?PS" rBAIi ESTATE TOR SALE Con. I""' rmJPrftilo Faat. NEW JKWEV FARM ,0ACRES 6 MILES FERRY 55 ACRES 1 1 MILES FERRY rfffcnS 80M. 'Abs W.lnut Vl-j'MU. jlAI. ESTATE SALE OH KENT AND Bl'llURnANpropertle for t of i Lower Irlon Really Company. Land puliaingj. rnuunjruiiij rift i fin nRNT To hnue en lllh l, hetow .ftSltON S Id TliU llldg. jKW JKHOItY Ht,tl1KtlX ?fi IIApDONFtELD. 3 room. 3 M electrio nam. , iiqi wai-r neai. Krtlfal late .Rfo""!' JJn'4n r rent kralaheil or Will eeii. wirs- tiancroil, J3Ald, N J Hell r-hone 0. i AALD OH lir i iii-mrm noune, a asm; li.C'a ItiM. Cyflwyd. term reasonable, A p. Edward f Honman, SUV reniuylvanla. ilMIn X, E. SAliK un nn.viu.ANun HAVfJ 10 KAnMB, taken In etehange. ., iu mmt.rint.9k war nuirn nil umi Bi tor particular. oobKN mo rnhort. AI. XSTATH TO EXCttANCIE i)IAYIN(l apt ho" I Jlrond nrAr Diamond, roll IIAVH any'thlna In eichonge e, u. It Iff y yml. IsV.N " "i N. 81h. REAL ESTATE RANTED L"Kinn furnished hour. 4 lo ft bedroom. gaBTInjT !...,. h,i.rn tirafershlv fe. arSm. ni;7eh ronvVnlrnt to train; I fr. J to S mon h, rentf. nom EVENING LEDOER-PHILADELPHTA. SATURDAY, OOTOBlSR 28, 1916 JIEAL ESTATE FOX RENT nrAT.ulujT. CoMrd from trtcriUa Column ' Foe r,V,l? rrNN?Tl.VANIA COMrAKT i-or 'Mi"tDi m Uii and flrantins Annuities, t m i.A n,nv" 'both I'hones. !M 3 lW MVi '?'w. I "r $40.00 JliM mi ??r i,oio Locum lr loo JlnS t.."-' ,' oil mm mii, lir 5o.s4 M"?i Ni"w!?5 '."J l i tts nreeti if r. . h w lit 2 fif.i",fc.,r 12 K' MS.' Word. I2r AS oo lVse-V" '"r- 8" "u liUN 12th I3r tl(t 00 SliVy,mK!i Hr WO0 '. W' nckjtr Jion lllv. '"Pi ' 3 'hi litSN oi h lor 1 On Bit .ll,.,!. '. f -it S0,.!1"' H .Ff Win ' i' ?iilriB!i B.r .'? ni"MJin. 7r Ioji S3 NtcUrlnt.Sr 1S.O0 loot Umon. Tr tsri Ml 8 Kfflfi.SiiiSS REAL ESTATE TOR RENT ConlUnrW from rrttt4lnt CIinn j-:'utVAMArntnnN Suburban Homes for Rent Mt)m wlthta H'tlo of ?8 rnllrn ITiln. Ct II I. w enn ditj en offrr ou fnrtiihift uburbftn onth lo luxurloun rountrr i t S0 pr month lo luxurlou rountrr on nil llrlton of, lh ttrniJInr Uwy. Ih l'rnn. It It A numtat of " rhiti In thu 0rrnnto-n ftiMtnut Itlll In tYtrr fmm lh I'hMn. nil frSMrtlm rnlo ram comfort ROinr l .v rfll rtla In lh llitMlNlnall ItiM Ttlon 4 frw furnKtml 9tn phoo t our offlrr of wtlt. lln'ln oor riulrinrnt. VVM. H. WILSON & CO. Hottntw iit'tf.ntNa i,in i.ini:. r. n n. . w III. wrvm- n-t i.u.k. ??1 X ? lr 0.(HlHll3f)if,r.l ilr I?l'?i SOIh. tnr 2T So Ino Vilrmi nt h.i nn pi Y. Norritur 31 on N 8t. Rr 8-t on tlrMn. 7r 31 00 Kmith Ar v on mbr r . ro oo x. -.!. nr t nn :ot Wh.rton. 6r. io.oo mlti U.i "'ni.lir .1.IMI1 HI Mir 1MB til .'15 N Jnln, it. in ooU'Oin ii:ou. d. Br... U.oo S nnmlnul Mil Cpnittuctor NvrTird, rhIU.. ipbTATn iouht. tolil. trntfj. riot (Kif. mort. lo" tor trm of nr rratrtln. oclt on pUn. . AKf ItUIt ttfjjjyik'', "3 " ?ln "H. .I.A&K mii ill ill Baruim. '1HtAi'huT'Sr7MrM. ..w li.btfkM?. ?" ttrlM. fhnttn rrl i:h.l.r D. Itottmr. MJO Uhinu. 11EAL ESTATE SOU RENT CIT1. f504 North Franklin Street i room una 1 bathl hou In too.1 own ISO i prr monthi EDGAR G. CROSS waJSW 2424 SPRUCE STREET IIJ.M rr month. Tfniint Jul vctrt. Kf Mllmt onlrr. -. .... EDGAR G. CRQSS w-inVftmi LUXIMI 1 1814 1120 J. BDWAWI W'TOW M. 17TI1 Rr:""" lIMMIrllllra. Idth. Hr.ltSS "'! .l (1 Vll (IN. .-''. luin.iir. i. vino Iffiviw. ilr... ri S'l'in mih. Ilr. 41 ' rn.rrr nr . ai tilt Chirr A 222 ""'"rl" r itnj M.ai.r 7r, . m Di.moml. 7r is nan v no. lar liilrt ! 111. 83(1 N. .11th. 6r .ill i;rnm. ir 142IJ Vln. MtW, iMJVIn nr . ii2it'nofhlll r IM II .L . " 3)4 n- tnih. Sr iii.i owi. nr .. r.UJN'tl.") kl lull. Km I'lillowhlll. Sr TH Jr! t.t .tsn iii: iii i ' SitlltJnJ'i ,01..?!.n .Hi."'"' ""H1! ?' ,1'Tr ''"" S; Cor. 17th A I'r.tl. 3'l (1.. S3i3i hrt A tliv. nr. MTit i'iuuni:i.ritiA MS ts.t 1)VE M Plumonrl at. MO MPtr vl' 490 ,UN(W . 120 Ulfortl at. U IRIh .1 6tJih,t?r M. t ? '' ., ... n. li. iiiiwi. wi,",vi'- - :i ttlFICB Ttnt or nil, 13-room mw ahaolutelr mmlyrn homi. a Mth; I KILL BArntriCB Ttnt or Mil, la-room ml. r 'afttthM. ntiolutlr mmlyrn hom. a bth;. (..A..tna. ts.... narhAf llVinaT in II. HI. HTVCTIlki '. Gfla li drcl-lnl opportunity, S hlorka .boy. " fttrrnntown Htatlon. It.adln It. It. Apply L nt K. Avainut n ,Vlnut lan. tlrmntown T. P. NHAtilS. 010 8 12TH 8T. ,. u roomn. conn.-i,. ... t . 10 rooma, ronva....... nt at.. 10 rooma, conya 11 Trenton a,v 7 rooma, all conva... iquniiiiiii iiuimia , . .i . hatha, l ft. IIil at.. H, ISthat .110.00 . ao oo . ao.oo . 13 01) . u.oo till BPnUOK ST. 14 rooma, " i . . a ... Waal. l.aBK..k cot houao 4-itory baarmrnt kltchrnj ! 3-atory bark . t...... fm .lv hit uAuii .TifT-K and'tivubt co, or prlrat family. jii 'titi.k and 1 Ilroad and Chtatnut art JAMES BT , r.21 For ront. S-alory nuiimni t:.v.i.i. . iA.a an.. hnn nrnntir. ant MVii&.&mSn Wlnt .t .. all con' ,1: in b !18T ST. FaMT-atory dwflllnt. vnlnrra. aultabla for private. 'miiy. i Imr lliua, -", aia. TUB LnVNl) TITIiBANH ' Ilroail andChratnut nuin tioi r.vtllmr LVtt- i itory. 7-roomrd dwelllna-i aoo.1 ordrr: bath, rn. gaa. large yardi only 14. Keya 2108. Wm. I. CrnvtT Von a 151(1 N. 7lh at. 1820 N. 17TII BT. gultabfa for clr, paint or tinymakrr ahop. . TlUi IjAHII lliur sl1Lf lliuoi wv. llroad and Chlnuta.la, W B. 1STH HT, t) rooma and 2 bathai rrntal prr annum IOC0. Kdgar O. Croaa, 1411 Vtal- ai. CHKAP 4S N, 18th 1rtr.. mod. conva. t nlco oror. Kty at MASSEY'B. 1.8tnana urren, -2 Ji llnlne . rroptrllr. and Btora 2 B, 20Tlt BT.Dwllln parts oil rpnva.t pirtiy hatd. Dlany'a, cor. CltawotliA2j0lh JtAItKET STrtKET. B2J Eotlra building to rear atreeti lot SB.IxSOOi f tmm.dl.le jvoaaetalon. icjin.. MSii Co.. B17 Cheatnut atL $16 Month 36 North 4th St. fcAhOE IIABBilENT. TETKHB. MSJSnESTNlJT WH Attn OI'FKIIINtl FOR RENT Tha lafirat anil bl aelM-llon of houara and aparimenta In Wrat rhlladalphla. Wm. II. V. Quick & Bro., Inc. BOUTII 40TJI ST. SEND FOR A RENT LIST STATE rnlCB OF ItOUBR TOO OEBIItFl JOS. ALLEN POTTS fiS?,,' 44TIT ST B. OF WAI.J4HT BT New, modern 3-atory liom.a; porOi front; 10 moma. 3 balha- ooen dallr. only 2 left. ,WI, T. DICKSON Jl CO., t)4lB Market at. Slorea and Ilnelllnita WTNNBWOtitl . Attrnctlvc INIodorn House nrat llewr, large hall Jiving room dining room pantry kliehen and laundry Id """fi.o beilrooma 1 hatha 8d floor. 1 heilrome I bain, lo bo rxpanered in ault tenani g' '"..?. cara. man' roam ard bath, ground ynntl.io fl with old ahade wfll altuateit and near tattan reasonable fent SAMUEL C. WAGNER, JR. Iftl.COMltKnt'lAI. TflfST Jiyjl.DINO AlttiMptlE J ft raul'a road! 13 roomtl III) 2 bathai larto int. W. II BMtTfl 01 Dret.l read. Oetrbroek, 1 HrMitni I hatha, garag n beftrooma, 4 hatha, 7 wdrooma. S hatha garage B belroom, a hatha garage B tdrooma. 4 balln. garage J beiirooma s batha. garage 7 bedroom. !l hatha 7 tdroom ,1 batha. garage a hrdro.im 3 Imiaa gurai 1 bedrooma 3 hatha n bedroome .1 batha garage n bedroom ,1 1 th 7 beilronm. 1 bath, garage 7 liedrnomt 2 batha. garage fl bedroom I bth 1 bedroom 2 bath n bedroom. 3 bath a peiironm l bath MORTOAOM Coallaanl rorn frrredlag Cotamai ADVANCES TO lltltt.riKnB A srECIAUTT r..W?SAV, In tha City of VhlladalpM LOWEST atUtKirr ItATES Apply to HAZLKTT A MOSB BIS WALNUT BT, . .... Main 17.1, Imbyrd 8.4B., . Mortgngcs First find Second I placa them qulektr; I tint f'jnd on haild for tat mnrlgagra for any amount .on JO building -latlon with fund an hand, far 3d mort gagee, larg and (mail try in Quick Action Is My Motto G in. J n Vnimr, Wl Kn ins. .. )c ioung TroM m. I . . - . . - - . - - ..j .?. i SjM . I, , .. . r--c- .,a M ytSCRAPPLE I be It Aral eefvlco, qulrl ttlco. I oderat to BKcunn A nonTOAon llf roti dealra alltfactofy reautl KSO.OO per month 2tm 00 per mnnlh i'yi.oo per month I7 on per month inn an per month in'.1. 80 per month ISn'HIper month ?.". per month S 80 per month l of l"f o.t.00 per mi, in ii month oo on per month po nn per month 8 31 pr month o oo per month 7 1)0 Per month an oo per month ro oo per month 3T P" per monin SAMUEL C. WAGNER. JR. 39 ruMSIKIU'lAl. TIIL'BT IHJIt.DINIl FOR RENT EURNIS1IED 'TV 131 2.1D BT 13 room and 5 bath, very open anuinern eipaeure, wall ftirnlahrd. Bm Mel V lvl. Ileal Katat Truat Hide rKNNIYLVAMA BfllCnBAN NOrtTII WAI.KB BBVIlN-lifHiM btinaalow handaomely rurnlahedi every modern ronveoleia,e. tneludlng nreplaie, ga electricity and hol-walrr hel' 2 bloeka from elation, mmierat rent to right party. r sin tiUer Central MJ MO WINTER BE.BnN NAnitEtlTII 11 room, eleam heat, elct'y. aa .Heo Hat. O. I'ETERB A BON. COaVllEilTNUT ST. (eoond If you dealra efficient and all,factory rtiutt and moderat rhrge .. .. UAi.u, 1'iiumk on wniTK tu ua "Tour mortgage will b good a placed." N0P,MAN B Blir.ltWOOD. 1411 Walnut t. LARGE AND SMALL FUNDS for ftrl and erond morliagea rlty or uh. urbai 'unaueetlonabl nrvk-e and 'unoueatlnnabla through) thlt ofllrei "pereonat attention, reaulti ervlca reonat i SMULLEN & BARRY NK. rot, llroad A The an t.lberlr nidg.l. ""LARGE FUNDS" 7 For let mortgage. Advanrea made to builder. JAMES D. WINCHELL 1TTII AND BANBOM BTS. $100,000 AT t( I'EIl CENT Wilt divide. Ioan on Inlereal In Eatate. tleaaonabla charge. . JOHN A tunrtT B07 Mnd Title Hulldlng. $100,0005 FLAT nOOO nAtTlMOriK AVE Star mn.l rvlUr ult- Mum ior rotary ( vanirciionr DftKery or cell rrin ilnn. iL:;..'Tii . . . ANIJ T1TI.R ANn TIIIIRT CO. llroad nnd Chestnut ala. Tim ia! OEUMANTOWK Suburban Homes for Rent n pvfry portion within a. rudtu of so mllfn rrom inn jni.. tnr nan. w run oar von ir propmlM runitlnK " romM at 9w vr month to luxurious country rt on all dlvUlorin of th IleadltiK ttwy, and thw Inna. It. It. A numbr of chMra ofTfrlnnJ! In the 0rmanto.vn-Chmtnut 1 till iwtlon.. a fvr furnlnhetl. Bo photos at our offlrt. or wit, ntatlnv your requirements. WM. H. WILSON & CO. Mourns nuii.niNo dEnMANTOWN n-room hou. haecment kitchen, front porch and large back yard, near Waehlngton Lone Bin . Heading road, every room newly papered and painted; rent Juit re-iluc-d to I1B. Key at BOM Jllgh at. 8TONR Colonial house. 12 rooma. 2 batha; lino to",1nWltNOCKKI.R! Commercial Truat Hulldlng;. CIEIIMANTOWN. near Queen tane Bta. and Otn? Cricket Club, 3 bedroom. 3 batha; hot-wuter heat; 3.atory eemldetached houeet $43. L U37. ledger Central. MORTGAGES ALL AMOUNTS. 1ST AND 2D MOIITOAOES Qulek anawer. MAtinirKH SIATHINOKll III EM T nldgj. TnusT fund"? von nrtBT moutoaob iieiiknehb a stetson Land title iiuiliuno Tlogn 204d W. ONTAtllO ST, 3 tory. 14 room. 3 balhi: aldo yard! rent 140 per month. INDUSTltlAL TltUBT CO.. ,1030 N. Front at. MONET POIt 1ST AND it MOIlTaAaKB T. A HEDDINO A ."ON. 709 WALNUT ST BIOS BI'EUCE BT. UUILDINO A8SOCUT10N AND THIVATH FUNOH TtOIIEnT J NASH. 1001 CHESTNUT BT. , " FUNDB FOIt 1ST AND 5D XtOUTQAaEB ai I aiiii ri i ... rOTTB A JTIIOMBON 3851 Frankford ave FUNDS FOll 1ST AND 2D MOIlTaAQEB MOllrOAOIM b-Olt SALE THF.O K NICKI.IW 2313 Oermantown av. MONEY lor mortgage. I'ur rniinty property. AllTlUllt P. TOWNMEND Lincoln llullillnrj, Fhlladelplila. " MONEY FOll MonTClAtlBa Hulldlng Ae.oclatlon Funda HENtlY 8 HEED 14S0 Cheatnut t..JL " MOIITMAOEB- riltHT AND SECOND ItENTS COLLECTED ItKAL ESTATE SOLD C It IlllOADS, 15th atiovo Bunn.uehanna. 1BT and 3d "mortar wanted, city or auburban. 181 CIIESTEIt OBIIORNR. INC Offlcea. Ijinedowne nnd 1821 Cheatnut at TsT and 2it jnti. i oldg and private fund, nulck and eailafectorv re.ulta. moderate charge, CAMEItoN ESTATE 2811 Kenalngton av. FUNDS for lit. 2d of split mortgage, collate eral anil abort-term loana ANEIINJ'TIIY, ! n. i.'in, t ... mn. and eecond mnrtgagca, private aarwiationa iu . nni ri. izm ai. .tOnACrTR BPKC1AL TTtUBT FUND FinsT MPiiTaAorB riltTJl. IIS WAI.1UT ST. FUNDS FOR MORTGAGES Itepaytbl tn lermt of year or on lnatellm.nl plan Northern Trust Company SIXTH AND BI'rtlNO OAltDKN $50 $100. 100 TO $5000 Mftftnat ir- not, reftt oat At tvurlti oavahln ray tvrm tritimnt m day LEWIS & CO. '-T AvVtPSn?EnD NOTE on MORTOAOn immeoiata aeiiiemenie. wneemea $80 TO tiooo e.tate l"ane. aaa'n funda. DKMPBET A CO. S7 s. intn t, Uuiidin MONEY for flrat and e fund and building na WM. FlllEimiClI A EMKIttlENCY FUNDS placed at once i any umi ImmedUte aneweri lowcel raU. F. X. DB- LANKY. 1113 l.ini-om. liroati onu linn ! tinflfl TO ItO.nrxt to Invret In firat mortgages at loweet rale of Intereat. WM. 8. YAItDLEY. 1384 Olrard ave. Finsf" mortaage and bl3i amount Jaa. F. Hmyth. a.n. funda, any 133 Kenalngton ave. aii.T-Einn BEcyrtiTtES llaon AND ISnoo NORTHEAST tlOtlLEVARD SECTION WM O. OI.E.NN 1431 MNP TITLE IlLDO. 1317 COI.CM11IA AVE RKOimnn nuir.DF.ns aivanceh a si-bi imujiiiAi VOtlTnAORS Ullll A 1481 WA i PARKER. l.Nl CtALTT IMU. FUNDS for flrat and eecond mortgage, J. 1 TURNER. 1201 Cheatnut at. MORTOAOEH 1AI.1, . Olf llVf ANMIV, W. It. HOOD. 813 W NOHIttS 'BT, Fon LARUE AND HMAI vit: MONET i A .91' AMOUNTS ANSWER $100,000 TO INVEST In flrat mortgagee. In urn from $1000 up; alao building auoclatlon O BEIDEL A CO th nnd Cellowhlll ala. money for acond mortgage. IF YOU'VE MONEY ORVAFB INVESTMKNT No, zi nroaiiway, Camden. N. J. R. D. CLOW. Jr. MONEY TO LOAN rOU CAN HOEROW MONET ON DIAMONDS. JEWELS. ETC, $23 AND 111' 2 173 AND UP 1H $io5 AND UP 1J RIEDER'S J!l MARKET 8T, IHDQE AVE. AND OXFORD BT. , 22D AND SOUTH BTS, MONEY I.OANED to heTra"of unsettled eatate.' Intereat Iwught. FRANK I. MARTIN. 724. 28 Stephen Olrard Hulldlng, 31 H. 12th at. FARMER SMITH'S RAINBOW CLUB 1800 ARCH BT. UAHf) FKETi FINE LIQIIT FRONT AND REAR e-roni. oo 8guAitn FEET SMENT. 000 Cheatnut t,l window: whole atom or will JtoIuT AND BASEMENT." AjWIIK l.rrvA Mlnnwl' I i.".".," nil" ' .v;r:..: :i"rf --r:j. i divide. J.IA i;TATUHi tuu panajm mi. m ' ?Toi-(i33 N. FRANKLIN'sT.. toro and cllar. n.ana, mu I'in at. iioin pnonee. j f, store ana iiweinng 1EE 2010 RIDOE. 11 r.. mod., atore-dwel.l ault C. any onej cheaj) Key 2018, .Fartnrle. Warehonaea, Mfg. rioor 1214 ARCH STREET . New modern fireproof building, aultabla for Hgbt manufacturing; elevator, ateam heat, lectrlo light The Land Title & Trust Co. lltlOAD AND CHESTNUT STB. DAYLimtT FLOORS ., In new concrete, fireproof Jiulldlngi 4800 aquar feet on each floor. . Fronting on three main street. SEVENTH, FRANKLIN AND WOOD Steam hot and elevator aervlca . Included In rental. Iiw Insurance. JdYEltS A HAllTIlt RIDOE AVE.A 10T1L. iCohocksink Mills 6TA1I"WS"- , Floor., rooo (o 18 000 q. ft,i rliean power. fc . P.. MrNi;ELT,.lX..Ij,andolp0 rACTOltlKH allea. warehouse, floor a race ei- elualvely, J. Alan Mlddletoii. Factory Hr-cUI-let and Engineer. 6oy.ll Wldcner llldg.. I'hlla. i-BTORY" .FACTORY f.ul'lcflhg, 40fnOi elevator; Sa uent. power: near Heading Freight . maul N .OFrit'F.s. iiiihiiss nntiMS. eto FULLER nUILDINO 10 SOUTH 1BTJI BT, All modern appointment. o,,.lrJ0x28 ft., $22.80 month. tulte. lUilB and.7lg ft.i $T.6Q month, 1U8-20 CHESTNUT STREET ' .SNTinia Viioit. S80(l SQUARE FEET FIHEI'llOOF 1ILDU. llEABONAULE RENT Wears & Brown, 202 S. 15th St. THE HIGH COST OF LIVING Those of you dear boys who wear patched trousers, pleaso stand up. Those of you girla who arc wearing the same dress you did two years ago, please stand up. Thank you you may sit down. My dears, you hear a great deal nowadays about the HIGH COST OF Somo mothers (not your mother, of course) mcot at bridge parties and discuss the terrible high cost of bread, and so forth. The cost of everything Is going up. Mercy mol Today we do not think of patching trousers, Today sister must have n new dress for school EVERY ALL. Today mothers (somo of them) are too busy powdering their faces and attending bridgo parties or card parties to put up their own fruit . Today mothor BUYS her bread. Bako her own? Mercy me, NO I Today father RUNS in debt to RUN an automobile. Today see if you can't help poor, tired father get oit of debt-if ho Is !n d Lovingly, FARMER SMITH, Children's Editor. p S. have been reading the life of our beloved Mark Twain in St. Nicholas Magazine, and how the children helped him pay his debts. If you SUS PECT your fathor is in debt, try to help him. iEXKLHLDCl. fincia lipoma MLF j finale Root ' IXallt -E"K !". ' B room. $030 to tleso --, WII.HAMB. C0U bresel llulldlnc. WUS DEBIKAHLM BOOMS, third floor; good "t, ateam heat, etc. i ault builnea lAirpoMa OFFICES, Annual Rental. l.ou- llaa 1180, issu.Mnu.i: !:.' Z.!l!nti. Ptmonti reasonable rent, , FULl.KIL 10 H. IBtb at. ..CJijr$ly located;"al con v. rant attractively -188 )nw, aervlee continuou,. $13.04 BIRAIiI,M wnlr.l ofi t. light, eto. rent $ --jt FULt,WH. 1 flo, including 3 per mcmlli. 10 B. Ulh at. attain " WAI,Hut BT. Delrhl offlcea for phyU ft .V"'., "' Ufht. janitor ervloai furu, fc4?i?A f in-n S9,5h hali..ut .J- ?'9j nft or wuelclani all conva- ..' "u ariii or m aifi ) iArr'i.r.. t.'.v. .-. . aaj-'.KI"'c.ii 1 1 ii i.u p. ii, jg , jm ai " r?vnMi it-.u za-aiory I -ev.lor r- $ijii 1 ..i,...,r. IWTWt , neat . itory roam 1MI Aroto; 3Mt.no.-5?rAb. M n im L.fM IT. r DusiraMa Brit-leor room, v'MftrihXi$ 'roeul iMVea r room, in. er NNDia. at. af"; MT 0$ai Un beat. iMtrlcHy -rwwriwwj map. eurviiivuH'i mm mn . $$, IILLI rwi&mAM lf ANB'pia.aiif.A n T room and bat V and r i. ' - tonvrood, atom a imaouui, ator. and iiu i.'i i iMiia ' r In ri.oiiia j bwihe,, ,,..-,.,$ unvvaifMioew, rt uv ia. . , ... ..Auum'l 101 1: ;' I 'J r-oni . Br 14 .. H.ll 1.1 , wn 11 r,Hin,a rM'nVenl . va. ,. L'- " iuuiim i mi v vr teonee , uod r ." 48' 5 I -, b A. . ',U'J" H nlllHie nil o,- !$ WSr. f. MWiiMaM iitaaiMl The Famous Slide Ily HELENA UI1E11. Oiford '$. ITha following Incident I a true one. II hap SlSfiSf Wl'Ml cMnT.,' This slide was more) Important than the famous Ude of Kelly In ta"ta. Th. Btout ljy laboriously climbed to tha top and seated herself, quit out of breath front the exertion. BhVnow prepared for her down rt vor-ie. in the meantime Prepara- t oris were beln made to lece ve ner u. u.o hMinrn llut tneee preparations were In 2 ? .e reaaons i which I will explain. to vou As you doubtless know, the heavier tne Sv theyireater the speed after It Is once in motion. 80 It was In this case, uw n iu ,n!; vit ib, "m st.; alia . not. I fi the ? board, between tlw hands that nmretchd 'to reoelye li.r.ond landed na.enedmu.,Uud...,n, '' . . -i.- -i.a,ii It. i. hill In Ai mi her reel aa an" iiv". """ -- - 1101 on ."" ii ii,. e.i.niv laugh. oated posiiion-o. - , . "yr-w,Tn. ter from "' """'". , ,., r.i .nd found iecled as the 6rth at the bottom was KkJd I uj "in order-to prevent Injuries. nt onurae I am aware o " """ (. not POMto to joke about anylblng llta his bu da this was a. yowa la. y. with whom we r Intimately acqua nted and U.er. was nS injury. 1 thought 1 wa at lib. crty to describe It to you. Society Note VrMterW tMeller, Jenklntown, and lfarl lUBlfen Fuellur, his .mall iwphew who lives in Kiuips Park, are wndln a week with their rpectlve mothers t Shawnee-on- he itetaware Krlierlck write.; "There ro Wl "??. tr. Whw we nrflved It X K lit rKt we (owK 11- UW luy you tan 'F" at pwi w 7 iBrl 5 smLw ' .? , nn ,- 1HP vB r AJryyr Hai ft ? eHIIB 1 'mx. !lil 1 PP ' k r !' M Hm i i i M? HP, ,,il !-Bt' WmW P F ' Twniiiii rrWl nr """ WILI.TAM and OSCAH DAVIS, Acilio .North Hat street Italnbows. jel4T aaeaa, Br . W. $$le, , itttthr Branch Club News Klorenco Hurley, a, wellrknoiyn little mem. ber, sends the followlmc report bf her Dab. villa (l'a.) miRbow braHchl ''I held my first meeting- lsi Saturday, The children present tvera lHtri AckUy, I.Uele Daren. Orv'lls, Hurt, ami' Chart Hurley The visitors were Berth CkMe, Howard Hoetelly and Had Hanck. We played (tinM, and then alter teteetlfl. we nil went to sUrr autm 1vm fr our .attoolreem." V ' i A SMrfW! i t,t, a Vf CHUeNteT HAKatIB, Umttor vn, AU riWbt It M rlt m4 Henred, Tn fall to t-s urvuiid, hotaaaa were artruck by IglHniti. tv$) kbraaKt to the aroua), I ably. mw with ), aUhourt I hM a havr bed eevar en, I could M(r aleep tnm $Mt Mr t tk . Av iMt 1 (U 'P m HafpV P W RB"anlfliB kBi ! O f'----t 1 n i-wriv ii m kit W Ml pwn mr vmw wmmrnt YttQt Tr ,, T Tip Hr B f .. i, Harnwrr. !- - 3 . U! -- 1 1 m m -mm-mm w WMMi xm, .- ,.ui -iipa .. iiii-M '-'- uiitmt ' ' , ',rfl Ef'?i,yHSi;:.4:tft; . -, -. i-!tMM . $- ?,. ,, , no -0-RED-Towx By Farmer Smith "You better net all the wrinkles out of your pillow or they wilt Ret in your hair." nald a tiny voice beside 'Willie. "Did you know that wrinkles eet ln little boys' hair because they havo wrinkles in their pil lows?" "Oh, It's your said -Willie. "I did not ro-annse you." "You mean "rccognlie," don't you?" asked the Good Dream Fairy, for It was he. Willie put his head under the pillow and then peeked out acaln. "I know why you can't o to sleep," said the dood Dream Fairy. ."WHY?" asked Wllllo so loud the bed clothes shook. The Fairy spoke very slowly "You have never been to Oo-to-Bed-Town t" "And where In the world Is that place?" asked Willie. r "Well, at one end of the world Is Get-up-Town and at the other Is Oo-to-ned-Town. The first you have been to and the second you will no to soon It you do not learn to go to sleep." Willie yawned. "You aro now rolnr to sleen. You can feel yourself falling falling." Hure enough! In a minute Willie wan fast asleep and in the Clood Dream Fairy's airship. It was all so sudden he couldn't remember himself how he got there. Whlsal Whlr-r-rr Away went the airship, with Willie hold ing on for dear life. Why It's daylight I" exclaimed Willie. "Of .course it Is." answered the Qood Dream Fairy. "How could you go to Oo-to-Hed-Town In the night?" "I never thought of that," answered Willie, beginning to yawn and stretch tils arms. The next thing he knew he was asleep and the Fairy had to shake him to wake him. "Look, lookf she cried. Willie openei) his eye. Far away he could sea the flames coming out of huge chimneys and lighting the sky for miles around. "What Is It?" asked Willie. "That." said the Oood Dream Fairy, la the factory where they make the sleepy powder which goes In Utile boys' eyes to make them go to sleep," Willie felt some one shaking him. "Wil lie I Willie I" It was Willie's mother, and she had auch a hard time to wake him up, lienor Roll Contest The prises for the best answers to "Things to Know and Do" for the week end. Ing October It were won by the following members; Marlon Mieder, Qreenway avenue, one dollar. Sarah Epstein, South Ninth street, fifty cents. Albert Dellaven, West Louden street, twenty-Ova cents. Joseph aauagher, ast Eleanor street, tweflty-flve cents. Ho D'Imperlo, South Twelfth street, twenty-flva cente. Christian Wlrst, Krth Front street, twenty-five cent. Never Dwipalr By MAtttAHetT JOHN BOH. tHrt Hey!, Pa 'vera was mm a poor wktew who bad a very go4 on ttam4 Jotm, He was Juet 1? years oM, Hi mother loved Mm oarly and he lovea her,, too. When hi faulter tried, he f Tfilaed to ) Ma ther all he could, They had a kw, a cow aai l ciil-ckfp. etemt r to ummsi was a family bf the MtMM f Kent. Tha Keat boys ,wer very buy ad mischievous. One lht they let tftt bre and cW out of the aukl. In tb morning, when John, t-e widow's eon, MsBVrs Umt war) MB, he IU very bly. suddenly hm beard little bird alMJBK BUSStly, It Mil- $ WkW! ''Novar MW AM he TIip Young Lady Acro.s Iho W'r y , The young lady Across the way she snw In the paper thai only a email percentage of tho -omen vote In the Mifrrage States, and they certainly can't expect to lo good cltltcns until they all go to the polls nnd stuft tho ballot-boxes tho way the men do. Ecclesiastical Discrimination The Mayor of a totiRh bonier town wns about to emrngo a preacher for the new church. "Parson, you aren't by nny chance a Hnptlst, nrc you?" "Why, not necessarily. Why?" "Well, I wns Juat nfroln' to Ay wb havo to haul our water twelve ntllcs. THE PADDKP CELL .! J OH'.Me.Rcr! V 1 "K TVloSB.A4w''.6VeRCOAT! I MODERN HEROES Thfc FELIOVM WHO TAKE FRIEN'DTOA. CADARBr- KICKS BroNtf Wi-OWM.CICARi AND ORoER.NE EoTUl? OP CHARdED WATER All. NiCHT BETWEEN THE-TxNOOFTHErA "lUaHT OCCUPATICW " I WrVrWlNtsTHe YEARS, I Rouu-'Y . . f UWt ) , 3 - f eoue.oiA lraiowtMt I Vri r!5r I orAtMAMei Tv.erniiate I I iV W-2Z ( V6N.iR- e I ooJ-HAUO lf!Ji0t'" htVrV JF-! JvEnuvfrTownlf I YnrtotAv 1 1''?!!'' I WW nZ r - KSrAg055A ir VSKKSv I A.eT-rT Predcstinatlen Hvll Genius (to baby ln the patm of her hand) Let 'me set what'U I do to you? Bhall it be the gift Ot poetry or chronic Indigestion? lfo. Anything to Oblige .sMr . e Sydney Bulletin. The Customer (after the worm has pulled down everything, even to the last packet of hah-plns) You don't appear to have any gumption at all. my man. , The Worm No, ma'am, but we shall be pleased to procure It for you, ma'am. A Western Verdict A. Western desperado had been killed. Thcro wbb scarcely nny evi dence ngnlnst tho man v. ho shot htm. The Coroner's Jury broucht ln tho fol lowing verdict: "Wo. tho Jury, find 'Dad Bill' was killed with his boots on. We'ro against klllln', but thank Clod Bill's deud."-r!fo. Enterprise Always Wins H UJ v!Enn Paaslng Bhow. Smart Boy Please, sir, I've come for tho job of errand boy at this shop. The Boss But I don't want nn er rand boy. I've cot one already. Smart Boy No you ain't, sir. He's just bin run over by that bus over there. W3V AM, THE GASOLINE IS GONE ftOClTBCI MAK6. Ult Of THt CHiLORtMS rT UCWT. Your-ioST CtT' CYll-E. T(?All., TnKe. ro out l IT F&Aj. (mj . ...r m. m mC' I Of. AYJL CYltfe TrrLR OTrltR peopLB. PRlfare. OtytR MstHOM JOnW NS0M,SnOV If HtVUS viivl in civiru; up HKa ricnonsJDtce.rv. TonrtVa MoroattAs; put to rnfuini- fc , 1 VI an rr. Mnrnn r iet an vr a i.inB f mrth ! MB. VtatCTO Mme IT DOVvKt BftdwM lie, oaTt-mitii to U-rTci. wuue ot the war, England la threatened with a shortage of gasoline. AFTER SPENDING A MONTH AT PLATTSUUItG Mr. Hart utilises a little spare time ln the evenings. dpT'SBBlS- ' , ii - I,. . . PSWW im-Wle mm l i .annm niiwwaatlliinaaaapWjepp' . .v. ..L.tlaU,y3a-l--4-- Lsi . auHKKBMHHHHMtfHIH9i C(H1 'There I one conolatwt -bout being In Jail, muwi." "What Is that, my poer mtmr "After I nut HUM imb-tr make me get Up and ye atown tt V sure the back doer's loo," PlteBM tM Dttttammy HC UL A.-jJN'-ia,ACa A'A'-.-i;k M J W" - r V ir y tThai Ei. iS L f-i'i "rl smgjflllif--1 MSr-feitr.;