BWEtfltfO LED0ER-PflILAi)EIHIA, THOTSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1019 FINANCIAL NEWS WALL STREET SHOWS NO HESITATION BECAUSE OF POLITICAL UNCERTAINTY . . Large Interests Are Heavy Buyers in Strong and Active Market tfnited States Steel Common Soars to New High-Record Price High Points in Today's Financial News Stock market strong and active. United States Steel common sold at new high rtcord price. Wheat wot stronger in Chicago. Cotton prices were t'r regular. Foreign exchange quiet. French bank statement showed gain in gold. Report of Bank of England slwwed decrease in reserve. October com mercial failures wtre reported less than last year, Bar silver lower in London and unchanged in New York. Copper prices advanced. New York Slock Sales . ) Last close. Kith. ArraeTfi , 62!f fiiti Adr Romttr 17M 17) AUx Itubber .,, 7IM 76 A.Mka Ookl II m 12H Alatka 1 Gold M.. 7 7 Allls-Chalmcrs Mf .... 27 28M Allls-Chal Mfe ft S3). 84 Am Ac Chemical ., hS SO Am llMt Bui ar. IKiM 106 Am Can.... raw (XIK 03 AmCanpf mil 1I3K 113 Am Car Mr.., COM Vent. Clce. 17H 17M 72H 76M 12M m RJ 0)j 27J J8H 83)4 8T,(( ri MM 102 106 63 113! NEW YOnK. Nov. 2. There wan no Indication of hesitation In tho stock market today because of political uncertainty. A good deal of Interest wan naturally Riven up to polltlca i because of tho heavy offers to bet on Wilson at odds of 7 to 10, with somo largo wager placed on those terms, but oven associate of tho Wilson backers pro claimed It a Hughes market and this feeling prevailed In many Important quarters. It was commented on that all the largo Intorosts on the Street were buyers of Mock, but this did not mean, that they were buyers of stocks without discrimina tion. ' Some Issues were weak and declined, while others wens strong and ad vanced to new high records, but tho weakness was not regarded oa of sig nificance. United States Steel common for a ttmo during the morning was tho most important feature, selling at the now high" rocord of 122 M early In the day, but was offered In large blocks and, although the buying was also on a largo iicate, Ihe prices were forced down 1 point from the high rango. In the late trading tho copper stocks assumed first place In speculative Inter est, after Utah Copper mado Its advance of 3 points to 110, a new high record. Hay Consolidated followed with a gain of 3 points to 29, and substantial gains were made In Anaconda, Novada Consolidated, Inspiration nnd China. Industrial Alcohol was ono of tho weak features, an advance of more than 1 point In the morning being followed by a decline of 4 points and more to 14SH- Crucible Steel, after early strength also weakened, declining more than 3 points, a movement to be expected in view of tho anticipated change of control. The Marine Issues responded to Increases in ocean freight, with an advance of more than 4 points in the preferred, which sold above 119, nnd 2 points In tho common to 42. Union Pacific was strong for a time, making a gain of 1 point. IK V and Heading repeater Jig puriuiiuu.iii;u vi ycaiuiuuy, gciiiiik nrove Aii nnu men reacting. Denver prererrea renectea enanges in its conditions, with an advano of 34 points to 61. There was heavy trading In the bond market again today, with many-issuos moving up to higher levels. Tho St. Louts and San Francisco issues continued prominent during the afternoon. Chesapcako and Ohio convertible' 5s were traded in on an unusually large scale, moving up, from 96; to 07V4. Colorado Midland 4s were again In demand, moving up from 14 to 16U. Am Cotton Oil. , Am Hide & Leather. . Am llkie & L, pi Am Ire Securities.. ,, Am Unseed , Am Unseed pf. Go( 1(1 on J8 vox Wi 70! ( 60 lOn 00 i Mi OOH 70 60 10 09 U8 Mi 58)4 ! 70 60 10 00 '.0 Mi ofiM bWi Am I-ocomolne MiW Am Locomotive pr 107)4 ll iu "3 Am fcmelt A lief H2H USX 115. 113 Am Unelt A Kef pf 110M llftji 110)i HGX am .Mneii pi Av. DDK 60)t W uun Am fcteol ouaJrles uj I0i 00 Wi Am Sugar UeJlmae 121)i IT1 VMM U0V4 Am Tel A Tel.. i:o) WJ YMt I'MH Am Tobacco 225 2295.220 229 Afn Too pf new lug 108 108 1U8 Am Woo.en t3)f 63f b2ii .2J. Am Writing r pf 61 61 47. 60 Am Mnc h A Sm 66 60 65 66 AmZLAbmpf 85 8514 k3 Anaconda Cop It....... P5!i UGX 9M 60 Atrn Top A 8 K. i 107M 105)4 IOJM lt Alch TASK pr. 100X 100JI 100H 100M Atl rjulf A V 1 109)i 1011 107) 108 AUOAWlpf 72 72 73 7J Uald iaca Wis bCH 8SH 85) 85)( Uald Loco Wkj pt 100) 100i 100) 100H Ball A Ohio , (.8 M) 88 b8 Darrelt Co 159 160 167)4 I61M llethiehem Steel 050 070 045 070 lirookljrn Rap Tr 85 Brown Shoe 71) Burns Bros M Butle A Superior C8)4 Cal l'ctroleura 23)4 Cal Petroleum pf 61)i Canadlaa.raclllc Ti Central Leather )7H Central Leather pr 11 5 115)1 115 CheaAOhlo bb)t C9)( Ml Cblcago Oreat West.... 14)( 14)j HU CblUreat Vest p( 46)( 4U)f 45)i CM Mil A St P 943 U5U 95) CM M A St 1 Pf 120)i 127 1'iOU CCCAStL 60)f 00H CU)i Continental Can 101'i 10IH 10J Col Uu A Klec U9 403i 39)f Cbl It 1 A rac 35 30 Chile Copper 22)( '.3 CMno Copper 02 03)4 Col tuel A Iron 64)4 65) Consolidated Ou 138H I3lJ Con Q K L 41' Dal.. ..126 125 Corn Products lief 20) Corn Prod Hot pr 93)( Crucible Steel U4' WHEAT CONTINUES TO SHOW STRENGTH PurchasfnK Orders by Commis sion Houses Readily Absorb All Offerings ORAIN I1KI.T WKATIinR FORKCART m CIIICAfiO. Not. The weather fereeaat lor an nsura tollowpl . HllnftU. UUronln. Mlnpetn. Ian. 84H 84 84 72H 7i 7J 84)f 84 M!i C0)X C8H C 'ln 23) 23) 61 61 61 172'( 172!f 172)4 U7JJ WJH OOJi iinnfifl. ibitb. North llAlrnl. MAiilh IIbVaIb. Nrhraftklft and Kana Fair, not much chance In tempera ture. Indtnna, txiirrr Mlchlran and Vrner Mlchl rni t"lr, moderate tempermlurea todar and lrlilnr. CHICAQO. Nov. t nuylng for Influen tial Interests caused decided strength In the wheat maket today following some Irregu larity, At one time prices ranged below yesterday's close, but purchasing orders In the hands of commission houses rend ly absorbed all offerings. One house. It was said, took 1,000,000 bushels, believed to be tor packers. An unexpected upturn of ili cents nt Rosarlo, nowlthstandlng gen eral rains In Argentina, was a factor, caus ing shorts to "cover. There was further switching from December to May. Prices eared from the top under profit taking Inte In the session, but the undertono was firm on reitorts that nowspapers In Ar gentina wero agitating tho question of placing an embargo on exports. December finished at M.86, after having been as high as $1.8(14 and as low as l.slM ; yesterday's last price was 11.82. May closed nt I1.8SK, after having touched 11. 87, and sold as low as SI. 81 VI, compared with S 1.8 14 at the end yester day l the final price of July was S1.49K ; It sold as high as Sl.SOVi and as low as f 1.16 Vi Yesterday's last price was f 1.46U. Leadlnir futurca ranged aa follow! : .... Yea'day'o wnriu - untn liisn December ., 1.M4 l.ftflft Aiar i.n? i.e? Stile in Philadelfhia Net Clnie. ehse. ISO ..... 814 i S)4 45 10tt SS MW SV4 IS H B4"4 itH M. 1S4 S'4 J Hi V 4V4 4Stfc fc so Yt 87 H so orltt 40W H SOU PRICES IRREGULAR IN CURB TRADING Interest Centers in Coppers on Reports of Uncovering of New Ore Bodies NEW TOItK, Nov. 2. Trading on tho Broad street curb was again on a very large scale, but with the price movements Irregular, some stocks being In supply at concessions, while others made substantial gains. Most Interest was attached to tho heavy buying of Green Monster, which rose from SH to the new high record of 6. with most of the buying based on reports of the uncovering of new ore bodies. Magma resumed Its upward movements, advanc ing from 48 to 52i. and approaching very close to the high record made early In the week. An advance of 1 point was mado in Cerro de Pasco, wh'ch crossed 46. Deal ings were on a large scalo In Consolidated Arizona, which Is reported to have gone into new hands, with most of tho sales made at 2T&3, the highest-price at which the stock has sold In a long period. The oil stocks also showed pronounced strength, with the Standard OH Issues In urgent demand.- Ohio Oil rose from 356 to 470; Prairie Pipe Line sold at 292 to 294; Standard Oil of New Jersey at COO and Illinois Pipe Line at 220. INDUSTRIALS JIM Aakeit. Aotna EijiloSlvea , !H BK Anurtcan-Ilrltlah Mfa- VI 20 Amtrlcan Marconi SW 3U CanadUn Car Co 3.'. 4H Can Car Y&Y pf d , 0.1 75 Chevrolet Motors 1D0 104 Curtlaa Aeroplane 20 SO Kmerson Phonograph 10)1 10H Ilaakell llarkor Car 41 42 Hands Manuf&cturlnc 2.1 2S Kathodlon Ilronza pfd UK J0V4 ja,urei uii uii .. Maxim Munlllona , Manhattan Tranafer Aiiavalo tJteel Otta Elevator New York Bond Sales 11000 Amer Aar cv Ca vuiro ao aeD oa 247500 Anslo-Fr Ca .1 B80U0 Am For 8eo Be 20US00 Amer Smelt Bee 6a.. Z0O0 Amer Tel clt 4a ... 400u do cvt 4Ha , COOU Amer Tob (la ....... 14000 Amer Writ Pap Ba . 230OO Atchiaon ccn 4a ,... 2000 do adj 4a .- 10000 do cv 4a 1SS3 BG000 do CV 4a 1980 .... 10000 A C Line 4H ...... 100U0 da clt 4a 34000 Bait Ohio Ba .... SOOOO do 4a 53.100 do cv 4)4 a 12Q00 H40 V I.E&WV 4a.. louoo Halt O Hwn SVta, Hah. liw, .103 . JOS., 116 COX 14)i 40 USX 120 G0)i lt)4)i 4U 34)f 35)4 22. 22J4 t2 C3 64 64 138K 138X 21 8)i Do)i 74 Wi 90M 24'J 164 22H 4)i 20)4 USa 03 72J WH 00!i 23s) 241) 16.1), 154 21)4 22H 24) 20)' 00 03)f 73 00)4 00H July ....... 1.4flV. 1.B0U rarn .tl. o-u v.i1 nvn uciiiri j f ' 8; on B8S December May July data December May Lrd December January . May Kibe January . lork December .2fl. 17 January ...20.0.1 May ...,,.,211.20 Did. tAaked. ltw 1.S1-4 l.HljJ 1.4IIU Clnie l.ROH 1.4BK clcpn 1.S7H l.N'J 1.4UH SB' 80S M tn . OIli .10. s.i .1B.4J .15.67 lift 1(1.40 1B.B0 BSJ4 S4J4 6SK B8U K2fc 1R.13 in. 22 1A4T IB. IB tlA.27 1B.B3 US. 87 tlB.OO 13.8S 13.80 13.70 '13.72 13.93 25.S7 2H.10 211.30 tNomlnal. 2J.B0 2S.B3 t2 (SO 23.S0 25.80 20.17 13.110 2B.S0 20.32 LARGE OFFERINGS MAKE COTTON DROP 10 Am Oaa no 100 Dald Loco. ST5i RIM 10 Cruo Btecl. es es t Cam Iron 4S 45 177S Kleo Stor. 71V4 7014 SOS Q Asphalt, SS 31 S70 do pfd .. 7SH ?34 SOS U ft n T.. S)4 1 ISO do pfd .. IS 1H SS doctfspr 17)4 17U 0 IrtsCo N A J7M, S7M. 10 Kenne Cop. oIK mii 480 Key Tel .. uyt 1SV4 SSS07 I.k Sup Crp 33)4 SS ei Ih Nav.. is4 7s SS I-eh Valley sMi S4). 10S Lch Vol Tr Sl)i SUi 40 do pfd., 43)4 42)4 100 Miami Cop SO SO s Mlnehlll .. niH S7V4 78S N'ev Cons. Sl S3 7 North Cent SO SO 7S7 Penna It It SRi AS 100 Phila Co cum pref 40)4 40H ess Phlla Kleo SDH so 10182 PUT tr cfs J1V4 S0")i ISO Hay Cons. SOU S74 100 So llwy.. 10 20 SOS Ton Ilel .. 4 4Va ISO Ton Mln . 0 A ISO Un Trao.. 40 45V4 1SS0 U O 1 ... D2H 01H S1SS US Steel, 1S2 1S1 10 W J A S. . B0)i BOH noNns lllah. Low. S4300 A OAH1 Bs 07 06 1000 Con Trao N J Es... .102)4. 102)4 10SH SSOO Kleo & Pco Tr 4s .. SS 8000 Int rtys 4s 87 fiOOOO I.k Sup Ino 6s SO 8000 Leh V gen 4 D2M, t)t O'W. 6000 do cons 4tts '03.100)4 100)4 100)4 S000 Pa Co cons 44s ...lOJa-i 1054 10Si)i tooo Ph Ulec Ssioo loo loo 7000 Un Hwys t 0 4s .. 72 72 18000 do Inv Es 73 73 Va H 1 2 1 LAKE SUPERIOR MAXES P. R. T. TRUST CERTIFICATES IN t Former Sella at SVA, Up Nearly Ten PoinU, and LHirn Reach 21 List Is Generally Strong 'i4 JIM. son 20 4Vi 6 4A 02W 12 tM, 60)4 Cloao, VO W 2)4 1 Net rhite, li The activity and strength of Uike Bu pcrlor Corporation overshadowed every thing else in the trading on the Philadel phia Stock Exchange today. Starting up 1)4 above yesterday's close nnd high at 25, the demand Increased In a spectacular man ner until the Issue had gono up to 33)4, a gain of nearly 10 points. After a largo block had changed hands at this figure there was a reaction, and In the afternoon tho price hnd sagged back to 27 Ilcnllxlng nt the high prices was largely rerponslble for the recession, but there was still a strong demand, which prevented a further decline. The majority of the buying orders were foreign, nnd while there were some who 82 57 48 82 57 40 V, H S 72 73 1 French Bank 'Gains Gold PAItlS, Nov. 2. The weekly statement of the Bank of Prance shows nn Increase of 70,046 francs In gold holdings and n decrease of 1,962,000 francs In silver. LOCAL MINING STOCKS TONOrAU 8TOCK8 ., DM. Jlrn TlutW , 01 MncNamar .10 Midway 21 Mlipah Ratenalon 15 Montana .is norm Hinr Tnnnnnh Italmnnt .... .. Tonopfth Katennlnn . .....Rl.lA Tonop.ih Mining B 8-10 Iteacun ltlllalla , 21 Wtit End 70 OOt.UFir.I.D STOCKS Atlanta on Aaked. .rs 'U .2d .17 .23 1-lA 5 13-10 llluo Dull llooth :. u. I). (omb. Frae IXarcf II II Dnlay Florence .,,. Ooldflold Tonaolldated tlolitneld Merirrr Jumbo Kxtenalon Kewnnaa Oro .,..., Hand Ken Hllver Pick .02 .in .oil .04 .30 ,B4 .07 .33 .10 .03 .04 .17 MI8CBLUANEOUS .11 1 .04 "I .07 ,01 St .B7 .08 .nt ,u .04 .03 .18 believed the spurt ot activity M to be partly due to covering by general opinion In the Street was ttwt nig public demand and sseeunthre ! were the only strengthening InftoetMta. total sales aggregated E8.0W share. Followlnc the trend In New York, vri strength was shown throughout the list i Un.ted Rtates Steel common went te .1M. a new high record, the other local Mm generally showed advances. Rapid Tnwntt trust certificates were in big demand rty In the trading and one block of 1888 vlmtm changed hands during the first hemr at SI, against 20, the high price yetr4n. There was a slight reaction, but attortty after the noon hour 31 H was recorded. JM before the close It receded to 21 H. Only once before this year have the tract certificates sold higher. More than ! shares changed hands during the runrilSnc session. Lehigh Navigation was strong an4 vanced 1)4 to 78)4 More than E00 attar changed hands on the advance. Steel common was in good demand a4 sold up to 122 in the afternoon, after mak Ing substantial gains during the morning. Rome bullish predictions were heard re gardlng this stock, which would Indicate a continuance of Its activity. Nevada Hill .' .SO Nevada Wonder 2.1& Tccopa Mining 10 Canadians Customs Revenue Increases MONTKRAU Nov. 2. Tho customs reve nuo of Canada for tho month of October Increased nearly 13.760.000. The receipts for the mo'.tth totaled SI 1,060,030, as against J8.207.132 la October, 191E. Silt 4000 llraden Copper 6i 2uuu urooK llaD lr lia l 80(10 Ilrook Un Elav lit Ba.101 87H B3V mer Sa ... OH tr Ba 1DIH.100H Vft S irH TtartE Motor iooi 11 Enr 8 S Wrearo w I 18 wanaara motors 7tt Submarine lloat , 4S Trlanda Film 2 United Motors Ctttt United I'ront Sharing 1 U 8 I. t II com 2H U 8 I, H pfd ...' 4 JVorld Film I.... ltl Tranaue A WUIIama 44K STANDARD OIL, STOCKS Illlnola 31(1 Ohio 340 Prairie Pine .,...,...., ,.,.480 standard Oil of California 830 Standard Oil of New Jeraey Bflg BtandardtOIl ot New York 237 OTHER Oil. STOCKS US 10000 Can Govt Ba 1B21,. SUUII do lvsi -2000 Cal Oaa Elec B 25000 Cent l.cMh lat Ba... 1000O Chill Copper 7a .,... 16000 Chea Ohio cv 4ft a . 483000 do conv Ba B0O0 Ot Weat 4s 2000 Chi Nwn gen 4a ... UK SOOO Chi Un 81a 4tte ...looti 22000 Chi 11 A a joint 4a... OMH OVU UU ICIL I Vt 7001) CM II A Q III 3Ha... SB BOim Chl Inri A Waf 4a T7 17000 Chi M A 8 I' cv 4tta.l0oV. 73000 CM U I A P rfd 4a . . 77W 840IKI do Sa 06l 43O0O Midland ct 4a IB 10000 do 4 1SK 10000 Col It South lat 4a... 03k 30001) do 4Via 88 1411000 City of Part Ua U8 loooo Cuban Am Mug Oa ;..1U2S 0000 Del & Itud rfd 4a.,.. VO 1W0OU Den t, Illo Or 4a .... 82S 14000 do rfd Sa 7'.' O0O0 Dla Secur Cora Ba... 7814 24000 Iu Punt I'owder IHa.lOl na. 8H 102 H Wt 84U OU 74 87 74 K4K 03H 104S4 732 oC 07 BOIIO Detroit United 4V 10000 Erl cony 4a Her A.. 2UUU ao conv 4a er u... 7BOOO do conv 4a tier D . , Bono do gen 4a , 4H00H do prior 4a 18000 111 Steel dab 4Ha ... 10000 Indiana 8teel Sa ..... 8000 Interb Met 4Ha .... 88000 Intrb K T ret Ba.... UCOOO Inter Mer Mar Oa . 2000 lnternl Taper Ba .... 44000 Inter Agr Ba 4000 Japaneaa new 4Ha . 600O Keok Dea M lat Ba OUVW lkIS Wit C1U V a 5000 Lacka Steel Ba 123 187000 do Ba 10SO xnooo I.k Hh dth 4a 1031 rg 40000 Minn 8t P 8 8 M 4a., 17000 Mo Kan & T 2d 4a ., 200O do rfd 4a 80000 Mo Pae w I 4a.,..., 10000 do Ba 1020 w 1... 2000 Mont Power Ba .,,, 6000 N. Y. Colin n it 4tti 15001) Nat Tube Ba 2000 N Y Air Drake cvt Oa 103 102000 N Y C A Hud 0a....ll4H HO(M) da 3Ua .. 84 ....... . . -- ..---.---. . Ss5 Ul Cuba Cane Surar 7".)) Cuba Cane Sucit pf.... VJJi Deere '& Co pf 00H Del Lack A West SJf Dclanaro & lludion. ...152 Denver i. Illo Or 21 Dcu & Illo Ot pf Distill bee Corp'n Dome Mines Drlsu Seiburjr Elec Storage bit , Krle. .................. rla lit pf Outon W & W Oeneral Electric General Motors oeneral Motor pf Goodrich U V Orinbr Coruol Oreat Northern pf O N cfi for ore prop.. Greeno-Cananea Illinois Cent Imp Con Cop , miliary N J int Agricultural Hit Agricultural pf.... Int Con Cot v t c an. Int Con Corp'n pf.... Int Paper Int Paper pf int Mcic r t cf Int M M c of dp Int M M pf c of dp. . Kan City bouthetn... Kin City South pf.... Kelly Spring Tire Kennecutt Loppct.... Laclede Qu Lack steel Co Lake Erie & West.... LakoErie Welt pf.. Lehigh Valley Liggett Myers Loose-Wiles Ulscult... Louis & Nash 130H 130H 133)4 130)4 Selling Brings Slump in Market After Good Strength Early in Day . 47H 50)4 47 60)4 . 40)4 47i 40)4 40)4 . 25 -25 2o 2o .85 03 00 OJ . C9)f 70 70 70 . ay MH bD 30 . MU 64)4 &).' 64 . 45 44)i 43H 43)4' .1MH lM)i ltUK lSJ)i .835 818 815 815 AMI U'5U 125H 15)( . 73 7J J2M 73 .00 02 91 02 .llbK 11UU 110 110)4 . 44)i 44)4 44 44 . 51)i 52H 61)' 62)4 .103 108U 108)4 108)4 . 06)4 08 07)i U7X .117)4 118 118 118 . 27 . 27i 24)f 14)f . 6Bf 0 64)4 65 . mi 10H 1UU 10)4 . 75 70 75 70 . 04 G-Ui 03)f Ot .1U5M 100H 105)4 1U5H . 5U!f 61)4 , 60)4 51 . 40)4 42)4 . 40) 41)4 .U6)i 120 116)i 110)4 . 27H 27Jf 27)4 27)4 . 01)4 01)4 OIH 01)i . 74H 77 75M 7 . 54 64K 64) 61), .1CWH 1084 I08H 108H . bHH W!i 80 80 . 21W 24 24)4 24M ,. 64U 65)4 64H 65)4 . 64). 84)4 84 84)4 ..208 305 300 3U5 . 27'4 2G( 20 20 88 82 soC ,lo,. 05 lb 03 87 BBC t)UU 00 2 102 03 tillllll 2BOOO da 4a do 4)4a 1 Dim N Y City 4a 1859 MININO 8TOCK8 and Zlno '. . '.'. '.', '. Coaden Oil , Ceaden Co .. Inter Petrol . Houaton Oil , Mldweat Ref Bapulpi, Ret Atlanta .... Butte Copper Hutte N . Cerro de Paaco , Jlrat National "!Xn?; flo'dfleld ... Ooldfteld Merger ........ Jecla Mining I,... Howe, Sound Jim Butler Jumbo Eiienalon ....... McKlnler-Darragh Magma Copper Mlnea Co of America ... Nlolaalng Mlnea Co . ..., oan lor . ... n't inti 73 OK '- el 88 .. 83 .. BO .. BZ .. 1 8 14 18 13 10 10 10 4 40 8 ft Joaeph Lead 1 Weat End Coneoltdateii ., 7 White Oaka . II.. tt Carre da Pgaco 6a i?."" ifldvala Steal ItUMlan Ha BONDS ! ! V :::::!8h ivun 8 0 8 l S B2 2 h iiK 100K Financial Briefs The New York Coffee and Sugar Ex change membership of C Crelghton haa Wen eold to A. II. Lamborn for SCXOO, an advance of $100 over previous sale and a stew hlaTh record. J, Louli BchMfer hag applied for mem Tbafalitp In the New York Coffee and Sugar Maohange. P. J. Flynn, manager of terminals of the wind Trunk Faclflo and the Canadian Morthern at Winnipeg, has been selected aa ttpertntendent of the Uuffalo Dlvlalon of Mm, Lehlk-h Valley Hatlroad. Mr. Flynn yVA wiooeed C. T. O'Neal, recently promoted to' the position of general guperlntendent we road. Sectember groaa of the Detroit United Railway System vras 11,411,414, compared with SI. IBS. 490 last year, or an Increaae M. USS.S24. Net lnoreaae for the month u 183.961, Nine m.ontha' grroaa inereaaed t4,742, with a net Increaae for the wir(d of S7IS.J24, Total Ineome for the XataM 'months waa SJ,40,S81, against S, WJM In 116. Jy increaae o IS. 000,000 In revenue on SKrwty.Blx railroads for September Is re Wtj In returns made to the Interstate Oejtusnaroe Commission aeordlng to a lament Uauad today. The revenue Mr Stt.0S9.16t. aa eonpared with I5S,- IU.4ST for SeptemUr. lilt. For the thra i endsd with 8p4nBr me net rve- of thsae carriara atnouated' to J190, 41, aa oomparad to Sl,,l for tho (ar prtod of 1911. i New York I Matte M iP P fl SOOO luooo looo do 4Ua ao do 1080 ret 4He il 4 Tie ill 63 , N 1111 Mi o, 2000 N y : 8000 do adj Ba Hsas lnoo N Y llwy ret 4a 82tt 104 70 lt 8 n loot) N Y Tel ran 4a 08 uooo Nor Pac gen Sa es S000 Pacino Tel Be., 101 2000 Penna 4a 1048 0H 20000 do gen ct 4a...108 10000 do en 4Ha .,.,...103 1000 Fhlla, Co cv Ba 1022,. 08 11000. lubllo Herv N J Ba... SB 2000 Reading gen 4a 03 8000 Rio Or 4 W lat 4a... 78 87000 Bt L, A B X aje w 1.. 8fl 48000 do In W t 03 8000 do gen ct eta 4a.., 70 165000 do Ser A w I...... 73 6000 do rfd ct 3d ata.... 80 42000 Rtauoaid A I. adj Ba..-8 47000 Seaboard A I. rfd 4a. 70 2000 South Hell Sa 103 40000 South l'ae 4a 88 tovvu ao cv 4a 2000 do cv ret f loan An ,M 4a Sooo South JtivV cen 4s ... 77 Qhan An can Ka . ...10a 2000 TCIIpT dlv lat Sa.100 100 11000 Texas a, l'ae lat Ba .. OS 1)8 08 1000 U 8 lttaltr Oa 70 70 70 28000 U H Itubber 102K 102 102 nnouu u c) uiei a c oa.,., ,100a liiui loon a i oa.VD . vs ia-10 vv a 88 f'p'ia";;i05H ten is ...,77'i 75 102 204000 Un KdOIl tooo Union Dag 2t tooo Union Dag A P Ba,,.. 01. 84 04 ooo un llwjre a r fa.,.,, ,iv wri S wt wiDtin xu oa .. B0O0 Weat Union 4 a ,, 7009 Wla Cent gen 4s .. ,100 w S3 100., 82" 68 mu 100 FOREIGN EXCHANGE NEW YOnK, Nov. . The Inactivity which haa been a feature of the foreign exchango market recently was continued Jn the early doallngs today, Vienna ex change from an extreme low record on Wednesday of 11. SS for checks, rallied to 11.88, and cables were quoted at 11.89. On the othar hand, lire checks were a shade lower at 6.67, with cables at t.U ! relchs marks failed to show an Improvement from the depression that marked the late quotations on Wednesday at 70 H fori checks and 70 3-16 for cables. Sterling was steady. Quotations Demand sterling 4,75 11-10, cable 4.76 7-16, 60-day bills 4.71 Vi 4.714, SO-day bills 4.6SU SJ4.69H : franc cables B.81V4. checks S.S4M: relchsmarka cables 70 3-16, checks 70H; lire cables C.66U, checks (.671 Swiss cables 5.Z3H, checks E.14V4! peseta cables SO.SS, checks 2Q.ZS; Scandinavian kroner cables IS. 60, checks 11,40 J guilder cables 411-16, checks 41 ruble cables 30.66, checks 30.65. In ths afternoon relchsmarka Improved slightly from the opening figures 'to 70 6-16 for cables and TOU for eheeks. On the other hand,. Italian exehange became weak er, .touching 6.68 for cables and 6,70 for ohsoks. This Is close' to the low record of the yean Sterling and Frenoh exchange continued steady without change In rates. ''' Sugar Future GMrallr Hlgbr , NW YORK. Nov. ". At the start today tvaar positions In the auaar futures market were generally 1 to points hlgfer, with naw crop months about unchanged to' 1 psint lower. StaUs am th call w 4M MtUMStU sppsajrsai m a mw ,r aua VS law Mfeaawiauablir aaf aaua- aawavavi a BTaavv agfaVsaasasaeT BBeasBBaBf agagp fSSST , y v'V . '- Maiell Motors Max Motjn2d pt... May Dept btorei Mex Petroleum Miami Copper Mian A St L new..., Mluouri Pacific Missouri l'ae ttefs.. MUsourt Pao w 1.... Mo Kan 4 Texas.... Mo Kan Teiu pf . Nat Biscuit pf Mt Ooalc & tiult.... NatKnamciSCo.., Nat Lead Co Net Con Copt. New York Alt Brake New York Central... N YNH &H N Y O West North American Northern Pacific Norfolk & Western.. Onto Cities aj...... Ontario Bllret Mln... Owens Dottle Mach., racifleMaU 1'enn Railroad Pitts Coal col dp... Pressed steel Car.... Pullman Co.. Uy bteel Springs.... Kay Con Copper.... Ileadlnl.......""- itennbllo Iron & o... Seaboard Alt Line. . , . Beats, Roebuck Co , Hhat Arts Cop. Bloss-Bhef B & I Sloss-Bhef 8 I pf... South Potto UBug... Southern Taclne , Southern Itr Southern Ily pf Bt Louis &r) V w i... Bt Louis Southwest pf Btudebaker uo. biii boii Ho B5 ... 65 Wn 64 54 .. C9!f CUH CO 09 ...WJH llltt 100)4 109H ... 38!4 30 38H bU ... 34 Slii 34 -M.H ... SM 10 OH 10 .. 0)4 10 OH OH ... 205. 17H 20H 27H ,.. 74 8H 7H 8 ... 10H 20W 20 20 ...128H 128W 128H 128if ... mh my, 84)4 mu ... 28H 30 28H 20H ... UOH 70 C9H 69H ... 2JH 23H 23)1 24H ...1&9K 1C0H 1S9H 15'Jtt ...1084 109)4 103); 108H ... COM OIH 00)4 COH ... SDK 30H 30H 30J4 ... 71 71 71 71 ...llljf 112)4 1UH 112 ...142H I43H 143 143 ... 83H 83K 83H 83 H ... OH 0 0 0 ... OIH OIH 01 01 ...27 27 20H 26H ... 67H o8H 7H 68H ... 44 44)f 43 43 ...73 74H 73H 74 ...100H 170 160H 170 ... UU MH 64H &1H ... 20H 20H 20H 20H ...IV)H 111)4 HUH 111 w. 70H 80H 78H 78)f ...17 17H 174 17H ...220 332H230 230 ... 20H 30) 30 30H ... 04 00 04H 06J4 . .. OSH 00 00 00 ...210)4 220H 220H 220H ....100H 1U1H 100H 100H ...20 20K 28H 20H ., 67H 08K 07H OSH ... 23H 24)4 23H 24H 40H Hi 60 62 130 131 130 13JH COTTON ItF.I.T tlTR-VTIIKll CONDITIONS .NEW YORK. Nov. S. The weather waa rlenr over the entire cotton belt thla mornlna:. The followlnr temperatiirea were record ed! .lalierll'e. 30 1 Knoxvllle. 40i Naahfllle and Chattanooga, 4tt ItlrmlnahAiu and Meridian, 48i Montaomrj, Ausuata. Italelali and M llmlnetan. 4H Mnron. 60 1 reniutrola. Sloblle. Oklahoma, Atlanta and Chartewton. 61 1 IJttle Kock, Fort Ntnlth. San Antonio and Mnniiah, 68 1 Del Rio, ShreTeport and Vlrkaburs. B8i Abilene, Memphla, New Orleana and Tbomaavllle. eoi Jarkaontllle. 0i Tampa, Corpua Chrlatl and tlalveeton. eg. NEW YOItK, Nov. 2. A much better tone developed In the cotton market this morning. After Its thorough liquidation yesterday there was little aggressive pres sure at the opening nnd Initial advances of 1 to 3 points were enlarged to net advances of 15 to 16 points, the market being firm at the end of the first 16 minutes. The early advance carried the market about 30 to 34 points above last night's closing figures. Liverpool buying on the wider differences waa a factor, while there was covering by recent sellers and a con siderable demand from New Orleans sup posed to bo against sale In the Southern market As In the case of all recent bulges, however, the advance ran Into heavy offer ings and the market reacted, with Janu ary selling off from 18.99o to 18.79c, while May broke from 19.26c to 19.05a A rumor was tha't one of the leading bull Interests had closed out the bulk ot his holdings yes terday. Liverpool was a buyer here again and the market was a few points up from the lowest Trading was active early, but be came comparatively quiet as prices steadied. The market sold back to within 4 or 6 points of last nlght'a closing figures dur ing the afternoon, with trading compara tively quiet There was no particular change In the general character of the news, but sentiment was unsettled over the sub marine situation and there were unconfirmed rumors that spot was easier at some points In the South. Open. 11 a.m. 12 m. 2 v m. 18.08 18.04 18.H4 18.8S PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GUAIN AND FLOUK V1IBAT necelnta. 1SS.D93 buahels. Specula- tlon In the Weat w. at tons IV nun.... "- .-- here sympathetically advanced 2e under a tatrir active demand. Quotallona: Car Ijt". ,n export elevator No. B. red. spot. S1.8SW1HU. fo. - m red Sl.HHTl.H.. a.pnuirr . - - gl.82. NoV s'red. tV,19,?,8'-;,"1""'1 A nouthrrn SI 7U 11.7 " !" V"-. .... Ti-arlA Wu ,?Jffir'J.,VT'mSrnUlna. -tWtll but price" Car lota nu!t in iwtion weat- ,0O1.21: ao. stjainjr Ol. 18. V....H (iffiTlnrs vrere wra wir;u.t Vuirf teaay.thouh .."" "." o WkitA m for loral trarte, JVllow. 'liriBOl.lBE o.Uo l-in: no. ino. -t riiuv. OATS IlPrflptl. 73 mwieralB renHc :.... sti WHI .., ." r."oil .1. nnfa f.4fil7 5Wc; NO. 4 WhltC. OIWOOC. ma.w . 33?- -. . .t,i .nri ftai.030 lba. In riU'i-1 e'P' .! "M,Irt ih. mark-H waa Hnin.i oiiotntlonn per IwO 2s.rditrB.Wi.j&.trs:r. Bi)c; No. 4 white. 0TUosc; aamp. end 831.030 lba. aarka. lara-ely Tea. clte. lw.mhr 18.64 January .....lS.ntf in.o. io.01 March .." 18 80 18.81 1.0 18.05 lS.OO Ml? .. ... .. 82 18..S 10.17 19.00 10.10 ju" :.::.:...i8.a is.B7 ".10 Spot 18.7B . BtuU Motor "ri am 67H U794 Texas Co 224 20 221 224 Tou Paclfle 10 10H 10K 18H Teias Iac Land Tr I3U 145 144 11a Tobacco Products. &4J4.65U 61)f 64 H Tol St L W pt 0 dy.. 12 13H 13H 13H Ualoa Bas & 1'apet Uii iH HH 14 Union lis A 1' nef. .101 JMH 101 101M United Clsar Mfn 4H 47 47 47 United ttuU 162 10oJ. ltUW 183K Union l'aelf 1..., 1G1 152 Ul). 152 UBOIPAKiS. 20H Mi 23X 2d4 UBOlTiF pf 65 U, iiiH 0o( UU lad Alcohol 147 1481X140 147 United Ily. far OX W UJ. OH United Ids lor pf 21!f 21h 214 21H U tjltttboer.., 60 0i 60) 01 U a Itubber 1st p. 110J4 11014 110J4 110J4 USBmltiM,. 72 7J 72). 7J U ti btecl Corp'n 121 122H 120H 120H U 8 Bteel Corp'n pf....l2lH 123 122 122). Utah Copper.., 107 111) 107M 100)4 Va-CiroCattD 46)4 40H 4ili 40)4 ValroaCoUJkO 67H 6 67)f 68 Wabash 16 15)f 15) lo)f Wabash pf A Mi C7H 60M 674 Wabash pf B 30)4 31)4 30)4 31)4 Western Marxian,! 28). -8H 2U 2S West UiuoaTel 102H 102 102 102 Wests 4s M 66H 07)4 Wi OOU Wheel Lake Krie 3)4 3)4 3 3)4 White Motor ,., KH 55)4 65! f 65)4 WUI11 Qrerlsnd.. ...... 42)4 43 42)4 42)i WlUys OTtrUod pf 1024 103 103 103 Wisconsin Central..,,.. 61)4 64)$ 64 64 WoolworthtfW.. ..,.,, 130 139 139 139 Liverpool Cotton LIVEItrOOL. Nov. 2. Spot cotton was In good demand today, at 18 points decline on the basis of 11.03d for mid-upland. The sales aggregated 10,000 bales. Including 7400 bales American. Tho Importa were 38,000 bales. Including 37,300 bales Ameri can. The market for futures closed steady at a net decline of 2t44 points. NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NEW VOIllC, Nov, 2. The market for coffee futures opened 1 to 3 points lower. Trading on tho call was moderately aotlve, with sales amounting to nav uuk. Today's opening-. per iu Dj ." !: do. etralaht. '""" --.- . la iKnu KinMiH, cic.i, iESSSv'SIS aprins; 1. -"". 'di. S10.15W ....'.-.. ... 1 - . fannv natent patent. S10.1G io S3: city mills, choice ana rancy i'" Vieir "kti-ViSSin w.. i" mBOaI5raiSi!ri but quiet. We quote ot J7.B0JJB.0O per ud... n ntlftlltV. . PROVISIONS pair. 22c; wetirhlnB S94 lba., 21028c: chickens, welahtne BOSH lba. per pair. 2O021ci do, mixed alicat 21022c; brollera. Jerecy.fancy. 80032c; do, other nearby, welching 394 lba. per pair. 28?30Ci do. do, amaller alzea. 20O2Tc; durka, nearby eprlnx. 22023c; anuaba. white, vrelahlnK 11012 lbs. per doi . 1.1.7500; do. do. do, DO10 lba. per 001.. 14 8SOB.D0; do. do. do. 8 lba. per rioz., S4 04.83, do, do, do, 7 lbs., per doz., I3.no03.7r; do. do. do. ftOCH lba. per dnz., t2.T3&2.1)0: dark. I2.B002.80 small and No. 2. 00cO1.2S. There wa, J mr.jw- "r.d ,,rtll. and r:;;!::1 s's.Pfl?11a?,pKs: kj,. & and I alr-dr-led. 34c: we.tern 'k, 4 WK&n. ati.: ritv and weatern beet. ",J ,,-". iwiki HUfa'iV.dSedl'sVeMefn wf.Vn .eU, jmoked "ij&x:s:m&rtotiimt3soi XHIuava --- i,. e,t1 hami. r rarniiv sii iiiriuiaaa . l' . J. .I.lnnalt lV loose. iwiue curec 20U1 smoked. An aklnned. loose. -0 do, do. .amoked. tii1.'!' , .ra. IWH?: my curea,-.i ""- -i--2uu.c. do. tolled. an. "".""" " ."' i.l.r.. H. P. CUri p,rmv -..--- , - - k,. cured, loose. accora- na break- hitn.l.ii. S4n 14c: do. amoaeo. oc-,i7V"7 .tiit bacon, Ins. to ayeraje. loo.e. 17Hc. breshfaat uacon. to wana ana aver.... s. -,i,. nin, w ,t. .KBb -u,., ".----" ,&r. An t an wnnMi iierree. a,., uu. 171 : lard, pure en 17 c; lara. pure 1,70. Aa. tubs. ?.' . ,m tl.nv. y. kettle renarrru. "',",;;: :lty. kettle rendered. In tubs. REFINED SUGARS The market was quiet at quoted rates. Tte flnTre' Ust price.: Kxtra "ne granulated. 7.4BO T.n0 p5wSlr7d. 7.8J&T.70O: cojfecton.r.' A. 7.337.B0c: soft sradea, 0.7007.43c. DAIRY l'KOiiuuiB and the mar- k.r? demand irasrw '.... v,uo- neawru -"i;vu . ..... ..,. nirrTEn Itecelpta were llsht and th .PVuled firm with demand fairly actl. tatlona: srwiala. 8c: eztre. 80S4c: flrats, lid-packed creamerjr, inc, 37O 38c; oxtra firsts. 88 1 33)5 c; seconds. 84Hr: nearby BDlian.I Mm... ise ex.ra, onuouc, ,,i-.-. BDedal fancy brands of obhlnr at 4SW4UC. nrtnta. fancy. .wcie,a W.-V-J 87c: seconds. 33 O 80c JODniM."i"'-.,.. . ., .u .... rcmiH Demand was sumcienv.iu "" .; November December January . February March . . April .... May Juno July August ... Heptember October .. 8.20 8.2S 8.38 8.4008.47 867 ' i'.ii 8.C3 Yesterday's rioae. 8.1BOH.17 8. 2008.22 8.2AH8.27 8.828,SS 8.3HU8.40 8.488.44 8.47Q8.48 8.53 18.84 8.BT(i8.8 8.02f 18,83 8.H7Q.(1 8.7208.7S LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHICAGO. Nov. 2 I4fel8 Receipts, 82.000. arkette hliher. MlxeSWand butchers, I9.80O ood heavy, .; rousn neavr. RATES FOR MONEY f!all. SM Tork ........,.. 9 W8 adelphla ........... ea. A paio I............... SK 4 1 via. dalvbU. thre. to 1 pw eeat. Tina., 4 J .i. aaoaiaa, run 10.20 ID, 83 0,05 hi Tiul prints .. EC1U3 uem,m s-. -""Y-,-.l. r,. ot !,.. nearby flr.ts, ill.TO per standard case; XPcaU; eo"ds. h;238.85 r case: candled ruled nrm at the. late -dAnre. with upplles fancy. 0; K.. "SsVoiVtlonsi New York full-cream fane 2202201 do. do, fair lo sooa, iu'-ii 4I0. part .un, "-- POULTRY I.IVK The market developed a firmer ton. iindie lisht offerlnss and an Improved demand SSr?? v. '."..fyr'.s?-, Quotations. ruwie. ...-vens. accord no- to lite Leghorns, according to ducks, as to quality, lBOIRo; S2 024c geese. ISOIIci pigeons, old, ner pair. 2t02 00. young, per pair. UBijc DIlKSaKD Demand was fairly active for n rieeirable slied stock and values were well rM.t.lned rollowlng ar. the quotation.: Freeh killed. "drV-packed'fowla, 12 U box. dry-Picked. ,;..v selected, xtc; o. wrai". "i ". !,. -n4r: do. welgmng 4ids. api j u.lrtinsr 5K 1VT 50d tmnrv. drv-Dlcked, . .7 . da uralirhll .,aiie'r sizes. 17lci old rooatera. dry.plcked, - ii.a .V let lr anal. Ouotatlona: rowia. roosters. 18014c: sprl quality. lnWlTclWlhll diiallty. 11?F: duck turaeya toe. ysc: lbs. apiece, 2Zo: do. weighing 3 21c; fowls. In bhls., Ice-packed. , welshing 4 Si OB lbs. and over iir 4 ids. aniece. via An. FRESH FRUITS Choice stock sold fairly and values generally were well sustained. Quotations: Apples, per bbl. Jonathan. I4.B0OB; Illush. S304: Grimes' Golden. 14 noOB; ymnkehnuse. 1 04.80; Alex ander, 12 B0OS.2S; Wealthy, SS04: Twenty ounce, I304, York Imperial, 12.8003:30; Hen Dals. t2.2S02.73: fair to good. I1.B0O2.B0: apples, i.einware and Maryland per hamper Fancy. 7BcO!l; fair to good, 40000c. Quinces, New York, per bbl. No. 1, 40B; No. 2. S2f 2.B0. Quinces, New York, per buah, S1.B0O 1.7B. Lemons, per box, S3.S0O4 M). Oranges. Florida, per crate llrlght, S3.B0O4: Huct, 12.7.103. Grapefruit. Florida, per crate, 12.78 03.75. Cranberries. Cape end. per bbl, SSO il.r0; do, do, per crate, S2O2.40; do, Jeraey, dark, per crate, $2 02.40; do. do. light, per crate. .1.3002. Teaches, New York, per bas ket, r.oODOc; do. do, per bush-basket. S1.2BO 2. Peare. New York, per bush, -hamper Seckel. tl.7302.2n: Pheldon.; Uart lett. No. 1. S1.2B01.7B; do, No 2. BOc Tears. ew rorK.uartlett. per bbl., ISO4.B0. Grapes. New York, per 4-lb. basket Concord. lBOlSc; Niagara, 17010c. Grapes, New York, per 20-lb. basket Concord, BSOOSc: Niagara. B.IOG.V. I'lums. New York, per basket Damson. 20 O 25c; prune, 23033c; grecngasea, 30040c. VEGETABLES Suprllea were small and the general market ruled firm with demand fair. Quotations: White, potatoes, per bush. Pennsylvania choice, 11.75 01.80: New York choice. Sl.n301.7o. White potatoes, Jersey, per basket. 00c Wit. 20. Sweet potatoes, Uastern Hhore. per bbl. No. 1. 12.23 2.73; No. 3. I1O1.B0. Sweet potatoes, Del nware and Maryland, per hamper. 60073c. Rweet potatoes Jersey, per ba.ket No. 1. COW 70c; No. 2. 2.1 83c. Onions, per 100-lb. bag . i ,'. ""?, ":. ai.ouwi.TO. cabbage, ton, 10J48. " """""' ao' ""c, IV. recommend and offer enbJwS to aal. as A Conservative Investment ' The First Mortpge Bonds of a Steam Railroad in Pennsylvania whose net earnings for this year exceed three times Its interest charges. The company maintains a lib eral sinking fund, and pays divi dends on its preferred and com mon stocks. Price, at Market, to yield over 8 Fre. of ' Pennsylvania Stat and normal Federal Income Taxes. Circular en 4ppl(caMM Edward B.Smith & Co- EsTisuantn 1SSS. BANKERS lfember. Kno Tork and rMlad.lpMa Stocfc Ezthanat, , 1411 CnsaTMCT St., FniuaDcLraru 10 Tina Bisks Kmw Yosk 9 per lflc: roaatlng ind ow per pair, 23c; weighing western, weighing 8 lba. VI lbs, per Bonds Favorably Regarded By Banks During the past few years banks have been gradually increasing their investments in dependable Public.Utility Bonds, obtaining thereby larger income returns. Several Public Utility Bonds that banks have been buying are described in circulars for which we invite requests. G.m.eiarR$0o. 11ANKEP.S (Eatabllahed 1837) Uerabera 1'hlladetphla, New Tork and Chicago Stock Exchangee 321 Chestnut Street Philadelphia, Pa. Plttaburgh Boston Chicago WUkes-Barr. Heading XOel. -V PUBLIC SERVICE SECURITIES o Public Service Securities ar -. linked with the success of -municipalities. The Yountfstown 6f Suburban Rwy, Co. r 20 year 1st Mortgatfe 5 SmLi'ag Fund Bonds. Tax Ref. Penna. Nor mal Federal Income Tax paid. Legal investment for Maine Savings Banks. The net earnings of this company .are. more than double interest charge., and serving as it doe the highly prospe- city ot Youngstown and .district a population of1 over 115,000, the int. rity of its obligation is assured. Price to yield 5.70. Special circular on request. Bicker; Ayliig i bir Land Title Bldg.PhUadelpb 1! -us A Tax Free In I'enna. Free ot Income Tax EDDYSTONE ' (Delaware County) Improvement 4s Doe Jolr 1. 1018. Optional 1SSS , Net debt lesa than 2 ot asaeaaod valuatlso. ' Price: 104V2 and Interest eality approved bv Messrs. Volrnsend, Elliott 4 MunMf) Legal investment for Trust Fund Martin & Co. 1411 Walnut Street ' Philadelphia 3'. Tilt llrht. IV uik.S9.aovio.iD. .80(Tl2.BO; pigs, 10.10 ,1 UU.K. . .--.- m.L ...... . m. n AXTLK neceipis, iuuu. Aiaraei sieanr. n,Mivs S5 83tIll,o: cow. ana neuera, .a.ouw !7oi atocKers and rejder. 5.a7.80i Texan.. ihfiieoi calves, to HHKls-nlDts. ia.000. Market .trong. Native and weatern. ll8.TSt lamba. 17.85 & 11.28. ( NEW VOBK BUTTER AND EGGS NPW TOBK. Nov. 8. llUTTEn Itecelpta, KTKO tuba. Market very rlrrn, with an advance ot Vto on fresh creamery. O.neral trade only file Bitra creamery. SSHOSSKci higher Icorlng. 87S7bc( Btat. dairy, S8c Imitation CrKaa&ItefJlPtiCU.859 eaae.. Market en rally firm on all high grades. Steady for medium Quality. Btorag. firm. Flrats. S0 87ci whit. eggs. 60068c: other grades un. changed. BAR SILVER Bar silver was quoted In London today at 3S7-Uli ott 1.16d, Tho price In New York ton commercial bar allver waa 68 c, unchanged. niVTOKND THE OIRARD NATIONAI, BANK. Fblladalvbla. Ocubar IT, 1818. Tb. Dlr.ctors uav. ml. day declared a dlvidaaS et .Ml ft? afb JV.." tm.x- Payable KifMli !' to'.tockhold.r. ( record at Dm rcSiTel Wtoea October 2. Chwks wW U aaallad. soubph WATWB. Jr.. Pr.aldaqt. emt. SKS ft Mat. sj ii i 1 1 i i s. aaHaaH BANK CLEARINGS Bank sdearhwa tsjay"aafaared wMh oorre aawaiias day gYy "r"jU 1814 UNION, NATIONAL HANK riilladelnhia, l'a., November 3. 1018. The Dlrwtore nav. this day declared a aei annual dlyldeaa or i.uru) per cent, payabl. on demand, ly6pfOBHgair.cihUr) v .. vir as. ma. The PJf,,orl "JV. W d'r d)lared a .ami. anS5Ilflf"t W..I4M Per cent, tr ot tax. uaraWe mi. T, CONRAD, Caabter, MU wmm M fARSHALL FIELD built the world's lareeit store on SERVICE to the indi vidual. And In carving his own success, he taught all men that all business Is merely the exchange of SERVICE for a consideration. SERVICE, the one great fundamental, holds as true in the financial as in the commercial you choose your banker or your broker on the vital factor of SERVICE and you remain loyal to him only in the measure that his ser vice makes for your success in serving others. The man who founded the stock brokerage business of Jones & Baker, and who is respon sible for its service and its development, won his early business training under, the rigoroua service teachings of Marshall Field. Application to the brokerage business of what this man learned from the greatest of all merchandisers "100 SERVICE, first, last and all the time" has made this brokerage firm the largest and most complete of ita kind ia America. A to the rhtUdelpliln llonril Room, one nf the Ave Jitrice office, of Jones t linker, will (five nn mi Idea of bow la C05IIM.IJT1J 11 HO. KBHAGIS BEIIVICK to the lliianclal success of the luve.tor and trader. Something You Ought to Know Have you a thoroush knowledge of the many operations through which your buying or selling order goes from the time it U given to your broker until it is executed? You will be tetcrested in this booklet, "The Course of an Order " Sand for Booklet T.U.-69 To assure getting tbls feeokletusc theoeupoa. Jones & Baker STOCK BROKERS PHILADELPHIA. Wldenar Buildinrf PhnntRaU tAtl .t IOjm.10 ,."-- w..,., r,.,w. , rsevstona.l -J; s- aVBaUaW SatsBafJSSIaS f 'T,1 ''.HI, V sW-st"i VJ. i &VJL Z PHILADELPHIA ' m-il.t,&,& neytn.--- ViSSfS :,,,;f- ;.S tA .sSSTfltfaV NtWVOMC MM .CUSS p5hE' iMMsfi$HKsKsBBmlBk?ssssm