Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 31, 1916, Night Extra, Page 13, Image 13
TNwymw ' EVENING tiEDGBR-PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER SI, 1916 PHILADELPHIA MARKETS t, GRAIN AND FLOUR WHEAT Receipts. 73.B7R buihrle. The fr et w weak and 2c lower due to easier western ,1m. Quota ttafMi Car lota, la rinrl ekrve- tee i.J ITV."!?1 I.mI !. a saute- i.rf 7oj yiyr r-o. 5 red tl.Hl UMBU Kn. 9 rd II wi No. yd. I,MI., rJW A. JLJ I. I1.I2V1 JB j rejected CORrt Racetpta. It. Sift bushels The market ruled an under lutht ftertnr and a fair de. v.ar ivw ivr mij treee Otanfatkwie to location tv astern No. 3 rdlpw. Df 1 I 11.200 1: west. We. 4 nut bo. x 91 , ireatern lliuwr retlaw. 11 fa in, No. 1 fallow. II UC1 II; Wf fellow iit:iii. OATS Receipts. HO OH tmaheta. Offering ,wer moderate and Mm market ruled ateadr Uh trad fair, Qnotatloiiat Tn t wartr, enTle. standard wtme. oel4c. No 1 whit, Mrtc, No 4 -whits. fWHci aamvU eats. S4wHc rLOUR Recall. MO WJs. and t.tie.431 (be. in sack. Tw market ra dull and Isrsely raeminal. Uaatatlona rr 1M lbs, In wood Winter clear. $ do. atraWnt, $8 7 . aamui cMr, ration atraurnt. notion, saraa is law Wlfllf clear. " ' eel da, patajH. , 5 3.bOJ0tSi da. patent. joi 1 l7 V),ao; rlty HIE 1111 enrtns. first dear. i TftWIV i do. favorite. at. cotton eecke. -. IKIbHiUS. do, patent, nut iTanea, siaausrji choice and fanrr patent. tlo.400 Itr faille choice and fanrr patent, fit Q II) Ull lp,404 Kr rntua eeeroiar srnaee winter, clear. 0; do, wtreVatrt. In.TSwB, 00. rat- ant. VT-. 18.40. RTE FLOUR ruled Brm vaocr rmul eurpuei, hut ther waa (Ml tredlne. VT quote at tl.0 a.W per BbL. aa to quality. PROVISIONS ruled Urn with aaotationsi city atr-dnia, 84ei wester, boat. In fair demand. beeL In sets. beef. Tha market S-oIlowlna- er I mrtiitVmA and a aats. aowkad. He: luaucklaa and t Zl 'LI- r si. nmniB. i a. rwnii sw. VkMinad. looaa. iOaj21V4t: da. do. amokad. XlVzlwri oinar mm. antnaaa. air cars. to l-rond and arrraca. lHHei fauna, amol tllr and araatarn ndara, inoktl and alr-drlad. IZaOMi. pork, fanlr. 0 (S r, rarad, taaaa, lSluHc: do. unoaao. rad, aa mokad. waatorn carad. H(i do. Malad. aonalass. CL do, amaXad. IX. aUlaa In aVula. acordInc to tvaiasa, looaa. Ktei braaktaat hacvo. aa to rand and aarraaa. 4lr currd, 2:Si WaV. faat bsroo. waatam rurad. Sllie lard. araat am rcflnad. tlarnaa. lTWc: Cm. da. Cm, loba. iIHe, lard, intra cllr. kKtta ranaaraa. la (tarraa. 'He; lard pure cKr. kettle rtndarad. In tuba. REFINED SUGARS Tha niarkst aa qalrt bat firm JUflnars tlat rks CXra fine aranuletad, T.M)0T.ic. pow iarad. 7 007 10c. confactlonars' A. T,oaj 1.M0. soft fradas. 0.?ftT,4v DAIRY PRODUCTS Tl UTTER Damand WHO ucni pnrnncs was falrlr artlaa ana. prices edraneed H r on and tc 00 prints. Follaw ara tea auetattaaa. naataro aoJW-parkM oatnarr. ian7 aprriaia. fl9iri rare, avyt w tic. attra.nrsU. &t 02Or; firsts, air; aao xanrr. mvcj aa- boUd-rarked craamarr and tc 00 prints. Ins; ara tba auatatia nnria. X4ttl4l4rt naarbr ttalnta. arass extra. iltWc: firsts, ate, arcondi. tiO Mn aneclal (ancr brands at prints Jobblnx at ie4. l5G0B--Klne uaa.Jstd ra:rs ware wall cleaned up at lull ficuraa. ttuetatlooa (ollawt In fraa Saaaa, nearby extra, io per down: naarbr rata, Iiu.ho ner standard cava: ne&rbr current recrlpti. 10.a0 per case; it astern extra. H)a Jtr dozen: rxtra firats. 110 MO tier cae: firsta, 10. Du par case: rWrUfrator esse, extra. IV II per ease; firsts. W. JV0U.no per case: eecvnda, Uiiea.M par caee; vandied ccs JobWo at 40 tie per oozen. CIIEESBRuled firm under lljt offerlnca and a (air demand, roilowlnc ara the quota 4toos: Nmvr Turk full cream, fancy, Sltt 0 Clc: do. do. fair to food. SUHlc: do. part klms, 11 CI Be. T0ULTRY LIVE TK market ruled eteadx under mod erate offerings and a fair demand. Koltowinr are the euMatlone: Fowla. as to osalltr, 1V tTc: roosters, 11014c: sprlnc cblckeua. accord ic to quality. 16017;: White berhorna, c eordlnc to quality, 14916c; ducks, ae to size and quatltr. IftWlec: turkere. ri24c. seesa. Ierl7c; plaaens, eld. per pair. XStTZSct do, youns;, per pair. IBeirlc. DRESSED Tba market ruled steady, wltb a aeairnDia aioca roiiowina arr-pectea J r seiectaa. apiece. 2Hei do. en ( dry. vrelchtnx 4 4f6 lbs. and over apiece. do. waixhlns; 4 lbs apivoe, 2c; do. snisiler lowuc. uiu roosters. iry-TicHen, 10c inr k fair demund for desirable atock are the ouetatleas: Freeb-klUed. fowls, 12 o box, dri'pl'-ked. faory lite: do. weishlns 4H iH lbs. m IOC. and ever, par pair, SMVt, waKhuw: V7 lbs. per , zc, wreiKnina aua torn. A 11a. wr tltZtmt broUtrs, Jersey, fancy, Blzea roastlnv chickens. western, welshu lbs. 1 lbs.. 84 s . Pair, Ji lovzie da. pair, tic; welsl avala-btnc ? tnikaa aizea. ? B0cS!!r: do. other nearby. Dae nalr. set&oc: do. do. small decks, naarbr sprlnc, SSVSie; sguaba white, wclshlnc JjeiS lbs. var tot.. Iz.lttt?; do, ; 00, do, 1)910 lbs. per lba.. Dar das. lbs. .per dox . weUhinr It alter altee. 5fTc; par dox.. tS.76 dai, ho0A.6O do. uu h nuaTu.irv. uh. am. t. ItVa per Jcr . H4 3, Co, Jo, la. t jTjwni.in; V ade tesv VV vTi a ,ts: vuj osrx. i;.&B mall and No. FRESH FRUITS Choice stock of most descriptions mat do. 4jH u alth tair sal and values ceaernUr were wail maiu- tained under moderate eaTennss. Quotattona: E m HUllIVaurr. ajj. uunsi uu. 1 OS bo; lien Davis. 2otS.7o; fair to Csod. tl.CO02.CO. AppUa. Delaware and Storyland, iOe. UuTnora, New'Tork. Mr bbL. o. 1. tS0W t.CO: No. :, I22.&0: aulocas. New York, per ush., 11.W01.75. Lamoss. per box. II M t&0. Orapefrult. Florida, per crate, W04.6O. ranberrlea. Cape Cod, per bbL. 10 Be. to: do. Co. par crate, J2&X40; do, Jertwy, dark, per crate, I24S2 40; do, do. Itcht. per crate. II CO oaixet, POBVWt: 5 25 icBt,un. awssi-s luia. I'd inaari. do. par UisB.besktt. ll.SS1.7e. York, per sncioon. Mi . BUfU 01.71-. do. No t. liar. lett. per bl.. 34e H). tmah-hamDer. tl.2StPl.sO. tiartlett. No. 1 Meckel. fears. t-J 2VC. basket. Concord, letf Grspes, lac: Peara 11.71 I. 11.22 New York. Bart. New Teric..er niacara, I TV Orapee. Maw York, car 'M-b. basket. Ceo ord. cs00Sc: Niacara. &9RSc. flums. New ve.vcj prune, COf York, par basket Damson, 0000; crea gut, sucjtuc. SKiNNEK TKIUMPHS IN TARKiNGTON PLAY "Mr. Antonio" Gives Him An- othor Voluble, Vivid Part, and the Audience a Pleasant Evening "."n i.? A Kar la few arta !Tva Aarauutton. HfelumanL -a,arlaa Hrrd atraet Theater. joua swim , Araea JJarc lwt-.Taei!fis5- tu ef tke Karepesn Cafe. , Tlu It.M Antonje Camaradonle ... . Otis "Vlnfter Joa. the new partner .nobart llarriaon a June Hmr.. . ,. gleaner Woodruff eorse ttleeie... . . .,. . Walter K. Krott Innla TtlMla. fiia wife , .". "ua Asm Sollaon Ara Ionia Jornr, , , rranre Landy Karl, th mtnliitr'a son Patterson MrNuil Mrs Jornr , . Loutie Brdmeth jornr. iltjor 01 AValonia RaV Je,.a Walnole. Mrs Valpole. , Mr Coodtr ..... Mrs. Coodar . . Joitph llrannan rvMkat a I'ltAH .ieaita Crommette ..William txirans Winona Dtnnlaon America's mo,t dlitlnitulirieit und ver satile character actor and America's most skillful delineator of small town characters ought to make an ln Indole combination If, as a matter of fact, Otis Skinner and llooth Tarklnnton nra purveyors of Jut an agreeable and naive exenlng's entertain ment you can lay the blame, such aa It Is, at the door of the skillful delineator of small town character who doesn't happen to be a born dramatist. Of course, he couM get around the deficiency by being avs simple on the stage aa he is In his 'Ten rod." But that Isn't tha war of the novel ist. Instead ba quails before the amesome Astir of Tbcspls and hauls out a re volver. Th first act of "Mister Antonio- Is wholly right and tntertaintna;. it Is lust four frequenters of a Third avenue titf York bar and a harmteas lunatic The busy barkeep. the "golT After an absinthe pick-me-up. the garulous organ grinder and the respectable cttlcen from th small town off on a bat are all full of real life. Even th lunatic -with a pasnlon for shooting cap pistols at his stde partner, th organ rrlnder. Is plausible and real. When the organ grinder gles the respectable cltlxen a coat and a dollar to so telegraph home for money, and when he then announces that the man Is Mayor of a town to which he pays an annual summer - lslt wljh his hurdy gurdy, then you settle back for a pleasant little play. Mainly, you get It. You see only the meaner people of a small town, but you see them pretty truly. You hae a great deal of fun waiting for tho Mayor, who "runs the town llko tho Holy Qhost would run It." to learn that the organ grinder he once put In Jail Is the good Samaritan or Third avenue. When musical Antonio befriends the dlstant-relathe hired girl, whom th Mayor would drive out of town for going to a dance hall with the minister's son and not telling who ths man was, the thicken ing In the plat Is pleasant enough Hut when the Mayor cast n loaded revolver to lh -way of the lunatic In order that he may kill Antonio In the course of his cap-pistol campaign well, it Is Just on sign that a novelist ought to keep to his own business or else have more respect for either his own trad or the theater. With humble sim plicity, Mr. Tarklngton could make Mr. Antonio a triumph. When be brings In the revolver of melodrama h merely arms his audience and puts It on the defensive. It Is a considerable compliment to iSr. Tar klngton's senso of character and of humor that the play nt the Broad still remains an agreeable amusement. But It Is a good deal moro of a compli ment to Mr. Skinner. He has an admir able supporting company, capable of very pleasant bits of character work, but It Is he and his Italian that really count Per haps it is an easy job for Mr. (Skinner1. It would be a huge one for most of our self, restrained, colorless player. Mr. Skinner has breadth and impetuosity, th subtle and the pungent, b vivid and the simple. Ills fine voice Is neter forced. He fills It with color And character cen when it falls to half a whisper. Mr. Skinner bos th imagination to conceive finely and the vigor to execute boldly", rerhapo It is temperament. At any rate, it la art X. M. 10-YEAR-OLD "FOLLIES" HAYE GROWN NO OLDER 'Shakespeare "Take-Oils" for Ziejrfeld Holiday Some Chorus VEGETABLES and toes, The market ruled firm under llsbt a ralr camana. (isolations: vri renna)ivama, cnoice, M.svw demand. bueu. offarinss Bits pots, l.SOj New York, choice. It COWl 0; whit pota toes. Jersey, tmr baaket. DUcttJI. sweat pota to!. Kastern ribnre. per bbL. Ns. 1. 125 2.50; No. 2, flfl.&p: sweet potatoes, Delaware and Maryland, per hamper, OOVtCc: sweet po tatoes. Jersey, par baaket. No. 1, e070e: Mo. z. ZQUsoe. uniona. par juvu. nac. no. 1, f.bUV2.vU No z, I1.4UWI.1D. cabbace. Dan- per ion, eiowpv; oo aorocsuc, per ton. i I2.0 LQCAL MINING STOCKS TONOPAH BTOCKa ,.. Old. IBS HUtMr , ,,,,,,, ,,,,,, .r ilarNemar ,,...,. ....,,,, ,10 r"Se ,, ,,..,,,, ,a lh sXt ,,,,,,,,,,, ,10 .,, -t 8 Ulspah Ext iOOteMl. a. a. North BUr lonppan roaopAh Kxttnilon a............. mmcut. tcuiA Vt EaOal a t tf l4at A, 00U)ntXD STOCKS , ,,,,, ,,,,,, " n ,.,,1,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,, mp rraeiion Asked. ,2 Atlanta piue.fevdl leraf li JJ wi a f M .02 . ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .04 .''.' Ul,l,IMM,l,l,f .? loldRald Con ,,.,,,,... , loidftcldUercar ,,,,,..,,,, .07 f-umuo bxiension ...,,,,,.,,.,. ." Kawanas ..,...,,, .10 u a , ,,, ,,,, ,0 iiver rick -., 1 MUCKtLANEOUB r av ecop wendar ,,,.. ,,,,,,, ,3, Mil! 1 " I RAILROAD EARNINGS ThtlUUlpbU Bd BRAPFKO HrifTEU fltmtiai 6pUrahr rrow rw . . . itr Kinwir Cosua.iri ' T-f. - - ''?!? Inrrej MB I.tlS.Mi s?.! M.JTMTI TrtrM rnoiitl.Br sTrtM. a 1 4w Ksllttllll J K4I: Co I a&4 Ifoo Coj MmmMmmr rnmnanal g aauy'assr. i.fjf.Jj CHICAQO OHKAT WMSTKKN- Third weak October.-,,, 14 cri km res Jut? t, 2,2x.tls CMNTKAL K. JU OV NEW JKHHET IM.4IS oM.ira "Nat ,.k.,kt,, ,',,,! 'Sfi'IIS Three eaeadia' sruaa,... j.8g.l r OHBHAfKAKX AND OHIO geptawhar see ...... 14, Si ,, r.,.,,, ..,.. 1, surplus Slur, easrses. fWai mensTn gra.,., JJ,. waus'aVtar'sbaffM!! ill mm m lw mm -w SakfaVT Fleeter. Iwr VJtW YOfUC Out Sly Th market for tills r AeUMPM was easier iMs awrntes; and asjsntns; arisss ahowaal 4Hfi of II U) If aImU w4Ur.ttr4 IfsmKatlofl by Wall avidi a4 oomssliston haes, pranu4 by" th' Ar fssMmr U the spot wAewet, wi tlM lAtewi MVt4 flWa)S f,aU. tnMm w MM MM PM. OjreukesVaW 8V.r Irekajatasfaal NKW TOalK. 0t !, TiaM araSajaHaw was MAcfcangod today. baIdc uuoaadl 4 .asuaar waa uacAAiicwi today. am uuoaadl m fee. ree aa. T it LeaM ami la nm w a ut, asssssssssssssssssssHsissEsh H BT AgaHt asssssssssssssl BBSSSK-T A JC SstsSSSsi Hk jSkA. afeBBSSSSS fl' , ?'',V afalaH aaaSSS&r -s - aaBBBBBBBBBai mmMm e'afalH Issssssssaaassssfr lasti' satssssssssssssssssl SSBBBBBBBBBBBBKaBBBV)-VaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB! IvsassssssssssUF Lsbbbbbbbbb. laaawBaaaaaaaaaaHfV ?' 1J i ask "1 t. assssssssssssssssssss 9B........Hiiaw-4 Tj jL , ritxLslllllllllllllH BOOTH CHAPIN At the Walnut Ust night in "Whflo the City Slcepi" UTOriAX COP AT WALNUT IX NEW DllAMA OF T0L1CE Meller-Dramatic Bluccoat Gets Laugh in Reverse Englleh From Super intendent Robinson Th Utopian cop came to town iast night He had neither brogue nor brogans; more over, he wore a "plnchhaclt" rutt when he doffed his blue coat for his lounging clothes. Ills voice was pleasant well modulated and thoroughly In accord with the principles laid down by Mr. John rrew. tie should have been doomed to failure, should this TJtoplan cop. Somehow, we prefer the ones who wear big, squeaky shoes and amoks villainous pipes. Dut this cop swore he was Irish, drew th applause of the galleries when he said the Irish "were always a race for fair play," and thus "While the City Bleeps" turned out satisfying for those who paid their way in, which was the main trarppse enedally when the villain was thrown down the fake dumbwaiter. The plot is old. concerning Itself In a midst of tangles of an honest cop refusing to dd the Mle machinations of th inevit ahto "man higher up" to take an Immigrant girl as his mistress. The girl, of course, la unaware that such evil exlsto and has A lorer who loves her for her sake alone. Fred C'nntway, as the heroine's father, was obliging when ha was absent, and Dolly De Vyn. as Patsy, a newsglrl who Aiwa), has a hunch, aided tb Jong arm of coincidence immensely. In spite of tit axaggcraUon of tho character portrayed by Marie Pel VecchVo, that of the honest TJtoplan cop's mother, sha was Instrumental In pulllmr through the show. Her Idea of the part she played showed considerable forethought Buprintendent of Police Rob inson witnessed the show and smiled. JACKN0RW0R1HJS GREEIED AT WOTS 'Chic" Sale, Harry Green and Bobby Heath Also Hits of Star Bill MINE STORY DIVERTS; LAURELS FOR LOVES Montagu and Bessie at Regent and Arcadia and Thomas Meighan at Stanley Th Tollies," ten years alive, celebrate Shakespeare 200 years dead. Th tercen tenary of th Bard affords th Inspiration for th tenth celebration of a Zl'gfeld boll day. Twenty-three scenes wer staged at the Forrest last night before a typical "Follies" audience, which by Its demonstra tions of Joyunce Indicated that the vintage of 111) possessed an exhilarating quality, a bouquet and a sparkle that one docs not expect of old wine poured Into near flasks. Of course Shakespeare was taktn off. Dut that wasn't Alt For, needless to relate, there was a chorus. It proved that the high cost of living has an 'Angle" in the high cost of dressing. Not that ther were any angle in th lyric auxiliaries, as th young- ladic (who seldom leave Droadwsy), It seems, prefer to be called Instead of "broilers," "draft horaes" and other names once familiar. Why lyric auxiliaries Is the monnlksr selected Is not audible to th ear and In some of the choral ensemble on rrrrsttcd vision waa not th only sens of the f!v than active. Possibly "pps" would be the right term Instead of lyric Auxiliaries, Judging by the vocal volume and ton; anyhow, it Is a tenderer, younger ttrm than th outmoded "broilers." At any rate, they wer ther largely, both numerically and quantitatively, for aos were as pleasingly plump as Little Buttercup and others wer of a Slim Prin ces sveJUn. Most of them were pretty In various way, such as blonde, brunette, pouting, naive, Dresden dolt, statuesque and other categories known to tba fancier. The matter 'of chief concern to the "Follies" connoisseurs need not cause them mush concern. Tbey will all Ilk lb ohorua. For th pictorial part they bay this year again, to fac a competition that waa not forced la th preeedUir nln "FolHes," In Joseph Urban' scenes. These are glowing wKh color, yet nevsr gaudy. Conventionality Is th keynote of th humor coarsened a bit to be approprif to the medium. Tea year of th "Follies" hav not evolved a sense of authcnlo com edy; th appeal rmJs to th eye. But a on might, say, "What would you hav 7 This I sot a prefclem plsy to rsaah the intslhtct Tbli li But i VImumm operetta to seduce th ear. This is not a Gilbert and Rulllvan piece to Intrigue th risibilities. This is th "Follies." It knows not unities, It knows not -entity, It la a kaleidoscope, a phar.tasmagaata." It Is a huge, howling euoos In Its de sign. What more could be asked T Noth ing mora was asked by the snortllng, ap plaush audi. So it is use te Met the syndUat of composers; what thy eem posed aan b heard In Infinite variety on any phoBeerraph. It Is no ua to list the eyndteate of lyricists. WweUlet and Jokssmllha. What, they did en be heard At y vaudevaU 'performance. It la all tttmWed, girt aerr scenery aglow, arlsti eeatum, 'trifelsr and ether dAneee, wheess 4 )fe. Into a ponafleeserAte eve HlAAfol tn entertainment of a sort that ks ts neb, lleoause the elements are Hke petite In a bag, whieb teuefc but do net eefeere. Is no reproaob to the "Ft M4f Behcet of dramaturgy, It wts oa Ma am peculiarities of ataadaad. atrery ass Is aetv this year. There are even M -MHT artede In the ei; Mart WIW aAsaie Jarlee. jrerMTd WW Jto, tfc tAryljfJriAt ---- natter Is WAfted A a re. sa-aeae trom the osoa Udesj, WAst the vapors of BroAdaty; AJina rasmladrte. W ti JraskU aua xna iiairt, as oainiy ae ever, and fur newoeauer eavb Hardy, a Srw By the Photoplay Editor 8TANLKT "Tbe Ifrlr te tba Unrrab,'' Laskr- Paramount, with Thomas MeUrhan and Anita Xlne. ftory by lai Armstrong, directed by WflUam C. TH II)le, . Jeese I. Lasky liaa 'turned out another Uva-iiart feature in which predomlnatiruT comedy, of contrasts rather than of char acter and situation, Vltl amuse many and' disappoint other. It wilt please because of ths harmless fun that is got from pisc ina; rough miners In "high society," and displease because ths climax Is feebly propped with a conventional "mlsunder standlf r" between husband And wife. Im possible in life. The picture baa moments, rare ons, of human pity and human grip, and is never badly acted, but it lacks both the broad emotional force and tbe delicate detail of the very finest drama. It Is scarcely as vital as It was In stage form a good, many years ago when Wilfred Lu cas played the roughneck hero. In tbe fUm his role is taken by Mr. Melgfcad, on agreeably manly, but not particularly dis tinguished or subtle. Actor Miss King, his foil In the plot. Is not impressive. How ever, the character bits ere cleverly han dled, and the camera work from first to last is a generous education to directors lth fogged lenses. A Black Diamond comedy, travel and news pictures complete the bill. Jack Korworth has been singing under Zeppelins for two years, but he managed to return to his home town without a scratch. In songs and stories he told all about It at Xelth'a last night. And to hla credit let It be said that he didn't drag back an KngtUh drawl with him. lie still talks and clnga American. Confidentially Mr. Norworth admitted In the course of a song that the number of prospective president hsd been Increased by on. This news leaked out In the song. "Ile'e My Boy- Then the comedian started aomethtnc which promises to run neck and neck with the American flag aa an applause winner he held up the picture of his little boy with Justifiable pride a he aang Its only fair to ay. however, thst he receded an abundance of applause before be reached this point snd the picture well. It clinched matters. Chlo Rale appeared In a skit, during which he assumed eight characters In two scene. H kept laughter on the roll. In addition to showing how wise a smart rub could be played nn Instrument which was a cms between a trombone and naxn plteme with clarionet tdlmmirur. It waa in bad shape and looked as though a mule fell on it In a dark stable. II waa th Applause winner of the show by several lengths. Right in keeping with the pace of the show was a sketch by Aaron Hoffman. Justly termed the "Delanco of Vaudeville " It la called The Cherry Tree." and 1t blossoms all over with laughs and philos ophy. This Is without doubt the hst crea tion of Mr. Hoffman's since his famous "End of the World " Harry fjreen gives an excellent character ication of the honest Jew, and Is well sup ported by Walter Alien, Jans Meredith. Frank Clancy and George Park. Bobby Heath and his Atl-I'hltadelphla girls were given a hearty reception and pro ad that tbey deserved It In addition to Bobby and his energetic pianist, Billy James, ther is a sextet of the aainttest girls you would want to see. The act is staged with an eye to class and the. comedy Is sprinkled about Just enough to make a good contrast. Sydney Jnrvt and Virginia Dare ap peared to advantage In The Bride Tamer." a new operetta by Edgar Atlan Woolf and Percy Wenrich. Clara Howard, a singing comedienne, who made her first appearance here, won good results w Kit snappy songs, bright talk and Imitations. Paul (lorden thrilled the audience with feats on the wire. He Is superior to any lro artist ever seen here Many new ideas In Juggling and comedy were shown by Nolan and Nolan, who gave the show a quick start. This speedy pair work with a rush from the start. Among other tricks Nolan throws a saucer on his head with his foot and later adds a cup. spoon and lump of enjgar there by the same means. Tbe act won much warranted applause. The Saxo Sextet dispensed airs of the day to general approval. J. G. C eJTeWrwTarlw . at Ballet. at Marts tt. wWlfl vf wtilefe ha am a meenbee. faneral ervlr-ra -Thure- X at. m.. &I1S M hill st. Int. Ureetmooat teas. fientatD snaf Tieweo maoj, eve, aiiio aervice. HAA. Oct, . CAflOlim, widow of .Charles Haas, asm) Trt. Helatlves en erVwula rarlted te fnnrrai. tVed.. 2 r an., reeteene of na-4nrlaw. rred (lasaa, Hi K. Maaboraeew are,. Raibotettaa. Mceh,a la Meeaativ Laitkaraei ( hurrh ri.rn 1st l,evermrtai Ceea. 'rHBa ii av irvm ip a A- mar rail ! "LITTLE nEMY CMOORK" 18 onwee it fVfrrt?Biirvru'Pn I r$yZ?Vml0$ii$ IV r,vn.r.- ,,, vnaWVWfWI K Tri , (nee Horn). ed St. Relatives and ri O'Shej-Liller Tky Score With Many Thrill, Tense dramatic situations and thrills ga lore predominate In "Little Teggy o'Moore," which scored a decided hit at the Knicker bocker Theater Ust night It la, neverthe less, a sweet love story, and It gripped the Interest the house from, stnrt to finish. The comedy element drew many laugh Peggy, n little Irish girl, almost as lov able as 'Teg o' My Heart" comes to visit America and her guardian. Dan Murphy who Is mayor of a wide-awake city Elec tion time is near, and she learns of crooked politics, of riots, thefts and dark Intrigues, all ery (Tripping Peggy la In the thick of It all, and Is almost as heroic as tier guard ian. Th cast Is unusually good Hlln Morgan Is delightful as I'eexr, while Oscar O'Rhea scored henlly a, tha guardlnn-mayor Dan iel need, ns Mstt Hngan, kept the house in an uproar of laughter. ZDcatljs At.nnnciiT. Oct s, josni'itiNrj c . or rrrdrrirk J. Joyland Girls Cross Keys There Is a good combination of music and comedy In tbe Joyland Girls, which heads the bill at the Cross Keys. Bright, breexy lines and funny situations raised no end of laughs, while the songs were up to the minute. The act Is staged with careful attention to detail and a number of pretty girls enhance tho production. Entertaining acts were also presented by Harry Anger and the King Ktsters, Keyo and Nelson, Davis and Peters, McOowan and Cordon and tbe ituth Howell Trio. Tho photoplay Js full of interest. Town Hall Follies I'enn Town Hall Follies." a rub musical tab loid, proved the leading attraction on tbe tlll at the William Penn Theater last night. Wth Eugene Emmctt In the leading role. Assisted by a bevy of pretty girls, the sketch won continuous applause. The music is fsr above the average and the comedy brings no end of laughs. The act scored a solid bit. Other good act on the bill were Jimmy Lucas and company, "At the Doc tor's." and Kennedy and Burt. Bessie Bar rlscale. In "Plain Jans," and excellent photoplay. Is also on tbe bill. -Wt mV, JOSIil'lllrtli -- HIUCTW AihrOThf ii,ltlva and frlenda. B, V, If. Sodality aad larua of Sucre Heart of Church et Ht. Ibnnaaa Aaulnae, ln Ited to funeral. Frl . SJIO a. m.. aon-ln-UWa real, dence. Tfiomas P. Preston. Ml" KHisaeeelne; r,a. Utah mm of reoulam rmircn or Meat iolj Karramrnt 10 a, m. lnl llolr Crnaa Cam. AT.l.ltrf Oct M. Capt WILLIAM 11 S AI.. t.KN, huiband or Kmrni Allen tnre lllsasr). axed 4 lletatlrea snd frlenda Invited to funeral services. Tuea . 8 p. m- residence pf daughter-la-law, Mrs. Msrr Allen. Sl N, Howard St. Int. Wed . at Pflimre City. Del I) AltTI I Oct 2. Tlt.t.tK dauchler f lata J'harles O and Dorothea llarth, Ilelatltea and rlends InvMed to funeTal services, Vtrd.,X p m "rothrr-lo-Uwa residence. Cleorse YV Cook. 23 N. Mtt st Int. Frrnwood Cent. Vrlrnda may view remains Tim., from 730 te W P. m. Kin.NTrj.ti Oct. SO. WAltT B . wlfa of Au rust Hlanlsle Inee Rlaele). axed SS, Itelattves and friends Invited to funeral. Tours., S P. tn . EBZO Jllalua; nun see lAwnaaia, liemaisa mar a vlawad iVd M to 10 p. m Int. Norttawood Ccm. Auto aerrlee. IIOU1CK. Pet IS, AO.NTJ M dauahter of 'athartsa ana late iomaa ltotser. la eed etetlree and frlenda also Iileaaed Vlraln Vlarr rai. rain Kft.t1tfv of Mt. auaaatlna'a lnrlted to funera Tram mmltfri reaioene. ivi J rTanaiin ar., Thura A SO a tn Solemn reoulem maa Ht Ausuitlne's Church lu a. m. Int. llolr Croaa Cem. nOWEHS Oct 5S. auddenly. DAVID, rm of Hannah nnd late Oet.rs II. Ilonera. Itelatlvea and frlenda. Waahlnstnn lmf, No 401, P. O. 8 of A t Camp No l5, T. O. of A., and em ployee Klectrlc Ptnraae llattery Cos Invited to funeral service.. Wed.. lJOj. m. 447 N, Uan. croft at. Int ptHate. Wbltemarah. 1 rltnda ma view remains Tucs .8pm. 1IOWMAN 1, 7. auodenlr. at San An- ,Kirt T-v . ItV.ltllRltT I... inn nf Harry and lata Arabella M Itewman, aaed I'll Due notice Tlfp' savfi f-Tai "fc5ET . rav. xrom I n IIAKt) TVt . UlITm A .. arUoar mt Capt. K w ana fnM need). Owed TS tteta. live and friends larlted la fanerat, Taee p. m , MXj Walton av. Int rf ala. HArtsri.u Oct, an ntANK MAXSKI.U at AtUatlo Cltr N J lieiatlvee and rVaiaa MvHad te funeral aertloee. 4(44 tprer at., wed., at 3 p rn Int private. OmK florera. IIAItTKOPr Oct. MAX. m mf Hen rietta ami lata Aucvst llarlkerf sired ti. Jtate- tires and frlenda Invited la fuaeral aervli nea Wed.. 2 n an 1t.1 ti narltela at. IMC. ari- vale. Chelten Hills Cam hemalrai rear ba viewed Ta , T te p m Ante faneral, JIATKS Oct 0. JOHN F huaba-nd at HaVaej O If are (nt Flmvraaerl sod arm f lata T.J. and Mary A llarea Itelatlera aad frVndai Aan Valradnr CoancU, K. tt l At Vtckael's T. A II. Poclrtr all other societies of wrscri " was a nwmter Invited t funeral. Frt, g a. tn sis a nroad at. sieiemn reeutem tnirt pi Stephen'a Ctiurch utrnad and Butter ata.). ,0.?.m ln,i Heir Crwa Cem . IIKMrmt.t.. Oct, S. at V.aat Cheater, ra . Hon JumcllI IIElirjlfU- axed 74. Relatives and frlenda Invited tn funeral. 40 MaawHe t- neat Cheater. Wed Meat at houa 3 . in. 1st. Oakland Oen, iirix.viiTiKimT Oct. r. rirn.ip hoae ii i,i, x,nen iieiineikeni. neiaiieea ana inunaa, plvlejon So 7, A. O. If.i tourt xissi M. J, K. of Jk.j Va.hlnston Ixxlea. Jta. 1M1. E and f. of II., Intlted to funeral. TT, B a. ., ZSSs rl. Amerlran mi. Haarmei Hlaii anaaa af Alt. renulem Ctiunh nf Our ldy of l m Int llolr tiroes Cem, Carmal reqwiei 'athlr nf funeral will ba slron, father's realdMira. siis N.M.C- . o .. Y County. i.tr.Elr: IWT1.K. wtfe ef Harder Sister f Als." rina Arte-TrUn- I. atory by nemara xio C. U. and U. A. Frank. Ann am a m, with Tlaaala Ijov Convllla, dlracted Ly Triangle, superbly equipped In all other departments, baa never been strong: on orig inal plots, eo It will surpris few to learn that "Sister of Six" la Just A rewriting of the old Tine Art success, "Let Katy Do It." which, with Jan Orey, Tully Marshall and th famous kids, constituted A sort of Juvenile epic Th new picture even misses AOm of the "JCaly" points, yet It U A de lightful bit of entertainment, produced with a handsome money outlay, a divining sense of scenlo appeal, and close-up touches such a the Krankllns excel In frightened little boys and girls diving Into chests and clos eta, putting out their tongues at grim eld er, pulling one another's hair In contest ing; for "the best seat." and biting- their finger-nails at table. That sounds trivial, but If It Is. then th heart of childhood is trivial, with It angelic beauties and Its demon! naughtinesses. If for no other reason, you should see the antics of Fran cis Carpenter and George Stone In this aim. Here Are two young men who may some time be the Henry Walthall and El mer Clifton of their day a day when, dear ins. Miss Lor will be past her twen ties! Thank Heaven sto I way bslow that now. And still doesn't belt her surname. A charmer In a charming picture. RKOBMT "BeBfkt aad Nil Itr," World. Sroadkurat, dtraetad by Marlar Kneles. In spit pf Its wordy method. "Bought and raid For" I quite as exciting and fsr lea offensive on the screen than it was 'on th stage. Tha stry has been faith fully followed ; the settings are genuine ana Imposing, and, beet of all, in the door smashing climax, where tbe drunken mil lionaire forced his way Into his wife's boudoir, the -feeling of removal, of the pic ture, within the frame, of something slight ly apart from everyday life, prevents the sensitive spectator from being offended In Ik matter ot taste, mis eraay is starred, and she Is net a bit bad as the phone girl; but the real feature of the aetlon I th Bjyln ef Montagu Love a the bibulous husband. Tke lighting- Is net always bril Maavt, It esefAll' serves, tUoujfh, , Anniversary weak ! feeing oaUferaUd at the Apollo Theater, Klfty-seWad and TAompsen streets. It's the first anniver sary, too. By Deoember 1 i flB.eSvjorgan will hav Veen Installed. West Philadel phia always hs been progressive photo- a " s" sSseeevBr'ai esFeBaawyaasv4V The stoUaweesi nmmrsde ball of the MAitwA-Ptatwe saajdayes AseoetatiaMI U due terht at aVajsjii' Tisilli In adeUteS W take feelarws already askaeiisriil Hasry Kttby test etle. IMtto htoUser. AelAl exhJMtkm daneere la valevtlts th4rs, oabATeU aad museo BAUa. win aMtear et toe SruM aj4 sffpfrsef( awWssi HKgaVaV Bachelor Dinner Nixon Grand The Bachelor DlnneV a lively tabloid with pretty girts, good music and excellent dancing, was the headllner at the a rand. This tabloid has a freshness about it that Immediately wins the audience. There Is nolty In every line and there la plenty of evidence that the girls and music have been picked with care. There Is not a dull moment In "The Bachelor Dinner," and that Is more than can be said for A lot ot vaudeville tabloids. There were five other acta on th bll. Cabaret Girls Globe The Cabaret Olrls," a tabloid musical comedy, featuring Madeline Lear. A Phila delphia girl, Is th chief attraction at th Glob this week. Ths scenlo effects are worthy of note, and an attractive chorus sings and dances in a pleasing manner. The Five Satsudas, In an Oriental acro batic novelty, were also well recalled. "A Call Prom the Streets" Is offered by draco Bt Clair and company, and Burke. Toughey and company are seen In "Casey's Visit." The surrounding bill Includes E. Kelly Forrest, a tramp monologlst; the Dancing La Velles, Illioda Nichols, Mumford and Thompson, conversational comedians; Ita lian and Pond, singers and dancers, and the Cabaret Dogs. The pictures wer new and interesting. Minstrel Dumont's Th Automobile Thiev" and several other travesties on local happening formed an attractive bill at Dumont's There was an abundance of action through out, while the first part was kept up to the minute by the introduction of several nw song. Tom Malon. Oeorg Allman, Ed die Cassldy, Alt aibson, Vlo Itlchards and others added to th general merriment. Otis Bkinncr to Speak at U. of P. ptl Skinner, th actor, will talk on Tha Actor apd Hla Audience" at 4 o'clock this Afternoon In College Hall, at the University of Pennsylvania. The lecture will be open to the public This will be the first of a series of lectures to be given at the uni versity under the auspices ot the Arts Association. W M I'll M S,lMil rH Mi fllore Than 20 Years of Beltmaklng Has Resulted In The "Bond"' ' Leather Belting The ultimate in belting, Bond Bolting U guaran tdvsd fatwt for evry pur- I4AJ, LCHALES BOKD CO. jfcC&ttjl4aBssssssssst4stf JM Arh mr-l. AW fm,M,W. iloyle atnl fit Kelatltea snd friends invited to funeral, Hprlns. Mllla. MoMaomery i-ounty. Thura 2 pm. Int West Laurel Hill Cem. IIHADY. Oct 2 HAHAII, widow of Patrick tlrsdy, seed St llrlatlrrs and frlenda Invited to funeral, Thura 8 a, tn , porlors nf William JdcCnnoshr. I.ancater and Wjomlni: aves., Ardmore, l'a lllsh ma Sl.Colman'a Church It a. ra. Int. t- Denis's Cem UltOU-N. Oct. 2. JOll.-f. kushand of lata Irabella Drown, asnl M, st Ms residence, tn Itaddoo ava. lldatHea and friends, mem bers ot Ionic I,odre. No. Pi. r. A. Jd.t Whher aooon Circle. No. 1. II. of A.1 Lenl tnspa Tribe, No 2. I. O It. M., are Invited to funeral services. Wed . 2 p. m . at St. John's l, K. Church, tlroadwar snd Ho j den at., Camden. N. J. Int. private, st Harlelsh Cem, Friends may view remains Ture.. 7 tn u P. m. UK0V.N. Oct. 2. at PreebTterlan Horn for Widows and ainxl Women. IAJJAm:T HRtlWN. asad t Jtelsttvea and frtenila Invited to funeral service!. Tues , I p. ra . the Home, 5Rlh and Oreenway sc, Wrel Phlla. Int. Mt. Alorlah Cem. , niiowN Oct. so. nAnnAiiA. widow of Isaac Drown. Hr.. ased W7. JUIathea and frlenda Invited to funeral. Thura, 2 p tn.. from resi dence of aon-lu-law. IblJ K. Tkwa at. Int. llelvua Cem CALDWELL. Oct. 2. HKUIJtH. daughter of lata tleorsa and Martha Caldwell, aaed 01. rtelatitea and friends tnvlted lo funeral aerv Irea. Wed., 1 SO p. tn , reaidenca, Itldler town aMp. near Alorton. Del. Co.. l'a.. without further notice. Int. Aledla Cmm. Auto aenice. CLJkitK. Oct. m. In New York city. 1HAI1KL CLAItlv. wife of W. Irvtns Clark and dauxater of tbe lata Thnmaa Ilehlna aaed 7S . CI,lN-TO.f Oct. SO. EDWIN T. CI.LfTON. need 71. ltelatlvra and friends Invited to fu neral aervlcea. Wed . 2 P. tn . at 4SU3 Wslnut at. Int. private at Church ot Drethraa Durlal Omund. Qerraantown. COX At Merchantvllla. N. J , Oct. S, JOHN W. COX. huaband of Mary Cox (nee Bchock) and father of lr. II. K. Cox. D. V. H.. of 1'ulla.. Pa. Itelatlves and frlenda Invited to funeral aervlrra. Thura , 58 p ra.. JIJ r.. Park ., xlerchantvlll. N J. Int. priyau JUrlelrh Cam. friends may view remains Wed, t) to 10 p. m. Auto funeral culiibhthon. Oct. so. kiAitnAtiET v.. widow of John Culbertson and daushter of Drld ret and late Patrick J Dolan. ltelatlvra snd frlenda Invited to funeral, Thura., u a, m 103O MrClalian at., selow Moors at illsh requiem rain St, Thoraaa Auulna Churcti 1U3U a. m Int Holy Croaa Cera .. DUUOIS Oct. 2. Ir. TfH.LIAM O. DTJ rtOlS. ased :". Itelattves and friends Invited lo aervlcea. Wed., lu a. m, 440 Jiroadway, Camden. H, J. lut. prU-ate, Clayton Cent., con venianre ot family, Remalsa may be viewed Tuea eve, KNNI8. Oct. . ftAnAlI A., widow of Henry II Knnla. Itelatlvea and friends Invited to funeral. Wed , 2 p. m . HA Uracu at., Minn yunk Uervlcea at. David s I' E. Church 3 p. m. Int. private, Ivrrlnxton Cem. I rtends rosy view remains Tues., 7 to & p. m. FANK. Oct. 28. IDA, dsuthter of Jsmas If. and Isabel L. Pane. Relative and frlenda In vited to funeral services. Wed, 1:8(1 p. m . at parents' realdenoe. till 8, tteeae st. Int. Fern wood Cem. llrmalna may be viewed Tuea avo KKI.I,. Oct. 20, ANNA L WALLACE, widow nf Wllllsm K, Fell, Funeral services 4018 (Wsina av.. Wed , 2 30 p. m. Int. private. Itelatlves and friends Invited to funeral atrvlcea K1,ANA1AN Oct. 28, JKNNIB J., daushter of Mary E Flanaxaa laee Pecton) and lata John 11. Flanaran. Itelatlves and friends Invited to funeral, Thura , H 30 a tn , 3105 Arnmlnso ava, Holemn requiem mas Church of Nativity 11. V, 11., in s tn Int New Cathedral Cem. . OADKTI.EWICZ. Oct. 2. HOLlJLAW J., huiband of Klliabeth M. Oabrylewlct, axed nj. Itelatlvea and frlenda alaq tlnclelles ot tha rollsti Alllaooe, Z. N. P.. No. 1: T. 11. P. Koacluakn, Adam Mlcktawlcs. Hhoemakers' llrancn. No. 2; Polish Home, 2d and Palrmouat ave.. Invited to funeral, 112s N. Sophia at.. Thura , 8.30 am. lllsh requiem rnaaa Ht. lAurentlus's Church 10 a, ra. lut. Holy flenulelirs Cem. OA1.IUOIIKH, Ort. SO. MAJtr E. OAI.LA OMEH Inea For), wlfa of N.ll Oall.sW. Hals Jlvts and friends, Ixasua of Macrad Heart of Ht. Orasory's Church, lavltad to funeral. Frl . H a. m.. S4&2 Marian ave.. Weat I'hIU. Hlxh masa of requiem St. arsorys Church SJO a. m. Int. Holy croaa Cam. Omit flowers, aOLlJHUmi Oct. 30, FltANK II., huiband of Vlortnc UoldatnUh, 6671 I'embarton st. Due nottro of funeral slven OOODALL Oct, 20, LOUISA OOODALL. widow of .Thomaa Ooodall. Ilaiatlvea and frlenda. Columbia Lodge, No. 21. H. of II.. In- riinu tu lunerai aervicra. i.inuen itapiiat unurcn, Jth and Linden su Csmden. N. J.. Wad.. 2 IIKTSKIL Orl. an at lha raaldrnrai of her nelca Mm Frank C VrCown. to 4th , Jl addon HeUhU. X. J MAHuXhUT P UET-B'.-K J"'rvcea and int. at Chmtraburr. IV. . ...HICKa Oct 21). U2 if. aid at- lKAlAH 1IICKH, Funeral rervVee at conveeilenea f Umlly Int prlrate South laurel Hill Cem. It la kindly requested that no Anwrra he aent. JACKSON Oct 2. AMANDA C JACKSON, ased 87. Ilaiatlvea and frlenda Invited to fu naral aervtoee. Thura 2 p. n- 74 Draxal rd Overbroak Itrt prtvala JACOHS Oct. V. HAaiCRU husband of Mary Ann Jacaba. Ketstlvcs and frlenda Invllad lo funeral, W ed., 2 n m , son's reetdeoce. Sea N 4Mh at. Int Mt MortahCem. Tlemalns nar be viewed Tuea., between B and 10 p. m. Auto service f KANK Oct. BO. FT.IXARBTH T KANE fnea Oallasher), wlfa ef rYanda J. Kan. Selstlves sud friends, tesirua af ftarred Jieart. Altar and Ibnaary Societies and II. V. it. AadaHtr of ft. lltaa Chnrrh. Invited to funeral, Taur., SAO a. m . realdenoe of roualn. O. C. Mir, rlaon 1418 8 ICtb at. Balema reqalem maaa Ht lllta-a t Kl wlfa and 2 p. m , at reelderxw son. 2e M, 43d at. im rnwif at rnnann tern. KNAI'P Oct. If. JACOII huetiapd of Clar Knapn nea Horn I. aaed St. Helatlva and friends, Washington Camp, No. , p. n . ef A.t Jlarrr Oar Council No. 7. Jr. ti? C. A, M , Invited to funeral. Wea.. 2 p. bu Seat N. Urnad at. Int. Nonhwood Cem. KN6WLU8 Suddenly. Oct. xA. HARRIET KNOW1.TC9 wife of John Ttaewlea. daushter of lata Ileniamln antl Elisabeth flamar. Itelattvaa and fiieuds,, membars at Oabrlel a P. K. Vila. aKMt, tnild to funeral aervirea, Wed .2 p. m , 109 E Wlnxcihockltu; st.. Olney. Int. Oreeawaod tX of r.) Cam. Itcmalna jnay ba viewed Twaa, "IcOCH Ort. 2. MATT1E J . wlfa of T. T. Koch, aved 78 lielaUves and friends, members of Church Ifelpera of Methadlat SManopal itiurch and Women's Ttellef Corp of Post TVo. 7. O. A. It . Int lied t runeral aerrkva. Wed., 2 p. ro.. SZ2 E. 71 ave.. Camshahockea. He mains may he lewed Tuea., 7 lo p. tn. Int. Rrlvate. Laverlncton Cem RoaborouxD. Aute literal LANOTOrtD. Oct. SO. JOttN T, LATfO FOKI). een of lata Thomaa and Italia lAnaford. Itelatlvea and frlenda lavltad to funeral. Tnura., 8 Ad a n . 25 N. Wrcambe irtn lansdmrna, Del, t'4.. l'a. ttulemn mass of requiem 8t..t"hUo mena's Church 10 a, m. .Int. New Cathedral Cem Auto funeral. l.ENTZ. Oct. ID. CHAni.M P . eon nf lata Chaa F. and Julia Lantx. H-latlvea and rrtnds ; tntited to funeral services. Tues., 8 p. m . par lors ot K. J Lambert. 8, U. cor 20th and Itldae ave. Int. private, I.INDII. Oct 38, MAUD T. LlNDlt (nea Kinnedy), wife ot Charles K. I.lndh. Jr. Rela tives and frl-ndi. II, V, M, Hodalltr and tattua of Hacred Heart, invited to funeral, Thuri.. 8 JO a. tn., KlSi) K. Chelten avs. Solemn maaa of requiem Church of Immaculate Conception 10 a, m 1st. Holy SrpuV-hre Cem LEWIS. Oct 8(1. nRADFlELD Q.. aon of lata Jam and Joeephloe B. Lewis, ased 40. llody mar he viewed a 821 Duunood St., Wed. evr after T p deck, ttarvtan and Int- at New tills, timbarland (dainty. Pa , IViura. arteraoon. LUTZ-Oct. 30. ClUUSTLOi. husband, ot Matilda Luts trie Sttefer). and BA. Jtelatlvaa 8 p. m ,4854 N, Lawrene st. Int. at convenl- enin ,,, lniiiiiy. Ellen Irnch friends Unit Court TV Phlli ler t Lams X. sex Mt lasaae. U I asf 2V aVSnt'ltts r frleaAa (VI awral eaeitea. Wed.. . i . an JVI M. pnvata. Ylea , MAAI.AXD. CkrtM awn, jmjmw. 4,lWlutlawri. ic I. Maajard aad asA I. I' MUlS A f&tew;?& JWSraaSJraw t aBJrl aaaal CI. iM'a Stat I, e-wst xarea srHiin , saenv at aaat-wi-aaw. J. K.lfin Assail as maaa Lady ef J nay atf uaa MaVWiasf jwwm sax K.-y I . ft! i3tf mm en mt Iters- arc I Becajsir'al . fe-P'MP' "w Tkar., I P m Slav sveTAvWf-i-oni-SJflersr 1. afravirf. nf lata Jean and au-Usat Jseaneti KelanMBw sed rrsMtda jfttHaA ta'-Saeeal. Tlasra MS jjj ., , aa tKVI sllfrHa: iv.,Mhra saaae a4 tajaasw pav H aaaeati: sVsaaS JJ tela JSei rtei Maaaai.tBM Sb-Lai t ftj-1?, Atf"'," ' jsWi at, JXeiem kajrajnias a J, fwrrtck-s . WO4VW'--6rt.,i. sfSAlirV. k lata naaa Morris laee 3acTrvwl, aaat I erica Morn (new CftMasL rWtatlva1 a Invited faaeral. Sat., a a. at., a sv.. WeK lltMa. ifdawa asaa f iwaaAsa ut, vataai Chureti J a, m. OtV. Oct. IS. uUCOawsat. aai.fcasA mt KQ. iKIU i!Jrrvriiih5e3UJ i. is. p, ef A.: beaeaara ac Wee A Xttaw i aen aad Cajnbria. ass . aavltad ta.fuaiasi m ieea. edI. 2 r, ,. SJkrTji. XAwraaea a,, i. private, stnun mar be iewsd Tuea , s le 1 HBUi ej-aa ew Irar VsaTtarvV Ff BlsBVJPas)v u ht, Oct. m. imui i9 WHI1KM IM t Asse., and UnvM Oaarda ICBWWAS w rss.aiL.eal a-SrrjJw WWi IIIIMjaB j lriwQVe. rs9 laASanTal ha IfULCAM aan mt lata Med dt. late. Ml rriea Frl" T . eabr Mi JK. Tarsaa- Church 11a.m. 1st, wew wtTriiicrrv. VUKCHKy, huiband ef Sarah A. Mi after. apa ativea a frwaas MvMed to rasssej Thura . Ip. n. ISM J. TSmtk st, as. ...af h, yariLCAsrct tied, VrmmmETmm E& it. AAMWlif, aUtrOAtsf Jtalativea aad frlaads IwvMad. a. Thura . S n. m ISM N. istii private Tatar! nm Cem, SUftlTlI, 1.1AM aw. trtenda Falrvte t1S.Srt?115rBAdHAH A Willi-m B, NHrwo, M fa KaUflVM rrtn(lai lnTltswi ta lnexrsil. TTnfm . B attMr'ei rwrrtVfic. Mr, SUtrDtw 14 M1 Pirm t.. 10 , tn. Ut. V4B artdwtBatJrisI a-Oel.' ba rr(4 1fVl SrfmU0r--Oct. 90. TTtLUAM 3,tr; aVt twees nnA 1 rwtmHm l(tp1tscl lA a,UChrsl &AQ su m. rtldarAr of 1st or. Mrs. KjsJtW aAH IUfS iaU lr-au4Tii maaa St. Qab agTpet !fc J&EDlCr C?ffe. lwV wlfa ot ltobert Ott, aaed 65., Kola Uvea anf friends Invited to funersl services. wed,i lJn IS .an., 4mm mfwrv n. ih, mix jtwaia . yrtaa Tla-a, evx. l. zem. basbaud of Mi allvea and friends ' at Sfabjeapert, M. J. ivfud "tTSSimtc'm . 3 p. m.. Odd reVows'-Caaa. Chapel, tttufUmftm. uoa iwbvi tJ. re. 3. Int. rArJvn act. 91. Jl-UHtlTI A. Pi' Ptuiaral, la which ralattvoa aad friends. Ward Dewuioratle Aim. are lavltad. Thm ibis Yvnarten n. asa oc requiem wi -rnomas Aqwiaaa vjpj a. aa, uu fit. Croaa ram. Auio sea ila. 1MUUE. Daaettr, fct. so, Aqutaaa V0 a. MICHAXL earn lata Jamea aad Mary recti rm MeMabeal, m of Klnaseourt. Cetrntir Cavan. Ireland, ru neral wit! be eaaounood Utor.frem Naaaral enartmente of Thomaa J eon OKourk. dfto Morris at. , - i. WWM.kx. ao. euoaenir. jisrtivia. js., waas 16th at. &atnaea er J. x-inweaa. 0th P. ro. iletnalna may be viewed Tuea eve Inn ef John Crawford 2637 Woatfleld ave., uAn.a'!..,n,. Prfral,i Harlelsh Cem. OltAIRBERUV Ai Weatrllle. P? J Oct. 28. MAItr IS,, widow of Joseph Oraliberry (neo Toddl, axad 72, Relatives and friends In vited to funeral. Wed,. 2 p. m , residence of aon-ln law, Iuls W. Frlayburser, 314 Summit ava., WastvlIU, N, J. lut, private Oreen's Cant., Woodbury, S J. Prliods may view remalna Tuas,, T lo p, m. Auto funeral. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES J COMPARE THE SCHOOLS EHraver's Business College has grown faster than any other Busi ness School in pnuaaeipm. Baaeose It la snore pregreselre. Teaehaa the up-lo-dale aaatbods aad machines. Employe eaiy exparli aa tcaehars. Develop bltlier skill la Its student and gats larger salaries for them. Is envied aad slandered by Jealous competitors, but not withstanding tills eantlnuei to grew rapidly beeania It raster Its pa trons belter service tha any ether school la the ettf, All former studsnt reeesHaend It Every family that send one ohlld sends others. Absolutely noa-eec-tkrlan. Positions positively guaran teed and procured. Strlafly one price. Charges modsrat. Day and Night School open now. Bend for oatalog. Strayer '$ Bwitcss C Bef e 801-f7 Ctowtnut It, PWU Walnut, Set Male M-f Waaantakwi; Iiwtltut. &$? a! : tit II. Oct 20, JOHN It., huiband of lata rnch (nea Donahue). Itelatlvea and llnly Nam Society, Vlctrlx C, C.t f Phlla.. No, !!. F. of A.r Dlvl No. 3. II . Invited to funeral. Frl., 8.30 A. 81. A. O. II . Invited to funeral. Frl., 8.30 a. in.. BA13 Carlton at,, W. Phlla, Solemn maaa of requiem 'Church ot Our Lady et Victory 10 a. uatnrarai xrmm. rest Oct. 3 ft. P.MacDowell. Int Cathedral Cam. Mai-DOWCI.I Entered lntn ANNA D.. wlfa of Henlamln Itelatlvea and frlenda. member of United Xom' merriai iraveiera- oi Aniertca, Invited to ru. at 2 p. tn.. 2S:o Oxford neral aervlcea. Frl st. Int.. private. AIAUUiVr. huibana 1 1 v a and a. m.. Charles St.. Oakvtew. Del. Co.. Pa rultmn maaa of requiem 8L Charles' Church carrtama. sc muy. PKNNY, rather of llachei llrlts. nelattves and Invited to funeral services, Tues,, 8 pi rn , daushter' residence, Mrs. liachel Ileltx. 1P28 W, Nurrla at. Int. private. Whits Haven, Pa. MAItQUETTE. Oct. Zt, JENNIE &. daucb- NET. Oct. 30. MICllAEL MAHONKT, of Mary Mahoney fnea Jiweenari. ltela, I friends Invllad ta fuaeral, Frl.. 8tS0 , 0. n f. tOivmn wiiipa. , i-hmih ot, tiarit to a, ra. Int Ht. Cbarlra-s Cem No MANTENNT-Oct. 2. OEOKO! Mf Hum M. Raota- SA4 N. ef fuoeral. epartraeata ef Wardner soo N. letii aa. REBEIL Oct. SO. nUFUS REESE KKBSm. ased 72. Funeral from Chapel of Andrew J Bale A Son, Arch and lth sts. . ,.. , niVEL. OcC 88, S 8. BSd at .faTUM KIVEU aad !. keiatlees and frteada. Na tional Association ef Latter Carrier. .Karat ftranoh. No. ISfl Ladies' AusniaryT. !? Branch, Amirlcan 8tar Lode, No. lie. AtO O. Fl: PasUdTIc Protactlr AseaoUliaa sf Philadelphia. National Association of Ovjj Aere lea ItetpWa. Hranoh No. S. 1-blia,-Middle Cstr fHuw EmrJorea and PhttadaiphUusisAJ Aaaodatlon. lavltad to faneral swrtrtoeal ytm.. S p. ox. at OHvar H. Batr Iluttdinc, 18Se Csna. oa$nFZ VtfJ'B5,&"n. husband ot lata Lavinta habeina. Relet! re aaat frlenda, etaploraa and rteliat Asso. of P. R. B.. invited to faneral .service. Wad , M . a., ;0I4 Emerald at... Krln4i mar call Tuea.. araar t p. m. Int. HlUaide.Cem. , , linrxlKlLU? Ora. 80. MART, widow of Jwa V, Itodaera. natattve and friends, msawi at Hrtla. Vlre Yept. Na. 28,. Invited to, fuitaral servlcesf Wad.. S p. m , 213 Diamond st. lat. private, Remains may be viewed Tuea., from T ecfifrffiLEn, Oct. 28. aU8TAVE ,5c.. msa band of Anita M. Schjndler, ased 03, fermsrir of 11720 Walnnt at. Krlindi Invited to -funeral aervlcea Wia 11 a. m., David If. a&Vhuyler Uld , Broad and Diamond ats, Int, private, ACOTTWlct, 81. 1018. at Watklns. 'K..T.. LEWIS AMtlRK SCOTT, son of tkat bo LasH Am and Fanny. Wlatar Scott, ased SS. XM aa (lo ot funeral frin be slven, m - i i t Cantlnaad oa h'ext Pas TONIGHT , MOTION ' MASK iP& East Temple, Broad and Spring Oardaa at DANCINU HT03 TOcftOHT j Prominent Photoplay Presentations HHaa9aSBis9aBBjBs ! Srhi BoSma Gnwamu. fTUIE fllwlas Iheatcra abUU their plrtartl Mn-aush th STANXKl Bestdag a ceatsany, wnica la a ruarante or oarij- aaowia sue soei VtAfiaSUtrAT akowlaa af aha Snaal niiiini ti sk for.tli Uieatar I rear IsoaHsV AlUnU.. Irtb.Morria PasirunkAvn. ainaniDra uat.Daur 2; Evcs.atisB Paramount Pictures. MARIE DORO in "THE LASH" A Diil I C MO AND THOMPSON AtrULXAJ MATINEE DAILT SESSUE HAYAKAWA in TUB HONORABU: PRlENrr' ARCADIA HELOW 18TH BESSIE LOVE in "A BISTER Or SIX" B2D ABOVE MARKET. D11.L.1V1W1.W 1 DAILT St ton. EVEN1NQ8 T A Si 20c Francis X. Bushman "yuusT- ornAD 60TH AND CEDAR AVE. lIlS'aAX FAKAMOUlfT THXATBK LOU TELLEGEN in "TUB VICTORY OF CONaClENCE- FAIRMOUNT sn$0 .wenub Owes Moore & Martrtierito Cetrtot In "R0LL1N0 BTONE8" taaei la',Te. stim mahgigs w3lj,ji..ixiai. j- i isiii.isii.iwBiSBirTi. FRANKFORD m raANASSi. OWEN MOORE In "ROLLING TONB" ADDED ATTRACTION TODAT ONLT H1I.L1B BURKE In "OIIA'fl KOMANCE" tirrui ct "th eater. mat, daily. OO InOI iRelow "eruc. Bva. T ie.-H. MARGUERITE CLARK m "THB CRUCIBLK" ' rArriT7M md lansdowme avb. CjAKLL-tN KVBNIrKI llMTdll. FieweM Nelson antl Aiesttsr Aalilsy In -TUB REVOLT" " - JEFFERSON 6'"' VIRGINIA-PEARSON an- -WAR BrMBB-B err' . IPinPa rOBTT-yiBfrT ABB .- VALENTINE GRANT k THB-DAUOHTB Of MadWsFsBJt- V IDPDT.V BROAB AMB Aa I A- wV a . , GAIL KANE in nriHB aiAaVl4lTtArH, e 5 I fiOITCT 62D AND LOCU8T l-aVVt-0 1 Miti, ItBO and 8 ISO, Mb ' Etta. :iO s. B.iA tAa. Norma Talmadge '" 'j 1 Market St Th)ator HAROLD LOCKWOQP and MAT ALUdOSf in Mtlrrai aaf . - Tomonoir MARIE WALCAMP In 1,JSaare OVERBROOK ,&. fJFSffS Ahce Br.dy in: 'The Gildtvcl Ctkssr unmzxit.i t apuooe PALACE uu MAJScSoc!r,,,Tr t CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG in . "TUB COMMON LAW" PADIf R1DOB AVE. A DAUPHIN ST. izrzz at.. jus. srva.. i ii. DOUGLAS FAIRBANW i. -MANHATTAN MAONSMsr ' PRINCESS "",?" 'THB BCARLBT BPNBBK" 4 rtT ' REGENT 1SA4 KARXBT aTTBeTBf HUMAN raitim rtaiaiinr ; ALrLfiatKAUI in BOUOMT AND PAID POR" TJIAIT-k nERMANTOWH AVE Jw(QafaHi- ."WLOHlA'a BOMAlvcVrloriS T 1 R;U M Y .ottb jBwSaTy iailltlSjtS0ll eTfUx rr flSU la THB LAST MAN r. SAVO.Y mi MAHxav JtmECAfWCCL WAISBSBr i "THB ' eBMBC m A Salf Ba1Ur aa asifx "fV'"l,l,x I-, IMBB. BBC. 4 HB TQ raUJ A ItTMdJKD IbTIm! fii frarsT en. a. ak At i Msal 1JB ry WBSjr PWefJlBBfPHl. w! AanBig0 en .war Titesder imm. VI, "lpeeJV e arrBeasstsaaerHsissVsjsV taB nrtra oouu. sBtiinTAT'' A Bu Ce THEATER cmwwn Bsjait r niimli in "HOMT ' wmt tamtam -n x0J.mt VICTORIA WUHU..T" "nil " "T.?w" o (TBIAJBaaUli VWH9I -T wre MMSTK PBIL OLYMPIA Hat CMwin lo Waat I Mow WsayeebAJ " 3 JapW -.