Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 31, 1916, Night Extra, Page 14, Image 14
1111 ' ' PpV-C jpwppiiialtwwrtwii niiini njiLjPMMMMHV fVMA W99jtNB ill Ml tat Ml. Mnftah on, IfamMlw-fe Still . a, Int. Holy "sSMehieCem. EVENING LEDGEll-PimADELPHIA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 81. lfl T. MAKV. e-a-lel lets end Tcilaebeth Rw BMntctr. JiiUatl-ee an trrltoA to cult 2181 Meerm St., Tuts, wee. morn- i ' ' M R fl TOPP t. . MARGAHKT TODD, aged 'M. RelatlTee and friends Invited to. funeral, mml and Int. private tte-W . irtfrUBWM .4, hwktuJI ofFlteaTt, Stlilmsn, not i vonrerenc e. I k rlne Ml. Int. pthate. Frlr,s may view eg mi ! eve, rn n n id iu, tETCTt.- Oct. -, Til mi 1. Htrwtrti. Helsi to russial .set-lcee. Wed., 1 a, m., M-iltca i r. 4 I.MAN Oet. Fll I.U' h btr of Philadelphia Annuel Conference aaad frlemde Invited In BttsiM tuners mrWt j J- " 1- " whrtn lit Hal MothMlot Wkoni Chutati. BHh n . TltOMin. tiHafcanA of Retattrcs and frtewje; . In- 1st Monrr an- Kllsaheth Ulrirk. aged OX atl-rea and friends Invited to funeral ssrvlces, ire., ip.tn a. m.. J. W. Stanccr lira., 43l rorq ave, rrenaieru. uiTMiif0 Clin. Ite, f-a-S-Js-. -JK?kr VjffijV?!1 cjr' "BMSi. , IMs F. .an- it rnllKdotuM Int. Cedar Jill I. OEOROB J, VAN M friend. Phoenix I A. M.i Masonlfl, Vst a Republican Club. at. nvlted to funeral serv- Orphans' Coi nvlted to ruiw-rai. wed.. i:30.r. m,. vino u. n.. 28 . .141). t. .Int. rrlrt. M. WOlKri. wki oo. Jtiaiiri . arvd 8J, ni I. Vd.. 1:3(1 IB. oriinwa Ha. a iiiivnu 2A0 p, m. Int. tn-lTat. CrtlBf u. 8am SwViW! Tllow drr. and fxirlnlown trollan , from nan w 3 aro. &INB. JCt. TV. W1L.1.1AM L.1AIZU Vllf heahand or Hculan Wllkln (nro.Boor). Htm and frlenda Inrltrd to runtral rnr. Wrdr.. 3 p. m.. 2129 N. lBth at. Int. im v. A irlwuilf wnnwi, wi of Loul Wlnlr. ael IV. Uelatlrra Irltoda. Btrc llrmon lrfidtf. No. 1. Invltod iiwrai rTiof. inur,. a p. m.. raiaenr or Bamutiwiniar. ossi Aomion at., writ t. rcrnwoog. jm. xifmaina mar no d. ava. LOST AND FOUND . AKD U BHAnH3 Lcit mUUId or atolcn. " koaW No, lav:, (or 10 ahana In the 44th ' forln or thi.nUH Orocori' Ilulldlnc and UM Aaaoolatlon. I'lfaao raturn tba aamo to jSn. i Pnlladalphla. Ian. Utrman- &QQ i Ixnt. whlta and. bliclc hound doc. naraa .WOOOTOWl 1 toward. 11 2 W. Ilortttr. IURANCB POLICIES Tna (nllowlns r.rr-'t-lal pollolra or Inauranca. In tho namo of tha laetor. Church Yardna and Vftrrmn of Ht. ms wnurcn. narvixian loatino. -fin, in. or North America, iiu.uuu: nu. io3'. ana j, ina, vo. oi tn Hint or rfnni., tswnt Muti; noi, o5ui ana mi, i.vmwrmtni, i ana izuihj. no, jxxzo, t;aman iriro ina. 1.000! No t of Tn 222T. I.i fe. ilO.000: No. IwlXi., Hprlni Uardrn, ij No. &244. Unltrd Flromrna. IBOOOi No, Alltanco. ICOOO; No. lotioi. County Fin Co.. I2S0O l&OOOi No. 20MS, Amrrlcan. ISOOO; Noi ibis ana iio. jiiuiuai Aiiumncv, flu, Nn 4(11 R Kirn oirara.riro ini. liiia aA d. jiiuiubi jtiiurBiicn. aitf. AOO0 and U0 000: Sot, UDSA. 38037, 0.060. 110,000. i&ooo' Flff fn, Co., wo. tnin .4 Kf( 4. 105003 and llo2U3. Ftro Aaaoclatlon, A. 1AOII an1 llnOfl; Nni. lAlOt anil lTltflH. ilia. Contrlbutlonahtp. 15000 and (10.000; i. 1M4V Krlianca. 13000 No. 4KS2, Frank- t000. Finder plraaa raturn to Bt, Jamea'a lurch, 2210 Sanaom at., I'hlladtlpbla. KKT" Ixt, kra. Includlns renniylranla Co, fa dapoalt. A 121, tdr Offlco. i XAfONlC F0IITFOUO. lo.t. marked E. a. J-; jCberlo, 83 decrra, Dallaa. Tex., contatnlnc p, xaaonlp ccrtlncataa. and carda. Return to woom aoa. nourae war, ana oorain rawarq. . N Lot, Baturdar. Octotxir 2S. 1B1U, ladjr'a Jlamond boraeahoo pin. ueturn tn K. t.. efcoll. car of U. . Martin Co., 30th and wn ata., ana recaiTO rawara. foCKKTBOOK Lot, lody-a pocketbook. Bat. in jveun ; iid. rcwaru. A no, a. un, A8B loat. dropped' From auto botweeij Yllla, l'a., and 10th and Orem Initial! r.i rawara. oiui lAnngwnv ava. HELP WANTED FEMALE DELIr TEI.fePHONB oi'HitA'riNa teWorlc near your homo In pleaaant and althful aurroundlnsi. with cxcllnt oppor Rttlea for. rapid advancement. ' r There, ara. twenlyalaht Itell Central Offlcea la FhlltdMpbta; probably there l one wltbln a few blocka from your home. Unueual oppor msUloa for earneet, intelligent young- women otween 18 and 22 yea re of axe. New employe! are paid while learning and ara rapidly advanced. Pleaaant dlnliur rooraa. where the beat of food ta aold at coat. In every Central Office. Comfortable alttlnc roomi for readlns mad relaxation. Opportunity for advancement to Senior and Hupervlilns poeltlona. Apply at 40(1 Market atreet. dally, except wnday, 8.30 a. m. to 5 p. m . or evenlnxa btween 7;(0 and 9:00 at any of the following OeMral Offlcea: 8ti 17 tV. Chelten ivn.. Oermantown. B4th at. and Woodland ave. 176 South riroad at. 17th anii nUmond ( 'X Inoaeter are. eaat of 62d St. 400 Market at. '- Mope and Ilerka ete.. Kenelngton. 4BKOCOIATB COATEH8 and helpers, expert- aeieed. Acker'a. 121 Nj 8lh. 066K. ahambermald and waitress: 2 expert. need Protestant girls for Ilryn Mawr. Call Tuesday. 3 to p. m.. 282 N. ltb, 6bOKAND" WAITRKBB to go to country, near Wilmington preferences. M S30. ledger Ort, GOOK. raompetVntt rrotrslant! rsferenco renulr- d; private family: wages 8. Preston B270. K wanted! good reference required. Apply U D Lancey place. ; BONBON 'DIPPCItH and helpers, ex. iced. Acker'a. 121 N. Slh. JOflEPH O. DAnMNQTON s CO. HKOII111K flU.iT, 18 yeara of age: a pleassnt and pc-' iil posuian tor sine nnoii parpnieeiw BssrUouUr. Apply Superintendent, 1118 ,and .iHE" VH?JiiJ!fc . , , IAKHK wants experienced vraiet nnisn vi locust st. um l 883 T.KSWOVAtt riRB THmooaiti.T jsx- BAI.KSvVOMAW in fuk de AI'PJ.T bupkrintendknt-b MARKET BT.' BHFORB 10 BLAUNEKB far . witri i, or two friends to da . iarsiere, ivw u eaaral housework; must be good wsBjinaj bimju tiro work,. Mrs, norri. references! no washing; go entire work,. i Km t,. for aaneral with heuseworkt, must ba aood references no wasnlngi peed two friends tpo entire work. Mrs. 1VM v A.SU) ? &SSJI &rX"t& at., KfHTta- eieTUfltlMrm ri PPglSieT- Wsj. , Tf millV, VIV uaasjiusilli mam vrmntwmwh uv MHtriuj wmiii ifii Pkrlru. AU4 J. f PwjA&xsiruS. r'svol.,wr0NiRjl,5v r IMI isrrT mnnt uimtiw avwret. m niiajna mmm u. iUCe.? a aa4 Wandard VieMutajMI uletn '.y(KTKw.1 naet un- ro. MXL9 WAirnSrBKALX VVUnrfWipl fT0l TKity4ff OfrfW'MI yfmC owmtfrk IfMtf rr MTm. 9&.X KentftHr ioi av. RWITRWOrK Cetoree) maid; Oen rsftirvSH'si ref4 Mam cook; sleep In at) ttaukll adH family. Meet m rmaMownl m laundry -, - i veil ewraii aeaii family, aieei empwr" & a, mi, tomorrow, at ler CentraL MOOMWOKK Whlta slrl far win. houayworkt 3 m family; wages 14; refs. Call HI 4 Wynne. reod ro,. Orerbrook, or ph. Orerbrook 1B H0tlBW6rlK Whfla rrotestsnt'glrl for gen eral housework forfamlly of 2 in country; rel erence.relrd. Box ltlt Devon. Pa. HQllaKWORK' Women for general houieworki a In famllj autairhani ststa wages, refer- ences. FSI, IderCentral. HdUSKWonK VrhMe. In famiTyi wsgea 17; fo washing; conklns; and downstairs work, hons Merlntj. Mtu . MbUanwORK, competent while girl; family of 2; wsrts 6i can bare 4 evenings out, 224 B. .484, st, LADrfl"MAlT and sesmstnssi experienced, young, espable, white womam city In winter. Address with references, all week. P. O. llox TSjVlllinoTa, Pa. NURi-hT OOVSrtNF.SB. North Oermsni S chll. dren; must have i-fa. 410 Wynnefleld avet rnEa""FEKDEnB" wanted; all claaees of worlc. Wolf - Co., 12th and Callowhlll. fourth floor, SALESLADIES, experienced, for November and December; liberal wagee.F 734. ledger Cent, SALRS-ADT, experienced, for dry goods store; one livina in neiBiinorncutt piririinii ni- nee requTred.2H!o tllrsrd ave, SALESWOMAN for outside work; must em ability and elberlaneet B W, Ledger Central have I JO per week to start. SALESWOMEN LIT BROTHERS JIEQUIHB SALESWOMEN FOR VAItlOUB DEPARTMENTS. APPLT EMPLOTMENT BUREAU. SOFT SILK BILK WINDERS and learners. Apply 8uquolt Bilk Manufacturing Company, 18th and Hunting Park ava. TELEPHONE 0PKRAT0R8 An opportunity tn secure employment In ex change nearest your home. Vacsnclc In both locsl and long-distance offlcea for experienced operators! also In school for girls to learn operstlnr. Apply Keystone Telephone Com pany, 183 South 2d st Room 403. TYPEWRITER Toung lady wanted for office work; must he bright, active, willing and quick; accurate at figures and able to operate a typewriter. Apply II. D. Dougherty, 17th and Indiana. WAITRESS and chambermaid wanled7wlth ref erenres: Protestant preferred, Address Mrs. C. Pemberton. Jr.. 2A Summit St.. Chestnut Mill! near trolley and both stations. Phone Chestnut Hill 330 WINDER8 Skein winders. experienced on artificial silk. Oermanta Hosiery Mills, 3211 Kensington ave. . WOMAN, active, energetic, tactful, over 30. with high school education or better, wanted for position where adaptability la more Im portant than actual experience: office training unnecessary: fair compensation tn start: ad vancement as merited, with bright future to the right person. Call, between in and 12, . -iTiesaay, ihp urexei jiiarjflirwurk., WOMAN Wanted, superior English womsn to do plain rooking and some downstalra work with family In country, where there Is another Kngllsh woman as nurse; no wsshlng or iron ing; good wages and pleasant home for suit able person. Mrs. L. F. Fry, Box 148. Rose- mom, is. WOMAN, light housework, sewing 8 days week. 842 H. 7th st.l phone Woodlsnd 218. WOMEN AND GIRLS WANTED 'BTEADT EMPLOYMENT; 8TARTINO WAOR inUC PER HOUR. MINIMUM WBFIKLY WAOES IT.B0. 1NCPEAREI) AUTOMATICALLY. APPLY JOSEPH CAMPHULL CO. ENTHANCK 2D AND MARKET HT3.. CAMDEN. N. J. TOUNO LADY for stenographic end general office work: perm, position. M 840. Led, Cen. HELP WANTED MALE ASSISTANT RECEIVING CLERK nLAUNKRR REQUIRH THOROUGHLY EX PERIKNCKD. ASSISTANT IlECKIVINO CI.KItK, APPLY BUPERINTKNDENT-S OFFICE. FOURTH FIXXlll, 833 MARKET BT UPBORE! HI A. M. - IILAUNERS AUTO Young man of good atandlng wanted, experienced tn aecond-hand autos; must be capable of buying and selling and manage business, to Invest 11000; good salsry and dividend guaranteed: splendid opportunity, Olve experience In letter. If you haven't the money, don't answer. F 63T, Ledger Central, boy iimoirr. enerobtic boy. over id YEARS OF AOE. OF OO0I EDUCATION! KXCELLKNT OPPORTUNITY TO LEARN NEWSPAPER UUSlNESSt RAPID AD VANCEMENT TO ONE POSHESHINO THEHE QUALIFICATIONS. APPLY I.EliaER OF F1CE. ASK FPU MR. IIOI'HOAI7.K. BOY. over Id years, to feed Gordon press. Ap ply fifth floor. 008 Chestnut St., Job printing department. BOY, over 18 years of age. for advertising de- Sartment; good opportunity. Apply second oor. 00S Chestnut st. BOY over 18 years of sge for office position. Apply In person before 0 a. m. Tuesday, 1442 Wldener Building. BOY Bright young lad to learn tlnplate and metal business. F U55, Ledger Central. BOY with knowledge of drawing to learn de- signing.- Elliott's. 17th and Lehigh. BOY for art department! good opportunity. Apply 4th floor. 6(10 Chestnut st. ROYS WANTED FOR NIOHT WORK! MUST HE OVER 18: CHANCE FOR m ADVANCEMENT. APPLY AFTER 6 P. M.. LEDOUR OFFICE, FIFTH "FLOOR. BOYS Wanted, errand boys. 14 Ho 10 years; perm, pos, ! opportunity for advancement. Ap- pir rennwK jieenan (.p., iiwa (.uaiow. BOYS. IS. ta 17. for drafting and other den-rt. mental good opportunity, Quaker Lace Com pany, 22d and Lehigh. liOYH wanted 10 'years or over, for work on ran meter aiapnragms. Apply air. aiianan. ,ow nerrr et. BOYS -wanted, 18 years of sge, Brown - Baltey Compsny. Frsnklln and Willow ats. BOYS wanted aa messengsrs. Western Union Teiegrapn i;ompanyf mm unestnut st.s BRAKEMEN, IB. WANTED FOIVWORIO OUJ OF THE CITY ON TUB PENNA, 11. 11. AP PLY. 1818 FILBERT BETWEEN 8.(0 A. M, AND 3:80 P. M. BRICKLAYERS wanted. Arch above 82d at. Meargoy, v imams. gtrtljllR-HOUSEMAN, COLORED, WITH REF-UHS-NCB. APPLY 1828 PINE ST. CARD WRITER WANTED. WITH DEPARTMENT STORE XXPERIENCB. APPLY BOX, P 10T. LEDOEH OFFICE. COPY HOLDER wanted. , oui f. Apply 227 South CYLINDER PRESS FEEDERS wanted, first class han4sv Brown A Ballsy Company, Frank- jlnaildvn"tow sis. DRAFTSMAN wanted."one with experience on machine tools or slmllsr work preferred. Ad dreea Box 7, West Chester, Pa, jniLP WAKTe---KAL! ConHsar- rem rnttna Celum JOSBIPK 8, DARtlMOTON CO. require HELPERS ON DELtVKRT CARS I go. wages; permanent positions, STOCK ROTS wanted, over IS rears of age: permanent positions, with gnxl ""'es, Apply Superintendent, 1128 and 1128- Chest nut st. nnnAND bots . ... TlLAUNEnS REQUIRE NfiT ERRANn BOTS. INSIDE WOIIK! NOT UNDER JC; BRlNfJ CERTIFICATE WITH YOU. APPLY SUPERINTENDENTS OFFICE. FOURTH FLOOR. MS MARKET ST., BEFOhn 10 A. M. IILAUNERS rrTTERS AND iT;CHANIC8 wanted: holler and tans work. uruse-Kemper co,. Ammer, pa. ri,OORMAN IILAUNERS nEOUIRE THOnoUOHLT TiX PERIENCED FIXIORMAN. APPLY SUPER INTF.NDENrS OFFICE. FOURTH FIAX)R, 838 MARKET ST.. llEFtiRE 10 A. M. BLAUNERS JOtl PRESS FEEDERS . wanted. Brown A Jlalley Company, Franklin and Willow sts. HARD CANDY'MAKERS snd helpers, experH encd. Ackers. 121 N. 8th. . 1 HAT nUTF.R Lit Brothers require an experienced hel buyer for their men's hat department. Answer by mall only, stating age, experience and salary expected. HOUSEMAN and wife; white preferred, good ref- erence; wages "r0. 1030 Green st. INSTRUMENT MAKERS, 13 24 to IK per day of 8 hours; tool makers. !S,B2 to $ft! machin ists. 12.78 to I8 assistant machinists. 12 to 12.00: all bssed on experience and rspsclty; automstla turret lathe operators, Cleveland, Brown. A Sharp, 14 BO; Potter Johnson, 13.(11; hand turret lathe operators, t.1 to 13 HI; brass molders, 13,70: iilscksmlth'a helper, $2.24; higher compensation when on piece work: skilled laborers, 12 to 12 24! snlderers, 12 24. Apply Frsnkford Arsennl, Phllndel phis. Ta.. preferably In person, from B to 10 a. m. on working days for application blank. LABORERS WANTED For general work 48 hours per week schedule Apply at once VICTOR TALKING MACHINE COMPANT Application Office, 83 Cooper st. Camden. N. J. LARORERS wsnted: good wages: steady work. Apply Henry Dlsston ft Sons. Tscony. Phlla LABORERS. B0. wanted. Cruse-Kemper Co., Ambler. Pa. MACHINISTS AND BOILERMAKER"! FOR WORK OUT OF TOWN ON THE PENNA. R H. APPLY 1023 FILBERT ST.. BETWEEN 8U A. M. AND 3:30 P. M. MAN AND WIFE, butler and cook. Phone Wood land 215: call 842 S. B7th st. Chauffeur pre ferred. MEN WANTED to deliver advertising matter: must be aober and Industrious: wares 11.75 per day. Apply 10 a. m., Howe Addressing, 108outh4thst. MEN "WANTED nollermakera. locomotive n. rhlnlsts. oar repair men. laborers, locomotive cleaners. Tenna, It. It- 1748 Filbert st. MEN. 10, wanted to learn the saussge nhdpork Backing business; 22o per hour. Apply 3043 ermantown ave. OFFICE BOY wanted: opportunity to learn ataple business Address, with references, A 120, ledger Office. PIPE FITTERS'' HELPERS, to go to workat nnre: steady employment. Apply D. W. Evens, Pittsburgh Valve. Foundry and Construction company, coaiesvuie. i-a. PRESS FEEDERS wanted, all classes of work. won o.. i-in anu aiiowniii. 4in noor. ROLLERS for cold rolling mill, B-lnand-lO-Tiii? mill: good wsges Apply Henry Dlsston A Sons. Tscony. Philadelphia. Ta. . SALESMAN A man of experience, atrong per sonsllty. and with ability to earn 130 per week; state age and experience. B 032. Ledger Office. SALESMEN We need 2 real salesmen who hate been accustomed In making big money and visiting high-class Arms only; to such men a lucrative and permanent position la open. Apply between 2 and B p. m.. Room B.I. Resf Estate Trust Building. ' m SALESMEN. 8. on high-class real estate propo sition; must travel; expenses guaranteed! real estste or stock salesmen preferred! state full particulars. Address W. F. O., A 130, Ledger Office. SALESMEN "IFI" It you are a successful salesman In any line. If you. can prove that you have success fully sold any line. . We will make an opening for you In the permsnent selling organisation of the largest publishing house In the world, where you. can make far more than the average salesman We will trsln you thoroughly. We will furnish you leads. We will give you a drawing account. We guarantee rapid ad ancemont to those who maks good. Men wanted now for both Sears-Roebuck and Cambridge Edition. Come In,' let's talk this over, ENCTCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA CO. 189 8. lBtb st,. comer of Walnut, Philadelphia. SHIPPING CLERK wanted, experienced man, 80 to 40 years old; good opportunity to right man; give full details of experience, with names of employers and salary wanted. A 128, Ledger Office. STENOGRAPHER AND ASSISTANT Good opportunity for wideawake, energstlo young mam high school or college graduate preferred! atate full particulars Tn letter of replication as to experience, educational train ng etc F U30, Ledger Central, GENTLEMAN Protestant, not under 28, msr rled man preferred, aa collector and distrib utor for hlgh-clsss msgaxlne publication; only one. capable of handling Mrst-clsss trade need apply; applicant must be well appearing and fairly well educated to qualify; Positively no canvssslng; salsry IB weekly and good com missions, c F. Nlglutsch. 407 Manhattan mny., ein-mnq vyamut streets YOUNG MAN wanted. 20 years of age, for clerical work and with knowledge of stenog grspby and shprt.hsndi chance for advance meat. A 124. Ledger Office; TOUNO MAN, IS "io 20" yeara of age. to learnln a printing office; grammar school education and neat appearance. M 840, Ledger Centra). "KELP WANTBD XALB Continued rem PrtttMne Cehmn VHf? MA.N !.sl In sts sreosn of msnufac HiJP aA .7' ral ofrli work) miit Wairt fi ina",r V ''a1. '" " -Mia rwiaTrrnc-i. . - v. -.rijufjr -.rnicri ,tvHri 14. 1a TOUNO MAN, about 20. to learn wholesale T!5?Ll""'n'sJ Oor, American Dlsmond. FIVfl HAI.KKMK.V wantednTonr teTseU nation ally known elrctrio devleei experience not es sential, the main qusllflcst'ons being good personality, energy and a determination to make good, which. will lie rewarded by pro- Rollon to executive positions commanding rse returns, Salary and, commission to start. Csllsee Ralesmanersr, Monday and Tuesday. The Ohio Co., 814 Lincoln Bids.. Ililladelphta. SITUATIONS WANTED-. FEMALE BOOKKEEPER, stenogrspher. exo., employed, would like position few hours dally to com- plete evening studies. F 747. Led Central. BOOKKEEPER, p. K., typist! Seare' exp.l .slary to start )I2; best ref. M 14. Led. Cent, BOOKKEEPER, capable taking complete charge. assist accountant; p yrs .exp. aiib, id. un:, COOK or rhsmbermald wants day's work! ref. CallJ020 N B4th st. phone Belmont 8004. COOK, plain; country Pref t Please stale wares dutles A slie of family. A 103 ledger Off.. COOK Compelent white rrotfstant wishes post . tlon,Idger Jllranch,l8th and Ixmhrn, , . COOk, good,' reliable white womsn: best refer- ence. 2030 Fltiwater, No postals. COOK, good. "wants place; reTerence from last .piare; cuy.i-aii 4u n iiickbsi, COOK wishes pTare; To-n-.t-.lrs work; city or conniry; rererfnee. 171a wooa DRESSMAKER Strictly flrst-class dressmaker wishes engsgrment hy he day. 80, Ledger llranch. 20th and ritxwater sts. t DRES8MAKER, colored, wlshe'a engagement hy day or aeslet dress'ker. Ph. Dlck'son 80IB It. GIRL, colored, "respectable, wishes position aa maid or waitress! private family or hotel. inquire at ihiii t.-Ainnrine ji OOVEIINESS, visiting; perfect French. Oerman. Its linn ronversstlon tescher; city references. Address 1738 Mt. Vernon, HOUSEKEEPER Exp. woman desires position. especially the care of motherless children. H 100, LederBrsnch, 37th and Chestnut. INFANT'S NUR-D Competent;" eip.t best ref i Protestant M 248. ledger Central, INFANTS' NURSE, undergraduate, competent, long exp., desires position. A 127, Led. On, LAUNDRESS, competent, shirts, collars and cults, no other pos taken; ref. for character, efflclenc. ir. Ledger Ilr1120J.h and South, MOTHER and daughter will do entire work of house for small adult family; city. O 42, Ledger CentraL . NURSE, 110 a week: assist dentist, both office) work and professional. O 48, Ledger Central. NURSE, practical: 112 a wekj convalescing cases preferred; references, n 44, I-edger Cen, SECRETARIAL: capable. Intelligent woman; exp, goodcorresp : des.change. F 810. Led.C. SECRETARY Competent, reliable stenographic secretary, with executive ability and capable of taking charge, desires change: 8 years' experl- ence; salaryJ2S. F 743. Ledger, Central. TRANSI.ATOR-stenographer, experienced. Ger man, French. 8psnlsh, Portuguese, wants po- Sltion. I on-., luwr eitu-i TYPIST, with knowledge of stenography and oftlcjwprk.J033. ledger Central; WOMAN, colored, wante washing to do home; reference. 1814 Fltxwater st. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ADVERTISING SOLICITOR At present employed, desires to better his position. As advertising solicitor and in other ca pacities he Is accustomed to Interviewing retailers, wholesalers. Jobbers, manufac turers, bankers, professional men and city, county and State officials. He has a college education. Is thirty-six years old. unmarried, and can go anywhere: has general office experience, executive ability, some experience In writing copy and preparing lay-outs and has bought as well as sold space. He prefers to work for a newspaper, but would consider a trade Journal or nlgh-grade populsr magailne with large quality cir culation. , Ills object Is to demonstrate his ability to a publication, which has the future pos sibility of an executive position for him In Its advertising department. A 84. LEDGER OFFICES ASSISTANT TO EXECUTIVE Young man, 22: steel or export trade pre ferred: 0 years' business experience; adapt able, eneriretlc and ambitious; excellent ret- erences. F.444, Ledger Central. BOOKKEEPER, thoroughly experienced, will audit, open, close and write up books, day or evening; moderate terms. Bell phone. Wood- land 4108 M. i BOOKKEEPER Young man: 4 years' exper.; re llable, accur., desires changeF 041, Led. Cent. BOOKKEEPER D. E. exper. or timekeeper, de- siren position: flrst-class i ref. A 31, Led. Oft, UU8INE.1S EXECUTIVE, accustomed to large responsibilities: financial buying and selling and managerial.. F 733. Ledger Central. CHAUFFEUR, white. 24. slngTe. B years' ex perience on high-grade cars, doea not amoke nor drink, willing and obliging, good me chanic, careful .driver, clean cut, wishes a position with private family; go anywhere; best personal teferences from last employers, F 840, Ledger Central. CHAUFFEUnr 8 yrs.' experience, wishes posl tton In private family: R years last employers; best references. A 123, Ledger Office. CHAUFFEUR, colored, first class; total ab stainer; can produce the best of references. s.u v. wonaave.j uermoniown. CHAUFFEUR. Protestant, desires position: prl vate fam!ly;best reference. F 737, Ix-d. Cent. CHAUFFEUR, colored, wishes "position, com- merclal or private; best ref. A 1211, Led. Oft. CIinMIBTFharmsceutlcal expert and analylstT capable of taking entire charge of laboratory; young man whose Ambition far exceeds his present position desires an opportunity where ability Is considered above salary. O 41, Led ger Central. CHURCH OROAN1ST, S7 years' experience tuning and repairing, wishes employment, W. A., -.0 . aq st. GARDENER, florist, good greenhouse hardy garden trees; care stock, poultry, tng: reliable! all around. F 781, Led. man. milk. F 7S1. Led. Cent. GARDENER; greenhouse, flowers, vegetables; single, Prot.; ref. ClarklOOTFalrmount ave. GARDENER-COACHMAN, single, Prot.. "care stock, heaters; ref, A, 122, Ledger Office. GENERAL UTILITY MAN for country; care of stock; good reference. A 102, Ledger Office. MAN of executive ability, experienced and successful manager of aalea and credits, able correspondent, correct habits. Protest ant, desires to associate himself with some reputable and progressive concern; highest references as to character and ability. M 833, Ledger Office. MAN, ycung, married, deBtres evening work, prefersbly at hornet Wharton School student; cost accounting a specialty; 7 years' experi ence, but willing to keep accounts for profes. slonal men and Bmall atores. Pnono Belmont 4188. F BB4. LedgerContral, MAN AND WIFE wish" positions; man good houseman, understands furnaces, etc.. can run car: wife good cook: good reference from present and former employer. Addreas F, F( Max Meadows. Westlown, Chester Co,uPa. PAYROLL and clerical work wanted by young man. expert at figures and good penman. O 48, I-edgcr Central, SALES MANAOER OR EXECUTIVE who has successfully sold men of large caliber, the small crossrosd general stors to largest dept. stores throughout U.S.A.! broad gauged, thoroughly matured, trained executive of 40; morally and phslcstly nt for highest grade connection and associates. My experience Is based on extensive traveling, handling of large selling orders, producing results. manufactur'g. factory, specialty, promotional and general Ines. Pacific coast, central States and Kaslsrn connect otd-estab, and highly successful Arms; now empl'd remunerative sal.; desires larger Held, greater oppor'y. If your business requires a man with the western "punch" and esstsrn shrswdness and stlrktoltlveness. address F K4C, Ledger Central. SHEET METAL WORKER', experienced on light bench work; neat solderer. 11)31) Durfor st. STENOanAI'lH-ll. 22 years. 8 yrs.' experience, desires pos.: chance for advancem'tt banking or brokerage pref. F 048. Ledger Central. BITUATIOfS WA-fTHe-MALB - -"-b-- ConHnartt rem rrwe-rsr) Ohr-m RTMOerRAPHRR, mK bo-' em. vtoyed. wants position reejurrl-g, eee. Jive a Ml Ut, References., gladly ex. Changed ft conditions justify. M 828, Ledger Cfllee. WANTED AN OPPOnTUTnTT As-greselye young business men. . 1 rJ.J,, Whsrton School, good personslity, , Tar led ex perience, desires advertising, or sales pnsjyo" wlth unlimited fuure. F 030. Ledgtr Central. TOUNO MAN. 27, six yesrs experience as retail saleamsni also some experience a; city salesmani familiar with routine of business house from ssles department to shipping oe psrtment: can qualify as ssslstsnt store man ager or flrst-claaa retail sslesman. A 128. LedgerOfnce. TOUNG MAN of rood appearance and person, allty. who hss had ssles experience, desires position with auto concerni salary secondary consideration. F 030. ledger Central. TOUNO "MAN, aited 22. stenographer, knowledge ot bookkeeplnr, now employed, wishes new position. l 843, ledger Central. TOUNO MAN. 22. 2 yrs ' exp. In gen. mdse.. de. siren r-Bttlon. reference. A 128, Ledger Off... CALIFORNIA f will act as business represents, tire for rellsble concern In less Angelea or yaiiromia, 11 B.11, jeagerunice. JAPANESE, Industrious, gen. housework, wants pos, small family; best ref. Iso, 1034 Vine. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES MRS. HARVEY, 1010 Rlttenhouse sq French, 'Japanese chefs, cooks, butlers, valets, house men, chauffeurs, trained waitresses, French governess, tutors, lsdles' maids, Protestant laundress, Swedish girls, lately over! cham bermaids, nurses, kitchen and housemaids, Wsnted, large addition! Prottstant waitresses, nursea. cooks, parlor maids, lsdles' maids, laundresses, butlers, couples, utility man for . private laundry, reference requred. MISS ROSE DOUGHERTY, llt.1 W. Olrard ave. Wanted, rhlldnurse and housework slrls for Conshohoeken. waitresses cooks and cham bermaids for (lermantown and Chestnut Hill; wanted, cooks and chsmbermalds for Hala and t'ynwydi cook wants place In Oermantown or Chestnut Hill, wanted, cooks, chamber mslds, chlldnursea, housework girls; wanted, waltressos for Sharon Hill. MRS. KANlf, 811 8. 10th St., "wishes 'situations flrst-class cooks, French and Italian chef: Itsllnn. Filipino, Kngllsh. Irish butlers,' valets, housemen, chauffeurs, utility men, French and Oermnn couples, cook and cham termald or waitress, sisters, Protestant and Catholla laundresses, good on shirts; other first class help, mi Spruce 3401, WANTED at Mr. Kane's fill B. 10th St. Several white couples. 170 to 180: chamber, maids, waitresses, 17 to 110: several IS to 110 cooks; Swedish second cook, kltchenmatds, Slrls for chatnberwork and waiting, laun- ressos, i . MRS. STOLL, formerly Miss Ordeman, lately with Public Ledger, has plenty ot places for reliable help 2211 W, Somerset sL Phone Tloga74l0 W. JONES'S Employment Agency Male and female help secured; white and colored. Preston 3771. IB 8. 80th. WANTED at Episcopal office. 312 8. 12th. cooks, waitresses, chambermaids, nurses, kitchen maids, maids. MADAME PLATZ parlors removed to 805 8. 11th st.; only guaranteed help supplied. i FIRST-CLASS 2d butler, slrl and kitchen maid want positions. Brown. 1009 Catharine. AUTOMOBILES For Sals USED MOTOR TRUCKS S-ton OARFORD. Stake body. B-ton OARFORD. Van Dnrn dump. B-ton AI.CO. Express body. 8-ton MACK. Van body. B.ton OAHFOnn. Rack body. 2-ton OARFORD, 1010 chsssls only. 2-ton DORRI8 Express body. lH-ton OARFORD, mid. chassis only. 2-ton OARFORD, 1015, heavy-duty cnas. 1-ton AUTOCAR Coal body. jU-ton BROCKWAY, Open Express body, -ton LOCO., Open Express body. S-ton WILLYS. Chassis only. -ton Abbott-Detroit. Chassis only. Also One 24-passenrer bus bode. 101S n-psssenser Mercer Touring Car. 0-00 Garford 7-psBsenger Touring Car. Cash or Terms Garford Philadelphia Co. Used Car Department j(Ai Locust 210 C. 11. IIAHVEY 2308 Chestnut Street Race 2049 UAKER ELECTRIC Lady will sacrlflcs modern Baker Electric 4-passenger coupe: perfect con dition. Call phono or write, Mrs. S 4710 Lelper Bt. Phone Frankford 2004. CADILLAC, 1018,. touring cart excellent condi tion; new tires: painted: electric lights and stnrtert price IU0; bargain. CHESTNUT HILL MOTOR; CO., opposite Reading station. Telephone Chestnut Hill 380. CADILLAC 1014 touring ctr. overhauled shd repslnted; full equipment! price) 1730. AUTO HALES CORPORATION.. 14- N. Hrosd St. CHALMERS limousine 1011 0-32. 7 pass.! this car Is In Ane condition generally and will be esdy for delivery about .November IB. .OCOMOnil.E, 2314 Market St.. Locust 450. FMHALL10ANj. SIgr. Exchange Car Dept. FOI.D touring Just overhauled and painted, new tires, good appearance, 1200; bargain. r, n.u", lull mii-or nve. GRANT 1017 small six touring car. 0 pass. 1 low mllesge: some car for little money: look It over; good In etery wny. LOCOMOBILE 2314 Market st.. Locust 450. F.J.HALLWAJlgr.ExcriajrigeCarDept. HUDSONS Phaetons, rosdsters and cabrlotetsT eq-lpped with electric lights and starters. fioMERY-SCHWARTZ, 253 N.Jlroad St. . KISSEL IBIS limousine. 7 pass.: ready for de. livery; light Bedford cord upholstery; fine buy for renting business. J.OCOSIOHIU-, 2314 Market st. Locust 450. F.M.HALLIGANlgri Exchange CarJJept. MARMON B-passenger touring. In excellent run- nlng condition, fully equipped; will Bell at a sacrifice to quick buyer. L 440, Ledger Central. PACKARD 4-cyl.. 30 "ll. P 7-passT limousine and touring... .,.., 1330 VELl-t 1014. 6-cyl.. 7-pass. touring.... 430 1910 STEARNS 8-cyl.. 7-paas. touring, about 4 months old; like new , 1300 THE WHITE CO.. 210 N. Broad St. . n. un&Au . a pruceiuu BTUTZ 1015 7-passenger touring car for sale; slip covers. Also tire pump: guaranteed first class condlt I on. Phone Iansdowno 77. RAR-AIN8 IN USED CARS All makes and sizes: price HBO un: neve been trsded for new Paige cars BiaCLOW WILLEY MOTOR CO.. 304 N Broad st. AUTO LIVEEY AND GAKAOES INDEPENDENT TAXICAB CO. 1815 W. SUSQUEHANNA AVE. SUPER-SIX HUDSONS TO H.RE LIMOUSINE TAXICAIIS AND TOURING CARS Pis. 8488. Never Closed. Park 78. '"TO HIRE DAY AND NIOHT AUTOMOBILES; FINEST CARS IN THE CITY FOR ALL OCCASIONS; 11. 30 PER HOUR UP. WU-IHUri. UAKAUI2. fUl'LAIt B409 POPLAR. 1617 To hire (open day and nlghtl. Park 1482, brand-new fi-psss. touring car, $1.25 hr. ; also brand-new 7-pass. limousine, 81,60 hrjweddingsfunerals. 1715 Olrard. TO'HIRK B A tTpARS. O CYL. CARS? SPE CIAL RATES FOR TRIPS, 11.23 PER Hit. UP. TOP. 8.3. ALWAYS 6l'EN. RACE 2241. BUY MOIBTER Porlsble Garsges Stetl or stucco. On display 8081 N. 6th. Tioga -4. LIMOUSINE per hour! fees 111 evsa. and Sun. afts.,ll2Sl. Jifler m!dnMt.l 7t 3xa8(l92Jt TO HIRE New Bulck, 11.60"" hour up; special rats convalescents salesmen Dla. 8007 J AUTO HEPAIRINO SPEEDOMETER TROUBLES See BILLY, st bis new location, B10 NORTH BROAD ST. AUTO SUPPLIES Tt-tKEN-HEAniNna IITATT New Departure Service Sts. The Owllllam Co., l-iv -rcu ei, i-n. nil AUTO SUPPL-M. Conrfse rem rrtctHn0 Celstme slnut 8497. Race 30M. PARTS for Olds and While. Bosch 6-cy. rn-g. i.eto, . iires. sic,, jor.se le. .no ana 2120 Aiiantio at. .'am iot a. IF TOU WANT to sell yew old car or want any Part. t,t;VV7&To'riTs,t!r S1M7 ?.stXarX,. DMrn-ABLRThlMS. all alxea and rnakes; also tires and tubes and other aeces lrlee. P. Vlt. Auto Pa rts CQ...SIB N, irth at. . PARTS to build or repslr anyesr.. . .,, Phlla. Auto rarta Co.. 82. N. 1.1th. Tsrk 1418, AUTO TIR-W ftf --, riiifffl Goarantofa 8R00 mlUi. CompiM rflc. .-a a ru 1 -ytt -a nrngn ORIM'8281 N. Broa SOiSOH NONBKiD TIRES Il-pd JoxJU Red Tubes, guaranteed. ...... .t. 1.75 JtV?,eir.Ymi -rir.f en.. 15 Arch St. ilERCULKS TIRES 6u;rsntee4 8300 rnlles. HERCULES TI1IB CO.. '12 N. Broad at. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OPPORTUNITT I hare a money-mklng tnltci. rhaps you who read thl ad will call It a scheme, nut It Is not. I-want llOOOthl week, and for that 81000 1 cah pay the Investor $10 per day besides a salary. This la a bonaflde, straight, legitimate business project, backed by a man who has made good snd can furnish unquestionable references and at this minute Is msklng moneyi If you are a broad minded person, either man or woman, and have 81000 you can and will Invest where rroflt Is an object, then answer this ad. If you are a person who has to make big money and believe the truth, answer this ad. It you ant a ssfe snd sound collateral Investment, drawing 0 per cent, don't answer this ad, for I am not offering that kind of an Invest ment, I do-not care to hear from any person who Is answering out of curiosity. ., I want a person of decision who has $1000, who can say I will invest or 1 will not, and keep his word. 1 930, Ledger Office. 'l. PROMOTION COAL LANDS AND TIMBER A- wonderful deposit of POCAHONTAS COAL showing presence both oil and gas. and a vast forest, of virgin timber, has recently come Into my hands; It will require more capl tal than I alone can supply, and practical ex perience: title In fee: no encumbrance: all cor respondence confidential: will furnish mapa. surveys and estlmatea of competent engineers and go anywhere for personsl conference with those o. lame niB-u. uu who are inicresiea i invite most searching Investigation of this rroposiuon. auuch u. - w, llchmond. Va. . Box 1333, -Trr at. wiMrrn Manufacturers recently Incorporated, making a wonaerrui exclusive article ior home and hospital use; sold by Jobbers and druggists everywhere: enormous demands; big proflta; most meritorious proposition for Investment; we solicit Investments from responsible per sons; any amount. NOT A DRUG P 031, LEDGER OFFICE! AN ESTABLISHED DUSINESS requires $10,000 additional working capital; both the business and firm will stand Investigation; Investor will handle all moneys and be secured further by preferred and common stock; an exceptional offer for some one. F 038. Ledger Central, BRICK BUSINESS PROPERTY, on Northsmp ton st.. best business section ot Easton. Pa.: lot 40x220: $40,000.00 for quick sale. Room 1, Woolworth Building. Bethlehem. Pa. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES PATRNTS Sen1 -f our book. " -1 .. " , " "Patents and Trade-Marks." We will help you develop your Invention. Ad vice free. Reasonable fees. Open Monday evenlnrs until 8,30. foster & Webster suitb .1011 Chestnut st. Bell phone. Walnut 1884, ROAD HOUSE PROPOSITION Brick bouse. BOx 83; lot 160x230; at end of village, on good road, AUentown. Bethlehem, Nazareth, Ban. gor. Delaware Water Oap: 10000.00 for quick rale. Room 1, Woolworth Building, Bethlehem, l'a. PATENTS -Our four books sent free. "How to Obtain Patents," Victor J. Evans A Co.. 1420A Chentnut St.. Phlla. BUSINESS PERSONALS DRESS SUITS TO HIRE Latest style full dress. Tuxedo, Prince Albert, black and gray cutaways, for morning wed dings: also silk hats SAMUEL COOP.lt. 1010 Olrard ays. EVENINO CLOTHES TO HIRE Latest styles, l'hons Poplar 283. Open evga. LEIDNKIt'S. 10th and Glrard ave.. 8. W, cor DIAMONDS HOUOIIT Bank references. Appraisement. 1 per cent. HARUY W,.BM1TH,..717 Sansom st, SUPERFLUOUS HAIR removed by electrolysis; the only -ermanent way. Eyebrows arched. MISS SMITH.. 402. Keith Theater Building. OENTS' CAST-OFF Ct-OTHtNO BOtfdflT, 125 N. 9TH ST. PHONE WALNUT 1880. CARPET CLEANING REAL CARPET BEATING 1 NO TUMBLERS USED. BOYER CO.. 8809 N. 12th. Tioga 320O. DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY ALL GIRLS should learn dressmaking; remu nerstlve positions upon graduation; draping a specialty; day and night sessions; terms mod erate. Msrgarete E. Potter. School of Dress msking. grad. of DrexelInst.lJ4S3airard ay. COLUMBIA BC1IO0L OF DRESSMAKING 17JII Columbia aye. Day and evsnlng-tTlasses, l-.v-uio iriiuciij cemury eyeiein. DRESSMAKER wants position by the day in private families! Ane evening gowns and cloaks a speciality. F 040. Ledger Central. POR SALE BILLIARD. POOL, combination, aecond-hand, bought, sold, rented, exchanged; repairing; supplies, -tjife Keafer. .American manufao- ... turer, 828 Olrard ave, Phone Kens. 2318. BILLIARD, poof tables 1 newTlecond-hand bowl ing alleys; essy payments, tlosstto-Bsrry Btreet Co,. 222 8, oTh st. l-bone Wal. 2244. BILLIARD AND POCKET TABLES Also bowling alleys: essy payments. BKUNSW1CKT- ALKE-COI-ENJ)ER CO,. 1002 Trch! CASH REGISTERS bought, exchanged, repaired. nl slsill e-iseelltss. h.. -.-.Jl m . s. .--". w..u Mv..t i" - leciory reouiu; new total adders as low ss ISO. Call a-d " iw. ii ..j Ite-Memr, .ili hw . n payments and fully gusrsnteed etiVational Cash register co 780 CHESTNUT STREET see our new models ".r, lit TOU ftALS CosHsBcit rem Prcc-Wteg tetf. Encyciopaedi iBriUnnlcii Hart-Rebck M-l Cftmbrj nnic-p or No. 18 S. ntli terms, at the .nnica wo Phlladetphl "0TD,1,,,i. extracted honey fi, , beekeeper. peAinda for 4J1.1B '. KTLf'S" MIXED NAILS " kW- MIDDLKTqN.NAH. WKS . 911 CALLOWTttr. 0AFE8 flreprootrcloslng OTt , .1 rt.fVp SCHOOL DESKS, fl $0 EAciT yiAIREXCHANOE. corner 0th and Vine Jhtnefobuylng. Rou.l.Jt'.8';,, $1.B0 UP. OVERCOATS --.."iSRJ- "ssortment In town WALTCR'fl PAWNSHOP" Pot vra- MACHINERY AND TOOLS EFFICIENCY AT HEAVY SKRVirn ..s viJT i"4 speeds Is what Is wsnted Dorft hesfii?1-! ' I try YOCOM ANTI-FIitcxtnv Vti"."" . I Fo'uNDolSNor'secc'nr " r-iriwto son. g-.t.--r, . a -r''Z-''Vl rmamo. motor. bol!tii. tamanl ii . r'ANKTd6MBTn.ne"i.f-M 3d .L CONCRETE MIXERS 8. 7Hrin. 1 3 "f trirlfcra D S-& -vr '"w ra rJe.?0fl8i YearsJeyCo.l 224 N 'J WOOD PUI.LET8 (OllherOi thousands hTlfeX-! n."odArcnht, CIIAnLE8 BOND TOMrANrJ BAROATN 100 pi and Si fL-Ipnr; rood .Vnew,"":,.? -,'.?. J ft. long. .800 N. 7th7 " "n, . ileces of 1H in. steam SjnflpBTrogUeflO N? W? IH M TELL I1H vnur envln- .l.l.. ..- will save you time, trouble and monel . OAH AND OJL.JGNaiNB CO. 4 nI'J,- . 60-K. W. direct-connected generators sn,i'" glnes. 120 and 220 volts; belted gensfors aM . switchboards. NUTTALL. 1748 is, " 8th ' Vt. PIPE A FITTINfIS, all sltos" riIILAT;'n.'TiT!3X . riPF. buVply, ions nT TthllBoth hoi?" MANFRS. of plain and sutomstle mschlneiT Bend for booklet. A. Nscke A Jjnnjjiii Tn " LOCHMAN carving machines, 3. E, MsrneM 8. Lawrence st. ' """ MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS $85 CHICKERINQ UPRIGHT PIANO HOWARD VINCENT. 838 N. 8TH "VfTUPT, Vfr An nv.n. " -. 1 NOVEMBER VICTOR REC0RDSNOWO! BELLAK. 1129 CHESTNUT RT l. OLD GOLD OLD GOLD, silver. Platinum, plated wars. eld. .... .n.v. . w ,,, renngr, eul HStliem. OLD GOLD Cash paid, for old gold, silver? antique clocks; win call. Bell phone. Locast 1219. ROGERS. 27 8. 17th St. " STORAGE FIDEL: 'liriRFTAl?TV10DS" PENN 8TORAOn AND VAN Ca 2130 MARKET ST. WEST PHILA. MONARCH STORAOB CO. AUTO Packing and 8hltn!n SERVICE 8870 LANCASTER AVE. TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPHE RENT I from the makers. One month. VISIBLE I 13: three months. $7.50. Rental REMINGTONS I payment applies on purchase. ' Remington Typewriter 'Co., Incor. 110 8. 9th st. WANTED ANTiqUE FURNITURE, false teeth, feather beds, broken lewelry. gold, silver, diamonds bought. 733 Walnut. Walnut 7028. Est. 1884 BROKEN JEWELRY, false teeth, pistols. colnsT coin books, with prices I pay, mailed 13c. J. B Boss (People's Store). 288 8. 11th. Wal. 44187 CAST-OFF CLOTH INO bought at the highest cash prices; I will positively pay more than any other dealer for gentlemen's dlcarded clothing, also hats, shoes, furs, etc., ladles' street and evening gowns, full-drssa and Tux edo suits; let me give you my estimate before others; personal and polita attention given to all orders, city or country, dsy or evening; call, write or phone Bell Pop. B771. Keystone Park BC05. BLACKER. 1230 Poplar at, n-J7i CAST-OFF CLOTHING We buy men'a suits, overcoats, full-dress Tuxedo suits, etc. Owing to the great de. msnd for clothes at the present time we will Eay you very high prices for these goo. 'hone Poplar 0342. SAMUEL COOPER. 1010 Olrard ave. CA8T-0FF CLOTHES WANTED We pay yoa more than any one else for men's sunuaer and winter clothing, shoes, etc; also ladles street dresses. een!ng gowns, furs, etc Write, call or phone Market 3388. We -cell, city or country, day or nlghtl Get our prices first. United Co., SOU Spring Garden. CA8T-0FF CLOTHING and shoes: highest prices pata. nena postal 10 can. uarnoii. siti (Toliimbln iw. nr R7n7 Rnrnr. 4 CAST-OFF clothing, gentlemen's, bought! tali anywhere, day, evg, Friedman's, 1444 South st, CAST-OFF CLOTHINO, shoes and bats bcut-t! send postal. Sneldman. 92- Poplar it. sURNITUHU. pianos, carpets, antiques; entire or part houses bought for cash; no matter how large. J. Bernstein. 1854 Rldgs ave. MEN'S SUITS, overcoats, hats, shoes. In tact, sil kinds of cast-off clothing bought; ws pay full value. Phone Market 8823 J. KAUFFMAN, 818 Spring Garden. Office Furniture ' Irn-pnoM Household Furniture d. ouwca Hand Furniture Co.. 004-908-914 Callowhlll st, ROOMS FOR RENT ARCH. 2111 Nicely furnished rooms; sU B- venlences; gss. heat. PhoneSpruce 3246. , CHESTNUT, 2007 DESIRABLE" ROOMS. 1-T. MANENT OR TRANSIENT. , , CHESTNUT.' 2117 HANDSOMELY FUnNlU ED ROOMS; AI.BO PHYSICIANS' OKKlCrg, CHESTNUT. 1904 Attractlvelyurnlshed room;. single or en suitej steam hest; slectrlcltyj., CHESTNUT. 3444 Desirable rooms.wltlTposrd; 1 sq. from L. 33th-Chestnut. Preston,?, LOCUST, 1818 DESIHABL-PROOMS! EXCBbV , l-tN ) M)UiiUni MASTER. 1702 2d. and municating. also isrge , nisneq; poara optional , PINE ST.. 1434 Desirable large room: 1 or I 8d floor front, coaj. double parlor, uur gentlemen also slngie I"OWELTON AVE., 3327 1st and 2d sty. suW, with or without privets bath. Preston 4TL SPRUCE. 2022 Furn. 'om, rooms; prl. bjW southern expos.; open fireplace. LocustH SPRUCE. 1337 Suites with"bathTBlngIs room! offices t steam beat: reasonsbls. ,J - WALNUT. 4405 Comfortably'turn ssoond-fliej front room; southern osposursi for l or gentiement ressonable. uaring t.- " -WALNUfT-7-3 Furnished rooms for Jjeatle : men; references requlre.Pieston2J0j, 12TII ST.. B., 883 Slngfo or double roams, n nlng water and hot-water b.- f - 16TII. S 830 Large double . parlor and.aj; Joining room on 2d floor, prlr. hallwavi sen, physician, dentist. studlOiprjpart. f"-jgi 81ST. 8., 82 NICELY FURNISHBD ROOsM; ALL CONVEN IENCE8. 62Q. N 217 Nicely turn. 2d-story rooBVijeje tlemeni private family; near elevated, rasej. 8INOLE ROOM, private bathTalso large wfaM. rooms l light housekeeping. Preston 41.TW. B0ARDINO OSAOB AVB.. 4408 Wsll-furnlshsd corner house I excellent location. irese-e 0 - BPHUCE, 1028-30 Handsome flrst-aer lirfii-n(i-. hAlr. fat,l hoard. VVSI. SPRUCE. 1224-2. Furnished room. JrlP baths; table board. Phone tValnut 7- f ML? W HER iLS nm mo uiRyidgTb ,AiTftni-u-r'pRQices5c.) ;vi-e-HLK. ftcw, ?a flc45 tfi one. oEHlo 1TTI iWir" h ii-wMijc- -i ' m . "fc m" H TfWetr m Worked r H E ii. ' ', 3i lh ' K . Dirnmm m ,,rrr 1 ' V I I I s ---l a..-.---- . K-. irjrutKV DWI H r--P .. . , . - .. .. ' ', immrn k mh-n - : mTwI r r -, h m' ir.. .-.- Wk)$rmWL J ,f L-'ff-lv.lfc - vv.nfcKK . "" Jft U M 1 MEii. .T "N VII V m -V ( Ini(Ei-l-H-7T rWH . iff- H-III-IIWII "-iE mr 1 -LJV 1 ngieelVB I LF rP i L "VPfBriP-38sw ummWmmBtiJ'mmm' " "w mwmmfr -- i " . mwmWmv fmt&Hrtmm i sill i i i wi w I Mnsi I i ,m i ibmS'ijiii us i sisms eeSlsswse--e i - n n in m wm S - w ss - , w-fff r.snmJju'