Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 02, 1916, Night Extra, Page 10, Image 10
BWgJjftL'M ( KITwc "Wt; k: HHiUl'l mrmztia LBiaER-i?1 fOVUC LftOGflR COMPANY ernes n, k. cuktis, fcflli. aJLsaWtte, "Via PreeMeati JftM . MtftTOftlAL HOARD Craes K, x. emu, Chairman. WmjKltiiMit(iitiit . . ,SeHtor C MARTIN... Onaral Business Manassr tWMti aUr at rretto Ljerattn Rnildtne;, . Mn4im Square, Philadelphia. HHMCwflL..tMroal una Chestnut Streets WMM Cm , ., i , I. .rr"t. ln(on TlulMlnff ,... k,,svQ Metropolitan rowar iti.iLiiini.. nl?l YVtrA ttiilliln i..4N aloto-Damoerai HulMlns .............. wgz insults uuuauw NKWfl BUREAUS I leaiMTeir BrtiiD. Itlm BullMne- THl HcitiC.1 Th Times Hulldlni n ifiud .,,,, ao rrledrlchetraase K man,..,,.l,Mareoni House, ptrana neiutr, 33 Rue Louis l Grand SUBSCRIPTION TERMS Br MfrW, six cents per k, By matt, MNM mrtslde of Philadelphia, exeept untri Mm n peetase Is required, on month. twenty- Wffi aeettai on rear, thrM dollars. All mall SaWarHrttons parable In advance, jaemca Subscribers wishing- address chanrxl MMt lira old ai wall aa ntw add ran. MtL. WW VAUnrf KITgTOMK. MAIN 0M E1" Xitiivii all romma(irlon t Kwnlng ot, tlpeino Igun, rMlarfelpAla. srrsaco it tn rniUDArnit miTomei it kohd-clik vail ima. i.''ju ,-iui i'aiu dailt cin- CILATIUN OK..T1IB EVKNINO l.KDOKn , FOR BE1TEMBEK WAS 11I,M rhllseelaMs, Tberiasr, Ne.eoV.r 1, 19U. tfe ham; and it' ham, ham fain tvad I b; An it' ham, ham, ham, to my aln countrt. Allan Cunningham. The reports of the capture of the fceutschland are apparently about aa rodlble aa the reports of the death of Villa. Vance McCormlck, who aaya the West la on Are for Wilson, must have mis taken the colors of the rainbows which lie delights to chase for the glare of the aWmes. """" We gather that Senator Lodge charges the Administration In the Oer nan note with talking through the eocked hat Into which Mr. Wilson wanted to knock Mr. Bryan. The odds of 10 to 7 In favor of Hughes In the election betting, applied to Oie electoral vote, give Mr, Hughes 313 lectors, or two or three more than Chairman Willcox says ho is sure of. Mr. Wilson changed his mind about Baking political speeches', Just as he has hanged it about almost everything else. It Is really to his credit, however, for When he has made a. wrong guess he Is vat ashamed to guess again. Thero were cries of "exaggera , eton" when the Evening ledoer, de manding a State anti-narcotic law, ro,: ported, that Federal ofllclals and doctors estimated that there are 15,000 drug addicts in this city. Evldonco that tho figures were understated piles up, "Dis trict Attornoy Swann, of New York, says there ar'e more than 200,000 drug addicts In that city. If the same proportion of the population holds In both cities rhlla Mphla'a estimate would be more than 10,000, New York had a groat sound aaoney parade In 1896, preceding the de (eat of Bryan. It is now planning a great business men's parade tor Saturday night In charge of men who favor the manage ment of the Government by leaders who Understand the business needs of the eountry. The business men of the rest of the country feel the same way as tho business men of New York. Supporters of Mr. Wilson have been saying for some time that If he is defeated it will be for the reason that business is against him, whlch amounts to a confession that the ' President has failed. & ' California will rank first among (fee States for service to the arts If the . sllllon-dollar fund for a State school C opera Is completed. The school would well, deserve a Btate subsidy. Analogy With the State-controlled French opera and school suggests itself. There the Initiative of the people has elevated and -stabilized artistic production and put Sattalo within (.the reach of all classes. Governmental Encouragement and super Vtaten give dignity to work In an art That Is why statues in publlo places men a hlglfer standard than other works meant for the public but pri lately managed. It was estimated in, 1912 that a mil Men Republicans voted for Wilson In rser to defeat Roosevelt and that a mil lien Democrats voted for. Roosevelt be awe they liked him better than Wilson. Vfce Republicans who voted for Wilson Ifnt years ago are for Hughes this year JM the Progressives who will vote for irUeon are normally Democrats anyway and are simply returning to their alle tanee. If this Is the correct view, as It aMtfetles Is, Mr. Wilson can poll twenty. Ave per oest of the Progressive vote of 1JI and get no bigger total than he re saved then. No one is claiming for him than a quarter of the Progressive W2GE We shall know In a few days what If wroag in the ooal situation. The re- ojl Heater make eanftleUng statements stout the refttrta of a shortage and a iltjlli increase In the price In the Iftjal markets. Prtoes have already ad Vice4 In NewTork and dealers are not new attetesstrs because they have only enough for their old Varlow reasons are offered tw fjvooent oriels. A ear sfcortage is one the talons of the minors is another. arom; mta roslons in. tkat tie miners have boon Working amab as uottoi. The oar ohortago does I It lilts the ssisjmiat of other tkm snH aassl WHi p AM) JNFO J0" that W Huts as an4 dealers to atom) mroe auantttlee of ooal In the yoar in ossarattonfer a atriM or ut minors the present m of a ahortaco awooa oaplanation. IA- Virginia's profclfaitMei law, which into onset yostofssay. IsoMoftke m Hie onaotml sr any tMata. Tho V a majortor of M,M 4oeMoa In at prohlbltisa In ill. Tb Tifissl .lost Mare aaaaed tsmbibttosir not -fffle't" '-Vi- 0 i 1 s Wei 8vsee to momemotttre, iranooortf MO, mtrerttee, rive away, dlepense or soHH orders for ardent spirits. These are denned to include wine, porter, ale, beer, abelnthe and Its compounds as well as whisky, brandy and gin, Tho sale of alt compounds of any of these beverages with vegetable or other substances as well as fruits preserved in ardent spirits Is also prohibited. Druggists, however, are allowed to keep grain and fruit alco hol and whisky and brandy for medicinal purposes and tvlhe for sacramental use. In order to permit householders to get alcoholic drinks for .medicinal purposes each head of a household Is allowed to buy a quart of whisky or a gallon of wine or threo gallons of beer every thirty days. Clubs and lodges are not regarded as households and they are forbidden to keep any .liquors In their rooms or houses. Alabama a few years ago passed n more drastic prohibitory law, but re pea'ed it soon after it discovered that It wns not workable. Believers In rigid re striction of the liquor trafTIo will watch the Virginia experiment with curiosity. WISCONSIN TF MR. WILSON was right tho other - day in interpreting tho last national election as convincing proof that an over whelming majority of the votors favor progressive doctrine, there surely is no occasion for Mr. La Kolletto to advlso people to "pray and thon voto," as so much "hangs upon every vote In this election that I bellevo you ought to settle It bo tweon yourself, your conscience and your God." The President had said that there wero 10,000,000 voters. In this country subscribing to progressive doctrine to 3,600,000 opposing progrosslvo ideas, lie counts the vote for Itoosovelt and for himself as striving for the some ends through different means, and ho believes all progressives will recognlzo In his deeds the true purpose of the 4,000,000 followers of Itoosovelt. Thon why pray? Prayer advised by a man In Mr. La Follctte's doubtful mood, for he did not say what his own prayers had disclosed to him about the compara tive merits of Wilson and Ilughos, Is a desperate romedy for doubt It recalls the fable of the bishop who asked the skipper In time of danger whether tho ship would go down. Informed that there was nothing to do but trust In Providence, ho exclaimed, "Great guns! Has It come to that?" "Mr. La Foltetto finds the ship of state In dlro peril, and yet ho has only to call up Shadow Lawn to learn that thero nro 10,000,000 good spirits hovering about tho mastheads opposed by only 3,500,000 evil spirits lurking under the prow. Can It bo that Senator La Follotto, as well ns Colonel Roosevelt, has a defini tion for "progressive" (with n small "p," of course) decidedly different from Mr. Wilson's definition? Wisconsin Is tho most Interesting Stato In tho Union to watch Just now. It is there that tho cause which has como to bo called progressiva was born; It Is thero It has had its greatest ups and downs, and La Follotto has been the storm cen ter. The fighting Senator has maintained his independent position In this campaign, though it is significant that, whllo ho has attacked Taft and Roosovelt as well as Wilson, he' has not nttacked. Hughes. He Is running for reelection and doubt loss will win. But ho has not been ablo to sway the mind of tho State In recent elections beyond favoring hfs own candi dacy. In the 1914 primaries he was badly beaten In the nomination of Phlltpp for Governor and McGovern for Senator, both of the anti-La Kolletto wing of the Republican party. Phlllpp won by a 20,000 plurality, but McGovern was beaten by his Democratic opponent, an instance of how La Follotto has trained tho State to ballot-splitting. This Is why Wisconsin is not so cer tainly Republican ns Its neighbors. Its pivotal statesman, though his State and national masterliness Is gone, yet holds a certain balance of power in realigning In various combinations tho many differ ent shades of progressive thinkers in both Republican and Democratla parties. And right here Is where the result In Wisconsin next Tuesday will reveal so much about Mr. Wilson's future career, In or out of the Whlto House. Does any considerable part of the militant pro gressive body of Independents consider him a trustworthy leader? The "Wiscon sin Idea" has made for efficient adminis tration. To what extent will the pro gressives swallow the Inefficiency at Washington? Tho La Follette men- are for the principle of protection scientific ally applied. Hughes certainly should attract them on this Issue as their future leader. They fought the Canadian reci procity program, the arguments for which wore virtually free trade argu ments. There is no reason why they should cast In their lot with a party which opposes the principle of protection. A sweeping victory for Hughes in the State would do much to fix permanently the trend of the progressives In both parties throughout the country toward Republicanism, A sweeping victory for Wilson In Wisconsin, though he were de feated elsewhere, would still give him ground for appeals to progressives should he attempt to ''come back" after a defeat. "GENTILITY" V8. MONEY AMBITIOUS young women who read . between the lines of the story of the fight of an Ardmore young woman to es tablish her right to run a laundry In an exclusive neighborhood will find much to Interest them. Miss Cuthbert, the laun dress, was earning eight dollars a week as a stenographer. She knew that there were well-to-do families who had diffi culty In getting their washing done to chelr satisfaction. She knew she eould do It, so she opened her laundry, She has secured Ave easterners who pay her sixty-eight doHars a week to da their washing; that la, sixty dsHars mere than he was getting 'as a stenographer, But, you may say, stenography h muoh mere "genteel" than managing a laundry. TMs young woman dseUsd that sixty dollars a week wa toe muoh to pay for gen tiHty, as tho two eoauftaUoas ars equally reopeetable. There la no doubt whatso. over that, the demand for women capable of washing the' linens and muslins ,of a well-to-do household Is much greater than the demand for eight-dollars a-week sUnograpnors. And there Is no doubt, itbsr, that the woman who oan, do up a MrtwaJi oo that it look U1m now an Is wlHtsw to do it will Ana a Bath bssttM te hor Onar by UM font o Omm sssss sMssssssVssssI Aaf ASsf a VfessWMMP sssssssl MBsastt . 1HP pn! )JJ wf T' "" IMW f i T Tom Daly's Column INTERESTED BALLADE OF TUB LABT OABD "Hoi Vxtryl The Woodton campaign Hat ended tn ruin complete; And, finding they've nothing to gain, The leader admit their defeat. In fact It U tald on the ttreet That Woodion hlmielf U to blue lie drink; but take nothing to eat" The netc it Important, If true. 7of Eztrvl. Dltpatchet from Maine Bav llughctvelt admttt he it beat; A letter he wrote maket It plain. Thlt letter, a bit tndltcreet, Admttt he't been dealing In wheat And cleaned up a million or two; He't purchated a Block Exchange teat" The newt it Important, If true. "Hot Extryl While Bumbuddg't train Wat icaltlng latt night at Helled, A woman who called hertelf Jane Accuted him of horrid deceit And thlngt that we cannot repeat. And when the declared the would tue BumbuddV got white at a theet" The newt It Important, If true. ENVOY Dear Voter, political heat Eat tpeclal dctlgnt upon vou; Eo caullout, be cool and dltcreetl The nctct It Important 1 true. WE HAD a great Joy last evening and a disappointment. We took the Missus to the South Broad Street Theater to see Otis Skinner in "Mister Antonio." Tho play proved a poor vehicle, and even the star, fine player that he Is, failed to make the Italian hurdy-gurdy man a convinc ing figure. But who should come up and tap us upon the shoulder but Joyce Kil mer, tho pootl Later ho led us to his box to meet his mothor. Joyce la to lec ture at the Adclphla Hotel this evening, out of charity for tho soldiers of France. Following the plan of the Portner Brewing Company of this city, one of the largest concerns In the State (Vir ginia), a number of breweries have ar ranged to manufacture horso and mule feed and such products, Our own dear paper. Instead of stuff for Jackasses? WATERS. SOME DAY soon wo are going to play golf with Herbert Jones, of the P. L. book page, and we feel wo need have no fear of him after observing the liberties a sedentary compositor recently took with somo of his stuff: A nw pnm br tt popular poet, Bara Tevadalo, railed "November iJlaht," etc . In. hla characteristic humoroui vein Jeraer I.jwrh (William wrltea. etr. WW" th Matter With Mexico!" br Cas par Whitney. r BACHELOR BEKEAVEJIENTS TO MABEL Who can soothe a lonely heart, Change to silver clouds now sable? Who can salvo an aching smart? Please do answer me, "I'm nble." ABEL. TO LUCY If she continues Icy cold, What should I go to Lucy for? Unwedded I shall grow me old. If sho continues ley cold. What? Should I hasten to enfold My frozen self In cosy fur? If she continues Icy cold What? Should I go to Lucifer? A FAN. LAlJMiVHlA, WLlWLWUIIIW!Sltf7ii.J r. . ,. . .,... ,,. ijJ BSJJ29nA,p.,I?nv,,m1,i hour : to 6:S0: Whadya mean advancement? Triplets? ' E. M. T. The poet of our time, convinced that art Is or should be democratic, very weary of the "old, unhappy, far-off things," and more or less contemptuous of the "magic casements opening on fairy seas forlorn," may resolve to chant the titanic efficiency of the steam dredge, the tapering grace of the smokestack, the Argus-eyed mass of the skyscraper at night Odell Shepard In Poetry Review. Oh, very well, but at least let him not misquote Johnny Keats In that fashion. Albert F. Shore, a wealthy New York Inventor, has employed another man to do his courting. News dispatch. . This shore evidently has rocks, but no sand. EDGAR A. GUEST, of the Detroit Free Press, sends us his new book, "A Heap o' Llvin'," which Is from the press of Riley & Britton. It Is chock full of fine sentiment. Here la where Ed. sings strong: HOME It takes a heap o' llvin' In a house t' make It home, A heap o' sun an' shadder, an' ye some times have t' roam Afore ye really 'predate the things ye let" behind. An' hunger fer 'em somehow, with 'em alius on yer mind. It don't make any dlffrunce how rich ye get t be. How much yer chairs an' tables cost, how great yer luxury; It ain't home t' ye, though It be the palace of a king. Until somehow yer soul Is sort o wrapped round everything. Home ain't a place that gold can buy or get up In a minute J Afore It's home there's' got t be a heap o' llvin' in It; Within the walls there's got f be some babies born, and then Right there ye've got t' bring 'era up t' women good, an' men And gradjerly, as time goes on, y find ye wouldn't part With anything they ever used they've grown Into yer heart J The old hlgh-chalrs, the playthings, too, the little shoes they wore Ye hoard; an' If ye could ye'd keep the thumbmarks on the doer, Ye've got t weep t" .make It home, ye've get f sit an' sigh An' watch beside a loved one's bed. an' knew that Death la nlghj An' in the stillness o' th night r see Death's angel coma. An' close th eyes o' her that smiled, an' Fer these are scenes that grip the heart an' when yer tears are dried Ye nnd tb horn Is dearer than It-was. an anetintd; . ' An' tuggln' at y always are the pleasant tfiamerlas O' her that was an' la no mere y can't eseape frem these. Y'v get V sing an' dane fer years, ye've get t' rerop an' play, An' iearn V, lev th things y have by un' 'em taeh day; ' Isven the rose round th poreh must bios. aora yar by year AemeUe 'StS ""' " 5"' ""' W'limttU VTE.''" ' " ' TtJb?mii.," Ur "" " THE VOICE OF THE PE'OPLE Mr. WilsoB's Metaphors Turned Against Him by John W. Frazier. Loan Sharks Growing Scarcer Because Bonded Licensed Companies Are Protecting the Borrowers ITS LATEST FORM President Wilson now adds td the In teresting Information that we are too proud to fight tho illuminating addendum that we are as ready to fight as any people In the world, but we want to wait a while. Brooklyn Times. Thta Department in free to all readers who with to expre9 their opinions on tubject of current interest It is an open forvm. and 1he Kvening Sedger assumes no responsibility for the views of its correspondents. Letters munt be signed by th name and address of the writer not necessarily for publication, but as a guarantee of good faith. "TIDE RISING TO MEET MOON" To the Editor of the Kvtnlng Ledger: Sir On the xth day of September last Woodrow Wilson made a trip from Wash ington to Atlantic City for tho purpose of trying to cajole the four thousand delegates representing the four million women voters of tho United States Into 'eupportlng him for tho presidency. Those delegates of the Woman's National Association had met In annual convention. Mr. Wilson had, as he recently said, "learned In his early childhood from his old negro nurse that It was sure to bring bad luck If he ever went back for anything." The delegates re call that on January 6, 1916, ho had told the Woman's National Suffrage Association In Washington, when they called upon him to support a constitutional amendment for woman suffrage, that: I am tied to a conviction which I have had all my life, that changes of this sort ought to be brought about State by State. It la a long-standing, deeply matured conviction on my part, and therefore, I would be without ex cuse to my own constitutional princi ples If I lent my support to this very Important movement for an amendment i to the Constitution of the United States. So, mindful of the old colored mammy's admonition about bad luck always follow ing "going back on yo'self," Woodrow just stuck to his first declaration a conviction of a lifetime by Jollying the Atlantic City convention with metaphors, elusive utter ances and phantom phrases, but without a single word of promise to aid them In their efforts for woman suffrage, and one of the rainbow metaphors one of Woodrow's most catching was In these words: I come to suggest, among other things, that when the forces of nature are steadily working, and the tide Is rising to meet the moon, ?ou need not be afraid that It will not come to the flood. We feel the tide. We rejoice tn the strength of It, and we shall not quarrel In the long run as to the method of It Now, since 1J60 I have been watching the ebb and flow of the presidential tide In October, and from th experience of fifty six years I can safely say that this week the Republican tide Is rising more surely, more steadily, more forcibly, more percep tibly, more satisfactorily than I have seen It rise In all those fifty-six years. We feel the tide. We rejoice In the strength of it Every Hughes voter In the United States sees and feels It, and Is accordingly elated. There will be no quarrel between Republi cans and Progressives aa to the method of It and there will be world-wide rejoicing on next Tuesday night because of such a mighty tide corntag to its flood for Charles Evans Hughes. Thanks, Mr. Wilson, for that Atlantlo City medley of metaphors and phrases. I regarded jt as a prophecy of what would follow the nomination of Mr. Hughes. To day It Is a prophecy fulfilled and Republi can and Progressive committees may even now engage their hotel accommodations for th Inauguration of Charles Evans Hughes on March 4 1917. JOHN W. FRAZIBR. Philadelphia, October II. . DISAPPEARING "LOAN SIIAKKS" To th XiUor o the vMh0 Liatr; ir we respectfully direct your atten tlon to an article, headed "Cops Faoa-Iean Shark as Price of Uniforms and Living C? S PPrls In the postscript tll?n Lyour.?a,r on Monday -evening. October JO, me. While It is submitted that audi ia -heading would have been de scriptive, and properly so, of oamHtloas some few years ago, It Is our wish that you be Informed, that tboas are not tha ooadlttona lrontlag niSnL aadloUoo! men today, This for the good reaaamtbat the oM time "loan shark" kal ZTlii. anted or nearly m, and today tbomare ivopvy-vwo noAsa Ta a s saw on I asm asss in saaMuaAk at a reasonable rate of Interest and from whom they may depend on receiving fair and considerate treatment This necessary business Is now thoroughly supervised, and the books and records of tho companies so licensed aro properly In spected at given periods by tho Banking Department of this Commonwealth. Believing the desire of tho Eveniko I.edoeii is always to promote fairness and to lend Its aid In fostering a reformation of former conditions prompts us to bring this to your attention promptly. C. H. WATTS, Secretary of Pennsylvania Association of Licensed Small Loan Brokers. Philadelphia, October 31. SOUTH AMERICAN LINE To the Editor of the Etienlng Ledger: Sir I have been reading with great In terest and noting the publicity which you aro giving to the new Philadelphia-South American Line for which you deserve the highest commendation. Youwlll certainly add greatly to the success of the Kvenino Lkookk by giving still greater publicity to this project I believe the people will appreciate It LESTER BUDD. Philadelphia, October 30. NOT WORTHY OP HER To the Editor of the Evening Ledger: Sir Here Is a good one for the "Young Lady Across the Way." This morning I went to the store for a doren eggs and the young lady clerk said, "We have no eggs, as the hens quit laying on account of the war." CHAa H. J, PATTERSON. Fort Loudon, Pa., November 1, METROPOLITAN OPrcn 1 unttati. Boston National Grand Opera Co. ONE WEEK ONLT. NOV. IS SEAT SALE BEGINS TODAY J;n' Andrea Chenier Y'"nl- zt.no. IriS 2JW MlumT'cSaL.w. w;td; Hansel & G're'tel & Cavalleria Rusticana $ nff!m". reraiu. w..i t i a wlnl;iakj. Mart n, nalllatrr. w;- L'Amore dei Tre Ro viil.ni.ft;.: tallo. Haklannff I.A r0nl' "a 82.- Faust ft g-t . ch... BohemO te. Ies..m.n aiuSnil. ',. Madama Butterfly 2m mi... men. - S.V; Andrea Chenier original Ofdc. 1J08 Che.tnut St. Prices $l"o 5. METROPOLITAN juut. iuuuy uesi seats si .TONIqilT AT 8:10 v I.AHT TWO W'KEKH OP new mppnnnVwrrrn,,.., in "Hip, Hip, Hooray" SOUSA CHARLOTTE ana III aha The Marveloua BAND IBA'LLET ON ICE Nat WlUa. Chaa. T. Aldrlch. 800 Othina TIckMa at Mftrocplltan Opara Ilouaa i Waymann'a. J108 Ch.tn"t fitrilt " ELECTION NIOIIT. NOVEMBEfl I TH.tu. Wilt He Raaa From tha Btara br nTi ttrffif DOORS OPEN AT T P. It ACADEMY OF MUSIC Saturday Afternoon, Nov, 11, at 2:30 KREISLER ME 1 BU Jf UJbl 4. ASS oyiA oyi.gimlSraL4;. Walnut Mf Ty & Tor x, soe ",' Sat. Ma., i. sol ; "WHILE THE CITY SLEEPS" tfasf W--'TH WOMAN WHO rAIB- "LITTLE PEGGY O'MOOJW" r- . -zszr 9t a n WHBBJ uumonr MiMtralt j MACHINES AND MACHINES The Greeks In the United States are In vited to Join the Ventzelos army, but the cash registers In the "shine parlors" and candy stores of America are so much more pleasant to operate than the machine guns In the Greek army. Houston Post. Twice 2iW n.ti and uauy CHESTNUT ST. rTTr a rr-TTo-ni BARGAIN MATINEES EVERY DAY EXCEPT SAT. 25c, COc. Tro Erenlnss and Saturday Matinee, 2Bo te II WILLIAM FOX Prennta A DAUGHTER OF THE GODS THE PICTURE BEAUTIFUL, WITH ANNETTE KELLERMANN ACADEMT OF MUSIC BURTON HOLMES FRI. EVGS. and SAT MATS. Canada Nov. 17 & 18 Canadian Rockies, Nov. 24 & 25 Imperial Britain, Dec. 1 & 2 German Fatherland, Dec. 8 & 9 La Belle France, Dec. 15 & 16 SALE tkpf MON NOV. 6 FORREST "m.!,a Encasement. Evn.,a;i5 Matlnwa Wad. Sat., at 2 US IT LUES POPULAlt MATINEE ELECTION DAT "Rrnnrl ThU N,xt Week, Evra.. at ills VSJ.JO oxtail ItfCiil "ifSfi,. SeaU Now for Election Day MatTanoEi ; Erg. Garrick Last 3 Evgs. Mt. JANBCOWL,..--- NaatWaakSaaU Today, -Ejection Day Mat rERLMUTTER S QC IET Y All-Star Caat, needed try BARNET BERNARD What Do You Know? Queriet ef vrnrrnl titterrit will te otmwW In thlt column. Ten auettlon: the ontweri K which every wetl-laennni rereon Hon Id knot!, or atktd dolly, QUIZ 1. Wba Is "the eld army rtme"T t. Kiplaln tha orlcln of the red and whUe atrlpca on barbers' poles. 5. What la a flat? . 4. Who Oral ncd the phraae. The Ma la mlchtler than the ewanT'f - 8. Which la correct, wahweman or waihcr. wemanr 6, The flrat man with the cenrar te mw wun an nmprwin wm nicrciieafilr rMU ahrndld tha retail ruled. . Mho a it ana Inr mention sain popular approval: 7. Did llrran atart the free-allrrr aclUtUaf ai iaau oerora lseet la Ji. rainearer la "tha comMtlllre elaaaMcat1 Inv cltll acrrlcj" to poatmaatrrar Had II been a political laaiw befora ; . Who la M. lainearef P. What la ."tha comMtlllre claaaUlcatlan ta citii eerrice-- ana new aoca It apolt 10. Nleholaa Murray Bntler rrcelted tha ale, tornl Totca ror V ce 1'realdent on tha Tall .1.1... I- ,A( .. I., b... .... ..-- " Nil natcd In contention, haw did Ihla hap. pent Answers to Yesterday's Quiz 1. "Jerked" heel 'or renlion la meat that la cared br cutllnc In tans allcea and drtlnr In tha uon. The word la n corruption of the Amerlran-Hnanlah word "eharquear. nitmnlns dried Scab. 1. Maatlc) artel thaae concerned with modellnr, aculpture. tcrnmlca, el. ' t. Te Jftllon rootlet ta threw them eterboard to IKhlen a ahip In dletreaa. """ 4, Voles In electoral collets! S31, 5. Opnoelni partlea In Germanrt one deraanda atronter attack nsalnet France and Jinr. land and n alnklni-lthout-warnlnc pot. Icr, resaruteao of Ameclra'a opinion! tha other (no it In power) la for mere detent In the Weet and for the atronaer attack In the Kant, and oppoaea alnklnc-wlthauU warning br auhmarlnea. S. "Tell It not In (lath"! thte. meant. "Don't let lour enemlea hear It." Quotation from the aerond book ot Samuel. 7. The potato I; bellctrd to ha a natlre of tropical and aubtroplral America, It waa Drat cultlrateri In Ireland toward tha end of the eeteiiteenth centurr, (, Block ponder la no lonr.ee naed aa a pro. MlHnr chnrse In the natr, but It la u.ed In email quuntltlea for IrnlUns chartea of ' amokeleea powder. 9. Dutcheaa Countr, N. Y.I named for tha DucheM of Vorlc. 10M. The KnslUh wo'J wna then apelled with a "t," Soma at. oclatlon with Dutch aettlcra later cont llrmed the old epelllnr. 10. Trle-dleu! a kneellnx desk for prater! tha Jrcnch worda mean, Ilterallr. "prar LOCAL PRIDE Indiana millers want Indiana people to buy Indiana Hour, and why notT Indiana products, from pawpaws clear down t ' poetry, aro excelled by none. Indianapolis ' News. T.VRTP T,a;t- TIME3 U 1 XVIVj iJdSG siatlnea Saturday Th. irresistible MasfcafSSS," 8,,, "THE GIRL FROM BRAZIL" 'A muelcal hit full of p.p." ncoM TOO BIG A DELIGHT TO MISS NEXT WEEK SEATS TODAY t mmwm Wlth ED. VVYNN and N. T. Winter dintin Hn nt ir.n ELECTION HETUIIN3 TUESDAY NIOHT AD'RT.PTTT PP- l Matinee Today XUUJJJTXIX TONIGHT AT Silt ITna lloit Wonderful Tlau n America h A Y H K. H N H ft 6PECIAI, MAT. ELECTION DAT. NOV. I MARKET AB. 1GTH 11:15 to 11:15100. 15c, 25e. S5o SESSUE HAYAKAWA -"With IIYHTLE STEDMAN In "THE SOUL OF KURA-SAN" STANLEY COXCEIIT OKCUEBT11A COMING ALL NEXT WEEK "MARY PLCKPORD" In "LESS THAN THE DUST" ID A T A ",17l 1211 MARKET STREET ST.Lj.j11i prices ioc. so0 LAST S DATS CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG "THE COMMON LAW" APPA "T.T A CHESTNUT Helow 19TH ZXXVOilUliX 10 A. M. to 11:15 P. it Dally. 15c; Eras., 25e BESSIE BARRISCALE In "A CORNER IN COLLEENS" "RTTr'TM'T' MARKET BELOW 1TTH XVJLVjrJllN 1 Dally. 15c: Evta.. 21K. . METRO Presents Lionel Darrymore and Qraca Valentine In "THE BRAND OK COWARDICE" B. F. KEITH'S THEATER I ahvays tell the truthl You'll be sorry if you miss this show. George Washington Cohen. JACK NORWORTH IIARRT OREEN and PLATERS; CHARLES (CHIC) BALE! JARVIS ft DARE; BOOBY HEATH and SONGBIRDS. OTHERS. HI Globe Theater MAfuKNlp4sTs. v",lv''k',"' VAUDEVILLE Continuous f VA UDEVILLB Continuous lOe lftc 2!W) -S So 11 A. M. to 11 P. it The Cabaret Girls M4S5i?jSSSii FIVE SATSUDAS; Others MARKET Balow BOTH 1 .T-nUU tMUK rt.,1.. .... ,a " Evra.. 7 6 0: 1(5, IB. Kc. "THE LINGERIE SHOP' Trrr"TT"DT A market abovh.oth VlV-llVjIVlii 0 A. M. to 11:16 P. U. METRO Pretenta LIONEL BARRYMORE "Tho Brand of Cowardice" Added "SHE LOVED A SAILOir' T.TTTT.'m TllEATER SEATS i-UA i-i-ii-l lTlh A Da Tjnv HEf-LINO Commend nK Next Monday, Norerohor 0th The Washington Square Players tn uimis-aut t'LATn This Is Not An Advertisement PLEASE READ IT frSftSfe.Unv.de",gned' Sh te thank the PeP,e of- Philadelphia in PhlladelphU. The public has done what we, as theatrical man seers, could not do. The public has protested bo strongly to Mr. Lee SSS SeV8"1" thB, FIa,y "P"""" Jve the Adelphl ' wS ?, !, u aned t,keP it here three weeks longer. We wish to thank the public for Uwir elneere effortsin writine so many ItSSTw. . S? ? the,lwNvy, Who wrote sueh wonderful S Z waiiv "E'PH-nea- here,' not for bu.!s 5r'i. i Tr pI y large dacti ln.ther cltfw 'jjt as .... ... '. I ,. natL.