ArAkTJrttfTS aunyiVTnirN .-- s?t -"'- CoafMsrd rem frfcntina root. TJIB NEW ADDITION TO I'ELHAM ;OUHT vrAMkU COURT mi not tmllt In make an Lill L. vv nnft hut tA irou who demand SCkH end are accustomed to. receive It at irlee.,-hteli ronalderlna what .rou do d. aw .- wt .1 lllnir unnAil AMAH C&iwf I. located at Carpenter . HI --... u.,. receive, I moderate. II will make LI iir, I' elllne rlv, r. o ; mm Uermantown, Jual cm r. ai and tha alt to. "'lit rour tequlre- nn tha Vennavlvanla ." i -'I -;" train a oar. F& Italtroadl eureir transportation roc-ma ana l rain in o row k ! ia Kill! fl)UF remit s nr from so up. I-UUKT 11 n quiel lifrrici ana incaien .... - ....-.---..-- - - . . --- - T qma nerfect L, and located In an eb- .JltfltC aolatelr Ideal and exclusive suburban location, In a word, jrou mar come to PKt.HAM COURT and And a pertect euburhan location. wllti transportation iinMtnim. an iqeaiir con "trocted bulldl. culet. dlanlfled. eleaanL Ton mT eelect an apartment of the site to tilt rour Individual needss you will rind all rour bonsekeeplni-. problem e solved and tslten ear of for rou ahaolutalr without effort in rour part S '" flnl table at the almost aicalltnco at a moat moderate price, and lh Hint couriear. eervlce and attention la uniform Ihrouihout tha entire establish nFof full Information, arranreraenta for In duction and reservations call, phone or write to NOnMAM S. BIIKItWOOD 1411 WALNUT ST. BPRnCD SMI.. . HACE SnS ar te Ma representative on the pramlaea at relham Court. . Appointments mar oe mane tor aiuomoriiie to call at your residence nr troslneea place and take rou directly I? PK.I.1IA11 COURT at rour Hi iiiranum. t you i dire convenience and HOUSEKEEPING APA11TMEKT3 Al, TOAK 0R SAM EYfefftNG IjEDGHR-PHTLADLKHiA:, THURSDAY, NOVEMBKft 2, 1916 a Q&2L lVbypWl Coajlaiitd! from rrccrdlao Column NKWEST ANDlinST 1DKAS IN H OUSTS N-Enlnl central un,. rS'ShM on terrace awns Colonial atalrwaa iircamaat room , llaamie.,1 ..... Kalian Gardens A ISI'.t . Wrtp.a; and deeorallns I K2?,1 .W11 ln nrl, ' "d dealtn f?iLi'rSell,r." tMMentlal quarter lhipureh?!rrte nni ""n of ' 8 ,urt ,,,, I-KHtllcnTON- KSTATHS Li52-?L "V." l'bon Woodland 4T7 221 S. 49TH ST. -,Sur rjrt.iinltr. to purehaao a modern 8. SiSfJi KIE?"lr, "0"' Knallah lljm hall. 2 ?il00?illlu:.hnl bedrooma and 3 bathai on main atroet. for leaa tban I0OU0. Wm. II. W. Quick & Bro Inc. . .8 B. 4PTH ST I HAVE A HARDWA11E STORE EI"It In a rrvtferoue Itcition l'rea-nt f. SJn,.,'M,lnJ,,, ' "llrliui A llva buyer II aeeured of conatalant taatnet Thla U tie. EUGENE I.. TnwNRKNn B, B Cofjjtth AJUItlmor? aV. 1'n.Wdld MOO. . .. rOP. A JMtYII'MAH i.ii 'm,.(l.lrt', ?-'ry horn In a lo cation tmlnentlr aulta'.. . has liria rnoma. Kfi ?,.''0r Jtm. I.atdnood floora. -... n.rtn ur pi.vni Kuai; r pi.ona U.iili Li n i."r.".r.-" . iv.'flp?" ... ... .v.. ..i-i .im iiatiin .i'lw i. rwiari i lmora S200. TOU CANNOT 1ND A BBTTEn APAIITMKNT N.ECor. 1 7th & Walnut (1 block from niltenhouaa Square) The housekeeplnc aultea are perfect In their Plan: 3 lam bedrooma. each hav Inr oar wlndowa; fine larro Uvlnr room, dlnln room, kltcheni maid a room and 3 bathrooma aa wall. Ideal winter and aum mer apartment!. Alao aultea of 2 room and bath; free uan of laundry on. top floor. Tour Inapcctlon cordially Invited. Fhone Walnut 0029 MERTON W. GREIMS Second Floor N. E. Cor. Ilroad and Cheatnut (your Ubtrtv Building) THERE ARE SEVERAL WAYS OF SECURING AN APARTMENT Bat. tuppoie, Inatead of trylnc all thesa dlf. terent waya, you Juat call at thla onico the iraeet. moat attractive and beat equipped In 'hlUdelphla, devoted exclualvelr to aecurlnc jut what they want for particular peo; fined with or mar bo rented throutti ua, ml,. lour reaulrementa Th leaillnv "; r .!. . . n.. . . .: " na aeairaoia aptrunenii in fnuaaeipnia ara Tell ua antomobllea are waitlne to take you to tb OL tl VLIVI a.i7" VU a t nnnalula ftttort Ti partmnt In FhlUdeTphla which most nearly fiot rtf nrotMrtlfft VDU dcilFTikli. letat poeslula effort you will cure th on Th ahla Our and with tha pprrftchet your exact Ideal. NORMAN S. SHERWOOD 1411 WALNUT ST. Spruce 3971j Ilace 3025. Iious ty, 3 rooma and bath to ? rooma and bath: 5 to $70 per month; call, phone or write. SAMUEL STRltN. 1201 Cheatnut at. tiUUSEKCBPINO APARTMENTS All parte of eiij fllB CAIILISLIS. 423 B. Carlisle at. Houae kffplnc llati; every conv. for houeekeeplnir; 1 drairable vac. on 8d floor haa 4 rooma. at 123. Whttealde Mcl.anahan, lBth and Pine ata NEW COHONADO ' CIIBSTNUT AND 22D STS. A few vacanclea. Apply Janitor. APARTMENT 11UREAU 274 modern apartment bulldlnca. Second floor, N. E. cor. Broad and Cheatnut. HILL CRB8T. 6. E. COR. 34TH AND RACB 8 ROOM APARTMENTS. KHOWER. Tm- rtiano.y im untuiw,, ltiaABUNAOLE. r..i'i ,lit,u" th nr ocr 10 per cent NKTSi'M nnluiu1,. Invealed I'KMIlERTON la" 4T?' Mlh "' T 'Phone. Wood- 'rSil VVroJ! AIT8. 31!32l N. Bid at. It reaor-l,.H-',S '.LVlinill ' CHILTON, own- rXii1.lcuata , j)to It A M. .,m ;elUUT.BD 5NCixvi:.ri"roncii i'SXr'I: txF. B " r npie bouae. """' " '..1 -!rtf. Omi dally. !?A'!'iT7iiUCl9M8'.D"a,rt '" Slot-water heat. ttS? i iSi'n"iu "" II. Matlnnle n?AJJu?iL"tfI .f JX,,tcreh mn!onl coat iTo.onri; !I"'JteLl!:!,.'u",','1" Ph. llarln 7olt Wt Sl.'iilV?3. A1?, """-DINQ SITES for fi it "?3?.i .,,.'1ra5", ''' 'or rent. MAU. CheatnSt? ' N U '' ,ir0d "na uuuuMun'N IIO.MRS. ell a-rtlona. Franklin Pank AEATj ESTATE FOR 8AI.E main'mkb. r. r. it, . CoaKaaeJ from Precfdlao Colamn WA.INK Attractive nemaf tine condltloni all convenienreai lot llJItaJOj nftered to cloae . eatate tlen.n.1,1 Wajnei IM. NKVJKRKV SUIURnAN PAMtlt.M OOOD INVESTMKNT-Camden real eatal. JR. D. CLOW. Jr. canW5 . JitiVJKRHKY SKASItOIlR V?NJN?n.,.,novl""Mln lotai 60I00 ft.; coiw venlent to lmach and trolley no W. State !t-tllntnn. N J MAniKAMi 11AROA1N A foe realdence nt Notlheaat, ltd.i ISlKSf tnodernleea hmiv. brick, i-room tenant hou.e and tMithullnliura, localinf In a JJP..?.wn of8 P.erS within 3 minute' walk of ttlpn. V. u Thempen, Northeaat. M. PJWNM LV M V MlMH 2J At 11JH! one of the beat ilalry and ceneral fTPi." 'n 'h State of rannerlvanla. plenty nf tulldlni.a, moat of ti.oin nn lorata.1 In Ilueki viunty, no htlla in. atoivea. plenty of uod water, price IM.o-iu for nt-h , lloom I. Voo)werth IliillJInc H-itti-hwnj 1J. 11 ACRES convenient to Main LlneP.""ll. It. t price reduced to 12200, J.JI. TllOMPSON, Wet Cheater. T . CAI.irOBMA FAItM"! CALITOIINIA Little suburban farina near t "" '.e. . inr . aia. eaay payment, write . ... ,. K. Shawnee. Okla 81IUM.KN . llAURY U'.iitajrif', OI. DETACilrp"". rt.VI' ONLY JlftSo .TNDON PRlfcsiMAN, C Walnut 2537. 1IOUSK S31S Otn. ave. OUR ItKAL E3TAT13 IP'LLUTIN'wlirbeT.eiit J? 5r?ur.,y !?'!. on -"Plication tlermantown Truat Co . Cneltei and tlermantown avee. If YOU ARI1 LOOK1NO KOR A HOMBTno"ert mantown. Mt. Airy or Cheatnut Hill, conault me. A. R. Meehnnj747Oermantownave. OUR NEW RENT and aale Mat of Oermantown and Cheatnut 1II1I propertlee aent on appllca- tlon. 11. 11. I.later A Son. B012 tlermantown ar. CHOICE HOMES, Tulpehocken at eaat oTberr mantown ave. J. II. CIIADWIC1C 4 CO., 8022 tlermantown ay. Cbealnntnill SEVERAL DE8IRAT1LE PROPERTIES MINTUIIN T. WRIOHT CO. MORRIS DI.DO. Tleta WE HAVE THE HOUafJ YOU WANT . IN TIOQA OR LOOAN KENNEDY , RAMHO. 374U OEUMANTOWN Iwan REAL ESTATE, mortcarea and conveyanclnc. WM. D CHAMBERS 41)33 N. Broad at. PENNSYLVANIA SUBURBAN BROOKLINE Brand-new dtt. dwlae., Ir.Jb, .r neai, .lecir., ouzio; eoaau; only aiou caah required.. will ezchnnre. Broottllne station. caah required., will J. ELMER WATTS. NTE. COR. 10TH AND MASTER Ilouaekeep Inr auitea, furnlthed. IS up; alncle room. 1 2 50. JSPHUCE ST.. 3118 Excellent corner houae- keeping aptmt; alao doctor'a office; modern. J WEST PH1LADELPII IA KINOSCOURT SOTIf AND CHESTNUT STS. , BBVKIIAU MODERN IIOU8EKEEPINO if APARTMENTS KOR BENT; ELECTRIC ELE- VATOnS. PUBLIC D1NINO ROOM. APPLY EST. -runs. xr. nretens. .Hi . lOT mru -r ESSEX, A4th nnd (?hKfn,it neaierr ueimont. 84th and Sprlnr Garden. Inquire janitor, or CRESSE. 308 Hale Bid. Monterey. 43d and APARTMENT fiOTELS Cheatnut and Nineteenth, ALDINE HOTEL THE BEST ROOMS AND SUITES With the best table, in Philadelphia Day, Week. Month, Season, Year PARKSIDE APARTMENTS Mlaa Mar O. McOlade. manager. Succesaor of Mra. Charlea McOlade. moo., p,SrlS,,d8 t 40th at. J&ne SSL? OPPOSITE FAIRMOUNT PAnK in I-?1!!01 ""' t0 "nter of city. p.lSL,!?'I?om., '"nlhed or unfurnlahed. TetpnonVBlreJ,""1"1"- THE GLADSTONE 11TH AND PINE STS. Absolutely Fireproof SEVERAL VERT DESIRABLE- SUITES CAN FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED Elkins Park All-Stone Residence $10,500 rie of the handaomeatU-alone houaea ln the ork Road Section. Cotnnletert Nav. .10 arse bedrooma. 2 batha. 1 OO-fnot lot. on One ol Old Yi Five li Church road two aquarea eaat of York road. Rhoads & Paul ELKINS PARK AND 133 8. 6TII ST. HEA RESTATE SALE Oil RENT CITY AND SUBURRAN rroperlle for le or ClPi ,jnw'r Merlon Realty Company, Ijind TJUBuldlnKt PhtUdelphla Pa. XEAI, WITATE FOX XEKT CVmfIa rem PrretMno C'ai , . Ileak Koem Waatefl 8ALRSMAN would Ilka to rent deak room. alt orncei u.n of teUpbone. Q 340, Ledfer Central. . , wkst rmianin.rniA WE ABB OFFRnlNd FOR RENT The laraeat and bet telec'lon ot liouaei and aparlmenta In Welt Philadelphia. Wm. II. W. Quick & Bro.. Inc. SOUTH 40TI1 ST. . OF3tMNT01VN 8KRMANTOWN Near Qtfen Ian atatlon and itermaniown t.rlcK.1 Vlun. 3 pearooma. hatha Neuae, hol.ttatee heat. S alnrv aemldetaehed 145 L 57 I-dr Central. TOR RENT PURNISJEED WKtT . FOft nE.NT lurnlahcli vicinity" 46th and Spruce: detached corner residence, o bedroomii 2 latha hot-water heat, electricity. $100 per month Phone Woodland 1137 - SUIIfRBAN IXJB WINTBIl On YEAH Nearby furnlahed houaea tin to t!50 Mil 7 to 21 rooma L!t. C P PlrrEHS A SON, 008 CHESTNUT HT. MORTGAGES CITY CENTRAL PROPF.RT1ES .,....., .'rr "I" and rent JAMES D. WINCHELl, 17th and Sananm ale. PKXNSM.VAX1A SI'IU'RBAN BALA-CYNWYD Lnrae Hat houaea. aale or rent, at all price, Samuel C. Waaner. Jr., .. Commercial TruaM'Idg . 13th and Market. MAIN LINK. P. K. K. MAIN LINK Beat line of Main Line houaea. f!,.h.r'or ""'" nr nt, at all price. HIRST A MrMUl.LIN Wrat End Truat Bid. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE WE IIAVU in FARMS, taken In exchange, which we will ecrlftce for quick caah aale. Call for particular OUDKN. 122U Filbert. REAL ESTATE WANTED REAL ESTATE bought, aold, rented, rente col. lectedt mortxnre loana for a term of yeara or on building; nanoclatlon plan ARTHUR DOSWr.LL, 23 N. WILL buy cheap real eatate any aectlon Phila delphia. Immediate anawer. . Brokera pro tected. Cheater D. Rottner, M20 Cheatnut. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY BEST LOCATION Entire dnelllnc. except phy alctan'a offlcea on first floor; H bedrooma, 4 batha. electric lltht, hot-water heat; excellent for drcaamaker or private family. MKAR8 & BROWN. 20J 8 15that. STORES AND DWELLINGS In all aectlona of city. See our Hat In the ledger Saturday. SAMUEL T. FOX CO S. C. cor, uthond CallowhllJ. 2220 N. LEITHOOW ST. 3 atory. .7 rooma. hath, range, caa. nice yard, aldo alley; newly done up; only SI 3; keya there. Wm. L. Craven a Bona, 13411 N. 7th at. T F. NEALIS. 010 S. 12T1I ST. 230 S. 23d at., 0 room, conv 140 00 2J1HN. 15th at. 10 rooma. com a .inoo 734 Race St., 10 roomi. conv , . . 30 00 SEND FOR OUR RENT LIST THE LAND TITLE AND TRUST CO. ilroad and tneatnut ta. 235 8. 18TH ST". 14 room and' 2 bath; rental per annum. $1800. EDOAR O. CROSS. 1411 Walnut eL Ilnalneaa Propertlea and Store MARKET ST., 031 Entire building; through to Commerce t.i kult retail or wholeaalo builncss; Immediate poaaeaalon Apply l'ENXA. CO .. 517, Cheatnut. t. ARCH 8T., 707.0 Store and baeement; large window; good epaco for manufacturer' agent to make dlaplay. LEA ESTATES. 700 San- aom at. $100,000-5 FLAT SPECIAL TRt ST FUND FOR .. OOOD FIRST MORTOAOKS HORACK II. FRITZ 713 WAIyO" "T. ,. . Tt 8ECUR- A MOrtTOAOK , , , Be It flrat or aecond If you dcelra efficient eervlce. quick and aatl.tactory reaulta and moderate chargea CALU PHONR OR WRITK TO US Tor mortgage will aa good aa placed." ojl!tltwmil. lilt vyainui ai. NOItMAN 8 130 TO noon NOTE OH MORTOAOE Immediate Settle enta. t'naettled Eatate Loan. Bulldlnr Aaioclatlon Fund. DKMPSEY A CO. 278 1 Oth L FUNDS FOR MORTGAGES Northern Trust Company StXTH AND SI'BIXn GARDEN . MONEY FOR MORTOAOFM LAIUli: AND SMALL AMOUNTS . . . QUICK AN" Kltt W. it HOOD S12 W NORtUS ST FUNDS for flrat and ond mortgage.. J. J. TURNER, 1201Chetnut at. MORTOAOFM 8I-.CURED ADVANCES A SPFCIALTT lIKl'MMAt'llll PARKr.R. INC. 1487 WALNUT ST. 1100 OOO TO INVEST In Ural mortgaaea. In aum. from tlOOO up; alao butldliw aaaoclatlon money for aeoond mortcagc. O C. SEIDEL A CO 4th nnd Callowhllt ata. J200 TO 50O0 TO LOAN 1227 W. Olrard ave. FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES WANTED; riTY OR SUHUR1IAN, C1IE8TEROSI)ORNK. 1324 TKSTNt'T ST. PRIVATE FUNDS FOR 'FIRST MORTOAHES Money for B t I,, aecond mortgage. JOH. ALLEN POTTS. 4005 Baltimore ave. TRUST FUNDS FOR FIRMT MORTOAOE HKUKNKSS STETSON 1.AND TITLE BU1LDINO $50 1100. 1scrappleMI 1 The VoiiriR Lndy Across the Way THE PADDED CELL "V . y A a y. v -r -W I Wov, there's ewer 'ce 'r w ( P (Thhg, mr. Smith -if ) K MmS r y I ArToBe TtbUI? WW k ' ' L, JyMzk J TEMOfi12AprER I VVAA4T To I ' sS&ai!g&ZL-. ) ( MAKE ITCteARTHAT I AT I , filv $MU&5& " - VTlMt vill Permit Amy J . lv,K&&!&5P: r ? FAM.UAR.TY OR LOVE - rjZgf4?s$ I ChKy makimg trom my J v X!f gMPt.OYfeRS j The young lady ncrosa the way says Jl ' .aaaaaPSaaaaP It's Btaylng- power that counts and tho T B f K. TtfnT I really rockI football player Li tho one H f TPSij I w ho plays Just as well In the ninth & ( ( - f K I Inning as ho tlocs ln the flrsL . A- - " Vl TJS! J S5iS J rla.fWAl.b I ., ALL AMOUNTS. 1ST AND 2D MORTGAGES Quirk anawer. MAURJCB II. MATSINQER. RI. Eat.Tr Bldg. MONEY for mortgagee; Hurke County property. ARTHUR 1 TOWNSEND Lincoln Building. Philadelphia FUNDS FOR 1ST AND 2D MORTGAGES ANY AMOUNT P0TT8 Ji THOMSON. 2321 Frankford ave. FUNDS FOR 1ST ANlTjD MORTGAGES MORTGAGES FOR SALE THEO. K. MCKI.KM. 2313Oermantown ave. MONEY FOR 1ST AND 2D MORTGAGES" T. A. REDDING SON 700 WAI.NUT ST. 20.'.8I'RUCB ST. '' LOANS ON INTEREST IN ESTXtES Reaannable Charges JOHNA.BARR Y. r.07 LandTJtle Jllds. FIRST MORTGAGEFUNDS ln amount of $2000 to 110 00(1. CHAH. L. BROWN A CO .2178. BROADEST. ADVANCES TO BUILDERS A SPECIALTY IIAZL1STT A MOSS CIS WALNUTHT, HTortK inno Annt ST. 00 SQUARE FEET; FINE LIGHT FRONT AND BEAR IB 00 813 N. FRANKLIN ST.. tore and cel lar. Ncalla. UIO 8. 12th at. Both pjiones. OLRNSIDE HOMES and bulldlne; elte every deacrlptlon RENNINOER A RENNINOER. Glenald. Pa. COUNTRY HOMES, general and Improved farm, building lte. etc , ln the White marsh Valley and In the auction between Norrlatown, Doyjeatown and Hatboro. II. J. PAGER, lnc , Ambler, Pa. SUBURBAN REAL ESTATE Any price. All location Sale or rent. CHARLES J, HOOD CO , Morrl Bldg. SUBURBAN TOWN COUNTRV Send for catalogue BROWN A CIDUD Norrlatown, Pa. SUBURBAN RESIDENCES for aale or rent; attractive location, price right. Maurice J Hoover. Real Eatate Truat Bldg. LARGE LIST OF SUBURBAN HOMES. aleTor rent, on the Main Line or Reading R. R. WM. II WI I-SONACO , Morrl Building. ulrban Lot HOTEL COLONIAL bprvck at vJt$SJ&Ilt''r APARTMENT HOTEL PPlWRSEf&N,,OIl.AMEJ"CAN TLAN PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT OULSTS ,". .. .vc.j.nm. 31AH AU KU THE CLINTON tenth below OMS. EVERY CONVEnIen'ceI" l2lS' J?4. or unfurnlahed, either' by twK-,.r"i IWL one or ' ---- -tin uiin. DELMAR-MORRIS Jy fl?n.T(-. Oermantownl 20 minute tePfad Street Station; Xurnlahed or i" mo?..h..1..fanm.e,,t,.! 1 ""- bath "r -yUS'j!ouaekeep'ng apartroenta. IRVING HOTEf tUB 017 WALNUT AmerVanpIan. I2.urcpean1ll up. THE ESMOND xrner kth 8U1TEH nia i . .- AND 8PRUCI3 BTS. - ""'" OP - ND.4ItOOM8 AND BATH pj.nw,.,TIIB TRACY JERMANENT OR IHANSIENT QUESTS -" -.. iiir.air. u i REAL ESTATE FOR SA13 IF TOU WANT TO BUILD a home In Spring field, the leading auburb before May. 1017, you can lily n lot CCK170 feet. 2 aquarea frcm atatlon, blzhett land with all atreet Improvement made, for $683 net. Sprlnglleld Farma Office, corner Springfield and Saxer ave , Springfield ' MAIN LINE, P. U. B. HAVFRFQRD STONfl AND FBAMS HOUSR. H ACRE contalrlnt 14 room. 2 baths; In beat locntlan on north aide; thla property oan bo purchased at o burraln fUure. WATUKiflC A EMLEN Commerclal Tfuit Building. More nnd Dwelling LOW RENT. 2010 RIDGE 11 room, modern tore and dwelling; ult any one; open. reelerle. Warehouse. Mfg. Floor C0h0Cksink MillS BTJAbov.DCo6,unfb,SaT3' Floors. 5000 to IS 000 en. ft.; cheap power. R. V. McNEEI.Y. 1732 Randolph. 1217 FILBERT ST. 1000 square feet first floor store, with large etreet frontage; In clude light and heat and shipping facilities. Apply 121 Heed Building. FACTORIES, sites, warehouse, floor space ex clule!y. 3 Alan Mlddleton, Factory Spe cialist and Engineer, C00-11 Wldener Build ing, Philadelphia HAVE PARTY who will erect building, central or other location, for aatlafactory tenant. DIETEKICH. 737 Walnut at. 80T1I AND MARKET STS 2d and 3d floors; corner, light and airy; elevator service; nult able for light manufacturing or storage pur poaea. Taylor A Son. 24 and 20 S. 40th at. officios. uusiNF.Hs rooms, etc 112 B0 HEED BUILDINO I15.G0 Centrally located; all convenlencea; rent at tractively low: service continuous. 118 OO 1211-17 Filbert at 122 00 DRKXEL BLDG OFFICES, Annual Rentala Mingle itooma, eiuu nan, sinu..'u,4riu.lo(JO. Rme.. 144. linn tinn.i.'OO.lL-'v Sultea 3 Rme.. 1273. 1400,1450 1300 SS7S, nunc. 0 .till... s.W. ..VU..1W JWV .uw,.u Corner Sultea 4 to 8 Rooma IRAQ to llRoO. KLU8 D. WILLIAMS 300 Drexel Building 10. 7S0. ProTeaalonal Office PROFESSIONAL BUILDINO. 1831-33 Cheatnut at. A few suite for physicians or dentists, J. T. JACKSON CO, Chestnut and 13th. SPRUCE. 1337 Offices: steam heat, electricity; Iiwi service, inuruins anu uuernoun uoura. FUNDS for 1st. 2d or split mortgages, collat eral and ahort-term Inane. ABEUNBTHY. 133 3 .12th, 2724 N. Bill. MONEY for first nnd second mortgages, private fund and building aaanclatlona WM. rRIEDRICII A. CO . 801 N. 12LlJt! 1ST and 2d ratga.; bldg. and private funda; quick and aatlafactory reaulta. moderate chargea. CAMERONwESTATE. 2811 Kensington ave. MONEY for flrat and aecond mortgage: building association and lnatallment mortgages. Wlllts Wlnchester Company, 1001 Chestnut St. FUNDS for first and aecond mortgages; any amount; quicx anawer ujia. w. uilluk. Modern Alchemy "Pa, what is nn nlchctnlst?" "An alchemist, my boii. was an an cient philosopher who tried to trans muto baser metals Into boM." "Aro thero any alchemists these; lays, pa 7" "Xono of tho old sort. The modern nlchcmlst Is trying to Jlnd a substi tute for Rttsollno." WHEN MOTHER WAS A GIRL 401-40,7, Commonwealth Building, ALL AMOUNTS to loan on let and crtaa. ft. u. -oung. euu vv, Id mta-ea. End Truat Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN YOU CAN GET A LOAN From This New Licensed and Bonded Company qutcltly. privately. If you are housekeeping. We loan SKI to 3204 on easy terms. Your monthly pament on 110 la only S3. Your monthly payment on $84 1 only $7. With Interest at 3 per cent. Your monthly payment on 3132 I only 111. Your monthly payment on S201 la only 317. With Interest at 2 per cent, Call TODAY, writ u or phone Walnut 4385. HOUSEHOLD LOAN COMPANY 131 SOUTH BROAD STREET Second floor. Next to Forreat Theater. YOU CAN nORBOW MONRT ON DIAMONDS, JEWELS, ETC. 13 AND UP J... 2 73 AND UP l"2o. 1300 AND UP pX" RIEDER'S 128 MARKET ST. RIDQE AV. AND OXFORD ST. -iu AIMU SOUTH STS. MONEY LOANED to he Ira of unaettled eatatea. Intereata bought. FRANK P. MARTIN. 724 25 Stephen Olrard Building, 21 B. 12 th at- FARMER SMITH'S RAINBOW CLUB Hairbreadth Escape "Will father bo an angel? asked tho little boy. "He's got whiskers. and angels don't havo any." "Well." replied the grandmother, "your father may get there, but It will bo by a closo shave." It Is to Laugh s3gaBa She wore a dress, I laughed at It For brevity's The ooul of wit Awk. . Thrifty A wife was asked by her husband what kind of a bonnet, she would Ilka, him ta bring her frae Glasgow, and sho replied: "Wcel, ye'd best make it a straw bunnet, Jock, and when I'm done wt It I'll feed It to tho coo." Tho 1916-1917 Definition Opera Season A short period for close-rango observation of tho sing ers you hear on the phonograph and see In the films the rest of the year. Life. The Hens Would Go Out of Business "Mother, how much is an egg worth?" "About five cents." "Well, if I go without my egg can I have the five cents?" Life, GREECE'S DELECTABLE CHOICE CITY 17th tt. Appletree at 124-3 2X 1.170 660 iVQTflN'HVWr?; vmr itjiv .a. ..;?! jtl;y vuivntix fTir, t - TfTIf MNEY,FOIt MORTGAGES ; Funda uuildlnr Aaaoolatlon and 'r-i.t -. TAyiU.NB. 00 WafnJt af. lMel.!8.33 8 CAPITAL rMh ...t v.7.i.. J m'n?h,,naii.U.i.t1'r;nu3 Per month uric 16200 f A1W!,. L. 710 8. 80TH "Sp'Wchl-cL'n'Vsi'j-.'.v .", I ttrtni. -.,.m on i I" -' A" P-TCnSON, 130 H 1,h Isil 5II?k53' 9,S'iPt convenience Hf J Iffigfes jM'mi r.": : : . FAHKELU 7in' 'b. 'JoTli near nroaia avij. and ssd - '"' HAHTB, HidgeaVe. er.J 1 0th SJ lLt nnA. ' ' LS.Pr.c.. "BAT,S?r7BF?uK-al' O'ilBBNT ---- anv.aniw II HWl 2v0 A NEW POINT OF VIEW Dear Children Once upon a time there was a man nnd he had a tree, the man did, and tho tree wouldn't grow. The man dug around the tree and put water on it, and still the tree would not grow. Ono day the man dug up the tree and planted it on the south sido of the house, und then the tree began to grow and grow; it was so happy in the sunshine und glad to bo protected from tho wind. Suppose, there- is somebody you do not like; suppose you do not think you enn ever GROW to il:o this person. Try this: TJoke yourself around on the south side end plant your opinion of that person where it will get sunshine. In Bhprt, change your point of view. , Do not wait for tho person to change change yourself I What's the matter with youf A dear old lady wished very much to, see a" view in front of her house which was obstructed by n hill. She kept praying und wishing, and wishing and praying that the bill might be taken away. Well, a railroad came along and removed tho hill, and the dear old lady could sec the icw she wanted. ' This gave her a new point of view without changing her house. If tho lifht doesn't fall just right on your book, change the book, not the light. Am I right? Lovingly, PARMER SMITH, Children' Editor. Our Postoflicc Box Here la liaby Andre Cuneo, of Salter street., holding one of many little pets. Madeleine Cuneo, his big sister, writes that 1!MI1 ChasfniK 218 N. A CO att:Csw'Hii .MKHgSWe1-?" is -JJ'jHttaJijsi RiVKrjjrfSplRT! ; m walnuYeTtT 'WWVK geair & 3 ff-i BILLY IJUMPU3 TELLS WHY BEARS JIAVPJIIOIIT TAILS By Farmer Smith "Let mo ese -I was telling- about the Bear who went fUhlnir with brother Fox, began Blliy Rumpus, after the caller hud gone. "Well, the Fox told the Dear to make a hole Jn the lea, but the big fellow did not knew how to do It .Brother Fox had to bow him, "After they had worked end worked a lonr time Mratehlng In the ice they man aged to make a hole. 'Now,' aald Brother Kwc, you tt on the edge 'of the hole and Mak yeur tall down. When there aie fMHish Hah on your tall, Jut pull It up and ytw will have a lot of flati, "The Bear thanked him and did as lie w kL Me t and he, at. ltvery time tie thaHwbt o pulling up hie tall he wsuld think ef ttte Ah he w.cimr to have mhI m be Mt stltl a attsg ttwe," ''My, that Is lntrtng 1" lnlVfrwUl Mm. OoAt, aa alia Moveai her chair tearr -mjr , iS RUI'i,S?riT?T" ;na"T-r7Tra T-HS-lfl-lMgrlJI. KeJlfaT.f rgt St MKIIVPHILADBLPHM fifiaiYruJiv u..iffl:I, Vut I "ask KBd by Hiaht caiu arul ailU ti " 'f r T . ! -. "J-. " fi.T ''-S-&A 'T1 iyaJmtJanaaaaaaaiB9ML. - "The Bear sat watching the stars blink and twinkle until he grew cold. Then he thought of hla nice hot supper of Hah and he sat a few moments longer. Then he began to pull and he pulled, Strange to eay part of the Bear's tall re mained In the Ice froun stiff Of course, tho Bear did not catch any fish." "Was he mad at the FoxT" asked Mra. GoaL "Brother Fox was 'far away by that time," answered Billy, as he looked lovingly at hla tall, "I guesa he was looking at his tall, Just aa you are doing, ' "t "yes," answered Billy, "I guess the Bear was, too." , Then they both laughed. m:m L Thlngg te Know and Do WIIHe, our office boy, sya he knows of Bine word of three letters, each ending m 'OB. Three e hn, he ate7ar5 Het. C, Fpb. PJmm eive us the other ix or at least IUr, . 1...J.. '4iii , . fetia. Met Fvederink Hnw, slfies". Wmtrm i oat Mr: PM?5li mtm aSL . . .W mlk . HJ aaaaaaaaaaaaaJaajr, ,-f '-fHaHP BBBBBBBBBaQr' ' rV)MMIrS9WfiflHMH Z .a4 aaaaaaaaaaB " :' v 1WeH lJBiii8 So to Speak I 1 ah y a J I (U7 fUkt I JL i &&- K if 1 duvSKM! t flj - aV Sr 7 .ueSkT" y.Wr Cornell Widow. "Superflshlally Speaking" HP -ikJ ' ? H ter'4S!rN I 91 . Buffalo Truth, The Cook Which do you prefer to be eaten hard-boiled or scrambled? TIJE ALLIES ADVANCED 200 YARDS UNDER COVER OP THE HEAVY ARTILLERY ANDB.KW CUNHO their garden Is a regular saelogloal park. They have three chickens, a big dog named Tlfco. a little one named Dlmplee. a eat named Mggle and a crow. You will love te hear ef"1 rw, Caco hat'a his MMtiN is u) luaaucw tiling Imaginable, naaa libd iii Maiaiam Tiirai.ii s hi Ma tua iktua I in ilea vaia as ion t at t . i WiaMWW Paadnar. Ha.. is 1- hta teaVfc. la a lUti. , i ." l wwi-m aatti--w r- si.'t a-sra?' " it' -3K ,--- -,-, aej mi sMMk, .... ,& i .& ..t-tfL'.t r. i -aj. -. ' "' " '" L ?ftaf .7 IMlifm SMbbbWQHI HFi j bbbbbbbE I Ti. fjr Jr rP fkl ' m inccfiff coGjmpnems. INVEVriCrATIN TH5 ANCEiTR'f OP tATHERTIlVMj g TTHraONe Vi 'CARP" wiMmzL. t A SMVIHI. FAVIM) AlkMyW eve 6t8YA PAR flAU: rS6TM6A,RK A-N6 NPAH ) ANB muN MVVfc . FMirA