WrWma JS CUHTAMT i t CUMflft, KjsL(aai CfeS" MAROi MMM .aaSsafaMffW SaaataMsM MaaMf Lyr.T.iv jiiijCwi Nil fisBt WWW SBUUOli tfcna MtUL All MH lllltlM llfcflll efeaBfa1 wall m itimi. tfiuvr xnaTonc MAnf mm iss rsmisiiiu Htwiw At n Nam. m? " " i 1 IIMMI MWt tAtD BAK.T OIR. DMI 0 TttM TVMIIW IHIflR ii WAm a wiwMbwfcWMWiiiiM i m ikttrl itrtivHMl tmmn, Mrt ttwrt MMMftn ml Wii trtw tee TMMM rMm tart It tMMNMfttont to imttat ft SSpsWMS tasMSX, TINT MlMtr U M All tsM .WW ftfNkftHMMfl WWf ptVfMWfl WMW MS TnsJr MT9 MBsVsW fWWflT IVv K1 WAY THAT LEADS TO IT Oim atmtrta te ttuvsnyiff 1, MM. km Jt mmmi e Mmgrapkiw.Carlyl. tn- Wewri there U a chance) for to ret new president. CBB K mtttr who la elected, the of Phnidelphl will continue 'to twssrty-nve per cent'' Ux for tho i of Using gas. They do not hare they want to. of course, but WMMome impost seems to excite 91m tost week of the. campaign has tb aame phenomena that ap- tft WU street In "last weeka" of sudden' shift In the bottln&r AB summer and autumn the odds ' M ftm and the beta hedged, but In wat, few days the "show mo" spirit It u significant, that tho odda tnti "sharply in favor of Hughes. sitt the fluctuations they have never Wilson. Xaferm la slow, but Is It not about tar Industrial Interests, to protest presidential campaigns, with attendant .excitement and confu wjr four years? The one-torm baa reoetved the sanction of society. say be pardoned the use of tho too. and nothing but Inertia pre- Hh adoption. A six-year President to of as much value to the nation debt-hour day. - LJ ''"' ' 1M, ireat success of the Vares In the streets of Philadelphia clean ties convincing evidence of their aHWV to conduct government on a high :;Mk)fe tat ficienoy. Isn't It peculiar that .WIaMorywhati their private business fc fsttttrvad. selent for tmnnrtunt niot. MaTeC Ma) aMHy, but in selecting; men IWIM'iUfiit posts. In the govemriient tnvapaUy consider the etreumfer- t the abdomen rather, than the of the head? Sfc Idea, now disappearing, that aot finance big projects Is i iW up topubllo ridicule by ' Unas overbidding of the flO.000,. tun uicuii. oi me ciiy is . over- good, but why shouldn't It Vtaroicn governments badly crippled dm have had no. trouble selling bonds Iha great ease with which a pros- jMNWa city in a country at peace can .'AOaVse Its undertakings la' not hard to taasstfaiand when the two types of Invest- i are compared. ? - Too great trouble the Organization i with Mr. Blankenburg was that his on and Councils did not work It saw no way out of the but to have an Organisation ','aad its wish was fulfilled. liar- . sf nothing, else was to be. assured. at result Is that laek of har as City, Hall la the first, obstacle In of getting anything done. Wo VMmlsed om rotten apple Instead MM one and one bad one. All I two rotten apples, and It Is poor ? swm them. U mill i, i aegMESsa i proper svuthwltr ia.New York an. tocreaee la tho pay of teams. What mad It pos ho Board of XstlinaU to take lM "tho painstaking economy stive departments under of-the Mayor during tho rears, wmon penMttM a re- ' ftto asMMamia of tC '-.- two datmrtmenu fey, S,W0,9 administration tookofllse." A r tho sauo sort of eoonowy n the of munMpal aftatra la wouia go a loag war to- i taoroastng the- pay of firemen. Matty reaesmiM the snst th country of (Xnarwr) r loreiga Nl. Jt m mmt Of bluff or a series of msanici a oontiauatloa of dials. i jtays ; It was a atear aKUio. taot demand,' as saboMv Mo ot the riaUta of tais - " tuottr cf aaUona. Halation were daUoata aad shifty : tfteta strong aast etaar. wn as ixeaawea m Ms and taa CrosnWisHaa -af Mdwlpa Itesv m vn iMuwti. bt v1r, t f ts)M Wi Wk MM tk ettr N4tt fW fMtlUW I IBM Of ex n ERSH dweever the ehlef of tho great war mr In progiess he wtH fln4 them In the rapM development of the Oerman Empire and M the progreeelve decadence of Great Brilate. X Forty-flve years ago Bismarck1 laid down tho peMeles which were to make his eeuntry great. The foundations had already been outlined by Frederick List, -who. learned thervaluo of protective tariffs .While living In this State in tho early part of the last century. ' Ho studied the teaehinjr of Alexander HamHten, and de elded that If a group of States with 'free trade with one another and a tariff wall against the rest of tho world could moke such rapid industrial strides as America had made, there was no reason why the Oerman States could not advance in like manner. The teachings of List, when he returned to Germany, lod to the forma tion of tho sollvercln, which paved the way for tho political union of the German States. The policy which made tho po litical union easy made the empire also ono of the most active and successful competitors of tho British for the trade of tho world. The wealth piled up out of the profits of foreign and domostlo trado made It possible for Germany to arm her self and withstand the combined attack of tho rest of Europe for two years. While Germany bad been growing great under a protective policy, Great Britain under a free trade policy had been losing its old commercial supremacy. The need of a ohango was percolved years ago by Joseph Chamberlain, one of the most far-seeing statesmen of his genera tion. He saw that Germans were under selling the British In English mnrkots while kooplng their own markets to them selves. Ho urged the importance of a fighting tariff, that is, a, tariff intended to protect British worklngmen and man ufacturers against destructive competi tion. The forco of his arguments Im pressed Balfour and other British Con servative leaders, but nothing came of it Free, trado continued and the declining commerce of the country produced all sorts of Industrial unrest Even the physical stamina of the race was affected, and a royal commission was appointed after the Boer War to discover what could bo done to restore to the English that physical vigor which had onco been their glory. There is not tho slightest doubt that it tho advice of Chamberlain had been fol lowed, and If Parliament had enacted a set of Intelligently framed protective tariff laws, British decadence would have been stayed. German commercial expan sion would also have been checked, and tho odds against which Germany would have hod to contend to secure that place 'In the sun for which sho Is now fighting would have, been so great that the war would have; been delayed for years to come, If not prevented altogether. Tet the present Administrate. In America, which Is seeking a vote of con fidence from tho people, Is committed to a tariff policy so much like that which brought about British decadence that only a sophist could persuade himself that it Is different The nation which sur renders Its birthright challenges aggres sion. It enters upon a ppllcy that leads directly to war. It matters not whether we remove the tariff barriers In order to benefit tho rest of the world and fulfill that fine mission of philanthropy which tho President delights to say' is the duty of America, or whether we remove the tariff barriers because we think in pur ig norance that our manufacturers are get ting rich' too fast, the effect would be the same, In each case. , The protective tariff la as Important to .the Rational defense as an adequate army and' navy. Indeed, without It we can only with 'difficulty raise the revenue with which to build the navy or equip the army, ner can we have a citizenry weft &d and prosperous and fitted to defend American rights when they are chal lenged. The lesson is writ too clear on tho Moody fields of Europe for any Intel ligent American to fall to perceive it -- tEttpHnacMapHTA; weditceday, jtotembAb t mi A JOB FOR THE SHIPPING BOARD TKKKB Is at best a sense of honor or at worst 'of self-rostralnt in business, bwt H sssms to stop abruptly at the three mil Mwilt The methods of the foreign shlfpMg trust Whlajj. crushed an Ameri ca Ubo of marehaUnn operatic bo twaasi Mow Ofloatts and South. America four years ao are bemg us4 to stop tho oompUtkm of th. similar Mm establish' toW, jMoh mothoda, .totJaed Interna ttWMklty, pjftnt the sowta of ?(hl Buoh Wfhoaa, if sanctioned by a aeversment stshln-Ka bnimilnrkx. would lead to oivtt war.'JTtw Orleans had no redraoa. Tho trust vm to MtlMjtfate BrassWaa. WImW ""mmbbbsjmjp BsmV s Hffe sMPty; mm AsWivmg of wharf spaoe. Will PhHadoteMa have rears if tho trast sooad'tn OMjjIs- Um Unas? Section U of th act to ossabtlsfir a shipping hoard, now la of tBiMwMM Mr this oWtMW. is tto Ally of tho board t tevsjisMotho -MliMifH asfsrwa a4 burd iwposod oa par slpplnaT ami soport to ta Pros. H diplomacy thou (alia, Oeagroaw to asm. Tho m fftipm r Tom Daly's Column " i Mat, LlBTftr, eiKti Ktrtft Xvemer 1, tho dots W bettut to cornt-Kati in thU toU eotumnar pktet. Thoueh teHK none too fine a Qreteo We Big Ann our gay Carrier, Yt'e have Lott-teA through the veer And no A'cIJ of Hopo we hear. Let ( do our But to ttav On thlt column 1 xce May Through another twelvemonth' tpan; Let u Bridget, ice can, Bo that all of rnav tee One more Annla-Yera-BarU The way tho fair sect Is rallying to our support is most gratifying. One of the toasts at our bankwet will have to be "The Ladles, O'bless 'eml" OUIt DANKWKT Say, is there swan ter be any skirts to the banqulteT 'Cause If so and you won't peach on ma to the missus I'd like to bring a chicken. Chicken and Krab ain't stch poor food. KItAB. uvtm i.i wn " " """ Bo-hcmlan and Bo-shemlan, but It's to bo a dollar feed, and no chicken will by any chance get by unless she can show hen-tracks made three sevoral times by her In' the column. Incidentally, a crab is a poor fish who has his crust with him. This Lets Alexandra In Today I strolled on Chestnut street a feelln' mighty blue. It makes no dlt'renca any more If there's no news that's new. I keep a thtnkln' what you said, tom time In last July, About tho way you answered me when news was kind o' shy. Ttrns then you thanked me for some verse you were no Salamander And Chestnut street was sizzling hot too hot there to meander. Twos then you said, somo Saturday when Winers was blowln' fres, Tou'd take your fountain pen In hand and walk up street with mo. And tho' I've waited, sighed and runr a-hopln' you'd remember, I fear that whllo 'twas too hot then 'tis some cold. In November. And then I get a-wonderln', tooabout that comln' dinner; Just how It takes a precious "three" to be a bally winner, Till I get tired and cranky and I think mean things of you 'Causo If you'd kept your promise, I could write some news that's new. So, as I Stroll on Chestnut street, I mumble lady curses. And wonder, what the old Sam mil, would make accepted verses lift ALEXANDRA THE TltUE POET, so thoy say, has vision and Is, therefore, a prophet But when ono Individual who seems to be both of these things is obliged to labor as a college professor and earn his bread by tho sweat of the freshman's brow It Isn't so easy to got 'a line upon him. Honco, this is worth no more than it Is worth. FREBAOE November greets mv avenue And leaves me gorgeous newt; For should my wood-row have no loss This is a fall for hues. PROF. ETTICIC THE WOMAN'S EXCHANGE in our own dear paper asks How rn tobacco ba kept moidt and Its flator enhanced? F We put this up to our Missus, as usual, and she sold: "If your Undo Jerry were only allvo now ho could answer half of that proposition at least Ho kept It so moist, you'll remember, It used to run down his chin.'" Sir Did you ever happen to meet Winter Frost 1213 West Huntingdon street? He's a member of the Second Regiment recruit ing squad that remained at Broad and Sus quehanna when the regiment was at the coast He gave a warm greeting to the re cruits. Can you Imagine such 7 SCOOP. In addition to that, the Franklin Storage Company, at Stella avenue and 'Emerald street advertises: ALL SOLID ROOMS Why Dear Teacher Gets Married Dloxogen went around looking for an hon est man. The Saturday Evening Post was found dead In 17:8. Springfield Is a city In Massachusetts. It has branches in Ohio and Illinois. Niagara Falls Is a permanent flood In northern New York. Owing to the number of visitors attracted there each year It runs nleht and day. i Rubber heels are made from cats' paws. Aurora Dorealls was a candlemaker in Rome. He made the candles which are named after the city. JAC. Dear Tom In tho city of Lancaster large families are the rule rather than the ex ception, and race suicide is not a common crime. I wondor how far' accountable for this condition Is the following sign on a vegetabledashery on King streo't, west of Mulberry Btreet: FAMILIES SUPPLIED DELIVERY FREE At least It would seem to solve the high cost of being born. v". B. F, Bachelor Bereavements AB TO KATE When I atfeed Kate to name' the date Bhe sold, "Dear John, you'll have to'watt," I waited till Iter love, grown nil, , Borne other John did confiscate. TO" ALIOS . ' tang mutlo. Ally, '" Bweet, to you of yore; I might utu Ally At J did before. Name the day, dear Ally, Bmoofh my wrinkled Irow. That sventu Ally Make it, why not nowt W. ASIIBUnN CROSBY. THE SMOKING COMPARTMENT of the Pullman car was full pf smoke and men. They were talking of advertising at tho time, and one man was holding forth quite pasatonatel upon the use of that word "Eventually," "The people who are overfond of, that word wlirnever .got me," said he, "I rosept their oak- are announcement and the wheedling foUow-up." "Me, tool" orled a volee, "a4 let's see how tho rest of you feel. Hands .up la favor of it!" Tho smoke; was so 'Utlok we eoutdn't count the vote. t Luther Burbank, wlsard, had oooa- . Interesting, Hven If Ufttroe TT mOBM tho i tho horticultural ton to call upon a mm who was baded with aoMpeotty, a4 before hf got. kV Um ftvalwr. Surbastk was to fill out OSM Of ttUMM MMtbUah euros that provaU 1st ? pteostv TWs to rht ho sUd to lb "tbiar mVMBsasBsBL owM TfiB PATH OF PROGRESS i What Do You Know? Querie$ of central intcrttt will bt anwrd in this column. Ten qucatlona. th anatoen to toMeh every well-informtd pcrfon Aou!tf know, or naked daily. "Jerked tenIon"f r jcrkrar Is the nest QUIZ 1. What ! email? t, What sre the plsttle nrUT 8, What docs "to Jettison soods" meanT 4. How manr Totea are there In the electoral colIftcT 5. There ore two bllterlr opposed parties In (iermanr with differing Ilieorlea aa to the conduct nmt aim of the uar. In whut do ther differ? . mat does the sajlnr "Tell It not In Oath" mcan7. 7. Is the potato1 Indlrenoaa to America or Ire land? B. Is the old black powder ued In the narrT 0. Why la IlutchMs County, Now York, spelled with a "t"f 10. What la a prie-dleuT Answers to Yesterday's Quiz 1. Admiral llfns. In 1780. vraa aent to the re i lief of Minorca, blockaded iby it lYencli Iteet. Ho faUed. wun courtmartluled and allot. The (lovernnient aacrlllrnl him to popular clamor to hide Ita own InWN clf"r.,l the supreme example in Iilitory of admlnlitratlte heartleiaiimi. t. Stat claimed by Hoclullatai Oklahoma. S. William 1-enn HUhwayi ireat State thor- ornhfare projected from Kaiton to fltta- htirtch, port of which la to be dedicated tomorrow, 4. Wsterlnc itcwkl the liane of Mtrs, share of noDiUml capital wlthont proridlnr for lntemt bcuut paid thenwn. B. Twenty-nine million two .hundred nnd forty thouiand dollar flnei lmpowd on Stand ?H! a t emfany by Judse l,nndU In 1IHI7 In rebate cat. The decliloa waa rcTrscii 6. Book, written by Sir James Harriet "The if "t. .?L'n,f."r' . Jhe " White lllrd." "feentlmental Tommy," ' "rat snemafnl aeroplane experiment! the lrliht brothera flew December 17, 1B03. B, s; "GlSat BHtaln" Inclndcw lCiuxland. HcoUond, sb laius i,iin vimnnri iiunii ft ins fha ! rotwr. dealsnatlon the United Kljfi. nf flnidt llvlf.aln K.I 1 .a j "" The tiom Recclrenhli IU1 Olid Irelanil r t the court apnAlnts a receiver mo unaira or an Ini lie It rnraellmrn nhla who .hall manase. the. Hffalra of aj Inl atAla-aanf' nnarn ! 1 n " . . olrfnt conforn to rMwre ( to oiven(rt If not. ha dU IKf of thfc ttiwU to pay riltonu 10 MontMsorl Bousht dlaxrama. rrruru ft .SSttrt '. J,!R wurtl chlltiren rlfmentat Iral uairiiciive ton liw of tl at Iral nil nc tbrouih ttii. fthst Slllla Iik !! 1 wlVfZ IneUiod to noruia.1 children ","" well .that Cannon T. I. V. The use of g-unpowder cannon as factors of any consequence in war dates from the fourteenth century, during which period they, were used beside the exlstlne catapults. ' Central Park " I. N. Q. Contra! Park. New York city covers 843 acres, of which 185 are In lakes and reservoirs. The landscape nrchttects were Frederick Law Olmsted and Calvert )?.u.r' Work waa bcun on the park In 1867. Senatorial Candidates A. T, The most Interesting senatorial contests are as follows: California HI. ram W. Johnson. Republican and Trot-res-slvoi aeorse, B, Patten, Democrat. Connec ticut, decree P. McLean, Republican: Ho mer 8. Cummin, Democrat. Indiana. James E. Watson and narry S. New Its' publicans; Thpmas Taggart and Jo.ln W. Kern. Dwnocrat.s. Maryland, David J. Lewis, Democrat; J. lurwln Prance, ne publlcan. Massachusetts, Henry Cabot Lodge, Republican; John p. Kiugerald, Democrat Minnesota, Frank P. Kellos-e Republican: D. W. Lawjer, Democrat Missouri. Walter 8. Dickey. Republlcani James A. Reed, Democrat J New Jersey. Jo. seph 8. FrellnRhuysen, Republican: James E, Martlno, Democrat North Dakota. Porter J. McCumber, Republican: John nurke, Democrat Pennsylvania. Philander C. Knox; Republican; ElUs L. Orvls, Dem-ocr&t WHO PLANNKEDTHE FEDERAL RESERVE ACT? Mr. McCormlck now walls bitterly and tears hi locks because soma one has said that the Federal reserve act owes much to tho work of the monetary commission. He surely knows of ought to kaow thati to the work trt the monetary osremlaston oan ba traeed sueti taur of the reserve aee as the qeaJMoatioM of directors, the safeguard. In of the stook, the exemption from taxa. tten. the hmltatlem of depositors. , ri ognltlon of ftaeal sgent for the OeveMunaat the Ubors in foreltmHarohaat. thTius: counting of paper, the flslng of SScowIt rates, the Uauajwe of not and thewotso. tton of them ay nswrvas. Tlwse'alduilV poinU contain in the original report eouU hardly be OouaMered hy any on axcaut Mr HoCormlck as ttiluor polati. r Ke is well aware that the Henati ik atsVof UM'srlsjtMi Houao biaToAl'fcJs! vtoioat of tho oli rtnliis what Senator Aldrlch criticised was the Houbo bill, which was altered. He ought to be awaro that among1 the changes made In the Senate, but not accept ed by the House, were those depriving the Socretary of tho Treasury and the Comp troller of their dangerous powers. If he cares to talk with Paul Warburg, a mem ber of tho Federal Reserve Board Itself, a WllsoA appointee, ho will learn that Mr. Warburg recommended within tho last week that these changes which tho Demo crats prevented In 1913 be made now, three years later. Ho will also learn that Mr. Warburg recommended n reduction In the number of reserve banks and admitted that a singlo central bank would bo more em clont. This last was the Aldrlch plan. Chicago Tribune. NATIONAL POINT OP VIEW When those who disapprove of the Demo cratic party's organization, principles and performances stand together, then tho peo ple really rule, and always get gocd gov ernment Brooklyn Standard Union. Mr. Wilson Is not now able to offer on behalf rf his labor record any explanation other than that he has changed his mind. Mr. Hughes', labor record, as Governor and as judge, is unmatched In Its over whelming measure of achievement Albany Knickerbocker Press. It may be true that President Wilson has "kept us out of war," but the declara tion of tho Judge Advocate General that war exists between Mexico and the United States bears also the official signature of Newton D. Baker, Secretary of War. fjom mont not required. Cincinnati Commercial Tribune. Today after nenrly four years of Demo cratic control of Congress the people of this nation are burdened with heavier loads of taxation than ever before In the country's history. And the purchasing power of the people's toll has been reduced under Demo crats administration nnd legislation to forty-flve cents on the dollar. And why? The extravagance of the Democratic Con gresses have known no equal In history. Dayton Journal CHESTNUT ST. Twice a.io OPERA HOUSE Dy B BARGAIN MATINEES EVERY DAY EXCEPT SAT. 25c, BOe, 76o Evening! and Saturday Matlna, 2So to It WILIJAM FOX Frarents A DAUGHTER OF THE GODS TUB riCTUUE BEAUTIFUL, WITH ANNETTE KELLERMANN METnOPOLITAN OPERA. HOUSB Boston National Grand Opera Co. ONU WEEK ONfVxVNOV. 13 Seat Sale Begins Tomorrow Mon. Antlroa flhenier vuuni, zeoatoUo, U -rvuuiCU UUbUlll Uauanon. Tues. Trin Tamakl illura, Cnalraera, Evr. ii La Marl, wtf- Hansel & Gretel & Cavalleria ftusticana ypu ftgjiu. - L'Amoro del Tre Re vfe &- tello. Daktanetf. Hardonn. Tours. VjlUSt Twt, Clement. Martin, Coal- Kr. """' Ohalroera. Laiarl. 5, Madama Butterfly Tu ," Martin. Cbalmars. ron " vw Andrea Chenier Olrtc. 1108 Cbaatnnt fit. Orlttnal rrieesjt ta'$5. VICTORIA "troasv TKIANaLB IrtBU WM. S. HART i'The Return of 'Draw Egan" X&M Xeyatoe Comedy coundrcl'a Tell Tbut.. Kri:. Bat. T UtaX al Cawartto. Thfiafpl MAItKBT and 1 !,.?. . JUnipbk sen. j w mvw ' JOilUQli4UJ The Cabaret Girls ""t&BSLi FIVE SATSUDAS; OthwT rrte,o ITnira vjx uoo avu j a . "vy,tto, . . ""-4. J Jl "JQYLiAMJJ Globe .4.J J 1.4 n a rmsrrsw (Tl nmm. . It Ma a ..y7ST KJUUUW1SSS fasZ b I JfmOFOt-nAM Ottai kKkUSJl 'felSpSift ' DOMINUS ILLUMINATIO MEA In the hour of death, after this life's whim, When the heart beats low, and tho eye grows dim, And pain has exhausted every limb Tho lover of the Lord shall trust In Him. When the will has forgotten the life-long aim. And tho mind can only disgrace its fame. And a man Is uncertain of his own name The power of tho Lord shall nil this frame. When the last sigh Is heaved, and tho last tear Is shed, And the coffin Is watting beside tho bed. And tho widow and child forsake 'the dead The angel of the Lord shall lift this head. For oven tho purest delight may pall. And power must fall, and tho pride must fall, . And tho love of the dearest friends grow small But the glory of the Lord Is all In all, It. D. Blackmore. B. F. KEITH'S THEATER J Cannot Tell a Lie! This is One of the Greatest Shows Phila delphia Has Ever Seen. George Washington Cohen. JACK NORWORTH IIAnrtT OKKEN and TLATEnS; CIIAm.ES (CJIIC) SALE; JAHVIS & DAItE: HOBBY HEATH and SONdlilllDS. OTHERS. T "rT)Jii LAST 0 TIMES JU X XVlV Laat tl.BO MaUnea Today Last 4 Evenings at 8 US THE IRRESISTIBLE MUSICAL COMEDT "THE GIRL FROM BRAZIL" "A muaical hit full of pep." Record. Tonight's tho Big Night to See It NEXT WEEK Seats Tomorrow THE PASSING SHOW OF 1916 ED WYNN "ablNyuo With ATT?T PUT TONIGHT AT 8:15 iXUillUC ril ropular II Mat. Tomorrow The Aloat Wonderful Vlav in Ameriaa EXPERIENCE ernciAL mat. election dat. nov. 7 Wfllnnf- Mat Tomor. & Fri., 26,50c VV aillUU Evji.'i Bat. Mat.. 2Bc. 80c. 7S "WHILE THE CITY SLEEPS" The "Nbrtheaat Corner THE OWL A wise old owl lived In a tree " She was much wfser than you ornj- 'Causa all shs did was ask. "Wfaoo-i WhooT And she asked It once of' Kangaroo. f The slliy llttla'blrdles, slttln' In th trea. They sang "Cheep, Cheep I" and tT laughed, 'Tee. Heal" !-. "We saw a fellow come -"rtn J.oul And the wise old Owl said. "Whoor "Whoor Tho wise old Owl said. "Whoooor nut the stranger passed her treo one day-j The Owl said, "Who V that's all shed sny. The Stranger said. "Im KnKTcr I'm a Kangaroo oo that's Whol , "Who'ro your .,.. "IIOOl HOOl" said ths Owl, "HOOt IIOOH "But I would ask." said the Kangaroo. "I would llko to know Just who ra You. I'm the Owl. said ths Owl. "That's WHO Kangaroo A wise old Owl THAT'S WIIOOOOO oooool" Friend Perkins tells us of a man who Is the architect of his own fortunes. "But, adds Perkins, "I was up In his office yes terday and ho fs apparently still working on the, preliminary sketches." - The basis of virtually every scandat Is an Immoral certainty. Moral certainties ara sadly out of fashion. Col. Matt Murphy, Wilmington's Demo cratic Street Sewer Commissioner. Uses vintage gasoline In his car. It simply will i not run on ordinary stuff. A bit of ragtime stuff written In a mo- t ment of tempprary enthusiasm after seemf Julia and Donald and Jpe: , Now See hero, man, I Jes' can't stan No absent love, you see ; I'm goln' to go For a nomeo Tha's the only "kind for me. 'You may be flna An' stan' In lino Ever'tlme you comes to call, But you gotta love me - With Indus-trco Or you necd'n lovo me a-tall ' A-tall. Or you need'n love me A-Tall 1 'Mi yXS0&; aramount rnoanAM Market ah. 10th. 11 115 to 11:15. 10c. 15c. 250, 35. THOMAS MEIGMAN and ANITA KINO W "THE HEIR TO THE HOORAH" ADAPTATION FROM THE, PLAT I THUK8DAY, FRIUAy and SATUItDAT J SESSUE HAYAIiAWA and MYnTDB 6TEDMAN in THE SOUL OP KURA-3AN" COMING ALL NEXT WEEK "MARY PICKF.ORD" In "LESS THAN THE DUST" ' giii i "DATA tTP 121 MARKET STREET irxiJ-trxvili prices ioc 200 ALL THIS WEEK , . CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG "THE COMMON LAW" Adapted from Novel by Robert W. Chambers. APPA TlT A CHESTNUT Balow loTH SXSXJjt.U12X 10 A. M. to 11 :15 P. U. BESSIE LOVE' 'I Thurs., In In "A SISTER OP SIX" Frl.. Sat.. BESSIE DAimlBCALB "A CORNER IN COLLEENS" RTrmFNTT' MARKET BELOW 1TTO XViilVJllilN JL Dally. 18c; Evra.. 25a. WORLD Presenta ALICE BRADT In Georre Broadhurat's "BOUGHT AND PAID FOR" Thurv, Fri., Sat., BRAND OF COWARDICB MP.TRnPriT.TTA'M' opera '... '?-""' HOUSEi mat. xodnyi-Hcst Seats Si TONIOHT AT 8:10 LAHT TWO WEEKS OK- K HIPPODROME or,--in "Hip, Hip, Hooray" SOUSA CHARLOTTE and His I and Tho Marvelous BAND IBALLET ON ICE Ail wiu, cnaa. T. Aldrlch, 300 Othera. EI. Will Tlcketa at Metropolitan Opera Home and Weymanti'i, 1108 Chestnut Street. .ECTION NIGHT, NOVEMBER T Retti Be Read From th DOORS OPEN AT Return Stase by Nat WlUa. TP.M, FORREST Waited Enrarement. Evn..8:l i UIVIVlJOl Matinees Today and Saturday POPULAR MATINEE TODAY 50c to $1.50 rLLBES v POPULAR. MATINEE ELECTION DAT BROAD Pop. Mat. Today- OTIS SKINNER " -wisteb 'LW Seata Now for Election pay Mat. and Kvg. GARRICK Pop. MatTorfay ? LAST 4 NIGHTS. LAST MAT. SATURDAY JANE COWL in COMMON CLAY ?&;& kr8"u "S-A WnT? Mv PEnLMUTTER O KJ J 1 Hi 1 I All-Star Caat. Headed by -BARNEY BERNARD ACADEMY Thursday Atlern'n. Nov. 0 at sA PIANO RECITAL TT r TTI TV IT A TT ty - xjl vy ' ivj. im v l,v O ft E F iwiv Kb jiwyp , AAltfyv. -.v. JoArK rRICESr-TBe, $1.00. tl.BO. 12.00. 12.80 ivvncatnut Bt. KnickerbockGrS?.1??. "' sjs. MKisj. lura., tnun., sat. , "LITTLE PEGGY O'MOORE" Naxt Wk "fpa Home WUhout Chlldrn- VICTORY! THE PEOPLE HAVE WON The Most Wonderful Play In America EXPERIENCE By GEORGE V. H0BART - Will Not Leave Philadelphia Yet The Will of thePeople, Is Supreme 3 FAREWELL. WEEKS ORTAOTOn-MxtMwwtay Moroinr mi go on uk - -? " three Farewell Weeka, Includlnr '&Z5nln&7 fLt? Performance t & p. 'mam' Mtm' ;w f BXTRAI1POP H TIN ilt.