Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 31, 1916, Night Extra, Image 11
lv EVENING LEDGBRr-PHILABELrniA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1916 H0PE AND JOY REIGN AT LAFAYETTE SINCE THE GREAT "COME BACK" OF THE ELEVEN LAFAYETTE. DEPENDS LARGELY ON THESE fcoach Crowell Started Season With Only Four Regulars Football Material at Easton Scantiest in Many Years fROWELL'S TEAM IN SHAPE FOR PENN-EASTERN BASKETBALL LEAGUE OPEN&AT TJH8 "" : , r- , rs m 7i-'"", '-&': ", " rnt -W'limit ' hmm- By ROBERT W. MAXWELL' S9s1bbbbbbV HHHHM ' nME dense ctoud. ot gloom which has been 1 j.iMiw orer Lafayette Cotieg for tha Jit, meaUi has been dispelled, and Joy uri CJ now reign supreme. After four wrt 77ka hardest kind ot hard tuck, on In ""- . .... tHt... KTiu,.vi. tuwuitt three and tying ono football same the Maroon and White camo Into tta own last Sat urday and wal loped the day lights out of the strong Leban a n VRlUr SggTega- tlon, the final score being 17 to 14. With this Kama came Urn turning point of tha season and from now on let the other trams beware. WlUIe Crowell. head coach, has been having his football team this two months he has B. W. MAXWHLI. trouble with the For neariy I 1 W' fa j, .. oeea worHing with the squad, trying m vain to ret together a winning comuinauon 10 eombat the strong teams which appeared en the. schedule. Fordham camo flrst. and the result waa a scoreless tie; That did not cause much rejoicing among the students, and when Swarthmoro appeared the next week and carried away tho game by a count of 10. to Jrftha. first layer of gloom was spread. Then came Urslnus and an tfc.n defeat, and by the time Princeton got through with tho team, every vestige of hope had fled. Last Thursday, not even (be most sanguine would predict a victory over Lebanon Valley. All the follower of (fee eleven could aeo was an unbroken string of defeats. ..,..,,. It was on that evening' about 5 o clock that the hoodoo, gloom. Jinx, hard luck and everything else wer chased from lurch KleM. The dally practice was over and we were talking to Coach Crowell when a young rabbltt shot out from under tb grand stand and rushed across the Seld. Crowelt stopped In the middle of a sentence and with more enthusiasm than be had shown all day. said: "Look out for Lafayette from now on. That rabbit waa tho most welcome eight I have seen this year, as it means good luck." Harold Drown, the lino coach, and Cap tain Paul Taylor also said a few words, all of which convinced us that there either .was all kinds of superstttlon at Easton. or the rushlnc Jumping animal really was a mascot. The result of last Saturday'a game Is the first victory for the rabbit. No one knew how hard It has been to get a representative football team at La fayette this year, unless one made a trip to March Field to look over the material. Never before has there been such a dearth ef football men, and Crowell and his as sistants were working day and night with out accomplishing anything la the way of 'results. In the first place, only four regu lars from last year put In, an appearance. They were Captain Paul Taylor, quarter back; Johnny Weldon. full and halfback; Gullck, a guard, and Woodruff, right end. The substitute material was not excep tionally good, so It was up to the coaches to build a team from the ground up. And It has taken four weeks of actual play to lay the foundation. BUrtcd Early Lafayette started practice on September T at the Water Qnp and stayed there a week, when the Bquad went to Easton ror tne finishing touches. About thirty men reported and the experimenting began Immediately, Lehman, who played fullback on Princeton Trep, was put In at tackle, and Bell, a senior In college, but who never came out for the team, took the other side. Guile a. tho veteran, took, care of one of the guard positions, and Ernst, a scrub last year, was selected for the other. That left the center position to be filled, and Crowell found It a. hard Job. After trying out several players, he picked Gellatly, the star tackle on Haverford School last year, and the selection has proved a wise one, Only one position In the line was left to be BlteO left ad and Crowell Is work JL on Uir ra,n "' lhe Place. They are Ellis, the West rhltadelphta nigh star; Brandes. of Balllnvnr trta. and xiTtr. of Exeter. Thus far Ellis seems to have the can. With Johnny Weldon and Tajlor In the backfleld the outlook -was not so gloomy, but It soon was apparent that It would be a difficult matter to find a couple ot players who could keep up with tho patr ot speedy veterans. However, when all hope seemed lost. Jack Diamond, who had been In tte throes of a slump for two years, suddenly came to life and surprised erery one by playing the game which made htm famous In 1911. lie has won a place In the backfleld and Seeley. a freshman. Is trying hard tor the other. Kills, too. Is being used In the bnckfleld and may- be smiiea. Tho Absentee There Is a slender hope at Lafayette tnese days that Duke Lake and Johnny Scott will pass off their conditions and be come eligible for the later games next month. Both boys have been studying hard and hope to square themselves with ,the faculty In a week or so. If Scott and Lake get Into the game ngatnst Penn next Satur day, or against State en November 17, one of the most powerful backftrlda In the East will be on the Held. Crowell Is working hard for the Venn garan but ha knows he has not much chance to win. The men will do their best, how ever, and the Red and Btuo athletes will know that they have been In battle. The big game on the schedule the game which must be won at all costs Is with Lehigh on November 26, and that is the goal toward which the -men of Lafayette are looking. a It mast be remembered that last year the prospects for a winning team, wera al most as bad as this fall. No one accorded the eleven a chance against Penn. yet Penn was defeated, and when It came to the Lehigh battle no on had the nerve to say that the Maroon and While even had a chance. The result of that game still Is In our memories and will remain there as the biggest upset ever sprung In football. Lafayelto won by the' score of 35 to 3, and entered the game a & to 1 shot The winning of this game was due to nn Idea ot Coach Crowell. He knew tho strength of Lehigh and also knew that the students and alumni ot his college would rather win that game than any other. Therefore, when Stat Collego visited Easton a week before the' big battle, Crow ell used strategy and cot away with It. Ho didn't try to win tho game. He re fused to take a chance with his regulars. He used his scrub team most' of the time and picked out flaws In their play while State was winning by the score of 35 to 3. The losing of this game served a double purpose. First It saved the varsity men. and second. It gave tho Lehigh players so much confidence that Tom Keady, who was wise to the trick, could not drive, It out of them. As a result, Lafayette played the South Bethlshemltes oft their feet and won by a big score. In the final game Crowell used an aerial atack which has not been equaled since the forward pass was Invented. The ball was hurled to all corners of the field, long passes and short passes, and every time the pigskin .started, to. .fall, a Lafuyette man was under It Lshlgh waa amased and then spellbound and .before they recovered the game had been lost. Crowell believes In open football and Is wllllnir to trv new stuff whenever possible. He Is a distinctly modern coacn, ami nas the ability to get results whon nil hope seems lost. He Is confident ot defeating Lehigh this year, and la working with that end In view. He would like to boot Fenn. and no doubt will have some fancy plays to spring on Folwell's men next Saturday. Harold O. Brown, end on Princeton last year. Is assisting Crowell and has charge ot the linemen. Brown Is doing good work, as wns seen In the. Lebanon Valley game, and probably will have his rush line working like a machine In the later games. Jos Morrison, th old Lafayette captain, ls coaching th ends, and Ed llackall. trainer of the New Tork Giants for the past twelve years, Ts looking out for the physical con. dltlon of the men. , I i r ltfl LHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII. UL II V. ..v.HejfCSm" II .sbbbbbbbbtsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbsbbbbbI w32U Sssr W SiJ3SGff sssHr HsbIsbIsbIsbIsbsbH ssssi J.-3'-f '.-.tsssssBsssL It tttrfr7iWU SBBBSY SBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBS, BBBBBBT M.tBBBBBBSI ftfsBBBBBBBBBBM 'SSlSSSW SBBsS SBBBBBBBBBSBBBSBBBsl JbBBBB' ViSsTSBB SBSSBBBBBBBbT "f;H K BBBBBbHbBBtSH SBBBsf VmJTWiWm' I I LsbbsbbbL. Isssrn BBIssssssP' .bbbbbbT BBS&iK 4bsbbbbF' I I SBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSW BBBB PWHsmssCPHSBBBsr'X WLSsBBBBsL X "" ". B NBb1bBBBBSSBBbMV TkE!3r SBBBBBBBSBSBw SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBkkw svK W ? 5lVL K S V 1 N fFWJsSBBBSBBBBBBBTV HsbIsbIsbIsW .IbHsbIsbW kVtf-ruJis-(in ,M ktfUsHllslsV 7 Mfe. will BV MCDONNELL' ssbsPbssbss. !19LZAIsOK VbsssbssbssbssbssbssbssbP JSlbttE II ls'vsissslPH IssflsssBiHBH WCLDON' nLLOTCf' SsP 1 jK KsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVaBBBBBBBBasi SfegBS?a S. -m SfsVeBBBBBBt I SBBBBBBBBS?BBBBBBBBBVSBBB JnBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSSUMi " .wnsto "v.tXL-jljj-. dsssBsMKSVftsBBsBT nTHH yr-, ,,-aBSSSSSSSSV. W SBBBBBBBBBBP. SBBBSBBBBBBBKVsSbSBBBBW W TsmVWl ?W ta.. T WHTBM0 .. JtK I ..BSftSM V.TV. .KWS 11 it SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBnDBBsHiMBSBBBBBBBBV I UauMSMHv -y If mgmk SMBSBMJ&m w l I e"-2Li.'. '!BBBK?SBT BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSSBBBS99MnMsHsBBBBa I NMMssSlV JyiSjMlUMfgfMKB. 'HHBRfsVSRBBBBBBm Wstv r'imsMl f99V9Pmflsf SBBBBBBBsHSBBBBSliSBBBBBBBBa SsfSr?lsK I I HHQlHP I HK(SlBBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr. K3SBBBBBBBBBB9SBW j6fcsSSBSSSsilBSSSk XSBBBsSjv!BBBBBBBBBBBBCl' BSSSSSSSSsi VVy V BNST 0Uf3D k$: $m ffrcrarcff 11 rrwfrcT I I it't l5 '", 'irV I I .. m.;nxmitr V. itat on rrtf k U ' '. IlAUIIUfllJirilJUrWHHKS- Ar.fli OUTCLASSED JtY OfPONFXTS Loo Intcrclub HoeJcey Jlcti ,o Xtlrta tlelphk Tww, 18 GcmHto 21 It seemed Impossible or th la4dortM: girl to plsy In . oencertea ,!. yeen, day nnd the Iltllulrla .team awHwreHj k fltst division Imerclub hockey mKhaUIH. Martins by the score of IX goals to a All the way through there, was, no cw pnrlson between the teams nrid -n th Btt half th Philadelphia gins piief up seven goals to the ono ot their opponents, TJw second half was very much m repetition, of the first, the .home team eorlfig)BJ gaU tn tha ona of th visitors. Mlsajl Cheeton and Miss M. Fairies scored four- bjoaIsU npleca for Philadelphia and Mlss.C Chasten X scoreu inree, BASELBALL MEN DEMAND' SALARY WHENINJCBEW Dnvo Fulfcs, Fraternity Hcadf JInkcs Four liequcsta to Na tional Commission' t ii ; WOKS; DfiiW' . - j, j KITHV liXHal KlfWI t i (Euraor; - UERll TO. BUIDp, VMiMf-M . .? ,r "Am I going to thetBesten Rfd ft . Wejl. that Is tho wildest .dream I Avef-.twafa , 6f. Tierer!s.aboatr IwtMeVsVtaHi That IsMh rtatemeik- ma4ebyqsiiii ' ft' -. OlfTflOND NEW SYSTEM OF CAGE OFFICIATING GIVEN FIRST TEST Two Officials Work in the Trenton-De Neri Game. former Wilis Easily CLLIS' CND WD HVLrarcn RTAMIINfl OF TUB CI.UtlH W. I- Pft. W. L. Tft. Trent. .... t O l.OOO Jir ..... 0 o .000 r.rrjMMk ,.oo ,ium neadlne ... . o o .ooo t'smdan .... 0 0 .000 lm rl.... 0 1 .000 TOMORROW NIOHT'S 0A5IE SXalns at Csmilen Armorjr. They're Off! 1 rrsnliel, forward Curlrtt. forward Tcmiio, renter ,.,. dels, tu.nl . . . Grtilncrr, susrd . Totsla ........ THKNTOX l'l.U Kfl. 5 n UK Nr-.ni field Veul As- , ton I liK, rt. O lit O TENDLER BEATS DICK LOADMAN ATOLYMPIAA.A. Latter Sets Furious Pace, but Quaker City Boy Is Too Experienced v By LOUIS H.JAFFB A little package chockfull of fight was Unfurled oa the. CHympla " ! & In the person of DWc Xoadman, ot Buffalo. He didn't wte not ha th es of th word but the miniature mauler made one of the neatest lraerasstona of any boxer In years. Elongated Lswia, Tmdler used Wa height and reach to good advaaUge. holdlsc th ver-flghting BuaJs- boy ost wtth right Jabs and upperouttlas; Mm wKh, tsrilfla Wft punches. . . Throughout tha eighteen mmutes Load Ktn waa the aggressor. H Wept wsesur Into the local nwboy craek wWo na winging left an4 right waltes to hsa4 asd body. At tho baa! o w Loadman rushed at TmHT vrtth th fury ot a wildcat, and had, there ba any othjr banUm than Lew la th ring last nlgM Dick probably .would h.v beatso, hl to th svor. No more aggralv a bantam ever ap peared betoret a PWlde, ? Loadman kt tearing to eoottouaUy with wings to th head and body, and Uaded several hard pwMttes o TeadUe's J. The nunchm test nest tteir seaaia, how ever, as Lewi waa backing away most of the tlme At the ama time, Tendler picked out hi nnulnii like a football auarter-t " back, shoot lt u tfsK wi vmg VMiotM pwwhes te is srwr www. " Tendler fs a1 rare bor in : given -a lot of credit" for hi, steadiness In not lwo his he- Tsls ast, hi fast, really is th PMiadseshlan's SUM as wuirtng htir. H ( m cm u a ruoum br, jmd 'no matt b Kb WMWr , TMHller never gess wM MW kaew want to hold oa In lb eUashesy-and when lat ipected TmmHm wM s las age !. usually havtna kh bsMsr et tatt deal. TwidUr prwe4;tai JM. Ma ' lowed LoadntbH taVahas Mat areund th Hog, being contntad.t hlk. dank aad fatt toto cUaoaaa, Wtia '.Loadmau waa oft. KM guard, Ura lMa,.mr delivered peea, auuiy and luupd, walsj rsanMed to hla via turyj i Lqadmaa siat WsaeMatots lata a, fraaar at the pussat. R 8 aaas W , at Tinsitr. sartoasM' , wW Utt ruK to Uw"m taw' aad at sa iinriiai ha tvliowed up' wtta a sariM of rights and lf to the body, Tb crowd was pn. its i For th Arat half of ta raantt Loud- Evening Ledger Decisions of Ring Bouts Last Night OLYMTIA A. A. Lew Tendler won from Ulrk lwlmn. Ijirrr .Hansen best Krankle hlle, Joe Wel.h outeled Horbr -W. (luiilt UU defested Voiinc Meixer, llllbr IIU1V WiUUVI"! .WUU .vn.i Si' MBIT TOKK HMIr Mhkle defested Hat- uvuiur. u jijMir !onte rtllell. serenin. las. RKAI1IN0 Joe Toiler beat TerrvKeleh- .iratru urn crwiMiini t Tim llpanjiy. Johnar Mar knoeked out ITlshtlnc llob. ueand. ell, Jlmmr MeCabo dffea. Kauor rtmiiw ouiiiw"n YBrrSORTOWN. O Willie Ileeeher eut- ioum oatior. Pan ll WIM ma fnia ng RueU aaaded Fraakle oolnled MJlbum Bolor, INCAHTiy. Favj WUDaaaaVs11 s W.,.' .. U U I... m. nmtw .m..v .vi-tw ...h .-.... imnilr Jo Mees haokl opt nasirar Kaau, aiitbi Kid Tspoany itoyiwia 1'ranklo IfUwd. PITT8BCIUU1 Yass UofaUo anw wiu ,HdJflljKJl!,AnnK. r. Blllr Itevsa eassed ISebbr Makes, nlntk. M man dealt out many punches until Tendler got his bearings. Starting with the second session th news boy had fathomed Load man's style of at tack, and after that period until th end of the contest there was no doubt that Tendler was the superior. Loadman, on the other hand, did not los any prestige. In fact he naa a friend of every one In, attendance, aad hi great battle should earn him more bouts In thla vicinity. N Tendler proved that he could make the wia-at at which Champion Kid Williams has been boxing this seasoa-r-lltt pounds ringside. While Loadman Upp4 th beam at th same poundage, he was much small er in stature, and Tendler had . 'great ad vantage In reach. Besides gaining the victory. Tendler earned another aoaor: that of Introducing th Brat pair ot gold-colored trunks In Philadelphia competition. Larry Hansen defeoted frankl Whit la the samMnal. tb latter substituting for Oeorga Cbauey. When it Is considered that the ItaHan had,,but two daya to which to get Into shape for the fttht with th daagwoua Das. WhMey put up a good bout uader th eireumetsne, Hansen dls irihut&d a sTcat deal of punUhiBat U Frank's body, and he aUo connected with sams wrrMo wallop to the head. ' That White la a tough, bird was proved la this eoirteet. The Italian tried' his bt ta leak a wtoaiag oantetU arst to aa-. effort r outflaht the Dane, whleh was tlWHK of eha iiujstton. ana then ti heir VettM- tows by boxing. HoweVer; HsBStnt lnflgHtag--aH terrww pwjr iatK--PPjd W.l t.'V V'UMty. aad there w doH that. the Oauauuk, tajl won by a matgiw. j Welsh walked Into a soc,lbU HtlU tsa warty, not njaird.by Dafby Casaar. J& Jwi ro taTtt.r MM iMtm ftad LMtwd lat-W asadi but for rh Wurf ar ST,, M M alaaaa. IB a H4 Laar MM aa Waa W- . nu-la Lswls KaaaVad a nifty lasiag to Young atdger. 4 ' Youaa- sUdway, By SPICK HALL Althoush tha malorttr ct basketball men are Inclined to bejleve that tha double olflclal system Is too cumbersome to b effecUve. the first try-out showed that It may be realized. Naturally ono game Is not-' a sumctent test: nevertheless, with DaetstI acting as referee and Humley as umpire, the opening game of the Eastern League season last night nt tho Trenton Armory proved that under some circum stances, at least, two men can ofllolnte and do It effectively In the same cago. Last nlghfa eamo was so one-sided. Trcntor winning from De Ncrt 38 to 19. that most any kind of. officiating would have been tolerated. The De Nerl players ,.,ii.,i emm tha heslnnlng that It was not their Inning, consequently they did not moke as many kicks to the officials ss they would havo done If the contest had been close. A Trenton was always sev eral laps ahead of tho Musical Bunders they did not worry much, either about tho referee or the umpire. More Testa Needed Several gamea wllf have to be played under the new system to ascertain the real m.rita. If there be any. .In the two-man omclatlng system. Those who saw the opening fray at the big armory In Tren ton, where almost 4000 gathered to see the cago men In action, were not Inclined to pay much attention to. the work of cither the referee or toe urapirw r....... had been on of those (n which a point one way or th other would have turned victory Into defeat, there is no doubt that there would have been trouble on one of the decisions. Cuflette, who tossed the fouls for Tren ton, overstepped the lines on one of his throws. The point was promptly thrown out by Umpire Jlumley. It appears that referee Ilaetiel did not see the Infraction ,v, ri hv iha Trenton forward, conse quently tha point should have counted, as ITealdent Scheffcr's Instruction to the official was that the referee should havo full charge of the ball. This means th-it Ruroley did not have Jurisdiction over the play mentioned. Umpa in Background Throughout the game naeuei roiioweu the ball, while Rumley .stood In th back ground and saw fouls which tha referee was unable to see. This was particularly truo when tha ball vm tossed nt center and from scrimmage, During the career of the Eastern League more uncalled fouls have occurrl whn the ball was being tossed up than undsr alt other conditions of play. The. reason Is, of course, that the referee la forced to follow the ball with his y when ha throws It up. This gives th men, whom h cannot e a chance to knee, elbow and commit other fouls without his being able to a them. Last night some of these tricks were tried again, but Umpire tumiy was on th loh and on each occasion gave the offended, side a free hot, Of th forty-pine fouls called, twenty-five' on Trenton and twenty-four on De Nerl. thirty occurred In the- first half. After th playora saw that both ot th oUklals had their eyes open they began to real! tha,t It was useless to try to pull anything over. There Is, no doubt that tsera will be. more foul called than usual under this caw oMitmiag system to the first few game, but later on, It the, sr4a Js re iin.L, tnfracllona of the rule will be- eewa bwa and less until they reaaej a very smaU' Kr That Is the one beat feature ef tb stav for K will put a. greater pre mium on field goal, whleh have always been at a dlaaount because of tha great ctance far a toaia to stay to the "running when a o4 foul, shooter to to, the line-up. Tla.L fAnr.M) .... ItlUon. forward ......... Caranausll. renter, cuiinl Newman, snaril. renter.. Caftbman. stitird. center.. Thompson, suard ....... Votil SOrtU. SOMlo It O n o o n Aa. alftta. 1 o I o 0 o Totala 4 It Kefernf llaettrl. fmnlre Knmoer. eommllted Trenton. S.li De Nerl. 24. rt. 11 o l 4 0 9 1 Foula ra, have to b. ton.stantly on the nlert: but. If they piny It right, as they did last night, It Is a difficult gamo to beat, and nil the more so when tho center continually aufluinps hfa ppponents. JTJtED OKIO was in flno fettle. Ills work reminded one ot his college days. ' when, be wi accustomed to snatch tha ball at on na ot tne uoar ana specuity dribble his way to the other, eluding his opponents and finishing with a clean shot for the basket. He shot three goals against De Nerl and his general floor work; and passing were excellent. CONB1DKKINO Till: short time they have been practicing, the Trenton five worked together splendidly. President Kuser's threat to the Trenton fans that ho would put n, winner on the floor this year was Justified by the work or the rotters Inst night Franckle nnd Curlctte, the for wards, played together In wonderful style. HIM. IJAKK WA8 considerably off In his foul shooting. Ho had twenty-five free shots, but netted only sixteen. 1)111 has not been doing much athletic work recently and shows It He 1ms several superfluous pounds, of adipose lingering around which will have to be disposed of before ho can keep a fast pace for forty minutes. DOC SRWMASp who' was married Sun day. Played his usunl lightning game, lie netted two of De Nerl'n four field goals. TUB SKXT K.VNTKUN LKAGUU game will be played In the Camden Armory be tween Henry's team and. Heading, on Wed nesday evening. TOM01IT Till: Industrial League will begin Its season. Tho games will be played at the Quaker City A. C, Lowrlc Wins Princeton Golf Title rniNCBTOf. N, J.. 'Jet. 31. William A. Txtvrte, o( I'iUsbursb. captain of Iha l'rlncnton snlf team NORTHEAST HIGH STRENGTHENED FOR SOUTH PH1LLY Several football stars of Northeast High School now on h Ineligibility list are ex pected hack in the line-up, after the first ot November, when tho monthly scholastic averages nro recorded. The return ot Whit nker, a backfleld man of- much ground gaining nblllty, and Thornton and Meln hardt. foat ends, will Improve even more the now smoothly playing eighth Btreet and Lehigh nvenuo eleven. With these stars back, in the game and a week In which to get working together with the regular team. Northeast' will prove- a most formldablo opponent for South 1'hllsy delphln. High, present favorite for the Olm bl Cup. This fracas la scheduled, for Frl- 'day a week nt Northeast ineiu, and mo victor In nil prooaniuues win annex ino local scholastic gridiron title. Johnston and Johnson, respective South Phllty and Northeast coaches have begun preparing for tho big battle. The South wark aggregation has upset the dope twice to date, and. while Northeast will, start the game a. possible favorlUs brilliant work by Itosetsky and Humiin again may spring n surprtws in South FhlIy favor. NEW TOniC. Oct. Jl. The official Mat' ot request made by the Baseball l'lnjasrn', Fraternity to tho National Commission M tho National Board of Arbitration far con cessions to Its members lias been outlined' by President David, L. Pultf,- of tho- fra ternity, as follows! "First. That clauses In baseball, con., tracts empowering clubs to suspend with out pay, after certain periods' of disability, players who are Injured In' servio be elltnl nlted, anil that such, players bw entitled to full pay as long ns they are held under, contract "Second, That Hule 34 of the. rules nnd regulations of tho, National Board be, amended In so far ns It, violates section' marked 'first' of th. fraternity agreement. "Third. That minor lesguo players re ceive their traveling expenses from their' homes to the training camps when report ing for spring practlaes "Kourtlu That the, procedure now em ployed by tho national bonrdi In hearing players' clnims, presented by tho- fraternity bo amended so tnat tne rrnttirnuyt biiwu m eclva copies of th defns Interposed- by tha clubs and' an opportunity be. given It ot answering such defenses; that Immediately nnnn iiacialnns helmr rendered' tho .frater nity shall be served with a copy thereof amti tho players' exhibits.. If, any. prcsemeu or. the fraternity returned to It, If requested. That the board shall enforce Its award against the clubs."' In n, brief supporting tha fraternity's nMIKnn trHtill.nt VllltZ. IlCtlnE for thO board of directors, slates. In' part, referring to tho various retiuosts: "Ilenuest 1 Thar exists; today, In. many of the minor league cpntrncfn, and In some, of those, ot the American, League a ciau.se allowing clubs- to suspend, without pay a player who haevboen disabled' on the flelflt Wo believe that this rule Ibj. unjust to the player,. In that It deprives him of the oppor tuniiv nt earning his livelihood, not be cause of any breach, of discipline on hl part, not becauso Iter has neglected. In any, way to do Ms full duty, but because, he. encaged In a dangerous occupation,, disre garding his own welfare, In' his. excessive, desire 'to win has. taken a rjsk In the. furtherance of that desire which lias, brought Injury upon hltm Wo bollev that the worst treatment' h plnyer In. this situa tion should receive Is .his unconditional, re..- leas'. 6r., In other words., his, discharge,, If: the club does not wish to pay ms, swaryi Uy tha cIsubo under consideration,, how over, n, club u nllowsaT to retain title ta the player, prevent his. going, tn any, othoc club and yet pay, hra no salary." Gcrmantown Church) Lcaguo In th armaatowi Church, Atblella- lasui at tho (Sarniaiitown Hoytf Club, Ut nlsht Bfond; fraabytarian defeats OlsV iPreeAvterlaij a4, tai JO. Trinity Lutheran, won from t, Mlehael'a, butheran. 10 to 14. i tMaele, thls momlMrr atf MaVhom. to' -mantown. when, hai' w. Inferwad- taaa' storles.Jia. appeareain.ina morning paaeas. 'to the effect' trmf'he.was.to leaVe the-Aatv. letles-anil'lak the Irteoe.leftrvaoant'Uy, tftw ireaignation' of. BIH Cafrtoaa,, CantlmttotU .Cpntvle said:. , , , . Vou.ap1Jayfom.th4vt lamin.Phliv rininhia to 'stick. I' nave said' before tha . 'l Intend' torielTo the' fans-here. a winner-an taw. wolnsto dtu.Ui, Theri(li no. raw, iphanaa of ray 'going. t6 Botan, to manaaa , the Hed Sox than" there. Is ot your irslftaV Kven lt'tlu Bed Boxiwanted' me. andMhto It tho'ffrst I hav ? neara.oi: in j. eoneje not? no,, My Interratsi are haroi and; hecoli . am B0lhg,t6,stay'" , " Arrwtr.iinF to tha stonT' manatlnc fromr 'Bpsuon. Connl' Mackj who owns fifty perv centiot th Atbteticm socx. is going to, sea, out to aeorga'O. 'Johnsofl, tho mu)tlm!HloNen sire of, Blnghamton, N. Y It Is a knowa. ear that Johnson has-been trying for. Bev-- 'ertU years to purchase a. controlling- Interest' In wjrno Amerlenn Leajnw olub. aoinffnr-" itherv thls'nunor'hofeonlKsalls.ConnieMaoIrt, ' ...- tn .Tnhnun. tutt lhA. nlhAr flftv' najft' inuw. WV..M .,, r, C .cent, ownea . oy ina, atnafw, .auw, m, ir,f 'Blngharrdon Croesusi . ' ( Harry'DavIs la theinan mentioned as the'1 probn,blo manager, undan the, new, Atbletle leglme. There, la no doubt, that. Dtiyia. Is? the' lostical man, for the place' ,U Conale,, Mack should' got bub. In the face of Msokw- strenuous, denial orpine wnoie, aiory,, iiarreV may, notiafUr all. bo.jxt.'the, halm otf'thW1 local. American League, club. The, oply-, other mani mentioned in. connection jvlth the. Athletics managership Is Bddle CoIIIks' ltisoldithat.tliero Is a chance that he-may Lcprao back from Chisago, and take charge. Xuber DeJeala, Ketchal! .. .,- nnADINO. Pa.. Oct. '31. Asarrw Iveneaa, rould not tx oftaet won for uoe Tulx-r. a oi t'niiav-ipnia, jDver.ivrrr O.i 1 n. f.-llw. Mimiul.h 1, , Unat beut-atith Wataoa'Ai (I. laal nlcbU iniarnaiinsconiop(. welcht lKar. ot I'miaO-lphl rhal, snoibar Quahn- Cite, , vraa a, laeU fif ihnnflrhM tlut wn lAndMlvTuhrB Aarw lrM the. moat w-lshtUWnil them, Jbhnor,'MaTO. anotnailMladelphlan, 'put th Sa: h, inahllnf IlAh nf, &ll,nlniv. odVupi Mayo toppedehul opponent ra lil'la-u aemiwioatupi saonod round. Brincetan Runners Prenacci. foc1jfai(v rmKCBION- N. Jr.- .OaS. 31i Cn.h, Titmiv Morciaon, oftha I'rl notion yaraliy croa.eeu&i a- J fmt x (am, tenia 'meet wall., who. ear nTii aant hi men. ovor a teiir-iall. cavrae. ,at,in ut-DicHini M 4 ill. el by. 1 tvnk. unlno, another tiMaabac . ot laat yoare .varatiev .Boa.; FRirulev. OitSP icklncof-a tun '(a. Liuru&u. HM.jati: td, In tUrteettlh tgitlOii la, laaiti. to run. but lwaa Unlay aa. a trli eow ' no nniac vmr-i lniarrouesi hard' pneaaad b. Fntnk, 'unlno, anothtr Inaml 'al.t Newjllawut aai lnlirrolleiitaUt won lahod in tb enlHy nnftleil. WfasstnBsl-kST- W''l''.6?'-55 vr.x lirlov apa, SiavMiWfKftRrrjj iy VOIB FOR. ,tUUVL moraK, the popik? LWfc .PRICE. TAiMWtt. , Itcean fit- your form. parte Hav , , Mnda4re,roa Hie armit! f V HorlnsV 'Two bunarra HVr nellva. no.Ura. In. -'- s from. To, ordar 'fr J"V IFAra- . at 4"" i "" ' t . . . .. IIIHIhiIIIII llniCllMi Mfllfinlltpi" ' ' ?MSMBssssssssssssssssss3al IIIIIIhIIIIII irKilHr P -F , Miir Wi.IIMkI s Li h - i- -ibk33C5. m H mfm,m mm mmm-J--$mm-m mm iIIIIIbIIIIII EBSsVpXKialsBskaaaa FBaHWE3slaBSBBBBSsE sssssssHbsssssbsbb! "BULLY," ,U.O ArcK.5, rlee Window dUplnr. OsealHMv !Svfcf sHIss e JIH Jill 1M ' ;'rf HI H "i I I fl t i 3m ' r, , i3M ' 'i HH ' fllnWWsT ul RirOaB , ' the Individual champton- r,.i ,h unlvtrilty. dorautlna Howard Max wall, ot Brooklyn. 8 UP and. 3 ty.Plar. Maawall had bean playlna aenaallonal solf throushout the tournament, ami waa looked upon aa a furmld able man for tha Individual honora. Ha out drive Lowrlo. but. Iha laiter'e auprlority on the sraon apallad defeat for Maxwell. Gcrmantown Collcgiaim Lose Tha St. Matthaw'a I". C raptured, a hard- ftiue irvm . tiyiii s ) vv- yetrrty In th f fouKht croe from U atrpnc UtrmantQwi. Col . . . - J .. laal mnniaii v rT nisi sr iriav in , owaw v - in IClrk. in noma wam i vnu. imvinK 'e'"-,,?'.? no tn oulaklru ot tha rnvd. iusht a lonn forward paaa for a touchdown. Thla wa tha At home everywhere The most comfortable "passage-way" to all destinations is the Packard limousine only aenre of the same, the evenly maicneo, ror in yhhu,. wui, rvt McAuilga and. Callahau starred, Cossrov proved the Uat help to Iha wlnnara, American Ice League 4-h. Amrfnan ba Uowllntf Laasua onened It aaon laal nlsht on Iha Terminal Altera with. Dtaiicio, no, ut of three. Htatlon No. 2 won two from Htalloa No, Jto won two from ho, m won two ironv no. a uoua more; u.n nr i,.mi than laat vaar. 8. laat year champion, loaf Iw out of to Wain "KIM, Mtatlnn. No. 7. station No. o. Hutlon Irom Station No. 1M Colts, took wu Want Basketball Gamea Tha original Germantown baakatball Vliir n,,t ... quintet aealraa 10 arranaw iih' ,., ... ,..,, tuna Tin and about too city poaaiailns htlla and BivE raaaonablo suaranUe. bar, none, .for furaiae partlrulara addrana Thomas Foley, MIS Morten at., Urmntown. !,"a, a aMty laatag la His waa on TaVkWMM ALWAItl hd.th edg on4 P Nerl beoaiwe Tom easily dutjumpaa both Cashman and Cavanaugh. Tkls gave th Hr posaaMlon of th baH at oh, aivd they took full advantage of It, Some fans, utctlioularly. l. PblladelBalt. hay been quMtiofllng tha ability ef Tom to held hi' own with the other center of tha.Kaet .a taagu. la U of the. fast that; nearly sit at ta otwaa UM ta Mn hlm'.N Altar last aHihfp aarfonaaaas Jhr Is aa sum, . i ' A.L i,-who has ban ooaealair M Traatoa taam. i. Drtct4 a ytia 'Of imaslng whlahworV won4rfttlly. it bv volveu W of signal .work and th pW- SUITS TO ORDER 4 .SO Ssa Oar 7 ti, )Wuu KTER MORAN k CO. WMt U, K. CWt. KK AI AECK M. B4e4 (rest ), sd fWi mUMR tssaJara. m44kJls"t sZ. aAtuiu : Okaai..aac si nw BbiKQWG K' 4T XZ, & mm In C-A Prt Owiiit Awa A step! Step from this room into another miles away I Extend your home to your farthest friend's, door! Go easily speedily- safely fatigue-frqe and. dressed for the occasion over any rouds through any. .weather 1 j The-Twin-six has given the Packard limousine the rangc-ahjlity of the far reaching torn-ins car. It's the surplus-power o( the new motor that makes the enclosed Packard an all-purpose car. It makes this the. ideal conveyance for you now And you may easily dis cover that there is an Rmples richness, and substaRtial comfort about, Packard n closed ears "wlich eye? creates a keen desire ta possess. Iet usslvow youtk otw and' pomplete Jjs--Tiw. it a .( nHJEHL 1 Ask the man who ot$$, f&i' I'ne-ksrd Motor Car Co. of PhJladlflWa, :il Nartk VkmiI Sir. PWWuajak-Talaa Bctiebcra, IlarrUriaiuv, Liaaiiiai.aia; Traatoa, WillUwsport bb4i wttalat . . ' -t 4 J .1 ' "I " . Jiifc v "jflmn " i "i m