Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 30, 1916, Night Extra, Page 9, Image 9

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bbecription Dance to Be Held at Mori rs.,w
fclub for Benefit of Children's Committee of
m vyoixiuu o xxuOA.ntmucner matters Discussed
.J-So rtS. HUBHi JlJ JLakM J J v BBlk vaWean
nHtTY affairs are stnrtlne; n In
rmest, let " tcl1 J'"1 and o you
bt as well maKo up your mind to
r (act that for Bomo tlmo to como you
havo to ag aovvn into your pocket
ckolbook. nil tho caso may be, and
out nntt liand outl And tho won.
thine Is, no matter how many
ill aro gotten up for charity, there
S lwy people
will take tlcK-
und go, and
rthlnff of the
Is a success.
etlmcs I won
whero on earth
comes from,
f'the sums taken
these bazaars,
, dances, mas.
Acs, amateur
Bys oh, yes, my
iv-e ore cnor
US, ana every
swallows all
for sweet
rltr. Isn't tt a
nderful thine;?
But that to
ch I would re-
; now Is not an
Isjseteur perform.
Feeee, but a dance
ijire and elmplo,
1 you know tne
swalcos havo do.
festal that the
Deere you nance
tse healthier you
fare, so go to It
read help tho chll
,4nn'a house com-
Lmtttee of the 'Woman's Hospital, which
kvHcs you to danco on Friday night. No
Lteaiber 10, nt tho Merlon Cricket Club.
p Edith Eario is treasurer or mo anair,
Isfld qulto a number of tho younjjor girls
rfl Interested In It, as well as many of
Lth younger married set out on tho Main
(TUne. Among tho pntronessrB are Mrs.
rthcr Boyd, Mrs. Lawrenco Hoggs. Mrs,
fCJayton Banks, Mrs. Joseph Chnpman,
IXrs. Allen Dallcy, Mrs. OcorRO Earlo,
Mrs. Oeorgo Earle, 5d, Mm. Edcnr
irrfion, Mrs. Stanley FlaBB. Jr.. Catticr
rise FVench, Mrs. Ke.no Green, Mrs. Clark
?tWlb, Katherlno Haro, Mrs. Gcrrlt Judd,
(iin. Lewis LUlle, Theodora LllHe. Mrs.
Bdward LeBoutllllcr, Mrs. "Warron Map
Pieall. Mrs. Sumner-Itulon Miller, Mrs.
IXichard Norton, Kathorlno Ogdcn, Mrs.
IWBllam Trlrer, Mrs. Pearson Pierce. Mrs.
ijjwph Patterson, 2d, Mrs. Henry Regis
larft Mrs. aeorso Shoemaker, Mrs. Wat-
Star Stephenson, Mrs. liaroia tjiuiweu,
if Mrs. Stanley Smith, Mrs. Alexander Slado,
Mrs. Henry Tatnall, loulao Townsena,
Mr. Emmott Tatnall, Mrs. Hugh "Wlb
Jteushby and Mrs. Richard Wood, Jr.
liTnm Interested to hear that tho wonder-
fful Maxneld Parrlsh picture of "Old Klnc
SCole and His Fiddlers Three," which dec
orates tho taproom of tho Knickerbocker
Hotel, In Now Tork, is the tableau which
"will be faithfully reproduced hero by men
and maidens of high degree at the open
ing of tho thirty-seventh annual Charity
Ball, which will be held In tho Academy
ct Music on Thursday evcnlnir, Decem
ber 7.
The mananers of tho ball should be
reongratulated on the originality of tholr
epenlng feature each year. Indeed, this
Eene promises to outShlno all tho others In
point of brilliancy in color schemes and
Unusual costumes. I wish somo one had
ftt'ought of "AUco in Wonderland" and
rLookine Qlass." I. for one, would uko
liothlng better than to moot the White
KKabblt, and as to suppressing the Dor
Wiuse. well, my dears, Just lead mo to
Jt, so to speak. Maybo they might do
bt next year. Just think of the per
fectly great characters, the White Knight
id the Aged Man, Tweedledum and
Tweedledee, the Duchess and tho Cook
and the Baby, and,oh, my dears, tho
Cheshire Cat, or at least It not tho cat
Hie SMILE some one, you know, coum
so'ln a smile. Then think of tho Rod
P'uMn. and the Klnu, and, oh, tho Cater-
Mar who do you suppose woum u
jj, caterpillar? and tho Mock Turtle,
, the Whiting and ino rorpowu " "
lIL It Burely would be somo pany.
I1y could do the lobster quadrille, you
now, and there certainly are enougn
sters about town to make that up,
fcest-ce pas7 With these few words I will
Mas on to my next uutyeci. uui nrnn.
)wut it, gentlemen of the committee,
on't you 7
.The Roland Taylors have postponed
Itswir danco for Emily Harris tonight, as,
course, as yet eho is unable to attona
May affairs of tho kind. But I hoar the
alysls is vepr light, and there is every
that there will be no tuter-enecui,
Bt, of course, she will have to be very
fwreful for a long time.
patronesses. Mrs. Crst
Kredtrlek IUrnlts.
Wstt and Mrs.
ni ti1 Mn .V """"ibaugh. "hose mar
rlsge to Mr. Robert H. H.rvey will uk.
h-Hm l dln.n" thU wnlnc. Cowrs will
bo Uld for twenty smwts.
QersJd Rich, of areen and Knox streets.
MIm lAura Virginia Tlnstnan. to Mr John
Rull Krrlckson, of Ionf Braneh, N. 3,
The Rer James Wllllsms and Mrs. Wll
llam, of Ablniton. spent several dss last
wetk at Kaston, Pa., whers they atttnded
the dedication of the ehspet that Mrs. Mil
ton Colton, of Jenklntown, has given to
IJtfayette ColltKe In memory of her hus
band, the late Mr. Milton Colton.
Mr William Kaufman entertained last
evening nt dlnnr In honor of his grand
daughter, Mrs. JoMph It. aattaghtr, whoa
marriage took place last month. Mrs.
Oallagher was Miss Ada It Dachman.
A Halloween costume dance will be given
at the Overbrook Golf Club on Wednesday
evening, No ember 1.
Mlns Margaret Oaftney la spending a
few days at the Truymor Hold, Atlantic
The engagement of Miss Florence May
nennlnghoft and Mr. Charles O, Maainnta
was announced by Mlta nennlnghofTs par
ents at a dinner given at their Oak IJane
home last Friday,
A Halloween masked party was given at
the home of Mtm tdella Iturns for the
members of the W. W T. O. M. Club and
their friends last week.
"Kiss Dorothy Emlon Nswbold will be
K ot honor at a rabbit party wmtu .
rles Hermann Krumbhaar will give on
nksglvlng Day.
EJbe wedding of Mlas Florence Rue and
; w, Newton jacKson, wnisn iiw
the Chestnut Street Dalitlst ChUrch,
ttleth and Chestnut streets, on Wednes.
r svMlnr t a o'clock, will ba followed
"a reoeotlon and dlnner-ance at the Belle-
Blmnor Mende will entertain at
on Friday at her home on west
tter street, (Jermtown.
Ivttatlons have bsen ius4 for a osm-
dancing class whW will mw si
4m, tho Qsrmantswn Cr4kt Club, on
U Friday vtlH bg4fin!ng K9Ym-
'" (
. and Mrs. a, Co4stMTy Purvs have
m tneir horns In K4r sa rwvw ww
: Pine street tor the wlftUr.
rttr, and Sirs. Lav stiwrty ve a heme'
ag m tbesr aw home, INI JeMUR
r sixth atMat. oa Saturday -'- Tka
SB-! who nslar4 thifiy-, wmf
,Mr eoMum4ka,
' Srancla MaeOrath and ber daxuftOM,
Ajiosttu UnoUrath. bay jti a
wuiQf ct lia eUa?M wmi
every uir atu4s)jf stfls W'
at, mm apt mi,
w -
IMlOtO by lota.Craftvra
Miss Brinton Is tho daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Fcrroe
Brinton, of St Davids. Her engnRemcnt to Mr.
Joseph Hcatley Dulles, 4th, was announced lost week
will glvo a small dance at their home to
morrow night.
A fair will be given on Tuesday, No em
ber 28, at the Stevens School from 1 until 6
o'clock by the senior class. Fancy articles,
cakes and candy will be for sale nnd a
latcinaung Japanese tearoom will be In
iuu ntviiiK uunng me afternoon. Miss liar
net hmilli, Miss Annetta MacOrath. Miss
Natalie Bllsard and Miss Allds. Duehler are
among ino aias.
Mrs. 11 i:idredge Pennock. of Greens
street. Oermantown. who spent last wee'k
In New York, will return to her homo to.
.MI!",.I?l,nerlno Van Dusen. of Chestnut
Hill, left last week for Glenn Summit, whero
".wlli "P""1 veral days nt a house party
at the home of Mr. and Mrs Richard 8harp
and Miss Rosa Sharp.
Mrs. Peter Reynolds, of Wllkes-Barre,
To., spent last Friday as the guest of Miss
Marlon Sharpless, at Wyncote. Miss
Snarpless and Mrs. Reynolds left on a motor
trip Saturday to Gettysburg. They will
return today.
Mrs. I. Harrison Hutchinson, of Oakwood,
left last week for I.akevllle. Conn, whero
she will spend several days as the guest
of Mrs. Knight.
Mr. and Mrs. John Kuser, of Sorden
town, N. J., left last week for tho Blooming
Grova, Hunting and Fishing Club at Glen
IJyre, Pa., where they will occupy their
cottage for seeral days. They will return
this week and go for a shooting trip In New
Jersey on Friday.
Tho first annual convention of the
Woman Suffrage party. In the Third Legis
lative District, will be held on Saturday
evening, November 4, at o'clock. In the
College Settlement, 4 S3 Christian street, and
will b followed by a reception to Mlsi Llda
Stokes Adams, first vlco chnlrman of tho
Woman Suffrago party,
The following speakers will nddress the
audience: Miss Llda Stokes Adams, Mrs.
Mnbel Derr, leader of the Tenth Leglslatlvo
District; Mr. Israel Zeltzu, dolegate from
the Progressive Circle j Mr Alexander Bur
chuk, delegate from the Self-Culture Club;
Mr. Harry M. Gerlsh, delegate from tho
Young Pooplo'a Socialist League: Mr. Wil
liam II. Glnsburg. delegate from the Mutual
Progressive Society.
Among the young women iho will assist
Miss Adams In entertaining aro Miss Alios
Rogers Smith, Miss Amy Smith, Miss Mary
Bolster, Miss Marie Wledstrom and Miss
Oladys Watson.
One of tho moat Interesting of the Hal
loween functions this season was the sup
per dance given Saturday evening by Mr.
and Mrs. John R. K. Scott, at Glen
hardle, the Scott home, near Port Ken
nedy, Among the guests wero Mr, and
Mrs. Thomas 11. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Jos
eph P. Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. John M. Pat
terson. Mr. and Mrs. Udwjn 8. Vare, Mr.
and Mrs. William Vare, Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. George Scott,
Mr. and Mrs. William Charles Brown, Mr.
and Mrs. Frederick L. Smith, Mr and
Mrs. John C. McAvoy, Mr. and Mrs. Rob
ert McConoghy, Mr. and Mrs. O. C, Mir
teenes, Mr. and Mrs. J, Harry Lang, Mr.
and Mrs. Francis M. McAdams, Miss Jean
Scott, Miss May Scott, Miss Ruth Scott.
Mr, George C. Klauder and Mr. Ylncent A.
Miss Margaret Henry, of till North
Broad street, entertained at bridge on Sat
urday afternoon at her home.
Miss Hortense Oreenwald and Miss Har
riet Jaffa gave a bal masque at the Logan
Drawing Rooms, Broad and Ruscomb
streets, Saturday evening,
Miss Clara Newell and Miss Elizabeth
Newell entertained a few friends at a mas
querade at their home, till Columbia ave
nue, Overbrook, Saturday evening.
Miss Dorothy Shoemaker, of Its North
Nineteenth street, entertained her sorority,
the Delta Sigma Chi. Saturday evening at
Announcement Is made of the marriage
of Miss Anna M. Rutherford, daughter of
tho late Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Ruther
ford, of 4411 Pine street, and Mr. James
M, Dugan, of Osceola Mills. Pa. on Mon
day, October 1(. Mr. and Mrs. Dugan ara
at present traveling In the West. They will
live In this city.
Mr- and Mrs. James Tinsman. of 1745
North Twentieth street4 Philadelphia, an
nounce the engagement of their daughter,
The marriage of Miss Mary L. Rvans,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Howell
Evans, of t:iO Haxet avenue, and Mr. Ivan
T. Erlckson took place on Saturday aft
ernoon at 4 o'clock In the Chapel of
the Mediator, West Philadelphia. The
Rev. W. Weagle officiated The weddlns-
waa a quiet one. only the Immediate fami
lies attending. After a wedding trip Mr.
and Mrs. Erlckson will live at 6030 Cedar
The marriage of Miss Ellen G Lawton
and Mr. William M. Rurd, of Trenton. N.
J., was solemnised this morntng at 9
o clock In tho Sayrcs Memorial Church,
Slxty-nrst and Catharine streets, by the
Rev. George Brodhcnd, pastor of the church.
Miss Lawton was attended by her sister.
Mlsi Grnce Lawton, as maid of honor. Mr.
Burd had Mr. Harrison Jenkins as best
Scries of Benefit Presentations
at the Forrest Under Auspices
of Society Women
(Jaswrkssi uu stilt. u
, 01 X WMt
?'J-'V 'a. ,.,
Considerable public Interest Is being
manifested In three, benefit presentations of
"Our American Boys In Franee," a Dim
portraying the work of the American Am
bulance Hotplt.it Service.
The proceeds will be devoted to the
hospital service and the productions will
be offered by the Triangle Film Company
under the auspices of the French division
of tho emergency aid committee. Tho first
benefit presentation will take place on tho
nfternoon of November SO at the Merloq
Cricket Club and the second on the eve
ning of that date. On the afternoon of
November 21 the film will be shown at the
Forrest Theater. On Sunday, November
ID, the ''movie" will be produced at the
home of Mrs. E. T. Stotesbury. 192K Walnut
street, but this will be a purely social af
fair, to be attended only by Invitation.
Young men who have worked In the service
will speak on each occasion.
Among the women of social prominence
who are working to make the undertaking
a success aro Mrs. Cornelius Stevenson,
Mrs. Joseph Leldy, Mrs. Charles M. Lea.
Miss Eleanor B. Hopkins. Mrs. Harold
Yarnall. Mrs. C. Leland Harrison. Miss
Mary Montgomery, Mrs. Charles W. Henry,
Miss Letltla McKIm, Mrs. Barclay Warbur
ton and Mrs. Arthur de Heeren.
Episcopalians Honor George C. Thomas,
Presbyterians John C. T. Liggett
A 31BO.O00 Episcopal Memorial to George
C. Thomas and a 190.000 Presbyterian Me
morial to John C. Taggnrt Liggett have
been begun. They are churches. Corner-stono-laylng
ceremonies were held yester
day. The Episcopal Memorial Is being built at
Fifty-first and Spruce streets for the Chapel
of tho Mediator, the Presbyterian at Fifty
seventh street and Washington avenue. The
latter will be for tho Ninth Presbyterian
Bishop Garland and Bishop Brent, of the
Philippines, were the active participants In
the Episcopalian ceremony, both telling of
the great work Mr. Thomas did In the Holy
Apostles' parish at Twenty-first and Chris
tian streets, and of his Interest In missions.
Bishop Brent save to Mr. Thomas credit
for beginning Episcopalian missionary worlc
In the Philippines.
At the Ninth Presbyterian Church ad
dresses were made by the Rev. Dr. Dalvd
S. Kennedy: the Rev. Dr. John Axford
Hlggons, pifstor of the church, and Craig
N. Liggett, who laid the cornerstone.
The memorial building, which will cost
90,000, adjoins a Sunday school building
and manse, dedicated a few years ago at
a cost, of 180,000, making the total cost of
the church property $170,000. Mr. and Mrs.
Liggett and their eon Robert are erecting
the church as a memorial to John D. Tag
gart Liggett, another son, who died two
years ago. The church will be completed
by spring.
National President of A. O. II. Will Bo
Entertained at Social Func
tion Tonight
Joseph McLaughlin, national president of
the Ancient Order of Hibernians, will be
honored with a banquet tonight by more
than 1000 of his admirers. The banquet
la to be held In Scottish Rite Hall, Broad
and Race streets. Mr. McLaughlin has been
Identified with Hlbcrnlanlsm for msny years
and has served the A. O. H, as county presi
dent. State president, national vice presi
dent and national president.
The men who have been most active In
arranging the dinner pre Register of Wills
James B. Sheehan. who Is chairman l Judge
Eugene C Bonnlwsll, vlco chairman;
Mlroael J Fogarty, Bryan J. Tansey and
Patrick Pltsgeratd.
Mr Sheehan will speak, as will Judge
Bonnlwell, John A. Qllltn and Daniel
Will Erect Muhlenberg ptatue
A heroic statue of Henry Melcholr
Muhlenberg, the Patriarch of the Lutheran
Church in America, preaching to hit con
gregation, will be erected on the Parkway
If the city authorities give permission and
dedicated October at, 1P1T, at the culmina
tion of the jubilee year celebrating the
400th anniversary of tho Protestant Refor
AWtton. Announcement of this was mads
by the RV. Dr. I. Chantry HeKman, pre),
dsnt of the Reformation Celebration Com
mittee, lasf nlht at a Reformation fes
tival sfrvess in the MetrepeHtan Opera
What's Doing Tonight.
Lseiure ea 'CUr rutaf ." Ur Or. Itn O.
tfmpottwM txtl. TUHvm .MrM foil. 8
u cluck
jubU- " tssjMsirtat siMMUm, Ttee but
um sMmUl
j&Z tttojantu! "WMU"
'I'lil' n '
,n. .. ii -MiAtf ., iinuif ,t..tt..
f ,!vjj , sifc . ,B, -,s -r .ffL
clfr,.-' ""7ppL' 'lijS-
Coprrtsht. Life Pub. Co., reproduced t special arrangement.
Biding Mnstor Cut that out, Hicks 1 Horses is scarce enough in the
army without your deliberately trying to strangle 'cm.
CowrioMt itlt, by Harper 4 Brothers,
,, A LAI RE AVXTIK. mblreet of .! JVilmnt, one o the flneil ranches on Ins Term
uu o est Rio Oraniw, and 1a t'rria. ncro the Ufiicatt border, U lout nwno ln
mflstilf, bulhr u-hra Ar harMm falls nnd hrraltm a ten. Aitrr a fMWrifl trtonlm aha
-.i " ---iz . - -:--..-' "-".-. .r -. t:. - . -.-- " :- ..- I t. ----
ffiaity furcrraj in rtaciinjr a u'airr noir wntcn mnm nan paasru rartur in ins aay.
ItAVip LAW, a tornl raoytr a
neat at (s toatrr holt whrn Aiatre
hwr to eontorl and furniahea htr ci
antl onticr toldirr ot torlunm
r nmxea. nn I on im t-rii or rounn.
furntahea htr ctth food from lila mroofr aupplv.
Aiaire a nuaponn, nan aifffipaira nit lortvna atia nrann.
It prtpnrine Ms M-cntna
o collar-'?, lit htlaa
rqprr aupplv,
M fortvna ami health. Alalra,
rt frntrt Kti. Thru MfflH mrf.
OXOOlllO. head ot the Meriean Federal troops. Is a fait, tuncriift-
oppoard to dtt-ores. lives In o nrrtlon of the house apart from Ed, Thev aetdom meet,
OKSKRAL LUIS LONaOlllO, head of the Mexican Federal troops. Is a tall, tuscrvtl-
ole Latin, teho Immrtflatrli falla head oxtrheela In lots irifh Alnirr icheii aha meeta him
In an effort to nh-nfii reatitution lor the ratnaea ot tha iterienHa am fi-f- t.n Vrr4n eatni.
Thia ha ouahinolt promises, and more, loo, and Alalre Jlnii II difficult to tcard off hlf
advances uttnout Intultlnc Mm.
IILAZK JONBB lives telth his rfnuahler ralomti near Vaa Talmas, and when Dava
arrive in the vicinity to tntesfioate cuttle thefta he makes his home there,
KLt.awOnTlt. X (aire's attorney and Dave'a pood friend, moJkci the rancrer prom He
never to marry before Arat avenkiau to him aoout it.
The minor character include Jose, trho resolves to arrant the murder of his cosilrt.
ranjllo Sanrhes, killed by ai in on affair with a tlritcan outlaio; Jotorrt. Alalrc't
maid; Tad Lewia, on untcrupulous neiohbor and partner of "Ed" Auatinl trblna. ont
ot Lexcia'a employed cattle Ihieiet. and filcardo lltisman, irhose rattle hate been atolen,
When Dave returnt from his fruitless trip to lueMo In search of Vrbina, latt Jonet
telle hint o Jilranor, the ortune-telrr In Jonrtiillr, irho hat the tuperstlilous Jirsicans
trrmblinff vllh tear, Dave determines to call upon stranoe as soon aa possible.
Oueman. u-hite on a trip across the border, la killed, and a party of -imrricanf decide
to raid the Uerican toirn and rrtcuo the body, Alalrt socs fa Jonentlle to team Vava
after Jote leairs to nioioe Ihe murder of his cousin Panrilo. Jott firat ooea to Lemoorto,
his idol, who It In h'otiiero. The .Urjrlcnn pcncral telle Jote his lovs tor Altlire and
fromlaea to help him yet rid of Dave, if he in return acta aa a spy for ItOnoorio at lAe
'atmae. Lemoorio Is ealows ot the ranoer.
While raloma is tislllny Atalre. ixinyorla surprises thrtn both by ralllna upon the
mistress o taa Palmoa, Tha Mexican u-oes .1 In ire. reyardlrss of raloma' preircr. atid
toter does not -en mind Ihe Intrusion o td, icho arrives drunk and furioua. The lime
for tha raid into flomtro for Ihe recovery of Qutman'e body i rapidly approarhiny. and
sf III Lonporio reutes to leave, plaits and raloma, whs have derided to take up a atand
at a vantaoe pnlnl from tohieh they ran help Pavf. liars and thei Sttontpanloils. finally
get rid ot Iht Mexican peneral. lie had left hi bodyyuard of eolim-s at IhsTpumolna
station, from which rofnt lhet.tiixTwan or; to effect a rrostlno 3( the fllo Urande.
When fed learn o this, and Ihe contemplated raid, hs calls up Tad Xcwls. J?d reuirt
CHAl'TKB XVIII (Continued)
T3UT you are already Involved. Cornel
Jj There la no time to waste, and I hae
something to say to you. You will drUe
me to the river, and my horse will remain
here until I return fdr htm."
There was no mistaking the comwnnd
In Longorlo's tone; the master of Lns
Pnlmns rose ns If under compulsion. He
took his hat and the two men left the
"Oh, my Ood 1" Raloma gnsped. "They'll
be In time, and so will the Lowls gang."
"Quick I Kd will take hlu runabout
we'll follow In my car." Alalre tied to
mnke herself ready. A few moments late?
she looked out from her window and saw
the headlights of Ed's runabout flash down
the drheway to the road: then she and
Paloma rushed to tho garago where the
taurine car stood.
'They'll never expect us to follow them"
Alalre Jrled to speak hopefully "and
we'll drive without lights. Maybe we'll
get there In time, after all." As the
machine rolled out through the gate she
elaborated tho half-formed plan that had
come to her: "The brush la thick along
the river: we can leave the car hidden
and steal up to the pump house. When we
hear tho boat coming maybe we can call
out In time to warn your father."
Tho moon Is rising." Paloma half sobbed.
"They'll be sure to see us. Do you thlnlf
wo're ahead of Tad Lewis?"
"Oh yes. He hasn't had tlmo to get here
yet. but he'll come fast when he starts.
This hi the only plan I can think of.
Alalra drove as swiftly as she dared,
following the blurred streak of gray that
was the road and taking the bumps with
utter recklessness. Already the yellow rim
of the moon was peering over the horlson
to her right, and by Its light she found the
road that turned abruptly toward the Rio
drande, a- mile or more distant. Tho blaok
mud from the last heavy rain had hard
ened; ths ruts In this side road were
deep, nnd the car leaped and ptunged, Hing
ing Its occupants from side to side. Ahead
loomed the dark ridge of the river thickets,
a dense rampart of mesqulte, ebony and
coma, with hero and there a taller alamo
or hackberry thrusting Itself skyward. Rut
even before they were sheltered from the
moonlight Paloma saw the lights of an
other automobile approaching along the
.in kiehwnv behind them the I lent.
vMantiv. of Tad Lewis's machine. A
tr.nm.nt inter Alnlre's car drove Into the
black shadows, but, fearing to switch on
her headlights, she felt her way cautiously
between the walla of foliage until at her
right another opening showed, like a nar.
row nrroyo, diverging from the one they
followed. Into this she swerved, regardless
of the fact that It waa half grown up with
brush. Thorny branches swept the sides
of tha machine: rank, dew-soaked grass
.. n h hslcht of the tonneau. The
car came to a Jolting pauso, then the motor
ceased Its purring and the two women sat
motionless, listening ior mo rauio oww
oncoming machine naa ueen -miori,
swift, escltlng ride, "Young Kd's" run
about could not be many minutes ahead
of them. ...
it. .- Vnsur tha Tad Lewla car. an old
style, cheap affair, which advertised Its
mechanical Imperfections by a loud clashing
of gears ana a noisy oompmiiii ui wn
partsl therefore, when tho leafy canyon
walls behind her hiding place were bril
liantly Illuminated and a car stole silently
past at low speed, she seised Paloma by
the arm and whispered:
That's not Lewis."
'Who Is ItT It can't be Ed "
"No he and Longorlo are ahead of us.
It's another motor entirely."
The women got out, then breasted the
high grass and brambles between the hid
ing place and tho pump-lioue road, As
soon as they were back In the trail they
made all possible speed, speculating mean
while upon the mystery of the unknown
car. Emerging Into the clearing which
surrounded the power plant, they discov
ered the machine In question standing dark
and deserted In the shadows. Evidently the
driver, whoever hje was, well knew what he
was about, and -had not blundered upon
this place f accident, A hundred yards
away they could new see ths ghostly Rio
Grande. Its saffron surfaae faintly slivered
by the low moon; lights gleamed from the
windows ot Moralee's house. In the dls
tanse the vague outlines ot the Mexican
shore were resolving themselves, and far
beyond winked the evidence that some
bUtd cl tissue of Remsee wsra still awake.
Palerna. had brought with her the lontf
betreled Wtnohester lifts, and this she
aiuisel nervously as rite and Alalre stood
wRlseeriacr, CooeMtiesw were favorable lee
asssroaeh to Use Ms house lUslf. for
two rule of earth, irtisisi seaht fast hUh.
1 2rT?is2 tuf.fy- fr8
isW elPsjWs' ssWls ssl PsssssHsVVHbsJI HP" sT'
Hgatlon ditch, and In the shadow of these
the women worked their way forward, un
obBrred. They had nenrly reached their
goal when out Into tho clearing behind
them, with mctnlllo rattle nnd clang, burst
nnothcr automobile, and Paloma whispered,
There's tho Lonls outfit at last."
In tho Lowls car were several men. They
descended hurriedly, and when ono of them
ran around tho front of the car to turn oft
its lights both women saw that he carried
a rifle. Rvldently Tod Lewis had come
prcpnred for desperate measures.
A small door ga.e entranco to the boiler
room, and Into the lock of this Mrs. Austin
nttcd a key; the next moment she nnd
Ialomn. wero safely Insldo. They found
themselves In utter darkness now, with a
smooth brick floor beneath their feet and a
strong odor of oil and burnt fuel In their
Alalre was agreeably surprised In Paloma
Jones, for. although tho girl was wrought
to a pitch of hysterical excitement, she
had. nevertheless, retained her wits; nor
had she faltered In the slightest It was
evident that the fighting blood In her father
was nrousod In her. for she said, calmly;
"When It gets light crough to shoot, I'm
going to get Tnd Lewis."
"Don't net too quickly," cautioned Alalre.
Perhaps your father nnd Davo have come
and gone. Anyway, we can warn them
Just as well by thing Into the air."
In reply to this suggestion Paloma merely
muttered something under her breath.
The brief night ride had given Alalre
tlmo In which to recover from her nrat ap
prehensions, and now she was surprised nt
her own coolness. Kd'a behavior had
shocked and horrified her; she was still
half paralyzed at his treachery; nnvortho
Icsi, her mind was clear, and she was deter
mined to avert a tragedy If possible. She
khew only too welt what weus Wppen
when Rlate Jones nnd Dave Law en
counlered the Leuls gang, the presence ot
Longorlo's soldiers merely mado more ter
tn n the outcome of that meeting. Tho
general was furious, It was plain that he
would not tolerate this expedition, the
avowed purpose of which was to prove hint
a liar.
It would make but little difference, there
fore, whether the quest for Rleardo Ous
man's body had been successful or not!
even the fact that this was American soil
would not deter Longorlo from violent no
tion, for the Rio Grande was no real bound
aiy, and this part of Texas was as truly
Muxlean ns that other river bank which lay
J()0 yards distant
A oonfu-lon of such thoughts was racing
thiough Alnlre's mind as she felt her way
out of the boiler room and Into that part
of the building where the pumping machin
ery stood. Dusty, cobwebbed windows let
In a faint ghost-glow of moonlight, but pre
vented clear observation of anything out
side. Alalre's fumbling fingers found the
If tch of the front door and began to lift It,
when some one spoke Just outside the build
ing. "What did you discovert" Inquired a
voice which neltner woman recognised, Pa
loma clutched blindly for her companion J
the two eavesdroppers stood rooted In their
tracks. The pounding of their hearts
sounded loudly. 81nce the building was lit
tle more than a wooden shell, they could
hear the answer:
The house Is full of Greasers. I cant
tell who they nre."
A third man spoke, this tlmo In Spanish.
'That was Tad Lewis who Just came,
Paloma placed her lips close to Alalre a
ear. "Who are those people?" sho breathed.
"I dont know. They muat ba the ones
who came In that strange automobile."
Paloma chattered viciously: "Kverybody
In Texas Is here I wish we'd thought to
scatter tacks behind us."
Cautiously they swung the door back and
looked out. The open space along the river
bank was lceled by the moonlight From
Morales's house, to their right, came tho
sound ot Voices. The women waited.
A few moments, then a number of men
aipcnred. Paloma judged there were at
least a tloxen, but sue wss too excucu u
count them. As they came straggling to
wnrd tho pump house one of them called
beck :
"Morales I Put out your damned lights."
Both women recognised Tad Lewlj as the
Alalre had stubbornly refused to charge
her husband with any active sharo In this
pvll business, but her faith In Ed suddenly
venlshed when she heard him say:
"Hush I You're making too much noise.
You'd better scatter out, too, for there s no
telling whero thoy'U land." Alalre leaned
weakly against tho door. "I'm going to
leave nnd let you all attend to the reJst.
he was saying. But Tad Lewis halted him
as ho turned from the group.
"Whero nre you going, Edt You lert
vnnr car hnrk vonder bv the road. I al
most ran Into It"
"i:h? What aro you talking about? My
car M over by Morales's house."
"Senor Austin Is In a great hurry,"
sneered some one In Spanish "Once moro
hu lcaips all of the fighting to his friends.
That's Adolfo Urblna." panted raloma.
"1 know him." Stung by this open charge
of cowardice, Austin began a voluble de
fense, but In the midst of It General Longo
rlo addressed him sharply:
"You will stny here, senor. Nobody leaves
this place."
"I told you I wouldn't be a parly to tha
business," Ed declared hotly. "You forced
m' to come In the first place "
'Yes I And now I force you to stay."
Longorlo's stand appeared to please
Lewis, who chimed In with the words
That's right. Ed You've got to stick, for
nrif-A In vnnr llfo"
"What do you mean, you nearly ran Into
my car back yonder?" Austin asked, after
a moment
Ain't that younjsnachtno yonder by tne
thicket?" InqulredLewIs. "If It ain't,
whose Is It?" As no one answered he
started In the direction he had Indicated;
but nt thnt moment a man came running
from the river bank, crying softly:
"Look outl They come."
'I'm going to shoot," raloma Jones
gnsped, but Alalro, who onco ngaln henrd
the sound of whispering In tho shadows
Just outside their hiding place, managed
to restrain her companion. It was well
that she succeeded, for even as Paloma
raised her weapon a man passed swiftly by
the crack of tho half-open door and scarcely
ten feet beyond the muzzle of tho rifle. He
was followed by three others.
The first of the new comers, acting ns
spokesman for his party, stepped out Into
the moonlight and cried loudly: "Hello,
men I What's" goln" on here?" It was an
American voice; it had a broad, slow,
Texas drawl.
The group of plotters turned, there was
a startled murmur, then Tad Lewis an
swered: "Hello 1 Who aro you? What do you
"I reckon we must have got oft the
road," announced the stranger. Then he
peered out across tho (rlver: "Say I Ain't
that a skiff coming yonder?" he Inquired.
"Well, it don't look like a steamboat."
Lowls laughed, disagreeably. "We're
bavin' a little party of our own. I reckon
you fellows had better beat It Under
stand?" The outposts that had been sent to cover
the bank In both directions were now com
ing In. Through the stillness of the night
ttseee ansreeWn tne eni
arehur that thi. 4rnrer itkt aM
take his hint, Lewis raised his vole
Thar yftur road back yowder. It's a
right good road, and I'd advlee yon U
Iratet it fast"
Hut this suggestion wee atee ntsseeeelt ts
fact It appeared to sum Mse men ad
dressed, for he, too, lagtied. Me turns.
and the women noticed that he earrteet a
short saddle gun. They saw, also, that at
least one of the men at his beek VM
tlmllarly armed.
"Now, what's the hurry?" The etrenfer
was chuckling. Suddenly he r Ma
voice and called loudly, "Hello, Pave I Is
that you-all?"
The answer floated promptly back, "Helte,
Cap I Sure It's us."
"Have you got him?"
It was niate Jones's voice whek an
swered this time, "You betl"
Paloma Jones was trembling bow. She
clung to Alalre, crying thankfully, "It's the
Rangerel Tho Rangers I" Then she hrefce
away and ran out Into the moonlight,
trailing her absurd firearm after her.
".Sow, boys," the lunger captain was
aaylng. M know "most every one of ye,
and we ain't going to have the. least bit
of trouble over this thing, are wet I
reckon you-all are friends of Rleardo Out
man, and you Just couldn't wait to Had
out about him, eh?"
Atalre, who had followed Paloma, was
close enough now to recognise the two
Guzman boys as members of the Ranger
party. Lewis and his men had drawn to
gether at the nrat alarm: Longorlo's Mexi
cans had gathered about their leader. The
entire situation had changed In a mom set
and the Ranger captain was In control ,
of It '
Soon Dave Law and Blase Jones came op
over the river bank; they paused, strieken
with surprise at finding a score of pee4e
whero they had expected no more than
Blaze was the first to speak. "What the-
hell?" he cried. He peered near-elghtedly
from ono to the other: then his huge bulk
shook with laughter, "Say, do my glasses
magnify, or Is this an Odd Fellows'
meetln'?" ,
"Dad I Oh, Dad I" Paloma scurried to
him and flung herself Into his arms.
"Lord of mercy, kldl" the father ex
claimed. "Why, yoi'd ought to be home
and abed, long 'ago. You'll catch your
death of cold. Is that gun loaded."
Dave Law was even moro amazed than
his companion. His nfst glimpse ot the
waiting figures had warned him that some
thing had gone wrong, nnd, therefore, he
did not stop to nsk himself how Tad Lewis
and Longorlo could have learned of this
affair, or what could have brought Alalro
and Ed Austin to the scene. Recovering
from his -first surprise, he took a position
beside his superior officer.
Captain Evans did not seem at all
troubled by the disparity In numbers, One
Ranger, or tvrb at the most had hlways
been sufficient to quell a Texan disturb
ance; now that there were three ot them,
ha felt equal to an Invasion ot Mexican
soil. If necessary In consequence he re
laxed his watchful vigilance, and to Dave
no urawiia:
- f j?T
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