L . JmV m FINANCIAL "NEWS thi WOCKS ARE IN SMALLER SUPPLY; PRICES GENERALLY MOVE UPWARD 9: Little Attention Is Paid to Marin Disaster Street Be lieves jQiplomats Will Arrange Solution Rail ; Way Equipment Issues Prominent NBW TORK, Nov. 1. With tbq t7nM4 Stel Corporation'" ttflwnt for the) Beptember Mrtr eat ot tree wy aMl with generally confident feellns In regard to the aWrt for a ltofittMtMft victory on next TuetxMty, the itock market naturally mumml a dser.!rl wpply of stocks and Important price movements during the day were to hfcfeer nvr. Little Ntttfitfen waa paM as a market Influence to the Marina disaster, as It la beltv .Wettpiematfl of the two countries will arrange a solution of What. yr difforettcM may remilt from the new submarine activities. This loft the mar Iwt in a piit4en to cttecount the expected results of the presidential campaign. NMweMy, the railway equipment stocks became prominent In this discounting, XKh Amort saw locomotive moving up more than 6 points and crossing 87, and Mkfl as 'Pressed Steel Car and Baldwin Locomotive were In vigorous de- at advanetar Dricea. United States Steel common was comparatively quiet. of th tratMaetiona In the stock consisting of evening up of short contracts &t tmt yesterday, when some of the traders hsd early Information an to what tho IWllnilj statement would show. These traders, who nail men soui mo siqck ni . Jtfcwttl 18, wero buyers of It today at nbove 119. Inhere were special Incentives for trading In a numbor of specialties. Cruclblo Cat, "on the.turrent statements that the control of the company had been acquired George WV Perkins, made an advance -of more than 6 points to 94. and thero i Vigorous upward movements in Corn I'roaucts, wnicn crossoa zo ror ine nrsi in a lone period. KMHnei th most rjromlnent of the railway Issues In the day's trading. tUUtlng & gain, at .one time of about 3 points and crossing lilr and there was n JMOttonal advance In Lehigh Valley. Other Issues, Including nock Island and tTntofi Pacific, also mads fractional gains. p A. large part of the business was of a professional character, with some of tjio important room traders taking an aggressive position on tho bull side. This wns t&e ease In United States Steel common late In the day, whon 3 J. Manning was fee ohiet facter In putting the price to 120. ' There was heavy trading in bonds all through tho day, with business dls trttxtted among a large numbor of securities. Bt. Louts and Han' Francisco issues were again prominent, with the 6s and 4s making additional gains., Thcro 'wis heavy trading In Colorado Midland 4s, which havo attracted attention slnco the publication.' of the August statement. In which the long period of deficit waa Mmged to one of net Income. The net earnings for that month were $35,276, nn taereaae of 1,30,366. The road' has been in tho ha'nds of a receiver for four yVars, and In that tlmo alt the income remaining after operating has been put Into the property. The unt spent for botterments during the last two years was Jl, 500,000. $8,500,000 Additional Gold Arrives From Canada NEW YOItK, Nov. 1. Gold to the amount of $8,500,000 lifts beon received by I. P. Morgan A Co. from Canada. There won deposited at the Clearing House MW.000 for account of tho New York Ktderal He.se.rve IJank and X2.000.000 at tho -Asiay Office, This makes a total of 1(83,500,000 received from all sources since ' Jaauary 1. Eastern Steel Pays Back Dividends NEW YORK, Nov. 1. The Eastern Steol Company has declared the regular quarterly dividend of 1 per cent on the first preferred and an extra of 28 per ffit, being remainder of accrued dividends, payable December 16 to stock of record Deeernber 1. r : hjuJL - i ii'. juA IfLl.tlLw. - - - - " i v t , ,J. . -JU.- I -Veto York Bond Sales ltlsh, low. i Aia.Va n r Ma p., n h.1 Amer Axr.tfeb Ba . ,.juu Amer.Kor Sic fta . ... Vn'i .'.!? Amer ttmelt Sec Ca. Amer iti cl ( 4. do CTt HHa r.. Amcr Thread 4a , Amor Writ Pttur fta. i Armour Co 4Ha viiciiiaon Ben aa . ... do adj ea Lreentlne c Atian CUi tmit o ns .... do 4a . ... do cv 44 a . . .. n a O Bwn aft a . lei OS !-. ink DSU .11114 : it .loav lUi 1UM Hath Htral hi aa ria am .... K) Prook 11 T 8a iBi8.. IW 10 llrook tin Kl lit 5. .101 to Can Unv Sa 1931. ,...100 ki do io:n ., vvw K do 1B31 ..........lout: 10 Ca.1 Ota A ElM ii.. VK Ml Cnt leather lat Aa..lQSH K) (?nt I'acino lat 4a... 9ll'E m r.nt RB N J 8a.. .1WH uua unio cr v,m. oo oonr oa ,.... ?hl A ICjial 111 fV im. zy.r.t Mz-r -T'"iT -- i' --' xm, ttl ui .waal a m A wn Ban 4a... do son a. ,,.,.,... , - '' r-1 IS, 9 ' : Pao 4a. UO KV 4a ,. , w vi i.' do cr 4Mi da ten 4V cn it i a j oo ria i ,,,.,, tf ao oa ... p do 8 et I iu. uoi iiiai 3U 2H 4 lHH ll'l' 03( VBi. Hand et 4a. .J. Col A Mouth 4Ua , Ml t'ltv of larla (la.. K22B&SS,M'3i'. I'HiHutr una 'im na. ' pal A llud rfd 4a ... 0H'- i Un A Itlo Or rid la. Wi .itsS .iooti 8y. 5S Un A Itlo Or rid la. W. Pla Hcur Corn 8a. ,. IJ'i 4W U8H I Ba 1044a lulTlud A Man i III BIWl 1)10 4 I Indiana; Htaal III l'uairl rid 4a co 4a luaa , . Tntarb Mat 4U inltrb H T n( Ii uiiar ar ar oa. iu 7 OHtj iRtarnl i'lpar Ba.,... v Jnt Arr Aa ..,, St Ian Clly ao lat a,. JO tl Ba 150.. 07 V.i3 ,...;., .loo Oka lat a.,.io: . da fia Lacka Stl oo oo f.Aeied j.k '. d4,4a 10.11 : Tlttl rr . ; i.-w" -. . UK . r LahVal of N T Air am T 7a..,. uu tfa ilHi Ba. S "8 I'J, F.l 1IK11. lftO. is7 Jar )KJ 102 ol 2rwSV..tt::? ff H5 4U)a 4i 41 oo 3V 4a ... j... Mo.'Fae r4 4a.,.., oo vr l 4a . .... do to'lKM rl 7S 22" IWaOrwJIf'itfirff.? N r Air ifit cvt oa. T C A II Sa iarTaalVU do J Via ..,.,,.. JM, do 4a .....i. ,.,.,, I7, 4a .,.....,.., lVi do com 4a v,, HiH 4t, ,;.:., j ii i' tar,,,..,, so i ya.,, jn.1 n :.:..ir a!aa w l! HUU do la w I ,...,., .. iW do ri l M aia. 4a Rrt do do si l-ouja tf 8 d- Sr K w I .I mi I Louta ' i( 4, T , T an A . Alt . . -n't 6. &board A ii 1 8a ', e oulh Ball to ,.., li IM , 7 7 74. 7 1114 104H has iis 0.1U 03.4 gYe HVfi Kirr:; ?-5 l?.s f? Jffiar4H'::-: 8fe $ SJ& On liiat I r(' 4a. t tiS M4JT' irst? 103 IDS 1IHI (fO ! P ttiu Mr, 71 7"U llIC I Bum ru -mi ...v. m iimj mm do rrt 4o , .... ,,, S dlC ao 4J" aa ,. .,,.,,.!( i las ma C5I ?rTl iB ' at l&U aaUl !: Topt orraB VABKjnr lb w I.-7K mariHt tm mmA t to i pttktla Mcktr HM n M MUt, 441 : l45'eA SECURITIES AT AUCTION The following securities were sold auction today by Barnes & loflnnd: HTOCKS el ahra. Central Ororila rower Co, corn. mon Ixt (78 ahra. Kentucky Publlo Bervlca Co. common ...., T?t S( ahra. Ilockhlll Iron and Coal Co. preferred It 1084 ahra. Ilockhlll Iron and Coal Co. common tot 17 ahra. r.aat II road Tod Mountain nail road and Coal Co. prafrrred... . . . S03 ahra. Raat Ilroad Top Mountain Itall- road and Coal Co. common IB ahra. Philadelphia llouraa preferred; pr I,. ......,.....,.,... 0 ahra. Philadelphia llouraa common; pa.r iw at DB.F IQU .. .a. ........... . 3 ahra. Mlllrtlla r.lertrlr I.leht Co.... 1st ahra, Florence Iron Worka .I,ot ft ahra. North Philadelphia Truat Co.; par t0 ., , .,,, 10 ahra. Prmjairtranla Co. for Inaur anrea on t.lyet and Qrantlns An- nultleai par 1100 4-ahra. Kormera and Mechanlca' Na tional Hank; par 1100 100 ahra. Camden and Suburban Hallway Co.: par t8 ..,,.......,..... 20 ahra. Corn Kxchana National Hank: par 1100 (ex dividend). ,. fl ahra. Olrard Truat Co.: par 1100... 3 ahra, Olrard Truat Co.t par 1100... SO ahra. Robert Morrla Truat Co,; par tlOO ....,..,,. ,..i..,,. 10 ahra. United Decurlty LI fa Inauranca and Truat Co.; par tlOO lOahra. Klrat Aaaoclatlon of 'Philadel phia! par ISO,..,..,, 11 ahra. Philadelphia VLIfe Inauranca Co.; par llo, .,..,....,...,.... 18 ahra. Philadelphia I, (fa Inauranca Co. par ItO B ahra. Philadelphia. Traction Co.; par ISO ,.......,....... , 1 ahr, (Jermantown (4th and 8th Eta.) Paaaenaor Hallway Co , S ahra. Oermantnwn (4th and 8th 8ta,) Paaaenaer Railway Co 28 ahra. American Pipe and Becurltlea preierrea , , JIONDS 1200 rennerlvanla Railroad Co., SH per rent. Conaolldated mortaaae. Rterllna. Coupona January and July. Due 143... .,.,.,...,.. 110000 Durralo and Itka Rrla Traction Co., 5 per cant. Drat and re funding; mortmre. (Certlflcatea of depoalt.), 80 ahra. IJuffalo and t,aka rla Traction Co. common ... ..,,,... ,..,... 100O0O Uoone County Coal Corporation. 8. 178 II 000 170 140 II It 21X 0 210 728 187 18 SA7 800 000 70 140 SIS MVi 11 ,78H 108 100 04 21U 4 and 8 par cent, Viral mnrr ante. Bua 1041. 112,000 Iloono county coal corporation tacrlp), 800 ahra. Boone County Coal Corporation common. ......Lot 183000 8000 Owero Water Worka, 8 per cent. Flret mortaasa. Coupona Feb ruary and Auauat. Due 1928 80 0000 Oweco Water Worka. 8 per cent, Klrat mortaaaa. Coupona Feb ruary and Auauat. Pun lOiil.. 81 20000 RoclchlU Iron and Coal Co.. 4 per cent, Flrat mortaaaa., Coupona February and Auauat. Due lpss 28 28824. 28 Ttoekhlll Iron and Coal Co.. 4 per cent, rVcond mortnaao. Incoma, Coupona February and Auauat. Due 1UB8 , , 8 18000 Ea.t Droart Top Ilallrond and Coal Co., 4 per cent. Flrat mort- . aaaa Coupona January and July, Due 19SH 80 12089.18 Haat llrved Ton Railroad and uoai i.n, i"r cnni. nerona mortaaao. Toiinona January and Jillr. Due 16'i8. 0000 Shade Gap Railroad Co., 4 per Inrorae Jill; tiro pnt. Flrat mrtaaae. Counona January nnd July, Pua l)8., 1000 Canton-Akron Railway Co 8 par cent. Flrat mortaaaa IVniona Uareh and Seiitemlatr Hoe Will, 2000 Waahlnaton. Arlhuttoii and I'afla Ourrh Railway Ci, 8 rr cant. Flrat mortaaae, Cuupqiia March and Heptember. Due 1 0 -. H . , . . . 4000 Springfield t'oneolMnied Water Co., 8 per cent. Flrat mortaaaa, Coupona May and November, Due 1988 ... , !; 1060 Chaparro Railroad mid Lumber Co.. d par wot. CoJUtcral truat. Interrat April 18 And CkjtoW IS. lua luil ..., ., 2000 Brueh, Kleclrlo Co.. 8 per wnl. Flrat mortaaae. Due 1USJ..,. 2d 88H 7IW 80 40 88t New Burlington Connection Soon MOBILB. Ala., Nov, i.ll ti reported on apparently good authority that fho phya leal connection betweiji the Chlcairo, Bur Unaton and Qulncy Itsllroad and the Ntvf Orloina, Mobil b Chlcaai t JacVaon, Mia., will tM completed by the middle of this ttvMrtti imT that the Burllncton will be eperatlac trains Into Mobile. New York Stock Sato Arme Tea. . Ad.mi KtprrM A4r Rcmtlr Alu l(titih.r A.aik (.old M AloLa J OoM M Allli.Chilncri Uti Alllt-Chal ,If: rf Am At Chfralral. Am Baet Sufaf . ad can. lAtt cleaa. (U gutar Future Steady HBW YOUK. Nor. I. suar futures evened ataady tM BrttrnrUg I to It points hltffcar, with al on the call pcgremtinc i4) tana. Cuban lBttreftts r buylnc up the' KMNtrvr pairltton, with Iullng trad latareata miMtottins live, 4wal llt. i BAR (HLVWt HV sihyr was ifmtMl in Lo4n at lliid t4r, ainahawnal." In Mw rrk eomrl bar stiver was at , umaaanitxi. US 1M. W). KH 7 2M. Sli tu Hlsh. Ijbw. Cioae, t.w M( mil WH 14T 17M 17 (Wi ViH 71 7 27M MJi Wi 1(1.1. 1U1 1. IH 2&W 8.' 147X 17J 71 m. 7 27 83JJ MM MttK KKt C2 '" AmCanpf .'.'. .......ill.llt 113V, 113 113M mn imit nui tu; .. .. JWK IMU. 1M ... 00i t,9H 60 03 ....28 'M a J8 .. 28). 27H 20 j(7 ::::.w. m nj ioj" .... 10M 10 . .,S' ....us nm"1"" .... M), C0H 05 00 ....133 133H 133 133M . .. blU 62J 6U .... 49X 62). Hi 61M .... SIM 40 2H 62), .... 81 87 82 85 Anifnivta Cnn VI . 11 l)W 0' Ul!i AlrhTop&SK 107 107!f 107W 107 All Ouir A V I., 105). 110 10i HWi All (J & YV 1 pf 07K 72H llald Ijj,-,, Wki MH 87 lull 4 Ohm MM 88 Halt A Olilopf 75)i 70 lt..h,chAtn SImJ . . ait. nr.il lU'iim lltu ...' 81U 84i Am Car A i'dy. Am Car Kdr t Am HMO & Lender Am IllJn A 1 pi Am Ire fxcnrltiM. . Am Unieol AA Utured pf Am Lneoruollr Am Loeomollr pf- Am Malt Carp'o.,., Am rmlt A Itef . , am 6tl foundries. Am Hiicar KeflaUc. Am Tel A Tel. . . . Am Woolen Am Wrlilnt V pf. ,. Am 7.1IK LSij... Am 7. 1. A fcm pf Ian A tiuncrlor. tin I'elroicii.n..., linadlj.i J'acJIe. . LVutral I.nihtr... OS!. (Mi .. 23X 2J)( ..172!. 172), DOJi UHW 7U1. 11 84 iyt!. 87K 88 78 70) CIS 03(1 81!. 8t)i 00 08W 23). KHi 172)i 172X MH 07H Chandler Motor lot 104. lot 1UI thd A Ohio t&). fJOii (i8)i 08H Chi Mil A MP Dili 05 DIM Wi CMraco Urrit Writ. . . . 14U UM MM HH C'lil tireat rtrsl pf 45)i 40 !) -iSia CM&NWpf 175 176 176 176 Cfcl it I A I'ae 3)( 35H 3JX Ho Chllo Copper 23 22X 22)i .2( Chlno Copper 01 02 COX 111 Col Kurt A Iron 62X 51X 62), M) tonllncntal Can 102), 102 102 102 ColtlMAKIoc 3Mi o0)i 38X 3'JU Coosolldated (lis laSI. 138!. I38U 138X Con O K h A 1' t!at....l25X 125 121!i 125 Corn l'roJurli Itcf 1Ui 20) IU 20X Corn i'rod Itef pf 01X 02X 01X 02X Crucible Stool hVii 05 M U1X Cuba C'ano Sugar 73X 74X 73X 71)1 Cuba Cano8uar pf.... DO!" IK)). U9X 0OX Del Lack A West. ..... .238 237 235!. 237 Den & UK) (Ir pf 40). 47 47 47 DIMlll HucCorp'n.. 45 40 45). 45). DrlsBJ Seabury ,87 ST, 85 85 Elcc Storage Hat G8X G9U' GOX 00X hrlo 30 :J9X 38). 30 Kile lit pf 53X 63). 63!i 63). Uaaton W A W... 40 45 ,45 45 General Electric 182X 182. 181 181X lioodrlch D If 72 72X 72X 72)1 tireat Northern Pf U8X 11HX 118X 118H tl N eft for ore prop.... 43W 45 43X 44X Oreene-Cananea fiUi 62 51H 61X Illinois Cent 108H 108)1 103 108 imp Con Cop 00!. 07 00!f OOX int Agricultural 20). 28 20). 27X int Agricultural pf 0 60). 67X 68X lot Con Cor r t 0b... 10X 10 18X 18X Int Paper 02M 05! i 02ri 04H Int Paper pf 105X 107 100X 100). VtMmiyti i Par -fatra NW YORK, Kr, 1-Th Uhla Vf4 Mtaainc Company baa doiarl a rarwiar dlviaaad oC Ti eavMa, fad aa Mtra dlvMwb. ql 7 uait, btttk parahla Nmmir I. - ' ' " "a i W www j flW 4 .r' W' r'i SmHP Int Nlclc T t efi 60H IntM M cof dp mi Int M M pf cof dp.... 114 KO Ft 8 AM pf 74X Kennecott Copper 63X King! CoE L A P 128 Lack Steel Co b8X Ul-e Erie A Weit 25X UVo Erie A Writ pf.... 62X Uhlgh Valley 83). Mackay Cos 86!i Maxwell Motors 84X Max Motors lit -f 80 May Dept Stores pf.V-.105 Mex Petroleum Miami Copper Missouri Paclflc Missouri Fac w I Mo Kan A Texas Nat O oak A Suit Nat Enam A S Co.... Nat Lead Co Ner Con Cop New York Air Brake. New York Central.... N YN 11 A II N YO A West North American Northern Pacific Norfolk A Western... Ohio Cities On , Owens Bottle Mach... Pacific Mall fenn llallroad Peoria A Eastern Pitts Coal c of dp.... ritts Coal Co N J pf. Pressed Steel Car Pub 8 Corp'aN J... rty Steel Springs , Hay Con Copper.., 61X 40. 60X 61 30 30 115H 113X 115H '(5 75 61 53X 127K 127). 80). 88X 25 54)1 84M 85K 85 80 100 108X 110 40X 38X OX . 20X . 7i . 84X . 2SX . 6814 . 23!, .157 OX 20!. 7X 81), 28i 08 23X 24X 64). 81 85X 83X 80 100 100 38)1 ox 20X 7X 84)1 27X 08 23.X 75 51 127!! SOX 24X 64)1 84X 85Ji 85X 80 100 100M 381 ex 20X 7J1 84X 28 08 23X 150!1 167H 160X 107X 108X 107X 108)1 i COX 01 OOX COX 20)1 30X 29X 30X , 70 70X VOX 70X 112 1UX 111X 111!1 141H 141, U2 142 83), 83X 83X . 05 . 20 . 68X . 14X , 43X .110 . 71X ,13i . 63 20X 04 27)1 07X 14 45 115 73 132 66 SOX 03 25 67X 13 44 116 72 83X 01 27 57X 14 44X 116 72X 131X.131X 63X 64X 20X 204, Heading 100X 111X 100X 1I0X Kepublls Iron A 8, Seaboard Air Llna pf... Sears, Roebuck A Co . . Sloss-Shef S A I Southern .Pacific Southern By it Louis ASP w I.... St Louis Southwest.... St Louis Southwest pi., Studebaker Co Stutx Motor Tenn Copper... 77X 70X 77X 70X . 30 38X 30 30X .222n 320 223 220 .02 04 02 04 .100X 100X 100X 100)1 . 28)1 28X 28X 28X . 23)( 23)1 23X 23)1 . 23X 23X 23)1 23)1 45X 48 47X 48 .128)1 130X 127X 129X .00 07 00 07 23)1 22)1 2.X 22)1 Texas Co 225X 22iX 223 16)1 10 . 64XI&JX . 63 X 65X . 14)1 15 ,. 73X 73X .I0IX 101 Texas Pacific, Third Arenue Tobacco Products.... Union Bat A Paper. , Union Bag A P pf,., Union Bag A P new. Union Pacific UBOI PiF U 8 O I P A F pf... United Cigar Stores. United Fruit ,. U n Iod Alcohol U 8 Realty A Imp... Unite! Iljrs Inr.. . United Rri Inr pf... t, r uuuurf U S Rubber 1st p... US 8m RAM 71 72 b 8 Mrel Corp'u 118X 121 151 54X 63X 14)1 73 101 224 10 64X 64)1 14)1 73X 101 U 8 Bleel Corp'n pf tlalt Copper Utah Securities fc-Cro Cham 40)1 va-caro chem pi 112 V. iron Coal A 0 60X Wabash 16 Wabash pf B ,,, 30X I60X 150X 150X 160X 2SX 20 26X 25.X 03)1 05)( 02X 05 100X 100X 100 10JX 101)1 104 102!1 102)1 140X 147 141)1 147 . 34 30X 30X 30X 10 10 OX OX 21X 20X 20X 20X 60)i GO 60)1 60)1 110X 110!i HU)i 110X 71 72 lleJs 121 121X 121X 121X 131) 100)1 107X 105)1 105X 18X' 1DX 18X 10 Wrslern Marland, , West Union Tel West R A M Wheel A'Lako Erlo. . White Motor WUIs Overland.,.., Wisconsin Central 'Quoted ex dlvldthd. dtiid 47 112 67)1 16)1 30X -8)1 102X 102X 103 03)4 05X 03X al 3X 3X 64 '1 53)1 65 43X 42)1 41X 64 51), 61 29 40X 112 67 16)1 30X 28X 40X 112 67X 15)4 3JX 28X 10JX 05X 3i 65)1 41X 61)1 Financial Briefs An active canvaai belne made by the management of th Crucible Steal Company uf America for proxlea to b used at the annual .moettnr of th atookbolder on No vember 17, Jntereat cloao to the rnanag. ment assert that pontrol ha n6 paased into nw hand, but admit that torn of th buy Ins of the atoclc haa been (or th purpos' of acquiring aharea to be voted at th mtcU '"a. Th Board of Rcpreaentattve of th Nw York Curb Market Association ha listed ui4d admitted to trading the 1,000,000 cap iutl aharea pf th Consolidated Mexican pit Corporation, par valu Jl, a a pro, peet. Th cojapany haa a tra Refer ofrlcs at 10 Broadway, Th registrar a thu iiwurlty Trarwfer and Rltrar Company, Tit New York efyetreasury lost f B.876,. 04r(t to th. trAfiks yatrday, making a Mail tuet toi-TaiHCA r-rlday ef ll.,00e. Thar 'wm wttWfawn from thCSultraury ilU, W void, far bl4m4rt t uth AroarW; 'TH New York Stook Kxchang haa ad. mlttad ta M Pullo SWrvlee CorppratioM of Kw jrMy full p:41 autueM-ltHion ripts iw Aktatai atoclc T Tfca 4tiMa IRREGULARITY MARKS TRADING ON THE CURB IrtiRorUnt Movements to Higher Levels Carbon Steel Ad vances to 125 NBW YORK, Nov. 1. An Irregular tone wa nhown In the trading on the IJrond Street Curb durlnu th rreater part of th day, but with the Important movement to hlaher price. , Carbon Bteel beiam prominent In the forerioon when It advanced from 85, the last reported ale, td , with th aupply extremely small aa higher level were reached. Th advanc waa du to a rumor that the annual report, which I close at hand, would ahow earning at the rate of (0 per cent on the common Block. Mldvale Steel mad It uual fractional advance In th early trading-, with a re cension In the afternoon. United State Steamship was another strong feature, with the buying baed on th extra-dividend disbursements of H f 1 per cent Consolidated Arltona was the most active of the mining Issues, being heavily traded In and advancing to 3, the highest price touched In several year. Oreen Monster was another strong fea ture, ndvanclng from 4H to 6U. There was persistent buying of Submarine, which rose to 41 V4. with tho announcement In re gard to the naval program and the bidding for new construction the chief factors In cnunlnc the strength. Independent oil rlocks were active again nnd strong, with Vacuum Oil the moat prominent feature, moving up from 1 1-18 to 1 B-10. a new high record. Sinclair ranged from 65 to Bt and Cosden & Co. sold at 17T4. Southern Oil and Transport wns another strong feature, selling at B V4 and 9. i INDUSTRIALS Aetna Kipteslvea Am-lirll Mr Am Marronl ......... Canadian Car Co ..... Can Car Fdy pref .. Chevrolet Motora , Curtlaa Aeroplane .... ICmeraqn Phonoararn . Ilaakell Darker Car Ilendeo Mrs Kathodlnn fironie pref Laurel Oil a (!a .... Maitm Munltlona lanhattan Trans .... Xlldvaln Hteel .....'... Otis Elevator Peerleaa Motora Poole tine H H Kreese w I Htandard Motora ..... Kubmarlne an united Motora ...w. Trlana Film United Profit Sharing U H I, A II com do rref World Film Tranaue at nid. .. 10(4 :: lh .. .. An ..10 ." 20 .. 10). :: Sf .. HI .. 'it . ,10! .. 1 : 4 ::.k .. . Aaked. IOVi 2U SU ii 7 m a& 10 F m 10 'k 1 Wllllama 44 STANDARD OIL STOCKS Illlnola J'; Ohio 8? I'ralrle ripe 1 H ) of California ....l S O of New Jeraer RJ 8 O of New York 237 OTHER Oil. STOCKS Coeden Oil JJJV Cosden Co ,.,..... 7S International Petrol IS llouaton Oil 18V4 Mldweat Iteflnlnc 72 Hapulca Rennlna 0 MININO STOCKS Atlanta J llutto Copper Zlno , Ilutle New York; IK cerro ne i'aaco rirat National Florence aoldfleld I If ola Mlnln Howe Bound Jim nutler Jumbo Kxtenalon McKlnley-Darraah Mlnea Co of America Nlplaalna Mines Co Ran Toy Ht Joayih I.ad Wrat End Consolidated 70 i a 44 0SU r rM la 45 320 Sail 292 IU nun 240 4Vi T White Oaka Orro de Taaco Ba Mldvale Steel Ba . . . Ruaalan OH a BONDS 02 OS 34 311 Oft 02 k n 18 . 20 ltli 104 70 74 4 B 88)1 ass 100 100 LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHICAGO. Nov. 1. llOOR Recelpta 44.000. Markefa steady, rc hlsher. Mixed and butehera, 10.28010.20: aood heavy. lB.70fjio.2ri: roush heavy. A.2iOI.00: llabt. IB.2O01O.1B; piss. to.40A.o: bulk. 4o.tsittlo.lo. CATTI.R Recalpta 22.000. Markets Bteadr. Reevea. t6.7BOil.G.1i cows and helfara. I3.B04 V.40; atoekara and freitera. I5.2.MP7.8U; Texans. lO.RBIja 0: calvea. t 6011,2. SHURP Recelpta, 2.1.000. Marketa atronr. Native and weatern. I4O8.B0; lamba, t7.8SO 11.2B. Lehigh Valley Coal Co. First Mortgage 5's Guaranteed u to principal and interest by the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company. Free of Pennsylvania State tax. full partlculara upon request for circular PI 00, The National City Company 1421 Chestnut St, Philadelphia New York Pittsburgh Boiton sl'WJ ,. a ..j,J.ia- ' -SL. Av maatiar af lit Us UhittM SHmJ. Ctjotuaay t)a.Aa-Na-'S'.aV.wni3 Open House Election Night We desire to announce that our Philadelphia office, Suite 303 Finance Building, will be open for the receiving and giv ing out of election returns, as we have direct private wire service. , All our friends and custom ers are cordially invited to take- advantage of our facili ties. Carroll Felterfc Co. 303 Finance Bldg., Phlla. Direct PHtote TPIrt to ytui York I OHcea Id Eoston, Ualtlmora, Phlla. E dalphla, Wlmloa-ton, ryw York fj0&uStn P1V.PKM.M "TltrVUHNSlNOTON NATldifAl.' BANK alr-.?t,, frn,'t,,,' Awnuea. . Philadelphia. November 1. 1016. Tna.iiirecturs nave mis day declared a eeral. "'i'Trr.-. .. vv' . r. ' - Kr anara annua, bi.iuv.iuv,,. yvr ivhi, aa ber anara. Day able oa oewana ires 01 tax, Cbecka will be .A. anallad. J&.W.-PMCSI. CaafcUr. THK aiKAKD NATIONAL BANK, ruHaueipoie. Uetebar 11. Kit. ,T pireateja Have laia darared a dl'tjai ft elaCl iwr .! IS,,, free tl "it. sarK KotaZber I. 1U1S. to atoaiaJ4e;s of VaoofX tM.otsaworVwwass Uctobar 37' aneclMwUl I Bwalled. WWK WATNS. lf rnaMa. SPECIAL NwTtOM OauiaMf HlrV1 ' aublif u riilrlrt-wi Sales in Philadelphia Net t-nce. f- W H 1V 1M. V 114 27,, 8SW 1BU 7H 7SH H4H SSH tilth, T.ow. Olosa. 10 Am Oas ISO 120 ISO SO Am C A V 00 eW to Am Zinc 84T4 rfc H S llald 1. pf I0S 10(1 100 SS Col K A Ir 11 s SI Joo Crucible St ol H OOti W 10 Con Trie .V J 11. 7394 7-Vi 11S0 KIo Stor 704 0SW '0U ins Uen Asph. io, sow S0H 60 do Pr 7SH 7-Mi "Mi S HAD T nf 1SH, 1H .1H SO Int M M P( t e . ..Ill IB Ins Co N X tlU S00 Kenne Cop SSH 4SSSS Lk Sup C. SSH IS Uh Nav., 1SH t do t o.. 7H 100 Loll Valley SH I 80 Nev Cons. SSV4 10 Norf A W.U-tt SOS 'Pehna Hit S 7 l'hlla Co.. 40H S do cum pf 41 117 l'hlla Kleo SOU 4o PIITI c. S0 ISO HetidlnB...tll ISO Ton TJet . . 4K BIS Ton Mln.. 8 18-18 1-1S 10 Un D A P. 1814 1BW 18',4 SB Union Trae 48J4 48H 48Vfc H 418 U O I .. 01 01 H. S1S3 US Steel. lon 118 110 80 West Eleo 4"4 01 Ka dividend. nnNDS . . , Ulan. low. Close. SSSS00 Lake Sup Inc Ss 47 4t 47 8 1000 I.eh V iren 4s 0514 S000 do cons 4 lis '03 100 S000 Penna Co Ken 4HS.I03 8000 Phlla Co 1st Es ,.106 100 106 1000 Head un 4s ".. 08 J V 17000 Un Hwy Inv 6s.. 7S 7S 7S 1 V 114 S7V Bit. S 7 18H S4H ssv. 141 W, U H 87 87 lfc 40H H 41 lVi 10 110 4 V 40H 41 10 10 110 H 1 ! 1 1H Net cfite. 01 01 100 100 101 103 DIVIDENDS Im.pImii ftmi-ltlnr and IleMnlna. of 1H per cent on common, comrared DECLARED quarterly d with 1 and one-halt of 1 per cent eitra threa and all months aro. Dividend la parable December IB, Itooka cloae November 24, reopen November 27. neautar quarterly dividend o IV per cent on preferred atock waa also declared, payable De rmter 1, Hooka cloae November 10, reopen No vember 20. ... American Tobacco Company, reaular quarterly of S per cent on the common Block, VT recommend and offer subject to sale aa A Conservative Investment The First Mortgage Bonds of a Steam Railroad in Pennsylvania whose net earnings for this year exceed three times its interest, charges. The company maintains a lib eral sinking fund, and pays divi dends on its preferred and com mon stocks. Price, at Market, to yield over B Free of Pennsylvania State and normal Federal Income Taxes. Circular en -tppUoatte Edward B. Smith & Co Xsriiusns 1S0S. BANKERS tfrmbm IfVu) Torfc and FMIatfalpMa Stock Btchangtt 1411 CniaTHUT ST., Fainon-m. SO fimi Brsss-r Maw Tots NOTICE A wrll-onanlied Sales CompanrtraTellnc I'ennarlvaala. New Jeraey, Delaware and Illaryland. Is In m poaltlon to add one or more flrat-rlaaa llalldlnx Rperlaltles. lllsb eat rtferencei 11 yeara' riherlenre, r bss. l.r.nai.K central. LOCAL MMrtKS jOC1 TOSrOTAH' tTTOfctW . Jim Ttirtter .... MacNanara .... ..-,... Midway ....... .. Mlspah Eitenalon Montana ...... North Star . ... Tonormh llelmrmt Tonopa h pttrnalon Tanopan Sllnlnc i Kuian i'Z End j . .. ....... .78 nOLDFIEI.D BTOCKS Atlanta. If lllue hull , 02 AsfceA 1 t Itfuruo KuUh wet i - f. Honth o n Bomblnatlon Fraction lamondfleld n 11 Daley .. Florence , OoldfleM Conaolldated ........ ?oldfleld Mirser umbo retention Kewanaa Oro Pandatorm Kendall Sliver rick MISCELLANEOUS Nevada 11111 ..SO Nevada Wonder 2.?7 Tecopa Mining .10 O J id 08 04 .40 ,Bd :U .10 OS .04 , .10" : .on 1,1 .OS :B .04 .os .31 .12 3. SO .12 NEW YOHK DUTTER AND EGGS NEW TQrtK. Nor. 1. nUTTEn necelr 0437, nather nulet. tradlnsr .with aeneral eteady frellnc on all tradea, Quotatlone u trili'iM.Tta.tnta lA.Rnl. Freah 'aathered re erally firm, but values Irretutar. In tone but tradlna all 1 1 moderate. 42ci estra nrata. iswsoci nrata. wt i onda, S2VS.V other aradea unrhanted Ttte Bank of Service Organised M7 Capital $2,000,000 Surplus & Profits.... $.,548,000 Dividends Paid $13,767,000 Farmers and Mechanics National Bank 427 Chestnut Street HECLA This eitreordlnarr strike sires the neels nine oa ef the larteat ere bodlea la the count!-. (00 feet la leocta and with 1,800 feet of Neks. In the past rear Tlecla has doubled lie production, earnlors and rash ear- pln and haa I Bert seed dltldendt, sow pajlnr 18 rente a share moathlj, with timlors fsr la sscess et this. JONES & BAKER STOCK BIlOKEnS WidenerBltJ., Philadelphia BelL Wslnnt 1800-1. Kejstone. luce 2200, Direct levels Wtrt$. New York i,"'.m t Ctatrnco Plttabarch "KolMna fa 1II Bit Sereles" Cuts Vein 900 Feet Lower This new 4vrWpeaent should sa ahlayItecla to make erei a better shSTlsr. Bead for our Special Deport de art I bins Iteela'a new resources and analrslnr- future poestbtlttlrs ef this mine. Use Coupon for Special Bereft JONBB BASSIt. WUntr Bit., PXIttdtlphia. Fs. OestJemrnt I stall s flai I re eefre oar seeetsl rtforl en s fot tMUliet Utel. A'eeae JLiirtu Ctl. .... Slate.. T.U. 117. Barnett Oil & Gas One of the most active of the lower priced oils on the Curb. Important negotiations now being consummated are causing this security to advance rapidly. We advise immediate purchase E. H. CLARKE 27 William St., N. Y. InreatmentXeourltlea Phone 3083 Broad BBANC1I OFFICE, KINNEY DLDG. Newark. N. J. Brown Brothers & Co. TbvmMAKDCHtKitnrrSmaxm PHILADELPHIA Commercial Letters of Credit For financing purchases of merchandise In the United States and abroad, issued in Dollars, Sterling and Francs. We own and offer, subject to prior sale and change in market price, the following securities i Bonds Amount Name Rat 25,000 New England Power Co. 1st Mtge.. . .5 50,000 Southern California Edison Co. Gen.. .5 50,000 Northern States Pr. Co. 1st & Rfdg.. J5 50,000 The Colorado Power Co. 1st Mtge.. .5 25,000 Mobile Electric Co. 1st Mtge 5 100,000 Twin State G. & E. Co. 1st Rfdg 5 50,000 Great Western Pr. Co. 1st Mtge 5 25,000 Tennessee Power Co. 1st Mtge.. ... .5 100,000 American Gas Co. 100 Yr. Bonds. . . .6 100,000 American Gas & Elec. Co. Deb. Bonds. 6 25,000 Excel. Springs W.,G.&E.Co.lst Mtge. 6 50,000 Nevada-Calif. Elec Corp. 1st lien. . .6 75,000 United Utilities Co. Coll. Tr. Bonds. . .6 100,000 American Pr. & Lt. Co. Deb. Bonds. .6 25,000 Appalachian Power Co. 1st Mtge 5 25,000 Arizona Power Co. 1st Mtge 6 Maturity July 1, Nov. 1, Apr. 1, May 1, May 1, Oct. 1, July 1, May 1, Jan. 1, May 1, June 1, Jan. 1, Jan. 1, Mar. t, June 1, May 1, 1951 1939 1941 1953 1946 1953 1946 1962 2016 2014 1932 1946 1943 2016 ,1941 193.3 J J A M M A J M J M J J J M & J oV M & Interest Payable & J & & & & & & & & & & & & . Price t Yield About 5.09 5.10 5.18 5.25 5.50 5.50 5.60 5.90 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.10 6.15 6.35 6.60 6.75 . :e Short Term Securities Amount Nam Rate 250,000 London Banks 5 Loan 5 15,000 Southern California Edison Co. Deb.. .6 25,000 West Va. Trac. & Elec. Co. Notes. . .6 12,000 Winnipeg Electric Ry. Co. Notes. . . .6 14,000 Louisville Gas & Elec. Co. Notes. . . .6 26,000 Arkansas Val. Ry., Lt. & Pr. Co. Notes 6 75,000 Great West Pr. Co. of Cal. Conv. Deb.6 25,000 Northern States Power Co. Notes. . . .6 100,000 Middle West Utilities Co. Coll. Trust. .6 25,000 Mississippi Valley G. & E. Co. Bonds. .5 100,000 Standard Gas & Elec Co. Notes 6 Oct. Maturity June 20, 1917 Mar. 15, June 1, Jan. 15. Apr. 1, 1, 1. 1, 1. 1. la July Nov. Apr. Jan.- May 1920 1917 1918 1918 19,9 1925 1926 1925 1922 1935 Interest Payable June 20, '17 M 8c SIS J Prlcwtsj Yield About J A J M A A M A & & & & & & & & & D 1 J15 Preferred Stocks Shares 1,200 1,000 Nam Rat American Gas & Electric Co 6 Electric Bond & Share Co 6 1,500 California Electric Generatintr Co fl 1,000 Utah Power & Light Co 7 1,000 Southwestern Power 8s. Light Co 7 ft". P IJtkl C 7 . 200 Ilkumnatmg & Pow. SecuritMS Corp.. 7 1,000 United UgH & lUIIway. Co ?. 7 200 Western States G.fcE.Ce.(Dlaware).7 ISO MoW. Electric Co Z!!.7 .Dividend Parlod Quar. Feb. 1st Quar. Feb. 1st Quar. Jan, 1st Quar. Jan. 1st Quar. Mar. 1st Quar. Feb. l'st' Quar. Feb. i5th Quar. Jan. 15 th Quar. Jan. 15th Quar. Feb, l5Jh 4,70 4.45 4.50 4.95 5.15 5.30 6.00 6.00 6.15 6.15 6.37 VMdAboui 8.95 6.00 6.32 6.93 7.00 7.00 7.19, 7.2 7.53 7.70 Ii a De.erijtHve circulars if any ef the atoye seoxrldes teW fr, tent on regueft William P. Bonbright & Co. faso.-porated ' a MORRIS W1STAR STROUD, JR., Manager 437 (Jhetnut Street, Philadelphia nw ium WO DETBOIT WHtW P. feiiMgto C. t F.PF j