Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 02, 1916, Night Extra, Page 6, Image 6
wrWWr 4 to V ma INTERS MOVIE FIELD " ' ' -r-"-" yasr -Instructor to Relcaso Abakan Film on Paramount , . Program m "Educational" V- ii '" . By ths rhtrteplsy Baiter : 'InVexy na know that motion Mcturea tlftfr bett taking on Urea amounts of . "MaM" In tha last few years, but Hulte rewrd-hreaker tor blending culture and 'movfe l th. announcement that W Rurbank BhaitucV, professor ot y In Vaaar Collets;, and a well authority on hi special subject, haa the Faramoilnt force. Through tha tltt "marasln. on the screen" h W rlaae "In tha Heart ot the Alaskan wlMerna." On July 4 of thla year Doctor Shattuck S4wte4 for Alaska with a company Ot young Jle to see, that region. They went up 1M Inside pAatage from Vancouver to Skag esjr by atramer. then over the White Vain Railroad, and from While Hone, where Jk railroad enda, they Balled down the TttJcen Wver to Tanana, then Up the Ta frw mer to Fairbanks, then back to Ta. and on down the Tukon niver and enjt of St. Michael. There they took the Pacific liner to Nome and Cordova, and s on back (o Seattle, arriving at the end f their trip August 30. The party traveled through the very heart erf Alaska, and covered much of the out Ma coast aa well, taking anme remarkable Matures whenever condition and circum stances permitted. Beginning with a forth, kmlng releaae In the near future, the beet mesa picture will be released In tho Paramount Plctograph. Iewla J. Selxnlck. Carl Laemmle and Herbert Rrenon, motion picture producer! and heads ot three great film organltatlona, ,Bve. In nsanclntlon with each other, lal:en over the nroadway Theater at Broadway nd Forty.first street. New York city, and will make It a luiuse of run for famous sreen production. The first film drama to f." ".J. I" Broadway under Ita new con trtl will be Mr. Urenon's multl-reel presen tation of Nalmova In "War Brides." by Jarlon Craig Wentworth. 'I think that Theda Bara la a potent In fluence for good." . Ho eat hunched up In a big Morrli chair. With hla chin cupped In his left, hand, and Bulled vigorously again nt a long-stem pipe. He wa Victor O. Freeburg, professor of the. photoplay In Columbia University, New York city. 'It me tell you why Miss Bare, la doing a beneficent work." continued Doctor Free nurg; "or rather lit me tell you first why he carries auch a tremendous appeal, why her hold on the moving picture audience w ao firm. There Is the aamo definite psychology to apply to every audience In very motion picture thenter. If the haracter on the screen la true and If her portrayal Is clearly reallstlo her Buffer ings Arouse o, feeling of pain In the spec tators, her Joys ore shared by the specta tors, her dangers are dans era which each person In the audience must undergo. "These things are so If the actress does fcer work well. Consequently when you ee Theda Bam In the grip of the villain you sympathize wjth her. In other words, the audience reacts always to what I choose to designate as tha social emotion." The program of n North Broad street photoplay theater carries these dire words: "On MA after November 3 the price of ad mission on Friday and Saturday evenings will he fifteen cents for both adults and children. This readjustment of prlcea Is due entirety to the fact that pictures shown In this theater have been materially In- creased In the cost of their release." The high cost ot movies soaring, you seel ' Tr.'p$rw 1916 Handy Phonograph Guide for Readers Vyj. COt.UMMA. tTaehalknw- umhla fymphonr 1, PtmphnnlA "I'slhetlone" y). nrit mnwment t'nliimhla Hymn Orctmtra. On revere elrte: "Il Wnlkure' THREBJ SYMPHONIC MASTERS' WORKS RECORDED ON DISCS Beethoven, Tschaikowsky and Schubert Selections Show Public Interest in Finest of All Music Has Been Awakened ny the Phonograph Editor Tlme was when symphonic muslo was re garded aa h suspiciously erudite and un wholesomely snobbish article, to be pur veyed, perhaps, at big concerts, but to be avoided aa tho plague by phonograph com panies. "Away with that sort of art," they exclaimed In effect, and began figuratively to dust off their comlo disks, their mono logues and dialogues and "Annie Laurie" and Harry Lauder, Fortunately, a change has come o'er the spirit of their dream, and vtth the In creasing Interest In the playing of sym phonies by such great organisations ns the Philadelphia, Boston and New York Orches tras In thla city haa come an Influx of some fine selections from the symphonic masters, now procurable at almost any talking machine store. Just now figures which might prove the growing popularity of this sort of offering are not available, but It Is not nn unfair guess to haiard that the sales demonstrate a pronounced liking hy patrons for auch records aa are listed at the head of this artlcte. This woek we propose to ta'k a little about three creat composers Beethoven, Tschaikowsky and Schubert. To the man or woman who takes his or her culture In small 1 dosea; who usually prefers the big, Individual artist to the big, Individual com poser, and who dislikes being "educated" away from his or her natural preferences, that may sound tiresome They can per susde themselves of the contrary. If they will go to a phonograph store and have one or more of the records listed above played for them. Take, for a good "starter" on the cultural path, Nos. 2, 7 and 8, alt three being different reproductions of the same movement. Here Is music with no wearying "mes sage." and no more offensively "highbrow" than "Jut A i,U tMVti a i,lttte KiM.. or the latest Victor Herbert waits. The respect In which It dlrfers from those things la In Ita deep resources. Its emotional thrill, and Irs superb contrasts. It has In It the soul of Schubert. Besides. It Is especially adapted for disc-reproduction. Excellent examples of the art of Tschai kowsky will be found In Nos. 1 and 0, the former being well played, so as to hrlng out all the trnglo quality of the "Pnlhellque." 'n-r, mule fire rrrn. Columbia Hrtn- pnony urrnratta. A 03IM. , 2. Kjmphonr In II miner, "t'nflnlOied" (Krhubert), nrt innvemont. rrlnr' Orchn. trs. Ileverse; Hfcond movement, same. A A7I8. VICTOIl . llflh ftmntiMiy (ttrethmen), flrnt move. rnnt, mrt on. Victor Conert Orchmra. IteverM- Part two, nw JMKt. . . . 4. Fourth Hrmifiour tlleethoen) Adstln, Vfieells's Hand. rtMr: "lonore" Over "I'!' 'tur Orrtifxlra. aSSOii, . ft. Ilflh Hjmuhonjr trtetthovrnl ndnt. fmiMrt Orchntr. Itevermii "Nnw World" flrmnhony (Dvorak). I.nrxo. Concert Or ch'strs SavT.V a. "rssteral" Hymnlionr (llx'thnven), e. onl imnfmnnt Concert Orchrnirn. XA3SO 7. "Mjmphnny In II minor (Srhubert), flrat movement Victor rrhtra. Itoerees Hec on1 movmrnt, mine, asatt. 7 million In ft minor (Schiilrt), flret movenint. rryor'e Ilmul, 3I70S. Ii. Hmiihonle "I'mhrllqiir" (Tschalkow akyl. aJuslo lamentoso. I'rjor'a Hand. 5IH0O, Beatfi , ArtMTrtfNO. Oct. xl. MDOIt. husband of late lUnnah11. Armairona. .jjatjves n4 frlenOa, al.o Fame lo). No. .77. I, O. O, r.. Invited to fnnarat aarvlrea. dence. of son-in-law, Io B, B-rl . 9 n. :. Pollean. C702 real. T readals ave.. Taconr, Int. orlvate, liANNtflTKn rvi si p.i.izAiiFmr if wlfo of John Ilannlator lno Torpeyl. Itejatlvea and trlenda. members ef Kacred Heart lyeasua of Churrh of Vlaltatlon, and tudlaa' Aid Bocl.tr "I. V: Vincent's Orphan Aarlam, Taconr, In jlted o funeral, Sat.. S:S0 a. m.. 9282 N. Holemn reoulam maaa Church m. int. Ht. Uomtalo'a Cem klsllaa aa Vlaltatlon In Auio funeral. BASKKTTEH.- A. IIA8KRTTRR, Sd inn irienoa invited to D. m.. raltlnra nt iar ser, 3S.1S Kalrmount ave. Int. private IU8TIAN. Oct, It, Kt.tZA, wlta ef Daniel Itaatlan, it , and dausbter of Chrlatopher and laie Mary Aiburser. nelatlves ana irianas in vnen 10 lunerai aervicea Suddenly. Nor. I, MATtTlfA Kl 0? funara rlinra of son-in-law. William Bchwalt rears. funarai eervlree. Hat. llelatlvM z t IlSO p.. tn i'at riurai inn Itemalna may be viewed Krl. ave. Autoa N. list at. Int. private West -urel lloo Cem. iinms, vri, gu, UE'llun ri, nnir.n, mrly of Wllmlnston, Dal. Berylcea. at l.hlith aye., KtI., 9,M a. m. fiurlal ear and int. Ft. Andrew's Church. Wilmington, 5 r. m. I'rl. nnd Hie latter having the genuine sym phonic ring. Nearly nil the Beethoven records are of high class. No. 6 In perhaps the most gen erally known and will, therefore, bo most likely to get n hrnrlng first. But No. 4 also Is meritorious, nnd n plnyliiK of It ought to convince tlio hearer of tho value of thin kind of musical entertainment, for It Is nil entertainment of the best sort, In conclusion, tho phonograph editor would llko to suggest to the mnkera of instruments that they give nn oven wider range to their symphonic offerings. There is. ror example, tho Tschaikowsky Fourth Symphony a thing of rnrc Krnce and beauty which should adapt Itself easily to the needle nnd sound-box. Thn Koventli of Beethoven popularly railed tho Bacchic, because of Its dancing lightness nnd wlne llke hendlness offern still another oppor tunity Hint, apparently, has not been taken advantage of. And thcro are. many more In the treasure-houses of tho past. Of them we shall speak later on. HATES. Oct.. SO, 0EOP.OK It. ItATKH. for- services mi.. tmnVHTCtV V- I TlirnPMA wMnw nt nernhard I!rnetln, aged 82. Itefatlrea and frlnda Invited to funeral services, Krl 11 n. m. ,4(111 HrrlnsRald avo. Int. private, lit. Hlnat Cem, Omit flowers, riOOTIt. At Ilociiealcr Minn.. Oct. SB, MZ 7.1a. wife of John llooth. seed St. Uu notice of funeral will bo given, from Sans N. 1 3th at. nitADI.Rr, (Vt. .11. I'ATIttCK. husband of Mary llradley tnee llontsguel. Itelatlvea and frlendt, lo Catholic gena of Derry, V. II n. Itellef, Court Exceltlor. V. of A., and Cramp's Mut. Pen, Alto., Invited to funeral, Hat.. S:80 a. m.. fmm ltA PHMinm. 3nlH U'ltrrtn at. Holemn maei of requiem Ht. Jamea'a Church 10 a. m. Inl llniv Crnfi Cm, . flltOOKS.'-Oct. SI, ANNA It., daughtar ef lat William snd Klltaheth I.. Itronka. Itela tlvea and friend Invited to funeral services, KM., at 3 p m , brother's realdence, Francis Murphy Hrnoka, 40SS Spruce at, Int. prtiate, llll VA.MT Nov. 1. lA.Vi: ANN. widow of porg Ilryant. ssed 7S. Italatlvea and frlanda nvn-a id runerst aervicea, nau, J p. IMMTtM n rnmiBKRT. Oct. Rr.nT, dausnter or ii ftt, Italatlvea and services. Frl., lane. residence of Weatnn C, Heath, nn, m.. at 010 Qlenwood i.narira lunici H Heath, a nser- '" gtt! Clara Hon Sellg-Trlbune plcti monnlosuai Dabby rimr," aso neve. i Theatrical Baedeker BllOAD "Mtater Antonio," -with Otla Skinner. .America's moat reraatllo nnd flnlahad char artai aptir. In n ri-llhiriil ImMMnimttnn Tha .play ta sDiuslna, but thin. !nd in umma ieasua. dorafd by roKUCBT "Zlegreld rolllea." with Ina Claire, Kanny Jlrtce. Anna Pennington. Dart Wli- iiamsAiiernanl (Irsnvllle, btc company. Tenth of the famous froth- will Jtonre tn nnlveraary .production inU-Irlvol institution. lARRirj; 'Cemraan Clsr," with Jana Cowl nd Henry Stephtnaon. A drama on the (alien woman' -nmblntnv humor and aoclal stirs with good altuatlona. MBTnOPOMTAN OPERA HOUSE "Hip, HIp, Hooray." with Charlutta. tha akater: Souaa -yl .his band. Nat M, Wills, Charles T. Aldrlch and many specialists. A inree-'lnc etrcus of vaudeville, brsaa band and skating; all good. tVrRIC "The Olrl Trora DrsJll." with Oeorg. u..,Veuis Haaae vay. A... Blmon. Hal Fordo. Ueth MtJ j-mtf ny i. iiiib jk nimn I'Vdy, llauda Odall mil Franeaa Dsmareat. Mr, , Haaaell. a comlo genius, redeama a not too-Important operetta. ADBI.pi! I "Etperlenee." with Ernest Olan. dtnntns. A "modern morality piay" with mora humanneaa than sracad "Every woman." There's a Urge cut. Olendlnnlng acta superbly, ' AT rOPUtAIt rRlCES WAIJUTJU-'TVhlta tha City Bleeps." by Edward IB. Rom, author and adapter of rnany atara sueceeaea. Play ot metropolitan Ufa dealing wim ids souce. :er "Utile ret-sr o-Moere," organ and Oscar O'Shea. Tha Irieh colleen and her cheery JfEATtmn KltJifS sTTANLBT "The Soul of Hura Ran." a Psra saount feature, with Seeaus Ilayakawa and , StrtU a ted man, ARCADIA "A Center In Colleens," with Bea. ate Hsrrlaoale, Inco-Tftangle. RWIJINT "The llrand ef Cowaxdlce," Metro, with Lionet Uarrjmora and Graea Valentine. YICTOIUA 'The Brand ef Cowardice." Metro. 1k.hIJo?.'i..,lriy,nar and Grace Valentine. FALACE "Tha Cemmon Lair," a Salmlck mutt, wna vu ikimoaii zoung ana uon v. all XNICKKHPOCKER mas a am or a philosophy with llll la I way Taarle. I week. Other subjects. essneaiNUT BTriEET OPEHA IIOU8R "A 5SXirUTXt TrAt'L,XiU Annette Keller. K?,?- i!d.i.vI'"ln' ?"'' Spectacle and WSIA,1'1 'amr"M Uck,n' ' v, VAUDEVILLE .TeXITH'B Jack. Norwoflb. "Tlie Cherry Tree." Charles (Chic) Sale. In ' "Tha Itrlda Howard. Nolan and Nltan and Pictorial newa. WILLIAM PEN?. "The Ilroadwsy Iteilew." Worth and 'Vennett. Flake. McDonoush and company, rt'jpner and Kaanup. W. ft. Hart. In Th turn of 'Draw' Exan," photoplay. aitANI-rhe Ilaotrelnr Dinner." Itarklns. Meltee and Lnetua. Nell tl'Connell. Oreenlee and Drayton, Nelaun and Nelson and the two Hennlnga, OLOIin "The Cabaret girl," Madeline Lear, the five Bataudaa. Grace St, Clair and com rany, Rurke and Tougher, Mumfnrd and Thomcaon, tthoda Nlchola. Meohan and Pond, 1). helly Korreat. Dancing La Vellea and "Cabaret Doge " CltpSS KET8 "The Lingerie Olrl." Kdwlna iiarrr and romnany. Annie k ent. Morrla tarry and romnany. nd Catnntoll. Tl l.lnir Htnr mnii lha ltait. locks. MINSTRELS DUMONT'S Claekfac sieclaltlea by the real, dent company and vartoua topical burlettaa satlrlilnz local happenings. CITY AVES jplO.OOO IN CONTRACT Supply of Firo Hoso Awarded to Good rich Company Instead of Vnre Lead ers, nt Nearly Half Price Taxpayers of the city have been saved $10,000 by the awarding ot a contract for fire hose to the Goodrich Itubber Company Instead of to Michael I. Crane, the Vare leader of the Twenty-fourth Ward, who has been awarded such contracts for seven years. Competitive tests, started by the Department of Supplies this year, withheld the contract from the Vare leader's firm, the Eureka Fire Hose Manufacturing Com pany. The fire department will get (29,000 worth of hose at tho rate of 61 cents a foot. The city has been paying for the last neven years "fct the rate of 11.10 n foot. Tho new rate means that, with tho S29.000 appropriated for 26,000 feet, the city can buy 48,000 feet, or can save $10, 000 to the taxpayers by buying the amount originally Intended. Testa of the Goodrich hoso showed It to have n resistance of 875 pounds. The city water pressure never exceeds 2S0 pounds. FATHER GANNON'S FUNERAL Divine Offlco for the Dead and Low Requiem Mass Celebrated at St. Joseph's Collego Divine office for the dead, followed by a low mass of requiem, waa the only service attending the funeral today of the Rev. William F. Gannon, S. J., of the Church of the Qesu, Eighteenth nnd Stiles streets. The body of tha dead priest, In the black habit of the Society of Jesus, was pn view at 7 o clock last 'night In tho chspet of St. Joseph's College, Seventeenth and Btlles streets. The Rev. J. Charles Davey, S. J., president of the college, celebrated the maas at 11 o'olock. In accordance with tho rules of the society there were no panegyrla or pallbearers and the utmost simplicity marked the service and Interment in Holy Cross Cemetery, Father Gannon, who wns stricken with paralysis late Monday afternoon after a round of sick calls, died late the same night In St. Joseph's Hospital. Stephen Smith Stephen Smith, a thirty-third degree Mason nnd a former superintendent of tho Masonic Home, near Burlington, N. J died yesterday nt his home, 836 Bailey street, Camden, nged nevcnty-slx years. Ho Is sur vived by n widow. $1000 Snatched From Expressman CHICAGO, Nov. Ob. Six nrmed men stepped from a motorcar a few blocks from the center of tho city last night, held up the money wagon of the Adams Express Com pany aa It won returning from the I'nlon Station nnd escaped with $1000. TTV"?vfmrv,rTWf'rvrww New List Victor Records For November Now On Sale THE HOME OF SERVICE HAS THEM ALL G. W. HUVER CO. 1031-33 Chestnut Street PIANOS PLAYERS thMM"faaferakSsW.l-4WArtfr,l BRAND HEW KSERE(0iM5&: The Itoaary and Ave Maria, Tha Only Olrl tSelrctiona). Wllllnm Tell Overture (Parte t ft 2), Vlalnn nf Hulntnn nnit Knnva .1 AntnmV. National Emblem and Lorraine (Marches)'. ,, T.h IJ.'rd O'rl's Dream, nnd I Hear Tou Calling Ale. El Capltan Entry of aladlntors (Marches). . , Hundreds nf othera nt fide, Loadeat tone needlea made, 10o per park. Everybody's, 100 N. 10, & &'.; MILLEI PIANO STORE Records In All Lsnquaqas 604-606 S.SECOMDST. -:m l5 t-y OPEN eVENINCS ! I flV. I TPt oWl II Iv ; JfWMiirsTri r rnH f n wr sVt lviSslHsB fcl Bas SasssaBasaaaaaaaaaV afj K)-;-'5 IsHsNHlsV it WB2? IbssssElPIsS m "ft ssaB'' I bsssDRHibbV & fi SBSBK-t lBBBaCHBBMaaBaBaBaBJ Ibiff laaBsssWsB BBV BBSS wSSr as aaaTe S"" I ma as5av- ataaSsB M k.3. W.L.DOUGLAS "THE 8BOE THAT HOLDS ITS SHAPE" $3.00 $3.50 $4.00 $4.50 $5.00 & $6.00 X ...... C.. tL I star ww bui oavo iuoney py wearing w . i vougias oooes. rue beet Known Shoes in the World. VV7. L. Douglas name and the retail price is stamped t w ue oohoot or aii snoes at tne tactory. The value k guaranteed and the wearer protected against high prices for inferior shoes. The retail prices are tlw same everywhere. They cost no more in San Frandsco than they do in New York. They are always worth the price paid tor them. 'T'he quality of W. L, Douglas product is guaranteed by more than 40 yean expenence in making fine shoes. The smart styles are the leaders in the fash, fon centres of America. They are made in a well, quipped tactory at Brockton, Mass., by tiie highest wyasuueu snoeauKers, unosr tne direction and supervision of eorperiweed men, all working with aa notktsf osaaxmination to rruKe tne bestanoes ht the price that money can buy. For lala bv over OOAO aim riaui aMl 101 W. Ii. DeusrlM store is th mmm. kT M IM jsHxirasxirs ,bssm tssam-w. xsrssrst srsfssrsu MMM I ; J .00 rw, my raw mmwm-w UysoiH beware orjw.1 inlllH. SUSSTITUTES Wjf IS aassaaaaal Int. tiMvat CAr.l.AifAhr. Vnv. t. nnnntM. rf.uvht.. r James nnd Catherine Callahan, of Falah, (. Itoacommon. Ireland, llelatlies and frlenda. employes of Vm. 8. Ilead allk mill. 15th and Jackaon ata , Invited to funeral, Rat.. :S0 a. m., reaidfnce of brotherdn-lsw, llenjamln Holt, Bial Do l.ancer at. inch maaa of requiem Church of Ht. Francis de Delta 10 a. m. Int. Holy Croaa Cem. CAVAN'AUnif. Oct. SI. CATHAntNE, wife nf Oua Cavanauih. Ilelaltves nnd rrlnda In ylted to funeral, Frl.. B a, m,, 3713 Federal at. Illxh rnaea of rrqulem Ht. Anthonr's Church 10:an . m. Int. Ilnlv Crma Cem. Auto fun.rsl. .COOLBr, Oct. 31, ALHCnT F eon of F. W. and Adeistds Cooler, ssed St. Frlenda In vlled to rervlcea. Frl,, 11 a, m,. rrenta' real dence, ftsi'Z Pentrldse at. Int. private. CHOS8CUI'. Nov. 1. KM.MA tl.. daushter nf t harlea A. and Margaret i.roaacup (nee (lohl). ssrd 20. Relatives and frlenda Invited to funeral rvlev. 8at., a p. m.. parenta' reldnce. 5323 W. Thompaon at. Int. convenience of famllr. t, fl. MART.n. CUTH. Itenrr sndjate Sophia Cuth; t, nelatlves and friends Invited to junerai .71... v.l ., K ...m.m. f heather. PK IWT r,l., . ", ''. "',. .VT. 17i ml f.i iniaw, iiarrr v. iiicnen, iuii ninun . ;-: rrlvate Northwnod Cem. nemalna may be viewed Thurs. see, DAVIS.--Not. I, LAl'ttA .T)A1B. ? William II. Miller. 7M N. I'ber at. Itslatljres and frlenda. conareratlon nf Church of cruel, flilon and t'hllllpa lironka Memorial Chapel. In vited to funeral eervioes. Bat., 1 P. m.. parlors of Jamea II. Irvln. fiii Banaoin sC Int. Merlon Cem. Itemalna mar h. viewed Frl.. 8 to 10 p, m. IXLVOflltt'K Nov. 1. WILLIAM P. son "f Join and the lat Xlarr A. nonoxhue. IleU lives nnd trends Invited to funeral. Hat BaO, m.. .1015 Kalrmount ave. nequlem niaas at at. Agatha's Church, 10 . m. Int. at. Denis s Cem. non.it. -oe l si, TH0MA3 n. Dorui. nets- tlvea and trlande. lit, Patrick's Hole Natn. floclelv. 8t, l'.ul a T. A. U. Borletr. all other (Hltfa of vrhtoa t was a mmlr. Invited to funeral, Oat., 8.S0 a. m.. 14 H, 20th i at. Solemn lilsh maaa of requiem St. l'atrlck a Cturcl tn a, m. Int. Ilnly Cross Cem. .. DItONtl'IKLU. Oct, 3. at Atlantlo Cltr,. K. J.. JAMr.3 II., eon ot late Thomas and Kiln Prnnanrld, seed 41. Italatlvea and frlnda. im plnrea of St-i-hen Green l'rlntlns Company. In vited to funeral aervlcee. Frl.. 2 r. m., 1713 K. Clearfield at. Int. Oakland Cem. Ittmatns mar Le viewed Thurs., 7 to 10 t, m. IJtmKIN. Oct. SO. JOHN, huiband nf Annie K. Uurkln (nee Halkeldl and eon of Mary and late Thomas Durkln, ased SO, Itelatlvea and frlnda, employes of fthetland Wnrated Mllla, invited to funeral. Sat,, P a. m., 1115 li. Chel ten ave, High maaa of requiem Church of Im maculate Conception in a, in. Int. At. An thony's Cem., Ambler, fa. Auto funeral. FAK8I. At reeldVnce of niece, Mrs. Oeo, Frets. .433 Cnmlay ave., W. Colllnsawood, N. J, Nov, 1, .MAIITHA I1KUI.AIL widow of David laeal. Notice of funeral later . I'ALVET. Nov. 1. DANIKL, hunband nf Ann rainy, Itelatlvea and frlenda Invited to funeral, Mon., S;3ii a, m.. Mil) Hpruf at. Xolemn Maaa of nequlem at the Church of thn Trsnt flsurallon. In a. m. Int. New Cathedral Cem. Auto funeral. PA ITSEH. Suddenly. Oct. 31. C, ItENnT FAtJSBlt. Italatlvea and friends Invited u funeral services. 1783 Columbia ee.. Bat,, 2 D. m. fnt. private. FRTKH. Nov. 1, WILLIAM W FnTnn. seed 82. Itelatlvea and frlnde. Apollo 1,odjra, No. Son. I. O. O. F.,- Manaaers of the Odd Fel tows' Home. .Invited to funeral Hat,, 2 p. m,. Odd Fellowa' Home. , K. cor. 17th and Tioga ata. Int. Lafayette Cem. DALLAnilF.lt. Oct. 80, MARY E, OAI.I.A nili:lt (nee Foyl. wife of Nell (lallaghr. Itela tlvea and frlenda. Leasue of Hacred Heart ot Ht. Gregory's Church, Invited to funeral. Krl H a. m... A4A2 Merlon ave.. West 1'htla. High inaea of requiem St. Oregory'a Church 0:30 a. in. lnt Holy Croaa Cem. Omit flowers. OBPMnOTIL Oct. 31. CHAnLK8. son of rhllln and Katherln. Fauat clermrnlh. ,! !ta ItelatliTS and frlenda Invited to funeral serv ices, Krl.. 2 p. m., parenta' realdence, OL'il Wal nut at., Camden, N. J. Int. Arlington Cem. HA1NK8. -Oct. 30. JOHN W.. husband of Linda M. Ilalnea n Morton), aged no. Itela Uvea and friends, Phlta. lxidge. No. A4, I.. O. M,; employee ot Haatlnca Co.; Double Coun- toggle yaHsM ISiwm rP- "sBIsxie mi y it 'ii 'i, it, K.'h, lit Visit Our New Store 1108 Chestnut Street AND HEAR THE November Victor Records NOW ON SALE Don't fail to hear the new Hippodrome and Follies of 1916 Records ire solicit your inspection of Philadelphia's Finest Musical Center, Where You Get VICTOR QUALITY Plus WEYMANN SERVICE at No Additional Cost ... 1108 CHESTNUT STREET m I'i'V-.jiiri'M iv, Pianot Victrolai Shttt Mutic Everything Mu.ical MYMANN 0mmm l' I'llBM KHTAI1LI81IKD 1804 GpawlalBHaBMIWgllllWW8l iiniiini mil i mini III i iiiiiiiii WMkwmcmmrmmmmmmtom Prominent Photoplay Presentations TIIE following theaters nb a ...Conipany, whlrh la. a go All Plcforea reviewed befor V .btalalng Blctnrea Ibronnli i Bw&ka (mwornu Alknmlieo i:th,Morrls& PanjnnV Ave. ailltXIIIUra Mat.Dally 2: Kvg.0;43A0 l'aramount l'lcturea. Douglas Fairbanks ln g. APOLLO B2DANDS ValeskaSuratt h'UIQIITW, AlaoAM.8tar Triangle Keyaton Comedy ARCADIA CHESTNUT n i v, ri u i ri riELow iotii BESSIE BARRISCALE in "A COIlNEn IN COLLKENB" BELMONT nS151' Rvgs., TAB. !0c. Francis X. Bushman ;?",. AND JULIET" PFDAR C0TU AND cEDAn ave." WlLlIV PARAUOVN? THEATER Emilv Stevens ,n "nm wheel unity otLvens 0P TJJB j. "TUB CniMSON BTAIN" No. 1 Jiefffr eltiaf , If not coavenlet to cvidl at W.'y, DngJAajtorm, tvnk your local lMUrfrW. Ii.Bftu;las44o. If fas, oaatMt mp&y yoM,fake mo otber isMk. W4M t we bookUt ..j showing how to fmaMi orctorahoMbymcUiV PrUw.t W.1 ti Doudm ftoruln PhiUcUlnhu- aatiA ttrVSir si juaaMtaer AVfiuua 1117 iUrkei Street ( vm-r fynawt, .SS !?" Fr"-.PlrTCr. -iaOulhB aZStgHSMssiK km m -e", f "X' ? . -'lit5:'.. Boys SHOES BeatlBttieWstM I3.00 ISLBO I2.00 Lwk roft W, l. BoHgias aacae sum! Utc retail sriee snams4 cm the hottow. FAIRMOUNT I8T AND I rtllUIlUUll 1 atRAHD AVENUE Theda Bara and Harry Hillard in "IIOMEO AND JULIET" PRANIfCnnn m ynANKFORD . . . , w wa.v AVKNUB E. H. Sothern and Pegy Hyland - ln, "T1IB CHATTEL" 56TH ST JHEATBIt. MAT. DAILY. HOLBROOK BLINN in JTJIB PRIMA DONNA'S HUSBAND" GARDEN 03D INBDOWNB AVE. T. ?Zi TV I rVBNINO BtSO TO 11. LUCILLE LEE STEWART in "HIS WIPE'S OOODNAMK" JEFFERSON' 11 $&M HOLBROOK BLINN in "THE HIDDKN SCAR LEADER "OTr-nRB-rniNH . ..V. . LANCASTER AVENUE , ANNA PAVLOWA in 'THE DUMa qiRL OP PQRTICI" LIB E"R T YROad antj T II M L it . , COLUMBIA Tul,y Norm Tafawdge In 'TUB DEVIL'S NBBDLK" B2D AND LOCUST Mata, 1:30 and 3:30. loc Evgs. 0:30, 8, 0:30. 15c LOCUST Gail Kane ,n "T,1B BC v ""' OATtr' Market St. Theater "Mg?1" Ruth Stonehouse ,h "LOV?,1INfiy, - Eirj3'i-IirtfVaIemi; in-ybirty" OVERBROOK ,?3D , "aveiiford Litl e ZOE RAE in "Gloriana" MBerles of "Besrlet Runner." Kr, Williams PALACE "U MAIIKET BTREET . lOo 20c. CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG in TJJl!LSMAI.ofUv" PARK nlf av.k- DAui'HiFirT" lJiKKYSTONj;qMEIJV PRINCElTS 1018 AnKOT FRANCES NELSON & HTi 8T?ET . .. Arthur A8HU5Y i " The Revolt" toOLXHStJBaMs. William, tn 'Searle, un.r' REGENT 1mabt LIONEmRRvx.ORATRB0. . JUJ Jbe ?rand f Cowardiw'' RIALTO aEn"ANTWN AVE. CONSTANCE COLLIER in -, 'THB TONatJES OP MEN RUBY "ABKBT STREET PAULINE FREDERICVS , "ASHgS OPEjliiKnn.' SAVOY L-jgga LILLIAN WA1 KTB : "THE ni.t'i: .EOTnnnr. MTSTERT" TIOGA lTTH AND VENANOO STST ULLIAN WALKER ft n-rL xr. v.. P.VAKT OVERTON la The KlfJ" VICTORIA "AKBTST, ! in , above ninth Lionel Barrymore ' E bfand Mangle OsfiSa" .dCSVaA,!o?,.CE STANLEY .Wpva'ioTi-r-SESSUE HAYAkAWATnP " v.. w, .unAoAn" "HPHLJ!!Lf-DBLrHL vTBfir rHILADBCFHU EUREKA WH "KKJT 8T8. "THE REVOLT" Wi(h rANCBS NBLSOK , K. UalOOLK K e a TJiJUTIfc $&, O L Y M P I A BROAD AND Th. Pin.! U ......... L?"P9" Alio thS'KTr Vj J5.yJE: r "YIL" 4 fnfi n Mmti .JCti JW1! .! iimmmmr m .slBMlsn SHADOW" t ' ' SrSSsl SlIaasBsaii? W to SaMHs Ttksj 1st Saw K-ef ? . f9" f? &r: ..a H8TMTIHI clirJr. Order of tl. A. St. ..tVnn'$-' m. tnv ted in funeral eervlcee., fc.i ' ?;' Pr'a'nn 5M" ll.l.ll. A?T Av . . .... A M. in Int. funeral, Bat...!IP.rn nouin iiurei inn wm. . .. ... HATEB.-Oct. 0. JOHN F.. J"tfn' '' a'MfT'.II oihe'r' eC efles &$& Lij St.nsteSh?n'.NChy?ch 'i'roaKnd llull.r sts.l. 10 a, rn. Int. Holy Cress. Cent. Additional Deaths will b found en Tags II STARR&MOSS s..- aliAH tt-AlT-i i f,rri; -- '- Htiv in noKa T-n,i will be BleneatiUy sur PTl.ert when you vlflt our quaint ehop. All styles anil rlnloh of E.tlons In .stock, to S?th"r with a fomjl, '' of rerorde. and BKRVICB Is .. .i.lla nam. k isil OKRMANT6WN AVE. V Ju neisve r.rie riA.n BtreslsaiC IUsiiS November Victor Records Are now ready. Just tho records you have always wanted arc in.inrinri Jr. ih new list on sale today. The selection is unusual and moro fascinatinc than ever. We Invite you to hear any of these or the old favorites in our individual hearing rooms. 1J180 ( When Une J Hand ( IMI-E.n POrULAIt BONOS Unele 8ammy Iads th. T-T 1S14S 1A13B 1S1S1 sssst There's n Little Hit of nacl In Lrery Oood Little Olrl I'm Oonna Make Hay Whll. the Sun Shines In Virginia nmmer Mht )ne nay ISSTRUMn.NTAL Rattle of the Nations N'apoleon's Laat Charge mill Orertnre rart I Zampa Overture rart It itEii seal ni:conns !On Hon Junt One is: )7.ati Zan 10 In. lie IS In. lie 10 in. He 10 In. 78e IS In. S1.S3 . I.aUme' Hell Song. :i401 -H iiy jinbel Garrison 17 South Mitth St f It In. C S1.S0 orrosiTE rosTorricn ml if!"' laH'tlt Is, lihi I n 9 I;! l;fe( in si!; iilf i ? i' ! ill.II i-itr lel-i Is. i I I S3 mmi&rmMJMui i KSSi "FOR, THE PUBLICS CONVENIENCE" The New Widener Building Ticket Office, in the heart of the business and shopping district where tickets, Pullman reservations and travel information to all parts of the Country is cheer fully furnished "Delivered by Uniformed Messenger" without- extra charge. Telephones Filbert, 2128-2129 -2420 Race, 3183 Philadelphia & Reading Railway Co. HeVyhirsiSTij IPM Ml: m IM tti Legislating Liquor Out of Canada BRITISH COLUMBIA Has gone dry'ao have Onta p, n ,NeV Brunswick, Prince ' Ldward sland, Nova Scotia, Mani toba, Saskatchewan, Alberta; eyen . the Yukon has voted against all but . the Jicensed hotel bars. Upper . North America is relentlessly driv ing at the bar-i-oom, and apparent ly nearly everybody concerned is' mighty cheerful about it," the gen era .1 cmbm.ent being, "Well all be P k?-r iff Ttho itr In Sunday's Public Ledger C, Pj, Cushing gives a highly interesting account of this legislative campaign again8t. the liquor trade and themazing progrew made. jtty fi: i-.