Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 01, 1916, Night Extra, Image 6
Y' MM mrBfNINa LEDOER-PHiLADSLPHlA, 1ttl3&)AX ' KOVBMOTR 1 tilt 5LATION TANGLE SAILOR'S LOVE'FLIGHT Abut oH Interned Grmn Shin Die Ud His ttry and Dig Gift Such Endearing as Traye4,aJid Hot Loved Jane" Ml fwm amlter n tha latarfteil i MMtttkrv ms PiM aMa Wti itt la h lalaiwl, ts say stouter M wrtm to iiia Amertean wa jtiisam. SMHiMwflPBPpP tftetftejsuu'y aJQ AJiejWcaeia Wfe Ml aSrmiUr tt was thtfe tt )m , Vtttsa late- ft ImwI Ht tW Ctrl fr kwfm mwwy M9C fir IKwtHOrip rlt Im th kttor m ha mw.t tf IIHMsil T mi-W atVssS 4MV4An "On-Prayed and not-tared June!. Ys ea jroa na p farina ran make, how I an you thomrnt nave, since I you In Wftraaasp bit' How cheerful remember l OM aye SMioe. where wa after the M the nlajfct with swalldwed arms I your i !trat lore explanation I r abamefal tha eyr. down How' often have 1 the head brake. kwar asurelle larwruaft mt to saues . yiBBt mnakabls I you oH-pray, Only Help troai aur,wraaeek-ti I in Mai M ticket V frMte. but I make -essttUfkf; thereout, fur early Shall I near r aoar around your hand atop, and I vwatathed. we bath will tia already II Ma ad, md if i-ou on time trailed are What smeM It nthant an If lha rilshtlme will jpom see, that I me net ran let. r, oaar treasure, jnuet f ahut Believe ttatt I It fconetttnean and apeak how It romd the heart la. I draw you In hurt a waHendtr, -W. H. "tar-wrltlBg.Tftka you In eight that thla act in unnsht hands come." . TUB TIlANSLATIOtf What K. "W. meant to write waa thUi Tfo my, adored and 'much loved Jane. "Ttiu BKn't (imagine 'how often and how sanest 1 think of you alnce we were Interned kre t have ouch a cheerful memory m the long looks Into your eyea on those te when we used to stroll alonr arm arm when X first teld you of my love, I how you so modestly dropped your j- NO COAL FAMINE ' . OR BOOST IN PRICE Oaetlamil from Face One taoilved here to care for the city trade, (hey said, and while In Borne casts de ttry might be slow, this delay was not afsneaaL . Bran eheuld further curtailment ot sup "ly he necessary, the local handlers said, FMiadetphUuui have no reason to worry, VhJa city, they declared, not only enjoys the lowest retail coal prices In the East, but the oUy, Itself and Its residents will he taken are of In the matter of supply. The Bureau of Water, the largest Indl Jtftual user of coal In the municipality, la attracted for up to the end of the year, atooordlns t1oCar!eton E. Davis, chief ot the bureau, he has assurances from the local representatives of the firm supplying fee bltftmlnous coal that It will be supplied without delay na needed, bo that there Is no danger of a shutting down of the pump saw stations or filtration plants. The alms municipal hospital, police and nro M and other munlclnal bulldlnirs ara , provided for, according to Peter Iioban, tatant Director ot Supplies. The 'United Qas Improvement Company. yfcHadelphla Rapid Transit Company and ther big" users' of coat are reported to be 1 Blared up with a reserve supply, while the await householder, beholding an empty bin, say have all he requires, declare the local Haw York Is reported paying as high as US a ton. Philadelphia dealers declare af that la true It must be due to local short lit caused by failure of the dealers to sjtaek up, or possibly to a desire on ihe art of aome retailers who have the coal he ."squeeze" their customers. i J.. Krnest JUchards, president ot the Oeerge B. Newton Coal Company, saldt "Conditions In New York are different ..ftwsiztfcoso In Philadelphia. In this city "tha retail coal dealers are tha agents of laM public and virtually sell to their cus jjaaers on a straight commission basis. ChsU profit comes from the quantity they tand not from the prices charged. We a up our schedule at the beginning of season and do not change it. however market may vary. It la different In Sfaw York, where a dealer doea not abide hy a ftxed schedule. Here the retailer has W Interest In the matter of prices. Wa r eharglng today J 8 a ton tor pea coal, fUt tor nut, IS for stove and $7.75 tor under present conditions there will b rage in ineso prices an winter, t'nua- . gets Its coal cheaper than any i city. The prices I Quoted are sub. . to twenty-five cents a ton off for cash. xorK is paying J10.76 or any such auierenoe is not aue to a mere transportation. There must be condition that doea not affect a. handle the largest retail trade In la, about ten times the volume fjr nearest competitor. Consequently, roqtrira a groat deal of coal to supply trada. WhHo there may be some hold. bads at the mmee, we are getting lor our, customers and to ml our a The latter Include the eltv tvtfa r stations. Of course, I cannot tell tha water will bring forth, but at wo are aora to taxe ears of our nd I' see no signs of a panio or too." a C (Whlln, olty and southern sales ' Oka Philadelphia and Itaadlnir r"ni r boat Oetnaany, whleh U regarded 'as laoat sWapor of anthraolta to Phlla. ' h mj , MBMlM. r ' md w"m " m- wmmt ot W"ggm looal KnB4NH Rav"' Vs) or la aothlns: alanefnr In tha u,i aaswatlon aa It alfocts nlladalBU -n,. aasomo shortage of oas, but wa are getting JMttcfa to take care ofour regular trade. 4 tor aome ot our shipments we avail Wraalves of tha Schuylkill Canal wherever SaaetbU. Tteth-lpa vm to ovoroome the ear ihwrtsge Wa can take care ot the eity" Bhehur the situation la the mtrUoTilaVu aai pumptug stations, said; r "T use anthracite at two bfcr feana. gMeo laa. ad Balmoiit. aaul at aJmostaM Mr little Dlants. Tha mIi. . l.i, 7 .. '&"? Coi:b Company n4 j. ......... v . v mpany, la a Bbtoh a a car annwaiav we aaa e water ery at both nteata. Tha w ..,. use bituminous ooal. Tula eoattaot u L JZF S5ft-,a,r u Hi' " BVaU lllWWHlllil J. wa aught have xraaw the aal, tMIMBatthaa m 1f-B Van I swt hv to shut r?a" Comfort Mow T raahaS mv hrataa whan vntt 5o to rm ti yew angel's volea to find -wmo way p ten you how much I lored Jjw. QWy throwth the help of my die tary am able to write to you I but that mahos i6 dmTArrnce. At the earliest po H Momttt I wsnt to meet your father Mt hmt foi" your hahd I am sure h jww reoogniM the Justice of my request AM anyway, as long as we love each other what have other people got to do with It. No matter what happen you know I'm not beggar. Now, my dear, I must clone. Believe me. alt I have told you comes straight from the heart; 1 am sincere. "With lovo and patience, I am, W. H. "r. S After you read this letter I do hope It doea not get Into any one Uo's hands." II. W, seems to have feared on good ground Ills letter did get out and It was too good to keep. The translation mnde here Is rather free. 1L W. really had a very good letter In his original Clermmt Heading the two ssntenoe by sentence It Is easy enough to see what he meant. When he had to close he said ha had to "shut;" his "hot loved" Jane la easy to understand, and when he sneaks of his "unnnmbahia" Llove" he merely means It Is to strong to ex- jitwv nm --swauowea arms" meant Inter locked, and "knocked down eyes" merely In dicated modesty. Many Qerman-Amerlcans who naw the letter said that II. W. must be an apt pupil; he Is adopting the American philosophy of iuyo nam away; --ii wa love each other why should any one else both." he wants to know. BURGLARS IN DEST1NN HOME Police Wound Ono nnd Catch Thrco While Singer la Away NEW YOniC, Nov. 1. Three burglars were arrested In the Riverside drive home of Emmy Deitlnn, grand opera singer, but noteuntlt one of them htd been shot and wounded by the police. Mme. Deetlnn la abroad and the house has been closed. Neighbors were attracted by dim lights burning In the' house and communicated with the police, who surrounded the placo. down. It haa never come to that, however. "We use 200.000 tons ot coal a year all told, about 40,000 tons going to Belmont and 15,000 tons to Queen Lane, leaving 116,000 tons to the other plants. We con tract to the extent of our appropriation, and the price varies, according to tlmo and quantity. Lardner'a Point nnd Torres dale delivery costs SS.tO, against 13.01 last year; Shawmont 13.45, against (2.87; Queen Lane waa 12.72, now It Is 12.15. and Belmont also l cheapor, being 32.03, against $2.43. These reductions are due to water delivery. 'Today our reserve supply Is virtually used up, although at times we have had as hlh3s sixty days' supply ahead. "Philadelphia Is better off than New York and New England, becauso the coal for those points passes through here on Us way from the mines and the roads often can drop off a car or so from a train In transit So If It did come to a pinch I look for the railroads to help us." Peter J, lloban, assistant Director of Supplies, corroborated the statement ot Chief Davis. 'The city coat supply Is all controctod for up to the end ot the year," he said, "to be delivered as needed. For next year we have asked an appropriation sufficient to allow us to make one lump contract for the entire year, Instead of piecemeal contracts, as Is now tha case. Thert we would not be subject, to market changes and, I believe, would get better prloes." OTHEItS TAKE SAME VIEW Other coal operators and dealers ap proached express similar views, but they suggest that the real coal famine exists In the bituminous field, rather than In the anthracite. Soft coal Is reported, accord. Ing to Mr. Ulchards, as at a tremendous premium, while Mr. Coughlin terms It more serious than ever before. lie sees the con. dltlon aa the result of a larger demand from manufacturing plants made busier by tho war and a car shortage, partly due to tho demand for foreign shipments. House holders aro little affected directly- by the bituminous situation, although, according to Mr, Coughlin, bituminous coal Is burned In some homes In this city, The only objection to soft coat for do mestlo fuel, he says, Is Its greater sootlness, and modem heaters can use It In the smaller slses. According to a trade report on the sub Jeat the shortage ot coal Is without prece dent except for the strike period ot 190Z, wee JLJtmr atrrtx II aPlilBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaal ll BEimiCEF JOHNSON II BBBBBaPPiaBMC SBBsHk WW II II bbbbT Pwjr l eis WM II ht .vlCtW J " ''' " BUTH 6XISCOM , WELCOME TEACHERS The parents and friends of tho school children of National Park, N, J., gave their new teachers a cordial wqlcomo at a reception held in the school building. Tho affair wns under tho auspices of tho Homo and School Association. Miss Mabel Batten, at the top, is tho principal of the school. The new teachers, Miss Beatrice John son, next in line, and Miss Ruth Griscom, at tho bottom, were se lected by the only Board of Edu cation in Gloucester County hav ing wpmen members. and prices nro about equal to those pre vailing that fall. Failure to stock up In the Hast during the spring nnd summer, and tho movement of about 000,000 tons, a month for export, are blamed. Now car shortage provents re lief, although the export movement has almost ceased. This lack of cars In central Pennsylvania Is estimated at thirty per cent and at twenty to thirty per cent In the Baltimore nnd Ohio district Spot prices at the mines havo risen from a normal of I3.35" and $3.50 to $8, while other grades have advanced proportionately. American Rolling Pays Stock Dividend NEW YOIIK. Nov. 1. American Rolling Mill Company has declared a Btock div idend of 13.38 per cent, payable November IS to stock of record November G. This dividend Is a step preparatory to a further merger of the (American Rolling Mill Company with another company, and a re adjustment of the capital, which It Is ex pected will be consummated In tho near future. Copper Prices Higher NEW YORK. Nov. 1. Large sellers are asking 28o a pound for first quarter 1917 copper and 28 cents a pound for second quarter copper. Thlt represents an ad vance of tfe per pound since yesterday. Jfclfefe iC ftKr lothes that iwyou - ohvsica Iv and menf ally in Diverai'ty of almping Ju an absolute essential rittmd men or different nkvsical nrnnh'n. We are not all Wit alike, and, the fatneaa or leannesa of men, their height, or lack of it, must all be considered" in the preparation of Ready for Service Clothing. t The models of different clothes manufacturers vary materially sve find some heat adapted to men of certain huild, and -wholly unsuitccl to others. By judicioua selection we have secured an assortment of handsome models, so wide in its scope that w can properly and appropriately supply garments which are exactly adapted to the requirements of each individual numlm,,,., .: ' othr words, w can fit you physically and Mauauy. .- Heady for Service Suits and Overcoats $15 and Upward JCOBReeD'S gONj3 im-um ciostwt wwmt' aiAPLIN WELL PARODY PARIS LATIN QUARTER French Pastry Probably Will Ply In Burlesque on Bohemian Set Houdlni in Movies Hy the Photoplay Editor It looks as though nothlmr were sacred to Charles Chaplin, who, somehow, won't utay out of the motl news Ills latest Plan Is to build a comic photoplay on the latln quarter of Parle ns It was before the war. Ilefore he becan to gather dol lars and delirious laughter on the screen Mr. Chaplin lived In the Krench city nnd mingled with art students and gTleettes In Ihe Bohemian part of that metropolis. All that was necessary." he says, "to Incite a mob to wild nocturnnl pranks was a mere suggestion The games they played on Inoffensive eltliens ot the Quarter would have Rot them ninety days In any American town " The Ixna Star stsr ought to be able to stir up a lot of fun with such a looal. Presumably I'Arlnlan pastry will be In heAVy demand during the making ot the picture. Announcements from the Vltngraph studio sny that tho film rights to "Arsene Lupin," n Trench crook-detectho ptny done on the stare by William Courtcnav. have been bought for Irle William use, and that Frank Daniels will be seen In a new comedy series, "Captain Jinks" Vita graph will nlso produce "The Hnwk," Wil liam Fatersham'a former footllglit vehicle. Broadway rumors point to Robert War wick, the World star, as the prohablo founder of a new corporation bearing his name and exploiting himself In leading roles. If so, It means an Influx of special companies for men after the manner of Mary I'lckford, Mabel Normand and Clara Kimball Young, who havo capitalized them selves singly. An amusing Instance or how the cinemat ographic tall can be made to wag tho lit erary dog Is nfTorded In tho I,onflon corres pondence of a New York theatrlcat news paper touching on the denth of Kchegarny, the fAtnous Spanish dramatist as follows: "Don Jose Cchegaray, known ns the Kpanlih Shakespeare, and author of tho William Fox production. 'Tho Celebrated Scandal.' has died at Madrid at tho ago of clghty-throe." Harry Houdlni, "tho handcuff king." has entered the film business with a $100,000 corporation. In control of a secret process for developing. A great saving In exponsa Is expected to be made through this care-fully-guarded detlco. dustnv Dlcti, an anallno dyo expert, Is nssoctatcd with Houdlni, and a New York factory has been leased. Tho Rvkmino Mcponn-Unlversal ani mated weekly released today contains these timely topical features: 81.KF.rs EIQHTT-PIVn nAYS-niwoverln. Erw..!'JMP75ruT- ' doctor tries It on himself, running to slumber till mil of war. Aritxo. Itily. .S2LiiB!?n n0TS rnQMC One thousand tu. ii1,..mktmrr,r ' Unlvenlty of Kentucky, ivzinjiion, Kir. HARSENPrnrricn at wholksalk tvom. jn join farmers In annual round ud of rsbblts that dcatroy cropa. I'alradala, Cat BAFKTY K1HST AT.BBA In new llfo-aavlns Slcqrl!-?mTri W fhlldren dare danceroua aea. Bandy Hook, N. J, MAKn ItECrtUlTINO TtKCORD-Take only flfti-en days to cnllat 100O men for coast ar, Hilary mlment. lx Annies. Cat. MUSIC rOIt I.UNClt-Ouardo nepubllealne. rranea'a famous band, marchas to eat with jJoni Mayor. London. SCnAMDMCp BOOS POP. FRESHMEN Soph. '"VJT ft1 1'!tl achool welcome now claaa In altia line of ea. Philadelphia. en's apeelat fr Best eri.arfhrsl st 1 Anrelea, Cal , . HIPAOO TO NIW TCftK "7 aiiwisji oplana mahra final .tens, before, '" ot c aeropl IratiecontlnenUI fltsM LAII1UU.19 in 1)..fYtA M V lir JIAJKll. carloatnruu Theatrical Baedeker nrtOAD "Mlter Antenlo." !J ',, B!W,Vn itaflth Tarlnston- ,Pl,J'"t " U"",n orsan-srlnler, who benealn his nro,, lerine mintage a poelle mind and. humane fcrt The Mere Will no acted by the ejar. Eleanor Woodruff Joaiph llrepnan and Hob' en liarriaon mnriRBT- nnv 1 r nunnenv. Tenih ann veiHarV produrtlon a, .,. ,-.. ,Ak UAntttrK Tommon tlsr." "i,h.JL"Hl1h. nn ., MinnnanHnn a ui. ii. .' IHlll 1'ani lam l.lg T "7lefeM rollle..'' with I" OjJfjl: Ilrlee Anna I'ennlnston H't yn- llernard OraMllle will Itosera and hVnaYr7v.riatii.lli llenry drama Pn a w octal nip. Mlenhenann A fallen woman " romhlnlns numor am ftllre a.llh'nn llllltlnn. tiriTRnro.lTA Ol'I'ftA 1 lOUItBr-ltln. ; HiHirar.'1 with Charlotte, the "i ou and hla band. Nat i .Wllla , JlJIelhV Aldrlrh and many ",1,!,,. Ain.rr!Mr! rlrcua nt raudavllle, Lraai band and aXaltnsi aitltooa I.TUIf "The Olrl.rrom llratll IhiMMer et l . wMi AMette KeHer fnann and WlMttn atmr. e(acl M beauty nf the Wet, trat soeMwhat lack In la dramatle tlsnhVanee. VAUDEVIM.B "The Cherry Tft' nonoiosuai.noDoy lamer., neiv and Nolan and KBrnrn Jaek Noi rwerth. inariea itnic yaio, in I iieatn. sinnri --Tna ftrioe Healet, Clara Itoward. Nolan Balls-Tribune pictorial rears. "Town Hall PIH,". Jlmm ny AI lha l)nelAr'a"l Ken, nedy and Hurt and fleaara IiarMaoal In 'Tlatn WlM.IAXt rgNN iucaa and company. Jane," photoplay, first half of week) The ay narlew." Worth ana , Hennatt, WC.nojj.h and Compaq iani ' Kan," photoplay, latur halt ot wllh (lr A Simnn I al l'Ord' "" Odelt and Kriinrea tiemareat. l romlo aenlua. redeema a oo-importani operetta PHI, not omoi uattlo line of ea. rhlladelphla. oU'i,A "TIM. OETB ARM8 IN UNITED STATEa Machine ituna on way to murderoue tandlt salted by Federal marahal. Lo America. HEItE'S A FINE JOR now'd you Ilka to TKMPT8 DEATH TOO OFTEN Of tha four slrmon who thrilled tbouaanda at San Pranelaeo Fair. Pettlroaai la third to be killed. I Plata. Anrontina. WORLD'S. OnEATEST OUN8 Tha r.nnyl vnnla. new United States sen. terror, la now at "fat sun practice oft Vlrclnla. Urooklyn Naw 'J?1 rr-. Haeaell. Ixtil l.vdy. Xlaude i Mr . Itaeaell a IrH-l.lmnnrlanl r ADRf.Pltl "IHperlenre," wllh KfP"t Jlf diiinlne A ' molrn morality r'J,' wjtij mora humanneaa than rsed HWrKSmn,ia There'a a arse caat. (llendlnnlns acts autxrbly. at rf)rt'rAn rRtCKs WAT.NITT "Mhlle the Hie Wipa.. by TMward K, Itnee author and adapter v tfW. "'"? eurceeea. i'lay of metropolitan life deallns with the police KNtrKnilllOCKlin "I lllle l'essr J n'J',J!i" with Hilda iiorsan and (nr UJIi'i m tale of an Irlah rolleen nd Mr cherry phlloaophy. FEATU11H FILMS 8TANf.r.r "The Heir to, the HtMirah." a Leaky. Paramount mm with Thotnaa Melshsn and Anita Kin, first half nf the week. "The Houl of Kur tnn." Paramount feat ure wllh Scmjo llayakawa and Myrtle Sted. man latter half of week AnfADIA "A Nlaler of Nl." Fine Arta-Trl-anale. with llle le. nrnt half of the week. "A Comer In t nllrem." with llreile llarrla tale Ince Triangle, latter half of the week. ItFonNT "Ilouihl nnd Paid I'or,"- llrady World with Allen llrady, alory by llenrre lirondnurat flret half of the week. "The llrnnd ot Powsnllee,". Metro, with Lionel liar, rjmnre and Oraee valentine, latter half of tho week VICTORIA "Thn Retnm of 'Draw' F.csn.'' Ince-Trlanale. with William R. Hart, flret half of the week "The llrnnd nf Cowardice," Metro, wllh Lionel iiarrymore nnd Urace Val. inline latter half of week PAICE "The Cnmmnn Lnw," a flelintck toature, with rtarn Kimball Youns and Con wav Tearle, all weeU. )ther subjects cur.sT.Nirr tih:i:t opera houhb "a Manm & DlLKS 1102 CHESTNUT ST. Tyrol Wool (A Knitted Fabric) CAN'T QO FAST ENOUGH- nour uiea id do real, miles ni way. N. HUOHCS'a ow to r, FlftV mile, an but It takea. nearly ISO Bpeed- Bheepshtad Say riOOSTERS Crowd rreet Men's Motor Coats Men's Street Coats 'Warmth witnout weijjlit needs no prescinj almost everlastintj comfortable and practical. ( Also Golf Suits, Vests, Sweaters, Jackets, etc. Mann & Dilks 1102 CHESTNUT ST. Jfonaacturera and Importers Lady ,sDiamo?2dRing Two large diamonds of superior quality, care fully matched, set in an exquisite platinum mounting paved with small diamonds. $3000. S. Kind & Sons Diamond Merchants Jewelers Silversm iths 1110 Chestnut Street af ft iv,vStSt9tttKUiadajluMaLanif!fTmTmTJr.t lftTtiy VI ; 3anaaaaHaa35aaHrtnraaeaaamamaaaaaaam!saM The One -Ton 'REPUBLIC Meets Demands Like This and holds up under them by sheer ruednei of bud. Nfckel-iteel "i - - ur.oie man steel itself ta used wherever its plojrmont m.k.a for turdler construction. Chassis allow, for sr.at c ceis strain. The Coalloeotal ji.(ar has proved Id require bat peialns roentlon. Torbenaen Internal Qeai- Hear Al. m- great ex- drlre la alrenttb, low tear ratio, almpiicllr. tmlelbeaa ot operation and efflcleocy, ""'""' 7f . U, l . U0. !' P'O'sh economical both lo flret coat and lew co.t of Bislotenanse, Model "E" (Chasil. yower and efficiency too often to or Spec!fication$t QONTINENTAI, Ions stroke .Motor, Stixdi hlsh ten sion Waineta) Btrombcra ,.. f. rr'L la-raca niao Clutch S apeeda forward. revere- Tnl.m.l si-'rTfr.' ,ir:7ri ?'-.'" Ilrltfs. nrcatona Tlreai 114 . Inoh VVhcelbaaai dlatarfc bask of driver's .eat, tig lacaw. I. O. B. Alma, Mich ,.iXZ75 IMMEDIATE DELIVERIES SWAIN-HICKMAN CO., Inc. 'DUtrlhutwr mnJ Strvit jnip MMiai HI , ., mta. -.. '... Trmtimt AL JL Mrmnck-i mm J a JUL. . JT5""1 sWv " V F " "TJaal W 9 WtBT mmmM A , mimi '' ";' $t-i9 S-ws!, SS '-jrflaHBfflafMaf 1 BBHsSaHaaSMsaBBBBBBa! ilroadwar. narlew," Worth iieae aic jaanup. tlr.w' M.--1. OltANt "The naehelor IMnntr," Itarklea. AlcKee and Ixtttue, Nell O't'onnetl. Ureenle and wrarton, N.laon ana Ntl.on and lh two llennlnsa aiiOlin "Ths rahsret slrl." Madeline Iar, llm five Hataudaa, Urace. tt Clair and com panr, llurke and Toushe . .Xlumfnrd and Thompeon, Hhotta Nlrhola, Meenan and Pond, l Kelly forrrat. Dancing La Velle. and "Cabaret loga " Clioiii KKT- "Th Jorland tllHs." Ilarnr Anser and Kins alatera Kero snd Nelaon, pa1a and Tetere Afrtlowan and tlnrdon and lluth Howell trio, Tret half of the week "Tho Lingerie cilrl, ' Knwlna Itarrr snd rnmpanr. Annie Kent Mnrrla and Campbell, Tl l.lnr bins and tha llavelocka, latter half of week. MINSTniCLft DITMONT'S tltarVfani apectattlra hr tha real, dent company and varloue topical burlettss satirizing local happenlnta. I'lillndclptilan Accused of Selling Drugs roTTSVlLLn, l'a. Nov. 1. James U. CABey, of rtilliidclphln, has been nrrcsted hero by Slate policemen on the charge of nblnlnlnir tlruRS from a University of Pennsylvania student nnd administering thctn to norths, McQuillan, of this city, lie wn.i unable to furnish 11000 ball and was sent lo Jail. Counterfeit Ilnnknolo Appears Chamber of Commerce officials wero naked today by the United States Secret Hen Ice to be on tho lookout for a counter felt (10 Federal lleservo banknote, drawn on the lleservo Ilank In New York. The chet-k letter Is A, the plate number SI and the scries number II 7848393 A. The coun terfeit, which Is n clever one, ts apparently bolnit turned out In largo numbers. OPMRA 8BA AL 0NS NOV. it j r i - Boston National Company Will SUrt Season Wllh "Andrea Chenler" the tU of seats for the opening week of tho Brand opera season, which will take place at the Metropolitan Opera House on Monday renin. November IS, when thi Boston-National Ornd Opera Company will iflvo Giordano's masterpiece. "Andrea Chenler," begins tomorrow at 1108 Chestnut street. The repertoire Is a sjallant one and In cludes beside the opening opera, a revival of "Iris," nnd because of popular demand The Love of Three Klns," which made such a success her last winter. Tamakl Mlura, the Japanese prima donna, will sing In "Iris" and also In "Madame Butterfly." Other operas ot the week Include "Faust." "La noheme," "Hansel and Oroter and "Cavallerla rtustlcana." Famous artists who will be heard are Zenatello, Maria Gay, Maggie Teyle, Rtccardo Martin, George Ilnklanoff, Jose Mardones,' Lulsa Vlllar.l, Mabel IMegelmaA, Elvira Leveronl and many others. sj DELICIOUS HotEggMuffins 5c nn Order ffanscom's Restaurants 027 Market Si. 731 Market St, nnd 3 brnnches r Vicirolas $15 to $400 Easiest Terms 0 0 When Men Select Records They cannot be expected to spend need less, wasteful minutes of the day in their selection. That is why our three branch stores are so popularly patronized because they are open till 10:30. Every man appreciates evening service it gives him added interest in his Victrola. Talking Machine Co. central Broad Above Walnut Uptown W. Phila. W. Phila. Those Three Open Evening Broad & Columbia 52d & Chestnut 4124 Lancaster Ave. Walnut HSU Diamond 4591 Belmont 5109 Baring 1735 Prominent Photoplay Presentation; gttp .,-.... aw wuainu vUjarArtx. Boofaka (hrmomu ALHAMBRAiiiht.'D1Ll.vr,:taip..uo,;t8A?i. I'aramount IMcturea. MARIE DORO in "THE LASH" APOLLO MD AND THOMPSON -aaasisi aWAAUS Fiw'X fKSYSNS'a '.""10 WJIKKL, OK IV IIB KT ARCADIA CIinBTNUT ""V'nUlrt BELOW 16TH BESSIE LOVE in "A 81STKII Or BIX" BELMOiYr SSOTaSttS" J, . , Kvita., 7 0, 80e. Francis X1BshmanK0JuuFi1CT.. CEDAR 0TH -?0 CEDAlf AVtt WM. COLLIER, JR., in "TUB nuai.E CAW FAIRMOUNT 28T" AK a AunnBr smith t Ki.rANoit'wooDuus? in "JAFFERY" 56TH ST. S-Sj Ttf LILUANWALKER?n "tiih HLUB fvELOPBMrsTa FRANKFORD 'u ia5cSS Nance1PlN.e,a in The Irn Woman"' Added "llBA-TItlCB FAIUFAX" GARDEN gJstfHf A mciiAiiD nuHUcit ntosBrVVUm,- . lao Sth Eplaode ofJ-DUATIllCB I rAIHFAX" JEFFERSON m" ap'lS MABEL TALIAFERRO in . "nn wr liUVH'i u LEADER rohTr;1:,' " " ANNA PAVLOWA in "THB DUMB QIHU Qy portic,.. LIBERTY JJft0AD " THEDA 1ARA in iimn uuuiJUfl IAFK'' WtWT THIMDEIJUIA COLUMBIA LOPI IQT BJD AND LOCUST t-,JJOl Mat., liso andV:j, ifw. " .1 wr , iVl l8. i IS0. IBs! Gail Kane ,n ll'K Bc " ... " . . OATIT' Market St. Theater ,Mg l Virginia Pearson ,n ""'"war" OVERBROOK ji iiAVEnronD ' Lou Tellegen ' 'oiT t B: OT,,, CONBCIETfCE" PALACE "" "ARKET BTOEBT CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG !'THB COMMOM tAW" in PARK niBAVBA-DAUPHIN 8T. - PAULINETFRE1)ERR0ICK fa " PRINCESS mjuMi REGENT 1M MAWKCT STKxirf VALICEB1?At)Vr0,' ... ,.ATrl nn.. i RIALTO "JfjJlJiw ay DOROTHYDALTONir"- RUBY "AjutOTSTRkii - SAVOY TiVSSm FLORENCE LA BADIE in STANLEY lwKWUr ThomM Mhw Jk ArIu VtlT " TIOGA w v.vtS ni: 7 FUIl V CTFlrx.,. "Tuiwi;.?.'? i m .- ...jaiajyf Ty , 'H VICT ORI. KARKWT w, Ua.. ia .T..S! imtj mf 4IML zrz. "w .r,lWBrtllfll, si5Ba., jor I .- 7.T ""vrK'v'A ) whim rHILAPMIli EUREKA ln . ANITA STEWART in rraap WSWAT"' A. B. C THEATSPSS ROS)at OOaaOAM 4 aa Aa.aaxaT M ouamtttxn OLYMPIA80 a-AlKwuBOsl XM wa9"CtiWi A WOMAITCWa' SLfaSftfW