. UEAL ESTATE SALE OR BENT AND SUIUmiUN pmpertlea for aala t ..'fl?"' Merlon Tlcalty Company, Li to llulldlnc. Philadelphia Pa. CITV ren -51U adelpjjja cur or Land CENTIIAL PIlOPKllTIKS JAJiKajJ. WlNClf ?I.fJ"l 7("ahd Saniom ata. pknnmvIjVania stmyniiAN 11ALA-CVNWTD l.arpe Hat houaea. "aalt.or rent, nt all pricea Hamuel C Vaaner. Jr., t'ommerslal Tfuet Jljdr '"" IB" Mirket. elertrlo llahti main afreet Son nifoo Italtlmoie mi Mactnnla IlKAUTIFItL S aty porch manalon: cost llf aacrlflce for 18000; terma llarlng ,3i .000! hv; fJU).NT0VVN NEy IIOUSl.'S AND IIUILDtNa BITES for eni. AiAii Uroad and aalei aevefal dralrabla houaea for rent. MAll- "Ani ifuuaiAii at ju., n . Cheatnut. NEW COLONIAL ltESIDENCK. with Bare e; high delation, near t'alrmount Park. WAHNOOK EilLHN Commercial Triyf llulldlpg OEnilANTOWN H01IK3, nil eertlona. niuj.i.n.n iiAltlir BltULLKN i 1IAH11Y Franklin Hank liulldlnK. Walnut 253T. htonii iiquan DETACHnp HTONII ONIJ 1500(1 OI.TNDON PnifcaVjIAN. I 551(1 Otn. ave. on application. Oermantown OUK 1U3AL ESTATE BULIXTIN will ba aent 10 tou uy mail Truat Co Chelten and Oermantown ftYf IP TOU AtlE LOOKING KOIt A H0JII3 In Oer mantown, Alt. Atry or rhestnut Hill, coneutt me A.H. Meehan 074J Oermnntownao. OUR NEW KENT nnd aale Hit of Oermantown and Cheatnut Hill properties aent on appllca tldrt JJ. H.Llitar k 8nn. B0I2 Oermantown av CHOICE 1IOME8. Tulpahocken at enat ofOer mantonn me. J. II. C1IADV1CK CO., Kflaa Qeymaptown ave. I.11KAI, KSTATI3 bought, aold, rented, rente col- lectin, mortsace loana lor a term oi ycara or on bulldlns aeaM;latlon Plan . UTHUtt llOSWEI.L, 23S N. 13th at. WILL buy cheap real eatata any aectlon Phila delphia. Immediate aniner- Urokera pro tected. Cheater D. Itoltner, 14S0 Cheatnut. Cheatnut Hill several nnsihApt.n pnopiniTiES MINTUHNT WltlOHT CO. MORBI8 III.IIO, locn WE HAVK THE HOUSE YOU WANT IN TIOOA OH IXHJAN KENNEDY A HAHtllO. 3T40U KIIMANTOWN IFBJL. ItEAL ESTATE, morteaeea and conveyanctne. WM. P CHAltUBHS 4383 N Uroad at. PENNSYLVANIA SUI1UKI1AX OI.EN8IDD HOMES and binldlnB eltee every deacrlptlon. vltENNINOEa ft UENNINOEIt, qlenald. Pa. HITllfTItTlAM UEAL ESTATE Atiy price." All looatlona. Sale or rent. CHAItLESJ.HOOD4CO, Morrla Id HIllllIimAN TOWNOUNTIIY Send for catalogue. iinj3yjijEcI-ou?!;Hr!ii5wJl'?a! SUnURIIAN ltES'inENCES for aala or rent! attractive Incatlona. prlcea rlcht Maurice J Hoover, Heal Uetata Truatjlldg. LAHOK LIST OF SIHIUflHAN HOJIFH. aala or rent, on tne Alain i,ine or ucauinff 'yr.,lfc' i;u., aiorria ituiioini WM. II. Wl.SON & c idlnff. DUOOKLINE Hrond-new det. dwln.. 7 r. b , water heat, electr.. BOxlS: 3hJg; only MBO caah requlredi will eiclmnKe. J. KIJllKlt WATTS, opp. llrookllne Station. Elkins Park All-Stone Residence $10,500 One of the handaomeet ail-atone houaea In the O d York Road Kectlon. Comnleleil Nov. 30. 1'Ua lars" bedroom. S baths. 00-foot lot. on Church road two aquarca eaet of York road. Rhoads & Paul JCPUNS VAXIK AND 133 8. GTH ST, MAIN I.INK. r, U. H MAIN L1NU llcat line of llaln Una houaea, Jl r ,nr ,a,p r nni, m nil 4tiuni - ucaiuii.iiN nr Hint. t nil nr I . lU.IN Veet End Truat Hld. KEALESTATE TO EyOHANQE 4201 N 0TH BT. Corner atnre propeflv. 8 rooms; aaseeaed tt.'Olli rent ltd: make offer, first mnrtirage lotion, property worth I3S0U, THOMAS L SON. 4MS N. Bth at, HA15 1(1 FARMN, taken In REAL MTATE FOR RENT jnfTICKS. BlISIVWrJROOMH. kto." CtmflnMcl from rrreedlno CalMntn Botes:, ml: mmmm p. rrorrlennl Offlrea rrtOFKHSiONAL nUlI.DlNO 1831-33 Ch'itnut at. A few aullea for phrelclaiji or denlleia, J T JACKSON CO , Cheatnut and 13th. M'nST VHlIIHlI.riUA VB Attn Ol'KBRINfJ FOR RENT The larirtet and beat eelectlnn of tioueea and apartmenla In Welt Philadelphia. Wm. II. W. Quick & Bro., Inc. Raqln-JiirjTlL8I . nuiut.ANTOWf' qmiMANTOWN Near Oueen lane atallon and flermanfown Cricket Clun. 3 belmoma.. a hatha hot water heat. 3 atory aemlditached houae. (48 1. JT Tdser Central. MOBTOAQES $f00,000r5 FLAT BPECIAf. ID'IST YVtiD -!!9!!l W&. IlTwHT ST- To sKri'itn a itonTQAOB It flrat .or eecond If ion dealra e SfIVc'. "llck nd aallafactory remit moderate thtraea CAI.U 1'IIONE Olt WIUTB TO I Rlclent ta and US HJXIV. H!9H? will heaa good ((.placed WmfAN 8 'hHKitw'OOD, 1411 Walnut at. ItO TO 1 1000 !OTR OR MOHTOAOR mmedlata Heltlementa. lnarltlcd Ketaia lniana. . luildlna Annotation b'unda, nKMPSKT CO, a; H jum a. FUNDS FOR MORTGAGES Northern Trust Company 8IXTH AND RPIHNti QAnjJEN . MONEY KOIt MOlf LAHOB AND SMALL olfir'ir ivdwyr JSl.II UOOI BIS V NQUnlB 8T. V KOIt MOHTOAtlKS KND SMALL AMOUNTS IIICK ANSWERS 11UI CIAI.TY NU. $50 VH which wo will aacrlflco for quick cash aalea. i oil ror particulars. oiiiJBN. is'ju t exchange. aaiea. ''ilheiJi UOOD-PAYINciapt. houae. Uroad near Diamond. for farm atork and croji. lml. 1303 N 8th. IF YOU HAVE anything tn exchange aeo us; It wilt pay joU. I8EN CO.. 1003 N. 8th. REAL ESTATE WANTED SEAL ESTATE FOB BENT CITY STORES AND DWELL1NOS In all aectlon of see our list in tne linger Daiuruay, SAMUEL T FOX L CO. 8, E cor. uth and Callowhlll. city. T F. NEALI8. 010 8. 12TH ST. ' ISO 8. Iil at., I' rooms, coma ,140 00 2-!18 N. 13th at.. 10 roams, conva 3".n2 731 Race at., 10 rooma, conva .. , . . 80.00 210(1 EAST LnlllRH AVE. , S-story dwelling, 7 roomn $14; oath, range. Bae. cood order: large yard, keya 21 C8. W.. 1. CRAVEN'S. SONS. 1840 N. 7th at. THE SEND FOR OUR RENT LIST a LAND TITLE AND TIlTlST CO. iiroau nna unesinut bis. T 4(1 S. 1RT1I ST. 11 RUC1M8 AND 2 1IATHS JIEARSJiROWN. 2(2S1B1H BJ. 25B 8. 10TII 8T. 14 rooma and 3 baths: rental annum, aiauu. aumaii u. .iwaa, ,n, Inut al Wain Ii. Hnslnesa Tropertlea nnd Stores STORE. 1B09 ARCIt BT. 800 BQUAltft FKETi KlrSB L FRONT AND UliAR rairr BTOnp AND DASEMKNT. MOBCWitngl-rt. 30x115. lareo wlndowa: wMlft'aWrn Or w i divide LEA ESTATES,, 70V Sanaom at. 19 00 6.13 N. FRANKLIN ST.. Jtora and eel- larv Nealla, U10 S 12(h at. npth, Plionea. Factories, Warehouses. Mfr. Jl??l!U- 1IAVI3 PARTY whq will eroet building, central or other location for satisfactory tenant. " ,E.iL,,101I 9 61 ItTaln,,. H,,IH,,,1 .? .. ,,,w. , "Cohocltslnk Mills BTH ANp BTH ST8. Aiwrn Luiumuiit, Floors. B000 to 18 000 an. ft.! cheap power It. y. McNEKLY, 1733 Randolph. 12t7 FILDERT ST. 1000 square feet first floor store, with largo atreet frontage: In cludes llftht and heat and shipping facilities. Apply VJl neeqi iiuuoinc. FACTORIES, altea. warehouses, floor space ex. clualvelr. J- Alan Mlddletpn, Factory Spe cillst and F.nglneer. 8UU-11 Wldener nuld- Iny. 1'nnaneipnia 86TII AND MARKET 8TS 2d and 8d floorai, corner: light and airy: elevator service! sulf- rner: llKl le for It all poses r light manufacturing or storage pi Tnylor ft Son. 24 nnd 28 B. 401h at 4TH ST.. N.. 110-25 B17 Cheatnut at Manufacturing1 floors, steam heat and power. Apply Pennsylvania i;o OFFICILS. HUfilNBSa KOOMB, KTO. 115.50 entrally located: all conveniences! rents at- rartiyeiy low: aervjeo continuous. lt?B0. $18.00 HEED I1UILDINO inuo 1211-17. Filbert at 100 000 TO INVE8T In flnt mortgages. In sums from 11000 up. also bulldlnif aaieclatlon money for second mortgages B.--5- SJilEHb t-'S ii nd caiiowhii) ats 1100. 1200 TO IR0OO TO LOAN LEWIS A CO. 1227 W. Olrard ave. PRIVATn FUNDS FOR FIRST MOUTOAOB8 1:onfr.'JSC.U 'f scond mortgages J08 JkLLKVf POTTtj 480 IJajtfmore aye. FINK INVESTMENT for Idle money now. JL&CLG-W, Ir, N(ca3m,V.a?J? TRUST rtlNflS KOIt FIRST MORTOAOB HEHKNERS ft HTRTSON UNO TITLE llPlUPlH" ALL AMOUNTS, 1ST. AND 2D MOIlTClAOi;8 TiiirK siniiVrri MAURCE1. MATSIr,'nEJL Jt- fsLT- " wn HAVE plenty of funds on hand for gnod first mortgage. XilpMASJl SOIf. 4038 N. Bt.h St. Jiu.lnv ror mortgagee; Rucks County properly. Alt' Llnco nortgagee; fiurks County TllpR.P TOWNSEND ifn llullillng, Phllajelp;la FUNDS FOR 1ST AND 2D MOHTOAQES ANV AaltHINT J'PTT8TIIplSONL2&21Frnnkford ave. TUNDS FOIl 1ST AND"i!D.MOIT0AqE3',- MOilTnAOElTFOH aALD M THi:o. jr., NICKI.ES. 231S Oermantown arfc MONEY "FOR 1ST "AND 2D MOIITOAOK8 T. A. HlilJUI.Ml ft SON 700WAI.NUT8T, Reason 8205 SPIlUCn ST. Charges 7 Land ' FUNDS In amounts of C11AS. L. IIIIOWN ft CO.. 217 8. RROAD ST. LOANS ON INTEREST IN ESTATES jieasonaoie unarges JOHN A HARRY. 607 Land Title Rldg. riRST MOHTOAOE 9.IIUI1 to Sill 11(10. FIRST AND SECOND MORTOAOUS WANTED: CITY OR SIIIIUnilAN, CHESTER 08ROHNB 152 CjIESTNyT8T. ADVANCES TO 11UILDER8 A SPECIALTY HAZI.MT ft MOSS . B18 WAljNyTST , FUNDS for lat. 2d or split mortgagee, collat ral and. ahort-term loan .. Aurjurir.iiix.-iia h. iin, yiae.r. ptn. MONEY for first and aecond mortgagee, private funds' and Inilldlng associations Wif. FltlEDItlClf ft CO , 601 N. 12th stt 1ST and 2d'mtca : bldg. and private fundsi quick and satisfactory results! moderate charges. CAMERON ESTATE. 2811 Kensington qva. MONEY for first and second mortgages: building association and Installment mortgage. Willi Winchester Company, lpoi Chestnut at. FUNDS for first and-second mortgagee: any amount; quick answer. 01 1 AS. Yf,' MILLER, 1UA 1U wuiniimiiwc.iiii hhhuiih. ALT' AMOUNTS to loan on lat and una, k. um xuupgi d rfltm. 400 W. End Trust llldg. MONEY TO LOAN YOU CAN GET A LOAN From This New Licensed and Bonded Company quickly, privately,. If you ara houkeeplng. We loan ll to zu4 on eaay terma Vnnr monthly Davment on S80 la Your monthly payment an 184 la only Willi luktiiab ni it M7r ibiii. Your monthly payment on 1182 Is only 1 11. Your monthly payment oh (204 la only III. with Interest al 3 per cent. Call TODAY, wrlta ua or phone Walnut 4383, HOUSEHOLD LOAN COMPANY 131 SOUTH BROAD STREET Second floor, Next to Forrest Theater, only 13. vrttl CAN HORROW MONEY ON DIAMONDS, JEWELS. ETC. jl anR i!P;:::::::::::.-;:: U ,I0 ANb Vmm 18 r q f A TlTf IJ! fiT IIIDQU AVK.AND OXFOnn RT. eijij aij auu TJisra, 1 MONPT LOANED Q heir nt unaattled tutatp. ' r.Allllh. PtliWI.'lP "if fttTIVF T1J (ii vers vixse awusseeti onai a a. nik ftftw fsJ- $22.00 26 Htepbto airard Quliaint;, SI 8. 13th at. FARMER SMITH'S RAINBOW OLUB DO YOU LOVE TO TRAVEL? Dpr' Children Yhen ypu aro upside down and everything seems to gp .tfrong, the patient doctor comes nnd looks at your tongue, takes out his watch aijd holds your wrist and says: "Ahcmi Ahem! The dear needs a change 1" (I wonder why doctors always say "Ahem! Aheml"?) So you aro bundled on a train and take a journey. I -want to tell you a few things about traveling. It is not always pleasant to be cooped up in a room with sixty pcoplo for an hour or so. Bo good natured, It js not always pleasant to sit with some ono you do nor, know for, say, an hour or sp. H Keep silent. I s,ay thjs because you aro a child nnd sh,oud let older people begin rfte conversation. Grown-ups want everything fresh fresh eggs, fresh milk, fresh buttor-evprythfog fresh; but they HATE FJIRSU QHIMjRBNI If ypu hayp nothing cjso to. do, look at tl,o Jwck. pf people's heads. Note tho difference between tho' of ia man's bend qnd that of WRirmn. 3eo how beautifully flJWPman fixes something she never bas seen and never will sec her hack hir. If ypu wish to-ask. questions, ask n conductor or trainman, or somo pno with unifpjrn ph. Np anp with n wnifprm pn will be wnkjnd to ypu if you smile at him and. ppcnk pleasantly. I Jovp t travel i do yont tovipgly, FAltMElt BUTih GhMrm'i MHor- P.- S, I, lwys try tp 8mHi pt thP engineer whq has brpught mo safely to fx jpnrney' d. Ypu my do thla If you ftoww mti Abp Wn. Bird? py JAVPS BMITHr Hovrtbwriftr-slslh street. About ywr m I ViWrM a nwtlntf ca ana ft fwpl p( frrli. Pry rWn th iwjp(r Wpl itfgWH'to Hrf y (HthM arwa4 m j pm fcotp )r,li r w(w, w ,8; j wre MtT If H" if 4 ot torn Vaa raurHiiw w tm ai.fii,i mi w urt44Mt tfl s4 Jwr W WrfU n Uif Ih aput th yt. Utr wtr m binaU. I save olh la any ,UMt iul It ill y .wa we4hjii 4 Wt mt fl rf f9P4 tn jf- ' I-I V J j I f ii I M4iri t!utH.Wtttll FMif4k MtmU wpMm iiUwVt u ppJ4nt,Ml)e rjrt' rWf hh.ntV WU JtyltesT W Turk h nd anullisr tHtts irl WHtHM tu uvm Ui Umt A l,uljy Wt HMI tHHBMtf MM I we) wntteTsug rs, ami sn". WWIM. HIW Pr waw FiMIt lrtMl 4' I SJluitassai gnno as fur as (rje other elde pf the (rack When ua'dMly., lraro auiomohlle, which, tho motnrman liM not fnt whlel from tiwA M of Ov pr. otpiow o pthr our IIUI ItlHbaw jtit mfigffl to reach the curb. " "I bVlev." ),. wrltwt, ,-4hat, tH) (j(MW tBfel iiaYM m' , ,i;.." ' "IV I' ' t Wwftpy RarnNwB ly HtMYiU pIUUI,v Uinvilla, r. af U-. Ai 1 Watiur. a Irlday l, sssTagy kh'Ta3Kun ' m wmFimw' 1mSiufm iKd mlrwlmi f MiTiwtuioiit, t . HnssaBW's mlmWm' mad Da VslaiBsa 11 wmia 4 Aty I wrt,u ft Plj rrtt.r in I HN4VM t mMt t HANDSOME HARRY AND THE TEAPOT By Farmer Smith Sizzle, sizzle, sizzle, Uand&omo Ifarry looked out of the box where the IMltle. Mistress kept (ho paper dolls On the store directly In front of him he savr the teapot sizzling away. "Oh, dear! I wish I were a Btove or a teapot or AM'TIUJfQ but a paper doll," nfshed Harry. ho pulled tha lid down cent) q aa not tp awaken the other dolls. Just as be was abqut to sottlo himself he heard a heautlful voloo alnp;lns; 'Bubble, bubble, sizzle, sizzle, ' Have a cup of tea. Walt until Vm very hot, Have- a cup with me." JUndsqros Harry peek'ed nut. Tho little teapot wa bphbins up and down merrily. "Hello 1" shouted Hin('isoma Harry so loud H almost blew the lid off the paper doll box. t'Wlm Ii UT" came the merry vplce which had sunn tin son. "It I I, Handsome Harry, tho loneliest paper doll In tha world," , "Ah, pu aro not half as-lonely as I am." ThP Tpot slopped for a, few moments J BHO pomrnenceq iu pqp up atlO OOiviV opca more. When It stopped th? voice said) "Po till m. how Ii paper madej how are papif fjpi made, and dq te)l me, who wa.s the very flt little, girl who hid a paper doll. ' The Teipot stopped pobbW up and dawn long- iwugh to aiieilc, "TMti i interestmr. very interesting " an swer Hnom Hurry, -: vm tell you n tha mornlpg- -if I flnd out " Awl. with that HMioroe Harry dlsap peaFea), He wa yery still f&r a long, lomr iffne, 4 IM8. hi WW wt loud, ' wlti J knew whfre P a(W sie from.' t'(l, o you? Itaw.t t?W4H flratofti(itrVHt pkjpir, T" TT Yjomwwmi, j? JlmVN rWkV eiy; ssuisinw fw l ' xo ir." t. asAft v uw. m s .1 . it msj - ' u. ,' . M f4f.v nop WAIf 1 1 A 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 ,, ; 1 1 1 1 1 1 ItillllMMil'llMHMMtiM1' 4 ....H;(f)1,,". ,,,,,,,,, ,,,' III MUMP IIIIIWSBJ ' ' " ' - - , ' n.4"1" -"''., ' ' " 'i 1 1 --ai i ii ii mi mi MHaaj. '"Tfe S C RAP P LEg' j The Young Lndy Across the Way Tho ynuntf lady ncroHs the way nays her father's new tuwincrft stitmH such a consistent Increase In net that she Imagines It will noon reach the point whero the grotli earnings begin to come In. A Steady Flow A truly oloriiiortt parson liatl been in caching for an hour or bo op tho Immortnllty of tho soul. "I looked afllio mountains," ho tlo clalmod. "and could not help thlnlc lnff, 'Beautiful na jou mer yoi will bo destroyed, wlillo my 80l will not. I gazed upon tlio ocean nnd cilpd, 'Mighty na jou ara you will cventu. ally dry up, but not II " THE PADDED CELL X BAH BAH J ( . VE ALL KAIOWTHE FEELIrMtil J.'J IH.HT 0 CCO Pfri O M 3 rUHWIiWint , aMQOTlHCs STAUC. BULUtT - . CANNON BMli) iNiCARTWOCeS. JIQDERN IIEHOES Srl'J:I:LU0WH0,WKCiACIR'-'''oAM -?TBrV mt :i&mw t wm.. .. . w i v I IMitT. "Vt" tr ... : vcn-i i '','f.ii.i nnc VVUN ( . canVonbaI K.K:m A4 llI'iiiK nw ) ' A Utvi e StlfvAHle Y SitNEYSrt A Distant Prospect "And jou say ymi love meT" "Dovolcilly!" "With tho. coat of living m high rs If ur ''Inflect) I do, and whan the mat, of living is less I will -prova my love y making yon my wife," Army Tactics ,-foU-W 3gQ S.Yl 1 "So ypu aro an old soldier- Jfau you, been tP ha front ?"' "Ves, muni, but I cpuldp't make apy one hear- so I come around the hack" Evc-olution When Eyo brought woo to al) mam kind, Old Addm called hor woman. But when aha wo0'd With )ovo so kpdt Ie then pronounFd It woo-man. Hut now with foly and with pride, Their husband' pockets; brlmrn'i'Ki The ladiea nie so full of whims Tiat peoplo cajl rthem whim-men, True to Llfo "Did yoii read Scrlbler's novel of suburban llfo?" "Yes; I found It extremely realis tic" "You surprise me. I thought It was as dul as ditch water." "Well, so Is suburban lf." Ever Since Evo "That old maid with the auto has been pinched sis times for speeding" 'Well, I suppose when she- sees a motorcycle pop ehe can't resist the enjoyment of chased by a man," A DIFFERENCE OF OPINION n-Th Sketch, pal Un,thlrtBt'oVusel"i!aler Unfre,ed ,n Bn "tu m,'18' Pencil drawing) ' Tho Becond Youngstcr-r'K ain't. 'E'i wrlHh' It . "M H TEDDY'S IIIDINQ PLACE r - - - '' 1. iy - II He Father There' nne thing HVwUt the automobile a elhrw can't d iva 1 vtth onu hand. " Paughter (with more enthusftsMsEa than dlicretlonHPeoria cn. tl SpK J mj.u.i,i,i jim. imm .n aiwi' MMmmmm mmimm vr?M taili?MS ;- iTi ,W vt bh Ji - lmyA i-ii:; 'hmSkmmLmim L r bsHHHHsIIIIIIIHsIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH 3rl W "Tbaaje M.uyi et(vjuni j,Wtjlr) fmi