SANITARtVKS rSnrUI. LOCATION I special arlenllfte eare: JS, nam's!. Cltr Un Cheetnot Hilt APAKTMENTS THE MONTF.VISTA 'USD AND OXFORD BTS. . , in nnn of the most exclusive resl. jiJJi Vrctlm f h rltri hlth and heallhr ff'i'" and 60th at. rrosstow , line, which ' ji n the building. Bailee of :t mome. 5! ami kitchenette). Jiwn I Si le 1 10. Pabtle r room m .. iw w.- 0. i vAt.NtIT BT. Attractive, apart ent.eeo. Id foor front 3 lnr room, bath, private Jlj"weU KealeLIlent7 of hot waters elee. iin- 17333 attractive roramunlcatlnc a . -. ( Ti n ii PTIT eve, ise-rs f --.- T.v.m.Ml, EVENING T.EDGERr-PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1916 MAI, ESTATE TOR BALE CITY CamHntM Irrm Yrrrdlni; Colnma 1,000. THE NEW ADDITION 13 UIM r-JCUIAM COURT was not bllt to make n J..1 m trrr one tt to nrti who ocm anil rr..:'j,irf.!.Tii,'i'iiin.k. BfxjPc-sSa ttAjra-vr- iwIm mt ih Railroad I -r rfl trln U-jr, uiw tr&Baportattoa Ilea of 2 rooms and 1 kith la o rooms X baths: tha ette la e-tt rour requlra- a ITKtl ere ir m iw "U-. . . I.HAM COURT a a. pule, perfect lA?Arrim-Rr' andloratMl In an ah. tlr loeal and exclusive ewrhe.n lajation, ' . t W.H t.v MUM A PCI.II1U BUT and nod a, perfect suburban location. h "rer-portatlon unexcelled nv Meallrcon. 7-i tlldlnff. auiet. dUmtnr4. eleeant. , ..- .!.! an atrfment of tha alia ivu tMtw "--- r . " . - r . ... a. suit rour tndinooai neeoaj yoa arm nna all rour booali1tnB-. problma aolrad and ukn car of tor Tou abaolutalr wltlxiut aRnrt Mtrour part! rou wtll find a table of tha atmoat airallanra at a moat modarata prior, rkl tba um oourtaar. ajnrloa aad attratlon It aaiforra throushout tba antlra ntabltab "r fall Information, arrantamenta faa ln aopctlon and reaerratlana call, phono or wrtla to , NORMAK 8. ft'lKRWOOD BmtJCK Mil. RACK SOTS r ta hla rapraarntallraa on tha pramlara at " Pttham Court. Aapotntinanta may ba mada for automoMU aa pall at rour raatdanoa or bgilnm ptaea and Ik? ro5 dJrtctl tt rtSUIAM COXinT at rour to Carpanttr Station: 3 nw." jotnad anta. In a f.0.000 homo. nrToanaad br baautlful lawn I larva rooma. aaiuiaht all around, poltahrd hard wood. Doora and plata-alaaa wlndowa: lauat balb aod rlac Crtaraa, tnra ta no flnar location tn rhlla atlphlai lth haat rH?U,t,,OT1b,S. torma ta dMlrabla tinanta. oil Krnltn at.. Ptlham. PMaa Oarmanlown MTT W. felnH at. 0-T rURNISHED APARTMENTS HTH. .. 400 -Rf0X rURNIRIIKD APART- o.-mt: rem. winter months ft!?" fronip 4(nm nnS) I0TII AND OJlKhllT IniB""1. "?" wra ., . oo "llXraihM J00"1" "t" 4too TII ltaiiVKlE: ia"2',mV nrrnlenca Joo ibio ill .Sn 1TV2: ro,m,, 1' f.l JUttru"'" ,h'l,l' Jo rr cant a '"r..?". " amount Inrrttrd. oanlrulara on S:'a;.K,L0.n' .VS.'JIK'IWN. BJlTATfaj,." 1IS8 aa. -J. -T" "" irrnmtirw alOnniallVI lIHTi Ji7ir Ji1- Va ,,1M f"' "teh hall. raai opan flrtplara. hot itp bi . i lii.-; T"'' .-":"- - ..vii rrirv injni -J- I'ATTKUSON. 110 . btat. with Una, fntt. moKey for mortgages" 1,u,la!ST.A,ot,',' and Tm.t Fund. . , TAt'I.ANK. t00 Walnut at mma. aamtard IMoo,want o(Tr for quick - " jyjWAIUi I.JH7. J0 N llth Ja LTTTI ISOO TiSH APARTMENTS WANTED WANTED, from mlddla of Norambar for 4 !. C.rlaKrf knrimMt A Nuwna anA '' Uui: Waat ItUa. prafarnd: rood rafirancaa. JJ S2S. Ldgar Central. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS THERE ARE SEVERAL WAYS OF SECURING AN APARTMENT , Instead ef trrlns all thru dlf ou Just call at thla orrlor tha ; niiraciiva ana Deal equipped in dOVOtl rhllTlr tn kpoirlnv . tbey want for particular neonla. Tll lia your rMUlrmrnti Th luriln rnd dealrabla apartments In I'hllaualphla are lited with or mar Im rented throuch us. Our futomobiles are waiting to take ou to tha lit of propertlea jou dealrnate. and wllb tha tt poasllila etrort you will secure the one apartment In Philadelphia which moat nearly approaches rour exact Ideal. NORMAN S. SHERWOOD . .. till WALNUT 8T. Spruce S1T1. rtace S02S. nt. tuppoae Icrent raa. lartrat. inoai PhlUdMlnhla. lull what TOU CANNOT FIND A BETTER APARTMENT N.E'.Cor. 1 7th & Walnut (I block from IUtenheueo square) . Tha houaekeeplns aultea are perfect la their plan: t larxe bedrooms each har. Isfibay windows: line larra llvlrur room, dimna: room, kitchen: mald'a room and 3 bathrooma aa wall. Ideal winter and sum. i tner apartmeats. Also aulles of 3 rooms I sad both: free ue of laundry on top Boor. Tout Inspection cordially Inrlud, Phone Walnut !. MERTON W. GREIMS K. E. Car. Broad and Chestnut Wow Liberty Blio.i JIOt-'SEKKEPINO APARTMENTS All parte of !. 1 raome and bath to 1 rooma and bath; 113 to 170 per month: call, phone or write. SAMUEt, STKnN. 1101 Cheatnut at. imiKPiiEitn. ntmn.i 374 modern apartment buildings, tlanr K, B cor. Broad and Cheatnut. Second "NEW CORONA!! CHESTNUT AND S2p BTfl. v irw yacanciea. Appiyaniior. K. E. COR. 16TH AND MA8TKR Houaekeep ',7 aultes, furnished, 15 up, slncle room, irrtUCE BT.. 2110 Excellent corner houaa. eepliur aptmt.; also doctor'a oltlot; modern. . wrjiT rmrADKLPHiA - KINOSCOURT .-,?277l -.L) CHESTNUT STS A,!XEft''IODEnN H0UBEKEEP1N0 tf.rff.rRBmBJiR3,9M EKT. TIIOQ vr nvvnu in invnAuaT I ??J!'?1 Sljh.snd Chestnut! Monterey. 43d and heater: flalmont. Slth and Hprlns harden. Inquire Janitor, or CItKHSE. ma iiala nu APARTMENT HOTELS Spruce at Eleventh Street t HOTEL COLONIAL A SELECT KAMILT APARTMENT HOTEL r,li0iiint,?X'f '" I" " fenler of the rltr and within a few eouarea of tha principal theater and ahopplna; district, One, two or three rooma with private bath, Culelne and aerelce ofthe bUhaat atandarii, FEnMANEttr OR TRANBIENT QUESTS Wm. P. Kenner. Manager. PARKSIDE APARTMENTS Mlaa ManrO McOlade. manaxar, Buccaaaor of Mra. Charles McOlada. PtRECTLT pPWSjTfa KAillMOUNT PARK Four direct lines to center of cltr. All outside rooms! fdrnlabed and unfurnished. Culalne of peculiar excellence, " ". Telephone tlarjna gal. CHaWTNUT ANB ninciujuntu lAUmiV Hntpl THE BEST ROOMS AND 8UITWI WITH THE BBST TABLE IN PHILA. DAT, WKKIC. MONTH. P BASON, TBAB THE GLADSTONE HTH AND PINE STS. Abeolutely Fireproof rVBRAL VERT DKSIHARLB SUtTaW CAN .JUI eCUVjajEU IID OH UN fHE J5 rURNISHI rlRNISHBD U ULlIYiUrt ,"V.".iWa"' unrtua uvaae rvuvrMlaTMTrTiar iralnA n lnfptii Iha k lease or .transiently: aultea at ooe er tour raaaaa. with batty - . ,. DBLMAH-MORRHI T ftasp YrzPitt&r?sv!ss twfurnfabed apartauutat ooe ream and bale) - e more; also ItottaekaeplRa aparawaata. IRVING H0TELwVtWiBa5: Annrtyn plan, IP. Starapean. 1 up. VJ" OABLKa: 311.14 N. 3d-Attralya 3 ta aaaaaakLM """ -" Kval,inel larau RKAI. MTATK gQR 8ATJI " l ! ..n.....; I -tm J H BolUInc Late, raetary Sitae, ete. CHOICE BUILDINO LOTH and arauna in all parts ctlri alio aver .too ra arxa tracts v. !... a.v. IAA wmttm MeWtn 1S14-18 Ileal Ket. Truet Disc. Mrjar, Urt op ntTEs jaORItlB j CO . H1DOE AT ItllOAD niVKIl PRONT PltOITRTIKS ii ii un-ui.iiiiH 1114 WAIJUT 8T. REAL ESTATE TOR BAIE MAIN I.IMi P. R. R. . Coallaeeif rem rrrree'lsa Celvmn SUttCntlAN HOMEII. country places anS-bolM ln sites tn suit all requirements 'IC. HUiTkR. Waftie. Pa. NF.W JERIKY SF.WIIORK VKNTN0R MOO. bulMtne lots. 60x100 ft t con- renlent tn beach and trolley 80 W. State al..TrentontN. J, NFAiFJtSET SCBURRAN , nrptNcoTT xnt and homes tr. w. j. NITJTT PKNNMI.VM F,KM S3.1 ACRES On of tha beat dairy and reneral farms tn the flete of Pennsylvania i plenty of bulldlnxe. most of them new. located In Rucks Coantyi no hills, no atones; plenty of tood wateri prkw 130,000 for quick sale. Room 1. Woolworth KulMlns. Bethlehem, Pa. 43 AtRKS . 41onil stone hovee. harm fi miles from Telford and Boudertont Immediate poa eeaelen TIK'UM A POWERS CO. S3 8 18lh St. S00 ACRES Atalen section, 'Just llatedi best condition. Jlo (ion i It THOMPSON. West Chester. Pa. HAPIMJN HKiO W1LLET 1.1PI REAL BfcTATE TOR REKT Coaflaued ram rrreedlaf Colamit OKRMANTOWK REAIiSTATE-ALE OR RENT CITT AND SUIttmnAN propertlea far eala ar real. . Lower Merlon Realty Company, Lass 1111a Building. Philadelphia. Pa. CITT CENTRAL PROPERTIES rnr sale and rent I p. W1NC1IKLU ltth and Sansom sts. west riiiLMir.i.niiA 863 WYNNEWOOD ROAD Slory side-yard house, contalnlna Duleh ball, alttlns; room, B bedrnoma and 3 balhat electric Hants, new stesm heating plant. Immediate posaeeslon. Itlca moderate. Wm. H. W. Quick & Bro., Inc. .OWTH 40TH ST. FOR A PHTHICIAN I hare a eemldetarhed. 3.atory home tn a lo cation eminently suitable, hsa large rooms, Iraprored heating aystem, hardwood floora. Call, write or phone KUOENU U TOWNSKND i S. E. cor, 41th and Baltimore are. 1'hona Woodland CIOU. LI COUM MOM VI '"'-fr-- HTHIra'ii fc-fLVU 'm.JE -J.-TStiAiK " ' "' "-' -- -- TTe" - Ba . . . . -Z-. N, , llftll Hi 11 traaTal aei.Bataraatsr t aMlallaial Chi 'o- ,dfft"xfm ' "" ..n. . SOUTH 4TTH BT. 13000 Aasumed for mortgage at sheriffs sals: must ba aold regardleas of loss to close ac count; oiler solicited. Near Chester are. !i.'2E.iL?"n and S. 40th at. "31431 N. 3SD ST. THE CHILTON An apartment house full of Irnsnta. Apply to Harrla J. Chilton, owner, sn locust au, 9 to lle.m. Kl: TirRVrlMr8AMPLI 1IOU8B 6333 Walton are.; 100 ft. lets KNUUnu. Ilulldir. "WK'VC TTOlLT for iiundredes why not Tor you!" Kauple house open dally, evenings, too. C.ITU AND HI'ltlNOKIKI.n AVI;. A IIKATKIl KNCUCiar.U PDIlCll rior. ete nee tha new sample nouse. lh and Cheater are. Open dally " tSOOO T ROOMS. Dutcti nail, hot-water heat, electric llghti main atreet T, II. Maglnnls at eon, biniu iisiilinora ae sun BEAUTIFUL S-sty. porch menston; cost ITotooo aecrinca lor eiwAiu; lerma. i'n. tiering ion w. nnuiAvrowji all JAMES PENNSYLVANIA SUBURBAN. BALA-CTNWTD Large list houeea. ent. at all Prices. Samuel C Vvagni Commercial Trust Rl-g.. 13th and Met eala. er er. Jr.. rket. JHAJNMNB MAIN LINE Best line of Main Line houses, el.her for a, nr rent at all rrlces , HIIIST A McMULLIN West End Trust Blag. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANOB WR HAVE) to FARMS, taken In exchange, which wa will sacrifice for quick rssh sales. Call for particulare. CHIDEN. 1330 Filbert. REAL ESTATE WANTED OERJIANTOWN Near Queen lane station an (lermantown Cricket Club. 3 Nslropma. 3 paths, hot.water beat. 3-slery semidetached houee, 143 I. 3T ledger Central rrSNSYI.V.NI V SCBVRBAN MOTLAN Attractive country reeldenee at.ler ten. Bnee Valleyi ample shade and lawn. about 5 acres, no lee stands on nun "" Hon commsndlng extensive vlewss Mi rooms. 4 bathrooms hat water heat, electrl llrht. etn., chaffeure a dwelling, with garare attached, rent. 1 1 000 per annum. WhltetlJe A McLanaban 1Mb and Pine sts MAIN LINE. P. R. B. K ly ARDMORE 33 St. Paul'a road. 13 rooms I 39i Jbelhei large lot. W. 11. 8MITTI. 3033 Dreael road. Overbroek. EORRENT EURNISHEIJ wkat iiiiifi)r.i.rillA heati electrldlyj 1 100 per 3 FOR RENT, furnlaned. lclnlty"4lh and Sptiicej r reBiaence. o i arMn. r heat i electrl Phone Woodland 1137 baths t hot-wate montn MORTQAOES TO "S-OUIIR A MOrtTOAOFJ Be It first or second If rou desire efficient service, quick and satisfactory reaulta and """ca'lI'pTo'n-E OR WRITE TO US "Tour mortgage will be as good as plsced." NORMAN T HHKI.WOOl), 1411 Walnut St. $100,0005 FLAT SPECIAL TRUST FUND Frtll QOOD FIRST MORTOAOIC I10RA0B jl. yittTfc. TIS WALNIITT 8 1 1 000 REAL EST ATI) bouabt. sold, rented, rente cat lectedi mortgage loana for a terra at years ar an building aeenrietlon plan. ARTHUlt IIOSWKU, !33 N..13th St. THT OUR METHOD RENT COLLECTIONS R. D. CLOW. JR. N0c.sma,.,nl.oft!,WATl WILL HUT chp rem tat, liny, vocttott, rauaaf ipnia, immi I. (-rit- 11 X delphls; immediate answsrsi broker; era. irnesier u.. iiotuiar. w .neeiow REAL ESTATE P0R RENT OERMANTOWN HOMES. HUtli.I.KN a, I1A rrsn-iin iisna iiuiiaing. llona. nW Walnut -S8T. DKTACHKi"8TONi: nqusc ONLY I-OUO OLTNDON PniK8TMAN. 6313 Otn. are. OUR REAL USTATE UULLnTIN will be sent te rou by mall on application. Oermantowa Trust Co . Chelten and Oermantown aves. OURNKW RENT and aala list of Oermantown and Chestnut Hill properties sent on appllca. tlen. JJ. B.JJstsr a Soo.MIJ Oermantown ae IF tOU AIIC IXKIKINO FOR A 1IOMK In Oer mantown. Ml, Airy or i.neemui mil coneun rae. A. It.. Vena n 074T Oejmantown avei M-nen l. eaei CHADWICK CHOICE HOMES. Tulpehocken sl. eaet of Ojt. .. II. i.l1AUiii.n .v.. mantown ave. nnja Oermantown ave. 'Chttlnnt Hill SEVERAL TJKSIRABLR PnOPERTIES MLPillJltn 1, "IVJI1 -w. MAtTta Ttuftdtng. Tlagn WE HAVE THE HOUSIS TOU WANT IN TIOOA OR OaAN,. KENNEDY at RAMUO 3I0 tH:UMANTOWM Logaa REAL ESTATE, mort 433 N Broad st Igagts and conveyancing. CIIAUIIKIIS PKXNSil.VANIA Sl'Bl'RBAN '!&. JPJ&mrMM& T v -WterLJil r itis lemimi rAf-eH-iar-raS: .'," atiartnuut or bu4aaTVal, eaav-a y ii.rTii i hi inin ma- eve '! . UT" "aiiaaa Hunting farkv-Uat am t, " ! Uiree ruu-liin- ea TUOMAei i W4P, . 34a- BllOOlCUNE Brand new Oef dwelllnss. T rms and bath, water heat, electricity: 60x133; 13330: only 34KO caah required, will exchange. " ELMEJtWATT. opp. llrookllne Btallo... OI.ENalDK HOMES and building sites every description IIENNINOKH A BENNINOER. Olenslde. Pa, . aWARtllMOItE THE 01.l.OE TOWN Desirable homes: soma wHh acreage. lrEK3jt JN, W, CHESTNUT ST. COUNTRY HOMES. leneral and Improved farma. building sites, etc., tn the White. marsh Valley and IK the section between Norrlstown. Doylestown and llatuors. II. ., .in.- .wiumtii Pa SUBURBAN TO WN COUNTRY Send for Catalogue. BROWN A CIjOUDl Norrfstpwn. Pa, CITY WILL BACRIF1CB Rent or sell. 13-room serai, detsched. absolutely modern borne. 3 baths, hot-water heat, owner living In It at preeenti thla la a decided opportunity! 3 blocks a bore Oermantown Ktatlon, Reading R. H. Apply 43 K, Walnut lane, J)ermantown T. F. NEALIS. 310 B. 13TH ST. 330 S .3d at., k rooms, conv I g 3313 N 16th st., 10 rooms, ronvs 30 00 734 Race at.. 10 rooms, conrs.. ........ 3000 linl Trenlon ave , 7 rooms, all convs 13 00 . 337 Mountain, 4 jooma .. 00 BEST IyOCATION Entire dwelling, except phr slclan'a ofTlcrs on first floort H bedrooms. 4 lialhs. rlactrla llghti hot-water heat; excellent for dressmaker or prlate family MKAH8 fcimoWN. 30- 8 15th at. STORES AND DWELLINOS In all aecltona of cltr. Sea our llet In tmt ledger Saturday, SAMUUL T FOX A CO. rV E. cor th and CallowhllL SEND FOR OUR RENT LIST THE LAND TITLK AND TBI' ST CO. llnvail and Chestnut sts . SBsTlOTH ST. 10 rooms and s'baths. 103 H. lid et S rooma and t bath. SAMUUI, v. I.VI, Xveai liaieiruei ig. ,303 S. 1STH HT. I 1 - .k..k. tltllA nut st. NOTE OR 3tORTOAOB Immediate aeltlements. Uneetiled estate Jeans. Bufldlng ase'n funds. Vl.rar.i aj. 3 8 llbs. FUNDS FOR" MORTGAGES Northern Trust Company BlXTlt AND SPRINO OABDEH FUNDS for 1st. 3d or split mortgages, collet- 13th. 3734 N Jl. era! and ahnrt term Joans. AIlEHNKTIIT. 13 Jt, MORTOAOES SECURED.. . BUILDERS' ADVANCES A SPECIALTY BRUMBAytlll A PARKKIt. INC. 1437. WALNUT ST. FUNDS for flret and aecond mortgagee. 1. J. TURNER, 1301 Chestnut st. MONET FOR tORTOAar.S LARUE AND SMALL AMOUNTS OlftnK ANflWlCll . W. If. HOOD, 313 W, NORRIS BT, 1100.000 TO INVEST In first mortgsges. In sums from 11000 up. also building association moner for second mortgagee. O. C SnL A CO.4Jand Csllowhlll stsv 3100. 1300 TO 1 5000 TO LOAN LEWIS A CO. 1337 W, Otrsrd rr. LOANS ON INTEREST IN ESTATES Reasonable Chargje JOHN A. HARRY. 60T Land Title Bldg. ALL AMOUNTS. 1ST AND 3D MORTOAOES $50 Mnmiftnd 2 hathai rental Edgar O. Cross. 1411 Wal- Boslnees Preperllaa and. SUrea STORE, lB0AR.Cn ST. 300 SQUARE FEBTt KlNB LIOHT euuni riu iir.A , , .. 10 00033 N. FRANKLIN ST.. nore and cellar. IU O ll ..V.,., ym- . Neslls. Fsrterles. Warebonaea, Mfg. Floora Cohocksink Mills Floors. 6000 to 13 000 aq. ft-I cheap po' ?-McNEELY J7!3RandeTph 6 Tit and era tns. Above Columbia. war. iit v-ii tifc-llT HT louo aausra reel nrsi floor store, with large street frontage In. eludes light and heat and snipping facilities. Apply 131 Heed Building . FAt runllsn, sues. mr.miui. n r ! ' clustvely. J Alan Mlddletpn, Factory Boe. clallst ana l.ngineer, oue-i iiiwuti ijuuij- Ing, Philadelphia 4Tll"STREBT. NoTtTH. 113-33 vrn,irBiitirln flonrai alasm hest and power. Apply Pennsylvania Co. 61T Chsstnut 'aC'ib; liAVB"PARTY'who will srect bulldlngreentMl or other oration, for eatlsractory tenant. DinTBBlCH.. 737 Walnut at. RtlltlTTtnAN ItEAL ESTATE Any price. All locations Bsle or r-nt. CHARLES J HOOD - CO lorjls Ifldg. "cifYAND SUBURBAN REAL ESTATE MEAR8 A BROWN 303 S J6T1I ST lor sale or reoii SUBURRAN BF.SIDENCES Jttractlra locations i Prlcet . lloover. Heal Estatetn right. Maurice t. en tha Main IJn; of BjadlnsT R. n. M. H. WILSON jk CO., Morris Building, rust Bldg, LAR0E-L1ST OF BIJBUBIJAN 1IOME8. sale or rent, on ! aiain i-ne W MAIN LINr.P. B.,B. BRTN MAWR A LITTLE DIFFERENT Two new houeea at Uryn Mawr, beautifully Blanned and finished. " '.rrnrV'S".rv!.r.N CO. N. K Cor. Broad and. Chestnut. Sneand.frame houae. J acre, containing H rooms. 2 baths. In bes location on north side: this 1 property can be purchased at a bargain """ WARNOCK I?JIiS-N CommercUJL Trust llulldlnB watne Attractive home: fine condition: all WcVnVenlence.r lot lijx.SO. nfferod to close estate. Fronafteld, Warpe, I'n OFFjCKS, nt'SIN FJB BOOMS, BTQ 16 II6C Corner Sultee. 4 to B Rooms. 1030 to IIMO. KLLIH t.WjLLIAMS. 600 Drexel Building. 113.60 itr-CM liuiuuipiil 13U-1T Filbert st. .. , Centrally located; all conv. rents attractively trvice coniinuoue. eee.w rae .A CHESTNUT ST.. 034 Second floor; Ii space lor Sansom st llehti good space for architect. LIS TATE8. 700 I T. KS. SfAURICB If MT8IflER, RI.Esl. TBldi TRUST l-TINDS FOR nnST"MORTaAOB HKIIKNFS8 A STETSON LANDJTITI.B BUILDINO "BT riJ.'BEDNt? rrt 703 WAI-SbT BT. 6301 8PRUC13 ST, "liuiLDiN'a ABS0',jTU1BiN AND Pi'V"18 ROBERT J NASH.100lCIir.STNUTST. FUNDS r0".'T ANDJD.MORTOAOES POTTS A THOMSON 3121 Prankford avs. FUND8OR 1ST ArTp ! MORTOAOES MQRTOAOrS FOR SALE THEO. R. NICKLK8. 3313 Oermsntownavs. Burvs rounty property. ARTHtUl P TOWNBSNM MONET tor mnrtgsge: AltTltlUl 1 iiinnnciiir Llncoln llutMInf, Phllsdslphla, MONEY FOR MOBTOAUBg BulMlna Aeeoclatlen Funda HENRY 8 REED. 1430 Chestnut st. ""ADVANCES TO Jlt'll.DP.HS A SPECIALTY AUV JIAZLBTT MOS ' VlR WALNUT ST PltlVATB FUNDS FOR FIH8T MORTOAOES Money for B A L. aecond mortgages. JOS ALLEJi POTTIL. i0J llalllmore axe MONEY for first and second mortgages, private funds snd building associations WM. FRIEDBICH A CO , Ml N. 12th st. BEADY FUNDS for good first mortgsges; bring ""IK" ?i TOWN A CO . 3II,B, Broad st MvT.Kornrnn.rmr.r;.v.Ve,.,.bw,,1!.,. Wlnchestsr CompsnrJ.00L Chestnut at, 1BT and 24 mtga..bllg and'prlvate funds: quick and satisfactory reeults! moderate charges. CAMERON. ESTATn28U Kenelng;ton ave.. FUNDS Jor first and second mortgsses! ant amount; quick answer. CltAS W. MlLLEB. 40l.40fCommonwealth Building. XjLK"AMOUNT8 to loan on 1st snd 3d mtres i&nas. -. & i Young. 400 W, End Trust Bldg. Professional Otltras PROFESSIONAL BUILDINO. 1 st, A few suites for phvsleli J. T? JACKSON CO Chestr SPRUCE, ISSI Offices; steam heat, eleelrlcltyl good aervlca mornlnj and afternoon hours. 131.13 Chestnut um nr dentists. tnut and 13th. WrjiT rillLADELl'HIA. VB ARK OFFERINO FOR RENT apartminta In West I'h.Udelph Wm. H. W. Quick & Bro., Inc. The largest and best selection of houses and lyma. 8 BOUTII 40TII BT. '- MONEY TO LOAN " TyoU CAN GET AL0AN From This jNcw Licensed and Bonded Company oulckty. privately. It ou are housekeeping, We loin ll I" " ",y,. Lr1m , .. Your monthly payment on JSn la only 13, Your monthly payment on lot Is only 17, With Intereet at 3 Per cent. ... Your monthly payment on 133 s only 111. Tour monthly payment nn 1301 Is only 117. With Interest at 2 per cent Call TODAY, write ua or phone Walnut 4333, HOUSEHOLD LOAN COMPANY 131 SOUTH BROAD STREET 8ecndfloorNeitto Forrest Theater. ": vim iun tioititow moni:y ON DIAMONDS, JEWELS. ETC, 133 AND UP - 76 AND UP (100 AND UP'..-.,. I RIEDER'S 13$ MARKET BT H1DOB AVE. AND OXFORD ST. 23D AND SOUTH f. MONEY LOANEO to helra of unsettled eetstea7 Interests bought. FRANK P MARTIN. 734. S3 Stephen Olrsrd Building, SI 8. IStli sl. FARMER SMITH'S RAINBOW CLUB -HALLOWEEN AND YOUR BACK Dearest Children Obco upon a tunc there was a boy about thirteen years old and he was sent away from home, many miles, too, to boarding school. Ho was dreadfully homesick, and had to put a lot of milk on his oatmeal to make it go down past the terrible lump in his throat Did you ever feel 6 Well, along came Halloween, and, with other boys, this boy (our hero) went out to spend a pleasant (?) evening removing gates and so forth. Now tho boy in the darkness camo upon a very interesting gate. It was a very peaceful, ladylike gate and was doing no harm, yet our hero wished to remove that gate. Ho had a longing to see that gate reposing in some rlace else. He tried to lift the gate. It would not lift. Then the boy (our hero) did, a very foolish thing-he tried to LIFT it again. It would not be lifted. He tried AGAIN. Something happened. Something SNAPPED, and It was NOT the gate it was our hero's BACK. It was fully half an hour beforo the boy could move, then he felt of the hinges-they could not bo separated without a crewdriver. If you have a Halloween party at your hou3e, read thli talk to your friends. Then have Uiem guess whether 1 was the boy (our hero) or not. This will be a lot of fun and make them remember they each have one vlngly,6'"0 le"' FARMER SMITH, Children'. Editor. Halloween P HEINAfUWIIBv WestjOxford .U..L On the eventr.- of "oween . Many atsry thlngs'll ! . . ,' 8ooks and lhot and. brownies Throughout ths JMIe tewswwt. But don't you b seaiVt . . Jut trust In t wiry. Bfcg'-vWrnH let ) " leo nr Q4eWtrMI ftW hr Fsruw e-W J"'1"" UWtU MM Wnvew ftHT BS eehth-ITds grftduAtlng- eeT BJWTHA BBCOVITCH. ' , ' Hort lvh ureot. .' VIM a,el6ia-4lHt e'"-' ti-t g-sl atx 'ifcsa-'ierUta (r r4ib SLoi4-i lAtw Uom whk th- hVl'aW UAUatoUel It hf a4t 4i UMsWuiy arur thi KncHah) By bosMi tjTTrau And (tiie-ea OJtudlU at rsbus hon- Zgi pw a-w y faith 4 tov QTa-i t amor), a lory U th Shadow of virtu. Always rady (Bemotr paratus), I will kep (slth (fiervabp (Idem). Tha shoot at lensth bacofnN a tre (Tsndim fit surculus arborX liy )lrtu and toll (Virtute so labor). It's be gen by our deed (Spoctemur ssendo). er-ya J it Ijr- J WIalT s ikJ& frrtPy ' NitlUwAn f Ylv-tyVtyetl. IV Sts-s W L-UaVA iutxaa, ihy sr. HALLOWEEK IX HUCV1LLB By Farmer Smith "Oracloua Koodneait" exclaimed Mister Potato Bus; aa he rushed up ona of the leaves of his house. "I do believe they are tolnc to take every pumpkin, out of the garden." "Vhy, of courae." replied Mrs. Totato Huff. "Tonight la Halloween, and there la going to ba a great time," Mister Potato Hug had been too busy to sea that hla own house was all decorated, "This la the night the ghotta come out, you know," auggested Mra. rotato Dug, "Who ever heard of Hug ghotta?" asked Mlater Potato nug. "The dear girls, Faith, Hope and Charity, have candlea for each of ua, and we are going out tonight to celebrate," "What have the candlea to db with ItT" asked Mlater Potato Dug, "In olden times every one went out on Hallowsen with a candle; If the candle of any on went out the witches would get him," explained Mra, Potato Hug, "You don't catch me going out with any candle. Mine would be sure to go out," replied Mister Potato 'Dug uneasily, "You just wait," answered Mrs. rotato Bug In a manner that did not make her huaband feel any eaaler. At aupper Mister Potato Dug fldgtted In his chslr. "What' tho matter, fathrr aaked Kalth Potato Hug. "I I don't think much of carrying a candle tonight (he witches might get mo oror ghosts." said Mister Potato Bug. fid. gating still mora. "They will get you If ypu don't to out st all. Wore than wltehea or ghosta 0H. LINfl wilt get you I" exclaimed faith "Nvr mind, father; I will go along and se that no one blows out your candle," said Hep rotato Bug,, About t o'oiook ,t)Yrybody In Bugvllle started out to make oalls. Mister Potato Bug ltd hla little family' over ths olods of dirt. Little did h know what a trlek his daugh tr Kalth waa golpg te play on hm. She walked Jut ahead and itsrefully scattered pepper,' , ' -udaenly Mr. r,TtoBug.s4eirf "Ah-sh-oher-ohoo-oo I" M apsese sotMedad Ilk in. ivfii vi e wwfiwwis eiw Mis light wont out "I taW you sr se wblsed, YtM tr44 U m!ort Mm, ' IrUt tha Mlt4k- Med Um gb. Mm never DID set M4r rSetA Bug, but txt never lergot thatHallo-vaeBy, i " C'J' ' e Tteings U Know 4 Q j7 r S C RAP P The Young Lndy Across the Way The young lady across the way says so many mlddte-agrd and elderlygen tlemen han kidney trouble that she believes they ought to have kidney beans for dinner st least onca a week on nccount of her father, saying an ounce of pretention Is worth a pcund of cure. An After-Thought "I might have told lilm that If my reputation Tins as bad aa his I'd be glad to loso It." "I'm glntl you didn't prolong tho argument. You showed great self. control In not doing so." "It wasn't self-control. I didn't think of It till after I got home!" Lffll i ..".. I 'ePl the paddkd'cell "' - Wlgm i j i '' ' " j. jH rV 7 A': A Z W rS yJ rf 1 ) FICTION! 'TNiv ( ; J 1 J .Aovrfirtis V; , l' -4 I -. , i S ' ' I 'a S-S f.'A ? ? NOW TELL ME, DOES IT JVV? (QU BUY A Nltt HEW TorAPV CAR AND RtCsMY AWAf VhC VilFC WANTS TO .EMIN .Te .PKIVt IT ?:5JAl&i ANt Mtlt WEaV ANO FINALLY 0l VjeAKCN'AND SHOW HER H0WTOirllFT THE- tX3.ANU 1 .4 M A I ,Qurou6T .., 1 ,r,r'.r.. .w I lWr-i. I 3TAS.T TrB i nunii" .. ...... i t A IT l-MTtArt -, .,, c... , ,- : rr-k - .tA'iv.t ; mauiau i .wr -i. i xrr v 17 Toll raSJe: . V to Vrmj 1S1&J2& f rS0.e- I1-A- I -A I ET" edit I .... a.. ..... t -ii III"" waa's,,si1,ai,wl I I -.,- M J l-v--A w "? " -wt wiuu fi -v tT r-4 I rvwni t -, -v, la kjU Wo V-tAHM- i ? ,Ci "r I NET-J loawS M " AND YHt NEK.T DAYAStOO .f Ro-LOUT FOR VWNIH O A I .. " fi !tliill(m ' swSttt.W-MIT.ea The Natural Law "Yes; I had a narrow escape from a rhinoceros." "And what saved you?" "I suspoct tho fact that it rhinoceros could not climb a troo had somcthlnk to do with It." At Regular Rates Amateur I'oetess Ton dollars for correcting tho meter of this llttlo verao! Professional poet Oh, yes; for thla sort of work I charge regular plumb ers' rates. Life. That's Right, Too nivr i'-t i u-a-Y-i i - -,. Penn Punch Bowl. "A cheap movie la like one's first ocean voyage." "Yea?" "It makea you sce-slck." PROOF POSITIVE 11 ;i ae i ''Do you think tho collcgea turn out the best men?" "Sure, they turned me put my fresh year." Cornell Vldow, Then They Joined Forces Tlio book canvasser advanced to ward the door. Mrs. FHnn stood In the doorway with a huge stick. In her hand and an ugly frown on her face. "Good morning!" said the stranger, ' politely, "I'm looking fortMr. Fllnn." "So'm II" announced Mrs, Fllnn, getting a grip of her weapon. JUVENILE IMPRESSIONS How you felt when iqu met the guy who waa "after you." YOU SAID fcOUlD LICK ME OIDNT CHER f-HUK.I I jyEmfiffihti&z JS&J&6' )l s.vx.r a . ssrr -' iJ lift bgf- v AK ! i a ' jpw Iff Ji a-f-. 1' 1 wmn: s Light Occupations tOoKINi NR. TH6 M4T0fA QrC "fAACKAY ! VA1TINU IsORYVilfBANKOF ik TJJ.B&SA iwamt i . .?: YlfiaHMsaal TUUrtn IWAMTla -rrnBcw VM Cj5!y" Topurf ' jEr- at ' ' a? Aa"v RIMHAR-t ' UOOKIKtjT 1. JfTlsr0Uf wtl Tt.r ARM aa A &M lLjt-:a, tJMMA IlWCWCUAYt IN A --- 0&rfVAr.IN- . ''-'.-' rTV - i p j f V- aV . h f "-- mmim9mMmmmmmmmmmKmw" 5& f1 Ws"vlffa"J tl ',: ? , '. . 1 t A-1 ' i : t s . rti :c i v4 m h
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