Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 02, 1916, Night Extra, Page 11, Image 11

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lift i ,Vvi -j, "T i!SY,i "?3V . m J
&f i TTn ni Mr-Ti w
Miss Sullivan will take an active part In tho dinner
dance and bazaar to bo ffiven at Horticultural Hall
on Friday night, November 17, for tho benefit of
St. Vincent's Homo and Maternity Hospital.
ndvo yuu over ,
Miss E. Owen Martin will give an In
formal barn dance on Saturday night for
Mies Anne Walker Heirs, daushter of Mr,
and Mrs. Richard Wain Metro, who was
presented to society last month.
Dr, and Mrs. J, Clinton Foltz, pf Sum
mit street. Chestnut Hill, announce the en
gagement of their eldest daughter, Miss
Dorothy B. Foltr, to Dr. Herbert S. Harned,
on of Mr. Thomas B. Harned, of German
tovyn. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Newbold, Miss
Dorothy Newbold and Mr. Fltx-Eugene
Newbold, of Laverock. Pa., will move Into,
town late in November and will occupy
104 West mttenhouse square for the winter
A. private view of the "Thumb Box Ex
hibition of Sketches" will be shown at the
Plastic Club this afternoon from until
7 o'clock.
Mr, and Mrs. Beauveau Boris, Jr.. and
their daughter, Mlsa Fatty Boris, of Wash
ington lane, Jenklntown, will move Into
fat. i ' i ' ' ' ' Tliitil l li I ITIMsWiMbM
Nancy Wynne Is Interested in the Coming "Eve
ning of Music" Which Will Be Given for Bene
fit of Children's Hospital Next Monday
MOItB affairs for
charity, my dears,
and this time one that
appoals crcatly to the
heart, for the bene
ficiary of this event
l the cnimrens no-,
pltal at Eighteenth and
Balnbrldgo stroots and
the Babies' Branch at
,'ynnefield. This time
iho nffalr will bo a con-
ecrt, which will bo held
In tho Bellevuo-Strat-ford
ballroom on Mon
day night, and the Or
pheus Quartet will
sinjt. accompanied by
William Thunder, while
the delightful Rich-Klndler-Hammann
will s'vo several num
bers. The Orpheus Quar
tet Includes Miss Edna
Harwood Baughor.Mlss
MabelleL Addison, Mr.
Henri Merrlkcn and
Mrr Donald Redding:
this quartet of singers
Is celebrated for its
charity work In con
nection with musical
progress. Such talent
should surely bring a
large audience, and the
wee babies may hopo
to profit largely thereby.
been to tho Children's Hospital? It's tho
dearest place, so white and clean and
the poor little sick lambs in tholr Uttlo
whlto beds are just ns dear and cunning
us they can bo. The tiny sick babies are
tho saddest becauso they Just look nt you
With their great, big eyes and can't tell
what hurts them and yet they He there
like little wilted rose leavesl Let's help
them, say I.
A most representative number of
women have given their names for tho
patroness list, amonj; them being Mrs.
Alexander Van Rensselaer, Mrs. Perclval
Roberts, Mrs. John Orlbbel, Mrs. Howard
Henry, Mrs. Charles Walton, Mrs. Arthur
X,ea, Mrs. Effingham Morris, Mrs. George
TV. Chllds Drcxel, Baroness von Hlller,
Mrs. Maxwell Wyeth, Mrs. Frank Crozcr
Knowles, Mrs. Charles Munn, Mrs. Paul
Denckla Mills. Mrs. John R. K. Scott,
Mrs. George Fales Baker, Mrs. Howard
Longstreth, Mrs. Joseph Janney, Mrs.
William Elklns, Mrs. Albert Gerhard.
Mrs. Albert Rosengarten, Mrs. Willis
Martin, Mrs. Charles C. Harrison, Jr.,
Mrs. Robert G. Le Conte, Mrs. Jasper
Ycates Brlnton, Mrs. .Howard Weatherly,
Mrs. Edgar J. Thomas, Jr., Mrs. Henry
Drinker Riley, Mrs. James Francis Sulli
van, Mrs. Randolph Snowden, Mrs. Wal
ter Freeman, Mrs. Frederick Jordan, Miss
June Graham Mason, Mrs. Frederick
Strawbrldge, Mrs. Edward Cassatt, Mrs.
Atlee Burpee, Mrs. J. Clark Moore, Mrs.
Cyrus H. IC Curtis and many others
prominent socially and Interested In the
worthy charity.
Two debutantes will' be Introduced this
afternoon. Out In Lansdowne tho Rich
ard Y. Cooks will give an at-home for
their granddaughter, Nancy Wynne Cook,
and in the evening her' father and mother,
Mr. and Mrs. Gustavus Wynne Cook, will
give a theater party.
The debutante will wear a charming
frock of cloth of silver and white tulle.
Receiving with her will be Anno Melrs,
Marie Louise Farles, Lorraine Graham,
Mary Brooke, Katharine Putnam, Betty
Brock, Luclle Carter, Lois Jacksjp. Kath
arine Hancock, Galnor Balrd; Violet
Welsh and Betty Miller. There will bo
additional men guests at tho theater
party and supper at the Bellevue-Strat-ford,
which will follow the tea.
The second bud to bo Introduced today
U Margaret La Rue, who will be pre
sented at a tea given by her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. La Rue, at their
home, 141 Pelhom road. Miss La Rue
will wear a frock of white satin and sil
ver brocade and will carry an old-fashioned
bouquet of violets and tea roses.
Mrs. La Rue's gown will bo of orchid
liver cloth trimmed with silver lace.
The debutantes in the receiving party
Include Meta and Alice Janney, Ethel
Newbold, Margaretta Foltz, Pauline Den
ckla, Frances Lclper, Emelyn Shipley,
Nancy Smyth, Esther Bochman, Georgi
anna Pltflcld, Catharine Sexton, Gwen
do In Babgh, Eleanor Wunder, Marguerite
Burton nnd Eleanor Edmunds.
A dinner-dance at the Philadelphia
Country Club will follow the tea for the
receiving party and additional men
guests. w NANCY WYNNE.
town late In the autumn nnd will occupy
their homo at 1829 Do Lanccy place for
tho winter months. Xtlsi Horle Is one of
the debutantes of tho winter nnd has been
extcntlvely entertained.
Tho PI Sigma Fraternity will hold Its
annual fair at the nitz-Carlton on the
afternoon of Wednesdny, December 6, from
'2 until 7 o'clock, for the benefit of the
Children's Seashore Home, at Atlantic
City and St Christopher's Hospital, In this
city. Tho chairmen of the arloUs com
mittees are: Useful table. Mrs. Hollinshcad
Taj-lor; baby table. Mrs. Qulncy Adams
QlUmore; candy, Miss Lucy Dostwlck: toy
table, Mrs. William A. M. Fuller; .sports
table. Mr. Thomas Rcath. Jr. : nower table,
Mrs. Robert C. Clay. Afternoon tea will be
In charge of Mls Marjory Taylor and Miss
Dorothea Oberteuffer.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wright, Jr., of B07
West Chelten avenue, have their son and
daughter-in-law, Mr. nnd Mrs. Edward
Wright, 3d, of Now York, as their guests
for some time. Mr. nnd Mrs. Wright will
make their home In the future nt Allen
lane as soon as their house Is finished.
Mr. and Mrs. Royal, of Cnmdcn, N. J.,
and their daughter, Mrs. Donald Fralry.
of West Philadelphia, have left for At
lantic City, where they will spend some
time. Mr. Fralry Is on a business trip
through tho western pnrt of Pennsylvania.
Mrs. Sarah J. Babcock, 2033 Walnut
street, will entertain at cards Saturday
for the house fund of the Quaker City
Chapter, D. A. R.
Mrs. Howard McCalley, of Klklns Park,
will entertain nt luncheon and cards on
The Huntingdon Valley Country Club, at
Noble, will give Its next club dance on
Tuesday evening, November 7, election
night A number qf dinners will be given
before the affair. Other club dinner-dances
will be held on Saturday, November 18, and
on Saturday. December 2, at the same time.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Hooper, of 138
West Carpenter street, Qermantown, have
Issued Invitations for a dinner-dance to be
held at the Huntingdon Valley Country
Club on Tuesday, November 28, nt 7 o'clock.
Miss Katherlne Rocers. of 2201 St. James
rlace. Is spending several days this week
In Jenklntown as the guest of Miss Clem
entine Pent, ef Wyncote road.
The Church Settlement Society will hold
Its housewarmlng and bazaar at the Busi
ness Girls' Club, 804 Pine street, on Wod
neiday, November 8, from 2 until S o'clock.
An unusual course of lectures will be
given at the University Museum, Thirty
third and Spruce streets, on Saturday after
noons during the winter, starting this Satur
day, when Mr. James Barnes will give an
Illustrated talk entitled, "Across the Heart
of Africa with a Motion-Picture Camera."
The second lecture will be given on No
vember 11 by Mr. John Ferguson, on "The
Great Artistic Past of China." This will
also be Illustrated, and on November 18
Mr. Arthur Stanley Rlgga will lecture on
"Art and Civilization of Sicily."
Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Knlpe and Miss
F.lLen..KnlS? are occupying their new home.
220 West Cholten avenue, Qermantown, for
merly owned by Mr. and Mrs. Roland L.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Clark and their
sons, Mr. C. 8. Clark and Mr. Franklin
Taylor Clark, of Cedron, Indian Queen
lane, Qermantown, have returned to their
home from Portland, Ore., where they have
been spending several weeks and where they
attended the wedding of Mr, Edward Clark,
Id, and Mlsa Hazel Dolph, which took
place on Saturday, October 14. Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Clark. 3d, are traveling
through California. They will spend some
time at Pasadena, Los Angeles, San Diego
and 8an Franolsco before coming to Phila
delphia about the middle of December,
Miss Hattla Darlington, of West Chester,
Pa., Is spending several days this week at
Chelten Hills, where she Is the guest of
Mrs. Robert Sturgls at Laburnums. Miss
Marlon Johns, of New York, Is also the
guest of Mrs. Sturgls for several days.
Mrs. W. H. O'Neal, of Gettysburg. Is vis
itlng her son, Alexander II. O'Neal, of St
Davids. i
Mr. and Mrs, T. T. Watson, of Wayne,
will leave this week to spend the winter at
Plnehurst, N. C, where they have taken a
Mr. and Mrs. William Holloway, of
Wayne, have returned from Sunbury. Pa.,
where they were both members of the
Vance-Van Allen wedding party last Satur
day, What's Doing Tonight
tcture. ."Tke PjjaWmant of ttia Caratntc
Induatrlaa In the United states." by A. V,
Blajmftier. B. Bo.. Krsaklln In.tltutt. B.y.nth
strut north of Ctoeatauti 8 o'clock. Wee.
Wifwr Fry Institute ft Selenoa. lactur en
x. i ,- sr r, Marion uaekenxU: 8
en. ,
at PhMadafafala, Bualnaaa Man. mii-it.
traat an JfcaJllmoraj avnuai 8 o'clock. Kraa.
Cantrai Oarmnntown Avpnua. Uixlaaaa liJa
HU Oarnuntown avenuaj 8 n'oloek, Free.
CohoekMnk Biwlnaaa Man. Havcath alreat aa4
0aa.teVn svantwi a o oiook. rfe.
tnes ,uw imiraum, ACaual&y etl
oca, BualnaM Men' Aiiool
rooiiai ur wrn. ini
xkw Kail
' Oil, V
trial, Star
atlen JuMla
orothy Oslffa
Wldanar braMb Frai Ubraw.
wow iw Cluo, JteoBi SW.
K Pllif - "'rff
CorvrttM, I'll, tv fairer at flrotr.
rits story rnua jm
-ALAIRBAVKTlir. tntttttfl eft! ralma; eat o the ntl rones on
tide o ina Rio Ornnita. and Ln Fcria. ocroit tta UmmJ hnrArr. latt c
mrtaulU tnuUetyhtn htr or oil and brraka a Ug, Alter a terrillo atnieslt Jlnally
irrnoia wmej n naa w earlier t e fay. ... ,
VTtpanng nil rvrnpn
COIiapiv. iff fiaipa
Urn Trim
among tn
-... mj li.Mttl. A lrtfr.
epjonf to rtlrorff, liwn In a nrrtlon et the nouie apart rem Eil. Thru ttldom rntel.
., pKNEltAO .t13 .CVOORtO, heat the flrvicait Federal troop, (i a tall, tntcfpfl
M Latin, inko (mmrdtjtrly nll head ovrr-heelt love ir) vttalrt token the mtete nl
tnn effort to oMaln roKlulton or th ravaget 0 In llercat on her I. a Feria e'tate.
Claire Andt It dincult lo vara off H
awrcrra tm iroeniita a wo
f r ore liunyrr ami ;vrmcr aoiairr Of orlMnc, IS
r. "t iqs wqirr fioia wnn.iairt rnw, nut i on the Vtrge Of
her to comfort nnd lumlahea ner with food from hi M-n-w ,..,!,.
KII AltMTItv. JIaIm1, kyiMJ. kfl 1tmtr.imA ki.
Thta he guehlnglv prom(t. and more, loo, and
auvg.rci iriinoHi insniiinii mm, ... ,
CIJWJUABS urn. viin ni aauonior -niomo nar ij Pntmn. ana when Doit
xvnugaie caul tneftt he natii hi, home there.
d't Af lATMSII leSff nmia'a MikjkJ . I .a a. - - .nimln
nnfcra mv ruTyr pFvmr
arrivrn ( th HHnlfu to
Aintri auorntv ana iavt't coed friend.
never to narrv he6re Aral ipeakina 16 h1v about It,
(it am nffrtfi
on nnacmanlonj i " Wor and partner o Bit tutln,
ftai mo . remit t ttiitet a ", . ..a, ' . . a r n...
Thm tiltmr rhnMffrrn intlttdm Jaat. whn trj)Afi l .. !.. u..ia. aVln, utlii
ran flloB one he kilted bv Prvt I on nffalr tcith a Mexican outlaw: DoloreM, Alalre'
now.' Tan ,tcwt on ci
Jjttcit rmnlovrd rattle thi'
Whllm flaikmntt I l Hftmfrit. nrrAii ih l?li nrma
A party at Americans U& pv Dlota Jone$ end Dave rale
to American $Mt, . ...
a. i aire ana nave eonjeni tnnr ttn-e rpr each other.
wra, ann tell
u irvh.HM MM M,
-- Di."...:- ':""v v "".":,,,,n. .."., - -'
"- i"w uninaB, unose cniif nave Bern aioirn.
catl upon Kltnearth
io marrv.
an he had vroif
klleu-orth endeavors lo dltinad Davt.
from l.nm fMftii. ha la murdeml.
. Romero and bring the body bach
WM! Dave in ttroumevtlle, he
the old atlornrv o Ms Intention
ClIAPTF.n XX (Continued)
"T'VE studied you va long time. Dave, and
JLwIth a reason. I'e studied heredity,
too, and you mustn't marry."
Ijiw stirred In hla chair and smiled
whimsically. "I've done some studying
nlong those lines, too, and I reckon I know
mself pretty well. I've tho usual faults,
but "
Ellsworth Interrupted. "You don't know
yourself nt all. my boy. There's Just the
trouble. I'm the only man living man,
that Is who knows you." For tho first time
he looked directly at his caller, and now
his lids were lifted until the eyes peered
out bright hard, and piercing; something
In his face startled Dave. "I was your
father's nttorney and his friend. I know
how he lived nnd how he died. I know
what killed him J"
"You mean, don't you. that you know who
killed hlm7"
"I mean Jujt what I say."
Dave leaned forward, studying the
speaker curiously, .
"Well, come through. What's on your
mind?" ho demanded, Anally.
"The Ouadalupes had to kill him, Dave."
"Had tot Had to? Why?"
"Don't you know? Don't you know any
thing about ycur family history?" Dave
shook his head. "Well, then he was In
sane." t
"Yes: lolently."
"Iteally. I Why I suppose you
know what vou're talking about, but It
Rounds Incredible."
"Yes, It must to you especially since
you never knew the facts. Very few peo
plo did know htm. even at tho time, for
there were no newspapers In that part of
Mexico: you, of course, were a boy at
school In tho United States. Nevertheless.
It's true. That part of tho story which
I didn't know nt the time I learned by
talking with General Guadalupe and others.
It was very shocking."
Dave's face was a study; his color had
lessened Bllghtly: ho wet his lips. "This
la news, of course." said he. "but It doesn't
explain my mother's death. Who killed
her. If not the Ouadalupes?"
"Can't you guess? That's what I meant
when I said they had to kill Frank Law."
Ellsworth maintained his fixity of gaxe.
and when Dae started he nodded his head.
"It's God's truth. The details were too
dreadful. Your father turned his hand
against the woman ho loved and -died a
wife-killer. The Ouadalupes had to destroy
him llko a mad dog. I'm sorry you had
to learn the truth from mr. my boy, but
It seems necessary that I tell you. When
I knew Frank Law he was. like any other
man, quick-tempered, n little too violent
perhaps, but apparently as sane as you or
I, and yet the thing was there."
Dave rose from his chair and bent over
the desk. "So that's what you've been driv
ing at," he gasped. "That's what you
meant when you said I shouldn't marry."
He began to tremble now: his voice be
came hoarse with fury. "tw I under
stand. Tou're trying to tell me that
maybe I've got It In me, eh? Hell! You're
crazy, not I. I'm all right I reckon I
"Ho didn't know," Ellsworth said, quietly.
"I doubt If he even suspected."
Davo struck tho desk violently with his
clenched fist "P.osh! You're hipped- on
this heredity subject. Craty! Why, you
For the third time within Ave months
St Martins Protestant Episcopal Church
at Radnor was the scene this afternoon of
a marriage In the family of Mr. and Mrs.
William Heywnrd Myers, of St Davids,
when their daughter, Miss Elisabeth Ser
geant Myers, became the bride of Mr, John
Forsyth Meigs, 2d. The ceremony took place
at 12:30 o'clock and was performed by the
Rov. Dr. George "W. Lamb, rector of the
church. The church was beautifully dec
orated with white chrysanthemums, palms
and oak leaves, and at the entrance to the
chancel were two large urns filled with ferns
and white flowers.
The bride was given In marriage by her
father and wore a handsome gown of soft
white satin with an overdress of tulle and
old lace and a beautiful veil of old lace
held In place by orange blossoms. She
carried a bouquet of lilies of the valley.
, Miss Myers was attended by tlx brides
maids', but no maid of honor. The brides
maids wero her sisters. Mrs. George Whar
ton Popper, Jr., Mrs. Jacob S. Dlaston, Jr.,
and Miss Margaretta D. Myers, Miss Marlon
F. Butler, Miss Mary M. Williams and Miss
Nancy Scott They wore frocks of gray
net over gray chiffon, trimmed with old
blue girdles, and blue hats, and carried
sheaf bouquets of pink chrysanthemums.
Mr. Meigs was attended by his brother,
Dr. Edward D. Meigs, as best man. and the
following ushers: Mr. Robert It Meigs, Mr.
Arthur I. Meigs, Mr. Huntington Jackson,
df New York; Mr. Samuel A. Crozer, Mr.
W. Heyward Myers, Jr., and Mr. A.
Charles Myers.
As the church Is very small only the
family and Intimate frlenda witnessed the
ceremony, but a large reception followed
at the home of the bride's parents on St
Davids road.
Upon their return from a wedding jour
ney. Mr, and Mrs. Meigs will be at home
In Radnor.
Tho marriage of Miss Florence Frlsh
muth, daughter of Mrs. F. W. Frlshmuth,
of the Normandle, to Dr. Frank Audary
Craig will take place tonight at 7; JO o'clock
In tho Walnut Street Presbyterian Church,
and the ceremony will be performed by the
Rev, Archibald MacCallum. The bride, who
will be given In marriage by her uncle, Dr,
Charles M, Porter, will wear a superb gown
of white satin trimmed with duohesso lac
and pearls. Her tulle veil will be caught
with orange blossoms and she will carry
orchids and lilies of the valley.
Mrs. Robert Baldwin, of Wilmington, and
Mlsa Alexander Crawford, of Ardmore, who
will be matrons of honor, will wear frocks of
yellow satin and gold la6e with long trains
and will carry russet-color chrysanthe
mums and yellow snapdragons. Doctor
Craig will have Mr. Charles Oucker as
best man, and the ushers will be Mr Her
bert Heston, Mr. Russell Weger, Dr.
William Merrill and Dr. Oeorge Fotterolf
A reoeptlon will follow at the Aldlne. After
a wedding journey Doctor Craig and his
bride will live at 244 South Twenty-flrst
'BT A" fc.
r '
MCaWM kt Sarawak)
vMtnmrwvi, SAIL
TOST TrlD to luduA.
ba WaW
nu.nw ti
.'rttToal Wrto
let on .
doddering old fool" With nn effort he
calmed himself, realizing that he had
shouted his last words. He turned away
and made a circuit of the room before re
turning to face his friend "I didn't mean
to sptnk to )ou like that, Judge. You
pulled this on me too suddenly, nnd I'm
upset Hut It merely propn my own con
tention that I'm not Frank Law's son nt
all, I've always known It"
"How do you know It?"
"Don't you suppose I can tell?" In spite
of himself Dave's voice roso ngaln, but It
was plain from the lawyer's expression that
to a man of his training no mere com let Ion
unsupported by proof nad weight This
skepticism merely kept Dae'a Impatience
at a white heat "Very well, then," he
argued, angrily, "let's say that PJu wrong
nnd you're riRht Lets agree that I am
his son. What of It? What makes you
think I've Inherited the damned thing?
it Isn't a disease Me, Insane? Rot!" He
laughed harshly, took another uncertain
turn around the room, then sank Into his
chair nnd burled his face In his hands.
Ellsworth uas more keenly distressed
than, his hearer Imagined; when next he
spoke his olce was unusually gentle. "It
is a disease, D.ie, or worse, and thero's no
way of proving that vou haven't Inhprltixl
It If there Is tho remotest! possibility that
you hai If jou have tho least cause to
suspect uhy, jou couldn't marry nnd
ana bring children Into tho world, now
could you? Ask yourself If yoiAe shown
any signs ?"
un. i know what you mean. You've
mnays saia I go crn?.y whey I'm angry
.in, uihib irue. nut Its nothing more
than a villainous temper. I'm nil right
uisain imorwnra."
i wasn't thinking m much of that nut
are you suro It's altogether temper?" tho
JUdge InSlBted. "Ymi llnn't merolir Inan nnn.
trol of yourself; you'a told me more than
nn (hnt ..a.. . . .. . . '
i j Juu " cumpieieija oui oi our
num.- uiai you soe red and want to kill
"Don't you?"
t never reit thn , mi... .i.i. .
destroy, no matter how angry I chanced lo
be. I've always assorted that murderers,
homicides, suicides were Irresponsible: that
...cjr wcro bick nerc. inisworth touched
his forehead. "I can't see how nnv snno
man can tako his own or nnother's life, no
matter what the provocation. But I'm not
a oocior. and that's an extreme lew.
..",,. uxnynuw, you'll agree that IT you
hae Frank Law's blood In your vlens It
un i uo jo marry."
iminu k-oi it. me younger man
groaned, his gaze turned sullenly downward.
"Even granting that Miavo, that's no Blgn
I d ever run amuck the way he did."
"You told me Just now that you don't
niiow your lamuy hlstory7"
"Yes. What little I've heard Isn't very
pretty nor very much to the family's credit
iuujr wero a una lot. I Dclleve. '
"Frank Law had two brothers and
sister, had he not?"
ies, ono or. my uncles was a tough
hombre. I'm told he notched his gun pretty
"He was about the worst mnn of hl .,,
Jle was shot In Dodge City on one of his
Dave raised shocked and curious
"You think he was craz7"
"Most of these old-time gunmen would be
so considered nowadays. Soma imhAiw..
abla stories are told about that uncle of
yours, une otner one disappeared myste
"I believe so. He Just walked away from
his wife and family and business one day
uuu wub uetur neara or again.
Ellsworth seemed to consider this nd
mission significant "Now the sister, your
UUIll i
"I think she's somewhere In the East; I
never Baw her."
"She Is; she's nn Inmate of an Institution
tho name and address of which I have
hero." Ellsworth thrust his finger Into the
loose pile or documents before, him. Avoid
ing nis caiiers eyes ne continued: "You
can't very well Ignore such a ramlly history,
Dave, I've never traced It back havnnrt th
last generation, but you probably could If
you tried."
In a voice hardly his own, Dave artlcu-
isiea: -uoai 'j'nis is hideous.'
"It is. I'd like to believe that you don't
belong to the Laws, but I can't put much
faith In that childhood fancy of yours.
Run it down; convince yourself. But first
-J li?s1vri4U
n aKTIf rirsl
P.4&2Sasi I
Westminster y- . n,ir !. eiv.
.. .. ti. "iV." "j..Vi,Eni ,r.V
""" r ,rr . "n.nj nim. uunre.
Ll LAKEW00D, New Jersey
A. i'Kb11"'. P,ac ' 'Pen J
the Fall end Winter Seaton
A.J.Monbr.MtT. C.V.Murphr.Atit.Mtr.
Straver's Business College
Day ana nisnt claaaes. start now to
la.ro Shorthand. Typawrltlni, lioo"
ka.pliur. Panmanahlp, Arithmetic. Jjnl.
Hah. Saleamanablp, AdvertUlns, Ac
countancy. Spanlih. Siinotypy Si llitl
Kauta nnd Cenvayane las. araduaUa
of SecraUrlal. Btanosr.pbla or Com.
marclal couraa ruaranta iKnltlona
PkararAa InAilaa.
Ml-SOT Cheatnul
Walnut 884
Knrnlf ,uiur
T ..V.VM
llaln sauo
Learn Willie You E,
M Cbostnift 8 traat.
Wasamaker IiutituU wrT
ay li
j . .- vii.t. hi. . t- r"
1SQ91 if- vujraa o a Ilfl Mr turn &
go to the gtrl, whoever she Is. and tell her
tne racts. It she's the right sort"
"No. nor The word were wrunr from
Dave's lips. "She knows too will how
heredity acts; she's had one experience,"
"Eh? You say she knows Who Is she,
Dave? Don't tell me you mean Alalre?"
Dave nodded,
"Damnation!" Ellsworth leaped to his
feet and, striding around the desk, seised
his caller roughly by the shoulder. "What
are you telling me? Good God, Alalre!
A married womanl So you cut under Ed
Austin, eh?" Momentarily Ellsworth lost
control of himself; his eyes blazed and his
flhgers tightened painfully. "What dam
nable trick have you played on that girl?
Tell me before I choke you."
For once Dave Law's passion failed to
Ignite at the heat of another's anger: he
only sat limp and helpless In the judge's
grasp. Finally he muttered: "I played
square enough. It's one of those thing'
that Just happen. We couldn't help our
eehe". She'll come to you for her divorce."
The lawyer uttered a shocking oath.
"Then It's no mere romantic Infatuation on
her part?"
"Oh, no 1"
Ellsworth loosed ms grtp. Ho turned
away nnd began to pace the omce floor,
shaking his head. "This Is unfortunate.
Alalre. of all people as If ahe didn't have
enough to bear" Ho turned fiercely upon
the cowering figure In the chair, saying,
"I'll tell her the whole truth myself, before
she goes any further,"
"No! Oh, please! Let me. In my own
way." Date writhed and sank his face In
his hands once more. After a while he said,
"I'm waiting for you to tell me It's all a
"Humphl" The Judge continued his rest
less pacing. "I was sorry for you when
jou came In here, and It took all my
strength to tell you; but now you don't
mattor nt all. I was prepared to have you
go ahead against my advice, but I'll nee
you damned first"
"You hae damned me."
When Ellsworth saw the haggard face
turned to his he ceased his walk abruptly.
"I'm nil broken up. Dae," he confessed
In a gentler tone than he had used here
tofore. "But you'll thank mo some day."
Law was no longer the big, strong, con
fident fellow who had entered the om.ee such
a short time before. He had collapsed : he
seemed to hae shrunk: ho was pitifully
After a time he rose and shook Ells,
worth's hand limply, mechanically; then he
shambled out of the office. Like a sick man,
he stumbled down the stairs and Into the
street When he entered his hotel the clerk
and some of the Idlers In the lobby1 looked
at him qucerly. but ho did not see them
All that night Dave walked tho floor of
his room or sat hunched up on the edge
of his bed, staring at ihe wall and fighting
the fears that preyed Upon him.
Ho had faith eiugh ln Alalre to believe
that she would marry him regardless of
the facts; her kiss, that ono delirious
moment when he had held her to his breast,
had taught him much, and It was, In fact,
this very certainty which made his struggle
so hard. After all, why not? he asked him
self a thousand times. Ellsworth's fears
were surely exaggerated. Who could say
that Frank Law had passed on hltlherltage?
Supose It should IrniWIro that ho was
somehow defective? What then? The signs
of his mental falling would gle ample
warning. He could watch himself carefully
and study his symptoms. Ho could lead the
IIM of a sentinel perpetually on guard. The
thing might never come or at least at the
worst It probably would not manifest Itself
until he was further along In years. That, It
seemed, was tho family history, and In such
a case Dave was assured of half a life at
least Ellsworth was altogether too fear
ful. Yes, and ho was too officious by far.
This was something that did not concern
But such reasoning naturally brought
little comfort Dave's fears would not be
put down. In common with most men of
splendid physique, he had a vague contempt
for those less perfect; disease or deformity
had neer failed to awaken his pity, and
he had ofeu argued that defeotUe human
beings, llko unhealthy stock, should not
be allowed to mate and to perpetuate their
weaknesses. This eugenlo conviction had
helped to ease his conscience somewhat
during his acquaintance with Alalre, for
he had told himself that Ed Austin, by
reason of his Inherited vices, had sacri
ficed all tight to lots and nyirrlage. These
thoughts camo home now to roost hat
was Ed's evil heritage compared to his own?
It was as vinegar to vitriol.
Those were dark hours for Dave. He
discharged his duties automatically, taking
no interest whatever In his work; his nights
ho spent In morose meditation. Unable to
sleep, ho tramped the hot streets In an
effort to fight off his growing nervousness.
One afternoon Ellsworth entered his omce
to find Davo watting for him. The young
man" began In a shaky, husky voice:
"I can't stand it Judge. I'm going to
pieces fast."
"You look bad."
aaaaaaaaa JVTtTfr&Tfef-WI)W(Mtf t"i lBaaaV'akBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaTSBaaw- 1 Tf (IsaaaaaaSaaaaaak SaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH
BaaaaaBAaM. a. ..ftAifA-.IVv. .AS.S T!mm&JiZl1m&GSmBnmLmWmmLmmmmm 1 - sssaBBMsV I as9SaBaB
BaBaBV Tfc WFWvyi ")HRl7TsWT, u aMajQSNBSNHlBaSHaK aRBBaaaBaBaBsaEa AHssaBaBaH
BaV)! K 'm TisBBa. SBBBBBBBQk- 1 aL C JsaH !y, jj
avVfsaMW(MahVTflnfflcttal M tf kVaH
Coprrlsht. Ltfa Pub, Co,, raprodacad by special arranremant
Eleanor L. Clay Becomes Auto Man's
DETROIT, Mich, Nov. 3. The marriage
of F-dael Bryant Ford, only son of Henry
Ford, and Miss Eleanor Lowthlan Clay,
daughter of Mrs. Joseph Hudson Clay, was
solemnized this eenlng at the home of the
bride's mother. The Rev. If. L. Smith, pas
tor of the Central Methodist Episcopal
Church, officiated, and the guests were lim
ited to relatives and a very few close
Granddaughter of Fnmoua Shipbuilder
Married to R. J. Ross
NEW YORK, Nov. 2. The wedding at
Reuben J. Ross, a son of Mr. and Mrs. iReu
ben W. Ross, of New York and Vermont
and Miss H. Dorothy Cramp, younger
daughter of Mrs. Edwin 8. Cramp and the
late Mr. Cramp, of New York and New
port was solemnized In the Church of the
Resurrection, In East Seventy-fourth street
Mrs. Ross Is a granddaughter of the late
Charles II. Cramp, both ha and her father
being noted shipbuilders of Philadelphia.
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Storm Boot
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Opening Day
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