Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 28, 1916, Night Extra, Page 4, Image 4

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inmSfn MsL NHHIu
I FartkoUri 111r BatUgHa
Ar BatiTAlbnla Le Forzo
ItHww-Rumene Ancora
in Rittrata
ROMA. IS Ottobre
Ifettala. dl poca Importansa. vengono per
ex H front Italians. 11 Comunl
eato del Mlnlstero tfaHe, Ouerra, pubbllcato
lerl nera, parla eoltanto dl ailont dl artl
llterla, Becona It teoto!
NeH VM Lrrrinfc (valla del
1'AdUte) H fuaeo aeeurato dl una delle
tioatre teatterle ha dlatrutto II alto del
quarMar generate tttralco ed alcunl de
poaltl neratet ad laara, ad oveat. dl
Bulla alft Olulla l'artlcllaria nemlca
k aanwnUto la sua atttvlta' aulla
front dalla Vertolbltsa at mara. La
Boatr batterla banno rlapoato afflcace-
anente ed hanno cauaato I'eaploslone dl
dua dapenKI dl munliloni nella llnea
Nail lona del Carao un nostro ra
parto In rleoirnlilone panttro' In una
trlncea namloa nalla quale catturo' un
rrosso mortalo da trlnoea
Eccovl magirlorl partlcolarl circa In tint
tclla, aeraa avoltasl aulla eosta nlbanete
a tre mlclla dl alters aul llvello del mare,
tra un dlrlrlblle Itallano ad un neroplano
da caecla auatrlaco,
Nella mattlna del IS Ottobra II dlrlslblte
Itallano, ptloUto dal capltano Icole ed
avente a bordo ooma oaaervatorl II capltano
Corbelll ed 11 capltano Atblnl, fu atthecato
dl aorprete, da un aeroplano auatrlaco rid
un 'altesta dl 18,000 pledl. IVaeroplano
ritual' a prendere una position favorovole
e dlrtaaa Immedlatamente la aua mltra
Bllatrioa aul dlrlglblle, ferendo mortalmente
1 due capltanl oaaervatorl a ferendo ancha
at braoclo alnlatro II capluno Ercole.
Queatl pero seppa manovrare coal' bene da
portaral In poalilone favorevola oontro
l'aeroplano con una scarlca della mltra
Sllatrlco ucclae l'avlatore, Ineroplano
auatrlaco preclplto' qulndl a term
Pero 11 capltano Ercole fu coatretto a
dlscendere a trenta mlglla al dl la' dcllo
llr.ee austrlaehe. Una volt a dlsceao, egll
dlstrusae Immedlatamente II dlrlglblle In
ccndlandolo facendone a pezzl II motore
Bit attrezxl a dlsperdendono 1 restt. qulndl
at mlae In cammtno nella aperanza dl rnc
giungere le llnea Italians. Vago' per due
giornl solTrendo II freddo a la fame, nelle
montagne albanesl, ma rluscl' ad eludere
1a vlgllanza delle Unte nemlche ed a. rag
glungero un accampamento Itallano .aulla
II re conferl larl la madaglla d'oro al
valora al capltano Rrcola a la medaglla
Vargento al capltanl Corbelll ed Alblnl.
I rusao-rumenl che hanno combattuto con
tro le forze dl von Mackensen nella Do
brugla at aono rltlratl ancora, sebbene It
maresclallo tedesco non abbla ancora tan
tato dl attraveraare 11 Danublo. Sejnbra
che I russo-rumenl abblaho etabttlto una
nuova llnea dl reslatanza tra Illrsova o
Caaapchlol, a circa 40 mlglla a nord delta
ferrovla dl Costanxa, ma 11 nemlco aegutta'
ad.lnsegulrll ed ha occupato Ulraova,
fjembra che nella Transllvanla la rltUa
alone mllttare vada aaaumendo un ospetto
aempre plu' mlnaccloao per le truppe dl re
Ferdlnando, nonoatante che le forze dl von
Falkenhayn alano state trattendte In parec
ohl puntl ed In alcunl anche rlcacclato In
dletro. In attrt puntl esse segultano ad
avanzare sebbene lentamentc, speclalmente
aulla fronte merldtonale della Transllvanla.
Intanto contlnuano a glungere rlnforzl In
Rumania. Icrl glunsero 128 aeroplanl
franceal mandatt per aervizlo dl rlcognlzlone
aulla frontl della Dobrugla o della Tran
sit vanla-
Aaaldua, Lattrlce, CltU' Quegll oggettl
dovrtbbero essere reatttultl aenza blsogno
'che' , restitution?, fosse domandata. Ad
og'nl modo la domanda dl restitutions puo'
ancha aaaere fatta ma In una forma molto
Uudge Brown Urges Application of
Founder's Principles
lANCASTEIt, Pa... Oct SI. At this
mornlng'H closing session of the conference
of social welfare Judge Charles L. Urown.
of the Municipal Court, of Philadelphia, said
this State had been fortunate In having: a
founder like Penn, but the people of today
should watch the character of legislation at
Ilarrlaburg so that Penn's principles aro not
violated. Much unhapplneas Is caused by
the failure of the probationary arm of the
law to Investigate the real cause for di
vorces, whloh la one of the creatcst evils
of the land.
Pittsburgh waa chosen aa tho next meet
ing place.
Judge William H. May, of Pittsburgh,
was elected president.
The other principal" speakers were Mrs.
Jane Deater Reppln, supervising probaton
oftlcir of the Municipal Court of Philadel
phia; Mrs. Augusta M. a race, of Pitts
burgh; Mrs. Frank D. Wilson, of the Phila
delphia Conference on Parenthood; Dr.
Carol Aronovlcl, of the Bureau of Social
Research, Philadelphia.
nnC gagagaMgagagagagagaB '
fUPBtjElvsL gB IPaaaii rVaaatffl
it -. -
For forty-alx years payinR teller
of tho Philadelphia SavinRS Fund
Society, who died yesterday after
a brief illness at his home, 1809
North Eighteenth street.
tVIIKAT notpls M.S11 bush. Th rnnrWt
tarlhr itvnf1 c undr a. flrlrctlw rt-
mnd and stronr outia lotirw woinon
isr loin. In "lirt lvtr No, 3 tl ypot
II 41 No S iuitbrn. red, JtlUCMM
tfmr No 2 red tl Knot as. No i Md i M
t uun in . mtrwi w min
fair demand and atrnnrar ouutdx ad
iirtn iar ioih inr inrai ir.o.. n
Sfiiiem No 3 yellow, It I0WI It
relaclwi II,
le hither
for local lrd,
lr QuAtntlnn Vnr
m inraiinn nri,ni , .filiiw.
n .t.lln. VtlW ll I i tl' i IK rfrl Nft S Vl
.... v.n,,.-. ....,. w- . . t -, .-- r. "::
low ii.iivi iz, oo. no, veuow (i linwi.im
CIATH- rt--npla II HOI bnah Trada waa fair
ana pricva anvancea p vrun oirerinsa onir moo
erale uuoiatlona ho z
alanilarrt while iiwi!Ojc,
r.Ojir. No white, B7H
KlXltm necelnta. I0 bbm. and t.flBT ISO
lb In aarka. Trado waa quiet, but mill llmlta
were further adancrd In ermpathy with tha
atrrnath of wheal Quotation per 10S lb In
wnori winter, clear, tnunxn. no, piraiani
IS BOWS To. do. patent. IS.7BWB 23,
IQO 211
White. ncittVHifi,
ro n wnue nww
aatnple oata,
do, stralaht rot
nuvv.nu. arrina.
patent. ID 73U 10 ill
inao. eltr mllia choice and fanry patent, 310.40
,.. ... ..,,. mt ;. .. ..
inn F.r.i, 4), ,(... u, uo, iMVivni, CVlluil (.(,
in IlllOU.ail. trine, flr-t clear, IN TSIIR 2. do.
jUJirilO do. favorite brand.. 110. 4nu
eenilae rrartea. winter.
atralsht, IH.b0Vs.T3, do, patent
It 1 n no do.
a 'jo. no,
ftp sr,.
IIYFJ rtX)Un ruled firm under llsh'
nut traaa waa quiet. Wo quota at
per iidi,.
clear. 18 W
as to quality.
Contlnned from rare One
the retirement of the llusslnns to tho east
bank of the river, says last night's state
ment by tha Hussion War Olllco.
In the Carpathians In the region south
of Ilalallov and west of Vorokhtn, Auatro
Oerman attempts to assume the offensive
were arrested.
UEItl.l.V, Oct. 28. Oerman army head
quarters last night Issued the following:
Front of Prince Leopold' On the
Shara Ittver the ltusslans twice re
peated their attacks without result.
Storming companies were driven back
by tho occupants of our trenches.
In the sector of Klsclln (west of
Lutsk) strong Ilusslnn nrtlllcry lire
continued. About midnight an attack
ensued, but It broke down before our
barricades under our fire.
llUnLIN, Oct. 28.
The Allies' drive on llnpaumc, on the
Bommo front, has been renewed.
Tho German War Ofllce In Its official re
port today announced that another battle
has developed on that front. Doth the
Ilrltlsh nnd French launched strong as
saults. Another great battle is raging on tho
Verdun front. Tho lighting In that sector.
It Is said, has been successful for tho Ger
mans. That spctlon of the German report dealing
with tho western front follows:
Army group of Prince llupprecht
North of the Sommo Infantry actions
began nnow on Friday. Preceded by
atrone artillery flro tho ilrltlsh at
tacked on the auedccourt-Lcsboeufa
line. In the evening th Frnch In the
sector of Morvnl Joined the assaults. ,
Our troops repulsed all theso attacks
with their artillery and machine-gun
Are. NortheaBt of Morval bayonet
lighting developed, but mere, too, we
wero successful.
All our positions were mnlntalned.
Army group of tho Crown Prince
Kast of the Meuse Itlver (Verdun) heavy
engagements ngnln broko out, which
were successful for us. After violent
artillery flro strong French forces
rushed our lines trom the direction of
Thlaumont Wood, on both sides of Fort
Douaumont, In Fumln Woods. All tho
attacks broko down beforo our posl
tlons with heavy losses.
The market renernlly ruled firm, but thera
waa llltle trnalnc Following are the quo
tatlona. City tieef. In aeta, amoked and air
dried. 34a western beef In aeta, amoked, S4c
city and weatern beef, knuckles and tendera.
amoked and alr-drlert .11c, beef name, 2NV3U
pork, famllv I.IO.r.oO.-ili hams. H. P. cured.
Inoar. lOOUHc. do aklnned, looae. SOOSnUjoi
di do, amoked, SlOSIHri other hama amoked,
city ruredi aa to brand and averajre. IPHo
hama. amoked weatern rured. 20 Hoi do, boiled,
bontleaa airi ptrnlc ahouldem. B P, cured,
looae, 14ci du, amoked, t&ct belllea. In pickle,
nimrdlmr to nvurace, looae, 17Hci brrakfaat
baron, aa to brand and averase. cltr cured.
SS'tci hreakfaat bacon, weatern cured, 23He;
lard, weetern refined, tlercea, 17Hc. do. do. do.
tuba, 17Hc lard, pure city, kettle rendered.
In tlercea, 17Kc. lard, pure city, kettle ren
dered. In tuba. 174 c.
Tho markn waa qt 'et but firm, nennere' Hit
prlceej llitrn nne granulated, 7 b(iW7.0c; pow
dered, 7 B0 7 7Ho : confectioners' A, I7.40O
7.S0C, soft crndea, 0.78K 7.45c.
CItnESiJ Offerlnca were moderate and. the
market ruled attudy -Alth trade fair. Follow
Inir aro the1 quotatlona: New Yi
quntntlona: New York full cream.
fancy, 21H SJL'lHc. do. do. fair to aood, 20H U
21c: do pert aklma. HtTllie
lltriTlIll Itecelpta were llaht nnd the market
ruled firm, but, fta uaual on Katurday,
there waa little wholeaele tradlna. Tollow
Ins are tho quotntlonal Weatern aolldnarked
crrntnery. fancy epcHala. HHoi extra, S0Os7c
extra nrata, atW.1,,V4ci flrata. SHici aeconda,
nic. nfnrhy prlnta. fancy. 3uc: nvereM extra,
:i?ft.1Mc. nrata 3Uc; aeconda. 340SV: apeclal
fancy brands of prlnta Jobbing at 4 J W 4 He.
i:UQH The limited receipts of nne fresh
Cffaa were kept well cleaned up at top
prices, rotlonlnir are the quotations: In free
caseo. marby extra. 30a per doten: nenrby
nrata. 110,80 per atandard ense: nearby current
receipts. M".60 per case: Weatern extra. 3'ic
tier dnxen, extra nrata 110 so per caae: (Irate,
110,30 tier case, refrigerator eaua, extra. Iu.70
Jer ("'I, nrsts. III. 3U4U u Per caset seconds.
;.-, 8. K-i per cases cnndled cm Jobblnc at
43(j43c per dozen.
MVH The market wai dull with ample offer
Inns Ht the Jftte decline. Quotation. Fowls, as
nunlllir. in
rnirKens. bccoi
iillic. rotiBtftra.
rdlnir tn quality.
Amelia M. Boyd'u Will Makes Pro
visional Bequests
Tha will of Amelia M. Boyd, Manortown,
If. T., which waa probated today, leavea an
state of $60,000 to relatives, with the pro
viso that should the legatees die childless
the estate ahall revert to charity.
The charitable provisions In the will In
clude bequests of J6000 each to the Metho
dist Hospital, the Deaconess Home of tho
Methodist Episcopal Church, the Women's
Homeopathic Association and Maternity
Hospital. The remainder of the estate, with
the exception of two private bequests, goes
to tha University of Pennsylvania.
Other wills probated were thoaa of Kate
punar, 2635 East Dauphin atreet, which In
private bequests disposes of property valued
at $4803: William K. Henry. 1018 Robblns
avenue, 13,800, and Oeorge W. Hlmons, S21
East Thompson street, $3000.
Yhe personal effects of tho estate of
Edward H. Fell have been appraised at
11,674.0 ; Stephen A, Aahman, $28,868,9 ;
Edward It. Duer, $17,902.28, and rtoslno
Bait. $8085.74.
ATHENS. Oct. 28.
The French authorities here have ar
rested M. Chrlstlcos, who Is the head of
more than 70,000 reservists and Iloyalbts
throughout Greece.
Tho understanding reached by King Con
stantino and tho Kntpnte is believed to
bo the Immediate result of tho conference
of the military and political leaders of
Franco and Great Britain at Boulogne
on Friday last. Tha terms of the under
standing Include on tho part of Greece:
Sincere compliance with the demands of
Admiral Fournet; effective maintenance of
order In Athens nnd Piraeus; guarantee of
constitutional liberties to O recta) through
the operation of the legal functions of their
Government; no opposition to recruiting
for tho Venereum movement, which now Is
characterised as "anti-Bulgarian" Instead
of "national defense"
Tho Forward, the Royalist organ, to.
day says, "The Boulogne conference has
opened tho way to a larger understanding
between the Powers and Greece."
One of the leaders of the Greek nro-
war party declared, "Now that the Irrita
tions dub to mutual dt3trust of one another
by King Constantino and the Entente Min
isters la out of the way, we can go to work
negotiating for Greece to join the Allies
as a nation and a people, not ns Individuals."
1.1 if He:
ir.(B17c: White
ljtsnorna. ncortllna to aualliy. kuimc! clucks.
an to alzo anil fiuallty. KiSTlSc; turkea. l'24p
24c: Kt'eae. lMM7o, plxccns, old per puir, 25fi
Sec. do souna, per pair, l8Ci22c.
blUSMRKD Thero waa no particular activity
In tru.de, but offerlnas of desirable atock were
moderate and valueo were steadily main
tained. Following are the quotatlona; 1'reah
killed, dry.packed fowla, 12 to box, dry-plcked,
fancy selected. 24o, do, weighing; 44 gl& Ilia,
apiece. 23Hc; du, wclahlns 4 lba. apiece. 2sc:
do. weighing SV4 lba. apiece, 22c. do, weiahlne
8 lba. uplece, 2'l21c. fowla. In bbla , Ice.packcd.
fancy .dry-picked, weighing 4Vs (IS lba, and
ner apiece, 23c, do, welghlnst 4 lbs. apiece,
22c, do. smaller alxea. lKU2uc: old rooatera,
dry-plcktdy lowc: roasting chickens, west
ern, weighing n lba. and over per pair. 24 it
2c. chickens, weighing ntfirMi lbs. per pair, 2U
$l2lc, do. mixed alzea. 21ip22n; brolfers, Jersey,
fancy, aod3.!c, do. other neurby, weighing sir
4 lba per pair. 2HG AOc: do. do, smaller alxea,
2n(f27c. ducks, nenrby spring. 22423c: aaunba.
white, weghlng 11W12 lba. ier dox . 10 ,r Wll.
do, do, do. Illll lbs. per dot . ',i.M(1 5.W; do,
do, do. 8 lbs. per dor. JIM4 35. do. do. do 7
lba. per doz., II HUfrS 7.1; do. do, do. BCr-OH
lba. per dox, IJ.7r 2 liu: dark, 2.00tf j.uo;
small and No. 2, lIOctH1.23.
Demand waa only moderate, but prlcea ruled
firm on choice atock of most descriptions Follow
ing aro. the nuotatlons. Annies, per bbl. Jona
than. H.ioWfti lllush, I3Q4, Orlmes' Oolden,
14 CiiQiS, Smokehouse. I4JUB: Alexander, I.' BO
T3 23, AVealthJ, JStMl Twenty-ounce. I2.BOW
3 oil; York Imperial, f.'.MVi 23: (ten Davis.
I2 23&I2 7S: fair to rood, ll.BUtrL'.CO. Apples,
lelawnre and Maryland, ber hamper tancy.
nW7&c: rair to aooa, -.'nafiuc. wuincea, Ner
York, per bbl. No. 1. 14 OB: No. 2. 22.Bn.
vuinces. new iutk
l.emona, per box.
PlorldH. per crate.
Cape cod. per bbl.,
126)2.40. do. Jeraey,
do. do, light, per crate,
vorK. per uasKei, ou
basket. 11 A'.lffl 1 .7.I.
bush, hamper Heckel,
per hush.. I1.BUB1.7
1.1 M1I3I4 fill. Ilra,,-rrl.
.-.--,---. .....u.v.
l.J'.n"'' vranoernes,
IStrfl.BO, do. do. per crate,
dark, per crata, 2Cc
ti.2sei oo:
10. i, Dl
1M4. 60
r.uph,. Mm.
fuc: ao, no, per bush.
1'esra, New York, per
ll.7S&' 2.1 flh.Mnn.
iiariieii, no. 1, 9I.-avi.73: do,
No. 2, DOC. feara. New York, uartlett, per bbl..
I1M4.BO. Orapea, New York, per 4-lb. I
Concord, 13014c: Niagara. llUUUc.
New York, per 20-lL. baaket -Concord.
.. vc, ..vi... unM-, ,iiivwitu. juudud:
Nlurara. bBtJ(I0c. l'umx. New York, tier haakt
Damson, 2U023C; nuns, 2303Be; green gage,
80 40c.
flupplOa vr(re imatl and tha market rulM
Arm. with trado fair. Foltowinr are tbe
nuotattona. .White pofatnps, ner tiuh. renn
nylvrinia choice, tl.4JVl f.0; Now York choice.
Jl .S5 W 1.40 White rotatocii. Joriey. ner
basket, bMUUSc Hnet notatoea. l.aiterj
rtnore. per uui no, A J- -attf-.ou. no. . 91
per hnmper, (tofoc. Kweet potatoes, Jeraey,
tier basket No I, 0HU70C: No. 2, 23&33c.
Onions, per 100-lb. Ixitc No, 1. I2.3ilt2.fi.1:
No. -', 11.4001,73. Cabbage. Danish, per ton.
113(130; do. domeatle. per ton, I33ifx0.
CllICAOO. Oct. 28. IIOOS receipts, 10.OOO.
Market steady. Mixed and butchers. IU.40O
10.31: good heavy, lOMBOiinsu; rough heavy.
tUAOUV 73, light IU.40trl0.23 plga, lU.DUtP
K.II1: hulk. fl.h0OlU.20.
CATTI.K receipts. 1000. Market steady.
Deevra, l3.7SOU.61i cows and helfera, 13 B0
-Kera ana leeaers. m.nvfi nu: iex-
Aiarxet strong. Na-
Alleged Burglar Caught With "Jimmy"
at House Window
An aliased burglar, chaaad from one
house, waa captured shortly afterward ut
(fee window 'of another faeuaa early today
after ha apparently thought he had eluded
The priasAer, Joseph Lyneh, of 119 Boat
WaainearaUnd atreet, waa arrested by
s - lolloernan Cunningham, of tha Front, and
'" WaatRUHNstand streets station, In a chase
- of a wtuarc. Mrs.' Sarah Wright, of 324 S
A atreet. aurprlaad an Intruder tn her
kitohen altar ha had ''Jimmied" his way
itrouh a wltOow. Ka-flad. Mrs. Wright
Miaad Posliwnaa Cunnlneham. who aaarohed
BsaaTailitaptiiil and &i Uymti wteh a
r -waaanr ai a rwar wntaow, et ra
It IttT I4M latraet Irch,'wh4) w4
W Kn. WraaMr waa artalti.d
Wr W r& JliCaaar ntWsTOR( tfPW
His Am br atMtt HW
A "Uok" from tha flywhaol of the an-
ta ttet ooachlntr launafc Man Franklin
tpmjMki am of o. um MtaMl,
f, tm., a wawtw ia 10a waaa-
4af Ma Ualvai
TAUIS, Oct. 18.
French troops stormed and captured a
quarry northeast of Fort Douaumont In
a brilliant attack on the northenst front
of Verdun last night, it was olllclally an
nounced today. A brisk territory duel
corltlnued In the region of the fort. On
the Bomme front thera was only Intermit
tent cannonading.
The text of the official comunlque fol
lows: On the Sommo front there waa an
Intermittent cannonade.
North of Verdun there was a icry
lvly artlller duel.
At Douaumont our troops have brll.
Ilantly taken by hand grenades a
quarry organized by the enemy north
east of Douaumont.
On all other points of the front the
night was calm.
Bad weather' Is hindering operations,
and there Is nothing to report except a
heavy cannonade In the region of Cernay,
aays tha War Office announcement today
on operations In the Balkans.
LONDON. Oct 't. Oerman artillery
was active last night In the neighborhood
of Lea Vouefa, north of the Bomme, General
Ualg reported this afternoon.
2(1.4(1: ntnr
ans. 1(1 S.I MM (Mi rllrn
MltKKI recelnts. 20(111.
tlv and western, I4.1308.4U,
fsfsysTr aBegegegegegS
'.Ail'A -.sbbbbbbV
Lo f 3
.BSlV f i k ii if islBfflf
sS 'wr.aHLr
-V Aaasar't r'JsBBBBsH
At a reception to bo given today by
Mr. nnd Mrs. L. Cohen nt their
homo, 1102 South street, they will
nnnounco tho betrothal of their
daughter, Miss Rose Cohen, to
Samuel Van Gildor, of 2257 North
Sixteenth street, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Van Gilder
Wins Race With Death and Car
ries 4G5 Passengers and
Crew to Azores'
NHW YOUIC Oct. 20. Winning her rttco
with death, tho French Lino steamship
Chicago reached Fayal, Aioro Islands, last
nlfjht with a fire roaring In her No. 3. hold,
but her 206 pa"wcngcr and crew of 100
safe. Lloyd's of London cabled pewa of
tho safo arrival of tho ship last night, end
ing u day of anxiety for tho oillcers of
the line In New York and scores of rela
tlxes nnd friends of the passengers. Kvcry
thlng possible In bolng dono to extinguish
the flames, Lloyd'tt dispatch ndded. First
news of the ship's peril came In a wire
less message from tho Chicago, relayed
from London, which said:
"Steamship Chicago, French, bound from
Bordeaux tto New York, fire In No. 3 hold.
Kxpecta to arrive at Fayal today,"
Tho Chicago left Bordeaux last Sunday
morning and under ordinary conditions
should have Arrived In New York next
Monday or early Tuesday.
NEW YOIIK, Oct 28. -The market for
coffee futures opened steady today at an
advance of 2 to 8 points. Trading on the
call was falry nctivo, with transactions
amounting to 10,500 bags.
Today's Today's Yesterday's
openlnir rlose close
October 8.158P8.20 H.aiQs.SS
November .... H 84 8.8
December .... 3S8.4S K.L'2R.24 .xgft8.40
January H.4408.4H HUJ&H.-JS s.4ifi8.44
February H.WiitH .13 8 47QR 48
Marrri 8.8108.BS SJIUQKnil) H.B1&K r,8
Atirll ! H.44WH.43 H.!H ft'
May ., 8.09 RB, 70 8.4BWH 80 8 (IfrtR V
June , K.!HKi.!iB K.IIS
July. 8.7508,70 8 MXfH.M) 8.71
Autust - rl.n4WB.05 8 HS
Bepttmber .... 8 8098.81 H.(J0fp8,7U 8,78
Total aales, 47.7C10 ban.
1010 Ine.
September gross 1770 830 $43,840
1BI.71U l.IIHV
IIVUH3 778
2,728.404 127.2S1
070,42(1 S4.438
lUO.r20 64.220
illNNKAl'Or.IH Atjn
.... 12.013.232
et 712.714
Hurolua 4A3.078 L'll.liu
Three months' erosi... 6.4IM 20(1 814. SH3
Net ,. 1.742.181 r2,470
Surplus 1.02O.07U (33,871
Year ended June SO, lOlfli
Ornsa ll.',818.803 lll.J83.832
Net operating: revenue . 40,4S,73J in (U7,tw
Surplus ......v 28,028,600 10.7M.07T
Marine Insurance Rates Higher
NEW lonif. Oct. 28. Marine war rlaka
rates to tho United Kingdom Increased
tAernlght from 1 to 2 percent. ,
League of Truth Men Even Threnten
Ambassador's Life
LONDON, Oct. 8, Ambassador Gerard
la possibly the moat hated American man
In Germany, with the stnglo exception of
President Wilson, according to correspond,
ence from the German capital. Threats
have been made against his life and at tho
Instigation, of the League of Truth officials
here warrants have been aworn out for his
D. T. Curtln, df Boston, has a sensational
article in the News, entitled "Oott Strafe
Amerlka." Among other things he says:
"President Wilson made a move in the
right direction when he told Jeremiah
O'Leary, of the New York bureau of the
League of Truth, that he did not want the
votes of such men.
"American flags are scarce In Berlin to
day, but one always waves at the window
of 48 Potsdamerstrasse. The league uses
It In countless other Instances as a cloak
for Its warfare against tho United States.
"In Berlin It consistently drags the Stars
and Stripes in the mire. Last Fourth of
July Charles Mueller, a! so-called Ameri
can, swung i'lom his home near Kurfur
stendamm a huge American flag, with a
deep border of black, that Berlin might
seo a real -American's symbol of humilia
tion. "To complete the slap the leaguo selected
January 27, 1916, the Kaiser's birthday, as
a suitable occasion. Mueller and Marten,
who are not oven hyphenates, solemnly and
In the presenco of a great crowd, placed
an Immenso wreath al the base of the
statute of Frederick the Great, with the
Inscription, 'Wilson and his press are not
Adopt Men's Business
Methods to Get Full
Value, Francis J. Mc
Caffrey Says
Watch Weights, Pay
Cash, Compare
Grades, Shop Person
ally Items of Advice
TON'T be a girl; be a man."
L' There, Mra. Itouaewlfe, In a nutshell
li the advice of n groceryman, bred In the
business through three generations, when
raked by the Kvenind Lkdokr what he
M)uld recommend to the housekeeper as a
rtmedy for her constantly growing house
hold expenso bills.
Physically Impossible, of course, but vir
tually simple enough, If you accept the ad
vice In the sense nnd spirit of the giver.
Tin- latter, by tho way, li Francis J. McCaf
frey, secretary nnd treasurer of the firm
of James A. McCaffrey A Sons, Int. at 4007
Market street. Tho more was established In
18JC by Mr McCaffrey's grandfather and
he himself was born, as he expresses It, "bo
hind the counter."
So wnen he speaks to you, Mrs. House
wife, It Is with the wisdom gleaned from
those ninety years' residence of hts fnmlly
Ir your neighborhood. But bear In mind
from tho ery outset that he Is not using
the language of caviling age, for Mr, Mc
Caffrey Is far from old In yenrs or Ideas:
Neither Is he singling out his own custom
cm In the application.
You may live on llltlenhouse square or In
apartments In one of the many palatial
houses that are converting sections of West
Philadelphia Into n local Central Park West.
Again, you may bo Juat settling down to
"love In a cottage" with much of the wed
ding rice shower still clinging to the rugs
and furniture: or again, you may be n
icildent of nny part of tho v Ido-sprcadlng
and rapidly growing city.
But whoover you are and wherever you
may bo striving with your husband and
family to make home a place of happiness
nnd your table well stocked, and all within
your Income, Mr. McCaffrey's words aro for
you as well as tho representnttvo of tho
I'vknino Ledoeu to whom ho addressed
"Don't bo a girl ; bo a man. That's what
I Tell my daughter, who ta about to be
married, and that la what I would say to
etery woman who would ask my advlco
on how to make the cost of living cheaper
In snlto of the present high prices of food.
"If the women of today would only use
tho same mcthodB In their household affairs
aa their husbands do In their business, or I
am compelled to do in mine, they would find
a saving In expense that would be as aur
pilplng ns It would bo profitable. And their
grocers, too, would profit more, even If tho
gloss sales were less.
"But they won't," Mr, McCaffrey mused,
women and do not look upon things In
'They won't. Maybe It's because they aro
the samo way that men do. Anyhow, they
don't, and that Is why. If they onty knew
nnd realized It, that their grocery bills
and household 'expenses aro going up.
There's one of tho secrets of the high cost
of living that monopolists and 'food corners'
have nothing to do with and cannot con
trol. "The women simply take too much for
granted. They don't know what they are
getting. They think they do, but they do
not. They are paying for things that they
should not pay for, Just because they do
not use the proper Intelligence In buying.
Many of them never look on the package
where tho weight of the contents ta printed
to see what quantity they are getting. It
would startle some of them If they did.
It Isn't the fault of tho manufacturer or
the grocer, Tho law requires tha niaker
of package goods to label every onafwlth
the exact net weight or capacity Tha
woman may know It Is there, but she
doesn't stop to think whether that weight
Is a nound or only four or five ounces. It
looks like a pound, so sho takes It for
granted It Is a pound.
"Look here," Mr. McCafTroy tore open
a packngeof washing powder. Ho poured
the contrtfTS on a scale, showing an actual
weight slightly In excess of Ave ounces.
He held up the empty box. It was stamped
flvo ounces.
"Thero ia no fraud there," he said. "That
package contains Just What It Is supposed
to contain. It sells at ten cents, and Is
In great demand. Three of those packages
would weight about a pound. That would
cost thirty cents. A bar of soap of the
same weight sells at five to seven and a
half cents. Yet we sell far mora of those
packages than we do of the soap. The
difference Is In tho more convenient form
In which It Is prepared; but would a man
pay thirty cents for a pound of five-cent
soap, or twenty-flvo cents for the little
labor-saving Involved?
"Now, again, here Is a coffee prepara
tion, stamped thirty-three grama to the
package, which costs thirty cents. Does
the woman And out how much that meanaT
That package welgha two ounces, one
eighth of a pound. She pays at the rate
Grocer "Tips Off" Buyers
. How to Get Moat for Money
SUGGESTIONS by h,ch nuse
keepers may aid tn reducing tho
cost of food, ns given to tho EVEN
ING Ledger by Francis J. McCaffrey,
of Jnmcs A. McCaffrey & Sons. Inc.,
tho oldest Kroccry store in Philadel
phia operated by tho family of its
founder, nbw nt 4007 Market street.
Do your own buying and mar
keting. Soo that you get exactly what you
want. . ,,
Noto carofnlly tho quantity of
contents printed on packages.
Remember oost of immediate de
liveries, telephone orders nnd solici
tors is included in price as charged
to you.
Pay cash wherever possible. Ex
penso of bookkeeping nnd collection
is included in price of goods.
Use samo discretion in buying
groceries that your husband docs in
his business transactions.
of 2.40 a pound for her coffee, because In
that form It Is eaalcr to prepare than If
purchased loose. We handle It becauso our
customers ask for It, and It Is mado for
tho same reason. Hut the samo women
who buy such nrtlcles to nave themselves
a little labor nre tho very persons wno
complain how much It costs to run their
"llrcakfast hominy, one of the nncat cer
eal dishes thero Is, sells at five cents a
pound. Put up In packages under a fancy
namo It brings fifteen conta for six ounces.
or forty cents a pound, nice, me iincai
to bo had, Is 12 cents n pound. Thero
is llttlo call for It, but flvo ounces put up
In packages cost fifteen cents, nnd the
women pay It, because the l6ose packing
m:kei tho carton ns large ns tho ppund In
a bag. But tho package Is stamped nve
"If tho women would come here and do
their own buying, we could tell them many
of these things, that would bo to their profit,
llut they don't. Tho clasa I mean Is tha
which lives In apartments or who does the
ordering through a solicitor or by tele
phone. Of course, they find It much easier
that wny, but It is far more expensive.
They call us up, give an order to the cash
ier, who turns It over to a clerk, and often
they ask immediate delivery, which may
mean n special trip by automobile. Then,
If It Is a charge account, there Is the book
keeping expense. All of these Items cost
money. In wages nnd equipment, and the
customer must pay for them.
"Oftentimes these orders actually cause
us to loso money. Hero Is a specimen. A
woman orders five pounds of sugar nnd a
leaf of bread. There Is no profit what
ever In tho BUgar nnd about ono cent tn the
bread. It coifts Ave cents for tho handling
and dollvcry, so you see how sometimes our
business is not all profit
"If the women today would deal with
their grocer In a business way be a man.
In other words It would be more profitable
all around, and go far to bring down the
cost of housekeeping.
"Tho Ideal customer Is tho woman who
goes to' tho store herself, sees what she
wairta and buys It ns It Is weighed out In
fiont of her, pays the price In cash and
then, wherever possible, carries Its home.
If my trade was of this sort or even tho
greater part of it I would make more monoy
and my customers would get more satisfac
tion and could live much more cheaply. But
remember, I am not talking about my cus
tomers; I am talking of tho women who
deal elsewheVe."
Convention Forced to
Stenographers from Htrf
uecnuso of Price As
By Locnl Talent'
When an association which ahaiil
the BeiievuerTuord It waTE
that Phlladelnhla ste." "J
more money for their aervlcet thai;
York stenographers. " '
This waa borne out by tha fast i
convention had to lmV. l2 '
. ....., ,uIUuins me lone
.. --- -ij kits usca at a i
man of the professions.
The chairman of th. ..,....
Ing the convention announced tfctt i
decided not to spend so much of t
clatlon's money. Ho was met u
mand for J 10 a session for tafci
tho deliberations of th. .i, "'?
shorthnnd, ho said, with an aMedl
w ..-. n a sneet far
It on a typewriter 'v
So ho MVed the neltl...l .'
by going to New York and hlrlw a i
rihh.r thnm In .1. .... .t "I? 3
tof MS. ' ""
'It Is belleed that PhM..i.v,; i
raphern command such Urge stliJ
cause of tho extravagant taste, u3
havo ncqulred and also becausal
.j.. uuii, wtn me begin
mako only "110 per," are acca
grand opera and llmntine -
of the gallantry of Philadelphia
. Tha New York stenogranher imLL.
the convention happens to be a ta
But, at that, the Philadelphia i
translate mere words Intn fiu
then Into neat typewrltlnc ara aF,
petcnt than those of any other teaal
.,, .w -..... 1UUAIII),, MIV. , S
1000 Decorated Automobiles WW
Part in Big Parade
Tho annual Jublleo and Industrial i
tion of the Tioga Business Men's Ju
tlov will bo held next week. Tim 1
....iuu UIIU iiiuimnaiea. AfTlM
havo been completed for a paraiti
decorated automobiles Monday nlM
noy night, Halloween, fifty piKec-l)
nwurueu conipemors in a coitum i
ar inuusinai paraae, with a lata
oer oi noais representing the trtn
manufacturing establishments of:
bo held Thursday night. Hach,
Iiarnacs wui pass through the
(arrets Between Allegheny and
uues.and Fifth and Seventeenth i
Charles A, McDrlde. 842 N.'Tajlor Si 'J
Thomas A. Mcl-aushlln. 1247 Uarll
and Kathrrn K. Kubach. 2144 N
Wilbur II. Uonlap. 585 N esth at.
M. Dletenbaeh. 1340 K. 07th et.
Frank K. Meuger, 1003 N. ttd St.; t&4 1
8tokes, 1822 N. 16th at. v
William It. tlovett. Morton. Pa., lM':
I.evernffe. Ilnver. Del. .1
Logan J, Ureas. 21MS K. Pacific t., ami
C. Laird. 24 O.kforrt st.
Howard C, Bheppard. Brldcetoa.. S. J'i
Luclnda S. Gamble 8T2 N. 4Uiat. '
rren l'luer. o.n im. iieeee St., aaa
Murth. tfllfl N. ",1 at.
Rudolph R. Itoaenkllde. 1413 N. euViL.
jt.iin iiuinu.iu. 'n.i ... eiu mi. , h
Eoula Lawrence. 1718 Paxe St., and RMtti
wueen, iito I'aaa at. , , ' j
Chester It. Archer, 3014 Jeffereea et.laj 1
aDem vine, zun iieeu st.
Prank A. Fleck, 2718 N. 2th at., anal
Kohrer, 2710 N. 28th at. ,-.
Jacob D. Cherry. 1022 Walnut at., a'.'
v. ureenocrr. zaoz n. ivin si.
jamea ,
Roosevelt Man Stumps for Hughes
HAnniSDURQ. Oct. 28. Dr. J. II. Krel
tier, an original Roosevelt man here four
years ago, Washington party county chair
man for one year and for a year a clerk In
Auditor General Powell's ofllce, has taken
the stump for Hughes for President and the
entire Republican ticket. He spoke at
Bauchmansville nt. a Republican rally last
night. Doctor Krolder was Washington
party candidate for Congress two years
ago In thjs district.
Professor Malysheff, Russian Agent,
Sails for Christiania
Professor Alexander P. Malysheff, of tho
Technological Institute of Tomsk, Siberia,
sailed from Now York today on the Bteam
shlp Bergensford for Christiania, Norway.
Professor Malysheff has been In this
country since last November as an official
of tho Russian artillery commission, whoso
American headquarters Is In New York.
For the last eight months ho has been In
charge of the testing laboratory at the
plant of the Eddystone Ammunition Cor
poration, which has a" large contract for
sharpnel and other munitions for Russia.
During his connection with the Hddystone
plant he was an honored guest In the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sparks, of Norwood.
j. iiampaon, 4m tl. oiroaa M., aacaa
auerlte li. Uorla, 2433 BaJem at. . ,n
Joseph S. Emlth, Commie llelrtta. ;L,,al
Elizabeth C Smith. Torresdala, fa.,1
N. E. Cor. 22d and "Walnut Sts.
TABLE e-y -
From C to 8 o'clock
A. A. MII.TZ. Mir.
Hallowe'en it a pranHA
night. From your table at
tho St. James next'Tuef
day night look over roar
loft ahoulder. '
Perhaps aho'Il ba tall aaal
fair perhaps unfaifi
There's no telling 1
But, retervo your tablet
, m
Gtfje ifet. 3wt
Walnut at 13th Strtj
Hurulus . ,.
Threa montha
Burplua , . , . ,
Heptember areas
712,714 2M.N20
tmr ot lswrV I
aauwwua af las friaas I
Woman's Rotate of 1750.08 to Be Di
vided Aswftij 84 Leftieg
LANCASTRR, Pa., Oct. 2. The flna) ac.
oouUg of tha aetata of ldla SmKh, who
waa the houaekeeper at Thaddeus Btavcnn,
waa Md today.-
Tha woman, a aagro, baquaathad a truat
fusst tor Ja CtMr, wko d:d ntoaody
tn Mutator., and thara waa left for alt
trlbuttoa U.l, to be dlvldad aoioog
thlrty-ar MfatMaV Ttv kumsMat' AolUtra
atM mm qraaa M tj.
Bpeclal SOar excursion tickets
srUl be sold dally, locludlna tlatur.
Sara, Sundsya and holidays, for
Wilmington ror -so-
Close connections on nllmlntlon Wharf
IloatB leave CHKlJTNUT UT, WIIAKr and
Wilmington dally anil liuuday, at 7 JO. 10 JO
A. il. iao- 4:lB, T.eo.
Bookkeeping and Stenography
Bpedal courses tn tha Kunlna Shorthand and
llookkeeplna Departments .ara bains oraanlsed
now, 2Vi hours Instruction Monday, Tuesday and
Thursday, Writs for Information.
Wanamaker Institute -fnWSHf
Coat of Tullloa fpy CouraM) for Jerm af S
ks Bookk.p"a . Mtaaoav-aphy 15. Booi.
keep's Btewwraphy 8. uressmakins ,
Ullllnsry 140, May be-raM In Inatallmenta.
Coal for Nlaht Courata IS U Ilfl par tsrm at
SI wka. lnuasea. Wusi.Builness. Industrial.
Cooktry other oouraea. fa. or write far CalM.
Strayar't BuamM CeHage
MI-M7 Chaatnal M.t FkHa.
reovad aaw, Oataloa fraa.
lu CHwmrOT sTT. Talwlwaa Upruoa ifilT
M a. atah Ht. taaaaaa aa Kaaiaiil.
of Our Bread Prices
has been compelled by the soaring
prices of every item entering into our
manufacture and marketing.
While we greatly regret the necessity,
we have to announce that:
On and after Tuesday,, Ocfober 31st
.Sc Loaves advance to 6c
10c Loaves advance, to 12c
.mmwZ '
"1iISMMiijn'ii j vz Lr&tpiifr