1. -:'jl'-. ' " ' ' ' fftOaVOTTOW COAL LAND AND TtMMMl MONT AH as. and aaatrfajl Awfftft iff J"0A1 nwtiiB mjbijb M Hi MM teaax .i vim W"-r. mm recently Ml Ma Ma; It will retjle more capl- I imm ran asappiy, and Practical ex- : tttss In tMi no enrufobrancei mil mr am eemndentleli will furnish maps. aatimaiM of competent enelnr.ra a anywhere for personal conference with 1 lanr. mniM itnu wn are inierestetT: TT-eiiswvn di mis i', u. box an, avlte, moet searching Investigation of inla as rva u,. ; w uox ax-KoVti? Va. jiusim: Z-KSONALS lUtTS TO 1II11K Latest stylo full ruaeaVx. Prince Albert, black and km Mrtawaya lor morning weddlnge: alaj ailk fc AMUW. COOPER. IOIO airard ava. RVtMiNn -f.rTii,"a -m tiinti ..QaUPWf-K B, loth anil Olrard aw,, 8. W cor DtA'MONPH'nol'OMT Hk KftX'tK'- . Appraisement. 1 per cnl. -.HARrlYW,BMiril 717 Haneom. aj. trrBRrt.tlOUR HAIR removed hT electrolysis) l'?.rriia,nnt ." Kvehrnws arched aaianoaiiri1 .U2 Kettn Theater Jiuuaing;, iT.' FT-oFF OLOTHINn tinunilT. It. WTBl BT. FHONB WAIJNUT IBOB. 153 CARPET CLEANINO CHPrr FtEATINOl NO tumblicr. MB. BOYBR CO.. I9M N. 12th. Tioga 1300 FOR SALE U.LIARD. POOL, combination, second hand, bevgbl. sow. ranted, exchanged! repairing; supplies. I,afa Keafer. American manufac turer, aav mrai ard av. Phone Kana. 2318. BILLIARD, pool tables: new. second-hand bowl to allays; eaay payments. Hoeattq-Rarry- -" M- 8. t. Hon. Wat, 228L BILLIARD,, AND POCKET TABLES Alao V.".JrS, 'UffTW" J,l"",tnU BRUNSWICK. . RALKIS.COLLENDER CO.. 1(H) J Arch. CASH REGISTERS bought, exchanged repaired? ran ated: auppllfai naw and factory rebuilt) naw total aUdera.cB low aa 130 Call and ae our new models. Register, aold by ua on aaay oaymenta, and fully guaranteed THKNATIONAL lABllltl'nJlBTER CO.. 780 CI I K8TNUT STREET -Encyclopaedia Britannicn Beare-Roebuck and Cambridge Editions, eaay farma. at the office or Encyclopaedia llrl if-nnloa Co.. at No. 130 8. loth. cor. Walnut. Philadelphia. OPERA CHAIRS. 60C UP - FOLDINO CHAIRS. 25C UP Jf,W ANu i;Hi;n80LD AND RENTED CHAJIjrtIANOBBiJ3.jorthBnilyine, AFBS. nrtprooti cloalnir out 00 allahtly uaed. all elc?a and makaa: bis bapcalna, 21v N. .. Fourth at. b.twoen Race and JVIne) USED OFFICE FURNITURE Bverythlnt; Imaalnabto In thla Una and plenty of .III htnl aaaortment and beat valuea In pnlladelphla. free auto delivery anywhere. HUUKKH, 11T1I AND HUTTONWOOD ALTTmaKI:h typawrltera at mweat prlcea; rent, alai rabulldlna; and overhaullnr. See our ma hlnaa before buylm. Roulllot'a Typewriter Co., 30(1 B. Bth. . ll.BO UpTovercoata IHreat Aaaortment In Town. Walter'! Pawn Shop. 904 Vina. v MACHINERY AND TOOLS BRR IF ANT CLUTCH, at any price.' catTorfer mora comfort, durability, or alUaround effi ciency thanYOCOM FRICTION CLUTCH tyJft-..? FRICTION CUTOFF coupllnca. HAl-TINO AND MACHINI5 WORKtf. 1 1.1 North Second. jami:h ytx:oi & bon. .POWKH.pr.AW T-nrTittiT!VT Dynamoa, motora. bollera. ataam and oil en """". ESpjoa, air compreaaora. -. FRANKjrdOMEY. lnc.Jj2TN18a at, . CENTRIFUGAL" PUMPS. 1 In. to 8!n.j belt and aleam driven; new and aecond hand. - F. aBTKERT,a B0N8. a7 ,N. 3d at. yi OTNAMOS, motora and n.aihlnery bouaht. aold and rentedi armaturea repaired. Main 01. lrlt3P5ti-erele Co, 2SI N .11 mx. LICATIIER HBLTINuTHnade on the nremleea: PRODUCER OA and fuel oil enalnee. SH h. p. J?.?.00. h.P..CommrrU "Pd apeclal electric OAVAND..OIL Ul.'aiNE CO.t 43 N. 7th at WOODVORKINO"macHINE8. moldera. atlck- PIPBA FITTINns. all alxea PlUIraD.lfAND PlPlt SUPPLY. 1003 N. 7th' Roth phoneaV ANFRJl. of plain and automatlo maehlneryT "f u booklet. A. Nacka A Sont 240 s.0th. ACHMAK carvlna- machlnea, 3. E. JUrno. 309 g. Iwrence at. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS t chickerinu urntaiiT PIANO HOWARD VINCENT, llg N. 6TH CTOHRR VICTOR REOORDS NOW ON BALE. ' DELLAK, 1120 CHKSTNUT BT, XQUISITH ISM C F. Albert Violin. V. H Lukena. 60S Woodland terrace, at Baltimore and 40th at. J5VENIKQ LEBGER-PlttLADELPHIA, KATtTBDAT, OCTOBER, 28, 1916 HOOMt ro XXKT OLD GOLD OLD QOLD. allver, platinum, plated-wara. old V7' iX7i'ltX' i"iti bought for eaah. Kat. 1870. J. L. Clark, refiner. 807 Hanaam. OLD OOLD Ca.h paid, for old cold, allver, ( ?OO?R3.W27rB,;"i7ti?t.t.pff0"- -- L STORAOE riDEUTT FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES 1811-181U -AllKKT ST. TENN 8T0RAG-E AND VAN CO. 3138 MARKET ST. .WEST PHILA. MONARCH STORAQB CO. AUTO Parklnv and ahlnn(n BKRVirrS 8S70 I.ANrA8rHH AVE. FjraQKftALD Htoraae House,. 1011-13 Poplar at.; lyp roomaj gooda ma.: carpeta cleaned. TT-EWRITERS AND SUPPLIES JUS) MINOTON RENTALS Have manufacturera' guarantee. Rental navment annllAa An nn rhaaei IS for ona month: 17.50 Remington Typewriter Co., Incor, th at. 110 S. WANTED WTIUK FURNITURE, old china, antique al. jwnyara, plcturea, .ruga. . old needle work. ! bmaiai. o Irt gold, falae teeth, ate. An tljlM gpap. 48 S. 17th. Phone Spruce 2818. ZBnOUIl FURNITUHB, fateafh7feathar bade, broken Jeyrelry. gold, allver, dlamonda Kirtt...78t Walnut. Wain it 7028.' Kat. 1868. ANTIQUE aolld allver ta aata. l)dd Dltchara7 fWtfbowla. Jaataal.rj0,Ledeni, aaoaan.jaivButi, antHiaea. Kflutn jwr, aauqtKa, platola, colna. W buy CA8T-OFF CLOTHINn Mil1! autLa. mianvuti tmAmm tuedo aulta. etc 'Tjwlng to the great da. u v nd for clothe; at the preeent time wa will al-fOTLOOPKR, 1010 Olard ava, XABTjOrF CLOTHES WANTKD wrpay very blaaeet prtoaa for maa'a aymmer and winter aulta. everoMta, ale and evening clothea; alao ladlaaj (treat dreaaea and evening lovrni, Write, call or phone Market 8888. We call, fy or country, oay or nigoi. united Mlaflt Clnthing Co , 880 prlng Garden aj, CAST-OFF CLOTHINO Hlghaat prlcea paid for lad'aa' and raeo'a clothing hate, ahoea, etc. PioiH Poplar 8771. BLACKER, 1Wi Poplar, CArrTOFrCLOTHINa and ahoVrhlgheaFprlce"a p., a. Laii4T poatal to call. 'Marnelt, 5H7 fi.jonaMa ava. or 8707 Bgruce. Vt f s I j UR-. ptaaaa. oarpeta, antlqueai entire ft part bouaaa baught for caabi no matter w brc. Ji Sera-Uln. 8 Kldca ava. roomai all oaeq. ARCH. tlUNlcely furnlthed rt venienceai gee. heal I'nena Sprue "TMWOI, lSt Atlracllvefy furnTeneoTrooma, aMH orn, aultei ateam heal, electrlcllyt reti "L'T.vJilTl'! UANDSOMDtY FURNIIlt EDRO0iffi ALSO 'ilYICIAN&;OFFICKri CHETNrrir44teeirabla rooma wlth"bor'i taa from L 8.1th rheatnut Preaton l-.'0 -tilH''. l IIKSIRAllLl: HOOMSi fcXCKC LKNT lAK'ATlON IfUBT. n THIRD TOR FRONT. 8IN OUt ROOM i'iNtt RT. 1434 Dealrablo large' room! 1 or 2 gentlemen, alaa alngle PINE injil ont ronria furnlahed.Teal light running water, l'honn limiat nil! J Vtt FI.TUN AVft 8H7lt and id ety aullj with or vctlhoul private bath. Preaton 4B17 kl'ltULK Virjv Purn fom, rnomai rrl bath aeuinern eipoe . open fireplace. Locuai iuo j BPRllriJ 1.117flultea with b ai'nele rooma, hath oftlrea. ateam heat reaaonable BTlUTCB 182(1 Bulla pf A vory d-drable rooTnai and bath fiirnlahed nr iinfurnlahe! Jfr WAI.NUT. 440J "omfnrlahly furn acond flooJ front room, aomhern epiauro. fof 1 or gentfemem reaaonable liarlng 732J W fifll. B 822 IThe t arltonl Allrartlve parlor bedroom alao rooma with or without bath, aleam, heat, ref patronage only aoljc , ref i&TI! 4. 880 Large double rarTor and ad Joining room on 2l floor Prlv hallway, ault phyalclan dentlat atndlo, or apart prl fam 83D, N 7 217 Nicely furn 2d etpry room, gen. tlemen; private family near ebnated Thone HI NOLI". ROOH. private bath nlan latge unfyrn rooma, llaht houaeVeepIng Preaton 4127 W. HOUHEKEEPIMQ APARTMENTS Coaflauril trom rrtttilno Ootnmn j THERE ARE SEVERAL WAYS OF SECURING AN APARTMENT alt theea dlf. Rut auppoae. Inelead of trying erent waya you luet call at inia omn ina irreet moa attrertlve and, beat equipped In hfladelphla. devoted exeluelvely to eerurlng ua. t,a ih.. want tnm m et Ina tr Oeoole. ROOMS WANTED PHYSICIAN Government aerlce. d'alrea room In private family for wife and a;lf centrally located! electricity ref. ech. A 17. Led, Oft, BOARDING CHESTNUT, 314(1 Furnlahed third-floor front rooma. wllh board! private fomllyi convenient to8ntWat. - - 03AOE AVE.. 4103 Well-furnlahed roomai Sorner houas; eicellent location. Preaton 210 1. . BPRUCE, 1028-8O Handsome flrat-flpor aulte. unturnlahcdi choice Jahlo lmardj Wal.72M. SPRUCE. 1221-21! Furnlal ed rooma private bathe, tatlejioard Phono Walnut717l. tidoi) HOARD and" Vat of car given tncurablea. elderly poreoha and ln,nllda. Woodland 1271, SANITARIUMS UEAUT1FUL LOCATlONi apeclal aclentlflo caret nervoiia. elderly; every comfort! nuraeaj book let Dr Randal City Line, fheetnut Itlll APARTMENTS THE MONTEVISTA 83D AND OXFORD ST8. Ixtcated In one of the. moat exclusive real denilal aectlona of the cltyj, high and healthy and within 28 mlnutee of City Hall via Mar ket at "I and 00th at rroaatown line, which rune llrect to the building. Bultea of 2 rooma bath and kitchenette, from ISO to 140. Public dining room located In building. Phone Overbrook 8008 SPLENDIDLY FURNISHED nilOWNBTONI! reeldence. excellent condition, newly painted and renovated. .No 201U N. llrondt grent loca tion for doctor'a ofltcei 3 hatha, bealdea laun dry! aide-gate entrance, with large open yard! 11 roomai eultnl.lo for amall apartment"! rental 8180 per month. Can bo examined on n rem laea. Full iiartlculnra. addreaa or call JAMF.S 8. McCARTNUViJlotel Majeatlc. CHE8TN1JT bT.. 2001 (N. W. CORNER) I'rofeealonal offlcea nnd apartmenta. Elevator, electrlo llghte. atenm heat. Janitor aenlceat aultea 2 rooma nnd hatn, 8. W COR. 8TH AND OXFORD 8T8 Apart menla on third floor, 3 lijdronina Iwth dlnlns room and kitchen, heated! rent 115. WM. L. CRAVKrSBONBL 1818 N. 7th at. WALNUT BT., 110.1-Third no"VniMplMAi"2!i hath, heat Included, 5o. 11ARU1.H-HART-MAN CO.. 131 Cheatnut at. THE DUNDAB "00-02 Pine at. Attractive aultea. 3 and 3 mnXT nn PUPBTMirr ST. ROOMO AND APARTMENTS SPRUCE. 1732 2 attraetUe communicating , rooma. private bath, 2d floorirefa.exchangcd. 15TH. N.. 012 3 rooma, hath, heat and light, 820, per month. TAUIANE. 000 Walnut at. 20TH ST.. 8 . 118 Heautlfully furnlahed aultea! private bathe- excellent Jocalloni flKKMANTOWN TnC NEW ADDITION TO PEI.HAM COURT IS OPEN TELHAM COURT wae not built to make an appeal to every one but to you who demana the beat nnd nro accuatomed to receive it -at a price which, considering what ypu do de mand and receive la moderate. It will mane a etrnng. compelling appeal ..,.. PELHAM COURT la located at Carpenter a Station Uermantown. iuat off beautiful Lin coln Drive on the Pennaylvanla Railroad! 60 or an tralna a day. aureiy tranaportatlon enough for any one. ....... .,. Hultea of ' rooma and 1 bath to 8 rooma and 2 bathe, the alia to ault your requlre-mi-nte. Prlcea are from IBO up. ., PELHAM COURT la a quiet. Perfect APARTMENT 110 TEL. and located In an ah aolutely Ideal and excluelve auburban location In a word, you may come to feliiam COURT and find a perfect auburban location, with trinaportntlon unexcelled, an Ideally con atructeif building, quiet, .dignified, elegant. You may eelect an apartment of the elxe to auii your innmouai uvru. rvu t V 1 all your houeekeeplng, probleme eolved and taken care of for jou absolutely without effort, on your part: you will And a table of the utmost excellerce at a moat moderate price, and the aame ourteay, service and attention la uniform throughout the entire eatabllah- For full Information, arrangemente for ln apectlon and reacrvallona call, phone or write to NORMAN 8. BHERWOOD 1411 WALNUT ST. SrRUCE 81)71. RACE 3028. ?r to hla repreaentatlvea on tho premlaea at elham Court , . , fc. Apnolntmenta may bo mode for a-jtoinobllj to call at our reeldence or bualneaa place and take you directly to PELHAM COURT at your convenience and pleaaure. . HALF 11IJ3CK to Carpenter Station! 3 new. hlgh-claaa, 8-roomed apta. In a J50.000 home, aurrounded by beautiful Ittwni large rooma. aunllght all around, pollahed hardwood floora and plate-glaea wlndowa, lateat bath and elec. fixtures; there la no liner location In Phila delphia! wllh beet aervlrei reaaonable terme to deelrable tenants (17S3 Emlen at.. Pelhara. Phone Cermantown 8077 w. 1 FURNISHED APARTMENTS IBTH, B , 400 (1-ROOM FURNISHED APART- MENT IN CENTER OF CITYi IJOO PER MONTH: FOR WINTER MONTHS . HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS YOU CANNOT FIND A IIETTER APARTMENT N.E.Cor. 1 7th & Walnut (1 Mock from nutrnhou square) Th houiekeeplni ult aro perfect In their plant 3 larce bedroom each Jiav Inir bay windows: fine large llvlntr room. dining1 room, kitchen, mala'a room and 3 hthrYnrn well. Ideal winter and ium mer apartmenta. Alao aultee of , rooma ana paint ire- ubj oi munarr on lup floor. Your Inipectlon cordially invited. Phono Walnut 6020. MERT0N W. GREIMS Second Floor N. B. Cor. Rroad and Cheatnut (Nov IAbrrlv lilda.) 1812 N. 15TH STT ' Modern hajaekeeplng apartmenta; reduced rentals: Just renovated throughout, Acply to Janitor, on Premises, or LEWIS A, TAU LANE, S. W. cor. Olh and Walnut eta. THE ENQLEWOOD. 320 S 11th Ideal central Coussaeeping aitarimenia. aultea a rooma, Itchanette and bath Apply Janitor, on prem lsee, or LEWIS A.JTAULANE. 0O Walnut at. APARTMENT IIUREAU 274 modern apartment bulldinga Second floor, N li cor, llroa,oj. and Cheatnut. 173" 8PRIN0 OARDEN ST 2 roomai bath and kitchenette. On premises, or Taulane, VOO Walnut at. , SPilUCHST , 2110 Excellent corner house, keeping aptmt.i alao doctor'a office! modern. ml Tall tia t.up renlilremetita The leading end deslrablo ararttnme In Philadelphia ara listed with or miv lo renled through ua. Our fiilomohllea are walling to take you to the lt of pronertlea you dealgnxte and wllh the east pneelhle effort ou will eecuro the one apartment In Philadelphia which moat nearly apprrrhea yourexact Ideal NORMAN S. SHERWOOD . ( 1411 WAIlUT ST. f. Spruce 8071 Race 8028, F NEW CORONaDO CHESTNUT AND TWENTY SECOND 8T8. Extensive alteratlona now helnr made. In cluding eervlce elevator additional elory for errvanta , quarters, house telephone extern, u Apply at building or to SAMUEL J. HENDERSON not Monrtm m ildinci . THE WARWICK 1008 8 1H BANHOM HTREET A modern 7 etory fireproof building contain tng aultea of apartmenta having 4 to 0 rooma, with all ronte for hskpx tho entire watel aupply In the building la filtered. 1! nr .1 desir able varanrtea 1 aulte on the aecond floor containing n rootna, at $48 per month There la a caterer In the building, who will eerte meals wnen wanted either In the public dining room fr In the apnrtmenta Whltealde t McLanahan N.W cor.lBth Plne. lVpSTPHIIHLPHIA The Powelton Apartments POWELTON AVE.. 35TII TO 30TH BT. Only .1 achnclm I cornera 7 rooms and S baths, 100 each 1 corner. 7 rooma. 8 hatha. 880 Open etenlnce by appointment. Apply at offlce 8Cth and Ponelton ave. or JAMES D. WINCHELL N. W. COU. 17TH AND RANSOM ST8. KIN08COUKT .38TH AND CHESTNUT BTS. .SEVERAL MOKHIIN HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS FOR HKNTl EI.EC1R1C KI.E- VAlOltS PUIILIC IHNINO ROOM, APPLY EST THOS. M SEEDS. JR. 1207 RACE ST 103 MONTH 403 Eaaex Apartmenta. 31th and' Cheatnut-. elegant apartment, deelrable. 3 rooms, bath, pantry, largo reception hall, elevator, Colonial finish, wait safe, laundry, vacuum cleaner, roof garden, watchman till ijKht. Inqulre Janitor. THE WALLINOFORD 30TH AIIOV11 CHESTNUT ST New 8-room apartment for rent, electrlo ele. vator vacuum heat, hot water laundry, etc, $34 MONTH 105 llelmont Apartments. 31th and Spring Harden, deelrable front apartments, 8 rooms and bath, prlvato porch, will paper nnd decorate to suit tenant Inqulre Janitor.. 1401 S. B8TH ST (Snerwood section) 1 rooma. hath nnd kitchenette, porch, nil conveniences! 13.1. TAULANE. tiuo Walnut at. HOUSEKEEPING APTS. WANTED , FurnUhed DOCTOR nanta furnlahed house or apartment; suburb preferred D .110. ledger Ofilcc APARTMENT HOTELS HOTEL COLONIAL TSSt, ,.. A SELECT TAMILY APARTMENT HOTEL Comenlrntly located In the center of the city nnd within a few so in res of tho principal theater and shopping district. One, two or thrco rooms with private bath. Cuisine and service of the highest standard. PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT OUEST3 Wm. P. Kenney, Manager. PARKSIDE APARTMENTS Mlsa Mary O McOlade.. manager. Successor of -Mrs Charles McUlade. . Parkslde ave, at 4l)th et. DIRECTLY OPPOSITE FAIRMOUNT TARK 1 our direct llnee to center of city. All outside rooms, furnlahed and unfurnished Culelno of peculiar excellence. Telephone Raring CJ1. Aldine Hotel CHESTNUT AND NINETEENTH THE BEST ROOMS AND SUITES WITH THE REST TABLE IN PHILA. DAT, WEEK. MONTIL SEASON, TEAR THE RWARTflMOItn NOW OPEN N. E. COR. 22D AND WALNUT Family or bachelor, a new nnd refined 12 story apartment hotel, extending to Its occu pants eery facility, convenience and appoint ment that enn be desired. Can now bo seen on application to A. A. MILTZ. MANAOEIl THE GLADSTONE 11TH AND TINE 8TS. Absolutely Fireproof SEVERAL VERY DESIRAHLE SUITES CAN HE SECURED FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED THE CLINTON TNTH 11ELOW HMItlTIM 200 ROOMS, LVERY CONVENIENCE Furnished or unfurnished, either by lease or transiently: aultea of ona or four rooms, with bath. DELMAR-MORRIS West Chelten ave., Uermantown! 20 mlnutsa from llroad Street Station, furnlahed or unfurnlahed apartmenta: ona room and bath or more, alao housekeeping apartmenta. THE GENEVA 10TH BT. A1IOVE WALNUT irlvh-elaaa anartmenta. with nr wfthnnt rt- vote bathe; entirely refurn. Tel. Spruce 3700. IRVING HOTEL 0,8wltt American plan, 12. European. U,up. THE ESMOND B- K- corner 13th J. Hi- -OIUUIIU AND SPRUCE 8TS. SUITES OF 3. 3 AND 4 ROOMS AND 11 ATI t. THE TRACY PERMANENT ArJl 'IRANSIEMT QUEST- 3UTH AND CHESTNUT WE DELVIDERC ,-. .. wr, .win nnu ijUCUSl, EST RITTENHOUBU bHUARB OPEY OAIILES. 312-14 N. 33d Attractive 8 to 7 room apartments! all conveniences! termi reaaonable. NEWPORT SPRUCE AND 10TH 8TS. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY PARKWAY PROPERTIES 17th at, 3 fronts, 20x113. .,.,828,000 18th st. 2 fronts, quick sale 18,000 Usee 8 fronts, 40x141 70.000 Appletrea 2124-20-28, 80x70 Offer FLOOD QUINN, INC. 18TH AND CHERRY WALNUT STREET CORNER, 84X1221 Splendid location for any hlgn-clasa bual neaa. club or apartment house; price and terms right. j. A. PATTERSON, 130 8. 18th at. 1820 W. VENANOO ST. (corner Oratx). 10x180 feet. 3-story brick dwelling, 12 rooma and 2 bathai Inclosed laundry, with tubal hot-water heat gas and electric light. 18000. THE LAND TITLE AND TRUST CO. TRUST DEPARTMENT llroad and Cheatnut ata, 022 S, 18TII. 11 rooma, conva, , . 14800 7u4 S. 2uth. 0 rooma, modern.... . .., 4400 2140 Catharine, u rooma, conveniences.. SeOO 1821 Halubrldge, 10x03 8 rooms . letio 1010 llalnbrldge, 0 rooma ... , 2400 AlUlClL,t IIU P UMt FOR HALE N. W cor, 33d and llonaal) ata.. improved lot, auxiu: euiiaoio tor erection of garage. THE REAL ESTATE 0 SALE rriY Ooaflimerf rn PrteMIng ColumA TOiaT,I?0.,.'nTr''AKK PFFEllSt JfiV?5fr"" If rooms, inxloo. Jn i ?i01!Pl vrnon. large dwelling! "ii 5)",iUl5? "nlietachedi ll roor 23d 2 atorteat ' 38x100. rooms. "in spring oirdenT 2.1x180. N loth 81 N 23 t"I" f.pring uartien ; md I'onler Mmh Snn. ZVIX "lh. 10 rbomV " 011 pglen , , 2?,Ji lir,.n.l,,,.wIn' " rooms ' ' VSSM ,ll,h 18 rooms; 2 hatha; little cash. vis Pefklomen. corner IlSSCnljowhlll, 13 r . ,17x.l2t reduced to TIUPWrwIne, rooma. 10x011. "'Jlflfi ""h. corher store and dwelling. ,11" H 2th 12 rooma, 20x123 to street 1D3KN. lth lirownalone, rented Jjihi WORRELL CO 01BN.J7T1I SAFE IN VESTMENTS'-We have for aala soma well built houaea that pay over 111 per cent a ear on the amount Invested! particulara on application PBMHER'-ON EtfrATES. 1438 o. tciini, ieiepnnne voo(iianu47e7. SIDE-YARD HOME, bargain figure 832 Chew li rooms, a Metirooms. inor- wlde street! large lot! two at Tatmr new (I puatiiy modern, wide street! large lot! twt '.r?.W'.''";Jocl imm Tabor Bta'n , only 14800, AIIBllNETHY 37J4 N Mh 133 8 13th MALL INVESTMENT TROrERTY. front and rear atrceta adjoining corner near 13th and Vine sts , must Increase In aloe. RIJY NOW AND HOLD YOU CAN'T l-OSTE. MORRIS CO Rldae at llroad Ro)h phonea 3822-21 W DAUPHIN 8T , 38x130 feet, with 2M8 Fletcher at on rear, 18x120 fret! as ""JTK'.'t $8000. monthly rental fill. THE LAND TITLE AND TRUST CO. llroad and Cheatnut ata. 1830 N 17TH Very deelrable reeldence. 12 rooma, 2 tint ha, attractive location! reasonable price, 083 N 10th at . u-room dwelling, con venlencea, bargain to settle eetate. WM S YARDLEY. 1811 Olrard ave. SMALL CENTRAL DWELLtNO,, Near Kith and Pine: coxj . Dutch hall: with real open llreplacei hnt-water heat! larga. aunny library price 18800 JA. PATTERSON, 180 8. 18that. MONEY FOR MORTGAGES llulldlng Association and Trust Funda TAUI JiL ETATE FOE, EALE WIWTrMlTLtBrXrWIA . ConHnntd from FrctMir Column IN RESTRICTED SECTION XtiRfHl Semidetached. 11 rooma and attic; 1IOT Tuouu WATER HEAT elec. nnd iasi whll enamel or natural flnlahi higher valuea ur roundlngi terms are attractive EUGENE L. T0WNSEND . O.Jlcpr.lUi Ik Ilalllmor(iv.Wood. 8200 14000 M18 PENTRIDOB TF.RRACE A. 2 story house, hating 8 rooms, hath and mm parlor, large porch, terraced lawn electrlo light and gaa, hot water heal basement laun dry, on wide street rlns to achoots, churches park. etc. PEMIIBRTOV ESTATKfl 1438 S hSthaLPhone Woojiaml 4787. 4813 WYNNEF1F.LD AVE An alltactlre up-lo-data auburban 8 etory, atone ajvalllng. steam heat elntrle IKht lot liDxitOi within 18 mlnutee of City Hall... ,, T1U3 LAND TITLE AND TRUST CO. llroad and t heetnut ets, i.trvuntouR hoimjs SPRUCE Bt BAST OF 4' 8 story, semidetached homea I.ANE. 000 Walnut t 280(1.2(108 lOPLAR BT. Two 3 etory brlrk dwelllnaa. CIIAS W MILLER,. 401 407 Commonwealthllldg. 1810-21-21 28 8 CAPITAL 20th and Dickinson). Each J! rooms, bath, range, toilet; rents $8J per month, price I320O FARRELL. 710 S. 20th MODERN 4-story business building, near 11th and Arch; can bo bought cheap and on liberal terms . . J. A. PATTERSON. 130 8. 18th at. TO CLOSE ESTATE 1020 and 1031 N. 7th. 1014 and 111.18 N Marshall, assessed 117.0001 offer theso much under eseessment for quick ealei lnestlgste COI.L1N8,1012 Lehigh ave. SO 1IOUHEH ON CORNWALL 8T.TI800 block). 0 rooms, bath, Al condition, nil rented at $11. assessed I140O. price $1810 11 C HEIDEL A CO t 4th and Callowhlll sts. ESTATE ELIZA II TOWN8END. publlo ssle. Noxember 1 (Freeman's). 1814 Vine at,! lot 10x80. to Winter st : on opportunity, ri bargain Arthur Rosweli; opport 233 N 13th et 4200 NORTH' OTlf (facing Huntlqg rarkr-Oetl WIU LJ WTI Of)M O. Pf) one of the three remaining homea. I WlTi. II. WIJU U1 Ot V ' TllOMASj WAltli, 43V. North Jttti. 700 01 M0UR13 RUILDINO 1724 N 10T1I ST Perfect condition! 2 bath rooms, lot 10x1(10. want to close art estate. WM O tll.ENN, 1817 Columbia ae 17TII ST N 3218 10 rooms. 2 batha, hard wood floora, atenm hent, garage'. 80x170 U. C BEIDEL & CO , 4th and Callowhlllata. 2 STORY brownstonc dwR 5 8 ,r"om"' .pA,ce reasonable: eosy terms. Industrial Truat Co., lir.u r. j rout at 1 2-atory lneatment houses: rent $10; price lso 2-story lneatment houses: rent $10; prlci to close an account Isen. 1002 N Bth llulldlng Il. Factory Sites, etc. LARGE TRACT IN NORTH PHILADELPHIA SUITAHLE FOR HIOII-CLASS DWELLINGS IIOX P 1127, I.LDdER OFFICE 44 ACRES; manufacturing site: 81000 an acre: close to trolley, railroad siding obtainable: will not divide; suitable for mill or manu facturer having waste. H II McCOLLUM - . 1.114 WALNUT ST. SITES. RAILROAD, for sale. Pennsylvania and Reading, $2000 per nrro and up, according to location. Inquire for terms. DIETEUICII. 737 Walnut. N. E. COR 2D AND DIAMOND 8T8 Well located alto and building adapted for factories garages, etc., Iiuxlii!) to Palethorpe st. LLWIS A. TAULANE, SjW eorj0th and Walnut sts. HAVE SEVERAL desirable sites near the ren ter of tho city which can be bought at bar- C" "riCllAFFER, 1104 Bering Garden st. niVUR-FRONT PROPERTIES II. II. McCOLLUM 1314 WAi.nu,r 01 CHOICE RUILDINO LOTS and large tracts ground In all parts cltyi also over juu mix. sites. Melvln 1818-10 Real Est. Trust llldr. COR. lOTlf INDIANA AVE., about 14,000 square feet: siding If dealred WUIUU',1,1 U 11 . .XI. 1, .- P 035, LOT .130 feet front. 200 feet deep, on Reading JL it., near iioga; naa tnrco jiuiiib, jxagerunice sides: 1 sq Woodland av. Hmlth R, R. frelnht sta.:Tlht 4 :a a tjii ker Factories 2-STORY corner factory building, each floor 4Qx 80 ft., with 1-story boiler and engine house, delator: iot 80x112 ft., possession, near Alle gheny and Oermantnwn nves For particulars, tlEO. C. WORbTER. 3807 Oermantown ava. MUST HELL 8 W cor. Oth nnd Oxford: 3 Btory building; 18,000 ft. floor apace; wlndowa on three sides: elevator: ateam heat: cheap and little cuBh required. MORRIS CO., Ridge at llroad. Roth phonea. 1211-23 NOI1LE BT 00,000 square feet: power plant: railroad siding; splendidly dayllghted. HARDER, HARTMAN CO., 1201 Chestnut Btreet. Stores nnd Dwelllnge 808 COLUMRIA AVE., Btoro nnd dwelling, 11 rooms, will lie sold at a bargain to close es tate. WM. 8 YAnPLEY. 1831 Olrard ave. N. 15. COR Reed and Chadwlck 0 rms 1 18x88; flno butcher ahop, aardlner,l Olh Wharton, S. E. COR, 20th c Fltrgcrnld Btoro nnd dwg.i price, & terms right OardlnerlBth & Wharton N. W COR 10TH PORTER Large at ore nd dnjrj.llto location, Gardiner. 10th & Wharton. 3124 OAKFORD BT 0 rooma and bath: good condition, .. OARD1NER, 10th. and Wharton t , S. W. COR. 10TH & TITAN Houee nnd store; gpodond,; cheap. Gardiner, 10th AWharton. MF.ST PHILADELPHIA $4200 48TII ST. ABOVE CHESTNUT ST. Two story atone front. 8 rooma and laundry! parquetry floora. electrlo light, hot-water heat, etc.l easy terma If dealred. .. SAMPLE HOUSE OPEN SAMUEL STERN 1201 CHESTNUT BTREET JUST COMPLETED B4TH ST. AND WALTON AVE. MORE THAN TWO-THIRDS SOLD EVERY KNOWN CONVENIENCE. IN CLUDING HARDWOOD FLOORS THROUGH OUT! BUILT-IN BHOWKR UATH, TILED HATH AND KITCHENl LOTS 100 FEET DEEP. JAB. C. KNDURO. BUILDER ... Convenient to 82d at. cars, also Baltimore Subway car No. 84. 17000 6808 IIADFIBLD AVE. A two-atory mOOeril liuun. u,i na vw.i.v. v. vuuw w. Parkway and with a permanent, unobstructed view of Cobb' Creek Park and Delaware County A moat picturesque location, unequal ed for health and sunshine, combining the ad vantage of a city and auburban home. The house haa 0 rooma and bath, Colonial stair way, aunny Bleeping porch, breakfast room, hot-water heating, electrlq light, etc. PEM 1IERTON EsrAlES, 1488 B 88th at. Phone Woodland 4787. 1TII features beyond description; location unexcelled, garage prlvi- legal sample house, fuilyfurnlahedorenj 818 821 N 83D 8T. , THE CHILTON An apartment house foil of tnnte Apply to Harris J. Chilton, owner. 31111 Locust st. f lonaLm, 3STH ST., X . 40 IfJRCH J'HONT, BIDE YARD, t) ROOMB AND RATH. 20x138 TO HACK BT , MUST HE BOLD. $8000. U r . SKIDKL CO. 4TH CALLOl IIILLT8. PRICE 87000! assessed 88000. 1.1 rooms 2 baths, IntlOxtoO ft cost present owner $9i00i will "ll for assumption of mortgagee . $7000. . TAYLQnji BON 34 and 20 8 40that. FOR HALE Near B2d and Xlarket ata., lot and 7 small dwellinxs . THE I.AND TITLE AND TRUST CO. llroad and Chestnut sts 4.1!) AND 441 N IKirlI8T . Must be sold. JASIE8D WINCH KLU 17th ajulBajisomjaa "WE'VE I1UII.T for hundrel, why"" not for ou?" Katnpte house open itsllyi evenings, too. D4TII AM) KI'HINUFINI.U AVri. BEAUTIFUL .1 sty porch msnsloni cost JlO.OOOi sacrlflce for IWM10. terms Ph. Raring 70dl Iv 4 2-8TY. brick homes, with porches, renled $12 A $18; pries $1400 ea Kelly. 0137 Woodland avo nrilMANTOlVN AN ELEGANT HOME In a beautiful section nnd with southern ex posure Is on-red tn nu In this 11 room resi dence, with bath 7 rhntnbers and sun parlor. It Is lighted by electricity nnd gaa and heated by hot water, and haa a laun wllh a frontage of 88 feet and a depth of 178 feet. Within 0 minutes' walk of station or trolley. WM. H. WILSON & CO. 700 01 MORRIS ill ILDIVO A COZY HOME within ft Rqunrfit hf th station nnd modern In eery mrticular The houe contain, 10 rooms and 2 hnthroomnt there are 0 chambra. Harduoo itoorti on the first and acond floors, Uahted hy electricity nnd itns. nnd heated by iiui wsier. two inren wione n replaces WE ARE OFFERING Most complete list of reatdence properties for sale or rent In all sections of (.ernrnntonnt new homes adjnrent tn Lincoln Drive and llpsal Htntlont particularly Attractive, several choice) hulldlmr site! machine service for In spectlons. Iook with us before deciding, SMULLEN & BARRY N. n. cor. Rroad A Chew, sts. (Liberty Rldg.). JOHNSON BTREET, F.AST OF WAYNE AVE. Beautiful stone Colonial houses. Just built, 10 rooms, large lots: hot-water neat, electric light, hardwood floors, open fireplaces, sepa rate porchea, can bo purchnsed on most at tractive terms, nt reasonable price, open for Inspection Sunday. OLVNDON TRIESTMAN 0.100 Oermantnwn ave. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A HOME In Oer mantown. Mt. Airy or Chestnut Hill consult , me. A. R Meehan, 0747 Germuntown aw CHOICE DOMES. Tulpehocken st. east of Gef mantown ave. J. II. CHADWICK ft CO.. LG22 Oermantownave. : . OUR REAL ESTATE UULLI-rTIN will be sent to you by mall on application. Oermantown Trust Co , Chelten nnd Oermantowrt axes. OUR NEW RENT and nalo Hat of Oermantown and Chestnut Hill nrnpertlea sent on appltca tlon B. U. Lister ftPon 8012 Oermantown av. Pelham, iermania,wn FOR THE DISCRIMINATING This charm. ncly planned, uptodate resldcnro offers everything' that Is desirable In a sub urban home. The house contains a lame halt with open fireplace; reception hall, with open fireplace, dlnlnjr room, kltrhen pantry and laundry. Upper floors contain 10 chambers and 2 bathrooms. It Is Hen ted by electricity nnd heated by ttteam and has nn attractive lawn, with .a frontnr nf 80 feet on Lincoln Drlva and a depth of ICO feet WM. H. WILSON & CO. 700 01 110111118 Bt'ILDINO Chestnut Hill Attractive, Modern Residence 14 rooms and A baths, garage and 3 acres of landt adjoining and overlooking 1 "air mount Farkt ono of the moat beautiful properties. In tho most popular section of Cnestnut Hill house Is lighted by electricity and gas. and heated by hot watert numerous open fireplaces! 2 sleeping porches t surronndfd hy old shade: attractlxe gardens; house and grounds In best of order. Herkness & Stetson . I.AND TITLE RUILDINO SEVERAL DES1RARLH PROPERTIES MINTURN i WRIGHT CO. Morris Rulldlng Tlngn 2131 W. ONTARIO, 8 atory. 13 rooms, 2 baths, electric lights, hot-water heat, hardwood floors; Ideal location: within 2 aquarea of train; will aacrlflce for quick aale, or will con alder building Iota In exch. L hit. Led. Off. WE HAVE THE HOUSE YOII WANT KENNEDY at IIAMHO. 8740 Oi:R8IANTOWN Logan STORES. DW-LLINGS AND APARTMENTS For aale or rent tn beat aectlona of Logan, mi. D. CHAMBERS. 4033 N. Broad St. onertlf tlve nrlcea. In Lnaan and vlelnltv. THOMAS McILHENNY. IB38 N. Rroad at. Oak Lane DETACHED HOME. 0103 N. 12th at. I con venient to York road and Fern Rock Station! very complete and In beat of condition I reduced price. 10100. J. T. JACKSON CO. vj Olney $3000 8D ST. ABOVE CItARKBON AVE. 2D ST. 11EIXW CLAHKSON AVE. EXTRA LONG LOTS Now being finished; all latest Improvements; wide, deep porchea; handaoma fronte; worthy of your Inspection If you aro. Interested In a house nt thla price 4933 WALNUT ST. English living electrlo Ilghtai oi LAND TITLE AND TRUST CO. llroad and Cheatnut ata S-story twin house, halt hMrriwoml floora. located in one of the best aectlona IVOBi I'miaaejpnia Wm. H. W. Quick & Bro., Inc. 8 SOUTH 40TII ST. $2400 8088-88 N. Falrhlll st 1 hot-water heater, electrlo wired; laundry and porch; deep lota; aaroplt house ready 1 YUNDT. 801 Tabor road. PENNSYLVANIA SUntJItUAN CHESTER VALLEY country home, mile "Main' Line" station, 1149 acrea with historic Colo nial atone houae. remodeled with areateat cere. 12 rooma 8 batha old nreplaeea! vapor steam heat, electrlo tights Sprlngfltld water) new atono garage, electrlo light plant, aprlnzhouse, barn) wonderful old shade, a most reatful apotl 123 OOP. J. M, rronefleld. Wayne. Pa. C0LUNGDAI.8fc VSSS-5 Near two trollies, water heati gaa. kit. etc ; acieena. awnings and shades included, photos. C. P. PETERS A bON 008 CHESINUT ST, MAT ESTATE WK S Ag rKN'xri.v i , jtrwctwH w. Cmllrd from PrtctdtB Cotam ALDAN IT'S EASY TO GET HERE Either hy Market Bt. Suhwsjr (8e from 88th st. or Prnno, 11 R io Cllft8n Station Jtist tsVo a pleasant car ride for f w ml nutea and you are at ALDAN, an eatahllaheit com munlty wllh achoola and every city con venience,! pew detached houeei wllh larga lots "BPl-"8tmi OF PROVIDENCH, . OIIer 8 Keety A Co. 4870 Malnjlt . Myk. BROOKL1NE Brand-Mwdet. dwellings. Ti rms and bath, water heat, electricity. 80x128. $8810. only $180 cash required: will exchange. J. ULMKIl WATTS, opp. Ilrooklln. Btatlon. CYNWYD Large List of Residences FOn SALE; ALSO FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED e, HOUSES FOR RENT AT BALA AND CYNWTD Let ua know your requlrementa. SAMUEL C. WAGNER, JR. 501 RALA AVTJ. AND CXJMMKHCIAL TRUSf IIUILDINO ir.TJI AND MARKET HT3 E LAN8DOWNE 12 rma . elec light, hot-water heat, lawn, fruit Smith. 22d and Talker ELKIN8 PARK-English "home, with garage! one of the flnest corner propertlea In thla hlh-claaa auburhi near train and trolleys! house In excellent condition! beautiful ahada and shrubbery! must be seen to be appre ciated. Price $.11,000. J. TJACKSONCOSg ELK1NB TARK Bargain. $14 BOO. worth 818,; 000, stone houae. 14 rooma, 8 hatha; half acre corner! front porch .42 feet long by in feet wide, handsomely Inclosed and hpt-waler healed for winter -use: rear porch Inclosed: vegetable garden, etc I choice surroundings, a ram opportunity. Wm. .O. Glenn. 1431 Land Title Bldg . 1817 Columbia ave. ELKINS PARK ...... Ashbourne road corner, very handy tp train and trolley: comfortable house. 8bedrooma; 1 aero of land, new heated garage for J carat large billiard room: hardwood throughout. Price $2R oon, offered to cloao estate. J. T JACKBON CO., Cheatnut and 13th. OLKNSIDE HOMES and building sites every description, RKNN1NOER ft RKNNINOER. uienetae. t'a HUNTINGDON VALLEY To close an estate: large atono farmhouse and 1(H nrreai charming place, with fine old ahadet laraerunnlng atreamt ti mil Belhayrea Station! ; mile Huntingdon Valley Station! only 815 000. HERKNESS & STETSON 1831 LAND TITLE BUILDINO JENKINTOWN English Style Residence etote first floor.' half timber above, contain ing 13 rooms and bath, on corner lot sur rounded by old shade! In new and best sec tion of Jenklntown, between train and trol ley! perfect orderi attractive grounds! house nearly new. all up-to-dsto conveniences: good sized rooms; price $7800, $800 cash required, balanco on mortgage. HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE RUILDINO JENKINTOWN THOROUGHLY MODERN suburban home for aale, within 1 square of Jenklntown station. The houe contains 12 rooms, of which 2 are bathrooms and 7 are chambers. It Is lighted by electricity and heated by hot water. There Is about one third of nn acre of lawn. , WM. H. WILSON & CO. 700 01 MORRIS RUILDINO JENKINTOWN Stone-and-Shincle House 13 rooma and bath: on Greenwood ave. be tween train and trolley; lot. 80x178 ft. I old shade! price. $8500. Herkness & Stetson LAND TITLE BUILDINO TEVKTNTOWN HOUSES TO RENT AND SELL IN JENKIN town. Wynrote. Oak Lane and Chestnut Hilt. HERKNESS & STETSON 1811 LAND TITLE BUILDING . LANHDOWNE 1(1300 real value: detached brick house: extrsJ isrge ion surrounaea oy nign-ciaas properties; 11 rooms, hardwood finish, gaa and electrlo light, near train and trolley. CHESTER OSBORNE. INC. m Offlcea, Lnnsdowne and 1824 Chestnut st. MEADOvnnOOK ' 6 ACRES AT MEAD0WBR00K Highest elevation In Huntingdon Valley: old shade: fine vlewat aurrounded by attractive auburban homea; Springfield water! electrlo light: phonei macadam roads: near etatlon. HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE BUILDINO RYDAL Exceptionally attractive atono Colonial houae; 18 rooms. C baths; thoroughly modern garage: 4U acres; splendid view over Huntingdon Valley. HERKNESS & STETSON 1831 LAND TITLE BUILDINO nYDAL 4 BEAUTIFUL, country homo. 14 rooms, 4 baths; frarage: 3 acres, overlooks Huntingdon Val ey.golf course Warnock ft Emlen, Commer cial Trust Rldg. WILL SACRIFICE OS-acre country Beat, near Ambler, for quick sale: new Colonial mansion. 12 roouie3 batha, deetgned by Savery. Sheet & SavcryTTemodeled Colonial farmhouse, with Revolutionary War associations, 2 tenant houaea. largo barna. poultry houaea. garage with living quarters, etc : lawns, shrubbery, shade and great abundance of fruttt a raro bargain! full details on request: will show by appointment. 11 J PAPER Inc.. Ambler. Pa. IHTlll ll Ulll! nH hvk.iua- u........... i no W.....V ..- u. v. sill, -,., m.ui va, ukl, ,., at 3 p m , 2 desirable building lota, each BOX 180. on Whltemarsh ave., between Oordon's lane and Strnton ave.. Chestnut Hill Heights, Chestnut Hill. Pa.. 1 sq. Phlla, trolley line. LotB will be offered singly. Excellent oppor tunity for speculative or home builder. Send for circular II j uaokh, inc., Ambler. Pa, PUBLIC SALH for account of Wllmer Atkinson, owner of "Edgefleld" at Three Tuns. Pa.. 2H miles Ambler Station, 4 acres with Colonial tyle house, 10 rooms all modern; large barn, very extensive poultry plant and garage, eto. Sale on premises, Thursday, Nov. 2. at 8 p. m. Send for circular. 11. j. DAOKit, iwc,. Ambler. Fa. SUBURBAN TOWN COUNTRY tsena tor catalogue. BROWN ft CLOUD. Norrlstown. Pa. MAIN LINK. P. B. B. ARDMORE ENGLISH RESIDENCE On large corner lot, In beet location north aide! contains O rooms and 3 batha and storeroom; 7 minutes from station; photos at office! In vestigate. SAMUEL C. WAGNER, JR. 829 COMMERCIAL TRUST BUILDINO URYN,MAWR SEVEN ATTRACTIVE, restricted building lots, north side, within easy walking distance of station; gaa. water, sewer, cement walka. etc 1 beat neighborhood! good opportunity to aecura excellent sit. at reason- VAMUEL C. WAGNER, JR. 829 COMMERCIAL TRUST BUILDINO HAVERFORD r . NEW COLONIAL RESIDENCE with extended view, overlooking Merlon golf course! 18 rooms, 4 baths, ,8 chambers! all conveniences; hot-water heati garag. for 8 care! rooma for men! about 2 acrea; price moderate! alao excellent building sites. HIRST & McMULLIN WEST END TRUST BUILDINO JKEAX ESTATE OX SALE -yx t.w, r. K. R. Coifffa ed Jnm Prccfiflao Cecai RltYN MA Wit A LITTLE birrrr-a. Two new house, at Iirrh M.d. i?KT Planned ahd flnlehed. Mwr' llfW , fiend for Particulara. MALrVn ..DOLMAN ft CO. N E, Cor llroad an,, r!isrr.. A " ..wiAH A CO. Cor llroad and Chcew iiyv jtiiruuu- KS.TC..G???9 ."! Two AW hollow til. Sod nemr!?-'" ry (h Ins- tlv!t,V,, .3 .." '""irurtion, pee,tT iSndry- rrom.7r,b,h .p' Tj &Z I SAMUEL C. WAGNER JR ' coMBnmfcTnuin iimo54 HAVERFORD " " ' AttraCtlVn Cnmrr P.... . HIRST & MrMIll l in MENDTRU8T BUILDINO iiAv.i.iirutio iriw 1 .."i0"1 "icuern house! lot 6dx201t well a . adjoining college grounds. "'"'-"" Us C, I, PITTEnH ft SON, COS CHF.lrrwT MERION- -taa THIS UNUSUAL OFFFRTiMn. , It j llghtM' by electricity" and'T.'. modern convenience. The ground coVslsTTS-1 an acre and a quarter of lawn, with (: shsdei stable and garsce. ' l,h nB Sl WM. H. WILSON & CO. 700 01 MORRIR lil'trntvn me'rion " " New Rrorlorn PnoMo. An attractive, modern atone house. anrret-A- hy old ahadet near station! 7 (21 Mduaf'ulrintVorrry'aii SAMUEL C. WAGNER. JR. - vv.-i..-iv,tAu iuu-i UUILDINQ, MEnio-. With Southern RynncnrA The house contains 10 rooms, ot which by .lecTficlty jnd heated byh. rilo?.'tgZt KJ !Sl,.ro,Js Va".Aas?r7ff go;:"a WM. H. WILSON & CO. 700 01 MORRI8 BUILDINO STRAFFORD " "" BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE jurnux niiuaii?i -woioniai norne ltnstd m , 7 rri nt tln. tuatl .v..44 "w? house la strictly uito date, contalnlnv 9 bVl. " rooms and 5 baths. This nrniWtv Kai . seen to be appreciated. Photos and fall I! formation from SAMUEL C. WAGNER, JR. . ? 820 COMMERCIAL TRUST BUILDINO. WAi7'.ST'At,ract''B.2"intrr ,homei .flnest cea. dltlon; 8 rooma, bath, gaa, electric lights, osea . fireplace: fruit. J. M. Fronefleld, Wayas,Ta7 WYNNEWOOD "" JT Attractive Stone Residence Modern in Every Way House contalna S rooma, 3 batha and stars. " room: S open fireplaces, hot-water heat. a and electric light, lot 88x197, flno location and near station, owner has moved to New York and la anxious to sell. Investigate SAMUEL C. WAGNER. JR. tClAI. TRUST BUILDINb 820 COMMERCIAL Large list of properties, acreage and building sites for sale on the Main Line. Let us send you list. HIRST &WcMULLIN WESTnEND TRUST BUILDING Philadelphia SUBURBAN HOMES, country placet and bull. ing alien to sun an requirements. II. C. HUNTER, Wayne. Pa. NEW JERSEY SUBURBAN Irinniu ommiiM, 820 BTH AVE. Modern dwelling: hot-wlter ( hMt, Af.vtnn tsu.in p.,..i.i. aH-p t , . f .... ..TO,.,y w,.,... 20-ACRH TRACT On macadam road. 2 miles from Mooreittmn, .1 aknul n snll. e rl.l s.. I snuv (IX7 1111 IT IIUIII VJIJlt I VUIM , PETERS ft 8QN. 008 CHESTNUT ST.. PHILA - LIPPPNCOTT IjOTH AND IIOMB8 If ADDON IIElOIirS. N. J. WILLET LIPP1NCOTT NEW JERSEY SE.VSIIORE WILDWOOD. N J.. 210 E. 23th St. Suauaer and winter rottaen for eat, fullv famished, la best residential section, ran be nurrhaaed ea-1 , eaay terma. modern In eiery reepeet; open ff vj Inspection. JAMES D WINCIIELIJ. N. W. re cor, mn ana sanaom ata.. pniianeipnia. ' PENNSYLVANIA FARMS WEST CHESTER. Chester Co.. Pa. On, ei tho flnest dairy farms In the section! 3W acres rich, rolling land, with well-plaeel buildings, in good condition and ell riuit4t Ybrlck houee. 14 rooma. bath, electric llgbtei tenant houae; new barn, stabling 100 bead, cement floora. ateel stanchions, water basloe. milking machines, electrlo lights! 2 sues, creamery, engines, bollera. new chicken aa4 hog housea. Implement house, garage; sprtfigc fr..m .ri.d.n w.ll, ,..u.l.v.l .ln.1. . Bb acres alfalfa; $160 acre. I havo a farm far ,E every buyer. 1 J. M. FRONEFIELD. Wayne. Penna.. Picturesque Farm of 104 Acres IS miles from City Hall! stone Coloatol A nrill-sa. ailiaipYiinilaii t a1,4 akaai tnn ti4T 'JS house! apple orchard! woods and mesdowsl, high elevation! U mile rallrnerf atatloat aa excellent farm, with wild, picturesque sceaerfl., ,; one stream upon the property large enooflj nr. bosttng and swimming; near golf and bteM uuu., eiMi HERKNESS & STETSON M i.ANn TiTr.n miiT.niNO ( NEWTOWN SQUARE FARM CB acres Colonial house, on high elevaj euuiiicrii exposure! aurrounacu ujr uiu barm .nrlnrhmi,.l wnuts, lerve n atreamt near West Cheater pike and the I nor Hunt. JljriXlNoa 06 Ol-lOW VI LAND TITLE BUILDINO. NEAR MOTOR SPEEDWAY i a ! tun.?, niutnn! 8 complat sets of bulldlnirst J6. Jl w ' room nousesi a oeautiruuy situaieu r-f -lines stralchti 2 road fronts) productlvs. Iff" iiji unsiaerauis iruuj pric iuw. Mim .-..-, rc.if.jta s tw, oua -nrnfm a e e e UltO a pyjl, UVO wiiv.ihw. -- rTADMQ 'n " Whltemarsh Valley , rlVll In th. Huntingdon VallaflM '' l.c.m to Cheatnut Hill Rydat and Meadowbrookl aultabe for a seats. HERKNESS & STETSON 1831 LAND TITLg BUILDINO . mM ..-nt.. . .. .k W.a, Amtw m nA I farma In the State of Pennsylvania! pleaty I buildings, most of them new; located In r-n.n.u. m hllla nn .tn.UI rtlanly OK water: 'orlo. 130.000 for quick sale. !Uh Woolworth Building, llethl.hem, I'a, An ipnpn nn. .i.n. hnnsn barnl 2 from Telford and Souderlon, Immediate aeasion . -.,. YOQUll POWERS CO.. 38 8. 18th 180 ACRES Convenient to Wet Cueotwi I tisi.iu , m. (iyn J. B, THOMPSON, VVet, Cheater. P. POLLY AND HER ims .- -. -1 MHMKS ," r CMtfrvPrtl T ZeWarVf Ifmmm ll wr itesj- aMFtl1 XJT5iot MR r5Hl CJf lrpl!RKA5i "Tt. IDE4R 0 A 'KlOCK.HEAD LlKfe VbO "TfeylAj" To Lb? 12orLil FlPl biytestl ,ii-.r-r'M . . ' .. . ' .. 1 I, . . . l Mf71T ' I .T i. I .. .... .-.... I """"" a.. " "R ILL SK HLWK PER A1CW TH- F(KsT THlMS. j0f , f 'v .Sk'SSi -t cVVlft ' TXDATriJ I L '"', x. r-J Lit . i,ii.p,.i - il il Js . .1 .- . MEWpo rs rstE iul m i . lia . i....?-.Ji LHrrH- Z&fffipM IMA .-.. - jB liaMAv-K'. nA, I1! m.lfLEJI Hli-iti!f i.ifr ir,in if'ti-i ft 1 1'lafirtiiri riiiffiBHte-Thi i 1 mih" - iiirriBifiiiKi.fiSiiir' ifiitMJiii-llliViAA