Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 31, 1916, Night Extra, Page 12, Image 12
'W EVENING LED0ERIHIJDADELPHIA, TtJESDAT, OCTOBER U 116 FINANCIAL NEWS ro IOOLSI'ROMINENT IN STOCK MARKET; MANY EARLY DRIVES IN SPECIALTIES DMlfoi in 'St-1 Dtermined Almost Wholly by Belief That Earnings Would Be Be-Jow $85,000,000 Trading Much More Professional Illfh Points in Todarfa Financial News Pooh operated on both oidet of uteck market throughout day. Dealing! more prof'eooional than for a long time. Covering rallied grain after heavi mm. CeMtm etito beotm stronger. $5,000,000 mere gold arrived in New York from Cemtek. Priee of bar silver higher. Philadelphia city bond Utile of f 19,000,006 it about fhe timoa oversubscribed. X rtisw yoiuc Oct. si. Trjtdlns in the stock market wan Influenced today to a great extent by the efforts of pools on both Wes of the market to forco various stocks In contrary tttrf-ctlens. Mtaeh wan -Mtkl about the United States Btecl nUtfcment, which won published Just after the close, and tho dealings In that stock were determined Imoat wholly by the belief that was placed In the maoy estimates that tho earnings would be less than $85,000,000, while others were that the earnings ot the corporation for the September quarter would be moro than $95,000,000. " v Those who believed in the low estimates sold that stock at 'frequent Intervals, ut this selllnfr was offset by buying by stronger Interests, who really did not caro what the exact amount of the earnings for the quarter would be. Drives were made at many specialties early in tho day, but pools In a number of industrials had no trouble in forcing sharp ndvanccs in stock like International Paper, American Linseed, Corn Products and Steel Foundries. Lato in tho day thero was a bullish demonstratlotvjn the coal stocks, an which Reading-toso from 107 H to above 110, and Lehigh Valley moved up about 1 point These various movements made the volume of business nbq-ut as large as on many preceding days, but dealings wero more largely professional than they have been for a long time. Except for buying on declines bunking interests continued to keep out of the market, maintaining their attitude of refraining from taking any position until after election. There was a marked chango in betting conditions. On tho Brond Street Curb there were large offers to wager on Hughes tit 10 to 9, but tho best that could be done was to place money at 10 to 8 on Hughes against "Wilson. Offers were made of 2 to 1 that Hughes wilt carry New York State and J to 1 that Whitman Will bo elected Governor, but none of these, offers was taken. Thero was heavy trading again today In tho bond department, with many issues showing pronounced strength. Colorado Midland 4s certificates roso from 13 to 14ft. International Agricultural Corporation 6s moved up from 78 to 80, and thero was heavy trading again in Sti Louis nnd San Francisco Issues, with the 6s moving up from 62 to 63 and tho 4s advancing from 71 U to 71, South ern rtnllwny 4s were also active and strong, advancing to 77, and tho itamo amount of advance was made In Missouri Pacific new 4s. $5,000,000 More Gold Arrives From Canada NEW YOTUC, Oct 31. Gold to the amount of $6,000,000 was received from Canada this morning and deposited at tho Assay Office for tho account of J. P. Morgan & Co. i NEW YORK STOCK SALES I I Wllll I I IWI.II.I..W ...II 1, il , I ...... i G8K 12U 7 25X 8l)f 8(1 Low. Close. fll! 03 12K OK 2fiK 81H 82H 102 C8f 12K OH 25M 8IM 80. 102 118M 118H HSK "87 lOli 70 23 27M MH 82H mi 10 09 28 24M 57 S2M Wi 133 51 K filtt KW Mil U5 61 133 sin 47 60H 70h 01 C0K 10H 09M 28 20M 69H 82K 120JJ (AH 133 r,H 40f 52U 81 05 Last close. Ilsh Aes-eTea OIK 62 AJejt Rubber COM AittkaQoldM,. 12H AUUta J Gold M -. 7 AWs-Chalmers Mfe 25 Allls-Cnal Mfe pf 81!f Am Ae Chemical 83 Am Ak Chem Df 102!f 102 Am noet Sugar 103! 102J 102K 102K Am Can 62 02tf 01K 01H AmCanpf 1135J 113K 113U U3t AmCarFdr 07tf 07W 07 075f Am Car & Far nt 110 Am Cotton Oil..., COW Am Hide & Leather. . . . 10!f Am Hide & Li ps G9 Am Ice Securities 2S Am Linseed 2Jf Am IJnseed pf 67f Am Locoraotlre S3 Am Locomotive pf 100H 100H 100J NXUi Am Smelt Rel 111H ms lit 112 Am Smelt & Ret pf 117H 117H 110H 110H Am Smelt pf A 09U 100 09K D0J Am Suear Iteflnlm 120 121K 120 Am Bteel Foundries Ollf Am Tel a Tel 133 Am Woolen...., blH Am Writing P pf 4711 , Aa7JncL&Sm 62M AmZL&Sm pf 79U Anaconda Cod M Q4tt AlcaTop 4 8 K,., 107U 107K 107H 107 AuauifAwi ,ioo ioom van w&H AUQ&WIpf., 70If TOM 60M COM BftldLocoWks 83M 85 83)( MK Bald Iko Wki pf 106M 100 100 100 Bait A Ohio .83 88 87 H &7ii BrrettCo ,...100H 100 160 ,160 BorofCroj 81lf 8W 81H 81!f , Bella Superior........ COM C0!f 65H OG'f Cl Petroleum pf. 61M bill 51M 61M Canadian racUle...,...173M 173'f 172M 173K CeatralLeather 05 U7Ji 05 00H CeatrarLeather pf 115 116M 115H 115H Cnes a. Ohio.. ., CSJf f.O D8M GO Chi Mil & St V... 05 05 05 Chi M & St P pf 120M 120M 120M Chkaco Great West..,, 14M IS Wi Chi Great West pf 45 40K 46)( Chi n I ft l'ae... 33! S Chile Copper 23M Chlao Copper Olif Cel Fuel 4 Iron C2M Continental Can 103M 102K 102M 102M Consolidated Uas 13Si 138M 138U 13HH Col GU & KlOC 30 W S8H SO Col ft Southern 35M 3.5 35 35 Comet T Reo Co 47 OoaO EL &P Dal.. .,124 Cera Producu Ref 18 Cora Prod Ref pf DOIf Crucible Steel.., S7H Cuban-Am Snear 235 Cuba Cans Sugar 74 H Cuba Cans Sugar pf,... Wii Den ft lUoarpf ,. 47 IMttUl Seo Corp'n 45 -, Krte , 30 rie t pf 63H Gaston W ft W 46 3 fltoi Chemical pf 110 (Mend Btoctrlc ,1811(183 1S2 182M OtAwal Motors pf 126 120U 125U 125f soarlebBF 72M T2M 71Ji TIM aUNerurapr...,.iiHM H8M lis a K oh for we prop,,.. 43 43, 43 States Suwl 06 054 05M laapCoa Cop...,,.,.,. 06H lat Agrlsultural ,23 1st AgrtfUltural'pf 6UU tot Coo Cor t t 6 a, , , 19M 35J 02 63M 34 22); 01 MM 05 12CM 14M 45M 34M 22M 02 62M 47 47 47 125M 12SM 125M 10M 17M 10H 02M 01 01M 01 M 87 89 i 237 237 237 76M T3M T3M COM 00M 00M 40M 40 40 45M 45M 45M 30M 3SM 30 63M 53U 53M 40 45M 40 110 110 110 67M 27M 00M 10M 66M 24 60M IBM 118M 43 05M 66M 20M 60 10M 1st Cos Corp'n pf..,.., 75M 75M 75M 75M 1st HarrN J. ..A... ,,118 117M 117M H7M Zat close. Illsh. Low. Close. Sears, Roebuck 4 Co . .223 32M 222B 22 ShatArUCop 30 29M 29M 29'f Southern PaclHc 100M 100M 100 100M Southern Rt 28M 28M 28M 28J Standard Milling 105 100M 10GV 100M 8t Louis 4 8 F w 1 22M 23M 22M 23 M St Louis Southwest pt.. 40M 46M 45M 45M StudebakerCo IMM 129M 127M 120M Stuta Motor 60M 60M 00 66 Tcnn Copper 22M 23M 22M 23M Texas Co 225 225M 225M 225M TeotasPscinc 15M 13M 15M 16) Third Arrnuo., 64M MM 64M MM TolStLftWest 8 8M 8M. ti Tol St L 4 W pt c dr.. 12 12 12 ijl' Under Typewriter 109M 109M 109M I09M Under Tjpewr pf 117 117 117 117 Union llsg 4 Paper 14M 15M 14M 14K Union Hag 4 P now.... 101 101M 101 101M United Fruit 101M 101M 160M 101M Union Pacific 160M 151 160M 150M Union Pacific pf ..83 82M 82M 82M U S C I P 4 F pf G3M 03M 62M 6JM USInd Alcohol ...140M 14.M 141) 110M United Cigar Stores.... 100M 100M 100M 10 JM United lls Inv 10M 10M 10 10 United Rjs Inr pf 2Z- 21M 21M 21M U"8 Rubber CUM COM 60 69 USSR4Mpf 50M 61M 51M 51M U S Steel Corp'n 117M H0M 117M 118M US Steel Corp'n pf..,.121M 121M 121M 121M Utah Copper 105M 100M 105M lUoM Va-CaroChcm : 40M 47M 4UM 40M Va Iron Coal 4 0 64M 57 50 67 Wabash 16M l&M 15 15 Wabash pf A 50M 66M 66M 5UM Wabash pf D 30M 30M 30M 3UM West Union Tel., 102 102M 102M 102M Western Maryland 29M -9!i 28M 20 WestG4M 63H 64M 6.IM OJM Wheel 4 Lake Erie 3M 3M 3M 3M Wheel & L K 2d pf 4 3M 3M 3M White Motor., 55 55 51M W!i Wllys Overland 43 43 42 izli Willys Overland pf 102M 102M 10JM 102M Wisconsin Central 54 54M 64 51 Wools, orth F W 138M 130 139 139 Worth Pump pf D 6QM 50 69 69 Ex dividend! Connecticut Ttallwar and Light Company, 1 par cent: Connecticut Railway and LUtit Company praferrad. 1 per cent: Writing, houa Air ilralce, S per cant; Norfolk and West ern preferred, 1 par cent; Pullman Company, 3 per cant Uaara-Roebuck. IK par cent; Corn Uxcnanse liank. 4 per cent. COVERING RALLIES WHEAT AFTER DROP Close Is Irregular, With Decem ber Lower and May and July Higher latHarrN I pf.. i,.,., 130 120 120 1st Paper U... SOH 04 56M tot Paper Pf...'.. 10SM 107M 105 totNIek vtefs.,,.,.,. 50M 50M 60it .WMMUiK 3M Smt 30M UtM M pfcof dp..,.113H 114 113 Xa City BtoMhen..,,. 37M 38 28 Kan CHy South pf BOM 01M 61 lUUy Spring Tlw..,..., 75( 75 74M XmnetoU Coyper MM 4M OM UckSUwl Co .,..,,... 8M MM WM Lake BrW A West...... 2M 24M Lake Krte 4 Westpf..., U 62 62f tee Hubbr,TlN 44 40M 40 Letilgh ValWy...t sU MM 89K Looe-WUM Hlscolt MM S7M 30 MwweU Mown........ MM UH UH Mai Motyts 3d Inf U UH 54M MvDetae7..,. e NK 7M Urn MieiMSH.. lOWt ltMM 108 sstssatOoMM,,., , 4M 40M 40 SRIilW UK M M radac. ..,.,,,, Ml rnuou,.,,, 9V rf V L -9o K 120 62M 105 60M aoM 113 28 81 M 74M '53M 88M 25 tm 40M 84M 27M WM MM mn 10M 40f 96 m iaM 84M S3 rtO Wl. ...... 37M 3SD MM KasvATMa...... 7M 7K, 751 omout i.-.xmtmxiwK OssktMt ,.S4 MM MM " .r Eli1. . . 51" r CMOsje.. wm PH tfH ON MAssttsta....S VST lIP 14 A we. JMT mi mi mi E&'rijitLiiiC MjtvStfa.V.V.:.'. SJ J4M W lS3 icWC... Wh sjQM 4tiH .i onomlH Ml &it 44 44 44 Mi .'.'.'.'.'.'. UH 44M SUM 4M sjnfatfastT tiM n 7iU n ffi M' is Uj al i"'M,-tffi JtM WJJf aM sHSSLtt'r.'fi CHICAaO, Oct ST Covering rallied the wheat market today after It had been rather heavy on a rood deal of aelllnar. due to cloudy weather In Argentina. There was no rain reported In that coun try, however, when estimates on the' ex portable surplus are being further reduced. Nervousness was displayed over the subma rine situation. The close was Irregular, with December He lower at 1., after It had been as high as 1,90 and as low as 11,8714. May finished lie higher at $1.86, after It had been up to S1.8CH and down to 81.84; July closed at an advance of Ho at IL49i, which was the beet level of the session, after It had sold as low as 11.47;. At times December was under consider able pressure and there were reports that longs were Inclined to get out owing to In creased difficulty In Insuring wheat In ele vators here. Leading- futures ransed as follows! Wheat n., Jllah. n l.wi 6H 1.84K Ooen. Dae... l.M May.. 1.H6H l,gK July.. , 1.40 l.SttK corn maw nanre: I)0... th K Juir.v.- farsl Oct.,, Ifl.M Ara, jn.w 19,99 7fir J.84 MY tidV hH wk 1T.00 1.4B 13.60 14. K) IS.tK) Rffc UK i i 1S.SS lft.M m fcii- Oet... 14.W mjH m Cloaa, l.HU ,SoU 08. 1T.00 la. 45 tl.4T i:U 30.00 ae.u ae.at. Tts'days cioae. l.JOH 1.87 4K 1ST 8 eu ?H 08 le.so .4R 10.45 14. KO 13.841 M.OO M.J8 a.W) FORKIGr EXCHANGE MBW TORlf, Oct 8I-,Tmi feature) t)f the foreman exohsmge marksi n the early deal Ingsi WsUy was a further deHe In Vienna schange to ll.W for cables and 11,81 for 4mosm, a Ism erf a. point Horn the previous smtswsise lew ssgsrrl. ItalUui exehansra J w weak at l.M toe aaMea ansl I.HK for Htt, Tt5, Pssnaiiil atarilac 4TlJaS4.t( 11-141. sOSilis 4.11 T.lf. ta. stoy iilo, nsnsliy.fbr T.UM 4.784, l-sW MS i.infin; STUM isn t.sa ease V : rensseanarn oatiiM ehsysw T l-U: wtw ssattUa 1.14, I 81; Soivs1(MTlaa kswtvar' oabtM otsoks 88 41 ; wislii eabkssi lUi, 18 S ; gulUav sjsJWm 41. shsssis 4 U-U : oasslsss 88. os fcs e,7. DIVIDKNOg DECLAKED ir,(, Neto York bond Sales ... .. v.MIH ftwa Aiaava.uia er fta or , 4Ne Amar Asr.dtb Its... lw 2eeee Anclo-rrench Its ,. V .Itwo Amar Jllda I, fls . loi .looo Amr For Be 6s...., 8 KOUO Amar rlmelt Sh U.(lll Qo Ainer Tfl clt 4s... .looo do er 4s ,. ., 80000 Amar Writ Tap Cs. 2000 Armour Co 4HS.,, VSOO Atchison ran 4s... 1000 do adj 4s ,.,... 1001) do ct 4a i5S.. 80uo Atch Trent 8 L, 4 lovoo Allan 0a Line 4H s 000 do lt 4a . . . . IUVV UV (II IP . , "I 8000 lUll Ohio SHa...... 04 2700U do As 101 annuo ,in 4a . ... dj II0OO do ev 4Hs VST4 1HUOO do Mwn SVis , .. U SOOII Iltih Ktrcl 1st ts. . 104. S0OO do rfd ft" ,. . . .lOSK tnoo Itrkn Itp Tr 4s .... 7, 1000 do r.a 1018 loou 7ooo) Can Uov r,s 1031 . ,. 100ft hOOO do lt)2lt .... ..... SOU 4hmm) do last .. . .....loou 10OO Cat One F.leo 6 a .. l"tS .'(wo Cent (la cons n,.,..102H .sooo Cant I'ae lit 4 P0'4 170UU Chill Copcar 7s. . . ,.. .127( BOOO Chas L Ohio 4Mb .... OIH 184000 do ronr 8a ,....,,. PIS 10O0 Chi A Alton atta.... 08K SI 00(1 fjhj (It Writ 4a...... 73., U'ooo Chi 11 A q joint 4s.,. in Kimn do ren 4a H3S 3000 C II Q III Itl M' 10011 C II U Iowa 4a..., W 18000 Ullll I 4s 1V23.. I'5'i 10(h) do nan 4a , OJ'.t 4000 do conv Ba ,,,,,,, in., 10UO do cv 4Hp 101H S.tOOO C H 1 r rfJ 4a.... 7AS auuou no oa ..,,,., ni 11000 do 4s H8 Vnoii Chi Tlwy 3a ,.,,..., 110 3000 rol Indualrlal Ra ... HO 1300(1 Col Midland ct 4a ... 14., 14000 do 4 .,, 14 Slixio City of Tarts Oa 9NS 3000 I'omp Tot) lleo Co Oa. 87 loiHI Del A Hud conv 4s ..107., lOOO do rfd 4s 9SU 37DOO Dan A Kin Ur 4a .... MH 1000 do rfd Ss ., 73 . KHHI do 4'sa , 8AU 2000O do 6a ROK 1000 Erie conv 4a gar A... 08H 8000 do conv 4n aar 1.. 87 . Iihh) Rrle prior 4a ....... 84tt 2000 Oranhy Co Ca ......107 flnwu do ata Us 107 1000 Hud A Man In 3s,.,, 2uU Low Close , 4. 83 . U 10OV4 looH fa loss loss Viy. vvt ii . 103H 10354 ll'S.H . 8 38 8NM . iS'4 8 3ts . mil 04 4H . Ml 89 811 , . . 1H et 1H . . V8S 3! 3 .. 3 34 3H i lom luiH 2 J 104. 101 , 10214 103 lOOtt 1 00 iooi mow t9 .ltU 100., 100., Kljti 102(4 w lif 8j 84' 1111 100J4 IO0J4 102t 102 7llK 7ll. en4 i4 auu uo rra an .,,..,.,. o; 20000 III Hteel dab 4Ha,... 3H .1(M)( loira Central ref 4a., II .IS mww . io um ...,, ov., noon III Central rfd 4.... UIK 2PO0U . do 4a 1U5J ,.."..... uotl niHIO tntrrh Mat 4i 73 Vi 4000(1 Intcrb 11 T reifta.... H8U 714 u 80 iQVs (IBIS . 88 .100 U., V( (!(? 1114 ...102(4 1024 102', 8.. 03H 3 3S ... 11.1 0.1 , OPH ...112tJ 112 i 112 i or, 04H 07W S7S 10000 Inter iter Mar Us 13UUU imrrni 1'iwr ss . V1O0O Inter Agr Oa ..... 70VO K O Kt 8 A M Sa. 20000 Kan City Ho let 3a, CilOiX) Kan City Tar let 4a. 10000 Iicka Hteal Ss 1023, omuuii uckii nieci D9 1V.1U 11)00 Uic.vde (Us rfd Sa, 8000 l.k Hh deb 4a 1028 ii-uuu ao deb 4a 1831. loni) Iiu A Naah nn 6s lUlfll OO 4B ........ r,0OH Minn A Ht 1. 4a. 000(1 Mo I'aclfie ct 4a 20300(1 do w 1 4a .... mil M) do cv ct Rs ss 400O do rona (la 103 10000 Mont Tower Oa.,..,. DUH 100(10 N X Conn Itwy 4V4s.. ou(4 ISOUO Nat Tube Oa 103 18000 N Y Air Drake, cvt On.ins 1000 N V C L, 8 3Ha.... 7874 1(1(100 N Y C A U a 114t4 0000 do 3Ha Zl 3000 do 4a 1)2 1000 do 4A , V.'iU 10000 N Y Gil It A l'4s.... 80 0000 N Y N It 4 II 3Ha '47 72 1000 N T N 11 1 II res 0a,112Vt 4000 N Y Itwy ret 4a 74i 16000 do adj Sa 03V4 1831(0 N Y Tel Ben 4H.,., 1184 BOOO Nor A Weat cvt 4 Ha. 0t4 4000 Norf A Weat dlv 4a .. 1)1 '4 4 nun rorin i'ae prior 4s 1000 do sen 3a 8(10(1 Ore H I.lna rot 4s 1000 Ore HAN con 4a BOOH Ore A W 11 A N 4a.. 811 4000 arlno Coaat lat 0a.. UK) 0000 Tarina Tel Oa 102 liwu I'rnna en 4'a lu.ij. lo.'.s 8000 do 4(4 a 1021 lOlf. 101& 2000 rhlla Co ronv Sa 111 22 04 04 21)00 Tub Serv N. J. Sa 0.1 1)3 0000 llenub Cuba 4(4 a,... H(IH hUM y, ioo 84 4Ji 1111 BOH 70 80 13 14 tjS & 87 87 1"7 ,0T., I)JV4 OJH 81 81 '., "., 81114 8li 80., u 08 Vj "214 H I 107 107 107 107 20(4 2014 (I lU Ut4 D3H OSS d.t us(4 8 8 I'lH D1J4 no , to(i t)8 1)7(4 00 ial t)N), 7 M i.ii 78V 70S 110)4 HOU, U(4 i(4 88 88 Inn Inn 1)7 4 II8S out, 80 100 102 0000 Hep I A 8 Ba. SOOO llwr 32000 Ht I. ft .10()d Sll Bnia Ba 1021.101 ft S ' ala w 1.. 8UU do rfd 3d ct ata 4a, 70 '4 do ten ct ata 4a. Her Aw I . . . 8000 0000 20300(1 do 37000 . do Her 11 w t 03000 In vr I .... 10000 do sen ct 4a (iii(ii) ntana uaa na 1UU .. 7lt . . 1)0 .. C3 .. 81 ..101 i .... WIT Ui' a... 8.1(4 83' a... 77(t 7il .,..llll(t lot1 1D1 M) 7U 78',i 71 02(4 81 lot ns 8 lOSJi u,7 700(1 Seaboard A L adj Sa,. OH sooo ao rra 4a .......... in 2000 South I'ae 4a 87 itlinni uo cv na ., nTd vonn do cv ret f p Sa,..,lo.l4 23000 do rfd 4a I 01, uimu nouin i'ae xerm oi 7ioou Houtn itwy ccn 4 looo ao con os L'lrilil Hnarta 4a o:l 4000 Tessa A Pac lat Ba , . . 07?; 7H l)7"i loi)0 'lexaa Co cv 6a . .....101S 1D3S Io'h SOOO Third Ave adj Ba.,,, 7(1 7(1 7M 2000 do ref 4s 81(4 MV4 8114 2000 Tol Rt It A W 4a..., uo no uo looo Trl'Clty 6 KhiK II1014 I011I4 4000 U H Healty Ba 70 70 70 4000 U H Rubber Oa 102S 1021 102?i 8000(1 U H Steel a f 3a. ... .10114 10(1(4 loitQ 1 .11 Ml di a f ret Sa lo(4 lOAVa loil4 0.1000 t) K of Q H A I Ba. 08 13-10 IIH'i 22000 Union Tac lat 4a Ii84 uh(4 0(i 4000 do CV 4s 04 04 ' 04 3i)i)i) Uo rfd 4a 01"4 1)114 01S 3000 tin Rwys 8 V 4a 34(4 34(4 3414 11000 Va Car Chm Ca 101(4 101 1(11 (J 3000 Va Itwy Sa tiuu 1)8(4 OUU 0000 Weat Kloe 103(4 103H 1 fifth. 40000 Weat Md lat 4 73 74fi 73 23000 Weat Union 414a 07J1 0714 1)714 1000 Wheeling- ALU 4a.. 78j 78U 7s2 13000 Wlacon Cant Ken 4a.. H7(i 87(1 87(4 COTTON IS STRONGER AFTER STARTING BAD Demand Increases Following Weak Opening, and Traders Are More Confident NRW VOniC, Oct. 81. Desplto better cables than due, the cotton market this morning was unsettled, December startlrig 3 points higher, January unchanged and the other months 6 to 12 points net lower,' Thora was heavy selling from commission houses, one bolng prominent In offering virtually all months. The buying seemed more confident later In the morning owing to bullish Southern spot advices, and active months worked about IS to 16 points net higher during tht middle of the morning. There was a good deal of cotton offering around the ring, but It was well absorbed by a renewal of sup port from Borne of the older bulls and cov ering f shorts. The market was less active during the middle of the day, but prlce-i held very steady, with liquidation much less In evi dence. Buyers seemed to gain confidence as the market worked upward, owing part ly to the bullish character of southern spot news, and active months ruled about 10 to 24 points net higher around mid day. Tea. cloaa. Ooen. 11 a.m. 12 m. ! n.m. . .. .u. .1... . n .. . .. :zz: .- ijeceniDer ....in, on in. 00 i-oa January 18.01 18.53 18.02 March 18.83 18.01 18 0(1 May ....... .,18.70 18,70 18.S0 July 18.80 18.71 Spot ..,,.,..,18.83 ,., 18.82 18 AO 18.73 18.00 18.00 18.73 18.87 18.00 10,01 rSHlSmiS'-mmSm. I1AK SILVER Bar sliver was quoted in London today at S2(4rt, up Ud. In New York commercial bar silver was quoted at 68 (4c, an advance of Ho. DIVIDENDS THE rOUHTII STREET NATIONAL IIANK Capital. S8.QO0.O0u Burplua. 10.000 000 rnlladalphta, October SI. 1013. The Dlreetora have dtclsraU a aemlannual dividend of Mien (7) per rent. Payable Novem ber a 10 aiocanoiuera 01 recora si s p, m. November 8. Checka will be..malled. m.. Ttinit., ltrwika will !, a, a. . November 8, and reopen at 10 a, ra.. Novcint R, J, CLARK. Cashier. 1TBANKI.IN NATIONAL BANK Fblladelphla, October 23. 1013. THO OirecHora iiava iw, W7 uaciaraa tuiual dlvioewi 01 l-n r.. navabla NoTeml if rtcerd at tba cloaa of bualnaas """ " "57 wit. ten U0J4I per tent., fre. of ber.l, 1(16. to stockboldars is of bualnaas Oetober II4 HARDT. CasbUr. TltlC 4HSAMB NATIONAL BANK. rnuaoaipnia, uoMr it, ISIS. 1 ui KtttT -04-BPH WAYNK. A-,. 'PraaUaat. rtww op jmuhMmwu. TMIC WA11N(1 HIV TSOW. saw., as sri .rj -, ('raaiar. 'WZ. iT-llsfWi Oi )ruvr. JLANSJ AJWOCU aaeMtMttta'a sua' si reatrletio-ia. WMOTir ACCOVV4MT INDEPENDENT OILS LEAD CURB TRADING Magma, Copper Advances After Small Loss Early in Day. Motors Are Quiet mm TOUK, Oct ll-Independent oil stocks were the most prominent feature of the trading on the nitoad Street Curb today. There was a' good 'general demand for Southern Oil and Transport at Its previous high level of 8. Vacuum Oil was strong with sales at 1 to 1W. Canadian houses have been the principal buyers, but In the past few day" reports hnvo been current that one of the Standard Oil corporat ona Is negotiating lor Control of the compnny. Magma Copper, after a fractional loss In the curly trading, had a sharp advance of about 2 points. Fluctuations In the general lists were comparatively narrow, with Mldvale Steel making a fractional advance In tho early trading which was lost after midday. Charcoal Iron continued firm, selling at 8(4 to 8H. Motor stocks were quiet nnd generally lower. A new stock on the curb, Transue and Williams, sold nt 46 U to 441, n slitule be low the publlo subscription price. In the afternoon Mldvale Steel which, had sold at 8, roso to 05 H. A number ot tho mining stocks were strong. Consolidated Arizona advancing from 2(i to 2 D-lfi. INDUSTRIALS TIM. AaVed. Aetna Rxriloelves 104 1114 Am llrlt Mfg- 12 20 Am Marconi , 314 3 Canadian Car Ct , 33 43 Can Car fc Fdr ptef 03 73 Chevrolet Motora ..187 100 Curtlaa Aeroplane 20 33 Kmeraon 1'honoaraph lOii 1014 Haskell Si larkr Car 41 42 Hendea XI fr 23 2S Kathodlon llronta pref in 104 laurel Oil A Oaa , 0(4 ... Mmlm Munltlona (IS 0(4 Manhattan Trans ................ 1 Mldvalo Hteal flRV 00 ntla Klevatnr AT 70 I'eerloaa Motora 2214 24 Toole Una- 103 113 H H Kreare W I ..I... 18 131 mandard Motora 7-4 814 ttubmaj-lno 43 44 Trlannle Film ; 2 2V4 United -Motor 0211 034. United front Rharlnn 1 1 U H I, and II com 214 2 do prff K n World nim Ill i BTANDARD OIL STOCKS 213 220 Illinois Ohio 1'ralrlu Tine ..... H O of. California H t) of !New Jeraey S O of New York ..843 . .288 ..3411 ...237 OTIIRR OIL STOCKS Coadan Oil 14H Coaden Co ..,..,,, 17S lntarnadonal IVtrol IIS Houaton Oil 18ft Mldweat Iteflnlnir , 71 Hapulpa Iteflnlnir 94 MINING STOCKS Atlanta . D llutte (.'opm-r A Zlna 814 llutte New York 1'4 Cerro ! Tnaco 41 Klrat National 414 Florence. OoUlM-M 8,". (loldneld MerKer 7 llcrla Mlnlne , 7T4 111 liuuri ..................... WO Jumbo Kxtenalon 34 McKlnleyDarraKh B8 Magma Conner ...... Mlnea Co of America Nlnlaalnr Mlnrtn Co .. Han Tov 1 Ht Joaonh Imi , lt4 uV-t Knd Connilldated 70 White Oaks 4 1JONDS Cerro do Taaco Cs 110 Mldvale .11 eel Ca US 14 Iluaalan 014s 100 B8 41114 lea 1 - .' 814 NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NEW YOniC. Oct. 31. The market for coffee futures opened unchanged to an ad vance of 4 points this morning. Trading on the call was quiet, sales amounting to 17S0 bags. Todaya October .... 8.75 Hf 8. iuwmuer . , ,, .,. . .... December , January ,. February i..... , March ., Arnr ...,t.,.. ..:: May ... 8.45 Juno July 8. 03O8.O8 AUKuat w September ... 8.73 Hid. Yeaterday'a clnae. BO 8.2008.23 8.206" 8.2.1 8.20W8.27 R.32(i8.33 8.8808.39 8.43Q8.44 8.4a8.r.O 8.348.3fi M ftnfeii ,til 8.(14 5-8.S 8.fl8S8.n r.730B.74 Record Local Bank Clearings Philadelphia bank clearings established n new high record In October, totaling jj, 252,0915,504, an Increase of $175,314,441 over September, the previous record month. PENN NATIONAL BANK 174th DIVIDEND have declared dividend of The directors a semi-annual seven (7) per cent, free of tax and have added One Hun dred Thousand Dollars to the Surplus Fund. Capital Stock $500,000 Surplus Fund 1,500,000 Undivided Prqfits 140,000 (After payment of dividend) Resources $9,300,000 Marhet at Seventh We recommend and offer subjael to sale as A Conservativelnvestment The First Mortgage Bonds of a Steam Railroad in Pennsylvania whose net earnings for this year exceed three times its interest charges. The company maintains a lib eral sinking fund, and pays divi dends on its preferred and com mon stocks Price, at Market, to yield over 8 Fre of Pennsylvania State and normal Federal Income Taxes, Circular on Applieatios) Edward B.Smith &Co Estisusbso IMS. BANKERS' ifembers N'W York and fMladelnhfa Atooh Etchangu 1111 CussTHirt Br., 1'BiLiDn.rau f SO Vlht 0TSHT Mstf Trust N0T1C VflTi 1H ...-.-----,-- lf."WWPfl ,mw: lll 'Sio'KT-iS'aK' bs-, lsUAis ir ruin stMa TO 1B8UB TtKlK N that on tae lltn iii'hmtftSili a uwar, ii ni .-teslf- "''""'i XOTIOK in VP PaWfHSjT -TffsWaP ssfsisj rtS rHH"crTtuL Ml" Salts in Philadelphia e5t I. US a. W4s. tew. Close. Acme Text . pfd t o.. B7H 1 "-H H SIO Cramp ft 9 S1 14 M H H 70 Cam Stl ..ISH 1 1H 4H ao Cuban C S 7SH 1H ' J so c n i ft r sh - 100 Cent Iealh 8 IS Klee Stor.. 6 Its Kfl V4 loo nen Asph. lH X7S HAD T.. 40 do pfd .. IS 4 dopfctfs It 10 IrAipIr Cop. 67 fl Ins Co N A S7U 0 Kr Seo ,. SO IB Key Tel .. 1SV4 S0443 Lk Sup Crp l 5 'Led Kav. 7V4 10 lh Valley 84 10 Miami Cop 40 ad Nev Co'ns. ssh 14 OS 94) SO 1H ys is 14 1 7Jt SO 1H 1H 7W 84 40 sW 8BV4 09 41 ltt V4 1 1 1W H SH 34 OS SUM, 0H IS It 417 I7H SO lays ... 18H V 7H IH 4 H 40 . k y H IS Mi 004 41 4S iMi lOnV, t 4V 4S 1SH 10Vi H H iy H H 4Va 0 0 1-10 1-1S 4U 4sy h BlH 11S SOH ss 1W 4 1 ClOBsS, Net crhte. i 0 t 400 Penna It K ss4 t(t Pa Bnlt ., t t rhlla Co . 41 t Phlla Co cum pf,. 4S 4S8 Phlla i:ico SSH 1070 PUT tr cfs 10 SIO. Heading; ..10SM SS So Itwy .. SSH (SO Ton Ilel .. 4H Sis Ton It In.. 8l.lt JS7 Un Trao ..Matt so U a 1 .... OlMi D1H SOSO U S Steel. 110H H7H so ".V Jer & S 80H 80H ISO Cramp & S 83 St Ex dividend. BONDS Hlsb, IjOW. S7S0O A QAG1 Es 98i 1000 ConTracN J Ss ...10SH 10SV4 10SH J800Clty 4s '43 retc ....102 101H 101H 000 ' do '28 reg.lOlH 101M, 101H 1000 00 3VJS'34 rcg- .... D4H 1000 EleoftPeop Tr 4s .. ssyi 14000 Lk Sup Ino 4SH 4000 Leh V Ben 4s ..... 9SH SOOO do cons 4Hs '03.100H 10014 100T4 7000 Pa Co Ren 4Hs ...10S 103H 10SH H ioooo do cons 4Kb ..105 103H 10SH 1000 Phlla Co cons 6s. 80 80 80 1000 Ph Elec Es.100 108 100 BOO Stand Gns ft Elec Cs.lOOH 100H 100 1000 Un Ilwys t c 4s ... 72 72 72 B4H 4,4 81H 81H y 42 42 1T4 02H 02H Y. 1- NEW YOHK BUTTER ANDT3GGS NBW TOHK. Oct. 31. IIUTTEn Hecelpta. 17.0DA tuba. Market firm, lllcher acorlns. 804 OS7Hc: extra rreamery, 864 (37c; Imitation creamery, .14". 9834c; Htato dalrr, 8V4 "30c. KdOH Ilerutota. 10.711! nirkie,,. irit. fM.h rssa tending: upward. Undersradea and atoraao ecsa ateany. Kxtraa. 40t4Jc; extra flrata, 8 It Mr; nrata, .15t37c: brown eKss, 81V3tc: mixed colors, 30O4:c. Bonds Favorably Regarded By Banks During the past few years banks have been gradually increasing their investments in dependable Public Utility Bonds, obtaining thereby larger income returns. Several Public Utility Bonds that banks have been buying are described in our recent Investment Circular, for which we in vite requests. e.UI.larK$0o. nANKErt", (Eatabllehed 1SS7) Members Philadelphia. New Tork and Chlcaco Stock Sxcbansaa 321 Chestnut Street Philadelphia, Pa. Pittsburgh Iioston Chlca-ro Wllkra-Barre Haadlns LAKE SUPERIOR CORPORATION STOCK MAKJUS AJNUTiUbiK JNJtli W -rUJ MARK H Crosses 19V4 for the Beat Price Since 1914 Oversul tion of City Bond issue encouraging Perm National lncreaes Dividend The bulk of tho trading; on the Philadel phia. Btock Kxchanre a-raln today was In Lake Superior Corporation stock. Early In the day the stock had ndvanced to "an other new top mark since 1914, selling at UH. This price showed a gain of IS as compared with the final of yesterday. De fore very long this price was shaded on profit-taking- sales, but all of the train was not I01L In all about 19.000 shares chang-ed hands during- the session. The company's K per cent Income bonds kept company with the stock selling- up 2 i to 42',,. New.s on the sfock was lacking-. The majority of sales, as was the case yesterday, wero made for New York account. Next of Importance In activity was Phil adelphia napld Transit trust certificates, which trot up a fraction on the turnover of some 1050 shares. By way of special fea tures thero was an advance of BH points In Kentucky Securities common to 30, the highest thlsyear, while Huntington and llroad Top common and preferred mlso reached the best prices of the year. Doth rose a point, the common to 6 and the pre ferred to 13. Most ot the 'prices throughout the list were to higher levels. Aside from Superior, the financial dis trict today was chiefly Interested In the opening of bids for the 310.000,000 4 per cent city loan. The fact that the loan was about Ave times oversubscribed was re garded with satisfaction, In that It showed both the condition of the Investment mar ket at the present time and the confidence In the city. On the Philadelphia Stock Exchange today the outstanding city bonds RATES FOR MONEY Call Time N. Tork 2 W3H 2 g4 Philadelphia --$ " 2?,, Iloaton J2. JJ4JJ Chlraao ......... i .. ..... Stt f4 4 04H Commerrlaf paper, three to air months. Phila delphia. -SH B8U pet cent. BANK CLEARINGS Bank claarlnsa todar compared with correA sporrdlns- dar la.t .n I44.KSO.S04 $S"I.R7n.702 4R.1H4.M0 Holiday 7SS.817.790 Holiday Tlpaton Philadelphia . .... New York WANTED Indianapolis Street Jlallwaya 4a, 1083 Inillanapolla Northern Traction 1st Ss, 1032 Union Traction of Indiana 5s, 1010 Indianapolis Traction & Terminal Ss, 1933 MELLOR & PETRY Members N. Y. ft rhlla. Stock Exchanges 330 COMMERCIAL TRUST nUlLDINQ Carroll Felter & Com pany announce that their Philadelphia Offices, Suite 303, Finance Bldg., will be in charge of H. W. Culver, who is well and favorably known in New York, Boston and Phila delphia, through his 15 years' experience in the brokerage business. Carroll Felter, & Company 74 Broadway, New York City Dirsct PnVate Wirm to New York New York Boston Philadelphia Wilmington Baltimore were Quite strong, although not Tho registered 4 s of i?r.BiSlTw'i n Irlt-sisiA. - a . "" "la M fe I pw3'a While the action of the eir ., I Penn National Bank In lncrMatfI annual dividend by 1 per Sent L 'S -juviv mar-iei ractor, ya It .. ""J I -straw In showlnr iV. 1" M.seii Mnu. ,...- r. .:- -y in w.3i which r, the" mt'h In the'hH M dividend, which t,l.. .1 ??lll. to sS per cent per annum bagi,. n? Ms-I is 1500.000 and itnd.Wde?VlSl oome Weil-Balanced. InveslmenU If you purcli-uc t,e tKte sound bonds and U,c equally attractive short-tejrg, notes we have especially se lected for a total inveslraaw of $5.91750 you vvillS an annual income of abotft 6. 1 5 payable by a coupon; every month. You will .fo have the satisfaction of know ing that your income is pre tected by property located in various sections of the Unit States and by earning! cb- iainca irom a great of sources. variety Detail on request for Circular tstol William P. Bonbright & Ct .k ...v,w.,o 1.1-lflH STROUD, Jr , Manaser 437 Chestnut St, PhnadeJea New York Ueatoa - - lndon Psrls Vllllam P. nonhrlaht a Co. BosbrUM Ca. A Tax ,fre la Penna'. Free at Ineena Ik BRADDOCK School District 4. Dne April, 1941 Tine April, 194S Dne April, 194S Legality Approved Br Messrs. Townsend, Elliot & Ton' fc-nf Tnvtfimfnt fnp Tniat .. " " " -..--- , Martin & Co. 1411 Walnut Street Philadelphia I mim-fi iww ihm aaaaa aiil 11111,41 1 lUiHHlltiUllll W1IBIUU Un Y Collection of Income TO those who wish to be relieved of the trouble some' detail which the collection of income involves, we suggest the service rendered by this company as Agent. This not only includes the custody of securities, cutting of coupons, and collection of dividends and interest from stocks, bonds, and real estate, but also comprehends the preparation of Income TaxEeturns. Our charge for thii tenice it moderate Philadelphia Trust Company Iff Chestnut Street :: 1115 Chestnut Street Philadelphia Dependable Information information is every investor the and Dependable first need of trader. This Is the only kind of Information that Is published in the Jones & Baker Weekly News Let terdependable because this 8-page weekly publi cation is the printed expression of a great service system for investors. Like a newspaper, this Weekly News Letter has a staff of reporters and editors. Skilled correspon dents cover daily the principal mining camps, oil fields and Industrial centers. These men-on-the-ground flash their news to Jones & Baker's New York headquarters, detailing throughout market I 1'MS"-Sa'''siaSTrs-aaMa,a-aa)SJt, i f , , JONES A MAKER, Wldener Budding, PhUo4eiphta,J'a. Oontlemon; J ko be pteato tolreot4vo a twpy of your Wockh How Letter, ' Kami ..- ., Ad4rt$' ' t t-.--!.-'M euv T.U 6. Cwt; otit Qwnat4Ma. hours each day developments and operations of companies whose stocks are listed and traded in on ' the New York Curb and other leading Stock and Mining Exchanges. This news which Is part of the dally service over direct; private wires to investors in five cltlsf where Jones & Baker Offices and Board Rooms are located is then assembled by the Information Do partment. a staff of statistical and editorial ex perts. They analyze and Interpret this news foe publication in the Weekly News Letter entirely from an unprejudiced viewpoint, since this house neither underwrites securities nor has any Interes-t whatever in stocks. A two-page historical ana analytical report is also published each week t some important security of public interest Oyer 28,500, Investors and traders the country over find this Weekly News Letter Valuable enough to read each week. The coupon below filled in and mailed will r bring you the current Issue containing the latest news of 40 to 50 dividend paying ami active stocks. Jones & Baker TOCK BROKEK9 1 st t I NYcrkC8-Bostorv,Wsi)iy PHILADELPHIA x Widener Building PrtveU r.Mchen'Jo CotwttK! el DefaKtWs "Vs V OTMWO TO SklXBUT BRVICK mimmiS3i9mmm 3T"